Kategorija Archives: JK Boksas


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LONDON (Liepa 17, 2017)–WBO vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas Billy Joe Saunders will make the second defense of his crown against New York’s Willie Monroe jaunesnysis. apie Šeštadienis, Rugsėjo 16-oji at London’s Copper Box Arena, live on BT Sport and BoxNation.

Hatfield’s Saunders (24-0, 12 Kos) defeated Irish hero Andy Lee to take the WBO strap in a close and absorbing fight back in December 2015 that saw the undefeated star floor the former Champion twice in the third round and go on to claim a majority decision from the judges.

A series of injuries led to a frustrating 2016 for Saunders, but he eventually defended his belt last December against Artur Akavov in Glasgow. Saunders was not at his best, but outpointed the game Russian. He was due to take on Avtandil Khurtsidze before the Georgian’s arrest in June.

Monroe jaunesnysis (21-2, 6 Kos) has a second chance at winning a World Title after a sixth round stoppage loss against IBF, WBA and WBC Middleweight World Champion Gennady “GGG” Golovkin back in 2015. Since then the 30-year-old has won two decisions over John Thompson and Gabriel Rosado and holds a number five World ranking with the WBO.

I am happy for this World Title opportunity,” said Monroe Jr. “I’m always in the gym and I’m ready to go now; I live the life. I can’t wait to show up and show out in London. Saunders is a good fighter and a worthy World Champion but I’m coming for that belt.

I gave a good account of myself against Golovkin, but I will admit that I got caught up in the moment. Billy Joe has had a lot of luxuries throughout his career that I haven’t had. All of his fights have been here in his own backyard, he hasn’t had to go into the Lion’s Den to prove himself. He calls me mentally weak but we’ll see on Rugsėjo 16-oji.”

Willie is a good fighter and a good boxer,” said Saunders. “This is his big chance and he isn’t coming over here just to make up the numbers. He has been in with some of the best fighters in the World including Golovkin where he came up short.

I think it is going to be a very close fight but I already have the mental edge over him. He said he was done against Golovkin and that’s not what a warrior would do. I’d rather get knocked out cold than quit. I haven’t had the chance to show my true skill and talent as of yet as a pro. I can’t afford to overlook him and I’ll be in the best shape of my life on Rugsėjo 16-oji. Aš 100% going to get the win.

Artie Pelullo of Banner Promotions said: “I am very happy for Willie; this is a great opportunity. A lot of things had to fall into place for Willie to get this fight. Saunders is a great fighter, and this should be a terrific event. I want to thank tthe WBO as well as Frank Warren and Billy Joe Saunders for this opportunity.
Press Conference Video Highlights courtesy of BT Sports

Saunders’ promoter Frank Warren said: “Bill will have to be at the very top of his game to get the win on Rugsėjo 16-oji. The winner of this fight will have the missing piece on the Middleweight jigsaw, Canelo and Golovkin both want that WBO belt.

If Bill comes through this fight we are pushing hard for the winner of Canelo vs. Golovkin. If Golovkin wins I hope we can do that fight in December, if Canelo wins it could be in the New Year. Bill has to go out there and prove a point, there is a lot on the line.

Ilford Light-Heavyweight knockout king Anthony Yarde and teenage Heavyweight sensation Daniel Dubois will feature on an action-packed undercard. Yarde picked up the WBO European strap with a first round KO win over Richard Baranyi last time out at the Copper Box Arena while 19 year-old Dubois claimed the WBC World Youth Heavyweight belt in only his fourth contest.

Full undercard details will be announced shortly.

Tickets for Saunders v Monroe Jr priced at £40, £50, £70, £100, £150, £200 and £300 (VIP/Hospitality) are available from:

Psychic Tom Predicts Win For Mark Hunt; Rabble RousinRich Opens the Show with Demetrious Johnson vs. Dana White Rant; Tony the Tornado rips Stevenson/Fonfara on this week’s FNU Combat Sports Show

Rich Bergeron opens this week’s FNU Combat Sports show by giving his unique take on the Demetrious “Mighty Mouse” Johnson feud with the UFC brass, namely Dana White. Upon refusing to take a fight with T.J. Dillashaw without getting certain assurances and conditions met, many fans on social media insisted DJ was running scared. Even Dillashaw took the opportunity to blast the move by the flyweight champ aschickenshit.Dana White even reportedly threatened to shut down the entire flyweight division if Johnson refused to fight TJ. “Mighty Mouse” didn’t blink and didn’t cave to the organization’s demands, and Rich explains in his opening dialogue why DJ should be respected and given the benefit of the doubt for his decision rather than being criticized and dragged through the mud for standing up for himself.


During the rest of the broadcast, Aristokratiškas “Tornado” Penecale details his night out at the 2300 Arena in Philadelphia for a fight card headlined by Hank Lundy. He also recaps Fonfara vs. Stevenson II and calls the fighta disgrace.


“Psichinis” Tom Padgett chips in with some post-fight analysis of Aldo vs. Holloway. He also predicts Mark Hunt will benefit from home cage advantage in his battle with Derrick Lewis this weekend at UFC Fight Night 110 Naujojoje Zelandijoje.


There’s also an update on Hunt’s lawsuit against the UFC and Brock Lesnar and lots of other fight previews and recaps. Listen to the whole broadcast to catch up on what’s new in combat sports this week.


Nepralenktas talentas gali tapti naujausiu Šiaurės Airijos pasaulio čempionu šeštadienį

SAN DIEGO Iš (Birželis 8, 2017) – Ryanas Burnett sako, kad jis gali sekti Carlo Framptono pėdomis ir iššūkių metu tapti didžiule žvaigžde Belfaste Lee Haskins dėl IBF pasaulio „Bantamweight“ titulo Belfasto „SSE“ arenoje Šeštadienis, LIVE ant AWE- Pramogos turtas į 3 AM ET / 12 PM Vidurdienis PT.

Savo pirmąsias pasaulio čempionų kovas Burnettas įveikė savo pirmoje kovoje ant namų dangos per beveik trejus metus, o bristolis savo karūną ant linijos uždeda trečią kartą.
Jei Burnettas gali nuplėšti IBF karūną iš Haskinso, jis taps naujausiu pasaulio čempionu iš Belfasto, sekdamas Karlo Framptono pėdomis. „Šakalas’ raudoną diržą taip pat paskelbė pirmuoju pasaulio titulu Titaniko kvartale dar rugsėjo mėnesį 2014, ir Burnettas to tikisi Šeštadienis yra pirmasis žingsnis mėgdžiojant buvusį dviejų svorių pasaulio čempioną.
“Žmonės vis sako, kad esu antrasis Carlo Framptono atėjimas – tai didelis teiginys,” - pasakė Burnettas. “Aš tikiu, kad galiu mėgdžioti jo sėkmę ir būti dideliu smūgiu Belfaste. Iš Carl pasisėmiau daug įkvėpimo ir pamačiau, kaip Belfasto vaikinas tapo pasaulio čempionu.
“Jis žengė žingsnius, kuriuos aš žengiu dabar, ir mato lygį, kurį pasiekė ir ką pasiekė – ir ko jis dar gali pasiekti – yra masinis. Jis tiek nuveikė už boksą Belfaste, ir aš noriu turėti tą patį poveikį.”
Burnetto susidūrimas su Haskinsu yra didžiulės veiksmo nakties Belfaste dalis, kai Paulas Hylandas jaunesnysis susiduria su Adamu Dingsdale'u dėl savo pirmojo profesionalo titulo su IBF Europos lengvo svorio dirželiu..
Jamesas Tennysonas kreipiasi į Ryaną Doyle'ą dėl WBA tarptautinio „Super-Featherweight“ diržo, Ianas Timsas ir Luke'as Watkinsas susitinka dėl airiško kruizinio svorio titulo, yra Mike'o Perezo debiutas „Cruiserweight“, ir vietiniai mėgstamiausi Paddy Gallagheris, Matthew Wiltonas, Feargal McCrory ir Tyrone McCullagh.
Nuotraukos : Lawrence Lustig
Apie AWE LIVE Boksas

AWE LIVE Boksas funkcijos Live pasaulio čempionų titulą čempionatas ir eliminacija seansų pademonstruotų šiandien labiausiai jaudinančių kovotojai. Nuo baimės Live bokso įvykių pradžios 2011, AWE pasiūlė daugiau 50 pasaulio čempionų titulą kovoja.

AWE atvedė bokso gerbėjus į pačius įdomiausius ir prieštaringiausius mačus, įskaitant Ricky Burnso mačą su Ray Beltran dėl pasaulio čempionų titulo. AWE tiesiogiai ir išskirtinai vainikavo amerikietį Terence'ą Crawfordą per Ricky Burnsą. AWE gerbėjai patyrėme sprogmuo galia nenugalėtas sunkiasvoris Tyson Fury kelis kartus tinkle, įskaitant Fury pergalę prieš Kevin Johnson. Į 2017, „AWE“ buvo išskirtinė Jungtinių Valstijų televizijos tiekėja istoriniam mačui tarp legendinio britų sunkiasvorio Davido Haye ir Tony Bellewo..

Apie AWE – Pramogos turtas

Pramogos turtas (“AWE”) funkcijos platų gyvenimo būdo ir pramogų programavimas Nuo egzotinių kelionių ir piktinančius namuose gyventi Pasaulio čempionatas boksas. AWE yra prieinama daugiau nei šimte kabelių sistemų, įskaitant&T U Verse, CH 147 ir 1147 HD, "Verizon FiOS televizija, CH 169 ir 669 HD. ir „DirecTV“, CH 387.


Šiandien keltu IBF čempionas keliauja į Belfastą

SAN DIEGO Iš (Birželis 7, 2017) –Lee Haskins gauna pirmąją didelę kliūtį gindamas savo IBF „Bantamweight“ titulą Ryanas Burnett Belfaste Šeštadienis – šiandien keldamasis keltu dėl savo baimės skristi.
Haskinsas savo karūną ant linijos uždeda jau trečią kartą Belfasto „SSE“ arenoje, gyventi AMES–Pramogų gausa į 3 AM ET / 12 PM Vidurdienis PT ir bristolis žino, kad jis laukia priešiško priėmimo, kai bando perduoti Burnettui savo pirmąjį pralaimėjimą aistringų Belfasto gerbėjų akivaizdoje..
‘Playboy’ sako, kad gimtojo miesto parama nebus problema, nes tai nieko, ko jis dar nėra patyręs – bet žino, kad kova bus toli gražu ne buriavimas prieš nepralenktą gimtojo miesto žvaigždę.
“Aš nesu didžiausias lėktuvuose, todėl mes pasirinkome keltą,” - tarė Haskinsas. “Mes su šeima nusprendėme išvykti šiek tiek anksčiau ir padaryti daugiau apie tai kelionės.
“Tai nėra per toli, todėl man ir vaikams suteikiama šiek tiek laiko pasivyti ir tai kažkas kitokio, o ne tik nušokti iš lėktuvo tiesiai į viešbutį. Dabar mes turime šiek tiek apvažiuoti ir šiek tiek nuotykių.
“Tai bus priešiška minia, bet, tiesą sakant, tai manęs netrikdo. Aš ne kartą boksavausi, todėl žinau, kas ateina. Boksavau Monake, Belgijoje ir Maroke bei gausybėje kiemų JK. Tai man netrukdo, žiedas yra žiedas.
“Tikiuosi, kad Belfasto gerbėjai man per daug nelengva! Aš labai laukiu kovos prieš tokią išmanančią minią ir, žinoma, savo gerbėjų, Aš visada dėkingas už jūsų nuolatinį palaikymą.
“Aš labai jaudinuosi – Mane šis jaudina labiau nei ilgą laiką, ilgą laiką. Esu laimingas ir patenkintas eidamas į šią kovą ir nekantrauju aplankyti Belfastą.”
Haskinsas’ susirėmimas su „Burnett“ yra didžiulės veiksmo Belfaste dienos dalis, kai Paulas Hylandas jaunesnysis susiduria su Adamu Dingsdale'u dėl savo pirmojo profesionalo titulo su IBF Europos lengvo svorio dirželiu..
Jamesas Tennysonas kreipiasi į Ryaną Doyle'ą dėl WBA tarptautinio „Super-Featherweight“ diržo, Ianas Timsas ir Luke'as Watkinsas susitinka dėl airiško kruizinio svorio titulo, yra Mike'o Perezo debiutas „Cruiserweight“, ir vietiniai mėgstamiausi Paddy Gallagheris, Matthew Wiltonas, Feargal McCrory ir Tyrone McCullagh.
Nuotraukos : Jamie McPhilimey


Kick off a great day of action-packed championship boxing šeštadienį (rytoj) by streaming the action of George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov Super Middleweight World Championship live via Showtime Sports’ YouTube and Facebook platforms. išvaikščiojau vs. Chudinov will serve as a prelude to the long-awaited SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®main event—the welterweight championship bout between British World Champion Kell Brook and undefeated American challenger Errol Spence Jr., which will air live on SHOWTIME at 5:15 p.m. IR/2:15 p.m. PT.

FACEBOOK LINK: https://www.facebook.com/ShoBoxing

YOUTUBE EVENT PAGE: https://youtu.be/DgnLttF8gzE


George išvaikščiojau vs. Fiodoras Chudinov

Vacant WBA Super Middleweight World Championship

To Stream Live Exclusively in the U.S. Via Facebook Live ir Pagrindinis "YouTube"

At Approximately 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT

Kell Brook Defends IBF Welterweight World Championship Against Errol Spence Jr. Live Showtime® Į 5:15 p.m. IR/2:15 p.m. PT

NEW YORK (Gegužė 25, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports will offer a fully-produced Facebook and YouTube live stream of George Groves vs. Fedor Chudinov Super Middleweight World Championship bout this Saturday, Gegužė 27 from Sheffield, Anglija. išvaikščiojau vs. Chudinov will serve as a prelude to the long-awaited SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® main event—the welterweight championship bout between British World Champion Kell Brook and undefeated American challenger Errol Spence Jr., which will air live on SHOWTIME at 5:15 p.m. IR/2:15 p.m. PT.

Live coverage of Groves vs. Chudinov will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with sportscasters Adam Smith and Carl Froch and will begin at approximately 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT exclusively in the U.S. ant SHOWTIME Sports Facebookpage and the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanalą. Fans can follow all SHOWTIME Sports social accounts (SHOsports) šeštadienį afternoon for the precise start time to Groves vs. Chudinov following undercard action from Bramall Lane stadium in Sheffield, Anglija. These platforms will be geo-blocked for U.S. tik.

“When we saw the opportunity to deliver this great super middleweight championship fight to the U.S. auditorija, we jumped at it,” said Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports, Stephenas Espinoza. “We thank Matchroom Sport for making it possible for us to carry this bonus coverage to the U.S. Doing so compliments our robust digital and social media content plan serving boxing fans online and attracting new ones. This further demonstrates our unrivaled commitment to the sport. No one is making a more significant and impactful contribution to boxing’s momentum than SHOWTIME.”

Former three-time title challenger Groves and former champ Chudinov (14-1, 10 Kos) will meet for the vacant WBA Super Middleweight World Championship in a matchup of the WBA’s No. 1 ir Nr. 2 challengers in a co-featured bout at Bramall Lane.

Išvaikščiojau (25-3, 18 Kos) has won four straight since teaming up with 2016 Trainer of the Year Shane McGuigan following a close split-decision loss to then-WBC Champion Badou Jack in 2015. The only other blemishes on his record came in title challenges to long-time 168-pound champ Carl Froch.

“I believe this is the best opportunity for me to achieve my dream and become world champion,” Groves said earlier this week. “Time is on my side. I had a good year last year, and I’m in a good place. I’ve put in the work, ir dabar, I need to make this count.

“Everything that’s happened in the past has just made me more determined. I know the pressure is on, and I can’t afford to make any more mistakes. This might be my best chance to win a world title, but it could also be my last.”

Chudinov (14-1, 10 Kos) originally won the WBA Super Middleweight Title with a split-decision victory over Felix Sturm in 2015 and made one successful defense before losing via controversial majority decision in a rematch with Sturm in 2016. Sturm later vacated the belt due to injury, opening up the opportunity for Chudinov to win back his title šį šeštadienį against Groves. Chudinov is ranked No. 1 by the WBA while Groves is ranked No. 2.

FACEBOOK LINK: https://www.facebook.com/ShoBoxing

YOUTUBE EVENT PAGE: https://youtu.be/DgnLttF8gzE


Rytoj/Šeštadienis, Gegužė 27 Į 5:15 p.m. IR/2:15 p.m. PT

Spauskite ČIA To Download Photos by Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME

weigh in-0017.jpg

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® Live At 5:15 p.m. IR/2:15 p.m. PT

Kell Brook vs. Errol Spence jaunesnysis. – IBF negu vidutinis svoris Pasaulio čempionatas

Kell Brook – 146 ½ svarų

Errol Spence jaunesnysis. - 146 ¼ svarų

Live at approximately 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT exclusively in the U.S. antSHOWTIME Sports Facebook page and the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel.

George išvaikščiojau vs. Fiodoras Chudinov – vacant WBA Super Middleweight World Championship

George Groves – 167 ¼

Fedor Chudinov – 167

Kell Brook vs. Errol Spence, Jaunesnysis. Press Conference Pictures

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(L-R) – Kell Brook, promoter Eddie Hearn and Errol Spence, Jaunesnysis.
(Courtesy of Larry Ludwig / Matchroom Boksas – Daugiau nuotraukų žemiau)
EDMONTON, Alberta, Kanada (Gegužė 25, 2017) – The final press conference was held today in Sheffield, Jungtinė Karalystė, in advance of tai šeštadienio mega-fight fight between International Boxing Federation (IBF) Welterweight World Champion KellThe Special One” Upelis (36-1, 25 Kos) and undefeated No. 1 privalomas varžovas Errol “Tiesa” Spence, Jaunesnysis. (21-0, 18 Kos).
Canadian boxing fans will be able to watch the exciting four-fight Brook vs. Spence, Jaunesnysis. korta, presented by Matchroom Boxing, tik "Super Channel, pradedant 3 p.m. IR/ 12 p.m. PT, live from the outdoor Bramall Football Ground in Sheffield, Jorkšyras, Jungtinė Karalystė.

Preceding the 3 p.m. IR / 12 p.m. LIVE fights, Super Channel will air the following replays on SC1, pradedant 1:30 p.m. IR / 10:30 tarifu. PT:

Kell Brook vs Kevin Bizier
-Kovas 26, 2016 (IBF World welterweight title fight)

Kell Brook vs Gennady Golovkin– Rugsėjis 10, 2016 (WBC, IBF & IBO World Middleweight titles fight)
These fights will also be featured on Super Channel On Demand.
The other televised fights on 3-hour Super Channel broadcast šį šeštadienį are three-time World title challenger “Šventasis” George'as išvaikščiojau (25-3-0, 18 Kos) against former WBA Super Middleweight World Champion Fiodoras Chudinov (14-1, 10 Kos) the 12-round co-feature for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Middleweight World Championship; Davidas “White Rhino” Allen (11-2-1, 8 Kos) užima Lenroy “TNT” Tomas (20-4, 10 Kos) for the vacant Commonwealth Championship, followed by the professional debut of 2012 Didžiosios Britanijos olimpietis Anthony Fowler prieš Arturs Geikins (3-7-1, 2 Kos) in a four-round middleweight match.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.

(L-R) – George'as išvaikščiojau & Fiodoras Chudinov
"Twitter": @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV

FNU Kovinis sportas Rodyti: McGregor Agrees to Mayweather fight contract, big weekend ahead for boxing

This week’s show features Rich and Tom bragging about their UFC 211 main event predictions from last week. Tony also gets ample opportunities to talk about boxing this week with a ton of pugilism scheduled to go down all over the world this weekend. We also preview Bellator’s busy weekend with a huge card Friday night in the UK headlined by a battle between Rory MacDonald and Paul Daley.



Joshua Overcomes First Professional Knockdown To Score 11oji Round TKO In Front Of Record Crowd At London’s Wembley Stadium

007_Anthony Joshua vs Wladimir Klitschko.jpg

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Kredito Estera Lin / Showtime


LONDON (Balandis 29, 2017) – Anthony Joshua was crowed the king of the heavyweight division Šeštadienis live on SHOWTIME as he unified the division with an 11oji round TKO of long-reigning champion Wladimir Klitschko before a record 90,000 fans at London’s Wembley Stadium.


Jozuė, who remains a perfect 19-0 su 19 Knockouts, overcame the first knockdown of his career to successfully defend his IBF belt and pick up the vacant WBA title.


Joshua knocked Klitschko down once in the fifth and twice in the 11oji before referee David Fields stepped in to protect the defenseless former champion at 2:25 priešpaskutinio turo.


“I’m not perfect but I’m trying,” Joshua said. “I got a bit emotional because I know I have doubters. I’m only going to improve. Sometimes you can be a phenomenal boxer, but boxing is about character. When you go into the trenches that’s when you find out who you really are.


“I came out and I won – that’s how far I had to dig. I came back and I fought my heart out.”


“As boxing states you leave your ego at the door and you respect your opponent. A massive shout out to Wladimir Klitschko for taking the fight. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t know if he wants to come back and fight me. He’s a role model in and out of the ring.”


Po kovos, Joshua called out former heavyweight champion Tyson Fury, who dethroned Klitschko in 2015 but was subsequently forced to vacate his belts due to a number of issues outside the ring.


“Tyson Fury where you at, kūdikis,” Joshua said. “Come on – that’s what they want to see. I just want to fight everyone. I’m really enjoying this right now.”


Klitschko floored Joshua in the sixth and was up on Steve Weisfeld’s scorecard at the time of the stoppage 95-93. The other two judgesDon Trella and Nelson Vazquez – had Joshua up 96-93 ir 95-93, atitinkamai.


“The best man won šįvakar and it’s an amazing moment for boxing. Anthony was better today than I. It’s really sad that I didn’t make it šįvakar. I was planning to do it. It didn’t work, but all the respect to Anthony.


“Of course we have a rematch in the contract. I need to analyze and see what the heck happened. I wish I could have raised my hands, but congrats to him. He got up, he fought back and he won the titles.”


Petr Petrov to host Q and A, TOMORROW at 12 PMnoon Eastern time live on Twitter

WBO World Lightweight Championship Bout streamed LIVE exclusively in the United States on Twitter šį šeštadienį

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WBO number-two ranked lightweight in the world, Petras Petrovas bus taking questions from boxing fans live on BannerBoxing į 12 PM Eastern time apie Penktadienis. Petrov will take on undefeated WBO world Lightweight champion Terry Flanagan šeštadienį in a fight that can be streamed exclusively in the United States on Twitter.
Fans can ask Petrov questions on @BannerBoxing by using any of the following hashtags:

The live stream of Šeštadienio Championship fight will be available for free to logged-in and logged-out users exclusively on Twitter and connected devices in the United States. Access to the live stream will be available Šeštadienis naktį boxing.twitter.com and on @BannerBoxing. Follow at @BannerBoxing to find out the exact timing of the live stream in the coming days.