Täysi Fight Night -tulokset, Lainausmerkit & Valokuvat BELLATOR MMA:lle 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi

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Täydelliset Fight Night -kuvat täältä – Kiitos: BELLATOR MMA

C-Sergio Pettis (22-5) voitti Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4) kautta KO (pyörivä nyrkki) at 3:24 of round four

Sergio Pettis: – Tulin tänne ja minua hakattiin neljä kierrosta. Milloin se tapahtui, Olin ihan kuin, 'Mies, häviän tämän taistelun. Minun on tehtävä jotain mahtavaa.' Se (ratkaiseva lyönti, joka päätti taistelun) tuli oikeaan aikaan."

"Minun piti kohdata vastoinkäymisiä, ja tänä iltana Horiguchi antoi minulle kaiken sen. Oli vaikea yrittää ajoittaa hänen rytmiään, yrittää saada liikettä alas."

"Valmentajani kertovat minulle aina, 'Jos avaat, voisit olla yksi maailman parhaista." Sitä minä pyrin."

#9-Jeremy Kennedy (17-3, 1 NC) voitti #4-Emmanuel Sanchez (20-7) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Jeremy Kennedy: "En näytä löytävän sitä. Valmentajani vihasivat minulle viimeisessä taistelussani. Minulla on atomipommi. Näin valmentajani sanoi. Se on 100 mailia (tunnissa) pikapallo. minun täytyy käyttää sitä. Viimeinen taistelu, En. Halusin kokeilla ja sekoittaa sitä, muuta tyyliäni. Olin kilpailukykyinen, mutta minun piti palata juurilleni."

”Olisin halunnut sekoittaa sitä hieman enemmän, mutta (Emmanuel) Sanchez on kasvoillasi koko ajan. Oli vaikea sanella tuota laskettua aluetta. Hän tuli juuri minulle."

”Asetin itselleni paljon paineita. Minulle kuoli läheinen ystävä. Hän oli nurkassani muutaman viime taisteluni aikana. En halunnut mennä kotiin tappiolla. En halunnut ottaa ylimääräistä mahdollisuutta. Halusin voittaa jokaisen vaihdon. Halusin voittaa joka sekunti, tämän taistelun joka hetki. En välittänyt miltä se näytti. Minun piti saada "w."

"Seuraavalla kerralla, Aion palata hauskanpitoon ja löytää sen onnellisen välineen. Tämä on Boomille. Minun täytyi nostaa käteni hinnalla millä hyvänsä. En päässyt tästä ilman voittoa."

#7-Josh Hill (21-4) voitti Jared Scoggins (10-2) kautta KO (booli) at :56 kierroksen kaksi

Josh Hill: "Tässä oli kyse ajoituksesta. Tiesimme, että ensimmäisellä kierroksella olisi vaikea saada sitä ajoitusta alas. Hän (Jared Scoggins) oli hyvin hypähtelevä, sisään ja ulos. Että (lyönti, joka päätti tappelun) oli aivan napin päällä."

"Minä kuulun sinne (Bellator MMA World Grand Prix -kilpailussa). Tiedän, että tämä jako on pinottu, joten ymmärrän (miksi häntä ei otettu mukaan). haluan sisään. Jos on vammoja tai vetäytymiä, Olen sinun miehesi."

"Näin hänet (Scoggins) meni alas ja tiesi, että hän oli poissa. Ei ollut mitään järkeä jatkaa."

"Hän (Scoggins) on hyvin perinteinen, karate-esque. Valmentajani ja minä työskentelimme aika paljon ajoituksen kanssa. Tiesin, että ensimmäinen kierros saattaa olla hieman hankala. Sain lyönnin ensimmäisessä, mutta se ei ollut rahasta kiinni. Toisessa (siihen loppui tappelu) oli.”

#5-Johnny Eblen (10-0) voitti Collin Huckbody (10-4) kautta TKO (lyöntejä) at 1:11 of round one

Johnny Eblen: "Halusin lähettää sen kaverin (Huckbody) metaversumiin. Valitettavasti, En voinut tehdä sitä tänä iltana. Olisin voinut esittää paremman esityksen, mutta se on mitä se on."

"John Salter, Allekirjoitin ottelusopimuksen taistellakseni sinua Floridassa, mutta sinä [yksiselitteistä pidätetty] ulos. en tiedä loukkaantuiko, tai sinä [yksiselitteistä pidätetty] ulos. Mutta haluan nähdä sinut tässä [yksiselitteistä pidätetty] häkki, Johannes. Varustaudutaan ja jatketaan sitä."

Aleksanteri Shabli (21-3) voitti Bobby King (10-4) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Kai Kamaka III (9-4-1) voitti John de Jesus (14-10) kautta yksimielinen päätös (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Levan Chokheli (10-1, 1 NC) voitti Vinicius de Jesus (9-5) kautta yksimielinen päätös (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)
Justin montalvo (4-0) voitti Jacob Bohn (10-8) kautta yksimielinen päätös (29-27, 29-28, 29-28)
Mike Hamel (8-5) voitti Killys Mota (12-3) jaetulla päätös (29-28, 28-29, 30-27)
Spike Carlyle (13-3) voitti Dan Moret | (15-7) via jättämisestä (taka-alasti kuristin) at 2:58 kierroksen kolme
Kyle Crutchmer (8-1) voitti #10-Oliver Enkamp (10-3) kautta yksimielinen päätös (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Käy Bellator.com lisätietoja.

