ג'יימס דיגל נגד. CHRIS EUBANK JR. ציטוטים ותמונות אחרונים של מסיבת עיתונאים להצגה במשקל סופר בינוני בשבת הקרובה בשידור חי ב-SHOWTIME® מה-O2 בלונדון

"הגיע זמן פרישה. מי שיפסיד בקרב הזה גמור". – דה גייל

"אין שום דבר שהוא יכול לעשות בטבעת הזו שאני לא יכול להתמודד איתו. אני הולך להרים לו את הראש." – Eubank

ההצגה מתחילה אליפות אגרוף® מתחיל בשידור חי ב 3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT

לחץ כאן לתמונות; אשראי: איאן וולטון/SHOWTIME

לונדון - פברואר 21, 2019 - אלוף סופר בינוני לשעבר, ג'יימס דגייל, ומתמודד על אליפות העולם לשעבר כריס יובנק ג'וניור. התמודדו במסיבת העיתונאים הסופית והלוהטת ביום חמישי לקראת העימות בן 12 הסיבובים שלהם, שכותרתה את כותרות ה-SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING בשבת הקרובה, פבואר 23 חי על ההצגה מתחילה (3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT) מה-O2 בלונדון.

דגאל (25-2-1, 15 קוס) ואובנק (27-2, 21 קוס) סוף סוף יקבע את התוצאה הארוכה שלהם כאשר שתי היריבות הבוטות ייפגשו בלונדון. בקרב השתתפות ב-SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, מדליית כסף אולימפית והפוטנציאל הבכיר ג'ו ג'ויס (7-0, 7 קוס) ימדד מול אלוף ה-WBC לשעבר, ברמן סטיברן (25-3-1, 21 קוס) בהתנגשות של 12 סיבובים במשקל כבד.

אלוף עולם שתי חטיבה לשעבר, כריס יובנק האב, היה נוכח ולא התבייש להצהיר שזה לא הולך להיות קרב קל עבור בנו. "זה 50/50 להילחם ולראשונה אני מבועת ממה שיכולה להיות התוצאה. אני מבועת מכך שג'וניור לא ינצח בקרב הזה,"הוא אמר.

האירוע מקודם על ידי Poxon Sports ומוצג על ידי Premier Boxing Champions. ג'ויס-סטיברן מקודם בשיתוף עם Ringstar Sports ו-Don King Productions. הכותרת הכפולה תשודר בשידור חי בארה"ב. באופן בלעדי ב-SHOWTIME ובקופות ITV בבריטניה.

השדר הוותיק בריאן קאסטר יארח את המשחק הכפול מלונדון כששדר הספורט הקרבי מאורו רנאלו יקרא לצד האקשן לצד אנליסט היכל התהילה אל ברנשטיין. שלושת היכל התהילה יסגרו את צוות הטלוויזיה - אמי® הכתב עטור הפרסים ג'ים גריי, היסטוריון האגרוף סטיב פארהוד כקלע לא רשמי של האגף, וכרוז הטבעות הידוע בעולם, ג'ימי לנון ג'וניור.

הנה מה שהיה ללוחמים ולמחנות שלהם לומר במהלך מסיבת העיתונאים ביום חמישי באינטרקונטיננטל ב-O2:

ג'יימס דה גאל:

"פיניתי את התואר שלי בגלל קרבות כאלה. כריס יובנק קורא בשמי כבר הרבה זמן וסוף סוף יש לי הזדמנות לתת לו אגרוף בפניו.

"אין לי כבוד אליו. אף אחד. הבחור הזה הוא אידיוט דליל. ובמוצאי שבת אני לא יכול לחכות להתמודד איתו. אני הולך לבוא ולתת לו כמו שצריך. הוא לא יכול להתאגרף. כולנו שמענו את זה בעבר.

"זה הקרב הכי גדול בקריירה שלו. זה זמן פרישה. מי שיפסיד בקרב הזה גמור. זה לעשות או למות בשבת... מאבק הפרישה שלו כאן. זה הקרב האחרון שלו, אני מבטיח לך.

"אני מוכח. הייתי שם, עשה את זה. זכיתי בהכל. הוא לא עשה כלום. ואני הולך לפרוש אותו.

"יובנק הוא לוחם קשוח, הוא חזק. יש לו הרבה תכונות טובות, אבל אני טוב מדי בשבילו. כדי לערבב את זה ולהגיע לפסגה אתה צריך יותר מאשר כוח וקשיחות. בכל פעם שהוא עולה, הוא אבוד.

"הפחד מהפסד הוא בגלל שאני יודע מה יש על הקו. זה לעשות או למות. אם אני לא יכול לנצח אותו, אם אני לא יכול לנצח את כריס יובנק ג'וניור., סיימתי.

"הרבה אנשים חושבים שראיתי ימים טובים יותר. הרבה אנשים חושבים שאני בירידה. היו לי בעיות בעבר, אבל אני יכול לומר בכנות שאני בכושר מלא. אני בכושר הכי טוב שהייתי כבר הרבה זמן, זמן רב, פיזית ונפשית. כשאני מרגיש שאני מרגיש שאף אחד לא יכול לנצח אותי.

"אם אני לא יכול לנצח את כריס זה אומר שאני נורה, זה אומר שאני מעל הגבעה."


"הבחור הזה טמבל. הוא מדבר משחק טוב. הוא הולך להשתפר, אבל בסופו של יום אני אהיה יותר מדי בשבילו.

"שנינו נמצאים בשלב שבו אנחנו לא יכולים להפסיד. שנינו נלחמים על הקריירה שלנו. הוא יודע שהוא לא יכול להתמודד איתי. הוא שואל את עצמו, 'האם אני יכול לשרוד?והתשובה היא ממש לא.

"אין שום דבר שהוא יכול לעשות בטבעת הזו שאני לא יכול להתמודד איתו. אני הולכת לאפס את הראש שלו.

"יש לי מאמן במשרה מלאה עכשיו. בפעם הראשונה בקריירה שלי, יש לי מאמן מדי יום ביומו שמתמקד באסטרטגיה כדי להכין אותי למה שג'יימס הוא - כף רגל חלקה.. בגלל זה אני כל כך בטוח. אם הוא רוצה לרוץ, יש לנו את תוכנית המשחק. אם הוא רוצה לעמוד ולהתנדנד, יש לנו את תוכנית המשחק. יש לנו תוכנית לכל דבר.

"מה שחשוב הוא שהקריירה של ג'יימס הסתיימה בעוד כמה ימים. שלחתי לו הודעה אחרי שהוא הפסיד [ג'ורג '] גרובס אומר שהוא צריך לעמוד בקצב כי אנחנו הולכים להילחם יום אחד. ועכשיו, כשסוף סוף אנחנו כאן, אני מסתכל לתוך עיניו ואני לא רואה בחור בטוח.

"זה הזמן שלי. אני מצפה לטוב ביותר שהוא היה אי פעם וזה עדיין לא יספיק.

"אני לוחם ברמה עולמית. כל אחד במשחק האיגרוף יודע את זה. זו ההזדמנות שלי להוכיח שאחת ולתמיד לקבוע את השיא ולהוכיח שאני הדבר האמיתי. אני יודע שזה קרב מכונן בקריירה שלי. זה לעשות או למות ואני מוכן לזה.

"ג'יימס יודע מה מגיע. בסופו של היום, ההופעות האחרונות שלו לא היו ברמה, אבל אני לא חושב שהוא כיבד את שלו [עבר] מתנגדים. הוא מכבד אותי, ואני מכבד אותו וזו הסיבה שזה קרב אמיתי.

"הייתי במשחק הרבה זמן אבל זו רק ההתחלה של מסע ארוך עבורי. זה הקרב הכי גדול שלי. אני צריך לנצח. אם אני מנצח, חזרתי לבמה העולמית. לנצח את ג'יימס דה גייל מסדר אותי לזכייה עולמית וזו הסיבה שהתחלתי במשחק הזה".

ג'ים מקדונל:

"יש רמות לאיגרוף. כריס היה סיכוי טוב להגיע אבל הוא לא באותה רמה כמו ג'יימס. הוא יגלה מה צריך כדי להיות אלוף עולם. ג'יימס דה גייל נמצא ברמות מעל כריס ג'וניור.

"לכריס אולי יש את כל הדרייב שהוא צריך אבל אין לו את הכישורים לנצח את ג'יימס דה-גייל.

"אני יודע שג'יימס לא מפסיד. ג'יימס דה גייל הוא כנראה הלוחם הבריטי הטוב ביותר שראיתי בארצי".


"ראיתי את פסגת ג'יימס וזה משכר. עם כריס, לא כל מה שאמרתי יושם. אולי זה נשמע, אך לא מיושם. מה שאמרתי עובד. לא הייתי צריך 19 אליפות זוכה אם לא.

"אני לא משוכנע [כריס ינצח] כי לג'יימס דה גייל יש אילן יוחסין. להיות א [אוֹלִימְפִּי] מדליית הזהב ואלוף העולם לשעבר הוא אמיתי. אני מכבד את היכולות של האיש. ג'וניור לא.

"הבן שלי מסתכל על ההיבט הפיזי של אגרוף ו, מנקודת מבט פיזית, אני לא חושב שיש מישהו שיכול לעמוד איתו. אבל אגרוף הוא לא רק פיזי - הוא גם רוחני, ושם חסר לג'וניור. אני לא יודע אם יש לו את זה.

"זה 50/50 להילחם ולראשונה אני מבועת ממה שיכולה להיות התוצאה. אני מבועת מכך שג'וניור לא ינצח בקרב הזה.

"זו החוכמה של מישהו שהיה כאן. אתה אף פעם לא מזלזל ביריב שלך על סמך הופעות העבר. כל מי שחושב שהבחור הזה במגלשה בגלל הופעות עבר, עושה טעות.

"מהיבט פיזי, ידו של ג'וניור על העליונה. מהיבט רוחני ואילן יוחסין, ידו של ג'יימס על העליונה, ובגלל זה זהו א 50/50 מאבק.

"אני כן יודע שכריס למד ובואו נראה מה יופק. זה יכול להיות קרב מבריק".


"אני אוהב את הסיכויים שלנו. אני מכיר את הבחור שהייתי איתו במחנה. הדברים שראיתי, אני אוהב. הפעם הם הרבה יותר חיוביים.

"אי אפשר לזלזל בבחור כמו יובנק. הוא תמיד בא לנצח. אבל, בלי קשר לתוכנית המשחק, יש מנטליות מסוימת ולבחור שלי יש את זה. הוא זוכה מדליית זהב והוא יודע איזו מנטליות להביא בשבת.

"ג'יימס זכה בשני תארים גדולים בעולם, מדליית זהב אולימפית. לכריס היו כמה ניצחונות טובים אבל כשהגיע לרמת העילית הזו, הוא הפסיד. כריס הוא לוחם טוב אבל הוא לא ניצח את רמת האופוזיציה הזו".

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סאן חוזה, כגון (פבואר 21, 2019)Undefeated super bantamweight prospect and rising star, Eros Correa (5-0, 5 קוס), returns to the ring this Saturday in Tijuana, מקסיקו. The 4-round bout is being promoted by GM3 Boxing Promotions ו Gonzalez Boxing Promotions, and will take place at Cheer’s Bar, בטיחואנה. Correa will face Jose Pech, a veteran of over 30 קרבות.

“אני מצפה למאבק הזה,” said Eros Correa, who’s guided by Cali Boxing Management. “My last fight in Tijuana was my toughest opponent to date so I’m not looking past Pech. Fighting in Mexico has been great for my career. With each fight I feel I’m getting better and better. I’m gaining a lot of experience and my confidence is at an all time high. I’m also starting to build a fan base out there. I want to thank my team for all their hard work. This Saturday I’ll be going for another knockout.

Since signing with Cali Boxing Management last summer, Correa has been fighting on a consistent basis, going undefeated in four fights, כל בנוקאאוט. This will be Correa’s second fight of 2019. In his last bout he scored a fourth round TKO.

We are happy with Erosprogress and we feel he’s developing into a great fighter, one that we believe will make some serious noise in the super bantamweight division,” אמר Andrew Bocanegra, of Cali Boxing Management. “After this bout we have plans to have him fight in the Bay Area, where all his family and friends will be in attendance. He’s an incredibly talented fighter to say the least.

Erosamateur pedigree being an alternate on the 2012 Olympic team is evident and its transitioning in the pros,” אמר Jessie Sanchez, of Cali Boxing Management. “Fighting in Mexico has been tremendous for his development.

Former World Champions Collide as Peter Quillin Takes on Minnesota-Native Caleb Truax in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Main Event Saturday, אפריל 13 from The Armory in Minneapolis

Top Contender Sergiy Derevyanchenko Battles Jack Culcay in Middleweight Title Eliminator & Rising Prospect Chris Colbert Steps Into the Ring in Action Beginning at 10 p.m. ET p.m / 7. PT

Tickets on Sale Saturday, פבואר 23!

MINNEAPOLIS (פבואר 21, 2019) – Former world champions will go toe-to-toe as פיטר “שוקולד קיד” Quillin faces Minnesota-native כלב “זהב” Truax in a 12-round IBF super middleweight title eliminator that headlines Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes Saturday, אפריל 13 from The Armory in Minneapolis.

Televised coverage begins at 10 p.m. ET p.m / 7. PT and will feature top middleweight contenderסרגי דרביאנצ'נקולוקח עלג'ק קולקייin a 12-round IBF title eliminator, plus unbeaten rising prospectChris Colbertwill compete in an undercard attraction.

כרטיסים לאירוע, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, go on sale Saturday, פבואר 23, and can be purchased at the Armory athttp://ArmoryMN.com/ and through Ticketmaster.

Quillin vs. Truax is a true 50-50 matchup of former world champions looking to put themselves in position to grab another world title,” אמר ליאון Margules, נשיא Warriors האיגרוף. “Truax will have the hometown crowd in Minnesota behind him, but Quillin has fought at the highest level against top competition for years. It has all the makings of a dramatic fight, and combined with the Derevyanchenko vs. Culcay middleweight eliminator, it’s going to make for an action packed night at the Armory and on FS1 and FOX Deportes.

Both of these are fantastic matchups because there are championship implications on the line,” said Tom Brown, President of TGB Promotions. “That adds to the motivation for each of the guys stepping into the ring. For Qullin and Truax, they both know what it means to be a world champion and this is their opportunity to return to that status. There is always a lot of energy in the Armory for these types of matches and that really carries over to the FS1 and FOX Deportes broadcast for those watching at home. It promises to be a very entertaining evening for all boxing fans.” 

A former middleweight champion, Quillin (34-1-1, 23 קוס) delivered in his second bout at super middleweight, defeating J’Leon Love last August by unanimous decision. Born in Chicago and raised Michigan, Quillin has called Brooklyn, N.Y.. home throughout a pro career that saw him win a world title against Hassan N’Dam in 2012 and defend it three times. His only loss came to Daniel Jacobs in 2015 after battling former champion Andy Lee to a draw earlier that year.

I’m approaching this fight very seriously because I know Truax is a durable guy who knows how to fight,” סעיד Quillin. “He comes from a background where people don’t give him credit for what he’s done, and those are the most dangerous guys. I’m no stranger to fighting in my opponent’s backyard. My job is to go into the ring and go home with the win. I’m looking to walk away with some of his fans on my side by winning the fight and putting on a great performance.

Fighting out of Osseo, מינסוטה, Truax (30-4-2, 19 קוס) pulled off one of 2017’s biggest upsets when he traveled to London to defeat James DeGale and become a 168-pound world champion. The 35-year-old lost a hard-fought rematch to DeGale in 2018 and most recently scored a third-round stoppage of Fabiano Soares at the Armory in August.

Peter Quillin is someone I’ve wanted to fight since I first sparred with him in 2012,” סעיד Truax. “I walked away from that experience confident that I could get the job done if we were ever matched together. The fact that it’s taking place at home in Minnesota is even better because my fans are going to give me a huge advantage. My goal is to get back into title contention and win my second world title.

A 2008 Olympian for his native Ukraine, דרביאנצ'נקו (12-1, 10 קוס) has made his home in Brooklyn, N.Y.. since turning pro in July 2014. The 33-year-old was unbeaten in his first 12 קרבות, earning a world title fight with a final-round stoppage of Tureano Johnson in 2017. He most recently dropped a narrow split-decision to Daniel Jacobs in a middleweight title fight in October.

Culcay (25-3, 13 קוס) is originally from Ecuador, spent much of his career fighting out of Germany, and now lives in Florida. He enters this bout on a three-fight winning streak after picking up a trio of wins in 2018. He had previously held an interim 154-pound titles before losing close decisions against Demetrius Andrade and Maciej Sulecki.

Representing his hometown of Brooklyn, N.Y., קולבר (10-0, 3 קוס) has begun to make a name for himself showing off tremendous skills across his first 10 pro victories. The 22-year-old most recently dominated Josh Hernandez on FS1 in January and he will return to fight at The Armory for the second time after defeating then unbeaten Austin Dulay on FS1 last April.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop atFOXSports.com and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku.

For more information: ביקורwww.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage וwww.foxdeportes.com, מעקב בטוויטרPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. p

Hometown favorite Kendrick Ball, ג 'וניור. headlining at home to establish his place in Worcester’s rich boxing history

WORCESTER, מסה. (פבואר 21, 2019) – Worcester boxer KendrickPeppa” כדור, ג 'וניור. is living the dream and closing in on some of his goals in the ring.

כדור (11-1-2, 8 קוס), fighting out of his native Worcester, תואר שני, will headline his first show and fight for his first title belt, when he headlinesEvery Man For Himself”, the inaugural event presented by Shearns Boxing Promotions (SBP), on Friday night, מרץ 15, בבית פלדיום בווסטר. This will be the first time Ball headlines a show, in addition to fighting for his first title, in the six-round main event for the vacant New England middleweight title,

The 26-year-old Ball, promoted by CES Boxing, פרצופים להרגיז אופקים דני “Feel Good HollywoodRosenberger (4-6-4, 1 KO), של יאנגסטאון, אוהיו.

This fight is so important for me because I’ve always wanted to headline in my hometown and fight for a title,” ה-6′ 3″ Ball said. “Another goal of mine, לפני שהתחלתי לאגרוף, was to fight on a card with my cousin, אוון קטן, מי יהיה מה שהופך את הופעת הבכורה מקצוענית שלו. He’s a big puncher and people can expect a big KO from him.

I’m an exciting fighter who likes to get knockouts. Expect something big to happen March 15ה. I’m working on boxing more, using my jab a lot, to improve. I don’t know a lot about my opponent, but I understand he likes to move a lot.

Shearns Boxing is happy to have Kendrick Ball, ג 'וניור. headline our Mar. 15ה כרטיס,” SBP promoter Chuck Shearns העיר. “He’s a good kid whose family is rooted in Worcester boxing. There definitely is a rise in the number of quality fighters coming out of Worcester. This will probably be our last chance to watch Kendrick Jr. fighting in Worcester before his promoter, אגרוף CES, has him fighting on the national scene.

כדור, who started boxing at 13, experienced an unusual start to his boxing career, losing his first nine amateur bouts, before becoming a decorated boxer who turned pro in 2016.

I wasn’t really ready, my head wasn’t into boxing when I started,” Ball explained. “I didn’t want to quit, and that experience taught me to never to give up. I knew that I was goodI had success sparring with prosbut it wasn’t there when I fought. I kept punching and grew into my own.

Ball captured gold medals at three Western Golden Gloves Championships, plus top honors at the Rocky Marciano Tournament, also becoming a prestigious USA New England champion.

מאומן על ידי אביו, Ken Ball, SR., who owns and operates Camp Get Right gym in Worcester, Ball Sr. & ג 'וניור. have succeeded when many father-son relationships in boxing have often failed.

We have a tight bond and we’ve been doing this since he was little,” Ball Sr. reported. “It’s worked out well. I try to separate father-son and make it trainer-boxer, but that’s hard at times.

His son added, “It’s all good. Sometimes it’s difficult and becomes a little hard, but only because he’s pushing me. He’s my trainer, mostly, during fights.

Father and son agree that there is a boxing resurgence in Worcester, which has a rich history dating back a century, but it also went through a slow period. Ball is part of a gifted quartet that’s making noise today in boxing, joining Khiary גריי, Jermaine Ortiz ו אירווין גונזלס.

Over the last three years,” Ball St. העיר, “boxing has been hot again in Worcester. There are a lot of talented, young boxers in Worcester. Once Khiary turned pro, that triggered a lot of boxers turning pro.

We’re all close,” Ball Jr. הגיע למסקנה. “We’ve trained together and support each other.

Worcester boxing is on the rise and more talent is turning pro, starting Mar. 15ה when Ball’s cousin, Minor, makes his long-awaited pro debut in a four-rounder versus קורי מורלי (0-2-1), של פילדלפיה.

Undefeated Providence light heavyweight Angel Camacho, ג 'וניור. (15-0, 5 קוס) returns to the ring after a three-year absence in a six-round bout, co-featured event against Dallas challenger Taronze Washington (17-26, 9 קוס).

Undefeated Southbridge, משקל וולטר MA לווילפרדו “Sucaro” עוֹבֵד אֵלִילִים (5-0, 3 קוס) takes on upset-minded Peruvian Carlos Galindo (1-7), fighting out of Woburn, תואר שני, in a four-round clash.

Also fighting on the undercard, all in four-round fights, are Springfield, MA lightweightCalixto Cruz (1-0) לעומת. TBA, Worcester cruiserweight Jake Paradise (0-2) לעומת. Francisco Artri Neto (0-2), של ובורן, תואר שני, New Britain, CT Nathan Martinez (2-0) לעומת. TBA, and Bridgeport, CT junior lightweight Carlos Marrero III (0-2-1) לעומת. Worcester’s אדווין רוסאדו (1-8-1, 1 KO).

כל הקרבות והלוחמים כפופים לשינוי.

General admission tickets are priced at $25.00 and available to purchase online atthepalladium.net. Boxers on the card have $50.00 ו $25.00 tickets to sell.

פתיחת דלתות בשעה 6 p.m. ו, קרב ראשון ב 7 p.m. ו.

Event sponsors include Lundgren Collision, Tecate, גריל 57, Worcester Railers, Worcester Red Sox, Palley Advertising, and Allstate Insurance.



טוויטר: @ShearnsBoxing


לוס אנג'לס – Bellator is proud to announce that both Patricio and Patricky Freire, better known to fans as the infamous “Pitbull Brothers,” will continue to compete inside the Bellator cage after signing exclusive multi-year, multi-fight extensions to remain with the promotion.

Fighting out of Natal, ריו גראנדה דו נורטה, ברזיל, the brothers have become synonymous with Bellator throughout their prolific careers. Having held titles and established themselves among the elite, there are very few names that appear in the Bellator record books more often than current featherweight champ פטריסיו Pitbull (28-4) and his older brother Patricky Pitbull (21-8).

“When I think about the talent on the Bellator roster, the Pitbull brothers are two of the fighters that immediately come to mind,"אמר Bellator הנשיא סקוט קוקר. “They started early on in their careers here, עלו לראש המחלקות שלהם ובאו לייצג את מה שקידום הקידום הזה. I’m thrilled that we’ll continue to see them compete inside the Bellator cage for our fans around the world for many years to come!"

“There are a lot of people on the Bellator roster I want to put my hands on – the first on the list, I’m fighting on May 11th, so renewing made perfect sense for me,” said Patricio. “I’m happy with the agreement and the plans for the future. Of all the fighters currently active on the promotion, I’m with Bellator the longest and the most successful. I plan to set that bar even higher. במשך שנים, I said ‘I’d become the number one in the world here.’ If anyone still has any doubt, keep an eye on the next chapters.”

Patricky added, “Bellator is growing and so am I. I’m in the best moment of my career and the same can be said of the promotion with the quality of shows, the new TV deals and names under the roster. I’ve set the goal of becoming world champion and setting records. I already am the fighter with most finishes and fights in the organization and I don’t plan to let anyone catch up with me. I have grudges to settle and names to add to my belt. If things line up well, I’m looking at making noise in three weight classes in the near future, so expect the best of me! I’m glad to have reached a new agreement with Bellator and very excited for the new things to come.”

A two-time featherweight champion, Patricio “Pitbull” has competed for the promotion 20 times – winning 16 of those outings – and has successfully defended his belt three times since reclaiming the championship at Bellator 178 נגד דניאל שטראוס. לאחרונה, Patricio defeated עמנואל סנצ'ז, edging out his opponent via unanimous decision at Bellator 209 in Tel Aviv, ישראל. לאחר שהשיג לסיים ב 20 שלו 28 זוכה כמקצועי, the reigning champion always brings an exciting style and fans can certainly expect more fireworks as he continues his run in Bellator. Patricio will now move up in weight to challenge current champ מייקל צ'נדלר for his lightweight crown in a long-awaited grudge match at Bellator’s return to Allstate Arena in Chicago on May 11.

A perennial lightweight contender since joining Bellator in 2011 ב Bellator 36, the 33-year-old Patricky made an immediate impact by emphatically knocking out two true veterans of the sport and eventually competing in two tournament finals. בנוסף, he holds the Bellator record for most fights with 21 and knockout wins with 10, including highlight-reel finishes over ריאן Couture ו דוד Rickels. עם זאת, his most impressive run has come as of late, stringing together seven wins in eight bouts and winning his last five against ג'וש תומסון, בנסון הנדרסון, דרק פילדס, רוג'ר הוארטה ולאחרונה נגד Ryan Scope ב Bellator Newcastle על פבואר. 9.

אנא בקר ב www.Bellator.com למידע נוסף.


World Champion Lara Talks Title Showdown, Sparring Top Prospects, 2018 Fight of the Year Against Jarrett Hurd & More Before Taking on WBA Super Welterweight Champion Brian Castaño Saturday, מרץ 2 חי על ההצגה מתחילה®מ
ברקליס מרכז בברוקלין

לחץ כאן for Photos from Hosanna Rull/Team Lara

HOUSTON (פבואר 20, 2019) – Former super welterweight world champion Erislandy “החלום האמריקאי” לארה will look to reclaim a piece of the 154-pound crown when he challenges WBA champion Brian Castaño ביום שבת, מרץ 2 לחיות על שואוטיים מבנק ברקליס מרכז, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, והוצג על ידי Premier אגרוף אלופות.

Brian Castaño is coming into this fight with an undefeated record, אבל זה דבר שאני לא ראיתי לפני,” אמר לארה. “This will be my third fight in a row versus an undefeated fighter. אני לוקח את זה מאוד ברצינות. Stylistically, I feel I’m the superior fighter, but he’s a very strong champion. I will be prepared to take back a title in this great division, then look to the biggest fights that are out there.

One of the big fights that could be out there for Lara is a rematch with unified 154-pound champion Jarrett Hurd. Lara dropped a split-decision to Hurd in a unification showdown on SHOWTIME that was the consensus 2018 “מאבק של השנה”, having been recognized by the BWAA, ESPN and Sporting News, בין השאר.

The fight against Hurd was a great fight for the fans, but I felt I won seven or eight rounds that night,” אמר לארה. “To be on the wrong end of another close decision left a bad taste in my mouth. That fight being recognized as ‘Fight of the Yearshows my versatility as a fighter. I was on the ballot before with Alfredo Angulo, so it was good to get recognized for being a warrior, not only a craftsman. I will always give the fans my all and come March 2, it will be no different.

Lara is continuing to to work with longtime trainer Ronnie Shields in Houston, where Lara has prepared for his matchup with sparring that includes going up against top prospects in 18-year-old Joey Spencer and 24-year-old Eimantas Stanionis.

Ronnie and I are working great together, and we have an excellent game plan in place.,” אמר לארה. “This is one of the better camps I’ve had the last few years. Having young fighters like Spencer and Stanionis in camp with me is refreshing because I know they are hungry. כאשר אנחנו מתנצחים, I feed off their energy, because I know they are trying to take take their game to the next level, which makes me better. This is a demanding sport and they are definitely pushing me.

מרץ 2 also gives Lara a chance to share the stage with another one of Cuba’s best fighters, as Luis Ortiz is set to take on Christian Hammer in the co-main event, making the night a celebration of Cuban boxing.

Luis Ortiz and I go way back and I’m happy that my brother is fighting on the same card as me,” אמר לארה. “We’ve gone through a lot since leaving Cuba to pursue our dreams of becoming world champions here in the U.S. Like myself, I know he’s going to be ready to entertain the fans on fight night and make this a memorable night for Cuban boxing!”

כרטיסים לאירוע, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, עכשיו הוא על מכירה ניתן לרכוש ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, או על ידי התקשרות 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. הנחות קבוצה זמינות על ידי קורא 844-BKLYN-GP.

# # #

Unbeaten Bantamweight Damien Vazquez Takes on Former Champion Juan Carlos Payano & Rising Welterweight Prospect & 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis Battles Once-Beaten Sammy Figueroa Saturday, מרץ 9 in Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1

החל ב 6:30 p.m. ו / 3:30 p.m. PT From
Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, קליפורניה.

WBC Welterweight World Champion Shawn Porter Makes First
Title Defense Against Mandatory Challenger Yordenis Ugas in
Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Main Event

CARSON, קליפורניה. (פבואר 19, 2019) – סיכוי bantamweight בלתי מנוצח דמיאן ואסקס battles former world champion חואן קרלוס פייאנו in an eight or 10-round attraction while unbeaten welterweight prospect and 2016 Lithuanian OlympianEimantas Stanionis will face once-beaten Sammy Figueroa in an eight-round fight on Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1 Saturday, מרץ 9 live from Dignity Health Sports Park, formerly StubHub Center, בקרסון, קליפורניה.

Prelims begin at 6:30 p.m. ו / 3:30 p.m. PT and lead into a PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes show that’s headlined by WBC Welterweight World Champion שון פורטר making his first title defense in primetime against mandatory challengerיודניס אוגאס.

כרטיסים לאירוע בשידור חי, המקודם על ידי מבצעי TGB, על מכירת החברה. כרטיסים ניתן לרכוש בAXS.com.

Born in Colorado and training in Las Vegas, Vazquez (14-0, 7 קוס) is the younger brother of former three-time champion Israel Vazquez. The 21-year-old has fought professionally since 2013 and picked up two wins in 2018. He most recently won his first 10-round fight with a unanimous decision over then unbeaten Luis Gollindano last April.

פייאנו (20-2, 9 קוס) became a world champion in 2014 when he defeated Anselmo Moreno by technical decision before defending and then losing the title in a pair of exciting fights against Rau’shee Warren. Originally from the Dominican Republic, but training in Miami, Payano put together three-straight victories before losing a title challenge to unbeaten Naoya Inoue last October.

After representing his native Lithuania at the 2016 אולימפיאדה, Stanionis (7-0, 5 קוס) relocated to Southern California where he has trained while compiling his unbeaten record. The 24-year-old took a step up in competition last time out and dominated tough veteran Levan Ghvamichava to earn an eight-round unanimous decision last August on FS1.

The 28-year-old Figueroa (11-1, 4 קוס) returns to action for the first time since defeating Ismay Eynullayev in March 2017. The Puerto Rican fighter had picked up wins over previously unbeaten foes Javontae Starks and Fernando Paliza before suffering his only defeat to Miguel Cruz in May 2016.

# # #


Joyce And Stiverne Erupt Over 2017 Sparring Session At Final Press Conference In London For Saturday’s Co-Feature To James DeGale vs. כריס Eubank ג'וניור.

ההצגה מתחילה אליפות אגרוף® מתחיל בשידור חי ב 3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT

לחץ כאן לתמונות; אשראי: איאן וולטון/SHOWTIME

לונדון - פברואר 20, 2019 – Undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce and former heavyweight world champion Bermane Stiverne sounded off at the final press conference on Wednesday for their 12-round showdown that opens a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader this Saturday live on SHOWTIME (3:45 p.m. ET/12:45 p.m. PT) מה-O2 בלונדון.

ג'ויס (7-0, 7 קוס), Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 קוס) and their respective camps had to be separated as they debated the truth surrounding a 2017 sparring session in Las Vegas. Stiverne was preparing for his November 2017 rematch with WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder while Joyce was readying for his professional debut after a decorated amateur career. Both Joyce and Stiverne promised to erase any doubt surrounding the sparring session this Saturday.

A 2016 מדליית כסף אולימפית, Joyce aims to continue his perfect knockout streak as a professional and inch closer to a world title shot. A former WBC Heavyweight World Champion, Stiverne hopes to prove he’s still a force in the stacked heavyweight division following a disappointing 2017 loss to Wilder.

In the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, former two-time super middleweight world champion James DeGale will face-off with former world title challenger and British rival Chris Eubank Jr. in a 12-round grudge match. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the doubleheader from London with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. שלושת היכל התהילה יסגרו את צוות הטלוויזיה - אמי® הכתב עטור הפרסים ג'ים גריי, היסטוריון האגרוף סטיב פארהוד כקלע לא רשמי של האגף, וכרוז הטבעות הידוע בעולם, ג'ימי לנון ג'וניור.

Here’s what the fighters and their camps had to say during Wednesday’s press conference at Intercontinental at The O2.

ג'ו ג'ויס:

“I had a really good camp in Big Bear and I’m ready to go and put a dent on Stiverne on Saturday night.

“Bermane Stiverne, all respect to him, he’s a former WBC Champion. I have a lot of respect for him for taking this fight. It’s the perfect fight right now for my situation. It’s a great stepping stone for my career.

“I’m top five in the WBA at the moment, I’m moving fast. Each fight is getting me closer and closer to the top three names in the heavyweight division. I’m just going to keep on working hard in the gym and if everything goes well I’ll be back training for the next one soon. This year I’m going to make big strides.

“It was four rounds [of sparring] but I think that’s all he could do at that stage. He says he took me to school but I went to university, if you know what I mean. When we sparred in his camp in Las Vegas he was a bit lethargic. לא ממש אכפת לי, though – they can talk however they want but we’ll see what happens Saturday night.

“I know how good I am and I just need to show all of you guys. I’m happy with Richard [Schaefer] having the faith in me. I’m just going to do my job and show how good I am.

“He’s towards the end of his career. He’s going to want to beat me to get back in the mix, but good luck to him. I’d be happy if I beat him before seventh or eighth round. I’m not going to be Wilder. I won’t beat him in under a round. I’m not there yet, but I will be eventually.

“This is quite a step up for me. I have my eyes set on bigger fights and he is the right step for me. אם להיות כנה, I was surprised that he accepted the challenge. I think that he believes that a win over me will help him regain his status as a top heavyweight. He won’t beat me.

“He’s going to try to come in and try to take me out early, but he’s not going to be able. I’m ready for him. I’m confident that towards the end of the year my name will be among the top five heavyweights in the world.

“A Wilder fight, that’s a fight to make in the future. That’s a good fight, I like the WBC belt.”

גביע זהב:

“It’s good to be back. אני מרגיש מצוין. I came prepared. We can talk all we want right now but what matters is what happens Saturday night. אני מוכן. My team made sure of that.

“I’m not looking past Joyce. That’s what I have to take care of on Saturday. אני מוכן היטב. We can talk about the future once that business is taken care of.

“There are a lot of stories about our sparring, but it wasn’t anything too interesting. It was a couple, maybe four rounds. Nothing to talk about. I’m not going into this fight based on the sparring we had. I’ve never disrespected this man. I posted a picture and thanked him for the sparring.

“Obviously they are taking this fight based on what happened in the last fight with Wilder and I’m glad. They are underestimating me. We could go back and forth all day but that’s not what matters. What matters is what happens on Saturday at The O2.

“I’m a stumbling block, not a stepping stone.

“I’m glad he thinks I’m here as a gatekeeper or stepping stone. I’m not really worried about that. They didn’t call me last minute – I was already in the gym. However they view me, אני מוכן. I’ll tell you one thing, they didn’t catch me with my pants down. אני מוכן.

“I would have packed it up or hung it up if I wasn’t ready. אני בא להילחם.

“Wilder hit me with a right hand in the rematch and that was it. You’re not going to see the same thing on Saturday. This is the perfect fight for me. They’re taking me too lightly and it’s a mistake.”

ABEL SANCHEZ, Joyce’s Trainer:

“We’ve prepared for the Bermane that fought Chris Arreola.

“These are the types of fights that will prepare us for the elite later this year.

“I wasn’t with Joe when his sparring with Stiverne took place, but if it got a guy like Stiverne heated up, it must have been something.

“We feel he’s ready for the next step. Stiverne is the kind of test we have to go through to move forward with his career.

“Joyce is probably the most decorated fighter in the U.K. He’s smart, very athletic and he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with just like George Foreman was.

“In the heavyweight division one punch can define the outcome of a fight so we are preparing for the guy that fought Deontay Wilder for 12 סיבובים, the guy that defeated Arreola.”

CHARLES MOONEY, המאמן של Stiverne:

“I brought Tony Thompson to fight David Price, which they thought it was an accident and we knocked him out in the second round. They thought it was a fluke and they brought us back again and we stopped him again. I’m not a giant slayer, אבל אני 2-0. I stopped an Olympic bronze medalist and now I’m going to stop a silver medalist. We’re working our way up to gold.

“Joe needs to grow up a bit. He’s not ready for this. We’re going to kick that ass. My opinion, I think he should have waited a little bit. He should have traveled the road instead of trying to leap over the fence. When the bell rings we’ll know.”

ריצ'רד שייפר, Joyce’s Promoter:

“This card is historic and one of many ITV cards that Al Haymon and the PBC will bring to the U.K. אוהדים.

“DeGale and Eubank is a 50/50 מאבק, but this fight is going to steal the night. When I saw Stiverne walk into the room I knew that he means business. When Stiverne is in tremendous shape he is a very difficult guy to beat.

“I’m going to make a bold statement – Joe Joyce today is the best heavyweight in the world. By the end of the year, he’ll be heavyweight champion of the world. By next year he’ll be ready to take on Wilder, [אנתוני] Joshua and [טייסון] זעם.

“Joyce is a generational talent. This is going to be a very difficult test. We want to see the best Stiverne because Joe Joyce is going to make a statement.”

למידע נוסף, בקר www.SHO.com/Sports,

להירשם ל- ערוץ YouTube של ספורט SHOWTIME, עקוב בטוויטר @ShowtimeBoxing או הפוך למעריץ בפייסבוק בכתובת www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Graham and Torrez Jr. Win Gold; Coe Takes Silver in Finals of 2019 טורניר חופים

Team USA Leaves Sofia, Bulgaria with eight medals

מעיינות קולורדו, Lap (פבואר. 19, 2019) The 70th edition of the Strandja Tournament came to a close today with Team USA winning two gold and one silver to add to the five bronze medals they won in yesterday’s semifinals in Sofia, בולגריה.

2018 Elite Women’s World Championships bronze medalist Naomi Graham (קולורדו ספרינגס, קולורדו.) added another medal to her impressive international resume after defeating Sweden’s Love Holgersson by split decision. This marks the middleweights fourth international medal since the beginning of 2018.

Super heavyweight Richard Torrez Jr. (Tulare, קליפורניה.) closed out the tournament in spectacular fashion to take another international gold medal. Torrez took all five judgescards over the host countries Petar Belberov to earn his second elite international gold medal. At the conclusion of the tournament, Torrez was named on the Boxers of the Tournament.

2018 breakout star Khalil Coe (ג'רזי סיטי, N.J.) picked up a silver medal following a walkover win by Russia’s Imam Khataev.

טרוי איסלי (אלכסנדריה, Va.), Delante ג'ונסון (קליבלנד, אוהיו) Oshae Jones (טולדו, אוהיו), Morelle McCane (קליבלנד, אוהיו) ו Yarisel Ramirez (לאס וגאס, נב.) earned bronze for Team USA in yesterday’s semifinal bouts.

Team USA began the tournament with 25 boxers with Head Coach Billy Walsh (קולורדו ספרינגס, קולורדו.) leading the American delegation throughout the tournament, along with USA Boxing National Assistant Coach Kay Koroma (קולורדו ספרינגס, קולורדו.). Rasheen Ali (קליבלנד, אוהיו), Tim Back (סינסינטי, אוהיו), Kevin Benford (סינסינטי, אוהיו), Joe Guzman (מזרקה, קליפורניה.) and Christine Lopez (רולט, טקסס) served on the coaching staff during the tournament. This year’s tournament saw over 300 boxers from over 30 different countries step into the ring.

The delegation will return to the United States tomorrow.

You can look back at the United States performances throughout the tournament by לחיצה כאן.

תוצאות הגמר

75 קילוגרם: Naomi Graham, קולורדו ספרינגס, Colo./USA, דצמבר. over Love Holgersson/SWE, 3-2
81 קילוגרם: Imam Khataev/RUS won by walkover over Khalil Coe, ג'רזי סיטי, N.J./USA, WO
91+ קילוגרם: Richard Torrez Jr., Tulare, Calif./USA, דצמבר. over Petar Belberov/BUL, 5-0

טוויטר: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
פייסבוק: /USABoxing


Unbeaten Welterweight World Champion Spence Battles Undefeated Four-Division World Champion Garcia In Historic Showdown On First Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

יום שבת, מרץ 16 From AT&T Stadium in Arlington, טקסס
Tickets On Sale Now at SeatGeek.com

לחץ כאן for Photos from Don Alexander/Dallas Cowboys

ARLINGTON, TX. (פבואר 19, 2019) – אלוף העולם במשקל חצי כבד ללא הפסדארול ספנס Jr. and undefeated four-division world champion מייקי גרסיה went face-to-face at a press conference in Arlington, Texas Tuesday as they previewed their showdown that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event on Saturday, מרץ 16 from AT&T Stadium.

Spence and Garcia were joined by Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager Jerry Jonesat the same stadium where they will battle for the welterweight title and pound-for-pound supremacy.

Tickets for the March 16 אירוע, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, על מכירת החברה, וניתן לרכוש ב SeatGeek.com, the Official Ticketing Provider of AT&T Stadium.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday:

ארול ספנס JR.

“זה חלום שהתגשם. This is something that still hasn’t really hit me yet. I try not to get caught up in the moment, but this is my favorite team that I’ve watched since I was sitting on my dad’s lap.

Every time I see Mikey I get excited and anxious and want to go to the gym and spar. On Sunday, אני התנצחתי 18 rounds because of the whole press conference and face off on Saturday. Looking into Mikey’s eyes, I can see how hungry he is and that’s motivating me.

Mikey is very difficult because of how me places his punches. He’s always thinking and he has a high ring IQ. But I’ve been clicking on all cylinders. I’m strong mentally and physically and prepared for anything he brings to the table. A win here can definitely catapult me and I’m ready to make it happen.

Any athlete would love to have their home team supporting them. It just so happens I have the most popular team in the world right here in Dallas. It means a lot because they don’t have to do that. I’m very humbled and it feels great to represent Dallas. I always support my people here.

“אני 100 percent prepared and focused on Mikey Garcia. I’m hungry and I’m already on weight. I can’t wait to put on another show. מרץ 16, you have to make sure you don’t miss it. It’s going to be a legendary night.

מייקי גךסיה

This fight deserves a home like this. This fight deserves this type of atmosphere and energy. I was a Cowboys fan myself growing up and now I’m here in their home about to have the biggest fight of my career. It’s unbelievable, but here we are. I’m excited to make this a memorable night. This is history in the making.

I’m very excited for what’s coming in a few weeks. This is a fight that I really wanted and it’s definitely the biggest challenge of my career. To fight the best welterweight in the division is no easy task. ארול ספנס Jr. is going to bring the best out of me.

I’m sure Errol is getting ready for the biggest fight of his career just like I am. That’s what’s going to make this interesting. That’s the recipe for a tremendous fight. It’s not very common to see two of the pound-for-pound best, still undefeated and fighting each other in their prime.

We’ve been implementing techniques that will help me improve my speed, explosiveness and reaction time, while also adding a little bit of mass. I think all of that is going to be beneficial to me on fight night. I feel very happy with the results.

If I don’t take these risks, then I won’t be rewarded. I want to be recognized as one of the greatest and the best of this generation. How can I achieve that if I don’t take these risks? That’s why I’m taking the biggest fight available.

דריק ג'יימס, המאמן של ספנס

I’m very happy to be here. It’s been a really good ride with Errol and myself. This is our 10ה year working together and this is a beautiful place for everything to culminate. Mikey is a true fighter and he has a phenomenal trainer in his brother and father. We’re prepared for him and in shape right now. We’re ready to go.

רוברט GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & מאמן

We’ve had a great training camp and our sparring partners are doing a great job preparing us for a very tough challenge. By the time the fight comes, you’re going to see what Mikey is all about. Everyone who watches this fight is going to enjoy a great night of boxing.

JERRY JONES, Dallas Cowboys Owner, President and General Manager

I don’t know if we’ve ever had an event here that has this kind of stature and the combination of two men standing in there on their own, and at the very best stage of their career. This is two champions meeting and that is something very rare for fans.

When we built this stadium I thought a lot about boxing. The Dallas Cowboys constituency is particularly into boxing. We have a fantastic Mexican and Hispanic fan base and when we have fights at this stadium, there is a great affinity for boxing. When there is a fight of this caliber at this stadium, then we know we’re doing something very special.

These two fighters are uniquely associated with this stadium and the Cowboys. ארול ספנס Jr. literally lives next door and is from this particular area. The last night he had at The Star, he had his Cowboys gear on and made our players and myself so proud.

Our home away from home, אוקסנרד, California is where Mikey Garcia used to watch the Cowboys practice. We have a lot of kinship with these two fighters and our fans are in for a tremendous treat.

These two fighters are worthy of this stadium. Their skill level and ability to compete is worthy of this stadium. This is a special event that will be taking place on March 16.

TOM BROWN, נשיא מבצעי TGB

“ארול ספנס Jr. vs Mikey Garcia is one of the most intriguing fights of the year. It’s a fight that will determine who is pound-for-pound the best fighter in the world.

We’re thrilled to be at the home of the best professional franchise in sports, in the Dallas Cowboys. This is the perfect place for this event that features two unbeaten champions in their primes, putting their records on the line. Mikey and Errol are destined to walk out of that tunnel and into that ring to engage in a battle that will never be forgotten.

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