2 noyabr, 2021 – TAMPA, FL — Dünya səviyyəli boks Atlantaya qayıdır, çünki Garry Jonas-ın Probox Promosyonları 19 Noyabrda "Gələcəyin Ulduzları"nı təqdim edir..

Probox-un təsisçisi Garry Jonas məhsulunu yeni bazara çıxarmaqdan həyəcanlanır.

“Atlanta bu yaxınlarda boks şəhəri olduğunu göstərdi, və noyabrın 19-da Buckhead-də ən yaxşı istedadlarımızı nümayiş etdirməkdən məmnunuq."

Əvvəlki işində, Jonas sahibi idi, təsisçisi, və 'Iron Mike Promotions' filmindəki Mayk Taysonun keçmiş ortağı. İndi o, boks biznesindəki zəngin təcrübəsini yeni layihəsinə gətirməyi planlaşdırır.

“Probox Promotions-un yaxın gələcəkdə elan ediləcək bəzi böyük planları var, və Atlanta onlara mükəmməl uyğun gəlir. Boksda ən yaxşı gənc tövlələrdən birinə sahibik. Biz dünyanın ən yaxşı həvəskarlarını götürürük və onları düzgün şəkildə peşəkarlara çevirib inkişaf etdiririk. Atlantadakı döyüş pərəstişkarlarının bunu öz gözləri ilə görmək imkanı olacaq”.

Noyabrın 19-da məğlubiyyətsiz alman ağır çəkisi olacaq Kristian Tun (6-0, 4 Kos). elastik, kim 6'8'' 270 lbs və WBC ağır çəki çempionu üçün əsas sparrinq tərəfdaşı idi, Tyson Fury, Terrell Camal Woods ilə qarşılaşmağa hazırlaşarkən Hotlanta'ya hərarət gətirmək istəyir – səksən dörd peşəkar döyüşün veteranı. Elastik vs. Woods altı raund üçün nəzərdə tutulub.

Ən yaxşı kreyser çəkisi perspektivi və Atlantanın özünün Najee "Chino" Lopez (1-0, 1 KO) evdə peşəkar kampaniyasını davam etdirir. Lopez, O, həm Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, həm də Puerto Riko üçün görkəmli bir həvəskar və Olimpiya ümidi idi, avqust ayında Wallace Nass Silva üzərində həyəcanlı ilk raundda nokautla qalib gəlir. İkinci döyüşü üçün, Lopez rəqabəti gücləndirir və Anthony Hollaway ilə döyüşməyi planlaşdırır (3-1-2, 3 Kos) altı raundda.

Həm də ATL-dən, və gözlənilən peşəkar debüt etdi, Najee Lopezin qardaşıdır Casey "KChamp" Dixon dörd raundluq super orta çəkidə döyüşdə.

Yenilməz super orta çəkidə Meksikalı nokaut sensasiyası Raul Salomon (8-0, 8 Kos) Noyabrın 19-da KO seriyasını davam etdirəcək. Bəzəkli həvəskar, Salomon oktyabr ayında peşəkar oldu 2020 və geriyə baxmadı. O zaman, səkkiz dəfə döyüşərək məşğul olmağı bacardı – bütün rəqiblərini bitirir.

Atlantada döyüşmək də məğlubedilməz super ağır çəkidə perspektivdir Daniil Platonovschi (3-0, 1 KO). Platonovschi, Moldovadan, indi Tampa Bay bölgəsində yaşayır və məşq edir. Platonovişçinin döyüşü dörd raund üçün nəzərdə tutulub.

"Gələcəyin Ulduzları"nı tamamlamaq ən yüngül perspektivdir Jusiyah Shirley (2-0, 2 Kos) kimi yerli azarkeşlərin sevimliləri ilə birlikdə Başlı Scott (16-1, 12 Kos)Trayvion Butts (3-2, 2 Kos) ayrı-ayrı bouts.

"Gələcəyin Ulduzları" Buckhead Döyüş Klubunda keçiriləcək: 3293 Buford HWY NE #500 Atlanta, GA. Biletlər da başlayacaq $50 və əldə etmək olar İlk zəng – 6:30 axşam Döyüş kartı dəyişdirilə bilər.

Şəkil – "Gələcəyin Ulduzları" əsəri


Bitki şəhəri, Florida mərkəzli Probox Promotions təcrübəli boks promouteri tərəfindən yaradılmışdır & menecer Garry Jonas 2021. Probox tez bir zamanda ən yaxşı qlobal boks istedadını topladı, o cümlədən dünya səviyyəli iddiaçılar, eləcə də ən yaxşı həvəskar perspektivlər.


