Selina Barrios Training Camp Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

Unbeaten 135-Pound NABF Champion Faces Unbeaten Foe Patricia Juarez Saturday, Қыркүйек 22, Live From Whataburger Field in Corpus Christi, Техас.
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА for Photos from Mario Serrano

Сан-Антонио, TX (Қыркүйек 13, 2018) – Undefeated NABF Lightweight champion, Селина “ацтектер Queen” Төңірегі (4-0, 2 КО) is getting ready for her Corpus Christi Showdown on September 22, 2018, against Patricia Juarez (4-0), sister of WBC Bantamweight champion, Мариана “Барби” Juarez (50-9-4, 13 КО).

On the line will be Selina’s NABF Lightweight title. The 10-round bout will take place at Whataburger Field, home to the Corpus Christi Hooks, the double-A affiliate of the Houston Astros.

Training camp has begun and this is what Barrios has had to say:

On her recent training camp in San Antonio

Training camp has been very challenging but its going to be worth every minute. I feel very motivated for this camp. I truly believe I am the best in my division and for that to continue to be true, I must train harder than others, and that’s what I’m doing. I understand that Patricia Juarez is undefeated and a very tough opponent. That’s why I’m training extremely hard, because I respect her skill level. It’s going to be a great fight for the fans.

On fighting Patricia Juarez

Patricia Juarez is a deserving and tough challenger. I am training as though I am going to be in a tough and grueling fight that will go the distance, but my mindset like my last fight is to also go for a knockout. I am training very hard for this fight and I want the fans to know that I am not taking my opponent lightly.

On fighting in Corpus Christi on the Baseball field for the Houston Astros organization

It is a dream come true when you work so hard at something, in my case boxing, and a major organization lets you fight in their facility. The Houston Astros organization is a staple of the city of Corpus Christi, and the entire state of Texas for all that matter. I love fighting in Texas, its where I’m from, and it is a major honor to entertain so many people, especially those who will be in attendance at Whataburger field on September 22nd. Everyone watching my fight, is going to see something special.

On defending her NABF Lightweight title..

The NABF lightweight title means the world to me at this point in my career, and defending it is very important. I live for people to call me ‘champand to not have a belt, would mean I didn’t work hard enough to keep it. I can’t let that happen, so I am working tremendously hard to keep this belt, because not just do I want to defend it, but I also want to fight for a world title as well, which means I cannot lose the NABF strap.

On the landscape of the lightweight division

This is the best division in all of women’s boxing in my opinion. We have Mikaela Mayer and Katie Taylor, who I think are two very talented fighters. I also think Amanda Serrano should be considered in this division, even though she went up multiple weight classes and made history by becoming a six-division world champ. Quite simply said, I want to fight all of them and I want to prove I am the best fighter in this division. I am training and working hard so that I can be the first female fighter to make a million dollars in the ring. I’m going to be a million-dollar baby, and my fighting style will be the reason.

This event titledHeavyweight Boxing Showdownis brought to you by CCC ENTERTAINMENT in conjunction with CC HOOKS, HOUSTON ASTROS, and KEEPPUNCHING ENTERTAINMENT.

Tickets priced General Admission $10, Reserved Seating $18, Premium Reserved Seating $25, VIP Seating $150 are on sale now and can be purchased online at Doors open up at 5:30 PM, бірінші күрес болып табылады 6:30 PM. Whataburger Field is located at 734 E Port Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78401.


DAZN және Combate Americas көрнекті жерді жариялады, Америка Құрама Штаттарындағы ағылшынша жанкүйерлерге Combate Americas-дың тікелей ММА акциясын ұсынатын көпжылдық құқықтар туралы келісім. және Канада. ММА супер жұлдыздары Гилберт “Ұл” Melendez (оң жақта) және Джулианна “Венесуэлалық Виксен” Қаламұш (сол жақта) акцияны «спектакль-пьеса» дикторы Макс Бретоспен бірге атайды.