2022 on BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix -kilpailun vuosi



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ENKELIT -Se julkistettiin virallisesti tänä iltanaBellator 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi tapahtuma, jossa ensi vuoden arvostettu BELLATOR World Grand Prix järjestetään promootiosarjan uskomattoman pinotussa bantamweight-divisioonassa. Tämän illan 135 punnan MM-taistelun voittajaSergio Pettis jaKyoji Horiguchi puolustaa titteliään ensi vuonna Bantamweight World Grand Prix -kilpailussa, jossa on painoluokan kahdeksan parasta urheilijaa..

Sekä Pettisin että Horiguchin lisäksi, Bantamweight World Grand Prix -kilpailussa nähdään entinen divisioonan mestariJuan Archuleta, Älä. 2 sijoittui-Raufeon Stots, Älä. 3 sijoittui-Hajanainen sekoitus, Älä. 4 sijoittui-Magomed magomedov, Älä. 5 sijoittui-Leandro Higo, ja o. 6 sijoittui-James Gallagher, jotka kaikki kilpailevat oikeudesta tulla nimitetyksi seuraavaksi BELLATOR Bantamweight -maailmanmestariksi ja viedä kotiin miljoonan dollarin pääpalkinto.

Ensimmäisen kierroksen ottelut ja lisätiedot, kuten päivämäärät, paikat ja turnausvaihtoehdot paljastetaan pian.

Kaikki turnauksen ottelut ovat viiden kierroksen kilpailuja ja ne lähetetään Yhdysvalloissa yksinomaan SHOWTIMElla.

Entinen BELLATOR Bantamweight -maailmanmestari Kyoji Horiguchi osallistuu tämän illan kilpailuun ilman sijoitusta promootioon liittyvän passiivisuuden vuoksi. Viralliset BELLATOR-sijoitukset päivitetään ja jaetaan maanantaina, Joulukuu. 6.

Mestari – Sergio Pettis (21-5):

Taistelu Milwaukeesta, Wisc.,Sergio Pettis valloitti BELLATORin bantamweight-kruunun toukokuussa 2021 ohittamalla entinen mestariJuan Archuleta nopeatempoisessa kilpailussa kloBELLATOR 258.Lähes kuuden vuoden aikana, 14-taistele UFC-työssä, Roufusport-tuote kilpaili sekä kärpäs- että kärpässarjassa, keräsi yhdeksän voittoa ja pari "Fight of the Night" -palkintoa Alex Caceresia ja Matt Hobaria vastaan 2014. Ennen hänen UFC-kauttaan, Pettis, entisen UFC-kevytsarjan mestarin Anthony Pettisin nuorempi veli, ansainnut maailmanmestaruuden Resurrection Fighting Alliancen perhosarjassa ja North American Fighting Championshipin 135 punnan sarjassa. Kolmen vaikuttavan voiton jälkeen joistakin divisioonan eliitistä, BELLATORin kurkkusarjan mestari on asetettu suojelemaan vyöään ja virheetöntä 3-0 promootiomerkki turnaukseen osallistumisesta.

Entinen BELLATOR Bantamweight -mestari – Kyoji Horiguchi (29-3):

Takasakista kotoisin, Japani, 31-vuotiasKyoji Horiguchi on hallitseva RIZIN-sarjan mestari, josta tuli tunnetusti samanaikainen, kahden ylennyksen mestari 2019 saatuaan alas ja järkyttää silloisen BELLATOR-mestarin Darrion Caldwellin Madison Square Gardenissa. Valitettavasti, loukkaantuminen pakottaisi Horiguchin luopumaan BELLATOR-tittelinsä 2019, ja hän aikoo nyt saada takaisin vyön päätapahtumassa nykyisen mestarin kanssaSergio Pettis atBellator 272. RIZINin kanssa, American Top Team -tuote keräsi vaikuttavan 10-1 myynninedistämismerkki, korosti kahdeksan maalia ja viisi ensimmäisen kierroksen pudotusta. Lisäksi, yli puolet Horiguchin uran voitoista on tullut tyrmäyksellä. Nyt, saatuaan takaisin RIZIN-painohihnansa ja kostattuaan vasta kolmannen tappionsa 32 retkiä korostuskelalla, avauskierroksen tyrmäys Kai Asakurasta uudenvuodenaattona 2020, japanilainen sensaatio taistelee Coconut Creekistä, Fla., pyrkii saamaan käsiinsä BELLATORin tittelin

Älä. 1 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – Juan Archuleta (25-3):

Bantamweight World Grand Prix -sarjan kanssa, entinen BELLATORin maailmanmestari ja nro. 1-sijoittuiJuan Archuleta näkee selkeän tien 135 punnan kruunun takaisin saamiseen. Aseistettuna 25 ammatillisia voittoja, mukaan lukien 12 kautta K.O. tai jättämistä, "espanjalaisella" ei ole ongelmia pysäyttää vastustajat BELLATOR-häkin sisällä. Entinen neljän sarjan King of the Cage -maailmanmestari, jolla on voittoja Patchy Mixistä, Henry Corrales, ja Ricky Bandejas, pyrkii pitämään tämän trendin käynnissä koko Grand Prix:n ajan.

Älä. 2 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – Raufeon Stots (17-1):

Pidetään yhtenä maailman parhaista 135 kiloa painavista hävittäjistä, Raufeon “Supa” Stots on ollut otsikkokeskustelussa hänen jälkeensä 2019 BELLATOR debyytti. Tällä hetkellä yhdeksän ottelun voittoputki, No. 2-ranking bantamweight on voittanut joitakin BELLATORin parhaista, mukaan lukien Magomed Magomedov ja Josh Hill, tukahduttamalla vastustajat huipputason kamppailukyvyllä. Urheilu lähes täydellistä 17-1 ennätys, Roufusport-tuotteella ja kaksinkertaisella NCAA Division II -mestarilla on nyt mahdollisuus kilpailla kauan odotetusta kruunusta.

