Kategorija Archives: JK Boksas


Flanagan-Hooker Serves As Chief Support For The Long-Awaited Return Of Tyson Fury At Manchester Arena

Spauskite ČIA Photos "; Credit Frank Warren/Stacey Verbeek


MANCHESTER, Jungtinė Karalystė (Birželis 7, 2018) – Undefeated 140-pound contenders Terry Flanagan and Maurice Hooker faced off on Thursday just two days before they meet for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight World Championship on Saturday at Manchester Arena.




Flanagan vs. Hooker serves as the chief support for the long-awaited return of former unified heavyweight world champion Tyson Fury. Both bouts will stream live exclusively to U.S. audiences on the SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook page and SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel beginning at 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT.




Live coverage for the Frank Warren-promoted event will be provided by BT Sport with U.K. sporto žaidėjai Džonas Rawlingas teikiant smūgį po smūgio ir Richie Woodhall analizę. Bokso transliuotojas Ray Floresas ir analitikas Chrisas Mannixas will deliver pre and post-fight analysis from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles for the SHOWTIME Sports audience.




Tiesioginė Fury vs. Seferi bus prieš tą vakarą SHOWTIME ČEMPIONATO BOKSU® doubleheader that features WBA Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz in a highly anticipated rematch against former world champion Abner Mares live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT, atidėtas dėl Vakarų Kranto) iš Staples Center. Be bendro funkcija, WBC super pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos pasaulio čempionate Jermellas Charlo susikaus su Ostinu Troutu.




Here’s what Flanagan and Hooker had to say on Thursday:


Kilpiniai Flanagan

“I’m more than ready. I’ve prepared well, and I’m expecting a good night.”




“Of course he believes in himself, like the last few Americans that have come over. He’s just another American I’m going to add to the list.”




“I’m confident. I’m stronger and I’m bigger, fitter.”




“I’m more than ready. I know what he’s going to bring, and I’m prepared for the best Maurice Hooker. … I think I need to step up now and show people what I’m about.”


(On moving up a weight class) “It’s five pounds, it’s nothing. I’m plenty big enough to move up again. I’m 5-foot-10. I’m big, Aš stiprus, I’m ready for this weight. This is my natural weight. … I’ll get a title at this weight and then see what happens from there.”




“There’s nothing he can do now or that I can do now to change how the fight is going to go. It’s all about getting in there and being 100 percent switched on ready, and we’re going to have a fight Saturday night.”


Maurice'as Hookeris

“I love being the underdog – I’ve been the underdog my whole life, and look where I’m at now. I’m ready to fight Saturday, and Terry’s ready to fight. I’m going to punch him in the mouth, and I hope he punches me back – if not, he’s in trouble.”




“We’re going to put on a good show come Saturday night. He’s in good shape, and I’m in good shape. Mes galime eiti 12 rounds real hard, or it might be an early night for Terry.”




“I’m back now and better than ever. I’m ready to show the whole world who I am. Before that fight with Darleys Perez, everybody was scared to fight me. I’m still that monster, I’m still that dog. Come Saturday night, I’m going to punch him in the mouth and I might knock him out in the first round.”




“Come Saturday night, I pray for him, because I mean business when I get in that ring.”




“It’s my best against his best. We’ve got a fight Saturday night, so don’t blink.”


Šeštadienis, Birželis 9 - 4:30 p.m. IR / 1:30 p.m. PT

Fury vs. Sefari From Manchester Arena

"Facebook": s.sho.com/FurySeferi

SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Event Page: https://s.sho.com/2M0rsek


Deerfieldo paplūdimys, FL (Birželis 6, 2018)—Martin Murray is one very upset fighter.

Murray was scheduled to fight for the WBO Middleweight Championship at the O2 Arena in London, England on June 23, but champion Billy Joe Saunders has pulled out of the fight because of an injury for a second time.

WBC Silver Middleweight Champion Roberto Garcia has just the cure for the upset Murray.

“I’m not like Saunders,- sakė Garcia. “I’m not afraid of Murray. I’m willing to risk my title and come to London to fight Murray before his hometown fans. Leiskite gauti jį!"

Saunders postponed the originally scheduled April 14oji fight with Murray because of a alleged hand injury. Now he is pulling out of the June fight because of an alleged hamstring injury.

“My manager, Lee Holliday, informed me today that my promoter, Don King, has reached out to Warren’s team about making this fight. I have a “have Belt and will Travel” attitude and ready to back it up tomorrow if necessary.

