Archifau Categori: Showtime



“I never thought 2012 would be my last time stepping in and out of the ring…And now I have an opportunity to help somebody else.” – Paul Williams


ShoBox Analyst Steve Farhood & The Former Champ
Discuss His Return To Train Prospect Justin DeLoach; VIDEO CLIP



Cliciwch YMA For Photos Of The Interview; Esther Credyd Lin / Showtime

Cliciwch YMA For Images Of Williams & DeLoach; Credyd Amanda Westcott / Showtime


Paul Williams returns to the ring heno in his first stint as a trainer since a motorcycle accident ended his fighting career in 2012. The former two-time world champion will train prospect Justin DeLoach in the opening bout of ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd, yn byw ar Showtime (10:30 p.m. A/PT) o Buffalo Run Casino yn Miami, Okla. Tune-inheno to see the full interview between ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood and Williams. Cliciwch YMA for a preview of the interview.



Undefeated Super Ysgafn Prospect Regis Prograis Cymryd Ar Hen Aaron Herrera yn y Prif Ddigwyddiad; Telecast Begins at 10:30 p.m. ET / PT

Cliciwch YMA Am Lluniau Pwyswch-Yn; Esther Credyd Lin / Showtime

Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Delweddau Of DeLoach & Hyfforddwr Paul Williams; Credyd Amanda Westcott / Showtime

MIAMI, Okla. (Mawrth 24, 2016) - Pob wyth diffoddwyr, gan gynnwys y chwe rai diguro, gwneud pwysau Dydd Iau gyfer y ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd quadrupleheader yfory/Dydd Gwener Mawrth 25, byw ar Showtime (10:30 p.m. ET / PT, oedi ar Arfordir y Gorllewin) o Buffalo Run Casino.


Yn y prif ddigwyddiad, seren heb golli sy'n dod i'r amlwg, Regis "Rougarou"PROGRAMS (16-0, 13 Kos), Houston trwy gyfrwng New Orleans, Bydd yn cyfarfod Mecsico Aaron "The Jewel" Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Kos) mewn 10 rownd bout super ysgafn.


Bydd pedwar bocswyr unbeaten gwrthdaro mewn dau o'r tri pyliau wyth-rownd: Ddeifiol Ivan "The Beast" Baranchyk (9-0, 8 Kos), o Brooklyn, N.Y., wynebau cynhyrfu meddwl Nick "Brenin beaming" Givhan (16-0-1, 10 Kos), o Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap and Ukrainian Ivan "The Volk" Golub (10-0, 8 Kos, 5-0 ym Cyfres Byd o Bocsio), o Brooklyn, N.Y., yn cymryd ar Marlon Aguas (9-0, 6 Kos), o Quito, Ecuador, mewn gêm pwysau welter.


Yn yr wyth rownd agorwr telecast, pwysau welter super diguro a ffefryn lleol Dillon Cook (16-0, 6 Kos), o Seneca, Mo, Bydd cwrdd-guro unwaith Justin DeLoach (13-1, 7 Kos), o Awstmeistr, Ga. gwaithch yn cael ei hyfforddi gan gyn ShoBox Diffoddwr a dwy-amser yn bencampwr y byd, Paul Williams, sy'n gwneud ei ymddangosiad cyntaf hyfforddi.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer digwyddiad a gyflwynwyd gan DiBella Entertainment a Tony Holden Productions yn costio $45, $55 ac $75 ac maent ar gael i'w prynu am ac yn Mae'r frwydr fyw gyntaf ar 8 o'r gloch.



PROGRAMS: 141 bunnoedd

Herrera: 142 bunnoedd


Baranchyk: 139 Bunnoedd ½

Givhan: 140 Bunnoedd ¼


Golub: 146 Bunnoedd ½

Aguas: 147 bunnoedd


Cook: 154 bunnoedd

DeLoach: 153 Bunnoedd ¼


Dyma beth a ddywedodd y diffoddwyr Dydd Iau:




"Dyma fy frwydr fwyaf. Rydym wedi bod yn y gampfa am ddau fis yn paratoi. Rydym yn sparring gyda phob arddull, unrhyw beth y mae'n ei gymryd i fy nghael yn barod.

"Roedd gen i lot o hwyl cyfan yn fy frwydr olaf am (Abel) Ramos jyst cadw dod. Im 'yn ymladd yn gyn-filwr, a different kind of guy tomorrow. He’s tough with the Mexican style so I expect him to be smart and know all the tricks.


"Herrera yn dod heb ddim i'w golli, ond yr wyf yn caru ymladd arddull Mecsicanaidd. Rydw i wedi bod yn hyfforddi yn Houston, felly ni fydd yn dod ag unrhyw beth nad wyf wedi gweld o'r blaen.


"Gallaf fod yn southpaw slic neu gallaf ffrwgwd. Rwyf wrth fy modd i ymladd, a dyna pam y dechreuais mewn bocsio. Fy meddylfryd yw bang ac ymladd, pan ddaw i lawr iddo. Weithiau, os nad wyf yn taro fy mod yn diflasu felly rwy'n gymysgu i fyny ychydig yn fwy felly byddaf yn cael ei daro ac yna gallaf ddod yn ôl. Gallaf addasu i unrhyw arddull.


"Dyma fy nhrydydd frwydr ar ShoBox a phrif ddigwyddiad ail. Yr wyf yn croesawu'r pwysau, ond ar yr un pryd rwy'n gwybod rhaid i mi ei anwybyddu a dim ond mwynhau a chael hwyl mewn 'na.


"Meddwl, Rwy'n teimlo fy mod yn barod am frwydr fawr yn erbyn unrhyw un o'r contenders top, ond yr wyf yn gwybod y mathau hynny o ymladd yn dal i fod ychydig i lawr y lein i mi. Rwy'n dal i gael llawer o waith i'w wneud; angen i mi gadw pounding nes i mi ei gael yn iawn.


"Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at ymladd da yfory. ''


AARON Herrera


"Mae hon yn frwydr ddiddorol oherwydd ein bod yn y ddau yn dod i fyny yn y gamp. Rwyf wedi gweld ychydig o'i ornestau ac yn gwybod beth rwy'n fyny yn erbyn. Mae'n edrych fel Prograis hoffi i ddod ymlaen ac yn dod i ymladd, a byddaf yn gwneud yr un peth, er fy mod yn ôl pob tebyg yn fwy o bocsiwr na slugger.


"Mae hyn yn ymwneud â chymryd gofal o fusnes. Rydw i wedi bod 12 rowndiau cyn. I’ve fought some good fighters with good records. Dim ond fy ail frwydr yn America yw hwn, ond yr wyf yn dysgu llawer o'r yr un cyntaf ac a fydd yn sicr yn fy helpu. Mae gen i fwy o hyder. Ni fydd hyn yn brofiad newydd i mi.


"Rydw i wedi ymladd gyda chwith-handers cyn felly ar ôl ychydig o rowndiau, Rwy'n siŵr y byddaf yn teimlo'n gyfforddus. Rwy'n sicr yn dod i ennill. Alla i ddim aros i glywed y cylch cloch agor. ''



"Mae hyn yn 100 cant y dyn gorau yr ydym wedi wynebu. Mae Nick yn ymladdwr gwych ac ni allwn danbrisio ef. Rydym yn gwybod y gall unrhyw beth ddigwydd mewn bocsio. Rhoddais y gwaith yn y gampfa ac yn awr mae angen i mi wneud fy ngwaith yn y cylch.


"Rwy'n Puncher, Rwy'n hoffi i ddod ag ef a dwi'n dod am y 'knockout'.


"Rwy'n yn unig 23 ond yr wyf yn gweithio'n galed iawn ac yn teimlo fy mod yn dod yn ei flaen. Rwyf yn y gampfa drwy'r amser. Un o'r prif bethau rydym yn gweithio ar y mwyaf yw'r hunanfeddiant y tu mewn i'r cylch. Rwy'n teimlo fy mod yn setlo i lawr yn fwy ac yn gweithio y pigiad, ond mae'n dal i fod yn rhywbeth yr ydym yn gweithio ar.


"Rydych ddim yn gallu mynd i mewn ac yn curo pawb allan. Dyw hi ddim yn hawdd. Mae angen i chi sefydlu eich punches weithiau. Nid wyf yn mynd i newid o fod yn Puncher naturiol, Nid yw fy nhîm yn ceisio i fynd i ffwrdd y tân ynof fi, maent ond am i mi setlo i lawr. ''



"Mae hwn yn gyfle mawr ac rwy'n teimlo bendithio i fod yn ei gael, ond mae'n rhywbeth rydw i wedi bod yn gweithio tuag ar gyfer y blynyddoedd. Rwy'n teimlo dyma lle rwy'n fod i fod ar y cam hwn o fy ngyrfa. Fi jyst angen i fynd i mewn i'r cylch i wneud yn siwr fy mod yn trin fy musnes yn y cylch


"Mae'n bendant yn un o'r gwrthwynebwyr anoddaf dwi wedi wynebu. Mae'n fawr, pwerus ac hits caled y frwydr cyfan. Ond dw i'n yr un anoddaf ei fod yn wynebu.

"Mae hyn yn llunio i fyny fel bocsiwr erbyn ymladd Puncher sy'n fy ffafrio. Efallai y bydd yn dod allan jabbing ar y dechrau, ond unwaith y mae wedi cyffwrdd y gall fod yn rhwystredig. Dyna beth y byddaf yn manteisio ar, ei gor-ymosodol.


"Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at achub ar y funud nos yfory. ''


IVAN Golub


"Rwy'n teimlo'n gyffrous iawn o fod ar y cerdyn hwn ac yn edrych ymlaen at ymladd ar fy cyntaf ShoBox Cerdyn. Mae hwn yn gam mawr i fyny ac mae'n mynd i fod yn frwydr fawr.


"Pan gefais y cyfle i ymladd ar ShoBox, Doeddwn i ddim hyd yn oed yn gofyn pwy oeddwn yn ymladd. Yr wyf yn spar gyda rhai o'r gorau allan yno (Ievgen Khytrov,Sergey Derevanchenko, ac ati). Ond dw i'n fwy o bocsiwr-Puncher na rhai o fy teammates.

"Rwy'n gweithio yn galed iawn. I astudio bocsio llawer. Rwy'n gwybod fy amser yn dod. Cyn belled ag yr wyf yn dangos sgiliau bocsio da, Bydd y 'knockout' ddod. "


Marlon AQUAS


"Mae'n rhaid i chi fod yn ofalus gyda ffigys llwglydRwy'n htersNid u ddim yn gwybod unrhyw beth am, ond dw i'n mynd i roi 100 y cant i mewn 'na. Rwyf yma i ddangos fy mod wedi hyn sydd ei angen i fod yn bencampwr y byd.


"Rwy'n llawn cymhelliant. Mae hyn yn fy frwydr gyntaf yn y U.S. ac ar Showtime felly rwy'n edrych i wneud datganiad. Gwn fod ar ôl hyn ymladd bydd llawer o ddrysau agored. Efallai na fydd pobl yn gwybod i mi yn awr, ond byddant yn gwybod i mi ar ôl nos yfory.


"Mae gen i lawer o symudiad ond gall hefyd sefyll yno traed i'r traed a brawl. They are making a mistake taking a step up and fighting me. They don’t know what they’re getting into.


"Rydw i wedi bod i ffwrdd oherwydd anaf i fy llaw chwith, ond mae'n hollol healed ac yr wyf yn barod. Rwyf wedi cael llawer o sparring.


"Rydw i'n fwy o steilydd, y bocsiwr. Rwy'n hoffi i symud o gwmpas llawer. Ond os oes gen i fynd arno a brawl byddaf yn. Rwy'n awyddus iawn i ddangos y cefnogwyr fy mod yn deilwng o wylio eto. ''



“This will be my toughest fight but I’m feeling great. I’m excited but not all that nervous. Mae rhywfaint o bwysau ymladd ar y teledu y tro cyntaf, ond nid yw wedi bod nerf-rheseli.


"Mae hon yn frwydr mor fawr; Rwy'n barod am unrhyw beth mae'n dod. Dydw i ddim yn ceisio gor-feddwl unrhyw beth. Fi jyst eisiau gwneud yr hyn yr wyf yn ei wneud.


"Mae hon yn gêm gartref i mi. Rydw i'n byw am 25 munud i ffwrdd. Felly mae'n helpu fy mod i'n ei ddefnyddio i'r atmosffer ac nid oes rhaid iddynt deithio.


"Rydw i wedi gweld ychydig ohono. Rwy'n teimlo bod y pethau yw'n bydd yr holl amser yn gweithio yn ei erbyn. Mae ei arddull yn dod ymlaen yn un da i mi. Rwyf wedi cael digon o amser i baratoi (bum wythnos) felly ni fydd yna unrhyw beth annisgwyl.


"Rwy'n credu fy mod yn cael y sgiliau i fynd tad llawer, felly yr wyf eisiau gadael argraff dda.


“Speed and footwork are my biggest weapons. I’ve been dazed before, ond nid bwrw i lawr. ''



"Mae popeth at y pwynt hwn wedi bod yn fendith i mi. Mae hyn yn bendant yn frwydr fawr ac rwy'n edrych ymlaen at wneud yr hyn yr wyf yn ei wneud ac yn rhoi ar sioe wych. Nid wyf wedi gweld llawer o Dillon ond mae'n diguro ac yn dod i ennill. Rwy'n barod am ba bynnag mae'n dod.


"Rwy'n teimlo fy mod yn cael llawer o dalent amrwd sydd eto i gael eu gweld. Fy prif beth yw i gymryd rheolaeth dros y frwydr o'r cychwyn.


"Mae hyn mor gyffrous. My biggest and most important fight yet. If I do what I’m supposed to I’ll be OK. Dyma fy cyntaf wyth-rounder, ond dydw i ddim yn poeni am hynny o gwbl.


"Rydym yn rhan o fawr ShoBox sioe. Alla i ddim aros. ''


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gyda Steve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez gwasanaethu fel dadansoddwyr arbenigol. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gyda Richard Gaughan cynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.


# # #


Ynglŷn ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd
Ers ei sefydlu ym mis Gorffennaf 2001, y gyfres bocsio yn feirniadol o fri Showtime, ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd cyfateb talent ifanc wedi ymddangos yn anodd. Y ShoBox hathroniaeth yw darlledu gyffrous, gemau cystadleuol tra'n darparu tir profi ar gyfer rhagolygon parod dorf-ddymunol ac yn benderfynol o ymladd am deitl y byd. Mae rhai o'r rhestr gynyddol y 65 diffoddwyr sydd wedi ymddangos ar ShoBox ac uwch i Garner teitlau byd yn cynnwys: Ward Andre, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Dyfnaint Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams a mwy.



Prograis I Wyneb Cyn-filwr Aaron Herrera Ddydd Gwener, Mawrth 25
Yn y Prif Ddigwyddiad Of ShoBox: Mae'r Quadrupleheader Cenhedlaeth Newydd


Yn fyw ar Showtime® Ar 10:30 p.m. A/PT


Regis "Rougarou" PROGRAMS (16-0, 13 Kos) Sgoriodd buddugoliaethau yn olynol dros rhagolygon heb golli gêm yn 2015 ar ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd. Mae hyn Dydd Gwener, y southpaw ysgafn super rhoi ei record di-fai ar y llinell yn erbyn Mecsico Aaron Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Kos) yn y prif ddigwyddiad o 10 rownd o ShoBox quadrupleheader, byw ar Showtime (10:30 p.m. A/PT) o Buffalo Run Casino yn Miami, Okla.


Edrychwch ar HWN tynnu sylw at fideo o Prograis, a New Orleans native who relocated to Houston after Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Prograis wears a werewolf mask during his ring walk as homage to his “Rougarou” nickname. According to New Orleans lore, "Rougarou" yn chwedlonol hanner-dyn, half-beast werewolf creature. It’s a deviation of Loup Garound, sy'n golygu "Wolfman" yn Ffrangeg.


"Yn defnyddio rhieni'r Rougarou i godi ofn plant a'u cadw yn unol,” Prograis said. “My father first started calling me that because in the gym everyone would say, ‘Your son is a beast’. He would say, 'Mae fy mab yn dod o New Orleans, felly mae'n Rougarou. '


"Mae'n cynrychioli fy steil ymladd, fy etheg gwaith, and my Louisiana heritage. Basically it means a swamp beast, with the mind and intelligence of a man. In the ring I am ferocious, ond yr wyf hefyd yn defnyddio cudd-wybodaeth i ennill. "

Dillon Cook Counting Down Days for ShoBox Debut!


D Cook.jpg

Seneca, MO (Mawrth 18, 2016) - Ar Mawrth 25, junior middleweight prospect Dillon “White Lightning” Cook will find himself in a familiar place but with a new challenge when he battles Justin DeLoach in an eight round bout on ShoBox: The New Generation at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Holden Productions are $45, $55 ac $75 and can be purchased by logging onto or


Unbeaten mewn 16 professional bouts with six wins by knockout, Cook’s fought five of his last seven matches at the Buffalo Run, winning handily each time. A member of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise”, the popular Cook is from nearby Seneca, MO and fought in front of sellout crowds on multiple occasions. While these are definite advantages for Cook, DeLoach comes into the ring with an impressive background.


Against DeLoach, 13-1 (7 KO yn), Cook is taking a significant step up in competition and will do so before a national audience. Hailing from Augusta, GA and based in Houston, TX, DeLoach trained alongside top fighters including IBF junior middleweight champion Jermall Charlo, undefeated Jermell Charlo, Bryan Vera and Edwin Rodriguez amongst others. Yn ddiweddar, Team DeLoach announced that his new chief second is former two division champion Paul Williams and highly respected George Peterson will work as an assistant.


To prepare for DeLoach, Cook’s been training out of the Heartland Boxing Gym and travels to various gyms for sparring as he anxiously waits for the opening bell on Mawrth 25.


“I’m excited for the fight but trying not to let the pressure of fighting on TV get to me,” said Cook, a former National Junior Golden Gloves titlist and six time Kansas City Golden Gloves winner. "(To specifically prepare for DeLoach) we’re working on (technique to counter) his style. DeLoach is a good fighter I’ve seen him fight a few times he’s fast and a busy fighter but I’m pretty fast myself. I expect to match his speed, if not beat it.”


Cook also acknowledges his advantages and never second guessed taking the step up in competition.


“I’m a smart fighter and can adapt well (plus the) hometown crowd is definitely a benefit. I knew we’d step (up the competition in the near future) and this is a great time for it. I’ve had 16 professional fights and am ready to show the world that I’m capable of going to the next level.”


Cook’s promoter, Tony Holden, is confident in his fighter and believes the locals will come out droves to support him.


“I’m proud to see him get a shot on a national stage. He’s a key part of the “Four State Franchise” and is a big crowd draw. He’s worked very hard and I expect him to put forth a tremendous performance. I’d like to personally thank Showtime as well for this incredible opportunity.”


The Cook-DeLoach bout opens up a quadrupleheader live on Showtime (10:30 PM ET). The card also features highly regarded junior welterweight Regis Prograis (16-0) against Aaron Herrera (29-4-1), two showdowns where somebody’s 0 must go between unbeaten welterweights Ivan Golub (10-0) and Marlon Aguas (9-0) and junior welterweights Ivan Baranchyk (9-0) vs Nicholas Givhan (16-0-1).



Featherweight Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING At 11 p.m. A/8 p.m. PT from Foxwoods Resort Casino In Mashantucket, CT.

MASHANTUCKET, CT (Mawrth 17, 2016) - Patrick “The Punisher” Hyland spent St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland with his family, trading green beer for his son’s green bib, as he prepares for his featherweight world championship showdown against Gary Russell Jr. ar Dydd Sadwrn, Ebrill 16byw ar Showtime® o Foxwoods Resort Casino yn Mashantucket, CT.


“I spent St. Patrick’s Day with family and friends,” said Hyland. “We just got back from dinner after bringing my son up to the parade in Rathcoole.


“It was a lovely, sunny day for the beer garden, but none for me. I’ll have to celebrate Ebrill 17. I’m looking to bring that title back to Ireland.”


The Irish born and raised Hyland has won four fights in a row as he prepares for his world title opportunity stateside with the expectations of his nation on his shoulders.


“This win would be massive for the Irish boxing community,” said Hyland. “I want to become a world champion like Carl Frampton and Andy Lee and this is a prime chance. I’m going to proudly represent the Irish people and leave everything in the ring.”


Hyland has extra motivation, along with fighting for his wife, Lorna, and newborn son, Callum, he will be honoring the memory of his late father and longtime trainer who passed away recently.


“This fight means the world to me and it’s why I got into boxing,” Hyland said. “I’m dedicating this to my late father and after I win I’ll look up and say ‘Dad, we did it!’ ”


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING begins at 11 p.m. A/8 p.m. PT with undefeated IBF Super Featherweight World Champion Jose Pedrazadefending against mandatory challenger Stephen Smith.


Mae tocynnau ar gyfer y digwyddiad yn fyw, sy'n cael ei hyrwyddo gan DiBella Adloniant, yn costio $150, $90 ac $45 heb gynnwys taliadau a threthi gwasanaeth perthnasol ac ar werth yn awr. Mae tocynnau ar gael yn www.ticketmaster.comac or by visiting the Foxwoods’ Box Office. I godi tâl yn ôl galwad ffôn Ticketmaster ar (800) 745-3000. The Pedraza vs. Smith bout is promoted in association with Gary Shaw Productions, Universal Promotions and Matchroom Boxing.


Am fwy o wybodaeth, Ymweliad, yn dilyn ar TwitterSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @PajPunisher, @Sniper_Pedraza, @SwiftySmith, LouDiBella, @FoxwoodsCT and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,ac


Unbeaten Bantamweights Nikolay Potapov and Stephon Young
Meet in Main Event; In Co-Feature, Undefeated Lightweight Eudy Bernardo Faces Mason Menard; Alexey Zubov Risks Perfect Record
Against Constantin Bejenaru, Devastating
Bakhtiyar Eyubov Takes On Sam Teah


Yn fyw ar Showtime® Ar 10 p.m. A/PT

Tocynnau ar Werth Nawr

NEW YORK (Mawrth 16, 2016) –Eight talented up-and-coming boxers with a combined record of 116-2-4, 71 KOs will compete on a compelling ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd quadrupleheader ar Dydd Gwener, Ebrill 15, byw ar Showtime (10 p.m. A/PT, oedi ar Arfordir y Gorllewin) o droi Stone Resort Casino yn Verona, N.Y..


In a clash of unbeaten bantamweights in the main event, undefeated world-ranked Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), of Podolsk, Rwsia, wynebau Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos), St. Louis, Miss. mewn pwl o 10-rownd. Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) of the Dominican Republic faces Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), of Rayne, Y., in an eight/10-round battle of hard-hitting lightweights in the co-feature.


Promising Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) measures against Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Moldova, in one of the eight-round bouts.


The two ShoBox returnees will box in the eight-round telecast opener when Kazakhstan’s devastating junior welterweight Bakhtiyar “Bakha Bullet” Eyubov (10-0, 10 Kos), o Brooklyn, N.Y., takes on Liberia-born Samuel Seah (7-1-1, 2 Kos), o Philadelphia, Yf.

Six of the fighters, all seeking to establish their credibility and make a name for themselves, are newcomers to the network and will be making their ShoBox debuts on a four-fight telecast that has a distinct international flavor (two Americans, two Russians, one Romanian, one from Kazakhstan, one Dominican and one from Liberia).

Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, or online at Pris y tocynnau yw $60 ar gyfer seddi ringside, $35 ac $25.

The fast-rising Potapov, of Potolsk, Rwsia, is ranked 10fed yn yr IBF. Extremely rare for a fighter at this point in his career, he’s already gone 10 rounds five times and 12 rounds once against good opposition. This is his second start in the United States since signing with Salita Promotions in June 2015. The 5-foot-4, 26-year-old is coming off a shutout 10-round decision over Pedro Melo ddiwethaf Hydref. 29 yn Brooklyn.


An outstanding amateur with international success, Potapov had around 200 fights before he turned pro in March 2010. Aeth 13-0 as a pro in Russia. In his outing before last – and last in his homelandhe produced perhaps a career-best performance while winning a unanimous 12-round decision over then-IBF No. 10-ranked Jasoin Canoy, ar Tachwedd. 8, 2015.

“I’ve been training very hard to make my ShoBox debut a spectacular one,’’ Potapov said. “This will be my second fight in New York against a very skilled boxer in Stephon Young, who is undefeated like me. I look forward to a great competitive fight and I’m putting in my work to come out on top.’’


Young is a talented, lightning-fast-handed southpaw who’s done more than enough to deserve his standing as a rising star in the Midwest. He’s making his 2016 and 10-round debut.


Like Potapov, Young was a top-notch amateur. He compiled a record of 86-13 while representing the United States in many tournaments. In theU.S. Olympic Trials in 2011, he lost to the No. 1-rated amateur,Rau'shee Warren.


His pedigree solid and after years of having “celebrated amateur” permanently affixed to his name, Young turned pro in August 2011.The 5-foot-5, 27-year-old has gone eight rounds once and six rounds on four occasions. He’s coming off a third-round TKO over Terrance Royddiwethaf Awst. 8 and by far his toughest task, Young boxed unbeaten Antonio Nieves to an eight-round draw on June 20, 2015.


Young hasn’t fought near the caliber of fighters as Potapov but he’s excited and optimistic about Ebrill 15. “This is a great opportunity for me, going up against another undefeated fighter in front of the world onShoBox,’’ Young said. “You can’t pass up an opportunity like that. Mae hyfforddiant yn mynd yn wych. I’m training with some of the top notch fighters in the world like Juan Carlos Payano, Claudio Marrero ac Yenifel Vicente.

“I know little about my opponent, but what I know makes me feel like we are the perfect match. We both have good records and we are both good fighters, but once I bring my A game, he’d be helpless. I will be watching all my P’s and Q’s. Once you get me in that zone I have no doubt I will win.’’

Bernardo, a 29-year-old with a million-dollar smile – and a punch to matchhas registered knockouts in nine of his last 10 ymladd. In Menard, he’s facing unquestionably the most seasoned foe of his career. This is Bernardo’s fourth U.S. start and second in a row. He’s coming off a clinically ruthless second-round demolition of Ben Odametey ddiwethaf Chwefror. 6 yn Detroit, mi.


Born and raised in Santo Domingo, Gweriniaeth Dominica, Bernardo had an extensive amateur career (128 ymladd) before turning pro in October 2009. He captured the Dominican Republic Lightweight Title in his fourth start. Tall for his division at 5-foot-10½, Bernardo is aggressive, technically sound and possesses two-fisted power.

“With him being 30-1, beating Mason Menard will take me to the next level, exactly where I want to go,’’ said Bernardo, who trains in Houston with former world champion Frank Tate. “I’m excited about this fight onShoBox because it’s a good opportunity for America to get to know me. Mae hyfforddiant yn mynd yn dda iawn. Every day I am learning. My diet is terrific. My whole team is with me, pushing me to get better.’’

MENARD, former Louisiana State and UBO All-Americas Lightweight Champion, is a pressure and hard-punching fighter who’s won 28 in a row.

He has fought all but one of his fights in Louisiana and this will be his second start mewn 21 mis. In his most recent effort, ei fod yn rhoi'r gorau i Jesus Lule-Raya in the first round on Aug. 8, 2015.


While inactivity could pose a problem, Menard is primed for Bernardo. Nobody, mae'n dweud, is going to deter him from his aspirations of making it to the top.


“It’s blessing to me to be able to fight and showcase my talent on SHOWTIME,’’ said Menard, who has weighed at or around 135 pounds throughout a pro career that began in October 2007. “It’s been a part of a dream of mine to do so and to one day fight for a major world title. ArEbrill 15, Bernardo stands between me and my dreams. It’s all or nothing. It’s rise or lay down. Ebrill 15 is the day I’ll be able to be known as a real legit fighter. I WILL NOT let this guy stop me from accomplishing any of those things. Quote me, I will give it my all, I will rise, I will be known and I will be world champion.’’


Zubov, a sensational former international amateur standout and seven-time cruiserweight tournament champion in Russia and Europe, turned pro in April 2014. His first five fights were in the U.S. – four in California and one in Brooklyn. He won all but one inside the distance.


The 6-foot-1½-inch 30-year-old will be making his 2016 debut after fighting four times in 2015 a chwe gwaith yn 2014. Zubov’s last five fights were in Russia; he is coming off a first-round TKO over Rihards Bigisddiwethaf Tachwedd. 29.

Zubov was born and raised in Magnitogorsk, a city which isn’t exactly a fistic hotbed. Getting into boxing was hardly common for his corner of the world. He didn’t grow up in a nasty neighborhood or fighting in the streets. Yn wir, he has a profound mathematical background, having attended a special school that concentrated on physics and mathematics. But while his first sport was hockey, he took to boxing.

Regarding his upcoming skirmish, Zubov said, “I spent several weeks training at the Kronk Boxing Gym with Javan ‘Sugar’ Hill in Detroit for my ShoBox cyntaf. I learn every day in the gym and look forward to putting my knowledge to use Ebrill 15 ar ShoBox. I want to follow in the footsteps of all the great Kronk fighters.’’

Bejenaru a Moldovan-born fighting out of Catskill, N.Y., yn gwneud ei 2016 cyntaf. Since moving to the U.S., the 5-foot-10, 31-year-old southpaw is 10-0 gyda 1 No Contest dating to September 2012. Yn ei daith olaf, he won a unanimous eight-round decision over Joel Shojgreen ar Hydref. 14, 2015.

“I know Zubov is a good fighter. I am training very hard and have been waiting for an opportunity like this so people can see just what I can do,’’ said Bejenaru, who was born in a Moldovia, a small land-locked country in Eastern Europe. “I am ready to go and very excited about this fight.’’


Fel amatur, Bejenaru won a bronze medal at the 2006 Pencampwriaethau Bocsio Amatur Ewropeaidd, multiple medals at the European Union Amateur Boxing Championships and the Gold Medal at the 2010 Gemau Brwydro yn erbyn y Byd.


Yeyubov, 29, of Astana, Kazahstan, has fought a total of 16 rounds in his 10 fights since going pro in February 2012. A one-main offensive juggernaut, he’s scored six first-round knockouts, two second-round knockouts and two third-round knockouts. This will be his ninth fight in the U.S.


Yn ei ShoBox debut in his last start this past Jan. 22, Eyubov droppedJared Robinson, three times en route to a third-round TKO (0:56).


“I’m honored to be back on ShoBox,’’ said the 5-foot-6 Eyubov who’s promoted by Salita Promotions. “I went back home to Kazakhstan after my last fight and came back with more inspiration and motivation to be the best fighter in the world. I am training very hard every day in New York City and look forward to putting on a show Ebrill 15. My gratitude toShoBox for giving a young upcoming fighter like me the opportunity to showcase his skills against the best possible opponents on national TV in the U.S. It’s just amazing.’’

Eyubov got into boxing the hard way. “I used to live in a very bad neighborhood and would constantly get into street fights. I’m not a big guy so I started boxing to learn to defend myself,'' Meddai ef. “I had over 150 ymladd amatur. I won about 125-130, most were by knockout. I beat Olympic champions and international champions, but I was not allowed to travel. It might have been because of where I come from – they didn’t have political connections. They’d tell me, ‘Win by knockout, or you’re not going to win.’ I had to fight heavier guys sometimes. But I was so rough and hit so hard, I’d ruin some of their best fighters at my weight.’’


Yeah, a 5-7, 28-mlwydd-oed, Enillodd ei ShoBox and eight-round debut lastTachwedd. 6 with an upset, unanimous decision over previously undefeatedO'Shanique Foster. Teah outpointed Foster, who would go on to win his ensuring start on ShoBox.


“It’s a privilege and honor to be facing Eyubov on SHOWTIME,’’ said Teah, who’s coming off an eight-round draw against Demond Brock ddiwethaf Jan. 22. “I don’t know much about him. I know he’s from Kazakhstan with a perfect record. He fought last time I fought on the same card, but I didn’t get to see him and he didn’t get to see me. Now we get to fight each other. When I got the call I was in the gym already, just not in a fight mindset. Now it’s just matter of turning up the intensity and getting ready for an aggressive opponent and getting my fight mindset going.’’


Yeah, who was born in Liberia, fled with his family to Ghana, where his father’s from, to escape the civil war when Sam was a youngster. The family’s been in the U.S. since he was 10.


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gyda Steve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez gwasanaethu fel dadansoddwyr arbenigol. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gyda Rich Gaughancynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.




SHOBOX: Y genhedlaeth newydd telecast

“I’m scared all over again, like this is my first fight.” – Paul Williams


Super Welterweight DeLoach Takes on Undefeated Local Favorite Dillon Cook;

Promising Meets Aaron Herrera in Main Event;

Yn fyw ar Showtime® Ar 10:30 p.m. A/PT

NEW YORK (Mawrth 15, 2016) – Former two-time world champion Paul Williams, who’s pro career came to a sudden and tragic end when he was paralyzed from the waist down after a motorcycle accident in May 2012, is back in boxing as a trainer.


The popular Williams will work the corner of once-beaten Justin DeLoach (13-1, 7 Kos) when DeLoach faces undefeated super welterweight and local favorite Dillon Cook (16-0, 6 Kos) in the opening eight-round bout of what is now a ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd quadrupleheader ar Dydd Gwener, Mawrth 25, byw arShowtime (10:30 p.m. A/PT, oedi ar Arfordir y Gorllewin) o Buffalo Run Casino mewn Miami, Okla.


DeLoach is the first boxer to be trained by Williams, the former 154-pound southpaw who has been confined to a wheelchair since the accident.

“I guess I was being selfish at first,” Williams said. “I didn’t want to deal with the fight game. I wanted to be the one fighting. But that changed.”


Williams was reluctant to train fighters for a long time. Roedd ynGeorge Peterson, who managed and trained Williams from the time the boxer was a skinny kid with little amateur experience until his career ended, that helped persuade “The Punisher” to return to the ring. Williams trains his pupil at a private gym in his hometown of Aiken, S.C.


“You know me, I really didn’t want to do this,’’ Williams said. “But finally after three or four years of George practically begging me to try and do it, this opportunity came along and I decided to give it a shot.


“Everything is about timing. I started thinking about it, George kept asking me and messing with me about it, one thing led to another, and I finally said I’d take a stab at it.
Williams, who is enjoying his new job description, admits there are some pre-fight jitters.


“I’m scared all over again, like this is my first fight. Nawr, I have to think about everything that Mr. Pete was thinking about when I was fighting. I have to try and teach Justin what I knew how to do.


“George and I accomplished a lot. He made me a world champion; before that, no one knew who he or I was. We were just a couple of guys from Aiken, S.C. We gave fans fights to remember.


“I was the fighter the press labeled as ‘Most feared in boxing.’ But that’s over for me now. I’m jumping into a whole new thing. It’s been an adjustment but I’m glad I’m doing it.’’


In his role as a trainer, Williams’ mindset has changed drastically from his fighting days. “Look, I always feel good,'' Meddai ef. “What’s happened has happened. Mae'n beth ydyw. This is my first time stepping back into the world. Rwyf wrth fy modd bocsio.


“What I don’t want to see is a fighter getting hurt. This is a hard sport. I know when I was in there I was always going for broke. But I want Justin, all fighters actually, to come out of the ring the same way they came in. Ennill neu golli, I don’t want to see anybody get hurt.’’


On DeLoach, Dywedodd Williams, “He’s a good fighter and now he’s in the spotlight. I want to do my best in the training world to get him at his peak. I hope he does his best. I’d love to one-up George with Justin.’’


Becoming the best takes strenuous work on a daily basis, and Williams was no stranger to putting in the hours.


“I never took a shortcut,'' Meddai ef. “You take shortcuts, you know what’ll happen. I took the long road home when I was fighting and fans, diffoddwyr, everybody knew what to expect when I stepped in the ring.


“Justin isn’t like this, but one thing I know is that fighters think they’re slick. Wel, you can’t pull anything over me. Rydw i wedi bod yno, seen it all.’’


A, fel bob amser, he’ll have George Peterson by his side.


“I’m just helping Paul,’’ said Peterson, who will serve as Williams’ assistant trainer. “So far, he’s doing great.”


It will be the ShoBox ac 2016 debuts — and toughest fight to datefor both DeLoach and Cook.


DeLoach was a top amateur, competing in the USA Boxing National Championships in 2012. He won a National Silver Golden Gloves title when he was 13.


The 22-year-old DeLoach, of Augusta, Ga., has won three in a row since suffering his lone loss to Cesar Villa ar Chwefror. 6, 2015. That was before he started training with Williams.


“This has been a total blessing, and I say that every day,” DeLoach said. “Thank God. He’s the one who brought the two of us together, that’s the main thing. Paul loves it, just to be back. I think he was scared at first, his reputation was at stake and so was mine.


“But he’s been so helpful – just in the mental side of things. I was already a good boxer but he’s taken me to another level mentally. He’s been pushing me, criticizing me, giving me instructions and picking my brain.”


DeLoach and Williams grew up just 30 minutes down the road from each other.


“Me and Paul, we’ve known each other our whole lives,’’ DeLoach said. “I’m from Augusta, Ga., and he was right across in Aiken. We knew each other when I was coming up as an amateur. He came to my last pro fight that was in San Antonio. When I saw him, I got so excited. We started to talk and I said something like, 'Hey, Paul, wouldn’t it be cool if we got together?'


“Once I came home, we started working together and he’s been training me since. I think we’re going on about three months now. It’s an unbelievable feeling to be able to work with one of my favorite fighters.”


Yn ei daith olaf, DeLoach won a shutout four-round decision overSantos Benavides ddiwethaf Rhagfyr. 12. DeLoach, a pro since March 2013, fought six times that year and four times each in 2014 ac 2015.


“I’m really looking forward to fighting for the first time for him,” DeLoach said. “I’ve gone crazy waiting for my break and an opportunity like this to fight on SHOWTIME. I know it’s not easy fighting in your opponent’s backyard, but with Paul, George Peterson and me and my skills, we are confident it will be a good fight.’’


Cook, 25, is from Seneca, Mo, which is located about 20 minutes from Buffalo Run Casino where he has fought six times. A top amateur, he won six Golden Gloves titles, a Junior Golden Gloves National title, a Heartland title and four regional Silver Gloves titles. He is popular at Buffalo Run and will be making his premium network television debut against easily his most dangerous assignment as a pro. Cook’s brother, Jesse, a welterweight with a record of 15-1-1, will box on the non-televised portion of the event.


Dillon Cook turned pro in August 2012, fought twice that year, seven times in 2013, four times in 2014 and three times last year. Five of his last seven took place at Buffalo Run, including two out of three in 2015. He’s coming off a lopsided eight-round decision overRahman Yusubov ddiwethaf Tachwedd. 14.


“I couldn’t be more excited about making my ShoBox cyntaf, right at home, at the Buffalo Run Casino,” Cook said. “This is a huge opportunity for me, and I plan on putting on a spectacular showing, for all my fans there that night and everyone watching on TV.”


Yn yr ShoBox prif ddigwyddiad, unbeaten super lightweight knockout artist and emerging rising star, Regis "Rougarou" PROGRAMS (16-0, 13 Kos), Houston by way of New Orleans, will meet experienced Aaron "The Jewel" Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Kos), of Valladolid, Mecsico, mewn gêm 10 rownd.


Four undefeated fighters will clash in the two other eight-rounders on the telecast: Ddeifiol Ivan "The Beast" Baranchyk (9-0, 8 Kos), o Brooklyn, N.Y., wynebau Nicholas “King Beamen” Givhan(16-0-1, 10 Kos), o Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap and Ukrainian Ivan "The Volk" Golub (10-0, 8 Kos, 5-0 ym Cyfres Byd o Bocsio), o Brooklyn, N.Y., yn cyfarfod Marlon Aguas (9-0, 6 Kos), o Quito, Ecuador, mewn gêm pwysau welter.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions are priced at $45, $55 ac $75 ac maent ar gael i'w prynu am ac yn


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gydaSteve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez gwasanaethu fel dadansoddwyr arbenigol. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gydaRich Gaughan cynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.


# # #


Ynglŷn ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd
Ers ei sefydlu ym mis Gorffennaf 2001, y gyfres bocsio yn feirniadol o fri Showtime, ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd cyfateb talent ifanc wedi ymddangos yn anodd. Y ShoBox hathroniaeth yw darlledu gyffrous, gemau cystadleuol tra'n darparu tir profi ar gyfer rhagolygon parod dorf-ddymunol ac yn benderfynol o ymladd am deitl y byd. Mae rhai o'r rhestr gynyddol y 65 diffoddwyr sydd wedi ymddangos arShoBox ac uwch i Garner teitlau byd yn cynnwys: Ward Andre, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Dyfnaint Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams a mwy.



Four Undefeated Boxers Clash in Co-Features: Ivan Baranchyk
Meets Nicholas Givhan, Ivan Golub Faces Marlon Aguas
From Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, Okla.

Yn fyw ar Showtime® At 10:30 p.m. ET / PT

Tocynnau ar Werth Nawr

NEW YORK (Mawrth 7, 2016) – Unbeaten super lightweight knockout artist and emerging rising star, Regis “Rougarou" PROGRAMS (16-0, 13 Kos) will meet experienced Aaron "The Jewel" Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Kos) yn y prif ddigwyddiad o 10 rownd o ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newyddtripleheader on Dydd Gwener, Mawrth 25, byw ar Showtime (10:30 p.m. A/PT, oedi ar Arfordir y Gorllewin) o Buffalo Run Casino yn Miami, Okla.


Four undefeated fighters will clash in eight-rounders in co-feature bouts: Ddeifiol Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk (9-0, 8 Kos), o Brooklyn, N.Y., wynebau cynhyrfu meddwl Nicholas “King Beamen” Givhan (16-0-1, 10 Kos), o Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap and Ukrainian Ivan "The Volk" Golub (10-0, 8 Kos, 5-0 ym Cyfres Byd o Bocsio), o Brooklyn, N.Y., yn cyfarfod Marlon Aguas (9-0, 6 Kos), o Quito, Ecuador, mewn gêm pwysau welter.


All but Prograis and Baranchyk will be making their inaugural ShoBoxymddangosiadau. Cliciwch YMA for Prograis and Baranchyk’s Photos – Credit: Showtime.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions are priced at $45, $55 ac $75 ac maent ar gael i'w prynu am ac yn


Mae'r 5-droed-9, 27-year-old Prograis, originally from New Orleans, Y., but currently residing in Houston, Texas, is an aggressive-minded southpaw who’s making his 2016 debut and third start on ShoBox. Before turning pro in April 2012 he competed in the 2012 United States Olympic Boxing Trials.


Yn ei ShoBox debut on Aug, 17, 2015, he registered an impressive,eight-round decision over previously undefeated Amos Cowart.PROGRAMS, who had won eight straight by knockout going into the Cowart clash, resumed his KO-winning streak with a ninth-round knockout over Abel Ramos ddiwethaf Rhagfyr. 11 ar Showtime.


“I can’t wait to fight on March 25. I’m ready to put on another great show for the fans and demonstrate how I continue to improve as a fighter,"Meddai Prograis, a oedd 16 when he turned to boxing after relocating to Houston because of Hurricane Katrina. “I know I have a tough opponent, but I’m ready to go out and perform.

“Aaron Herrera is a rugged veteran and I know there will be some fireworks. I am thankful to my promoter, DiBella Adloniant, and to the network, Showtime, for the opportunity to display my skills and talent.”


O ran ei lysenw, Prograis said, “My manager and my dad were just trying to come up with nicknames. Yn y bôn, everybody was just shooting out names and they shot out that one – ‘Rougarou’. Ar y dechrau, I didn’t like it, but it stuck with me. A rougarou is like a Louisiana-type swamp monster or werewolf.”


Herrera, 27, of Valladolid, Mecsico, enillydd 16 in a row at the outset of a pro career that began in August 2008, has fought some noteworthy opposition. This will be his second fight in U.S. pridd. In his stateside debut, Herrera dropped a 10-round decision to undefeated prospect Pedro Campa ddiwethaf Rhagfyr. 12.


Besides experience, Herrera has solid skills, movement and hails from a strong family boxing background (his father and grandfather boxed). He’s at his best when he keeps his foes off-balance and can surely outbox them. This will be the 17fed consecutive time he’ll be matched against a boxer with a winning record.


“I’m very excited at the opportunity to showcase my talent on theShoBox series,’’ Herrera said. “I’ve watched a few fights of Regis on YouTube. Ei fod yn ymladdwr da, but I am a better one. I feel fighting in Mexico has given me the upper hand. Mexican fighters are tough. I have fought better opposition and I’m the more experienced fighter.


“I’ve been looking for an opportunity like this. I need a good breakout fight for the fans to see me in action. I am a proud Mexican fighter and on March 25 the fans will see how real Mexicans fight like, and Prograis will know who Aaron Herrera is. Viva Mexico!"


The highly regarded Baranchyk is making his second eight-round start and second in a row on ShoBox. An offensive-minded fighting machine, he registered a 2:28, knockout rownd-gyntaf dros Shadi Shehadeh yn ei ddechrau mwyaf diweddar ddiwethaf Rhagfyr. 11 ar ShoBox.


Baranchyk, of Minsk, Byelorussia, is a former European amateur standout who turned pro in June 2014 and relocated to the United States just a few months after. Mae'r 5-droed-7, 23-year-old has won all eight of his U.S. gwibdeithiau, seven by way of knockout, five in the first round.


“I am thrilled to make my second consecutive appearance on ShoBox,"Baranchyk Mackenzie. “I know that my next opponent will be a test for me, but I will score another exciting victory for the fans.’’


Ei wrthwynebydd, Givhan, turned pro in August 2012, ennill ei gyntaf 15 scraps, boxed a four-round split draw with Freddy Durand ar Awst. 22, 2015, and is coming from a majority decision over Juan Santiago ddiwethafTachwedd. 13.

Mae'r 5-droed-7, 29-year-old fought 14 times in Michigan and one time each in West Virginia, Mississippi and Kentucky. The ultra-confident Givhan is taking a step up in class in Baranchyk, but he’s certainly not in awe of his assignment and is eagerly anticipating the opportunity.


“I am getting my mind ready for war,’’ said Givhan, whose nickname, “King Beamen,” is a reference to Jamie Foxx’s character from the movie “Any Given Dydd Sul."


“Training is going great both mentally and physically. I belong on theShoBox series because they showcase great talent and, false modesty aside, I have great boxing talent. I will feel at home fighting on SHOWTIME and I take this as a great honor to fight on their network.


“My opponent has not fought anyone of my caliber. I know he’s been talking trash, but it won’t matter in the end. He has not had an opponent who can outthink, outshine and outbox him. I am that guy, I am that fighter. The cliché is true: to be the best you’ve got to fight and beat the best. We are both undefeated and this is the kind of a fight that separates the good fighters from the great ones.’’


Golub, a six-foot, 27 year-old southpaw, turned pro in November 2012. At the outset of his career, aeth 5-0 in the WSOB. He’s gone 10-0 ers, winning eight by knockout, including his last four in a row. Golub has recorded five first-round stoppages, including a two-knockdown,2:41, opening-round TKO over Juan Rodriguez in his most recent effort last Jan. 16 yn Barclays Center.


“It is an honor for me to make my national television debut,” Golub said. “Many champions got their start on ShoBox and I am determined to add my name to that illustrious list. My path toward a world title begins onMawrth 25 when I hand Marlon Aguas his first defeat.”


Aguas is making his U.S. ac 2016 debut after fighting seven times in Quito, Ecuador and twice in Mexico. A pro since March 2013, he won his initial eight starts and is coming off a first-round knockout over Edwin Gamboa ddiwethaf Tachwedd. 7.


“I’m very excited and grateful to show the world a small country like Ecuador produces amazing fighters,’’ Aguas said. “Boxing is my life and I plan on making a statement in my U.S. debut.”


Barry Tompkins Bydd galw'r ShoBox gweithredu gan ringside gydaSteve Farhood a chyn bencampwr y byd Raul Marquez gwasanaethu fel dadansoddwyr arbenigol. Mae'r cynhyrchydd gweithredol yn Neuadd Gordon gydaRich Gaughan cynhyrchu a Rick Phillips cyfarwyddo.


# # #


Ynglŷn ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd
Ers ei sefydlu ym mis Gorffennaf 2001, y gyfres bocsio yn feirniadol o fri Showtime, ShoBox: Y Genhedlaeth Newydd cyfateb talent ifanc wedi ymddangos yn anodd. Y ShoBox hathroniaeth yw darlledu gyffrous, gemau cystadleuol tra'n darparu tir profi ar gyfer rhagolygon parod dorf-ddymunol ac yn benderfynol o ymladd am deitl y byd. Mae rhai o'r rhestr gynyddol y 65 diffoddwyr sydd wedi ymddangos arShoBox ac uwch i Garner teitlau byd yn cynnwys: Ward Andre, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Dyfnaint Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams a mwy.


Avantil Khurtsidze Shocks Previously Unbeaten Antoine Douglas,
Tony Harrison Dominates Fernando Guerrero In Action-Packed Tripleheader
Mae hyn Dydd Llun yn 10 p.m. A/PT Ar SHO EITHAFOL®
Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Photos O Amanda Westcott / Showtime
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Mawrth 6, 2016) – Julian Williams secured the IBF’s No. 1 position at 154 pounds and called out Junior Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo after an impressive seventh-round TKO of Italian Marcello Matano Dydd Sadwrn on SHOWTIME from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Yf. VIDEO OF WILLIAMS CALLING OUT CHARLO:
The undefeated Philadelphia native put on a clinic, breaking down his opponent from the opening bell until referee Gary Rosato stepped in to protect a defenseless Matano (16-2, 5 Kos) yn 2:24 of the seventh. Williams (23-0-1, 14 Kos) utilized a steady diet of combos, jabs and body shots in the middle rounds to weaken Matano and set up the big shots to close the show in the seventh. UCHAFBWYNTIAU FIDEO:
Williams landed 59 y cant o'i ergydion pŵer, including a staggering 76 percent in the deciding seventh.
Maybe people will think they saw a chink in the armor tonight,” Dywedodd Williams. “Maybe guys will come out from under the rock and get some of this West Philly work.
Jermall has been watching my performances. Him and his brother know exactly who I am. He needs to fight or vacate now. He needs to step up, but he’s already laying his groundwork and making excuses.
Step up and fight me. It’s two of the best junior middleweights in the world. It’s about greatness. Rwyf am i fod yn wych. All of you turkeys at 154 bunnoedd, let’s fight.
Ar ôl y frwydr, Matano took issue with the stoppage.
He was pretty fast with his jab, but I felt like I was just getting into the fight,” Matano said. “I felt the punch, but I felt like I could have kept going. I have a warrior heart and I never want to quit.
I’m going to go back to Italy and take a little rest, then I’ll be right back in the gym. It was a wonderful experience coming here to America. I got to fight a top-echelon fighter and I feel like I belong.
Avtandil Khurtsidze, a human brick wall barreling forward, upset previously unbeaten middleweight contender Antoine Douglas with a thoroughly dominating 10fed-round TKO. UCHAFBWYNTIAU FIDEO:
The 35-year-oldmini-Mike Tysonplowed forward from the opening bell until the TKO at 0:33 y 10fed. The 6-foot Douglas had no answer for his 5-foot-4 opponent, a Brooklyn-based native of Georgia who is looking to become the first world champion from the former Soviet nation.
Khurtsidze (32-2-2, 21 Kos) hurt Douglas (19-1-1, 13 Kos) with a big left in the opening seconds of the third round, sending the 23-year-old face forward through the ropes. Somehow, Douglas recovered from the first knockdown of his career and fought himself back into the fight. Mae'r Washington, D.C., native rallied to win the fourth and the fifth rounds, and the all-action sixth could have gone either way.
Khurtsidze opened the seventh with a monstrous one-punch left to floor Douglas, who again somehow survived the round on failing legs as Khurtsidze threw over 100 cyfanswm punches. Khurtsidze, who showed unbelievable stamina to push the pressure throughout, started the 10fed with a relentless attack, forcing referee Benjy Esteves to stop the fight at 0:33 of the with Douglas defenseless against the ropes.
I knew he was going to get tired,” said Khurtsidze, who took the fight on less than three weeks notice. “I felt like I was going to catch him. Ei fod yn ymladdwr da, but he’s not strong.
I knew he was going to be hungry. But I also knew that I was going to beat him. It was short notice but I did everything I could in the time we had. I stayed in the gym and stayed sharp.
Whoever they put in front me, I’m ready for them. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn ymladd. I’ll fight anybody.
Douglas had entered the fight as a fast-rising 160-pounder on the cusp of a title shot.
I feel OK,” Douglas told SHOWTME Sports analyst Steve Farhood after the fight. “He definitely dictated. He definitely had a better day today. It’s not discouraging, we just weren’t able to execute. Naturally, I’m crushed. It’s back to the drawing board.
Yn yr ornest agoriadol y telecast, contender Canol Tony Harrison looked impressive in a sixth round TKO over former world title challenger Fernando Guerrero.
Harrison (23-1, 19 Kos) was the aggressor from the outset, jabbing at range to set up his favorite weapona powerful right. The Detroit native floored Guerrero with a big right with 15 seconds to go in the second round. The southpaw got up, but looked hurt and was saved by the bell.
Rhyfelwr (28-4, 20 Kos) had his moments in the fourth and fifth rounds after some heedful advice from his corner, but he couldn’t get inside to escape Harrison’s powerful right. It was a clean left hook midway through the sixth that ultimately finished Guerrero. After Harrison dropped Guerrero with the left, the Dominican Republic native beat the count but had no legs and went back to the canvas after four more consecutive shots from Harrison, forcing referee Gary Rosato to stop the bout at 1:56 of the sixth.
I threw punches back and I finished the rounds stronger than him,” Said Harrison, a laniodd 57 y cant o'i ergydion pŵer. “I dominated the fight. My dad kept telling me to put the hook behind the right hand and if I had listened to him better I could have gotten the knockout much quicker.
I was backing him up. My game plan was to take advantage of the fact that southpaws don’t fight well going backwards. I tried to just keep putting him back and discouraging him. I told everyone I was taking the fight to him. What’s not to like about me? I’m exciting.
I want big fights, I want to go back to Detroit and I want the Willie Nelson rematch.
Said Guerrero: “I wasn’t on today. He wasn’t faster than me, stronger than me or more skilled. I just locked up. I wasn’t listening to my corner, I didn’t do anything tonight.
It just happens. Sometimes you have a bad day. Today was as bad as I could ever imagine.
We’ll go back to the drawing board. I didn’t do what I was supposed to do. We trained so hard. He wasn’t as fast or strong as we thought he’d be. Today was a bad day for me to have a bad day.
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Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i ac, yn dilyn ar TwitterSHOSports, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, FernandoDomini, @TheSBEC and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at


Cliciwch YMA Ar gyfer Photos O Amanda Westcott / Showtime
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Mawrth 3, 2016) – Undefeated top contender Julian “J-Rock” Williams and Italy’sMarcello Matano aeth wyneb-yn-wyneb am y tro cyntaf Dydd Iau at the final press conference before they meet with the IBF’s No. 1 spot at 154-pounds on the line this Dydd Sadwrn, Mawrth 5 byw ar Showtime® (10 p.m. A/PT) from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Yf.
Dydd Sadwrn SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® tripleheader features middleweight matchups between rising contender Antoine Douglas ac Avtandil Khurtsidze and exciting Detroit prospect Tony Harrison against former title challenger Fernando Guerrero.
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Dyma beth oedd gan y diffoddwyr i'w ddweud Dydd Iau:
I want to thank Matano and his team for coming all the way over here. We’ve had a difficult time getting opponents for different reasons, but I’m excited to headline this stacked card.
When I win this fight I’ll be able to accomplish my dream of being a world champion. It’s one step closer.
I’m going to attack the head and body as much as I can. I’ve got enough film on him to see what he’s got. He’s pretty solid. He got better each time out. But those guys in Italy don’t have the skills that I have. I think he’s going to bring it for as long as he can handle it.
He’s an awkward fighter. He’s definitely a boxer and he can be a little skittish in the ring. I know I’ve fought the better competition and I’ve trained my hardest for this.
I’m ready to make a statement. I’m not worried about a knockout. However the win comes, it’s great. I’m just looking to win and beat him down.
I’m expecting a good Philadelphia crowd to be out here supporting me. Ninety percent of my career I’ve been on the West Coast and other places. But now fighting in front of my hometown fans, there’s nothing better. It’s perfect.
I feel very good. I’ve been here since Friday so I have gotten used to the time zone difference and I’m ready to fight. My American experience is just starting and I’m looking forward to it.
It’s been a hard two months of training for this fight. This is by far the most important fight of my career so I’ve trained even harder than I usually do.
I know that Julian Williams is a top-notch athlete and that he is coming to give his best, yn union fel yr wyf. It’s going to be an exciting fight because we both want to get to the top.
I can adapt myself to any opponent. I can be a boxer or I can be a brawler. But in my heart, I am a warrior and I will come forward all fight. I am coming to leave that ring victorious.
This is a dream come true to come here to the United States. I’ve always worked hard and it’s gotten me here. I will put all of my heart into the ring ar ddydd Sadwrn nos.”
You can always look forward to an action-packed fight when I step into the ring. I have an admirable opponent who I know is coming to fight.
I’ve grown into this role and into who I am. If you asked me earlier in my career, I would have never thought I’d be here. This is great and it comes from all the hard work I’ve put in over the years.
You will see my growth Dydd Sadwrn night in the ring. I plan on being victorious. The work I put in won’t let me be any less than that. I’m looking forward to the action.
I have a very strong opponent and I think it will make for a more exciting fight than Sam Soliman.
I just always have to be prepared for whatever is thrown at me. This is boxingthere are no guarantees. We just have to be prepared for everything and do our best.
The styles of Soliman and Khurtsidze are completely different, but we always base our offense and defense off a fighting at range and working the jab. I’m not going in blindI’ve faced opponents who come forward. We’ll be ready for him and ready to make the adjustments in the ring.
“Mae ennill ar ddydd Sadwrn will definitely put me in a position for a title shot. We just take it day-by-day. It’s not about looking at future opponents. We take each step successfully and see where it puts us.
I’m very happy to be here and I’m grateful for the opportunity. I’m fighting a very strong fighter. Once I step into the ring I’m expecting a good challenge and I can’t wait for Dydd Sadwrn nos.
Everything in training went well. We’ve trained really hard and we’re ready for Dydd Sadwrn nos.
Douglas is a good fighter. He’s a good boxer and he has a good left hook. But none of that means anything until you get in the ring.
Once I step into the ring, I will bring 100 y cant. I am not going to stop swinging until Douglas goes down.
We’re ready to fight. We had a great training camp and there’s not too much to say. It’s warrior time.
I’ve been through my ups and downs, but I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere. This is for my whole nation, everyone in the Dominican Republic who is watching. You have to step in that ring for something.
This isn’t a game. This is the only sport that you cannot play. I’m going to make this one of those fights that will be one of the best of the year. It will either be the best knockout or the best fight of the year. This is going to be memorable.
This is the kind of opponent who will bring out the best of me. Everybody has to watch out for me. Im 'yn dod i wneud datganiad ar ddydd Sadwrn.”
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Am fwy o wybodaeth ewch i ac, yn dilyn ar TwitterSHOSports, JRockBoxing, @Action_Douglas, IAmBoxing, FernandoDomini, @TheSBEC and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at