前UFC出色的阿尔乔姆洛博夫加入与EXCLUSIVE多斗争交易BARE KNUCKLE格斗冠军赛

为了使BKFC出道BKFC 6 四月 20 在
密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, MS

费城 (二月 13, 2019) – 前UFC出色 阿尔乔姆洛博夫, 康纳尔麦格雷戈的的stablemate, 已要求他从UFC发布以独家标志多拼处理 裸关节格斗冠军赛(BKFC) 并继续他的战斗运动生涯与BKFC为组织准备一个标志性的一年.

“我觉得阿尔乔姆是一个伟大的除了我们的阵容,他的风格是为这项运动做出,” 说BKFC创始人兼总裁戴维·费尔德曼. “吸引并签署与阿尔乔姆具有以下一个家伙是因为我们现在是作为一个组织,其中绝配. 我觉得这个签约意味深长的是BKFC前进的方向。”

洛博夫将他的首次亮相BKFC上周六, 四月 20 作为BKFC的一部分 6, 这将发生在密西西比海岸体育馆比洛克西, MS. 他将面临比洛克西本地和同胞老将UFC贾森骑士.

“杰森·奈特是一个动作, 谁将会在他的家乡在很长一段时间来争取在第一时间强硬战斗机,” 持续费尔德曼. “这是一个真正的十字路口战斗. 我个人认为这是今年候选人的斗争。”

“我迫不及待地用于裸关节格斗冠军赛打,” 说洛博夫. “我一直跟随他们从一开始. 我喜欢他们在做什么,我要感谢大卫·费尔德曼对我的信任. 我期待着这个新的阶段,我的职业生涯,我认为它具有完善的规则集对我来说,我最大的能力进行. 我期待着成为这一运动的明星。”

来自俄罗斯的32岁的战斗机他的名字上赛季 22 的 终极战士 作为团队麦格雷戈的一部分, 在那里,他自己的方式比赛的总决赛中输给了瑞恩厅前. 他挑战幼童斯旺森在UFC的主要事件 2016, 在克里斯·阿维拉和Alex白捡的胜利后. 虽然他的决策失去了他的最后三个回合UFC, 他拥有 13 专业MMA胜将采取体验到BKFC行动.

火拳拳击手将参加在圣保罗举行的 UFC Fight Pass 比赛. 圣彼得堡

坦帕, FL (二月 13, 2019) ——Fire Fist Boxing 的康纳·“小子”·科伊尔, “娃娃脸”威廉·席尔瓦和小马克·雷耶斯. 周六所有比赛都将作为 UFC Fight Pass 卡的一部分进行, 二月 16 在圣斗兽场. 圣彼得堡, FL.

这个精彩的拳击之夜由小罗伊·琼斯 (Roy Jones Jr) 推广. 与 Rite Hook 促销活动相关的拳击促销活动.


往返于他的祖国爱尔兰和圣保罗之间. 圣彼得堡, FL, 科伊尔是一个完美的 8-0 同 3 胜淘汰赛. 他已经成为坦帕-圣皮特地区的一大看点,最近在第六回合 TKO 丹尼·帕斯特拉纳. 才华横溢的科伊尔被两岸媒体视为值得关注的新秀。.

巴吞鲁日的战斗, LA, 斯科特是科伊尔迄今为止最有经验的敌人. 这位38岁的球员拥有出色的 19-4 专业与总帐 5 KO的. 真正的运动老手, 斯科特转为职业球员 2004 当科伊尔 14.

坦帕的次中量级天才小马克·雷耶斯, FL 冒着风险 0 对阵圣保罗的不败同胞罗德里戈·塔蒂耶夫斯基, 巴西队将迎来备受期待的六轮比赛.

广受欢迎的小雷耶斯. 是 8-0 同 6 KO的. 运动拳击手, 雷耶斯去年 10 月第三回合 TKO 胡安·加尔塞斯,现年 22 岁, 持续快速改善.

塔蒂耶夫斯基, 谁是第一次在美国打架, 是 8-0 并具有 7 以淘汰赛方式获胜. 他有信心在 UFC Fight Pass 上在数百万观众面前击败雷耶斯,从而引起轰动.

普兰特城少年次中量级“娃娃脸”威廉·席尔瓦, 佛罗里达州 经 圣保罗, 巴西队在十回合比赛中挑战粗犷的阿根廷选手胡安·拉蒙·索利斯.

席尔瓦, 谁有优秀的 26-2 专业账本和 15 胜淘汰赛, 取得了统治级的成绩 9 去年10月TKO何塞·福雷罗. 在职业生涯的大部分时间都在轻量级战斗之后, 席尔瓦的目标是最好的 140 磅,但他必须首先超越索利斯.

在布宜诺斯艾利斯生活和战斗, 阿根廷, 索利斯是 25-13 同 9 KO的. 这位 36 岁的选手曾与许多顶级拳手交手,其中包括世界冠军罗伯特·伊斯特 (Robert Easter), 塞尔吉奥·汤普森和迭戈·席尔瓦以及不败的索尔·罗德里格斯等竞争者.

