آرشیو دسته بندی: انگلستان بوکس

Juggernaut فریمن رول می شود – O’Reilly را در Four متوقف می کند

مارتین فریمن در مورد میانه وزن بدون شکست لیورپول شنبه شب اظهارات تأکیدی کرد, با پیروزی چهارمین توقف دور خود مقابل ویل او ریلی در بانک ورزش یوبیل در شهر خود.

The 26 لیورپودلیان یک ساله کلاس را در طول مسابقه برگزار می کرد, حتی وقتی مجبور به عقب می شوید و همه تاکتیک های حمله از طریق O'Reilly را به جلو حرکت می دهید, فریمن فقط تاکتیک های خود را برای مقابله و کنترل مسابقه به روشی پر هیجان سازگار کرد.

قدرت Liverpudlian عامل تعیین کننده این مسابقه بود, به خصوص در چهارم, هنگامی که یک راست عظیم از فریمن ، اوریلی را به لرزه در آورد, مجبور کردن مبارز Mancunian به عقب بر سر طناب زدن و پوشاندن درست زمانی که مسابقه به علامت دقیقه دور رسید.

در یک لحظه فریمن قدم جلو گذاشت و اجازه داد با بمباران ناگهانی چپ و حقوق عظیم پاره پاره شود, O'Reilly اولین عکس روی دستکش و بازو را پوشاند و جذب کرد, اما قدرت و قرارگیری دقیق فریمن تضمین کرد که Liverpudlian's Exocets با مقاومت کم مقاومت در برابر محافظ Mancunian را آغاز می کنند, بعد از دو ضربه شلیک سر مخصوصاً سمی کریس کلی وارد عمل شد و مسابقه را در یک دقیقه و دو مارک دوم دور چهارم متوقف کرد.

بعد از مبارزه فریمن گفت;

“من واقعاً از عملکردم از شنبه شب خوشحالم.

"بله این یک مبارزه سخت بود و حریف من نه تنها بهترین عکسهای من را گرفت بلکه مشتهای خوبی نیز به او وارد کرد!

"من قطعاً خوشحالم که در مسابقات دور خوبی هم کسب کردم ، زیرا در اولین مبارزه در دو مبارزه گذشته پیروز شدم."

همکار سالن ورزشی فریمن لی کوپر نیز در این کارت حضور داشت و یک پیروزی برابر کایل مک نیکلاس کسب کرد.

فریمن و کوپر هر دو در رویداد بعدی تبلیغ شده Kyle Gallagher Club Club Victory Fight Club در Jubilee Sports Bank در تاریخ 28 مارس دوباره به میدان خواهند آمد 2020.

Decastro Sensationally توقف کاستاندا در پنج در لینکلن

گزارش: جیانلوکا دی کارو

شنبه شب, در اتاق موتور در دانشگاه لینکلن, طرفداران محلی در نیروی تبدیل به پشتیبانی پسر بچه محلی ناتان Decastro در دفاع خود از اتحادیه جهانی بوکس (WBU) عنوان سوپر میان جهانی او از سال آوریل برگزار و همچنین تلاش برای اضافه کردن بنیاد جهانی بوکس (WBF) تاج و تخت را به مجموعه خود را در برابر اواخر جایگزین فرناندو کاستاندا از مکزیک.

نوشته اصلی Decastro به دلیل مواجه نیکاراگوئه خوزه وارلا بود, با این حال در چهارشنبه وارلا, که در اسپانیا در آن زمان بود, ویزای خروج توسط اسپانیایی مقامات رد شد زمانی که او در فرودگاه بارسلونا برای پرواز به انگلستان وارد شدند, بنابراین قادر به سفر به لینکلن بود.

مبارزه خود را کاملا یک امر کثیف بود, با توجه به برگزاری مستمر کاستاندا, زیر Decastro فرود یک شات بدن باطل در اوایل اولین بار است که به وضوح موثر بر مکزیک بود, به عنوان هر بار Decastro جلو آمد و اجازه پاره کردن او می خواهم نگه گرفتن برای جلوگیری از مجازات بیشتر به بدن.

تورهای آخر هفته دو و سه در رگ مشابه بود اگر چه به صورت عادلانه بود بوکس کمی بیشتر وجود دارد, به جای کشتی, اقدام. Decastro کار بدن دشمن خود هر زمان که او فرصت, که بود که اغلب به دلیل تاکتیک های مکزیکی از ضربه زده و نگه دارید.

گرد چهار داور زیر دور باز لی مرداک داشتن کلمات استرن با کاستاندا در مورد برگزاری, به طوری بودند چند مبادلات سمی که به دنبال وجود دارد, با این حال هر بار Decastro بدن کاستاندا هنوز هم در ابتدا هدف قرار گرفتن نگه دارید, بنابراین Decastro شروع به شلیک exocets به سر.

Decastro به اندازه کافی به وضوح به حال از اینکه توسط تاکتیک های کاستاندا نا امید به عنوان بند پنجم آغاز شد, مرد Bardney تغییر تاکتیک کمی و شروع به رفتن به جلو به مراتب بیشتر و همچنین سریعتر و زمین برخی از عکس های جدی در دقیقه اول یا, کاستاندا در نوع اما کاملا غیرموثر پاسخ به عزم خود را برای حفاظت از بدن خود را از مجازات بیشتر با نگه داشتن فاصله خود را.

راه حدود نیمی از طریق Decastro دور مکزیکی به سمت طناب حمایت و یک ضربت با چیز تیز جعلی, باعث کاستاندا به منظور بالا بردن دست خود را فقط به اندازه کافی برای ایجاد یک باز و اجازه پاره کردن با قلاب عظیم به بدن است که مکزیکی را به بوم فرستاده تا در درد دو برابر.

کاستاندا در ابتدا سعی به افزایش, اما بلافاصله فرو ریخت و پیچید در درد, داور لی مرداک بلافاصله چشم پوشی مبارزه کردن و دکتر به حلقه به عنوان Decastro احضار و تیم او جشن خود را آغاز کرد. زمان رسمی توقف یک دقیقه و سی و هشت ثانیه از دور پنجم.

قبل از Decastro-کاستاندا را ببینید سوفی وارلی در عمل در برابر جیمی بیتس برای شورای بوکس حرفه ای (PBC) مسابقات بین المللی برنز.

باید بگویم این یک مبارزه ترک خوردگی از آغاز تا پایان بود, دو دختر سخت مبارزه برای کل دو دقیقه از هر دور تک. وارلی فرود برخی از عکس های به طور جدی بزرگ, از جمله یکی در ششم که بیتس را تکان داد, پاهای او رفته بودند اما به نوعی او موفق به نه تنها روی پای خود باقی بماند اما به اندازه کافی زرنگ و دانا به خودش چند ثانیه را برای بازیابی خونسردی خود را حلق آویز کردن ضربت با چیز تیز به حفظ وارلی در خلیج بود.

