Цатегори Арцхивес: Свет Бокс супер серија

Непоражена крузер светски прваци Мурат Гассиев против. Иуниер Дортицос Свет Бокс Супер Сериес полуфинале

Проветравање живим у Канади Ове суботе

(Л-Р) – Иуниер Дорицос & мурат Гассиев
(Слике љубазношћу Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес)
Едмонтон, Канада (Јануар 31, 2018) – Ултра-забавни Свет Бокс супер серија (ВБСС) ПОЛУФИНАЛЕ-коло закључује ове суботе, када Ундефеатед светски прваци Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс) и Иуниер “КО Доктор” Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс) баци доле у ​​унификације борби, на Болсхов Ице Доме у Адлер, Русија.
Као и сви ВБСС акције, Гассиев-Дортицос картица ће емитовати уживо у Канади, са почетком у 2 п.м. И, искључиво на Супер Цханнел.
Добитник Гассиев-Дортицос ће напредовати у мају ове у ВБСС Цхампионсхип Финал у Саудијској Арабији, да се бори ВБО / ВБЦ светски првак Александр “Мачка” Усик (14-0, 11 КОс), победник ове прошлости Субота је ВБСС полуфинале матцх против Маирис јелена (23-1, 18 КОс). ВБСС’Мухамед Али Трофеј Победник ће постати први шампион света хеавивеигхт да држи све четири главне шампионских појасева у исто време.
Супер канал стекао ексклузивна права у Канади емитовати Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес из МП & Силва, водећа међународна медијска компанија која пружа медијска права, дигитални, технологије и спонзорства услуге.
23-годишњи Гассиев заробљени своју Интернатионал Бокинг Федератион (ИБФ) цровн пре годину дана са подељеном одлуком победом од 12-колу над троструког првака света крузер Денис Лебедев (29-1). У ВБСС четвртфиналу, Гассиев испали два времену свет крузер шампиона Крсисзтоф Влодарцзиск (53-3-1) у трећем колу свог првог одбране титулу.
Дортицос је добро школовани борац,” Гассиев приметио. “”Он има много аматерске борбе, добра брзина, и брзе руке. Он је велики противник и ја смо припремили за 12 тешке рунде.

“Светска Бокс супер серија је велики турнир који ми даје прилику да уједини све крузер титуле. У суботу, Ја ћу узети још један корак ка том сну испред мојих поносних земљака.”
Кубански дезертер који сада живи у Мајамију, Флорида, Дортицос престао привремени Ворлд Бокинг Ассоциатион (ВБА) Цруисервеигхт шампион Иоури КАЛЕНГА (22-2) у 10. колу њиховог 2016 борба, и он је касније подигнут на “редован” ВБА светски шампион. Дортицос put дмитри Кудрашов (21-1) да спава у другом кругу своје ВБСС четвртфинале утакмице.
“Ја сам спреман да покаже Гассиев како шампион изгледа и да му изазов он никада није суочио раније. Желим да узме појас. Другим речима; Гассиев је следећа жртва. Ја припрема своје тело и душу за најважније борбе у мојој каријери. Јер једино што ћу прихватити је победа.
“Радила сам напорно да би могли да буду део овог турнира, Радила сам напорно да би могли да докажу да сам најбољи Хеавивеигхт на свету. Верујем да сам најбољи на свету, а ја не могу да дочекам да поново борити и показати навијаче широм света још једном шта "Тхе КО Доктор’ је око.”
šest борбе, укључујући четири првенства утакмица на “Гассиев против. Дортицос” картица, која промовише Сауерланд Евент, ће емитовати искључиво у Канади на Супер Цханнел.
У сарадњи-феатуред догађај, Руски моћника Максим Влосов (41-2, 24 КОс) поприма 2008 Нигеријац олимпијски Оланрекају Доролола (27-4, 25 КОс) у 12 рунди ВБСС заменљиве борбе у крсташкој категорији за упражњену ВБЦ сребрну титулу. Више, Бивши светски шампион Федор Чудинов(16-2, 11 КОс), Русије, стави ВБА Интернатионал Супер средњој круну на линији у 12 колу борби против пораза 21-годишњег америчког изазивача а Боби Ган, Јр. (9-0, 7 КОс), чији је отац, Боби Ган, је Баре Кнуцклес шампион; и ВБА Међународни Хеавивеигхт титлист микхаил Алоиан (3-0-0), Русије путем Јерменије, лица непобеђеног Никарагве Александар Еспиноса (15-0-2, 7 КОс) у 10 свестрани. Такође су предвиђена и два замаха: басир Абакаров (3-0, 3 КОс) вс. денис Бакхтов (39-12, 26 КОс) у 10 рунди борбе руских тешкаша а, и четири округла тешкој утакмици између руског изгледима Таир Келекхсаев(1-0, 1 КО) вс. ТБА.
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.

Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес ПОЛУФИНАЛЕ РАСПОРЕД
Јануар 27, рига арена, рига, Летонија – ВБО / ЖКК Уједињење
Александр “Мачка” Усик (14-0, 11 КОс), Украјина
ВМДЕЦ12 (115-113, 115-113, 114-114).
Маирис јелена (23-1, 18 КОс), Летонија
(Усик задржао ВБО титулу и освојио ВБЦ првака)
Фебруар 3, Ледена дворана Бољшој, Сочи, Русија – ИБФ / ВБА Уједињење
Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс), ИБФ светски шампион, Русија – Ринг #2
Иуниер “КО Доктор” Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс), ВБА светски шампион, Куба – Ринг #5
Фебруар 17, Манчестер, Арена, Манчестер, Уједињено Краљевство – ВБА / ИБО Уједињење
“Светац” Џорџ Гровес (27-3, 20 КОс), ВБА светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #2
Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.. (26-1, 20 КОс), ИБО светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #4
Фебруар 24, Арена Нурнбергер осигурање, Нурембург, Немачка
јуерген Браехмер (49-3 35 КОс), Немачка – Ринг #10
(bivši ВБО & ВБА Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион)
цаллум “свет” Ковач (23-0, 17 КОс), Велика Британија – Ринг #3
(ЖКК Дијамант супер Хеавивеигхт шампион)
Све ВБСС полуфиналу и првенства бори ће такође бити доступан на Супер канал на длану.
Поред свих ВБСС Четвртфинале утакмица, Супер канал емитовао главни бокс догађаја живе у 2017 као Броок вс. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, Еубанк, Јр. вс. Аврам, Ломаченко вс.Марриага, цравфорд против. Индонго и Смит против. Вилијамс ИИИ.
Да бисте гледали све акције тхе Ворлд Бокс Супер Сериес уживо, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Briedis opens World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions
Олександр Усик вс.. Маирис јелена
World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Маирис јелена (Л) & Олександар Усик
(photo courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
Едмонтон, Канада (Јануар 27, 2018) — Unbeaten cruiserweight world champions Александр “Мачка” Усик и Маирис јелена open the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (ВБСС) semifinals today in Latvia, са почетком у 2 п.м. И, live exclusively on Super Channel in Canada.