Älä. 3 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – Hajanainen sekoitus (15-1):

Hän esittää kuudennen mainosesiintymisensä BELLATOR-sateenvarjon alla, Angolan ylpeys, N.Y., on kerännyt kahden ensimmäisen kierroksen lähetysvoittoja kokoaessaan a 4-1 ennätys Scott Cokerin johtaman promootiokampanjan kanssa. 28-vuotias Buffalo, N.Y.. syntyperäinen näyttää rakentavansa viimeisimmän voittonsaBellator 270 James Gallagherin yli vastustajansa kotikaupungissa Dublinissa, Irlanti, viime kuussa. Ennen BELLATOR-aikaansa, Mix hallitsi kilpailua alueellisella näyttämöllä keräten yhdeksän omaansa 15 ammatillisia voittoja, mukaan lukien viisi ensimmäisen kierroksen maalia. Nyt, lähetysasiantuntija kohtaa uransa vaikeimman haasteen, laukaus turnaukseen $1 miljoonan palkinnon ja BELLATORin 135 punnan hihnan.

Älä. 4 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – Magomed magomedov (18-2):

Hihnojen vangitsemisen jälkeen eri organisaatioissa, Dagestanin ilmiöMagomed magomedov toivoo voivansa lisätä kokoelmaansa viemällä kotiin BELLATOR-kultaa. Kerää vaikuttavaa 18-2 uraennätys kanssa 12 viimeistelyn kautta, "Tiger" on tehnyt nopean vaikutuksen BELLATORin 135 punnan divisioonaan joulukuustaan ​​lähtien 2020 promootiodebyytti noustamalla sijalle No. 4 rankingissa. Hänellä on sekä raju vauhti että ylivoimainen kamppailukyky, Magomedovilla on potentiaalia olla painajainen kenelle tahansa BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix -kilpailussa..

Älä. 5 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – Leandro Higo (21-5):

Kun paino on pudonnut 135 kiloon, Leandro Higo on ollut kyynelissä voittamalla kolme peräkkäistä ottelua ja varoittanut koko sarjan sarjan.. Kuuluisan Pitbull Brothers -leirin ohjauksessa, brasilialainen selviää kovasta taistelusta, jaetun päätöksen voitto entisestä Bantamweight-maailmanmestari Darrion CaldwellatistaBellator 259 toukokuussa 2021. Kuten 12 Higosista 21 pro-voitot ovat tulleet alistumisesta, koko haarukka tietää, että nro. 5-rankattu bantamweight ei ole helppo ulos.

Älä. 6 Sijoitettu Bantamweight – James Gallagher (11-2):

Kotoisin Strabanesta, Irlanti, yksi MMA:n taitavimmista nuorista taistelijoista pyrkii saamaan uransa 12. voittonsa turnauksessa, jossa on 135 punnan kykyjä. Maalin jälkeen Anthony Taylorin yli kloBellator 169 joulukuussa 2016 ja pari ensimmäisen kierroksen ehdotusta seuraavana vuonna, "The Strabanimal" on voittanut neljä voittoa viimeisten kuuden kilpailunsa aikana, mukaan lukien kolme ensimmäisen kierroksen maalia ja kohokohtakelan 35 sekunnin voitto kloBellator 227. Valmiina nuoren uransa suurimpaan testiin, entisen SBG Ireland -tuotteen tarkoituksena on karistaa entisen harjoituskumppanin varjo, Conor McGregor, ja täydentää omaa perintöään ampumalla BELLATORin kultaa.

KäyBellator.com lisätietoja.


Tornado goes to the movies: rocky iV remastered review

mukaan: Tony “the Tornado” Penecale (yläpuolella)

Here is my review of the Rocky vs Drago movie plus a photo with the movie poster. Guess who walked out with it!

So I went to see the Rocky vs Drago Director’s Cut film last night.

Here are 2 spoilers that shouldn’t be spoilers. Apollo still dies and Rocky still wins.

So the movie had approximately 40 minutes of new footage. It also kept approximately the same run time so with 40 minutes of new footage, there is nearly 40 minutes of omitted footage.

Now for some spoilers. If you don’t want anything spoiled, I suggest you stop reading here.

There were two shots that I really hoped would have been edited out for this film but somehow still made it in. I’ll get to them later.

So I’ll breakdown some of the changes/additions/omissions and give my thoughts.

1) New opening. Usually, it starts with the ROCKY title scrolling across the bottom to one of the series signature songs. Then it breaks into the last round of the previous movie. This movie starts with various clips from Rocky 3 including Rocky’s loss to Clubber Lang, Apollo talking him out of retiring, and the climatic fight scene. It completely omits the Rocky and Apollo sparring session. I was not a fan of the new opening. I am used to the normal movie openings that last 2-3 minutes and set the stage for the new installment. I wasn’t a fan of the song they usedSweetest Victorywhich is on the Rocky IV soundtrack but never used in the original.

2) No robot. While this was seen as a cross between corny and creepy (Paulie’s girlfriend?), the omission of the robot, likely due to licensing agreements, meant that many scenes with Paulie or Rocky Jr had to be cut including Paulie’s birthday scene.

3) The new Drago introduction press conference explains that they tried to arrange a fight with Rocky. I thought that was good but they cut out Drago’s wife comparing him to Popeye eating spinach. Itse asiassa, a lot of Brigitte Nielsen’s dialogue was cut. Could it be because of herrockyrelationship with Stallone?

4) The reasoning for Apollo to take the fight was improved. Kyllä, he still shows up out of nowhere and part of the table scene had to be cut (no robot, remember) but they talked about how Rocky ignored the challenge and Apollo feeling the need to take it.