CARSON, CALIF. (Noyabr 2, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight Dünya Çempionu və gələcək Şöhrət Zalı Nonito Donaire titulunu yenilməmiş WBC cəld çəkidə müvəqqəti çempion və filippinli həmyerlimizə qarşı qoruyacaq Reymart Qaballo şənbə günü SHOWTIME canlı başlıq aksiyası, Dekabr 11 Carsondakı Dignity Health Tennis Stadionunda Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində, Calif. Canlı tədbirin biletləri noyabr ayında satışa çıxarılır 2 at 12 dək. PT və əldə edə bilərsiniz # # #

Daha çox məlumat üçün,, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing və @PremierBoxing-i Instagram-da @ShowtimeBoxing və @PremierBoxing-də izləyin və ya Facebook-da fanat olun.

Vertex Promotions noyabrın 20-də geri qayıdır 12-0 Adrian Sosa, Moselinin Dedhamdakı Çarlz haqqında "Payız davası" başlığına yazacaq, MA

Vertex Promosyonları noyabr ayında geri qayıdır 20ci

12-0 Adrian Sosa "Payız davası" başlığına yazacaq

Moselinin Dedhamdakı Çarlz haqqında, MA


BOSTON (Noyabr 1, 2021) – Vertex Promotions “Fall Brawl,” başlıqlı yenilməz super yüngül perspektivli Adrian “Tonka” Sosa (12-0, 9 Kos), Şənbə gecəsi, Noyabr 20ci Moseley's On The Charles in Dedham'da, Massachusetts.

“Sentyabrın 25-də ilk tədbirimizdən bəri təbliğ etdiyimiz dördüncü şousumuzu tanıtmaqdan məmnunuq.,"Vertex-in promouteri Deyv Klark bildirib. “Biz Moseley's On the Charles-da bir ev tapdıq, Bostondan kənarda intim şərait yaradır. Məqsədimiz yerli boksçulara aktiv qalmaq və ailələri və dostları qarşısında döyüşmək imkanları yaratmaqda qalır. Biz hər şou ilə daha yaxşı təbliğ edirik”.

Sosa Alfonso Olvera ilə döyüşəcək (12-6-3, 4 Kos), Tucsondan döyüş (THE) Meksika yolu ilə, 8 turdan ibarət əsas yarışda. Sosa, döyüşməyənlər 28 ay, qəzəblə rinqə qayıtdı, pas əlamətləri göstərsə də. Əli tez idi, həmişəki kimi, və o, lat Vertex şousunda olduğu kimi yaxşı hazırlanmışdı, Sentyabr 25ci eyni məkanda. Onun veteran meksikalı rəqibi, Denni "Venado" Flores (15-25-1, 8 Kos), davamlı, lakin uğursuz şəkildə Sosanı tələyə salmağa çalışdı. Sosa ovçu idi, Flores oyununu izləmək, tez-tez künclərdə və ya kəndirlərdə qalan Sosanı qarışdırmaq üçün yemləyirdi. Sosa “kömək etdi,” hər üç hakimin xal kartları üzrə səkkiz raundda qalib gəlmək.

Son mübarizə (Yeddi. 28, 2019), Olvera 8 raundluq yekdil qərarla əvvəllər məğlub olmayan Amon Torresi üzdü. Olvera həmçinin super yüngül çəkidə hazırkı vahid dünya çempionu Coş Taylor və keçmiş IBF super yüngül çəki üzrə dünya çempionu İvan Barançiklə məsafə qət etməkdə əvəzsiz təcrübə qazanıb..

ATƏT özellikli hadisə, məğlubedilməmiş ağır çəki perspektivi James "The Slim Reaper" Perella (8-0, 5 Kos), Mansfielddən döyüş, Massachusetts, veteran Ceksonvillə üz-üzədir (FL) döyüşçü Andre Byrd (8-11-2, 1 KO) Perellanın ilk planlaşdırılan 8 raund yarışında. Perella 4 qat ABŞ New England Çempionatı və 4 qat New England Qızıl Əlcəklər Çempionudur. Məşhur döyüşçü 6 raunddan ibarət birgə təqdim olunan tədbirdə qayıdır.

Yenilməz ABF American West və NBA Continental çempionu, 23-yaşlı Albany (NY) yüngülçəkili RayJay "The Destroyer" Bermudez (14-0, 11 Kos), Kolumbiyalı yüngül çəkili Rudolfo "El Tsunam" Puenteslə döyüşmək üçün yenidən Moseley's On The Charles-dəki ikinci evinə qayıdır. (20=8-2, 16 Kos).

Super ağır çəkidə perspektivli Frensis "Frank The Tank" Hoqan (8-0, 8 Kos) müəyyən bir rəqibə qarşı 6 raundluq döyüşdə mükəmməl peşəkar rekordunu xəttə qoyacaq. Hogan, Veymutdan, MA, hakim New Hampshire super ağır çəki çempionudur, eləcə də a 2019 New England Qızıl Əlcəklərin qızıl medalçısı.

6 raundluq bir cüt döyüşdə, Yeni Bedford (MA) orta çəkili Drew "Tomahawk" Dwelly (3-0-2, 3 Kos) Las Veqaslı Zachary Scott Juusda ilə görüşür (1-1, 1 KO), Springfield isə (MA) super yüngül super yüngül Eric "Gladiator" Goff (4-0, 3 Kos) Karlos Qalindoya qarşı qayıdır (0-9).

