USA Boxing Alumni Association tribute & fundraiser for N.E. greats Vinny Paz & Micky Ward a major success

(L-Р) – CES Boxing promoter Jimmy Burchfield, Мікі Уорд, former N.E. amateur standout Calvin Brown, Vinny Paz and Al Valenti, Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША, Special Projects Consultant

Каларада-Спрынгс, Круг. (Лютага 26, 2019) – USA Boxing Alumni Association’s tribute this past weekend to two of New England’s all-time greatest amateur boxers, VinnyThe Pazmanian DevilPaz і “Ірландскі” Мікі Уорд, was a major success at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Род-Айлэнд.

A sold-out fundraiser to benefit the USA Boxing Alumni Association was held at Fred & Steve’s Steakhouse on Friday evening, honoring Paz and Ward, in addition to Hall of Fame referee Steve Smoger, who officiated numerous fights for both fighters.

Paz and Ward held a meet-and-greet Saturday night, prior to a CES Boxing event, as the popular boxers signed autographs and posed for pictures. They were brought into the ring, along with Smoger, and received a standing applause from the large crowd in attendance.

USA Boxing Alumni Association’s back-to-back nights at Twin River raised $3,000 (including proceeds from Sportsworld’s memorabilia auction) and added 20 new alumni members, including Paz, to its growing ranks.

We were part of a magical weekend,” сказаў Al Valenti, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “Vinny and Micky greeted so many of their fans. It is without question that these two warriors define what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about: bringing together so many members from so many years past that built the future for so many young boxers. It was especially rewarding to see past boxers, coaches and officials flock to Vinny and Micky. The entire two-day experience at Twin River Casino was packed with memories that we will all hold onto for years to come. We’d like to thank Джымі Burchfield (CES бокса) for his hospitality and hosting Saturday evening’s event.

Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША

Created to champion a lifelong, mutually beneficial relations between USA Boxing and its alumni, –баксёры, чыноўнікі, трэнеры і балельшчыкі — Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў аб'ядноўвае пакаленні чэмпіёнаў, натхняе і аддае будучым чэмпіёнам па боксе ЗША, ў і з кальца.

Асацыяцыя выпускнікоў бокса ЗША адкрыта для ўсіх, хто мае любоў да бокса і хацеў бы заставацца на сувязі з аматарскім боксам.. Удзельнікі атрымліваюць доступ да самых розных спецыяльных мерапрыемстваў, якія праводзяцца Асацыяцыяй выпускнікоў, у тым ліку яго штогадовы ЗША бокса Асацыяцыі выпускнікоў Зала славы прыёму.

Для таго, каб уступіць у Асацыяцыю выпускнікоў, проста зарэгістравацца на дзеля $40.00 у год членскі ўзнос. Новыя ўдзельнікі атрымаюць футболку, брелок для ключоў і электронны кашалёк.

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У МЕЛРОЗЕ, Масачусэтс

БІЛЕТЫ, якія прадаюцца зараз WWW.MURPHYSBOXING.COM

Бостан, Масачусэтс (Лютага 26, 2019):

Murphys бокса з гонарам паведамляе аб вяртанні прэтэндэнта ў юніёрскай сярэдняй вазе і фаварыта заўзятараў, Грэг Вэндэці (20-3-1, 12 КО) хто возьме на сябе Мэнни Вудс (16-8-1, 6 КО) у пятніцу, 29 сакавіка ў Мемарыяльная зала у Мелроуз, Масачусэтс у 10 раўндавым баі.

Я прадаў, які мінулым летам выклікаў масавае расстройства супраць былога прэтэндэнта на тытул чэмпіёна свету,Ёшыхіра Камегай на ESPN2, апынуўся ў Топе 10 рэйтынгу і была прапанавана магчымасць змагацца з Францыяй Мішэль Саро для Часовы чэмпіянат WBA у суперлегкай вазе у снежні мінулага года ў Парыжы.

"Злыдзень", які быў на неверагодным 16 змагацца пераможная серыя, упершыню прабіў першы тытул, але імкнецца вярнуцца ў пераможную калону перад роднымі заўзятарамі ў Мемарыяльнай зале ў жорсткім матчы супраць засмучанага спецыяліста., Мэнни Вудс.

“Нягледзячы на ​​страту, 2018 быў для мяне дзіўным годам. Я змагаўся 5 раз, і я атрымаў самую вялікую перамогу ў сваёй кар'еры ў складзе каманды "В" супраць "Камегая", які патрапіў у топ 10. Нам прапанавалі бой Сора за часовы тытул чэмпіёна свету, і хаця я адчуваў, што майму целу патрэбны водпуск, нельга сказаць "не" такой магчымасці. Ніколі не ведаеш, калі і калі ён зноў прыйдзе.”, тлумачыць Стоўнхэм, Ураджэнец Масачусэтса.

“Гэта быў грубы лагер. Я занадта моцна трэніраваўся. Цела маё развальвалася. Што тычыцца бойкі, гэта быў непрыгожы накаўт, але гэта частка гульні. Я ганаруся тым, як я гэта рабіў. Без сораму. Ніякага збянтэжанасці. Я не паэтапна гэта. Вядома, я быў не задаволены гэтым, але мая першая думка была пра тое, што мы робім, каб паправіцца? Бой паказаў мне, што я павінен стаць вастрэйшым. Працягвайце быць агрэсіўнымі, але будзьце разумнейшыя і больш тактычныя. Гэта была толькі адна бітва ў доўгай вайне.”