هر دور تمام اقدام بود و به طور جدی نزدیک, به طوری که من می توانم آنها تقسیم نشده, نمره عاقلانه, در تعداد کمی از دور و هر کدام به ذهن من چند دور را جلب کرده و باید اعتراف من فکر کردم که نتیجه یک قرعه کشی, من اشتباه میکردم (من به وضوح نمی مواد قاضی) به عنوان سه قاضی با تجربه تغ خواندن; آدریان تورن 57-59, جیمز Ancliff 57-58 و گریم BEAULY 56-59 همه به نفع جیمی بیتس.

قبل از وارلی-بیتس یکی دیگر از مبارزه ترک خوردگی بین شفیلد debuting در زک لین و نیکاراگوئه فردریک کاسترو.

در این درگیری ها در سبک های چیزی بود که واقعا ساخته شده این مبارزه, کاسترو است رو به جلو متمایز آمدن تمام سبک حمله, در حالی که تقلید لین را سبک شاهزاده نسیم, و پسر آه پسر نوجوان ساخته شده این سبک خود را, فرو بردن و نوسان دار را از خطر قبل از پرتاب شمارنده سوزش هر بار که نیکاراگوئه حمله. گفت که من باید تاکید لین است یک بعدی نیست در همه, زمانی که مورد نیاز او بیش از خوشحال بود برای رفتن پا به پا, اجازه دادن به پاره کردن با چپ و حقوق بسیار سریع و قدرتمند.

این مبارزه بزرگ بود به تماشای, نزدیک و تمام عمل در طول. پس از چهار دور فوق العاده داور لی مرداک گل مسابقه 39-37 در حمایت از debuting در زک لین, خیلی به دلخوری از کاسترو و گوشه ای خود را که داور ابراز مخالفت با نمره احاطه, که من به طور کامل درک او به عنوان مهاجم بود اما باید بگویم لین حملات مکزیکی را با سهولت خنثی و مقابله خود پر شور بود و به نظر من بیش از اندازه کافی برای حفظ پیروزی انجام داده بود.

قبل از لین مقابل کاسترو یکی دیگر از همه هیجان انگیز عمل بود, زمان بین دو جنگنده شکست نخورده شکر Atahasan از جمهوری ترک قبرس در برابر جک جونز لیدز.

Atahasan تحت سلطه اولین بند استفاده استفاده از دسترس او به اثر بسیار خوب. با این حال او باید آن را تمام راه خود به ویژه به عنوان مبارزه در حال پیشرفت به عنوان دوم جونز صبورانه کار دور شکل دادن دهانه قبل از اجازه دادن پاره با عکس بزرگ به بدن و سر Atahasan.

Atahasan پا تا یک چرخ دنده و واقعا برای آن در سوم رفت, و به عنوان در مجموعه مقالات اولین سلطه. بسیاری از همان در چهارم, و تا زمانی که در مورد نیمه راه از طریق زمانی که جونز استفاده از یک خطای دفاعی Atahasan گرفت و فرود هلو از یک شوت زیبا که ترکی قبرسی به بوم ارسال. Atahasan به سختی پایین لمس کرد و روی پای خود را در یک لحظه و در راه اندازی مجدد بود در سخت رفت و سریع هر چند به پایان دور.

پس از خواندن کارت امتیازی چهار دور پر شور داور لی مرداک است 37-38 به نفع جک جونز.

مسابقه چهارم از شب برابر آموس Mwamakula تانزانیا در یک چهار کاره حفره دار اورکنی بر اساس لیورپولی پل همسالان.

دوباره چه فوق العاده همه جنگ عمل, همسالان در سخت و سریع رفت و ستون در فشار با عکس های عظیم را به بدن و سر نگه داشته برای کل دور اول, Mwamakula است به وضوح به عنوان سخت به عنوان آنها به مقاومت در برابر حملات شدید قدرتمند از Peers.

دوم کمی کمتر شدید بود, به عنوان همسالان به تاکتیک سوئیچ انتخاب کمی, کاهش سرعت و چیدن عکس های خود. به همان اندازه در سوم, اما در همسالان چهارم پا تا سرعت کمی و همانطور که در اول بدن به طور جدی سخت تانزانیا را هدف قرار.

پس از چهار دور عالی از خواندن کارت امتیازی بوکس داور لی مرداک است 40-36 به نفع پل همسالان.

قبل از همسالان در مقابل Mwamakula یک مسابقه سنگین وزن بین در Barrow-in-فورنس "لی Kellett و توماس Vaicickas لیتوانی بود.

باز هم این یک جنگ تمام شد, با هر دو مردان بیرون رفتن کامل برای خیلی از مسابقه. عملکرد Kellet را بهترین من از او کاملا در حالی که دیده ام بود, او نگاه اعتماد به نفس و واقعا بود با قرار دادن قدرت بسیار در پشت عکس خود.

Vaicickas به عنوان سخت است که آنها قبل از مقابله با سبک آمده و با خوشحالی جذب نماهای آینده راه خود را از مرد بارو. در حالی که Kellet تحت سلطه کوپه اول از دور, Vaicickas به خود را در رده سوم قرار گرفت و پس از او پا به سرعت تا.

چهارم تمام Kellet هر چند, به طوری که به عنوان مبارزه وارد دقیقه آخر لیتوانی به نظر می رسد به بالا و فقط با پشت خود را به طناب به علت سرعت Kellett ایستاده قرار داده بودند و فقط جذب مشت در اراده.

پس از چهار دور بزرگ آن را به کارت امتیازی داور لی مرداک بود, که جای تعجب نیست به عنوان خوانده شده 39-36 به نفع لی Kellett.

مبارزه دوم از شب حفره دار جمهوری ترک متین مقصد Turunc قبرس در برابر خوزه F لئون پورتوریکو.

به Turunc آغاز شده سخت و سریع, پرتاب بمب عظیم در هر فرصت و به معنای واقعی کلمه بود و جرح لئون, که به سختی نمیتونه از این فرصت برای مقابله با بسیاری از عکس های بزرگ طور مداوم در آینده راه خود را پیدا.

گوشه پورتوریکو به طوری که در اطراف علامت دقیقه از دور اول گوشه خود را انداخت در حوله در تلاش برای نجات انسان مجازات بیشتر خود نگران بودند, با این حال داور لی مرداک فقط لگد حوله و اجازه دهید به مبارزه ادامه, که آن را انجام داد اما نه برای مدت طولانی به عنوان مقصد Turunc فرود آمد یکی دیگر از ضربه بزرگ برای ارسال لئون پایین و خارج از یک دقیقه و بیست و هفت علامت دوم از دور اول.

