М-1 предизвик 49 still holds the Russian MMA live attendance record

М-1 предизвик 49 still holds the single MMA event live attendance record (23,255) во Русија
Санкт Петербург, Русија (Септември 19, 2018) – Contrary to some media reports, на 22,603 fans at last weekend’s UFC Борба Вечер 136 in Moscow did not set a Russian MMA live attendance record.
M-1 Global still holds the record for the highest live attendance of an MMA event in Russia, кога 23,255 fans attended М-1 предизвик 49: Битка во планините јуни 7, 2014 во Ингушетија, which is officially registered in the Russian Book of Records.
Last weekend’s UFC debut event in Russia UFC Борба Вечер 136 is the second-most fans to attend a Russian MMA event.
Living legend Fedor Emelianenko‘s return from retirement on November 20, 2011 на М-1 Глобал: Fedor наспроти. Monson drew 22,000 фанови, dropped to third place on the all-time Russian MMA live attendance list.


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Пријателски навивач, интерактивна БЕСПЛАТНА серија со повеќе од 1.6 милиони фанови служеа сега “Напојувано од Everlast.”

ЊУЈОРК (Седум. 19, 2018) – По отворањето на Втората сезона минатиот петок со скоро 200,000 прегледи за да се донесе неговата гледаност по серии погоре 1.6 милиони, FIGHTNIGHT живо денес најави 24-шоу партнерство со Everlast: Избор на шампиони и истакната марка во боксот оттогаш 1910.




Според договорот, Еверласт станува спонзор на титулата на “FIGHTNIGHT живо, Напојувано од Everlast” за сите емисии во текот на 2018-19 сезона и ужива придобивки како што се: Емитувајте билборди; “Приказна за лентата” и “Натпревар” графика за време на емисиите во живо; спонзорирани интервјуа; Признанија за најавувачот на прстенот на самото место пред секоја борба; интеграција помеѓу социјалните медиуми, и уште повеќе.




“Воодушевени сме што Еверласт – бренд синоним за бокс – гледа вредност во она што FIGHTNIGHT LIVE го постигна од мај до денес 2017. Сме имале 18 емисии со потекло од Newујорк, Атлантик Сити, Филаделфија, Бостон и Нова Англија, Феникс и Американската срце, каде повеќе од 300 борци што доаѓаат и единаесет различни промоции добија неверојатна количина на изложеност преку оваа возбудлива, навистина социјална платформа. Да може да има неколку настани со повеќе од 150,000 или 200,000 прегледите ја гребеат само површината, и со партнерство на Еверласт, ние сме навистина подготвени да го однесеме FIGHTNIGHT LIVE на следното ниво тука во Сезона II,” рече Марк Fratto, Директор и директор за развој на бизнис, Медиуми Линакре.




“Горди сме што стануваме партнери со FIGHTNIGHT LIVE. На Еверласт секогаш сме верувале во поддршка на луѓе и идеи кои го кршат калапот и разгоруваат нови патеки и FIGHTNIGHT LIVE го прави токму тоа,” рече Крис Золер, Потпретседател за маркетинг и развој на производи во Еверласт. “Гледаме промена во начинот на трошење на спортските содржини во борбите. Високо-интересната содржина и искуства доставени преку нови канали се срцето на нашата стратегија за бренд. FNL е совршена комбинација на високо квалитетна борбена спортска содржина и достапност.”




Сега во својата втора сезона, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE е серија пријатна за навивачите што – меѓу другите аспекти – се гордее со разговорите во реално време, водени помеѓу коментаторите на борбите и публиката што гледа. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE покажа повеќе од 300 борци за време на 18 емитувања во живо од мај 2017, и притоа, интерактивната платформа генерираше лојален интерес на навивачите на борба од цела САД и целиот свет, вклучувајќи значителна публика во Мексико, Велика Британија и другите делови на Европа, па дури и навивачи во Јужна Америка, Азија и Австралија.




Сега на повеќе од 1.6 милиони прегледи за серијата, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE продолжи да испорачува импресивни бројки во текот на својот прв 18 покажува:


  • Од мај 2017, броевите од серијалот FIGHTNIGHT LIVE во 18 емисии покажаа ветување и потенцијал за новата платформа со просек од 90,001 прегледи по настан и повеќе од 1.6 вкупно милиони прегледи.