“这对康纳来说是一个很好的机会, 马克和威廉,”火拳拳击的乔迪·卡利奎尔说道. “UFC Fight Pass 平台非常适合这三位优秀拳击手向来自世界各地的粉丝展示他们的才华. 我们期待周六晚上的到来。”

粉丝们可以观看科伊尔, 席尔瓦和雷耶斯’ 回合 Ufc.tv/page/fightpass 门票可在 HTTPS://www.eventbrite.com/e/
战斗盛宴圣彼得 ufc 战斗-

欲了解更多信息, 请访问 Firefistboxing.netFacebook.com/firefistboxing.

关于火拳: 火拳拳是一家专业的全方位服务拳击管理团体. 火拳拳管理精英榜首, 在坦帕湾地区生活和/或训练的当地和国际拳击手.

Claressa盾VS. CHRISTINA HAMMER无可争议的妇女的中量级世界冠军SET星期六, APRIL 13 住在SHOWTIME®从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城

IBF, WBA和WBC的冠军盾,以满足WBO & WBC的冠军在凹部锤在可以说是最显着的女子拳击历史大事

欣欣拳击: 特别版本® 住在 9 P.M. ET / PT

纽约 - 二月 12, 2019 - 中量级不败的世界冠军Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜锤将在周六见面, 四月 13 住在Showtime加冕女子无可争议的160磅重的世界冠军. 从浮桥霍尔在大西洋城的大片一统, N.J. 将是重头戏 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 住在 9 P.M. ET / PT,可以说是最显著妇女在历史拳击事件.

盾VS. 锤有两个共识前10磅磅战斗机在世界现蕾冠只在女子拳击history.The打第二无可争议的冠军, 原本定于11月 2018, 由于被推迟到通过锤遭遇了现在已经解决了医疗问题.

这位23岁的希尔兹 (8-0, 2 科斯) 是谁拥有IBF两科状元, WBA和WBC的160磅重的冠军. 这位28岁的锤 (24-0, 11 科斯) 拥有WBO带, 是WBC的冠军在休会, 并称霸女子中量级划分为八年多. 盾牌和哈默在同一张卡上去年六月战斗在Showtime, 两架战斗机赢得赫然建立了第一个无可争议的对决在女子160磅重的部门.

希尔兹的VS胜者. 锤将加盟泰伦斯 - 克劳福德, 前锋泰勒, 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, 奥莱克桑德·塞克和妇女的次中量级塞西莉亚Braekhus作为唯一的战士已经全部统一四大世界冠军在任何重量级别.

盾VS. 锤是由的Salita促销推广. 门票价格和销售日期将在下周通过浮桥厅公布.

“我一直寻求的最大挑战,并设置最高目标. 我将准备好前所未有,将击败克里斯蒂娜锤04月13日,”希尔兹说. “没有什么能够阻止我成为无可争议的冠军,并继续我的旅程,携带女子拳击以前从未见过的高度. 我想成为最伟大的所有时间和永远改变游戏体育所有妇女, 四月 13 是道路的历史上迈出的重要一步。”

“我已经等了很久了这一刻,”哈默说. “我是大, 更强,比Claressa盾更有经验. 我不败,并已超过八年的冠军. 我迫不及待向世界展示了我是世界上最好的和无可争议的中量级冠军。”

“欣欣体育有特色的女子格斗运动最好的悠久历史, 无论是与莱拉·阿里与克里斯蒂·马丁在拳击, 或吉娜·卡拉诺, 克里斯机器侠和龙达·鲁西在MMA,”戈登·霍尔说, 执行制片人 欣欣拳击: 特别版本. “最近, 因为 2016 我们今天精选的精英与Claressa盾, 克里斯蒂娜·哈默, 凯蒂·泰勒和阿曼达·塞拉诺出现在一个行业领先 10 女子拳击的演讲. 男女不限, SHOWTIME已交付最好的战士中最棘手的对决, 四月 13 将没有什么不同. 我们有两个互相面对岌岌可危所有四个量级冠军的最好的磅磅的女战士,在世界. 它没有得到更好的比“。

“最大的妇女的所有时间斗争被设置为发生在四月 13 在浮桥霍尔在大西洋城,“所述启动子德米特里Salita. “Claressa盾和克里斯蒂娜·哈默, 这两个冠军, 无论是在风华正茂, 不仅在环双方各承担在各自的职业生涯中最大的挑战, 但打破了拳击,女性在运动障碍. 四月 13 注定是在Showtime直播拳击的电和历史性的夜晚“。

“盾VS. 锤是在女子拳击历史上最大和最重要的战斗 - 两个不败统一风华正茂作战的冠军,为世界无可争议量级冠军,”盾牌经理Mark Taffet说. “克里斯蒂娜锤确实是一个非常好的战斗机和冠军, 但Claressa盾是一次在一个千载难逢. 同样的强烈关注和决心得到了Claressa通过生活, 她赢得了两枚奥运金牌, 并为她赢得了五个世界冠军在八个亲打架将携带她的胜利在4月13日”

“我们很高兴能带来世界级拳击锦标赛返回到大西洋城的吉姆·惠兰浮桥厅,”马特·多尔蒂说, 赌场再投资发展局执行董事. “这加强了档案室的承诺吸引世界级的体育赛事,提高游客对我们的目的地。”

希尔兹是历史上第一个美国拳击手 - 男性或女性 - 连续赢得奥运金牌. 弗林特, 密歇根州。, 原生转为职业选手后的 2016 在她的第四场职业比赛中,奥运会成为了女子超级中量级世界冠军. Shields在6月份移至中等身高 22 SHOWTIME的头条新闻, 在第六届职业比赛中击败汉娜·加布里埃尔斯赢得国际羽联和WBA冠军,并成为两分区冠军. After Hammer was named WBC Champion in Recess due to her medical issue, Shields picked up the vacant WBC title last November with a unanimous decision over Hannah Rankin. She most recently defended all three titles in December against Femke Hermans.

