Kategorija Arhiva: USA Boks

Top USA amateur boxers adjusting to life without fights & waiting another year for Olympics show

Arjan Iseni training during the pandemic

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Travanj 23, 2020) — Amateur boxing, as in the professional ranks, has been shut-down worldwide due to the Coronavirus pandemic. USA Boxing members are adjusting to these challenging and trying times all across the country.

Gyms and schools are closed, tournaments suspended, a 2020 Summer Olympic Games in Tokyo have been postponed a year. Members of the Elite Qualification, Youth and Junior High Performance teams are home rather than in Colorado Springs training at the state-of-art United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center.

How are some of the leading U.S. amateur boxers living during this period without fights?


Joseph Hicks (Grand Rapids, Michigan), 26-year-old middleweight, USA Ranking #2
Gold medal performances: 2019 Nacionalni Golden Gloves; 2017 & 2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier; 3-time Eastern Elite Qualifier (2017-2019)

Hicks was within one qualifier victory of officially becoming a member of the 2020 Team USA Olympic Boxing Team. He is taking advantage of the break, iako, spending quality time with his wife and young daughter.

I personally feel that this has been a blessing in disguise, because I have more time to improve on the things the USA coaches have been telling me to work on. I live in an apartment in Lansing (MOJ), but I’ve been staying with my mom in Grand Rapids so I can comfortably train. It’s weird in a way, but I miss getting punched at. I’ve been trying to adapt to the new normal, but I can’t wait to be back at the training center (in Colorado Springs).

I love that I can see my daughter every day to give her all my attention, but she misses the gym as much as me. My wife and mother have been very supportive. I believe waiting another year will only make me better by the time the Olympics are here.

Oshae Jones, (Toledo, Ohio), 22-year-old welterweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2020 Olympic Team Trials, 3-time Elite National Championships (2016-2019), 2017 Eastern Elite Qualifier, 2016 Youth Open, 2014 Nacionalni PAL. International: 2020 Turnir u Strandji & 2019 Pan-American Games

Jones had been on a roll leading up to the since postponed Americas Qualifier to lock a roster spot on the 2020 Team USA Olympic Boxing Team. She has been training at her family’s gym in Toledo, as well as getting more involved in community services and functions.

I have not adapted to life without boxing, because boxing will never leave my life. Moja obitelj / coaches have a gym connected to our house we live in. Boxing is not a sport, it’s a lifestyle .

My heart dropped when I first heard that the Olympics were postponed. Everything that I have been working toward for basically my whole life is on pause until next July. I do not know how I feel or how to express how I feel. The only thing I can do is try to stay motivated.


Arjan Iseni (Staten Island, Njujork), 17-year-old light heavyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Youth National Championships, Eastern Regional Open & Youth Open

Iseni lives in the Coronavirus epicenter, Staten Island, NY. He and his father built a small ring in their backyard (vidi sliku ispod) because he couldn’t train in any gyms.

It’s very hard to know that I won’t be able to represent Team USA this year in any international tournaments. This is my last year as a youth boxer, but I have been training very hard during quarantine, and I will be ready for whatever is next for me.

It is hard knowing that I will not be fighting soon, but this gives me more time to perfect the little flaws in my game, and I’ll comeback stronger when this all ends. Nadajmo se, everything goes back to normal soon, so I can get back to fighting actively and hopefully make Team USA as an Elite boxer.

Shera Mae Patricio (Waianae, Havaji), 17-year-old flyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Youth National Championships & Western Regional Open; 2018 Youth National Championships & Western Regionals Open; 2017 Državne juniorske olimpijske igre & Nacionalni Golden Gloves

Patricio lives the furthest away from training camp and her teammates, but her family owns a boxing gym, and training/sparring isn’t as a problem for her because she has eight siblings.

We are in quarantine and I have adapted to life without fights by continuing to train at our personal gym with my siblings. Training hasn’t been a problem for us because we have our own personal gym. We sanitize all the equipment and the gym before and after training. Since there are no fights coming soon, we have been sharpening up our skills and building more knowledge We’ve been gaining strength and keeping up our endurance. On weekends, my dad rides a bike while we run laps to get some sunlight, and sometimes we do sprint drills outside.

Our family is a boxing family that started with my dad as he was a boxer. He started training me, only for defense, but it started to get serious in 2015 when I won my first tournament in Kansas. All of my other siblings are also boxers and they’re also multiple-time champions. My siblings and I have been getting a ton of family time staying home together. This quarantine has made us even closer. Our bond makes us stronger individually and as one. I’m far away from training in Colorado Springs, but my teammates are only a phone call away. I’m able to stay in touch and that’s very warming. Some of the coaches check on me to see how I’ve been doing. I looked forward to all the tournaments I planned to fight in and I’m disappointed they’ve been postponed, but I have more time to be even better prepared for my next fight.


Steven Navarro (Los Angeles, Kalifornija) 16-year-old flyweight, USA Ranking #1
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Junior National Championships & Nacionalni PAL; 2018 Junior National Championships; 2017 Prep Open & Western Regional Open

Navarro was training in Colorado Springs to prepare for international competition in Bulgaria, but the trip was cancelled two days before Navarro and his teammates were scheduled to depart.

As a member of the USA Boxing Junior Team, I look forward to every fight / turnir, because it could be my last. So it was very heartbreaking when I was notified that our fights in Bulgaria and future international fights were cancelled due to this pandemic. I continue working as hard as I do on a regular basis: waking up at 5 in the morning, running 5-6 miles in nearby hills, of course wearing my mask. I come home to take my online classes from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., which gives me a 2-hour nap before heading to my private gym. I am the only person who trains at my gym every day at 4:30 poslije podne. Once I get to the gym, I begin stretching for 3 kola (3-minute rundi), shadow box for 5-7 kola, then I hit five varieties of punching bags (3 rundi svaka). Afterwards, I work mitts (5-8 kola) where I focus on different movements and situations that could possibly happen in a fight. I often hit the double-end bag and speed bag for 3 kola. I finish my boxing training with 15 min. of jump rope.

I train on a daily basis for 2 hours with my father/coach Refugio Navarro. This pandemic is a bit of a gamble due to not having access to sparring. I do tend to ‘movewith my father once every week, but the experience is different. Once finished, I head to my grandparentshouse (only one block away from my home) to do my strength and conditioning. I do wear a mask and gloves when working out there. My grandfather is a bodybuilder and has his gym setup in his garage. I work-out with my grandfather for a good hour, constantly disinfecting all equipment, to wrap-up my day. I work with what I have, which is a blessing. Boxing isn’t a season sport, you must stay ready all year for anything, and that’s what I continue to do as I strive for greatness.

Fernanda Chavez (Dallas, Teksas), 14-year-old bantamweight, USA Ranking #2
Gold Medal Performances: 2019 Junior Open; 2018 Prep Open & Eastern Regional

Chavez is a first-year member of the Junior High Performance Team and her inaugural training camp in Colorado Springs was pushed back.

Adapting to this new lifestyle hasn’t been the easiest. I’m thankful I have my family, as we’ve been going on daily runs and workouts at parks. My family understands the importance of my athleticism and staying fit, which is why we continue to motivate each other during this tough time. I’m not sure when our lives will return to normal, which is why I’m still prepared at all times.

The things I’m looking forward to most at camp in Colorado Springs is meeting other junior females on the team, as well as learning the different styles they bring. I also look forward to creating bonds between my new teammates and coaches from across the nation.

Arjan Iseni’s backyard ring in Staten Island


Cvrkut: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks: To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Dodatno, SAD Boks nastoji naučiti svim sudionicima karakter, povjerenje i fokus im je potrebno kako bi postali elastični i razni prvaci, unutar i izvan ringa. USA Boxing is one team, jedan narod, ide za zlato!

