Arturas Mercante, Jaunesnysis. prisijungti prie tėvo Niujorko valstijos bokso šlovės muziejuje

Arturas Mercante, Jaunesnysis. buvo trečias žmogus kovoje 13, 1999 pasaulio sunkiasvorio titulo kova Madisono aikštės sode tarp Evanderio Holyfieldo ir Lennoxo Louis, kuris baigėsi lygiosiomis

Sekmadienis, Balandis 28, Indukcija Vakarienė

Don King, Jimmy Cannon, Jimmy Carteris & Wilfredo Benitez antraštė 2019 skatinamieji

NEW YORK (Kovas 20, 2019) – Tarptautinis bokso teisėjas Arturas Mercante, Jaunesnysis. prisijungs prie tėvo, vėlu Arturas Mercante, Sr., Niujorko valstijos bokso šlovės muziejuje (NYSBHOF) tapti pirmuoju tėvu-sūnumi, įtrauktu į NYSBHOF.

24 narių klasė 2019 bus įvestas per aštuntąją kasmetinę NYSBHOF indukcinę vakarienę sekmadienio popietė (12:30-5:30 p.m. IR), Balandis 28, ne Russo On The Bay Howard Beach, Niujorkas.

Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. buvo boksininkas mėgėjas, pralaimėjęs 1976 Niujorko auksinės pirštinės Juan LaPorte (NYSBHOF paskatintas, klasė 2014). “Jaučiau, kad jį mušiau, ir aš norėjau tapti profesionalu,” Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. paaiškino, kaip jis pradėjo eiti pareigas. “Mano tėvas pasakė „ne“, kol gyvenau jo namuose, bet jis pasiūlė man pabandyti kreiptis.”

Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. pradėjo teisėjauti 1979 mėgėjuose ir pakilo į profesionalų gretas 1984. Jis nurodė 336 kovas, įskirtinai 72 pavadinimas kovoja. Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. turi nuostabių prisiminimų, įskaitant humoristinę istoriją, kurioje jis netyčia buvo subadytas.

“Turėjau omenyje kovą (vieninga pasaulio supervidutinio svorio kategorijos kova, Sau. 14, 2017 Barclay centre Brukline) tarp Badou Džekas ir Jamesas DeGale,” Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. prisiminė. “Šešto raundo pabaigoje išgirdau 10 sekundžių įspėjimą ir pradėjau skaičiuoti 5-4-3-2-1. Tuo pat metu, Džekas kairiu kabliu trenkė man į veidą, ir aš paslydau. Beau manęs paklausė, ar man viskas gerai. Aš sakiau, kad man viskas gerai. Vėliau, jis pasakė, kad pataikė į mane geru smūgiu ir kad aš jam priklausiau. Po kovos, jis man pasakė, kad galiu padaryti gerą kadrą.”

Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. tikėjo, kad raktas į gerą teisėją yra skaldyti kovotojus poliklinikose ir likti nuo paveikslo, nes kova nėra susijusi su teisėju.

Viena iš įsimintiniausių jo karjeros akimirkų buvo tas pats pasirodymas, kaip ir jo tėvas, kuris buvo 81 laikas, pirmą kartą 1981 „Radio City“ muzikos salėje Niujorke. Tėvas dirbo pagrindinį įvykį tarp Roy Jones, Jaunesnysis. ir Davidas Telesco, Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. surengė kovą tarp Deividas Izonas ir Derrickas Jeffersonas.

Dabar, Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. vyksta į NYSBHOF prisijungti prie savo tėvo. “Niekada nemaniau, kad būsiu kokioje nors šlovės salėje,” Prekybininkas, Jaunesnysis. komentavo. “Kai skambutis atėjo sausio 27 d (2019) nuo Bobas Duffy (NYBHOF prezidentas), ji negalėjo ateiti ypatingesnę dieną, nes mano tėvas būtų pasisukęs 99 tą dieną.

“Tai didelė garbė, ypač eidamas su šia klase. Aš sukūriau kovą tarp Michaelo Olajide'o ir Iranas Barkley ir Maiklas patenka į šiuos metus. Don King, žinoma, ir dirbau daugybę pasirodymų su Wayne'u Kelly. Žiedas 8 visada buvo puiki organizacija. Norėčiau padėkoti visiems dalyvaujantiems.”

Gyvenamoji boksininkai pozicijos į NYSBHOF apima (Bronkso mieste) tris kartus, dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas Wilfredo Benitezas (53-8-1, 31 Kos), „Canastota“ pusvoris Dickas DiVeronica (44-13-1, 13 Kos), (Hempstead) WBO super plunksnų svorio pasaulio čempionasRogelio Tuuras (46-4-1, 30 Kos), (Bronksas) 1968 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Davey Vasquezas (19-15, 6 Kos), WBO super vidutinio svorio pasaulio varžovų varžovas Michaelas Olajide'as (27-5, 19 Kos), Manheteno, ir kuni’ pasaulio sunkiasvorio titulo varžovas Monte Barrett (35-11-2, 20 Kos).

Įvedami pomirtiniai dalyviai (Bronksas) tris kartus lengvasvoris pasaulio čempionasJimmy Carteris (84-31-9, 34 Kos), Bruklino Papildsvars al “Bummy” Davis (65-10-4, 46 Kos), (Schenectady) Pasaulis Papildsvars čempionas Marty Servo (47-4-2, 14 Kos), (Bronksas) pasaulio sunkiasvorio titulo varžovas Rolandas LaStarza (57-9, 27 Kos), Brooklyn pasaulio lengvo svorio čempionas Paddy DeMarco (75-26-3, 8 Kos )ir Manhatano žemutinės rytų pusės lengvieji svoriai sID Žemės (94-13-5, 12 Kos) ir Leach “Kovos odontologas” Kirsti (35-10-4, 22 Kos).

Be Mercante, Jr, kiti gyvi nedalyvaujantys asmenys, einantys į NYSBHOF, yra Niujorke įsikūrę projekto vykdytojai Don King, Paraudęs teisėjas Johnas McKaie, Bruklino sporto laidų vedėjas Steve'as Albertas, ir Bronkso treneris Bobas Jacksonas.

Pomirtiniai nedalyvaujantys indukcininkai yra „Utica“ piršliai Dewey Fragetta, Karūna, Karalienių teisėjas Johnny LoBianco, Garden City teisėjas Wayne Kelly, Paraudęs sportininkas Haris Hilas, apdovanojimų pelnęs žurnalistas Jimmy Cannon, Manhatano Aukštutinės Rytinės pusės, ir NYSAC pareigūnas / buvęs NABF prezidentas Džo Dwyer, Brukline.

Kiekvienas lankyti naujokas (arba tiesioginis palikuonis) gaus užsakymą suprojektuoti diržą, reiškiantis jo ar jos indukcijos į NYSBHOF.

The 2019 inductees atrinko NYSBHOF nominuota komiteto narių:Randy Gordonas, Henris Hascup, Donas Majeski, Ronas McNair, ir Neil Terens.

Visi boksininkai turėjo būti neaktyvus mažiausiai trejus metus turi teisę gauti NYSBHOF indukcijos, ir visi inductees turi būti gyvenęs Niujorko valstijoje už didelę dalį savo bokso karjerai ar jų atitinkamos karjeros žydėjime metu.


Klasė 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike'as Tysonas, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emilis Griffith, “Cukrus” Ray Robinson, Genų Tunney, Benny Leonardas, Tonis Canzoneri, Haroldas Lederman, Steve'as Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Šalis Fleischer, Billas Gallo ir Arturas Mercante, Sr.

Klasė 2013: Džekas Dempsey, Johnny Dandi, Smėlio Kalvis, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey lankininkas, Iranas Barkley, Pažymėti Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Jaunesnysis Jones, James “Bičiulis” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bobas Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tonis Graziano, Laris pirklys, Teddy Brenerio, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard Don Dunphy.

KLASĖ 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevinas Kelley, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lu Ambers, Džekas Britton, Kilpiniai McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lu DiBella, Steve'as Farhood, Genų Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Kristalais D'Amato, Williamas Muldoon ir Tomas O'Rourke.

KLASĖ 2015: Saulius Mamby, joey Giamba, Johnny Persol, Haroldas Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paulius Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bobas Milleris, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bobas Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley "Goldman, jimmy Johnston,, Cedric Kushner, Haris Markson, Damonas Runyon ir Al Weill.

