Категорія Архіви: Час Для Шоу

Світовий рейтинг легкої ваги Xolisani Ndongeni & у напівважкій суперперспективі Рубен Вілла заголовок андеркарта в п'ятницю, Листопад 4

Непереможений український напівлегкий вага Тарас Шелестюк зіткнувся з засмученим Джейме Еррерою на головній події ShoBox: Нове покоління Tripleheader, LIVE на SHOWTIME®
Непереможений крейсерський вантаж Костянтин Бедженару & Stivens Bujaj Meet In Co-feature; Племінник колишнього чемпіона світу Попо Фрейтас, Вітор Джонс Фрейтас стикається з Мануелем Мендесом

Жити на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. І/PT
Від Міжнародного центру подій Omega Products у Короні, Халіф.
Квитки у вільному продажу
Філадельфія, PA. / Корона CA. (Жовтень. 25, 2016) – Світовий претендент у легкій вазі Вибачись перед Ндонгені і високо цінується в напівважкій перспективі Вілла Рубен буде в заголовку приголомшливого андеркарда у ніч на п’ятницю, 4 листопада у Міжнародному центрі заходів Omega Products у Короні, Каліфорнія.
На стіні Східного мису, Південна Африка має відомості про 21-0 з 11 нокаутами і займає номер 2 за версією WBA.

The 26 -річний хлопець дебютує в Америці проти Хуан Гарсія Мендес (19-1-1, 12 КО) Мехікалі, Мексика в поєдинку, запланованому на десять раундів.

Ндонгені став професіоналом у 2010 і є чемпіоном IBO у легкій вазі та колишнім південноафриканською суперлегкою вагою & Легкій вазі. Серед його 21 виграє - це перемога над колишнім чемпіоном світу Мзонке Фаною. У своєму останньому бою, Ндонгені забив зупинку 1-го туру над Еміліо Норфатом 22 квітня у Східному Лондоні, ПАР.

Ndongeni отримує звання Родні Бермана «Золоті рукавички».

Мендес, 24 років, є 7 річний професійний, і знаходиться в серії перемог у п’яти поєдинках. У своєму останньому бою, Мендес зупинив Романа Мендеса 1 круглий травня 29, 2015 в Мехікалі, Мексика.

Вілла Салінаса, Каліфорнія має запис 2-0 з 2 1нокаути першого раунду.

The 19 рік був дворазовим національним чемпіоном "Золота рукавичка", 2-час молодший. Чемпіон Олімпіади, і 2015 Друге місце в Олімпійських випробуваннях, і він тримає дві перемоги 2016 Володар олімпійської срібної медалі Шакур Стівенсон.

Він увімкнув професіонала 29 липня з зупинкою 1-го туру над Херардо Моліною. Вілла продовжив це, зупинивши перший раунд над Хосе Мора 23 вересня в Онтаріо, Каліфорнія.

Суперник Вілли у запланованому поєдинку з чотирьох раундів буде оголошений найближчим часом.

У 4-раундовому поєдинку в суперлегкій вазі, Денні Андухо (2-0, 1 KO) Темкули, Каліфорнія буде битися Джоел Кано (0-3) міста, Мексика.

Джонатан Есківель Анахайму, Каліфорнія дебютує в професійному матчі проти суперника, який буде призначений у поєдинку середньої ваги.

Квитки на подію, яку просуває Banner Promotions & Томпсон, за ціною $100 (зручна точка для огляду), $70 (зарезервований) і $50 (General Admission) і можуть бути придбані по телефону (714) 935-0900.
Непереможний 2012 Бронзовий призер Олімпійських ігор Тераса “Real Deal” Шелестюк (14-0, 9 КО) зіткнеться з засмученим настроєм Хайме Еррера у головній події ShoBox у напівважкій вазі з 10 раундів: Нове покоління, жити на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. І/PT (затримка на західному узбережжі).

У со-функція, непереможені крейсерські ваги Костянтин Беженару (11-0, 4 КО, 0-1-1 у Світовій серії боксу), Catskill, Нью-Йорк через Молдову, і Стівенс “Надлюдина” Буджай(16-0-1, 11 КО), Нью Йорк, зіткнеться в 10-ти турі за вакантні титули WBC International та WBC Continental Americas.

У першому бою телепередачі, Непереможний легкий Вітор Джонс Фрейтас (12-0, 1 Північна Дакота, 6 КО), Сальвадору, Байя, Бразилія, протистоятиме фаворит місцевих фанатів Мануель Мендес (12-1-2, 8 КО), з Індіо, ТАКИЙ ЯК, у поєдинку 8 турів. 23-річний Фрейтас - племінник популярного колишнього чотириразового чемпіона світу Аселіно “Приклад” Фрейтас.

Баррі Томпкинс буде викликати дію ShoBox з рингу за допомогою Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Багатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.



Непереможні крейсерські ваги Костянтин Беженару & Stivens Bujaj Meet In Co-feature; Племінник колишнього чемпіона світу Попо Фрейтас, Вітор Джонс Фрейтас стикається з Мануелем Мендесом

Жити на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. І/PT

Від Міжнародного центру подій Omega Products у Короні, Халіф.

Квитки у вільному продажу

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Жовтень. 13, 2016) - Непереможений 2012 Бронзовий призер Олімпійських ігорTaras "Real Deal" Shelestyuk (14-0, 9 КО) зіткнеться з засмученим настроєм Хайме Еррера у 10-раундовій головній події напівсередньої ваги команди ShoBox: Нове покоління tripleheader на П'ятниця, Листопад. 4, жити на SHOWTIME в 10:30 p.m. І/PT (затримка на західному узбережжі) від Продукти Омега Міжнародний івент-центр в Короні, Халіф.