5) I thought the omission of the whole pre-fight dressing room scene with Rocky and Apollo was a mistake. Not only does it cut one of my favorite linesI didn’t say anything about snails, I said Nails N-N-Nailsbut it shows Apollo’s overconfidence and Rocky’s trepidation. The only part of the original dressing room scene that is preposterous is where Rocky was trying to convince Apollo to postpone. Seriously, who postpones 5 minutes before they are scheduled to walk to the ring?

6) The Creed-Drago fight was greatly improved. Except for the one shot they left in from the original where Apollo is clearly not wearing gloves. They missed that edit the first time. How did they miss it again? The fight was extended and Apollo got up after an early knockdown and kept trying to fight back.

7) Apollo’s funeral was extended and improved with his father-figure Duke giving a speech and Rocky giving a more emotional speech.

8) The scene with the boxing commission not sanctioning the fight between Rocky and Drago was included as it was shown in the original 1985 trailer but cut from that movie.

9) The scene of Rocky talking to his son before leaving was extended and improved.

10) The training montages were slightly changed and some edits to the scenes in Russia.

11) The final fight was still enjoyable. There were some added elements to it.

12) Two of the better movie speeches were changed to voiceovers. Apollo in the dressing room telling Rocky he would understand when it was over was changed to voiceover in Rocky’s head. The epic speech to Adrian where he said Drago would have to kill him to beat him was also changed to an inner-monologue voiceover. I definitely think that was a mistake because it takes the charm away from seeing the facial expressions of Apollo and Rocky respectively as they said those lines.

13) The moment before the final round when Drago’s manager ran from his balcony seat with the Kremlin to berate Drago in his corner. I was hoping that if any scene was cut, it would be that one. I would rather there be a scene of Paulie marrying the robot and announcing she was pregnant than this scene. I hated it in 1985 (when I was 9 vuotias) and I hate it now. There is 60 seconds between rounds of a boxing match. This man ran from the balcony, through the crowd, got to Drago’s corner, and berated him in less than one minute. Drago, for having endured 14 punishing rounds, is able to stand up and lift him with one arm before dropping him off the apron. Talk about taking some serious liberties.

14) The fight end. You get used to the way a Rocky fight ends. He scores the big knockdown, his opponent struggles to get up, and ultimately falls back down as the count reaches 10. This one, Drago goes down, makes a move to get back up, a falls flat. The referee stops with no count at all. I also hated Rocky’s leap at the end. In the original, he was lifted in the air as he stood there exhausted by triumphant. This one looks like he is able to do a leaping swan dive into a pool.

15) The speech is different. He couldn’t reference his kid because showing him would show the robot. I was glad in a way they cut the scenes of the kids watching the fight. It always posed some serious questions to me. If Rocky, Adrian, and Paulie were all in Russia, who was watching the 9 year old kid? The robot? Who is going to let an unsupervised 9 year old watch a fight where there is a fear that his father could be killed? The part of the speech that was comical was Rocky’s talk about change. He mentioned his friend (Apollo) couldn’t change and now he’s dead. Vau. Way to perk up the crowd there, Rock!

Overall it was enjoyable. The changed scenes and alternate takes threw off the cadence so you were in truth watching a new movie. There were a lot of scenes in this film that I prefer to the original (the extended Creed-Drago fight, the extended funeral, Rocky meeting with the commission). There were some scenes that I think should have been kept (Rocky and Apollo in the dressing room, Mrs. Drago talking about her husband, etc). There were a few things that I definitely prefer the original, most notably the superior intro scrolling logo/final round of previous movie scene.

So in my conclusion, there needs to be a Director’s Cut of the Director’s Cut and combine the best of the original and the best of the new version.

We can call this oneRocky IV Take III: The Tornado Cut

Tornado 🌪


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Portland, Maine (Marraskuu 30, 2021) - New England Fights (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) tapahtuma, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. Aiemmin tänään, NEF ilmoittanut lisäksi ammatillinen höyhenenkevyt bout taistella kortti. Former NEF Amateur Featherweight ChampionNathaniel Grimard (0-0) is scheduled to take onAnthony Vasta (0-0) klo taistelu paino 145-kiloa.

Nathaniel Grimard made his NEF MMA debut in September 2019 at “NEF 40: School of Hard Knocks.” That night, Grimard submitted Justin Kangas (0-3) via armbar in the first round. During the pandemic lockdown, Grimard competed twice in Florida and improved his record to 3-0. His unbeaten record positioned Grimard to challenge for the then vacant NEF Featherweight Championship. Elokuussa, Grimard stopped Brandon Maillet-Fevens (3-2) in the second round at “NEF 44: Back in Black” to become the 145-pound titleholder. Grimard got right back in the cage at “NEF 45: Uprising” to defend his strap against Billy Wilson (7-1) from the famed Jackson Wink MMA camp in New Mexico. Grimard lost a laborious five-round decision that made Wilson the new champion. Nyt, Grimard hits the reset switch as he plans to turn professional against NEF newcomer, Anthony Vasta. Grimard edustaa Somersworthin Nostos MMA:ta, New Hampshire, jossa hän harjoittelee UFC:n ja Bellator-veteraanien johdolla, ja entinen NEF Professionalin kevytsarjan mestari, Devin Powell (10-5).

“I can’t imagine a better way to start my pro career than on NEF’s 10th anniversary card,” Grimard stated. “I have big goals for myself and I’m ready to take on anybody in my way. I have nothing but respect for Vasta and his martial arts skills, but I have never been more focused.”

Anthony Vasta will also be making his professional debut at NEF 46. Vasta and Grimard made their respective MMA amateur debuts within a couple of months of each other. Vasta and Grimard share another common tie, as both competed on the same card in Florida during the pandemic. Vasta has a 1-1 amateur record and trains at Defensive Edge Martial Arts Academy in Wakefield, Massachusetts.

