Category Archives: Opanda Gulu

Chazz Witherspoon ku nkhondo Nicholas Guivas Loweruka, August 15 pa bwalo lamasewero The ku Atlantic City

Atlantic City, NJ (August 6, 2015)–Loweruka usiku, August 15, Silverspoon Zokwezedwa molumikizana ndi Atlantic City Hall Maseŵera a nkhonya Omveka azipereka yaikulu usiku wa nkhonya ku The malo osewerera ku Atlantic City.

Mu 10 chonse chachikulu chochitika, kukhala Heavyweight Woyesana Chazz “The njonda” Witherspoon chidzathandiza Nicholas Guivas.

Witherspoon (33-3, 25 KO a) zoyandikana Paulsboro, New Jersey anakhazikitsa kuti ndi mmodzi wa pamwamba American Heavyweights monga St. Joseph a University maphunziro anapambana wake woyamba makumi atatu mwauchidakwa ndi yapambana pa amakonda wa Michael Alexander (11-0), Talmadge Griffis (24-6-3), & Jonathan Haggler (18-1) pamaso mavuto ake 1st kugonjetsedwa kwa m'tsogolo ziwiri nthawi dziko udindo Challenger Chris Arreola kudzera maganizo disqualification.

Witherspoon anapitiriza kupambana atatu kupambana mzere umene inali ndi kusangalatsa 8 kuzungulira stoppage pa Adam “Chithaphwi Bulu” Richards (21-1). Nkhondoyo inali anavotera mphete Magazine a 2008 Heavyweight Nkhondo pa Chaka. Witherspoon ndiye ankasiya nkhondo m'tsogolo ziwiri nthawi dziko udindo Challenger Tony Thompson.

Witherspoon anapitiriza mphambu 4-zotsatizana knockouts zimene zinaphatikizapo inawononga 3 chonse chiwonongeko pa Tyson Cobb (14-2).

Witherspoon anatenga pa undefeated chiyembekezo Seti Mitchell pa April 28, 2012 mu podwala kumene Witherspoon anali Mitchell kuvulala kangapo konse pamaso Mitchell anafika kutali ndi chigonjetso.

Komaliza bout, Witherspoon yagoletsa ndi 5 kuzungulira stoppage pa Galen Brown pa April 18 mu Pennsauken, New Jersey.

Guivas wa Topeka, Kansas, chaleka ake anayi omaliza adani ndi atatu kudza woyamba wozungulira. Komaliza bout, Guivas yagoletsa ndi 6 kuzungulira stoppage pa Justin Willms (4-1) pa June 6 mu Topeka, Kansas.

Mu 6 chonse ayi:

Keenan Smith (7-0, 2 KO a) la Philadelphia, PA asamenyana Vinny O'Neil (3-2-1, 1 KO) wa Youngstown, HA.

Anthony Young (10-1, 5 KO a) ya Atlantic City, NJ adzatenga Jonathan García (4-14, 1 KO) mu Welterweight bout.

John Lennox (13-2, 5 KO a) wa Carteret, NJ akungoganizira Dan Pasciolla (3-1) wa njerwa, NJ mu Heavyweight podwala

Mu 4 chonse ayi:

Scott Kelleher la Philadelphia ake adzakhala ovomereza kuwonekera koyamba kugulu motsutsana Brandon Hinnant la Philadelphia, PA mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Jerome NKHONDO (2-1) la Philadelphia adzachita nkhondo ovomereza debuting David Perezi wa Pittsburgh, PA opepuka podwala.

Parris Chisholm (2-0, 1 KO) ya Washington, DC asamenyana Ronnie Jordan (1-5-1) wa Cincinatti, Ohio mu Welterweight nkhondo.

Zhang Zhaliel (4-0, 2 KO a) la China asamenyana Dennis Benson (2-6-1, 1 KO) wa Norfolk, VA mu Heavyweight podwala.

Wang Zhimin (3-0, 1 KO) la China asamenyana Rashad Bogar (4-5-1, 2 KO a) wa Newark, NJ mu Jr. Welterweight bout.

Dustin Fleischer (3-0, 3 KO a) wa Monmouth County, NJ adzaona kanthu mu Welterweight podwala motsutsana David Ratliff (0-1) la North Carolina.

Obafemi Bakari (3-0) cha Staten Island, NJ asamenyana Vincent Floyd (1-1-1) wa Phialdelphia, PA mu Middleweight nkhondo.

Mateyu Gonzalez (2-0) wa Vineland, NJ adzakhala nkhonya Samuel Ellsworth (2-0, 2 KO a) wa Farmersville, LA mu Middleweight podwala.

Kuona The malo osewerera ku Atlantic City, Dinani kanema:

The Playgorund Atlantic City
The Playgorund Atlantic City


The Playgorund Atlantic City

The malo osewerera ndi yatsopano, zamakono zosangalatsa zovuta kumene masitolo pa Doko poyamba. Pamalowo ndi 500,000 sikweya mapazi. The bwalo lamasewero ili ku Mmodzi Atlantic Ocean, Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Matikiti chachikulu ichi usiku wa nkhonya adzakhala osiyanasiyana monga $75, $100 ndipo $150 ndipo lingathe kukopedwa pa

Zitseko pa 6:30 PM ndi 1 belu pa 8 Madzulo

Beibut Shumenov amapanga mbiri kachiwiri mu mphete

GULU SHUMENOV: (L-R) Wothandizira mphunzitsi Rodney Crisler, dziko cruiserweight ngwazi Beibut Shumenov, Chingis Shumenov, mutu mphunzitsi Ismael Salas, wodulidwa-munthu Jacob “Ulusi” Duran ndi wothandizira mphunzitsi Jeff Grmoja.


Las Vegas (Aug. 3, 2015) – Kumene anaika World Maseŵera a nkhonya Association (WBA) Wogwirizira cruiserweight ngwazi Shumenov Beibu (16-2, 10 Ko) panopa mbiri kamodzinso, akugonjetsa B.J. Maluwa (31-2-1, 20 Ko) kudzera 12 chonse akamakambirana mmene Premier Maseŵera a nkhonya odziwa mndandanda headliner, amene aired July 25TH pa NBCSN moyo kuchokera m'manja mwa Las Vegas.

Shumenov, 31, anakhala mandatory akunyoza kwa WBA “okhazikika” cruiserweight ngwazi Denis Lebedev (27-1, 20 Ko, 1 NC), la Russia, komanso loyamba Kazakhstan mbadwa kugwila dziko udindo iŵiri kulemera makalasi popeza ndi WBA kuwala heavyweight ngwazi kuchokera 2010-2014.

Nkhonya hotbed Kazakhstan wabala ena asanu dziko akatswiri m'zaka kotala ya atumwi: 1990 WBC wapamwamba featherweight Aratoly Alexandrov, 2000 WBC heavyweight Oleg “Big O” Maskaev, 2001-2003 – IBF cruiserweight Vassily “Akambuku” Jirov, 2010-2012 WBA wapamwamba middleweight Dimitri Sartison ndi kulamulira WBA Super / WBC wogwirizira middleweight Gennady Golovkin.

Mu nkhonya mbiri nkhondo mmbuyo 2010, Shumenov anagonjetsa kuteteza WBA kuwala heavyweight ngwazi Gabriel Campillo viaa 12 chonse chisankho kukhazikitsa umboni kwa fewest-ndewu, 10, kukhala dziko wandale yaikulu gulu 175 lapaundi kugawanikana.

“Ndimakunyadirani kuika wina umboni nkhonya,” 2004 Olimpiki Shumenov anati. “Ine ndiri ndi mwayi waukulu woyamba womenya ku dziko langa kukhala dziko ngwazi mu Magulu awiri. Ndikufuna kuthokoza manenjala wanga, Al HAYMON, pondipatsa mwayi. Lebedev ndi amawafuna ndi, ngati ine apita mayeso, Ine ndikufuna nkhondo yabwino omenyana mu cruiserweight magawano.”

Shumenov anadutsa ndi mulingo kusinthika, motsogozedwa wotchuka Cuba mutu Flames Ismael Salas, amene ankagwira ntchito ndi masewera Chikazaki kusintha iye ndi mwamakani, akupera womenya kupita ku wathunthu, zonse padziko womenya nkhonya. Shumenov sakudziwabe Flores, oyembekezera Shumenov kubwera kwa iye ndi kuwombola nkhonya, yomwe anapatsidwa mwachibadwa zikuluzikulu, wamphamvu Flores mwayi. M'malo, Shumenov mwaluso boxed wopita ku chigonjetso, ntchito lateral kayendedwe, angelo ndi masanjidwe kuti alepheretse Flores mu sizithandiza wolusa, chifukwa mu osiyanasiyana kuchokera-bwino nkhonya ndipo angamachite.

Pambuyo pa nkhondo, Shumenov anafotokoza zodabwitsa kusintha iye anadutsa pambuyo kuphunzitsa ndi Salas chifukwa January. “Ine ndikadali kuphunzira. Monga mphunzitsi wanga anati, palibe malire, Ine ndi mulibe changwiro chimene iye kundiphunzitsa. Iwo kwenikweni zidzafika ku kwambiri khama, obwereza minofu kukumbukira. Wanga footwork kwa nkhondoyi anachokera wanga mphunzitsi. Ndinasangalala kuti tipambane komabe ine inemwini kwabwinoko, akukhudzidwira, monga wathunthu womenya nkhonya.”

(L-R) Shumenov & Salas

Salas kupatsa World Council Maseŵera a nkhonya (WBC) World opepuka Ngwazi Jorge Linares (39-3, 26 Ko), kuwonjezera akugwira kale ndi dzikoli akatswiri monga Guillermo Rigondeaux, Yuriokis Gamboa, Danny Green, ndipo Jese Vargas.

“Pali ndondomeko aliyense polandira zamera-zimango,” Salas anati. “Pali Specialties wa maphunziro ine umaphunzitsa kuti sizigwiritsidwa ntchito kawirikawiri nkhonya, enieni ntchito kwa mphamvu za kayendedwe. Ine poyamba anaphunzira Flames ku Cuba dongosolo, omwe ndi ofanana ndi Soviet dongosolo limene Beibut anaphunzirira, koma ine nayenso anali padziko lonse kuphunzira njira zosiyanasiyana za maphunziro. Komabe zimatengera nthawi dziko kalasi womenya ngati Beibut, amene wakhala dziko ngwazi katswiri, ndipo ambiri ankachita masewera machesi. Jorge Linares anali ziwiri nthawi dziko ngwazi ife tisanayambe ntchito pamodzi. Beibut akupeza pamenepo. Iye akadali osati kuchita zambiri, pompano, pogwiritsa ntchito 40-50 peresenti ya zipangizo zake.”

Shumenov ndi loya bizinezi amene amalankhula zinenero zisanu. Ngakhale iye ndi awiri nthawi dziko ngwazi, iye akadali wophunzira wa nkhonya, ndipo Salas lake wolemekezeka pulofesa.

“Iye (Salas) odzichepetsa koma mwapang'ono,” Shumenov amalamula. “Iye akufunsa ndi kumvetsera maganizo anga. Ife kuganizira chikhazikitso ndipo akufotokoza chirichonse kwa ine. Lathulo anali ndi tsiku lililonse mu msasa limene tinkalalikira kudziwa nthawi iliyonse maphunziro gawo. Zinayi za ife (Shumenov, Salas, Grmjoja ndi Crisler) anakhala.”


Ndipo zotsatira zake zinali yachiwiri ya padziko udindo.


Fans mulole bwenzi Beibut Shumenov pa Facebook zimakupiza Page

Chiyambi undefeated opepuka Sonny “Wokongola Boy” Fredrickson


New York, NY (June 11, 2015)-Lachiwelu usiku, June 20 pa Oracle chi mu Oakland, undefeated opepuka chiyembekezo, Sonny “Wokongola Boy” Fredrickson (8-0, 5 KO a) will make his national television debut when he competes in a 6-round bout that will be part of the nationally televised card featuring Andre Ward taking on Paul Smith on BET.
Sonny Fredrickson waima 6'2″ ndi mphamvu manja ake onse ndi wokongola wa GQ chitsanzo. The “Baby anakumana mgwirizano” ndi wosiyana ena opepuka m'dzikoli.
Fredrckson wa Toledo, Ohio anali zimapangika kumalo ankachita masewera ntchito kumene iye analemba mbiri 120-8 ndi 60 knockouts. He won many accolades such as being a 2013 National mnzako Mkuwa medalist, 2013 National Golden Magolovesi Final Eyiti & iye anali asanu nthawi Toledo Golden Magolovesi ngwazi.

Monga ankachita masewera, Sonny komanso chimagwirizanitsa 1 kuzungulira stoppage kukhutiritsa 152 National ngwazi Jamontay Clark.
“Ine basi kumaliza msasa tsopano ndi zonse zinayenda bwino,”anati 20 zaka Fredrickson wake pokonzekera akeJune 20 tsiriza. “Ndakhala kuchita 8 chonse magawo. I have been doing a lot of running, sprints ndi maseŵera a yoga.”
Fredrickson, amene anatembenuka akatswiri mu 2014 anapambana nkhondo yake yoyamba anayi mwauchidakwa ndi woyamba wozungulira stoppages, ali ndi mwamakani zimakupiza-wochezeka kalembedwe ndi zimaonetsa ndi wakupha anasiya mbedza. He is a good looking kid who models his style after his idol, Oscar De La Hoya.

Atauzidwa yoyamba dziko TV kukhudzana, Fredrickson anali okondwa.
“Izi ndi yochepa koma zindikirani ndiri wokonzeka zinthu zosonyeza ndi akuonetsa luso langa pamaso pa dziko.”
The 20 zaka ali palibe udzu kufika pamwamba ndipo iye akudziwa kuti ndi zolondola ndewu adzakhala ngwazi.
“Ine ndikuyembekeza kuti zisanu ndewu chaka chino. I will continue to move up on the prospect list and by the end of the year, Ine ndidzakhala wokonzeka kupita apo.”
Nkhondoyi adzakhala wachiwiri nkhondo Fredrickson chifukwa kulemba ndi Roc Nation Sports, ndipo iye amakhulupilira kuti mgwirizano wake watsopano kulimbikitsa adzapindula iye onsewo ndi kuchoka mu bwalo.
“Ine ndikumverera ngati Roc Nation adzakhala zikuluzikulu. It will grow into a big promotion and will take over boxing. They can do things for us boxers that no other company can do and I look forward to exploring all of those opportunities.
Fredrickson imayendetsedwa ndi nkhonya loya Rick Torres wa Kupambana Sports Entertainment.

Kupambana Sports & Entertainment ndi watsopano wa wothamanga kasamalidwe kampani ndi maofesi ku New York ndi Las Vegas. Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Michael Leanardi, Kupambana chakhala anamanga chidwi khola la achinyamata chiyembekezo kuti ikufuna akagwire m'tsogolo stardom. Kupambana Sports’ webusaiti ndi


* * * Zimene Zingakuthandizeni MASO * * *



Photo Mawu a: Esther Lin / NTHAWI YACHIWONETSERO


We answered every question tonight.” – Deontay olandiridwa

Dinani PANO For An Embeddable Clip Lift From Lachitatu a Premiere:HTTP://


Relive the thrilling battle for the WBC Heavyweight Championship through the award-winning lens ofONSE kupeza as Deontay Wilder answers the critics with a dominant, 12-round decision over defending champ Bermane Stiverne. ONSE kupeza: Deontay olandiridwa reveals the depth of character within the new champion and a selfless nature to go along with his monster punching power and surprising boxing acumen. ONSE kupeza: Deontay olandiridwa premieres izi Lachitatu pa 10 p.m. AND/PT pa Showtime®.


Wilder makes the first defense of his WBC Heavyweight title against Eric Molina on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, ena Loweruka, June 13 pa Showtime.


# # #

kulusa vs. Molina, 12 chonse nkhondo olandiridwa a WBC Heavyweight Championship, chikuchitikaLoweruka, June 13, pa The Bartow chi ku Birmingham, Ala. DiBella Entertainment ndi Bruno Chosaiwalika Team agwirizana mphamvu akubweretsa chochitika Alabama. Izo tikumvera moyo pa Showtime (9 p.m. AND/ 6 p.m. PT). The telecast Komanso likupezeka Spanish kudzera yachiwiri audio mapulogalamu (Kuyamwa). Kuyambirira mwauchidakwa adzakhala televised moyo pa Showtime kwambiri (7 p.m. AND/PT, anachedwa pa West Coast).


Los Angeles, MONGA – The University of MMA marks its latest milestone on Sunday, Mulole 31, with the tenth installment of its ‘Fight Night’ mndandanda. Taking place at Club Nokia pa L.A. Moyo (Aka “the U of MMA campus”), University of MMA: Limba Night 10 is packed with 15 ndewu, including three title matches to crown new University of MMA champions. Matikiti tsopano pa malonda ndipo


A new University of MMA’s lightweight champion will be decided between Julio ‘The Gr818er’ Lopez (Kings Combat Sports) ndipo Antonio Lopez (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai). Julio advanced from the opening round of the University of MMA lightweight championship tournament, still undefeated. Antonio was originally scheduled to be in the tournament as well, before injury sidelined him from action. But both men ride four-fight win streaks going into this title match, meaning pride and glory are on the line.


Ndi Elite Training Center’s featherweight star Tommy Aroni vacating his University of MMA title to turn pro, the crown at 145 lbs. once again finds itself without a king. That won’t be for long, Komabe, as U of MMA perennial favorite Ryan 'Mkango’ Lilley (Barnaba Rutten a osankhika Training Center) and the fast-rising Albert Veloz (Khola kulimbana Academy) vie to become the third-ever University of MMA featherweight champion.

The University of MMA has definitely grown as a live event series with the expansion of our fan base and the shows getting bigger and better every time. The same can be said for amateur fighters who have grown and matured within our promotion. Guys like Ryan ‘The LionLilley who will be fighting for us for the eighth time, and Albert Veloz, who is improving right under our eyes. We’re proud to see the development of fighters like Ryan and Albert, who will go on to be great pros,” anati U of MMA founder Turi Altavilla.

Two more U of MMA favorites will also square off to become the first-ever University of MMA bantamweight champion, monga Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero ndipo Demar ‘King’ George revisit each other in a rematch from 2013. The two met originally at Fight Night 3, when both were very young in their MMA careers. More seasoned in experience and sharper in skill, they are very much different fighters.


The six individuals vying for University of MMA titles on this show are people of heart, technical skill, character and integrity. We’ve seen their championship efforts on previous shows and they deserve the recognition these matches offer,” anati U of MMA matchmaker Jay Tan.


Other confirmed matches for University of MMA: Limba Night 10 monga:


University of MMA Lightweight Championship Tournament Finals:

155 lbs. – Julio Lopez (Kings Combat Sports) vs.Antonio Lopez (Gooch Training Academy/Saekson Muay Thai)


University of MMA Bantamweight Championship:

135 lbs. – Vince ‘The AnomalyCachero (KA Training Center) vs. Demar ‘King’ George (Dream Killer Fight Team)

University of MMA Featherweight Championship:

145 lbs. – Ryan 'Mkango’ Lilley (Bas Rutten a osankhika MMA Gym) vs. Albert Veloz (Khola kulimbana Academy)


155 lbs. – Remington Thorne (Saekson Muay Thai) vs.Carnation ‘The FlashContreras (Krav Maga Unyted)


120 lbs. (catchweight) – Jasmine 'Tapout Mfumukazi’ Pouncy (Nubians MMA) vs. Akari Wang (KA Training Center)


205 lbs. – Travis Williams (Osankhika Training Center) vs.Jonathan ‘Jonny McGregorSweitzer (Valhalla etc)


155 lbs. – Troy Hargrow (Nubians MMA) vs. Zach Kraschinsky (Barnaba Rutten a osankhika Training Center)


125 lbs. – Karlee Pagilinan (Team Quest) vs. Gilbert Nakatani (Sityodtong LA)


125 lbs. – Matheus Leaondro Santos (MMAFC) vs.Angel Diaz (KA Training Center)


170 lbs. – Aaron Landry (Akumveka Moto masewera a karati Academy) vs. Lance 'The Black Ranger’ Chitsamba (Team buluzi)


145 lbs. – Victor Rivera (Nubians MMA) vs. Juan Vasquez (Team Victory Muay Thai/Dream Killer Fight Team)


195 lbs. (catchweight) – Christopher Llanes (Team Quest) vs. David Boyko (Bas Rutten a osankhika MMA Gym)


145 lbs. – Andrew Secaida (Dream Killer Fight Team)vs. Kurt Eberhard (Saekson Muay Thai)


135 lbs. – David Perez (Riverside Submission) vs. Julio Santa Cruz (KA Training Center)


145 lbs. – Benito Mendez (Kings Combat Sports) vs.Sergio Gonzalez (Yuma United Fight Team)


The University of MMA: Limba Night 10 chikuchitika pa5:00madzulo pa Sunday, Mulole 31, 2015, pa Club Nokia pa L.A. Moyo, 800 West Olympic Boulevard. Zitseko pa 4:30madzulo. Nkhondo khadi umamumvera kusintha. Matikiti tsopano zikupezeka ndi zikhoza kugulidwa kudzera, mlandu telefoni pa 888-9AXS-TIX kapena 888-929-7849, ndi 10:00 AM-5:00 Madzulo, Mon-Fri at the STAPLES Center Box Office located at 1111 S. Figueroa St. Ntchito chindapusa akhoza kugwiritsa. The Club Nokia bokosi ofesi chitsegulidwa pa 2:00pm the day of the event.

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AT masomphenya achiwonetsero mu Oakland, CALIFORNIA LIVE ON BET

NEW YORK — April 23, 2015 — BET Networks is pleased to announce that it is stepping into the ring with Roc Nation Sports as their exclusive broadcast partner to air live throne nkhonya events on the network. The partnership between BET Networks and Roc Nation Sports is the first of its kind for the network and includes airing up to nine live, two-hour telecasts of Roc Nation Sports throne nkhonya events over the next 18 miyezi. The first main event fight to air on BET Networks will feature WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Andre Ward (27-0, 14 KO a) facing former World Title Challenger Paul Smith (35-5, 20 KO a) of England in a 12 round bout on Loweruka, June 20, 2015 pa Oracle chi mu Oakland, California. Kuwonjezera lalikulu kanthu mkati mwa mkombero, the telecast will feature several notable Roc Nation touches that offer an unprecedented fan experience, including a live musical performance and a name DJ to keep the energy at a high level throughout the night. Fans can catch the action live on BET in the United States and globally on, kumene anayambitsa nyimbo kusonkhana utumiki Chili yabwino mkulu kukhulupirika phokoso khalidwe, mkulu tanthauzo mavidiyo a nyimbo ndi luso curated nyuzipepala.

Matikiti wogulira pa $250, $125, $90, $60 ndipo $30, osati kuphatikizapo ntchito utumiki milanduyo misonkho, kupita pa malonda Friday, April 24 pa 10:00 AM PT and will be available at all Ticketmaster locations, pa Webusaiti ndi kuyang'anira telefoni pa (800) 745-3000.


“BET is constantly searching for ways to expand its portfolio of content with the sole goal of satisfying our audiences,” said Stephen G. Hill, President of Programming, Uliwonse Intaneti. “Roc Nation is doing very exciting things in the entertainment space and we are excited to partner with them on this groundbreaking deal positioning BET Networks as a go-to destination for premier live boxing events. Pamodzi, we’ll provide unique entertainment.”


“We’re thrilled to not only be introducing our newest broadcast partnership with BET Networks, but also to use this new platform to telecast Andre Ward’s highly anticipated return to the ring,"Davide anati Itskowitch, COOBoxing of Roc Nation Sports. "Pa June 20, we will once again provide fans a night of exciting wachifumu nkhonya ndewu, live musical entertainment and an unprecedented fan experience.”


“I’m very excited to be coming back on June 20 at Oracle Arena in my hometown of Oakland which has been a long time coming,"Anati Ward. “I’m equally excited to be fighting on BET in front of a potential viewership of over 90 miliyoni m'nyumba. Monga womenya, this diversifies my portfolio and puts me in front of a whole different audience. I have an extremely tough fighter in front of me in Paul Smith who’s looking to pull the upset, but I can’t let that happen. I have to be on my best game to turn Smith away and beat him the way I want to beat him. Monga mwa nthawi zonse, I’m ready to put on a tremendous performance in front of my hometown fans and those watching on BET. This is a fight you don’t want to miss.”


“I cannot wait to get back in the ring and test myself against a class act like Andre Ward. I proved that I belong at the top level with my performances against Arthur Abraham and this is a challenge that I am relishing,"Anati Smith. “Andre is a top pound-for-pound fighter and someone I respect a lot, but he has only boxed once in almost three years and I will give it everything I have got. I am fresh and confident going into this fight. It’s a massive opportunity for me and one that I took with both hands when it was offered. I have spent a lot of time boxing in the United States and I look forward to returning for this fight.”


Known for his strong character and integrity outside the ring and his killer instinct inside it, Andre Ward’s skill and talent were apparent early in his outstanding amateur career. He racked up every title in the books, n'kufika ndi golide Mendulo m'kuunika katswiri woposa onse Chigawo pa 2004 Olympic Games ku Athens. As the only male American boxer to claim Olympic gold since 1996, Ward anagwirizana amakonda wa Muhammad Ali, Shuga Ray Leonard ndi Oscar De La Hoya. Iye anatembenuka katswiri pa December 18, 2004, scoring a second round technical knockout victory over Chris Molina at Staples Center in a fight that was televised live on HBO. He has gone on to rack up 26 more victories since then, building an ever-growing legion of fans in the process. Atakhala mphete Magazine ndi WBA Super Middleweight World Ngwazi, rising to the number two spot on the pound-for-pound list and winning the 2011 Womenya pa Chaka linapereka (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, Mphete Magazine ndi nkhonya Olemba Association of America), analengeza kuti Ward anasaina yekha zotsatsira mgwirizano ndi Roc Nation Sports mu January 2015, kutsegula latsopano mutu wake storied nkhonya ntchito. Now the Bay Area product is ready to return to the ring on June 20 pa Oracle chi kutsogolo kwawo mafani Oakland, California.


Paul “Real Gone Kid” Smith enters his fight against pound-for-pound star Ward coming off of two heroic performances against WBO Super Middleweight World Champion Arthur Abraham. Smith challenged the Armenian-German for his title in Kiel, Germany in September 2014 and put on the performance of his career in his world title first shot. The 32-year-old native of Liverpool was the clear winner of large parts of the fight and celebrated at the bell in front of a hushed partisan crowd that thought that Abraham had been dethroned. Smith was not expecting the wide scorecards that were read out in favor of the hometown fighter and, judging by the far-reaching outrage at the lopsided numbers, neither were the majority of the boxing world and beyond, with Smith receiving support from some of Britain’s biggest sports stars on social media. A rematch was the only possible scenario and, like a true champion, Abraham duly obliged. Smith returned to Germany in February of this year to face Abraham again, this time in Berlin, but Abraham was a different fighter the night of their second fight, successfully defending his belt against a brave challenge from Smith. Once again the judges’ were forced to give a verdict and this time a decision win by Abraham was met with no outcry of controversy. Pa June 20, “Real Gone Kid” will return to the ring and once again venture into hostile territory to take on one of boxing’s best, looking to silence the crowd.


Ward motsutsana. Smith, ndi 12 yozungulira podwala kuperekedwa ndi Roc Nation Sports, chikuchitika Loweruka, June 20 pa Oracle chi mu Oakland, California, adzakhala televised moyo pa uliwonse ndipo akukhamukira padziko lonse pa pa 10:00 Madzulo neri/7:00 PM PT ndipo anapereka limodzi ndi Matchroom Masewera.


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Roc Nation Sports, ndi boma-Chigawo cha Roc Nation, anapezerapo ku kasupe 2013. Founder Shawn “JAY Z” Carter’s love of sports lead to the natural formation of Roc Nations Sports, kuthandiza mpikisanowo chimodzimodzi Roc Nation wakhala akuthandiza ojambula nyimbo makampani kwa zaka. Roc Nation Sports focuses on elevating athletes’ career on a global scale both on and off the field. Roc Nation Sports conceptualizes ndipo adzapereka malonda ndi woyimira kumbuyo amachita, ammudzi pakufalitsa, lachifundo chikhomo-ins, TV ubale ndi mtundu njira. Roc Nation Sports anapezerapo ake nkhonya magawano, zonse utumiki zotsatsira kampani imene ikuimira dziko akatswiri Miguel Cotto ndi Andre Ward, mu August 2014. Roc Nation Sports’ roster includes premiere athletes such as Robinson Cano, Skylar Diggins, Kevin Durant, Geno Smith, Victor Cruz, CC Sabathia, James Young, Dez Bryant, Ndamukong Suh, Rusney CASTILLO, Yoenis Cespedes, Jaelen Amphamvu, Todd Gurley, Wilson Chandler, Erick Aybar and Frances Tiafoe. Kuti mudziwe zambiri chonde pitani Tsatirani Roc Nation on Twitter ndi Instagramrocnation ndi on Facebook pa



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Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna: Undefeated koma kufunafuna ulemu ShoBox: The New Generation bout motsutsana Antoine Douglas

Nkhondo ya undefeated Middleweights Mfundo March 13 khadi ku Westbury, N.Y.
MOYO pa SHOWTIME® Izi Friday, March 13 pa 10 p.m. AND/PT

Pakuti Zichitike Kumasulidwa

Millville, New Jersey (March 10, 2015)Pa Lachisanu usiku, March 13 pa Space ku Westbury, N.Y., undefeated middleweight Thomas “Cornflake” LaManna (16-0, 7 KO a) will step up in class and try to silence any critics when he takes on fellow undefeated Middleweight Antoine “Action” Douglas (16-0-1, 10 KO a). The quadrupleheader ShoBox: The New Generation adzakhala televised moyo pa Showtime pa 10 p.m. AND/PT (anachedwa pa West Coast).

The bout chifuniro litsogolera ndi ShoBox: The New Generation khadi kuyambira 10 Madzulo neri

Mu m'badwo mmene omenyana sindikufuna kuti ayesedwe mpaka umafunika Intaneti akubwera kuitana, LaManna amapereka Douglas kuyamikira pakupita ichi yaikulu mwayi.
“Ine ndikuganiza aliyense Umapeza kapena wotaya, tiyenera kupeza kwambiri ulemu kuti anyamata awiri ndi undefeated omenyana ndi kuika. In boxing, pamene mwayi akupereka palokha, inu sindikananena,” anati LaManna
The 23 zaka LaManna ndi wokonzeka nkhondoyi ngati akudziwa kuti lalikulu khama kuti amuthandize kuposa wamba chabe kukopa.
“Ndi tsopano chifukwa ndakhala katswiri kwa zaka zinayi ndipo sikisitini ndewu ndi Ndinamva ndi gulu ili zofunika chiopsezo kuona pamene ine ndili.”
LaManna amaonanso kuti sikuti iye amaganiza kuti Douglas wakhala mwa nkhondo zolimba ndi March 13 kuti onse adzasinthika.
“Sindikugwirizana ndi maganizo kuti nkhondo yaikulu mpikisano ndipo ine ndiribe. The only time he has had to bite down and grind it out, iye anali yekha angathe kupeza Aphunzitseni. Not to take anything away from him, Ndakhala kuluma pansi ndi Ine wambweza ndewu.”
“Ine ndikudziwa ake kulimbikitsa wa amasonyeza koma zosatheka kuchita ndimaonera ndekha monga B-mbali mu nkhondo.”
LaManna akupitiriza pa kukambirana kuti ngati kuyang'ana kuseri kwa nambala, Douglas mphamvu ya ndandanda si zonse zimene zikuwoneka kukhala pa pepala.
“Iye nkhondo ziwiri undefeated anyamata. One of them was from the Midwest and the other did not beat anybody of note. On paper it may look better and maybe because of the way I look or my body type, anthu poganiza kuti kundimenya. I can’t say that for all of his opponents. I also have not faced many guys on short notice. Just about all my opponents have had full training camps to face me.
“Ine ndikuti ndinene ichi kuti akatswiri tithe zosiyana ndiye Amateurs. I bring a lot more to the table then his other adversaries. Just like him, Ine ndine undefeated ndipo ine sindikudziwa momwe kutaya. Pa March 13, Ndidzachita chirichonse kusunga izo mwanjira. I am not in awe of anybody and I consider this another day at the office.
“Ndikufuna kuthokoza bambo anga amene ali manenjala wanga komanso wanga Co-ochirikiza Russell Peltz ndi Peltz Maseŵera a nkhonya komanso Vincent Ponte ndi Gulfstream Zokwezedwa.”
Vinny LaManna, Thomas’ Father and Manager believes, “Chinthu chimodzi Thomas n'chakuti ake adani anali yokwanira kuphunzitsa. They have all come to win. Monga March 13, ntchito yaikulu ndi mphete luso kulipira ngongole.”
Thomas LaManna 022115
Thomas LaManna 022115
Mu Co-Mbali, unbeaten southpaw IneSmael Barroso (16-0-2, 15 Ko), a El Tigre, Venezuela, adzakwera ake 13 zotsatizana chigonjetso akakumana Inessouf “Phirilo” Ngati (17-2, 7 Ko), la Bronx, N.Y., mu khumi chonse zidutswa za NABO opepuka Title. Mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira nkhani bout, kamodzi-anamenyedwa Jerry “Mwana wa mfumu” Odom (12-1, 1 NC, 11 Ko), ya Washington D.C., adzayesa ndi kubwezera wake yekhayo imfa pamene inagwira pa undefeated Andrew “Mphepo Yamkuntho” Hernandez (8-0-1, 1 ND, 1 KO) wa Phoenix, Ariz., mu wapamwamba middleweight rematch. Mu kutsegula bout, Adam Lopez (9-0, 4 Ko), wa San Antonio, ndipo Houston a Pablo Cruz (11-0, 3 Ko) zipolowe mu asanu ndi atatu kuzungulira nkhondo ya Lone Star State wapamwamba bantamweights.