Шелестюк (14-0, 9 КО), Лос-Анджелеса через Україну, був членом 2012 Олімпійська збірна України, до складу якої входив золотий призер у напівлегкій вазі Василь Ломаченко та золотий призер у важкій вазі Олександр Усик. Хайме Еррера (15-3-1, 8 КО), Чикаго, Жорстоке., в чотирьох із останніх дев'яти боїв перемогла неперевершені перспективи і є 8-1-1 загалом з липня 2012.


У со-функція, непереможені крейсерські ваги Костянтин Беженару (11-0, 4 КО, 0-1-1 у Світовій серії боксу), Catskill, N.Y.. шляхом Молдови, і Стивенс “Супермен” Буджай (16-0-1, 11 КО), Нью Йорк, зіткнеться в 10-ти окружному для вакантні WBC International та WBC Титул континентальної Америкиз.


У першому бою телепередачі, Непереможний легкий Вітор Джонс Фрейтас (12-0, 1 Північна Дакота, 6 КО), Сальвадору, Байя, Бразилія, протистоятиме фаворит місцевих фанатів Мануель Мендес (12-1-2, 8 КО), з Індіо, Каліфорнія., у вісім-раундовому поєдинку. 23-річний Фрейтас - племінник популярного колишнього дворазового чемпіона світу у легкій вазі Ацеліно “Попо” Фрейтас.


Чотири з шести винищувачів на виразно міжнародному трипледері ризикуватимуть своїми непереможеними рекордами проти того, що, ймовірно, буде їх найскладнішим завданням на сьогодні. Шелестюк та Беджанару виступатимуть другими ShoBox починається. Це також другий раз ShoBox виходить в ефір від "Омеги". Перший відбувся 5 жовтня, 2007, і показав перемоги Йонхі Перес і Міккі Бей-молодший., які обидва стали б чемпіонами світу, два з 67 боксери на ShoBox робити так.


Квитки на подію, яку рекламує Банер Акції, Томпсон боксу, Hitz Boxing та Joe DeGuardia's Star Boxing за ціною $100 (зручна точка для огляду), $70 (зарезервований) і $50 (General Admission) і можуть бути придбані по телефону (714) 935-0900.


ТАРАС ШЕЛЕСТЮК ВС. ХАЙМЕ ЕРЕРА - Головна турнір у напівсередній вазі з 10 раундів

Тарас Шелестюк (вимовляється “TARE-as SHELL-es-take) усереднено 85 ударів за раунд в його ShoBox дебют минулого листопада, вигравши вражаюче одностороннє рішення з 10 раундів Асланбек Козак. У своєму останньому старті та самотній прогулянці цього року минулого року Травня 20, 5-футовий-10, 30-річного Шелестюка нокаутував Ерік Мартінес у третьому турі в Онтаріо, Халіф.


“Моє навчання проходить чудово, Я могутніший і моя швидкість краща,”, - заявив колишній видатний міжнародник. “Еррера - грубий боєць, але для мене це не має значення, тому що я прагну активізуватися і вступити в поєдинки на рівні чемпіонату ''.


Шелестюк, який навчається Ерік Браун на Wild Card West, володіє міцними навичками, рух і силу удару. З моменту, коли в березні став професіоналом 2013 він проводив агітацію виключно в США. Багато з видатних 2012 Українська олімпійська збірна стала безпосередньою перспективою як професіоналів, в тому числі Ломаченко, який виграв чемпіонат світу у напівважкій вазі лише у своєму третьому бою на SHOWTIME. Зараз, настала черга Шелестюка підійти до тарілки.


“Я стежу за 2012 Олімпійська збірна України, і всі хлопці роблять дуже добре, і я радий за них,'', - сказав Шелестюк, хто пішов 300-15 в любителях. «Але я не порівнюю свої результати ні з ким іншим, тому що у мене є власна кар'єра і власний шлях до чемпіонського поясу, і мені подобається ця подорож ".
Еррера, професіонал з грудня 2009, видається законним випробуванням для Шелестюка. Еррера виграв три поспіль, перемогли непереможені перспективи в чотирьох із останніх дев'яти боїв, і є 8-1-1 загалом з моменту відмови від рішення Адріан Гранадос в 2012. Однією з цих перемог став засмучений нокаут одноразового високопоставленого суперника та претендента на титул чемпіона світу Майк “Кулемет” Джонс серпня. 23, 2014.


«Тарас - чудовий боєць, і я знаю, що я недоторкан, але я вже здивував деяких бійців, і я впевнений і готовий дати все можливе і знову перемогти,- сказала Геррера. «Я вступаю в цей бій з тим самим менталітетом, що і в тих поєдинках з іншими непереможеними хлопцями. Те, як я це бачу, Тарасу є все, що можна втратити, і я борюся, оскільки мені нічого втрачати ''.


«Я тренуюсь дуже серйозно, і я дуже рада, що зможу продемонструвати свої навички на телебаченні. Я виріс, спостерігаючи ShoBox. На мене буде більше очей, і вони побачать мою здатність до боротьби. Отримання перемоги збільшить мій рейтинг і відкриє більше дверей для моєї кар'єри ".


КОНСТАНТИН БЕЖЕНАРУ ПРОТИ. СТІВЕНС БУДЖАЙ - 10-раундовий поєдинок у важкій вазі

Беженару (вимовляється "bay-zhin-nah-ROO") був досвідченим аматором. Південна лапа боксувала у складі збірної Румунії 10 років і був дев'ятикратним чемпіоном країни.


У його ShoBox прем'єра остання Квітня 15, активний та атлетичний виходець з Унгені, Молдова, забив одностайне восьмикуткове рішення за раніше непереможенийОлексій Зубов (10-0), колишній чемпіон Росії серед аматорів і семикратний чемпіон Європи серед аматорів.


