分類存檔: 英國拳擊

長毛象 17 拼卡帶來物超所值


喬什 - 古德溫的古德溫體育促進本賽季的最後古德溫卡令人垂涎 17 在紐約大會堂拼卡“獨立日” 4 七月 2015.

在典型的古德溫時尚悠遊卡價值為球迷開始於 5下午 並且不預期完成直到幾乎 午夜.

頂部該法案的是弗雷迪·特納之間的熱切期待複賽 (持有人) 和Kris Agyei-諮詢 (挑戰者) 對於南部地區輕中量級冠軍. 戰鬥達到了一個不令人滿意的結局第一次後,周圍的裁判判定曾出現過元首意外衝突. 這回比賽將一勞永逸理清頭緒.



AJ·卡特 (6-1) 下一個新的教練返回到環, 理查德威廉姆斯, 希望重新建立自己作為一個嚴肅的競爭者.


“本機” Rakeem“貴族”Ashaye有 8 從勝 8 競賽和發生在他可能最嚴峻的考驗迄今為止時,他對柚木李韌在康納利 8 發.

蒂爾伯里的馬特·麥卡錫贏得了 11 從 12 較量,並在南部地區/職稱英語在關閉. 馬特有一個 8 輪國際比賽.

前南區冠軍挑戰者和當前的英國大師賽冠軍瑞恩 “中邦崩潰” 泰勒看上去維持他 100% 創下自簽字與古德溫的向上移動到輕重量級. 瑞安上的另一個區域或英文標題射擊關閉並參與一個 6 一輪國際比賽,在他的新權重.

爆炸重量級比奧拉羚 2 戰兩勝 2 停工有他的第三次較量支付. 不要眨眼!


前南區冠軍挑戰者傑克 “13” 莫里斯擁有的輕重量級的比賽,準備為他即將到來的比賽為南區冠軍.

“超人” 路易達林 1-0 有他的第二個專業大賽在下降到重量級. 他面臨普雷斯頓的強硬保羅·莫里斯.

兩個國家頂級重量級的前景使他們的專業亮相奧西Jervier和尼克PARPA, 未經證實的打擊對手.

每個人都期待著前業餘明星奧利派特森的首演在輕重量級. 奧利由他的父親馬克訓練有素期待著證明他將在他的分裂力.

另一個令人興奮的初次登台是布拉德利·史密斯從劍橋. 布拉德利是一位傑出的業餘和會渴望打動了球迷他的軍隊在他的超羽量級登場.

赫默爾亨普斯特德的米奇陷自己建了一個很大的信譽是無償的行列,使他的親亮相在 4 輪超羽量級比賽.



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29 歲的奧唐奈贏得 29 從 31 包括戰鬥獲勝英文和英聯邦冠軍和他的眼睛開始在英國的標題和山姆Eggington和Glenn足的贏家集.


“我可以在同一天晚上擊敗他們兩個”奧唐奈說:. “我的願望是世界冠軍水平,但贏得英國標題將是第一步航路”, 約翰繼續說:“沒有人有一個不好的詞說關於史蒂夫,我們都可以看到大量的進步,他正在. 這是一個容易做出的決定。“


古德溫說:“我們很高興能獲得別人的簽署與約翰的質量. 我決心幫助約翰是他的願望,我們將密切關注事態發展國內與破解世界舞台的最終目的利息後 2015 2016年“

貝利看來奪回冠軍第三次, 面對斯佩特上週六


斯勞的貝利伊恩是希望奪回南區羽量級冠軍, 他未能使重量冠軍後失去了對秤, 當他在七月面臨丹勒回 2013, 當他挑戰的古德溫促銷活動在倫敦衛冕冠軍傑米·斯佩特在紐約大會堂 星期六.


貝利, 誰在他的七個年的職業生涯曾擔任南區羽冠上曾兩次, 以及英國和國際大師稱號, 將進行他的第八個冠軍的較量.


他的對手斯佩特, 誰贏得了對克雷格Whyatt稱號,去年五月, 將競爭他的第十個冠軍回合,並在他的職業生涯一直都舉行了羽毛和超羽南區冠軍,以及國際大師輕中量級冠軍.


在紙上, 以及在許多專家眼裡, 投其所好看上去只有作為平等的,因為它可以, 既貝利和斯佩特具有每十連勝, 無論是一流的拳擊手,且都有在記錄上最小的停工勝, 貝利四個斯佩特只是一個.


冠軍將軍澳體育館的頭兒和貝利的經理, 約翰尼·埃姆斯, 簡要談到即將到來的較量,也表達了他的失望在戰鬥正在為南部地區,而不是英語作為他預期.


“很顯然,我們很高興伊恩爭取南區冠軍, 對傑米·斯佩特, 這將是一個偉大的鬥爭,並要感謝史蒂夫古德溫給伊恩在他的節目的標題,以爭取機會.


早在十二月伊恩應該爭取約翰·奎格利的英文名稱, 但戰鬥之前三四天奎格利拉出說他不能使體重, 但什麼也沒有做有關和Ian從英文片名下降和其他兩名戰士們把他代替, 我覺得這非常不公平的。“


貝利, 誰曾被動地說,他的經理說著再加入,


“約翰尼說:我真的很高興能再次爭取南區冠軍, 但是這略帶一點點失望的英文標題射擊, 這將給予更多的槓桿作用為可能的英國標題射擊在未來, 我的意思是一個英文標題帶您進一步上漲的國內排名,並最終可以將訂單我的射擊在英國, 那麼這意味著什麼我, 如果它一直是英文片名它會一直為我的職業生涯更明智.


不要誤會我錯了,我想這個標題回, 我超級適合, 我還是做的事情,我通常的冠軍之爭的方式做, 希望在此之後更大的東西走來.


訓練已經持續真不錯, 很好的陪練, 做與米切爾·史密斯一些好的會議, 米奇奧羅克以及與一些頂級的業餘, 所以有一些很好的陪練這一個, 是啊所以準備工作已經非常好.