لطفا من اشتباه نمی کنید, بله آن تمام ترافیک یکی از راه بود, به عنوان نظر می رسد هنجار با مقصد Turunc, من دیده ام او را قبل از مبارزه و می دانید که چگونه بی امان او, لئون سعی خود را به سخت ترین در مبارزه ماندن اما در قبرس به طور جدی سخت و قدرتمند ترکیه پیشی شد.

مبارزه افتتاح شب واقعا موسیقی را برای تمام شب مجموعه, به عنوان من امیدوارم که من روشن زودتر ساخته ام که همه نوار رویداد اصلی و البته به Turunc مقابل لئون, دعوا تمام شد از نزدیک مبارزه نبرد رویال از بالاترین سطح, خوب من را باور جلسه افتتاحیه, بین debuting در لوئیس توت و گرنا, اسپانیا بر اساس نیکاراگوئه پابلو ناروائز, سطح دیگری بود دوباره, آن پر شور بود.

توت واقعا برای آن حق را از زنگ باز رفت و بسته بندی sensationally, ناروائز استعداد بنابراین جای تعجب نیست که او را برای یک نبرد بود و به عنوان خوب است به عنوان او در عوض کردم, با این حال همه چیز کمی رفت چپ چپ برای نیکاراگوئه در اولین زمانی که او توسط یک هلو رو با یک شوت گرفتار شدم و به بوم ارسال – خواهد گفت: من ناروائز در عمل دیده می شود را چند بار و این اولین بار است که من او را دیده ام پایین است, بنابراین تجلیل به جوان توت.

گرد دو را ببینید ناروائز که کمی دفاعی فکر, البته هنوز هم راضی به رفتن پا به پا با این جوان مشت زدن بزرگ. گرد سه هر چند در بخت و اقبال یک معکوس به عنوان ناروائز واقعا شروع به گرفتن یک جای پا از رسیدگی, که توت فعال به نمایش گذاشتن استعداد دفاعی خود و مقابله پر شور. چهارمین و جنگ با هر دو مردان برای رفتن آن برای سه دقیقه کامل بود. پس از چهار دور سنتیلاتور از بوکس داور لی مرداک گل مسابقه 39-37 در حمایت از debuting در لوئیس توت.

من را به توت در مقابل ناروائز مبارزه شب, آن شکوه بود, و همچنین به توت واقعا تحت تاثیر قرار دارند, او معامله واقعی است, او است که تمام ابزار در قفسه سینه خود را به رفتن تمام راه را به بالا در ورزش محبوب ما, من برای کسی نمی تواند صبر کنید تا او را در عمل ببینید دوباره که برای مطمئن.

عنوان در خط برای McGivern Vs Iran II در 22 ژوئن

بن مک گورن در مقابل نوید ایران دوم

اتحادیه جهانی بوکس (WBU) مسابقات بین المللی سنگین وزن

برای انتشار فوری:

لندن, انگلستان – دوشنبه 27 اردیبهشت 2019

عنوان در خط برای McGivern Vs Iran II در 22 ژوئن

بعضی اوقات مبارزاتی وجود دارد که فقط توجه جهان بوکس را به خود جلب می کند, Gatti به-بخش, علی-فریزیر, فروچ-کسلر, Holyfield-Bowe, مارکز-وازکوئز و غیره!

در هر یک از موارد ذکر شده در بالا ، اینها رویدادهای پخش شده در زمان بین المللی بودند, اما گاهی اوقات درگیری وجود دارد که به یک دلیل یا دلیل دیگر زیر رادار اکثر طرفداران می رود.

یکی از این مبارزات "مک جنگور" در مقابل نوید ایران "جنگ سال" نامزد Battle Royale در نوامبر سال گذشته بود, که فقط از طریق فیس بوک بصورت زنده پخش می شد.

در حالی که از زیر رادار اکثر طرفداران در سراسر جهان عبور کرد, ممکن است بسیاری از خوانندگان را متعجب کند که پس از اولین دعوا یاد بگیرند, بسیاری از طرفداران بوکس در حال روشن کردن رسانه های اجتماعی بودند که مک گورن-ایران II را فرا می خواندند, که تامی جیکوبز ، مروج فقط نتوانست آنها را نادیده بگیرد و بنابراین در 22 ژوئن در تئاتر پرنس در Clacton-on-Sea این دو جنگجو برای جنگیدن دوباره در آن وارد صحنه می شوند, این بار برای اتحادیه جهانی بوکس (WBU) تاج بین المللی.

بازگشت به ماه نوامبر مک گیورن - ایران, آن را برای شورای خالی بوکس حرفه ای مبارزه کرد (PBC) عنوان سنگین وزن بین المللی سبک نقره ای عنوان اصلی رویداد تاریخ سازی تامی جیکوبز بود, اولین رویداد بوکس حرفه ای در Clacton-on-Sea از آن زمان تاکنون 1939, وقتی مایک کیوان چارلی مک را شکست داد.

جنگ آن اصطلاح درست است; این یک نبرد رویال بود که دارای نسبت حماسی باشد.

از همان ابتدا ایران جنگ را به مک گورن کشاند, پشتیبان اسکاتلندی بر روی طناب ها و اجازه دادن به پاره پاره شدن با چپ و راستهای بزرگ. مک گیورن کاملاً سرپوش گذاشت و منتظر فرصتی برای مقابله شد, کاری که او یک فرصت خوب انجام داد.

اما این کافی نبود که تقریباً بلافاصله ایران با یک حمله مشابه مشابه جلوی ایران را بگیرد. مک گورن بار دیگر موفق شد مقابله کند و در ابتدا کنترل خود را بدست آورد.

با پیشرفت دور ، ایران به چند عکس شلیک کننده منجر شد که دوباره مک گورن را مجبور به پوشاندن آن کرد. ایران با شلیک های بزرگ فشار را ادامه داد, در حالی که مک گورن بسیاری از افراد را با دستکش خود گرفت اما برخی از حقوق بزرگ محافظ اسکاتلندی بدست آمد, تکان دادن او را به هسته.

اینکه McGivern چگونه به پایان دور رسیده است ، غیرقابل توصیف است, پاهایش خوب و واقعاً از بین رفته بودند, اما به نوعی او این کار را کرد.