Yenilməz Providence orta çəkili Entoni Konsepsion (8-0-1, 6 Kos), orta çəkidə dünya çempionu Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andradenin üzvü, will be in action against TBA in a 6-rounder.

Malden (MA) super featherweight Alex Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) faces Francisco Muro (3-8) 4 dəyirmi bout. Also scheduled to fight on the undercard, each in 4-round matches versus TBAs, is Dorchester (MA) featherweight Troy Anderson, Jr. (1-0, 1 KO), bir 2016 Rocky Marciano Turnirində çempion, vs. Auston Reed Ward (0-9); Galway, Ireland cruiserweight Tommy “The Kid” O’Toole (1-0, 1 KO), bir 2019 Irish Elite Championship gold medalist; Boston welterweight James Murrin (1-0), and Kansas City (KS) super lightweight Marcus Davidson (1-0, 1 KO).

Kartlar dəyişdirilə bilər.

Biletlər üçün satışa çıxarılıb $150.00 (Ringside), $65.00 (ümumi qəbul), $50.00 (dayanan otaq) və $2000.00 for a table of 10. Contact any of the competing fighters to purchase tickets, limited availability at the door.

Açılacaq Doors 7 pm. ET with the first bout scheduled to start at 7:30 dək. VƏ .

New England welterweight champion Mike Ohan, Jr. preparing for 2022 breakout “Championship Road, Nov. 13 Hampton, NH

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Mike “Bad Boy” Ohan (picture by Emily Harney/Fightography)

QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Noyabr 1, 2021) – Granite Chin Promotions most recent signee, New England welterweight champion Mike “Bad Boy” Ohan (13-1, 7 Kos), will close out 2021 headlining “Championship Road,” şənbə gecəsi, Noyabr 13, streaming live Saturday evening, Noyabr 13, haqqı, from The Rim in Hampton, New Hampshire.

Ohan, fighting out of Holbrook (MA), will be in his first scheduled 10-round bout against Mexican challenger Israel “Filipino Tigre” Rojas (14-24, 5 Kos) in a super lightweight, non-title fight.

“Ten rounds means a lot to me,” Ohan said. “It’s something I’ve watched my entire life because all legends fought 10-rounders. This is special for me. I’m ready to go and I will outclass my opponent.”

Ohan captured the vacant New England title last November, when he won an 8-round unanimous decision over Ryan Dibartolomeo, followed by a successful title defense in his last fight in June, when challenger Tyrone Luckey retired after the five rounds.

The New England title is a stepping-stone and next year I feel like I can collect more title belts next year,” he added. “I signed with Chris (Traietti, president of Granite Chin Promotions) because I want to be in big fights. Bu mübarizə üçün gözləyin bilməz, I’m already in top shape. Two guys I recently defeated recently knocked out undefeated opponents, (Eric) Zəvvar (WSD6 vs. 8-0-1 Ruddicus Livsey) and Luckey (WKO1 and WKO6 vs. 7-0-1 Eduardo Aguilar)."

A former 2-time Southern New England Golden Gloves champion, the now 27-year-old Ohan is the son of a former prizefighter, middleweight Mike Ohan (14-6-2, 11 KOs – 1983-95), who sparred “Marvelous” Marvin Hagler. Ohan, Jr’s grandfather on his mother’s side also boxed.

“I always looked up to my father as a fighter,” Ohan., Jr. mentioned, “but he didn’t want me to box. I started late and didn’t go to the gym until I was 16 to help stay out of trouble. My father’s supportive and he goes to my fights. I fell in love with boxing right away and I feel even stronger about it today.”

Ohan’s birth name is Ohanian, but he is Irish. “It’s in my blood,” he explained. “It goes back to the old bare-knuckle days. My father is Irish on his mother’s side, Armenian on his father’s. My grandmother is Irish on both sides. Belə, I have a lot of Irish in me from my parents.”

Undefeated Holyoke (MA) welterweight prospect Denzel “Double Impact” Whitley (6-0, 5 Kos), of meets John Ferrara (0-1), of Tiverton (RI) in the 6-round, co özellikli hadisə.

Guyana-native heavyweight Nkosi Soloman (3-1, 2 Kos), Brooklyn həyata mübarizə, has been added to the card in a 6-round fight against TBA.

undercard mübarizə, each slated for 4 el, is Woburn (MA) middleweight Julien “Black Dragon” Baptiste (3-0, 2 Kos) vs. Providence’s pro-debuting Alfred “Keenan” Raymond, Maine middleweight Llmar Kelly (0-1) vs. Providence’s Robert “Golden Boy” Nolette (0-1), Holyoke (MA) junior middleweight Carlos Castillo (3-0, 3 Kos) vs. Swansea’s (MA) Entoni Andreozzi (0-1), Pittsfield (MA) super middleweight Steve Sumpter (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Juan Celin Zapata (6-19-2, 4 Kos), və Springfield (MA) middleweight Jamer Jones (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Woburn’s (MA) Aguilando Brandao (1-7).

