Kategorie Archiv: USA Boxing

Atif Oberlton representing City of Brotherly Love all the way to the World Championships

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Srpen 22, 2019) – There’s a new rising force on the international boxing scene and his name is Atif Oberlton, a light heavyweight from Philadelphia, who is on a mission to make a name for himself in boxing.

Oberlton will be competing at the Elite Men’s World Championships, Září 7-21, in Yekaterinburg, Rusko.

Lacking confidence is not an issue for the 21-year-old boxer who claims, “It’s very important for me to do well and win at the Worlds, because I know for a fact that, in my heart, I’m the best fighter in the world. Also, I’m new on the international scene, so it’s time for me to give a piece of what they’ve been missing.”

Oberlton started boxing at the age of nine, although he didn’t start competing until he was 14, because he was the only boy in his family, and his father wanted him to learn how to defend himself. Like so many of his teammates, he fell in love with boxing.

In the last five years, Oberlton has captured gold medals at the 2018 a 2016 Národní Golden rukavice Tournament, 2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier and 2014 National Junior Olympics. He also was a victor in the USA vs. Netherlands Dual.

“My greatest accomplishment so far is making Team USA and being where I’m at, because for years and years I was denied, and here I am today in the top spot where I belong. I’m a top-spot fighter, so I deserve it, and I put down top-notch work, také"

Overlton has taken advantage of training in Colorado Springs at the U.S. Olympic Training Center, where he has shown improvement from day one, honing his skills to become a complete boxer.

“Conditioning plays a big part in my improvement; also seeing different styles, and getting top work has elevated me,” he spoke about training as a Team USA member. “I always break new barriers on the road to greatness and this (The Worlds) is another one I’m looking to smash through.”

In addition to representing his country, Oberlton is a proud Philly fighter continuing the long, rich boxing tradition in the City of Brotherly Love, which has produced the likes ofBernard HopkinsMathew Saad MuhammadBennie BriscoeJoey GiardelloMike Rossman,James ShulerEugene Hart and so many more great fighters over the years.

“My city is known for its great boxing history and I wear ‘The City of Philadelphia’ on my back,” Oberlton added. “In a few more years down the line, I see myself leading the next wave of Philly boxers. In fact, I feel like I am the wave, momentálně, as we speak. Everyone’s watching me. I will do them all proud, from both the old and young generations.

“I haven’t been to Russia and I’m looking forward to going there. It’s always good to see the world. I always like to go back where I’m from and try to convince others to see the world, because it’s much bigger than our neighborhood.”

Oberlton is like a chameleon in the ring, constantly changing and adjusting to his opponent. “I consider my style like water,” he concluded. “It’s wavy because I adjust to win, and I can beat any style. I can outsmart anybody, fighting mind over matter. Boxing is 80-percent mental, 20-percent physical, and I have it all.

“My short-term goal is to win gold at The Worlds and everything else leading to the Olympics. And winning no less than gold at the Olympics. My long-term goal is to be the greatest fighter to ever walk the universe.”

Confidence is definitely not a problem for Atif Oberlton.



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Javier Martinez making Milwaukee proud on the way to World Championships in Russia

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Srpen 19, 2019) – Milwaukee isn’t known as one of the leading producers of world-class boxers, nicméně, Team USA middleweight
Javier Martinez may be the rare exception.

Milwaukee isn’t really a great place for boxing,” Martinez agreed, “ale (trenér) Izzy Acosta always had a great program that produced a lot of national champions. Doufejme, one day I can do what he’s done for my city. We do have a few good fighters coming out of my gym who are still on the rise. Look out for my boy, Luis Feliciano, a former USA National champion (the 26-year-old junior welterweight is 12-0 as a pro with eight wins by knockout).”

The most famous fighter to come out of Milwaukee is world kickboxing champion RickThe JetRufus. There have been a few Milwaukee boxers of note over the years, počítaje v to MyronPinky” Mitchell, who became the first junior welterweight champion of the world in 1922, Robert “Barbar” Moha (1910-15), former national champion Tyrone “The ButterflyTrice, and Pan American Games bronze medalist and two-time national amateur champion, LeChaunce Shepard.

Martinez is currently training in Colorado Springs at the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Training Center for the World Championships, Září 7-21, in Yekaterinburg, Rusko.

It’s a good feeling and I plan on taking full advantage of this opportunity,” Martinez spoke about competing at the World Championships. “I love coming to Colorado; it’s like therapy for me, keeping me away from the distractions back home. I’m very excited to be going to Russia. I’m thankful to USA Boxing for all the opportunities I’ve had, and I hope to bring back a medal from Russia.

