კატეგორია არქივი: USA Boxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: John “Quietman” Ruiz

From the projects to owning boxing’s ultimate crown

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (მარტი 12, 2019) – From the projects to owning arguably the most respected individual title in sports, John “Quietman” Ruiz remains the only Latino to capture the coveted world heavyweight title.

Ruiz, 47, is a proud Puerto-Rican American boxer who grew-up in a Chelsea, Massachusetts. The two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) heavyweight champion, defeated USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Famer Evander ჰოლიფილდი in the second of their three title fights, to secure for the first time, the world heavyweight crown.

მორთული სამოყვარულო boxer, Ruiz compiled a 50-5 ჩანაწერი, similar to his final pro record of 44-9-1 (30 Kos) შორის 1992-2010, including gold- medal performances at the All-New England Championships, USA Boxing National Championships and the Los Angeles Olympic Festival, which elevated him to the No. 1 light heavyweight position in the United States ratings.

Ruiz was also an outstanding all-around athlete at Chelsea High, particularly in football, in which he was an all-star. He started boxing at the age of seven, eventually developing his skills at the Somerville Boxing Club.

Boxing was the only sport I figured I’d have a good chance of succeeding,” Ruiz (pictured here on far left) explained why he pursued boxing as opposed to football or another team sport. “The other sports you had to go to college, and I didn’t have the grades.

Ruiz never looked back and no boxer ever got more out of their God-given skills than him. After winning his first tournament (PAL in New Jersey), he became part of the USA Team that traveled to Sweden to compete in a dual-meet.

Outside of Puerto Rico (he lived there for 6-7 years in his early youth),” Ruiz remembered fondly. “I had never traveled outside of the United States. USA Boxing gave me an opportunity to travel there, ავსტრალიაში, Italy and all over the United States. Even more than how those experiences prepared me for the pro ranks, it gave me a taste of life experience, traveling to places I never would have been able to go to on my own. Amateur boxing also gave me structure and confidence in myself for when I turned pro. I also met so many different people, fighters and coaches, from all over the world.

In addition to his aforementioned victory at the Los Angles Olympic Festival, which qualified him as a Team USA member to compete in the World Championships in Australia (დასრულებული 6 მსოფლიოში), perhaps the highlight of his amateur career was defeating Torsten May, the 1992 Olympic gold medal winner from Germany, at a dual meet in Florida.

My association with John goes back to 1990,” დამატებული ალ ვალენტი, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “I was thrilled that a local kid was honing his skills in the boxing ring. John made an incredible impact on the National Amateur boxing scene in the early nineties; making it all the way to the Olympic Trials in Worcester (MA). Having been involved in the trials was extra special for me because John was such a great competitor and good kid. Boxing history will have a place for John Ruiz, not many survived 36 rounds with Evander. Being the first Latino World Heavyweight Champion was quite an accomplishment for “Quietman”.

Ruiz turned pro August 20, 1992, winning a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Parker. During his pro career, he defeated top contemporary names such as Holyfield,James Thunder, Jerry Ballard, Fernely Felix, Kirk Johnson, Fres Oquendo, Andrew Golota და Jameel McCline.

History was made March 3, 2013 in Las Vegas, when he became only the second fighter to drop Holyfield en route to his WBA title-winning fight by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, earning him instant notoriety as the first Latino to hold the coveted world heavyweight title belt.

John Ruiz met President George W. Bush in the White House after becoming the first Latino to become world heavyweight boxing champion (Picture courtesy of the Boston Herald)

I’m very proud to have accomplished that,” he continued, “but my main goal was to provide for my family and I always maintained that goal. Most fighters don’t succeed, but at the end of the day, that’s what pushed me. I don’t really think about being the only Latino to win the world heavyweight title, მაგრამ, when I hear people talk about it today, მე ვფიქრობ, რომ, ვაუ, I’m still the only Latino to do that.

Several years ago, Ruiz opened a gym (Quietman სპორტული დარბაზი) in Medford, MA, not too far from where he grew up in Chelsea and trained in Somerville. It has been a registered club member by USA Boxing since 2012, მაგრამ, რაც მთავარია, it’s Ruizway of giving back to amateur boxing.

