Ангилал Архив: Spike TV




Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн (Арваннэгдүгээр 22, 2016) – The second main card fight announced for "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” at The Forum on January 21, 2017 features the Bellator MMA debut of Los Angeleno Ralek Gracie (3-0), who will meet Hisaki Като (7-2) Эмэгтэй дунд нэг дайралт хийвэл нь.


The fight joins a card that already features a contest that many mixed martial arts fans thought they’d never see, үед Тито Ортиз (18-12-1) болон Chael Sonnen (28-14-1) return to action. The event will be broadcast live and free on SPIKE at 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator.com and the Bellator Mobile App.


Tickets for this massive event start at $36 болон Bellator.com одоо худалдаанд байгаа, as well as Ticketmaster.com Additional main and preliminary card bouts will be announcing in the coming weeks.


Үед л 22, Ralek made his MMA debut in Japan, where he defeated his opponent, Kastuyori Shibata with a devastating armbar. Nearly a year later, Ralek returned to Japan for his second MMA fight and again was victorious, this time defeating Gahdzhiev Alavutdin with an armbar from the mount. These two bouts led to a highly anticipated matchup with Kazushi Sakuraba, where again the Los Angeles native left “The Land of the Rising Sun” with the victory. That was the last time Ralek would fight under MMA rules, until now. Ralek is the third son of Rorion, the nephew of Royce, Rickson, and Royler Gracie and received his black belt from Grand Master Helio Gracie. The Gracie Family is famous for putting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu on the map around the globe.


Since joining the Bellator MMA roster, you would be hard-pressed to find a fighter who has been involved in more exciting matchups than Hisaki Kato. Nicknamed “The Japanese Mouseketeer,” the 34-year-old French-Japanese competitor has finished Жо Шиллинг on two separate occasions, and was involved in what many called a “Round of the Year” candidate during his lone Bellator MMA loss against Melvin Manhoef дахь 2015. Одоо, Kato sets his sights on Gracie, looking to nullify the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu of his Jan. 21 дайсан.


Шинэчлэгдсэн "Bellator 170: Ortiz vs. Sonnen” Main Card:

Light Heavyweight Main Event: Тито Ортиз (18-12-1) сүсэг. Chael Sonnen (28-14-1)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Ralek Gracie (3-0) сүсэг. Hisaki Като (7-2)

"Bellator 165: Чандлер VS. Майкл Чандлер FROM Хендерсон "албан бага хурал дуудлага горхи, ойлгоцтой Quotes, Бенсон Хендерсон, Майкл 'хор' PAGE, Фернандо Гонзалис

FOR бага хурал дуудлага аудио энд дарна уу

Санта-Моника, Калифорни мужийн (Арваннэгдүгээр 15, 2016) - тор хаалга хаахаас өмнө Энэ Бямба гариг Сан-Хосе-д SAP-ийн төвд, нь үндсэн болон хамтран гол үйл явдал сөнөөгч "Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон "хэвлэл мэдээллийн бага хурал дуудлага оролцлоо. Та шугам дээр байхгүй байсан бол, та сонсож болно энд, эсвэл доорх ишлэл нь хоёр уншсан.


"Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон " Одоогийн аварга боломжуудтай Майкл Chandler (15-3) эсрэг Хендерсоны Бенсон (24-6) headlining үүрэг, хамтран гол үйл явдал арга гийн ялагдашгүй Британийн Phenom байх болно, харин Майкл "хор" хуудас (11-0) , Калифорнийн өөрийн юм Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13) нь welterweight аймшгийн Duke гарч үүнийг. Bay Area өөрийн юм Keri Melendez Түүний мэргэжлийн ММА анхны тоглолтоо болгодог, зэрэг вэ Кевин Фергюсон Jr. илүү сайн гэж нэрлэдэг Kimbo зүсмэл гэж яригдах Jr.


үйл явдал дугаарыг цацсан амьдарч, үнэгүй үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. Баяжуулалтын дээр CT болон Viacom өмчит сүлжээн дээр аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээн зодоон гурван жил дараалан долоо хоног гүйцээнэ. үйл явдал тасалбар худалдаанд үлдэж, худалдан авч болно Bellator.com, түүнчлэн SAP-ийн төв Box Office болон Ticketmaster гэх мэт.


Асуулт: Бенсон нь ... Өнгөрсөн тэмцэл дууссан замаар дараа энэ тэмцэлд өөрийгөө нотлохын тулд ямар нэгэн нэмэлт сэдэл бий юу?

Хендерсоны Бенсон: Би энэ тэмцэл нь илүү урам зоригийг нь бүхэл бүтэн маш олон зүйл биш гэж хэлж байна. Би нэлээн өндөр өөрийгөө сэдэлтэй хувь байна. Би зодоон бүх ялах хүсэлтэй. Би ямар ч нэмэлт урамшуулал шаардлага байхгүй. Би бүр нэг тэмцэлд миний гар босгосон гэж хүсч байна.

Асуулт: Энэ нь Bellator таны хоёр дахь нэр тэмцэл юм. Хэрэв та энэ тэмцэлд руу авчирч байгаа гэдгийг та эхлээд явах орчим сурсан ч зүйл байна?

Хендерсоны Бенсон: Би өнгөрсөн нэр тэмцэлд сурсан гэж зүйл байдаг эсэхийг би мэдэхгүй байна, зүгээр л Bellator торонд дотор илүү тав тухтай байх, walkout ашиглаж ороход, миний хэмнэл олох.

Асуулт: Та одоо аваргын төлөө тэмцэж байна. Та нар нь хөнгөн хэмээн өөрийгөө гэж бодож байна? Энэ нь таны бодох хаана байх юм уу эсвэл ирээдүйд боломж welterweight өөр аялал юм?

Хендерсоны Бенсон: Би заавал нь хөнгөн гэж өөрийгөө боддог гэж хэлж болохгүй гэж. Миний хувьд, Энэ нь дээ 155 кг. буюу 170 кг., зүгээр л хаана ч илүү сонирхолтой, хөгжилтэй matchups байна. Гэвч, Эхний зүйл, Би бизнесийн анхаарал тавих хэрэгтэй Бямба гарагт Шөнийн.

