Bec Rawlings voittaa Britain Hartin split-päätöksellä “BKFC 2: New Era” alkaen Mississippi Coast Coliseum Biloxi, Mississippi & Pay-per-view

Sam Shewmaker varmistaa jaetun päätöksen voiton Maurice Jacksonin yli

Arnold Adams pysäyttää Joey Beltranin viidennessä kierroksessa

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvat

Luotto: Phil Lambert / BKFC

BILOXI, NEITI (Elokuu 25, 2018) – “Queen Bare Knuckle” bec Rawlings voitti Britanniassa Hart kohdalta päätös (50-45, 49-45, 48-47) kuten Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) palasi lauantaina “BKFC 2: New Era” alkaen Mississippi Coast Coliseum Biloxi, Mississippi ja live pay-per-view.




“En usko, että se oli jaettu päätös,” Said Rawlings. “Kun kirjauduin taistelemaan BKFC: n puolesta, he lähettivät meille säännöt ja sanoivat, ettet voi paeta vastustajaltasi. Sinun täytyy sitoutua. Sinun täytyy varpailla viiva. Siellä he haluavat toiminnan tapahtuvan, ja menetät pisteitä, jos et noudata näitä sääntöjä. Joten, Olin ehdottomasti se, joka työnsi vauhtia tänään. Olin keskellä koko ajan ja laskeuduin kovempia laukauksia.”




Kun hän voitti Alma Garcian BKFC: ssä 1, Rawlings palkittiin National Police Gazette -lehden naisten paljaalla rystyrällä nyrkkeilyhihnalla. Voitolla lauantaina, Rawlings säilytti tittelin.




“Paljaan rystyn otsikon sieppaaminen ja puolustaminen nyt on ollut niin kunnia,” lisäsi Rawlings. “Kun pääsin ensin paljaisiin rystyihin, minulla ei ollut aavistustakaan historiasta ja kaikesta. Ajattelin vain, että se oli uusi ja hauska tapa testata itseäni. Sitten sain tämän vyön voitettuani ensimmäisessä näyttelyssä ja sain selville, mikä valtava juttu tämä on.”




Rawlings päätteli, “Olen onneksi terve. Kädet olivat oikeastaan ​​enemmän turvoksissa ensimmäisen paljaan rystytaisteluni jälkeen. Minulla on todennäköisesti hyvä mennä uudelleen joulukuussa, mutta olen mestari ja olen täällä taistelemassa kenen kanssa tahansa, jonka he asettavat eteeni.”




Ensimmäisessä kahdesta raskaansarjan turnauksen välierän ottelusta nähtiin ukkosen vaihtoa Arnold Adams pysäytetty Joey Beltran :09 viidenteen kehykseen. Erittäin rauhallinen ja kerätty Adams hallitsi suurta osaa toiminnasta.




“Tiesin, että saan voiton. En ollut oikeastaan ​​huolissani Beltranista, hänellä on ollut paljon taisteluita,” Said Adams. “En vain usko, että hänellä on enää tätä, mutta hänellä on sydän ja hän osoitti tänä iltana haluavansa kilpailla. Olen kuitenkin nälkäinen, hän on ollut huipulla ja kilpaillut isoissa näyttelyissä. En ole vielä päässyt sinne vielä, mutta tämä on minun aikani ja aion tarttua hetkeen.”




Avauskierroksen, Adams leikkasi Beltranin vasemman silmän yli. Neljännen kierroksen loppu lähestyi, Adams sai uuden tuhoisan iskun, joka avasi leikkauksen entisestään, pakottaen kehäpuolen lääkäri lopettamaan taistelun.




“Leikasin hänet ensimmäisellä kierroksella, mutta viimeinen häntä leikkaava leikkaus näki veren vuotavan hänen silmänsä ympärille,” lisäsi Adams. “Kuin hain, Lukitsin hänet. Nuolen huuliani, silmäni kasvoivat suuriksi ja tein mitä tarvitsin saadakseni voiton.”




Toisessa raskaansarjan turnauksen välierässä, I Shewmaker voitti Maurice Jackson kohdalta päätös (49-45, 48-45, 48-46).




“Yritin päästä sisälle ja mennä töihin, mutta hän halusi vain kääriä minua,” Said Shewmaker. “Hänen tyylinsä esti minua käyttämästä pelisuunnitelmaani. Joka kerta kun menin sisälle, hän tapasi. Se oli hyvin turhauttavaa. Ja on vaikeaa työskennellä etäältä niin korkean kaverin kanssa.”




Jackson onnistui saamaan puhtaita laukauksia, kiinni Shewmaker vasemmalla koukulla, joka pudotti hänet toisella kierroksella.




“Hän sai minut hyvillä laukauksilla, eräänlainen pääni takana, joka kaatoi minut, mutta minä vain hyppäsin taaksepäin,” lisäsi Shewmaker. “Koputus ei todellakaan häirinnyt minua, vain pudotti minua hieman tasapainosta. Tunsin hyvin pian sen jälkeen.”




Adamsin ja Shewmakerin voitot asettivat raskaansarjan turnauksen finaalit parin odotettua kohtaavansa BKFC: ssä 3.