KLASĖ 2016: Aaronas Davis, Charles Murray, Vilomar Fernandezas, Edvinas Viruet, Peštukas “Macho” Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Rocky Kanzasas, Džo Lynch ", joe Miceli, Edas Brophy, Džo DeGuardia, Randy Gordonas, Dennisas Rappaport, Howie Albertas, Fredis Ruda, Howardas Cosell, Ruby Goldsteinas Jimmy Jacobs.

KLASĖ 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Renaldo “Ponas.” Snipes, Dougas Dewitt, “Bronksas bombonešis” alex Ramos, Dickas tigras, Jose Torres, “unikatnom” Džekas Dempsey, Donas Majeski, Ronas Katzas, stan Hoffman, bobby Bartels, sruoga Kaplanas, "Al Gavin, Arturas Donovanas ir Danas Parkeris.

KLASĖ 2018: Lu “Medus Vaikinas” Slėnis, jake Rodriguezas, Terrence Alli, “Kūdikis” Džo Mesi, Vaikas Šokoladas, Jamesas J. “džentelmenas Jimas” Corbett, Džekas McAuliffe, billy Costello, Melio Bettina Ralph “Tigras” Jonesas, Charley Norkus, dave Andersonas, pete Brodskis, žolė "Goldman, bobby Goodmanas, Melvina Lathan, Ronas Scott Stevens, Johnnie Addie, Džonis Bosas, murray Goodmanas, Bert Randolph Sugar ir Sam Taub.

Bilietai kaina $125.00 Mokestis suaugusiam žmogui už ir $60.00 vaikams (pagal 16) ir apima visą vėlyvieji pusryčiai ir kokteilių valandą įvažiuodami, pradedant 12:30 p.m. IR, taip pat vakarienės (svarbiausias šonkauliu, žuvų arba paukščių) ir atvira juosta per dieną. Bilietus galima įsigyti susisiekus su NYSBHOF prezidentu Bobu Duffy adresu 516.313.2304 Skelbimai apie NYSBHOF programos yra, svyruoja nuo $80.00 į $200.00, susisiekę su Duffy. Eiti linija papildomos informacijos apie Niujorko valstybės bokso Hall of Fame.

APIE ŽIEDAS 8: Susikūrė 1954 pateikiant ir ex-Prizefighter, Džekas Grebelsky, Žiedas 8 tapo aštunta dukterinė kas tada buvo žinoma kaip Nacionalinė Veteranas boksininkų asociacija – taigi, ŽIEDAS 8 – ir šiandien organizacijos šūkis išlieka: Bokseriai Padėti Boxers.

ŽIEDAS 8 yra visiškai įsipareigojusi remti mažiau pasisekė žmonių bokso bendruomenės nariai gali prireikti pagalbos, kalbant apie mokėjimo Nuoma, medicininių išlaidų, ar kas pateisinama būtinybė.

Eiti į eilutę Daugiau informacijos apie ŽIEDU 8, Didžiausią grupę tokio pobūdžio JAV daugiau nei 350 prisijungę. Metinė narystė mokesčiai yra tik $30.00 ir kiekvienas narys turi teisę švediško vakarienė ŽIEDU 8 mėnesiniai susitikimai, išskyrus liepą ir rugpjūtį. Visi aktyvūs boksininkai, mėgėjų ir profesionalų, turi teisę į nemokamas ŽIEDU 8 kasmet narystės. Šis žiedas 8 nariai yra laukiami esant tik išlaidas $7.00 vienam asmeniui.

DANNY GARCIA VS. ADRIAN GRANADOS LOS ANGELES PRESS CONFERENCE QUOTES & NUOTRAUKOS – Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, Balandis 20 iš „Dignity Health“ sporto parko Carsone, Kalifornija

Former Two-Division Champion Garcia Battles All-Action Granados on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes on Saturday, Balandis 20 iš „Dignity Health“ sporto parko Carsone, Kalifornija

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/
Mayweather Akcijos

LOS ANGELES (Kovas 19, 2019) – Buvęs dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas Danny “Greitai” Garcia and veteran contender Adrianas Granados previewed their Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportes main event showdown at a press conference in Los Angeles Tuesday as they prepare to square-off Saturday, Balandis 20 iš „Dignity Health“ sporto parko Carsone, Kalifornija.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and Mayweather Promotions, in association with DSG Promotions, yra parduoti dabar. Tickets can be purchased at or at the Dignity Health Sports Park box office from 10:00 tarifu. į 6:00 p.m.

balandžio 20 broadcast begins at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and features heavyweight contender Andy Ruizas jaunesnysis. atsižvelgiant į Alexander Dimitrenko in a 10-round bout in the co-feature and unbeaten contender Brandon Figueroa battling Venezuela’s Yonfrez Parejo in a 12-round match for the WBA Interim Super Bantamweight title.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from the Palms Restaurant Downtown L.A.:

Danny Garcia

I’ve been training hard. I’ve seen Granados fight a few times and I know what he can do. I’m excited to be back in Los Angeles, because this is where the stars fight. This is another fight that can get me to where I want to go in my career.

My mentality is that I have to stop Granados. Nobody has stopped him and I have to do that to make a statement. He’s never fought a counter puncher like me and I’m definitely the hardest puncher he’s faced. I’m going to showcase everything to get the stoppage.

This is another fight for my legacy. There have been a lot of great fights in my career and this is another important one for me. I know he’s coming to fight, but I’m looking to make this one of my easiest wins.

He’s a tough and aggressive fighter who likes to throw a lot of punches. Jis alkanas, and that’s the type of guy that you have to watch out for. I’ve got to handle my business against Granados before I look to any bigger fights.

This is a big platform for me to perform on. I’m going to show the world why I’m one of the best fighters in the world.

I plan on winning with style. I’m going to bring a lot of skill, a lot of will, a lot of power and I’m going to entertain my fans. Balandis 20 will be the ‘Danny Garcia Show.'


“Tai bus puiki kova. We’re two fighters who bring it. I’m coming for a victory in dominating fashion. This is the fight that I’ve wanted for a while now.

I haven’t had the easiest road and that’s why I’m looking to get my respect in this fight. I’m looking forward to this. It’s going to be a barnburner. Gali geriausias vyras laimėti.

If he’s underestimating me it will definitely be a big mistake on his part. I don’t think he will though. I think he realizes now he’s in for a fight. If he didn’t know me before, he does now. I’m going to give him a piece of my mind April 20.

I was never taken care of coming up. I always had to work harder to get to where I’m at. Danny and I basically had the same accolades in the amateurs, and I always gave him kudos for what he’s done in his whole career, but he doesn’t know what I’ve gotten through to get here.

I’m coming to get my respect in this fight. I’m going to make Danny fight and see what he’s made of. I’ve always had a chip on my shoulder but being able to take out a fighter like Danny is motivating me to another level.

Tom Brown, Prezidentas TGB Akcijos

Premier Boxing Champions has made a major commitment to bringing some of the best and biggest fights to Southern California. We started with the Wilder vs. Fury heavyweight title fight downtown in December and we’re back again in April at the Dignity Health Sports Park. This is the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States and we have a great show there on April 20.

Danny Garcia is a throwback fighter. A first-ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion. At 140-pounds he took on the best in the division and never backed down from a challenge. Danny was a 2-1 underdog when he fought Lucas Matthysse, and we knew what happened after, he proved the doubters wrong. I’m so excited to have him back in California on this great card.

Adrian Granados could arguably be sitting up here with a record of 27-1, since all but one of his losses have been by split or majority decision, and usually it’s in his opponent’s backyard. He’s a battle-tested veteran who’s made a name for himself bringing action-packed fights to the fans. When we announced all the PBC on FOX fights, this is the one that I circled.

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO of President of Mayweather Promotions

“Tai bus puikus kova. I’ve really been looking forward to this fight because I’ve known these guys for a long time. Styles make fights and in this particular matchup, we have two fighters who are all action.

Danny has shown that he’s an elite fighter, because he’s beaten a number of great world champions. Adrian Granados always comes to fight. He’s never ever in a boring fight. The styles mesh so well, with Danny being a world class counter-puncher and also being a superb boxer. Granados is going to force Danny to fight on the inside a lot more than usual.

I think this fight is going to bring the best out of both Danny and Adrian. They’ve both fought a number of very good fighters and been in involved in numerous debatable decisions. They’re going to have to leave it all in the ring come April 20.

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Gerbėjai gali tiesiogiai transliuoti kovas „FOX Sports“ programoje, available in English or Spanish through the FOX or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku".

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas, HT
ir, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,, &


Every man I’ve faced; they’ve landed on the canvas. I’m going to continue to do that on May 18,” – Wilder

I’m sick of seeing this guy walking around with his belt. I’m going to put him down,” – BREAZEALE

WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder
Defends His Title Against Mandatory
Challenger Dominic Breazeale on Saturday, Gegužė 18
Live Showtime®Nuo Barclays Center "Brukline

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Amanda Westcott / Showtime

BROOKLYN (Kovas 19, 2019) – WBC sunkaus svorio kategorijos čempionas Deontay “Bronzos bombonešis” Wilder and mandatory challenger Dominykas “Bėda” BREAZEALE went face-to-face Tuesday at a heated press conference to officially announce their heavyweight title showdown taking place Saturday, Gegužė 18 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center", the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Tickets for this BombZquad event go on sale Friday, Kovas 22 į 10 tarifu. ET and can be purchased at,, arba paskambinus 800-745-3000. pradedant šeštadienis, Kovas 23 į 12 p.m. IR, tickets can be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center. Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Tuesday from Barclays Center:


It’s a pleasure to be back here in Brooklyn. Barclays Center is very close to my heart. I’ve been here so many times and I have a real connection to this arena. I’ve had some of my most memorable moments in the ring here.

It’s always great to get a mandatory out of the way. They’re like flies buzzing in my ear. I just want to get them out of the way so I can do great things for the heavyweight division. I want one champion, one face, one name, but you need a lot of cooperation to make that happen.

I want to prove to the world that I’m the best. That’s what I believe in my heart. Until someone proves me wrong, I will continue to believe that. Breazeale is the next man in line. I can’t wait for this one.

I’m just going to show everyone on May 18. The way I feel right now, the fight could be this week. The champion must always be ready for whatever a challenger can bring.

I hope he’s training his hardest. I’m glad he has Virgil Hunter on his side to show him something new. Every man I’ve faced; they’ve landed on the canvas. I’m going to continue to do that on May 18.

No man who gets in the ring will be able to defeat Deontay Wilder. I hold the keys to the heavyweight division. No fighter is doing what I’m doing. I’m trying to give the fans something they’ve never seen before.

Enjoy this one, because it’s going to be a massacre. Gegužė 18 will be a beautiful day for me and a beautiful day to see what I’m planning to do for the sport of boxing.


I’m super excited for this. I’ve been waiting over a year and a half for a shot at this title. I’ve got three knockouts here at Barclays Center and I can’t wait for another.

I’m a great fighter but there are always things to be learned. I’ve learned a lot already with Virgil Hunter. I bring something that everyone wants to see from heavyweights, and that’s trouble. I’m going to bring pressure and action.

I’m sick of seeing this guy walking around with his belt. I’m going to put him down. People are going to be rising to their feet when I knock him down.

I’m so excited to get this fight. I’ve been on Deontay’s undercards and I steal the show every time. Deontay does nothing right in the ring. He looks like a circus-act. All he does is talk. But there’s nothing he can say on May 18.

Deontay loves to hear his own voice. All he does is talk and talk. It’s time to get in the ring. Nobody can get in there and save him. It’s just me and him. Leather on leather. We’ll see who lands first. Hopefully he gets off the canvas.

VIRGIL HUNTER, Breazeale’s Trainer

It’s a pleasure to be here at Barclays Center for a heavyweight championship fight. We have a monumental task to try to overcome. Dominic and I connected last month and after a few workouts, we saw we had a good fit and an understanding of what needs to be done.

Dominic works hard, he’s very determined and he knows that this is his opportunity and he can’t let it slip away from him. He also knows the risk at hand. We’re looking forward to May 18.

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezidentas Sportas & Įvykio Programavimas, Showtime Networks Inc.

We are thrilled to be bringing you Deontay Wilder vs. Dominic Breazeale on SHOWTIME. It would be an understatement to say that there has been a lot of speculation regarding Deontay’s future. We’re proud to have him on SHOWTIME. It was critical for Deontay, for the sport and his fans, that this fight be available not on pay-per-view, but on SHOWTIME. Because of his insistence, that’s the primary reason we’re standing here today.

SHOWTIME is where this fight belongs. We’re the home of the biggest fights and best talents, month in and month out. This is where a heavyweight title fight belongs. This will be Deontay’s 12oji appearance on SHOWTIME and or SHOWTIME PPV and we’ve built something special.

Recently ESPN named its World Fame 100, which lists the most talked about athletes in the world. Deontay is ranked 34, two slots behind Tom Brady and higher than any other active boxer in the sport. He’s a bonafide superstar, there is no question.

Dominic Breazeale is big, stiprus, experienced and powerful. Above all, jis motyvuotas. It’s no secret that there is a personal rivalry between these two fighters. This will not be a friendly promotion. There is genuine animosity. This is a premium fight and this is the heavyweight championship on May 18 live on SHOWTIME.

# # #

Daugiau informacijos rasite,, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


LOS ANGELES – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to WinStar World Casino and Resort in Thackerville, Okla. šį penktadienį, Kovas 22 has been completed with a stacked four-fight main card and a total of 10 preliminary contests.

The main event of Friday’s card at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT on Paramount Network, and simulcast on DAZN, will feature a 145-pound headliner, when former featherweight title contender Emmanuelis Sanchez (17-4) rematches the returning Georgi Karakhanyan (28-8-1, 1 NC). Rounding out the stacked main card will see a heavyweight matchup pitting England’s Linton Vassell (18-7, 1 NC) in his divisional debut against Russia’s Valentinas Moldavskis (7-1), the always-game Geraldas Harrisas (25-7-1) returning to action against the surging Anatolijus Tokovas (27-2) in a middleweight contest and an intriguing middleweight contest between undefeated London Shootfighters-prospect Norbert Novenyi (2-0) and Kansas’ Will Lavine (1-1).

The prelims for Bellator 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 will be highlighted by multiple bouts featuring recent Bellator signings, including Duke Rufus-trained prospect Jordan Newman, the professional debut of Kristianas Edvardsas of Jackson-Wink MMA Academy in Albuquerque, N.M., Sweden’s Malin Hermansson (2-0) ir Džonis Eblenas (4-0), who brings his undefeated record to Bellator. Anatoly Tokov’s younger brother, Vladimir Tokov (3-0), will also enter the Bellator cage for the first time when he competes at lightweight against Ryanas Walkeris (8-4). Be, seven-fight Bellator veteran John “Macapa” (21-4) meets 30-fight veteran Kevin Croom (19-11) ne lengvas.

Bellator 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 will be broadcast Friday, Kovas 22 on Paramount Network at 9 p.m. ET / 8 p.m. CT and will stream LIVE on DAZN. Preliminary action for both events will stream on and globally on the Bellator Mobile App.

Pilnas Bellator 218: Sanchez vs. Karakhanyan 2 Pagrindinė kortelė:

Featherweight Main Event Bout: Emmanuelis Sanchez (17-4) vs. Georgi Karakhanyan (28-8-1, 1 NC)

Heavyweight Co-Main Event: Valentinas Moldavskis (7-1) vs. Linton Vassell (18-7, 1 NC)

Vidutinio svorio pagrindinės kortos kovos: Anatolijus Tokovas (27-2) vs. Geraldas Harrisas (25-7-2)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Nobertas Novenyi (3-0) vs. Will Lavine (1-1)

Preliminari kortelė:

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Džonis Eblenas (4-0) vs. Chauncey Foxworth (9-7)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: Kristianas Edvardsas (Pro debiutas) vs. Roman Huerta (1-0)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Vladimir Tokov (3-0) vs. Ryanas Walkeris (8-4)

Parengiamosios varžybos su plunksna: John “Macapa” (21-4-2) vs. Kevin Croom (19-11)

Vidutinio svorio preliminari kova: Jordan Newman (Pro debiutas) vs. Joseph Holmes (Pro debiutas)

Moterų „flyweight“ parengiamosios varžybos: Malin Hermansson (2-0) vs. Victoria Leonardo (4-1)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Nick Page (0-2) vs. Tauta Gibrickas (2-0)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Aaron Vickers (3-1) vs. Isaiah Gutierrez (4-1)

Lengvas parengiamasis mačas: Craig Fairly (2-1) vs. Luisas Erivesas (1-1)

Women’s 130-lb. Catchweight Preliminary Bout: Deborah Kouzmin (1-1) vs. Ky Bennett (1-1)

*Kortelė gali keistis

Prašome apsilankyti Daugiau informacijos.