Da, Lawrence (MA) lightweight “El Gallo” Kevin Rodriguez (2-1, 1 KO) vs. Daron Jenkins (0-5),  Springfield light heavyweight Laurent Humes (2-0, 2 Kos) vs. Woburn’s pro-debuting Thailisson Nunes, Providence (RI) welterweight Damon Towns (3-0, 2 Kos) vs. TBA, Pittsfield (MA) heavyweight Quinton Sumpter (1-0, 1 KO) vs. Woburn’s pro-debuting Wewerson Silveira Silva.

dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Biletlər faiz $60.00 (Ringside) və $40.00 (ümumi qəbul, in addition to ringside tables of four for $260.00, are available to purchase (Axtarış: Championship Road).

Açıq qapı 5 pm. ET with the first bout at 5:30 dək. VƏ.


Cuqquldamaq: @Qranite_Chin

Down & Dirtyofficial results from Melrose, MA


Jeovanis Barraza goes to 23-1 onun U.S da. debüt

 “Down & Dirty” official results from Melrose, Massachusetts

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Jeovanis Barraza (R) was too much for Jorge Martin Garcia

(pictures by Emily Harney/Fightography)

SALEM, Kütləvi. (Oktyabr 30, 2021) – Colombian Welterweight Champion Jeovanis “Meque”Barraza (22-1, 15 Kos) defeated Argentinian southpaw Jorge “Tomatito” Martin Garcia (13-7-1, 6 Kos) by way of an 8-round unanimous decision to capture the vacant ABF Continental Americas super welterweight title in the headliner on last night’s “Down & Dirty” card, presented by Reyes Boxing Club at Melrose Memorial Hall in Melrose, Massachusetts.

“Down & Dirty,” New England’s only ongoing pro boxing series, streamed live and exclusively

“A effort by all the fighters, B delivery by the promotional team, because we started an hour late,” promoter Michael Reyes commented. “The main event was wonderful, 8 hard fought rounds for a title. Garcia has one helluva heart. O, bir çempion. ‘Meque’ did his job. He saw some things he needs to work on that we’ve talked about in the gym. Ümumi, it was a great experience.”

Colombia and Argentina are bitter archrivals in sports like a South American version, albeit in boxing, of the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees.

Both main event fighters made their United States debuts. The more skilled Barraza was tested by the tough, determined Garcia, but Barraza’s blistering body shots consistently set up his powerful head shots.

In the sixth round, Barraza’s constant pressure and effective combinations eventually wore down a tiring Garcia, who landed on the canvas twice, but he wouldn’t stay down. The seventh round was batting practice for Barraza, who hit Garcia with everything but the kitchen sink. Despite a vicious body assault that brought Garcia to his knees, he rose once again and somehow survived until the very end.

“It was a really good fight,” Barraza said after his fight. "O, (Garcia) was tougher than I thought he would be. The big news is that I’m fighting here in the United States for the first time and leaving with a title belt.”

Barraza, who pitched a near shutout (80-69, 80-69, 79-70), collected another title belt and, daha əhəmiyyətlisi, came out of the fight unscathed and sharp for his Nov. 13ci showdown in Anaheim (BELƏ AS) with Alexis Rocha (17-1, 11 Kos) in the co-feature on a DAZN show, presented by Golden Boy Promotions, and headlined by Jamie Munguia vs. Gabriel Rosato.

“I don’t have to change a thing,” Barraza noted. “I can continue my training for this fight, especially sparring, because I can continue with the same guys I sparred for this fight.”

ATƏT özellikli hadisə, ABF Atlantic Middleweight Champion Anthony “Big Daddy” Hines (7-0, 4 Kos) successfully made his first defense of the title he captured this past June, against Fidel Monterrosa Munoz (39-26-1, 31 Kos), the former Colombian Light Heavyweight Champion.

Fighting out of the Boston district of Dorchester, Hines came out jabbing and moving laterally during the first two rounds against the Colombian knockout artist, picking up the pace in the third, in which Hines floored Munoz with a strong right. Munoz claimed he was illegally hit behind his head in the fourth and the fight was temporarily halted for the doctor to check him out. The action continued after a couple of minutes. The fight was delayed in the fifth round due to an accidental head butt that sent Munoz to the deck and Hines suffering the most damage in what was a chippy fight.

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Anthony Hines remained undefeated and retained his ABF Atlantic title belt

Also fighting out of Dorchester, lightweight Jonathan DePina (5-1, 4 Kos) wore down a gutsy Stacey Anderson (0-8), eventually putting him away in the third round, DePina cracked his opponent with a counter right for the initial knockdown. Moments later it was all she wrote for Anderson, who was trapped in a neutral corner, and battered until he went down for good.