“On aika nostaa se esiin,” Said Adams. “Sam Shewmakerilla on valta molemmissa käsissä, mutta olen valmis kenelle tahansa.”




“Odotan ilotulitus, kun kohtaan Adamsia,” Said Shewmaker. “Hänellä on hyvä napa, mutta minulla on myös hyvä jab ja haluan lyödä. Joten, sen pitäisi tehdä loistava ottelu finaalissa.”


# # #


Noin Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




Kesäkuun 2, 2018, Philadelphia-pohjainen Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) teki kamppailulajeja historiaa, kun se edistää ensimmäiseen lailliseen, seuraamuksia ja säännelty paljain nyrkein tapahtuma Yhdysvalloissa vuodesta 1889. “BKFC 1: Alku” tapahtui Cheyenne, Wyoming ja varustellun 10 ammatillinen jaksoja, kaikki alaisuudessa ja valvonnassa Wyomingin taistelunhaluinen Sports komissio.




BKFC käyttää vain perustettu taistelijat, jotka ovat aiemmin kilpailleet ammattimaisesti nyrkkeilyssä, MMA, potkunyrkkeily ja / tai Muay Thai. Kaikki BKFC jaksoja on oikeutettua ja säätelee ABC jäsen Athletic Palkkiot.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta tai seurata Twitterissä osoitteessa @BareKnuckleFC, Instagram klo ja Facebookissa osoitteessa

Paljas rysty-nyrkkeily palaa tänään…Katso täällä

Tämä toinen esitys Bare Knuckle Boxingin orastavassa uudessa ilmiössä (laillistettu) on saatavana FITE: ltä hintaan PPV $29.99 USD ja se alkaa elää kello 20.00 Eastern TONIGHT Mississippi Coast Coliseumilta.
Napsauta alla olevaa linkkiä saadaksesi lisätietoja tai katsoa livenä alla olevasta soittimesta.


SAINT PERTERSBURG, Venäjä (Elokuu 24, 2018) — The official weigh in was held yesterday for today’s M-1 Challenge 96, headlined by the vacant M-1 Challenge light heavyweight title, M-1-areenalla Pietarissa, Venäjä.
Complete weights and pictures below:
Päätapahtuma – 5 X 5
(L) Dmitry Mikutsa (9-3-1, M-1: 2-1-0), Ukraina 204 ½ kg. (92,95 kg).
(R) Khadis Ibragimov (6-0-0, M-1: 2-0-0), Venäjä 205 lbs. (93 kg)
(L) Daniel Swain (18-8-1, M-1: 1-0-1), Yhdysvallat 145 lbs. (65,8 kg)
(R) Viktor Kolesnik (14-3-1, M-1: 3-1-1), Venäjä 144 lbs. (65,35 kg)
Lightweights — 3 X 5
(R) Alexey Ilyenko (8-0-1, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä 154 lbs. (69,95 kg)
(L) Michel Silva (19-7-1, M-1: 1-2-0), Brasilia 154 ½ kg. (70,25 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
Ruslan Rakhmonkulov (11-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä 178 lbs. (81 kg)
Maksim Grabovich (8-4-0, M-1: 5-4-0), Venäjä 168 ½ kg. (76,6 kg)
(L) Steve Polifonte (13-5-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Ranska 145 lbs. (65,8 kg)
(R) Juri Chobuka (9-1-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Ukraina 144 lbs. (65,6 kg)
Ajokoiraa – 3 X 5
Juri Fedorov (1-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä 261 lbs. (118,4 kg)
Sergey Goltsov (0-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Venäjä 227 lbs. (103,25 kg)
LIGHT ajokoiraa – 3 X 5
Rafal Kijanczuk (3-0-0 (M-1: 1-0-0), Puola 204 lbs. 92,8 kg)
Ibragim Sagov (4-1-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Venäjä 204 lbs. (92,7 kg)
CATCHWEIGHT (72, kg, 158 ½ lbs.) – 3 X 5
Jurand Lisieski (3-0-1, M-1: 0-0-0), Puola 158 lbs. (71,8 kg)
Vasily Kozlov (debyyttiään), Venäjä 158 lbs. (71,7 kg)
Welterweights – 3 X 5
Dmitriy Tikhonyuk (debyyttiään), Ukraina 169 ½ kg. 77,1 kg)
Boris Medvedev (2-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Venäjä 169 ½ kg. (77,05 kg)
Lightweights – 3 X 5
Filip Kovarik (3-0-0, M-1: 1-0-0), Puola 154 lbs. (70,2 kg)
Artem Tarasov (2-1-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Venäjä 154 ½ kg. (70,25 kg)
Rene Hackl (4-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Unkari 144 lbs. (65,5 kg)
Nikita Solonin (4-2-0, M-1: 1-1-0), Venäjä 144 lbs. (65,65 kg)
Adam Borovec (debyyttiään), Tšekki 144 lbs. (65,35 kg)
Akhmadkhan Bokov (3-3-0, M-1: 3-1-0), Venäjä 144 lbs. (65,65 kg)
painoja – 3 X 5
Sanzhar Adilov (4-0-0, M-1: 0-0-0), Kazakstan 129 ½ kg. (57,65 kg)
Vazha Tsiptauri (5-1-0, M-1: 3-0-0) 129 lbs. (58,5 kg)
(all fights & fighters subject to change)
KUN: Lauantai, Elokuu 25, 2018
MISSÄ: Pietari, Venäjä
PROMOTER: M-1 Global
LIVE STREAM: (11.00 a.m. JA / 8:00 a.m. PT in USA). Also available onFITE.TV (alustava kortti on ilmainen, $7.99 pääkortille)
Viserrys & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Tulevat M-1-haastetapahtumat:
Elokuu. 25 – M-1 Challenge 96: Mikutsa vs. Ibragimov in Saint Petersburg, Venäjä