锤, 多特蒙德, 德国, 自从赢得WBO冠军以来,一直是女子中量级比赛的主导力量 2010. 锤子成为了统一冠军 2016 with a unanimous decision over WBC titlist Kali Reis and made four defenses as unified champion. 在她担任冠军的八年中, 锤子只输了几回合 16 世界冠军战斗. 锤, 他还专业模特,最近在纽约时装周上亮相, 使她在美国. 六月登场 22 自从在 2009. After being forced to withdraw from the November unification due to the health issue, Hammer won a non-title fight via second round knockout last Saturday, 二月 9 在德国.

SHOWTIME BOXING的底牌: 特殊版电视广播将在未来几周内宣布.

Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr. & Four-Division Champion Mikey Garcia to Square Off at Unprecedented Live Press Conference on FOX & FOX Deportes This Saturday, 二月 16 在 4:30 P.M. ET/1:30 P.M. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. 直播

Fighters to Preview Blockbuster Showdown During Nationally Televised Press Conference Leading up to Saturday, 三月 16 FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View from AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州

LOS ANGELES(二月 11, 2019) – Unbeaten welterweight champion埃罗尔小斯彭斯and undefeated four-division champion米奇·加西亚will go face-to-face at a special FOX PBC PRESS CONFERENCE that will air live on FOX and FOX Deportes this Saturday, 二月 16 在 4:30 P.M. ET/1:30 P.M. PT from Microsoft Theater at L.A. 住在洛杉矶.

Errol Spence Jr. versus Mikey Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of the year and having them face off before a live audience on network television is an unprecedented and unique way to build interest for this fight,” said Bill Wanger, 规划的执行副总裁, Live Operations and Research, FOX体育. “We’re excited to highlight these two undefeated fighters before they go toe-to-toe in the ring.

This is a historic occasion. I can’t recall the last time, if ever, in my 30 years in the sport when there has been a press conference live on broadcast television,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB总裁 促销. “It’s just further proof of the commitment that FOX has to the sport and the PBC boxers. It’s also a win for the fans who tune-in because they will get a sneak peek at what awaits when these two champions step into the ring at AT&阿灵顿T球场, Texas on March 16.

“斯彭斯VS. Garcia is a more than a fight. It is an event that will determine who is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world,” 理查德·谢弗说, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官. “It is an event that transcends boxing. The legendary AT&T Stadium is the perfect host for this event, where two champions in the prime of their careers will put their records and their legacies on the line. 三月 16, the world will be watching and witness one of the biggest events of our generation.

The hour-long show on FOX will be hosted by Kate Abdo along with analysts Ray Mancini and newly crowned IBF World Super Middleweight Champion Caleb Plant. Kenny Albert hosts the press conference with fighters in the ring, while Jimmy Lennon Jr. introduces fighters. Heidi Androl serves as the reporter, adding interviews during the show. Spence and Garcia will preview their upcoming FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View showdown taking place Saturday, 三月 16 来自AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州.

Boxing fans can tune-in at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT for more PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes coverage as a three-fight broadcast kicks off from Microsoft Theater with WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz defending his title against Mexico’s Rafael Rivera in the main event.


Mario Barrios Remains Undefeated With Fourth-Round TKO Of Richard Zamora

Javier Fortuna Scores Unanimous Decision Against Sharif Bogere In Telecast Opener

观看安可演示周一 10 P.M. ET / PT

点击 这里 for Photos; 信贷: Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

点击 这里 for Photos; 信贷: Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

CARSON, 加利福尼亚州。, (二月 9, 2019) – Gervonta Davis defended his WBA Super Featherweight World Championship with a thrilling first-round TKO of former world champion Hugo Ruiz before a sellout crowd of 8,048 at Dignity Health Sports Park Saturday non SHOWTIME.
Knockdown video highlight: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2URYn8t

Baltimore’s Davis (21-0, 20 科斯) recorded his eighth career first-round knockout as referee Jack Reiss called off the fight with one second remaining in the first round following a devastating sweeping right hook by Davis connected cleanly and sent Ruiz (39-5, 32 科斯) down to his knees.

戴维斯, who entered the ring to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, wasted little time showing why he is one of boxing rising super stars with his impressive fourth win in a world title fight. The 24-year-old Davis is the youngest U.S.-born world titlist in boxing and was headlining for the first time.

With his promoter Floyd Mayweather looking on, Davis made quick work of his late-replacement opponent. “I knew it was coming,“他说,. “I wanted to go more rounds, but I knew if I got him out of there early I could fight again sooner. When I touched the jab I saw his arm was in front of his face so if I threw a hook or uppercut it was right in line.”

戴维斯, who has now stopped his last 12 对手, connected on 50 他的权力拳%的, just under the 51 percent power accuracy he logged in his last four fights.

The late substitute 32-year-old Ruiz was fighting for the second time in three weeks as he replaced the injured Abner Mares. Ruiz was used to being on the other side of first-round knockouts having recorded 18 of his own during his career.

As soon as he started landing punches, I could feel them,” Ruiz said. “I have a lot of first round knock outs, today was my turn to lose in the first round. It happens in boxing.”