Popular Lowell (MA) fighter Gabriel “Menace” Morales (3-0, 2 Kos), a carpenter by trade, displayed everything in his toolbox to the delight of his loud, enthusiastic fanbase, stopping journeyman Pablo DeSouza (0-24) ikinci turda. A natural lightweight, Morales cutdown welterweight DeSouza, first with a left hook in the second, soon followed by a right sending him to the mat once again. DeSouza stood before the referee’s count hit 10, but he was clearly unable to continue.

Undefeated Dominican Republic lightweight prospect Alejandro “El Abusador” Paulino (4-0, 4 Kos), fighting out of New London (CT), outclassed a much more experienced fighter in Italy native Christian “El Ninja” Danilo Guido (8-20, 6 Kos). Paulino floored Guido at the end of round one and closed the show in the second, decking Guido three more times, the last with a perfectly executed uppercut with time running out for a technical knockout.

Dallas heavyweight Vercell Webster (2-4-1, 2 Kos) upset previously Dennis Ventura (4-1, 3 Kos) by way of a 4ci-round technical knockout. Webster dropped Ventura with a straight right to the temple in the first round and a game Ventura never really recovered. The same shot to the head, landed in the same (red) corner, decked Ventura again. He beat the count, but referee Melissa Kelly didn’t like the way Ventura responded, and she stopped the fight.

Opening the action, Providence heavyweight Sean Bey improved to 3-0 (3 Kos) when pro-debuting Brandon Grundy was severely handicapped by right hand injury suffered midway through the opening round. After the ring doctor examined him, the fight continued briefly as Bey unloaded a series of unanswered punches on a trapped on the ropes Grundy, until referee Kevin Hope waved off the fight at the 2:24 dəyirmi biri mark.

aşağıda rəsmi nəticələr:



Jeovanis Barraza (23-1, 15 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbiya

WDEC8 (8069, 80-69, 79-70)

Jorge Martin Garcia (13-8-1, 6 Kos), General Lavalle, Buenos Aires, Argentina

(Barraza won ABF Continental Americas super welterweight title)


Anthony Hines (8-0, 4 Kos), Dorchester, MA

WDEC6 (58-54, 57-55, 57-54)

Fidel Monterrosa Munoz (39-27-1, 31 Kos), Barranquilla, Kolumbiya

(Hines retained the ABF Atlantic middleweight title)

Ağır toplarının

Vercell Webster (1-4-1, 1 KO), Dallas, TX

WTKO4 (0 :37)

Dennis Ventura (4-0, 3 Kos), Lynn, MA

Sean Bey (3-0, 3 Kos), Providence, RI

WTKO1 (2:24)

Brandon Grundy (0-1), Megehee, AR


Gabriel Morales (3-0, 2 Kos), Lowell, MA

WTKO2 (2:24)

Paulo DeSouza (0-24), Voburn, MA

SUPER Lightweights

Jonathan DePina (6-1, 4 Kos), Dorchester, MA

WTKO3 (1:03)

Stacey Anderson (0-8), Albuquerque, NM


Alexandro Paulino (5-0, 5 Kos), New London, CT by way of Dominican Republic

WTKO2 (2:58)

Christian Danilo Guido (8-21, 6 Kos), Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina by way of Italy


Ana səhifə:

Cuqquldamaq: @boxing_inc

Instagram: @ReyesBoxing, @FightingChance501c3

LinkedIn: @MichaelReyes

Facebook: /MichaelReyes, /ReyesBoxingInc, #FightingChance501c3



Paul And Fury Put Their Undefeated Pro Boxing Records on the Line

Live at Amalie Arena in Tampa, Fla.

Tickets Go On Sale Wednesday, Noyabr 10

NEW YORK(OKTYABR 29, 2021) – International super starJake “The Problem Child” Paulwill face undefeated professional boxer and U.K. reality TV starTommy “TNT” Furyin a sanctioned eight-round cruiserweight bout after months of heated back-and-forth between the two men. Paul and Fury will headline aSHOWTIME PPV HadisəŞənbə, Dekabr 18 atAmalie Arena Tampa, Fla. The main event bout will be contested at a 192-pound catchweight, as Paul continues to challenge himself and deliver on his promise to disrupt the combat sports industry.

On the heels of an impressive performance against former mixed martial arts world champion Tyron Woodley in August, Paul looks forward to his fifth professional boxing match as he takes a sizable step up in competition and puts his undefeated record on the line. Paul, the social media sensation, has garnered unprecedented attention for a young boxer since he entered the ring against NBA star Nate Robinson and defeated him with a show-stopping knockout that made headlines around the world. Paul is now taking the next step in his young career as he goes afterLove Island reality TV star Fury, the younger brother of WBC Heavyweight World Champion Tyson Fury.

Paul and Fury will meet for the first time since their fight was announced on Saturday, Noyabr 6 in Las Vegas and will make an additional appearance in Tampa on Monday, Noyabr 8. More details on both events to follow.