Супер канал стекао ексклузивна права у Канади емитовати Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес из МП & Силва, водећа међународна медијска компанија која пружа медијска права, дигитални, технологије и спонзорства услуге.
Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), Светска боксерска организација (ВБО) Cruiserweight World Champion is a
two-time Ukrainian Olympian, who captured gold medals at the 2012 Olympics and 2011 Свецка првенства, twice defeating current International Boxing Federation (ИБФ) Light Heavyweight World Champion Артур Бетербиев, the two-time Russian Olympian now based in Montreal.
I am going to entertain the crowd at the Arena Riga,” Рекао је Усик. “That I can promise! I have worked on some new thing and Субота you will see what I’m talking about.
Briedis (23-0, 18 КОс), Ворлд Бокинг Савет (ВБЦ) Cruiserweight World Champion, will be fighting in his hometown in front of an expected crowd of 10,000.
My team is doing everything to take pressure off my shoulders,” Briedis commented. “We are just concentrating on the fight. My dream is to deliver a fight that can go into the Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Usyk-Briedis world title unification winner will advance to the WBSS championship final in May to fight the winner of the other WBSS semifinals match, Јан. 3 у Русији, between IBF World Champion Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс) and WBA World Champion Иуниер “КО Доктор” Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс).
Five exciting fights on the “Усик вс. Briedis” картица, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
Александр “Мачка” Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), WBO Champion, Русија (90,4 кг (199.3 кг.)
Маирис јелена (23-0, 18 КОс), WBC Champion, Летонија 90,3 кг (199.1 кг.)
Noel Gevor (23-1, 10 КОс), Germany by way of Armenia
Olanrewaju Durodola (27-4, 25 КОс), 2008 Олимпијски, Nigeria
Yoann Kongolo (10-0, 4 КОс), Швајцарска, Шампион
Andrejs Pokumeiko (15-12-1, 11 КОс), Летонија
Хеавивеигхтс – 8 КОМАДА
Filip Hrgovic (2-0, 2 КОс), 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље, Хрватска
Tom Little (10-4, 3 КОс), Велика Британија
Nikolais Grisunins (6-0-1, 3 КОс), Летонија
Jozsef Darmos (8-1-1, 7 КОс), Мађарска
(Сви противници и борци су подложни промени)
Све ВБСС полуфиналу и првенства бори ће такође бити доступан на Супер канал на длану.
Супер канал емитовао главни бокс догађаја живе у 2017 као Броок вс. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, Еубанк, Јр. вс. Аврам, Ломаченко вс.Марриага, цравфорд против. Индонго и Смит против. Вилијамс ИИИ.
Да бисте гледали све акције тхе Ворлд Бокс Супер Сериес уживо, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.
Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес ПОЛУФИНАЛЕ РАСПОРЕД
Јануар 27, рига арена, рига, Летонија – ВБО / ЖКК Уједињење
Александр “Мачка” Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), WBO World Champion, Украјина – Ринг #1
Маирис јелена (23-0, 18 КОс), ЖКК светски шампион, Летонија – Ринг #3
Фебруар 3, Ледена дворана Бољшој, Сочи, Русија – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс), ИБФ светски шампион, Русија – Ринг #2
Иуниер “КО Доктор” Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс), ВБА светски шампион, Куба – Ринг #5
Фебруар 17, Манчестер, Арена, Манчестер, Уједињено Краљевство – ВБА / ИБО Уједињење
“Светац” Џорџ Гровес (27-3, 20 КОс), ВБА светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #2
Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.. (26-1, 20 КОс), ИБО светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #4
Фебруар 24, Арена Нурнбергер осигурање, Нурембург, Немачка
јуерген Браехмер (49-3 35 КОс), Немачка – Ринг #10
(bivši ВБО & ВБА Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион)
цаллум “свет” Ковач (23-0, 17 КОс), Велика Британија – Ринг #3
(ЖКК Дијамант супер Хеавивеигхт шампион)
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World Boxing Super Series Semifinals