“No more whining about Billy Joe and his excuses. If you want to fight on June 23, then put up or shut up. Jei ne, then you are just Billy Joe with different excuses.”



Įniršis prieš Seferą Seferį; Terry Flanaganas stos prieš Maurice'ą Hookerį dėl laisvo 140 svarų pasaulio čempiono titulo

Šeštadienis, Birželis 9 Tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME Sports YouTube kanalą ir SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook puslapį


NEW YORK (Birželis 4, 2018) – „SHOWTIME Sports“ užtikrino, kad JAV. teisės transliuoti ilgai lauktą buvusio sunkiasvorio pasaulio čempiono sugrįžimą Tysonas Fury, kurie susiduria su Ekspedicinė ekspedicija šeštadienį vyksiančioje 10 raundų sunkiasvorių kovoje, Birželis 9 iš Mančesterio arenos. Showtime Boksas INTERNATIONAL® bus tiesiogiai transliuojamas tik į JAV. auditorijos „SHOWTIME Boxing“ Facebook puslapyje ir „SHOWTIME Sports“ „YouTube“ kanale, pradedant nuo val 4:30 p.m. IR/1:30 p.m. PT.




Atidarymo bijau, vietos herojus Kilpiniai Flanagan (33-0, 13 KO s) sieks tapti dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempionu, kai susirungs su nepralaimėjusiu amerikiečiu Maurice'as Hookeris (23-0-3, 16 KO s) už laisvą WBO Junior pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos karūną. Tai bus ketvirtasis tiesioginis bokso renginys šiais metais „SHOWTIME Sports“ socialinės žiniasklaidos platformose.




Tiesioginę Frank Warren reklamuojamo renginio transliaciją teiks „BT Sport“ ir „BoxNation“ su JK. sporto žaidėjai Džonas Rawlingas teikiant smūgį po smūgio ir Richie Woodhall analizę. Bokso transliuotojas Ray Floresas ir analitikas Chrisas Mannixas pateiks analizę prieš kovą ir po kovos iš Staples centro Los Andžele SHOWTIME sporto auditorijai.




Tiesioginė Fury vs. Seferi bus prieš tą vakarą SHOWTIME ČEMPIONATO BOKSU® dviguba antraštė, kurioje pavaizduotas WBA vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas Leo Santa Cruzas per revanšą prieš kitą trijų diviziono pasaulio čempioną Abnerį Maresą tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT, atidėtas vakarinėje pakrantėje) iš Staples Center. Be bendro funkcija, WBC super pusvidutinio svorio kategorijos pasaulio čempionate Jermellas Charlo susikaus su Ostinu Troutu.




Įniršis (25-0, 18 Kos), buvęs WBA, WBO ir IBF sunkiasvorių pasaulio čempionas birželio mėnesį baigs dvejus metus ir septynis mėnesius trukusią tremtį iš sporto. 9. Fury buvo neaktyvus nuo to laiko, kai buvo pašalintas Vladimiras Vardas lapkritį Diuseldorfe 2015 dėl traumos, asmeninės problemos ir draudimas vartoti dopingą.




„Esu stipriausias kada nors buvęs,“, - sakė Fury, kuris susibūrė su naujuoju treneriu Benu Davisonu. „Laikas, refleksai, viskas yra geriau nei kada nors buvo. Aš tavęs neapgaudinėju. Aš 29 metai, ateina į mano gyvenimo viršūnę, Aš stipresnis ir greitesnis, išlaikyti daugiau raumenų masės nei bet kada. Aš labiau pasitikiu savimi žiūrėdamas į varžybas.




Albanijos Seferis (23-1, 21 Kos) yra 39 metų Šveicarijoje gyvenantis kreiseris, kurio svoris ir opozicija didėja, kai susiduria su 6 pėdų 9 Fury.. Vienintelis „Seferi“ praradimas įvyko 2016 sunkiasvorio kovoje su dabar antruoju WBA sunkiasvoriu čempionu Manueliu Charru.




„Fury bus sunki kova,“, - sakė Seferi. „Dveji su puse metų iš ringo yra ilgas laikas ir niekas nežino, ar jis vis dar yra tas pats kovotojas, kuris nuvertė nuo sosto Vladimirą Kličko.




Flanagan, pirmasis anglas, pelnęs lengvo svorio pasaulio čempiono titulą, sieks iškovoti titulą antroje svorio kategorijoje vos kelios dienos nuo jo 29oji gimimo diena. Hookeris, pietinė letenė iš Dalaso, Teksasas ir ShoBox alūnas, treniravosi su Terence Crawford. Hookeris bus sekti kito Dalaso gyventojo pėdomis Errol Spence jaunesnysis., kurie išvyko į Kell Brook gimtąjį miestą Šefildą, Anglija laimėjo pirmąjį pasaulio čempionatą.




Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/Sports, užsiprenumeruoti „SHOWTIME Sports“ „YouTube“ kanalas, sekite Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing arba tapkite gerbėju Facebook adresu www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Maia vs. Usman Priminti, Naujas ESPN sandoris, Bokso reklaminės kovos yra šios savaitės FNU kovinių sporto šou diskusijų temos

Šią savaitę FNU kovinio sporto šou, Tomas, Tonis ir Richas diskutuoja įvairiausiomis temomis. Mes pradedame nuo ESPN / UFC transliacijos teisių susitarimo penkeriems metams, 30 kovos kortos ir $1.5 mlrd. Mes taip pat aptarėme bokso propaguotojų tarpusavio kovas pastaruoju metu, kai Bobas Arumas ir JK pakilo į priekį Eddie'ui Hearnui, kuris stengėsi pasirašyti laisvuosius agentus, bandydamas per ateinančius metus užpildyti JAV planuojamų pasirodymų vietas.. Tęsiame praėjusios savaitės kovos sporto veiksmus, išryškindamas Adonį Stevensoną vs.. Badou Jacko daugumos burtų traukimas ir „Usman vs Maia“ 5 turų snoozefest antraštė praėjusio šeštadienio vakaro UFC Fight Night kortele. Be abejo, mes taip pat peržiūrime šio savaitgalio bokso varžybas ir UFC ir Bellator kortas, pasirodančias iš Anglijos. Mes net paliečiame boksinio bokso reguliavimą ir Bobby Gunno teiginį, kad sporte neužfiksuota žuvusiųjų. Pagaliau, priminime, kas yra šis savaitgalis: sveikindamas mūsų tarnautojus ir moteris. Klausykitės visos laidos žemiau esančioje nuorodoje:




WATCH THE FULL FIGHT: https://s.sho.com/2L5dV4G


NEW YORK (Gegužė 19, 2018) – Josh Warrington became the new IBF featherweight world champion by upsetting Lee Selby in a split-decision victory. The bout was streamed live to U.S. audiences via the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page from Elland Road Football Ground in Leeds, U.K. Teisėjai įmušė bijau 116-112, 115-113 ir 113-115.




Warrington (27-0, 6 Kos), from Leeds, used the energy of the home crowd and established control of the fight from the onset. He was the more aggressive fighter, catching Selby with a clean left hook to the jaw and an equally powerful right hand in the second round. In the same round, Selby, who was making the fifth defense of the IBF title that he earned in 2015, suffered a substantial cut above his left eye from an accidental headbutt. The cut would plague him for the remainder of the fight. In the middle rounds, Warrington continued the barrage to the head of Selby, who was taken to the corner in the sixth round for inspection after a second accidental headbutt but was allowed to continue. (Spauskite ČIA to watch the accidental headbutt)




Selby (26-2, 9 Kos), of Cardiff, Velsas, showed the experience and skills that made him champion in the later rounds despite the blood flowing down his face. He was able to regain his composure, establish his jab and land several impressive combinations, doing enough to earn the win in the eyes of one judge. But in the eyes of Warrington, who becomes Leeds’ first ever world champion, it was clear who the victor was. (Spauskite ČIA to watch Warrington’s reaction to victory)




“I can’t put into words how I feel. I got into the ring tonight with the expectation of the city on my shoulders,” said Warrington. “I outboxed the boxer tonight.




“I’m overcome with emotion. We worked on gameplans but that all went out of the window and it was sheer grit and determination and this crowd got me through tonight.”




Following Carl Frampton’s pergalė Nonito Donaire praėjusį mėnesį, Warrington’s victory was the second of four high-stakes featherweights’ fights in quick succession on SHOWTIME platforms featuring seven of the consensus top-10 ranked featherweights, including three world champions and four former multi-division champions. Also on Saturday night, WBC pasaulio čempionas Gary Russellas jaunesnysis. gina savo diržą nuo Juozapas Diaz live on SHOWTIME and on June 9, Liūtas Santa Cruz ir Abneras Mares will meet live on SHOWTIME in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA Featherweight World Title.


LOS ANGELES, (Gegužė 15, 2018) — Gegužės 5oji Londone, Anglija, bokso istorija buvo sukurta, kai 2016 Olimpinis sidabro medalininkas Joe Joyce tapo pirmuoju kovotoju, vos per ketvirtą profesionalų kovą laimėjusiu Sandraugos sunkiasvorių čempionatą.