Асуулт: Та хөгжилтэй, сонирхолтой тулаан дурдсан. Хэрэв та сайн гэж бодож нэр ямар нэг зүйл байна? Долоо хоногийн түүх мөрийг бусад дэмжих хоёр хэлтэс аварга юм. Мөн та өөрийн карьерийн өөрийнхөө төлөө байх, эсвэл та зүгээр л байх, та нар байх болно гэж хамгийн давамгайлах хөнгөн аварга болохыг хүсч байна вэ гэсэн зүүд гэж?

Хендерсоны Бенсон: Би энэ бүсээ авч явах гэж байна 155 кг., Харин дараа нь би бүс нэмэлт урамшуулал нь бүхэл бүтэн маш их санал гэж хэлж болохгүй гэж. Мэдээж бүс маш их байдаг бөгөөд бүс цаана утга та гаригийн хамгийн сайн байдаг, энэ арга нь маш олон та хамгийн шилдэг гэсэн жингийн ангилалд байгаа гэж хэлэх, Гэхдээ би зүгээр л бүс нь заавал тэмцэх байхгүй бол. Та бүсээ хүсэж байна вэ, Харин яг одоо л би юм дээр анхаарлаа хандуулж байна дөрвөн хоногийн одоо мөн хүн Майкл Чандлер гэдэг нэртэй.

Асуулт: Учир нь Михаил ... Хэрэв та хэзээ нэгэн цагт өөр бүс төлөө хичээж талаар бодож байсан? Би энэ нь таны нэр хаанчлалын эрт мэдэх, Гэвч энэ нь таны сэтгэлийг хэзээ ч гаталж байна? Тэгээд, өөр нэг бүс нь явж та нар байсан бол, Энэ welterweight буюу өд нь байх болно?

Майкл Chandler: Би түүн уруу бодол нь маш их тавьж чадахгүй байна. Миний хувьд, Би зүгээр л хамгийн том тэмцэлд би авч болно хайж байна. Би хийж чадах ямар ч арга байхгүй юм мэдэх 145 кг., Би-ий үеэр алхаж оноос хойш 190 кг., зодоон цохион хооронд. Тэгэхээр, Би бүтээлт маш шаргуу ажиллаж байсан тэр булчингийн массыг алдаж сонин биш байна. Ямар нэг зүйл байгаа бол, Би хүртэл үсэрч байсан 170 кг., Харин одоо би тэмцэх анхаарч байна Энэ Бямба гариг шөнө би тэнд авч, гүйцэтгэх баяртай байна.

Асуулт: Яагаад Хендерсон таны карьерын хувьд чухал өрсөлдөгч юм?

Майкл Chandler: өрсөлдөгч бүр чухал ач холбогдолтой. Бүр нэг цаг бидний тэмцэл, Бид өөрсдийгөө тавьж байна, бидний амьжиргааны, бидний бүртгэл, болон шугам дээр манай нэр хүнд. Энэ бол зүгээр л миний хувьд тохиолддог, Би аварга байсан юм, спортын зарим нэг агуу зүйлсийг хийсэн нэгэн залуу тэмцэх боломж авах. Харин азаар, энэ нь надад болон түүнд буруу цагт нь зөв цаг. Би маш Энэ тэмцэлд тэнд явж, мэдэгдэл хийх сэтгэл байна Бямба гарагт Шөнийн. Тэр нь мэдээж их юм, бэлэн өрсөлдөгч, Гэхдээ би тэнд явж, өнгөлгөөг авах баяртай байна.

Асуулт: MVP хувьд ... Мэдээж хэрэг, Энэ Bellator нь та нарын хувьд гайхалтай жил өнгөрчээ, Лондон дахь ялангуяа гүйцэтгэл. Та яг одоо поп соёлын импульсийн дээр хуруугаа авсан бөгөөд та тэмцэл шөнө зарим зугаа цэнгэлийн хүчин зүйл нь ашиглах хайж байгаа гэсэн илчлэлт дээр зураг зурах байгаа гэж тэнд ямар нэг зүйл болох байх?

MVP: Тиймээ, Би үргэлж нийгмийн мэдэж байна, Гэхдээ би ажил эхлээд хийж авах хэрэгтэй, энэ нь хамгийн чухал зүйл юм.

Асуулт: Одоогийн байдлаар, Олон жингийн ангилалд үед тэмцэж, олон салбар дахь тэмцэх одоо улангасч байх шиг байна, та нар доош унаж боломжийг дурдсан байсан өнгөрсөн би мэднэ 155 кг., та одоо ч гэсэн сонирхсон гэсэн зүйл?

MVP: Одоогийн байдлаар, хийж чадахгүй. Яг одоо, Би зүгээр л welterweight хэлтэст тэмцэх анхаарч байна.

Асуулт: Та Фернандо Гонсалес гаруй ялалт бичиж болно бол, хэрхэн илүү олон тулаан, олон хэрхэн илүү хожиж та нэр зураг байгаа ба нэр буун төлөө тэмцэж өмнө та боддог вэ?

MVP: Энэ бол үнэхээр миний гол асуудал биш юм. Би зүгээр л тэнд явж, зугаацуулах, би байрлалд төгсгөл хүртэл би байх гэж бодсон хийж хадгалж болно.

Асуулт: Майкл Чандлер ... Учир нь та нар удаан хугацааны турш хол Бенсон үзэх нь, Түүний карьер тусам та түүнд юу гэж бодсон бэ?

Майкл Chandler: Бенсон -ийн гайхалтай карьераа байсан. Буцах өдөр, Тэр UFC аварга байсан, би Bellator аварга байсан. Тэр дугаар нь нэг нь чансаанд ороогүй байна, би дэлхий дээр олон тооны гурван чансаанд ороогүй байсан бөгөөд энэ нь үргэлж байсан юм "хэрэв тэгсэн бол" matchup. Энэ хоёр залуус юу тэмцэх юм бол ..., одоо бид эцэст нь харж авах. Тэр сэтгэгдэл төрүүлэхийн тулд үргэлжлүүлэн байна. Тэр ялахын тулд үргэлжлүүлэн байна. Их албан тушаал дэвших, агуу их өв их өрсөлдөгчид ч байсан байж чадахгүй байна. Би яг тэр Бенсон Хендерсон харах, Гэхдээ би тэр торонд руу алхам руу явж байна уу гэж би яллагдах болно Бямба гарагт шөнө, энэ бүс алдах. Би сүүл унтарсан бэлтгэгдсэн байна, Би хэн нэгэн нь энэ спортод замаар явж болно гэсэн хамгийн хэцүү зовлон зарим нь замаар явж байсан ... дараалан гурван тулаан алдаж, буцаж ирэх, мөн итгэлтэй ямар ч хамаагүй гэж, Миний дараагийн том нээлт буланд эргэн тойронд нь зөв юм байна. Би тамхинаас тухай хэзээ ч удаа бодож, Би энэ нөхцөлд хүмүүс их боддог бол тэр нь. Би хаана байсан, хаана би одоо байна, Би итгэлтэй байна, би зүгээр л тэнд очиж, дэлхийн хамгийн шилдэг нэг, спортын хамгийн нэр нэг эсрэг мөрөнд энэ бүгдийг хийж байгаадаа баяртай байна. Энэ нь Spike TV маш их боломж юм, амьд, эрх чөлөөтэй.