Izvanredno boksačko putovanje kakvo nijedno drugo 1972 Zlatne olimpijske medalje “Šećer” Ray Seales

(Ray Seales je u prvom redu, drugi s lijeva)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Travanj 9, 2020) — Zamislite da ste usamljeni boksač iz svoje zemlje koji je osvojio zlatnu olimpijsku medalju, samo nekoliko dana nakon zloglasnog minhenskog masakra. Sad zamislite i da ste osvojili izvanrednu 338 od 350 amaterske utakmice, izborivši se s trilogijom kao profesionalac s “Veličanstven” Marvin Hagler, proglašen pravno slijepim na oba oka (imajući zabavljača Sammy Davis, Jr. podizanje šesteroznamenkaste medicinske novčanice), vrativši vid na jedno oko, zatim radi kao nastavnik autističnih učenika za 17 godina.

“Šećer” Ray Seales je doista živio nadrealni život, u najmanju ruku, a boksom se još bavi u dobi od 67, kao uspješan trener amaterskih boksača u Indianapolisu.

Rođen u Saint Croixu, U.S. Djevičanski otok kao jedno od osmero djece u obitelji čiji je otac tamo bio boksač kao član SAD-a. Vojska tim, Seales je počeo boksati s devet godina. “Imam tri brata i uvijek se međusobno izbijemo,” govorio je o svom početku boksa. “Učenje boksa, za mene, bilo sve oko borbe da prva pojede. Dobio sam udarac u lijevo oko igrajući dodgeball i mog ujaka, koji je bio stacioniran u Ft. Klin dizač (u Tacoma, WA), rekao mojoj majci da tamo postoji poseban liječnik koji mi može pomoći oko. Moj je otac bio smješten posvuda i unutra 1964, kada sam bio 12, moja nas je majka preselila u Tacomu, Vašington.

“Imao sam boks u svom sustavu. Otišao sam s braćom u Downtown Tacoma Boys Club, koja se nalazila samo jedan blok od našeg doma, a majka me mogla gledati kako hodam od naše kuće do teretane i natrag. Ja sam prvi od tamo osvojio naslov Zlatnih rukavica. Htio sam biti pobjednik i završio s 14 (prvak) jakne. Nisam mogao govoriti engleski. Znao sam španjolski i zajedno sam govorio španjolski i engleski. Prva riječ koju sam rekao na engleskom bila je kutija. Nekad smo se borili tri ili četiri puta dnevno i izgradili smo Boksački klub Tacoma. Nastavio sam imati 338-12 amaterski rekord i od tada sam u boksu.”

Seales se razvio u prvaka, pohvaljujući najveće počasti na 1971 Nacionalni AAU i 1972 Državno prvenstvo u zlatnim rukavicama. U dobi od 19, Seales prijavljen u SAD. Air Force, ali njegova je majka nazvala kako bi se Ray mogao natjecati u 1972 Olimpijske igre u Münchenu, Njemačka.

Uspjela je i ostalo, kao što kažu, je povijest. A kad se vratio kući s Olimpijskih igara, rečeno mu je da nema potrebe da se javlja u SAD. Air Force, jer je učinio dovoljno u pogledu usluge kao jedini američki boksač koji je osvojio zlatnu medalju.

The 1972 Olimpijske igre, međutim, bilo zasjenjeno ubojstvom 11 Izraelski sportaši i treneri, kao i zapadnonjemački policajac u olimpijskom selu od strane terorista u crnom rujnu.

“Tek sam napunio 20 godina,” Seales se sjetio. “Boks je bio težak kad smo tamo išli. Neki iz moje obitelji, moj trener iz Tacome, i suigrač iz Tacome (i dvostruka američka. Olimpski)Davey Armstrong bili u Njemačkoj. U početku nisam ništa znao. Morao sam privući pažnju roditelja da im jave da ne idu tamo, jer je u olimpijskom selu bilo terorista s automatima. Ja sam bio jedini američki boksač koji se ostao boriti.”

Seales je pobijedio Bugara Angjei Anghhelov, 5-0, u prvenstvu poluteške kategorije za osvajanje olimpijske zlatne medalje, jedini član SAD-a. tim da to učini. Među njegovim suigračima bio je i Armstrong, Duane Bobick, i olimpijski brončani Jesse Valdez, Marvin Johnson a Ricardo Carreras.

Posvećenost Sugar Raya Sealesa USA Boxingu je bez premca,” rekla Chris tofflemire, Direktor bivših boksačkih USA. “Njegov ponos, patriotizam, i predanost pomaganju našoj sljedećoj generaciji prvaka ono je što ga čini tako inspirativnom figurom.”

SAD Boks Alumni Association

Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotnog, obostrano korisnih odnosa između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.

SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Članovi imaju pristup za široku paletu posebnih događaja čiji je domaćin bio Alumni Association, uključujući njegova godišnja SAD Boks Alumni udruga Hall of Fame recepciji.

Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati na alumni@usaboxing.org za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.

Seales se pretvorio u profesionalca 1973, pobijedivši u jednog kruga jednoglasnom odlukom Gonzalo rodriguez u Tacoma. “Šećeru” osvojio svoj prvi 21 pro borbe, sve dok nije izgubio odluku od 10 rundi da 14-0 perspektiva srednje kategorije i buduća Kuća slavnih Marvin Hagler. Dvije borbe kasnije, Seales se borio protiv Haglera u Tacomi do izvlačenja od 10 rundi (99-99, 99-99, 98-96).

“Svi su željeli pucati u zlatnu olimpijsku medalju,” Objasnio je Seales.” Otišao sam u Boston i potukli smo se u TV studiju (WNAC). Tamo se smrzavalo. Drhtala sam kad sam ušla u ring, Marvin je izašao kapljući znoj. Znao sam da gubim nakon što sam to vidio, ali objesio sam se s njim i otišao u daljinu (10 kola). Imao sam problema s upravljanjem i tri mjeseca kasnije ponovno sam se borio s Haglerom, samo ovaj put kod kuće u Tacomi. Pobijedio sam ga, ali završilo je neriješeno u 10 rundi. Zna da sam ga pobijedio!”

Seales je dovršio svoju trilogiju s Haglerom, ali bilo je to pet godina kasnije, kad je Hagler bio 42-2-1 a izbjegla ga je većina svjetskih srednjih utega. “Ja sam bio USBA (Boksačko udruženje Sjedinjenih Država) i Sjevernoamerička boksačka federacija (NABF) prvak u srednjoj kategoriji i Hagler trebali su osvojiti naslov da bi postigli šut svjetskog naslova,” Primijetio je Seales. “Izgubio sam našu treću borbu u prvoj rundi, ali to je jedino što se na televiziji prikazuje u naše tri borbe. Bile smo dvije ljevoruke, ali prešao je na dešnjaka, a on me uhvatio kukom. Plaćen sam i kupili su mu borbu za svjetski naslov.”

Seales je tijekom prošlosti trenirao dvije različite amaterske momčadi u Indianapolisu 11 godina, pobjeda 10 Ekipno prvenstvo Zlatnih rukavica, a on je i dalje glavni u Indyu iz tima IBG.

Nakon što se povukao u 1984 nakon što je pretrpio odvojene mrežnice na oba oka, Seales je u Las Vegasu predstavljen Sammyju Davisu, Jr. (na slici dolje), koji je platio Sealesa’ $100,000 liječnički račun za njegove oštećene oči. Davis je izgubio lijevo oko u 1952 automobilska nesreća

“Ja sam učitelj,” Zaključio je Seales. “Vidim način na koji se toliko boksača želi boritiFloyd Mayweather. Glava im je nagnuta, ne mogu baciti udarac. Učim ih da imaju desnu nogu iza lijeve (za boksača dešnjaka), i hodati ravno, nije nagnut ili nagnut. Jako puno, peta svaki put kad se okrenete je vaš stav.