STARTING Ове суботе
Едмонтон, Канада (Јануар 22, 2018) – супер канал, Нема. 1 destination network for Canadian boxing fans, will air the upcoming semifinals of the popular World Boxing Super Series (ВБСС) турнир, featuring world-class cruiserweight and super middleweight divisions action, live from various venues in Europe.
Super Channel acquired exclusive rights in Canada to air the entire WBSS tournament from MP & Силва, водећа међународна медијска компанија која пружа медијска права, дигитални, технологије и спонзорства услуге.
We are thrilled that the WBSS is returning to Super Channel for exclusive Canadian coverage of the highly anticipated semifinals,” рекао Troy Wassill, Директор програмирања, Domestic Distributors and Sports. “I have no doubt that every single bout is going to deliver exciting, must-see action for boxing fans, as these world-class fighters compete to see who is going to go head-to-head for the coveted Muhammad Ali Trophy.
WBSSis a revolutionary bracket-style elimination tournament featuring the world’s best boxers and a total of $50 million in prize money. The knockout format of the competition will see the best boxers ultimately compete for the Muhammad Ali Trophy, the greatest prize in boxing. The tournament is organized by newly-founded Comosa AG, a Swiss-registered company with principal owners Highlight Event & Забава, Modern Times Group and Team Sauerland. Comosa AG is working in partnership with boxers, promoters and managers around the world, and in alignment with the four major world boxing federations, to create a new global platform for the sport.
The first of its kind tournament, which is planned to take place on an annual basis, kicked off this past September with quarterfinals competition in two divisions, cruiserweight and super middleweight. An expert panel invited the world’s best boxers to compete, namely the top 15-ranked fighters of the four major federations: ВБА, ВБЦ, ИБФ и ВБО. The winners of the two semifinals will advance to the championship round in both divisions this May.
Below find the WBSS semifinals schedule and a preview of the four matches and eight fighters who survived the quarterfinals:
Ворлд Бокинг Супер Сериес ПОЛУФИНАЛЕ РАСПОРЕД
Јануар 27, рига арена, рига, Летонија – ВБО / ЖКК Уједињење
Александр “Мачка” Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), WBO World Champion, Украјина – Ринг #1
Маирис јелена (23-0, 18 КОс), ЖКК светски шампион, Летонија – Ринг #3
Фебруар 3, Ледена дворана Бољшој, Сочи, Русија – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс), ИБФ светски шампион, Русија –
Ринг #2
Иуниер “КО Доктор” Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс), WBA World
Шампион, Куба – Ринг #5
Фебруар 17, Манчестер, Арена, Манчестер, Уједињено Краљевство – ВБА / ИБО Уједињење
“Светац” Џорџ Гровес (27-3, 20 КОс), ВБА светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #2
Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.. (26-1, 20 КОс), ИБО светски шампион, Велика Британија – Ринг #4
Фебруар 24, Арена Нурнбергер осигурање, Нурембург, Немачка
јуерген Браехмер (49-3 35 КОс), Немачка – Ринг #10
(bivši ВБО & ВБА Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион)
цаллум “свет” Ковач (23-0, 17 КОс), Велика Британија – Ринг #3
(ЖКК Дијамант супер Хеавивеигхт шампион)
(picture courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
The two winners in the cruiserweight semifinals will become the first unified world cruiserweight champion since Евандер Холифиелд у 1987. The eventual WBSS cruiserweight world champion will become the first ever to hold all four major sanctioning body titles – ВБЦ, ВБА, ИБФ и ВБО — истовремено.
The four cruiserweight semifinalists, who represent four different countries, have a combined record of 83-0 са 68 нокаута. They are also the top three and fifth-highest ranked cruiserweights in the world by Прстен magazine’s independent ratings.
OLEKSANDR USYK: Captured the WBO cruiserweight world title January 17, 2016, by way of a 12-round unanimous decision over undefeated, бранилац титуле Крзисзтоф Гловацки (26-0).
ВБСС: In his third WBO title defense, he stopped former two-time WBO world champion Марцо Хуцк (40-4-1) ин 11тх круг.
Белешка: 2-time Ukraine Olympian…. 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championship gold medalist….twice defeated current IBF light heavyweight world champion Артур БетербиевRussia-native now fighting out of Montreal — ин 2012 Olympics and 2011 Свецка првенства.
World Title Fight Record: 4-0 (2 КОс)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1), defeated Glowacki and Huck
MAIRIS BRIEDIS: He became WBC world cruiserweight champion April 1, 2017, taking a 12-round unanimous decision from Huck.
ВБСС: Won a 12-round unanimous decision from Мике Перез (22-2-1) in his first title defense.
Белешка: Former professional kickboxer…..also the reigning IBA world cruiserweight champion.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (0 КОс)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1 КО), defeated Huck & Manuel Charr
MURAT GASSIEV: Won a 12-round split decision December 3, 2016 against three-time world cruiserweight champion Денис Лебедев (29-1) to capture the IBF title.
ВБСС: Knocked out former 2-time world cruiserweight champion Крсисзтоф Влодарцзиск (53-3-1) in the third round of his first title defense.
Белешка: Now lives in Big Bear, Калифорнија, which is known for its rugged training center in the mountains.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (1 КО)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-0 (1 КО), defeated Lebedev & Wlodarczysk
Јунис Дортицос: Knocked out interim WBA cruiserweight Иури КАЛЕНГА (22-2) Мај 20, 2016 ин 10тх round and later upgraded to “редован” ВБА светски шампион.
ВБСС: Stopped дмитри Кудрашов (21-1) in the second round of his first world title defense.
Белешка: Defected to the USA from Cuba, where he was a member of the famed Cuban National Team, and he lives and trains in Miami, Флорида.
World Title Fight Record: 2-0 (2 КОс)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 1-0 (1 КО)*, defeated Kalenga
*includes interim WBA title fight
The super middleweight semifinal round is like a Battle of Britain with three BritsЏорџ Гровес,Chris Eubank, Јр. и Цаллум Смитхand German јуерген Браехмер. All four are ranked among Прстен magazine’s top 10.
ГЕОРГЕ ГРОВЕС: Knocked out defending world champion Федор Чудинов (14-1) маја 27, 2017 in the sixth round to capture the WBA super middleweight world title.
ВБСС: Stopped previously undefeated Јаиме Цок у четвртом колу.
Белешка: All three of his career pro losses have been to world champions Царл Фроцх двапут и Бадоу Џек.
World Title Fight Record: 2-3 (2 КОс)
Record vs. current or former world champions: 3-3 (1 КО), поражен
Џејмс ДеГале, Глен Џонсон & Chudinov.
CHRIS EUBANK, ЈР.: Crowned IBO super middleweight champ February 4, 2017, када је нокаутирао Renold Quinlan (11-1) ин 10тх круг, and successfully defended his title July 15, 2017 with a 12-round unanimous decision win over 3-time, 2-подела светски шампион Артхур Абрахам (46-5).
ВБСС: Defended his IBO belt with a third-round knockout of Avni Yildirim (16-0).
Белешка: The son of 2-time, 2-division world champion Chris Eubank, who manages his son’s career.
World Title Fight Record: 3-0 (2 КОс)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 1-0 (0 КОс), defeated Abraham.
*укључује 3 IBO world title fights
JUERGEN BRAEHMER: Former WBA and WBO light heavyweight champion of the world who dropped down one weight class for the WBSS tournament.
ВБСС: Won a 12-round unanimous decision from previously unbeaten American Роб Брант(22-0).
Белешка: Hadn’t fought as a super middleweight in 10-years prior to the WBSS quarterfinals…30-1 (24 КОс) as a super middleweight and he avenged his lone loss…. two other career losses were to world champions Hugo Hernan Garay и Натан Паметно….у 39 the oldest WBSS semifinalist.
World Title Fight Record: 9-1 (6 КОс)*
Record vs. current or former world champions: 2-2 (0 КОс), поражен Javier Velasquez &Ензо Маццаринелли
КАЛУМ СМИТ: The least tested WBSS semifinalist in terms of having faced quality opponents, in addition to being the youngest WBSS semifinalist at the age of 27.
ВБСС: Took a 12-round unanimous decision from previously undefeated Erik Sjoglund (26-0).
Белешка: Has three brothers who are also pro boxers: Павле, Stephen and Liam….the holder of numerous regional titles including WBC International, Silver and Diamond, as well as European super middleweight champion.
World Title Fight Record: 0-0
Record vs. current or former world champions: 0-0
Све ВБСС борбе ће такође бити доступне на Супер канал на длану.
In addition to the WSBB quarterfinals, Супер канал емитовао главни бокс догађаја живе у 2017 као Броок вс. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, Еубанк, Јр. вс. Аврам, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Индонго.
Да бисте гледали све акције тхе Ворлд Бокс Супер Сериес уживо, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.

Juergen Braehmer vs. Robert Brant WBSS super middleweight quarterfinals

Juergen Braehmer vs. Robert Brant
2 п.м. И / 11 а.м. ПТ
Петак, Нов. 27, 2017 * Сцхверин, Немачка
Проветравање живим у Канади ОВО ПЕТАК

(pictures courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
Едмонтон, Канада (Октобар 25, 2017) The final quarterfinals round match-up of the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (ВБСС) tournament is on tap ово петак when former two-time world light heavyweight champion јуерген Браехмер faces undefeated challenger Опљачкати “Браво” Арктичка дивља гуска, емитујући се искључиво у Канади на каналу Супер Цханнел, live from Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка.
The “Braehmer vs. Арктичка дивља гуска” картица, са почетком у 2 п.м. И / 11 а.м. ПТ,completes live quarterfinals coverage of the WBSS tournament for Canadian boxing fans, exclusively on Canada’s boxing destination network, супер канал, which acquired the rights in Canada to broadcast the World Boxing Super Series from MP & Силва, водећа међународна медијска компанија која пружа медијска права, дигитални, технологије и спонзорства услуге.
The 39-year-old Braehmer (48-3, 35 КОс) is a former World Boxing Association (ВБА) и Светска боксерске организације (ВБО) world light heavyweight champion who has dropped down in weight to compete in the WBSS super middleweight tournament.
The hard-hitting German is 9-1 in world title fights and the skilled southpaw has defeated two world champions, Hector Javier Velazco и Ензо Маццаринелли. Braehmer will also have the advantage of fighting Brant at home.
I am very excited that this bout is going to take place in my hometown of Schwerin,” Braehmer said. “Укратко, I cannot wait to start my journey to win the Ali Trophy. И феел гоод, top motivated. “I am not underestimating Brant, but I am in this tournament to win it. У доби од 39, this is my last chance to achieve something big, and I’m going to take advantage of the opportunity.
(Л-Р) — јуерген Браехмер & Роб Брант
Арктичка дивља гуска (22-0, 15 КОс), fighting out of Saint Paul, Минесота, was the only American boxer selected to compete in the WBSS. Unlike Braehmer, међутим, Brant has moved up one weight class to participate in the WBSS tournament. He is the reigning North American Boxing Association (Такође) средњој шампион.
Braehmer is well accomplished and a proven boxer worldwide with star power in his own country,” the 27-year-old underdog Brant noted. “I have no problem going into his backyard for a fight, he is a seeded fighter in this tournament.
I feel this is a pure crossroads fight containing a proven well-known fighter toward the end of his career against a hot prospect looking to make his name in the sport. I feel confident in winning this fight as does everybody in my training circle. After researching Schwerin, I am excited to compete in such a beautiful and historic city.
Juergen has done it all, seen it all, but he hasn’t fought me. I am very confident that I will win у петак. I have to be sharp mentally, but I feel in better shape than ever in every way. I know it’s a cliché to say that, али у петак the crowd and the world will see what I am talking about.
The Braehmer-Brant winner will advance to the WBSS semifinals early next year for a world title shot against unbeaten Brit цаллум “свет” Ковач (23-0, 17 КОс), who last month won a 12-round unanimous decision over previously undefeated Ерик Скоглунд (26-1, 12 КОс), of Sweden, in their WBSS quarterfinals match.
Five exciting matches on theBraehmer vs. Арктичка дивља гуска” картица, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel. The Braehmer vs. Brant 12-round main event is scheduled to start at 5 п.м. И / 2 п.м. ПТ.
The 10-round co-feature is a WBSS Substitute Fight between former Interim WBA upper middleweight champion Винцент Феигенбутз (27-2, 23 КОс), Немачке, and his Argentinian opponent, Gaston Alejandro Vega (27-11-2, 11 КОс).
Other undercard bouts scheduled to air on Super Channel include Danish middleweight Abdul Khattab (15-2, 4 КОс) вс. German rival Ronny Mittag (30-2-1, 15 КОс) у осам рунди меча, 2016 освајач бронзане олимпијске медаље Filip Hrgovic (1-0, 1 КО), Хрватска, вс. Czech Republic heavyweight Pavel “Павле” Sour 6-0, 5 КОс) у мечу са шест рунди, and Danish heavyweight Кем Љунгкуист in his pro debut vs. Revaz Karelishvili (8-2, 7 КОс), Грузије, in a six-round clash.

Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.

Седам. 9Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Berlin, Немачка
Олександар Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), Kiev, Украјина
Марцо Хуцк (40-5-1, 27 КОс), Berlin, Немачка
(Usyk retained WBO cruiserweight title)
Седам. 16Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Liverpool, Уједињено Краљевство
Цаллум Смитх (23-0, 17 КОс), Ливерпул, Merseyside, Уједињено Краљевство
Ерик Скоглунд (26-1, 12 КОс), Nykoping, Шведска
(Smith won WBC Diamond super middleweight title)
Седам. 23Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in San Antonio, Тексас, САД
иуниер Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс), Мајами, Флорида, USA by way of Cuba
дмитри Кудрашов (21-1, 21 КОс), Изазивач, Volgodonsk, Русија
(Dorticos retained WBA cruiserweight title)
Седам. 30 – Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Riga, Летонија
Маирис јелена (23-0, 18 КОс), Шампион, рига, Летонија
Мике Перез (22-3-1, 14 КОс), Изазивач, Cork, Ireland by way of Cuba
(Briedis retained WBC cruiserweight title)
Нов. 7 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Stuttgart, Немачка
Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.. (26-1, 20 КОс), Brighton Sussex, Уједињено Краљевство
Авни Иилдирим (16-1, 10 КОс), Sivas, Turkey
(Еубанк Јр.. retained IBO super middleweight title)
Октобар 14, 2017 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final

Џорџ Гровес (27-3, 20 КОс), Hammersmith, Лондон, Уједињено Краљевство

Јамие Цок (24-1, 13 КОс), Swinton, Wiltshire, Уједињено Краљевство
(Groves retained WBA super middleweight title)
Октобар 21, 2017 — Cruiserweight Quarter-Finals
мурат Гассиев (25-0, 18 КОс), Vladikavkaz, Русија
крзисзтоф Влодарчик (53-3-1, 37 КОс), Piaseczno, Пољска
(Gassiev retained IBF cruiserweight title)
Октобар 27, 2017Super Middleweight Quarter-Finals:
Sport and Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка
јуерген Браехмер (48,3 35 КОс), Сцхверин, Mecklenburg-Vorpommem, Немачка
bivši ВБО & ВБА Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион
Опљачкати “Браво” Арктичка дивља гуска (22-0, 15 КОс), Saint Paul, Минесота, САД


Усик вс. Briedis, Dorticos vs. Гассиев
Super Middleweights
Смитх вс. Braehmer/Brant winner, Groves vs. Еубанк
Све ВБСС борбе ће такође бити доступне на Супер канал на длану.
Super Channel has recently aired major boxing events live like Brook vs. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, Еубанк, Јр. вс. Аврам, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Индонго.
Да бисте гледали све акције тхе Ворлд Бокс Супер Сериес уживо, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.

World Boxing Super Series Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk Final Press Conference Quotes & Фотографије

WBSS Cruiserweight Quarter-final Headlines Action Saturday, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј. & о
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/Ringstar Sports
ЊУЈОРК (Октобар 19, 2017) – IBF Champion мурат Гассиев и бивши шампион крзисзтоф Влодарчик went face-to-face Четвртак at the final press conference before they enter the ring this Saturday, Октобар 21 in World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight quarter-final action from Prudential Center in Newark, Н.Ј. live on AUDIENCE Network.
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atТицкетмастер.цом. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
Also facing off Четвртак and competing in featured bouts on Октобар 21were Polish contender Матеусз Мастернак and once-beaten Стевенс Бујај, who meet in a WBSS cruiserweight reserve match and unbeaten Polish contender Мациеј Сулецки и бивши наслов Цхалленгер Јацк Цулцаи, who square-off in super welterweight action.
Ево шта су борци су имали да кажу Четвртак from BB King’s Blues Club & Решетка:
I have a great opponent who is a very tough two-time champion. He is experienced and this will give me a great challenge у суботу.
I worked hard with Abel Sanchez all camp to put on a great performanceу суботу ноћ. To be a champion and defend my belt is something I always dreamed of. I want to stay in this position for a long time.
When we faced-off I looked inside his eyes and saw that he is very serious. He’s ready for a big fight and I will make sure this is a great fightу суботу.
This is someone who earned his chance to fight me. I will always challenge the best in the division no matter who they are.
I don’t like to think ahead to a potential matchup with Yunier Dorticos. It would be a great fight but my focus is fully on Wlodarczyk.
I feel great physically. This is an exciting tournament with four world champions. This is a great opportunity for all the fighters.
I’m so thankful to be a part of this tournament. This is the best way to unify titles and show everyone that I am the best cruiserweight in the world.
I have a great challenge in front of me у суботу ноћ. This is a young, tough opponent who earned his belt. I am going to have to be at my best and I feel I will be.
What I can say is, we are going to find out who is better in the ring у суботу. We’ll see who has what it takes to make the next round of this tournament.
I have to be the smarter fighter in the ring. I think I can take advantage of my experience by staying smart and making the better adjustments.
My training has been very good and I feel completely ready for Суботаноћ. I’m going to be ready for anything Gassiev throws at me. We will find out who the better man is.
I hope everyone on this card gets through healthy and may the better man win. То је оно што бокс је све о.
I’m very thankful for the chance to fight in this tournament and for a belt and I look forward to making the most of it.
It’s very important for me to be fighting here in the U.S. and I’m excited for this chance. I’m in great shape after training in Poland and London and I feel strong heading into the fight.
My opponent is someone that I am familiar with from sparring and I have to take him seriously. На крају, I will be too much for him.
I feel very strong and ready to put on a great performance for the Polish fans у суботу ноћ. This will be a great fight for the fans.
I’m really motivated heading into this fight. I’m feeling as healthy as I have in years. I’ve had a really strong training camp and stayed focus on what I have to do Субота.
I already dominated Masternak in sparring years ago and I’m ready to do the same when we fight. I’m going to be prepared to adjust and show-off my skills.
I love fighting here near my home. It’s a seamless transition into fight week with all the work we’ve done leading up to it.
“Ово ће бити велика борба. I’m definitely trying to steal the show and just do whatever it takes to grab the victory.
I’m very happy to be fighting here in the U.S. for this fight. Last time I fought here was 15 months ago and I had a great victory. I love this opportunity.
I think the move to super welterweight will be great for my career. I feel at my very best fighting at this weight and I’ll get even more comfortable at the weight as I continue.
Training camp is always very difficult but it was a good grind. I’m very focused and not thinking about anything other than beating Culcay. If I can defeat Culcay, there are a ton
I am in great shape. I am strong, fast and ready for this. This will be a great fight and I can’t wait to get in the ring.
This is a great matchup and I anticipate that the fans are going to really enjoy our styles. I’m going to bring it to him. This fight could steal the showу суботу.
I know that Sulecki is a good undefeated fighter, but I’ve prepared for everything he can bring to the ring. The winner of this I feel will definitely be in line for a title shot.
I am very confident after fighting Demetrius Andrade. I’ve always known I could compete with the best and that fight proved it. Now I just need to make the adjustments to look even better this time.
I fight for Germany and Ecuador and I can’t wait to get in the ring and fight with pride until the final bell.
This was the best training camp that I ever had. I’m just hitting my prime now and I will show off all of my skills.
Ричард Шефер, Председник & Директор Рингстар спорта
This is going to be a special treat for boxing fans ове суботе with the cruiserweight quarter-final at Prudential Center in Newark, Н.Ј. between IBF Champion Murat Gassiev and former two-time champions Krzysztof Wlodarczyk.
These truly are two of the best cruiserweights in the world. The best are fighting the best у суботу ноћ.
This card is great overall and features a lot of rising talent and three of the best Polish fighters today, on the same card. Sulecki, Masternak and Wlodarczyk will give the Polish fans a great show.
This cruiserweight tournament features all four world champions. So far three world champions have all come through and advanced to the semi-finals. Will it be more of the same when ‘Ironbattles ‘El Diablo’? We shall see у суботу ноћ.
Gassiev is making a name for himself as one of the best fighters in the sport period, while Wlodaczyk is one of the best fighters from Poland in their history. It will be youth vs. искуство, which one will win? I can’t wait to find out.
# # #
За више информација посетите worldboxingsuperseries.са или www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar и бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у facebook.com/WBSuperSeries и Фacebook.com/Цалл Стар Спортс. Вечерас је fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series.