I felt there was a need to help more kids and give them an opportunity to get out of the house and do something productive and fun,” Ruiz commented. “They all have a chance to work on self confidence and one could possibly become world champion. I feel obligated to help kids because I remember years ago when I was in the same position. They need guidance. If I didn’t have all the support I did growing up, I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did. I want to help kids understand how to accomplishment their goals.

აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია

შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.

აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. წევრებს ეძლევათ საშუალება მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის მიერ, მათ შორის აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის ყოველწლიურ მიღებას.

კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.

დღეს, John lives in Palm City, Florida. He’s a correctional officer for the Martin County Sheriff Department. “Winning the world title twice as a pro was awesome,” Ruiz concluded, “but I definitely enjoyed the amateurs more than the pros, even though I would have loved to have represented the USA in the Olympics. USA Boxing opened up my mind to different things, taking me off the streets of Chelsea to made me feel……special.

John Ruiz has always preached, “Follow Your Dreams!” and he’s still doing that today.

ინფორმაცია: www.usaboxing.orgTwitter: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumn iInstagram: @USABoxing Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association tribute & fundraiser for N.E. greats Vinny Paz & Micky Ward a major success

(L-R) – CES Boxing promoter Jimmy Burchfield, Micky Ward, former N.E. amateur standout Calvin Brown, Vinny Paz and Al Valenti, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია, Special Projects Consultant

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (თებერვალი 26, 2019) – USA Boxing Alumni Association’s tribute this past weekend to two of New England’s all-time greatest amateur boxers, VinnyThe Pazmanian DevilPaz და “Irish” Micky Ward, was a major success at Twin River Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island.

A sold-out fundraiser to benefit the USA Boxing Alumni Association was held at Fred & Steve’s Steakhouse on Friday evening, honoring Paz and Ward, in addition to Hall of Fame referee სტივ სმოგერი, who officiated numerous fights for both fighters.

Paz and Ward held a meet-and-greet Saturday night, prior to a CES Boxing event, as the popular boxers signed autographs and posed for pictures. They were brought into the ring, along with Smoger, and received a standing applause from the large crowd in attendance.

USA Boxing Alumni Association’s back-to-back nights at Twin River raised $3,000 (including proceeds from Sportsworld’s memorabilia auction) and added 20 new alumni members, including Paz, to its growing ranks.

We were part of a magical weekend,” განაცხადა ალ ვალენტი, USA Boxing Special Projects Consultant. “Vinny and Micky greeted so many of their fans. It is without question that these two warriors define what the USA Boxing Alumni Association is all about: bringing together so many members from so many years past that built the future for so many young boxers. It was especially rewarding to see past boxers, coaches and officials flock to Vinny and Micky. The entire two-day experience at Twin River Casino was packed with memories that we will all hold onto for years to come. We’d like to thank ჯიმი ბურჩფილდი (CES კრივი) for his hospitality and hosting Saturday evening’s event.

აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია

შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.

აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. წევრებს ეძლევათ საშუალება მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის მიერ, მათ შორის აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის ყოველწლიურ მიღებას.

კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.

Twitter: @USABoxing, @USAAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

გრეჰემი და ტორეს უმცროსი. მოიგე ოქრო; კოიმ ვერცხლი აიღო ფინალში 2019 სტრანჯას ტურნირი

აშშ გუნდი ტოვებს სოფიას, რვა მედლით ბულგარეთი

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap (თებერვალი. 19, 2019) — Strandja ტურნირის 70-ე გამოცემა დღეს დასრულდა, როდესაც აშშ-ს გუნდმა ორი ოქროს და ერთი ვერცხლის გამარჯვება მოიპოვა და დაამატა ხუთი ბრინჯაოს მედალი, რომელიც მათ გუშინდელ ნახევარფინალში მოიპოვეს სოფიაში., ბულგარეთი.

2018 ელიტ ქალთა მსოფლიო ჩემპიონატის ბრინჯაოს მედალოსანი ნაომი გრეჰემი (Colorado Springs, კოლო) შვედეთის ლავ ჰოლგერსონის დამარცხების გადაწყვეტილებით, დაამარცხა შთამბეჭდავი საერთაშორისო რეზიუმე კიდევ ერთი მედალი. ეს შუა საუკუნეების მეოთხე საერთაშორისო მედალია 2018.