Martinez says he didn’t have a normal childhood, explaining that he looked up to the wrong people. His life changed for the better when his father introduced him to boxing and meeting Coach Acosta, who was recently honored by the USA Boxing Alumni Association for his contributions to amateur boxing as a boxer and coach for the past half-century.

I don’t know what I’d be doing today (if not for boxing),” noted Martinez, který se změní 24 srpna 24. “I just know that boxing was my way out of the ‘hood. Coach Izzy is a very loving person, and a great person to have around. He had a very good boxing career and it’s great to have a person like that in my corner.

Martinez, who is the No. 2 ranked middleweight in the U.S., captured a gold medal at the 2018 Elite National Championships and silver at the 2016 & 2017 Elitní národní mistrovství. He’s also brought home bronze from the 2013 National Junior Olympics and Feliks Stamm Tournament.

Self-described as an awkward southpaw who can give anybody problems, Martinez’ short-term goal is to be an Olympic gold medalist, long-term to be world champion.

Javier Martinez is making Milwaukee proud by punchinhis way to the top.

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Facebook: /USABoxing

Legendary Air Force Academy boxing coach Ed Weichers coached perfect storm

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Srpen 8, 2019) – Boxing coachEd Weichers, a charter member of the USA Boxing Alumni Association, guided the United States Air Force Academy from 1976-2014 to a record of 19 national collegiate boxing team championships.

Coach Weichers’ Fighting Falcons’ squads produced a remarkable 258 All-America boxers and 97 individual champions. His teams never finished lower than second in the nation for 27 years and he also served as president and vice president of the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA).

Coaching sports at a military school is much different, largely because student-athletes in most cases, zejména boxování, are not professional prospects. “Our Cadets were not trained to be elite level amateurs or pros,” the now 68-year-old Weichers explained. “In 1976, the cost to put one Cadet through four years at the Academy was $80,000 ale, v 2014, the year of my retirement, that figure was $417,000. Cadets are trained to go forward and serve. They fly, boj, win and defend freedoms that we all enjoy. Boxing at the next level is not part of the discussion. I got calls at the time about our boxers going to the next level, fighting in Tough Man Contests, etc. My answer is and has always been consistent: ‘You are not trained to be a boxer in the Air Force. Do not jeopardize your pilot qualifications or commission ability with a boxing injury.’ The Air Force has an investment in them, and I urged them to go forward and serve. I send them back to the real purpose of the boxing class/program at AFA. It teaches them how to handle press, stress, fear and anxiety. Boxing gives them the self confidence and self esteem to make good decisions in combat under pressure. The ability to handle these pressures and make good decisions are the difference in life and death in combat.”

Coach Weichers, samozřejmě, attributes a large share of his success to the Cadets, who are intelligent, disciplined and team oriented. All Cadets take a mandatory core curriculum boxing course (10 lessons) their freshman year, followed by an intramural boxing program comprised of 40 squadron teams with a minimum of eight to a maximum of 16 boxers per team.

Not only did Weichers work with this incredible feeder system, the next step was the AFA Wing Open Boxing Championships, in which Cadets voluntarily signed-up to compete in one of 12 divisions to box for the No. 1 spot, earning a roster spot on the AFA Intercollegiate boxing team that competes in regional and national tournaments. The advancing 12 Cadets represented the entire Air Force Academy.

„Sečteno a podtrženo,’ Coach Weichers noted, “this formula was a perfect storm. I must give credit to and thank two Physical Education Department headsCol. Don Peterson aCol. Larry Fariss, and two athletic directors who were instrumental to our support and successCol. John Clune aCol. Randy Spetman.

“I was blessed with young men who I describe as overachievers. Cadets are tenacious. We built on an individual sport with a team concept. I had great assistant coaches, the best training facilities, and an environment of being surrounded by quality people in all phases.”

After he retired as head boxing coach at the Air Force Academy, Weichers led Team USA in 2014 a 2015 to five medals, including two golds, at the Pan American Games in Toronto.

“The plan was to hire Billy Walsh, who was the head coach of Team Ireland,” Weichers added. “I committed to sponsor Coach Walsh upon his arrival and make his transition smooth. I did that and Coach Walsh and I have become good friends. He is the correct man for the job, and he brings a great resume and reputation. He has helped turn the program around and created a winning culture. Team USA is back, ranked among the top 10 ve světě, and that is a direct result of Coach Walsh.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Vytvořeno pro celoživotní šampion, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.

USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem. Členům je udělen přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Asociací absolventů, včetně každoročního přijetí síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte naalumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.

Weichers joined the USA Boxing Alumni Association because he is a huge supporter ofJohn Brown, former President and current Vice President of USA Boxing.