“Being able to make my professional debut against another rising New England fighter that I respect is exciting,” Vasta stated. “It’s time to take the next step in my career, put my skills to the test, and seize the opportunity. My style is really unorthodox and hard to prepare for. I plan to go out there and put on a dominant performance against another tough prospect of this division.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Ovet avataan klo 6 iltapäivällä ensimmäisen taistelun kanssa klo 7 pm. Liput ovat nyt myynnissä klowww.Ticketmaster.com

BELLATOR MMA vahvistaa täyden taistelukortin BELLATOR MMA:lle 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi SHOWTIMEssa tänä perjantaina, Joulukuu. 3 at 10 P.m. ET/PTBELLATOR MMA vahvistaa täyden taistelukortin BELLATOR MMA:lle 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi SHOWTIMEssa tänä perjantaina, Joulukuu. 3 at 10 P.m. ET / PT


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ENKELIT - BELLATOR MMA on vahvistanut täyden taistelukortinBELLATOR MMA 272: Pettis vs Horiguchikortti Mohegan Sun Arenalla Uncasvillessä, Conn. Tapahtuma painaa leiman 2021 kalenterivuosi ja sen on määrä alkaa SHOWTIME klo10 p.m. ET / PT.

Pinottu alustava kortti lähetetään suorana BELLATOR MMA YouTube -kanavalla, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanava ja Pluto TV alkaen klo7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT.

Vuonna päätapahtuma ilta, BELLATORin nykyinen maailmanmestariSergio Pettis (21-5) asettaa vyön linjaan entistä 135-kiloisen BELLATOR-tittelinhaltijaa ja nykyistä RIZIN-mestaria vastaanKyoji Horiguchi (29-3). Yhteispäätapahtumassa esiintyy entinen höyhensarjan maailmanmestaruushaastaja nro. 4-sijoittuiEmmanuel Sanchez (20-6) verrattuna entiseen UFC erottuvaan ja nro. 9-sijoittuiJeremy Kennedy (16-3, 1 NC).

Pääkortin ankkurointi on myös UFC-veteraanien välinen bantamweight-otteluJared Scoggins (10-1) ja o. 7-sijoittuiJosh Hill (20-4), sekä voittamaton American Top Team -tuote, ja o. 5-sijalla keskisarjassaJohnny Eblen (9-0), joka haluaa suojella virheetöntä levyään BELLATORin tulokkaaltaCollin Huckbody (10-3).

Yhteensä seitsemän jännittävää taistelua, theBELLATOR MMA 272 alustavaa korttia korostavat pari keskisarjan kilpailua ruotsalaisen lähetysasiantuntijan nro. 10-sijoittuiOliver Enkamp (10-2) ja entinen Oklahoma State Universityn painiKyle Crutchmer (7-1) sekäLevan Chokheli (9-1, 1 NC) jaVinicius de Jesus (9-4).

HavaijiKai Kamaka III (8-4-1) palaa Scott Cokerin johtamaan promootioon, kun hän valmistautuu taisteluunJohn de Jesus (14-9) in höyhenenkevyt toiminta, kun taasDan Moret |(15-6) jaSpike Carlyle (12-3) tapaavat 160 kilon sopimuspainon ottelussa.

Lisäksi on ilmoitettu kolmesta ylimääräisestä kevyestä ottelusta, joissa on venäläinen sensaatioAleksanteri Shabli (20-3) ottaa vastaan ​​UtahinBobby King (10-3), Killys Mota (12-2) taisteleeMike Hamel (8-5), jaJustin montalvo(3-0) neliön kanssaJacob Bohn (10-7)

LiputBELLATOR MMA 272 ovat nyt myynnissä ja niitä voi ostaa osoitteestaTicketmaster.com jaBellator.com.

Täydelliset ottelutiedot ovat alla:


Perjantai, Joulukuu. 3 - jatka elämääSHOWTIME

10 p.m. ET / PT

Pantamisarjan maailmanmestaruusottelu: C-Sergio Pettis (21-5) vs.Kyoji Horiguchi (29-3)

Featherweight bout: #4-Emmanuel Sanchez (20-6) vs. #9-Jeremy Kennedy (16-3, 1 NC)

Huippupainoinen ottelu: Josh Hill(20-4) vs.Jared Scoggins(10-1)

Keskisarja bout: #5-Johnny Eblen (9-0) vs.Collin Huckbody (10-3)


BELLATOR MMA YouTube-kanava | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube-kanava | Pluto-TV 

7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Kevyt boutAleksanteri Shabli (20-3) vs.Bobby King (10-3)

Featherweight boutJohn de Jesus (14-9) vs.Kai Kamaka III (8-4-1)

Welterweight bout: Levan Chokheli (9-1, 1 NC) vs.Vinicius de Jesus (9-4)

Kevyt bout: Justin montalvo (3-0) vs.Jacob Bohn (10-7)

Kevyt bout: Killys Mota (12-2) vs.Mike Hamel (8-5)

160-Punnan sopimuspaino: Dan Moret | (15-6) vs.Spike Carlyle (12-3)

Welterweight bout: #10-Oliver Enkamp (10-2) vs.Kyle Crutchmer (7-1)

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Ilmaiseksi. Joulukuu. 3 // Bellator 272: Pettis vs. Horiguchi// Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, CT

Rematch of 2021 N.E. Fight of the Year Wilfredo Pagan vs. Carlos Marrero, III headlines “New England’s Future VIII” Dec. 18th in Webster, Massachusetts

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Joulukuu. 18th in Webster, Massachusetts

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WORCESTER, Massa. (Marraskuu 29, 2021) – The rematch of the unofficial 2021 New England Fight of the Year will headline the December 18th “New England Future VIII” event, esittämä Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), highlighting Webster’s (MA) first professional boxing event in 27 vuotta, at Webster Town Hall.