Асуулт: Фернандо ... Майкл Page үйлдвэрлэсэн бөгөөд энэ жил гаргасан байна гэж видео багцуудад холбоотой асуултад, хамгийн сүүлд Halloween үед. Та тэднийг үзэх үү, юу видео багцуудад нь таны хариу үйлдэл байсан?

Фернандо Гонзалес: Би видео бичлэг аль аль нь үзсэн бөгөөд энэ нь инээдтэй нь ямар байсан гэж бодсон, Ялангуяа сүүлийн нэг. хүнсний бүтээгдэхүүн гэж би боддог муу сонголт. Тэр нь үндсэндээ бөмбөг идэж, сүү ууж байна, аяган болон амтыг savoring байхад. Тэгэхээр, Би дуудлага гарч гэж тэр авах ёстой эсэхийг би мэдэхгүй байна, Гэхдээ би ганцаараа ялалт миний хувьд хангалттай байх болно гэж бодож байна.

Асуулт: Майкл (Хуудас) Яг одоо мөрөнд, Фернандо түүнийг тэмцэлд хүртэл тэргүүлэх нь мэдээний ямар ч төрлийн вэ?

Фернандо Гонзалес: Би өмнө нь өгсөн тэр зурвас юм. Зүгээр л гарч ирэх. Би сөнөөгч хүндэтгэх, гэхдээ энэ нь дараа нь тэр надад баяр хүргэж, түүнд сайн сөнөөгч гаргах намайг баярлалаа болно. Тэр хүнд байна, Гэвч тэр туршиж байгаа бөгөөд би түүнд өөрийн анхны алдагдал өгөх гэж байна.

Асуулт: Майкл та хариу ёстой вэ?

MVP: Би bullshit харшилтай байна, ийм хариу ямар ч цэг байдаг.

Асуулт: Бенсон Хендерсон ... Anaheim-д нэр хураагуур тэмцэлд нь, Та энэ тэмцэлд даяар тайван, санаатайгаар зан чанарыг байсан, та нар дэлбэрч бид үнэхээр харж өмнө, Pitbull гэмтэл нь булаан авч байна. та үзэх гэж байна Чандлер нь хурдан хурдыг тохируулах, эсвэл бид илүү хэмжиж хариу харах гэж байна?

Хендерсоны Бенсон: энэ нь тоглодог бид хэрхэн харах болно. Энэ нь тулгадаг, би юу хийх гэж байна яг юу гэж хэлэх нь хэцүү. Би NFL дасгалжуулагч байсан бол, Би эхлээд байна эдгээр дасгалжуулагчдын нэг биш байх байсан 15 Тоглолтын тоглоно гарч бичигдсэн, ямар ч хамаагүй юу болох, Бид эдгээр наалдахгүй байна 15 тоглоно. Миний хувьд, Би үүнийг мэдэрч байна, урсгалын хамт явж. Гэвч, Миний хувьд би энэ нь удаан хурдац тэмцэл болох гэж байгаа гэж би бодохгүй байна. Би хамгийн хамгийн өндөр хурдацтай нэг болох энэ хүлээж байна, Та Bellator торонд харсан арга хэмжээ савлаж тулаан.


Иж бүрэн "Bellator 165: Чандлер сүсэг. Хендерсон "Үндсэн карт:

Хөнгөн Дэлхийн Гарчиг Үндсэн үйл явдал: Майкл Chandler (15-3) сүсэг. Хендерсоны Бенсон (24-6)

Welterweight Хамтран гол үйл явдал: Майкл хуудас (11-0) сүсэг. Фернандо Гонзалес (25-13)

Хөнгөн хүнд жингийн онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Linton Vassell (16-5) сүсэг. Francis Carmont (25-11)

Хөнгөн Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Адам Piccolot (8-0) сүсэг. Брэндон Girtz (14-4)

Flyweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Keri-Энн Тейлор-Melendez (Дебют) сүсэг. Шейла Падилла (2-0)


Иж бүрэн урьдчилсан карт:

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Кевин Фергюсон Jr. (Дебют) сүсэг. Аарон Хамилтон (0-2)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Carrington Банкууд (5-0) сүсэг. Жейк Робертс (7-0)

Middleweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Диего Herzog (3-2) сүсэг. Ник PICA (5-0)

Bantamweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Иеремиа Monaghan (9-5) сүсэг. Винс Мурдок (8-2)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Жеймс Терри (17-9) сүсэг. Жастин Baesman (19-10-1)

Bantamweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Элвин Cacdac (16-12) сүсэг. Стив Рамирез (5-1)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: J.J. Okanovich (2-1) сүсэг. Luis Варгас (Дебют)

Өд урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Виктор Жонс (0-2) сүсэг. Beau Хамилтон (1-7)

Хөнгөн урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Уго Lujan (0-1) сүсэг. Сезар Гонзалес (Дебют)

Welterweight "сахил" урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Доминик Sumner (Дебют) сүсэг. Жастин Roswell (1-0)

Welterweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Danasabe Mohammed (5-0) сүсэг. Дуайт Грант (6-1)

Flyweight урьдчилсан дайралт хийвэл: Сара D'Alelio (10-6) сүсэг. Jaimelene Nievera (4-1)

Undefeated World Champion Danny Garcia Earns Victory in Hometown Via Seventh Round Stoppage of Samuel Vargas in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on Spike Saturday Night from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia

Victory Sets Up Welterweight World Championship Unification Bout Between Garcia and Keith Thurman on Гуравдугаар 4
Rising Star Jarrett Hurd Remains Unbeaten with Sixth-Round Stoppage of Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan
Former World Champion Javier Fortuna Recovers from Knockdown to Beat Previously Undefeated Omar Douglas by Unanimous Decision
Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos from Ryan Hafey/
Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын – (Photos to be added shortly)
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 13, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Данни “Swift” Гарсиа (33-0, 19 Kos)put on a show for fans in his hometown Saturday night as he dropped and stopped Colombia’s Самуел Варгас (25-3-1, 13 Kos)on his way to a seventh round TKO victory in the main event of Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
The dominant performance by Garcia officially setup a welterweight world championship unification showdown in March against Кейт “Нэг удаа” Thurman, who was in attendance as part of Spike’s broadcasting crew. The two welterweight world champions met in the middle of the ring after the conclusion of the bout and began to set the stage for their explosive showdown.
I just had to tell Keith that he’s next,” хэлсэн Гарсиа. “I’m going to beat him down. There’s not much more to say. Keith is going to get what he asked for and now he’s going to face a big dog.
You have two big punchers meeting on Гуравдугаар 4,” хэлсэн Thurman. “I don’t see how the fight can go 12 удаа. I see myself as the best competition that Danny has ever faced.
Garcia was sharp offensively and defensively Бямба гариг Шөнийн, making Vargas miss often and countering with powerful shots. He started slow but late in the second round, Garcia delivered an overhand right hand that sent Vargas tumbling to the canvas.
I felt a little rusty,” хэлсэн Гарсиа. “But I started putting my punches together well and came out with the victory. The overhand right knocked him down. It was just a well-timed shot.
I got beat up in there,” хэлсэн Варгас. “It takes a lot of courage to come to North Philadelphia and fight the champ. It just wasn’t my night.
Vargas continued to come forward and work, but Garcia was entirely in control, making Vargas swing at air while delivering shots of his own that kept him in command. In the seventh round, Garcia began to unload with a series of big shots that hurt Vargas on the ropes. This eventually prompted referee Gary Rosato to stop the fight 2:17 шатанд.
It was great to give back to my fans in Philadelphia,” хэлсэн Гарсиа. “It was a long time coming. I’m just happy I was able to give Philly a great night. I’m a Philly champion and it was great to see guys like Allen Iverson and Meek Mill out here supporting. Most importantly it felt great to give back to those in need in my city.
Danny is a great fighter and a great person for his city,” хэлсэн Варгас.
With the Гуравдугаар 4 unification fight now set, boxing fans can look forward to seeing two of the best fighters in the sport put their undefeated records and world titles on the line.
Danny can talk whatever he wants and Angel Garcia can say whatever he wants,” хэлсэн Thurman. “They can talk smack all day. Danny is real flat-footed. I believe I’ll be able to be on the outside, see the wide punches and counter punch. They said he wanted the tune-up, now he’s ready to see me.
“Дээр Гуравдугаар 4, fans can expect what they always get from me,” хэлсэн Гарсиа. “It’s going to be fireworks. I’m a Philly champion. I have the heart of a champion and I’m coming to win and unify titles.
The co-main event of the evening saw undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd (19-0, 13 Kos) stop former title challenger Jo Jo Дан (35-4, 18 Kos)in the sixth-round of their super welterweight battle.
The smaller Dan sought to smother Hurd from the beginning and negate the previously unbeaten fighter’s advantage in reach and height. Hurd was unable to get full power behind his punches, while Dan tried to hit Hurd with short punches, mainly to the body.
We knew he was a crafty southpaw,” Саид Hurd. “We wanted to take our time because we didn’t know how he would come out. We felt him out at first.
The weight was a big difference,” said Dan. “I took the fight on short notice and I’m a 147-pound fighter. He was too strong for me Өнөө орой.”
Things began to open up for Hurd in round two as he began to tee off on the head of Dan, including a thudding left that caused Dan’s nose to bleed. Hurd continued to pummel Dan, mixing in looping shots to the body with his devastating array of hooks and uppercuts.
My defense was a little off because being prepared for a right hander,” Саид Hurd. “We fixed that in the last round and got the stoppage.
The damage continued into the sixth round as Dan kept coming forward but was consistently met with hard shots from Hurd. The fight was finally called at 1:08 into the sixth round, on the advice of Dan’s corner.
He was wobbly and shaky,” Саид Hurd. “I probably would have taken him out in the next round. There are a lot of great fighters in this division and whoever I can get in there with next, I’ll be ready for.
He’s a tough guy,” said Dan. “I gave him some tough shots and I took some good shots. At the end of the day this is boxing. I couldn’t do enough to get the win.
The opening bout of the telecast saw former world champion Хавьер Fortuna (31-1-1, 22 Kos) survive an early knockdown to come back and earn a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Омар Дуглас (17-1, 12 Kos) in their 10-round lightweight match.
Douglas got off to the better start, connecting with a straight left hand late in the first round that buckled the knees of Fortuna and sent him to the canvas.
He got me cold in the first round,” Fortuna байна. “I wasn’t surprised that he came out sharp. I worked very hard to come back.
The left hand was there for me so I took it,” said Douglas. “I knocked him down based on reflexes.
Fortuna recovered nicely however, and used his movement and combination punching to fluster the less experienced Douglas. Fighting primarily out of the southpaw stance, Fortuna used his jab and followed up with flurries that score consistently.
Every time that I was aggressive, I tried to follow it up with more punches,” Fortuna байна.
Douglas tried to be patient and counter, but too often it led to the fighters getting tangled up instead of inflicting damage.
He was grabbing me, but that’s the gamesaid Douglas. “That’s the game I signed up for.
The final round saw Fortuna come out strong in an attempt to close the show with emphasis.
I knew in the final round that I had to finish it well to make sure there were no questions,” Fortuna байна.
The former champion connected at will on Douglas for much of the round, staggering him near the ropes with successive hooks. Douglas stayed on his feet but was unable to mount enough offense as all three judges gave the final round to Fortuna. Эцэст нь, the judges scored the bout 96-93 хоёр удаа мөн 95-94 Fortuna нь.
I feel like I won the fight. The decision was absurd. He held me the whole fight,” said Douglas.
I felt like I won just about every round after the first,” Fortuna байна. “I want a rematch with Jason Sosa next. That’s a very big fight for me.
# # #
PBC on Spike was promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.

Сүсэг Данни Гарсиа. Samuel Vargas Press Conference Quotes & Зургийн цомог

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike this Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos from Terel Vann/King’s Promotions/
Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын
(Photos to be added shortly)
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 10, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Данни “Swift” Гарсиа and Colombia’s Самуел Варгас went face-to-face Пүрэв гариг үдээс хойш, one day before they weigh-in for their Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike main event showdown taking place Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Spike дээр Телевизийн хамрах хүрээ эхэлдэг 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Дан plus former world champion Хавьер Fortuna taking on unbeaten Омар Дуглас.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia has teamed up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ЭНД.
Here is what the participants from Пүрэв-ийн event at the Clarion Hotel had to say:
Данни Гарсиа
I’ve dedicated my life to the sport of boxing and I’m proud to be on a card like this. It’s amazing to be fighting in my city with my home base there to support me.
“Энэ бол миний хувьд агуу боломж юм. Giving back is very important to me and my family. I have my whole family, including my daughter Philly here with me. It just adds to the excitement leading up to the fight.
“Сургалтын бааз нь гайхалтай байна. We had a really smooth camp. I’ve stayed disciplined and taken care of everything I have to do. I’ve been running and sparring and preparing for anything. I took no shortcuts.
I’m feeling good and I’m happy to bring my fans in Philadelphia a fight. I’m looking forward to bringing more fights back here to Philadelphia. This is a fighting city where it all started for a lot of great fighters.
I’m really excited about this undercard. I know the fans are going to really love it. I hope those fighters take full advantage of their opportunity to fight on a card like this.
I know people are excited about the Thurman fight. I understand that and I’m going to be pumped up for that one too. But I’m not looking past anybody. I’m fully focused on putting on a show at home and doing what I have to do to beat Vargas.
There’s not too much to say but I’m really excited to fight. I hope all the fans come out and see what they’ve been missing in Philly. Би хасагдах нь гэж байна.”
I had four weeks of intense training in Miami. We were at the Fifth Street Gym and they made us feel at home. I got great sparring and I feel ready to fight.
This is a fight that I have to be 100 бэлэн хувь. I have to mentally be prepared for battle. Then I just have to execute the plan.
Danny is a champion for a reason. He does everything well. We just have to find a way to win.
“Миний багш, Billy Briscoe, has done an amazing job of working with me and keeping me motivated. It’s been a really good camp.
I’m looking for the upset that night. Everyone wants to see Danny fight Keith Thurman, but I’m looking to make myself known. I feel confident.
All I have to do is go up there and do my job. Үүнийг битгий алдаарай, because it’s going to be a memorable one.
I have to dictate the pace of the fight if I want to win in Philadelphia. I have to win decisively. I have to be a smart fighter and I’ll be ready.
I’m trying to let everyone know I’m here. I’m here for everyone in the 154-pound division and I’m here to stay. I’m not a guy who’s just going to work my way up but not win a title. My goal is to win a world title.
It feels really good to be on a Danny Garcia card. We’re both ‘Swiftso I’m glad fans will have a chance to see two really entertaining fighters on the same card.
The opponent switch didn’t leave us a lot of time to prepare for a southpaw, but we’re used to the style. Training camp was really great and I’m just excited to get in the ring.
I really want to thank my trainer, Ernesto Rodriguez, because he’s been with me since day one. We always talked about fighting on cards like this.
A fight of this magnitude it’s always a good thing. I’m happy to fight on a card of this magnitude. I hope that everyone enjoys the show Бямба гарагт Шөнийн.
All-year round we prepare for changes like this. Sometimes you get an opponent who is orthodox but he comes out southpaw. We’re always prepared for things like this.
I’m thankful to Hurd for accepting this challenge. I’m looking to make a great fight. I’m in great shape and I have no doubt this is going to be an exciting night.
Hurd is a great fighter. He has an undefeated record and he’s younger than me, but I’m not worried about it. He likes to fight and switch styles. So I know I will have to be ready for anything.
My training camp was very good. There are no injuries and I’m very thankful to be healthy. I’ve been in the gym a very long time.
I have a good strategy for this fight. I’m planning on getting in there and testing him out. I think I’m going to have a really good performance.
When I got the call about this fight I was already in really good shape. I expect it’s going to be an exciting fight for the fans.
My original weight is still 147-pounds, but this is a great opportunity and I jumped on it. I believe I’m ready to make a splash.
Хавьер Fortuna
I promise you that this fight will not go 10 удаа. I’m telling everybody. I’m going to knockout Omar Douglas.
My team works so hard and we’re not going to stop until I’m a champion again. Douglas is the next guy I need to get rid of.
I’m very honored to be a part of a card of this magnitude, especially with one of the best fighters in the world in Danny Garcia.
I’m coming to fight Douglas on his turf and I’m going to give him a boxing lesson. I’m prepared and I’m ready to go on Арваннэгдүгээр 12.
I’m confident in myself and confident in my team. We’ve prepared extremely well. My goal is to continue to get back to where I was. I want to be a champion once again.
Тэнгэр элч Гарсиа, Данни Эцэг нь & Сургагч багш
“Данни байна 100 хувь нь бэлтгэгдсэн. Camp went perfectly. He’s hitting hard. I just pray every day that he doesn’t kill anybody in the ring. These aren’t the ‘Looney Tunes.This is real right now. Vargas is in with the champ of the world.
We’re going to worry about Sam Бямба гарагт. We’re going to get the job done. Because I know what Danny brings to the table.
I think Danny is the top welterweight in the world. Danny is going to be undefeated, still, дараа Арваннэгдүгээр 12. Sam is going to come in and work. But it’s not going his way.
BILLY BRISCOE, Варгас’ Сургагч багш
We went to camp and we prepared to the best of our abilities. Sam knew what he had to do and he took care of everything that he could.
There’s not too much to say. We understand that we’re fighting a great fighter like Danny. He’s a tremendous fighter and he has great trainer in Angel.
We’re going to be ready. Sam has put in the hours in the gym that are necessary. We’re looking for a good show and a big shock.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.



TEL AVIV, Израиль. (Эцсийн. 10, 2016) – All fighters successfully made weight for Israel’s first major mixed martial arts event "Bellator 164: Koreshkov сүсэг. Lima” which takes place inside of Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv, Израиль. The historic event airs FREE on SPIKE Баасан, Арваннэгдүгээр 11 үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. СТ.


The stacked main card is headlined by a must-see welterweight world title main event pitting current champion Андрей Koreshkov (19-1) эсрэг Дуглас Лима (27-6). Үүнээс гадна, a pair of featherweight matchups pitting hometown favorite Noad Lahat (9-2) эсрэг Scott Cleve (15-5) болон Георгий Karakhanyan (25-6-1) эсрэг Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1) will also be featured on the Spike-televised main card. Эцэст нь, Ukrainian sensation Lena Ovchynnikova (10-4) returns in a female flyweight contest with Karla Benitez (13-9-1).


Scott Coker on the groundbreaking Bellator event in Israel: “This event started about 18 months ago when we came over here to say hello to our international partners Annaney Communications and EGO TOTAL. We sat down with them and they said ‘Hey, there are a lot of great martial artists here. Why don’t we go meet with some of the gyms?’ So, we went to some of the gyms across Tel Aviv where they hosted a nice tryout. We had about 60-70 athletes participate and Royce (Gracie) would say ‘I think this guy could be good. I think this girl could be good. I think that these are some of the talented fighters that you could bring into Bellator.’ From there we started talking about the venues, and talking about the infrastructure of how we could pull of an event of this magnitude here in this city. We have put together an amazing team of people out here that have done a great job helping make this possible. I’ve been in the fight business for 31 Одоо жил, promoting fights all over the world, but this is one that is really a big feather in our cap. Би үнэхээр байна, really excited to be here in Israel promoting our inaugural event, and we already have a date set for next year. We will be back, and we’d like to make this an annual stop for the company.


Үндсэн карт: (Free on SPIKE – 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8:00 p.m. СТ)

Welterweight World Title Fight: Андрей Koreshkov (169.8 кг.) сүсэг. Дуглас Лима (170 кг.)


Өд Хамтран гол үйл явдал: Noad Lahat (145.8 кг.) сүсэг. Scott Cleve (145.8 кг.)


150 LB, catchweight Feature Bout: Георгий Karakhanyan (149.5 кг.) сүсэг. Kirill Medvedovsky (151 кг.)


Flyweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Lena Ovchynnikova (123.5 кг.) сүсэг. Karla Benitez (124.5 кг.)


Урьдчилсан карт

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Joaquin Buckley (170.5 кг.) сүсэг. Jackie Gosh (170.8 кг.)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Fight: Chen Shhori (205 кг.) сүсэг. Kfir Eittan (205 кг.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Haitham Kiuof (170.3 кг.) сүсэг. Moshe Rand (173 кг.)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Rob Becker (155.5 кг.) сүсэг. Ejargew Tariku (155.2 кг.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Sol Renato (170.5 кг.) сүсэг. Alex Trofimov (170.3 кг.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Almog Shay (136 кг.) сүсэг. Vitaly Khmeinytsky (136 кг.)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Olga Rubin (145.8 кг.) сүсэг. Laurita Cibirite (140.5 кг.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Raz Bring (134.8 кг.) сүсэг. Maor Kazalkopy (135.5 кг.)

Middleweight Preliminary Fight: Alexander Nikulin (183.8 кг.) сүсэг. Avi Baron (182.8 кг.)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Onor Keles (137.5 кг.) сүсэг. Omri Barel (135 кг.)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Zane Clerk (170.8 кг.) сүсэг. Haim Gozali (170 кг.)

Featherweight Preliminary Fight: Igor Postnikov (144.5 кг.) сүсэг. Itai Gayer (143 кг.)


Danny Garcia Media Workout Quotes & Зургийн цомог

Undefeated World Champion Hosts Final Media Workout Before Battling Colombia’s Samuel Vargas Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Дарна уу ЭНД for Photos from Darryl Cobb/King’s Promotions/
Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын
(Photo’s from today’s workout to be added shortly)
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 9, 2016) – Days before he enters the ring to fight in his hometown, undefeated world champion Данни “Swift” Гарсиа opened up his DSG Boxing Gym to media on Wednesday as he prepares to face Colombia’s Самуел Варгас гол үйл явдал нь Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Coverage on Spike эхэлдэг 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Дан plus former world champion Хавьер Fortunataking on unbeaten Омар Дуглас.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia has teamed up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ЭНД.
Here is what Garcia and his father and trainer, Angel had to say Wednesday:
Данни Гарсиа
On Keith Thurman being ringside on the Spike announcing crew
He will just get an up close and personal look at what will happen to him in March. I hope he’s paying attention.
I am excited to give the Philly fans a great fight. This is an opportunity to give back and that is most important to me. I’ve been training really hard and I’m going to give 100 percent for my city.
I am just going in the ring and be myself. Seek and destroy. I am taking this one round at a time. I’m looking to be smart and break him down. When the opportunity comes, I’m taking it and putting on a show.
I am not looking past this fight. I have tunnel vision and have never looked past anyone. I know he is coming to win, but I am ready mentally and physically to get the job done.
This is going to be a great night. It’s an exciting card from top to bottom. Young local fighters getting a chance to show their skills is great for the sport and great for Philadelphia.
Тэнгэр элч Гарсиа, Данни Эцэг нь & Сургагч багш
Thurman may be on the outside looking in Бямба гарагт, but he’s going to see what he has in store for him in March.
Billy Briscoe (Варгас’ сургагч багш) is another Philly guy like me and I know he’s going to try his best. But they’re fighting the champ and they know they have their hands full. He may think he knows our game plan but he really doesn’t.
I’m excited for Danny to be fighting at home. It’s a great opportunity to give back. I’m expecting Danny to look great in the ring and get the win.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.

Danny Garcia Reveals Favorite Moments from Career, Toughest Opponents & дэлгэрэнгүй

Undefeated World Champion Battles Colombia’s Samuel Vargas Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Дарна уу ЭНД for Video from Premier Boxing Champions
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 9, 2016) – Undefeated world champion Данни “Swift” Гарсиа talked about some of his favorite moments and biggest influences from his long career in advance of his Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike Showdown Энэ Бямба гариг against Colombia’s Самуел Варгас from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.
Coverage on Spike эхэлдэг 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Дан plus former world champion Хавьер Fortunataking on unbeaten Омар Дуглас.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia is teaming up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ЭНД.
Here is what Garcia had to say when looking back at some moments from his career so far:
Асуулт: What do you consider to be the best performance of your career?
Данни Гарсиа: The best performance of my career, Би итгэж байна, was against Lucas Matthysse. I was the unified world champion, I was a 3-to-1 underdog, he was knocking everybody out. I don’t think one person in the world thought I’d win that fight, but I knew deep in my heart I was the better fighter.
Асуулт: What’s your favorite punch in the ring?
DG: My favorite punch is actually my right hand, but for some reason the left hook knocks everybody out. So I don’t know, Нэг. Whatever punch lands, I try to use all my punches and different weapons in different angles. I try to use each hand as the set-up punch for the next punch. So I don’t really have a favorite punch. A lot of people think it’s my left hook, I like the right hand better, but the left hook just knocks everybody out.
Асуулт: Which opponent you fought hit you the hardest?
DG: The two strongest opponents I’ve fought with the best punching power were Kendall Holt and Lucas Matthysse. They kind of had the same kind of power. It was like a thumping shot, and when they hit you, you felt likeOoh, this man can punch.
Асуулт: Who was the hardest opponent for you to hit in your career?
DG: The hardest opponent I had to hit was probably Lamont Peterson. He was moving a lot, he wasn’t trying to engage with me at all, was trying to use the ring a lot with lateral movement. He came with a good game plan.
Асуулт: Who was the fastest opponent you’ve faced?
DG: Fastest fighter, hands down, Амир Хан. He is the fastest fighter I’ve ever fought.
Асуулт: What was the best atmosphere you’ve ever fought in?
DG: Barclays Center is No. 1. I’d probably say the Zab Judah fight. We hold the gate (бичлэг), the most fans to go to Barclays for a boxing event. It was like a concert.
Асуулт: When was the maddest your dad ever got at you during a fight?
DG: My dad is always mad. He’s happy sometimes, but when it’s fight time, he’s always mad. That’s all I can say.
Асуулт: Are there any fighters you watched growing up who you style yourself after? Or are there any fighters out there who maybe remind you of yourself?
DG: I take a lot from different fighters. (Феликс) Тринидад, I loved his left hook. Prince Naseem Hamed, I loved how he wore the animal print, and then I did that. Roy Jones Jr., Бернард Хопкинс, those are fighters I looked up to. (Хулио Сезар) Чавес, going to the body, that left hook to the body. I take a lot of things from other fightersarsenals and put it into my style. But I never try to be any other fighter. I try to be myself.
Асуулт: When you meet him next March, where will Keith Thurman rank among the opponents you’ve faced in your career?
DG: Нэгэн адил би хэллээ, I’ve fought 10 current or former world champions in my career. He’s just another guy, another champ I need to dethrone. That’s basically it.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.

Keith Thurman to Join Spike’s Announce Team for Danny Garcia vs. Samuel Vargas Main Event on Saturday, Арваннэгдүгээр 12

Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 9, 2016) – Spike TV’s upcoming broadcast of the Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын series on Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 үед 9:00ET цаг/PT will have some extra knockout power. Undefeated welterweight world champion Кейт “Нэг удаа” Thurman will be joining Spike’s critically-acclaimed boxing announce team for the main event featuring Danny “Swift” Garcia vs Samuel Vargas.
Thurman will be paying close attention to Garcia as the two are set to square in a highly-anticipated PBC bout next March.
I’m excited to be back calling the PBC fights this time on Spike and especially since it’s my next opponent Danny Garcia. Danny I’ve got my eyes on you. It’s going to be a great fight and Spike viewers will want to tune-in to hear what ‘One Timehas to say,” noted Thurman.
Emanating from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, ТХГН-ийн, Гарсиа, the prodigal son of the City of Brotherly Love, will put his undefeated record on the line in front of his hometown fans against the hard hitting Vargas from Colombia.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу:
www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.
Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.



TEL AVIV, Израиль. (Арваннэгдүгээр 8, 2016) – Bellator MMA has invaded the “Holy Land” for the first time in the history of the promotion and is ready to deliver a plethora of great matchups, including a welterweight world title fight pitting Андрей Koreshkov (19-1) эсрэг Дуглас Лима(27-6).


Нь "Bellator 164: Koreshkov сүсэг. Lima” only a few days away, Bellator’s digital team has put together a collection of exclusive new content to preview the stacked event at Menora Mivtachim Arena. Join us as we dive into a behind-the-scenes look at the competitors’ journey to Баасанnight’s big show. For more in-depth footage of our enticing contests coming your way, look no further than Bellator’s amazing YouTube page.


Over a year ago, current division champ Andrey Koreshkov defeated Douglas Lima for the welterweight world title. Одоо, the two meet again and it’s Lima who will be seeking revenge. Don’t miss this incredible Bellator MMA title fight in Tel Aviv, Израиль, Энэ Баасан Шөнийн!


What to Watch: Лима сүсэг. Koreshkov

Let’s take a look at some of Jimmy Smith’s keys to victory in a welterweight world title rematch between Lima and Koreshkov.

Аваргуудын: Андрей Koreshkov

Koreshkov is about as dominating of an opponent as you can find in the world of MMA today. Join us as we take a closer look at what makes this welterweight supreme.

Sitdown with Georgi Karakhanyan

Georgi Karakhanyan’s specialty in the cage? Guillotine. What about outside of the cage? We sit down with the featherweight superstar and discuss the mental preparation behind mixed martial arts competition.

5 Удаа: Lena Ovchynnikova

Ukrainian powerhouse Lena Ovchynnikova gives us an inside look on her life outside of the cage as she prepares to make her promotional debut.

Event Info

A welterweight world title main event will headline the first ever Bellator MMA event in Israel, as current division champion Андрей Koreshkov(19-1) will attempt to protect his belt against the man who he took it from over a year ago, Дуглас Лима (27-6). Үүнээс гадна, Noad Lahat (9-2) will challenge Scott Cleve (15-5) in the evening’s featherweight co-main event and Георгий Karakhanyan (25-6-1) will replace James Gallagher to face Israel’s own Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1) in a featherweight feature fight. Эцэст нь, a female flyweight bout pitting Ukrainian star Lena Ovchynnikova (10-4) эсрэг Karla Benitez (13-9-1) rounds out the SPIKE-televised main card action.