“Moj savjet za boksače koji se nadaju natjecanju u 2020 Olimpijske igre su usredotočiti se na ono što radite i slušati kako to učiniti. Ono što zaista želim jest trenirati američku olimpijsku boksačku momčad 2024.”

Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing


40th anniversary of tragic airplane crash in Poland

22 members of Team USA Boxing perished

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Ožujak 14, 2020) – One of the darkest days in American sports history occurred 40 years ago today, when Polish Airlines flight #7 that had departed John F. Kennedy Airport in New York City crashed a half-mile from Okecie Airport in Warsaw, Poljska.
Sve 87 passengers died, uključujući 14 boxers and eight officials on the USA Boxing team, due to a disintegration of a turbine disc in one of the plane’s engines that ultimately failed.
Team USA was traveling to Poland to compete in two international amateur boxing dual events. The average age of the 14 boxers was only 20 ½, ranging from 27-year-old Walter Harris to 16-year-old Byron Payton.
The potential Olympic dreams of the 14 boxers were destroyed in the horrific accident. Although most of the boxers were still in their developmental stage, outside of prospective medal challenger Lemuel Steeples, each member aspired to represent the United States in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. (The United States eventually led a boycott of the 1980 Olympics because of the Soviet-Afghan War.)
I remember coming home from my boxing gym on March 14, 1980 and hearing the news of the plane crash on the evening news,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee.
As an aspiring Olympic-style boxer I was shocked and felt a sense of loss like every American boxer, coach and official. Today we are reminded that life is precious, and every day is a blessing. On behalf of USA Boxing’s Board of Directors, 48,000 boksači, coaches and officials and the national office staff we remember the 1980 USA Boxing Team Members and Staff. Please keep them, their families and the worldwide Olympic-style boxing family in your thoughts and prayers.
Down But Not OutLost But Not Forgotten

USA Boxing Head Coach Billy Walsh remembers the crash to this day. “I remember it well, as I was a 16-year-old dreaming of the Olympics,” said Walsh. “It was massive news in Europe, a big tragedy with some of the world’s best boxers and staff wiped out. We lost a generation of great fighters, and most importantly loved ones.
Patricia Chavis was only seven years old when she learned her father, Sgt. Elliott Chavis, had perished in the crash. She was playing outdoors with friends when she noticed a lot of people crying as they entered and left her home. Her mother called her inside, sat her down with people watching, and said that her father wasn’t coming back because he had been killed in a plane crash.
She asked me if I understood and I did, because we had recently lost my great grandmother and paternal grandfather,” an emotional Patricia explained. “I went back outside and told my friends. They were a little older and they didn’t understand why I hadn’t stayed inside with family. It didn’t really hit me that my dad wasn’t coming home until my teenage years. I remember sitting in bed and writing letters to him.
Every year still affects me every March. We usually have a family dinner with my mom and grandchildren. They listen to stories about a man they never met. He’s buried in South Carolina and we’ve laid flowers on his grave. Every year on March 14th it brings back memories and we celebrate his life.
Sgt. Chavis, who died at the age of 25, was stationed at Ft. Bragg (NC), where he learned to box. Bio je član 118th Military Police Company and during his boxing career, the light heavyweight was All-Army and All-Southeastern.
My parents married young,” Patricia continued. “My mom told me he was always athletic. He played football and was a pole vaulter on the track team in high school. But I didn’t know anything about his boxing until we went to a reunion at Ft. Bragg. Around the 30th anniversary I got in touch with some of his Army buddies when I saw on Facebook that they were having a reunion. I went there with my mom and listened to stories they told me about his boxing career. I found it so interesting because I hadn’t known about that. There are quite a few memorials I’ve seen on Facebook and I try to get in touch with other family members (of her father’s teammates who died in the crash). We’ll never forget!”
Below is a complete list of the 1980 U.S. Boxing Delegation who died in the aforementioned plane crash in Warsaw:
The 1980 United States Boxing Delegation to Warsaw, Poljska, Ožujak 14, 1980

Kelvin Anderson                    
        Heavyweight Hartford, CT
Elliott ChavisLight Heavyweight U.S. Vojska / ft. Bragg, NC
Walter HarrisLight Heavyweight San Francisco, KAO ŠTO
Andrea McCoyBokser srednje kategorije
         New Bedford, MA
Byron PaytonLight Middleweight Troup, TX
Chuck RobinsonLight Middleweight Port Townsend, WA
Paul PalominoVelter kategorija
         Westminster, KAO ŠTO
Lemuel SteeplesLight Welterweight St. Louis, MO
Byron Linsay
Light Welterweight San Diego, KAO ŠTO
Gary Tyrone ClaytonLak
          Filadelfija, PA
Jerome StewartBantamweight
      U.S. Mornarica / Norfolk, VA
George PimentelFlyweight
           Elmhurst, NY
Lonnie YoungFlyweight
            Filadelfija, PA
David RodriguezLight Flyweight
   Pomona, KAO ŠTO


Joseph F. Bland
Team Manager High Point, NC
Col. Bernard CallahanReferee/Judge
      Carlisle, PA
Toma “Sarge” JohnsonVoditelj Trener
  Indianapolis, IN
John Radison
      St. Louis, MO
Junior Robles
Assistant Coach National City, KAO ŠTO
Steve Smigiel
           Boca Raton, Florida
Delores Wesson
Team Assistant
  Ocean Springs, MS
Doktor. Ray Wesson
Team Physician Ocean Springs, MS

Idi nawww.USABoxing.org to watch a short video tribute
Memorial messages and letters of condolence were sent from friends and boxing organizations from around the world, including U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, Executive Director Col. F. Don Miller, Montana AAU, Oklahoma Boxing Association, Amateur Basketball Association of the USA, Salina Boxing Team, South Texas AAU, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Diving, U.S. Swimming, Wisconsin AAU, Wrestling Division of AAU, National AAU Boxing Committee, National AAU, Florida Boxing Commission, Hawaii AAU, U.S. Soccer Federation, Jacksonville (Florida) Sports and Entertainment Commission, Georgia Amateur Boxing Association, WSOC Television, Alleghany Mountain Association, U.S. Olympic Training Center, Mack Truck, Inc., Southwestern AAU Boxing Commission, U.S. Olympic Committee, West Nally Group, Charlotte Motor Speedway, AAU Regional Coordinator, Council of Social Work Education, National Rifle Association of America, and Davidson County Department Boxing Team,
Also from the Greek Boxing Federation, Mexican Boxing Federation, New Zealand Boxing Association, Canadian Amateur Boxing Association, Nova Scotia Branch of Canadian Amateur Boxing Commission, Ontario Boxing Association, Ambassador of Poland, Polish Boxing Association, AIPS Boxing Commission, Canadian Amateur Boxing Association, Heretaunga Boxing Club of New Zealand, International Bobsled and Tobogganing Federation, Italian Boxing Federation, LOT Polish Airlines, La Crosse Amateur Boxing Club, Polish Olympic Committee, AIBA, Champion D’Afrique Magazine, African AIBA Board and Tunisian Boxing Federation, Venezuelan Boxing Federation, German Amateur Boxing Federation, Amateur Boxing Federation of England, Israel Sports Federation, Portuguese Amateur Boxing Federation, Romanian Boxing Federation, Rotunda A.B.C., Amateur Boxing Federation of Thailand, National Advertising Benevolent Society, Turkey Boxing Federation, AIBA France, El Salvador Boxing Federation, German Democratic Republic Boxing Association, Danish Amateur Boxing Union, Guatemalan Amateur Sports Federtion, Israel Olympic Committee, Oceana Boxing Federation, Nigeria Boxing Association, Old Actonian Association Amateur Boxing Club, Seychelles Amateur Boxing Federation, Council of Ministers of Cuba, Hungarian Boxing Federation, Norwegian Amateur Boxing Association, International Amateur Boxing Association, Claridad, Peru Amateur Boxing Association, Dominican Republic Department of Education, Health and Recreation, Panamanian Boxing Federation, Head of the Cuban Interests Section.
U 1984 a statue was dedicated to the USA Boxing Team members who died in Warsaw was placed on the training grounds in Colorado Springs. Names of the 23 members of Team USA are inscribed on the memorial.
Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Jedan od najboljih svih vremena .... 1988 Osvajač olimpijske srebrne medalje Riddick "Veliki tata" Bowe