Titled#PaulFury: One Will Fall, the event is produced and presented by Most Valuable Promotions and SHOWTIME PPV and promoted in association with Tony Holden Productions. The pay-per-view telecast begins live at 9 dək. ET / 6 dək. PT and is produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV and it will feature other exciting high-stakes, professional boxing matches which will be announced in the coming weeks.

Tickets for the live event will be available for purchase on Wednesday, Noyabr 10,

The 24-year-old Paul (4-0, 3 Kos) is a world-renowned content creator. He began his professional boxing journey in January 2020 and has proven to be an influential participant in the sport’s landscape with his outsized personality and quickly developing skill set. The Cleveland-native is fighting out of Puerto Rico under the eye of former boxing cruiserweight contender and world title challenger B.J. Flowers, who has been training Paul from his first professional fight. After knocking out British YouTube star AnEsonGib in his debut and defeating Robinson with a knockout heard around the world, Paul made quick work of former MMA champion Ben Askren in April with a first-round knockout. The win over Askren was Paul’s first victory over a seasoned professional fighter and he followed it up with an impressive performance against Woodley, arguably his most dangerous opponent to date.

“I started my professional boxing career less than two years ago on January 30th, 2020. Four fights, three pay-per-views, two as the headliner, and one sold-out arena, I’m looking forward to my toughest challenge yet and continuing to prove the critics wrong,” said Paul. “Fight a real boxer they’ve said, and that is exactly what I’m doing. An undefeated boxer from the legendary Fury bloodline. Lakin, this one is more than just boxing for me. It’s for America and showing the world there is no other country that gives you the opportunity to achieve whatever you set your mind to. It’s for every young person who has a dream and dedicates their life to achieving it. On December 18th I’m continuing to fulfill my dreams and turning a Fury into a Fumbles.”

Fighting out of Manchester, İngiltərə, Fury started boxing at 12 dək təvəllüd. Ilə 12 həvəskar bouts, he won two regional titles and reached the U.K. national final in 2016. Fury’s first professional fight came in 2018, a win by decision. From there he proceeded to knockout or TKO his next four opponents and put the boxing world on notice. He has fought three times in 2021, including his U.S. debut on Paul’s undercard in August, where the 22-year-old earned his seventh victory against Anthony Taylor. Paul is clearly facing his biggest challenge to date in the undefeated Fury (7-0, 4 Kos), who comes from a renowned family of boxers and has been trained by British star Ricky Hatton.

“Jake Paul is about to learn a serious life lesson. This is my world, and he doesn’t belong here,”Dedi Fury. “I’m not one of these MMA men or basketball players, I have been boxing my whole life. On December 18th I will show the world the difference between a YouTuber and a real fighting man. Thanks to my promoter Frank Warren, Most Valuable Promotions and Showtime for giving me the opportunity to shut this clown up once and for all.”

#PaulFury: One Will Fall is the second live sporting event co-produced by Most Valuable Promotions, a company founded by Paul and Nakisa Bidarian on the premise that content is king, and fighters are the content creators in combat sports. Paul and Bidarian serve as Executive Producers of the #PaulFury event.

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For more information on #PaulFury, follow on Instagram via @JakePaul, @TommyFury, @MostValuablePromotions and @ShowtimeBoxing, Twitter via @JakePaul, @TommyTntFury, @MostVpromotions and @ShowtimeBoxing, və ya Facebook bir fan at

U.S. hope Jahmal Harvey defeated the reigning AIBA World Champion in the featherweight division

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(L-R) Jahmal Harvey & Mirazizbek Mirzakhailov

BELQRAD, Serbia – October 29, 2021 – The United States’ teenage hope Jahmal Harvey delivered the upset performance of in the afternoon session of the fourth day at the AIBA World Boxing Championships in Belgrade, Serbiya. Harvey eliminated Uzbekistan’s defending AIBA World Champion Mirazizbek Mirzakhalilov to reach the 1/8 final.

Harvey will turn 19 daha sonra bu il, but the US boxer proved that he is a fantastic talent in boxing. He had some difficulties in the first round in his opening bout, but he managed to beat Belgium’s Vasile Usturoi in a hectic fight. Harvey’s Irish coach Billy Walsh prepared the strategy for his second contest against Mirzakhalilov, reigning AIBA World Champion and Asian Games winner.

The Uzbek boxer is one of the top stars of the AIBA World Boxing Championships. but his US rival surprised him with his effective counter-punching and top level of footwork. Harvey exceeded all of the expectations in this featherweight (57kg) bout and eliminated the defending champion.

"Mən özümü iman, my skills and on my coaches today,” Harvey said, “and I knew that I could make it. The first round was very important, and I gave in everything to take the lead on the scorecards to follow my own strategy. I have the physical condition to keep in the same level until the very end. The atmosphere is impressive in this event, and I am happy that part of it.”


Davis Replaces Former Champion Jose Uzcátegui in Main Event

PHOENIX(Oktyabr 28, 2021) – Unbeaten two-time world championDavid “El Bandera Roja” Benavídezwill make his homecoming return to Phoenix against 168-pound contenderKyrone Davis in a 10-round match that headlines live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Noyabr 13 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Footprint Center.