Unbeaten Former Champion David Benavidez Scores Second-Round TKO of J’Leon Love, Undefeated Former Champion Luis Nery Earns Dominant Fifth-Round TKO of McJoe Arroyo & Heavyweight Fan-Favorite Chris Arreola Stops Jean Pierre Augustin In Round Three

Former Heavyweight Champion Charles Martin Wins Via Disqualification on PBC Prelims on FS1

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Frank Micelotta/FOX Sports
(Password: foxsports)

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Ryan Hafey/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos added shortly)

ARLINGTON, TX. (Kovas 17, 2019) – Errol Spence jaunesnysis. retained his IBF Welterweight World Championship in his hometown in front of 47,525 fans with a unanimous decision over four-division world champion Mikey Garcia in the main event of the first Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event Saturday night from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Teksasas.

The motivation fighting in front of my hometown crowd made me feel great,” said Spence. “These people have supported me since day one and I wanted to put on a good performance for all of them.

I really appreciate the love and support of the fans tonight,” Sakė Garcia. “It’s a great night and all the credit to Errol, he’s a great champion. He’s the truth. He executed his game plan very well.

The bout started technical, with Spence pumping a consistent jab and attempting to cut the ring off while Garcia was patiently looking for a chance to counter. Garcia had some success early throwing counter left hooks over Spence’s jab, but was never able to get in a rhythm against the busier champion.

He came out here with a good game plan and kept the distance at his favor,” Sakė Garcia. “I couldn’t get my rhythm going and he did what he had to do. I tried to make adjustments and he kept executing.

Be turo keturių, Spence dominated most of the action before Garcia made a late surge and forced Spence into a defensive crouch for the final moments of the round. Garcia kept that energy going early in round five, putting Spence on the defensive temporarily before he regained his momentum and returned to connecting on powerful straight lefts.

Spence increased his body-punching as the fight went on and looked to wear down the fighter who was moving up in weight. Garcia began bleeding from his nose in round eight, at which point Spence increased his output and landed 35, 29, 34 ir 25 punches in rounds nine through 12 atitinkamai, according to CompuBox.

Throughout training camp, a lot of commentators thought he was too smart and I couldn’t box as well as him,” said Spence. “I showed I can box and I can move my head if I want to. The game is to be smart, it’s the sweet science. I had the size and reach advantage, so why not use it to take away the jab? It’s a weapon for me and it takes away one of his weapons.

I was able to hold my own,” Sakė Garcia. “I felt good and I felt strong myself. I think he felt my power, but he definitely has power also.

While Garcia showed his mettle in making it the distance, Spence was simply too effective, with one judge even scoring round 11 10-8 for Spence. Spence threw a career-high 1082 punches and out landed Garcia by a staggering 345 į 75 margin.

After 12-rounds of action, all three judges saw the fight for Spence, iki keliasdešimt 120-108 du kartus ir 120-107.

I give Mikey Garcia all the credit for taking this fight,” said Spence. “Mikey and I put on a great show in front of all these lovely fans. I respect him so much and I appreciate him for stepping up.

We just went 12-rounds with a great welterweight champion,” Sakė Garcia. “That’s a feat no one has done recently. I’m proud of what I was able to do. I have to go back and think about it. I will probably go back to lighter divisions but we’ll have to think about it.

Po kovos, Spence declared that he wanted to fight boxing legend and welterweight titleholder Manny Pacquiao kitas, who entered the ring after the fight.

He’s broken records here before, he’s a legend in the sport and it’d be my honor to fight him next,” said Spence.

Taip, why not?” Sakė Pacquiao, when asked about facing Spence next. “We’ll give the fans a good fight. I’m so happy to be here at AT&T Stadium and I hope I will be back here soon.

Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, unbeaten former 168-pound world champion Davidas Benavidez(21-0, 18 Kos) dominuoja J'Leon Dienoraštis (24-3-1, 13 Kos) to earn a second-round stoppage in their super middleweight matchup.

It’s a dream come true to fight on this stage in front of these fans,” said Benavidez. “These fans give me the motivation to get up every day and go the extra mile.

From the opening bell Love sought to crowd the taller Benavidez, but the 22-year-old Benavidez quickly made him pay, landing a powerful left hook that stunned Love. Love was able to last the round, but took more powerful hooks from Benavidez before the bell.

I expected to knock him out, but when I hit him with the first god shot, I knew he wasn’t going to last,” said Benavidez. “I tried to pace myself, but it wasn’t necessary tonight.

Benavidez wasted little time in the second round, delivering power shots that put Love on the run. Benavidez caught Love with a clean combo on the ropes that stunned Love and forced referee Laurence Cole to jump in and stop the bout 1:14 į turo dviejų, as Benavidez began to throw furious combos.

He was getting his shots off, but I don’t think I was taking too much punishment,” said Love. “I wasn’t out of the game completely but he did catch me with a couple good shots.

Po priepuolio, Benavidez set his sights on WBC Super Middleweight Champion Anthony Dirrell, who was in attendance at the fight.

I saw Anthony Dirrell with the WBC belt. He can’t call himself champion until he fights me. That’s my belt. I’m going to go get it. It’s mine.

Additional action featured former bantamweight champion Luis Nery (29-0, 23 Kos) knock down former champion McJoe Arroyo (18-3, 8 Kos) four times on his way to a fifth-round victory by stoppage in his U.S. debiutas.

We’re two great fighters who were here to put on a show,” said Nery. “That’s what you have to expect from fighters of our caliber. I’m happy to start on the right foot here in my U.S. debut and show everyone I’m still the best at bantamweight.

Nery stalked Arroyo from the opening bell, throwing big power shots that forced his opponent to fight off his back foot. Su 45 seconds left in round two, Nery scored his first knockdown with a left that stunned him and follow-up combination that put Arroyo on the canvas.

Arroyo was unable to keep the hard-charging Nery from coming forward and again hit the mat late in round three, as a wide left hook hurt Arroyo before he was put down from a flurry that followed. The trouble continued for Arroyo in round four, as he was knocked down twice more in the final minute of the round.

I never felt like I was dazed or anything, they were just hard punches,” said Arroyo. “I went down but got right back up. If it were up to me I’d have kept going. I have to give respect to my opponent for his performance. This isn’t the end of my career. I’ve seen him fight before but I was surprised by his power. It was his night tonight.

After the fourth round, Arroyo’s corner stopped the bout, making the official stoppage 10 seconds into round five. Nery dominated the bout, out landing Arroyo 87 į 36, o nusileidimo 44 procentų savo elektros štampus.

We’re going to train hard and hopefully by June, we’ll have the belt back,” said Nery. “I want to win back my belt, then unify the division.

The opening bout on pay-per-view saw heavyweight fan-favorite Chrisas Arreola (38-5-1, 33 Kos) score a third-round stoppage over previously unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin (17-1-1, 12 Kos).

Augustin is a hungry kid who tried to make a name off of me,” Sakė Arreola. “I lose and I’m out, but I’m not going out. I touched him a couple of times and saw he was hurt. I stayed calm and the stoppage came.

After blood started pouring from Arreola’s nose towards the end of round two, the Riverside, California-native got off to a quick start in round three, connecting with a straight left that stunned Augustin and nearly sent him to the canvas in the opening seconds.

As the round progressed, Augustin tried to hold and move to regain his composure, but was eventually caught with a flurry in the neutral corner that put him on the canvas. While he got up and was able to continue, another flurry in Augustin’s corner, including a big overhand left, eventually forced referee Neal Young to stop the fight 2:03 į turą trijose.

Every fighter feels like they can continue, tačiau ji yra, kur yra, it’s out of my control,” said Augustin. “I was more stunned than hurt, but he jumped on me and finished.

In the dominant final round Arreola landed 18 apie 30 Baterijos štampus, compared to just three punches landed in the round by Augustin.

“Aš myliu kovos,” Sakė Arreola. “We’re both were trying to beat each other up and I love it. I’m blessed to be a fighter.

Prieš mokėjimą už peržiūrą, PBC Prelims on FS1 featured former heavyweight champion Charles Martin (26-2-1. 23 Kos) winning via disqualification against previously unbeaten Gregory Corbin (15-1, 9 Kos) in the eighth-round of their showdown. After deducting a point from Corbin in rounds four, five and six because of low blows, referee Mark Calo-oy stopped the bout in round eight after another low blow. The official time of the disqualification came 53 seconds into round eight.

