Kategoriaj Arkivoj: Usona Bokso

La forpasinta Johnny Tapia restas forta influo por la amatora boksisto de Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

La forpasinta Johnny Tapia restas forta influo por

Amatorboksisto de Albuquerque Sharahya-Taina Moreu

2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 23, 2020) - La malfrua, bonega boksisto de Halo de Famo Johnny tapia ludis gravan rolon en la disvolviĝo de veltera pezo de Albuquerque Sharahya-taina moreu, kaj la 3-divizia mondĉampiono restas forta influo en ŝia vivo.

Dum la COVID-19-pandemio ŝi preparis sin por konkurenci en la 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, ĉe Kunvenhalo Shreveport en Shreveport, Luiziano.

Tapia (montrita sube kun sia tatuita dorso al Moreu) helpis al Sharahya-Taina superi la vivŝanĝan tragedion de la aŭto-akcidento de ŝia patrino. Ŝi estis nur ok tiutempe, metante sur ŝian patrinon post la akcidento, kaj la unua el la aŭto kaj sur la aŭtovojo petante helpon.

"Unue,”Ŝi parolis pri sia rilato kun Tapia, “Mi bedaŭris kaj koleris, ekbatalante kaj sur malbonan vojon. Mi ekboksis ĉe 12, prenis koleregadon, kaj motiviĝis. "

Tapia, kiu estis dufoja ĉampiono de Naciaj Oraj Gantoj kiel amatoro, havis grandegan efikon sur la vivo de Moreu, io, kio neniam forlasos ŝiajn koron kaj animon.

“Ni fariĝis kiel familio,”Klarigis la 21-jaraĝa. "Unue, Li (Johnny) ne ŝatis knabinojn boksi, do li forte laboris kun mi. Mi estis bona korbopilkisto kaj li daŭre diris al mi, ke mi ludu korbopilkon. Sed li fariĝis granda homo en mia vivo, mi pensas, ĉar mi perdis mian patrinon en tiel juna aĝo. Li helpis min eniri kaj eliri el la ringo tiom multe. Johnny Tapia estis la plej simpatia, plej humila viro, kiun mi iam ajn renkontis. Ni fariĝis familio ĝis la gimnastikejo disfalis. Li trejnis min nur ĉirkaŭ ok monatojn, sed li instruis al mi, ke boksado difinas vin kiel homon. Mi sentas min sekura en la ringo. Mi estas pli bona homo pro Johnny kaj boksado. "

Trejnado kun ŝia patro / trejnistoJorubo Moreu dum la pandemio, kvankam estis malfacile trovi bonan bataladon, ne estis tiel problemo kiel por aliaj ĉar ŝia gimnastikejo estas en la postkorto. Ŝi ne batalis ekde la olimpikaj provoj de pasinta decembro.

"Mi ĝojas reveni en la ringon, ĉar mi pasis tro longe sen konkurenco,”Moreu rigardis antaŭen al Shreveport. "Sendube estos alia, ĉar estas aro de novaj vizaĝoj venantaj por la unua loko, kio igas ĝin amuza kaj inda batali. "

Fiera reprezenti Usonon en konkurenco, Sharahya-Taina fieras pri sia indiana kaj puertorika heredaĵo, kaj ŝi prenis la aferon batalantan por virinoj.

“Mi amas ampleksi ambaŭ flankojn de mia kulturo,”Ŝi komentis, “Reprezentante mian flankon Acoma de mia patrino kaj Taino-deveno de la puertorika sango en mi, kaj tial mia nomo estas Sharahya-Taina. Ĉiutage estas batalo por virinoj. Mi nur sciigas kaj klare, ke ni estas ĉi tie por resti. Mi ne nur batalas por mi mem. Mi ankaŭ batalas por mia familio, prapatroj kaj la sekva generacio de inoj, kiuj elektas repreni paron da gantoj. La celo estas ne esti nur ĉampiono en la ringo, sed ekstere, ankaŭ. ”

Moreu tre sukcesis en sia evoluo de junulo ĝis elita divizio, gajni la 2017 Junularaj Naciaj Ĉampionecoj kaj Okcidenta Regiona Malferma Turniro, Tiel kiel la 2016 Kaj 2017 Junulara Malferma Turniro. Ŝi ankaŭ estis dualokulo ĉe la 2018 Elitaj Naciaj Ĉampionecoj kaj Okcidenta Elita Kvalifikiĝinto, plus la 2015 Naciaj Junioraj Olimpikoj.

Sharahya-Taina Moreu estas juna virino en misio. Ŝi esperas konkurenci en la 2024 Olimpikoj en Parizo, precipe kun ŝia pli juna frato se ili ambaŭ kvalifikiĝis por esti, kiel ŝi diras, "Ikoneca frato / fratino-duopo en olimpika boksado."



Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.

Sa’Rai Brown-El : The future of women’s boxing – 2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 9, 2020) – The future of women’s boxing, eble, is 15-year-oldSa’Rai Brown-El, who has already captured top honors in 11 national and regional tournaments.

Since she started boxing in 2015, Sa’Rai has collected gold medals at the 2019 Junior Open, 2019 Nacia AMIKO, 2019 & 2017 National Junior Olympics, 2017 Western Regional Open, and Eastern Regional Open in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

“I stayed focused and hungry and, Plej grave, humble,” she spoke about her success in the junior division. “No matter how much you’ve accomplished or the number of accolades you’ve gotten, always stay hungry and always strive for more.”