Bangor, Maine (Elokuu 24, 2018) - New England Fights (NEF) järjestää seuraavan sekataistelulajitapahtumansa, “NEF 35: Wicked Season,” syyskuuta 8 Cross Insurance Centerissä Bangorissa. The event will mark the fourth time since 2013 that NEF has visited the Queen City. Aiemmin tänään, the fight promotion announced the full fight card planned for the evening.

The exciting main event will feature two popular Bangor-area athletes doing battle as Jon Lemke (7-8) täyttää Aaron “Säälimätön” Lacey (5-2) in a lightweight contest. Lemke, veteraani Yhdysvaltain merijalkaväki, trains with Titan Athletics in neighboring Brewer, Maine, while Lacey represents Young’s MMA of Bangor.

The co-main event will see Lacey’s teammate, and reigning NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, “The” Ryan Sanders (16-9) ottamista ArmandoBig ChinoMontoya (10-6) in a non-title welterweight scrap. Sanders is coming off a huge submission win earlier this summer in Portland, Maine. Montoya, who represents First Class MMA of Brunswick, Maine, will debut in the Pine Tree State after a decade-long career on the southwest MMA circuit.

In another highly-anticipated professional fight, Caleb Hall (1-0) of the Choi Institute in Portland will face another Young’s MMA team member in the form of CJ Ewer (3-1). After a successful amateur career that saw him capture the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title, Hall impressed with a first-round submission of veteran John Ortolani (8-12) earlier this year in his pro debut. Kannu, a member of the United States Air Force security forces, closed outNEF 30last August in Bangor winning the promotion’s pro middleweight strap over Mike Hansen (5-9).

The amateur portion of the fight card will be headlined by a title fight as Nokare “PK” Kelly (4-0) puts both his lightweight belt and undefeated record on the line against the challenge of Ed Forlenza (2-2). Kelly, joka kääntyi 54 last week, is a legend of Maine wrestling mats as both a competitor and coach and a member of the Maine Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame. He vows that this will be the final fight of his MMA career. Forlenza took the fight on short notice after Kelly’s previous challenger dropped out due to injury. He is a member of team Juniko based in Hyannis, Massachusetts. Forlenza is no stranger to the NEF cage. He won his amateur debut atNEF 23in the summer of 2016 on Cape Cod.

Speaking of wrestling coaches, “NEF 35will also feature the amateur debut of Shawn Costigan (0-0). Costigan is a member of the Bucksport High School wrestling coaching staff. He will represent Young’s MMA in his cage debut when he takes on the fellow-debuting David Hills (0-0).

Also on the amateur card will be the brother of CJ Ewer, Roger Ewer (1-0). A pharmacist by day, Roger made his amateur debut last year atNEF 30in Bangor with a second round technical knockout of Dustin Freeman (0-1). At “NEF 35,he will take on Jason Hanley (0-0) of Orchard Park Martial Arts in western New York state.

Täysi “NEF 35” taistella kortti (muuttua):


155 Aaron Lacey 5-2 (Youngin MMA) vs Jon Lemke 7-8 (Titan Athletics)

170 Ryan Sanders 16-9 (Youngin MMA) vs Armando Montoya 10-6 (First Class MMA)

185 Crowsneck Boutin 2-3 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (Akatemia)

155 CJ Ewer 3-1 (Youngin MMA) vs Caleb Hall 1-0 (Choi Insistute)

155 Josh Harvey 4-0 (Youngin MMA) vs Jay Ellis 15-77 (Team Knockout)

145 Zenon Herrera 1-6 (Team SMOG) vs Ernesto Ornelas 3-7 (Choi instituutti)

Amatööri MMA

155* Otsikko Pat Kelly 4-0 (Youngin MMA) vs Ed Forlenza 2-2 (Juniko)

170 David Hart 0-3 (Kenney’s MMA) vs Christian Barrett 1-0 (First Class MMA)

155 Zac Richard 1-0 (Nostos) vs Clifford Redman 0-5 (Itsenäinen)

150 Taylor Bartlett 1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Jacob Deppmeyer 1-1 (First Class MMA)

265 Roger Ewer 1-0 (Youngin MMA) vs Jason Hanley 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

180 Jordan Norman 0-1 (Bad Little Falls Dojo) vs Brandon Schwinck 0-2 (Itsenäinen)

145 Joe Howard 1-0 (CMBJJ) vs Jordan Young 0-1 (Itsenäinen)

155 Jesse Fitzsimmons 0-0 (Nostos) vs AJ Morales 0-0 (Orchard Park Martial Arts)

145 Shawn Costigan 0-0 (Youngin MMA) vs David Hills 0-0 (Itsenäinen)

135 Nate Boucher 2-3 (CMBJJ) vs Joshua Greenlaw 0-2 (Itsenäinen)

160 Andrew Brown 0-0 (Nostos) vs Chris Lachcik 0-0 (Itsenäinen)

Philly Heavyweight Joey Dawejko Puts UK Olympian Joe Joyce on Blast for Taking Easier Fight

After being stepped over as Joe Joyce’s next opponent, Philadelphia fan favorite Joey Dawejko is calling out the highly touted UK-based heavyweight for taking the easy road.