它看起來像它會是一個非常好的節目,一個真正的好打, 傑米可能是一個亞軍, 我想他會後退,給自己一些空間, 因為我將太多為他在每一個部門, 所以他會做什麼,他需要做的嘗試和突破我的節奏,我會做什麼,我需要做的就是為他做我的事.


等不及, 真的很期待的戰鬥,成為一個三連冠。“


伊恩·貝利與傑米·斯佩特為南區羽量級冠軍就在紐約大會堂古德溫促銷活動的特點, 貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 16五月 2015




嘰嘰喳喳: @ChampionsTKO


利物浦著名的基於子斯蒂芬·沃恩顯然是決心要提高標準, 對於小廳拳擊事件, 到一個全新的水平, 他的最新產品, 被稱為“新時代 - 職業拳擊之夜”, 其中發生在大中央大廳利物浦, 週六 23RD 五月 2015.


對於那些均在沃恩的前一事件, 在中央大廳在三月, 沒有必要強調是多麼好該事件是.


五月 23RD 很多承諾, 多得多, 在紙上NEW ERA似乎將不僅是一個真正的小禮堂經典, 而且看起來也有可能設置了新的標準,很少有小禮堂促銷可能可能匹配.


領導了十二個回合卡是利物浦的自己的托尼·多德森, 誰將會回到家鄉為行動以來首次擊敗達倫·斯塔布斯以確保IBO輕重量級冠軍​​國際, 早在十月 2011.


在 23RD 五月, 多德森, 誰在他前面的戰鬥獲得了堅實的分大勝圍繞一個最棘手的對手 – 調皮, 但非常耐用, 喬迪米克爾, 將面臨拉脫維亞的大沖壓安德烈斯Pokumeiko.


去年三月, Pokumeiko獲得了良好穩固的分險勝伊爾福德的凱文·格林伍德在紐約,在倫敦廳, 這是唯一的點上他的奪冠紀錄, 所有其他的勝利已經停工的勝利方式.


主要支持切斯特看到的WBF洲際冠軍保羅“斯巴達”諾米, 在對陣愛沙尼亞的謝爾蓋Tasimov非錦標賽.


回到沃恩以前的事件伊科諾米放在另一個頂級性能, 對加納的兩個時間英聯邦冠軍挑戰者艾薩克Quaye, 對的方式來保護另一個轟動的第二輪停工的勝利.


該特定勝利說了很多關於伊科諾米季“功率Quaye沒有停止過對他的任何以前的36戰鬥, 一些壯舉考慮Quaye作戰了它與英聯邦冠軍唐·布羅德赫斯特的喜歡, 英國人, 英聯邦和歐洲冠軍凱文·薩切爾和WBO歐洲冠軍伊恩·布徹其中包括著名的明星.


更重要的是, 五月 2ND 伊科諾米做的更好, 與捷克的切赫Gyna的臨床第一輪停工, 在紐約,在倫敦廳.


環球小跑Tasimov, 已轉戰一些英國最頂尖的明星以前, 包括臨時WBA世界冠軍德里馬修斯, 英國和歐洲​​冠軍和即將到來的IBF世界冠軍挑戰者李阿斯金斯, 以及前英國和英聯邦冠軍尼基展位.


雖然大部分卡有一個第一流的國內回合兩個標題了秀, 支持卡通常是由當地的“房子”戰鬥機試探性地建設自己的紀錄. 沒有此卡; 只有三個在undercard戰鬥特徵開發人才, 其餘的已經很好,真正建立前景和星星.


其中上證坑利物浦的尼克對奎格利最有趣的比賽跌宕......你已經猜到了, 上述喬迪米克爾.


奎格利了他的最後​​一個對手短期工作, 盧德維克吉娜, 聳人聽聞停止在捷克首輪只是55秒.


不要以為同樣會發生對米克爾, 但不要指望六輪真正有趣的拳擊, 一些惡作劇灑在發揮最大的功效, 根據米克爾的奧德反對對厄茲居爾五月的最後一次郊遊在紐約大會堂 2ND.


接下來是觀看世界上最成功的踢拳擊明星之一曾經的激動人心的前景, 13次世界冠軍馬龍·亨特, 使他備受矚目過渡到職業拳擊行列, 對拉脫維亞的烏爾迪斯布Pucens.


亨特最近表示,“獲勝後 13 完全接觸跆拳道專業的世界冠軍頭銜, ķ – 1規則與泰拳和統一大 5 WBC, 至, 您PRO, IKF & WKA和其他獲獎中低一級世界冠軍和各種半職業拳擊冠軍是時候採取對職業拳擊的世界. “


亨特已經明確表示,他不佔職業拳擊只是湊數, 他立志成為有史以來第一個4門學科的世界冠軍百分百.


雖然在世界冠軍的主題, 切斯特的世界拳擊聯合會次中量級世界冠軍克里斯·古德溫是在行動一次, 在非冠軍回合, 針對芬斯伯里公園, 倫敦的馬克“閃電俠”亞歷山大.


古德溫, 兩個師的世界冠軍, 將是他第一次亮相,因為擊敗格魯吉亞的米哈伊爾·Avakyan贏得了夢寐以求的世界WBF的冠早在8月.


亞歷山大, 誰已經訓練和戰鬥美國直到最近, 打進了第三輪停工戰勝塔達斯Stulginskas在他返回英國的行動在紐約音樂廳在倫敦去年十月.


伯明翰的不敗輕量級轟動安東尼奧Counihan是早在“池, 這一次面對詹尼斯Puksins.


Counihan, 前英格蘭隊長業餘, 一直沒有什麼,但在轟動一時的每一個他的六個以前的較量, 停五的距離內, 然而,這是他的證明,Brummie年輕人注定要上升到最高層最後一場演出.


在三月, Counihan承擔了此前保持不敗的捷克盧卡斯拉迪奇, Counihan不只是擊敗拉迪奇, 他平淡毀了他在短短的兩分鐘,28秒第一輪.