Benavídez was originally scheduled to face former world champion Jose Uzcáteguiwho was forced to withdraw due to a failed pre-fight drug test.

SHOWTIME Çempionluq BOKS veriliş başlayır 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT and will feature the much-awaited return of longtime contenderJosé Benavídez, the older brother of David Benavídez, facing Argentina’sFrancisco Emanuel Torres in the 10-round super welterweight co-main event

Canlı hadisə üçün biletlər, which is promoted by Sampson Boxing and TGB Promotions, are on sale now and are available for purchase

Still just 24-years-old, Benavídez (24-0, 21 Kos) enters this fight having knocked out his last four opponents, including a September 2019 knockout of two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell. Benavídez is trained by his father José Sr., alongside his brother and former title challenger, José Jr. Ilə 2017, he became the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history by defeating Ronald Gavril on SHOWTIME at just 20 dək təvəllüd. Representing his native Phoenix, Ariz., and returning to fight there for the first time since 2015 Noyabrda 13, Benavídez went from a 15-year-old prodigy sparring with Gennady Golovkin and Peter Quillin, to world title contender with a 10-fight knockout streak from 2015 vasitəsilə 2017, including a highlight-reel knockout of Rogelio Medina with a seven-punch combination that earned him his first title opportunity.

A native of Monmouth, N.J., Davis(16-2-1, 6 KO) most recently won an exciting September clash against Martez McGregor, triumphing by decision after eight action-packed rounds. Davis had previously been impressive against the toughest test of his career, as he fought two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell to a split-draw in February. It was the 26-year-old’s debut at super middleweight, after beginning his career at middleweight. Davis had won five of his six previous outings heading into the Dirrell clash. He is trained by renowned coach Stephen Edwards in Philadelphia, alongside former unified world champion Julian Wiliams.

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Five New Preliminary Matchups Added to BELLATOR MMA 271 Cümə günü, Nov. 12, Showtime Live



Mətn olan şəkil, şəxs

Təsvir avtomatik olaraq yaradıldı

MƏLƏKLƏR -In addition to the Featherweight World Title main event pitting current 145-pound championCris “Cyborg” (24-2, 1 NC) against No. 5-rankedSinead Kavanagh(7-4), BELLATOR MMA has added several star-studded matchups to the preliminary portion ofBELLATOR MMA 271: Cyborg vs. KavanaghCümə günü, Nov. 12, at Hard Rock Live at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Fla.

SHOWTIME will televise the fantastic five-fight main card live at 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT.Bundan əlavə,, the must-watch preliminary fights will stream live three hours earlier at7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalında, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanalı və Pluto TV.

Tickets for BELLATOR MMA 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanagh are currently on sale at and Əlavə bouts qısa elan olunacaq.

In female flyweight actionMiami’s“Master” Valerie Loureda (3-1) hopes to steal the show yet again, as the 23-year-old star prepares for Knoxville’sTaylor Turner (5-7), while Brazilian sensationBruna Ellen (5-3) challenges the heavy-handedDesiree “Dirty Dez” Yanez (5-3).  

Fighting out of Key West, Fla., the undefeated knockout artistRoman Faraldo (5-0) returns to the BELLATOR cage to face fellow Floridian and Pensacola-nativeRobert Turnquest (11-7) in a 170-pound contest. AdditionallyRoufusport productJordan Newman (3-0) hopes to keep his perfect record intact in a middleweight showdown against Palm Beach, Florida’sShane O’Shea (4-2).  

Nəhayət, former Penn State wrestler and current American Top Team standoutCody Law (4-0) puts his unblemished professional mark on the line in a featherweight clash with Fort SmithArkansas’Colton Hamm (4-3). 

In the co-main event., top-10 heavyweights will go toe-to-toe as No. 5-inteqrasiyaTyrell Fortune (11-1, 1 NC) squares up with No. 8 Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 NC).

Rounding out the five-bout SHOWTIME telecast, the always electric and No. 5-inteqrasiyaAaron Pico (8-3) will square off against undefeated No. 8 Justin gonzales (12-0), while No. 1-inteqrasiyaArlene Blencowe (14-8) attempts to cement her place as the next in line for a shot at the 145-pound crown against No. 7 Pam Sorenson(9-3). Kicking off the main card, namağlup No. 7-ranked Boca Raton, Fla., resident Steve Mowry (9-0) will continue his quest toward the top of the heavyweight ranks as he takes on veteranRakim Cleveland (22-13-1, 1 NC).