I don’t think he really wanted to fight, he wanted to hit me low and see how much he could get away with,” sakė Martinas. “I could sense that he didn’t want to engage anymore.

“Yra kaip yra, I thought I was hitting him on the belt,” said Corbin. “We wanted to go to the body, I thought he was tired. I hurt him once, but the low blows did it for me.

We’re going to get back in camp, take a few days off and then get back to work,” sakė Martinas. “We’re staying busy in 2019.

The event was promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports

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Portlandas, Meino (Kovas 18, 2019) – Tom “The Phenom” Pagliarulo might be a man of mystery to many New England Fights enthusiasts, but the newcomer and his opponent at NEF 38: “Stormborn” require no introduction to one another.

Maybe it’s a stretch to say Pagliarulo and Zac “Rocky” Richard lead parallel lives, but the similarities are striking.

Each has a substantial, successful wrestling background. Both have accelerated from the finish line of their respective mixed martial arts careers, with one minor speed bump.

And in a world where prospective combatants usually don’t have to work hard to drum up drama and animosity, Pagliarulo, 21, said that he and Richard are reasonably good, if casual, draugai.

“I’ve known Zac for a long time,” Pagliarulo said. “We’ve competed together at some of the same big, regional wrestling meets and kind of become friends through that. We have very similar backgrounds.”

Pagliarulo (2-1) will be forced to put those common denominators on the back burner for one night – Saturday, Balandis 27 – when he confronts Richard for the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title at Aura in Portland, Meino.

The location is significant. Richard is a native of nearby Waterboro, and whether it’s that short 30-minute commute or a drive two-thirds of the way across the state to Bangor, his family and friends are fiercely loyal.

A product of Haverhill, Masačusetsas, who now trains across the New Hampshire state line at both Spero’s Martial Arts Academy (Plaistow) and Burgess MMA (Mančesteris), Pagliarulo is fully aware that he’s walking into the belly of the beast.

“I’m going into his backyard. I know he brings a lot of fans and sells a ton of tickets,” Pagliarulo said, “Hopefully I’ll have quite a few following me, o taip pat. Jis puikus varžovas. There’s no question it will be a tough fight in a tough spot. I’m just looking for opportunities to build myself and advance my career over the next two to three years.”

Pagliarulo said he accepted the risk and potential reward of his NEF debut for the same reason adventurer George Leigh Mallory once rationalized his attempt to climb Mount Everest: Because it’s there.

After three relatively short fights near his home base, Pagliarulo wasn’t satisfied with the potential competition close to home and had his handlers cast a wider net.

“I was looking for a fight anywhere in New England,” Pagliarulo said. “NEF was the first to give me this opportunity, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.”

MMA was a natural progression for Pagliarulo, who made his mark in the realms of both wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

He was captain of the wrestling team as a senior at Central Catholic High School in Lawrence, Masačusetsas. Pagliarulo’s transition to Plymouth State University was an immediate success: Jis buvo 16-10 and earned the team’s rookie of the year honors as a freshman in 2016-17.

All the while, he began training for the combat cage when his schedule permitted.

“I’ve always had it in the back of my mind,” Pagliarulo said. “From the time I was maybe 10 years old and started watching UFC, I knew it was something I wanted to do. I always loved fighting, loved the sport, so I started training for it as soon as I turned 18.”

After only four forays onto the wrestling mat as a sophomore, Pagliarulo hung up the singlet.

“There were some personal issues, and I got away from it,” Pagliarulo said. “I decided to focus on MMA, and I’ve done that exclusively for about the past year.”

Pagliarulo also stepped up his BJJ training. He is currently a blue belt.

“That’s also been for about a year now,” Pagliarulo said. “Between that and my wrestling, my ground game is definitely the most dangerous I’d say, but my stand-up is not something to be slept on.”

In his September 2017 MMA debut, Pagliarulo exploded onto the scene with a second-round stoppage of Harry Gigliotti via rear naked choke.

Brimming with confidence, he received a wake-up call five months later when Matt Brady locked Pagliarulo in a guillotine choke and dealt his initial loss in under a minute.

“I made a simple mistake, and my opponent took advantage of it,” Pagliarulo said. “But I bounced back with a first-round TKO, and I feel like I learned a lot from it.”

That 67-second knockout of Eddie Linscott put Pagliarulo in position for the first title fight of his career.

He’ll take on a hungry opponent who encountered adversity, nekaip, in his last fight. Richard fought veteran Fred Lear for the same belt in February, with the judges declaring a rare draw.

With Lear making the decision to eschew a rematch and turn pro, Pagliarulo is the beneficiary.

“To win a belt at this point in my career would be cool,” Pagliarulo said, “but I’m really just excited to take a fight of this caliber and find out where I stand.”

Pagliarulo remains in school as a back-up plan. He’s a junior academically. He would gladly put off using that degree, tačiau, if it meant a chance to travel the world and jump with both feet into the sport he loves.

“UFC is definitely the end goal. Of course it is for everybody,” Pagliarulo said.

The guy who shares everybody’s dream … and was looking to fight anybody … hopes a win over an old wrestling buddy will help him get recognized as somebody.

NEF naujos mišrios kovos menų renginys, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” vyks šeštadienį, Balandis 27, 2019 „Aura“ mieste Portlande, Maine with a bell time of 7 pm. Bilietai jau parduodami

Apie New England Kovų

Naujosios Anglijos Kovų ("NEF") yra kova renginiai akcijas bendrovė. NEF misija yra sukurti aukščiausios kokybės renginius tiek kovotojams, tiek sirgaliams. NEF vykdomoji komanda turi didelę patirtį Kovinis sportas valdymas, Renginiai gamyba, ryšiai su žiniasklaida, prekyba, teisinė ir reklama.


Welterweight Champion Spence Jr. & Four-Division World Champion Garcia Headline PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View Event This Saturday from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Teksasas

I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice
to not take this fight,” – Spence

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing,” – Garcia

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from James Smith/Dallas Cowboys

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Jason Janik/FOX Sports

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions
(Photos added shortly)

ARLINGTON, TX. (Kovas 13, 2019) – Unbeaten IBF Welterweight World ChampionErrol Spence jaunesnysis. and undefeated four-division champion Mikey Garcia went face-to-face at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas Wednesday at the final press conference before they go toe-to-toe at the same venue this Saturday in a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event.

Spence and Garcia shared their thoughts on Saturday’s highly anticipated event and posed for photos for media in attendance ahead of this historic event.

Tickets for Saturday’s event, which is promoted by Man Down Promotions and Garcia Promotions, in association with TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, yra parduoti dabar, ir galima įsigyti, the Official Ticketing Provider of AT&T Stadium.

Štai ką spaudos konferencijoje dalyviai turėjo pasakyti trečiadienis:


This is a dream come true fighting in my hometown at AT&T Stadium. I can’t wait to put on a great performance. Seeing Mikey’s face here today, it’s got me hungrier than ever to put on a great performance

The size difference won’t matter. Skill for skill and talent for talent, I’m more dominant than him in every aspect. I’ll beat him at anything he wants to do. On paper he’s the toughest opponent to date, but once we get in the ring we’ll find out.

I don’t think anyone has the power to knock me out. We don’t allow that kind of mentality into training camp. I hope he tries though.

Mikey is supposed to think he’s going to win this fight. He called me out, so they obviously think that they see something. I’m glad he’s as confident as I am. I hope he keeps that same energy inside of the ring.

Our training camp, we train for a hard 12 apvalios kova. We prepare for a bruising fight. If I knock him out early, then that’s a bonus. We trained for the distance because we know anything can happen in a fight.

I’m always calm, that’s just my demeanor. I could talk to Mikey Garcia in the locker room before the fight then come out and knock his head off. I’m always on go. I’m naturally like this. I’ve been ready to go for eight weeks. I’m tired of seeing him and I’m just ready for fight night.

I can’t worry about what Mikey sees in me. I let my coach worry about it. Everyone thinks they see something looking on the outside, but it’s a lot harder once you’re in the ring.

This win makes me pound-for-pound number one. Mikey has a great record and a big fan base and I feel like winning this fight turns me into a star. Everyone wants to take Floyd Mayweather’s place as the face of boxing, and this puts me on the right track to become the face of boxing and the best fighter in the world.

This is a legendary fight. This is where we see what fighters are made of. There have been a lot of great fights when little guys came up and beat a bigger fighter. You can’t ever write off the little guy. This is going to be a hard fight.

I know I’m the best fighter in the world and I’m going to show it Saturday night. I’m going to punish him and make him wish he took his brother’s advice to not take this fight.

Mikey Garcia

I have all the tools and all the skills needed to beat Errol Spence Jr. When it comes to timing, greitis, reflexes and defense, you name it, I’m better.

Here in Texas, it’s like a second home. I’ve won two world titles here. Having great fan support at the grand arrival was a special moment for me.

I’ve got to go in there Saturday night and show why I picked this fight. I want to make history and this is the one that will get me there.

I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to win this fight. We trained very hard. Mes galime eiti 12 rounds for sure. Bet, if I get a chance to hurt my opponent, I’m definitely going to jump on him and get the knockout.

“šeštadienio naktis, Errol is going to find out why I picked this fight. All of my opponents say they don’t see anything special when they watch me, until they get into the ring.

I know what I have to do on fight night. I know all the work that I put in. I didn’t put all that effort in for nothing. šeštadienio naktis, I have to execute. Once I get inside the ring, that switch will turn on.

I have to fight the best fight of my life. If I don’t, then I can’t overcome the challenge. You don’t win a fight with size and weight. We fight smart, we fight intelligently and pick our shots. There are a lot of factors. That’s how I win this fight.

Getting this victory will forever leave my name in the history books. No other fighter is daring to do what I’m doing. I’m here to make history and this fight does that. This fight is about big challenges and obstacles.

All the attention and buzz about this fight is for real. It’s not often you get a fight like this. Undefeated champions in their prime facing each other. If you want to witness history, you better buy a ticket or the pay-per-view.

DERRICK James, Spence anketa treneris

Getting up on the stage today, it was like fight night. I feel what Errol and Mikey are feeling. It’s go-time for both of these guys.

Mikey Garcia is a great opponent, but he’s still just another opponent. We’re going to go in there and show him why we’re better. Errol is feeling great, so I am too.

Ring intelligence is definitely one of Mikey’s best attributes. But he’s never been in the ring with Errol. Errol has been in the ring sparring with Floyd Mayweather before and I don’t think Mikey has the same ring intelligence as him.

Errol knows what he should be doing and what he shouldn’t be doing during fight week. He will be ready on Saturday night.

Robertas GARCIA, Garcia’s Brother & Treneris

Not only have all of our sparring partners told us this, but his opponents always say the same thing. Once they’re in the ring, they realize how hard Mikey hits and how strong he is. Spence doesn’t know that but he’ll find out Saturday.

A lot of fighters have problems with southpaws like Spence, but Mikey has a lot of experience facing lefties and I’m confident that won’t be a factor.

Spence’s style is pretty basic, so it’s not too hard to find sparring partners to emulate him. Spence does everything right, just like Mikey. From a preparation standpoint, his style isn’t a big challenge.

We haven’t just been facing regular sparring partners. They’re experienced, talented and undefeated fighters. He’s facing middleweights to get ready for this one and I know he will be.

# # #

Order the PPV ir apsilankymas PremierBoxingChampions.comFight Night Info and more on Errol Spence jaunesnysis. ir Mikey Garcia.

Spence vs. Garcia is a Premier Boxing Champions on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View event that is headlined by unbeaten IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. defending his title against four-division world champion Mikey Garcia on Saturday, Kovas 16 from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Teksasas.

The PBC on FOX Sports Pay-Per-View undercard begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature undefeated former super middleweight champion David Benavidezbattling veteran contender J’Leon Love, unbeaten former bantamweight champion Luis Nery taking on former champion McJoe Arroyo and fan-favorite Chris Arreola facing unbeaten Jean Pierre Augustin.

Prelims on FS1 and FOX Deportes begin at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT featuring former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin squaring off against unbeaten Dallas-native Gregory Corbin.

Spence vs. Garcia will be shown on big screens across the nation through FathomEvents. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu arba dalyvaujančių teatro kasose.

Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas, HT
ir, sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo, &

About AT&T Stadium:
AT&T Stadium is one of the largest, most technologically advanced entertainment venues in the world. Designed by HKS and built by Manhattan Construction, the $1.2 billion stadium features two monumental arches, the world’s largest HDTV video board cluster, an expansive retractable roof and the largest retractable end zone doors in the world. Features of the stadium include seating for 80,000 and expandability for up to 100,000, per 300 luxury suites, club seating on multiple levels and the Dallas Cowboys Pro Shop, open to the public year round. The stadium is also home to a world-class collection of contemporary art, made up of over 50 pieces from an international array of curated artists displayed on the walls and in the grand public spaces of the venue. In addition to being the Home of the Dallas Cowboys since opening in 2009, the stadium has hosted Super Bowl XLV, the 2010 NBA All Star Game, the 2014 NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four, the 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship Game and the annual Goodyear Cotton Bowl Classic. The venue has also played host to high school and college football, koncertai, championship fights, international soccer matches, and other special events. Daugiau informacijos, eiti į


Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez And Andres Cortes Featured In Separate Bouts Live on SHOWTIME From Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas

Tickets Are On Sale NOW

LAS VEGAS – Kovas 13, 2019 – Three undefeated prospects will make their ShoBox: Naujos kartos debut as super bantamweight Angelo Leo and super featherweights Xavier Martinez ir Andresas Cortes compete in separate bouts on a Mayweather Promotions card live on SHOWTIME Friday, Balandis 5 (10 p.m. ET / PT) nuo Sam Miestas gyvai Las Vegase.

Top 122-pound prospect Leo (16-0, 8 Kos) will square off against Filipino Neil Tabanao (17-4, 11 Kos) in a 10-round bout in the ShoBox Pagrindinis įvykis, while super featherweight Martinez (13-0, 9 Kos) imsis John Moralde (21-2, 11 Kos) in a 10-round co-featured attraction. In the telecast opener, Las Vegas prospect Kortesas (10-0, 6 Kos) will face Baltimore’s Jahmal Dyer (9-1, 5 Kos) į aštuonių apvalios super lengvas bijau.

Tickets for the Mayweather Promotions’ Sin City Showdown are priced at $25, $50 ir $75 ir galima įsigyti apsilankę:

“Mayweather Promotions is excited to bring the Sin City Showdown back this year, as it is home to a roster of talented prospects,” said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos. “The card features three of our young talented undefeated prospects Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez, and Andres Cortes making their television debuts. It’s exciting to see these guys climb the ranks, as they look to take their careers to the next level. Each one of them will be facing tough competition on fight night. I expect nothing but fireworks.”

“We have three unbeaten and untested prospects ready for the next step of their careers in Angelo Leo, Xavier Martinez and Andres Cortes,“, - sakė Gordonas Hallas, Prodiuseris, Vyresnysis viceprezidentas, Production, Showtime Networks Inc. "ShoBox is all about introducing and developing new talent. It’s about pushing young prospects outside of their comfort zone, matching them tough and discovering the next generation of champions in the process. I look forward to see whether or not Leo, Martinez and Cortes will rise to the occasion.”

Originally from New Mexico and currently residing in Las Vegas, Liūtas, 24, recorded a unanimous decision over Alberto Torres in his 2019 debut on the non-televised undercard of Gervonta Davis vs. Hugo Ruiz. Liūtas, who started boxing when he was eight, amassed a notable amateur resume, winning the state Golden Gloves and Jr. Golden Gloves Championships before turning pro at 18. Leo debuted under the Mayweather Promotions banner in November of 2017 with a fourth-round knockout of Dominican Republic’s Yasmaly Basilio Peguero-Nieves.

“This fight came to me at the perfect time,” said Leo, who has fought four of his last six bouts at Sam Miestas gyvai. “I’m in great condition coming off my recent fight last month. I think Tabanao is good fighter and a good counter-puncher. He fought good competition and he went the distance with a former world champion, so I know I have a tough fight ahead. He is a dangerous fighter but I have a solid plan. I have a unique style and I think I bring a lot to the table with my speed, angles and body shots. Fans should expect an exciting fight on April 5.”

Tabanao, 24, debiutavo profesionalas 2012 in his home country of the Philippines. He will make his United States debut next month as he looks to move up the super bantamweight ranks. Tabanao won the WBO Oriental Featherweight Title in 2016 with a third-round technical knockout of Ibrahim Balla. In his next fight, Tabanao lost the belt when he dropped a unanimous decision to Isaac Dogboe, who would go on to become the WBO Super Bantamweight World Champion. Tabanao suffered two consecutive defeats after losing to Dogboe but has admirably rebounded by winning his last four bouts.

My trainer Sonny Dollente is working hard to prepare me for this fight,” said Tabanao. “We know this is our first fight in the States and TV debut, so we are working especially hard to put on a great performance and we thank Mayweather Promotions for this opportunity. Angelo Leo is a good fighter but we have a good strategy. It has always been my dream to represent The Philippines and to be known as a great boxer. This fight will bring me one step closer to my dream.”

Martinezas, Sakramentas, Kalifornijoje., is best known for his crafty and powerful fighting style and is regarded by many as a prospect to watch. After losing his first two amateur fights, he amassed a record of 88-10. He won the Jr. Golden Gloves in 2010, varžėsi 2012 ir 2013 Nationals Championships and was ranked No. 3 amateur in the country in 2013. He turned pro in Mexico at 17 and joined the Mayweather Promotions team in late 2016 su vieningu sprendimu paveržti Wilfredo Garriga ne Sam Miestas gyvai. He’s coming off five straight knockout victories, with his most recent being an impressive fifth-round knockout against Deivi Julio Bassa on February 9. Martinez is looking for a statement victory over Moralde to assert his pedigree in the 130-pound division.

“It feels great to get back in the ring,” said Martinez. “I’m happy Mayweather Promotions found another great matchup for me, and on national television. Now it’s time for me to do my part as a fighter by training hard and getting the win. I came in to training camp with a fresh mindset and ready to go to war. I’m ready for whatever Moralde brings to the table. I don’t know much about him other than he has the guts to fight me. I heard two opponents said, ’No,’ to this fight because they didn’t want to face me.”

Moralde, who made his pro debut in 2011 as a 17-year-old, will see his toughest test to date when he meets rising star Martinez. Hailing from Davao del Sur in the Philippines, Moralde, kas yra 2-2 jo per pastaruosius ketverius kovų, is looking to redeem himself in this pivotal matchup. Jo Ne JAV. debiutas 2017 didn’t go as planned as he was handed the first loss of his career at the hands of Toka Khan Clary. He rebounded quickly against Ismail Muwendo but lost by decision against Jamel Herring in his next fight. He scored a second-round knockout victory over Elmer Colve in his last outing.

“It feels great to have another opportunity to put my skills on display for the world to see on national TV,” said Moralde. “I’m up against a tough fighter; we both have a tough fight ahead. I have to make a statement. This is the fight that will get me where I want to go. I want to fight the toughest and I’m ready to face anyone they put in front of me.”

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Kortesas, 22, fell in love with the sweet science at an early age as he watched his brother Luis at the gym. He started training at Elite Boxing Gym when he was six, alongside Juan Heraldez and Andrew Tabiti, who would later become his Mayweather Promotions stablemates. He had a reported record of 130-20 as an amateur and turned pro in 2016. He caught the attention of Floyd Mayweather while sparring with lightweight champion Gervonta Davis. Cortes joined Mayweather Promotions soon after. He has won four of his last six fights by knockout including his last outing against Eder Amaro Fajardo on January 17. Su pergale, Cortes will be one step closer to becoming a legitimate contender.

“I’ve only taken off one week from the gym since my last fight in January,” said Cortes. "Jaučiuosi puikiai. Aš 100 percent prepared for whatever my opponent brings my way. I’ve been working on my power and my strength with my conditioning coach and overall development as a fighter. I’m ready for my next challenge.”

Baltimore’s Dyer, 27, picked up boxing at 19 and after a brief amateur career turned pro in March of 2017. He scored an impressive 22-second first-round knockout of Dwayne Martin in just his third professional bout. He was named 2017 Rookie of the Year by Boxing Along the Beltway, a Washington, D.C. boxing publication, and has won five fights in a row, most recently against promising undefeated prospect Carlos Dixon.

I’m coming fresh off a fight so I’m still in great shape,” said Dyer. “Andres Cortes is a good fighter, bet aš tikiu, geresnis kovotojas. I’m training to go a full eight rounds, but if I find an opportunity before then, Aš ruošiuosi jį. I’ve been waiting for a chance to show the world how good of a fighter I am, ir tai, kad. This is my time to show the world who I am.”

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Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos

Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 79 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Errol Spence Jr, Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.


Fan-friendly, FREE Facebook platform with nearly 5.2 million views to feature live access from sold-out House of Blues in the shadows of Fenway Park.


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti

NEW YORK (Kovas 12, 2019) – For the second-straight year, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast has something for everyone as the fan-friendly and completely FREE platform celebrates St. Patrick’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys and Murphys Boxing. Music fans and fight enthusiasts from across the nation and around the globe can catch the Dropkick Murphys in concert and an outstanding card with international appeal on Saturdayvia any device where Facebook is availablebrought to fans by the promotion born out of the Dropkick Murphys popular Celtic punk band.

The free, interactive serieswhich has entertained almost 5.2 million fans since its platform premiere in May of 2017 – visits the shadows of Fenway once again to continue its March schedule. The three-show March is part of a 2019 first quarter that showcases an outstanding six-card lineup featuring six different promotions and spanning four cities, which began with three February shows and two March shows already that combined for more than 860,000 Peržiūros.

This is my favorite day of the year,” sakė Kenas Casey, Dropkick Murphys Frontman and President and Founder, Murphys Boksas. “We have a sold-out venue and an excellent boxing card, and Facebook will give our fans around the world a live look inside on the Dropkick Murphys, Murphys Boxing and FIGHTNIGHT LIVE channels.

In Saturday’s the main event, NABA Champion Markas DeLuca (22-1, 13 Kos) įgauna Jimmy Williams (16-1-1, 5 Kos) in an all-New England battle of super welterweights. Also seeing action will be NABA light heavyweight titleholder CharlesSkatinti (17-0, 8 Kos), putting his unblemished mark on the line against battle-tested Chicago native Mike'as Jimenez (22-1-2, 14 KO s). The stacked card will also see top-tier middleweight contender and Irish favorite Gary “Smaigalys” O'Sullivan(29-3, 20 Kos) take on popular New Englander Khiary Pilka (16-4, 12 Kos). Tuo tarpu, Irish nationals clash as Noel Murphy (12-1-1, 2 Kos) takes on undefeated John Joyce (7-0, 4 Kos) and undefeated heavyweight Niall Kennedy (12-0-1, 7 Kos) is also scheduled to make an appearance, representing The Emerald Isle on its celebrated weekend.

“St. Paddy’s Day in Boston with the Dropkick Murphys is becoming one of our favorite FIGHTNIGHT LIVE traditions, but Saturday’s card may be the finest in the history of our platform in terms of title fights and quality matchups from top to bottom,” sakė Pažymėti Fratto, Principal and Director of Business Development, Linacre Media. “Combine that lineup with a live set from Ken Casey and the Dropkick Murphys, it’s unbeatable, and since the House of Blues is sold-out, we’ll get you inside and up close with Facebook.

Now in its second season, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Powered by Everlast is the fan-friendly Facebook platform thatamong other aspectsprides itself on the real-time conversations held between fight commentators and the viewing audience. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE has showcased more than 515 fighters and 16 promotions during 31 live event broadcasts from 18 different cities since May 2017, and in doing so, the interactive platform has generated the loyal interest of fight fans from across the United States and around the globe, including significant audiences in Mexico, the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, and even fans in South America, Asia and Australia.

Since May 2017, the numbers on the 30-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of 167,483 views per event and almost 5.2 million total views for the franchise. Since Sept. 2018, Season II shows have averaged more than 269,000 Peržiūros.

The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fights” (594,447) from the Sands in Bethlehem, the Dec. 2018 “Queens and Kings of Queens Card” (379,758) Niujorke, the Nov. 2018 “Hard Hitting Showtime Collaboration” (372,662), the Dec. 2018 “Roy Jones Jr. Texas Throwdown” (318,886), the Oct. 2018 “Hard Hitting Philly Special” (297,545), the Oct. 2018 hour-long BareknuckleFreeview” (292,253), the Nov. 2018 “Titans In The Capital” (256,871), rugsėjis. 2017 “Real Deal Akcijos: "Empire State"” nuo Resorts World "kazino (225,000), the Feb. 2019 “Raging Babe Philly Special” (203,000) and the August 2017 BEE “Super Saturday” nuo Foxwoods (203,000) all logged 200,000 or more views, and collectively the 30-show series has seen a total of more than 5,191,976 views across all devices.