“John had the idea or concept (to form the alumni association) and I looked at the purpose and thought it would be a way to honor and recognize those who contributed over the years,” Weichers remarked. “I hope that successful professionals from the past and present recognize those who contributed over the years. I also hope that they remember their roots were with USA Boxing and give back. We all had help and our start and success did not happen alone. Be humble and grateful and give back.”

Weichers is high on Team USA, especially its overall potential in the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan, rčení, “We’re solid going into 2020. The key to success, podle mého názoru, is head coach Billy Walsh. He is very experienced. His reputation and resume are top shelf. Coach Walsh is well known and respected on the international level. He has the ability to reach out to other countries and make positive things happen for our athletes. He has adjusted the culture in our boxing program, identifying our strengths, and making adjustment where weak. Coach Walsh brings leadership and credibility. Bottom line, we have the right coach for the job in place.”

Weichers’ association with the NCBA led to his relationship with USA Boxing at various levels and capacities. He has always felt gratified to give back to boxing, as well as an obligation to grow the sport at every level.

“I was lucky/blessed to work in a place I refer to as Camelot,” Weichers concluded. “It’s an athletic paradise; core values, honor code, and a mission that anyone can connect with and admire. I can say that I am a better person for my experience at the Air Force Academy.

“I love the sport of boxing, because of what it did for me, in terms of molding my life. The gratification that comes with seeing how young men and women grow and mature, as a result of their experience with boxing was very positive.

And countless Cadets are better people because they were coached by Ed Weichers.



Cvrlikání: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O USA BOXING:  Posláním amerického boxu bude umožnit sportovcům a trenérům Spojených států dosáhnout trvalé konkurenceschopnosti, rozvíjet charakter, podporovat sport boxu, a propagovat a rozvíjet olympijský styl boxu ve Spojených státech. Odpovědností USA Boxing není pouze výroba olympijského zlata, ale také dohlížet a řídit všechny aspekty amatérského boxu ve Spojených státech.

Oshae Jones Makes History at 2019 Pan American Games

LIMA, Peru (Srpen 2, 2019) — Oshae Jones (Toledo, Ohio) made history on the first night of finals at the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru by becoming the first ever women’s welterweight Pan American Games gold medalists. This marked the first time in Pan American Games history the women would have five weight classes, compared to the two previous Games having three weight classes.

Jones defeated Myriam DaSilva of Canada by unanimous decision, winning all three rounds, 10-9, from two judges, and two of the three rounds, 10-9, from one judge.

This marked the second time Jones and DaSilva went head-to-head, with Jones defeating her 5-0 at the Pan American Games Qualifier earlier this year.

Jones’ previously defeated Atheyna Bylon of Panama in the quarterfinals and M. Moronta Herand of the Dominican Republic in the semifinals to make the finals of these championships.

Team USA will look to close out their most successful Pan American Games since 1983, tomorrow night with four boxers going for gold, Keyshawn Davis (Norfolk, Va.), Virginia Fuchs (Houston, Texas), Naomi Graham (Colorado Springs, Colo.) a Duke Ragan (Cincinnati, Ohio). Their four medals will be added to Jones’ gold medal and the five bronze medals won earlier this week by Rashida Ellis (Lynn, Mass.), Troy Isley (Alexandrie, Va.), Delante Johnson (Cleveland, Ohio), Yarisel Ramirez (Las Vegas, Nev.) a Richard Torrez ml. (Tulare, Calif.).

Follow the Americans final day of boxing by clicking herehttps://www.teamusa.org/USA-Boxing/2019-Pan-American-Games


69 kilogram: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio/USA, prosinec. over Myriam DaSilva/CAN, 5-0

Boxing brought Lamont Ingram back from deepest depths of despair to giving back to at-risk youths

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Červenec 8, 2019) – Former boxing prospect Lamont Ingram has survived hell on earth, which included him losing virtually everything in his life, and now he’s giving back to at-risk youths in Jackson, Tennessee.

Minulý měsíc, Ingram was selected Most Outstanding Referee of USA Boxing’s 2019 Národní juniorské olympijské hry.

Ingram’s recovery is nothing short of incredible, especially considering he went from being an outstanding amateur boxer, who competed successfully in national amateur tournaments, to homelessness, blindness in both eyes, two failed suicide attempts and, bohužel, much more despair.

I am no longer ashamed of what I went through because it made me the man I am today,” the 38-year-old Ingram said. “My life had been so hard that I was ashamed to talk about it for so long. I now understand that my struggles are my testimony for the next person to see that he or she can make it if they keep trying.