  • Септември. 2017 “Реалното зделка Промоции: Empire State” од установи Светската Казино (225,000), август 2017 CES “Супер сабота” од Foxwoods (203,000), на септември. 2018 “Картичка одговара за кралевите” од Филаделфија (195,620), на септември. 2017 CES “TWIN RIVER Twinbill” од Линколн, R.I. (157,000) и маршот 17, 2018, Марфиевиот “Свети. Судар на Денот на Патрик” (151,253) сите најавени 150,000 или повеќе прегледи, и колективно серијата во 18 емисии видела вкупно 1,620,014 прегледи низ сите уреди.


  • Во прилог на суровини броеви гледаност, целосно интерактивни, продукции што навиваат за навивачи видоа повеќе од 183,000 колективен живо пост ангажмани(повеќе од 10,100 по емисија), вклучувајќи и повеќе од 124,000 “допаѓаат” или “сака,” повеќе од 31,000 коментари и повеќе од 10,000 акции.


  • Септември. 2017 “Реалното зделка Промоции: Empire State” постави нова лента со 224,658 ставови и септември. 2017 Двоглавиот ДиБела-ЦЕС ја донесе серијата до три четвртини од милион прегледи за нешто повеќе од четири месеци. Септември. 2017 Пила со карти ДиБела повеќе од 40,000 интеракции гледачот вклучувајќи скоро 39,000 “допаѓаат” или “сака” и маршот 17, 2018, Марфиевиот “Свети. Судар на Денот на Патрик” постави нова ознака за високи води за споделува со 2,182.


  • Страницата FIGHTNIGHT LIVE на Фејсбук има повеќе од 83,000 следбеници.




Креиран и произведени од страна на Linacre медиуми од Њујорк, серија FIGHTNIGHT ЖИВО карактеристики професионални спикери, повеќе агли на камерата, телевизија графика, replays и зад сцената пристап и интервјуа. На стриминг емисии се достапни на глобално ниво каде Фејсбук е достапен. Иницијативата не само што им овозможува на навивачите од целиот свет да се вклучите во, но исто така дава до-и-доаѓаат борци на глобалната платформа за да покажат своите способности, дава промотори на достапен “емитување” решение и дава спонзори на способноста да се постигне масовна публика преку брендирани содржина.




Повеќе БО FАЕ ВО IVEИВО во есен 2018 датуми и официјално ќе биде објавен во текот на следните недели.




FIGHTNIGHT ЖИВО е достапна на интернет: https://www.facebook.com/FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE/




Следете ја целата акција преку социјалните мрежи на FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Facebook, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE на Инстаграм и @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ на Твитер, или со користење на хаштагот # FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. За најновите настани Linacre медиуми и распоредот емитување, следете ја @LinacreMedia низ сите социјални платформи или користете ги ознаките #LinacreMediaEvents или #LinacreMediaOnTV.





За Everlast Worldwide Inc..

Најдобрата марка во боксот оттогаш 1910, Everlast е водечки производител во светот, продажби и лиценца на боксот, ММА и опрема за фитнес. Од легендарните шампиони Jackек Демпси и Шугар Реј Робинсон до сегашните суперarsвезди Деонтеј Вајлдер и Дастин Поарие, Everlast е бренд по избор за генерации професионални спортисти на светскиот шампион. Изграден на бренд наследство на сила, посветеност, индивидуалност и автентичност, Еверласт е неопходен дел од животот на безброј шампиони. Со седиште во Менхетен, Производите на Everlast се продаваат повеќе од 75 земји и 6 континенти. За повеќе информации, посетете ја веб-страницата www.everlast.com.


SHOWTIME Boxing Analyst And Historian Gives Wish List Of Top Mythical Matchups Spanning Generations


ЊУЈОРК (Септември 18, 2018) – International Boxing Hall of Famer Steve Farhood celebrates four decades in boxing this Tuesday, exactly 40 years since he started working exclusively in the business in 1978.




Farhood began his career writing for various boxing publications at London Publishing on Monday, Септември 18, just three days after Muhammad Ali regained the heavyweight title vs. Leon Spinks on Friday, Септември 15.