Patsogolo matikiti mwambowu uyambe GH3 Zokwezedwa ndi Greg Cohen Zokwezedwa limodzi ndi David Schuster a wopambana Tengani zonse zimene munapanga, ndi wogulira pa $150, $125, ndipo $60 mwawamba chikuonetseratu. Matikiti alipo ku, onse Ticketmaster malo,, The Space pa Westbury Box Office pa 516.283.5566 kapena kuitana GCP Office pa 212.851.6425.

Chochitikacho ndi yokonzedwa ndi Foxwoods Amachita Casino & Westbury Jeep, Chrysler, Dodge ndi Ram malo ogulitsira & Limakhulupirira Gulu.

Gleason a Gym ambuye yekha Onetsani Loweruka ndi wapadera 5:00 Madzulo chiyambi nthawi. Kuphatikiza awiri zina zazikulu zinachitika

Mbuye Only Maseŵera a nkhonya Show izi Loweruka pa 5:00 Madzulo.

Polemekeza St. Valentine, aliyense kupeza chokoleti mtima.


Ife zisanu ndi zitatu zosangalatsa mbuye mwauchidakwa inakonzedwa. Kudzasangalala ndi amasonyeza.


Athu onse mwauchidakwa ndi chinavomerezedwa ndi USABoxingMetro.


The kulemera-mu ichi bwanji lidzayamba 3:00Madzulo ndipo woyamba bout lidzayamba 5:00Madzulo.


The tikiti mtengo ndi $20 pa munthu. Ana 6 ndipo pansi si udindo. Onse masewero olimbitsa anthu ndi mayina Amateurs ndi mabuku awo mu dzanja malipiro $15 pa munthu.



P.S. Ngati simungathe kupanga izo koma ndikufuna kuona ndewu, iwo akukhamukira ku

Gleason a Gym webusaiti:




Lachitatu, February 18, Gleason a Gym adzakhala mwamantha ndi Golden Magolovesi Night nkhonya.


The New York City Daily News Golden Magolovesi adzakhala kuyambirira kuzungulira nkhonya pa Gleason a Gym next Wednesday 18. Yoyamba bout adzakhala 7:00 madzulo.

The tikiti mtengo ndi $25 pa munthu. Pali zochepa chipinda kotero chonde anatsanzikana wanu tikiti oyambirira. Itanani pa masewero olimbitsa 718 797 2872 kapena imelo



The masewero olimbitsa lingafikire pa 4:00 Madzulo yophunzitsa kotero ife tikhoza kukonzekera Golden magolovesi awo amasonyeza.



A yosangalatsa kwambiri amasonyeza akubwera kwa Gleason a Gym pa Friday February 20.


The Vertigo Theater Company azipereka pabalaza Series 2015 Bareknuckle kuchokera February 20 kudzera March 8, 2015, pa Gleason a Gym.


Kudzakhala atatu dziko premieres ndi Lucy Thurber, Pia Scala-Zankek ndipo Lindsay Joy.


The Director ndi Laura Savia.


Pakuti tikiti zambiri kupita


Ife ndi kuchotsera kachidindo anakhazikitsa onse Gleason wa nthawi zonse. Go to kuti matikiti. Lowani malamulo stinglikeabee15 kwa $15 matikiti.