Puerto Rico-native Wilfredo “El Sucaro” Pagan (6-1-1, 3 KOs), fighting out of Southbridge (MA), and Bridgeport’s (CT) Carlos Marrero, III (2-6-2), fought to an entertaining 6-round split draw this past August 14th Worcester (MA).

“I am very excited we were able to get the rematch between Pagan and Marrero so quick,” RPE promoter Jose Antonio Rivera commented. “These two warriors put their heart and soul in their last fight and the fans were not disappointed. As a promoter these are the type of fights we love to put together. We are 3 weeks away from another great boxing event to see some talented up and coming future champions. Webster Town Hall is going to be electric!"

Pagan and Marrero will be fighting once again for the vacant New England Super Lightweight Championship in the Dec.18th 6-round main event.

The original Pagan-Marrero was non-stop, action-packed throw-down which the judges’ scored 58-56 in favor or Pagan, 55-59 for Marrero, ja 57-57. The scoring was originally announced as a split-decision win for Marrero but, in retrospect, both fighters have taken the emotional outcome changes in stride. Some fuel, vaikka, has been poured on the fire, largely through social media.

“When the fight was done,” Pagan commented, “as a fighter, you know if your fight was won, lost or very close. It was a little close, but that I won the fight. When the decision was announced that he had won, I closed my eyes, because it reminded me of my amateur career. I definitely won a few fights, I dominated, but I didn’t get the decision. Anything can happen when it goes into the judges’ hands. The judges didn’t see me winning, okei, but then they reversed the decision. I thought that they had gotten it right and I had won, but it was announced as a draw. Se on mitä se on, okei, because the judges’ job isn’t as easy as people think. They saw ups and downs and had it a draw.

“II was thinking, here we go again, when it was announced a draw,” Marrero said. “For some reason, every time I fight in Massachusetts it’s always controversial. I had dropped to my knees in happiness and when the second announcement was made, I thought they were giving him the win. A draw? I’m not upset but I was surprised because I felt I had won. I went home thinking it was a draw, not a loss, and hopefully we’d have a rematch. And we do December 18th."

Pagan vs. Marrero is an example of not needing two great fighters to have a great fight. They’re evenly matched and both fighters have tremendous heart.

“People had asked if I wanted a rematch and I said, kyllä, I’m thinking about it because it was a draw,” Pagan offered. “I wasn’t going to say no if it was offered, but the No. 1 reason for me to fight him is for the New England Championship. As long as I fought him for the title, I was for it because I want to fight for the belt and that’s what is my target. That was my feeling at the beginning, but things changed a little, because he changed. I don’t know what people told him, I’m not some kid and I had a lot of respect for him. But then he started texting me. I don’t know if it was to spice up this fight, but he crossed the line. He said a lot he shouldn’t have said. I’ always humble and respect all fighters because they’re risking their lives. I don’t know why he said what he did, but he’s given me even more motivation. I want that belt! I’m training double to beat him and shut his month. I still have some respect for him, but it’s not the same.

“I made a lot of mistakes in our first fight and made the fight much harder than it was supposed to be. I’ve been working on adjustment and, hopefully, joulukuuta 18th it will pay-off.”

“I always have a little room for improvement after a fight, and we saw some things I needed to improve for the rematch,” Marrero explained. “I’m more mentally prepared to do things and will be much smarter in the ring. Fyysisesti, I’m a lot stronger and sharper. The key for me is being mentally prepared and sharper. His (Pagan’s) opponent for his last fight fell out and my manager, Nate Torres, contacted me saying I had been offered an opportunity to fight Pagan. Without hesitation, Sanoin kyllä. I’m always in the gym and ready to fight. I came in 2-pounds under and I’m on weight right now for this fight. The only thing I had to prepare for is he’s a southpaw.

“We had a great fight. He probably thinks he won a few rounds, I felt I won the fight. He missed more and I connected with the cleaner punches the judges could see. In the third or fourth round, I hurt him with a body shot. He folded and I hit him with another good shot.”

In co-varustellun tapahtuma, Danbury (CT) super lightweight Omar “The Beast” Bordoy (11-1, 3 KOs) faces an opponent to be determined in the 6-round match.

Promising Boca Raton (FL) super welterweight prospect Josniel “TG” Castro (7-0, 5 KOs) is steps up in terms of quality opposition in a 6-rounder versus Lenwood “Mr. Composure” Dozier (10-28-3, 5 KOs).

Worcester super middleweight Bobby “BH3” Harris, III (3-0-1), a two-time national amateur champion and World Games Silver medalist, will meet David Rohn (0-10-1) in a 4-round super middleweight bout.

Undefeated Worcester cruiserweight prospect Derek “Hightower” Edmonds (3-0, 2 KOs), a 3-time N.E. Golden Gloves mestari, has been added to the card in a 4-round bout against TBA.

Worcester middleweight Eslih Owusu (6-0, 4 KOs), a native of Ghana, faces Anthony Everett (1-0), Lawrence, in a 4-rounder.

Also fighting on the under undercard in 4-round matches are New Haven (CT) super lightweight Anuel Rosa (2-0, 2 KOs) vs. Stacy Anderson (0-8), and Bridgeport super lightweight Oscar Bonilla (6-3-2, 1 KO) vs. Seth Basler (0-17).

Kortti edellyttää muutosta.

Liput hinnoitellaan $75.00 (reserved seating) ja $45.00 (Pääsylippu) and available for purchase or by contacting Jose Rivera (elgallojar@gmail.com/508.864.6954), AJ Rivera (anthoneerivera@gmail.com/774.272.2269) tai jollekin taistelijat.