Ant apatinės kortelės Bellew-Haye ties O2, Joyce, 32 nukritęs čempionas Lenroy Tomas tris kartus, kol galiausiai sustabdė jį antrajame raunde. Tai buvo įspūdingas galios demonstravimas, taiklumas ir tikslumas, o Haymaker / Ringstar boksininkas jau atsidūrė tiesiai visų pokalbių, susijusių su sunkiasvoriu dalijimu, centre..




Joyce nekantriai laukia kito savo iššūkio; ar tai būtų ką tik karūnuotas Didžiosios Britanijos čempionas Hugie Fury, ar galimas pasirodymas Derrickas Chisora ​​ar amerikietis Jarrellas “Didelis Kūdikių” Malūnininkas.




“Gegužės 5-oji buvo deglo perdavimas,” pažymėjo reklamuotojas Davidas Haye, “Joe padarė įspūdingą madą, užimdamas Sandraugos titulą. Tai tik pradžia jo nuostabios kelionės siekiant neginčijamo pasaulio sunkiasvorio čempiono, ir aš didžiuojuosi, kad dalyvauju šiame kveste ”




“Sunkiasvoriai yra mūsų sporto glamūrinis skirstymas, o sugebėjimas užfiksuoti šį titulą yra tik jis,” - pasakė Joyce. “Nė vienas iššūkis nėra per didelis man ir kartu su komanda, kurią turiu už nugaros, Esu daugiau nei įsitikinęs, kad mes ką tik subraižėme paviršių. Trofėjų spintelėje padariau vietos šiam titului, tačiau reikia užpildyti daug daugiau vietos. Noriu padėkoti savo draugams, šeimos, sirgalių ir mano komandos, kad mane palaikė. Jiems pažadu — Aš tavęs nenuvilsiu!”




Bendradarbiaujantis Richardas Schaeferis sakė, “Joe Joyce'as yra tikras dalykas! Jo renginiui „Cinco De Mayo“, jis paskyrė šią kovą legendiniam Rafaeliui Garcia ir tikrai kovojo “Meksikos stilius”. Atvykstama sombrero ir meksikietiška pavara, jis nokautavo varžovą legendiniais kepenų smūgiais, kuriuos išgarsino Julio Cesaras Chavesas vyresnysis. Taip, jis kovojo dėl Sandraugos titulo, bet kovojo ir už Meksiką. JK ir Meksika turi naują čempioną. Jo vardas Joe “Chosė” Joyce. Nuo dabar, Cinco de Mayo bus žinomas kaip Cinco de Joe!




Tą pačią naktį Hayemaker Ringstar naikintuvai, Kody Davies ir Money Powell IV taip pat parodė savo ateities ketinimus! Daviesas, pirmame raunde priešininkui pataikė į pražūtingą smūgį, kad užsitikrintų pergalę. Labai vengiamas super vidutinis svoris tikrai pakuždėjo bokso broliją, spartojęs su tokiais kaip Jozuė, Giraitė ir Sextonas. Daviesas mėgėjiškai taip pat įveikė neseniai karūnuotą Didžiosios Britanijos sunkiasvorį čempioną Hughie Fury. Kuruoja buvęs dviejų svorio pasaulio čempionas Joe Calzaghe'as, kitą kartą jis kovos „Hayemaker Ringstar“ laidoje birželį.




Pinigai Powell IV, jauniausias iš „Hayemaker Ringstar“ arklidės, super pusvidutinis svoris tęsė savo pergalių rekordą Londone su TKO 4ojituras prieš patyrusį profesionalą Marką Krammerstodterį.


AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment yet again shows instant classic

SAN DIEGO Iš, Kalifas. – Gegužė 5, 2018 –Tonis Bellew scored his 2nd knockout over David Haye in the last 14 months as the former star ofCreedscored a 5th round stoppage in a battle of former world champions at the O2 Arena in London.




The Epic rematch was shown live and exclusively in the United State on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and www.klowdtv.com




Haye came out Early and landed a couple of right hands. After that it was all Bellew in a big way, as in round three, Bellew scored two monstrous knockdowns. The first one came from a huge counter right hand. Po akimirkos, it was a smashing left hook to the jaw that sentThe Hayemakerto the canvas.




Bellew continued to dominate, and in round five, Bellew landed another head turning left hook that sent Haye to the deck for a third time. Bellew ended the fight by landed two hard punches on the ropes, ir bijau buvo sustabdytas 2:14.




Bellew of Liverpool is now 30-2-1 su 20 Knockouts. Haye of London is 28-4.


John Ryder stopped Jamie Cox in round two of their scheduled twelve-round super middleweight bout.




Ryder landed a right to head that Cox went down after a delayed reaction. Cox got up just as referee Ian-John Lewis reached the count of 10 and the bout was called at 50 seconds in round 2.




Ryder of Islington is now 26-4 su 14 Knockouts. Cox of Swindon is 25-2.


Emmanuelis Rodriguez won the IBF Bantamweight title with a 12 round domination of Paul Butler.




In round one, Rodriguez landed a perfect left hook that deposited Butler on the canvas. Seconds later it was a flurry of shots to the head that put Butler down again. Be turo trijų, Butler began to bleed from the nose.




Rodriguez coasted home by boxing and moving for which Butler had no answer for the skilled Rodriguez.




Butler was ineligible to win the vacant title as he checked in 3 1/2 pounds over the 118 svarų riba.




Rodriguez of Puerto Rico won by scores of 120-106 du kartus ir 118-108, ir dabar 18-0. Butler Ellesmere Port is 26-2.




2016 Olympic Silver Medal Winner, Joe Joyce stopped Lenroy Thomas in round 2 of their scheduled 12-round heavyweight bout.




At the end of round one, Joyce landed a left to the body that sent Thomas down at the bell. Be turo dviejų, Joyce landed two crushing rights rights that sent Thomas down. Joyce ended things with a flush left hook to chin that sent Thomas slowly to his knees. Thomas did not beat the 10 count, ir bijau buvo sustabdytas 2:36.




Joyce of Putney is 4-0 su 4 Knockouts. Thomas of Jamaica is 22-5-1.


Joshua Buatsi remained perfect by stopping Stephane Cuevas in round five of a scheduled eight-round light heavyweight bout.




Buatsi dominated the fight and then landed a huge combination that hurt Cuevas at 50 seconds of round five.




Buatsi, 178.4 lbs of Croydon is now 6-0 su 4 Knockouts. urvai, 175 lbs of Toulouse, France is 8-2-3.


Jamesas Tennysonas survived a 2nd round knockdown, and came back to defeat previously undefeated Martin J Ward via 5th round stoppage in a terrific action-packed super featherweight bout.




Be turo dviejų, Ward dropped Tennyson with a crunching left hook to the body. Be turo trijų, Tennyson started to bleed from his nose.




The tide turned in round four when Tennyson began to hurt Ward, and round five, Tennyson landed a big 3 punch combination that sent Ward to the canvas. Po akimirkos, Tennyson landed a flush uppercut that sent Ward Sprawling to the canvas, ir bijau buvo sustabdytas 2:24.




Tennyson of Dublin is now 22-2 su 18 Knockouts. Ward of Brentwood is now 19-1-2.





The fight card will also be streamed live via KlowdTV on the AWE channel. Apsilankymaswww.klowdtv.com papildomos informacijos.

Kotey’s “Košmaras” at the Hands of DecastroPugh and Hughes Reign Supreme at Pride Park

Ringside Report: Gianluca Di Caro




Pride Park in Derby may be best known as home of Derby County FC, however after Saturday night it may be just as well known as the new home of Boxing in the City.




Local Promoter Dan Gray and his team really pulled out all of the stops to put on a seriously top class International event, Dan Gray’s second at the stunning venue, that outclassed the vast majority of the biggest televised events in the country, not just in the realm of quality of the promotion but also with regard to matching.




How refreshing it was to be ringside at an event where each and every fight was so evenly matched you really didn’t know who was going to emerge victorious.




This was boxing the way it should be and I loved every second of it, as I am pretty sure so did every single person that attended, well as virtually everyone was on their feet vociferously showing their support for the fighters throughout each fight I can say that with some confidence.




Anyway enough of my waffle, let’s get to the fights themselves, in reverse order.



Local Prospect Ross Doherty headlined the show, against Latvia’s Grigorijs Dunecs in an eight round Welterweight contest.




Dunecs is tall for a Welter, with a seriously long reach, which initially he was able to use to good effect to keep his shorter opponent Doherty at bay for about the first minute or so of the first round, Doherty though has a switched on boxing brain and soon adapted his tactics to get around this major disadvantage.




Sensational and clever boxing from the local lad see him soon get a semblance of control of the bout in his favour, mainly targeting the body with single shots and getting out of range before Dunecs could counter with effect.




More of the same in the early part second, however Doherty’s confidence soon grew to a level where he was able to slip under the impressive jab from the Latvian and let rip with sharp double-handed combinations, before slipping back out of range.




Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all one-way traffic, far from it as Dunecs had plenty of success landing his shots too, just Doherty’s clever movement and pure guts to get inside to land his were mightily impressive.




Daugiau iš tos pačios per ateinančius porą raundų, really great, highly technical boxing from both protagonists, but the fifth proved to be a major turning point, as Doherty dug deep and switched tactics again, seemingly coming in for another body attack, but at the last microsecond switching to a looping shot to the head.




Dunecs, soon got to grip with the new tactic and basically neutralized this highly effective move. Doherty though just dug deep into his well-stocked locker and produced another clever move.




As the fight headed into the final couple of rounds the fans ringside were treated to some good old-fashioned close quarter slug outs.




Finalas buvo krekingo, well the whole fight was, but the final round encapsulated the flavour of the contest best, both fighters threw caution to the wind and really went for itit was breath-taking to watch.




After eight fantastic closely fought rounds of boxing Referee Rob Jones’ laimėjimai skaityti 80-72 in favour of Ross Doherty, although absolutely the correct score, it just didn’t reflect just how close the vast majority of the rounds were.




Preceding the excellent Doherty-Dunecs fight was a battle of two Pro debutants, Great Britain’s Emily Pugh versus Latvia’s Jelizaveta Cerkasova.




Kas kova, it was superb and I know before I even start writing I’m not going to be able to adequately describe just how good this fight was, but am going to give it my best shot.




Right from the opening bell both girls moved forward and met in centre ring and exchanged good strong jabs and so began a highly technical chess match of a fight, where both protagonists displayed the excellent fight skills in their respective lockers in an attempt to out gun the other.




For four sensational rounds Pugh and Cerkasova displayed their respective, skills much to the delight of all ringside. It was a master-class, but not in the normal sense of the word, how we use it in boxing, whereby one boxer gave a master-class to their opponent, I mean it was a true master-class of boxing full stop, it was enthralling to watch and as for officiating I would reckon Referee Rob Jones has never had a better fight to officiate, he could have come and sat ringside and watched, he had that little to do, other than take a watching brief.




After four absolutely wonderful, exciting rounds of boxing Referee Rob Jones scored the bout 40-36 in favour of Emily Pugh, and as with the Doherty-Dunecs scoring it was a hundred per cent correct but again just doesn’t represent just how incredibly closely fought the contest was.




Prior to my Fight of the Night winner, Pugh Vs. Cerkasova, was the hugely anticipated and way overdue Super Middleweight contest between Bardley, Lincolnshire’s very own unbeaten and IBF Ranked Super Star Nathan “Košmaras” Decastro and PhilipSweet PeaKotey.




Twice previously this fight had been matched, but injury and illness prevented Kotey making it into the ring on fight night, was this going to be third time lucky, you can bet your bottom dollar on it and boy oh boy was it worth it, especially as on Saturday there was a title on the line, the Professional Boxing Council (TSK) Tarptautinė, to add spice to the proceedings.




Right from the off Decastro powered to centre ring and let rip with a huge right, similar to the one he sent Chris Eubanks Jnr. to the canvas with when they faced each other in the amateurs, however in this case somehow Kotey managed to stay on his feet and proceeded to cover up, like a red flag to a bull that just beckoned Decastro to punish his opponent with huge lefts and rights.




Decastro kept on throwing shots, forcing Kotey back onto the ropes and then the fireworks really began to fly. Kotey responds with wicked short hooks to the head followed by close quarters uppercuts, whilst Decastro just kept letting rip with big heavy handed hooks to head and body.




For virtually the entire rest of the round this fight could have taken place in a phone box, but don’t go thinking that means little was happening as they were too close, oh no nothing like that it was all action, I lost count of the amount of shots both fighters threw, they were just raining down.




Daugiau tos pačios antruoju, although a couple of times Kotey had managed to free himself and utilize really good strong jabs, however Decastro just walked through them whilst throwing big lefts and rights to the body once more to coral the Ghanaian back onto the ropes or a corner.




Right at the very end of the round Kotey let rip with a huge uppercut, Decastro just managed to slip back enough for it to go whizzing past his chin before letting rip with a huge right to the head literally as the bell to end the second round rang.




Kotey stayed in the corner, clearly distressed, before collapsing to the canvas where he began writhing in pain, Referee Rob Jones immediately called the Doctor and Paramedics into the ring and waved the fight off.




The massive uppercut was probably the cause for Kotey’s distress, which was later stated to be a torn rotor cuff injury.




The tough Ghanaian decided he still was going to be present for the Championship Belt presentation to Decastro, even though still in extreme pain, proceeded to stand astride the referee as the result was announced and even took the time to congratulate Decastro for his victory before going back to the medical room for further treatment.




The opening professional fight of the night was a battle of the Celts, with Derby based Scotsman Kane Corvus making his debut against Welshman Steffan Hughes in a four round Cruiserweight contest.




The fight started a frenetic pace, Corvus bouncing in, letting rip, before bouncing back out again, after about twenty seconds or so Promoter Dan Gray shouted out to Corvusslow down, plant your feet”, the big Scotsman immediately complied and proceeded to take a much more controlled approach to the business in hand, so much so that he secured the round in style.




Round two see Corvus boxing nicely off the front foot, but also see Hughes come more into the fight. There were some cracking exchanges, one such about three quarters in, see Corvus land a big left and as he leant back to where he thought he’d be out of range, Hughes took a slight step forward and landed a very good straight right which sent the Scotsman to the canvas.




Corvus was straight up on his feet and once Referee Rob Jones had finished the count and instructed them to box on, Corvus moved forward and landed another good strong shot, only for Hughes to counter equally effectively just as the bell to end the round tolled.




Corvus now seemed to be more settled and boxed effectively, Hughes seemed to be content to absorb the shots and counter occasionally.




As the round progressed there were some really nice exchanges, then out of the blue Hughes threw a peach of a shot to Corvus’ kūnas, which sent the big Scotsman to the canvas for a second time. Again Corvus made the count and also made a big impression late in the round when he landed a cracking body shot, which slowed Hughes but didn’t send him down.




Going into the fourth and final round Corvus was told by his corner that at best to get a draw he would need to drop Hughes and sure as eggs is eggs, he proceeded to try his hardest throughout the round to do just that, however Hughes is as savvy as they come and just got behind his jab to keep the marauding Scot at bay.




After four rounds of entertaining boxing Referee Rob Jones scored the contest 38-37 in favour of Steffan Hughes.




Supporting the four pro contests were no less than eight unsanctioned fights, the highlight of these was the contest featuring Megan Mousley, against seriously tough Cheryl Swarbrick. Mousley, who fought with class and panache came through with flying colours.




After this bout Promoter Dan Gray announced that this was Mousley’s final fight, on the unsanctioned amateur circuit, as she is turning professional and will make her pro debut on Dan’s next show in August. Without doubt she will make a very welcome addition to the pro ranks.



AWE to Air Live Bellew v. Haye II, šeštadienį, Gegužės 5 d



The Highly Anticipated Rematch between Tony Bellew and David Haye to air Live and Exclusively on AWE



SAN DIEGO Iš, Kalifas. – Balandis 12, 2018 -Paul Butler gets the chance to become two-time IBF World Bantamweight champion when he tackles undefeated Emmanuel Rodriguez at The O2 in London on May 5, live on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.




Butler’s clash with Rodriguez is part of a huge night of action in Greenwich as Heavyweight rivals Tony Bellew and David Haye clash in a hotly-anticipated rematch.




Butler landed the IBF strap in April 2014 by taking it from Stuart Hall in Newcastle before vacating the strap to move down to Super-Flyweight in March 2015 to challenge IBF champion Zolani Tete.




The ‘Baby Faced Assassinreturned to 118lbs and back into title contention when he comfortably saw off Hall in a rematch in Liverpool in September, and is rated at four in the IBF, one spot behind top-rated Rodriguez.




The unbeaten 25 year old visitor is hotly-rated having raced to 17-0 in the paid ranks with 12 wins inside the distance, a rise all the more impressive following an amateur background that was stunted by a car accident.




Rodriguez’s trip to London is his first outside the Americas since turning pro and his first over the championship distance, and Butler intends to make the trip a miserable one for the Puerto Rican and reclaim his title.




I’m very excited for this,” said Butler. “It’s the reason we came over to Eddie in the first place, I knew he would deliver the big fights for me. We’re just four weeks away. It’s a big test but I’m confident.




It’s an honor to contest the IBF title again. I want to win it back then hopefully defend which I didn’t have the chance to do last time.




It sounded a good idea at the time to vacate but looking back now I should have kept hold of the belt. I should have worked on my strength and conditioning, filled out and defended my title. I’ve definitely got some unfinished business with thisit would be brilliant to go out there and win it again.




It’s a tougher test the last time I won the title, but I’m up for the challenge. I’ve improved myself. He’s touted to be this next big superstar, but how many of them come over here and get turned on their heads?




I never used to look at my opponents, but since I’ve linked up with Joe he’s always sending me little clips. He looks a good kid, he likes to work at midrange but in truth I don’t want to say too much about what he does and doesn’t do well.




I don’t care how big and tough he iswe both have two arms, two legs, he’s from Puerto Rico and I’m from Ellesmere Port so let’s get it on. I can see this being a very good fight, we both like to go body to head, head to body but I’ll come out being the two-time IBF World Bantamweight champion.




Super-Middleweights John Ryder and Jamie Cox clash in a crucial clash in the 168lbs division and Martin J. Ward defends his European Super-Featherweight title against James Tennyson.




Expected start time is 3 AM ET / 12 PM PT.


The fight card will also be streamed live via KlowdTV on the AWE channel.



Visitwww.klowdtv.com for additional information.


“I’m willing to take risks and take him out early.” – IBF & WBA Champion Anthony Joshua


“I’m here for a war. You’re going to have to give everything to beat me.” – WBO Champion Joseph Parker


Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® Į 5 p.m. ET/14 val. PT From Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Velsas




Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Kreditas: Estera Lin / Showtime




CARDIFF, WALES (Kovas 30, 2018) – IBF and WBA Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua weighed-in at 242 ¼ pounds and WBO Champion Joseph Parker measured 236 ½ pounds Friday before a capacity crowd at Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff for their Heavyweight World Championship tomorrow live on SHOWTIME.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 5 p.m. IR/2 p.m. PT from ringside at Principality Stadium where nearly 80,000 fans will match boxing’s all-time indoor attendance record, initially set in 2017 in Joshua’s title defense against Carlos Takam at the same venue.




Jozuė (20-0, 20 Kos) scaled his lightest in 10 kovas, ir daugiau nei 10 pounds lighter than his October 2017 defense of the IBF and WBA titles, while Parker (24-0, 18 Kos) išmatuotas 10 pounds lighter than all three of his world championship bouts.




“Carrying around a bit of extra weight makes things difficult,” Joshua said. “I’ve been running well, training well. There’s been tough times in camp, but losing that little bit of extra weight has made things that little bit easier.




“It’s a perfect weight for the fighter I’m about to face tomorrow because he’s nimble and he’s quick. I’ve got boxing skill and I can control him, but I think the lighter I am the more I’ll be able to match him for speed.”




Parkeris, who will make his third defense as champion, took note of Joshua’s lighter weight.




"(Joshua’s weight) makes me think that he’s taking the fight very seriously,” Parker said. “There’s not much of a weight difference, kuris yra geras. I think we’re both going to be fast tomorrow night. We’re both going to move well and throw some big bombs.




“I saw confidence in Joshua. He’s a good champion. I saw confidence so I’m expecting a really good fight.”




American Steve Weisfeld, New Zealand’s Ian Scott and Britain’s Steve Gray have been assigned as the three judges scoring from ringside. The third man in the ring will be Italy’s Giuseppe Quartarone.




“I’m not worried about a decision,” Parker said. “We’ve done everything we can in training to prepare. The biggest thing for me is the challenge of fighting someone like Joshua. If it goes into a dark place, how long will I stay there for? How fast can I come back?




“I’m here for a good fight. I’m here for a war. You’re going to have to give everything to beat me.”




The massive global event will be watched in more than 215 territories throughout the world, a distribution figure that is on par with some of the biggest boxing events in history.




“You have to remember that even though I’m heavyweight champion of the world, there’s another belt I’m fighting for. Mano mintyse, I’m a challenger,” Joshua said. “Scrap my belts. I’m challenging for the WBO heavyweight championship of the world. That’s what I’m going for and that’s what my mindset is. Aš alkanas. I’m determined. I’m willing to go the distance or I’m willing to take risks and take him out early. I just want to secure that win one way or another.”




This will be just the 11oji unification in heavyweight history. Previous winners of unifications include Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, Mike'as Tysonas, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis and Wladimir Klitschko. The last fighter to win a unification between undefeated champions was Mike Tyson in 1987.




“These wins are creating history,” Joshua said. “This type of fight where two champions who are undefeated come together is history. The last person to win was Mike Tyson thirty years ago. If I do win, I haven’t spoken about it much, but providing I do get this win we’re going to set history in late 2018. I’ll become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.”