The preliminary portion of the event features a welterweight clash between Joaquin Buckley (6-0) and hometown favorite Jackie Gosh (6-0). Үүнээс гадна, over a dozen local competitors will be making their professional debut on the preliminary card of the Scott Coker-led promotion’s first event in the Middle East.


"Bellator 164: Koreshkov сүсэг. LIma” takes place at Menora Mivtachim Arena in Tel Aviv, Израиль, and will air in America on SPIKE Баасан, Арваннэгдүгээр 11 үед 9 p.m. БОЛОН / 8 p.m. СТ. Bellator has partnered with Ananey Communications, an Israeli television conglomerate boasting 14 channels, several of which showcase Viacom content including the EGO and EGO TOTAL channels which have broadcast Bellator in Israel since 2012.


Tickets for the event are on sale now and can be purchased at Bellator.com or Eventim.co.il/mma.


"Bellator 164: Koreshkov сүсэг. Lima” Fight Card

Welterweight World Title Bout: Андрей Koreshkov (19-1) сүсэг. Дуглас Лима (27-6)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Noad Lahat (9-2) сүсэг. Scott Cleve (15-5)

Featherweight Feature Bout: Георгий Karakhanyan (25-6-1) сүсэг. Kirill Medvedovsky (6-1)

Flyweight Онцлог дайралт хийвэл: Lena Ovchynnikova (10-4) сүсэг. Karla Benitez (13-9-1)


Bellator.com-Streamed Preliminary Card

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Joaquin Buckley (6-0) сүсэг. Jackie Gosh (6-0)

Light Heavyweight Preliminary Fight: Chen Shhori (Дебют) сүсэг. Kfir Eittan (2-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Haitham Kiuof (Дебют) сүсэг. Moshe Rand (3-2)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Rob Becker (Дебют) сүсэг. Ejargew Tariku (1-0)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Sol Renato (Дебют) сүсэг. Alex Trofimov (Дебют)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Almog Shay (Дебют) сүсэг. Vitaly Khmeinytsky (Дебют)

Lightweight Preliminary Fight: Olga Rubin (Дебют) сүсэг. Laurita Cibirite (Дебют)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Raz Bring (Дебют) сүсэг. Maor Kazalkopy (Дебют)

Middleweight Preliminary Fight: Alexander Nikulin (Дебют) сүсэг. Avi Baron (Дебют)

Bantamweight Preliminary Fight: Onor Keles (Дебют) сүсэг. Omri Barel (Дебют)

Welterweight Preliminary Fight: Zane Clerk (Дебют) сүсэг. Haim Gozali (6-3)

Welterweight Kickboxing Fight: Igor Postnikov (Дебют) сүсэг. Itai Gayer (Дебют)

Stacked Night of Local Talent Features Middleweight Kryone Davis Battling Once-Beaten Carlos Gabriel Ozan & Unbeaten Milton Santiago Facing Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia

Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 from Temple University’s Liacouras Center in Philadelphia
Дэлгэрэнгүй! Undefeated Prospects Thomas Velasquez, Jeffrey Torres & дэлгэрэнгүй
Филадельфи (Арваннэгдүгээр 8, 2016) – An exciting night highlighting the best rising talent in the Philadelphia-area comes to Temple University’s Liacouras Center on Бямба гариг, Арваннэгдүгээр 12 and will feature middleweight prospect Kyrone Дэвис (10-1, 4 Kos) facing once-beaten Carlos Gabriel Ozan (12-1, 4 Kos) and unbeaten super lightweight Милтон Сантьяго (15-0, 3 Kos) against Argentina’s Claudio Rosendo Tapia (28-16-4, 13 Kos) in a pair of eight-round showdowns.
The event is headlined by undefeated welterweight world champion and Philadelphia-native Данни “Swift” Гарсиа taking on Colombia’s Самуел Варгас. Хамрах хүрээ нь Ерөнхий сайд Боксын Аваргуудын тухай Spike эхэлдэг 9 p.m. БОЛОН/8 p.m. CT and features undefeated rising star Jarrett Hurd battling former title challenger Jo Jo Дан plus former world champion Хавьер Fortuna taking on unbeaten Омар Дуглас.
Амьд арга хэмжээ зохион байгуулах хэрэгслээр зорчих тасалбар, which is promoted by DSG Promotions and King’s Promotions, үнэтэй байна $200, $100, $75, $50 болон $35 , одоо худалдаанд байгаа. To purchase tickets visit LiacourasCenter.com/events or call 800-298-4200. Garcia is teaming up withPhilabundance, the region’s largest hunger relief organization, to arrange a regional food drive and raise money throughout the promotion. For more information on how to get involved, visit the event’s webpage ЭНД.
Additional action will feature a pair of unbeaten Philadelphia prospects as Томас Velasquez squares-off against Miami’s Raul Chirino in a four-round super featherweight affair while Christian Carto Мексик-ийн тулгарч байна Leonardo Reyes in four-rounds of bantamweight action.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten super featherweight Тит Уильямс taking on once-beaten Philadelphia-native Antonio Dubose in a six-round showdown and unbeaten lightweight Jeffrey Torres дээр авч Joseph Serrano in a four-round bout between Philadelphia prospects.
A two-time amateur National Champion fighting out of Wilmington, Delaware, Davis turned pro in 2014 after a stellar amateur career. The 21-year-old delivered wins in his first 10 starts before dropping a competitive contest to then unbeaten Junior Castillo in April. A two-time Pennsylvania Golden Gloves champion, Davis fights in Philadelphia for the first time as a pro when he takes on the 28-year-old Ozan from Mendoza, Аргентин.
Unbeaten and fighting out of Philadelphia, Santiago looks for his third victory of 2016 when he enters the ring on November 12. Хойш нь дэмжсэн 2014, the 20-year-old Santiago fights in his home city for the sixth time in his short career. Alvarez has won three eight-round bouts in a row and looks to be victorious again when he faces the experienced Tapia out of Mendoza, Аргентин.
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг авна уу www.premierboxingchampions.com болон www.spike.com/shows/ерөнхий сайд, боксын аварга,. Twitter дээр дагана ууPremierBoxing, DannySwift, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @KingsBoxing_ and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. Follow the conversation using #fight4philly. Баяжуулалтын дээр PBC Corona Extra ивээн тэтгэсэн байна, хамгийн сайн шар айраг.