Next up for Davis could be the winner of the March 2 Ricardo Nunez-Edner Cherry WBA Eliminator on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center. “We could do that,” Davis said. “At the end of the day I’m a fighter. I’m a fighter and I have a great team. One of the best in the sport. I believe in my team and whatever they line up, 我准备好了.

Davis told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray he’s ready for a sweet homecoming for his next fight. “是, 先生. We’re coming to Baltimore. We’re going home, 婴儿。”

在共同特征, 马里奥·巴里奥斯 (23-0, 14 科斯) knocked out his seventh consecutive opponent as the 23-year-old from San Antonio stopped Mexico’s Richard Zamora (15-3, 10 科斯). 停工来得 2:16 in round four as referee Ray Corona waved off the fight after a barrage of Barrios punches landed cleanly and dazed the game Zamora.

With noted trained Virgil Hunter in his corner, the accurate Barrios landed a staggering 59 他的权力拳%的, 含 37 的 58 (64 百分) 在第四轮也是最后一轮.

“He wasn’t an easy target at all,”巴里奥斯说, who sparred with Amir Khan and Devin Haney in training camp and is the WBA’s No. 1 排名战斗机 140 英镑. We just used everything we worked on in camp to find my range.”

他加了: “It was an amazing fight. I tip my hat to Zamora – he’s a hell of a warrior. I wish him nothing but the best for the rest of his career. Like he said at the press conference, he wanted a war and I brought it to him. Total respect to him.”

Zamora was making his United States debut. “I came to fight,“他说,. “I didn’t come to lay down. I thought I still could have fought more. I don’t want to criticize the referee. He did what he had to do.”

Barrios said he’s ready for the next big step-up in his career. “That’s up to my managerial team,“他说,. “Whenever they feel I’m ready I’ll fight for a world title. Any one of them. I am knocking down the door for a world title right now.”

在转播揭幕战, 哈维尔财神 (34-2-1, 23 科斯) won a unanimous decision against Sharif Bogere (32-2, 20 科斯) 在10轮轻量级回合. All three judges scored the fight 96-93 in favor of Fortuna.

The southpaw Fortuna, 布伦特里, 质量, by way of the Dominican Republic, knocked down Bogere in the sixth round, the same round Bogere suffered a nasty cut above his right eye after an accidental head clash.

The knockdown occurred after a powerful left uppercut by Fortuna dazed Bogere, who appeared to be pushed down and touched his glove on the canvas. Referee Edward Collantes scored it a knockdown, giving Fortuna the 10-8 圆.

“(The knock down) was correct,”财神说, who said he would love a future shot against Davis. “I saw his eyes were a little glossy and his legs buckled a bit. When I saw that he was cut, the game plan changed again and we had to work again to attack the cut.”

Originally from Uganda but now living in Las Vegas, Bogere gave himself a seven out of 10 grade. “I think I won the fight,“他说,. “Even the knockdown was bull. He kept coming at me with the head. He kept trying to head butt me. The challenge was that there was blood in my eye. The first couple of rounds I was boxing him easily.”

在战斗进行到一半的时候, Fortuna began pulling away winning rounds six, seven and eight on SHOWTIME Steve Farhood’s unofficial scorecard as Bogere continued to fade, although coming back to win round nine on Farhood’s card.

In the power punch category, Fortuna connected on 89 的 310 punches for 29 percent while Bogere landed 59 的 317 for just 19 百分. Bogere was riding a 13-fight winning streak over the past six years coming into the fight.

“What I want right now is a contract so I can fight Gervonta Davis wherever. Lomachenko, any of them,”财神说, who had a No Decision against Adrian Granados last June on SHOWTIME after falling out of the ring in the fourth round suffering a head and neck injury.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN featured two live undercard fights on social media platforms leading into the televised tripleheader. Former world title challenger Erickson Lubin (20-1, 15 科斯) knocked down Ishe Smith (29-11, 12 科斯) a total of four times before the fight was stopped at the end of round three in a scheduled 10-round super welterweight bout. Undefeated super lightweight Juan Heraldez (16-0, 10 科斯) stopped Eddie Ramirez (17-3, 11 科斯) in round seven of a scheduled 10-round fight.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo called the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. 三位名人堂成员组成了电视转播团队——艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood作为非官方马戏团射手, 和世界知名的环播音员麦侬JR. Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez hosted the telecast in Spanish, available via Secondary Audio Programming (SAP). The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr., 与鲍勃·邓菲导演.

周六的精彩表演拳击锦标赛tripleheader将重播上周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions 和 Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


波特兰, 缅因 (二月 8, 2019) – 新英格兰战斗 (NEF) 将展示其未来的混合武术 (MMA) 事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰. 今天早些时候,, the fight promotion announced the second amateur title fight confirmed for the event. Zac “洛基” 理查德 (3-0-1) 将在 汤姆 “飞鸿(Phenom)” Pagliarulo (2-1) for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Championship.

It will be Richard’s second attempt at capturing the title. Earlier this month, Richard fought Fred Lear (6-2-1) to a thrilling five-round draw for the strap in Bangor, 缅因. The bout is considered by many to be a very early contender for “年度扑灭” in New England thus far. Lear’s decision to turn professional after that fight nixed any hope for an immediate rematch.

理查德, 该 2018 “NEF年度最佳新秀” as voted by the promotion’s fans, went on a tear last year with three first-round finishes. He has never been a stranger to the winner’s circle, having won a Maine state championship in wrestling for Massabesic High School in 2015. Richard hopes to replicate that success on April 27 and take the featherweight strap home in his second attempt.

Richard represents team Nostos MMA of Somersworth, New Hampshire where he trains under current UFC fighter, 和前 NEF 职业轻量级冠军, 德文 - 鲍威尔 (9-4).

Now that I’ve been in a war, I know what I need to work on,” said Richard. “I’ve came so far in just one year. I’m going to blow the roof off of AURA. No way around it, I want that title. I’m going to come back faster, stronger and smarter. Tom is a great fighter and I know this fight will bring out the best in me.

Tom Pagliarulo will be making his NEF debut on April 27. He has two finishes to his credit on MMA events in New Hampshire, including a first-round technical knockout last fall. Like Richard, Pagliarulo cut his teeth on the wrestling mats. 他是一个终身的摔跤手. He competed for Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Massachusetts and later for Plymouth State University in Plymouth, 新罕布什尔州. Pagliarulo currently holds a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and trains at both Burgess MMA in Manchester, New Hampshire and Spero’s Martial Arts Academy in Plaistow, 新罕布什尔州.

What better way to make my NEF debut than a title fight against a tough competitor,” exclaimed Pagliarulo when reached for comment. “Zac and myself are both elite wrestlers which should make for an exciting fight. The opportunity was presented to me, and I know it is a fight that will make us both better, so I jumped all over it. As far as the title goes, this is just another fight for me. I’m going to go in there and do what I love to do, 斗争。”

NEF的下一个混合武术事件, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” 将于周六, 四月 27, 2019 在Aura在波特兰, 缅因州 响铃时间 7 下午。门票现已开始发售www.AuraMaine.com.

New promotional company Shearns Boxing Promotions Announces inaugural showEvery Man For Himself” 三月 15 在伍斯特, 嘛

(L-R) – Jake Paradise, 埃德温·罗萨, 威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan), promoter Chuck Shearns, 欧文小, 肯德里克球, JR. and Angel Camacho, JR. (所有图片均由艾米丽·哈尼拍摄 / Shearns拳击促销)

伍斯特, 质量. (二月 6, 2019) – New England’s newest promotional company, Shearns拳击促销 (SBP), held a press conference today to formally announce the presentation of its inaugural event, “Every Man For Himself,” on Friday night, 三月 15, 在伍斯特钯, 嘛.

SBP’s philosophy is to promote entertaining, 有竞争力的战斗, featuring several fights between New England boxers. Five of the eight fights on SBP’s inaugural card, 例如, pit N.E. VS. 两者都不. 战士.

Worcester fan favorite 肯德里克 “Peppa” 球, JR. (11-1-2, 8 科斯) will face an opponent to be determined in the six-round main event for the vacant New England Middleweight Championship.

在共功能的事件, undefeated Providence light heavyweight Angel Camacho, JR. (15-0, 5 科斯) returns to the ring in a six-round bout versus Taronze Washington (17-26, 9 科斯), 达拉斯.

Always tough Lawrence, MA 初级次中量级 奥古斯丁莫拉斯 (6-4-3, 3 科斯) 抛出朝下 奥斯卡·博尼利亚 (5-3-1, 1 KO), 布里奇波特, CT, 在六轮比赛.

One of Worcester’s most celebrated amateur boxers this century, 重量级 欧文小, will make his professional debut in a four-rounder versus 科里莫利 (0-2-1), 费城.

Undefeated Southbridge, MA量级 维尔弗雷 “该Sucaro” 异教徒 (5-0, 3 科斯) takes on upset-minded Peruvian 卡洛斯·加林多 (1-7), fighting out of Woburn, 嘛, in a four-round clash.

也争取在undercard, all in four-round fights, are Springfield, MA轻量化 Calixto Cruz (1-0) VS. 萨科, ME’s pro-debuting Llamar Kelly, Worcester cruiserweight Jake Paradise (0-2) VS.Francisco Artri Neto (0-2), 沃本, 嘛, and Bridgeport, CT junior lightweight 卡洛斯三世马雷罗(0-2-1) VS. 伍斯特的 埃德温·罗萨 (1-8-1, 1 KO).


General admission tickets are priced at $25.00 和可用以在线购买 thepalladium.net. Boxers on the card have $50.00 和 $25.00 to sell.

门开处 6 P.M. AND, 在第一次战斗 7 P.M. AND.

Event sponsors include Palley Advertising, Lundgren Collision, 烤架 57, Worcester Railers, Worcester Red Sox and Allstate Insurance.

(L-R – 欧文小, 查Shearns & 肯德里克球, JR. )

(L-R) – Angel Camacho, 小, 吉米·伯奇菲尔德, Chuck Shearns and Kendrick Ball, JR.

Press conference quotes:

查Shearns, Shearns拳击促销: “We want New England guys fighting each other, which is something Massachusetts has been missing, Rhode Island and Connecticut have been doing it. We’re hoping to bring it back, it’s our goal. Every fighter on this card has a reason to win, whether it to further their careers nationally, make their pro debut, a few really need a win, and have some who’ve really stepped up to take tough fights.

吉米·伯奇菲尔德 (CES Boxing promotes Kendrick Bell, JR. and Angel Camacho, 小: “CES Boxing and Chuck, we know business, and we know it takes family. We’re honored that he’s stepping up to the plate. Promoting a show is a monstrous job. Life is a family.

Worcester is a fighting city. The sponsors Chuck already has means that they recognize a good promotion. There are so many components to promoting. It may be 8 到 10 weeks without money coming in to fight night. That’s why so many promoters leave right away. Fight night is easy. Fighters are the most important. They risk their lives.

“肯德里克球, 小: I want to thank Chuck and Jimmy because I wanted to fight in my hometown, in in the main event, and for a title. I also wanted to fight on the same card as my cousin, 欧文 (Minor). I know I’m the best middleweight in New England and I’m going to win that strap. Watsch me in the ring!”

Angel Camacho, JR. “This platform in boxing isn’t just about me. God game me a talent. I can reach a lot of kids and tell them they can achieve their goals. After a few injuries, I was kind of lost, and I didn’t know what to do. I’m coming back March 15 and getting my 16 赢. I’m excited to be fighting again.

欧文小: “I want to thank Shearns Boxing Promotions for putting me on this show to make my pro debut. It’s been a long time, but I’m here, and come March 15 to see why Ihere.

威尔弗雷多·帕根(Wilfredo Pagan): “I can’t wait to get my sixth victory. I don’t know much about Galindo, but I heard he’s a tough fighter. I’ll do what I do to put on an entertaining fight for the fans.

Jake Paradise: “我很高兴来到这里. I’m getting on with my career and I’m going to put on a good show.

埃德温·罗萨: “I’m going to put on a good show. I’m training hard to do what I do.



Super Featherweight Champion Davis Joined by Promoter Floyd Mayweather Ahead of Title Defense Against Former Champion Ruiz This Saturday Live on SHOWTIME®From Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亚州. 由顶级拳击冠军颁发

点击 这里 for Photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

点击 这里 来自 Sean Michael Ham 的照片
/Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (二月 7, 2019) – WBA超羽量级世界冠军 Gervonta戴维斯 和前世界冠军 雨果·鲁伊斯 went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe this Saturday night in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 从尊严健康体育公园出发, 前 StubHub 中心, 卡森, 加利福尼亚州. 由总理拳击冠军呈现.

Also facing off on Thursday were fighters who will enter the ring live on SHOWTIME in televised undercard attractions. 不败超轻量级 马里奥·巴里奥斯 will be facing Mexico’s Richard Zamora, 而前世界冠军 哈维尔财神 will step in against lightweight contender Sharif Bogere as part of live SHOWTIME action kicking off at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT.

该活动由梅威瑟促销推广, TGB 促销活动和 Sampson Boxing 门票现已发售,可在 AXS.com 购买.

Davis was joined on-stage by his promoter, legendary boxer and Mayweather Promotions President 梅威瑟. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at the Westin Los Angeles Airport before Saturday night’s event:


I’m so excited to come back strong in 2019. This is the year that could put me over the top and put me at the highest level.

The opponent change didn’t really affect me. In the amateurs we fought four or five times a week so we always had different opponents. I had been sparring someone taller than me in training camp anyway. I think a fighter should be ready and able to adapt to anything that is in front of him in the ring. I’m ready and I hope Ruiz is too.

“训练营已经很大. I’m ready for Saturday night. We planned on fighting Abner Mares, but he had an injury and we hope to still get him down the line if everything is okay with his health.

Hugo Ruiz is a great opponent. He’s going to come to fight on Saturday night. He’s been telling the media he’s going to knock me out, so I hope we get an action packed fight for the fans. I’m glad Ruiz is coming for the knockout. We owe it to the fans and I’m praying that he comes ready to give them a great show.

I feel like I’m the fighter that can be the next big star. I’m working towards it. I’m just a kid soaking it all in right now. 周六晚上, I hope everyone is ready, because it’s going to be action.

Ruiz’s record speaks for itself. I’ve watched him and he has some pop. He’s accurate and I’m ready for it. I don’t think I’ll have any ring rust. I’ve worked with a lot of great fighters in the gym. I’m just excited to get back in the ring.

I want to give my fans all over the world a great show. Everyone tuning in is going to see a great performance. Hopefully Hugo will live up to his word, because I’m going to live up to mine.


I’m very happy to have this opportunity. 我会放弃一切,在环. I have a lot of faith in my boxing skills. I trust and believe that there is going to be a new world champion on Saturday night.

I’m in rhythm and in shape. I’ve been very active leading into and since my last fight. Davis is a tremendous champion, 但他并没有恐吓​​我. I’ll be ready for him come Saturday night.

This is a great opportunity to fight a southpaw, as I had originally been training for a lefty before my opponent changed in my last fight. I also fought a southpaw in November. I’ve been training with a lot of lefties for a while. I’m more than ready for this opportunity.

Davis is a strong champion and I know this is a big opportunity for me to fight someone of his caliber. I’m ready mentally and physically for the greatest opportunity that has been given to me.

At 130-pounds I feel more power than ever and I will demonstrate that on Saturday night. 对我来说这是一个很大的挑战. This is the opportunity that I’ve been waiting for throughout my 12-year career. I don’t plan on wasting it.


This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited for it. I’m looking forward to going out there and putting on a great show for the boxing fans.

I’m ready and I’m prepared to take full advantage of this chance to make a statement on Saturday night. I want any one of the champions in this division, but I’m not looking past Zamora. I just know that the work that I put in will pay off.

I have big things on the horizon and Zamora is in my way. I’m focused and ready to make this a great night. 如果他想要一场战争, I’ll give him a war.


I’m very happy and thankful to be in this fight. This is the opportunity I’ve been looking for. I’m ready to compete and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by.

This is definitely a big step for me in my U.S. 登场. If I can get a win over Mario Barrios, then I would be able to reach a lot of dreams that I have.

I come well prepared and I’m expecting a war. I’m going to be ready to go and battle until the end. You’ll see that I’m going to leave it all in the ring.


I’m going to give the best that I have in the ring. I’m going against a good boxer with a good record, but it doesn’t matter what obstacles are in front of me. I’m going to come through with a big win on Saturday night.

We have a new team and a new trainer that is going to give the fans the best Javier Fortuna possible on Saturday.

A victory against Sharif Bogere is very important for me and a stepping stone to where I want to get. It’s going to be a difficult fight, but I’m ready to make this a very tough night for him.


We are going to make this a great fight on Saturday. Fortuna is a good fighter and tough guy. I expect him to bring a lot of fireworks. I’m prepared for it and I have the game plan to win.

Every day is a tough test in life. This is going to be just another fight. I’m prepared and I have a great team behind me. I’m coming on Saturday night for what belongs to me.

Fortuna has a big name and is a step up for me. This win will put me up there toward the top and I’ll be prepared for whatever challenge comes after that.

梅威瑟, 梅威瑟促销总统

It’s great to be here with so many young talented fighters. I could remember 23 years ago when I was in that same position. When you’re in this position you have to take advantage of it. Opportunities like this come once in a lifetime. You must go out there and give it your all.

I want to see these fighters become great and become stars. The records that I’ve set were made to be broken.

I remember when Gervonta Davis first came to my gym. He worked hard and believed in himself. Sometimes we did two-a-days. If we didn’t think the job was done right, we’d come back and correct it. We continue to strive every day to be the best we possibly can be. Gervonta works extremely hard, but he can’t take anything for granted in this fight.

I think Hugo Ruiz is more dangerous opponent than Abner Mares. Abner is a tremendous fighter, but Ruiz is very tough and he has good knockout power. This is a great matchup and the kind that people want to see. It’s all about putting on great shows and Saturday will be another blockbuster.


We have a great event this Saturday night with great fights from top to bottom of this card. This is going to be a great night of boxing.

Gervonta Davis has reached goals beyond just the boxing ring. I know the impact that Gervonta has on the youth all around the world. 当谈到兴奋, explosiveness and knockout power, this is something new that the fans are getting a chance to witness.

At the young age of 24, fans have come to know Gervonta for his punching power. But he’s also a very skilled boxer. This is one of the things that he’ll be able to showcase moving forward in a number of big fights he’s going to have.

We know he has a tough challenge in front of him. Anytime you have a last minute replacement who’s an excellent fighter, it’s a big challenge. Ruiz is an aggressive fighter and we expect nothing but a great fight.

Gervonta Davis has the full arsenal. 在我看来, he’s the most exciting fighter and the biggest puncher in the entire sport. It takes more than knockout power and I think you’ll see an array of his skillset.


It really is an honor for me to be involved in this great show. These are going to be three great fights. Hugo Ruiz had been training for a southpaw before an opponent switch led to him fighting a right hander last fight. After a few more weeks leading into this fight, Ruiz is 100 percent ready for this challenge.

“相信我, this is going to be a rough fight. I believe that Davis will have his hands full with Hugo Ruiz. Ruiz comes from a family of fighters and he is a true Mexican warrior who will leave it all in the ring on Saturday.

# # #
关于达维VS. 鲁伊兹
格文塔·戴维斯 vs. 周六,在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的主赛中,雨果·鲁伊斯 (Hugo Ruiz) 将由 WBA 超羽量级世界冠军戴维斯对阵前世界冠军鲁伊斯, 二月 9 从尊严健康体育公园出发, 前 StubHub 中心, 卡森, 加利福尼亚州,由超级拳击冠军颁发.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 报道开始于 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT 中,不败的超轻量级马里奥·巴里奥斯 (Mario Barrios) 对阵墨西哥选手理查德·萨莫拉 (Richard Zamora),前世界冠军哈维尔·福图纳 (Javier Fortuna) 与轻量级竞争者谢里夫·博格尔 (Sharif Bogere) 交锋.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions 和 Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


WBA Super Welterweight Champion Takes on Former World Champion Lara Saturday, 三月 2 巴克莱中心布鲁克林& Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

布鲁克林(二月 7, 2019) – WBA super welterweight titlist布赖恩·卡斯塔诺is nearing his first U.S. main event and talked about how training camp has gone so far as he prepares to face former world championErislandy Lara周六, 三月 2 布鲁克林巴克莱中心的 SHOWTIME 现场直播, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Castaño is trained by his former pro boxer father Carlos in the bustling city of Isidro Casanova in Buenos Aires, 阿根廷. After a long and successful amateur career leading into his pro debut in 2012, Castaño has a chance on March 2 to make a lasting impact with an impressive performance against Lara.

I’ve been boxing since I was a small child and now this is my opportunity to prove myself on the biggest stage,” said Castaño. “This fight is the moment I’ve been waiting for and the kind of tough challenge that I love. I want to make a statement to the American audience against one of the best fighters in the world.

In recent years, Argentine fighters such as Marcos Maidana, Jesus Cuellar and Lucas Matthysse have become champions and stars in the U.S. with their relentless styles they bring into the ring fight after fight. Castaño specifically has spoken to another Argentine great in Sergio Martinez for inspiration as he continues his journey.

I have a great admiration for the Argentine champions that have made statements and become big names in the U.S. in recent years and I know how difficult that is to achieve,” said Castaño. “I’ve sat and had great conversations with Sergio Martinez not long ago and I was able to learn a lot from a fighter like that.

The 29-year-old first won an interim title with a knockout of Emmanuel de Jesus in 2016, before winning tough 12-round battles against Michel Soro, and most recently a final round stoppage win over Cedric Vitu to capture the belt he will defend on March 2. These were the first two times Castaño fought into the 12 round as a pro.

I learn new things each time I fight,” said Castaño. “When you are a world champion, there are no easy foes. The opponents come stronger and stronger each time. I’ve learned that I have to double my effort every time I get into the ring.

In LaraCastaño faces a challenging former amateur world champion who was the longest-reigning titleholder in the 154-pound division before he lost to fellow champion Jarrett Hurd last April on SHOWTIME in 2018’s Fight of the Year. Castaño is aware of what Lara brings to the fight and is preparing to negate it.

On paper we know that Lara is a slick fighter that can be difficult to catch, while I’m more like a demolisher that goes after you all fight,” said Castaño. “Lara moves around the ring very wisely and has great timing on the counterpunch. 在环, you never know how it can play out though. I probably haven’t faced someone like him before, so I have to cut off the ring in an even smarter manner.

On March 2, Castaño will be looking to take his career to the next level with his performance, knowing that chances at the highest level are hard to come by.

I’ve taken my career quietly to this point, but I know that I have to make myself known by putting up a great performance in this tough fight,” said Castaño. “I’m prepared to do just that. This is the opportunity that I’ve dreamed of ever since I was a little kid and I have to be ready to rise to the occasion.

门票 为了这次活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买ticketmaster.com,barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可以在美国运通售票处购买 在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

#          #          #


Erislandy Lara vs. Brian Castaño pits former super welterweight world champion Lara against the WBA Super Welterweight Champion Castaño on Saturday, 三月 2 in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家, and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME coverage begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and will see Cuban heavyweight contender路易斯·奥尔蒂斯担当基督教锤in a 10-round heavyweight attraction, plus hard-hittingRicardoNúñezbattling rugged veteranEdner樱桃in a 12-round super featherweight clash that opens the telecast.


Two-Fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®Telecast Includes Heavyweight Prospect Joe Joyce vs. Veteran Bermane Stiverne; Live On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


纽约 - 二月 6, 2019 -  SHOWTIME Sports will present the highly anticipated super middleweight matchup between fierce British rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr. Saturday, 二月 23 live on SHOWTIME from London’s The O2. In the co-featured bout, fast rising prospect Joe Joyce battles former world champion Bermane Stiverne in a 12-round heavyweight clash. The event will air live on air and via the networks’ streaming service at a start time to be announced.

欣欣拳击锦标赛® event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions on ITV in the U.K. and promoted by Poxon Sports. The co-feature bout is promoted in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions.


DeGale (25-2-1, 15 科斯) 和尤班克 (27-2, 21 科斯) will finally settle their long-running score when the two outspoken rivals finally go toe-to-toe in front of the excitable hometown London crowd in the all-British affair.


The 33-year-old DeGale was the first British boxer to win a Gold Medal in the Olympics and a world championship as a professional. He won his world title with a unanimous decision over Andre Dirrell in 2015 and made two successful defenses before fighting to a draw against Badou Jack in 2017. DeGale avenged his December 2017 loss to Caleb Truax to reclaim his IBF Super Middleweight belt in April 2018 在Showtime. After voluntarily vacating the belt, DeGale stopped veteran Fidel Munoz his last time out.


The 29-year-old Eubank Jr., the son of former two-division world champion Chris Eubank, is highly motivated to challenge for more world titles after he lost a unanimous decision to George Groves for the WBA Super Middleweight belt one year ago. The rivalry between DeGale and Eubank has been brewing for several years after a series of run-ins. The duo has sparred each other in the gym and have traded several verbal jabs on social media. 尤班克, who has been training in Las Vegas at the Mayweather Boxing Club, has won nine out of his last ten fights and has registered knockouts in eight of those wins.


The 6-foot-6 Joyce, 伦敦, 英国, has started his professional career with a 100 percent KO rate after turning professional in 2017 在年龄 32. 一个多才多艺的业余, Joyce claimed the super heavyweight silver medal for Great Britain at the 2016 奥运会. 乔伊斯, who trains in Big Bear, 加利福尼亚州. under renowned trainer Abel Sanchez, knocked out Joe Hanks at 2:25 of round one in his last fight on the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury undercard.


Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 科斯), who was the first ever Haiti-born boxer to own a piece of the heavyweight crown, won the WBC title with a convincing sixth-round TKO over Chris Arreola in 2014. Stiverne then lost the belt in his next fight against Deontay Wilder, despite becoming the first fighter to take the current American champion the distance. The 40-year-old has not fought since his loss in the 2017 rematch against Wilder but is anxious to bounce back with a statement win over the highly regarded Joyce.


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