Boxing is all I knew, but I couldn’t see out of one eye (cornea injury) that developed at the age of 19. I got mad at God and wanted to retire. I got depressed and didn’t understand why this had happened. V 2008, I became homeless the first time with nowhere to go. I lost everything, including my family, and then went (legally) blind in the other eye. Pak, God told me to work with children, and I also opened the non-profit halfway house.

Boxing taught me how to never give up no matter how hard it gets. V 2013, I lost everything for the second time: my business, moje rodina, vše…..and I went homeless again. But I never gave up! The following year, when everyone said it was over for me, God gave me everything back times two. I lost the building I was in, but eventually I found another building. I had no money and I lost that building in 2013. God gave it back to me in 2016, when the man who bought it, gave it back to me. Nyní, I have the only two Federal and State halfway houses in Tennessee for special and general populations with more than 50 beds. I’m mostly at capacity all the time with men who have done 50 years calendar down to those who have done five years.

Ingram operates the Second ChanceNew BeginningHalfway House and Homeless Shelter, as well as the Team Ingram Boxing & Mentoring Program.

Lamont started boxing when he was 14, because he used to be severely bullied to the point of having his head smashed into a brick wall, thrown into a garbage can, and jumped on repeatedly by others. Ingram’s mother sent him to a boxing coach, Rayford Collins, which turned out to be arguably the most life-changing moments of his life.

I liked boxing,” Lamont remembered. “I wasn’t the best boxer, but I did beat some good boxers. I was a very determined young man, ačkoli. Byl jsem 58-10 s 35 knockouts as an amateur boxer. I got my special education high school diploma and later I graduated from Kaplan University with a 3.7 GPA in Business and Chemical Dependency.

Most kids (in the boxing program) can’t afford the fee to our summer camp or boxing program going on right now. We give them a free breakfast and lunch. I really enjoy this, but I would have never thought that I’d be doing what I’m doing.

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Vytvořeno pro celoživotní šampion, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, -boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.

USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem.. Členům je udělen přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Asociací absolventů, včetně každoročního přijetí síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte na alumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 za rok členský příspěvek. Noví členové obdrží tričko, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.

Team Ingram Boxing Club & Mentoring Program was founded in 2017, after Ingram’s long battle associated with him not wanting anything to do with boxing, because he believed God had done him wrong for taking away from what he loved to do and was good at, box. When his amateur coach, Collins, died in 2016, Lamont decided to take a larger role at the gym, to the point he was there every day.

For some reason I wanted to be part of it and help like my coach had helped save my life,” Ingram explained. “Boxing helped me. My coach was very firm, strict and very disciplined, but he loved us and wanted only the best for us. We have so many success stories that range from those that nobody could handle, to those who had F’s in school, plus those who had no hope at all. These youths are my world; I see myself and I know that change is possible, because I changed.

The ultimate goal of my program is to instill life skills that will go with each young person throughout their individual lives like it has for me. I understand that not everyone will be an Olympic champion, or make the USA Olympic Team, become national or world champion. They can be a piece that sows the seed that never departs the one they sowed it to.

Ingram has been a registered USA Boxing coach and official for three years. After becoming a level 2 official, he was chosen to referee the final day of the 2018 Eastern Qualifier, a rare feat for a relatively inexperienced official, to say the least. V 2019, he judged at the Western Qualifier and ranked No. 9 mimo 100, which is an unheard-of accomplishment for a level 2 official.

Boxing saved my life and it changed my life,” Ingram claimed. “I had a bad anger problem. I wouldn’t listen and I was disrespectful to my parents and authority figures. I stayed in trouble, on intensive probation, or locked up in juvenile detentions centers.

I am a respectful, humble and dedicated official who loves boxing and watching people achieve their goals. People always told me what I couldn’t do; boxing showed me what I could do.

And countless young men and women in Tennessee and the mid-South, not just Lamont, are the beneficiaries today of Lamont Ingram’s truly remarkable metamorphosis.

Cvrlikání: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
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Facebook: /USABoxing


Jamel “Vždy věrný” Sledě Patriot, Olympian & nyní mistr světa

Absolventi USA v boxu: (L) Jamel Herring a jeho stablemate, Terence “Pupen” Crawford
(obrázek s laskavým svolením Mikeyho Williamse / Top Rank)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Červen 13, 2019) – Nově korunovaná Světová boxerská organizace (WBO) super muší šampion Jamel “Vždy věrný” Sleď jako bojovník byl prakticky celý život bojovníkem. Námořní a elitní boxer.

33letý sleď (20-2, 10 KO), bojovat z Cincinnati, se dostal do plného kruhu od chvíle, kdy začal boxovat ve věku 15. “Začal jsem proto, že jsem si ve škole vedl špatně, střih z basketbalového týmu,” vysvětlil, proč si vybral Sweet Science. “Nechtěl jsem být v ulicích. Nebyla to moje postava, takže jsem musel najít něco jiného. Přítel mě seznámil s boxem a já jsem se toho držel. Nakonec jsem dostal známky zpět a udělal jsem čest.”

Ze sledě se také vyvinul olympijský boxer, většinou, když sloužil devět let v USA. Mariňáci, a to i když byl dvakrát vyslán v Iráku. Sestavil 81-15 amatérský záznam, včetně nejvyšších vyznamenání na 2011 & 2012 Mistrovství ozbrojených sil, 2011 U.S.. Olympijské zkoušky a 2012 Zlatý medailista z USA, spolu se stříbrnou medailí na 2010 Světové vojenské hry. Byl první aktivní službou v USA. Marine se od roku kvalifikoval do amerického boxerského týmu 1992, stejně jako první USA. Marine soutěžit v 2012 Olympijské hry.

“Během svého druhého nasazení během volného času jsem trochu boxoval,” poznamenal. “Na konci roku jsem se vrátil ze svého druhého nasazení 2007 a začal boxovat u námořní pěchoty 2008. Většina mé amatérské kariéry spadala pod námořní pěchotu. Naučil jsem se hodně cestovat s námořní pěchotou. Viděl jsem více stylů a soutěžil jsem na národních turnajích jako mariňák. Měli také finance, aby mě mohli poslat.”

Vrcholem jeho amatérské kariéry bylo reprezentování jeho země na 2012 Olympiády v Londýně jako kapitán týmu USA. I když prohrál (19-9) v úvodním kole dvojnásobný kazašský boxer Daniyar Yeleussinov, kdo vyhrál zlato na 2013 Mistrovství světa a později na 2016 Olympijské hry, zahajovací olympijský ceremoniál byl ze zvláštního důvodu nejpamátnějším okamžikem celé jeho amatérské boxerské kariéry.

“To bylo výročí úmrtí mé dcery,” Herring řekl. “Dala mi vědět, že bez ohledu na to, stále můžete dosáhnout čehokoli, i přes vzestupy a pády.”

Ostatní členové 2012 USA Olympic Team Herring kapitán zahrnoval současné mistry světa v profesionálních řadách, jako je Errol Spence, Jr., Claressa Shields a Marcus Browne, Bývalý mistr světa Rau’Shee Warren, a vyzyvatele světového titulu Terrell Gausha, Michael Hunter a Dominic Breazeale.

Sleď zůstává blízko boxu USA, rčení: “USA Boxing mi pomohl kvůli vztahům, které jsem vytvořil, mnohé z nich zůstávají dodnes. Potkal jsem další bojovníky z celého světa, se kterými jsem udržoval dobré vztahy. Také mi to pomohlo stát se více z lidí-osob, kterými jsem dnes. Být kapitánem týmu mě naučilo trpělivosti, protože jsem musel jednat s mnoha osobnostmi, Tyto vlastnosti používám dodnes. A dnes jsem si stále blízký se svými olympijskými spoluhráči.”

USA Boxing Alumni Association

Vytvořeno k celoživotnímu prosazování, vzájemně výhodné vztahy mezi USA Boxing a jeho absolventy, –boxerky, úředníci, trenéři a fanoušci boxu — Sdružení Alumni spojuje generace šampionů, inspirovat a vracet se budoucím šampiónům USA v boxu, dovnitř a ven z kruhu.

USA Boxing Alumni Association je otevřena všem, kteří mají rádi box a chtěli by zůstat ve spojení s amatérským boxem.. Členům je udělen přístup k široké škále speciálních akcí pořádaných Asociací absolventů, včetně každoročního přijetí síně slávy USA Boxing Alumni Association.

Připojit se k Alumni Association, jednoduše se zaregistrujte na alumni@usaboxing.org pro $40.00 za rok členský příspěvek. Noví členové obdrží tričko, klíčenka a elektronická peněženka.

“Jamel je dokonalým příkladem odolnosti a vytrvalosti,” zmínil Chris Cugliari, Ředitel sdružení absolventů boxu v USA. “Jeho tvrdá práce, oběť, a neschopnost přestat bez ohledu na to, s jakými překážkami se setká, bude i nadále inspirovat další generaci šampionů po mnoho let. Asociace absolventů boxu v USA mu chce poděkovat za vše, co dal ostatním, uvnitř i vně kruhu.”

Jamel Herring nikdy nepřijel snadno, zejména jeho pozoruhodný obrat po tragické ztrátě jeho dcery, Ariyanah, což se stalo tři roky před dnem před zahajovacím ceremoniálem olympiády.

“Moje cesta nebyla snadná,” Sleď přidán, “Měl jsem své vzestupy a pády. Jsem olympionik, ale nikdy mi nic nebylo předáno. Musel jsem bojovat za všechno, co jsem dostal. To je můj čas!”

To určitě je, zvláště poté, co porazil obhájce šampiona WBO v super muší váze Masayuki Ito, letos v květnu 25, aby se stal mistrem světa. Důkaz, že dobré věci se dobrým lidem skutečně stávají.

Cvrlikání: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

USA Boxing standout bantamweight Duke Ragan fighting for his daughter’s future

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Květen 29, 2019) – Boxers fight for a variety of reasons. Team USA bantamweight Duke Ragan is driven in the gym and ring by his two-year-old daughter, Kennedy Ragan.

The 21-year-old Ragan trains with his fellow elite squad members in Colorado Springs, Colorado, which is a long way from his home and daughter in Cincinnati.

It is difficult being away from her,” Ragan admitted, “but she motivates me. I’m boxing for our future.

Ragan’s future in boxing is bright. He is the No. 1 bantamweight in the United States, who plans to cash-out after the 2020 Olympiády v Japonsku.

Although he had his first amateur match when he was seven, Ragan was practically born to box, evident by pictures of him as an infant wearing baby boxing gloves. His father and coach, Derek “DukeRagan, who named his son with his own nickname, had a lot of friends who were boxers. When Duke’s older brother by six years, Lewis Walker, trained at their uncle Sean Singleton‘s gym, young Duke was being trained in the house by his father.

I played other sports when I was young, but I didn’t in high school,” Ragan said. “My father started training me when I was six and a year later, I was at the gym training and sparring. I didn’t want to play any sports other than boxing.

Ragan has a 151-19 amatérský záznam, highlighted by his silver-medal performance at the 2017 World Championships. He captured gold at the 2016 & 2018 Elitní národní mistrovství, qualifying him for the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing, as well as at the 2016 National Golden Gloves Championships.

In addition to winning a silver medal at the 2017 World Championships, Ragan has been successful in other International competition, brát nejvyšší ocenění na 2017 Chemistry Cup, runner-up at the 2018 Presidents Cup, and third place finishes in the 2017 Continental Championships and 2019 Pan American Qualifier in Nicaragua. In the latter tournament, Ragan lost in the semifinals to Ecuadorian Jean Caicedo, 3-2, to qualify for the Pan-American Games, Červenec 27 in Lima, Peru.

Ragan is looking forward to avenging his controversial loss to Caicedo at the Pan-American Games. “I was the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Qualifier, and I think I’ll be the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Games,” Ragan commented. “I think I got a bad decision in the semifinals. There will be some good competition at the Pan American Games, but nobody for me to worry about.

Self-described as a pure boxer who enjoys moving around the ring snapping jabs, Ragan also has sufficient power to put opponents to sleep. He wants to become part of Cincinnati’s rich boxing history, which has produced all-time greats such as Aaron Pryor,Ezzard Charles, Adrian Broner, Rau'shee Warren a Tim Austin, mimo jiné.

Pryor and Charles boxed in the same community where I grew up,” Ragan noted. “I really haven’t done anything yet, but it would be cool to be world champion like them.

USA Boxing has played a major role in Ragan’s young life and, if he gets his wish, it’ll continue to be for at least another year or so. “My main focus is 2020, I’ll worry about turning pro after that,” he remarked. “Amateur boxing has brought me a long way. I’m more disciplined, better focused, and a much smarter boxer. I have a higher boxing IQ. I’ve also had to learn to make sacrifices, because I’ve got to be a man to make time for my young daughter. All of this is getting me ready to be a professional.

Ragan has traveled around the world as a Team USA boxer having been to Germany and Kazakhstan (twice apiece), Polsko, Bulgaria and Nicaragua. Nakonec, Duke Ragan wants to continue representing his country and traveling all over the world, hopefully, booking a trip to Tokyo next year.

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Lightweight Keyshawn Davis preparing to go gold digging next year in Japan at 2020 Olympijské hry

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Květen 20, 2019) – Team USA lightweight Keyshawn Davis has been preparing all of his young life to represent his country in the Olympics. If everything goes as planned and remains on schedule, the Norfolk, Virginia native will be boxing for gold next year in Japan.

The 20-year-old Davis, who sports a 110-15 amatérský záznam, is racking up medals at such a torrid pace that he desperately needs to expand his display case. He is a two-time Elite National (2017-18) and two-time National PAL (2013-14) mistr, as well as a gold medalist at the 2017 Eastern Elite Qualifier, 2017 Youth Open and 2017 Národní Golden rukavice.