Boxing started for her when she was 10, training at Lugo Boxing and Fitness in Marietta, Georgia. Prior to that in her native Albany (NY), she went to her uncle’s gym and found a pair of boxing gloves.

“I fell in love with boxing when I found that first pair of gloves,” Brown-El explained. “I first started boxing because, #?E tiu tempo, my dad didn’t agree with me. I saw a lot of people who didn’t agree with females competing in a male dominated sport, so I wanted to prove those people wrong. I just love boxing because my whole family boxes.”

The COVID-19 pandemic adversely effected most boxers, who were limited in terms of training and sparring, in addition to being shutout of tournaments. Brown-El, Tamen, made the best of a bad situation, running miles with her siblings, cardio mitt work with her father, and much more.

Brown-El has her sights firmly set on the 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Luiziano.

“I am super excited and super focused on the National Championships,” she added. “I am fighting to get on the USA High Performance Team for my second year. I really want this and I will be working hard every day. My goal for now is to be on Team USA for the second time. I want to fight internationally and be Number 1 in the world.”

Brown-El has definitive long-range goals in boxing, starting with the Olympics and finishing as the face of women’s boxing.

“If I win a gold medal at the 2024 Olympics, maybe a second time in 2028, after that I think that will open up great opportunities for me,” the prodigy commented. “I think it’ll especially help me in the pro ranks. Winning a gold medal is my biggest goal right now.

“I want to be the greatest female boxer in the world. I want to be known and I want to make a statement for all females. I really want to shock the world. I eat, sleep, and breath boxing. This is not just a sport for me, this is a lifestyle.”

Sa’Rai Brown-El is on a golden path to stardom. She represents the future!



Pepi: @USABoxing

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Giovanni Marquez following in Olympian and world champion father’s footsteps

2020 Usonaj Boksaj Ŝtatanoj, Dec. 5-12, Shreveport, Luiziano

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Novembro 2, 2020) – Houston welterweight amateur boxerGiovanni Marquezis hoping for a little Deja-vu from his chief coach and grandfatherArturo Marquez, who guided his son and Giovanni’s fatherRaul “El Diamante” Marquez, to a roster spot on the 1992 USA Boxing Olympic Boxing Team.

Raul, who was a 2-time US amateur champion in two different weight classes, Welterweight, and junior middleweight, went on to become the International Boxing Federation (IBF) light middleweight World champion, retiring with a 41-4 (12 KOs) pro record.

Rather than turn pro this year, 19-year-old Giovanni remained in the amateur ranks, albeit with a series of goals, first and foremost, to capture a gold medal at the 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, Luiziano.

“My goal this year is to win the U.S. Nationals and have outstanding performances throughout the tournament,” Giovanni reported. “My long-term goal is to compete internationally and represent the United States at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

“The reason I returned for another year after missing in the Olympic Trials is because I still have a lot to prove on the amateur boxing scene. My team and I decided this was the best decision and I am still very young. My performances in every national tournament I’ve competed in have consistently improved every time. In my last national tournament – Last Chance Qualifier – I faced off withDelante Johnson, La 2020 US Olympic Qualification Team member, and I lost a split decision. Although I lost the fight, I proved that I could compete at the highest level with the top dogs. Now that I’m a little bit older, pli forta, and physically and mentally more mature, I’m confident I have what it takes to become No. 1 in the division. This is why my team and I decided to stay an amateur instead of turning pro.

“I’m very excited about these Nationals, excited to show what I’ve been working on and critiquing everyday inside the gym. Winning the Nationals will mean the world to me, as I have put in so much time and effort into this sport. With my experience gained the past few years, hard work and maturity, I am confident a gold medal awaits me in Shreveport.”

A boxer-puncher who makes the necessary adjustments needed to win, Giovanni has the ability to switch from his orthodox stance to southpaw, comfortably and effectively.

Being the son of a famous boxer, naturally, has its advantages and disadvantages. Giovanni is ready to break out on his own, at least to some extent, with his grandfather and grandmother (Yolanda Marquez) working his corner, while his dad sits in the stands watching the action.

“Coming from a boxing family,” Giovanni remarked, “I was always in the gym messing around on the heavy bag while my father was training. The reason I started boxing was because it’s something that was just part of my family’s life. I had an interest to try it out myself and realized I was talented. I fell in love with the sport and haven’t looked back since. My first official fight was when I was 12.

“There definitely are more eyes on the son of a famous boxer. This doesn’t add pressure on me, it motivates me to prove that I am capable of accomplishing the same things my father did like winning national titles. To have a father with his experience and knowledge in boxing is truly a blessing.”

Training during the COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t really been a problem, largely because his grandfather and father are boxing gym owners. Giovanni did struggle, Tamen, because he worried about his grandfather’s health due to his advanced age and susceptibility to dangerous complications if infected. They’ve stayed healthy by practicing social distancing and properly sanitizing each and every day in the gym.

“Being cornered by my grandfather is a good feeling,” Giovanni explained, “because I know everything he tells me is for my own good. I feel like my grandfather already created one Olympian in my dad, so he has all the right tools and knowledge to do the same with me.

“Not only is he my boxing coach, he’s also a mentor who has groomed me into the young man I am today. My father and uncle also help to train me by working the mitts and helping out with strength and conditioning workouts. Ultimately, it is a good feeling to have my family in my corner, pushing me beyond my limits in order for me to be successful.”

Giovanni Marquez is preparing to establish his own identity.



Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.