სუპერ მძიმე წონით კატეგორიაში რიჩარდ ტორეს უმცროსი. (Tulare, Calif.) ტურნირი სანახაობრივი ფორმით დახურა და კიდევ ერთი საერთაშორისო ოქროს მედალი მიიღო. ტორესმა ხუთივე მოსამართლე წაიყვანა’ ბარათები მასპინძელ ქვეყნებზე პეტარ ბელბეროვს მეორე ელიტის საერთაშორისო ოქროს მედლის მოსაპოვებლად. ტურნირის დასასრულს, ტორესი ტურნირის მოკრივეებზე დასახელდა.

2018 ბრეაკოუტ ვარსკვლავი ხალილ კოუ (Jersey City, N.J.) ვერცხლის მედალი აიღო რუსეთის იმამ ხატაევის მიერ გამარჯვების შემდეგ.

Troy Isley (Alexandria, Va.), Delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio) ოშაი ჯონსი (Toledo, Ohio), მორლე მაკკეინი (Cleveland, Ohio) და იარისელ რამირესი (Las Vegas, Nev.) დაიმსახურა ბრინჯაო აშშ-ს გუნდისთვის გუშინდელ ნახევარფინალურ ორთაბრძოლებში.

აშშ-ს გუნდმა ტურნირი დაიწყო 25 მოკრივეები მწვრთნელ ბილი უოლშთან ერთად (Colorado Springs, კოლო) მთელი ტურნირის განმავლობაში ხელმძღვანელობდა ამერიკის დელეგაციას, აშშ – ს კრივის ეროვნული ასისტენტის მწვრთნელ ქეი კორომასთან ერთად (Colorado Springs, კოლო). რაშინ ალი (Cleveland, Ohio), Tim Back (ცინცინატი, Ohio), კევინ ბენფორდი (ცინცინატი, Ohio), ჯო გუზმანი (Fountain, Calif.) და ქრისტინე ლოპესი (როულეტი, Texas) ტურნირის განმავლობაში მსახურობდა სამწვრთნელო შტაბში. წლევანდელი ტურნირი დასრულდა 300 მოკრივე ზემოდან 30 სხვადასხვა ქვეყანა შემოდის რინგზე.

დელეგაცია ხვალ დაბრუნდება შეერთებულ შტატებში.

თქვენ შეგიძლიათ გადახედოთ შეერთებული შტატების წარმოდგენებს მთელი ტურნირის განმავლობაში დააჭირეთ აქ.

ფინალის შედეგები

75 კგ: ნაომი გრეჰემი, Colorado Springs, კოლო. / აშშ, დეკ. მეტი Love Holgersson / SWE, 3-2
81 კგ: იმამ ხატაევმა / რუსეთმა მოიგო გამარჯვება ხალილ კოუ, Jersey City, N.J. / აშშ, სად
91+ კგ: რიჩარდ ტორეს უმცროსი, Tulare, კალიფ. / აშშ, დეკ. პეტარ ბელბეროვის თავზე / BUL, 5-0

Twitter: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing


Paving the way for female boxers…..
Claressa Shields
USA Boxing is family!”
აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია, კლასი 2018 Inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (დეკემბერი 3, 2018) – Two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields not only is spearheading a new wave in women’s boxing, she has developed into a true role model for countless youths.




Shields will be inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this Friday night in Salt Lake City, along with Class of 2018 წევრები Roy Jones Jr. და, Andre Ward, as well as the late Emanuel Stewartდა ტომ კლერი.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, დეკემბერი 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salt Lake City, უტა.




I feel honored,” Shields spoke about being inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” I am only 23 years old and to be inducted into the USA Boxing Hall of Fame is a great honor, but also a shock to me. I believe I am worthy of any honor, but I know things take time, and I always thought I would put in the Hall of Fame at the age 40 ან 50. This is a big deal to me and I feel so honored. Just to have my name mentioned alongside names of greats like Andre Ward and Roy Jones just really motivates me. I feel privileged!”




The pride of Flint, Michigan, Shields has already successfully parlayed her amateur success to the professional ranks, in which she is 7-0 (2), and the reigning unified (IBF, WBA & WBC) მსოფლიოში middleweight ჩემპიონი.




Shields finished her amateur career with an incredible 77-1 (18 Kos) ჩანაწერი, highlighted by her Olympic gold-medal-performances in 2012 და 2016. She hasn’t lost in the ring since 2012, როდესაც Savannah Marshall (England) won on points, 14-8, at the World Championships in China.




USA Boxing came into my life as a two-time Junior Olympic champion,” Claressa explained her USA Boxing relationship. “The help from USA Boxing was so important: just noticing me as a young athlete and knowing I would be a strong young woman to represent the USA in the future; შეხვედრის Julie Goldsticker, who was a blessing for me as she helped me with a lot as a teenager, and just having Coach Abdullah, მწვრთნელი Al Mitchell, and coach Gloria Peek teach me different styles and how to use all my attributes. USA Boxing blessed me with a lot of knowledge and life-long friendships with all my Olympic teammates and Olympic coaches. My favorite coach, Koroma, literally was with me the whole way through 2015-2016, helping me outside the ring with advice and inside the ring.




Shields is one of the driving forces in women’s boxing today, carrying the torch handed off by American female boxing pioneers such as Christy Martin, Laila Ali and a few others.




There is great change going on right now — me, Mikaela Mayer, Franchon Crews, Katie Taylor, Amanda Serrano and a few other women are carrying the torch for women’s boxing right now,” Shields explained. “Progress has been fast, every network has had a women’s fight on television this year, especially Showtime, on which I have boxed the main event four times. Women’s boxing can go far. I believe the day will come when we can be paid millions just like men.




By opening doors and breaking down obstacles, Claressa has become a true role model for youngsters all over, in and out of boxing.




It feels good to be a role model for them (females), and also for so many male boxers,” Shields noted. “Boxing is in a different era and I just want to make it easier for girls coming up, so when they turn pro, boxing will be closer to equality.




Claressa has one of the greatest stories in the history of amateur boxing,” განაცხადა კრის კულიარი, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი. “Her drive, commitment, talent, and character made her a USA Boxing and Olympic champion, leaving a legacy that will last for a very long time. She is a trailblazer for women’s boxing and has established her place as one of the most influential USA Boxing Alumni members of all time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association wants to thank her for inspiring the amateur boxing community and serving as a great role model for the next generation of champions.


აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია




შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.




აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის წევრებს საშუალება ეძლევათ მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები, მათ შორის ამერიკის კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის მიღება.




კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.





Despite all the honors and accolades, she has so richly received, Shields hasn’t forgotten where it all started, and she’s still actively involved in USA Boxing.




I keep in contact with a lot of the female athletes and give them advice if they ask me,” Claressa added. “I also went to Colorado for five days to be a motivator and keynote speaker for the Next Olympic Hopeful. After my career is over in about 15 წელი, I want to be a boxing trainer and lead the women’s team to more Olympic gold medals, if given the opportunity. I also want to be a school teacher and a counselor for youth.




Shields, სამწუხაროდ,, is unable to attend this Friday night’s Hall of Fame reception because she’s in deep training for her titles defense this Saturday evening on HBO, live from the StubHub Center in Carson, California, წინააღმდეგ Fenmke Hermans (9-1).




“სამწუხაროდ,” Shields concluded, “I can’t be there but, if I was there, I would say: Thank you to USA Boxing for believing in me at the age of 16. It was an honor to represent America, not only once but two times in the Olympics! I thank Coach Billy (Walsh) for making me dig deep, by having to deal with his Irish ways and jokes, also for changing the culture of USA Boxing. A special thank you to coach Kay, also, I can’t count on my hands how many days we trained at 1 საათზე, how many times I knocked on his room door and ran, how many times he has had to take my phone from me because I was crying or having a family problem. He is the coach I could tell everything to, and he also blessed me with his boxing knowledge and made me always feel secure in myself when he was in the corner. USA Boxing isn’t just staffUSA Boxing is family! Even though I’ve had a few words with Matthew Johnson and other staff, I thank them for being hard on me and making sure I handled my responsibilities. Love to all USA Boxing staff, I’m truly thankful.




Claressa Shields is much more than world and Olympian champion, she’s a class act as well, exactly what’s so desperately needed today.




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing National Championships return to Salt Lake City Next Week

უფრო მეტია, ვიდრე 700 of the top amateur boxers in the United States will box for National Titles
COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ნოემბერი. 27, 2018) — USA Boxing’s Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open returns to the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah for the second consecutive year, Dec. 1-8.




უფრო მეტია, ვიდრე 700 of the nation’s best boxers, aged 8 to 40, will step into the ring beginning Dec. 4 looking for their chance to win a national title. This year’s tournament will also serve as the first qualifier to the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing for those boxers in the elite division (19-40).




Winners in the junior (15-16), youth (17-18) and elite division will earn spots on USA Boxing’s High Performance Squad, which will give them the opportunity to attend training camps at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, კოლო, as well as represent Team USA in international competition in 2019. Boxers in the prep divisions (8-14) will earn valuable ranking points for the next year.




We are looking forward to returning to Salt Lake City for another year of amazing boxing,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “These championships are an important step towards qualifying to Team USA and their chance to try and qualify to the Tokyo 2020 ოლიმპიადა, as well as earn a place on our high-performance squad for our younger boxers.




USA Boxing will kick off the week-long tournament with a press conference on Monday, Dec. 3 in Room 155 at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Local Utah boxers, World Championship medalists, as well as alumni of USA Boxing are expected to speak. A list of speakers will be announced closer to the day of the press conference.




Boxing will begin on Tuesday, Dec. 4 with two sessions, noon and 6:00 საათზე, and will be free to the public until finals. Two sessions will continue through Thursday, Dec. 6, with Friday, Dec. 7 having just one noon session. The championships will conclude with the junior and youth finals beginning at 3:00 საათზე, followed by the elite championship bouts starting at 6:00 საათამდე. Tickets will be available for purchase throughout the week at the venue or at the door prior to the start of the finals.




USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association will also host its second annual Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) პარასკევი, დეკემბერი 7. ვიზიტი teamusa.org/usa-boxing/alumni მეტი ინფორმაცია.




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

The GOAT boxing trainer….. Emanuel Steward

აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია, კლასი 2018 Inductee
(L-R) – The great Tommy Hearns & the late Manny Steward

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ნოემბერი 19, 2018) – The late Emanuel Steward, arguably the greatest boxing trainer of all-time, is a member of the Class of 2018 getting inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, დეკემბერი 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salt Lake City, უტა.





Steward was a boxer, trainer extraordinaire, and HBO commentator until his untimely death in 2012 ასაკში 68. His boxing career culminated with his induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996.




ასაკში 12, Manny moved with his mother from West Virginia to Detroit, where his life soon turned to boxing. როგორც სამოყვარულო boxer, he compiled a 94-3 ჩანაწერი, მოექცა ოქროს მედალი წარმოდგენა 1963 National Golden Gloves Tournament as a bantamweight, but he decided against trying out for the US Olympic Boxing Team.




In 1971, Steward became a part-time trainer at Kronk Gym, where he eventually guided many of the country’s top amateur boxers. Kronk Gym later became a property of Steward’s and he developed it into one of the most successful and famous boxing gyms in the world.






Steward also served as National Director of Coaching for USA Boxing in the early 2000’s.




Throughout his incredible career, Steward reportedly trained 41 მსოფლიო ჩემპიონები, ალბათ, the most noteworthy were თომას Hearns, Lennox Lewis და ვლადიმერ კლიჩკოს. He also trained Julio Cesar Chavez, Miguel Cotto, Oscar de la Hoya, Naseem Hamed, Evander ჰოლიფილდი, და Mike McCallum. Manny also trained a young Detroit rapper, Eminem, how to box at Kronk Gym.




The last world champion Manny trained was Adonis “Superman” Stevenson, who remains the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) World light heavyweight champion since 2013.




Emanuel would always say, knockouts გაყიდვა!” Stevenson fondly remembered. “He was also the first to tell me, ‘You will be a superstar and a world champion. Just make sure you don’t listen to people with bad intentions because you’ve got natural talent.He believed in me even if some people did not think I would ever become a world champion.




Emanuel Steward impacted the lives of so many who walked through the doors of Kronk Gym,” განაცხადა კრის კულიარი, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი. “While he’s most recognized for his achievement at the professional level, his impact was significant in the amateurs. Manny serves as a model coach for USA Boxing today, and his impact will be felt for a long time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association overwhelmingly supports his induction and looks forward to honoring him as part of this year’s Hall of Fame class.


აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია




შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.




აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის წევრებს საშუალება ეძლევათ მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები, მათ შორის ამერიკის კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის მიღება.




კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.





For years he would come to my National Silver Gloves Tournament that I sponsored and put on in Kansa City just to show his support of the youth program,” added USA Boxing president John ყავისფერი დამატებული. “Every year I would tell him to let me know if he was coming, so I could VIP him, and every year he would ignore me and just quietly show up. I would notice him in the crowd. I would ball him out and then we did the same thing the following year.




I also used to see him at big fights and he would always make me feel special by saying my company saved boxing in the seventies and eighties by providing safe, well-made, fair priced boxing equipment for the sport. No one else ever gave me that recognition. He was humble and not a blowhard, my kind of guy.




Emanuel Steward left his mark on earth, not only as a multi-faceted personality in boxing, but he’s also remembered for his magnanimous charity work in Detroit, in which he helped youths in their pursuit of education.




მოკლედ, მიუხედავად იმისა, რომ, he taught boxing, and nobody has ever done it any better.




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

World Class referee….. Tom Cleary USA Boxing Alumni Association, კლასი 2018 Inductee

COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ნოემბერი 12, 2018) – The late ტომ კლერი was one of the most respected referees in the world during his illustrious career. He joins a select group in the Class of 2018 getting inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




The second annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception, held in conjunction with the 2018 USA Boxing Elite and Youth National Championships and Junior and Prep Open, დეკემბერი 2-8, will be held December 7, at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. Temple St.) in Salk Lake City, უტა.




In addition to Cleary, კლასი 2018 also includes U.S. ოლიმპიური გუნდის მედალოსნები და მსოფლიო (პროფესიული) ჩემპიონები როი ჯონსი, Jr., Andre Ward და Claressa Shields, as well as a past USA Boxing National Director of Coaching, გვიან Emanuel Steward.




The charter class inducted last year included მუჰამედ ალი და Evander ჰოლიფილდი, as well as veteran coaches რუზველტ სანდერსი და ტომ კოლტერი.




A longtime resident of Westchester, Ohio, Cleary was a USA Boxing member since 1982, and he served as Chief of Officials for the National Collegiate Boxing Association from 2002 until his passing May 21, 2017.




He refereed in 12 different countries, on four continents, as an International Official assigned by AIBA. Tom earned a three-star rating and he was selected to work the World Series of Boxing.




Tom’s dedication to amateur boxing and respect he garnered from boxers, coaches and fellow officials are second to none,” განაცხადა კრის კულიარი, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი. “The Alumni Association emphatically endorsed his case for the Hall of Fame, and his induction was received both by those close to him, as well as the entire amateur boxing community. Tom’s commitment to serving USA Boxing provides a great example for all of us and we couldn’t be prouder to call him a member of this year’s Hall of Fame class.




Tom never forgot where he came from, dedicating countless hours to the youth of Cincinnati, in addition to helping boxing clubs run efficiently throughout his community for more than a quarter-century.




The 2017 NCBA Official of the Year, Tom worked local, regional, national, International, world and Olympic levels of boxing. Highlights included working numerous U.S. ეროვნული ჩემპიონატი, four U.S. ოლიმპიური სასამართლო (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) და 2007 World Championships in Chicago.




When I was a young coach at the Air Force Academy,” USA Boxing coach Ed Weichers კომენტარი, “we needed to replace an AIBA top notch referee who was retiring. We were looking for a highly qualified person and Tom Cleary was recommended. He came out the next 25 years straight. Tom was one of the best referees. He cared so much about the safety of the boxers and Tom was also a valuable mentor.




Tom was a wonderful man who everybody loved. He administered referee clinics in the United States and always helped those in need, youngsters and adults. Tom’s work in the Cincinnati area influenced so many boxers and coaches for more than 25 წელი. We dearly miss him.




აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია


შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია აკავშირებს ჩემპიონთა თაობებს, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.




აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის წევრებს საშუალება ეძლევათ მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები, მათ შორის ამერიკის კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის დიდების დარბაზის მიღება.




კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციაში გაწევრიანება, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.





Tom is survived by his wife, Diane, their two children and eight grandchildren.




Tom Cleary’s leadership and mentor-ship inspired all those who were fortunate enough to meet him. He cared passionately about the boxers he shared the ring with, offering words of advice before, during and after bouts.




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Large turnout for recent 1st USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering on West Coast

დაუყოვნებლივ გათავისუფლებისკენ

A good time was had by all who attended the inaugural USA Boxing Alumni Association on the West Coast



COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ოქტომბერი 9, 2018) – A large group of past and present amateur boxers, as well as others involved in the sport, recently turned out in force for the first USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering on the West Coast.


The inaugural West Coast gathering of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, held at Fortune Gym in Hollywood (Los Angeles), resulted in memorable storytelling, welcome reunions, even between past foes, in addition to a substantial increase in membership ranks.


In addition to longtime amateur boxing supporter, actor/singer Frank Stallone, along with the Godmother of amateur boxing, Melanie Ley, attending past and present boxers and trainers included Mickey ბეი, Alex Ramos, Maureen Shea, Ronnie Essett, Paul Banke, Jorge Hawley, Les Fabri, Frank Vassar, Don Deverges, Michael and Anna Keopuhiwa, Zachary Padilla, Lenny Gargaliano, Tony Lesbeur, Felix Nance, Derrickდა Vince Hudson, Rudy Garza, Justine Fortune, Alan Santana, Willie Tubbs, Randy Crippen, Alan Santana, Jacquie Richardson, Steven Stokes, Manny Salcido, Jason and Jeremy Williams, Mike Simms, Jeff Bumpus, current Team USA heavyweight Richard Torres (Tulare, როგორიცაა), და 2018 Youth World Champion and Los Angeles local Iyana Verduzco. 1984 ოლიმპიური ოქროს მედალოსანი Henry Tilman was also in attendance and registered as a new Alumni Association member.




USA Boxing board advisor and fighter liaison, “Iceman” John Scully, was responsible for recruiting most of the attendees.




The USA Boxing Alumni Association gathering in Hollywood fully demonstrated our mission: Connecting Generations of Champions,” said attendee კრის კულიარი, აშშ კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის აღმასრულებელი დირექტორი. “While former opponents reunited after exiting the ring decades ago, two of today’s champions and Team USA members, Richard Torres and Roxy Verduzco, were proudly recognized for their recent success. The Alumni Association wants to thank Fortune Gym for hosting this gathering, and we look forward to connecting with our West Coast members at future events.




შეიქმნა მთელი ცხოვრების განმავლობაში ჩემპიონობისთვის, ურთიერთსასარგებლო ურთიერთობები USA Boxing- სა და მის კურსდამთავრებულებს შორის, –მოკრივე, ოფიციალური პირები, მწვრთნელები და კრივის მოყვარულები — the Alumni Association connects generations of champions, შთააგონებს და უბრუნებს USA Boxing– ის კრივის მომავალ ჩემპიონებს, და გარეთ ბეჭედი.




აშშ – ს კრივში კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაცია ღიაა ყველასთვის, ვისაც უყვარს კრივი და სურს დარჩეს სამოყვარულო კრივთან. კურსდამთავრებულთა ასოციაციის წევრებს საშუალება ეძლევათ მიიღონ მრავალფეროვანი სპეციალური ღონისძიებები, including Friday evening’s USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.




To join the USA Boxing Alumni Association, უბრალოდ დარეგისტრირდით alumni@usaboxing.org თვის $40.00 წელიწადში საწევრო გადასახადი. ახალი წევრები მიიღებენ მაისურს, გასაღებები და ელექტრონული საფულე.




Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Houston featherweight Roma Martinez represents next wave of USA female boxers

დაუყოვნებლივ გათავისუფლებისკენ
Out to make statement at Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018

Oct. 6-18 არგენტინაში


COLORADO SPRINGS, Lap. (ოქტომბერი 8, 2018)Houston featherweight Roma Martinez, who represents the next wave of USA female boxers, is currently In Argentina to make a statement at the ongoing Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018.



The Summer Youth Olympic Games Buenos Aires 2018 continues through Oct. 18 at Parque Polidesportivo Roca in Argentina.




The 18-year-old Martinez started boxing six years ago, when her step-father came into her life, taking her to a local boxing gym to help keep her out of potential trouble, as well to defend herself.




She is an online student at the University of Saint Thomas in Houston, planning to major in business, and Roma has been able to balance her busy schedule for a simple reason. “I don’t have much of a social life,” she admitted, “so it’s easy for me to train and study.



Argentina is the second foreign country she’s traveled to having competed last November in India. Although she has a relatively limited amateur career, Martinez has managed to capture top honors at six national events: 2016 აშშ კრივის ნაციონალები, 2014 & 2015 Batte lf the Universe, 20-15 Women’s Golden Glove, 2-15 Junior Olympics Nationals, და 2014 Brown Gloves.




Like many of her Team USA teammates, in addition to opponents from all over the world, Roma hopes she can parlay an impressive performance in Buenos Aires to improve her chances to eventually qualify for the 2020 ოლიმპიადა იაპონიაში.




The Youth Olympics is the biggest thing in my career because I hope to compete in the 2020 ოლიმპიადა,” Martinez said. “The Youth Olympics is almost as big as the Olympics, only younger athletes compete. I take things one day at a time, but I do have goals to make the Olympics, win a gold medal, and then turn pro and win a world title.



This is my last youth competition. This December I will move up to Elite Division. There will be a difference in age (of her opponents) and more international competition, but I need that experience to reach my goals.




Roma, she says, is a technical boxer who occasionally brings pressure. Her favorite boxer is the great “შაქარი” Ray Leonard and she looks up to Nicola Adams (2012 & 2016 Olympic gold medalist from Great Britain) და Mikaela Mayer (2016 USA Olympian). Roma has taken advantage of sparring sessions with Adams and Mayer, შესაბამისად, in Houston and Colorado Springs.




Martinez believes female boxing is on the upswing and she looks forward to its future. “The more top female boxers will mean bigger things for us,” Martinez added, “We’ll get more TV time and make more money.




Roma credits USA Boxing for her learning how to be disciplined and she’s grateful for the outstanding coaching she’s received. Martinez plans to travel a lot in the future and when she earns her business degree, Roma is determined to use it to her advantage, owning a restaurant and, possibly, a gym so that she can remain in boxing after she hangs up her gloves way down the road.



Twitter: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships has Largest Turnout in USA Boxing History

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Oct. 8, 2018) — The 2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships in Chattanooga, Tenn. will begin tonight with the largest turnout in USA Boxing national tournament history.




After check-in and general weigh-in, a total of 834 boxers and 550 boxers will take part in the weeklong national tournament at the Chattanooga Convention Center.




We have seen our national tournaments continually grow each event,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “მას შემდეგ, რაც 2017, USA Boxing has been providing extra opportunities with our regional qualifying tournaments for all boxers, aged 8-40, to step onto the national stage and box the best in the nation.




This marks the second year the Eastern Elite Qualifier & Regional Open has been held in Chattanooga, which saw a total of 645 boxers and 307 coaches participate last year. The first regional qualifying tournament, the 2017 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open in Albuquerque, N.M., had 302 boxers and 102 coaches and the 2018 edition had 719 boxers and 482 coaches attend.




With the large turnout in Chattanooga, the opening days of the event will include the addition of a fifth ring to hold the increased number of bouts.




USA Boxing will be providing a free live stream throughout the tournament, which can be found აქ.




Twitter: @USABoxing

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Facebook: /USABoxing