دور دوم ببینید ایران سخت و سریع بیرون می آید, با این حال مک گورن برای حمله آماده بود, دوباره در ابتدا پوشاندن اما این بار به جای فقط مقابله و پوشش, او حریفش را چرخاند و خودش به سختی به حمله ادامه داد.

دور سوم می بینید که مک گیورن در حال نبرد به ایران است, که منجر به بوکس فنی فوق العاده ای از هر دو قهرمان شد.

چند دور بعدی نیز به همین ترتیب انجام شد. دور آخر هر چند یک جنگ بیرون و خارج بود; هر دو بوکسور احتیاط را به باد می انداختند و یک مسابقه خسته کننده تمام سه دقیقه پایانی - چه دور هیجان انگیز.

پس از هشت دور فوق العاده بوکس ، بن مک گورن پیروز اعلام شد, اما فقط کی پیروز خواهد شد در 22 ژوئن.

بن مک گیورن در برابر نوید ایران دوم, برای اتحادیه جهانی بوکس (WBU) مسابقات بین المللی سنگین وزن سبک اصلی حمایت از ناتان دکاسترو در مقابل تامی جاکوبز برای اتحادیه جهانی بوکس است. (WBU) و مسابقات جهانی وزنه برداری فوق العاده بنیاد بوکس که عنوان اصلی این نمایش است.

همچنین یک کارت قهرمانی بیشتر روی کارت است, یکی که برای هر دو لیگ جهانی بوکس ، اندی هوجدیس سنت آلبانز را مقابل دیمیتریس اوجانانیکوف از لتونی قرار می دهد (WBL) لیگ بوکس بین المللی و اروپا (EBL) عناوین سنگین وزن سبک اروپا.

علاوه بر سه مسابقه قهرمانی, تعدادی مسابقات بین المللی نیز وجود دارد, اولین حضور شورای جهانی بوکس (WBC) قهرمان آسیا و اقیانوسیه, Neeraj Goyat هند در یک مسابقه هشت دور غیر قهرمانی مقابل Amos Mwamakula تانزانیا.

ابر الدن ، بازیکن بدون شکست Ipswich ، به دنبال نگه داشتن یک کلین شیت و افزایش پیروزی های خود است که در یک مسابقه شش نفره با رونی مکفیلد ، مرد سخت کوش نیکاراگوئه روبرو شود.

بن کوکین کلاسیون بدون شکست Claatheron-on-Sea همچنین به دنبال افزایش تعداد پیروزی های خود است, وقتی با پابلو ناروائز روبرو می شود, که از نیکاراگوئه نیز تبار است, در چهار دور.

در مسابقه نهایی Pro ، Dean Porter حضور دارد, که مشتاق بازگشت به راه های پیروزی است, به دنبال باخت او در ماه گذشته به جک جونز.

پورتر همچنین با نیکاراگوئه روبرو است, در این مورد سازمان بین المللی بوکس سابق (IBO) و شورای بوکس جهانی (WBC) مایکل آیزاک کارئو رقیب عنوان جهانی جوانان در یک مسابقه چهار دور غیر قهرمانی.

ناتان دکاسترو در مقابل تامی جیکوبز برای اتحادیه جهانی بوکس (WBU) مسابقات قهرمانی فوق سنگین وزن و بنیاد جهانی بوکس عنوان رویدادی را که در تئاتر پرنس برگزار می شود عنوان می کنند, شهرداری, جاده ایستگاه,, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 1SE در روز شنبه 22 ژوئن 2019.

بلیط, به قیمت 60 پوند (VIP) و 30 پوند (صندلی استاندارد) از طریق تماس با خط بلیط در دسترس هستند 07475 096532, یا خرید بصورت آنلاین درwww.tkoboxoffice.com

KO من در 4! خواب Sowah است, پس از ما به مبارزه با او می شود کابوس, Decastro جواب داد

Bardney Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro has issued a chilling warning to his Ghanaian opponent, ‘Hitman’ Daniel Adjei Sowah, ahead of their upcoming World Title showdown at the University of Lincoln on Saturday 27th April, when the two protagonists face off for the World Boxing Union (WBU) Super Middleweight Championship of the World.

Decastro’s warning following posts on Social Media quoting a Ghanaian Newspaper article where Sowah states “I’m going to knock Decastro out in 4’ which clearly hit a nerve with the man whose ring name is ‘Nightmare’, whose response was.

“Knock me out in 4! Sowah’s dreaming, after we fight he’ll be having nightmares.

“I’ve never lost full stop, let alone been stopped

“He needs to think, they call me Nathan ‘The Nightmare’ Decastro for a reason, I’ve stopped eleven of my fourteen opponents as a pro, I’m more than just a handful to contain, I’m a living Nightmare for my opponents in the ring, I’m fearless and relentless.”

Decastro, who is Ranked #4, توسط فدراسیون بین المللی بوکس (IBF) in their Intercontinental Ratings, then wryly smiled and shrugged before swiftly changing the topic of conversation.

“I’m so looking forward to the 27th, it’s been my dream to fight for a World title, specifically the WBU World title, not just because of my boxing heroes Ricky Hatton and my Promotor Lee McAllister had both won WBU World Titles, but also because Bracebridge Boxing Club, where I train, has a history with the title.

“Owner Denny Oliver’s son Kelly, a four time senior ABA Champion boxed for it in South Africa against Sebastian Rothmann. I’ve always looked up to Kelly so fighting for the same title as him is special.”

Decastro continued. “My first fight was 22nd May 2001 and from that day I knew I wanted to be a professional fighter and have the opportunity to be a Champion. 18 years later I’m getting the chance to make my dream a reality and challenge for a World title in my home City of Lincoln.

“I’d like to say a huge thank you to my fans, who are really getting behind me. This show will be a sell out. It really means a lot to me to have that kind of support.

“I would like to say thank you to my team, my sponsors, who make this all possible, my Dad for all his time training me, pad work etc. Sam Vickers my Strength and Conditioning coach, Craig Barton my Dietician, my Physio Dale Hibberd, my Promotor Lee McAllister, thank you for putting such a storming fight card together as well as giving me the chance to fight in my home City and lastly my Girlfriend Rachel Casey.

Rachel has been my absolute rock for this show! She has done everything on her own, organising everything, selling tickets, she’s taken all the pressure off me so I can concentrate on training. What she has done is incredible. I’m a very lucky guy to have someone who really pushes me to be the best person I can be.”

Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro Versus ‘The Hitman’ Daniel Adjei Sowah for the World Boxing Union (WBU) Super Middleweight Championship of the World headlines the Lee McAllister Assassin Management and Promotions “Nightmare Back in Lincoln” event at The Engine Shed at the University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln LN6 7TS.

بلیط: VIP Balcony: SOLD OUT, در کنار صحنه ورزش: SOLD OUT, Standard: £30.00. To purchase tickets please call Rachel Casey on 07736 737750 or to buy online go towww.tkoboxoffice.com

جو جویس در مقابل. نقل قول ها و عکس های کنفرانس BERMANE STIVERNE برای عکس های سنگین وزن نشان داده شده این شنبه در ساعت پخش زنده از O2 در لندن

Joyce And Stiverne Erupt Over 2017 Sparring Session At Final Press Conference In London For Saturday’s Co-Feature To James DeGale vs. کریس جونیور Eubank است.

SHOWTIME قهرمانی بوکس® شروع می شود به زندگی در 3:45 p.m. AND / 12:45 p.m. PT

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس; اعتبار: ایان والتون / SHOWTIME

لندن - فوریه 20, 2019 – Undefeated heavyweight Joe Joyce and former heavyweight world champion Bermane Stiverne sounded off at the final press conference on Wednesday for their 12-round showdown that opens a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader this Saturday live on SHOWTIME (3:45 p.m. AND / 12:45 p.m. PT) از O2 در لندن.

جویس (7-0, 7 کوس), Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 کوس) and their respective camps had to be separated as they debated the truth surrounding a 2017 sparring session in Las Vegas. Stiverne was preparing for his November 2017 rematch with WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder while Joyce was readying for his professional debut after a decorated amateur career. Both Joyce and Stiverne promised to erase any doubt surrounding the sparring session this Saturday.

A 2016 المپیک مدال نقره, Joyce aims to continue his perfect knockout streak as a professional and inch closer to a world title shot. A former WBC Heavyweight World Champion, Stiverne hopes to prove he’s still a force in the stacked heavyweight division following a disappointing 2017 loss to Wilder.

In the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, former two-time super middleweight world champion James DeGale will face-off with former world title challenger and British rival Chris Eubank Jr. in a 12-round grudge match. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the doubleheader from London with versatile combat sportscaster Mauro Ranallo calling the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein. سه تالار مشاهیر تیم پخش تلویزیونی - امی را جمع می کنند® جایزه خبرنگار برنده جیم گری, بوکس مورخ استیو فرهود به عنوان بهترین گلزن در کنار صحنه ورزش غیر رسمی, و مشهور جهان گوینده رینگ جیمی لنون جونیور.

Here’s what the fighters and their camps had to say during Wednesday’s press conference at Intercontinental at The O2.

جو جویس:

“I had a really good camp in Big Bear and I’m ready to go and put a dent on Stiverne on Saturday night.

“Bermane Stiverne, all respect to him, he’s a former WBC Champion. I have a lot of respect for him for taking this fight. It’s the perfect fight right now for my situation. It’s a great stepping stone for my career.

“I’m top five in the WBA at the moment, I’m moving fast. Each fight is getting me closer and closer to the top three names in the heavyweight division. I’m just going to keep on working hard in the gym and if everything goes well I’ll be back training for the next one soon. This year I’m going to make big strides.

“It was four rounds [of sparring] but I think that’s all he could do at that stage. He says he took me to school but I went to university, if you know what I mean. When we sparred in his camp in Las Vegas he was a bit lethargic. من واقعا اهمیتی نمی دهم, though – they can talk however they want but we’ll see what happens Saturday night.

“I know how good I am and I just need to show all of you guys. I’m happy with Richard [Schaefer] having the faith in me. I’m just going to do my job and show how good I am.

“He’s towards the end of his career. He’s going to want to beat me to get back in the mix, but good luck to him. I’d be happy if I beat him before seventh or eighth round. I’m not going to be Wilder. I won’t beat him in under a round. I’m not there yet, but I will be eventually.

“This is quite a step up for me. I have my eyes set on bigger fights and he is the right step for me. به صداقت, I was surprised that he accepted the challenge. I think that he believes that a win over me will help him regain his status as a top heavyweight. He won’t beat me.

“He’s going to try to come in and try to take me out early, but he’s not going to be able. I’m ready for him. I’m confident that towards the end of the year my name will be among the top five heavyweights in the world.

“A Wilder fight, that’s a fight to make in the future. That’s a good fight, I like the WBC belt.”

جام طلا:

“It’s good to be back. من احساس می کنم بزرگ. آماده آمدم. We can talk all we want right now but what matters is what happens Saturday night. من آماده ام. My team made sure of that.

“I’m not looking past Joyce. That’s what I have to take care of on Saturday. من به خوبی آماده. We can talk about the future once that business is taken care of.

“There are a lot of stories about our sparring, but it wasn’t anything too interesting. It was a couple, maybe four rounds. Nothing to talk about. I’m not going into this fight based on the sparring we had. I’ve never disrespected this man. I posted a picture and thanked him for the sparring.

“Obviously they are taking this fight based on what happened in the last fight with Wilder and I’m glad. They are underestimating me. We could go back and forth all day but that’s not what matters. What matters is what happens on Saturday at The O2.

“I’m a stumbling block, not a stepping stone.

“I’m glad he thinks I’m here as a gatekeeper or stepping stone. I’m not really worried about that. They didn’t call me last minute – I was already in the gym. However they view me, من حاضرم. I’ll tell you one thing, they didn’t catch me with my pants down. من حاضرم.

“I would have packed it up or hung it up if I wasn’t ready. من از آمدن به مبارزه با.

“Wilder hit me with a right hand in the rematch and that was it. You’re not going to see the same thing on Saturday. This is the perfect fight for me. They’re taking me too lightly and it’s a mistake.”

ABEL SANCHEZ, Joyce’s Trainer:

“We’ve prepared for the Bermane that fought Chris Arreola.

“These are the types of fights that will prepare us for the elite later this year.

“I wasn’t with Joe when his sparring with Stiverne took place, but if it got a guy like Stiverne heated up, it must have been something.

“We feel he’s ready for the next step. Stiverne is the kind of test we have to go through to move forward with his career.

“Joyce is probably the most decorated fighter in the U.K. He’s smart, very athletic and he’s going to be a force to be reckoned with just like George Foreman was.

“In the heavyweight division one punch can define the outcome of a fight so we are preparing for the guy that fought Deontay Wilder for 12 دور, the guy that defeated Arreola.”

CHARLES MOONEY, ترینر Stiverne را:

“I brought Tony Thompson to fight David Price, which they thought it was an accident and we knocked him out in the second round. They thought it was a fluke and they brought us back again and we stopped him again. I’m not a giant slayer, اما من هستم 2-0. I stopped an Olympic bronze medalist and now I’m going to stop a silver medalist. We’re working our way up to gold.

“Joe needs to grow up a bit. He’s not ready for this. We’re going to kick that ass. My opinion, I think he should have waited a little bit. He should have traveled the road instead of trying to leap over the fence. When the bell rings we’ll know.”

ریچارد شافر, Joyce’s Promoter:

“This card is historic and one of many ITV cards that Al Haymon and the PBC will bring to the U.K. طرفداران.

“DeGale and Eubank is a 50/50 جنگ, but this fight is going to steal the night. When I saw Stiverne walk into the room I knew that he means business. When Stiverne is in tremendous shape he is a very difficult guy to beat.

“I’m going to make a bold statement – Joe Joyce today is the best heavyweight in the world. تا پایان سال, he’ll be heavyweight champion of the world. By next year he’ll be ready to take on Wilder, [آنتونی] Joshua and [تایسون] خشم.

“Joyce is a generational talent. This is going to be a very difficult test. We want to see the best Stiverne because Joe Joyce is going to make a statement.”

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Undefeated British sensation Joe Joyce faces Former World Champion Bermane Stiverne

Defends Commonwealth title alongside return of Former World Champion Lee Selby on massive DeGale v Eubank Jr. کارت, LIVE on ITV Box Office

Fast rising star makes fearless move in just EIGHTH pro fight to fast track towards World Title

Stiverne says it will be Joyce’s nightmare when he gets knocked out

Legendary promoter Don King promises to ‘Re Joyce’ when Stiverne recreates McCall victory over Lewis in London

لندن(23 ژانویه 2019) Poxon Sports and PBC are delighted to announce that heavyweight sensation Joe Joyce will defend his Commonwealth title in the biggest test of his unbeaten career when he takes a gigantic leap up to confront the Former WBC World Champion Bermane Stiverne on Saturday 23rd February at The O2, exclusively live on ITV Box Office.

Joyce vs. Stiverne, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions, will feature alongside the return of Former IBF World Featherweight Champion Lee Selby as one of the chief-supporting contests on an action-packed show, headlined with the thrilling all-British clash between fierce rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr.

The 6ft 6in ‘Juggernaut’ from Putney, South West London, has destroyed all seven of his opponents since turning professional in October 2017 after capturing the Silver medal at the Rio Olympics and has singled himself out as one of the most feared talents in the heavyweight division.

It’s a monumental test for Joyce to be facing a former World Champion in just his eighth fight, the rock-solid and sledge-hammer hitting Stiverne, born in Montreal, کانادا, of Haitian descent and based out of Las Vegas, has fought some of the biggest and best in the division, including Deontay Wilder and Chris Arreola.

The fight has added bad blood thrown in resulting from a sparring session between Joyce and Stiverne in which Joyce was angered by comments from Stiverne in an interview afterwards when he said he took Joyce to school.

Joyce said, “I had respect for Bermane Stiverne. We sparred in Las Vegas; he said he took me to school in an interview etc, it got ugly and it made this fight happen. I tried to be respectful of him, but he’s rude and was having none of it. He is a former World Champion that has gone 12 rounds with Deontay Wilder and will give me a real challenge; but my engine and my power will be too much for him, a fact he should be aware of!"

Joyce’s promoter Richard Schaefer, رئیس و مدیرعامل Ringstar Sports, گفت:, “After only seven fights Joe Joyce has become the number five ranked Heavyweight in the world. But the spectacular way in which he has won all of his seven fights by knockout have made him the number one fan favourite in the Heavyweight Division. Taking on the heavy-handed Former World Champion Stiverne shows that no challenge is too big for Joe as he continues to march towards the Heavyweight World Championship. Simply put: Joe Joyce has become must see TV, so make sure to tune in on February 23 or come and watch him live at the O2 in London!"

Stiverne Dirita, “I told my promoter Don King to get me any man on earth and I will fight for the right to prove myself to the world. Then the phone rings, it’s Don, he tells me Joe Joycea boxer with only seven boutsagrees to meet me! ‘Seven bouts?’. Seven fights and he has the audacity to box me? I have stopped Chris Arreola, ری آستین, the then undefeated Kerston Manswelland a boxer with seven fights wants to box me?!.’ I said to Don ‘Sign it, take it, grab it,’ I’m ready. Seven fightsand he wants to box meFor me it is a dream come truebut for Joyce it will be a nightmare. I will knock out Joe Joyce and step over him to KO Anthony Joshua. I’m primed and ready. The real Bermane Stiverne will be there on February 23 and will knock out Joe Joyce en route to regaining my heavyweight crown.”

Stiverne’s legendary promoter Don King, اضافه, “It is with my greatest pleasure that Don King Productions can announce our return to Jolly Old Englandthe ‘Cradle of Boxingwhere my pugilistic giantthe Former Heavyweight Champion of the World Bermane Stiverne begins his comeback at the expense of the Giant Joe Joyce. Unfortunately, for the local fans of Joe there will no ‘re Joycing’ – as my onceand future champion Bermane Stiverne will slay Joyce just like St. George did the dragon of old. But no matter, we will pick up the pieces and bring back Joyce just as I have brought back and helped build many a future together. I recall when I came here with Oliver McCall and he was given no chance against Lennox Lewis. Then the underdog became the top dog when Oliver KO’d the previously unbeaten champ and we went home with the title. History will repeat itself of February 23 when Bermane sends another undefeated Englishman to defeat. Now retooledresuscitated, renewed, rejuvenated and recommitted Bermane Stiverne will resurrect his career on February 23 when the ‘Lord of Ringcrushes theLord of the World” – ‘JuggernautJoyce on his inexorable march to regain the heavyweight championship of the world. Bless all British fans, God Save the Queenbut heaven help Joe JoyceWe will see you on February 23rd.

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder also put forward his thoughts on the intriguing match up, او گفت, “Joe Joyce will be a good test for him (Stiverne). I’ve seen Joe Joyce before. او یک مبارز خوب است. Joe Joyce fought Joe Hanks on my undercard with Tyson Fury but I didn’t get a chance to see him fight that night. But I’m looking forward to seeing him against Stiverne.

Richard Poxon, UK Promoter for PBC, گفت:, “I’ve known Joe from his amateur days up in Sheffield. His success at the Olympics didn’t surprise me at all. He’s transitioned well to the pros now and is clearly in a hurry. The heavyweight division is the one that everyone is looking at again and I fully expect Joe to be in the thick of the action in the coming year. Taking on a former WBC World Champion in only your eighth fight clearly shows what Joe’s ambitions are.”

Since embarking on his pro career in his quest to become World Heavyweight Champion, the quietly spoken Joyce has let his destructive fists do the talking in making bold statements to make the boxing world sit up and take notice of the fast-rising star.

در اکتبر 2017 he astounded critics when he choose to fight the hardened Former British title challenger Ian Lewison, who had just extended big-punching Dillian Whyte to ten rounds, for his pro-debut and pounded him down in eight rounds.

Then in only his fourth fight with only 12 rounds under his belt and inside seven months of turning pro, Joyce demolished the Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Lenroy Thomas in just two roundssetting a new record by heavyweight boxer to win the Commonwealth belt.

در آخرین مبارزه خود را, American fights fans got a brief taster of what the British star is all about when he smashed through Joe Hanks in a round to win the WBA Continental title at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles in making his glittering U.S debut.


oyce, now ranked #5 in the world by the WBA and progressing quickly towards a World Title shot, faces unquestionably his sternest career test to date against the vastly experienced and equally big-hitting Las Vegas based Haitian who has knocked out 21 opponents of his 25 wins in his 29 مبارزه حرفه ای.

Stiverne formerly held the WBC crown for two years after defeating Chris Arreola on points in April 2013 to win the title and then in the rematch destroying him inside six rounds in the first defence of the title in May 2014.

The rock solid Stiverne then pushed the dynamite-punching Deontay Wilder the full twelve round distance in the next defence of his WBC World Heavyweight title clash in January 2015. Stiverne became the first man to take Wilder beyond who at that point had obliterated all his opponents inside four rounds. In the rematch nearly three years later, Stiverne stepped in at the last minute when Wilder’s original opponent Luis Ortiz failed a drugs test and due to his inactivity was stopped in a round.

Stiverne is now looking to return to the elite heavyweight mix and a victory over Joyce would propel him back into the limelight and on course towards a potential world title opportunity.

Tickets available fromwww.AXS.com and Inner Ringside/VIP Hospitality fromwww.sportandmusic.co.uk.

This fight will be shown exclusively on ITV Box Office. For further information and updates, please go towww.itvboxoffice.com 

اواخر سال گذشته, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK.

The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK. The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivalled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, which includes more than 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US. PBC, the sports’ pre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States.

The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, including ITV main channel and ITV4 and ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, ITV Box Office.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, the 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, the Tour de France and the French Open. rell, ‘����Gb�


James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr will clash at London’s O2 on 23 February in the first major UK event of the new deal between ITV and Haymon Sports’ برتر قهرمانان بوکس, it has been announced.

The Super Middleweight match, to be screened exclusively live on ITV Box Office, will take place against a backdrop of hostility between two fighters who have long made no secret of their mutual dislike and are relishing the prospect of settling their differences in the ring.

James DeGale has already fired off an opening shot in the direction of his opponent.

او گفت: “Really excited and looking forward to being back home to a fight of this magnitude. “I believe Eubank doesn’t have the pedigree, the size and skill to beat me. “Eubank is a decent fighter but every time he has stepped up he has been found out. He has called my name for a long time so now I’ve finally got my chance to zip his lips.

Eubank Jr responded in kind, گفت: “DeGale is going to get the schooling of his career. A good old-fashioned hiding.

Poxon Sport is the promoter of DeGale v Eubank Jr, as the exclusive promoter of all UK PBC events on ITV.

The fighters faced off at the Hotel Café Royal, in London on Thursday, January 3rd. Live streaming of the press conference was hosted by ITV’s Gabriel Clarke on the ITV Box Office Facebook page and Youtube channel.

Full details of the undercard and how to access this ITV Box Office PPV event across all platforms will be announced and made available in due course. For updated and further information, please go to www.itvboxoffice.com Tickets for the fight go on sale on Friday 4 January at midday to O2 members and to the wider public at midday on Monday 7 ژانویه. Tickets available from www.AXS.com and Inner Ringside/VIP Hospitality from www.sportandmusic.co.uk.

News of the DeGale v Eubank Jr showdown follows the announcement at the end of December of two major world title fights to be shown free to air on ITV4 as part of the broad scope of the ITV and PBC deal.

روز یکشنبه, ژانویه 13, Jose Uzcategui defends his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship against unbeaten top challenger Caleb Plant. Coverage will come live from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.

The following weekend, بر 19 ژانویه, ITV4’s coverage will come live from Las Vegas where Manny Pacquiao will defend his WBA world welterweight title against Adrien Broner. The exclusive ITV4 coverage will also include the much-anticipated showdown between Badou Jack and Marcus Browne for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight title.

اواخر سال گذشته, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK. The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK.

The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivaled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, which includes more than 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US.

PBC, the sportspre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States. The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, including ITV main channel and ITV4 and ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, ITV Box Office.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, the 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, the Tour de France and the French Open.


کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس ها

Photographs by: Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

لندن(دسامبر 20, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora took part in the final press conference before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, دسامبر 22 زندگی در SHOWTIME در 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 کوس) and Chisora (29-8, 21 کوس) will run back one of 2016’s best fights as the bitter rivals will continue what they started two years ago with Whyte narrowly edging Chisora in a close all-out war. The winner will have the inside track at a possible future mega-fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua, who will be in attendance Saturday night.  

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast is hosted by Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. Live fight coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office.

Here is what the principals had to say Thursday from the Canary Riverside Plaza Hotel in London:


“There are levels to this thing and my levels just keep rising. I keep improving. Derek will see how strong I am come Saturday night.

“This is boxing and I’m used to people saying, ‘I’m going to do this or that’ to get into my head. I’ve been around long enough and heard fighters say ‘I’m going to come out banging in the first round,’ and then they come and do something else. So I don’t think Derek himself knows what he’s doing or where he’s going.

“I respect everyone. It’s a tough job getting in the ring. I respect everyone from the journeyman to the world champion of the sport.

“You know me, I do whatever it takes to get the win. I don’t need to get up and shout, ‘I’m going to do this or that.’ I just conserve my energy. من راحتم. You guys know what I bring and that I can fight, and I can box, and I can hit. You guys know my power. So I don’t have to sit here and scream about what I’m going to do. There will be blood on Saturday night.”


"دیوید [Haye] put together the pieces for my training. He didn’t train me, but he sat me down and said, ‘This is what we’re going to do to get what we want to get.’ It’s gone well training-wise and lifestyle-wise. Now it’s time to go to war and have a great fight.

On his table-throwing episode during the last press conference two years ago:

 “I think the tables are screwed down so you won’t have to worry about that. I don’t think I’m going to do that anymore. I do something when I want to do something and now I’m just happy that training’s gone well and everyone’s fine in my camp.

“I’m going to bring the same game I do for every fight and we’re going to come to fight. His coach says that his fighter will be a boxer and all of that. But truly he’s not in the ring and Dillian’s the one that has to fight and he’s going to try to run, or he can meet me in the middle which would be great for me. Whatever game plan they have is fine. We will come in and seek and destroy.

“The first fight was a great fight. The boxing fans loved it. My brain cells didn’t love it but I enjoyed it. We are going to drown him from the get-go. We know he’s fit, but we want to see how fit he is. We’re going to go BOOM from the gates.

“I don’t want this to go to points. I’m going to knock the sucker out. Hundred percent. I’m going to hit him. I’m going to pound him.”

MARK TIBBS, Whyte’s Trainer

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, a good boxer will beat a good brawler. [Dillian] is not only just a good boxer, he’s a boxer-fighter. We will box and fight our way to a very good victory. It ain’t going to be easy, but we will meet him and greet him and beat him to the punch.”

DAVID HAYE, Former Heavyweight Champion and Chisora’s Manager

“I think Derek has always had in him what he needs to be one of the best heavyweights on the planet. He’s had opportunities in the past but hasn’t capitalized on them the best he could and I think he realizes that now. His experiences have taught him that he needs to work hard and make the sacrifices, and that’s what he’s done. He no longer does the things he used to do and when he stands on the scales tomorrow, you’ll be able to see.

“I’m very confident and I know he has the capabilities. I’ve been in there with him, and I’ve felt his power and his presence in the ring. I’ve seen it. The intensity and ferocity I’ve seen in sparring shows that he’s coming for war. I think the first time he didn’t have 12 rounds of war in him. I think this time he does. I think the power Derek brings will make Dillian very uncomfortable, but the fans are going to love it.”

EDDIE HEARN, Head of Matchroom Boxing

“The winner of this fight Saturday night is so important to the global heavyweight scene and so much is at stake.

“I think the crowd is going to be with Chisora. You know the British fans love the underdog. What makes this fight intriguing to the average fan is that these guys are both characters and very entertaining fighters. At the first fight I sat next to Wladimir Klitschko and he said, ‘I don’t think this fight is going to be very good.’ And after three rounds we looked at each other just shaking our heads.

“The Whyte fight is a big fight for Anthony, but I will stress again the one fight we want is with [دئوتای] متحیر کردن. We’re talking now. People shouldn’t assume the rematch with Fury is happening because the deal won’t be that easy. It never is for a fight of that size. It all depends really on Wilder; if he wants to be undisputed and if that matters to him. He can fight Fury after if he believes he can beat A.J. We don’t get chances very often to have undisputed champions, and that’s what everyone wants.


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live This Saturday, December 22At 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT* On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس

Photographs are complimentary from Matchroom Boxing for editorial use only. Please credit Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

لندن(دسامبر 19, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora worked out in front of the media just days before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, دسامبر 22 زندگی در SHOWTIME در 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 کوس) and Chisora (29-8, 21 کوس) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL. The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch. The stakes are high as both fighters have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder.

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood.

Here is what Whyte and Chisora had to say Wednesday from East Wintergarden in London:


“Everybody knows what I come with and what I bring into the ring. We worked on a few new things. We improved in every area. There’s been a lot of talk from him about how he’s given his life to god and he’s got David [Haye] here and all that. خواهیم دید.

“I’ve changed a lot and improved over the last two years since the last fight. One thing I’ve improved is my consistency. That’s the main thing. I’ve been consistent. I’ve had hard fights, I’ve had boring fights, I’ve had exciting fights but I’ve been consistent.

“The first time I fought him it was only the second time I’ve ever been scheduled for 12 rounds and the time before that I got stopped. I remember the first time I went past five rounds it was like ‘oh crap, this is round six, round seven.’ But now I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’m experienced and I show different things in different rounds. حتی در آخرین مبارزه من, I got put down in the 12هفتم round and got up and did what I had to do to win the fight.”


“I’m ready for action. The fight is only a couple days away. ما آماده برای رفتن. من بسیار هیجان زده هستم. Training’s gone well and I’m just a happy guy right now. The big difference with this camp is I’ve given all of the control to David [Haye]. From where I slept, what time I woke up, what I ate, همه چیز.

“We’ve trained hard for this fight. There’s only one way we’re going to go into this fight. We are going to war. Right from the get-go. I’m going to run over to his side and start pounding him down. I hope he’s listening. I’m going to pound you and pound you and pound you. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. He can’t hurt me. He doesn’t have a powerful shot that can bother me. I’m going to find this guy, hunt him down and beat him up.

“I’m born again. I have a new manager and a new training regime. I’m just loving life, بطور اساسی. It’s working out great for me. As I’ve said before, we have to knock him out. We don’t want to leave it to Eddie [Hearn’s] judges to give him the decision. We have to knock him out. We’re not going to use judges in this fight. We are coming there with a knockout mentality. No points, we’re not coming to box. We’re coming to fight.

“I’m going to go straight at him and I know he’s going to come hard too. He’s not going to shy away from a fight. He knows what’s happening. I’d advise everybody not to sit down at the O2 Arena.”


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live At 5:30 p.m. و / 2:30 p.m. PT On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service

NEW YORK - دسامبر 18, 2018 - SHOWTIME Sports will present the highly anticipated rematch between top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Dereck Chisora this Saturday, دسامبر 22 زندگی در SHOWTIME در 5:30 p.m. و / 2:30 p.m. PT. As with all SHOWTIME programming, the event will air live on air and via the networks’ streaming service.

Whyte (24-1, 17 کوس) and Chisora (29-8, 21 کوس) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights, live from London’s The O2 on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL.The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch.

“SHOWTIME continues to lead the industry by delivering more of the most compelling boxing events from around the world to our premium cable subscribers and online streaming customers,گفت: "استفان اسپینوزا, رئيس جمهور, SHOWTIME ورزشی. “This network has televised all of the most important heavyweight fights during the division’s renaissance and we are proud to join Matchroom Sports in delivering Whyte-Chisora II to our audience. Their first fight was action-packed from bell to bell. اکنون, with the stakes as high as they have ever been for both men,this bout promises to be even better. I hope that the boxing pundits have not yet cast their vote for Fight, Knockout and Round of the Year. Saturday’s matchup may challenge some of this year’s best.”

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood calling the action.

The stakes are high in the rematch, as both Whyte and Chisora have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder. Whyte holds the No. 1 ranking in the WBC and WBO, as well as the WBA’s No. 4 position. Chisora is ranked No. 5 by both the WBA and IBF, و همچنین هیچ. 9 توسط WBC. Their first matchup was widely regarded as the best heavyweight matchup of 2016, and round five of their “sensational fight” earned Round of the Year honors from ESPN.