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Ožujak 9, 2020) - Po bilo kojim standardima, U.S. Olimpijac i bivši jedinstveni svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji Riddick "Veliki tata" Bowe nesumnjivo je jedan od svih najvećih boksača, amaterski i profesionalni.

Rođen i odrastao u zloglasnom dijelu Brownsvillea u Brooklynu, Njujork, koji je također iznjedrio svjetske prvake u teškoj kategorijiMike Tyson aShannon Briggs, Bowe je počeo boksati u 13 u teretani boksačkog saveza Bedford-Stuyvesant.

“Htio sam učiniti sveMuhammad Ali učinio,Bowe je objasnio zašto se bavio boksom. “Bio je moj idol. Htio sam se pridružiti marincima, ali zaljubio sam se u boks i ostao s njim. Zaboravio sam na marince. "

Bowe je razvio svoj zanat i postao izvanredan boksač, prikupljanja 104-18 amaterski rekord, istaknuo svojim kontroverznim nastupom na srebrnoj medalji na 1988 Olimpijske igre u Seulu, Južna Koreja.

Četverostruki prvak zlatnih rukavica New Yorka, Bowe je također zauzeo najviše počasti na 1986 Svjetsko juniorsko prvenstvo, zajedno s brončanom medaljom na 1987 Pan American Games, unatoč tome što se u svom posljednjem meču borio s prijelomom ruke koju je skrivao od svojih trenera.

Bowe je imao rivalstvo sRobert Salters, s kojim je podijelio četiri šibice, ali je pobijedio Saltersa, 3-2, u USP. Box-off za kvalificiranje za 1988 Boksački olimpijski tim SAD-a. Uključili su i njegove olimpijske suigračeRoy Jones, Jr., Ray MercerKennedy McKinney aAndrew Maynard.

Kontroverzni okruživao svoju borbu na olimpijskom prvenstvu protiv budućeg svjetskog prvaka u teškoj kategoriji, Kanadski superteškaš Lennox Lewis, koji se kući vratio sa zlatnom olimpijskom medaljom. Tijekom njegove borbe s Lewisom, Boweu je oduzet bod za kundak glave "duha" koji se nikada nije dogodio, a sudac je Boweu dao par osporavanih osam točaka, od kojih je posljednja rezultirala zaustavljanjem borbe u Lewisovu korist.

“Tu borbu nikada nije trebalo zaustaviti,”Komentirao je Bowe. “Još uvijek sam sretan zbog osvajanja srebrne medalje. Još uvijek ga imam. A onda sam postao profesionalac. Moja majka je imala 13 djeca i željela sam usrećiti majku. Htio sam joj kupiti kuću. To je ono što me nadahnulo za boks. "

“Boweov amaterski i profesionalni uspjeh stvorio mu je ime među američkim bivšim boksačkim studentima,", Rekao jeChris tofflemire, Direktor Udruge američkih boksačkih boksača. “Njegova kombinacija moći i vještine, zajedno sa svojim legendarnim bitkama s ostalim američkim bivšim boksačkim profesionalcima, uspostavlja ga kao jednog od najvećih boraca koje je USA Boxing ikad proizveo. "

SAD Boks Alumni Association

Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotnog, obostrano korisnih odnosa između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.

SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Članovi imaju pristup za široku paletu posebnih događaja čiji je domaćin bio Alumni Association, uključujući njegova godišnja SAD Boks Alumni udruga Hall of Fame recepciji.

Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati naalumni@usaboxing.org za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.

S legendarnim treneromEddie Futch u svom kutu, Bowe je postao prvi istinski jedinstveni svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji, osvajanjem naslovnog pojasa za sva četiri priznata glavna kaznena tijela: WBC, WBA, IBF i WBO.

Bowe se povukao s nevjerojatnom 43-1 (33 Kos) pro zapis. Imao je 5-1 (4 Kos) marka u borbama za svjetski naslov, 7-1 (5 Kos) naspram prošlih svjetskih prvaka u teškoj kategoriji kao što suEvander Holyfield (dvaput), Pinklon thomasTony TubbsBruce SeldonMichael Dokes aHerbie Hyde.

Bowe se kasnije osvetio za svoj usamljeni profesionalni gubitak od Holyfielda, pobijedivši u dvije od tri borbe s "Real Deal-om".

“Jako sam zadovoljan svojom profesionalnom karijerom,”Dodao je Bowe. “Pobijedio sam Holyfielda dva puta i mislim da su trebala biti tri. Nisam bolni gubitnik, ali bio sam svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji. Kako je pobijedio u toj borbi? Izazivač treba uzeti pojas prvaku, a on to nije učinio. Mislio sam da sam pobijedio na bod, U najgorem slucaju, možda je trebalo biti neriješeno, ali nisam smio izgubiti borbu. Postao sam prvi koji je ikad nokautirao Holyfielda. Moja profesionalna karijera nije bila loša. Nastavio sam vrijedno raditi i postao dvostruki svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji. "

Sada 51 i živi u Marylandu, Bowe ima nekoliko savjeta za američke boksače koji se pokušavaju kvalificirati za 2020 Tim USA boksački olimpijski tim.

“Samo nemoj razmišljati o tome,”Naglasio je Bowe, zvučeći poput Nikeove reklame. "Jednostavno učinite to! Uspjelo mi je. Pojavio sam se i nisam razmišljao o tome. I uvijek završi snažno. "

Riddick "Veliki tata" Bowe, koji je primljen u Međunarodnu boksačku Kuću slavnih godine 2015, ostavio traga u amaterskom i pro boksu. Nitko to nikad ne može oduzeti velikom tipu iz Brownsvillea.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  Misija SAD-boksu moraju biti omogućiti sportašima i trenerima SAD-a za postizanje održive konkurentske izvrsnosti, razviti karakter, podržavaju sport boks, te promicati i razvijati olimpijski stil boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama. Odgovornost SAD boksu nije samo proizvoditi olimpijsko zlato, ali i nadgledati i upravljati svaki aspekt amaterskog boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama.

Houston heavyweight boxer Darius Fulghum puts nursing career on hold to pursue Olympic dream

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Veljača 26, 2020) – Amateur boxers often take different routes on their personal journeys and Houston heavyweightDarius Fulghum has put his career outside the ring on hold to pursue his boxing dreams.

Fulghum was a wrestler in high school back in Killeen, Texas. He started boxing in 2015 and quickly developed a passion for the “Sweet Science,” largely because of it being a one-person sport. He didn’t need to rely on teammates, preferring to win or lose on his own accord. Although he was talented enough to be a collegiate wrestler, it would have been too much of a financial strain on his family.