Бірінші Fight: Маррокинге қарсы. Алдай салмақтағы әлем чемпионаты жұмада, Жеті. 14

Гилберт Мелендес, Джулианна Пеña және Max Bretos, DAZN-ге акцияны шақыру

НЬЮ ЙОРК, Жеті. 13, 2018 - ДАЗН, тірі және сұраныс бойынша спорттық ағындық платформа, бүгін көрнекті жерді жариялады, Combate Americas-пен көпжылдық құқықтар туралы келісім, премьерлік испандық аралас PhoeMartial Arts (MMA) спорттық франчайзинг. Мәміле минимумды құрайды 13 түнде DAZN-ге дейін түндер.

Осы демалыс күндерінен бастап, Леви Маррокин vs. Jose “Почито” Алдай, DAZN Combate Americas эксклюзивті үйі болады’ Америка Құрама Штаттары мен Канадада ағылшын тілінде хабар таратады. Маррокинге қарсы. Алдай кездесуі Феникстен DAZN-де тікелей эфирде өтеді 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. Жұма күні PT, Жеті. 14.

Ішіндегі әрекетті шақыру “Тор” - Combate Americas торы - ММА супер жұлдыздары Гилберт болады “Ұл” Мелендес пен Джулианна “Венесуэлалық Виксен” Пенья, спектакльдер бойынша диктор Макс Бретоспен қатар.

Combate Americas - бұл қарқынды дамып келе жатқан ММА ұйымы, ол өзінің жекпе-жектерімен және спорттағы аудиторияның өсуімен танымал. Бұл монументальды келісімшарт Combate Americas-ді алғаш рет ағылшын тілді көрерменге жеткізеді.

“Біз DAZN сияқты инновациялық және жаһандық ойын-сауық көшбасшысымен серіктес болғанымызға қуаныштымыз, және жылдамдықты көрсете білу, Америка құрама штаттары ұсынатын агрессивті және бетпе-бет ұрыс стилі, 25 мен UFC-ді бастағаннан кейін бірнеше жыл өткен соң, MMA-ны ‘Mucha Mas Accion деп қайта анықтады,'” - деді Кэмпбелл Макларен, Combat Americas бас директоры.

“Біз осы спорт саласында жаңа жетістіктерге жетуді жалғастырамыз, және бұл мәміле біздің жаңа биіктерге жетуіміз туралы тікелей айтады.”

“DAZN-дің АҚШ-қа кіруінің бірінші тарауы. нарық жекпе-жек спортына бағытталған,” - деді Джозеф Марковский, DAZN өтінемін, Солтүстік Америка. “Және 80 Америка Құрама Штаттарының пайызы’ тоқтаумен аяқталатын ұрыс, біз жанкүйерлермен күресу үшін акцияның осы түрін өткізуге қуаныштымыз.”

Matchroom Boxing бойынша мәмілелер жарияланғаннан кейін, Беллатор MMA, және Бүкіләлемдік бокс супер сериясы, Combate Americas келісімі бойынша DAZN-де жылына жекпе-жек түндерінің саны белгіленген 80+.

Бір салмақтағы жеңімпаз (135 фунт.) Маррокин арасындағы матч, Монтеррейден шыққан, Жаңа Арыстан, Мексика және Туксондық Алдай, Аризона штаты. Эрмосильо арқылы, Сонора, Мексика, тарихтағы бірінші мексикалық ММА әлем чемпионы, сондай-ақ Combate Americas-тағы алғашқы әлем чемпионы атағына ие болады’ тарихы.

Жанкүйерлер DAZN-ге тек жазыла алады $9.99 айына сайтында тіркелу арқылы немесе DAZN қосымшасын көптеген жалғанған құрылғыларға жүктеу арқылы, соның ішінде ақылды теледидарлар, ДК, смартфондар, таблетка, және ойын консолі. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, жанкүйерлер DAZN’s U.S.. әлеуметтік арналар: Фейсбуктегі @DAZNUSA, Twitter үшін @DAZN_USA, және Instagram үшін DAZN_USA.

*Карталар өзгертілуі мүмкін.

DAZN - бұл жанкүйерлер жасаған ғаламдық тірі және сұраныс бойынша спорттық ағындық қызмет, жанкүйерлер үшін, бұл спортқа кез-келген уақытта қол жетімділікті қамтамасыз ету үшін жетекші, кез келген жерде. DAZN ұзақ мерзімді келісімшартқа кепілдік бермейді, байламдар жоқ, смарт теледидарларды қоса, қосылған құрылғыларда барлық қызмет түрлеріне қол жетімді баға, смартфондар, планшеттер мен ойын консолі. DAZN қазіргі уақытта Германияда бар, Австрия, Швейцария, Жапония, Канада, және Италия, және жаңа іске қосылды $9.99 АҚШ-та бір ай. - бұл жекпе-жек жанкүйерлері үшін қажет нәрсе болатын жерде, бірге 80+ Matchroom Boxing-те сап түзеген жекпе-жек түндері, Беллатор MMA, Бүкіләлемдік бокс супер сериясы, және Америка құралдары.


Портленд, Maine (Қыркүйек 13, 2018) - Жаңа Англия күреседі (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” сенбіде, Қараша 17 Портленд Аура кезінде, Maine. Бұрын бүгін, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional featherweight title fight to the card. Аарон “Үздіксіз” Lacey (6-2) is scheduled to meet Bill Jones (13-10) for the vacant NEF Professional Featherweight Championship.

Lacey is coming off one of the biggest wins of his professional career to date. Last weekend atNEF 35before his hometown fans in Bangor, Maine, Lacey submitted Jon Lemke (7-9) just under two minutes into the first round. It was a rebound win for Lacey who lost a decision to a very tough Da’Mon Blackshear (5-2) earlier this summer in Portland. Жанында “NEF 36,Lacey will look to capture gold in the promotion for the second timehe won the NEF Amateur Featherweight Title atNEF 20” қараша айында 2015 in what would be his final amateur fight. Lacey is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor.

I’m excited to be fighting for this strap,” Lacey естіліп. “I was NEF’s first amateur 145-pound champion and I look forward to being one of the first people to hold amateur and professional belts for New England Fights! I have a very formidable and experienced opponent, but this belt has been calling my name for a long time and I am going to take what I have worked for all along

Bill Jones is one of the pioneers of the New England MMA scene, having competed in the region since 2007. He holds wins over some of the top fighters ever to come out of the area such as UFC veteran Tateki Matsuda (13-9) and current UFC competitor Matt Bessette (22-9). Jones has competed at the national level for the World Series of Fighting (WSOF). Like Lacey, he also holds a first-round submission of Jon Lemke to his credit. Жанында “NEF 33in Portland last spring, Jones was victorious over Matt Denning (5-8) via technical knockout in the second round. He is currently a member of Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire.

“I’m at my most dangerous when I’m focused—and you best believe that I’ll be bringing a whole new level of commitment to my camp with the NEF Featherweight title on the line, a belt that I’ve had my eyes on for a long, ұзақ уақыт,” stated Jones. “I have a lot left in the tank and I’m out to prove in this fight that I’m no journeyman—I’m hard work for anyone that wants some. I can’t wait to be back in the NEF cage and put on a show for everyone

NEF келесі аралас-жекпе-өнер іс-шара, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, Қараша 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 сағат. Tickets are on sale now at


Box Fan Expo is the ultimate fan experience event that gives boxing fans the opportunity to meet-and-greet top fighters, current and former world champions, boxing celebrities and industry people in an up-close personal setting.

Las Vegas (Қыркүйек 12, 2018)–At this Saturday’s 4th annual Box Fan Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center, some of the top amateur boxers will be on display as, they will compete in the inaugural Box Fan Expo Invitational.

The Box Fan Expo invitational is sponsored by Mayweather Promotions & Adidas Boxing

Several highly-ranked and top fighters from the USA Boxing amateur program will receive a special invitation to take part at the Inaugural Box Fan Expo Invitational 2018, to compete and have a chance to FACEOFF against the best in their division. The Invitational will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center during the Box Fan Expo on Saturday, September 15th, Mexican Independence Day Weekend and on the same day as the Canelo vs GGG rematch that will take place later that evening at the T-Mobile arena in Las Vegas.

Thousands of boxing fans that will attend the Expo, as well as many boxing media outlets, отбасы, достар, and more importantly a chance to get showcased their skills in front of top boxing companies like Mayweather Promotions, sanctioning bodies like the WBC and the WBA, top Boxing Managers, киім & gear brands such as adidas Boxing, Cleto Reyes, Kronk Boxing, Fight Label and top boxing stars such as Andre Ward, Эррол Спенс Jr., Mikey Гарсия, Badou Jack, Марко Антонио Баррера, Erik Morales and Juan Manuel Marquez to name a few.

Notoriety from top boxing companies, thousands of boxing fans, media covering the event, as well as some of the top Boxing Celebrities who will be participating at this year’s Expo. The TOP 2 fighters of the 2018 Box Fan Expo Invitational will receive a $3,000 sponsorship from adidas Boxing in boxing equipment for a year. All participants will get to keep the boxing gloves and headgear they use to compete. Одан басқа, bout winners will take home an amazing belt.

The Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation was established by former world champion Fernando Vargas and his wife Martha Vargas and strategically opened its doors in the City of North Las Vegas as they saw that there was a great need to help kids get off the streets and offer them a safe haven. The FVFF is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with a constructive alternative to self-defeating behavior through athletic, academics and community service programs. Their programs include role model mentors and agiving inner city kids a fighting chancephilosophy that impacts an average of 400 kids a year. The strength and popularity of their programs provide youth with positive opportunities not otherwise afforded to them.

Fernando Vargas Fighting Foundation
3240 Civic Center Dr., Ste. B
North Las Vegas, NV 89030
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Мэйуэзер Акциялар туралы
Тиісті әлемнің ойын-сауық астанасында негізделген, Las Vegas, Мэйуэзер Акциялар жылы құрылды 2007 by 12-time World Champion and undefeated boxing icon with a record of 50-0, Floyd “Ақша” Мэйуэзер. Mayweather Promotions seamlessly promotes all forms of live entertainment.

For more information on Mayweather Promotions, өтіңіз:

About Adidas Boxing
Adidas are experts in the field of Combat Sports. They are the only complete Combat Sports brand offering a complete range of training equipment and apparel for the Combat Sports player. All of the Adidas product is researched, developed and combat tested by professional athletes.

The Adidas brand has proudly sponsored major Boxing events and was the exclusive equipment supplier for boxing gloves and headguards for Beijing 2008 Олимпиада, the sole equipment supplier of boxing for the London Olympic Games 2012, the World Amateur Boxing Championships 2009 Milano and 2017 Hamburg.Discover a complete customized experience for fighters of all skill levels. Every glove is built to your specific requirements. Астам 16 leather colors, including many metallics, these first customized gloves are a revolution in the boxing world. More info at (

About Box Fan Expo
Box Fan Expo is the ultimate boxing fan experience event, which allows fans to meet-and- greet boxing superstars of today, current and former world champions, legends of the sport and other boxing celebrities. Fans can expect to experience various interactions such as autograph and photos sessions, FaceOff with your favorite boxers, pictures with the Ring Card Girls, Live DJ Music, chance to win prizes, purchase merchandise and memorabilia from different booths Exhibitors, “ALL UNDER ONE ROOF”. You won’t want to miss this must-attend Expo!

Box Fan Expo has been a huge success with fans and boxing industry people. Many boxing stars have attended the last three Expos such as Floyd Mayweather, Майк Тайсон, Роберто Дуран, Томми Hearns, Марко Антонио Баррера, Roy Jones Jr., Marcos Maidana, Серхио Мартинес, Кит Thurman, Дэнни Гарсия, Tim Bradley, Ұрыс Деонтей Уайлдер, Амир Хан, Шон Портер, Фернандо Vargas, Заб Яһуда, Джеймс Тони, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Гарсия , Mia St.Johns, Leo Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Terry Норрис , Riddick Bowe , Earnie ұстара, Леон Спинкс, Дэнни Джейкобс, Әбенир Mares, Jorge Linares, Brandon Rios and many more

Мұндай бокс Кесуші ретінде қатысушылар, киім, new equipment’s, energy drinks, alcohol, supplement products, broadcasting media, sanctioning bodies and other companies who wish to participate will once again have a chance to showcase their brand to fans, media and the boxing industry.

Box Fan Экспо үшін Билеттер онлайн қол жетімді:

Throughout the next few days leading up to the event, there will be weekly updates on the many stars that will commit their appearance at the Boxing Expo. And for anyone in the Boxing industry or other Exhibitors (non-industry), who would like to be involved and reserve a Booth,

Contact Us:
Telephone number: (514) 572-7222 or Las Vegas Number (702) 997-1927

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More information on Box Fan Expo visit: HTTP://

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Former Amateur Standout Featured in Film CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS, Premiering September 21 on SHOWTIME at 8 p.m. ET/PT Prior to ShoBox: The New Generation Telecast 9:45 p.m. ET / PT


NEW YORK – September 12, 2018 – Undefeated super featherweight and former amateur standout James Wilkins will make his live television debut on ShoBox: The New Generation on Friday, Қыркүйек 21 immediately following the SHOWTIME premiere of CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS, a documentary chronicling Wilkins and the 2015 New York Golden Gloves boxing tournament. Wilkins will face undefeated featherweight prospect Misael Lopez (8-0, 4 КО) in the opening bout of what is now a four-fight ShoBox telecast. The back-to-back programs will begin at 8 p.m. ET/PT with CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS airing before the live ShoBox telecast at 9:45 p.m. ET/PT from Firelake Arena in Shawnee, Окла.

Wilkins, of New York City, has five wins and five knockouts since turning professional two years ago following an accomplished amateur run. CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS documents one of the pinnacle moments of his amateur career as the Staten Island native fights through the 10-week tournament in hopes of establishing himself as an elite amateur prospect. Having already won the New York Golden Gloves in 2013 жанында 123 фунт, CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS chronicles Wilkins’ journey as a 19-year-old competing in the 132-pound class and culminates with a dramatic 2015 Чемпионат айқас.

“I’m honored to be a part of CRADLE OF CHAMPIONS,” the 22-year-old Wilkins said. “Fighting in the Golden Gloves was a life-changing experience for me and it’s a great feeling to know that boxing fans can watch the documentary on SHOWTIME and then watch my ShoBox debut right after.”

They call me ‘Crunchtimeand that’s what I’m bringing to ShoBox on September 21. I’ll be ripping and running and I look forward to putting on a spectacular performance against Misael Lopez.”

Wilkins, who counts former four-division champion Roy Jones Jr. and former two-division champion Paulie Malignaggi as mentors, fought his way to the 2016 Olympic Trails in what was his last amateur tournament. His professional debut came in June of 2016 when he defeated Jack Grady via second-round knockout in a super lightweight contest.

In Friday’s main event, undefeated super featherweight prospect Jon Fernandez (16-0, 14 КО) will clash with O’Shaquie Foster (13-2, 8 КО) in a 10-round super featherweight bout. In the eight-round co-featured bouts, Irvin Gonzalez Jr. (10-0, 9 КО) meets Carlos Ramos (9-0, 6 КО) in a featherweight matchup, and Wesley Ferrer (12-0-1, 7 КО) will face Steven Ortiz (8-0, 3 КО) in a battle of lightweights.

Presented by DiBella Entertainment, tickets for the event are priced at $60 for ringside, $40 for floor seats and $30 for general admission and can be purchased in advance.


Портленд, Maine (Қыркүйек 12, 2018) - Жаңа Англия күреседі (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” сенбіде, Қараша 17 Портленд Аура кезінде, Maine. Бұрын бүгін, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur women’s flyweight fight to the card. B.J. Garceau (1-0) is scheduled to face Chelsea Tucker (0-3) 125-фунт күрес салмағы.

B.J. Garceau made national headlines earlier this year as she prepared for her in-cage debut with NEF. Diagnosed with Type-1 juvenile diabetes in 1993, Garceau became an inspiration to those within the diabetic community looking to practice the martial arts. Жанында “NEF 32last February, she went the distance with Sarah Ziehm (1-2) in a back-and-forth contest, ultimately picking up the win via split-decision on the judges’ к рсеткіштер ж йесі. Garceau is a member of Young’s MMA based in Bangor, Maine.

When Coach (Крис) Young asked me if I was free November 17th, I thought he wanted me to be the water girl for the guys on the card,” Garceau quipped. “I say this jokingly, but we’ve had some struggles finding match ups for the Young’s WMMA (women’s mixed-martial-arts) team in the past. Me and my girls are hungry to fight. So when he asked if I’d fight Chelsea, who is a warrior that doesn’t back down from anything, of course my answer was ‘yes.I adore Chelsea and am ready to put on a hell of a show for the fans, my team and the beautiful city of Portland, Maine this November.

The casual observer should not let Chelsea Tucker’s record fool them. Scrappy, talented and full of heart, Tucker has come to fight each time she has stepped in the cage. She has appeared four times in the NEF cage, including a non-sanctioned grappling match with Carol Linn Powell that went to a draw last April in Portland. Tucker proudly serves her country as a culinary specialist with the United States Coast Guard stationed in Boothbay, Maine. She trains with First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine.

I am very excited to step back into the cage,” said Tucker. “I look forward to fighting B.J. Бұл үлкен күрес болады, and I look forward to representing my gym and my skill set again in the NEF cage.

NEF келесі аралас-жекпе-өнер іс-шара, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Maine. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, Қараша 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 сағат. Tickets are on sale now at




НЕ: In the latest installment of the original digital franchise Fight Night, SHOWTIME Спорт® takes viewers behind the scenes of last Saturday’s welterweight world championship main event, Дэнни Гарсия VS. Шон Портер. Fight Night delves into the minds of the athletes and their families in the sober hours before the fight, into the fighters’ respective corners during the intense bout and into the locker rooms in the immediate aftermath of the battle in Brooklyn.

Distinct cinematography and exclusive audio featured in Fight Night: Дэнни Гарсия В.С.. Шон Портер provides intimate access to two of the welterweight division’s best fighters, delivering a unique perspective on one of the most important matchups in boxing.

Now a two-time world champion, Porter said his lifelong dream came true when legendary SHOWTIME ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. called his name as the victor.

The entire September 8 SHOWTIME ЧЕМПИОНАТЫ БОКС® telecast is available via SHOWTIME ANYTIME®, SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and the stand-alone streaming service SHOWTIME®



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Full Lineup Set for MMA Pro League Inaugural Event This Saturday, Қыркүйек 15 Hard Rock қонақ & Casino Atlantic City & Streaming Live on

Head Coach Dan Miller Leads Team New Jersey Against
Head Coach Daniel Gracie & Team Pennsylvania

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. (Қыркүйек 11, 2018) – The newest entity in MMA, MMA Pro лигасы, is just days away from their inaugural event with an exciting lineup of fights that pits fighters from Team New Jersey, which is led by head coach Dan Miller of the Miller Brothers, қарсы Team Pennsylvania and their head coach, Daniel Gracie of the renowned Gracie family.




The fighters square-off this Сенбі, Қыркүйек 15 at the new Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Atlantic City in bouts streaming live on (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT). Tickets for the inaugural installment ofMMA Pro League At The Hard Rock” қол жетімді




The MMA Pro League event will see Claudio Ledesma қабылдау Andre Bernardo in a bantamweight fight, Gabriel Ruiz in a featherweight clash against Cody Hier and a light heavyweight contest that pits Эммануэль Walo қарсы Rafael Celestino.




Featherweight action will feature Mike Pagano in a bout against Zedekiah Montanez, көбірек Kevin Sears қабылдайды Ahmed Samir in a heavyweight attraction and a bantamweight affair that sees Turpal Khamzayev шайқас Joseph Penafiel.




Rounding out the exciting inaugural night of MMA Pro League fights are Mark Kolker керісінше Zulkarnaiyn Kamchybekov in a middleweight fight, a lightweight showdown between Shan Cella мен Francisco Muniz and a welterweight matchup between Justin Osborn мен Andy Jimenez.


Ledesma is a native of West Orange, NJ and currently holds a 14-7 record as a professional fighter. Bernardo is originally from Botucatu, Сан-Паулу, Brazil and has a professional record of 8-4.


Руис fights out of Woodland Park, NJ with an 0-1 record as a professional fighter and an amateur record of 5-2-1 in the flyweight division. Hier is originally from Daison, MY. He later moved to Philadelphia to train at Gracie Gym. Hier has a record of 1-1 as a professional fighter in the bantamweight division.


Walo was born in Cleveland, OH and spent the first few years of his life there before moving to Liberia at a very young age. Walo eventually returned to the U.S. to join the United States National Guard and was stationed as a guard in an Iraqi prison. While in Iraq, Walo was exposed to mixed martial arts and quickly fell in love with the sport. When Walo returned home, he began training and made his professional debut in December 2010. He has accumulated a professional record of 12-2-1. Celestino is from Brasilia, Brazil and has a 5-2 record as a professional fighter in the Middleweight division.


Pagano, a United States military veteran, is originally from Fayetteville, NC. He later moved to New Jersey to train with Dan Miller’s Miller Brothers MMA. Pagano is also a trainer at the gym and serves as the head instructor for the gym’s Little Spartans youth martial arts and anti-bullying program. He is a black belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu with an 0-1 record as a professional fighter. Montanez is a mixed martial arts fighter based in Pennsylvania. He has a 3-2 record in the featherweight division.




Originally from Colorado Springs, Колорадо, Sears is an eleven-fight MMA veteran who owns seven wins after a strong amateur career. Representing his native Egypt, Samir won his only professional MMA fight by knockout and owns an 11-1 record as a professional boxer.




Bantamweight brawler Khamzayev was born in New Jersey and turned professional in May of this year when he lost his debut. He takes on Orlando’sPenafiel, who won a decision in his professional debut in April.


Kolker will represent New Jersey, but was born and raised in Alabama. He made his professional MMA debut in June 2017 with a decision victory. After amassing an amateur record of 4-0, Kamchybekov will make his his professional MMA debut on Saturday night.




A 23-year-old from New Jersey, Cella will return to action for his second professional MMA fight. Muniz is originally from Caguas, Пуэрто-Рико. His preferred discipline is Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Muniz has fought five times in his native Puerto Rico, attaining a record of 4-1.


Osborn is originally from Tennessee before representing New Jersey. He emerged victorious in his professional debut in August. Fighting out of New York, Jimenez болды 3-0 in amateur MMA bouts and will fight for the first time professionally on Saturday’s card.


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Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, follow the conversation on Twitter @MMAPro_League, @DanMiller185, @DanielGracie, @Hani_Darwish1 and @MarkTaffetMedia, Instagram-да,,, мен, және Facebook уақытта


World Renowned Swimsuit Model turned pro boxer Avril Mathie to fight on Fire Fist Boxing’s “Night of Champions” Card October 6


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Тампа, FL (Қыркүйек 11, 2018) – Undefeated bantamweight and famed swimsuit model Avril Mathie will face Samantha Salazar at Fire Fist Boxing’s “Night of Champions” card Saturday, Қазан 6 at the St. Petersburg Coliseum in St. Петербург, FL.




Originally from Australia and now fighting out of Miami, FL at the Famous 5шіStreet Gym, Mathie is a globally recognized swimsuit model. She won Miss Hawaiian Tropic Australia in 2012, The 2014 Miss Swimsuit USA International as well as the 2015 Las Vegas International Model Search. Mathie however is more than just a pretty face.




The 31-year-old Mathie had 20 amateur boxing matches between her native Australia and the US. During her amateur career, Mathie regularly fought more experienced opponents and did so in a number of different weight classes while still winning most of her fights.




Mathie turned pro this past February and her record stands at 2-0 with both victories coming via first round KO’s. Her next opponent however is a significant step up in competition.




Born and raised in Dallas, TX, Salazar has a 5-5-1 record and is riding a three-fight win streak. She’s faced stiff competition including bouts against former Olympian Marlen Esparza, highly-touted Rosalinda Rodriguez and Casey Morton, all of whom are undefeated.




“I’ve watched some footage on her,” Mathie said of Salazar. “She’s a decent fighter but I’ve seen weaknesses that I intend to exploit.”




Mathie-Salazar is scheduled for six rounds and is for the ABF bantamweight title.




“We are proud to have Avril and also St. Petersburg’s very own Noemi Bosques fighting on October 6,” said Jody Caliguire of Fire Fist Boxing Promotions. “This is going to be an excellent night of boxing and I expect both women to shine.”




An 11 күрес карта, “Night of Champions” is headlined by a ten round bout featuring 135 pound contender William “Babyface” Silva against Jose Forero for the ABF lightweight title.




All fights and fighters are sanctioned by the Florida State Athletic Commission and subject to change.




Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, please visit, or on Instagram @Firefistboxing.





LOS ANGELES – Bellator announced today the organization will reward the winner of World Fighting League’s upcoming “Final 8” Grand Prix, as well as the MMA Lightweight Tournament Finale, with a Bellator contract. The events take place over two days on Saturday, Жеті. 22 through Sunday, Жеті. 23 from Topsportcentrum in Almere, Netherlands and are set to air on Spike Netherlands.




Owned by famed Dutch kickboxer Мелвин Manhoef, the Netherlands-based promotion is currently home to many of the best Dutch kickboxers and mixed martial artists. Following an impressive combat sports career that spans two and a half decades, including successful runs in DREAM, Cage Rage and Bellator, Manhoef began promoting fights under his WFL banner in 2015. Таяуда, Manhoef defeated Remy Bonjasky in the final bout of his kickboxing career at WFL 16.




Similar to renowned K-1 events, the kickboxing tournament on Sept. 22 commences with eight competitors who will need to claim victory three times in one evening to become champion. The “Final 8” Grand Prix kicks off with several explosive first-round heavyweight matchups, соның ішінде Murat Aygun VS. Fabio Kwasi, Sam Tevette VS. Clyde Brunswijk, Andrei Stoica VS. “Boy Boy” Martin мен Fred Sikking VS. Nordine Mahieddine. Sikking vs. Nordine replaces the previously announced contest between Ibrahim El Bouni and Levi Rigters.




In the MMA Lightweight Tournament Finale on Sept. 23, Pieter Buist (13-4) сай Soli Abdeselam Mohamed (4-3), better known to fans as “Sully Bull,” in a battle to determine the victor at 155 фунт. Buist, nicknamed “The Archangel,” is currently riding a four-fight win streak, including two WFL victories, while Bull has also won his previous two bouts inside the WFL cage.




In addition to the “Super 8” Grand Prix on Sept. 22, the card will also feature Bellator Kickboxing’s Jorina Baars (44-0-3) in a highly anticipated superfight with two-time WFL World Champion Anissa Haddaoui (42-3-1). Fighting out of Den Helder, Нидерланды, the 29-year-old Baars remains one of the most dangerous kickboxers and Muay Thai fighters on the planet, famously defeating Cris Cyborg in 2014. Having earned gold in both professional kickboxing and Muay Thai, the Dutch-born Haddaoui looks to make a name for herself against a fellow veteran in Baars. Fans can expect fireworks between these two exciting and elite fighters.




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