Boxing a family affair for Idaho amateur boxer Kendra Samargis

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Oktobro 26, 2020) – Idaho middleweight boxer Kendra (Reeves) Samargisdecision four years ago to lose weight has led her onto a path to compete in the 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn, Decembro 5-12, ĉe Kunvenhalo Shreveport en Shreveport, Luiziano.

Boxing for the 26-year-old Samargis, who lives in Twin Falls, is a real family affair. She’s trained by her husband, Jason, and their two sons, Skyler Bellus (11) and Riley Marovich (8), are in USA Boxing. Skyler, Fakte, has competed in several tournaments in which his mother also fought.

I got into boxing just as a form of weight loss,” Kendra explained. “My husband had been a boxing coach for many years and he still had all of his equipment. We set it up in our garage and started training. Unue, starting out was the worst thing I had ever done. The amount of stamina, endurance, and strength that I needed to have was unreal. Slowly over time I lost tremendous weight, 73-pounds to be exact, and I came to love the sport.

I’m always asked what it’s like to be trained by my husband. I always say I have a secret weapon, someone who is in my corner who wants me to succeed just as much as I do and supports me throughout. #Anka?, in times we’re at tournaments, I am never alone the night before a big fight and if I need a pep talk, he is right there. Nun, my sons competing with me, Puto, that’s a different story. Being on the outside of the ring while my boys are competing is by far harder than any fight I have ever had. My mom-side definitely kicks in. Fine de la tago, Tamen, I know how well trained they are, and I have to trust that. I don’t work their corners because that’s too close. I would throw in the towel every time. I have to be in the stands.

Kendra and both of her sons will be competing in Shreveport this year, despite having to train during the COVID-19 pandemic to prepare for the first national tournament of the year in the United States.

Training during the pandemic has been a blessing for me,” Kendra said. “We now own a gym in town. Tiel, during the times we had to close our doors, my husband, kids and I were able to keep up with our training regimen. I learned so much during this time. We were actually able to slow things down and work on so many things that get overlooked. We are also very lucky to live in a small town, we only had to keep our gym closed for two months and we’ve been up and running since. I could only image how hard it must be for so many people during these times. We were very blessed to have a gym to get us through.

Currently ranked No. 10 #?E 152 pounds and No. 5 #?E 165, Kendra’s highlights thus far are winning gold medals at the 2019 Eastern Elite Qualifier and 2018 Nacia Oraj Gantoj-Turniro.

An aggressive boxer who throws punches in bunches, Samargis believes she’s made dramatic improvement in the past years. She admittedly changed many different parts of her game, focusing more on movement, foot and head placements.

Eventually, she wants to capture top honors at multiple national tournaments, starting with this year’s Nationals Championship, and eventually turn pro to shoot for a world title. Nuntempe, Tamen, she’s all in for the Nationals.

I am my biggest competition for this year’s National Championships,” she concluded. “Every day I want to be the best version of myself and every day I wake up to the haunting possibility I could fall back into the person that I used to be. I have to go to war everyday with myself to keep this person at bay. All of the hours of training, nutrition and mental preparation helps me accomplish this. Every day I can continue to be the best version of myself, focusing only on getting better, then who I compete against won’t matter.

I am beyond ready and excited for the National Championships this year. With the world coming to a halt this will be my first tournament of the year. I am ready to get back in the ring. Medaling will give me another national title under my belt and sharpen my resume for when I turn pro.

Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Shreveport to Host 2020 Usono Boksanta Naciajn Ĉampionecojn

Louisiana city to host USA Boxing’s Return to National Stage
COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (Sept. 18)USA Boxing announced today the 2020 USA Boxing National Championships will now take place at the Shreveport Convention Center in Shreveport, La., Dec. 5-12.

Hurricane Laura wreaked havoc on the city of Lake Charles and rendered their Civic Center inhospitable for this year’s National Championships. This came on top of the pandemic which already nearly wiped out the 2020 National Tournament calendar,” Deklarita Michael Campbell, USA Boxing Events and Operations Manager. “Our events staff immediately pivoted and was determined to replace the event with as little disruption as possible for our coaches and boxers that had been training with their goals fixed on participating in this event to end the year.

Shreveport stepped up quickly to provide us a great alternative within the same footprint as the planned event, therefore we could keep our same scheduled dates and remain in the great state of Louisiana. Shreveport will provide good accessibility, weather and hospitality for our members and their Convention Center will be ideal for the implementation of our #BackToBoxing protocols that are designed to ensure the safety of our boxers, Trejnistoj, officials and members of the community.

“Shreveport, Bossier City, and the State of Louisiana are proud to host the 2020 National Boxing Championships in December,” Dirita Kelly Wells, Executive Director for the Shreveport-Bossier Sports Commission. “Primarily, I would like to acknowledge my unwavering respect for Lake Charles and their investment in USA Boxing, which ultimately highlights Louisiana as a destination for national, elite sporting events.
As they recover from the detrimental effects of Hurricane Laura, Shreveport-Bossier is excited to keep this event within our state, which is expected to bring an estimated $2 million in economic impact to the area. We’re honored to welcome approximately 1,000 athletes to Shreveport-Bossier, as well as their coaches, Amikoj, families and other boxing enthusiasts. On behalf of the Sports Commission team and Shreveport-Bossier community, I would like to thank the USA Boxing family for entrusting us with this incredible event, as well as Lt. Governor Nungesser, the Louisiana Office of Tourism, the Shreveport Convention Center, Hilton Shreveport and the local boxing community. We’ll deliver nothing less than world-class hospitality in sportsman’s paradise.
Registration for the event will open Oct. 1. The fact sheet, which will include check-in information, hotels and schedule will be released in the coming days.