Puksins是另一個全球豬蹄,應該頗有名氣的英國球迷, 已經轉戰職業拳擊手的前冠軍瑞奇·歐文的喜歡, 世界盲人聯合會前, WBF, WBC職業拳擊手和崔冠軍Tseveenpurev, 英國冠軍詹姆斯·狄更斯和即將到來的英聯邦冠軍挑戰者賈森·坎寧安在其他之中.


另一個年輕人誰正在迅速走向世界的明星是基於利物浦, 俄羅斯輕量級前景大衛Agadzhanyan, 誰將會面臨前冠軍加納艾薩克Osuwu五月 23RD.


像Counihan, Agadzhanyan已經停止了所有,但他的一個對手以前湊巧,並針對該去距離一回合, 另一此前保持不敗的前景丹尼爾BAZO, 特色沃恩的最後一場比賽.


什麼打架, 這是真正特別的東西,並一拼,許多出席者希望看到在不久的將來重新匹配的某個時候, 但不得不說,結果很可能是相同的Agadzhanyan是一個巨大的人才, 一個很可能在根納季·Golovkin的和謝​​爾蓋·科瓦廖夫的後塵 – 是的, 他特別.


由於該贏, Agadzhanyan徹底摧毀了捷克共和國的約瑟夫瑞德利奇, 把捷克小伙子倒三次才終於停止了他的兩個分的第一輪25秒大關, 在紐約音樂廳在倫敦五月 2ND.


利物浦的前英國, 英聯邦和WBF世界冠軍挑戰者托尼·莫蘭是因為擊敗Czaba安德拉什在奧林匹亞回到設定為他的家鄉第一次戰鬥 2005.


五月 23RD 莫蘭將面臨布萊克浦的前WBC美國冠軍挑戰者馬修'岩石'埃利斯.


威爾士中量級冠軍李Churcher使他的第一次亮相利物浦五月 23RD, 拉脫維亞對Sadihovs Zaurs.


在三月份Churcher了諾丁漢的馬特·斯科利, 雙方之後他們原來的對手未能使他們的航班飛往英國.


不得不說,我懷疑原來的巔峰對決將是近大逃殺這兩個打了當晚的任何地方. 這是一個聳人聽聞的戰鬥接近回合, 與這兩個主角給他們的一切的高度鑑賞力的觀眾面前.


Churcher贏得點, 但不得不說,真正的贏家是球迷在出席在夜, 因為這是一人傷勢嚴重精彩, 所有的戰鬥行動.


Sadihovs, 誰擁有贏得了四, 失去了兩個紀錄, 第一輪停工的勝利但每種勝的方式來, 包括Olegs Asejevs一月一個完全成熟的KO.


他第三次親郊遊五月 23RD 將大沖壓利物浦羽傑·卡尼.


年輕卡尼被證明是當年的發現之一, 兩場比賽, 2夢幻般的停工勝.




然後三月其次是偉大的勝利了第三輪停工戰勝了經驗豐富的切赫Gyna. 不得不說這是一個偉大的鬥爭, 年輕卡尼是更輕鬆,只是進行完美, 主導Gyna幾乎每一秒的持續回合.


卡尼對對手五月 23RD 德米特里是Gutsman, 另一種是大沖床, 而他的戰績是二勝4負, 應該指出的是,勝利都是來自第一輪停工方式.


也使得他的第三個親郊遊五月 23RD 是利物浦的李·博伊斯, 誰將會採取對斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀.


在三月份字面博伊斯破壞馬特斯與奧拉的第一勁射他扔, 發送奧拉潦倒第一輪只是20秒後開裂bodyshot.


應當指出的是,從博伊斯功率射實際上裂化奧拉的肋, 因此,雖然我們沒能看到太大的動作,我們現在知道博伊斯的拳有多麼強大的.


終於使他的專業首演在 23RD 五月是利物浦的重量級Dayle加拉格爾, 誰去反對諾丁漢大學的經歷馬特·斯科利.


加拉格爾是一個優雅的年輕拳擊手,斯克里文是因為他們來一樣堅韌, 所以我們期待煙花爆竹,當他們去腳趾到腳趾.


所以你有它, 其中一人重傷偉大的卡是什麼顯然將是其中一人重傷偉大的戰鬥之夜, 所以現在你知道它的時間去獲得這些門票因為如果你錯過了, 你會後悔的.


斯蒂芬·沃恩促進新時代的事件發生在大中央大廳, 35 倫肖街, Liverpool, 默西塞德郡L1 2SF, 週六 23RD 五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票30英鎊 & 40英鎊可直接從任何拳手參加或致電斯蒂芬·沃恩 07789 037802.


13 時間KB世界冠軍亨特跡象,沃恩 – 職業拳擊首次亮相, 利物浦5月23日

毫無疑問的,統一WBC, 至, 您的, IKF & WKA世界冠軍, 馬龍·亨特, 設置在本月晚些時候開始他的職業拳擊生涯, 跟隨他的簽約管理的論文與著名的利物浦基於​​子斯蒂芬·沃恩.


打獵, 誰曾擔任世界冠軍,在三個不同的學科 - 踢拳擊, K-1規則和泰拳 - 和五個不同體重級別, 將他的職業拳擊首次亮相於旺市即將推出的新時代事件, 其中發生在大中央大廳利物浦上週六 23RD 五月.


隨著破紀錄的十三世標題,以他的名字已, 亨特已經明確表示,他並沒有進入職業拳擊世界只是湊數, 因為當他談到早前他做了非常明確的紀律的改變是讓他能夠專注於成為一個創紀錄的舉辦了四場紀律世界冠軍.


“我明明做了踢拳擊, K-規則和泰拳, 通過所有的隊伍去那裡, 在這些運動獲得了字面上的所有世界冠軍頭銜, 所有主要的世界冠軍頭銜,以及, 所以現在我覺得是時候給親拳擊了一槍.


我只能用斯蒂芬·沃恩簽訂了 2ND 可能和它看起來像我要忙馬上, 他有我的拳擊五月 23RD在利物浦,再次對 25 七月馬耳他.


這是一個震驚, 所以讓我們把它做, 這是關於史蒂夫的好東西, 你知道, 這是從字面上我​​希望由他管理,他梳理的東西出來的真快.