21/10/17 – Четвртфинале у најтежој категорији:
Murat Gassiev vs. крзисзтоф Влодарчик (IBF World)
Прудентиал Центер, Неварк, Њу Џерзи, САД

27/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Роб Брант

Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка

Number of participants: 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 6
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 423 победи, 17 губици, 294 КОс

Organized by Comosa AG, the World Boxing Super Series will kick off in September 2017, featuring the Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight elite boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarter-finals (fall 2017), two semi-finals (early 2018) and one final (Мај 2018). This makes for seven top fights per weight class, and a total of 14 fights in Season One to be staged in premier venues around the globe. The winners of the World Boxing Super Series will rightfully receive The Greatest Prize in Boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.са for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Твиттер, Фацебоок, или Инстаграм.

World Boxing Super Series Murat Gassiev vs. Krzysztof Wlodarczyk Media Workout Quotes & Фотографије

WBSS Cruiserweight Quarter-final Headlines Action Saturday, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј. & о
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Stephanie Trapp/Ringstar Sports
HOBOKEN, Н.Ј. (Октобар 18, 2017) – Fight week for the final World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight quarter-final kicked off Wednesday with media workouts at the Everlast Lab in Hoboken, Н.Ј. before the clash between IBF champion мурат Гассиев и бивши шампион крзисзтоф Влодарчик headlines action this Субота, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј. live on AUDIENCE Network.
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atТицкетмастер.цом. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
Also in attendance Wednesday and competing in featured bouts onОктобар 21 were Polish contender Матеусз Мастернак and once-beaten Стевенс Бујај, who meet in a WBSS cruiserweight reserve match and unbeaten Polish contender Мациеј Сулецки и бивши наслов Цхалленгер Јацк Цулцаи, who square-off in super welterweight action.
Ево шта су борци су имали да кажу у среду:
I’ve been working very hard in Big Bear, California with Abel Sanchez for about 10 weeks preparing for this fight. We are like a family up there. I have my Russian brothers, plus Gennady Golovkin, who is definitely like an older brother to me.
Abel has helped me so much. He hasn’t tried to change my style. He’s just gone in and made my style better. He means so much to me.
My last fight was my first title shot and I felt great in the moment. My nerves were calm and I feel like this is what I was made for. I want to be in this position for a very long time.
I’m very thankful to be a part of this tournament. I’m very happy to be a part of this. This is an opportunity to be a unified world champion and prove that I’m the best in the division.
My opponent has a lot of experience and has been in a lot of tough fights. He’s been in more fights than me, so I just need to be ready. Ја сам спреман за 12 rounds or a short fight. This is what I train for.
I will show everyone what I am all about у суботу ноћ. I’m not a big talker, but I will speak loudly with my fists у суботу.”
Training camp went very well and I am physically ready for this challenge. You will see how strong I am mentally when I get in the ring у суботу.
I have to be ready for anything. I know that he worked hard to get in there and hurt me so I’ll have to be ready to fight back against anything he does.
Everyone knows that my experience will help me. I’ve had a lot more pro bouts than Gassiev. But I also will need to display smart boxing. I think I am the more intelligent fighter and will show it у суботу.
My first goal is to win and become IBF world champion. That would put me in a special place in the history of Polish boxing as a three-time world champion. Winning this tournament would be very prestigious and lucrative for me.
It’s always great to have the support of the great Polish fans. They really support all of their guys from Poland. But I have lots of experience fighting on the road with no Polish fans so it will just be a nice bonus.
It’s going to be a clash of styles, I don’t know exactly what it will look like, but I can guarantee that it’s going to be exciting.
I had a good camp. My sparring was strong and I was very happy with the training in Poland. I finished my camp in London for some new sparring and everything is all set for Субота.
I have a very good opponent. He’s going to use his boxing skills. We sparred with each other a few years ago and it was good, hard sparring for eight rounds. It could help me у суботу but sparring is different from a real fight.
It’s very important for me to fight in the U.S. and to perform well. I haven’t fought in the U.S. in seven years so I’m excited to be back. I’m motivated to do well and keep getting big fights.
I’m fully concentrated on this opponent. I have to get in there and take care of my strategy. I don’t know exactly how the fight is going to go, but I will be ready and have a plan for everything.
I feel perfect physically. I’m ready to rumble у суботу ноћ. We’ve done all the conditioning, sparring and dieting to be in the right position on fight night. I did what I had to do.
I’ve been training here in New York, mostly in the Bronx but also moving around and finding the best possible sparring to prepare for Субота.
He’s a tough opponent and I can’t underestimate him. I’ve trained to win. I’m going to come out on top one way or another.
I’ve sparred with Masternak before, so I know what I’m dealing with. I’m going to go in there and pick him apart. He’s an aggressive fighter who will come forward and throw power punches, but I’m ready for that.
I’m so happy with where my body is at heading into this fight. This is the best I’ve felt in a long time. The shoulder injuries are behind me and I’m healthy now.
I can’t really say what the fight will look like but I hope everybody comes out Субота to see the show. I feel comfortable fighting in the New York/New Jersey area and I can’t wait to go get this win.
Everything was perfect in training camp and I feel very strong. I worked well with my coach and we were on the same page all of camp. I worked very hard and I’m ready to show-off on this big card.
I know that Culcay was a great amateur champion and an interim champion in the pros, so he’s obviously a very good fighter. But I will win this fight because I’m better and stronger more determined to get the win.
I saw Culcay fight Demetrius Andrade. То је била добра борба, but I don’t think Andrade performed well. Culcay lost but he made it very competitive so I know that he will be a challenge.
I feel better at super welterweight than I did at middleweight. I always knew I could go down in weight and now was the time. So far I have felt much stronger at this weight.
I am fully focused on fighting Culcay. First I must beat Jack Culcay, but I want to fight all the best fighters in the division. Јермелл Цхарло, Erislandy Lara and Jarrett Hurd, I’m ready for all of them.
It’s a lot of extra motivation to fight in front of the Polish fans. They are the best fans in the world and I’m ready to perform.
I feel perfect physically. This was one of my best training camps ever. I trained for about five months in Germany. I had four or five very tough sparring partners to get me prepared for this.
Sulecki is undefeated and that’s the most important thing I know about him. I trained my hardest for this and у суботу you will see the best versus the best.
“Имам брзину, I have gained strength and I will show the mix of Ecuadorian and German styles. I was an amateur champion and now I’m going to be a champion in the pros.
I learned against Demetrius Andrade that I can fight with anybody. I can compete with anybody in this sport. I’m going to show my experience у суботу ноћ.”
# # #
За више информација посетите worldboxingsuperseries.са или www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar и бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у facebook.com/WBSuperSeries и Фacebook.com/Цалл Стар Спортс. Tonight’s fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series.

World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarter-finals Conclude Saturday with IBF Champion Murat Gassiev Facing Former Champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk From Prudential Center in Newark, Н.Ј. & on AUDIENCE Network

Winner Moves on to Face WBA Champion Yunier Dorticos in
WBSS Cruiserweight Semi-final
НЕВАРК, Н.Ј. (Октобар 17, 2017) – IBF champion мурат Гассиев и бивши шампион крзисзтоф Влодарчик will square-off in the closing matchup of the World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight quarter-finals as both men look to move one step closer to capturing the Muhammad Ali Trophy Субота, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј. and on AUDIENCE Network.
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atТицкетмастер.цом. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
The winner of this explosive showdown will be on to the WBSS semi-finals and a unification showdown against WBA champion иуниер Дортицос. The cruiserweight semi-finals will feature four world titleholders as these 200-pound champions each look to prove they’re the class of the division.
Кликните ОВДЕ for video highlights from the first round of WBSS action and see below for recaps of the cruiserweight action so far.
Септембар 9, BerlinUsyk-Huck, Ali Trophy cruiserweight quarter-final
The first contest of the World Boxing Super Series was the cruiserweight quarter-final between WBO World Champion Aleksandr Usyk and Marco Huck at the Max-Schmeling-Halle.
Ukranian Usyk retained his WBO cruiserweight title and moved on to the next round of the Ali Trophy tournament by stopping German Huck in the 10th round.
The Olympic gold medalist from London 2012 forced his German opponent backwards and dominated with his power throughout the fight which proved why the number one seed is the tournament’s favorite.
Додатно, the Ukrainian got new fans all around the world with his charisma inside and outside the ring.
Септембар 23, Сан АнтониоDorticos-Kudryashov, Ali Trophy cruiserweight quarter-final
With a combined 41 knockouts over 42 победе, Yunier Dorticos vs. Dmitry Kudryashov at the Alamodome promised an all-action fight. In a fight between two KO artists, Cuban Dorticos showed that he mastered his skill better than his Russian opponent.
The WBA World Champion proved that he is a dangerous challenger for everyone in the tournament when a perfect right hand sent Kudryashov crashing to the canvas in round two. Kudryashov was counted out and Dorticos lived up to his nickname: ‘The KO Doctor’.
Септембар 30, рига – Briedis-Perez, Ali Trophy cruiserweight quarter-final
10.000 ecstatic fans at the Arena Riga got what they came for: A victory for their hero, WBC World Champion Mairis Briedis when beat Cuban Mike Perez (22-3, 14 КОс) by a 12 round unanimous decision in a very competitive fight.
Судије су постигле борбу 116-110, 115-111, и 114-112 and paved the way for an explosive quarterfinal: Усик вс. Briedis!
Featured bouts on Октобар 21 will see Polish contender Матеусз Мастернак facing once-beaten Стевенс Бујај in a WBSS cruiserweight reserve match and unbeaten Polish contender Мациеј Сулецки taking on former title challenger Јацк Цулцаи.
За више информација посетите worldboxingsuperseries.са или www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar и бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у facebook.com/WBSuperSeries и Фacebook.com/Цалл Стар Спортс. Вечерас је fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series.

21/10/17 – Четвртфинале у најтежој категорији:
Murat Gassiev vs. крзисзтоф Влодарчик (IBF World)
Прудентиал Центер, Неварк, Њу Џерзи, САД

27/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Роб Брант

Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка

Number of participants: 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 6
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 423 победи, 17 губици, 294 КОс

Organized by Comosa AG, the World Boxing Super Series will kick off in September 2017, featuring the Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight elite boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarter-finals (fall 2017), two semi-finals (early 2018) and one final (Мај 2018). This makes for seven top fights per weight class, and a total of 14 fights in Season One to be staged in premier venues around the globe. The winners of the World Boxing Super Series will rightfully receive The Greatest Prize in Boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.са for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Твиттер, Фацебоок, или Инстаграм.

Unbeaten Polish Contender Battles Former Title Challenger Jack Culcay Saturday, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј.

Maciej Sulecki Training Camp Notes
(Фотографија Кредит: Team Sulecki)
НЕВАРК, Н.Ј. (Октобар 13, 2017) – Unbeaten contender Мациеј Сулецки will face his toughest competition since moving to the super welterweight division when he takes on former title challenger Јацк Цулцаи in a special undercard attraction on Субота, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј.
Sulecki was unbeaten in his first 23 про туче, all at middleweight, including a dominant stoppage of then unbeaten contender Hugo Centeno Jr. у јуну 2016. He’s scored two straight knockouts in 2017 after making the move down to 154-pounds.
My promoter suggested I move down in weight so I tested it, and I liked it right away,” said Sulecki. “I’m a very stubborn man, who will most likely do the opposite of what I’m told, but this has made me a better fighter. I’m happy to be part of this division. I have the same strength, but with more speed and more precision in my punches.
Culcay won eight fights in a row from 2013 на 2016, including a decision over Maurice Weber that helped him capture an interim super welterweight title in 2015. He continued to defend that belt until losing a close split-decision to Demetrius Andrade in a world title showdown in March.
On paper he is my toughest opponent,” said Sulecki. “You never know what will happen. I hope that Culcay is as good as advertised. He’s an intelligent fighter, he moves well and is technically skilled. It could have been an off night, but he made Andrade look bad in their bout.
I never thought that Culcay would fight outside of Germany, but I’m glad that he changed his mind. He will be a great addition to my resume of victories. I am an aggressive fighter, but I’m going to replace aggression with terror for this fight. I’m going to terrorize him from the opening bell.
If Sulecki can live up to his words on October 21, a world title shot in the deep and talented 154-pound division could be on the horizon.
Everyone knows that I want the belt as soon as possible,” said Sulecki. “This is a great chance for me to prove I deserve it. I couldn’t imagine a better place to have a real evenly-matched fight. I know the crazy Polish fans will be in the building and cheering hard. What more motivation could I need to be at my best?”
The Октобар 21 event is headlined by the World Boxing Super Series cruiserweight quarterfinal showdown between IBF Champion мурат Гассиевand former cruiserweight world champion крзисзтоф Влодарчик live on AUDIENCE Network. Featured bouts also include Polish contender Матеусз Мастернак facing once-beaten Стевенс Бујај in a WBSS cruiserweight reserve match.
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atТицкетмастер.цом. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
За више информација посетите worldboxingsuperseries.са или www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar и бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у facebook.com/WBSuperSeries и Фacebook.com/Цалл Стар Спортс. Вечерас је fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series.