Ovet avataan klo 6 p.m. JA, ensimmäinen ottelu at 7 p.m. JA.

Event sponsors include Shamrock Sports, Lundgren Honda, Greatest Hits Cannabis Company, Lake Shore Legal LCC Attorneys at Law, Emmloan, 616 Reality LLC, Drafters Sports Café, and Asmar Jewelz.

Viserrys: @RiveraPromoEnt, @JoseRiveraChamp, @KingRivera_

Al Bernstein Emcees House of Boxing Champions Event

House of Boxing Champions Chrystal Safety Award Event: Joulukuu 15, 2021
The House of Boxing is a Nationally recognized 501 (c)3 charitable organization. HOBC will be hosting a recognition ceremony for the City Boxing Club (Las Vegas) on behalf of Coach Larry Wade.

About Coach Larry Wade
Coach Larry Wade has received 8 world titles as a Strength and Conditioning Coach. He has an impressive professional boxing clientele which includes, but is not limited to, Shawn Porter (WBC Champion, IBF maailmanmestari), Badou Jack (Jumalainen, WBC Super Middle Weight World Champion), Caleb Plant (IBF Super Middle Weight World Champion) and Rolando Romero (WBA Light Weight interim World Champion). Coach Wade has had over 30 fights in 2020 ja 2021 and has only lost 3 heistä. Hänellä on 3 pay-per-view world title fights scheduled within the next 30 päivää.

About the City Boxing Club and the BEST program under the leadership of Armin Van Damme
The City Boxing Club was established in 2017 as a program dedicated to assist at-risk youth to stay out of the penal system and/or provide a positive transition back into family and community for incarcerated youth. Youth are referred to the “BEST” program through the Department of Juvenile Justice, Clark County School District, or directly from families. City Boxing Club train youth, while they are incarcerated, to transition back to their families and their communities. They also train Juveniles the from Evening Reporting Center (ERC) and provide free gym memberships once youth has successfully completed their programs. The BEST program emphasizes recreational therapy, provides positive mentorships, develops communication and stress management skills, and critical thinking.

HOBC’s Impact
The House of Boxing Champions was created to support local youth boxing gyms around the country. HOBC targets youth that are most at-risk or have been previously incarcerated. Donations to HOBC are used to help pay for gym membership fees, facility fees, training safety equipment and competition travel grants.

About our Event
The event will be held on December 15, 2021 alkaa 3:30 p.m. The award presentation ceremony will begin at 4:30 iltapäivällä, at 3401 Sammy Davis Jr. Ajaa. Las Vegas, NV, 89109-000. Al Bernstein will serve as the Master of Ceremony and it will be hosted by the House of Boxing Champions . There will be a boxing memorabilia auction, raffle sales. giveaways, and HOBC’s pop-up shop (t-shirts, caps, jne.) Refreshments, light lunch, music will be provided. You can become a sponsor by visiting www.houseofboxing.com or contacting an HOBC staff member.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Portland, Maine (Marraskuu 26, 2021) - New England Fights (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) tapahtuma, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. Aiemmin tänään, NEF announced the addition of an amateur championship bout to the fight card. NEF Flyweight ChampionTyler Smythe (3-1) is scheduled to defend his title against former NEF Flyweight ChampionRyan "Gordo" Burgess (3-2) at a fight weight of 125 kiloa.

Tyler Smythe notched his third MMA win and captured coveted NEF gold in the process when he recently stopped previously undefeated flyweight prospect Caleb “Dr. Feelgood” Austin (5-1) in a “Fight of the Night” performance at “NEF 45: Uprising.” Down on the scorecards but not discouraged, Smythe waged a come-from-behind victory to earn the technical knockout (WHO) stoppage over Austin in the final second of the fourth round of their championship bout. Never one to slow down, Smythe, who is trained by Nate Libby out of Evolution Athletix in Saco, Maine, is anxious to make an immediate turnaround and defend his title against a former NEF Champion.

“From bell to bell, every round, I’ll be going at this kid like he owes me money,” Smythe stated. “I want a quick finish. Ryan doesn’t deserve to be in that cage with me. February 12th, I’ll show why I’m the NEF flyweight champ.”

Ryan Burgess is no stranger to championship challenges. Hailing from Rumford, Maine, Burgess is one of only four Mountain Valley High School mat men to ever win triple state crowns in wrestling. Hän keräsi hämmästyttävän 151-23 overall high school record before graduating and turning his attention to mixed martial arts. Burgess quickly made a name for himself in MMA when he won the NEF Flyweight Championship in November 2015 with a split-decision nod over then Champion Dustin Veinott (5-4). When Burgess last competed, he displayed a dangerous Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) game off his back in defeating Nate Boucher (0-1) in a heated hometown rivalry. Porvari, a BJJ purple belt, trains under Jason “JB” Bell and fights out of Bell’s Famoso BJJ.

“I’m super excited to make my return on NEF’s 10-year anniversary show,” Burgess stated. “It’s been a long time coming for me to return to the cage and I can’t think of a more perfect scenario than coming back and regaining my flyweight title with a finish over Smythe. It’s been three years since I’ve competed, but my coach, Jason Bell, and I have been putting in work behind the scenes. I can’t wait to showcase my skills and put on a show for the fans.