Since turning professional, Joyce, the outspoken 2016 Olympic Super-Heavyweight Silver Medal Winner and now Commonwealth (Brittiläinen imperiumi) Heavyweight Champion, has made a habit of publicly calling out the division’s top contenders and champions.




But Dawejko says Joyce’s antics may be just for show, and in reality, his representatives are very protective of their charge.




Dawejko (19-5-4, 11 KOs) says he was offered and accepted the opportunity to face Joyce (5-0, 5 KOs) on the undercard of former welterweight champions Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter’s Saturday, Syyskuu 8, showdown at the Barclays Center – only to find out Joyce had instead chosen to face Ohio’s Devin Vargas.




Dawejko has spent his professional career as a respected gatekeeper in the division. The 28-year-old has had competitive battles with several of the division’s best and even gave top contender Jarrell Miller the only blot on his undefeated record when he held him to a draw in 2013.




Vargas was a successful amateur boxer, but the former Olympian has sputtered as a professional. He has lost five of his last eight fights and is coming off a first-round knockout loss.




“I got the call the other day from my manager saying we had an offer to fight him and we accepted,” explained Dawejko, “then I found out he took an easier fight. I’m kind of pissed off about it because it was a good opportunity for me. They chose the safe route because they’re definitely protecting him. They talk a good game, but at the end of the day they just want easy fights.”




Dawejko says exposing Joyce would have given him the chance to finally break through to the upper echelon.




“They’re building this guy like he’s something special and he’s not. I see nothing special about him. He has size, mutta se ei ole väliä. I don’t think he’s as good as people are making him out to be. I could definitely beat him. He’s big and slow and gets hit a lot and his defense isn’t there. I know I could beat him.”




Not giving up, Dawejko wants Joyce to know he’d be happy to face him in his next fight… if Joyce isn’t too timid.




“If he really wants to challenge himself, step up and fight me. I‘m ready to go at any time. I’ll fight him any day of the week.”


Tietoja Greg Cohen Kampanjat




Yksi nyrkkeily premier myynninedistämistarkoituksessa asuja, Greg Cohen kampanjat (GCP) on hyvin arvostettu nimi lavastus maailmanluokan ammattilaisnyrkkeilyyn tapahtumia ja edistää eliitin ammatti taistelijoita ympäri maailmaa.




Perustaja ja toimitusjohtaja Greg Cohen on ollut mukana ammattilaisnyrkkeilyyn eri tehtävissä vuodesta 1980-luvun lopulla, hoonaus veneet ja luoda itsensä viisas kansainvälinen nyrkkeily liikemies.




Erottaa hänen kykynsä havaita ja kehittää raaka lahjakkuutta, Cohen ensimmäisen kerran myynninedistämistarkoituksessa otsikoihin hänen asiantuntevaa opastusta, muiden joukossa, entinen WBA Junior Keskisarja mestari Austin “Epäilemättä” Taimen, joka Cohen auttoi opas tuntemattomilta New Mexico mahdollisuus huippu pay-per-view-tason supertähti.




Lisäksi Trout, Greg Cohen Promotions on työskennellyt perustettu nimiä kuten entinen yhtenäinen ja kaksi kertaa raskaansarjan mestari Hasim “Rock” Rahman ja kaikkien aikojen suuri usean painoluokan maailmanmestari James “Lights Out” Toney.




Cohen currently promotes undefeated WBO NABO Heavyweight Champion a top contender Jarrell Miller, top-rated middleweight contender Robert Brant, and former WBO NABO Lightweight Champion and world-rated contender Mason Menard, muiden joukossa.




Greg Cohen Promotions on isännöinyt maailmanluokan nyrkkeily tapahtumia hienoimmista paikoissa kaikkialla Yhdysvalloissa ja maailmassa ja on myös ylpeänä edellyttäen lahjakkuutta ja / tai sisältöä useita tv-verkkoihin CBS Sports Network, HBO, Showtime, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sports Network, MSG ja FOX Sports Net.




Lisätietoja, vierailu Löydä meidät Facebookista osoitteessa Viserrys: GCPBoxing.

Coyle forced to withdraw from October 6 taistelu


Tampa, FL (Elokuu 24, 2018) – Connor “The Kid” Coyle was forced to withdraw from his October 6 bout as part of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions’ “Night of Champions” card in St. Petersburg, FL.




During his training camp in Ireland, Coyle’s back began to swell and cause him pain. The unbeaten 28-year-old battled through the back problems and continued training. Valitettavasti, the pain got worse and aggressively spread throughout his body.




Coyle then checked into a local hospital. Doctors believe he has an inflammatory infection and ran a number of tests. In the interim, Coyle must refrain from training during the next 6 viikkoa.




“I’d like to sincerely apologize to my fans for being unable to compete,” said Coyle, joka on 8-0 and coming off a dominant stoppage victory in June. “This is a bump in the road and I’ll be back more motivated to focus on another fight soon.”




Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions believes Coyle will come back strong when the time is right but is most concerned about his fighter’s current health.




“I feel terrible about this entire situation because Connor is like a son to me,” said Caliguire. “This is extremely unfortunate and Connor needs to get the proper rest to ensure his body is ready whenever he decides he’s healthy enough to return to training.”




Coyle was scheduled to headline for the ABF Continental Americas middleweight championship and a new main event will be announced shortly.




For more information on Fire Fist Boxing Promotions, visit

Three-Hour Premier Boxing Champions Show Features Jamal James Delivering Second Round Knockout of Mahonry Montes in Front of Hometown Crowd Friday Night on FS1 & FOX Deportes from The Armory in Minneapolis

MINNEAPOLIS (Elokuu 24, 2018) – Welterweight contender Jamal James (24-1, 11 KOs)gave his hometown crowd a treat as he sent Mahonry Montes (35-8-1, 24 KOs)to the canvas for a second round knockout in the main event of a jam-packed three-hour night of Premier Boxing Champions action Friday fromthe Armory in Minneapolis, Minnesota.




I came out here to make a statement and I’m even happier to be able to do it right here at home,” said James. “The support in Minnesota is amazing and it gave me the extra motivation to get the job done in spectacular fashion. Everyone knows I attack the body and tonight I was able to use it to get the finish




In his second straight fight at the Armory, James made a statement by quickly dispatching Mexico’s Montes with a punishing left hook to the body that left his opponent crumpled on the canvas.




James broke through in the last 30 seconds of the second round, landing numerous unanswered right hands that put Montes in immediate trouble. James finished the show with the devastating body shot that eventually forced referee Mark Nelson to halt the bout at 2:58 Kierroksen.




I feel like I’m ready for the elite welterweights and tonight proved it again,” said James. “I’m going to keep working hard and taking down anyone they put in front of me. It’s time for me to make my mark in the division.




Vuonna yhteistyössä päätapahtuma, keskisarjan haastaja Willie Monroe Jr. (23-3, 6 KOs) showed off his boxing skill and picked apart Javier Francisco Maciel (33-7, 23 KOs) to score a unanimous decision in their 10-round bout.




Monroe was dominant with his jab, movement and an array of offensive attacks. He was able to vary his punches enough to keep the aggressive Maciel from landing anything that caused damage.




Maciel looked to score with power punches and body shots, but the former title challenger Monroe was comfortable on the outside and mixing it up inside on his way to winning the fight by scores of 99-91 ja 100-90 kahdesti.




The opening bout of the telecast featured fast-rising prospect and 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis (7-0, 5 KOs) as he earned a unanimous decision over Levan Ghvamichava (18-4-1, 13 KOs)in their eight-round welterweight matchup.




Stanionis rode a powerful jab and sharp combination punching to the dominant victory as he faced the toughest opposition of his pro career to date. Ghvamichava was game and tried to counter the hard-charging Stanionis but was too often taking the worst of exchanges on the inside. At the end of the action all three judges saw the bout in favor of Stanionis by scores of 80-72 ja 79-73 kahdesti.




Additional action saw Jeison Rosario (16-1-1, 11 KOs) score a unanimous decision over Jamontay Clark (13-1, 7 KOs) in their 10-round super welterweight bout.




Rosario scored a highlight reel knockdown with a counter right hand in the third round that saw Clark tumble out of the ring. Clark was able to return to the ring and beat the count, but he took more damage throughout the bout before losing the decision by scores of 99-90, 98-91 ja 97-92, all in favor of Rosario.




A scheduled heavyweight bout ended in shocking fashion before it ever began, as heavyweight prospect Efe Ajagba (6-0, 5 KOs) was awarded a victory by disqualification against Curtis Harper (13-6, 9 KOs) when Harper exited the ring moments after the opening bell rang, opting not to face Ajagba.




Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes saw rising super welterweight prospect Sebastian Fundora (10-0, 6 KOs) stop Antonio Urista (10-3, 2 KOs)at 2:22 neljännen kierroksen, voittamaton superkeskisarja Leon Lawson (8-0, 4 KOs) voittaa yksimielisen päätöksen yli Brandon Adams (4-7-1, 2 KOs) in their six-round fight and unbeaten prospect Gary Antonio Russell (12-0,10 KOs) score a first round knockout of Nick Otieno (31-15, 13 KOs) vain 1:18 pyöreään.




# # #




Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta, ja

Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, WarriorsBoxProm, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa, ja Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fina and promoted by TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing.


Combate Americas has announced seven new bouts, including a new 125-pound limit, co-main event matchup between previously announced Tracy Cortez (below left) Phoenix, Ariz., USA and Karen Cedillo (below right) of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Meksiko, for the ‘Marroquin vs. Aldayworld championship event, live on Univision and Univision Deportes Network from Phoenix on Perjantai, Seitsemän. 14.

FROM PHOENIX, Ariz. ON Perjantai, Syyskuu. 14



Osta liput liput myynnissä

NEW YORK – Elokuu 23, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced a new women’s flyweight (125 kiloa) co-main event – Tracy Cortez (3-1) vs, Karen Cedillo (1-0) – as well as six other new bouts featuring fighters representing five different countries, for the premier Hispanic Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) franchise’s world championship event in Phoenix on Perjantai, Seitsemän. 14, live on both Univision (12 a.m. JA/PT) and Univision Deportes Network (UDN) (12 a.m. JA/9 p.m. PT).


The unbeaten, 29=year-old Cedillo of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico will replace Brandi Narvaez, who was originally slated to face off with Cortez of Phoenix, mutta joutui vetäytymään vamman.



In the previously announced, world championship bantamweight (135 kiloa) Päätapahtuma, Monterrey’s Levy Saul Marroquin (11-2), the winner of the inaugural, 2017 “COPA COMBATE,” one-night, kahdeksan miehen, $100,000 grand prize tournament, will collide with fellow star Jose “Pochito” Alday (11-3-1) Tucson, Ariz. via Hermosillo, Sonora, Meksiko.



Among the other new fights announced today for the “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” world championship event that will take place at Celebrity Theatre were a featured, live televised lightweight (155 kiloa) contest between undefeated, rising star and Cub Swanson suojattu Rafa “Gifted” Garcia (7-0) ja LaRue "Cannibal" Burley (8-3).



5-jalka-7, 24-year-old Garcia of Palm Springs, Kalifornia., USA by way of Mexicali, Baja California, Meksiko, has been on a tear since he made his professional debut nearly four years ago, defeating all but one of his opponents via (T)KO tai jättämistä.



Burley, a 5-foot-10, 34-vuotiaan, seasoned competitor who hails from Phoenix, has faced off with top level adversaries, and is best known for his upset, Kolmas kierros (3:40) WHO (knee strike to the body and punches) of 2011 NCAA Division I national wrestling champion and previously undefeated MMA prospect Bubba Jenkins on Sept. 20, 2013.



Also announced today was a featherweight (145 kiloa) preliminary bout card contest between two unbeaten prospects – Tino Gilaranz (1-0) Madrid, Spain and Austin Wourms (1-0) Phoenix.



In a 140-pound catchweight matchup on the undercard, Roman “El Gallito” Salazar (12-7) of Mammoth, Ariz., USA will return to La Jaula, torjumaan Americas häkki, for the second time in his career, kohdata Eduardo “El Pube” Alvarado (3-4) Tijuana, Baja California, Meksiko.



Another featherweight scrap will see Javier “Blair” Reyes Rugeles (7-1) of Bogota, Colombiá square off with “Magic” Mike Hamel (5-2) Gilbert, Ariz., Yhdysvallat.



In flyweight action, voittamaton, nouseva tähti Richard Palencia (6-0) Mesa, Ariz. ottavat Federico “The Argentinian Ninja” Oliveira (3-4) of Mendoza, Argentiina.



Battle-tested veterans Yaotzin Meza (21-11) Glendale, Ariz., USA and Gilbert Aguilar (17-18-1) of Phoenix by way of Mexico City, Mexico will collide at featherweight.



Additional preliminary bout matchups for “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” will be announced soon.



Hinnoitellaan $30, tickets for “Combate Americas: Marroquin vs. Alday” are on sale at ja


Doors at Celebrity Theatre open at 6 p.m. PT, with the first preliminary bout beginning at 7 p.m.


Fighters Talk Showdowns käytössä BKFC 2: New Era TämäLauantai, Elokuu 25 alkaen Mississippi Coast Coliseum Biloxi, Mississippi
& Live Pay-Per-View
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvat
Luotto: Phil Lambert / BKFC

BILOXI, NEITI. (Elokuu 23, 2018) – Onnistuneen pitämällä ensimmäiseen lailliseen, säännelty ja seuraamuksia paljain nyrkein tapahtuma Yhdysvalloissa vuodesta 1889 kesäkuussa, Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) palaa tänä lauantaina, Elokuu 25 kanssa “BKFC 2: New Era” alkaen Mississippi Coast Coliseum Biloxi, Mississippi ja live pay-per-view.




Lauantain tapahtuman kehälle tulleet taistelijat puhuivat medialle torstaina Harrahinlahden rannikolla Biloxissa puhuakseen BKFC: stä, heidän vastaavanlainen näyttely ja vielä kaksi päivää ennen monumentaalista taistelu-iltaa.




Lauantain ottelut ovat esillä “Queen Bare Knuckle” bec Rawlings ja nyrkkeilijä Britanniassa Hart, jotka tapaavat 125 kilon yhteenotossa, “Lopullinen taistelija” kauden kolme voittaja Kendall Grove ja Bruce Abramski, jotka kilpailevat 185 kilon ottelussa ja MMA: n ja nyrkkeilyn veteraanina Chris Lytle ja Drew Lipton, kuka saa neliön pois 175 kilon taistelussa.