Беженару хочеться повернутися до ShoBox і продовжувати свої переможні шляхи. “Буджадж - чудовий боксер, ми обоє непереможені, але переможцем може бути лише один, і я не планую програти цей бій,'' Сказав він. “Я вступив у цей бій з наміром перемогти. Це те, що я навчаю робити, це те, що я збираюся робити.


“Як людина, яка займається боксом вже більше 22 роки, Я надзвичайно вдячний, що мені дали таку можливість. У моєму попередньому ShoBox боротьба, Мене позначали як аутсайдера. Ті, хто сумнівався в мені, швидко змінили свої думки, коли побачили, як я бився, і навіть більше того, коли суддя підняв мою руку на перемогу ''.


Буджай (вимовляється "Бу-ха") народився в Кельменді, Албанія, але переїхав до Бронкса, Нью-Йорк у ранньому віці. Безпрограшний потенціал був дворазовим чемпіоном "Золотих рукавичок" у Нью-Йорку у важкій вазі, який робив добрі поєдинки щоразу і в основному робив це легким.. Це третій запланований старт Буджая з 10 раундів, в той час як Беженару дебютує у 10 раундів.


26-річний юнак виграв свої останні чотири поспіль, в тому числі його останніх двох нокаутом, з боксу в роздільній 10-раундовій нічиї у сладжфесті з непереможним на той час триразовим чемпіоном "Золотих рукавичок" в Чикаго Молодший Райт (10-0) в травні 2014.


"Я готуюся,'', - сказав Буджа, який виходить з першого раунду технічного нокауту за раніше непереможеного побитого Серхіо Рамірес (11-0) на Червень 11. «Я тренуюсь, як це бій за титул чемпіона світу, і я повністю готовий до перемоги. Я знаю, що мій суперник непереможений, і я не можу його пропустити. Те, як я почуваюся, Я в моїй грі "А". Я тренувався в Лас-Вегасі, а тепер повернувся до Нью-Йорка з Шаріфом Юнаном і готовий зробити все можливе, щоб виграти цей бій.


“Це той викриття та можливість, яку я чекав. Я просто хочу підібрати ці титули WBC, за які ми боремось, і підняти рейтинг. Одного разу я підхоплюю ці ремені, Я буду вгорі 10 і все можливо. ''


VITOR JONES FREITAS VS. МАНЮЕЛ МЕНДЕЗ - Легкий поєдинок з восьми раундів

Племінник популярного колишнього дворазового чемпіона світу в легкій вазі Ацеліно “Попо” Фрейтас перемогла в 12 послідовних поєдинків з моменту дебюту проти змагань без участі в змаганнях у липні 2012. Він закінчує п’ятий раунд технічної угоди Родольфо Франц останній Травня 21.


Два виходи назад, Фрейтас захопив бразильську легку корону з 10-раундовим рішенням Сідні Евен. Це буде шостий США Фрейтас. початок; його останні п'ять боїв були в Бразилії.


“Мій дядько багато разів бився в SHOWTIME і далі Листопад. 4, Я хочу продовжити його спадщину,- сказав Фрейтас. "Це буде ще одним кроком у його слідах, щоб стати чемпіоном світу".


Мендес, який навчається шанованим Джоел Діас, минулого вересня вибиває нокаут четвертого раунду над Еріком Мартінесом. 23 в Онтаріо. Мендес використовував сильний, синця, в якому він добре перемішав удари, щоб покарати Мартінеса. 5-футовий-8, 26-річний Мендес пішов 12-0-2 з тих пір, як його зупинили в дебюті в жовтні 2010.


“Я в захваті від цієї можливості продовжувати боротьбу ShoBox,'', - сказав Мендес, який є спаринг-партнером Руслан Провідників і Тімоті Бредлі. “Я знаю з перемогою, моя кар'єра переросте на новий рівень. Я хочу вибити Вітора.”


Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhoodі колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Багатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.


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Про ShoBox: Нове покоління
З моменту свого створення в липні 2001, критиками SHOWTIME бокс серії, ShoBox: Нове покоління має ознаки молодий талант відповідає жорстким. The ShoBox філософія по телебаченню захоплюючим, натовпу приємно і матчах, забезпечуючи полігоном для бажаючих перспективи рішучості боротися за титул чемпіона світу. Деякі з зростаючого списку 67 бойовиків, які з'явилися на ShoBox і передові зібрати світових титулів включає: Андре Уорд, Deontay Уайлдер, Ерісланді Лара, Шон Портер, Гері Расселл-молодший, Ламонт Пітерсон, Гільєрмо Рігондо, Омар Фігероа, Ноніто Донер, Девон Александр, Карл Фроч, Роберт Герреро, Тімоті Бредлі, Джессі Варгас, Хуан Мануель Лопес, Чед Доусон, Полі Маліньяджі, Ріккі Хаттон, Келлі Павлік, Пол Вільямс і більше.



Ivan Baranchyk Wins Unanimous Decision over Wang Zhimin

Unbeaten Welterweight Ivan Golub Stops James Stevenson in Third

Дивитися повтору Понеділок, Сім. 26, на 10 p.m. І/PT на ШО EXTREME®

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Фото кредит: Tom Казино / Showtime®

МАЯМІ, Оклахома. (Сім. 24, 2016) – On a night when undefeated heavyweight Trey Lippe Morrison won his television debut and Іван "Звір" Baranchyk і Іван "The Volk" Голуб залишався непереможним, напівважку вагу Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic regained his winning ways by registering a fifth-round knockout over previously unbeaten Тревіс Петеркін у головній події ShoBox: Нове покоління quadrupleheader жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ П'ятниця від Buffalo Run Казино в Майамі, Оклахома.


Що робить його ShoBox debut and first start since suffering his lone defeat on a disputed decision to Marcus Browne, a motivated Kalajdzic (22-1, 15 КО) Св. Петербург, Штат Флорида., dropped Peterkin (16-1-1, 7 КО), of the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, N.Y., two times in the fifth before the fight was stopped at 1:32.


Other televised results: Baranchyk (12-0, 10 КО), Брукліна, N.Y., took a 10-round unanimous decision over Ван Чжімінь (7-1, 3 КО, 7-1 WSB), of Nutley, N.J. by way of Ningbo, Китай, в ShoBox Со-функція; immensely popular local favorite and son of the late former world heavyweight champion, Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, важковаговик Trey Lippe Morrison (12-0, 12 КО) demolished previously unbeaten Ed Latimore (13-1, 7 КО), Піттсбурга, Па., забив 2:19, first-round TKO; and Ukrainian welterweight Golub (13-0, 11 КО, 5-0 WSB), Брукліна, registered a third-round knockout over Джеймс Стівенсон(23-3, 16 КО), Балтимор, Меріленд.


Kalajdzic overwhelmed Peterkin with consistent aggression, superior fighting spirit and better power. Він приземлився 45 відсотків його потужність пострілу, у тому числі 60 percent in the final round. Більше, він вів 37-7 in body connects.


“The one-dimensional nature of Travis Peterkin cost him big time because he had no answer for Hot Rod’s right hand, and when he threw his own power shots they were ineffective,'' ShoBox експерт аналітик Стів Farhood said afterward. “He was exposed сьогодні ввечері, and Kalajdzic rejuvenated his career after the loss with Marcus Browne.”


A 6-foot-2 native of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kalajdzic dropped Peterkin the first time with a right-left combination and finished him with a right-left-right combination. Peterkin fell heavily in a neutral corner, prompting the referee to stop it.


“He was a little bit awkward so it took me a little bit to find my range but once I did and I got into a rhythm, I knew he wasn’t going to last,’’ Kalajdzic said. “We have been working on staying patient and finding that range and it showed сьогодні ввечері.


“I wanted to make a statement in this fight and I did. I want the biggest names in the light heavyweight division, but before that I want Marcus Browne again. That is unfinished business for me. If he really thinks he won the fight then let’s do it again. We could fight next week. I’m ready.’’


Baranchyk, despite getting cut for the first time in his career (over his left eye in the fifth), виграв в десятки 100-90 в два рази і 99-91. There were no knockdowns.


The rounds, particularly in the fight’s second half, were competitive. Both fighters landed a high percentage of power shots, 44 percent for Baranchyk, 41 percent for Zhimin, but the difference was that Baranchyk was busier, crisper and physically stronger.


Going more than four rounds for the first time, he answered questions about his late-round stamina and feels he is now ready to step up again.

“The 140-pound division is loaded with talent,’’ Baranchyk said. “There are tons of fighters I would love to fight, but there are two guys in particular I’d like to fight next: Maurice Hooker and Abel Ramos. Hooker is with Roc Nation and is above me in the ratings. He’s undefeated and this would be a great fight to prove I’m one of the best up-and-coming guys in this division. I’d love Ramos to fight Ramos too. We are both promoted by DBE and I have heard he called me out. He’s a come forward guy and those are the type of fights I like and that make for great TV.

“I love the fans here in Miami and I love fighting on ShoBox. This was my first time going 10 rounds and I feel great. Of course I would have liked to get the knockout because I always want to put on a spectacular show, but this was a great learning experience for me. He was an extremely tough opponent and I was surprised he was able to take so many big shots. We have been working on being patient and boxing and I was able to show that сьогодні ввечері.''


Wang, who gave his best and never allowed Baranchyk to relax, сказав, “I felt a little tight and I couldn’t get my punches off like I wanted to. He was a little too big for me.’’


In a performance that lit up the arena, Lippe Morrison dropped Latimore two times and was on the verge of knocking him down again when the referee stepped in and halted matters at 2:19. Morrison decked Latimore the first time with a right hand midway through the first. Через кілька миттєвостей, Latimore went down again from two rights and a left hook. After a series of shots, the referee stopped it.


“You know I have to watch the fight, but I think I did alright,’’ said Morrison after what was supposed to be the most dangerous assignment of his career. “I know I have to be patient and work behind my jab and just take the opening that I see – patiently. Being patient is something I’ve really been working on. I really felt my patience this time.


“I didn’t expect it to end this quick. I knew it might, but I didn’t plan on it. It felt good to drop a guy with my left hand. I never had the accuracy or quickness with the left that I do know. I now feel that I am equally adept with both hands. My left is like my right.


“To win a fight like this is definitely a relief. I was nervous about the fight, but not about fighting on TV. This was supposed to be my toughest fight on paper and I think I did well.


“I feel I may have opened some eyes, but that’s in large part to Freddie Roach. I feel I’m improving thanks to Freddie. I’m throwing quicker, snappier punches and the coordination between my footwork with my hands is way better. All that is because of Freddie.


“I wasn’t going for the KO but I’m glad it happened. I could not have done it without Freddie, це точно. I’ll be going back to California in a week and then right to the gym.”


The knockout was Lippe Morrison’s ninth in the first round. He also has two second-round knockouts and one fourth-round KO in a career that began in February 2014.


“We want to see more of Trey Lippe Morrison,'' Сказав Farhood. “Let’s let Freddie Roach to do a little bit more of work with him. He had a tremendous pressure on him сьогодні ввечері, but he did fantastically and he responded very well. He made a big step up in class сьогодні ввечері and couldn’t have produced a better result: a first-round knockout.”


After a competitive, fast-paced first round, Golub took over as Stevenson appeared to tire. A picturesque right hook to the chin dropped and staggered Stevenson, who still wobbly, got up by the count of five, but Golub continued his two-fisted assault, delivered over 20 unanswered punches and the referee stopped it.