Be to, žaliavų žiūrinčių skaičių, visiškai interaktyvios, fan-friendly productions have seen daugiau negu 419,000 kolektyviniai gyvi post įsipareigojimai (daugiau negu 13,000 per show), įskaitant daugiau nei 324,000 “teig” arba “myli,” almost 56,000 comments and more than 18,000 akcijų.

The Sept. 2018 “Kings Boxing Tuesday Night Fightsfrom the Sands in Bethlehem set a new bar with 594,447 Peržiūros and the Sept. 2017 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to three-quarters-of-a-million views in just over four months. The Sept. 2017 DiBella card saw daugiau negu 40,000 žiūrovas sąveika including almost 39,000 “teig” arba “myli” and the March 17, 2018, Murphy’s “St. Patrick’s Day Clashset a new high-water mark for shares with 2,182.

The FIGHTNIGHT LIVE page on Facebook has more than 87,000 gerbėjai ir daugiau nei 94,000 followers.

Sukurta ir pagaminta Linacre Media iš New York City, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE serija pasižymi profesionalūs diktoriai, kelis kameros kampai, televizijos grafika, pakartojimais ir už-the-scenos prieiga ir interviu. Transliuojamus pasirodymai yra prieinamas visame pasaulyje, kur "Facebook" yra prieinama. Iniciatyva ne tik leidžia gerbėjams iš viso pasaulio tune, bet taip pat pasiduoda ir dar kovotojų pasaulinę platformą pademonstruoti savo gebėjimus, suteikia rengėjams pasiekiamas “transliacija” sprendimas ir suteikia Rėmėjai galimybę pasiekti masinę auditoriją per firminių turinį.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Spring 2019 datos bus oficialiai paskelbta artimiausiomis savaitėmis.

FIGHTNIGHT LIVE galima rasti internete adresu:

Stebėkite visus veiksmus per socialinę žiniasklaidą „Facebook“ „FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE“, @FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and@FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ on Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. Dėl naujausių Linacre žiniasklaidos renginius ir transliuoti grafiką, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents or #LinacreMediaOnTV.

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The preeminent brand in boxing since 1910, Everlast is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and licensor of boxing, MMA and fitness equipment. From legendary champions Jack Dempsey and Sugar Ray Robinson to current superstars Deontay Wilder and Dustin Poirier, Everlast is the brand of choice for generations of world champion professional athletes. Built on a brand heritage of strength, atsidavimas, individuality and authenticity, Everlast is a necessary part of the lives of countless champions. Based in Manhattan, Everlast’s products are sold across more than 75 countries and 6 continents. Daugiau informacijos,

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: Jonas “Quietman” Ruizas

From the projects to owning boxing’s ultimate crown

COLORADO SPRINGS, Etapas. (Kovas 12, 2019) – From the projects to owning arguably the most respected individual title in sports, Jonas “Quietman” Ruizas remains the only Latino to capture the coveted world heavyweight title.

Ruizas, 47, is a proud Puerto-Rican American boxer who grew-up in a Chelsea, Masačusetsas. The two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) heavyweight champion, defeated USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Famer Evander Holyfield in the second of their three title fights, to secure for the first time, the world heavyweight crown.

Papuoštas mėgėjų boksininkas, Ruiz compiled a 50-5 įrašas, similar to his final pro record of 44-9-1 (30 Kos) tarp 1992-2010, including gold- medal performances at the All-New England Championships, USA Boxing National Championships and the Los Angeles Olympic Festival, which elevated him to the No. 1 light heavyweight position in the United States ratings.

Ruiz was also an outstanding all-around athlete at Chelsea High, particularly in football, in which he was an all-star. He started boxing at the age of seven, eventually developing his skills at the Somerville Boxing Club.

Boxing was the only sport I figured I’d have a good chance of succeeding,” Ruizas (pictured here on far left) explained why he pursued boxing as opposed to football or another team sport. “The other sports you had to go to college, and I didn’t have the grades.

Ruiz never looked back and no boxer ever got more out of their God-given skills than him. After winning his first tournament (PAL in New Jersey), he became part of the USA Team that traveled to Sweden to compete in a dual-meet.

Outside of Puerto Rico (he lived there for 6-7 years in his early youth),” Ruiz remembered fondly. “I had never traveled outside of the United States. USA Boxing gave me an opportunity to travel there, Australija, Italy and all over the United States. Even more than how those experiences prepared me for the pro ranks, it gave me a taste of life experience, traveling to places I never would have been able to go to on my own. Amateur boxing also gave me structure and confidence in myself for when I turned pro. I also met so many different people, fighters and coaches, from all over the world.

In addition to his aforementioned victory at the Los Angles Olympic Festival, which qualified him as a Team USA member to compete in the World Championships in Australia (gatavas 6oji pasaulyje), perhaps the highlight of his amateur career was defeating Torsten May, the 1992 Olympic gold medal winner from Germany, at a dual meet in Florida.

My association with John goes back to 1990,” pridėta Al Valenti, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “I was thrilled that a local kid was honing his skills in the boxing ring. John made an incredible impact on the National Amateur boxing scene in the early nineties; making it all the way to the Olympic Trials in Worcester (MA). Having been involved in the trials was extra special for me because John was such a great competitor and good kid. Boxing history will have a place for John Ruiz, not many survived 36 rounds with Evander. Being the first Latino World Heavyweight Champion was quite an accomplishment for “Quietman”.

Ruiz turned pro August 20, 1992, winning a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Parker. During his pro career, he defeated top contemporary names such as Holyfield,James Thunder, Jerry Ballard, Fernely Felix, Kirk Johnson, Fres Oquendo, Andrew Golota ir Jameel McCline.

History was made March 3, 2013 Las Vegase, when he became only the second fighter to drop Holyfield en route to his WBA title-winning fight by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, earning him instant notoriety as the first Latino to hold the coveted world heavyweight title belt.

John Ruiz met President George W. Bush in the White House after becoming the first Latino to become world heavyweight boxing champion (Picture courtesy of the Boston Herald)

I’m very proud to have accomplished that,” he continued, “but my main goal was to provide for my family and I always maintained that goal. Most fighters don’t succeed, but at the end of the day, that’s what pushed me. I don’t really think about being the only Latino to win the world heavyweight title, bet, when I hear people talk about it today, Aš manau, wow, I’m still the only Latino to do that.

Several years ago, Ruiz opened a gym (Quietman Sportas Sporto salė) in Medford, MA, not too far from where he grew up in Chelsea and trained in Somerville. It has been a registered club member by USA Boxing since 2012, bet, dar svarbiau, it’s Ruizway of giving back to amateur boxing.

I felt there was a need to help more kids and give them an opportunity to get out of the house and do something productive and fun,” Ruiz commented. “They all have a chance to work on self confidence and one could possibly become world champion. I feel obligated to help kids because I remember years ago when I was in the same position. They need guidance. If I didn’t have all the support I did growing up, I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did. I want to help kids understand how to accomplishment their goals.

JAV bokso absolventų asociacija

Sukurta tam, kad kovotų visą gyvenimą, abipusiai naudingi „USA Boxing“ ir jos absolventų santykiai, –boksininkai, pareigūnų, treneriai ir bokso sirgaliai — Alumnų asociacija sujungia čempionų kartas, įkvepia ir grąžina būsimus „USA Boxing“ bokso čempionus, ir iš žiedo.

JAV bokso absolventų asociacija gali dalyvauti visi, kurie mėgsta boksą ir nori palaikyti ryšį su mėgėjų boksu. Nariams suteikiama galimybė dalyvauti įvairiuose specialiuose renginiuose, kuriuos rengia Alumni asociacija, įskaitant kasmetinį JAV bokso alumnų asociacijos šlovės muziejaus priėmimą.

Prisijungti prie Alumni asociacijos, paprasčiausiai užsiregistruokite dėl $40.00 per metus nario mokestis. Nauji nariai gaus marškinėlius, raktų pakabukas ir elektroninė piniginė.

Šiandien, John lives in Palm City, Floridos. He’s a correctional officer for the Martin County Sheriff Department. “Winning the world title twice as a pro was awesome,” Ruiz concluded, “but I definitely enjoyed the amateurs more than the pros, even though I would have loved to have represented the USA in the Olympics. USA Boxing opened up my mind to different things, taking me off the streets of Chelsea to made me feel……special.

John Ruiz has always preached, “Follow Your Dreams!” and he’s still doing that today.

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