After launching KO Magazine во 1980 and serving as editor-in-chief of Прстенот списание for nearly a decade, Farhood joined SHOWTIME in 2001 and has been a staple on the ShoBox: Новата генерација series since its inception more than 17 години.




Over the past 40 години, Farhood has nearly seen it all in the Sweet Science. Сега, as he prepares for consecutive Fridays of ShoBox telecasts, the lifelong New Yorker lists a handful of mythical matchups he’d love to see, regardless of the generation.




Joe Frazier-Mike Tyson (тешка категорија): The ultimate dream fight. No jabs allowed.


Roberto Duran-Alexis Arguello (лесен): They were both 135-pounders, just not at the same time.


Sugar Ray Robinson-Sugar Ray Leonard (боксер од полусредна категорија): Biggest crime in boxing history: There’s no video of Robinson as a welter, when he was at his very best.


Sugar Ray Leonard-Floyd Mayweather Jr. (боксер од полусредна категорија): The best fighter I’ve ever covered versus the best fighter of this generation.


Jack Dempsey-Rocky Marciano (тешка категорија): Boxing’s big men were smaller back in the day, but pound-for-pound, nobody hit harder than these two.


Marvin Hagler-Carlos Monzon (среднотешка): All-timer vs. all-timer. My guess: Monzon’s style would be all wrong for Hagler. Match B-Hop (Бернард Хопкинс) with the winner.


Salvador Sanchez-Eusebio Pedroza (featherweights): My opinion on this delicious matchup of Hall of Famers is an unpopular one: Pedroza wins on points.


Wilfredo Gomez-Manny Pacquiao (junior featherweights): In the early-‘80s, Gomez was as close to a perfect fighting machine as there was. But would his chin hold up vs. a 122-pound Manny?




This Friday on ShoBox: Новата генерација, top undefeated super featherweight prospect Jon Fernandez (16-0, 14 КО) will clash with O’Shaquie Foster (13-2, 8 КО) in the 10-round main event of a four-fight card featuring eight fighters with a combined record of 81-2-1 со 56 капачките.




Следниот петок, Септември 28, ShoBox returns for a tripleheader headlined by 19-year-old blue-chip prospect Devin Haney (19-0, 13 КО) taking on former three-time world title challenger Juan Carlos Burgos (33-2-2, 21 КО).




За повеќе информации посетете ја страницата www.sho.com/sportsследат на Твитер @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, или да стане фан на Фејсбук на www.Facebook.com/SHOSports


За ShoBox: Новата генерација

Од своето основање во јули 2001, на критиката Showtime бокс серија, ShoBox: Новата генерација е опремен млади таленти исти тешки. На ShoBox филозофија е да се телевизиски возбудливи, публиката веселат и сениорски натпревари истовремено обезбедувајќи полигон на подготвени изгледите решен да се бори за светската титула. Некои од растечката листа на 77 борци кои се појавија на ShoBox и напреден за да добие светски титули вклучува: Ерол Спенс Џуниор, Андре Вард, Deontay Вајлдер, Erislandy Лара, Шон Портер, Гери Расел Јуниор, Ламонт Петерсон, Гилермо Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Девон Александар, Карл Froch, Роберт Гереро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Paulie Malignaggi, Рики Хатон, Кели Pavlik, Пол Вилијамс и повеќе.

Michael Dutchover Learning from WBA World Champion Danny Roman

Photo by Carlos Baeza / Томпсон Бокс

Филаделфија, Пен. / Orange, Калифорнија. (Седум. 18, 2018) – Помлад лесни Michael Dutchover (10-0, 7 КО) has been receiving a priceless education in the lead up to his main event showdown with Bergman Aguilar (14-3-1, 4 КО) ова Петок night from the Doubletree Hotel во Онтарио, Калифорнија.




Dutchover, 20, has been sparring with reigning WBA super bantamweight champion Danny Roman во Лос Анџелес. The unbeaten prospect dishes on his relationship with Roman, his new found culinary skills, and what the fans in attendance and on the LiveStream can expect from the surging prospect this Friday night.




Билети за “нова крв” се по цена од $40, $60, & $100, and are available for purchase by calling 714-935-0900, or online at ThompsonBoxing.com.


You were originally scheduled to face Luis Lopez, but he dropped out last week due to illness. The replacement fighter is Bergman Aguilar of Nicaragua. How do you stay focused on what you need to do to win?