Internationally, he’s done some serious damage, také. The highlight of his amateur career, to date, is winning gold at last year’s Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria. Davis recently captured silver at the 2019 Pan-American Games Qualifier in Nicaragua, in addition to the 2018 Chemistry Cup in Germany.

I won my first International gold medal in Bulgaria,” Davis agreed with it being the highlight of his amateur career. “I was also selected as the Most Outstanding Boxer.

His victory at the 2018 USA Nationals qualified him for the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing, while his silver at the Pan American Games Qualifier qualified him for the Pan American Games (July 27-August 2) in Lima, Peru. This year he will also be competing at the Elite Men’s World Championships (Sedm. 7-21) in Yekaterinburg, Rusko.

Qualifying for the Olympic Trials really wasn’t much of an accomplishment for me because it was expected,” Davis noted. “For me it was to get on Team USA, again and this is my second year on the team.

There’s no real competition for me to qualify for the USA Olympic Boxing Team. My last fight in The Nationals was a little bit of a challenge (proti. Dalis Kaleiopu), because I slipped and got up.

At the Pan American Games, Davis could very well face the Cuban boxer who defeated him by a score of 3-2 at the Pan American Games Qualifier, Andy Cruz, setting up a possible rubber match between the two elite boxers next year at the Olympic Games.

There’s a very good chance we’ll fight again at the Pan-Am Games, most likely in Japan, také,” Davis added. “We have to win two rounds to qualify for the finals and for me to get my revenge. Cruz has a lot more International experience than I do. Je to 26 years old and World Champion in our weight class.

Davis started boxing when he was nine when, tired of Keyshawn and his two brothers fighting each other and in school, his mother asked if they wanted to go to the gym to learn how to box. They did and today, his older (Kelvin) and younger (Keon) brothers are also amateur boxers.

Not long after that he met Troy Isley, who is a fellow member of Team USA, and today they’re as close as brothers.

I met Troy way back, after I first started boxing,” Davis remembered. “We’d meet up at the Nationals and other tournaments and hang together with my brothers. My coach retired, so I went to Troy’s gym (Alexandrie, VA) and started working with Coach Kay (Koroma, USA Assistant National Boxing Coach). We’re getting close to our dream (representing the USA in the Olympics) that started so long ago that it seems unreal to be getting close. You can expect two boxers from Virginia to come back from Japan with gold medals. We’re like brothers.

Coach Kay first cornered me when I was 13. He’s a great coach who wants us to succeed in life, not just in the ring. He wants the best for us. We have one of the best U.S. boxing teams in a long time and it’s going to show in Japan. We always help each other out and this is a very exciting time for us right now.

Another close friend of Keyshawn’s is, 2018 Stříbrný olympijský medailista Shakur Stevenson, who has been through what Keyshawn is approaching, and is now at the level as a professional prospect in which Davis aspires to reach.

Shakur has always supported me,” Davis pokračoval. “We talk a lot. Poctivě, it’s hard for me not to think about turning pro, because my amateur career will be over after the Olympics. I’ve always been taught to have a plan, so I’ve been preparing, business-wise, looking into my options (manager and promoter), and to stay on the right track from the amateurs to pros.

If he wasn’t a boxer, Davis figures he’d be a realtor, but he’s thoroughly enjoying the life as a boxer.

This has been a great experience,” Davis spoke about his amateur boxing career, “especially this year getting ready for the Pan AMs. I’ve had opportunities to travel and meet people, but the best part is being part of a team like this. Boxing is an individual sport but, vně kruhu, we’re always pushing hard for each other.

I thank God every day when I get up for putting me in this position. All I want to do is provide for me and my family. At my age, I’m ahead of the game.

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Troy Isley přichází z největší výhry, Příprava na 2020 Olympijské hry

COLORADO SPRINGS, Klín. (Květen 6, 2019) – USA box střední váhy Troy Isley opouští nejvýznamnější vítězství své mladé kariéry, když porazil 2016 Olympijský vítěz, Kuba Arlen Lopez, na nedávném kvalifikaci na Panamerické hry v Manague, Nikaragua.

Lopez sloužil Isleymu jako pozitivní barometr, pokud jde o jeho potenciál 2020 Olympijský běh. “Bití Lopeze je moje zatím největší výhra,” Isley připustil. “Na poslední olympiádě získal zlatou medaili. Pomstila jsem mu svou ztrátu 2017. Skoro jsme bojovali v The Continentals, ale prohrál ve čtvrtfinále, a prohrál jsem v semifinále. V červenci jsme se mohli znovu setkat proti sobě na Panamerických hrách.”