這很適合我, 我要開始為冠軍挑戰性,盡快, 我所做的一切,我在其他運動項目做了, 我已經告訴了很多年,我應該切換到職業拳擊, 但我不認為這是正確的時間, 尤其是現在我已經贏得了, 再次這將有助於我去的排名快一點,比我會做,否則, 因為我的經驗, 是的,我認為這是一個正確的時間,現在.


我偶爾會在踢拳擊還是競爭, 只要它不符合我的職業拳擊干擾, 我想這樣做了強制性的防禦在我的其他運動, 是的,我真的想還是捍衛我的世界冠軍頭銜, 除此之外,我在我的職業拳擊生涯完全集中.


這裡只有少數人已經成功地從一個運動轉移到其他, 克里斯Algieri, 他是踢拳擊手,贏得了職業拳擊世界冠軍, 如果Algieri能做到這一點, 我敢肯定,如果我把正確的方式,我獲得正確的打架, 我敢肯定,我可以做同樣的事情.


我要做到最好的,我可以成為一個四運動冠軍, 我不認為我的知識實際上已經這麼做了, 你知道世界冠軍在踢拳擊, K1, 泰拳和專業拳擊, 所以真的想成為第一個這樣做.


我有一些很好的忠實粉絲,他們會跟著我通過拳擊的很好,希望當我開始職業拳擊,我會吸引更多的球迷太, 我覺得這是對這項運動的真正的好, 不只是能夠吸引新的血液從其他運動, 而且這樣做會引入新的球迷既運動.


我真的很期待 23RD 五月和一個新的職業拳擊生涯為自己的開始“。


上週六五月 23RD, 亨特將在一流的公司, 正如其他拳擊在明星雲集的法案包括:; 衛冕世界拳擊聯合會 (WBF) 世界次中量級冠軍克里斯·古德溫在對倫敦的標誌“閃電俠”亞歷山大行動.

衛冕世界拳擊聯合會 (WBF) 洲際超羽量級冠軍, 保羅·伊科諾米, 英國前超中量級和國際拳擊組織 (IBO) 國際輕重量級冠軍​​托尼·多德森.

BBBofC威爾士區中量級冠軍李Churcher, 英國人, 英聯邦和WBF世界冠軍挑戰者托尼·莫蘭在同城德比與布萊克浦的馬修·埃利斯, 與職業拳擊手輕中量級決賽和英國冠軍挑戰者尼克·奎格利, 誰設置為面對斯肯索普的娛樂性很強的喬迪·米克爾.


除了冠軍經驗的拳擊手, 也有一台主機的即將到來的, 不敗年輕的拳擊前景對賬單, 含; 聳人聽聞的前英格蘭業餘隊長安東尼奧Counihan, 利物浦基礎的熱俄羅斯的前景大衛Agadzhanyan, 誰面臨的前加納冠軍伊薩克·奧烏蘇, 輕量級前景傑伊·卡尼, 輕重量級的前景利·博伊斯, 誰需要對斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀.


也使他的首演上 23RD 五月, 旁邊亨特, 是當地的小伙子Dayle加拉格爾, 他的第一個對手是親是諾丁漢大學的馬特·斯科利文.


馬龍·亨特, 對一個尚未被命名的對手, 在斯蒂芬·沃恩功能提升NEW ERA事件, 其中發生在大中央大廳利物浦上週六 23RD五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票30英鎊 & £40可直接從馬龍·亨特, 從任何一個拳手參加或致電斯蒂芬·沃恩 07789 037802.

Khan Reigns SupremeTopples Soloninkini, Now Eyes Further Title Challenges



Bradford’s sensational Bantamweight prospect Tasif Khan secured his first Championship accolade, 國際大師最輕量級冠軍, when he beat Georgia’s Mikheil Soloninkini by unanimous points decision at the iconic York Hall in London last Saturday night.


What really makes this achievement even more special is that Khan only returned to the ring in January this year, 下面從體育一個為期兩年的休假.


On his return in January Khan scored a decisive first round stoppage victory, over the highly experienced Hungarian Richard Voros, in a bout that also took place at the York Hall.


Khan followed that win up with an equally impressive first round stoppage victory, over Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko, six weeks later in Liverpool.


上週六, whilst it seems everyone else were preparing for the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight, Khan was taking part in the biggest fight of his career to date.


Right from the off Khan boxed beautifully behind his solid jab to keep his slightly more experienced foe on the back foot.


By midway point Khan began to slow the pace, whilst continuing to keep full pressure on Soloninkini.


Midway through the sixth round, during a rather hectic exchange Khan was a little slow bringing up his gloves, which opened the door for Soloninkini, who let rip with a big right to send Khan to the canvas.


On the restart Soloninkini when in hard in an attempt to finish the still slightly wobbly legged Khan, however the Bradford lad remained calm and collected, whilst the hyper Georgian continued to come forward throwing huge bombs.


During a number of these skirmishes Khan sensibly grabbed hold until referee Lee Murtagh issued the order break. This tactic allowed Khan a little time in order to clear his head.


Soloninkini continued to push hard for the final three rounds, however Khan is one seriously cool character, he just got behind his jab and just plain boxed his way out of danger, each time the Georgian made a forceful foray.


After ten rounds of first class boxing from Khan, judges Ken Curtis 99-94, 奧比加內特 98-90 和馬特漢密爾頓 98-91, all scored in favour of the new International Masters Champion Tasif Khan.


Speaking from his home earlier Khan spoke about the fight as well as hinted at further Championship forays in the near future.


“是啊, I won my first title.


It’s been my dream since I was a kid, winning a title, hopefully this will be the first of many, 起向上.


Saying that I don’t want to take away the importance of being the International Masters Champion, that was like winning a World title to me that night.


I’ve had a tough two and half years, I’ve come through it, got back fighting this year and now have a belt, yeah I’m really proud of what I’ve achieved.


I was absolutely fine coming into the fight, training went well, I went away with Nadeem Siddique one of my coaches, he’s a professional himself. I had a good training camp abroad, went to Greece,


Came into the fight brilliant, working of my jab, using my jab more as I felt I had a good chance, I was finding it quite comfortable to be honest, I was finding him quite easily with the jab.