14/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Георге Гровес вс.. Јамие Цок (ВБА супер)
ССЕ Арена, Вемблеи, Лондон, Велика Британија

21/10/17 – Четвртфинале у најтежој категорији:
Murat Gassiev vs. крзисзтоф Влодарчик (IBF World)
Прудентиал Центер, Неварк, Њу Џерзи, САД

27/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Роб Брант

Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка

Number of participants: 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 6
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 423 победи, 17 губици, 294 КОс

Organized by Comosa AG, the World Boxing Super Series will kick off in September 2017, featuring the Cruiserweight and Super Middleweight divisions. In each weight class, eight elite boxers will battle it out in a bracket-style elimination tournament, with four quarter-finals (fall 2017), two semi-finals (early 2018) and one final (Мај 2018). This makes for seven top fights per weight class, and a total of 14 fights in Season One to be staged in premier venues around the globe. The winners of the World Boxing Super Series will rightfully receive The Greatest Prize in Boxing, the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Please visit our website WorldBoxingSuperSeries.са for more information or follow @WBSuperSeries on Твиттер, Фацебоок, или Инстаграм.

Георге Гровес вс.. Jamie Cox WBA Super World Super Middleweight Championship

2 п.м. И / 11 а.м. ПТ
Субота, Нов. 14, 2017 * Лондон, Енглеска, Уједињено Краљевство
Георге Гровес вс.. Јамие Цок
WBSS super middleweight quarterfinals
Проветравање живим у Канади Ове суботе
(pictures courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
Едмонтон, Канада (Октобар 11, 2017)An All-British battle is on tap ове суботе as World Boxing Super Series (ВБСС) tournament action continues when World Boxing Association (ВБА) Super World Super Middleweight Champion “Светац” Џорџ Гровес makes his first title defense against undefeated challenger Јамие Цок, airing live in Canada exclusively on Super Channel from Wembley Arena in London, Велика Британија.
The “Groves vs. Cox” картица, са почетком у 2 п.м. И / 11 а.м. ПТ,allows Canadian boxing fans to continue watching all $50-million WBSS tournament action live, exclusively on Canada’s boxing destination network, супер канал, which acquired the rights in Canada to broadcast the World Boxing Super Series from MP & Силва, водећа међународна медијска компанија која пружа медијска права, дигитални, технологије и спонзорства услуге.
(Л-Р) – Џорџ Гровес & Јамие Цок
Гровес, 29, has an experienced advantage over Cox in terms of quality opponents fought. у мају прошле године, Groves stopped Федор Чудинов in the sixth round to capture the WBA Super World Super Middleweight Championship. Поред Чудинова, Groves has defeated two other world champions, fellow Brit and Olympic gold medalist Џејмс ДеГале (MDEC12), and Glen Johnson (UDEC12). All three of Grovescareer losses as a professional have been to world champions, twice to fellow Brit Царл Фроцх, упоредо са Бадоу Џек.
Experience is very important,” Groves explained. “You don’t understand it until you got it and even when you got it it’s still difficult to understand. I’m sure it will play a part. Cox has boxed at a high level as an amateur but he’s yet to do it as a pro. Let’s see if he can cope. I’m sure he will be well rehearsed in the build-up and well drilled in the gym but putting it together under the spotlight on the biggest stage is always the most difficult task. I’ve been there and done it before, but let’s see if he can.
I’ve still got the hunger. I’ve still nowhere near achieved what I set out to achieve as a little kid. I haven’t won enough belts, I haven’t won enough fights, I haven’t made enough money, and until all those and a few other things are crossed off the bucket list, I’m more-hungry than ever. I finally know what it feels like to be a World Champion and I don’t plan on surrendering that anytime soon. Now I would like the feeling of winning the Muhammad Ali Trophy.
“Он је (Cox) a competent chap. When I knew him, he had a lot of desire. Although his professional record doesn’t suggest any desire because he’s been a pro longer than me and he still hasn’t been in a real fight. He’s had breaks, he’s had injuries, he’s had personal issues. I’m sure now he decided this is his last crack at the whip as a professional boxer he’s going to try to knuckle down and prepare to the best of his abilities. I’m preparing for the best Jamie Cox. Он је спреман, он је јак, Он је агресиван, he’s ballsy, but they are all things I possess as well so I’m sure it will make for a great fight. I certainly feel I have the measure of him and I have a few advantages, which I’m going to reveal on the night.
Cox (24-0, 13 КОс), 31, hasn’t been in nearly as tough as Groves in terms of fighting quality opponents. He is the reigning WBA Continental super middleweight champion, as well as a former WBO European titlist.
It’s an honor to be part of the World Boxing Super Series,” Cox said. “Some great names, some great fights, најбоље бори најбољи, that’s what it should be about with The Muhammad Ali Trophy as the end result. I set my targets high and this is the big one.
I have done it in the gyms with world champions, now it’s time to do it on the big stage. I am looking forward to showcasing myself and show people what I am about and how hard I work in the gym and the dedication I have for the game. “I don’t care about my trophies and what I have achieved so far, the past is irrelevant, I care about the future and the future is now. The goal is to win the Muhammad Ali Trophy. Beating George Groves is the first step and step by step I will reach my goal.
The Groves-Cox winner will advance to the WBSS semifinals to face another Brit, IBO champion Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.., who knocked out previously undefeatedАвни Иилдирим in the third round of last Saturday’s quarterfinals fight in Germany.
Seven thrilling matches on theGroves vs, Cox” картица, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel. The Groves vs. Cox 12-round main event is scheduled to start at 6 п.м. И / 3 п.м. ПТ.
The 10-round co-feature is a WBSS Substitute Fight between British southpaw Јохн “Горилла” Ryder (24-4, 12 КОс) and WBC International super middleweight champion Patrick Neilson (29-1, 14 КОс), of Denmark.
Other undercard bouts scheduled to air on Super Channel are British welterweightLouis Adolphe (6-0, 1 КО) вс. Nathan McIntosh (13-2, 1 КО) у осам рунди меча, British welterweight Kian Thomas (7-0, 3 КОс) вс. Ferenc Katona (10-7-2, 6 КОс), of Hungary, у мечу са шест рунди, and in four-round fights: British cruiserweight Mikael Lawal (3-0, 2 КОс) вс. Michal Plesnik (4-1, 4 КОс, of Slovakia, British welterweightDaniel Keenan (6-0) вс. Angel Emilov (6-14, 3 КОс), of Bulgaria, and Michael Devine (15-5-1, 5 КОс) вс. Michael Mooney (8-37-1, 3 КОс) in a match-up of British lightweights..
Сви противници и борци су подложни промени.
Седам. 9Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Berlin, Немачка
Олександар Усик (13-0, 11 КОс), Kiev, Украјина
Марцо Хуцк (40-5-1, 27 КОс), Berlin, Немачка
(Usyk retained WBO cruiserweight title)
Седам. 16 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Liverpool, Уједињено Краљевство
Цаллум Смитх (23-0, 17 КОс), Ливерпул, Merseyside, Уједињено Краљевство
Ерик Скоглунд (26-1, 12 КОс), Nykoping, Шведска
(Smith won WBC Diamond super middleweight title)
Седам. 23 – Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in San Antonio, Тексас, САД
иуниер Дортицос (21-0, 20 КОс), Мајами, Флорида, USA by way of Cuba
дмитри Кудрашов (21-1, 21 КОс), Изазивач, Volgodonsk, Русија
(Dorticos retained WBA cruiserweight title)
Седам. 30 – Cruiserweight Quarter-Final in Riga, Летонија
Маирис јелена (23-0, 18 КОс), Шампион, рига, Летонија
Мике Перез (22-3-1, 14 КОс), Изазивач, Cork, Ireland by way of Cuba
(Briedis retained WBC cruiserweight title)
Нов. 7 – Super Middleweight Quarter-Final in Stuttgart, Немачка
Крис “Следећа генерација” Еубанк Јр.. (26-1, 20 КОс), Brighton Sussex, Уједињено Краљевство
Авни Иилдирим (16-1, 10 КОс), Sivas, Turkey
(Еубанк Јр.. retained IBO super middleweight title)
Октобар 14, 2017Super Middleweight Quarter-Final
ССЕ Арена, Вемблеи, Лондон, Велика Британија
WBA Super Middleweight World Championship
“Светац” Џорџ Гровес (26-3, 19 КОс), Шампион, Hammersmith, Лондон, Уједињено Краљевство – Прстен #3
Јамие Цок (24-0, 13 КОс), Swinton, Wiltshire, Уједињено Краљевство

Октобар 21, 2017Cruiserweight Quarter-Finals:
Прудентиал Центер, Неварк, Њу Џерзи, САД

IBF Cruiserweight World Championship
“Гвожђе” мурат Гассиев (24-0, 17 КОс), Шампион, Vladikavkaz, Русија – Прстен #2
Krzysztof “диабло” Влодарчик (53-3-1, 37 КОс), Изазивач, Piaseczno, Пољска – Прстен 10
Former IBF & WBC Cruiserweight World Champion

Октобар 27, 2017Super Middleweight Quarter-Finals:

Sport and Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка

јуерген Браехмер (48,3 35 КОс), Сцхверин, Mecklenburg-Vorpommem, Немачка
bivši ВБО & ВБА Лигхтвеигхт светски шампион
Опљачкати “Браво” Арктичка дивља гуска

(22-0, 15 КОс), Saint Paul, Минесота, САД
Усик вс. Briedis, Dorticos vs. Gassiev/Wlodarczyk winner
Super Middleweights
Смитх вс. Braehmer/Brant winner, Groves/Cox winner vs. Еубанк
Све ВБСС борбе ће такође бити доступне на Супер канал на длану.
Super Channel has recently aired major boxing events live like Brook vs. Спенс Јр, Пацкуиао-рог, Еубанк, Јр. вс. Аврам, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga and Crawford vs. Индонго.
Да бисте гледали све акције тхе Ворлд Бокс Супер Сериес уживо, као и узбудљивије бокс да се, боре навијача у Канади могу да се обрате локалном провајдеру кабловски да се претплатите на Супер канала и све то што нуди, укључујући премије серије, филмова и још много тога, за ниско као $9.95 месечно.

Murat Gassiev Training Camp Notes

IBF Cruiserweight Champion Takes on Former Champion Krzysztof Wlodarczyk in World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarter-final Субота, Октобар 21 из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, Н.Ј.
& on AUDIENCE Network
НЕВАРК, Н.Ј. (Октобар 10, 2017) – ИБФ хеавивеигхт светски шампион Мурат “Гвожђе” Гассиев shared his thoughts from training camp in Big Bear, Цалиф., as fight week nears for his World Boxing Super Series quarter-final showdownСубота, Октобар 21 против крзисзтоф Влодарчик из Прудентиал Центер-а у Неварку, N.J and on AUDIENCE Network.
Gassiev first arrived to train in the U.S. у 2014 and has worked with the renowned Abel Sanchez, eventually capturing his title with a victory over Denis Lebedev in December 2016.
Abel is an amazing guy and he has pushed me very hard in the gym,” said Gassiev. “He’s really a father figure here in the gym. I have so much respect for him and the way that he treats people. The best thing that I ever did was come here to train with Abel Sanchez.
We have very hard and intense training, but this is not ballet. He’s preparing me for battle and I trust that he knows exactly what we need to do to have success.
There are no world champions in my gym,” Саид Санчез. “Your belts stay at home. My gym is just a place to work and get better. I can already see the improvements in this training camp for Gassiev. He had Lebedev down but didn’t finish him. Moments like that, you have to finish the job.
The 23-year-old from Vladikavkaz, Russia had a winding road to success in the squared circle, but quickly embraced the sport upon picking it up at 15-years-old.
Boxing was actually not my first sport,” said Gassiev. “My city has produced lots of Olympic and world champion wrestlers, so that was my first sport. Then I tried soccer, but that wasn’t quite right either. One day I went to a boxing gym with my friend and right away I knew, this was what I needed. Eight years later, and I’m very happy where I am.
Gassiev has trained alongside the likes of middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin up in the unique atmosphere and altitude of Big Bear.
It’s very important to be in a place like this because the only focus is training,” said Gassiev. “This is what we do all day. This is exactly what I need to be at my best and win this tournament. I don’t see my family for a long time, but it’s part of my life. This is my business and I’m doing all of this for my family.
We have a very diverse group of fighters here in Big Bear. We’re all family and support each other. It’s been a great experience for me and I’ve learned a lot about different cultures.
Some guys who come in for sparring in Big Bear really don’t anticipate how the altitude changes things. They think they can fight 10 метака, but after three it is too much. This is the best place to prepare for tough fights.
This has been a really smooth camp,” Саид Санчез. “I haven’t had any more problems with sparring partners vanishing after a couple days in the ring with Gassiev. We have the tools to make him even better than in his last performance.
The winner of the Gassiev vs. Wlodarczyk fight will meet WBA champion Yunier Dorticos in a unification showdown in the WBSS semi-finals. Међутим, Gassiev knows he cannot look past the two-time champion standing in his way in the quarter-finals.
I know that I have to prepare myself for a tough fight,” said Gassiev. “I’m facing an experienced fighter and it’ll be a great test for my career. I’m ready for this.
I have worked hard in this sport to become a world champion. I believed in myself and in my team. This tournament gives me the opportunity to be a unified champion and to fight the best fighters to prove it. I will show everyone who I am.
This tournament is a peculiar beast and there are no second chances,” Саид Санчез. “I’ve always hoped for a great tournament where each fight is tougher than the last. I have big respect for Wlodarczyk and his trainer, but Gassiev has to knock him out if the chance arrives. I’m expecting this to be another great experience for Gassiev.
Promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series, tickets for the live event are on sale now and are available atТицкетмастер.цом. Tickets are also available to purchase at the Prudential Center box office.
Featured bouts on October 21 will see Polish contender Матеусз Мастернак facing once-beaten Стевенс Бујај in a WBSS cruiserweight reserve match and unbeaten Polish contender Мациеј Сулецки taking on former title challenger Јацк Цулцаи.
За више информација посетите worldboxingsuperseries.са или www.ringstar.com

Follow on Twitter @WBsuperSeries, @Ringstar и бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у facebook.com/WBSuperSeries и Фacebook.com/Цалл Стар Спортс. Вечерас је fight was promoted by Ringstar Sports in association with World Boxing Super Series.


14/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Георге Гровес вс.. Јамие Цок (ВБА супер)
ССЕ Арена, Вемблеи, Лондон, Велика Британија

21/10/17 – Четвртфинале у најтежој категорији:
Murat Gassiev vs. крзисзтоф Влодарчик (IBF World)
Прудентиал Центер, Неварк, Њу Џерзи, САД

27/10/17Super Middleweight Quarter-Final:
Juergen Braehmer vs. Роб Брант

Kongresshalle in Schwerin, Немачка

Number of participants: 16
Number of belts: 7
Number of world champions: 6
Number of former world champions: 3
Number of undefeated fighters: 9
Combined Record of participants: 423 победи, 17 губици, 294 КОс