“To me the guy that stole the show was Golub,"Сказав Farhood. “We keep thinking of him as a boxer but he showed tremendous power сьогодні ввечері. He knocked out a very sturdy opponent in Stevenson and Baranchyk will benefit tremendously by going 10 раундів. He showed a lot by throwing as many punches as he did late in the fight against an opponent who simply wouldn’t be hurt.’’


“I could see from the first round that he was leaving himself wide open when he was coming in,’’ said Golub after his second ShoBox початок. “I knew it was only a matter of time until I caught him with something really big and I would get him out of there. I’m happy with the performance but know I still have a lot to improve on. Our game plan was to be patient and box and let him come to us. I’m looking forward to getting back in there soon and continuing to climb the ranks of the welterweight division.’’

П'ятниці four-fight telecast that was promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Fight Promotions and Roc Nation Sports will re-air Понеділок на 10 p.m. І/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning today, Субота, Сім. 24.


Баррі Томпкинс називається ShoBox дії з рингу з Farhood і екс-чемпіоном світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Річард Gaughanвиробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.



“Hot Rod” Kalajdzic Meets Travis Peterkin in Main Event,

Ivan Baranchyk Takes On Wang Zhimin, Trey Lippe Morrison
Faces Ed Latimore, Ivan Golub Battles James Stevenson

At Buffalo Run Casino, Майамі, Оклахома.

Натисніть ОСЬ For Press Conference Photos

Натисніть ОСЬ For Weigh-in Photos

Photos by Tom Casino/SHOWTIME

МАЯМІ, Оклахома. (Сім. 22, 2016) – The eight fighters (combined record 114-3-1, 78 нокаути) featured on the ShoBox: Нове покоління quadrupleheader жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. І/PT, затримка на західному узбережжі) завтра, П'ятниця, Сім. 23, from the Buffalo Run Casino are set to go.


В ShoBox головна подія, колись побили Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic (21-1, 14 КО), Св. Петербург, Флорида. will be opposed by undefeated Тревіс Петеркін (16-0-1, 7 КО), Брукліна, N.Y.. in a 10-round light heavyweight scrap. Junior lightweight sensation Іван "Звір" Baranchyk (11-0, 10 КО), Брукліна, N.Y., відповідає Ван Чжімінь (7-0, 3 КО, 7-1 WSB), of Nutley, N.J. by way of Ningbo, Китай, в 10-раундовому спільно особливість. Натисніть ОСЬ to watch a video of Baranchyk’s last fight, a 21 second KO.

Важковаговик Trey Lippe Morrison (11-0, 11 КО), of Grove, Оклахома., the son of the late former world heavyweight champion Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, will make his television debut against fellow unbeaten Roc Nation prospect Ed “Black Magic” Latimore (13-0, 7 КО), Піттсбурга, Пенсільванія, in a six-round bout and Ukrainian welterweight Іван "The Volk" Голуб (12-0, 10 КО, 5-0 WSB), Брукліна, N.Y.. особи James “Keep’em Sleepin” Stevenson (23-2, 16 КО), Балтимор, Md., in an eight-rounder that will open the telecast.


ваги: Kalajdzic weighed 175½ pounds, Петеркін 174; Baranchyk tipped the scale at 139¾ pounds, Zhimin 139½, Morrison weighed 221½ pounds, Latimore 219; and Golub weighed 146½ pounds, Стівенсон 146.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Roc Nation Sports are priced at $35, $55 і $75 і доступні на buffalorun.com і в stubwire.com.


Below is what the fighters had to say prior to Четвер Зважування:



“This is my second 10-round fight and it is against another unbeaten southpaw from New York. I’m looking forward to this fight and I’m anxious to look ahead.


“I was very upset after my last fight [a controversial decision loss to unbeaten Marcus Browne]. I wasn’t really mad necessarily at myself or my team; it was mostly the referee. Потім, afterward when I saw the reaction from the fans, who totally booed the decision, even took their Marcus Browne T-shirts off, I didn’t feel so badly.


"У П'ятницю I want to come in and look great and hopefully stop this guy. I want to look better and cleaner than I did against Browne. I fought OK against Browne, but I should have used my jab more and not allowed him to grab and hold me so much.


“I was looking too much to land my right. I know I need to do better at setting it up by jabbing first. And by punching in bunches.

“A big win П'ятниця won’t remove the overall sting of my last fight; nothing can erase the result. But since Browne doesn’t want to give me a rematch, I’m not going to just chase him. I have to move ahead.


“Against Peterkin, I want to keep it simple – jab, move and use the right hand. I need to keep him on the end of my punches. It looks like he comes at you but I’m going to come at him, занадто, in a smart way. I want to try and get inside, smother him. I never got that chance against Browne because of all the holding.


“Peterkin is undefeated, durable and coming to win. I expect a very tough fight. But everything is going according to plan. I had about sixth months of preparation. The errors I made in my last fight have been fixed. They won’t happen again. I have an opportunity in this fight to erase all the bitter memories of my last fight.’’


Тревіс Петеркін

“Making 175 pounds is OK. I can make the weight with no problem. So weight is no issue. If there was a weight class at 185, I’d probably be in it, але 175 is fine. Я готовий.


“I watched ‘Hot Rod’ closely against Browne. It was definitely a good fight. I feel Marcus could have won easily if he’d have finished the job in some of the rounds. If he stays outside he wins easily, but he wanted to make a point by going inside.


“Now ‘Hot Rod’ gets me, and this is a tremendous opportunity for me. He’s a good fighter and should have a zero there on his losses. He has power and is a decent counter-puncher. But we’ve prepared for him. We’re coming to win, box or brawl. This has been one of my best camps in a long time. I’m confident of a win.


“The key is controlling what goes on in the ring, be smart and listen to my corner. I feel this is definitely the toughest fight for me, and for him, занадто.