As a reminder, due to COVID-19 and being the sole USA Boxing tournament in 2020, this year’s National Championships will be an open tournament, with a minimum bout requirement, for pee-wee to elite divisions. Boxers competing in Olympic/International Federation weight divisions in junior, youth and elite age groups will be competing for their place on Team USA’s High Performance teams. Complete selection procedures will be announced in the next few weeks. More information about High Performance can be found Ĉi tie.

This year’s championships will also have other changes to help provide a safer and easier tournament experience for our members, including staggered check-in days, set late coaches check-in hours, no general weigh-in, as well as a quota for all weight classes. All important changes and information will be released Ĉi tie.

Continue to check USABoxing.org and USA Boxing’s social media platforms for important updates on this year’s tournament.

Tournament Information
Ejo: Shreveport Convention Center
Registration Opens: Oct. 1
Registration Closes: Nov. 30
Early Check-in: Dec. 5
Full Check-in: Dec. 6
Staggered Check-in: Dec. 7-10
First day of bouts: Dec. 7

The one and only 1956 olympic gold medalist pete rademacher

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (#A?gusto 27, 2020) ? 1956 Olimpika ora medaluloPete Rademacheris the only boxer to fight for a world title in his pro debut.

Rademacher, who died this past June at the age of 91 in Sandusky, Ohio, was a native of Tieton, Washington. He had a 72-7 Amatora rekordo, highlighted by his gold medal performance at the 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne, Australia.

Rademacher started boxing during his rehabilitation for Rheumatic Fever, which he contracted while attending Castle Heights Military Academy. The gifted heavyweight captured top honors at numerous national tournaments, including the 1951 & 1953 National AAU Championships, 1954 All-Army Championship and Service Championships, and Olympic Trials.

In Australia, he knocked out the three opponents he faced, in orderJosef Nemec (Czechoslovakia) in the quarterfinals, South AfricanDaan Bekker En la semifinals, and the Soviet Union’sLev Mukhin in the opening round of the championship final for the gold medal.

Rademacher was so hot after the Olympics that he publicly proclaimed that he would be able to become world heavyweight champion in his pro debut. Soon after he became the only fighter to make his pro debut in a world title fight, when he challenged defending World heavyweight championFloyd Patterson (32-1)  Sur #a?gusto 22, 1957 in Seattle. Rademacher floored Patterson in the second round, Tamen, he was dropped six times before the fight, which was refereed by Hall of FamerTommy Loughran, was halted at 2:57 of that round.

Rademacher, who was an offensive lineman on Washington State University’s football team, didn’t take many easy fights during his 5-year pro career (15-7-1, 8 KOs). His most notable pro victories were against World title challengerGeorge Chuvalo (17-3-1) and future Hall of Famer and World middleweight championBobo Olson(87-12), both by way of 10-round unanimous decisions, as well as technical knockouts overLaMar Clark (42-1) and NorwegianBuddy Thurman(32-5-1), Respektive, En la 10Th and ninth rounds.

Rademacher’s pro losses were to some of the best heavyweights in the world, such as Hall of FamerArchie Moore, along with world title challengersKarl Mildenberger (29-1), UndefeatedDoug Jones (17-0) KajZorro Foley (40-2-2), who had been Rademacher’s arch-rival in the amateur ranks.

Usona Bokso-Eks-Eks-Asocio 

Kreita por pledi dumvive, reciproke utilaj rilatoj inter Usono-Boksado kaj ĝiaj eks-studentoj, –boksistoj, oficialuloj, trejnistoj kaj boksaj ŝatantoj — La Alumni Association ligas generaciojn de ĉampionoj, inspirante kaj redonante al la estontaj boksĉampionoj de USA Boxing, in and out of the ring.

La Usona Boksado-Alumni-Asocio estas malfermita al iu ajn, kiu amas boksadon kaj ŝatus resti konektita kun amatora boksado. Membroj ricevas aliron al vasta gamo de specialaj okazaĵoj aranĝitaj fare de la Eks-studentoj-Unuiĝo, including its annual USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame reception.

Aliĝi al la Asocio de Eks-studentoj, simple registriĝu ĉealumni@usaboxing.org por $40.00 jare membrokotizo. Novaj membroj ricevos T-ĉemizon, key-chain and e-wallet.



Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing


Following the Tokyo Games postponement, Giving Games encourages Americans to unite as one to support the athletes that bear our flag

COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. (Julio 22, 2020) – USA Boxing announced today they are one of over 25 different National Governing Bodies (NGBs) taking part in in the launch of Giving Games: an effort to support and sustain U.S. sports federations and their members.

Giving Games will launch on July 24, on what would have been the Opening Ceremony in Tokyo. With the postponement of the Games, many U.S. sports and their athletes are facing extraordinary financial hardship and decision making, especially with the cancellation of most, or all, of their domestic competitions. Unlike most countries that receive government support, Usono. athletes rely heavily on the support of the community. Adding to the physical and emotional toll that a delay in competition places on their shoulders, their revenue streams, and hope for success in 2021 and the future are now under threat.

“While I have to wait another year to achieve my Olympic dreams, Giving Games is a great opportunity to inspire America to support USA Boxing and all United States athletes,” said USA Boxing Heavyweight Olympic Qualification Team Member and Giving Games AmbassadorDarius Fulghum. “Donations will not only help myself and my 2021 teammates but will help the next generation of Olympic Champions.”