“I had that competitive itch and was pretty good when I first started boxing,” Dariuis said. “I knew that I could do anything I put my mind to. I want to redefine boxing. I’m not a typical boxer who grew up on the streets. I don’t even like fighting; I’m passive and have never had a street fight.”

The 23-year-old Fulghum currently has his sights firmly set on representing his country in Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Pro boxing will follow but, za sada, he’s training hard to qualify to compete in the Olympics by placing among the top three finishers at the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, u Buenos Airesu, Argentina. There will also be another “Last Chance” opportunity, Ako je potrebno, at the World Qualifier, Svibanj 13-14, u Parizu, where the top three there will also qualify for the Olympics.

“It’s so hard to not think about the Olympics all the time,” he admits. “I try to not think about it too much, but it is on my mind because I’ve dreamed of being an Olympian and I’m so close right now. I’ve made the sacrifices to be an Olympian and then I’ll be an Olympian the rest of my life.

“I listen to my coaches. In the heat of the moment, when things are most stressful, I feel like the underdog and I perform up to the absolute moment. It was do-or-die at Olympic Trials. I just refuse to lose.”

Fulgham certainly responded to the pressure of the trials in a positive fashion, upsetting pre-trials favoriteAdrian Tillman u krugu otvaranja, and then rolling through opponents until he secured the title.

“People didn’t know me,” Fulgham explained. “I was the underdog because I didn’t compete in many tournaments because I was in (nursing) school. My finals were always in December (same time as USA Nationals).  I did have a break in my schedule in 2018, when I won a gold medal at the National Golden Gloves Tournament. It’s just the way my schedule worked out. So, I hadn’t fought in many tournaments, but I was able to sneak in when it mattered most.”

Fulghum recently competed in his first international tournament at the prestigious Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria, winning one of two matches. The experience, iako, was priceless, possibly career changing in terms of preparing for the Olympics.

“Not only was it my first international tournament,” he noted, “it was the first time I had boxed without headgear (as will be the case in the Olympics), and I fought guys from foreign countries with different styles. It was a great experience because now I won’t be going blind into the Olympic Qualifier.”

Members of the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team, like Fulghum, are on break before returning for training with his teammates at the United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs.

“I reported there for the first time this past January 2nd and I love it,” Fulghum noted. “Every athlete dreams of training with top athletes where there are no distractions and top coaches. I wake up, jesti, spavati, train and do that all over again the next day. That’s my schedule.”

Fulghum earned his nursing degree last May, but right now and for the immediate future he’s fully concentrating on boxing.

“I put education first and got my degree,” Fulgham concluded. “I’ll always have nursing after boxing. But I dreamed of going to the Olympics all through school. I put boxing on hold and now I’ve put nursing to the side so I can put my all into boxing. I didn’t want to juggle nursing and boxing. I couldn’t be the best at either that way.

“I do plan to turn pro because I love boxing so much. I need to box when I’m young. I’ll go as far as I can go in boxing and I’ll always having nursing.”

Darius Fulgham has taken a circuitous route in life from nursing to boxing. It’ll be worth it, iako, if he makes it to Tokyo as part of Team USA for the 2020 Olimpijske igre.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, SAD Boks nastoji naučiti svim sudionicima karakter, povjerenje i fokus im je potrebno kako bi postali elastični i razni prvaci, unutar i izvan prstena. SAD Boks je jedan tim, jedan narod, ide za zlato!

From East LA to Team USA Flyweight boxer Anthony Herrera is living the dream

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Veljača 20, 2020) – From the mean streets of East Los Angeles to a berth on Team USA is a remarkable achievement for 19-year-old flyweightAnthony Herrera, who recently was selected to be a member of the 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Team.

“Since I was very young,” Herrera spoke about growing up in East LA, “my parents always kept me in sports. Being so occupied with sports was actually a distraction from what was going on around the city. So, I never had time to get into trouble and my parents kept me away from a bad lifestyle. Once I started boxing, I took it seriously, staying focused and setting goals. I was a little older at that time and whether or not I wanted to partake in boxing or wanted to make a career out of it was all up to me, and I always had my parents full support. Boxing has been a big part of my life. I’m always looking forward to the next workout or anything boxing related. It’s part of my image at this point.”

Za sada, iako, Herrera is preparing with his teammates at the United States Olympics and Paralympic Training Center in Colorado Springs for the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, u Buenos Airesu, Argentina.

Herrera will qualify to represent his country at the Olympics by finishing among the top five in Buenos Aires, or first six placers at the World Qualifier, Svibanj 13-14, u Parizu, France.

“I thrive under pressure,” Herrera said. “I don’t let pressure get to me mentally so much that it negatively impacts my performance. It makes me perform better when I’m in the ring. I’ve been under pressure my whole boxing career. Not only has it made me a better fighter in certain situations that are intimidating, but also a stronger person overall. Going to Argentina is no different, the nerves are still there, but so is my determination to get to Tokyo.”

A 2018 National PAL and 2019 Western Elite Qualifier champion, Herrera recently finished second at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials and third at the 2020 Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

“The amateur boxing accomplishment I’m most proud of is making the United States Qualification Team as a flyweight,” he noted. “It was tough to make it here and knowing that I overcame the obstacles I faced on this long journey to where I’m at now makes me very happy. I can truly say I earned it.

“My first International boxing match (Strandja) was a little different from what I’m used to. The equipment we used and fighting without headgear created more risk when fighting, but I had fun in my first international fight. I already have the feel for that environment and am more comfortable now.

“I really enjoy training in Colorado Springs with my teammates, because it’s a great experience that only the best athletes get. I love training at home as well, but there are less distractions in Colorado Springs. I get to focus 100-percent on my craft and get to travel more.”

Herrera, who describes his style as a “swarmer”, applying pressure and breaking down his opponent, is living the dream.

“Fighting in the Olympics was always big for me, but getting a gold medal is my dream,” he added. “I’ve always wanted it because no one can ever take that away from me, and the story and work that is put behind a gold medal is priceless. In my opinion it is harder than winning a world title in professional boxing. Being this close to the Olympics, I’m proud of myself but not satisfied. I know that I still have work to do and I’m taking one step at a time. The next step for me is to qualify for the Olympics at the Olympic Qualifier.”

Herrera attributes some of his success to learning from former and contemporary boxers, implementing any techniques that they use into his style, uključujući, na primjer, the footwork and head movement ofJulio Cesar Chavez Sr., aMike Tyson’s set-ups from the body to head.

Tokyo is a long way from East LA for Anthony Herrera.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, SAD Boks nastoji naučiti svim sudionicima karakter, povjerenje i fokus im je potrebno kako bi postali elastični i razni prvaci, unutar i izvan prstena. SAD Boks je jedan tim, jedan narod, ide za zlato!

1988 Olimpijske zlatne medalje „Nemilosrdni” Ray Mercer gleda na svoje iskustvo olimpijskom

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Veljača 11, 2020) - Trideset i dvije godine nakon što je uhvatio zlatnu olimpijsku medalju, „Nemilosrdni” Ray Mercer nježno pamti njegov olimpijski iskustvo kao da je prošlog mjeseca. Mercer, koji je jedini američki prvak u teškoj kategoriji nokautirati sve svoje olimpijske protivnika, je postao svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji kao stručnjaka za naš „teške kategorije dvostruko.”

za Mercer, Sve je počelo u Njemačkoj, gdje mu je sjedište u SAD. jedinica vojske temelji se. Ponudio priliku da se izbjegne 30-dnevno polje vježbe u, Mercer prihvatio ponudu da služi kao sparing partner za svakog posta na teškoj boksački prvak. Unatoč nikada nije stavio na par rukavica prije, Mercer je brzo uči, koji je, naravno, jako, i on se brzo razvio u 1985 U.S. Vojska i Inter-servis prvak u teškoj kategoriji.

Svjetski program klase sportaš (WCAP), u kojoj kvalificirani sportaši imaju priliku trenirati fulltime za Olimpijadu, nije postojala tada, niti Olimpijskim kvalifikacijama za pravila danas. Mercer poražen budući svjetski prvak u teškoj kategorijiTommy Morrison u uvodnom krugu 1988 Olimpijske Suđenja i drugi svijet budućnosti u teškoj kategoriji titula, Michael Bentt (5-0) u finalu prvenstva. na 1988 SAD Olimpijske Box-off na glasoviti Caesars Pala

Zašto u Las Vegasu, Mercer je osvojio split odluku (3-2) o Bentt, ali Mercer je već osposobljen za borbu na Olimpijskim igrama po tome što je sjedište u SAD. prvak oružanih snaga.

„Kad sam bio u vojsci, Morao sam pobijediti u službi, održavanje stvari, i idite na sljedeći korak,”Mercer sjetio. „Morao sam pobijediti neke dobre borce na putu za Olimpijske igre, a ja sam bio u najboljoj formi moga života. Bilo je više disciplina u amatera nego profesionalnim redovima. Konačni godinu dana prije Olimpijskih igara, Napustio sam dom jedinicu, putovao mnogo u borbi protiv, i ostao u moj trener kući umjesto da žive u barakama.

Mercer je napravio povijest u 1988 Olimpijske igre u Seulu, Južna Koreja, kada je postao i ostao jedini olimpijski prvak u teškoj kategoriji između SAD-a u knockout sve četiri svoje protivnike:  Rudolf Gavenciak (Čehoslovačka - RSC3), Luigi Gaudiano(Italija - KO1), Arnond Vasnderlyde (Nizozemska - RSC2) aDobro Hyun-Man (Južnokorejska - KO1).

„Znao sam da moram knockout južnokorejskog u finalu,”Mercer priznao. „Samo sam htio učiniti ono što sam mogao biti olimpijski zlatne medalje. Ne mislim da sam koristio ubod.

„Osvajanje olimpijskog zlata rezultiralo nekim velikim vremenskim promjenama za mene. Sam postala slavna, udomaćen, i to mi je dopušteno da se novac kao profesionalni. Najbolja stvar koja se ikada dogodilo da mi je osvajanje olimpijskog zlata, čak i više nego što je osvojila naslov svjetskog prvaka kao profesionalac. Ništa u usporedbi s postaje olimpijski zlatne medalje. ostvario sam svoj san. Nikada nisam sanjao da ide pro, Tek nakon što sam osvojio zlatnu medalju.

„Bilo je jako važno pobijediti tu zlatnu medalju. Sam se borio s mojim srcem; nema novca bio je uključen, slavi tako jako da noć (nakon osvajanja zlatne medalje) da sam izgubio medalju za nekoliko sati. Moj san je došao istiniti, ruke su mi se tresle, i sam izgubio medalju. Kakva noć!"

Mercer ponude članovi 2020 SAD Boks olimpijski kvalifikacijski tim jedan malo savjeta, "Nastavi se boriti, slijediti svoj san i uzeti taj zadnji korak.”

Mercer, koji je rođen u Jacksonvilleu, Florida, napravio njegov mnogo očekivani pro debi u 1989, zaustavljanjeJesse McGhee u trećem krugu svoje borbe u Atlantic City. „Nemilosrdni” osvojio svoj prvi 18 pro borbe, uključujući devetom cijele nokaut odFrancisco Damiani, nakon uspješne obrane od Morrison, koji je zaustavljen u petom krugu.

Tijekom svoje 19-godišnje karijere pro, Mercer Dimitrijević 36-7-1 (26 Kos) rekord, pobjede četiri svjetske prvake u Damiani, Morrison, Tim Witherspoon aOssie Ocasio.  Pet njegovih osam gubitaka karijeri bili svjetski prvaci: Lennox LewisWladimir Klitschko,Larry HolmesEvander Holyfield aShannon Briggs

„Ray predstavlja sve ono što čini SAD boks ponosni,", Rekao jeChris tofflemire, SAD Boks Alumni direktor Udruge. „Kao veteran vojske, Zlatne olimpijske medalje, i prvak u teškoj kategoriji na svijetu, On je pokazao izvrsnost i profesionalnost koja odražava najbolje od onoga što SAD boks ima za ponuditi.”

SAD Boks Alumni Association

Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotnog, obostrano korisnih odnosa između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.

SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Članovi imaju pristup za široku paletu posebnih događaja čiji je domaćin bio Alumni Association, uključujući njegova godišnja SAD Boks Alumni udruga Hall of Fame recepciji.

Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati naalumni@usaboxing.org za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.

Mercer je izvanredan amaterski boks karijera uključivala je i klasični match-up protiv kubanskog veliki i tri olimpijska zlata medalja, Félix Savón, u SAD-u vs. Kuba dual utakmica, u kojoj dva Mercer raspoređen Savon, koji je preživio bez patnje dodatnu štetu samo zato što je kubanski sudac napravio upitnu intervencije koji je dao svoga brata vrijeme zemljak da se oporavi i kontroverzna 2-1 pobjeda.

„I on mi je dao trajni osam count bez razloga,”Dodao je Mercer. „Ja pobijediti tog tipa i on to zna. Još uvijek smo u kontaktu iako on ne govori engleski. On je prijatelj prevesti, a mi smo u kontaktu na Facebooku. Volimo jedni druge.”

Danas, Mercer je osnovala dobrotvornu kod kuće u Sjevernoj Karolini, koji će uključivati ​​besplatne boks klinike, ali, što je još važnije, vratiti mladima u zajednici i naučiti, posebno onih koji su maltretirali, vještine oni će morati izaći u stvarni svijet.

Ray Mercer je dosegla vrhunac dva puta u boks kao olimpijske zlatne medalje i svjetski prvak u teškoj kategoriji, kao profesionalni. Nije loše za nekoga tko nikad nije htjela kutiji.

„Boks mi je spasio život,”Zaključio je Mercer. „Ne mogu zamisliti svoj život bez boksa, to sigurno ne bi bio isti.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  Misija SAD-boksu moraju biti omogućiti sportašima i trenerima SAD-a za postizanje održive konkurentske izvrsnosti, razviti karakter, podržavaju sport boks, te promicati i razvijati olimpijski stil boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama. Odgovornost SAD boksu nije samo proizvoditi olimpijsko zlato, ali i nadgledati i upravljati svaki aspekt amaterskog boksa u Sjedinjenim Državama.

USA Boxing featherweight Andrea Medina closing in on 2020 Olympic spot in Tokyo

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Veljača 10, 2020) – Coming off consecutive runner-up finishes in major tournaments, USA Boxing featherweightAndrea Medina is within one tournament of representing her country in the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.

U prosincu, the 20-year-old Medina lost a split decision toLupe Gutierrez na 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing, a 4-1 zaIulia Tsyplakova (Ukrajina) last month at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria. The Chula Vista, California boxer was recently named to USA Boxing’s Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Qualification Team.

“Placing second at the trials only made me more eager to get that Olympic Qualification spot,” Medina said. “I just wanted to show USA Boxing that I was the one to represent at 57 kilograms. I am only going to get better and I cannot wait to show the world everything that I got.

“For it (Strandja) being my first ever international tournament, I was very proud of how far I got in the tournament and getting that silver medal. I was very happy with all my performances and I am excited to get back to work on things I need to improve on. Aside from all that, going to a different country was awesome and I can’t wait to travel more doing what I love the most.”

Medina and her Team USA stablemates are currently training in Colorado Springs at the state-of-the-art United States Olympic and Paralympic Training Center. To qualify for participation in this year’s Olympic Games, Medina needs to finish among the top three in the 57-kilogram (125 lbs.) division at the America’s Qualification Tournament, March 26-April 3, u Buenos Airesu, Argentina. One final opportunity at the World Qualifier in Paris, Francuska, in which she could qualify for the Olympics by placing among the top five.

“It means the world to me to be on the USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team,” Medina added. “It is everything I have been working for since I started competing at eight years old and I cannot believe the Olympic Games are only in a few months. Making history in San Diego by being the first person to make the Olympic Team for boxing is a big deal for my family, my city and myself. I cannot express how excited I am to have come this far, but there is still so much to do, and I am ready.

“I feel that I work better under pressure and I truly believe that I will qualify for Tokyo, whether it be in Argentina or France, but my main goal, odmah, is to train hard to get that gold in Argentina.”

Medina believes her major strength inside the ring is her ability to adjust during a fight. She prefers fighting on the outside, but she can brawl if needed, because she enjoys throwing a lot of power punches.

Medina also realizes that she’s in a prime place regarding the rising popularity of female boxing, following in the USA Boxing footsteps of two-time Olympic gold medalistClaressa Shields and Olympic bronze medalistMarlen Esparza, along with past USA Olympians such asQueen Underwood aMikaela Mayer.

“Female boxing is only going to get bigger,” Medina predicted. “Being a female fighter today means a lot to me, because I have been doing this for 15 godina, and seeing it grow year after year only shows how strong females are and what we can accomplish. I predict that, in the future, boxing will not be seen as a man’s sport, but will be neutral for both men and women.”

Competing at the Olympics has been a life-long dream for Medina, but she also has plans for her immediate future.

“Reaching the Olympics has been my main goal throughout my boxing career,” Andrea remarked, “so now that it is so close makes me want to work even harder. Other goals of mine are to graduate from college and get my own condominium, which I will do after all this is over.

“I plan on turning pro after the Olympics, most likely at the beginning or middle of 2021, so I can finish school and give my body some rest and recovery.”

Andrea Medina is so close to being an Olympian and everything associated with that accomplishment that she can practically reach out and feel it. Just one more step, whether in Buenos Aires or Paris, and it’ll be mission accomplished for her.



Cvrkut: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, SAD Boks nastoji naučiti svim sudionicima karakter, povjerenje i fokus im je potrebno kako bi postali elastični i razni prvaci, unutar i izvan prstena. SAD Boks je jedan tim, jedan narod, ide za zlato!

USA Boxing Announces 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Qualification Team

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Siječanj 29, 2020) — USA Boxing announced today the 13 boxers who will represent Team USA at the upcoming 2020 Olympic Games Tokyo Boxing Qualification Events, i 13 alternates. A full list can be seen below.

The team was announced following the two-stage qualification process that began in December at the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing in Lake Charles and concluded at the recent 2020 Strandja Tournament in Sofia, Bugarska. The full athlete selection procedure can be seenovdje.

“First of all, this was a very difficult decision,” stated USA Boxing Head CoachBilly Walsh. “Some of these boxers were neck and neck between training camp and the 2020 Standja Tournament.”

„Mi osjećamo 13 boksači koji zaradio svoje mjesto na olimpijskom kvalifikacijskom tima će biti najbolji tim predstavljati Team USA na predstojećim kvalifikacijama, kao i imati najbolju priliku da se kvalificira punu tim na 2020 Olimpijske igre Tokio.”

Sve 13 boksači će imati dvije mogućnosti za bušiti svoje kartu za Tokio. Prvi će se održati u Americi kvalifikacijskog turnira u Buenos Airesu, Argentina, Ožujak 26 - travanj 3. Boksači koji ne ispunjavaju uvjete u Argentini će imati jednu posljednju priliku na Svjetskom Qualifier u Parizu, Francuska, Svibanj 13-24.Kliknite ovdje za više informacija o tome kako boksači kvalificirati

boksači, kao i nekoliko trening partnera, će se vratiti u SAD OI i paraolimpijski Training Center u Colorado Springs, Krug. vel. 5 za svoj sljedeći trening kamp.

Follow USA Boxing on social media to stay up to date on training and news of the Olympic Qualification Team.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team
51 kg: Virginia Fuchs, Houston, Teksas
52 kg: Anthony Herrera, Los Angeles, Kalif.
57 kg: Andrea Medina, San Diego, Kalif.
57 kg: Bruce Carrington, Brooklyn, NY.
60 kg: Rashida Ellis, Lynn, Misa.
63 kg: Keyshawn Davis, Norfolk, Će.
69 kg: Oshae Jones, Toledo, Ohio
69 kg: Delante Johnson, Klivlend, Ohio
75 kg: Naomi Graham, Fayetteville, N.C.
75 kg: Joseph Hicks, Grand Rapids, mene.
81 kg: Rahim Gonzales, Las Vegas, Nevada.
91 kg: Darius Fulghum, Houston, Teksas
91+ kg: Richard Torrez mlađi, Tulare, Calf.

USA Boxing Olympic Qualification Team Alternates
51 kg: Christina Cruz, Dovraga Kuhinja, NY.
52 kg: Abraham Perez, Albuquerque, N.M.
57 kg: Lupe Gutierrez, Sacramento, Kalif.
57 kg: David Navarro, Los Angeles, Kalif.
60 kg: Amelia Moore, Aleksandrija, Će.
63 kg: Ernesto Mercado, Pomona, Kalif.
69 kg: Briana Che, Madison, Wisc.
69 kg: Freudis Rojas Jr., Dallas, Teksas
75 kg: Morelle McCane, Klivlend, Ohio
75 kg: Javier Martinez, Milwaukee, Wisc.
81 kg: Atif Oberlton, Filadelfija, Ćale.
91 kg: Jamar Talley, Camden, NJ.
91+ kg: Antonio Mireles, des Moines, Ajova



Cvrkut: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

O SAD Boks:  To promote and grow Olympic-style amateur boxing in the United States and to inspire the tireless pursuit of Olympic gold and enable athletes and coaches to achieve sustained competitive excellence. Additionally, SAD Boks nastoji naučiti svim sudionicima karakter, povjerenje i fokus im je potrebno kako bi postali elastični i razni prvaci, unutar i izvan prstena. SAD Boks je jedan tim, jedan narod, ide za zlato!

USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception another KO

Razred 2019: Mark Breland, Joe Frazier,
Al Mitchell & Ray Rodgers

COLORADO SPRINGS, Krug. (Prosinac 19, 2019) – The Class of 2019 was inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this past Friday night at Golden Nugget Hotel & Casino in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

The HOF reception was held in conjunction with the 2020 U.S. Olympic Team Trials for Boxing and 2019 Nacionalnih prvenstava. Hall of Fame broadcaster Al Bernstein from Showtime Sports served once again as the event’s emcee.

Olympic gold-medalists Mark Breland aSmokin'” Joe Frazier along with decorated coach Al Mitchell and famed cut-man Ray Rodgers, were inducted during the 3rd annual USA Boxing Alumni Association HOF reception.

Sen. John McCain was posthumously presented a special Lifetime Achievement Award. His daughter, Megan McCain, sent an acceptance video on behalf of her family that was played for the audience.