“’I’m looking forward to the fight and the opportunity to make a name for myself at 175. It’s been a long journey, but if I can be myself and do what I came here to do, I’ll be fine.’’



“This is like a second home for me, fighting in Miami. I like the people. They seem to like me. П'ятниця should be an exciting night for everybody.


“My last two fights have ended quickly but I always train and plan to go 10 раундів. I never try for one-round knockouts. I look forward to the time when I can show off a little more of my boxing and overall skills. I do have patience.


“I think my opponent is very good and has a lot of experience. He’s better than the last two fighters I fought. I feel this fight could go some rounds. But I have power, so we’ll see.


“I work very hard in the gym. I spar 10 rounds every day. I got to spar a few rounds with Danny Garcia for this fight. Training with a world champion like him was a tremendous learning experience and it helped me a lot. I hope some of it shows в п'ятницю.''



“I want to thank everyone for this chance to fight. I’m prepared for everything. My opponent is a very experienced boxer with a good reputation. This is definitely a step up and my biggest fight.


“I can promise you one thing: We’ll put on an exciting show for you.


“My goal is to ultimately be fighting for a world title. It takes a lot of time, patience and work inside the gym.


“I’m known for my aggressiveness but I’m constantly working on boxing more. I feel I’ve improved a lot since I was an amateur.


“So I’m ready for this fight. He may be a big puncher but I don’t look at his numbers. This is a solid matchup, a crossroads fight and a good opportunity for both of us.’’



“This is a real, significant step up for me but I have to approach it like I always do.


“Moving to Hollywood [Каліфорнія.] was a big change for me, but it meant I could train with Freddie Roach. He boosted my confidence just by the fact he agreed to take me on. So he must have seen something.


“There are so many things we work on: кільце генерал, робота ніг, things to look for, stuff to avoid.


“This is a tough fight for both of us, a dangerous test. Latimore is definitely my toughest opponent so far.


“I know a lot of people are interested in watching me and seeing how I do because of my dad. But as I go on, they’ll see I’m my own person.


“Fighting here again at the Buffalo Run is always exciting but a ring is a ring; there is no home field advantage. I certainly appreciate the fans’ support but I can’t think about it.


“One of these days I’ll fight someone who can take my shots. It might be Latimore, but if it happens, Я буду готовий до цього. As for me taking a shot, I’ve been rocked in sparring but not in a live fight.


“Hurting my right hand in my last fight was a real blessing. I knew I always had power in it but now I have speed and accuracy to go along with it. My hand hasn’t given me any problems at all in training. So I don’t think about it. If I hurt it again, I’ll just deal with it and fight on.’’

Фредді Роуч, Morrison’s Trainer

“I was supposed to be in the Philippines, but I’m very close with Manny Pacquiao and I told him, ‘Listen, Менні, I’m going to be a week late because I have a big fight with Trey coming up,’ and he said, ‘I’ll see you in a week. Get the win.’

“We are a 100 відсотків готовий. We have great sparring partners. We’ve done great work and I know he’s coming from a broken hand and he hasn’t fought in a while, but his strengthening and conditioning is going really well. This is going to be a great fight and I expect him to be at his best. [Looking at Ed Latimore] You are going to feel his power.

“Trey has very good power and breaking his hand helped him. We got to develop both hands and now he has knockout power in both hands.

“Ed Latimore is a very difficult opponent, but I think Trey will beat him.’


“My whole goal is to be totally calm, relaxed and in control. It’s not a physical or mental thing.


“I feel I’ve come a long way and I’m improving all the time. There were times when I was overthinking in the ring, but no more. I work on technique each and every day; my work ethic is impeccable.


“I’ve become such a better student of boxing. When I first started watching, I thought it was boring. Then I learned how to watch, and began to notice the subtle things going on. I now know what I’m looking at when I watch films and I see things totally different than I did before. Now I know what to do with what I learn.


“I may be small for a heavyweight but I’m never going to be one of those big guys so I do not put a lot of emphasis on size. If you can fight, you can fight. I work on developing skills. Punching power comes from technique and repetition, not always from size.


“I’m looking forward to a good fight. I have to stay composed. Morrison likes to come right out at you but I’m not planning to just let him come at me like he did his other opponents. I have something I plan to do that will give him something to think about.


“Fighting him is huge for me. His name means a lot. He’s the toughest guy I’ve fought. But I don’t think about my emotions and fighting in his hometown. We knew what we were getting into and there’s nothing we can do about it. There are things that are beyond your control.


“I’m still in school, majoring in physics, but I took a semester off. Потім, this opportunity came along. No way I could do both right now. I enjoy how far I’ve come in boxing. I think the hard work is paying off.


“I’m confident I’ll win П'ятниця. It’s going to be a great.’’


“I’ve been working mainly on my inside game and setting down on my punches lately. I know Stevenson is a good boxer, a slick guy who knows what do to. I have to try and stay patient, work the jab, work the body and put on pressure.


“In the amateurs it was more about points. Winning was OK with points but in the U.S. you need more than that.


“My mindset going into every fight is on going the distance. I’m looking forward to fighting Stevenson. Besides his boxing ability, he takes a good shot.


“This will be a real test for me, my toughest test. I’m a natural 160 but can make welterweight easily. It’s been a good camp for me.’’



“I think my opponent is probably taking me lightly. But he’s going to see a different me. I’m looking at this as a must-win, can-win fight. The birth of my daughter recently totally woke me up. It made me realize it was time to straighten up, stop running the streets and totally focus on my job. I have to take care of her. The added responsibility made me change my ways.


“So this training camp has been totally different than any I’ve had before. I’m really prepared. I didn’t come here to run, Я йду, щоб виграти. I’m certainly not here to be anyone’s opponent.


“It’s been crazy in my hometown. The whole city of Baltimore is behind me, and that is very exciting. П'ятницяis the most important fight ever for me and I am looking forward to it.


“I’m confident I can be the first to defeat Golub.’’

GORDON HALL, Senior Vice President of Production, Showtime спорту & Executive Producer,ShoBox: Нове покоління

"Завтра night we have eight fighters with a total combined record of 114-3-1. We have undefeated fighters facing each other. Ми мали 151 fighters fight on ShoBox, and lose that 0. Завтра ніч, on the second matchup of the night, we have two undefeated heavyweights. Trey Lippe Morrison’s father may have been Tommy, but we are not here because he’s Tommy’s son. We are here because we believe that Trey Lippe Morrison can fight and he’s taking a big step up in taking on Ed Latimore. It’s a big fight for both fighters and I credit them for taking the matchup.


“Ivan Golub had 300 аматорські бої. He’s an accomplished fighter, we had him once before on ShoBox and he’s taking on James Stevenson, a veteran fighter, who’s not coming here to lose.


“Ivan Baranchyk, the adopted son of Buffalo Run Casino here in Miami. He’s one of the fighters you want to pay to see. He’s all action. His skill level is A-plus and Wang Zhimin knows that and he’s not afraid.


“The main event, Rod Kalajdzic vs. Travis Peterkin is the one to watch out for. Kalajdzic loss on his record against Marcus Browne is debatable to those who saw the fight. Travis Peterkin is undefeated, so for me this is a fight of two undefeated fighters in the light heavyweight division, which has Adonis Stevenson, Андре Уорд, Сергій Ковальов. It’s a hot division and looking for new blood and hopefully we’ll see it hereзавтра ніч ".

Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Річард Gaughan виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.


Нове покоління: Lippe-Morrison ready for ShoBox debut


Майамі, ДОБРЕ (Вересень 22, 2016) – As the son of popular former heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison, Trey Lippe-Morrison’s name alone generates attention.


A quick glance at the Oklahoman’s record shows that all 11 of his victories came by knockout, 10 inside of two rounds. Those who dug deeper into Lippe-Morrison’s career will see that he’s trained by legendary Freddie Roach at Wildcard Boxing Club in Los Angeles, ТАКИЙ ЯК. On the contrary, his critics note that his name alone generated the buzz rather than his knockouts and many second generation boxers didn’t meet expectations.


У П'ятницю evening at the Buffalo Run Casino, Lippe-Morrison looks to make his TV debut a successful one when he battles fellow unbeaten Ed “Black Magic” Latimore. The bout opens a quadrupleheader on Shobox: The New Generation and is scheduled for 6 раундів. Latimore, 13-0 (7 КО), owns amateur wins over former heavyweight champion Charles Martin and 2012 US Olympian Dominic Breazeale. The Pittsburgh, PA native will be Lippe-Morrison’s toughest test to date and he believes the heavy interest in this fight will only elevate his career when he emerges victorious.


“This is a difficult fight for Trey,” said Tony Holden, Lippe-Morrison’s promoter. “Latimore is undefeated and had a good amateur background. He and his team believe this fight will opens doors for him. The interest in this fight is extremely high not just because of whom Trey is but also since there are two unbeaten American heavyweight squaring off early in their careers. The winner is definitely worthy of being considered a top up and coming heavyweight.”


Lippe-Morrison is a member of Holden Productions’ “Four State Franchise” and fought 9 з його 11 fights at the Buffalo Run Casino, a venue he’s helped sell out multiple times. With the hometown advantage and flawless start to his pro career, Lippe-Morrison knows there will be pressure on him but believes he’s ready to handle it.


“There is a little bit of added pressure,” the 26-year-old said of fighting on TV. “There are of course the people that want to see me on the same level at my father but some of it is brought on by me. My team and I believe I’m ready for this. I’ve been getting a lot better and learning every day under Freddie Roach. Freddie says I’m prepared for the step up and he has full confidence in me. Now I’ve got to go out and perform.”


The quadrupleheader airs live on Showtime at 10 PM ET and also features Ivan “The Volk” Golub against James “Keep em’ Sleepin” Stevenson, Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk vs Zhimin Wang and Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic taking on “Notorious” Travis Peterkin.


Tickets are sold out and this excellent evening of boxing is promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Holden Productions in association with Fight Promotions Inc. and Roc Nation Sports.




“Hot Rod” Kalajdzic Faces Undefeated Travis Peterkin in Main Event,
Іван Baranchyk, Wang Zhimin in Clash of Unbeaten Junior Welterweights, Welterweight Ivan Golub Risks Perfect Record Against James Stevenson

Жити на SHOWTIME® на 10 p.m. І/PT

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Сім. 21, 2016) - Trey Lippe Morrison є 11-0 з 11 нокаути. He is the son of the late former world heavyweight championTommy “The Duke” Morrison. A Grove, Оклахома., рідний, Trey resides in Hollywood, Каліфорнія., and is trained by Фредді Роуч at Wild Card Gym.


Це П'ятниця, Сім. 23, Morrison makes his eagerly awaited television debut when he faces fellow unbeaten and Roc Nation prospect Ed Latimore (13-0, 7 КО), Піттсбурга, Па., in the second bout of a ShoBox: Нове покоління quadrupleheader жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. І/PT, затримка на західному узбережжі) від Buffalo Run Казино в Майамі, Оклахома.


Моррісон, який перетворює 27 на Сім. 27, has recorded eight first-round knockouts, two second-round knockouts and one fourth-round KO in a career that began in February 2014. He bears a striking resemblance to his late father facially, physique-wise and with his fighting style, wears red, white and blue trunks with “TOMMY” written across the belt. He has fought all but one of his fights in Oklahoma; this is his 10ї start at Buffalo Run.