It’s one of those things that happens in boxing, especially to young guys like myself. I don’t let it affect me. I have a new guy in front of me. That’s how I view it. He’s in my way in what I want to accomplish, which is to win a world title. He’s not going to stop me from getting to that point.


You’ve been sparring with WBA champion Danny Roman. What’s it like to learn from one of the best?




Every single time I spar with Danny I learn something new. He’s a skillful fighter. A very smart boxer. I love working with him. I’m happy to have him in my corner. He helps me how to think through my punches. He talks to me after we spar and we go over things. It’s great to learn from a world champion.


If boxing wasn’t a career option for you, what would you get yourself into? We hear you’re developing new culinary skills.




I love everything related to fitness and nutrition. So I think I’d go the nutritionist route or study to become a physical trainer. I’m already learning a lot about nutrition. I cook my own meals. I do my own meal prep. I’m eating a lot of lean meats and vegetables and making them taste great. I get down in the kitchen. I’m learning how to cook on the fly and it’s great. When I go back home to Midland [Тексас] to cook for my family, they come away very impressed.


How do you expect to perform on Friday night?




From when the first bell rings, I’m going to fight my fight. I’m not shooting for a knockout, but if it’s there, Јас ќе го земам. I’m in peak shape right now. Come Friday, it’s showtime.




Dutchover is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.





The livestream starts at 8:00 вечер. Португалија / 11:00 вечер. ET with Beto Duran as the blow-by-blow announcer and Steve Kim providing expert, color commentary.




For regular updates on our fighters, настани, and promotions, please check Banner Promotions Facebook Page , and follow us on Instagram и Твитер BannerBoxing


FROM TUCSON, Аризона. ВО САБОТА, Октомври. 13


Ким се продаваат уште сега

NEW YORK – September 18, 2018 – Combate Americas today announced “Combate Americas: Mexico vs. САД,” a star-studded Mixed Martial Arts (МЛД) event that will be headlined by a bantamweight (135 фунти) showdown between world-ranked superstars Erik “El Goyito” Perez (18-6) и John “Sexi Mexi” Castaneda (16-4), live from the AVA Amphitheater at Casino Del Sol in Tucson, Аризона. во саботата, Октомври. 13.


The three-bout main card airs live on television in Spanish on both Univision (12 изутрина. ЕТ / PT) and Univision Deportes Network (UDN) (12 изутрина. И / 21 часот. Португалија), while the entire event including the preliminary bout card, will stream live in English on DAZN (10 вечер. ЕТ / 7 вечер. Португалија).



Со цена од $15, tickets for “Combate Americas: Mexico vs. САД,” are on sale online at CombateAmericas.com/Tickets.



“Both Mexico and the U.S. have eagles as symbols, and this fight between ‘Goyito’ Perez and John Castaneda is, навистина, a clash of ferocious, fighting eagles,", Рече извршниот директор на Combate Америка Кембел Мекларен.



The winner of the matchup between the 28-year-old Perez of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico and the 26-year-old Castaneda of Mankato, Од., USA will become the number one contender to newly crowned Combate Americas bantamweight world champion Jose “Pochito” Alday.



Перез, who recently left the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) on a three-fight win streak and with an overall record of 7-2, made his Combate Americas debut on April 20, avenging one of his only career defeats by scoring a third round (1:22) нокаут (тупаници) на D.J. Fuentes in the main event of “Combate Estrellas II.”



Кастанеда, the runner-up of the inaugural “COPA COMBATE,” one-night, осум човек, $100,000 grand prize tournament that took place in Cancun, Mexico on November 11, 2017, is looking to return to the win column after suffering a split decision defeat at the hands of Alday at “Combate Estrellas I” on April 13.



Also announced today was a bantamweight preliminary bout matchup pitting Anthony “El Toro” Birchak (12-6) of Tucson against Adam “The American Bully” Martinez (5-1) Колорадо Спрингс, Colo., САД.



In another bantamweight battle, Juan “El Molo” Pablo Gonzalez (7-1-2) Буенос Аирес, Argentina will square off with undefeated Mario Bautista (5-0) на Glendale, Аризона.



Also at bantamweight, Arturo “Chucky” Guzman (2-2) of Tucson will collide with unbeaten Kasey Tanner (1-0) of Scottsdale, Аризона.