He was a tough kid, took some good shots to the body, I found I could walk him down, then I think it was either the third or fourth round I overstretched my right arm, I felt at the time I must have damaged my shoulder, I tried not to show it, but as the rounds went on I struggled to throw big shots.


It wasn’t hurting, it did limit me on my shots as the fight went on, but I think I got a little complacent and gave him the opportunity to catch me with a good shot, it didn’t hurt me at all, but had to see that round through, because I had won every single round but that round, I boxed smart and stayed at a distance when I could and other times let him punch himself out.


To be honest I feel I could have stopped him, with all the pressure and that decided to just box my way through.


I’m really appreciative of my fans as always, they travel down to London in numbers, if all goes well though my next fight will be a lot nearer to home, maybe even Bradford, but I’m always grateful to my fans, even those that are unable to travel to watch me fight in London or Liverpool.


Since day one I’ve had good support, a great fan base, but fighting away all the time makes it hard for everyone to be at every fight, so I’d really love to do something big in Bradford, or at least more local and fingers crossed we’ll get a big title on that show.


I’d like to thank all my team, Martin Stainsby, Bee, 少年維特, 江 (贊布羅塔迪卡羅), Johnny Eames and all those that work behind the scene, I can’t forget to mention my Missus, she puts in all the hard work and puts up with me when I’m on a diet and my family, who have all been so supportive.


Before I forget I want to make a comment, I’ve been boxing since the age of ten, I made my mind up as the years went on that I wanted to really do something in Boxing, I had no intention of just making up the numbers, I had no option, I want to do well and win titles, I want to put Bradford on the map, winning the International Masters title has put me in the right direction, as such I want to dedicate the win to my eldest brother Tahir Khan, because if it wasn’t for him pointing me in the right direction, he’d keep me fit and take me to the gym, he’s the first person to totally support me in boxing, always been there for me and he’s the one that made all this possible.


As I say if it wasn’t for Tahir, I wouldn’t be in boxing and I wouldn’t have this International Masters belt, thank you for everything Tahir, really appreciate everything you’ve done for me.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, 金斯蘭業務恢復布拉德福德, 百老匯律師在奧爾德姆, Kesser珠寶商在布拉德福德和Vyomax從曼徹斯特拾遺, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I would like to say a huge thanks to Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott, who gave me the opportunity to fight for the title on their show.”






打報告: 厄茲居爾汗安全冠軍的紐約廳驚悚

通過報告: 贊布羅塔 (江) 迪卡羅

讓我們面對現實吧, 與列英寸致力於梅威瑟,帕奎奧在過去幾個星期的量, 你可以很容易被原諒認為有這發生在五月沒有其他拳擊比賽 2ND.

很好, 還有一個戰鬥卡, 我很高興地說,我就是在那個事件 - 馬克里昂和比利·詹姆斯 - 艾略特在倫敦的推廣活動環上議院在標誌性的紐約廳.


行, 誠然紐約廳貝斯納爾格林並不具備處於在米高梅大酒店在拉斯維加斯這樣一個大型的戰鬥任何接近的純情, 但是,當涉及到戲劇和興奮, 抱歉,你不能打敗小禮堂拳, 特別是當它在紐約大會堂.


當事件被宣布這是由於功能14回合, 但之後立即-精靈宣布一個顯著數回合被取消, 作為戰士想成為馬戲團在拉斯維加斯, 然後在最後的建立進一步打架被關卡, 由於受到傷病困擾, 留下一個七拼牌上顯示的夜晚, 抑或是.


該卡進一步減少對天, 在戰鬥之一後取消基於安全理由 - 由於兩個戰鬥機首次亮相的重量5公斤的區別 - 如果這還不夠糟糕曼尼穆罕默德的對手, 拉斐爾雪沒有露面, 剩下短短五年打架的夜晚.


首先登場的是利物浦之間的六圓的俄羅斯熱的前景大衛Agadzhanyan, 對捷克的約瑟夫瑞德利奇, 誰踩在最後一分鐘,以節省回合, 下面加納的伊薩克·奧烏蘇被迫退出因病.






我已經在行動見過Agadzhanyan幾次, 包括優險勝然後不敗丹尼爾BAZO在三月, 所以真的很期待看到他在行動反對奧烏蘇, 強硬不妥協的前加納冠軍和英聯邦冠軍挑戰者消除, 但得等到本月晚些時候當改期回合發生在利物浦.


接下來是WBF洲際冠軍保羅·伊科諾米, 在非冠軍六圓, 對另一個後期更換, 捷克的切赫Gyna, 下面前英國冠軍安迪·貝爾一周前拉出來,然後把原來更換拉出兩天前戲.


伊科諾米是另一個類的行為, 所以毫不奇怪,Gyna是在畫布上只在30秒內, 就重啟Gyna決定攻擊防禦的最佳形式, 然而,在服用的鬥爭伊科諾米季他打出直入他的手, 字面上伊科諾米懲罰他,一個大的權利, 發送捷克下降到畫布上的第二次也是最後一次, 在一分鐘,25秒標記.


同時與開戰鬥結束年初播出的電視節目不是由於直到開始 9下午, 發起人沒有選擇,只能有相當長的時間間隔下一回合之前, 將軍澳冠軍的不敗哈克尼之間的六輪輕重量級比賽土耳其基礎奧德前景和厄茲居爾藝人本人喬迪米克爾.


縱觀前四輪厄茲居爾剛走到米克爾下降, 在讓每一個可能的機會,RIP進行大規模的右手, 因為他們來的米克爾一樣強硬,似乎很樂意吸收處罰拋出的人被稱為“小邁克”的土耳其球迷.


曾經開玩笑, 米克爾淡化懲罰他服用, 高高興興玩人群, 還有真氣他的對手, 通過拉臉和暗示,有在土耳其小伙子出手沒電, 然而,由事實米克爾已經淡化他的滑稽動作, 清楚地表明,厄茲居爾鏡頭確實具有所希望的效果.