“This year has been extremely difficult for all, and our hope is to not only help support our 2021 Olympians, but help raise funds for our 1,700+ gyms that have been impacted by COVID-19 and impact the lives of so many youth that are our future Olympians,” statedMike McAtee, USA Boxing Executive Director.

All funds raised will either be a direct donation to a specific sport of the donor’s choice or general support for all sports which will be equally divided among the participating NGBs. Fans and supporters can contribute to Giving Games in the following ways:

  • Take the Giving Games quiz to find the sport that best matches you and donate,
  • Enter to win one of 10 amazing sweepstakes packages from Omaze,
  • Help set the world record for most donations made in 24 Horoj, #A?
  • Compete in the Medal of Giving by donating directly to a sport. At the conclusion of Giving Games, each sport will award a Gold, Silver, and Bronze medal to the top three donors.


    Donations to USA Boxing can be giving online byclicking here.


    Giving Games will actively raise funds for athletes and their sports organizations during the original window of the Tokyo 2020 Games: Julio 24 – #A?gusto 9. In addition to participating in the activations listed above, fans and supporters can also text ‘GIVINGGAMES’ to 243725 or make a donation online. Details can be found atgivinggames2020.com


    Though recognized and supported by the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee, the National Governing Bodies are separate organizations. The Giving Games initiative is not associated with or endorsed by the USOPC or the USOPF, and funds raised through the Giving Games initiative are used to directly aid the National Governing Bodies and the athletes they support.

Boxing saved the life of Two-Division World Champion “El Gallo” Jose Antonio Rivera

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Junio 4, 2020) – Like many boxers, du-divido mondĉampiono "La Koko" Jose Antonio Rivera credits boxing for saving his life.

“Absolutely,” Rivera agreed. “After my mom passed away when I was 10 Jaroj malnova, I gave up on life and my decision-making reflected that: hanging around with the wrong crowd including gang members, consuming alcohol between the ages of 10 and 15. I was definitely going in the wrong direction.

“I never thought I had a future until I started boxing. It’s hard to say what I’d be doing if I had never boxed, but by the way I was living, I’d probably be in jail or dead by now.”

Born in Philadelphia, Rivera lived in Puerto Rico and Springfield, MA, prior to him moving to Worcester, MA, where he met a man who helped change his lifeKarolo García, who was in charge of a special boxing program at the Worcester Boys & knabinoj Klubo.

Rivera had started boxing at the age of 14 ½ in a basement with his friendFelix Lopez.  He had fallen in love with boxing after watchingRoberto Duran upset“Sugar” Ray Leonard in their first fight. The young Puerto Rican-American specifically used his amateur boxing experience to prepare for the professional ranks. Garcia, who is in the National Golden Gloves Hall of Fame, put him in a novice match after only one amateur fight in order to put Rivera on the fast track, because he understood that Rivera dreamed of becoming a world champion as a professional. Rivera finished with a 35-15 Amatora rekordo, highlighted by a bronze medal performance at the PAL Nationals.

“I never had big amateur aspirations but, Nature, I wanted to win every fight I competed in,” Rivera said. “Once I didn’t qualify for the Olympic Trials, my plan was to turn pro. I didn’t know how much the amateurs would groom me to be a successful professional boxer. I’m glad I listened to my coaches, otherwise I would have turned pro earlier, because I would get frustrated with the politics of the amateurs. I hated losing, but I hated losing even more when I knew that I should have won. After three years together (with Garcia) in the amateurs and gaining a great wealth of experience traveling all over New England, the country and even fighting in Canada, I saw all types of styles and talented boxers that helped me as a pro. Carlos is like a father figure to me and during all of our training and travels, he was always in my head, building me up to become a good boxer, but also to help me become a better man.”

Novembro 7, 1992, Rivera made his pro debut, batante senkonscieFrancisco Mercedes in the second round. He went on to win his first 23 pro bouts, including the Massachusetts State welterweight title in 1995. His first pro loss was to veteran Philadelphia fighterWillie Wise (20-3-4), who won a controversial 10-round split decision at Foxwoods Resort Casino in Connecticut. Rivera had proven that he was more than a prospect in his first loss, losing a close decision (98-95, 94-97, 94-96) to an opponent that upset Mexican iconJulio Cesar Chavez (102-3-2) only three years later.

Showing the same resiliency that stayed with Rivera his entire career, two fights later Rivera stoppedGilberto Flores in two rounds to capture the International Boxing Organization (IBO) world welterweight championship. Rivera extended his new win streak to seven, before losing back to back fights. Four fights later, Tamen, Rivera registered his first statement victory in 2001, batante senkonscieFrankie Randall (55-10-1) En la 10Th round to retain his North American Boxing Association (NABA) crown in his first defense.

Now promoted by legendary Don King, Rivera traveled across the Atlantic Ocean in September 2003 to Germany, where few Americans were able to win. Rivera proved early that he meant business, dropping previously undefeatedMichel Trabant in the second round en route to winning a 12-round majority decision for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA).  His reign, Tamen, didn’t last long. In his first defense, Rivera lost a 12-round split decision at home in Worcester to challengerLuis Collazo (24-1)

Rivera moved up one weight class for his next fight, showing the resiliency that was a staple during his career for his next fight, also at home, against WBA junior middleweight World championAlexandro Garcia (25-1).

In his next fight and first defense of his third world title, Rivera was stopped for the first time in his pro career, by new champTravis Simms (24-0), and then he was knocked out byDaniel Santos (24-0) in round eight of their WBA junior middleweight title eliminator.