V 2017, Isley zachytil zlatou medaili na elitním mistrovství světa, což pro amerického elitního boxera znamenalo poprvé za šest let. Rok od roku postupoval, brát nejvyšší ocenění na 2012 & 2013 Národní mistrovství PAL, 2014 Národní juniorské olympijské hry, 2016 & 2017 Elitní národní mistrovství. Zatím letos, kromě vítězství v Pan American Games Qualifier, také získal zlato na turnaji Strandja v Bulharsku.

Není to příliš ošuntělé úspěchy pro dítě, které opravdu nemělo rád box, zejména ve srovnání s fotbalem, což byl jeho oblíbený sport.

“Když jsem se vrátil do tělocvičny, trénoval jsem, Alexandrie (VA) Boxerský klub,” Asistent trenéra národního týmu USA Kay Koromba pamatoval,” potřebovali pomoc s malým dítětem, Troy Isley. Měl jsem s ním jednoduchý rozhovor. Řekl, že by se vrátil do posilovny, kdybych tam trénoval. Na malou chvíli jsem se nevrátil a on se nevrátil. Když trenér odešel, nakonec jsem převzal tělocvičnu, a Troy se vrátil.

“Troy je přítel Keyshawn Davje (USA Boxing's No. 1-hodnocené lehké). Oba žijí ve Virginii (Troy v Alexandrii, Keyshawn v Newportu) a trénovat se mnou v Alexandria Boxing Clubu, když nežijeme a netrénujeme v Colorado Springs. Bojovali jako děti a stali se dobrými přáteli. Všichni ostatní boxeři k nim vzhlížejí.”

“Byl jsem jen 8 a zpočátku se mi opravdu nelíbilo boxovat,” nyní dvacetiletý Isley hovořil o svém úvodu do amatérského boxu. “Více mě zajímaly týmové sporty jako fotbal, ale vzdal jsem se boxu, když jsem se rozhodl soutěžit v boxech. Chtěl jsem být jen dítě a nemůžete hrát box. Vrátil jsem se do posilovny a všechny zmlátil. Trenér Kay řekl mému otci, že ze mě může udělat národního šampiona, a to mi dalo hodně sebeúcty.”

Popsaný boxer puncher, Isley je inteligentní, dobře mluvený boxer s očima do budoucnosti, mimo box, absolvování on-line obchodních kurzů na DeVry University. “Zvládnu to všechno,” nabídl svůj styl boxu. “Pracuji na tom, abych používal více úderů, abych byl lepší všestranný boxer. Úder nastaví přestupek. Pracuji na úderu, protože můžete vyhrát souboje úderem.”

Pořadatelé se seřadí, aby podpořili své společnosti, aby podepsali Isley, kdo má definitivní plán, který zahrnuje výrobu 2020 USA olympijský tým boxu, medaile v Japonsku, a pak se stal profesionálem.

“Na olympiádu zbývá už jen rok,” Poznamenal Isley. “Jsem si blízký s Keyshawnem a Shakur(Stevenson, 2016 Stříbrný olympijský medailista a an 11-0 profesionální vyhlídka). Cvičení s nimi nám všem usnadňuje věci. Jezdíme navzájem a trénujeme proti různým stylům. Stále vyzvedávám nové věci. Pomáháme si navzájem trénovat, zápasení, a jen mluvit. Jsme vždy spolu, buď v Alexandrii nebo Colorado Springs. Shakur tam stále chodí na dobré zápasení.

“Shakur nám říká hodně o svých zkušenostech z olympiády a nyní jako profesionál. Já a Keyshawn jsme vždy mluvili o tom, že jsme spolu v olympijském týmu USA v boxu. Stále tvrdě pracujeme a soustředíme se. Byl to náš sen.”

Sny se stávají skutečností, ale, první, Isley se připravuje na Pan-Am Games a, možná, jeho gumový zápas s obhájcem olympijského zlata, Lopez.

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Elite Men Kick Off 2019 Western Elite Qualifier

RENO, Nevada. (Březen 26, 2019) – The 2019 Western Elite Qualifier & Regional Open Championships kicked off last night with 96 elite boxers taking to the rings to begin their journey in hopes of punching their ticket to the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing this December.

The three rings saw 16 exciting bouts in each ring to give a preview of what is to come during the week-long tournament at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, Nevada. This year’s edition of the Western Elite Qualifier is the second event of the USA Boxing Olympic Trials Qualifying Series, which will see two boxers in each elite Olympic weight class advance to the Trials.

Action continues today with two sessions of boxing, beginning at noon with the prep and junior divisions, while the youth and elite men and women’s divisions will take to the ring beginning at 3:00 p.m. EST / 6:00 p.m. PST.

Follow all the action this week, including our free live stream, podle kliknutím sem.

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