米克爾在第五淡化他的戰術的嬉鬧更進一步, 作為厄茲居爾加強了他的攻擊, 把更多的力量到他的出手次數.


從一六開始,很明顯,厄茲居爾是有意懲罰米克爾更進一步, 讓大雙手飄雪RIP前備份的斯肯索普人到繩索, 其中之一, 裂解身體射門, 從字面上敲風出米克爾,並迫使他採取一個膝蓋.


就重啟厄茲居爾在去為完成, 此時米克爾防守去, 不再玩到人群, 通過看它最後的鐘聲.


經過六年娛樂性很強的輪裁判肯·柯蒂斯打進回合 60-53 贊成厄茲居爾的.


我非常喜歡打, 我知道這是不是一個經典, 但男孩男孩哦這是非常有趣.


第四回合的夜晚看到布拉德福德Tasif汗錦標賽行動的第一次, 對格魯吉亞的米哈伊爾·Soloninkini, 國際大師銀最輕量級冠軍.


汗啟動快, 拳背後精美他的刺拳布拉德福德男子保持他稍微有經驗的敵人後腳為廣大回合.


通過中間點汗放慢腳步稍微, 同時保持上Soloninkini壓力, 然而,關於通過第六中途, 在一次例行交流汗有點慢,把他的手套, 留下一個開口,格魯吉亞,讓撕裂與一個大的權利, 其中發送汗到畫布.


就重啟Soloninkini去全員出動攻擊, 汗依然平靜,並再次落後了他的刺拳, 格魯吉亞是好炒作,繼續挺身而出步伐投擲炸彈的巨大前.


在這些小衝突汗明智地揪住不放,直到裁判李Murtagh的發行順序突破. 這種戰術工作,汗是能夠清除他的頭,足以把控制權交還給圓自己.


雖然汗有他忙得不可開交的最後三輪, 作為Soloninkini有他的牙齒之間的位和被硬推, 但汗是一個很酷的角色,每一次的格魯吉亞作出了有力的突襲似乎很樂意回踩箱.


經過十個回合優秀拳種, 評委記分卡讀取 – 肯·柯蒂斯 99-94, 奧比加內特 98-90 和馬特漢密爾頓 98-91, 所有贊成Tasif汗.


珍妮弗·伯頓, 馬耳他拳擊委員會的北部地區秘書, 提出了熟悉的藍色國際大師皮帶勝利Tasif汗.


不得不說我非常喜歡打, 儘管這是相當一邊倒了很多的時間, 讓我們面對現實吧,這不是關於Soloninkini質量聲明, 因為他的血統是眾所周知的, 這小子是個難啃的突破, 為證明已採取傑米·威廉姆斯的距離, 當他們戰鬥的青銅大師在三月, 還有打煽情查理·愛德華茲在幾個星期後, 但在我看來片面性的鬥爭,以及結果顯示Tasif汗多麼好打.


夜的戰鬥頭條看到將軍澳冠軍的不敗哈克尼基於土耳其的前景SIAR厄茲居爾之間的複賽, 是的哥的奧德上述, 對諾丁漢大學的馬特·斯科利這個時候有一個冠軍就行了 - MBC的國際重量級冠軍.


當這兩個第一惡戰, 早在去年十月, 這是一個不折不扣的戰爭, 厄茲居爾贏了,但查房是如此接近它可能是一個非常不同的結果.


回合開始以非常類似的方式到10月份的對決, 沒有人想要承認任何理由, 然而,僅僅是第一輪厄茲居爾讓年底前翻錄了巨大的權利,斯科利的身體, 這迫使英國諾丁漢的人掩蓋看到一輪它的結論.


拍攝身體必須有真正傷害斯科利因為他似乎在防守上更意圖, 而不是全攻上, 從第二開始, 這仍然是回合的其餘部分的圖案.


厄茲居爾在整個製作大部分運行, 在眾多的小規模戰鬥的不過隨後斯克里芬多舉行自己的, 雖然不得不承認,他是一個小比在首輪更加謹慎.


經過十個回合的拳擊精湛的法官記分卡被讀出 - 李Murtagh的和馬特漢密爾頓拿下了回合 100-90 和奧比加內特 100-88 所有贊成SIAR厄茲居爾的.




所有的一切我非常喜歡的活動, 尤其是最後三回合, 然而,我有點失望的是,一些計劃中的戰鬥, 如那些具有伊恩·韋弗, 安東尼Counihan, 馬克王子, 喬治Hillyard和上述瑪麗安斯頓, 未能實現, 因為在我看來,如果他們發生了,我覺得這幾乎肯定會在今年得到的最好的節目之一,在紐約大會堂, 因為它是它仍然是拳擊行動非常愉快和有趣的晚上和一個合適的前奏5 - 精靈的戰鬥, 其中發起人馬克·萊昂斯和比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特安排了拳擊手, 他們的團隊和事件的參加者將實時通過衛星在私人活動室觀看.


Khan-Soloninkini Battle For Title Supremacy In London This Saturday



Bradford’s exciting Bantamweight prospect TASIF KHAN is set to challenge for his first title 這個星期六, when he takes on Georgian #1 ranked MIKHEIL SOLONINKINI, for the vacant International Masters Silver Bantamweight Championship, on the Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott promoted LORDS OF THE RING event at the iconic York Hall, 貝斯納爾格林, London on 5月2日.


Khan earned the title shot with a pair of sensational first round stoppage wins earlier this year, following his return from a two year sabbatical from the sport.


In January this year, Khan dispatched Hungarian #2 ranked Richard Voros in just one minute and five seconds of the first round at the York Hall, then two months later followed up with an almost identical stoppage victory, this time in one minute and fifteen seconds of the first round, over the Czech Republic’s Ladislav Miko at the Grand Central Hall in Liverpool.


Originally Khan was to face Patrik Bartos, however the Czech lad was TKO’d by Andrew Cain, on the undercard of Derry Mathews WBA title fight, at the Echo Arena, a couple of weeks ago.


Bartos’ replacement, Mikheil Soloninkini, has been quite a regular figure on the UK scene, having fought here four times in the past year, including an unsuccessful challenge for the International Masters Bronze title, which he lost out on points to Jamie Williams back in March.


Speaking from his home earlier, Khan appeared unperturbed with the late change of opponent.


“It’s a shame, I had been preparing for Patrik Bartos, but what can I say he got stopped and has a twenty eight day suspension, these things happen.


I would have preferred if we’d known earlier who was going to replace Patrik, but three potential opponents backed out last week and then a fourth that had been proposed got knocked back by the MBC as not suitable.


Luckily though this new lad agreed terms 週二 and now the fight is set and ready to go, 我不能等.


I’m not expecting it to be a quick finish like the past two fights, they were four and six rounders, this time I’ll have to pace myself just in case I have to go the full ten rounds, but if the chance comes, I’ll take him out early.


Trainings been great, always is, 我已經準備好,並鉚足了勁去, can’t wait.


My fans are great so far this year they’ve come out in force to support me in London and Liverpool and Saturday they’ll be back in London again, I can’t thank them enough, they’re a great bunch that really get behind me, making plenty of noise, letting me know that they’re there, they’re really are brilliant and I’ll thank them the best way I know, winning the title.


I’d like to say a big thank you to my sponsors, 金斯蘭業務恢復布拉德福德, 百老匯律師在奧爾德姆, Kesser珠寶商在布拉德福德和Vyomax從曼徹斯特拾遺, they’ve been brilliant getting behind me so I can concentrate on my boxing.


Finally I have just been told that Mark and Billy (Promoters Mark Lyons and Billy James-Elliott) have arranged a function room so that everyone can watch the Mayweather-Pacquiao fight live after my fight, so if you haven’t got tickets yet, you know what to do, either call me or get down to York Hall 週六 as there are still some tickets available. “


Tasif Khan versus Mikheil Soloninkini, for the vacant International Masters Bantamweight Championship, co-headlines the Mark Lyons & 比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特明智的傢伙促銷領主戒指事件, 這發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND 五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票分35英鎊 (標準座椅) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) are available direct from Tasif on 07756 311857, or at the venue on the night or pre-book on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com 或致電將軍澳票行 07960 850645


Tickets for the after event private viewing of the Mayweather-Pacquiao super fight live via satellite, that cost just £10, will be available for purchase at York Hall on the Saturday night.









6698 – Tasif Khan in action against Richard Voros at York Hall in January.



Please feel free to use all photos suppliedphoto credit is not required but should you do so, please credit – 贊布羅塔 (江) 迪卡羅


你拿到世紀拳擊賽事的門票了嗎?? 如果答案是否定的, 那麼發起人馬克·里昂斯和比利·詹姆斯·埃利奧特可能只是為拳擊迷們準備了完美的替代品——約克大廳的冠軍拳擊之夜, 貝斯納爾格林, 接下來是 MAYWEATHER-PACQUIAO 從拉斯維加斯通過衛星直播.


開始整夜的拳擊行動, 在首都著名的拳擊之家看到一張完整的拳擊卡, 包括兩次冠軍爭奪戰.


哈克尼, 總部位於倫敦的土耳其不敗球星 SIAR OZGUL 在與諾丁漢的 MATT SCRIVEN 爭奪空缺的 MBC 國際次中量級冠軍頭銜時首次獲得冠軍.


主要支持看到布拉德福德聳人聽聞的 TASIF KHAN 挑戰國際大師賽最輕量級冠軍, 反對格魯吉亞 #1 米哈伊爾·索洛寧基尼


在兩場錦標賽的支持下,切斯特的 WBF 洲際冠軍保羅·伊科諾米德斯將在非錦標賽六輪比賽中迎戰諾丁漢的加菲德·穆肖爾.


冠軍 TKO 不敗的輕重量級新秀 ONDER OZGUL 迎戰極具娛樂性的 JODY MEIKLE, 從斯肯索普, 在六圓.


利物浦不敗的俄羅斯球星大衛·阿加詹尼(DAVID AGADZHANYAN)將首次訪問首都城市, who will take on Czech Republic’s JOSEF REDLICH in a six round contest.


Former American Basketball Star, turned professional Boxer, MANNY MUHAMMAD will also be in action against a yet to be named opponent.


Making their debuts on the night are exciting young local talents ANDY CONA and DANIEL MENDES in action against each other.


Once the action is over at York Hall, then the lucky boxing fans attending the event can either go to the free after party at Spearmint Rhino, or go direct to the function rooms to watch the entire build up and of course the main event of the night MAYWEATHER – PACQUIAO


The cost for this whole night of Boxing heaven, believe it or not is just £45 or £75, as the cost for standard seats for the boxing at York Hall are £35 (Standard seated) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) and the cost for attending the function room to watch the Big Fight Live is just £10 extra (payable on the night)


SIAR厄茲居爾與馬特·斯科利, 空置MBC國際重量級冠軍, 頭條馬克里昂 & 比利·詹姆斯埃利奧特明智的傢伙促銷領主戒指事件, 這發生在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週六 2ND 五月 2015.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) - www.maltaboxingcommission.com

門票分35英鎊 (標準座椅) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) are available on the night, or to ensure a seat buy on-line atwww.tkoboxoffice.com 或致電將軍澳票行 07960 850645

Fight Report – Allan Edges Wood In A True Thriller As Robb Just Pips Ellis At The Post.

報告: 贊布羅塔 (江) 迪卡羅.

Well known Scottish WKA Kick Boxing promoter Stewart Allan promoted his first pro boxing event 週六 夜晚, at his Rivals Gym venue in Wishaw, and boy oh boy did he do a fantastic job of it.


This was my first time north of the border for an event, I can promise it will not be my last. The venue was first class, the attending fans were highly vocal in their support of the boxers, not just the home boys either, as they enthusiastically showed their appreciation for each and every fighter.


Mind you, as each bout was a equally matched Battle Royale, I suppose that shouldn’t have come as a surprise, let’s face it all boxing fans appreciate a really good close fought contest, which is just what we all got from every fight 週六 夜晚.


Heading up the show was Stewart’s son, unified Kick Boxing World Champion Sam Allan, making his pro boxing debut against unbeaten Chris Wood from Middlesbrough.


The atmosphere was electric during the build up to this highly anticipated bout, I mean it was really bouncing, the fans were singing and cheering, then when the MC introduced Chris Wood they clapped and enthusiastically welcomed him into the ring.


Then when the MC then introduced their man Sam Allan the decibel level went through the roof, I didn’t think they could be any louder but it did when Allan began his ring walk, escorted by two beautiful girls in full showgirl outfits, every single person stood and cheered their man into the ring.


I couldn’t help but think at the time, I hope the fight is half as good as the pre fight build up, well it was, in fact it way exceeded any expectations.


Right from the opening bell these two young warriors began the skirmish at a frenetic pace, Wood went in hard and fast, forcing Allan on to the back foot.

With centre ground secured, Wood kicked up the pace even further, forcing Allan, with his back almost against the ropes, to rely on his excellent countering skills to keep the ever forward-moving Wood from coming in further.


Wood secured the first round in my eyes, but it was close, 很, 非常接近, as these two really went for it for every second of the round.


Round two was a virtual repeat, Wood initially controlling centre ground as Allan countered, however Allan stepped up the pace after about thirty seconds or so and made a double handed attack in an effort to force Wood on to the back foot, however the Teesider was having none of it and what ensued was an all action toe-to-toe slug fest through to the bell.


The final couple of rounds were fought at an even higher pace, which resulted in control of the proceedings switching back and forth between the pair warriors throughout, much to delight of the fans ringside, who to a man, or woman, were on their feet egging their man on.


After four sensational rounds the crowd remained standing as they awaited the judges scorecards to be read out.


As Referee Mickey Vann stood waiting to raise the hand of the victor, the MC announced the result was a split decision, which nobody seemed surprised at, well it was a seriously close fight.


First up Judge Kevin Scullion’s card was read as 40-38 贊成艾倫, which prompted a highly vocal response from the crowd, then judge Billy Beattie, who scored the bout 39-38 in favour of Wood, which received a good round of applause and then finally judge Peter McCafferty’s card was read, a surprising shutout 40-36 贊成艾倫, which sent the crowd into a joyful frenzy.


Have to admit this bout was a true small hall classic, you don’t get to see fights like this that often that’s for sure. Congratulations to both Sam Allan and Chris Woods, these boys are genuine future stars, in some ways it’s a shame one had to lose, but then again that leaves it open for a rematch sometime in the future and if that does happen I’ll be there front row for sure as I wouldn’t miss it for the world.


Prior to the sensational Allan-Wood, Ronnie Nailen faced Nottingham’s Matt Scriven in a four round exhibition bout.


Another all action affair, which see both men going all out from start to finish, which is surprising as the bout was switched to a non-scoring exhibition bout, as Scriven has the opportunity to challenge for a title this coming weekend, as such it was decided not to risk a possible stoppage loss that would have cost him the title shot.


Before the Nailen-Scriven bout was a brief interval, as an auction of boxing memorabilia to raise funds for charity took place.


The second bout of the night featured Sandy Robb and Blackpool’s Matt Ellis battling it out in a six round Cruiserweight contest.


Initially both boxers tentatively tested the other but after about thirty seconds or so stepped up the pace and really started to go for it.


Initially it was Ellis forcing his way through Robb’s defenses with some solid jabs followed by big rights or neat combinations, however Robb is as savvy as they come and would often slip under the jab and let rip with a big left to the body.


For about half the bout it was Ellis that was the more aggressive of the pair, don’t get me wrong, Robb was putting in some good solid work, just Ellis was livelier, moving neatly around the ring and throwing long rights at will, to back Robb toward the rope before going in hard to the body.


However close in, even with his back to the ropes Robb seemed able to counter extremely effectively, in cases enough to make Ellis back off momentarily.


Around the midway point the pace slowed slightly, which seemed to suit Robb, as the elusive Ellis became easier to close down, giving Robb the opportunity to once again start working the Blackpool man’s body.


Referee Mickey Vann issued a number of warnings to both men, Robb for low blows and Ellis for holding, as each time they came close in Ellis would try and tie Robb up, whilst Robb would try to throw big lefts and rights to the body of Ellis, but many were a wee bit too low.


After six highly entertaining rounds it was to the scorecards – Judge Kevin Scullion scored it 59-57 and both Billy Beattie and Peter McCafferty 58-57 all in favour of Sandy Robb.


Have to admit I really liked this fight, for all the right reasons, they entertained, they worked at a high pace for a good amount of the time and put on one hell of a show.


I do love the Cruiserweight division and both these guys are very much my kind of fighters – EXCITINGand I for one can’t wait to watch them in action again.


The opening fight of the night see Mohammad Babazadeh take on Belfast’s Phil Townley in a four rounder.


This pair set the tone for the whole night, both lads really went for it right from the opening bell.


The younger Babazadeh set the pace, pushing forward at every opportunity, but Townley’s excellent countering on the back foot prevented the younger Babazadeh from being able to back him up to the ropes too often.


As the bout progressed Townley slowed, which in itself made the bout even more exciting as the pair would stand toe-to-toe slugging it out much to the audiences delight.


After four great rounds the judges scorecards unanimously read 40-36 in favour of Mohammad Babazadeh – without doubt the right result but doesn’t reflect just how close some of the rounds were or just how entertaining the bout was.


There was due to be another bout, Scott Allan versus late replacement Garfield Mushore, who had stepped in at just two days notice after Isaac Quaye pulled out, however due to a rather large weight difference it was decided to cancel the bout for safety reasons, which was a mighty shame as I’ve been waiting to see both these lads in action.


Congratulations to Stewart Allan and his team for putting on a first class, highly entertaining and memorable evening of boxing which I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed, I can’t wait to get back there for the next, which I have been reliably informed will be another Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym on Saturday 27 June – so put that in your diary now as you’ll not want to miss it.