We are extremely thankful for the hundreds of USA Boxing Alumni who showed up to support this year’s Hall of Fame class and enjoy an incredible evening of reflection, camaraderie, and joy,” said USA Boxing Alumni Association Director Chris tofflemire. “Nažalost, George Foreman was unable to attend the event, so we will be sure to honor him at a later date. Međutim, the legacies of Ray Rodgers, Al Mitchell, Joe Frazier, Mark Breland, and Senator John McCain were celebrated with passion and gratitude. It was an evening to remember, and we look forward to a strong 2020 for the USA Boxing Alumni Association.

The ceremony was well attended, s više od 200 traveling to Lake Charles in celebration of this year’s class. 1988 Eastern Olympic Qualifier Champion Jovan “Ledadžija” Scully, 1972 Zlatne olimpijske medalje Sugar Ray Seales, 1984 Zlatne olimpijske medalje Frank Tate, former middleweight and light heavyweight champion Sweet” Reggie Johnson, a 1992 Olimpski Raul Marquez celebrated amongst peers from their amateur days.

To watch the entire ceremony, go OVDJE

Below are quotes from the inductees, or those representing inductees, with pictures:

Klasa 2019


Mark Breland: “I enjoy boxing, it’s a lot of fun. I’m glad to be here because I’ve seen a lot of fighters I grew up with in the amateurs. I enjoy boxing because it kept me off the streets. I wasn’t a street guy., My father would have beaten me up if I had gotten into trouble in the streets. Boxing kept me off the streets, kept me in the gym. I guess I was good at it. I had a fight with a bully when I was 14 and I beat him up. I went to the gym the same day and my coach asked me what happened. My knuckles were shredded with blood. I told him I had a fight in the street. He said you can’t fight in the street. Then I realized boxing and street fighting are two different things.

Shelly Finkel (his manager), when he came into my life, changed a lot of things. Things changed a lot. I focused more on boxing, focused on the Olympic Games, and won championships. Every tournament I went into, I pobijedio, but it was a lot of fun. I wanted to inspire youths. I hope I can inspire some amateurs coming up. To keep going, stay off the streets, and do something that can change your life in a good way., Eddie Futch for life!”


Marvis Frazier(Joe’s son, Zamislio): “It is so good today to speak about my father, what he meant to me, and Joe Frazier always said to me, ‘There’s no right way to do wrong, no wrong way to do right.’ On je rekao, if you don’t do right, you’re going to smell this, putting his left fist right to my nose. When it was time for me to do bad, it wasn’t me, wasn’t Marvis Frazier. Tako, danas, I’m still smelling it even if he’s not here.

I just love to talk boxing. As an amateur I was 46-1 and then when I turned pro, I beat the guy who had knocked me out. I love my father. He was a good guy and a champion. I know everybody know Muhammad Ali and I know everybody know ‘SmokinJoe Frazier.


Al Mitchell:I got rid of anybody over 16 who didn’t want to go to school. I’ve been doing this the longest time and I want to thank the coaches. I had three or four who didn’t care about boxing, but they wanted their kids to get an education. Izzy Acosta is one. I got a perfect record at Marquette High, they’ve all graduated. I have four kids with master’s degrees, I’ve got 14 who have degrees, and four guys who are policemen and no way they should be policemen. Blagoslovljen sam.

Old coaches would tell one you’re only as good as your memories. It’s crazy with kids 14, 14, 15. I had a kid named Vernon Forrest, a four-time world champion., It’s not just about boxing. It’s getting an education and after ten years they have a good life. I want to thank you all for putting me in the Hall of Fame.

Michael Rodgers (Ray’s son): “Prvo, I want to apologize for my father for not being here. He hurt his back over the weekend working a boxing match, believe it or not, and he apologizes for not being here.

I want to thank USA Boxing and the Alumni Association for recognizing my father for this award. And when he heard about this, he said he didn’t do any of these things during the 72 years he’s been in the sport for awards. He just did what he did for the love this sport and he did what needed to be done.


Mike McAtee, Executive Director, USA Boks (Zamislio): “On behalf of the Board of Directors, President Tyson Lee, I can only say thank you, hvala, and thank you. Večeras, is a culmination of work between our members, our alumni association, but I have to recognize a couple of people. This great event wouldn’t be done without Chris Cugliari, Al Valenti and Nicole Anderson, our Alumni Association Coordinator.

I have the honor of talking about boxing and obviously we have passion. When Marvis Frazier said this was a brotherhood, a sisterhood, and none of us, quite frankly, who’ve stepped in the ringI include myself in thatwe’re not right. Takes a special person to climb in the ropes. You all can give yourselves a hand for not being right.

USA Boxing is proud of our history, but more proud of our future, and I can tell you the young men and women battling at the elite levels, we started at 104 and that will be taken down to 13 by Sunday evening. Ali, što je još važnije, we’re going to be breeding the next generation of champions, because this is closing the chapter of 2020, but starting the chapter of 2024, and ultimately, when the Olympic Games comeback here in 2028. This is a special time.

Chris tofflemire, Executive Director, SAD Boks Alumni Association: “Three years ago a group of us sat around a table in Kansas City at the National Championships and this idea was hatched: John Brown, u Valenti, John Scully, Christy Halbert, Mike McAtee and a few others. Tako, it’s something I’m very proud of and an organization I’m proud to lead with the support of all of you.

A quick update of the Alumni Association, we’re at about 1200 members right now and this is our third year. We had events across the country the past year, honoring Micky Ward and Vinny Pazianza in the New England area. We gathered in Chicago. We honored Izzy Acosta at the Junior Olympics in Wisconsin, as well as Buster Douglas and coach Mike Stafford at the Ohio Legends celebration, and here we are today honoring our third Hall of Fame class. We’ve come a long way. Our theme in 2020 is two missions: Prvo, we want to take this down to the grassroots level, second is supporting our athletes and their families as they travel to the 2020 Olympic Games.

u Valenti, Special Projects Consultant for USA Boxing: “USA Boxing is the one fundamental difference that makes a difference in a young person’s life. The path to self-confidence, the path to self-respect, disciplina, pobjeda, and how to accept defeat all comes through amateur boxing.

“Večeras, the story will be told. Večeras, we will take you on a path, of amateur boxing in the United States that rivals no other nation. Gold medalists, silver medalists, treneri, dužnosnici, doctorsthey’re all here. It’s like Woodstock for boxing; everybody’s here!”

Al Bernstein, Master of Ceremonies: “I’m delighted to be back here for my third year at USA Boxing’s Alumni Association Hall of Fame. I hosted a lot of events, MC’d a lot of events, and this is the final event because it’s in the end of December. It’s definitely my favorite.


Stvoren za prvaka cjeloživotno, obostrano korisne odnose između SAD-boksu i njegovih bivših, –boksači, dužnosnici, treneri i boks navijača — Alumni udruga spaja generacije prvaka, nadahnjuje i daje natrag u SAD-u boks budućim boks prvaka, i iz prstena.

SAD Boks Alumni Udruga je otvorena za svakoga tko ima ljubav prema boksu, a željeli da ostanu povezani s amaterskom boksu. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events host by the Alumni Association, including the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

Da biste se pridružili Alumni Association, jednostavno registrirati na alumni@usaboxing.org za $40.00 po članarine godine. Novi članovi će dobiti majicu, privjesak i e-novčanik.

Klasa 2017: The charter class was headed by Muhammad Ali a Evander Holyfield, in addition to veteran coaches Roosevelt Sanders a Tom Coulter.

Klasa 2018: U.S. Olympic Team medalists and world (profesionalac) champions Roy Jones, Jr., Andre Ward a Claressa Shields, as well as former USA Boxing National Director of Coaching Emanuel Steward and veteran USA Boxing official Tom Cleary.

Cvrkut: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing