Middleweight prospek Kaleb Plant tetep Undefeated Ku 1st buleud KO

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Ambri, Sukabumi (Agustus 17, 2015) – Baheula ieu Saptu di Bell Centre di Montréal, Quebec, prospek super-middleweight, Kaleb “Sweet-leungeun” Pabrik (9-0, 8 KOs), tetep undefeated kalawan knockout babak kahiji over ahir sub, Zoltán éra (20-6, 12 KOs). The bout served as the swing bout for the PBC on NBC broadcast, headlined ku Lucian Bute (32-2, 23 KOs) vs. Andrea Di Luisa (17-3, 13 KOs).
Plant dikirim éra ka kanvas dua kali samemeh tungtung nu bout kalawan hook kénca ka rahang nu aya di 2:19 mark of the opening round. Plant set everything up with a nice jab that helped him time all his power punches. Once Plant saw that Sera was hurt, manéhna indit pikeun knockout nu.
“I miharep sangkan hiji pernyataan jeung an win perlente na mah ieu untung ka tanah sababaraha nembak teuas dina bagian awal babak nu hiji menyakiti mah lawan,” ceuk Kaleb Plant. “After seeing him on wobbly legs I went for the kill. I want to thank Al HAYMON for this tremendous opportunity to showcase my skills on NBC. I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring. I’m ready to move forward and continue marching up the rankings.

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