Rivera retired in 2008 only to make a comeback in 2001, after which he retired again until returning for two fights in Worcester to complete his pro career with 50 Bataloj, the last coming at the age of 46.

“Jose’s USA Boxing experiences shaped him into the man of character he is today, both in and out of the ring,?? DiritaChris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “He took the road less traveled for a world champion, and in doing so he showcased his toughness and perseverance that made him a great example for today’s USA Boxers.”

Usona Bokso-Eks-Eks-Asocio

Kreita por pledi dumvive, reciproke utilaj rilatoj inter Usono-Boksado kaj ĝiaj eks-studentoj, –boksistoj, oficialuloj, trejnistoj kaj boksaj ŝatantoj — La Alumni Association ligas generaciojn de ĉampionoj, inspirante kaj redonante al la estontaj boksĉampionoj de USA Boxing, en kaj el la ringo.

La Usona Boksado-Alumni-Asocio estas malfermita al iu ajn, kiu amas boksadon kaj ŝatus resti konektita kun amatora boksado. Membroj ricevas aliron al vasta gamo de specialaj okazaĵoj aranĝitaj fare de la Eks-studentoj-Unuiĝo, inkluzive de ĝia ĉiujara USA Boxing Alumni Association Halo de Famo-ricevo.

Aliĝi al la Asocio de Eks-studentoj, simple registriĝu ĉealumni@usaboxing.org por $40.00 jare membrokotizo. Novaj membroj ricevos T-ĉemizon, ŝlosilĉenon kaj e-monujo.

Rivera was a true working world champion. Few world champions also had full-time jobs during their title reigns. Rivera used vacation time, as well as personal and sick days, when he went to training camp for some of his major fights.

“I always had a good work ethic growing up,” he explained. “When I moved to Worcester at 16 Jaroj malnova, I lived by myself: school, work, and then to the Boys & Girls Club to train. I kept the same work ethic I had at 19 when I turned pro. I became a father at 20, so providing for my family was essential. Although it was hard, I knew boxing wasn’t going to last forever, and I was lucky enough to find a good job working for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Trial Courts. It made for long days when I was training, especially when I was fighting for or defending my world championships. In the end, Tamen, keeping my job was the best decision I could have made for me and my family.”

Rivera. who was an Associate Court Officer for years and promoted last year to Assistant Chief Court Officer, is still involved in boxing. He and his oldest son.J. Rivera, own and operate a boxing promotional company, Rivera Promotions Entertainment, to give young fighters in his area opportunities to fight more often and at home. Jose occasionally drops by the Boys & Girls Club to visit his former coaches, Garcia andRocky Gonzalez, to support their young talent. He also goes to his friendKendrick Ball’s gym, Camp Be Right, to give young fighters there a few tips and to keep in shape (not for another comeback).

Jose Antonio Rivera will be best known for his toughness and determination, which led him into a different life, including three world championships and a wonderful life he never would have enjoyed.



Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.

USA Boxing pays tribute to True Patriot Robert Carmody 1964 Olympic bronze medalist & Soldier killed in Vietnam

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Majo 21, 2020) – People all across the United States will rightfully pay respect to fallen military men and women during this Memorial Day weekend. One true American Patriot that USA Boxing will remember forever is 1964 Olympic bronze medalistRobert “Butterball” Carmody, who was killed in action three years later at the height of the Vietnam War.

Born in 1938, Carmody learned to fight on the streets of Brooklyn, where he lived before joining the U.S. Army in 1957, and where he took his first boxing lesson. A natural-born fighter, he was selected to represent the 11Th Airborne Division, even after it was deployed to Germany, after he had earned his airborne wings, and Robert developed into a record 4-time All-Army flyweight champion.

Carmody also captured top honors at the 1962 International Military Sports Council and earned a bronze medal in 1963 at the prestigious Pan American Games. At the 1964 Olympic Boxing Trials, held at the famous New York’s World’s Fair, he upset flyweight favoriteMelvin Miller to earn a spot on the 1964 USA Olympic Boxing Team.

At the Olympics, Carmody became a close friend of heavyweightJoe Frazier, the lone American to win an Olympic gold medal at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo, Japan. The smallest and biggest men on the Olympic Team were buddies. Frazier, Nature, went on to become a Hall of Fame heavyweight champion, who was inducted into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame this past December.

“He’s the type of guy you really need,” Frazier said in a 2006 ESPN.com interview. “I had some hard times, things was rough, but he was a guy that helped you out a lot. I loved him like a brother.”

Hampered by a bruised hand, the 5’ 2”, 112-pound Carmody had a bye in the opening round, ElfrapisNam Singh Thapa (Nepal) in his first fight, took a decision (4-1) #Kontra?Otto Babiasch (Germanio), and lost in the semifinals by way of a questionable decision (1-4) to the eventual Olympic championFernando Atzon (Italio).

Although he never publicly complained about the decision that may have cost him an Olympic gold medal, Carmody was visibly upset as he headed to the locker room, kiamGeneral William Westmoreland hollered to him, “Good job, soldier!” Carmody, Tamen, turned and reportedly yelled back, “You dumb son of a bitch!?

After the Olympics, Carmody retired from amateur boxing with a 128-12 Rekordo, returned home and rather than turn pro, he decided to stay in the U.S. Armeo, training a few teams at the International Military Sports Council, including the U.S. Army squad.