In a meeting between unbeaten upstarts, the 20-year-old brother of ‘El Goyito,'Jair “El Lupe” Perez (1-0) of Monterrey, ќе ги преземе за Peter De La Cruz (1-0) of Scottsdale.



Elsewhere on the card, Misael “Pitbull” Iñarritu (6-2) of El Paso, Texas via Juarez, Mexico will face off with Peter Quezada (1-4) Темпи, Аризона. in a 160-pound catchweight contest.



Additional matchups for “Combate Americas: Mexico vs. САД,” including the co-main event, ќе бидат објавени наскоро.



Doors at the AVA Amphitheater at Casino Del Sol open at 6 вечер. Португалија, with the first preliminary bout will begin at 7 вечер.


Portland, Мејн (Септември 18, 2018) - Нова Англија бори (NEF) will hold its final mixed-martial-arts event of 2018, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” во саботата, Ноември 17 at Aura in Portland, Мејн. Претходно денеска, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur catchweight bout to the card. Jacob Deppmeyer (1-1-1) ќе се соочи Zac Richard (2-0) at a fight weight of 140-pounds.

Jacob Deppmeyer is coming off afight of the nightperformance earlier this month atNEF 35in Bangor, Мејн. Deppmeyer went the distance with Taylor Bartlett (1-1-1) in a back-and-forth war that was ultimately ruled a draw on the judges’ scorecards. That bout marked Deppmeyer’s return to the cage after more than a year off from competition. He defeated Glenn Kasabian (2-3) via first-round technical knockout atNEF 28in the spring of 2017. Deppmeyer trains with First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Мејн.

Zac looks like a tough guy, fast with good pressure,” said Deppmeyer. I don’t know much more about him, but I know I will train hard with my team, as I’m sure he will, and we will have some good fun in the cage come November 17!”

Undefeated Zac Richard has been one of the emerging stories of the 2018 NEF season. Richard has won both of his previous bouts this year by first-round technical knockout. A win over Deppmeyer would put Richard in serious contention for “Дебитант на годината” honors at the close of 2018. Richard is a native of Waterboro, Maine where he wrestled for Massabesic High School. He won a Class-A state championship in wrestling in 2015. He currently trains at Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire under former NEF Professional Lightweight Champion, and current UFC competitor, Девин Пауел (9-3).

“I can’t wait to get back in the NEF cage in Portland, close to home for my family and friends,” said Richard. Fighting in NEF has helped me find new purpose in my lifeit’s taken me back to my wrestling roots and given me a competitive outlet to continue testing my skills. This fight is the day after the anniversary of my sister’s passing, so it’s a very meaningful date for me. I’m excited to get out there and notch my third win on November 17th in honor of her memory.”

следниот настан мешани боречки вештини-NEF е, “NEF 36: Battle for the Gold,” will see the company make its return to Aura in Portland, Мејн. The event is scheduled to take place Saturday, Ноември 17, 2018 with a bell time of 7 часот. Билетите се во продажба сега во www.AuraMaine.com.

Derrieck Cuevas to Face Silverio Ortiz at Heavyweight Factory’s “Rumble at the Rock 2” on Friday, Седум. 28 at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино – Холивуд

The Heavyweight Factory’s latest promotional signing, undefeated welterweight power puncher Derrieck Cuevas, from San Juan, Порторико, will face Mexican veteran Silverio Ortiz над 10 rounds on the undercard of “Rumble at the Rock 2,” the professional boxing event on Friday, Седум. 28 во Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Флорида.




A former decorated amateur, Cuevas (17-0-1, 14 КО) has torn through his professional opposition thus far. Ортиз (37-22, 18 КО) is a true spoiler, having faced a long list of world champions and undefeated fighters and taken a number of their “0’s.”




Овозможено од: Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory, in the night’s 10-round main event, Honolulu, Hawaii’s undefeated Logan “The Korican Kid” Yoon (12-0, 10 КО) will defend his WBO-NABO Youth Junior Welterweight Championship against John “El Emperador” Rentería (16-4-1, 12 КО) of Panama.




In the night’s 10-round co-main event, Miami via Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan’s Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (7-0, 6 КО) will take on Monteira, Colombia’s Deivi “El Cabo” Bassa (20-5, 12 КО) for the WBA International Featherweight Championship. In an “All Florida” bout, undefeated welterweight Livan “Machine Gun Kid” Navarro (8-0, 5 КО), from Miami (via Cuba) will face once-beaten Armando “The Gentleman” Alvarez (18-1, 12 КО) of Key West.


Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock 2” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 и $500 VIP and are available through ticketmaster.com.




Cuevas sat down for the following interview during a break in training:

How does it feel fighting in the USA mainland for the first time?

I am happy to be fighting here in Hollywood Florida with my new team. I’m in phenomenal shape and, come September 28, I plan on showing it big time.


Што знаеш за вашиот противник?

I know he’s a tough savvy Mexican veteran, but I will be prepared for anything he brings to the table. Mexico vs PR has always been a real draw when it comes to boxing and I invite all the Puerto Rican fans to come see me fight.


How long until we see you in a championship-level fight?

My promotional team at The Heavyweight Factory will take care of that for me. I have full faith in what my manager Alex Troya did when he brought me here. I’m working with my new trainer Jesse Robinson and within 18 месеци, I will hopefully be fighting for the world title. These people know what they’re doing and work hard for their fighters. I’m glad to be here.


Describe your style of fighting for the people who will be seeing you for the first time.

I don’t run away. I stand in the pocket and slip and make my opponents pay. I am working on power, explosivity and speed. That’s a dangerous combination. Можам да кутија. I can bang. I will get it on, how ever they want it. I want to be showman and a crowd pleaser.


How old were you when you realized you had above average punching power?

I must have been 13 and my coach at the time was telling others that I had pop in my punch. Then it just became part of my arsenal.


Would you ever consider an “All Puerto Rico” showdown with a fighter like Subriel Matias or Danielito Zorrilla?

Auntie and Daniel are my friends we spar often on the island. I have great respect for both guys, but once you step in the ring, it’s ‘go time’ no matter who it is.


Do you miss Puerto Rico when you train in the US?

I miss my family and my people but I’m a pro who is focused on getting to the top now and now is the time I will stay focused until I get to that big showdown for the title, coming soon to a theatre near you!





Photo by Stephanie Trapp – Showtime

HOUSTON, Соединетите Американски Држави (Септември 17, 2018)Former WBA super welterweight world champion Erislandy “Американскиот сон” Лара (25-3-2, 14 КО), felt inspired by the state of boxing after watching last Saturday night’s main event between Саул “Canelo” Алварез (50-1-2, 34 КО) и Генадиј “GGG” Golovkin (38-1-1, 34 КО) во Лас Вегас, Невада.




Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin fought an amazing fight, it was a true classic.” Саид Лара. “I want to congratulate both of them for putting together such a tremendous effort to bring the spotlight back on boxing. It would be a great honor to fight either fighter, and I would love to challenge myself against them.




Erislandy Lara has been training in Houston, Texas for his next fight with trainer Рони Шилдс, as he is working hard in the gym, getting ready for his next fight date.




I am ready to make a statement and to challenge either fighter at middleweight, whether it is Gennady Golovkin or Canelo Alvarez in a rematch…Јас сум подготвен!”

Undefeated Heavyweight Darmani Rock to headline on Saturday, October 6th at The 2300 Арената во Филаделфија

Top lightweight prospect Jeremy Cuevas to take part in co-feature
Brandon Pizarro goes for 12th win
Undefeated Gadwin Rosa, Christian Tapia, & Marcel Rivers in action
Plus the pro debut of Benny Sinakin

(Photo/Roc Nation Sports)

Филаделфија, Па (Септември 17, 2018)Top Heavyweight prospect Darmani Rock will take part in the eight-round main event on Saturday, October 6th at The 2300 Арената во Филаделфија.




Исто така,, appearing in the co-feature bout will be rising lightweight prospect Jeremy Cuevas.




The show is promoted by Hard Hitting Promotions in association with Roc Nation Sports.




Rock of Philadelphia, who was the number-one amateur heavyweight in the United States and former Youth Amateur champion, има рекорд на 12-0 with seven knockouts.




На 22 year-old Rock is a two-year professional who has a 1st round stoppage over Carlos Cotto (8-1-1) on his resume. Rock is coming off a six-round unanimous decision win over Marquis Valentine on July 20th in Sloan, Ајова.




This will be Rock’s 3rd appearance in Philadelphia.


Cuevas (10-0, 8 КО) of Philadelphia will fight in a bout scheduled for six-rounds.



На 22 year-old Cuevas is a two -year professional, who has been recognized as one of the top lightweight prospects in the country. He has stopped his last two opponents, which includes his last bout when he stopped Deo Kizito at The 2300 Арена. This will be Cuevas’s 3rd consecutive and 4th overall fight at The 2300 Арена.




Surging 18 year-old prospect Brandon Pizarro will see action in a six-round bout.



The former Junior Olympic champion has a record of 11-1 со пет капачките.




The Philadelphia native is a two-year professional, and has a win over previously undefeated Abdiel Padilla.




Pizarro, who has won three consecutive bouts, is coming off a 2nd round stoppage over veteran Hector Marengo on August 11th at The 2300 Арена. This will be Pizarro’s 3rd consecutive appearance at The 2300 Арена.




Seeing action on the undercard in a six-round bout will undefeated super featherweight Gadwin Rosa (7-0, 6 КО) of Ocala, Флорида.




Also in a four-round bout will be undefeated super featherweight Christian Tapia (5-0, 4 КО) of Coamo, Порторико.




Undefeated welterweight Marcel Rivers (6-0, 4 КО) of Philadelphia will take part in a four-round bout.




Making his pro debut will be 21 годишниот Benny Sinakin Филаделфија.




Also making his pro debut will be lightweight Thyler Williams Филаделфија.




All opponents and more bouts will be announced shortly.




Tickets available now! $50 ГА , $70 Premium, $125 VIP +fees



Purchase Tickets online at hardhittingpromotions.com ; 2300arena.com или со повик 267.758.2173 како и 2300 Arena Box Office.


Doors 6PMFirst bout 7PM


САД наспроти. Germany Duels to take place in Chattanooga alongside Eastern Qualifier

World medalist and Olympic Hopefuls to step into the ring on American soil

COLORADO SPRINGS, Лап. (Септември 17, 2018)Two of the world’s top amateur boxing powerhouses will meet in Chattanooga, Тенеси, for two separate duels taking place Saturday, Октомври 6 and Friday, Октомври. 12, at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




The duels will feature some of the top male and female elite boxers from both the United States and Germany, as they prepare for the lead up to the Olympics in 2020. The two events will take place alongside this year’s Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships, which is expected to have more than 650 боксери, aged 8-40, compete from Oct. 8-13.




We are excited to host the German Federation, as they have hosted us numerous times for training camps over the past two years,” said USA Boxing High Performance Director Matt Johnson.This will be a great competition and a great opportunity for USA Boxing to showcase our next generation of Olympic hopefuls on home soil.




Team USA is expected to bring a talented team that will include multiple World Championship medalists, Вклучувајќи 2017 Elite World Championship medalists Троја Isley (Александрија, VA.), Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Охајо) и Freudis Rojas Jr. (Лас Вегас, Nev.), as well as two-time World Championship medalist Christina Cruz (Њујорк, N.Y.), 2016 Светскиот шампион младите Delante Џонсон (Кливленд, Охајо) и 2016 Youth World Championships bronze medalist Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, Калифорнија.)




Other boxers anticipated to compete for Team USA include international medalists Khalil Coe (Џерси Сити, Њу Џерси), Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, VA.), Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, Тексас), Oshae Jones (Толедо, Охајо), Quinton Randall (Katy, Тексас) и Stacia Suttles(Бруклин, N.Y.). These boxers are subject to change, and a full roster for both teams will be released closer to the start of the duels.




Boxers who are competing at the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships are eligible for an early check-in on Saturday, Октомври. 6 for the qualifier and will receive free entrance to that night’s duel. Coaches who pre-register for the Qualifier and complete early check-in will also receive free entrance to that night’s event.




Check USABoxing.org for updates on the event in the coming weeks.




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ЗА САД боксер: The mission of USA Boxing shall be to enable United Statesathletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence, развиваат карактер, поддршка на спортот на боксот, and promote and grow Olympic style boxing in the United States. The responsibility of USA Boxing is not only to produce Olympic gold, but also oversee and govern every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.

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