Што тычыцца вопытнага ветэрана, як Вудс, калі ён мог бы лёгка папрасіць наладзіць яго, Вандэці паказвае стаўленне, якое зрабіла яго такім фаварытам.

“Мне падабаецца змагацца, і я хацеў бы вярнуцца ў сапраўдную барацьбу. Выбіваць вяндліну і мяса ў першым раўндзе не прыемна ні мне, ні заўзятарам. Гэта марнаванне лагера і зніжэнне вагі, не кажучы ўжо пра тое, што вы нічога не даведаецеся. Вудс даўгавечны, законны хлопец, які ідзе на перамогу. Гэта тое, што мне трэба і хачу.”

І пасля з'езду 50/50 супраць супраць апазіцыі сусветнага класа ў мінулым годзе, ці гатовы Вандэці заняць вяршыню 10 баец зноў у 2019?

“100%. Я хачу зрабіць заяву супраць Вудса, а потым працягваць удасканальвацца з кожным боем. Я не хачу рабіць ніякіх крокаў назад з апазіцыяй. Усё наперад. Пакуль я здаровы, Я буду змагацца з кім-небудзь у дывізіі.”

У са-галоўную падзею, субяседнік Мэрфіс па боксе і фаварыт Масачусэтса, Ryan Kielczweski (29-4, 11 КО) возьме на сябе праціўніка, які будзе названы ў 8 тур у лёгкім дывізіёне.

‘Польскі князь’ сыходзіць са свайго шоў, крадучы туды-сюды бітву Томі Койл у TD Garden у Бостане ў кастрычніку мінулага года на карце Деметриус Андрадэ Сусветная барацьба за тытул WBO у сярэдняй вазе.

Нягледзячы на ​​адмену рашэння, Kielczweski, хто родам з Квінсі, Масачусэтс, прадэманстраваў талент сусветнага класа і масіўнае сэрца ва ўмовах усёй вайны, у якой натоўп арэны стаяў.

Таксама на карце будзе прадстаўлена апошняе дадатак да расце спісу Мэрфіса Бокса, Майк Охан-малодшы. (8-0, 5 КО).

Сын папулярнага прафесійнага байца ў раёне Новай Англіі ў 1990-х, Охан-малодшы. пайшоў па слядах бацькі 82-10 у аматараў і падбіраючы некалькі Залатыя пальчаткі Новай Англіі Назвы.

Барацьба выдатная 8 раз у 2 гадоў і павышэнне ўзроўню спаборніцтваў у кожнай прагулцы, у тым ліку аднагалоснае рашэнне адносна ветэрана, Даніэль Сострэ у сваім апошнім баі, Охан быў на хуткім шляху як прафесіянал. Уражлівая перамога прывяла да маладога байца, хто родам з Холбрука, Масачусэтс, прапануецца кантракт з Мэрфісам боксам.

“Я вельмі рады быць членам сям'і Мэрфіса.”, - кажа Охан, Малодшы. хто будзе змагацца з супернікам, каб яго назвалі ў 6 круглы бой на карце.

“Знаходжанне ў такой актыўнай рэкламнай кампаніі дасць мне магчымасць стаць байцом і прадэманстраваць свае навыкі, рухаючыся да мары, каб аднойчы стаць чэмпіёнам свету.”

У дадатак да трох хэдлайнераў мясцовых фаварытаў, на картцы будзе а 4 круглы суперлегкі жаночы паядынак паміж Джыліян ДыАўто (1-1, 1 KO) і Сара Клік (0-1-1), а таксама дэбют венесуэльскай суперлегкай сенсацыі на ўсходнім узбярэжжы, Луіс Аркон (5-0, 5 КО) хто возьме на сябе праціўніка, якога назавуць у 6 раўндавым баі.

3 у бліжэйшы час будуць абвешчаныя больш прыступы пад андеркартам, якія пачнуцца ўвечары ў каханай пляцоўцы, якая стала апорай бокса Мэрфіса..

“Мемарыяльная зала - маё любімае месца бою.”, - кажа Кен Кейсі, заснавальнік бокса Мэрфіса.

“Там становіцца неверагодна гучна, калі Грэг б'ецца і сядзіць у місцы, адчуваецца, як міні-калізей.”

Я прадаў, які будзе выступаць у 7-м разе на заўсёды распроданым пляцоўцы, не мог больш пагадзіцца са сваім прамоўтэрам.

“Гэта інтэнсіўна. Я сапраўды адчуваю сябе гладыятарам, які змагаецца ў калізеі, калі я ў Мемарыяльнай зале, і для гладыятара ёсць толькі два варыянты… перамога ці смерць.”

Вэндэці супраць. Вудс праходзіць у суботу, 29 сакавіка ў Мемарыяльнай зале ў Мелроузе, Масачусэтс (590 Галоўная вуліца). Дзверы адчыняюцца ў 19:00. Квіткі ўжо ў продажы ў:

2019 МАРФІ Вынікі бокса

1/26 – Уільям Фостэр III (9-0, 6 КО) УД над Анхелем Суарэсам
*Фостэр абараніў свайго НАБФ-малодшага. Загаловак у суперлёгкай вазе

2/9 – Карлас Гонгарам (15-0, 12 КО) KO 5 над Ісусам Авілесам
*Гангора выйграў тытул паўднёваамерыканскага чэмпіёна WBC у сярэдняй вазе


3/16/19 – Бостан, Масачусэтс. Вуліца. Дзень Clash Патрыка
3/29/19 – Мелроуз, Масачусэтс. Вэндэці супраць. Вудс


Murphys Boxing заснаваў Dropkick Murphys’ фронтмэн, Кен Кейсі ст 2014. Проста 5 кароткія гады, Мэрфіс Бокс стаў галоўным прамоўтэрам бокса ў раёне Новай Англіі і адной з самых папулярных маладых акцый у краіне. 2018 Мэрфіс Бокс стаў годам перарыву, калі яны прынялі свой першы баец да тытула свету. Разам з першым чэмпіёнам акцыі, некалькі байцоў Мэрфіса Бокса забяспечылі магчымасці тытулаў чэмпіёна свету і нацыянальныя тэлевізійныя баі 2018. Мэрфіс Бокс закрыў свой банер года, сумесна прасоўваючы чэмпіянат WBO ў сярэдняй вазе паміж сутычкамі Дзімітрыя Андрадэ і Уолтэра Каутондаква перад 10,000 вентылятары ў TD Garden, легендарны дом Бостанскіх Селтыкаў, які трансляваўся на міжнародным узроўні на DAZN. Мерфіс Бокс у цяперашні час складаецца з сусветных рэйтынгаў, як Марк ДэЛука, Чарльз Фостэр, Грэг Вэндэці, Гэры 'Спайк’ О’Саліван і перспектывы накшталт Найла Кенэдзі, Карлас Гонгарам, Абрагам Нова, Уільям Фостэр III, Майк Охан-малодшы. і больш!

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце:


Портленд, Мэн (Лютага 26, 2019) – Нью-Ингленд Баі (NEF) will present its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) падзея, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” красавіка 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland. Earlier today, the fight promotion announced the addition of a professional heavyweight fight to the card.The Jamaican ShamrockRasRasquatchHyltonплануецца да тваруCharles Penn.

At 6’6,Ras Hylton is one of the largest competitors ever to step foot in the NEF cage. He started his amateur MMA career three years ago this month and went 3-0 prior to making his professional debut at “NEF 27” у лютым 2017. Hylton has put together a record of 3-2 а пра. He will be looking to bounce back from a loss to Yorgan De Castro (4-0) in an unsuccessful bid to capture the inaugural NEF Cruiserweight Championship atNEF 36” у лістападзе мінулага года.

Hylton trains with First Class MMA in Brunswick, Maine as well as Dragon Fire Martial Arts in Portland. He is a longtime practitioner of Taekwondo, a discipline in which he holds a black belt.

“I’m really grateful to be fighting in my home again,” said Hylton. “After my humbling return late last year, it’s been a time of reflection on what is necessary for my success. Lucky for me, I have family in every part of my life. From home, у трэнажорная зала, to the dojo, to my job, I’m constantly getting my motivation to do things better. Thank you for keeping me going, and helping me find excellence. It’s going to be a great year!"

Hylton’s opponent atNEF 38,Charles Penn, will be making his professional debut. Penn put together an impressive 6-3 record as an amateur competing throughout the Midwest. He now represents Hayastan MMA based in North Carolina.

NeF ў наступным змешаных баявых мастацтваў падзея, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” адбудзецца ў суботу, Красавіка 27, 2019 at Aura in Portland, Maine with a bell time of 7 вечара. Квіткі цяпер у продажы па адрасе ��

Bryan De Gracia to Face Eduardo Ramirez in 12-Round Featherweight Showdown on Saturday, Сакавіка 2 У прамым эфіры на SHOWTIME з Barclays Center ў Брукліне – Edner Cherry Forced to Withdraw from Fight Against Ricardo Núñez Due to Medical Issue

Former World Champion Erislandy Lara Battles WBA Super Welterweight Titlist Brian Castaño in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Галоўная падзея

Бруклін (Лютага 25, 2019) – бесстаронняя Bryan De Gracia will face once-beaten contender Eduardo Ramirez in a 12-round featherweight match live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Сакавіка 2 ад Barclays Center, дом Брукліна БОКС ™, і прадставіў Прэм'ер бокса чэмпіёнаў.

Bryan DeGracia, Eduardo Ramirez, Эднер Вішнёвы, Ricardo Nunez,

De Gracia vs. Ramirez replaces the previously scheduled Ricardo Núñez vs. Edner Cherry match after Cherry was forced to withdraw due to a medical issue. The winner of De Garcia vs. Ramirez will capture the WBA Gold Featherweight Championship and be in line to face WBA (Regular) Featherweight World Champion Can Xu.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader пачынаецца 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. СТ і хэдлайнерамі былога чэмпіёна свету Эрисланди Лара challenging undefeated WBA Super Welterweight Champion Brian Castaño and also features Cuban heavyweight contender Луіс Ортис змагаючыся Крысціян Хамер.

Квіткі на мерапрыемствы, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, are on sale now and can be purchased at,, або па тэлефоне 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Групавыя скідкі можна па тэлефоне 844-BKLYN-GP.

The Panamanian De Gracia (24-1-1, 20 КО) will be fighting for the first time in the United States on March 2. The 25-year-old has knocked out seven of his last eight opponents and scored four straight stoppage victories since his one loss to Jorge Sanchez in 2017. De Gracia, які займае Няма. 2 by the WBA at 126 фунты, picked up two victories in 2018, including most recently stopping previously unbeaten Edinso Torres Jr. у жніўні.

Рамірэс (21-1-3, 8 КО) suffered the only loss of his career when he dropped a unanimous decision to then-featherweight champion Lee Selby in December 2017. The 26-year-old southpaw from Los Mochis, Сіналоа, Mexico had fought unbeaten Leduan Barthelemy to a draw prior to the Selby fight and most recently bounced back from that loss with a TKO victory over Carlos Jacobo in November.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце,, прытрымлівацца на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, TGBPromotions, @LouDiBella and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook


Нью-Ингленд Баі (NEF) bantamweight champion “Killa” Kam Arnold has been perfect so far in his mixed martial arts (MMA) кар'ера, carving out a flawless 4-0 record with four knockouts since he debuted in the promotion just over a year and a half ago

Красавіка 27й, the 135-pound “King in the North” makes his highly anticipated return to the cage when he is scheduled to defend his title against longtime bantamweight mainstay, Henry Clark (5-4).

Arnold recently joined Jason Floyd onThe MMA Report podcast to discuss his origins in the sport, his reign at the top of the New England 135-pound division, and his goals for the future.

“I fell in love with combat sports at a very young age, mostly boxing,” Arnold explained to Floyd. “I was the youngest of all boys. I grew up in a pretty rough family, and I had to be tough growing up, and my love for combat sports came into the fold. I also played hockey as a kid, so I had a physical upbringing. And I also wrestled when I was in school and it transformed into this. I never thought I was going to be doing MMA as a kid, although I loved it.

“I hit rock bottom when I was a young teen,” Arnold continued. “I hit rock bottom, and my mother came from out-of-state and picked me up, and we moved to Lewiston [Мэн]. And I always swore to myself as a kid I’d never move there because I thought it was the worst place in the world. But it was actually the best move I ever made in my entire life.”

When Arnold’s parents—whom he credits for “making me the man I am today”brought him to his adopted hometown of Lewiston, Мэн, he also found a gym family at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (CMBJJ) where he has started training under longtime NEF veterans Jesse “The Viking” Erickson (9-7) and former NEF flyweight champion Dustin Veinott (5-4).

“I’m trying to become a whole complete martial artist,” Arnold stated. “I’m not trying to be known as just this brawler that’s going to go out there and bang with anybody.”

Bang,” аднак, is exactly what Arnold did in April 2018 when he knocked out David Thompson at “NEF 33: Riptide” in a lighting fast 11-seconds.

“I mean yeah, it was a hell of a knockout highlight reel,” Arnold confessed. “But I’ve been doing that my whole life, man.”

“We were working that overhand right, we knew that was going to be there right from the beginning,” Arnold continued. “I spoke it into existence and that’s exactly what happened. I cracked him with a jab, I saw his head snap back, and then as he’s coming in, he’s coming in very aggressive, he dropped his hand, he’s coming in for an upper cut and he left his chin right on a shelf for me.”

Arnold solidified his position at the top of the New England bantamweight division in June 2018 at “NEF 34: Home of the Brave” when he defeated Killian Murphy (1-2) via fourth-round knockout to become the NEF bantamweight champion. Despite a back and forth battle that brought the crowd to its feet that night, and the culminating moment he landed the knockout punch that iced the win for him, Arnold looks back and still sees room for improvement.

“I just haven’t been able to find that perfect fight, Я думаю,” Arnold pondered. “A lot of people would point to Killian Murphy maybe being that fight for me, but in my eyes that was a very poor performance for myself. I kept my hands very low for a reason, and a lot of people said, ‘Oh, you looked tired.If I was so tired, I wouldn’t have knocked him out in the fourth round. I kept my hands low for a reason because of his wrestling ability. And people seem to forget that I used to wrestle too, and I outwrestled him that whole fight. But I was still upset that I shouldn’t have been able to take that many shots as I did with Killian. I should have put him out earlier in the fight.

“It’s hard to get the perfect fight,” Arnold continued. “I talk to other people about it and they’re like, “Dude, it’s so hard.Even guys that have been fighting for 10, 15 years they’re like, “It’s so hard to find that perfect fight.Because I was like, “Мужчына, is there something wrong with me? I feel disappointed in myself after a win.

So what does Arnold want out of one of his fights in order to walk away satisfied?

“I want to have a bloodbath,” he admitted. “I want to split somebody wide open, have a doctor stoppage, because I’m beating somebody so badly. I love seeing people’s eyes roll in the back of their heads, I like making people stiff as a board.”

Currently still competing as an amateur, Arnold is already being discussed as a future threat in the professional bantamweight division. Before he turns pro, аднак, he has plans set to defend his title on April 27й against a very experienced and crafty veteran in Henry Clark, who comes into the bout riding a two-fight win streak.

“Henry’s tough, адзін,” Arnold warned. “He has a chin on him, he’s a gamer, he’s not going to back down and he’s solid all the way around.”

With his two-year anniversary since his debut still four months away, Kam isn’t anxious and is confident that he has a lot left to contribute to the sport.

“I still have some amateur goals that I want to accomplish and we’re only scratching the surface of my career, сапраўды,” Arnold stated. “I don’t want to make too much of a premature jump into the next group of talent. But I’m not afraid either, I’ve got to make the decision here coming up shortly, I’d like to get at least a couple more fights in. Depending on how those fights go—I’m one fight at a time—but if I keep on remaining successful, then I can’t see why I wouldn’t go pro after a sixth or a seventh fight.

“I’m very excited for the next chapter,” Arnold concluded.

NEF’s next mixed-martial-arts event, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” will take place on Saturday, Красавіка 27, 2019 у Aura ў Портлендзе, Maine with a bell time of 7 вечара. Квіткі цяпер у продажы па адрасе

About New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") з'яўляецца барацьба Рэкламныя акцыі кампаніі. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, events production, па сувязях са СМІ, маркетынг, прававой і рэклама. == z5�PZ


Фота Роберта Элізондо

FLORESVILLE, Тэхас (Лютага 24, 2019) – Учора ўвечары ў аншлагу ў Floresville Event Center, у Флорэсвіле, Тэхас, Prince Ranch Boxing’s ўзыходзячая зорка і 5-разовы чэмпіён краіны, Рыкі “Пакаранне” Medina (3-0, 2 KO), быў дамінуючым у перамозе над Хасэ Касіяна (1-1-1), будзе адлегласць (4-раўндаў) упершыню ў кар'еры. Падзея атрымала назву “Невялікі гарадок Вялікія разборкі” быў павышаны прамоўтэрам Медзіны, ТМБ & PRB Забавы.

У першым туры 18-гадовая старшакласніца Медзіна, які пражывае ў Сан-Антоніа, Тэхас, дыктаваў тэмп, выкарыстоўваючы ўдар, каб наладзіць стрэлы. Касіяна рабіў усё магчымае, каб аказваць ціск на працягу ўсяго бою, але няўдала, бо Медзіна выкарыстоўваў свае цудоўныя навыкі бокса для супрацьдзеяння яго атацы. Медына скончыў фінальны бокс на пальцах, калі ён ішоў да перамогі.

“Касіяна прыйшоў ваяваць і быў маім самым жорсткім супернікам да гэтага часу ў кар'еры,” - сказала Медзіна. “Ён працягваў ісці наперад, таму мне прыйшлося выкарыстоўваць свае боксерскія здольнасці, каб наладзіць свае ўдары. Я ведаю, што не збіраюся выбіваць усіх, таму пераход на дыстанцыю ўпершыню быў добрым для маёй упэўненасці. Я хачу падзякаваць сваёй камандзе за ўсю нялёгкую працу, і я не магу дачакацца вяртання на рынг.”

“Медзіна была ўражлівай і паказала, што можа прабіцца на шлях перамогі,” сказаў Грэг Хэнлі, Генеральны дырэктар прынца Ranch бокса. “У яго была вялікая натоўп, які прыйшоў з Сан-Антоніа, і ўсе яны паспелі атрымаць грошы. Медына - гэта ўзыходзячая зорка гэтага віду спорту, і мы хутка вернем яго на рынг.”

“У Рыкі Медзіны ёсць усе інструменты, каб стаць чымсьці асаблівым у боксе,” сказаў Рык Маронес, ТБМ & PRB Entertainment, які прасоўвае Медыну. “Яго аматарскі радавод паказаў у гэтым баі, бо ён выдатна баксаваў на працягу чатырох раўндаў. Ён дамінаваў у гэтай барацьбе, і мы ўсе задаволены яго выступленнем.”

“Я быў вельмі ўражаны тым, як Медзіна справілася з ціскам Казіяно,” заявіў Аляксей Драгічы, ТМБ & PRB Забавы. “Ён процідзейнічаў прыхільнасці добрым ударам, кідаючы свае сілавыя стрэлы пад куты. Яго будучыня светлая, і ў нас на яго вялікія планы.”



Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Andrew Dobin/Minneapolis Armory
(Photos to be Uploaded Shortly)

MINNEAPOLIS (Лютага 24, 2019) – Энтані Диррелл (33-1-1, 24 КО) пераможаныАўні Йылдырым (21-2, 12 КО)by technical split decision (96-94 X 2 for Dirrell, 98-92 for Yildirim) for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis. Referee Mark Nelson stopped the contest in the tenth round due to an accidental clash of heads and a cut over Dirrell’s left eye with the decision going to the scorecards.

I was upset with the stoppage because I wanted finish the fight like a champion,” Саід Диррелл. “It feels great getting my WBC belt back. We want to unify against Caleb Plant or any of the champions. I’m just going to go home, take some time, talk to my camp and then we’ll go from there. If the Benavidez fight comes calling then I’ll fight him.

I thought I was winning this fight by more than what the judges had,” added Dirrell. “I was jabbing him and he was applying some pressure, but that’s just what he does. I won the fight though and that’s all that matters.

Minneapolis-native Джамал Джэймс (25-1, 12 КО) scored a crowd-pleasing technical knockout win over Janer Gonzalez (19-2-1, 15 КО). Midway through the sixth stanza, James appeared to drop Gonzalez with a straight overhand right, but referee Gary Miezwa declared it a slippage. Near the end of the sixth round, James landed another knockdown and this time it counted and hurt Gonzalez. At the close of round six, Gonzalez went to his corner and never came out with the fight being declared a sixth-round stoppage as Gonzalez was unable to answer the bell for the seventh round.

This is the best crowd I’ve ever fought in front of,” said James. “We packed this place out. Middle of winter, snow all around us and they still came out and showed a lot of support. I can’t even explain the feeling to come out here and stop (Гансалес). The only question I have is where’s my belt? I’m ranked third in the WBA. Keith Thurman got the belt, Pacquiao got the belt. But in all honesty, whoever gives me that opportunity I’m stepping in there with them.

He gave me a great fight, but at the end of the day I had too much to offer and he couldn’t get back up,” continued James. “I just kept my range and was able to counter on him. And when he was coming in he was coming in real wild and opening himself up for some big shots that I was able to take advantage of. The first time he went down I thought it was a legitimate knockdown, but the ref was a good ref. I definitely caught him with a good combination and a nasty body shot for the second knockdown. Апасля, I knew that took the rest of the fight out of him and all I had to do was finish the job.

I was thinking this was a very important fight for my career,” сказаў Гансалес. “I was so happy for this fight, it just didn’t go my way. I am going to fight again, хоць. Every fight is a learning experience for me.

The FS1 and FOX Deportes opening bout featured a hard-fought rematch betweenJeison Rosario (18-1-1, 13 КО) і Marcos Hernandez (13-2-1, 3 КО). In February of 2018, the two fought to a draw. In the rematch, Rosario was able to secure a technical knockout with referee Celestino Ruiz halting the action 2:45 into the ninth frame. У момант прыпынку, Hernandez was up on judge Kyle Shiely’s scorecard (77-75) with Rosario ahead on judges John Mariano’s and Tim Taggart’s scorecards (78-74, 77-75).

He let his guard down and he kept making the same mistakes,” said Rosario. “Калі я ўбачыў магчымасць, I dropped him.

The first time we fought I wasn’t ready,” added Rosario. “I was weak. But I learned from the first fight what to do in the second one. That’s how I took him out.

It was a close fight that could have went either way,” кажа Эрнандэс. “He hit me with a good shot. I got up and felt O.K. I was just trying to dodge some shots and he hit me with a left. He was firing and I just should have thrown back.

I think the ref stopped the fight early, but that’s not my job,” continued Hernandez. “I’d definitely welcome a third fight with Rosario, хоць. I’ve never been afraid to fight anyone, so fighting him a third time wouldn’t be a problem at all.

In the Premier Boxing Champions on FS2 prelims, Брайант Perrella (16-2, 13 КО) won a unanimous decision (78-74, 79-73 X 2) на Breidis Prescott (31-16, 22 КО).

I’m very happy with my performance tonight,” Саід Perrella. “I felt great going the distance. My endurance was fantastic. I would have been much more aggressive and thrown harder shots, but I hurt my hand in the second round and it was hurting the rest of the fight. I just used my jab and ring generalship to control the fight and get the win.

The FS2 co-feature saw Грошы Паўэл IV (9-0, 5 КО) stop Javier Frazier (8-9-1, 4 КО) by third-round technical knockout (2:03). Powell landed 86 punches in the bout, 36 of which were to Frazier’s body.

This training camp we really worked on a lot of body shots,” said Powell. “I feel like body shots are neglected nowadays and body shots pay the bills, break you down real quick.

In the FS2 swing bout, Осцін Дулан (13-1, 10 КО) scored a very quick first-round knockdown of Yardley Cruz (24-13, 14 КО) before cruising to a third-round stoppage (:27).

I just listened to my coaches and they told me to be a dog and come forward,” Said Дулан. “I thought I had him stopped with that first knockdown after the opening bell, but I didn’t want to rush into anything because he has a ton of experience.

I want a rematch with Chris Colbert right away on the April 13 card here at the Armory,” added Dulay. “I got back in camp after that loss, figured out what was wrong, got a nutritionist and moved up to 135 фунты. I feel better than ever, so I’m definitely ready for that rematch.

In the opening televised bout on FS2, Justin Pauldo (12-1, 6 КО) scored a first-round knockdown and stoppage (1:17) супраць Federico Malespina (16-11-2, 2 КО) who was unable to continue.

I landed a solid straight right hand,” said Pauldo. “I saw him fall back into the ropes and I knew I had him hurt. Так, I touched the body and got him out of there quickly.

# # #

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Undefeated Heavyweights Joe Joyce Knocks Out Bermane Stiverne In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® открывашка

Watch The Encore Presentation Tonight At 10 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Націсніце ВОТ
Для фатаграфій; Крэдыт: Ian Walton/SHOWTIME

LONDON – February 23, 2019 - Юбенк малодшы. earned a career-defining victory with a hard-fought unanimous decision over British rival and former two-time world champion James DeGale in a super middleweight grudge match Saturday on SHOWTIME from The O2 in London.

Eubank, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., floored DeGale twice en route to the clear decision, які быў забіты 114-112, 115-112, 117-109. Відэа Асноўныя:

Working in his first bout with a full-time trainer, Eubank fought a controlled fight. The former world title challenger floored DeGale in a rough moment in the second, stunning his rival with a big left hook against the ropes and flooring him moments later with a strong right cross that sent DeGale to the canvas for just the second fight of his career.

DeGale, who established his championship career as a slick southpaw, was unable to jab at range and couldn’t handle the constant pressure from Eubank. The former Olympic Gold Medalist resorted to lunging from the outside and was largely ineffective on the inside, often clinching while in close quarters.

“I knew he was going to come at me like that,” Eubank said. “He’s a slick southpaw, but my game plan worked. Smart pressure and not getting too ahead of myself. He’s a hell of a fighter, hell of a competitor but at the end of the day my head and my heart won this fight.”

“There was a lot of animosity leading to this fight. Я сказаў яму, ‘This is my time,’ and it was. He’s a veteran of the game, he throws big shots and he manages to stay up. To get up after those knockdowns is a statement about his tenacity and the type of fighter he is.”

The second knockdown came in the 10й as Eubank landed a powerful left hook that buckled DeGale with just 30 секунд да канца раўнда. Яшчэ раз, DeGale tried to clinch to avoid the knockdown, but his hand touched the canvas and was ruled just the third knockdown of his career.

Пасля бою, DeGale, who was the first British fighter to earn an Olympic Gold Medal and a world championship, appeared to be leaning toward retirement.

“I definitely I didn’t do enough,” DeGale said. “He was on it and I didn’t do enough. You have to do more than enough to counter someone that came forward like Chris.

“I’m going to go back and talk to my team, мая сям'я, and decide. I left my mark in boxing. I won an Olympic Medal, two world titles and it may be the time to hang it up.”

While DeGale contemplates retirement, Eubank has his sights set on another shot at a world title.

“This was the most important fight of my career, and I made a statement. I’m back where I’m supposed to be, at the top of the food chain. I’m coming for all the belts in the middleweight and super middleweight division. I’m fighting everyone they put in front of me.

“I’m glad to make my American debut here on SHOWTIME. I’m glad to be introduced to the American public this way – making a statement.”

У першым баі Даблхедер SHOWTIME ЧЭМПІЯНАТ БОКС, undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce kept his knockout record intact with a sixth-round TKO of former heavyweight world champion Bermane Stiverne.

After an exciting first round, Joyce opened up the action in the second with a monstrous straight right and unloaded from bell to bell against a defenseless Stiverne, who continued to punch back despite eating damaging shots. After a series of combos in the opening minute of the third, Joyce caught Stiverne with a straight right hand to send him to the canvas for the fifth time in his professional career. Stiverne survived the round while throwing looping shots but failed to return any meaningful punches.

Joyce, the 2016 Olympic Silver Medalist, consistently set up a powerful straight right behind an accurate and effective left jab throughout the fight. With Joyce (8-0, 8 КО) continuing to tee off against a largely defenseless Stiverne, referee Howard Foster stepped in to halt the contest at 2:26 of the sixth. Stiverne (25-4-1, 21 КО) did not protest the stoppage.

“Big respect to Stiverne – like a true champion, he’s very tough and was still throwing shots, but I guess I was just a bit too much,” Joyce said. “It was about being patient. He’s such a tough guy that he took those shots no problem.

“I was hitting him with everything I had, including the kitchen sink. I listened to Abel (Санчэс) in the corner, did everything he said and it went well. My jab was really effective. I’m a seasoned vet. I picked up my poise and remained calm along the way.

“Big things are coming. My next one will be for the WBA Regular (Назва) and I’ll be back in the gym soon. I need to have a couple more fights like this and then I’ll be ready for the big champions.”

Highlights of former world champion Lee Selby’s lightweight debut were featured during Saturday’s telecast. A former champion at featherweight, Селбі (27-2, 9 КО) overcame a second round accidental head butt to win a 12-round unanimous decision (116-112, 116-112, 115-114) over Omar Douglas (19-3, 13 КО).

An encore presentation of Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader will air tonight/Saturday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME, Sunday at 9 a.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the doubleheader from London with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. Two Hall of Famers rounded out today’s telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer was David Dinkins Jr. with Rick Phillips directing. Saturday’s telecast was a co-production with ITV.

Для атрымання дадатковай інфармацыі наведайце,

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# # #

Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Battles Unbeaten Dallas-Native Gregory Corbin in Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1 Leading up to the Errol Spence Jr. супраць. Mikey Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event

Субота, Сакавіка 16 from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Тэхас
Prelims Begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT

Tickets On Sale Now at

Арлингтон, Тэхас. (Лютага 22, 2019) – Former heavyweight world championЧарльз Марцін will square off against unbeaten Dallas-native Gregory Corbin in a 10-round bout on Premier Boxing Champions Prelims on FS1 leading up to the Errol Spence Jr. супраць. Mikey Garcia PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday, Сакавіка 16 from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Тэхас.

Prelims begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will lead up to the pay-per-view event at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol “Праўда” Спенс малодшы. defending his title against undefeated four-division champion Mikey Garcia in a highly anticipated and historic showdown.

Tickets for this showdown, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, ўжо ў продажы, і могуць быць набыты ў, the Official Ticketing Provider of AT&T Stadium.

Нарадзіўся ў Санкт-. Louis but now fighting and training out of Southern California, Марцін (25-2-1, 23 КО) showed heavy hands in racking up 20 заглушкі ў 23 fights before he captured a heavyweight world title with a victory over Vyacheslav Glazkov in January 2016. The 32-year-old bounced back from a defeat against Anthony Joshua to score two stoppage victories before losing a close decision to unbeaten Adam Kownacki in September.

Fighting out of his hometown of Dallas, Corbin (15-0, 9 КО) will look to remain unbeaten in front of a friendly crowd. The 38-year-old has stopped five of his last six opponents, including his most recent victory over Homero Fonseca in August. He will fight in his home state for the ninth time as a pro on March 16.

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ANTHONY DIRRELL VS. AVNI YILDIRIM FINAL PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & ФОТА – Former World Champion Dirrell & 168-Pound Contender Yildirim Get Heated at Press Conference Before They Fight For Vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship This Saturday

Former World Champion Dirrell & 168-Pound Contender Yildirim Get Heated at Press Conference Before They Fight For Vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship This Saturday

Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Main Event from the Armory in Minneapolis, Мінесота – 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Націсніце ВОТ for Photos from Andrew Dobin/Minneapolis Armory

MINNEAPOLIS (Лютага 21, 2019) – Former champion Энтані Диррелл and 168-pound contender Аўні Йылдырым exchanged words at a heated final press conference on Thursday before they battle this Saturday for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes from the Armory in Minneapolis.

The press conference also featured Minneapolis-native Джамал Джэймс і Janer Gonzalez, who battle in a welterweight attraction as part of televised coverage beginning at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Квіткі на мерапрыемствы, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing and TGB Promotions, ўжо ў продажы, and can be purchased at the Armory at HTTP:// through Ticketmaster.

Dirrell and Yildirim had to be separated during their portion of the press conference, as both fighters and their teams exchanged words ahead of Saturday’s showdown. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Armory:

Энтані Диррелл

“У рэшце рэшт,, he’s getting knocked out. Гэта яно.

He doesn’t have what it takes. I’m just a higher level fighter than him. I’m coming to take him out.

I’m thankful to my team for helping me get another shot at the championship. I’ve already proven everything I have to in this sport. У суботу ўвечары, I’m taking back what’s mine.


I’m very happy to be here. Субота, I’m ready to do my talking. I’m going to show everyone what happens in the ring.

Everybody knows that I’m coming to win that world title. This is my time on Saturday night. I will leave the ring with that belt.

Ямале Джэймс

All the work has already been put in. Now it’s time to give everyone a show. We’ve had a great camp. I’ve been training hard with my guys, including some work down in Miami. Now we’re ready to show the action on Saturday night.

At this point in my career, every fight is a championship fight, because I’m so close to that level. If you slip up once, then you fall back. We have to stay ready.

We’ve been training hard. There’s been a lot of work on technique and work on being prepared for anything that comes in the ring. У маёй галаве, I train for him like he’s the ultimate opponent.

I’m a lot more comfortable in my hometown after fighting here a lot recently. Sometimes you want to perform so well in front of all your people that you press, but now I’m a lot more calm. I’m not overlooking this fight at all, but I’m gunning for that title fight.


I’m very thankful for this opportunity to be in this great fight. My team has me prepared for this fight and has given me great support throughout training camp.

“Я 100 працэнтаў гатовы. I’m going to bring this fight and leave it all in the ring for my home country of Colombia.

I had been preparing in Colombia with Breidis Prescott and it’s gotten me in top condition for the fight. I’m ready to do it in the ring.

I know James is fighting at home but they can’t help him in the ring. It’s just me and him and I plan on breaking him down and getting the win.

Лявонаў Маргулесом, Прэзідэнт Warriors Boxing

It’s great to be back at the Armory in Minneapolis. This is our third PBC event here and it’s just a terrific venue with an enthusiastic and great crowd for boxing.

This is a fantastic card headlined by a world championship fight. This is going to be a terrific fight to prove who is the best super middleweight. You don’t want to miss a high level fight like this one on Saturday night.

Everybody in Minnesota knows Jamal James, as he’s become one of the stars of the boxing community here. I believe someday he’s going to be a world champion.

# # #

Dirrell vs. Yildirim will see former super middleweight world champion Anthony Dirrell face top contender Avni Yildirim for the vacant WBC Super Middleweight World Championship in the main event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 and FOX Deportes on Saturday, Лютага 23 from The Armory in Minneapolis, Мінесота.

Coverage begins at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and features welterweight championship contender Jamal James fighting in his hometown for a third straight time against Janer González in a special 10-round attraction in the co-feature.

Fans can live stream the fights on the FOX Sports app, available in English or Spanish through the FOX, FS1, FS2 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, або падлучаных прылад, уключаючы Apple TV, Android TV, агонь ТБ, Xbox One і Roku.

Для атрымання больш падрабязнай інфармацыі: візіт, ХТ
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