Strings were pulled for the 10-year military veteran, because of his imposing status as an Olympic bronze medalist, he didn’t have to go with his 199Th Light Infantry Brigade when it was deployed to Vietnam. But even though he wasn’t combat trained, due to his training as a boxer, Carmody insisted on deploying with his unit on June of 1967, the day his sonRobert Carmody, Jr. was born.

A few weeks later, Staff Sergeant Carmody’s unit. D Troop of the U.S. 17Th Calvary Regiment was on a routine six-man foot patrol north of Saigon. They were ambushed by Viet Cong guerillas and five of the six U.S. soldiers were killed, including Carmody, who was posthumously awarded a Bronze Star for valor. He became the first Olympic boxing medalist to die in combat.

Usona Bokso-Eks-Eks-Asocio

Kreita por pledi dumvive, reciproke utilaj rilatoj inter Usono-Boksado kaj ĝiaj eks-studentoj, –boksistoj, oficialuloj, trejnistoj kaj boksaj ŝatantoj — La Alumni Association ligas generaciojn de ĉampionoj, inspirante kaj redonante al la estontaj boksĉampionoj de USA Boxing, en kaj el la ringo.

La Usona Boksado-Alumni-Asocio estas malfermita al iu ajn, kiu amas boksadon kaj ŝatus resti konektita kun amatora boksado. Membroj ricevas aliron al vasta gamo de specialaj okazaĵoj aranĝitaj fare de la Eks-studentoj-Unuiĝo, inkluzive de ĝia ĉiujara USA Boxing Alumni Association Halo de Famo-ricevo.

Aliĝi al la Asocio de Eks-studentoj, simple registriĝu ĉealumni@usaboxing.org por $40.00 jare membrokotizo. Novaj membroj ricevos T-ĉemizon, ŝlosilĉenon kaj e-monujo.

“Robert Carmody’s selflessness and character extends far beyond our sport of Olympic-style amateur boxing,” said Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “A warrior in the ring, a hero outside of the ring—he showed the world the very best of what USA Boxing has to offer, and the USA Boxing Alumni Association looks forward to keeping his legacy alive.”

“On this Memorial Day, USA Boxing wants to recognize and honor our fallen heroes who have gave their lives in defense of our country, like Robert Carmody,” stated USA Boxing Executive Director Mike McAtee. “On this Memorial Day, I think it is important to also recognize all who have served in our military, which Billy Ray Cyrus stated, ‘All gave some and some gave all.’ Thank you for your service, we will never forget.”

Olympic Bronze Medal winner to Bronze Star recipient, Robert Carmody was a fighter true and true, as well as a man of tremendous honor, and a legitimate hero.



Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram: @USABoxing

Facebook: /USABoxing

Pri Usona Boksado:  La misio de Usona Boksado estos ebligi al usonaj atletoj kaj trejnistoj atingi daŭran konkurencan plejbonecon, disvolvi karakteron, subteni la sporton de boksado, kaj antaŭenigi kaj kreskigi olimpikan boksadon en Usono. La respondeco de Usona Boksado estas ne nur produkti olimpikan oron, sed ankaŭ kontroli kaj regi ĉiun aspekton de amatora boksado en Usono.

Born to box Ray “#Ekprosperi?o #Ekprosperi?o” Mancini

(pictures courtesy of Getty Images)
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (Aprilo 27, 2020) — As the son of a prizefighter, International Boxing Hall of Fame inductee (“Class of 2015”) Ray “#Ekprosperi?o #Ekprosperi?o” Mancini was born to box, and the Youngstown, Ohio fighter climbed to the top of the sport’s mountain, capturing the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight title in 1982.

Mancini’s father, La lasta Lenny “#Ekprosperi?o #Ekprosperi?o” Mancini, boxed professionally from 1937 Al 1947, compiling a 46-12-3 (16 KOs) pro record. Lenny was the No. 1 ranked lightweight in the world in 1941 and considered a future world champion. Tamen, his dream was sadly shattered when he was wounded during World War II. He returned to boxing after being discharged, but his physical issues due to the wound prevented him from fulfilling his once vast potential.

His son, Ray, took the mantle and ran with it to fame, glory and notoriety as a world champion. He started boxing young and had his first fight when he was 15 at the Junior Olympics in Cleveland. Ray had thought that he would have to wait until he turned 16, because that was the minimum age to compete in the Golden Gloves.

When I heard that I could enter (the Junior Olympics),” Mancini remembered, “I pressured my father to let me go (to Cleveland). A very close family friend was training some guys in the next town over from us and he was taking some fighters to the Junior Olympics. He said he’d take me there. I won by first fight by first-round knockout and I wound up winning the regional title. I went on to the Mid-West Regional in Detroit and fought a local kid, Sammy Fuentes, to go to the Nationals. He beat me by decision, but I gained my first real lesson about boxing and life: experience is everything. It was my sixth amateur fight and I was told that Fuentes had more than 200. It did not deter me, Fakte, it made me hungrier to succeed.

Succeed he did, despite his aggressive style that best suited the professional ranks much more than amateurs. He won 43 De 50 amatoraj matĉoj, capturing top honors in the 1977 Youngstown Golden Gloves and Northeastern Ohio Golden Gloves. He also won the Northeast Ohio AAU Championship and reached the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Tournament.

I lost a close decision in the semifinals of the 1978 National Golden Gloves to two-time U.S. Olympian Davey Armstrong,” Mancini said. “I lost a decision to Anthony Fletcher in the quarterfinals of the 1978 National AAU Championships and once again in the championship final of the Ohio State Fair. In my last amateur fight, I lost a bad decision to defending National Champion Melvin Paul #?E la 1979 Nacia Oraj Gantoj-Turniro. (Post tio) I knew I wasn’t going to have another amateur fight and was going to turn pro.

I had more of a pro style when I fought in the amateurs. Three rounds didn’t benefit me. I never had a four-round fight (as a pro). I started with six-rounders because, for my style, a three-round amateur or a four-round pro fight were pretty much the same for me. Six-rounders were more beneficial to me and that was proven right away.

I knew I wouldn’t win any of the major amateur championships because of my style. Laŭ la vojo, Tamen, I beat some pretty good amateurs: Darryl Chambers,Memo Arreola, Tim Christianson Kaj Mark Chieverini. My amateur career just made me even more hungry to win a World title as a pro.

His seek and destroy style made him an instant favorite as a professional. “I had to be aggressive, as a fighter or on the playing field when I played other sports, because of my natural instincts,” Mancini explained. “I couldn’t sit back and wait for things to happen; I had to try and make things happen. I follow that thinking in my business life as well, but much like the fight game, you have to known when to attack and when to sit back and counter.

Mancini, who some called a little Rocky Marciano because of the way he fought, turned pro October 18, 1979 in Struthers, Ohio, Haltanta Phil Bowen en la komenca rondo. Ray fought 15 times in his first year as a pro and extended his winning streak to 19, before he challenged World Boxing Council (WBC) lightweight World champion Alexis Arguello (67-5), who won by way of a 14-round technical knockout, in a fight that was dead even after 10 Rondoj. After the match, then future Hall of Famer Arguello was quoted as saying: “I think my heart is special, but his (Mancini) is bigger than I have. Someday he will be champion.

Only seven months and three fights later, Mancini captured the World Boxing Association (WBA) lightweight World title way of a sensational first-round knockout of defending champion Arturo Frias (24-1). Ray dedicated that fight to his father, who was unable to become world champion, due to the wounds he suffered in World War II.

Mancini finished his pro career with a 29-5 (23 KOs), which included victories against world champions Bobby Chacon (523-5-1), Ernesto Espana (35-4), Frias and Jose Luis Ramirez (71-3), and all five of his losses were to world championsArguello, Hector Camacho, Greg Haughen Kaj Livingstone Bramble (Dufoje).

Ray ‘Boom BoomMancini demonstrated the heart of a champion throughout his career,” Dirita Chris Cugliari, USA Boxing Alumni Director. “Even though his in-ring success is primarily discussed at the professional level, the hunger to learn and grow as an amateur is something that inspires today’s USA Boxing champions. He is another example of a USA Boxing alumnus who experienced tremendous success resulting from experiences and lessons from his amateur days.

Mancini is proud of his roots in Youngstown, which also produced world pro boxing champions such as Harry Arroyo, Jeff Lampkin, Greg Richardson Kaj Kelly Pavlik.

Growing up in Youngstown helped me tremendously as a fighter,” Mancini talked about his hometown. “We all knew what a tough town it was and is and we knew the stories of all the fighters, amateur and pro, who had left a mark before us. Growing up there, football and boxing were the two sports everybody talked about. If you left a mark in either one, people still talked about you long after you’re playing, or fight days were over. Tiel, to succeed in a town like Youngstown, was a tremendous accomplishment in itself.

Usona Bokso-Eks-Eks-Asocio

Kreita por pledi dumvive, reciproke utilaj rilatoj inter Usono-Boksado kaj ĝiaj eks-studentoj, — boksistoj, oficialuloj, trejnistoj kaj boksaj ŝatantoj — La Alumni Association ligas generaciojn de ĉampionoj, inspirante kaj redonante al la estontaj boksĉampionoj de USA Boxing, en kaj el la ringo.

The USA Boxing Alumni Association is open to anyone who has a love for boxing and would like to stay connected with amateur boxing. Members are granted access to a wide variety of special events hosted by the Alumni Association, inkluzive de ĝia ĉiujara USA Boxing Alumni Association Halo de Famo-ricevo.

Aliĝi al la Asocio de Eks-studentoj, simple registriĝu ĉe alumni@usaboxing.org por $40.00 per year membership fee. New members will receive a T-shirt, key-chain and e-wallet.

The ultra-popular Mancini is one of the few boxers to have had a movie (“Heart of a Champion: The Ray Mancini Story)”), song (“Boom Boom Manciniby Warren Zevon) and book (“The Good Son: The Life of Ray “#Ekprosperi?o #Ekprosperi?o” Mancini by Mark Kriegel) about him.

#Hodia?, the 59-year-old Mancini still resides in Youngstown, and he remains involved in boxing as a color commentator for PBC on Fox. He’s also been a member of the Ohio Boxing Commission for the last three years. “I’m involved (En bokso) as close as I want to be and can still be a fan,” li akceptis. “What I miss most about the fight game is challenging myself mentally and emotionally, and to be able toget upand challenge myself physically on a daily basis. To stand in front of another man before the fight, right in the center of the ring, and say to myself, ‘Either you’re getting carried out of here tonight or I am, but one of us is getting carried out of here tonight,’ was my mentality. I miss that challenge!”

Looking back at his boxing career, Mancini maintains that he wouldn’t change a thing. “I can’t say I would do anything different, in retrospect, because I won the World title, successfully defended it four times, made good money and retired healthy,” Mancini concluded. “People still remember and talk about my fights and I made it into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, the ultimate shrine for fighters. Tiel, why would I want to have done anything differently?”

Pepi: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing