Category Archives: Team Fight to Walk

Melson to speak to Veterans Leadership Council in February at Johnson & Johnson Town Hall Meeting


New York, NY (Januar 22, 2016) – WBC USNBC 154 pound champion Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker for Johnson & Johnson during their Veterans Leadership Council Town Hall Meeting Četrtek, 18. februar in Raritan, New Jersey.


A 2003 West Point graduate, Melson was personally invited to speak by retired Army Colonel and current J&J employee Irving Smith, who was Melson’s Minority Admissions Representative and mentor when he applied to West Point as a teenager. Na 18th, Melson will present to J&J employees who are part of J&J’s Veterans Leadership Council with respect to the topics of Traumatic Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury. A former standout salesman for J&J’s Ethicon Division, Melson’s success in and out of the ring is still closely monitored by J&J’s CEO and fellow West Point graduate Alex Gorsky.


“Johnson and Johnson will always exist within an independent aspect of my heart. I am overwhelmed with pride that the honor of speaking to J&J’s Veterans Leadership Council is now extended to me as I was once myself a Veteran working for J&J” said Melson.


Prejšnji teden, Melson was honored at Johns Hopkins University as a military superstar. He was their guest of honor for their Men’s and Women’s basketball game, and upon personal request from the women’s basketball team’s coach, he delivered a pre-game inspirational talk to the ladies on that team.


In regard to J&J, Melson said it “it was a great place to work. They were extremely supportive of my boxing career and the mission of Team Fight to Walk. Many of J&J employees are loyal supporters that purchased tickets to see me fight. I am personally asking J&J CEO Alex Gorsky to attend this lecture on the 18th. It is very important to me that he learns how close we are towards receiving FDA Approval to conduct the clinical trial in the United States that Team Fight To Walk has worked the past 5.5 years to raise money for.”


For more information about Team Fight to Walk, obišč Tax deductible donations can be made on the website or by texting “Walk” to 20222.

Melson, da omejijo aktivno oktobra z udeležbo treh prihajajočih dobrodelnih galas!


New York, NY (Oktober 21, 2015) - WBC Združene države Amerike Junior prvak v srednji kategoriji, človekoljub in US Army Reserve Captain Boyd Melson bo končal zelo zaseden mesec še naprej pomagati drugim. Do konca oktobra, razred 2003 West Point Graduate se bo udeležil TicTocStop Gala, Podpis Kuharji dražbe in Central Jersey Spinal Cord Association Dinner kot posebni gost. Melson bila tudi ni prosil samo, da se udeležijo pohoda DIMES’ Podpis Chefs Dražba, ampak da sodelujejo emcee njihovo fundraising dogodek, ki je navdušeno sprejel.

Ustanovil priznani športni radio talk show gostiteljice Craig Carton, Poslanstvo TicTocStop je prispevati k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja za ljudi s sindromom Tourettovim. Carton, ki ima Tourettov, saj ta dva od njegovih otrok, je pomagal veliko družin skozi ta 501C3 dobrodelnost.

TicTocStop Gala vključuje koktejl zabavo, večerja in predstavitve in poteka četrtek, Oktober 22 od 6-11 PM na Battery Gardens v New Yorku. Za več informacij, Obisk

Vsako leto, več kot 15 milijon dojenčki se rodijo prezgodaj. Na žalost, 1 milijonov od njih bo umrl pred prvim rojstnim dnem, kot posledica. Marec od DIMES pomaga Raziskovalnega sklada, izobraževanje in podporo, da se zagotovi več otrok lahko praznujejo rojstni dan.

On Ponedeljek, Oktober 26 pri 6 pm, več kot 25 kuharji, restavracije, kleti, pivovarne in sladice oblikovalci bodo izmenjavali svoje najbolj zanimive kulinarične dobrote za goste s 200-plus na strani na Carlyle na Green v Farmingdale, NY. Vsi udeleženci bodo uživali večer mreženja, živa glasba in vino in žgane pijače. Vstopnice so na voljo, ki jih

Velja za enega najboljših degustacije dogodkih v New Yorku, podpisu Kuharji Dražba pomaga podpirati poslanstvo marca DIMES. Arlene Dayboch, Višji direktor Skupnosti za marec DIMES, je imenoval Melson kot co-emcee poleg Donna Drake iz živih it up TV za ta poseben dogodek. Drake in Melson se bodo pridružili “Vraga je Kuhinja” celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay, kot slaven gostov obiskuje, da bi pomagali pri zbiranju denarja za marec DIMES.

Nepridobitna, Central Jersey Spinal Cord Društvo je bilo ustanovljeno leta 1987 Kevin Hoagland. To se vodijo izključno s prostovoljnim krovu direktorjev in dviguje približno $80,000 letno.

On Petek, Oktober 30, Central Jersey Spinal Cord Association gosti 29th Letno Vito Racine Spinal Cord Research Večerja in dražbe na Pines Manor banketna dvorana v Edisonu, NJ. Cocktail uro bitja na 6:30PM sledila večerja na 8PM. Udeleženci se lahko potegujejo tudi za predmete, vključno z avtogrami športnih spominkov, nakit, Event vstopnice, darilne košare in zbirateljstvo. Posamezne vstopnice $70 in tabele desetih ceni $700 je mogoče kupiti na Vse donacije so kot davčna olajšava.

"Oktober je bil zelo naporen mesec poskušam pomagati dvigniti denar za druge,"Je dejal Melson, ki je igral osrednja točka v Team Boj za Walk je tretje letno "Boj za Cure" Gala v oktobru 15 in govoril študentov na Paul Roberson High School že danes. "Izboljšanje življenja tistih, ki se soočajo z različnimi izzivi, je zelo pomembno, da se mi. Seje so se udeležili prireditve, kot ti ni le čast,, ampak nekaj Mislim, da je treba storiti. Vsi si delimo ta planet, in mora pomagati pa je mogoče, čeprav sva daleč od trpljenja. "

Melson prejel humanitarno nagrado WBC; Set za pomoč Amateur program!


New York, NY (Julij 6, 2015) - WBC-USNBC junior prvak v srednji kategoriji Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson prejela humanitarno nagrado WBC med NABF konvencije zadnji vikend v San Franciscu, KOT.


Uspeh, saj prvo dajanje na par rokavic kot plebe (novinec) ko je obiskoval West Point, Melson osvojil različne turnirje kot amater pred fotografiranjem krono WBC-USNBC s predstavo kariere, najbolje proti Mike Ruiz maj. Ker se obrača v pro 2010, Melson je podaril 100% njegovih boj zaporno zaslužka in pomagal dvigniti več kot $300,000 proti izvornih celic raziskav namesto prvega ameriškega kliničnem preskušanju, da pomaga zdraviti Kronični hrbtenjače Poškodbe. Njegov končni cilj je, da vidim svojega najboljšega prijatelja Christan Zaccagnino, ki je bil paraliziran od vratu navzdol od otroštva potapljaški nesreči, spet hodi.


Prejšnji mesec, Melson in drugi podporniki Team Boj hoditi imela čustveno srečanje s Kongresnega inWashington, DC prizadevati za sojenja, ki se je uradno odobreno. Sestanek je bil velik uspeh in kongresnik Chaka Fattah je velik vernik v preskušanjih, ki proizvaja odlične rezultate, ko je bila izvedena na Kitajskem. Team Boj hoditi upa, da bo uradno dobil zeleno luč za sojenje v ZDA v zelo bližnji prihodnosti.


Sinonim za nesebično športnika, Humanitarna prizadevanja Melson je bilo predstavljenih z ESPN, HBO, Yahoo, Sports Illustrated, Wall Street Journal, Ring Magazine in Huffington Post med raznih drugih mestih.


V zadnjem času, Melson je bil povabljen v San Franciscu za konvencije, da bi razpravljali o pobudi WBC za sponzoriranje programov drugačen amaterske boksarske. Njegov primarni cilj je bil, da se sestane z WBC predsednik Mauricio Sulaiman in predsednica Jill Diamond pa, je bil popolnoma ujela z varovalom, da slišim njegovo ime napovedala kot zmagovalec humanitarno nagrado za njegov izjemen storitve kot prvak v in iz obroča.


"To je ena izmed mojih največjih časti kot profesionalec ali amater" je dejal Melson. "Ko sem bil povabljen v San Franciscu, Bil sem navdušen, da izpolnjujejo z WBC in se veseli, da vidim druge velike ljudi v boksu prejeli nagrade na konvenciji. Želim si, da bi lahko videl moj obraz, ko sem spoznal, Jill Diamond se je sklicevala, da mi je, ko je šel na oder in predstavili naslednjo nagrado noči. Veliko Boks je vseh časov velikane nosil zeleni pas in osvojila nagrade na svojih konvencijah. To je zelo ponižujoče, da se omenja med njimi. "


Po prejemu svojo nagrado, Melson in WBC razpravljali podrobnosti o svojem načrtu, da postane bolj ukvarjajo z amaterskega boksa v storitvenem sektorju, javnim. To je vključena, vendar ni omejeno na policiji, gasilci in različne veje vojske. Kot Army Reserve Officer, ki ohranja veliko odličnih odnosov, WBC vedel Melson je bil človek za to delo.


V dogovoru, Melson je bil uradno imenovan za veleposlanika. Njegova naloga bo pomagati WBC se vključijo v sponzoriranje amaterskih borci in dogodke motiv delavcev javne službe.


"Mauricio Sulaiman mi je rekel, da ste moj mož, in WBC je vaša družina za vedno. Verjetno sem mu dal eno najsvetlejših nasmehov v mojem življenju. Prav tako je pomembno, da se spomnimo, da je v vsej zgodovini, tam so bili veliki ameriški borci iz storitvenega sektorja javne. Moja Team Boj za Walk brata Steve Cunningham je multi-svetovni prvak s pomočjo mornarice in 2012 US Olympian Jamal Sled je bila Marine narednik, ki je služil dve ture dajatve v Iraku. Soglasje največji borec vseh časov, Sugar Ray Robinson, prišel iz vojske. Šest težka prvaki, Ray Mercer, Leon Spinks, Ken Norton, Joe Louis, Gene Tunney in Rocky Marciano, služil našo državo kot je to storil legende Barney Ross in Tony Žale. Moj cilj je pomagati WBC povezati z vojaškim osebjem, policisti, gasilci, etc. ker je veliko veliko talenta tam. "


Po Boyd je prejela svojo nagrado, Dobil je nekaj trenutkov, da govorijo. Z očetom Nolan Melson ga njegovi strani, ki ponoči, Boyd je šel na oder in govoril iz srca.


“Bil sem zelo čustvena do točke, kjer sem se počutil sam ob zadrževal moje oči pred zalivanje up. Rekel sem, da je boks največja šport na svetu in je odprt toliko vrata za mene. Prejšnji konec tedna je eden ne bom nikoli pozabil.”


Za več informacij o Melson je vzrok, obiščite

Melson srečati z WBC na konvenciji v San Franciscu!


New York, NY (Julij 1, 2015) - WBC-USNBC junior prvak v srednji kategoriji Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson je osebno povabil WBC predsednik Mauricio Sulaiman njihove NABF konvencije ta konec tedna v San Franciscu, KOT.


Tesen prijatelj in podpornik WBC Cares program dolgo, preden posnamete svoj naslov z zmago nad Mike Ruiz maj, Melson je požel pozornost po vsem svetu boksa za darujete 100% njegovih torbice Team Boj za Hodi v podporo prvega ameriškega kliničnem preskušanju, da ozdravi Kronični hrbtenjače Poškodbe.


Medtem ko je v Golden Gate Mesto, Melson bo preživeti nekaj časa z Sulaiman razpravljali postala ambasadorka za mladino Amateur Program WBC je. V svoji potencialni vlogi ambasadorja, Poudarek Melson naj bi bile na amaterskem boksu v vojski. Pred vrtenjem pro, the 2003 West Pointu ujeli Svetovno vojaško prvenstvo in premagala številne borce, ki so se najvišje prednosti, kot so Keith Thurman, Charles Hatley in DeAndre Latimore.


Med njegovih humanitarnih prizadevanj, Uspeh v ringu in izobrazbi, Melson verjame, da je lahko v veliko pomoč na pobudo WBC in je navdušen, da se naučijo več.


"To je čast, da je WBC osebno me je povabil na njihovo NABF konvenciji v San Franciscu,"Je dejal Melson. "Vse od velikih borcev so osla zeleni pas in dejstvo, da sem eden izmed njihovih sama titlists je sanje. Rad bi se zahvalil Jill Diamond za odhod presegajo pomagati Team Boj za Walk. G. Sulaiman ima veliko srce in vem, da je res mar za naše veterane. Jaz sem pripravljen storiti karkoli je potrebno za pomoč pri rasti njihovega poudarka na amaterskem boksu v vojski. "

Team Boj hoditi v Briefing s kongresom velik Knockout!



New York, NY (Junij 28, 2015) - Ko je dr. Patricia Morton, Dr. Wise Young in Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson predstavila svojo zadevo na kongresu na sestanek v Washingtonu, DC so imeli en cilj v mislih. Cilj, ki je bila osrednja točka Melson življenja, saj se sestali Christan Zaccagnino 13 Pred leti, je spet videti njen sprehod. Zaccagnino utrpela potapljaški nesreči kot otrok, ki so zapustile njena paraliziran od pasu navzdol in je bil omejen na invalidskem vozičku, odkar.


Velik korak za Zaccagnino da lahko potencialno spet hoditi bi kongres o odobritvi kliničnega preskušanja potekala v ZDA s poudarkom na raziskavah izvornih celic brez zarodka. Preskušanje, ki vzorcev naključnih bolnikov, vključuje operacijo in rehabilitacijo z končni rezultat, upajmo pa, da je oseba spet hodi. Na Kitajskem, to sojenje proizvaja odlične rezultate pod vodstvom dr. Young in število bolnikov, ki so se lahko spet hodi po operaciji in treh mesecih terapije.


Junij 22, Morton, Young in Melson odločno predstavil svoj primer na Rayburn House OfficeBuilding v kapital našega naroda.


Z pakirane soba napolnjena z zainteresiranimi stranmi, Dr. Morton, Direktor za načrtovanje in razvoj za poškodbo hrbtenjače Project, služil kot moderatorja. Dr. Young, splošno velja za najboljšega na svetu hrbtenjače Care, predstavljeni znanstveni podatki za podporo, zakaj bi sojenje biti uspešen v Ameriki. Melson člani občinstva in kongresu preselil s podrobnostmi, kako je on tvegal svoje življenje kot profesionalni boksar so se zbirala sredstva za zdravljenje Kronični hrbtenjače Poškodbe. Gospa. Ida Cahill, CEO Conqueor paralizo zdaj, in dr. Grewal-Virk Balpreet, čigar oče je bil paraliziran v času orkana Sandy, dal tudi iskreno govore.


Skupni, vsak zvočnik igral ključno vlogo, ki jo predstavili različne razloge, zakaj menijo, preskušanje mora potekati in lahko razlog sto tisoč paraliziranih Američani so lahko spet hodi.


"Vse je potekalo odlično,"Je dejala navdušena Melson. "Kongresnik Fattah res imela svoj hrbet preveč in sem dolžan vsak, ki je bil tam posebna zahvala. Torek je bil eden najpomembnejših dni v mojem celotnem življenju in čeprav se bomo morda čakali malo za besedo, če to sojenje uradno dobil zeleno luč, moja samozavest je na ves čas visoka. Člani kongresa razume pomen teh poskusov in rezultate fromChina dr predstavila. Young ni mogoče zanikati. Če se to briefing bili boj, zagotovo bi si bil knockout v našo korist!»


Za več informacij in posodobitve, obiščite

Melson govoriti na kongresu Briefing v Washingtonu!

New York, NY (Junij 17, 2015) - Ker se sestali krščansko Zaccagnino v 2002, Cilj Captain Boyd "Rainmaker" Melson, je bil, da spet vidim svojo sprehod. Da bi pospešila svoja prizadevanja, Melson je postavljeno veliko količino denarja, ki ga darujete 100% o svojem boju torbice Team Boj za Walk, hkrati pa pomaga voditi dva uspešnih dobrodelnih galas.


Potem ko je bilo dobesedno udaril v ustih za njegova prizadevanja pri 17 bout pro kariera, Aktivna prizadevanja Melson za videti Christan spet hodi in zdravljenje Kronični hrbtenjače Poškodbe niso bila lahka.


On Torek, Junij 23, Melson will have the opportunity to lobby congress when he serves as a speaker at an upcoming Congressional Briefing at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. Dr. Wise Young, Nevrokirurg in vodilni svetovni Spinal Cord regeneracija raziskovalec, se bo udeležil tudi razprava o napredku in obljubo o kliničnih preskušanjih pred kongresnik Chaka Fattah. Poskusi se lahko izvede, če bo šlo vse po načrtih.


"Zvonec je približno zvoniti začenja naslednji krog v tem boju pomagati, da klinična preskušanja potekajo. To je poslanstvo, sem dal moje celo življenje proti za mojo celotno poklicno boksarski karieri,"Je dejal zelo čustvena Melson. "Mi smo delali zelo težko priti do te točke z lobiranje politikov, fundraising, zavest in toliko drugih stvari. Resnica je, da je to največji trenutek, kdaj Team Boj za Walk in več sto tisoč Američanov, ki trpijo zaradi kroničnih poškodb hrbtenjače. "


"Resnično verjamem, da bo predstavnik Fattah presenetiti s kakšnim dr. Mlad in sem se predstaviti z njim. Dr. Young opravila to natančno klinično preskušanje na Kitajskem pred nekaj leti. The amazing results from the trial in Chinaare what we are trying to replicate here through the FDA’s approval to conduct this trial in America. I would love all of Team Fight to Walk’s loyal supporters to attend the briefing June 23rd


Briefing, ki je potekala v sobi 2226 of the Rayburn House Office Building, located at East Capitol St NE & Prva St SE, Washington, DC 20004.


Za več informacij ali darovati, obiščite Any questions about the pending trial or briefing can be emailed to


USNBC Champion Melson to speak to Lodi students!

New York, NY (Maj 21, 2015) – Newly crowned WBC-USNBC 154 pound champion Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker at Thomas Jefferson Middle School Friday, Maj 22 in Lodi, NJ.


A 2003 West Point graduate, Melson serves as an Army Reserve Officer, donates 100% of his purses to and works a full time job. Between his aforementioned commitments along with training and making weight, Melson’s had to overcome many difficulties both personally and professionally. As a professional boxer, the native New Yorker’s built an impressive 15-1-1 zapis z 4 zmage Knockout. Maja 8, he scored the biggest win of his career, dominating Mike Ruiz over 10 rounds to capture the WBC-USNBC championship.


During his speech, Melson will discuss what it’s like to get knocked down by life when pursuing dreams, how to stay focused on goals, choices in life and the different paths life could take a person based on those choices.


“I’m very thankful for the opportunity,"Je dejal Melson. “There are many kids that need the proper guidance or fuel to light their fire. I believe everybody has the potential to make something of themselves. What it comes down to is making the right choices and staying on track even when life throws you a curveball. My goal is to relate to these students and inspire them to stay focused while making smart choices for their futures.”


For more information on Boyd Melson and Team Fight to Walk, visit

Layoff not a concern for Melson ahead of title fight!

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New York, NY (Maj 7, 2015) – Eleven months ago, popular 154 pounder Captain Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson was training for a career changing fight with contender Glen Tapia. Against Tapia, who is considered amongst the top rising stars in America, Melson was taking a significant step up in competition and training like a madman so he’d shine when it mattered most. Na žalost, an injury forced him out of the bout and a rematch was never scheduled.


Between other opportunities not coming through and obligations outside of the squared circle, Melson’s been inactive since a gutsy February 2014 win over Donald Ward. Against Ward, the 2003 West Point grad literally fought with one arm, overcoming a stretched brachial plexus which caused temporary paralysis in his right arm during the last five rounds of the bout.


Jutri evening at the Westchester Hilton in Rye Brook, NY, Melson returns from the fifteen month layoff to face charismatic Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz. Melson-Ruiz is scheduled for the WBC USNBC junior middleweight title, with the winner likely working their way into the world ratings. Fighting in his first ten rounder and serving as one half of the main event, Melson is confident that he’ll be sharp as ever even with the layoff.


"Na papirju, I’ve been out of the ring for over a year and I know a lot of people see that as a reason for concern,"Je dejal Melson. “The truth is I never got out of shape and once my body healed, I was right back in the gym. After suffering an injury during the Olympic Trials, I was inactive for more than two years. Od takrat, I’ve only lost one controversial decision in 16 pro pretepi. Personally and professionally, I’ve overcame things more challenging than the inactivity. I have felt fresh throughout training camp and don’t see any problemsjutri noč. The goal is to beat Ruiz convincingly and move on to challenge one of the world’s top rated fighters.”


Born in Puerto Rico and based in Long Island, the popular Ruiz has a significant experience advantage in the paid ranks, having faced a number of contenders. Skupni, his record stands at 17-8 s 9 knockouts and some insiders believe he’s a step up for Melson.


“Ruiz is a tough and battle tested fighter,” stated Melson, ki je 14-1-1 as a professional with four knockouts. “He has faced some good opponents and always comes to fight. I know that he’s viewed as a step up for me and I’ve been ready to step up for awhile now. Regardless if it’s by decision or knockout, I’m fully confident that I’ll earn my 15th zmaga jutrivečer. "


The card is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with New Legends Boxing. All of Team Fight To Walk’s tickets are sold out but may still be available by calling DiBella Entertainment at 212-947-2577.


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support of America’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, pojdi na ali All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson


Melson to speak at Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research!

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New York, NY (April 26, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson will serve as a special guest speaker Torek, April 28 as part of a special fundraiser for the Rutgers Student Society for Stem Cell Research. The event is named “Knocking out Spinal Cord Injury One Punch at a Time” and benefits Rutgers’W.M. Keck Center for Collaborative Neuroscience. Admission is $4 and the start time is 8 PM. The fundraiser is taking place at the Busch Student Center’s Multipurpose Room.

In addition to Melson’s speech, there will be performers from the Rutgers Belly Dancing Troupe and RU Salsa Club. Dinner is also included for all attendees.

A close friend of the Rutgers Foundation through his involvement and donations to Spinal Cord Injury research, Melson’s generosity has helped make him one of the biggest local attractions on the east coast. The 2003 West Pointgraduate is a former world military champion and founded Team Fight to Walk along with best friend Christan Zaccagnino. As a pro, Melson is 14-1-1 s 4 zmage Knockout. His next bout takes place Maj 8 against Mike Ruiz for the NABA championship at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, NY.

Having worked closely with Dr. Wise Young and Dr. Patricia Morton from the Rutgers Foundation with the ultimate goal being to cure Spinal Cord Injuries, Melson considers the campus his second home.

“Rutgers has a special place in my heart and I visit whenever I get the chance. I’ve received a tremendous amount of hospitality from students, teachers and members of the athletic staff. Eric LeGrand is a member of Team Fight to Walk and a close friend of mine, so speaking on this subject at Rutgersabout something that can potentially get him out of his chair is extraordinarily humbling for me. I look forward to meeting many new friends and growing the support system we’ve built to finally get the trials in the United States so those suffering can walk again.”

Tickets for Melson’s fight are available by going to

Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.

For more information or to make a donation, pojdi All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson or

Melson to return against Ruiz May 8!

New York, NY (April 7, 2015) – Boyd “Rainmaker” Melson returns to the ring following a fifteen month layoff when he battles fellow popular New Yorker Mike “El Cangri” Ruiz in the ten round main event of a DiBella Entertainment and New Legend Boxing card Friday, Maj 8 at the Hilton Westchester in Rye Brook, NY.


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Out of action since February 2014, Melson has an excellent professional record of 14-1-1 with four wins by knockout. The Manhattan resident, who is one of the biggest box office draws in the Big Apple, was slated to face contender Glen Tapia last June at Madison SquareGarden but withdrew after suffering a shoulder injury in training. V svojem zadnjem dvoboju, the 2003 West Point grad outpointed Donald Ward while fighting through a stretched brachial plexus. The injury, which a ringside doctor said he’s never seen in more than 30 years of working with fighters, caused temporary paralysis in Melson’s right arm during the last five rounds of the match.


A Long Island based Puerto Rican, Ruiz has a solid 17-8 strokovni knjigi z 9 Zmage po Knockout. V juliju 2012, Ruiz scored the best win of his career, traveling to Atlanta, GA to knockout title contender Paul Delgado in his hometown. Having faced the aforementioned Tapia, often-avoided Martin Wright (dvakrat) and contender Charlie Ota, Ruiz is Melson’s most experienced opponent to date.


“Ruiz is a tough fighter with a lot of experience,” Melson said of his next foe. “This is also my first ten rounder and in order for me to get to the next level, I’ve got to defeat him impressively. I know I’ve been out of the ring for awhile but at this stage of my career it’s time to step up. Even with the inactivity on paper, I’ve spent a lot of time in the gym so I expect no ring rust come Maj 8


Melson also has personal ties to the area, which further inspires him to put forth a career best performance.


“The high school I graduated from is right down the road. (Team Fight to Walk Founder) Christan Zaccagnino lives a mile away from the venue and we’re expecting a great turnout on fight night.”


After his fight with Ruiz, Melson will continue his pledge assist in curing chronic Spinal Cord Injuries by donating 100% of his purse to Team Fight to Walk in support ofAmerica’s first trial of its kind.


Team Fight to Walk is comprised of Melson, Zaccagnino, former Rutgers football player/ESPY honoree Eric LeGrand, two division world champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams, two-time cruiserweight champion Steve “USS” Cunningham, Austin “No Doubt” Trout, title contender DeAndre “The Bull” Latimore, Edgar “El Chamaco” Santana, Sonya Lamonakis, Hector “Machito” Camacho Jr., WBA Middleweight champion Danny Jacobs, WBO Junior Middleweight titlist/2008 US Olympian Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade and fellow 08’ Olympian Shawn Estrada along with prospects Sid “The Messenger” El Harrak, Jeff “TNT” Spencer, Denis “Da Momma’s Boy” Douglin, Will “Power” Rosinsky, Floriano “Italiano” Pagliara, Danny “Little Mac” McDermott, Vinny “The Lion” O’Brien, Ahmed “Prince of Egypt” Samir and Delen “Sniper” Parsley.


For more information or to make a donation, pojdi na ali All specific questions about the nature of the Clinical Trial to cure Spinal Cord Injury can be sent to Fans can also interact with Melson via Twitter @BoydMelson