“Smythe seems like a tough opponent, and it was no easy feat for him to defeat Caleb Austin for the belt,” Burgess continued. “With that being said, I see many holes in his game that I plan to exploit come February 12th. I hope he’s not expecting the same fighter he’s watching in the three-plus-year-old film he’s researching to better understand me. Mentally and skillfully, I am a far superior fighter compared to my previous bouts and only my training partners actually know the weapons I’ll be bringing into that cage to get the job done. Smythe may rethink his entire pursuit of a professional MMA career when I’m finished with him. The pressure I’m going to bring would melt any of these amateur flyweights in New England and come February they will all be on notice.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Ovet avataan klo 6 iltapäivällä ensimmäisen taistelun kanssa klo 7 pm. Liput ovat nyt myynnissä klowww.Ticketmaster.com

Don King Returns to Ohio to Present WBC Cruiserweight Champion Fight on Saturday, Tammikuu. 29 Pitting Makabu & Mchunu

DEERFIELD BEACH, FL (Marraskuu 26, 2021)—Homecoming At Last! The fight for the forgotten people (the homeless, poor, and downtrodden people) will benefit from this championship doubleheader.

The world’s greatest boxing promoter, Don King, will return to his home state of Ohio on Saturday, Tammikuu. 29, 2022, as he presents another blockbuster for the forgotten people, who won’t be forgotten any more, world championship fight pitting WBC Cruiserweight Champion Ilunga Junior Makabu and the number one challenger, WBC Silver Champion Thabiso Mchunu.

The WBC world championship fight for the love of the people, will be held at the W.D. Packard Music Hall in Warren, OH. In addition to Makabus-Mchunu, a special 10-round heavyweight sensational attraction will pit undefeated Jonathan Guidry (18-0-2, 10 KOs) of Dulac, Louisiana risking his perfect record against Alonzo Butler (34-3-2, 25 KOs) of Chattanooga, TN.

Kuningas, who represents Makabu, came to an agreement with Mchunu’s representatives on the 12-round world championship fight, and the winner will advance to fight Mexico’s great champion Canelo Alvarez in the month of May.

Alvarez will be ringside in Warren, OH to see who his next opponent will be.

“This is going to be one action packed WBC world championship fight with a very big fight on the horizon for the winner,” said King. “They are both warriors and this war for the recognition of the homeless will start the new year in grand style, recognizing the homeless, and helping others.”

Makabu (28-2 kanssa 25 KOs) is from the Democratic Republic of The Congo, defended his championship in his hometown of Kinshasa as he stopped Nigeria’s Olanrewaju Durodola with two solid left hooks in the seventh round last December.

Makabu, who has won his last nine decisions, won the vacant title on Jan. 31, 2020 in winning a unanimous decision against Michael Cieslak.

Thabiso (23-5, 13 KOs), who hails from South Africa and is nicknamed “The Rock”, became the WBC Silver Titlist with a unanimous decision over Denis Lebedev on Dec. 21, 2019. He last defended his title and scored another unanimous victory over Evgeny Tishchenko on March 27, 2021. Thabiso has won his last four fights.


LEHDISTÖTIEDOTE: Portland, Maine (Marraskuu 24, 2021) - New England Fights (NEF) returns with its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) tapahtuma, "NEF 46: Decade of Dominance,” on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. The leading regional promotion launched on February 11, 2012. Aiemmin tänään, NEF announced the addition of an amateur welterweight bout to the fight card.Jon Assam (2-3) is scheduled to take on former lightweightJustin Kangas (0-3) klo taistelu paino 170 kiloa.

Jon Assam will have fought for NEF for four straight years when he steps in the cage on February 12th. The Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) staple most recently made Austin Hamilton (0-3) retire on the stool in between rounds when they faced-off at the Hampshire Dome last August at “NEF 44: Back in Black” in New Hampshire. Assam will be looking to extend his win streak to two when he shares the cage with Kangas in February.

“I’m very excited to be part of another NEF event, always good cards and good fights,” Assam stated. “I don’t like to do much talking outside of the cage, but my opponent can expect the same thing I expect from him—the best version of ourselves—and we’ll see whose best is better.”

Justin Kangas has struggled to find his first win in NEF, having dropped losses to a who’s who of young up and coming talent including Nate “The Mule White (5-0) and former NEF Featherweight Champion Nathaniel Grimard (4-1). Standing 6’3”, the cut to 155-pounds has always been a struggle for the moonlighting mixed martial artist who spends his days working as a school principal. Having finally found the rhythm between his professional life and passion for training, Kangas is confident that the move up in weight class will help him secure that elusive first win in the NEF hexagon.

“I am extremely excited to step back into the NEF cage. It has been far too long. Covid has been rough on us all in a variety of ways, but if there is a silver lining, it’s that it gave me a ton of time to work on my deficits. When I first started fighting for NEF, I was only nine months into my training, and I was a fish out of water on the ground. Each fight gave me a lot to reflect on and gave me a full picture of what needed to change. Covid may have stopped a lot of things in our country, but it didn’t stop me from training and growing as a fighter.

“My weaknesses have become new passions and strengths for me. Losing and identifying faults doesn’t break me down. It excites me. Nothing is more rewarding than improving yourself. Have no doubt, I have done just that.

“After all the time off, I made the decision to jump up a weight class. I have been working hard to put on weight the right way over the last year and a half and have come leaps and bounds in my confidence and technique on the feet, the cage and the ground. I am a far more well-rounded and skilled fighter. I look forward to showing off that work.

“Jon Assam is a veteran in the NEF cage and he always goes to war. I am excited to share the cage with him and I know the fans won’t be disappointed. I took this fight because I knew it would push me to my limits and that’s how exciting fights are made. I don’t take fights looking for an easy win to pad my record. I’m here to push and challenge myself. My past three opponents have a combined record of 12-4. Expect nothing less than a battle in that cage.”

"NEF 46: Decade of Dominance” takes place on Saturday, Helmikuu 12, 2022, at Aura in Portland, Maine. The event will commemorate NEF’s ten-year anniversary. Ovet avataan klo 6 iltapäivällä ensimmäisen taistelun kanssa klo 7 pm. Liput ovat nyt myynnissä klowww.Ticketmaster.com

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