Cümə, Nov. 12 - yaşamaqSHOWTIME 

10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT

Featherweight World Title BoutC-Cris “Cyborg” (24-2, 1 NC) vs. #5-Sinead Kavanagh(7-4) 

Ağır çəkili əsas hadisə: #5-Tyrell Fortune (11-1, 1 NC) vs. #8-Linton Vassell (20-8, 1 NC) 

Featherweight Bout: #5-Aaron Pico (8-3) vs. Do Not. 8-Justin gonzales (12-0) 

Featherweight Bout: #1-Arlene Blencowe(14-8)vs. #7-Pam Sorenson(9-3) 

Ağır Bout: #7-Steve Mowry(9-0)vs. Rakim Cleveland (22-13-1, 1 NC) 


BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalı | SHOWTIME İdman YouTube kanalı | Pluton TV 

7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT

flyweight Bout: Bruna Ellen (5-3) vs.Desiree Yanez (5-3) 

Welter Bout: Roman Faraldo (5-0) vs.Robert Turnquest (11-7) 

Featherweight Bout: Cody Law(4-0) vs.Colton Hamm (4-3)  

flyweight Bout: Valerie Loureda (3-1) vs.Taylor Turner (5-7) 

Middleweight Bout: Jordan Newman (3-0) vs.Shane O’Shea(4-2) 

Qarşıdakı BELLATOR MMA tədbirləri haqqında daha çox məlumat üçün, please visit

** Card subject to change **

BELLATOR tədbirlərinin cədvəli yeniləndi 

Pulsuz. Nov. 5 // Bellator 270: Queally vs. Pitbull 2// 3Arena // Dublin, İrlandiya

Pulsuz. Nov. 12 // Bellator 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanagh // Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino // Hollywood, FL

Pulsuz. Dec. 3 // Bellator 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi// Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.


Galloway’s Tyrone Luckey is a throwback fighter, boxing career resurrected

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QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Oktyabr 27, 2022) – In short two years, after signing a contract with Granite Chin Promotions, veteran New Jersey boxer Tyrone “Hands of Stone” Luckey has gone from journeyman to legitimate opponent with a promising upside.

“Guys like Tyrone have a special spot for me,” Granite Chin Promotions president Chris Traietti commented. “I’ve helped to build up his record, developed trust between us, and we’ll see where we go from here. He’s a big Dallas Cowboy fan and he really wanted to fight in AT & T Arena. He dreamed of fighting there and I got him on the Spence-Garcia card, and he got the biggest purse of his life.

“He is a fighter’s fighter. Any promoter would be very happy to have 25 like him in their stable. His goal now is to make as much as he can over the next few years and get out with his health. He continues to trust me. He wants to be part of the team and I just signed him to a new 3-year deal. Tyrone has had a bit of a rebirth in his career.”

The former New Jersey Golden Gloves Champion had a 9-12-4 pro record, when he joined the Granite Chin stable, and since then Luckey has won six of nine fights, capturing the ABF USA Mid-American super lightweight title along the way.

“I had no choice but to get better,” Lucky spoke about his resurgence the past two years. “It first changed when I started going to Gladiator’s Gym for help with trainer Shawn Darling. My career in boxing changed since the pandemic started.

The 36-year-old Luckey (15-15-4, 11 Kos), fighting out of Galloway (NJ), is a throwback fighter back to the days boxers only asked when and where they were fighting, no pickin’ and choosin’ soft touches. Evidence of his admirable attitude is the fact he’s fought in six different weight classes, from super featherweight to super welterweight, during his 11-year-pro career.

“I’m not afraid of anyone,” Luckey said. “I fight guys others avoid, even some that world champions wouldn’t fight. I’m able to fight in different weight classes because I know my body and how to properly get done in weight. Hal-hazırda, I feel comfortable at 140 manat, and I feel like I have a ton of power at 130 və ya 135 manat. I’m naturally small, but psychologically, I’m always the bigger fighter no matter what position I find myself in.”

Luckey’s stock jumped in his last two fights, both against previously unbeaten Eduardo Aguilar, who was knocked out, müvafiq olaraq, in the first round and he couldn’t continue past the sixth round in their most recent fight, in which Luckey dropped Aguilar seven times.

A married man who is an endoscopy technician, Luckey has been saving his boxing purses to eventually buy a house.

“I plan to box until I’m 39, maximum of 40,” Luckey remarked. “I’ll call it quits and maybe become a trainer or pro bowler. I’m trying to get into a sanctioned league (he averages 215 and rolled a perfect 300 game in 2017)."

Luckey and Traietti, also a pro boxer, have a mutually beneficial relationship today. “Our relationship has always been great,” Tyrone confirmed. “I had a fight fallout and the matchmaker set me up with Chris, who was working a fight in Minnesota. He said that after the fight we could talk. He’s a good dude, great promoter. I’m glad our paths crossed because he’s put me in a new situation. I put my faith in him. It’s always love when we talk.”

“We hit it off right away,” Traietti concluded. “He’s easy to work with and will fight anybody. Onun kredit, he signed with me when it wasn’t really popular, not until 8 qədər 10 months later. Granite Chin has blown up and my some of my fighters have been performing on some of the biggest cards in boxing.”

Do you feel lucky? Tyrone Luckey certainly does and he’s finally cashing in on all his hard work and perseverance, fighting under the Granite Chin banner.

Cuqquldamaq: @Qranite_Chin

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