BKFC 2 nähdään myös BKFC: n raskaansarjan turnauksen välierät I Shewmaker ottamista Maurice Jackson ja Arnold Adamspäin Joey Beltran. Lisäksi, faneja kohdellaan paikallisen vetovoiman ja Gulfportin poliisin kanssa Harris Stephenson, jotka taistelut Jorge Gonzalez 170 kilon ottelussa.




Liput ovat nyt saatavilla yksinoikeudella vaihtelevat $35 kohteeseen $250. “BKFC 2: New Era” välitetään kaikkialla Yhdysvalloissa ja Kanadassa, yksinomaan pay-per-view kautta Multivision Media, Inc., kaikki suuret tv ja streaming jakelupisteitä $29.95.



Tässä on lehdistötilaisuuden osallistujien sanottu torstaina:






“Harjoittelu Kaliforniassa oli hienoa vain sopeutua ajan muutokseen ja säähän, koska Australiassa on talvi. Palasimme takaisin vanhalle kuntosalilleni, Alliance MMA, ja juuri päättänyt leirin siellä. Se oli todella hyvä loppu leirille. Meillä oli aikaa olla tuntematta kiirettä ja päästä taistelutilaan.




“Vastustajani on erittäin luottavainen, Juuri siitä, mitä olen nähnyt hänestä tänään, hän on erittäin luottavainen taitokokonaisuuteensa. Mutta, Minusta tuntuu, että luottamus on joskus ihmisten kaatumista. En usko, että hän tajuaa, että tämä on paljas nyrkkeily. Tämä ei ole ammattimaista nyrkkeilyä, meillä ei ole käsineitä etkä voi päästä eroon tavaroista, joista pääset eroon normaalissa nyrkkeilyssä. Luulen, että se vie minut lyömällä häntä kasvoihin ymmärtääkseni sen.




“Minusta tuntuu ehdottomasti, että minulla on reuna, Minulla on kokemusta paitsi MMA: sta pienten käsineiden kanssa, myös kokemukseni debyyttini BKFC: stä 1. En usko, että se pääsee kolmannen kierroksen ohi.




“Paljaiden rystykokemusten saaminen on valtava etu. Menin viimeiseen taisteluun paljon tuntemattomien kanssa. Minulla oli niin hauskaa siellä ja näin, kuinka tyylini todella sopii tähän urheilulajiin. Otan sen tähän taisteluun. Olen rento, Olen valmis lähtemään ja olen innoissani päästäkseen sinne.




“Luulen, että hän harrastaa itseään nyrkkeilijänä, joten luulen, että hän saattaa tarttua leukansa taakse, kiinni ja liikuta sellaista asiaa. Olen valmis kumpaankin tyyliin. Luulin, että viimeinen vastustajani aikoi tehdä sen, mutta hän tuli keinutellen. Olen valmis molempiin suuntiin. You’re always guaranteed fireworks when I’m fighting. It doesn’t matter who I’m put in front of, you know it has to be a fight, and that’s what you can expect Saturday night.




It’s been really awesome to be a trailblazer for BKFC. I knew I would get some news and some press and that people would like what I’m doing. The support has really been amazing. I’ve gotten so many fans and so much new respect from other fighters as well. It’s definitely taking off, and it’s really cool to be at the forefront of the whole thing.






I don’t really know what to expect. I’m a fighter and I’m of course coming to fight. But we’ll see if I’m going to be a smart fighter like I said I’d be. I could jab and pick my spots and put him away. But then again brawling has got me to where I am and got me a lot of notoriety. So why can’t I do both? Tietenkin, once you get hit, everything goes out the window. Ego gets involved and sometimes you just go for it.




There might be some more stinging and burning than I usually feel in a gloved fight. I sparred without gloves a while ago because I was curious and I felt some of that. My hands felt alright but there is that slightly different sensation from the bone on bone contact.




This is going to be a real fight. I respect my opponent and I know he’s coming to give me his best. He’s going to come for me. But I’m going to do me and figure out how to get the win.




I’m very excited to be a part of BKFC. This is a great organization and I’m going to try to make a great impression on everyone.




It’s definitely been an interesting 48-hours trying to get here from Hawaii. Luckily I was able to take care of everything at home and make sure my family is prepared for the hurricane. Now I’m here and ready to go.






I think no matter what you’re going to see two people who are trying to knock each other out. I don’t believe in decisions. If you got two really tough guys and they land a lot of punches and nobody goes down, you’re going to have a great fight and people are going to like it.




My goal is to go out there and hit him as hard as I can and I think he’s going to have the same strategy against me. So I anticipate a really exciting fight. You’re not going to be bored during our fight.




“Tässä on asia, I’ve had a lot of fights, probably 100 of one form of combat sports or another, so I know what I’m getting in to. I fought many times. There’s going to be a little bit of moving around and me trying to be a little bit smarter. With bare knuckles you can’t do the same things as with gloves on.




This is so cool for me. I always get people talking to me saying: ‘Why don’t you come back for one more fight?’ ‘I want to see you fight.It seems to be the first point of conversation always. So just being able to do this again, Olen erittäin innostunut. I’ve talked to a lot of people who are very excited for me to come back and do something. I look forward for them being able to watch on the pay-per-view level.




I’m really looking forward to being out there and getting the feel of being in the ring again. I’ve had a lot of boxing matches, but I haven’t been able to box in an awful long time, as I was mainly doing UFC. So to be back in the boxing ring is going to make me very happy.




We’re both going to throw hard punches. I think somebody’s going to land a better one and I think somebody’s going to get hurt.






It was an honor to be a part of the first event. It’s history in the making. It’s also a humbling experience and a lot of fun. The fans, the promotional team, and everyone that put it all together just made it a great time.





To be able to have a victory like that, a highlight-reel finish, was amazing. I had never fought on a stage that big and it was just awesome to have the exposure and to be able to put on a good show for the fans.




There’s going to be fireworks Saturday night. It might not be as quick of a finish, but I can tell you it’s not going to be a decision. Somebody is going down I can promise you that.




This is going to be a brawl. He wants to stay on the outside, he’s going to want to use his jab and his straight right to keep me to the outside. I want to get chest to chest with this guy and just bang him up on the inside. So I’m expecting it to be a dog fight and I’m predicting a first-round knockout.






I just want to say that I’m happy to be here and I can’t tell you how special this promotion has been. I’m so thrilled that my home has accepted BKFC with open arms and I hope we can have several more events here.




Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum is a huge venue and I think we’re going to pack it. I’m happy that I’m going to be fighting early on the card, because I want to see these fights myself. These are action-packed bouts and I assure you that you don’t want to miss it.


DAVID FELDMAN, Founder and President of Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




It’s my great pleasure to be here in the great state of Mississippi, which is officially the second state to allow bare knuckle fighting in the history of the United States. I’m very excited about the response we’ve gotten from the fans here and I know the fighters can’t wait to put on a show for them.




It gives me chills to say that we’re here for Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship 2. The first BKFC show was titled ‘The Beginning’, because it was truly the beginning of something special. Now we’ve named this show ‘A New Era’, because we really are officially ushering in a new era in combat sports.




We have some of the best fighters in the world and fighters who have fought on really big stages. They’re all excited to be a part of this growing sport. We have fighters from all around the world stepping into the ring for a slew of sensational matchups.




# # #


Noin Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship




Kesäkuun 2, 2018, Philadelphia-pohjainen Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship (BKFC) teki kamppailulajeja historiaa, kun se edistää ensimmäiseen lailliseen, seuraamuksia ja säännelty paljain nyrkein tapahtuma Yhdysvalloissa vuodesta 1889. “BKFC 1: Alku” tapahtui Cheyenne, Wyoming ja varustellun 10 ammatillinen jaksoja, kaikki alaisuudessa ja valvonnassa Wyomingin taistelunhaluinen Sports komissio.




BKFC käyttää vain perustettu taistelijat, jotka ovat aiemmin kilpailleet ammattimaisesti nyrkkeilyssä, MMA, potkunyrkkeily ja / tai Muay Thai. Kaikki BKFC jaksoja on oikeutettua ja säätelee ABC jäsen Athletic Palkkiot.




Lisätietoja osoitteesta tai seurata Twitterissä osoitteessa @BareKnuckleFC, Instagram klo ja Facebookissa osoitteessa



Photos by Team Juarez

MINNEAPOLIS, MN (Elokuu 23, 2018) – Highly decorated 19-year old amateur standout, Omar El Relampago Juarez, is eager to show the world his talent when he makes his pro debut tomorrow on the PBC prelims on FS1 card in Minneapolis, MN. Juarez, who hails from Brownsville, TX, kohtaavat Devon Hostler (3-8, 3 KOs) in a 4-round super-lightweight bout.




Making my pro debut on national television is a dream come true and I’m very grateful for this opportunity,” said Omar Juarez. “I’ve worked my whole life for this moment and now its time to show the world what I’m made of. I plan to be electrifying when I step in the ring with Hostler.




Yli 120 amateur fights under his belt, Juarez stands 5’9and has a tremendous boxing IQ to go along with lightning fast hand speed. He started boxing at age 8 and won numerous state and national titles. Juarez, nyrkkeilijä-rei'itin, who often switches stances during his fights, feels his style is unique to others in the sport.




I like to make adjustments on the fly and being able to switch from southpaw to conventional is an advantage I have over my opponents,” Juarez continued. “I feel my style is like no other in the sport right now and it will be on display this Friday.




Juarez is also very popular in his hometown of Brownsville TX, where he often does motivational speeches at schools in the area. His following in his hometown is quite fascinating.




Back home I made the decision to start speaking at schools and establish myself as a positive role model to the kids in my area.Juarez continued. “I will have a lot of fans tuning in this Friday when I make my pro debut. I really want to dedicate this first fight to all my people back home in Brownsville who have supported me over the years. I’m thankful for their support.




Juarez is trained his father Rudy Juarez and co-trainer Rick Nunez. Together they will be working Omar’s corner in Minneapolis.




Coverage of prelims begins at 6:30 p.m. JA / 3:30 p.m. PT live on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Friday, Elokuu 24 from the Armory in Minneapolis.

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