A popular member of Holden’s Four State Franchise stable, the 6-foot-2 Morrison is fighting for the first time since he underwent surgery on his right tendon from an injury suffered in his most recent bout, a fourth-round TKO over Thomas Hawkins останній Січень. 23.


Below is what Morrison and Roach said about Trey’s fight against LatimoreП'ятниця, his up-and-coming career, life outside the ring, remembrances of his father, working with Freddie and more:

“I’m going to approach this fight against Latimore just the same way I approached my first 11 бої,’’ said Morrison ahead of the scheduled six-round bout. “I’ve gained a lot of confidence and a lot of new skills, and I’m just honored to be able to showcase them. Being on SHOWTIME is just a huge bonus.”


Morrison’s thoughts on Ed Latimore …

“I’ve watched a little bit of video. He’s really similar to me. The way he bobs his head all the time and is a real aggressive fighter and always comes forward. It’s almost like I’m fighting a clone of myself. He kind of has that Mike Tyson style, and that’s what I expect to see. If he doesn’t come at me that way, then I’ll have to have a game plan for something else.”


Is Latimore your toughest fight to date? ...

“Oh, да. Звичайно. 100 відсотків. His record says it all [13-0, 7 КО]. He’s athletic. From just what I’ve seen of his past fights, he would be the toughest guy I’ve fought so far.”


On the injury suffered in his last fight …

“I feel like it is 100 percent healed. It was kind of a freak accident. I threw an uppercut and it hit him in the hard part of his head. Since I’ve been able to put my glove on it, it hasn’t been a problem.”


What are the keys to this fight? ...

“I think you always find the keys within the first couple rounds of the fight. That’s when you figure someone out. I figure I’m just going to be patient, and wait for my shot and when it comes, take it.”


Tommy was known as a left-hooker, you’re known for a strong right hand? Did you work more on your left when you were sidelined? ...


“Oh, да. Tremendously. I would say me being hurt was a blessing. I think it helped me more than it hurt me. I was really able to develop and sharpen my left hand. So right now I feel like my left hand is just as lethal as my right. I’m confident I can now do everything with my left that I can with my right. I was more of a right-handed fighter before because my left hand wasn’t as developed yet. My timing and my speed wasn’t quite there with my left before, but now I’m good with both.”


On working with Freddie Roach…

“I’ve been working with Freddie for about a year now. I’m living in West Hollywood; right smack dab in the middle of all the craziness. But I stay away from all of it. I’m more of a hermit. If I’m not training, I’m at home. I really don’t go out much. I really just like being alone at times and being at my place. I don’t have many hobbies. I would say I’m a nerd. I like to play video games with my friends online.”


How did you end up with Freddie?

“I originally moved out here to train with Jesse Reid. He decided he wanted to make a move to Las Vegas, and that just wasn’t a move my promoter, Тоні Холден, and I were going to make. Since I was already here, Tony had a lunch with Freddie who agreed to look at me. So I had a private session with him and after that he said he’d be willing to work with me.”


How much have you learned under Freddie’s watchful eye? …

“I’ve learned so muchprobably everything. And anything I was good at before, he’s sharpened it. I’d probably give him full credit for everything. The guys I’ve sparred with have also taught me a lot. It’s really helped me in every way possible.”


Did you play sports in high school? ...

“I played football, basketball and track. I played tight end and defensive end in football and I ran the hurdles and threw the shot and disc. I played four years of college football at the University of Central Arkansas. I played defensive end there. I had a couple of pro teams looking at me, but I screwed up my senior year and ended getting kicked off the team. I made some bad decisions, just being a dumb college kid, and that led to it. When boxing came up, it was like a second chance for me.


“I wasn’t ready for my athletic career to be over. Football ended for me because I made bad decisions. I needed to be told that I wasn’t good enough for me to move on and go out and get a regular job. Around the same time that happened, my dad passed away. My mom told me that Tony Holden had a casino in the next town from where I went to high school. I had never met him before but we went out and had a great time talking about my dad. So I popped the question to him and asked if he’d help me get into boxing. He said absolutely not. I told him I was going to give it a shot because I wasn’t able to give up athletics. He called me back через три дні."


Do you feel pressure being the son of Tommy Morrison? …

"Так. I think there’s a lot of pressure on me to do well, and I think that really weighed on me the first couple of fights. That’s always going to be there. No matter who I fight, or how good I do, they are always going to compare me to my dad. I just have to deal with it. There definitely is pressure, but I can deal with it better now.


“When I first started, people were comparing my first fight ever with how my dad ended his career…to his best fight. So obviously I wasn’t going to match up that way. I knew that I’d get better and that one day I’d get there.”


How would you describe your relationship with your father? ...

“I’d say our relationship was awesome. We were great friends. Ви знаєте, our time got cut short, and we didn’t get to spend a lot of time together. But the time we did have was amazing. And we really cherished it.”


Would you think your dad would be proud of you today, following in his footsteps?

“I think he would be proud of me. I wish he was here because the things he would say would help me a lot. I really do think he’d be proud.”


How much has your promoter Tony Holden meant to you?


“I wouldn’t be where I’m at without him. I can’t even put it into words. Чесно, if I would have started boxing without him, no one would know who I was. Everything I have in boxing, is because of him. I met him in October of 2013, two or three months before I got into boxing.”



Фредді Роуч, a seven-time Boxing Writers Association of America Trainer of the Year and 2012 inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, will be in Morrison’s corner П'ятниця в Майамі. He said Trey is dedicated, a joy to work with and has continued to improve. But he remains a work in progress.


“Trey’s a very nice person, a simple guy, real polite like most boxers.’’.


“He inherited his father’s punch. He’s a big puncher. He’s learned how to box and is getting better every day. He tries hard. I like the way he’s progressing. He holds his own with some of the veteran guys here at the gym and is doing very well.


“Once he learns to box a little more, he’s going to make a lot more noise in the division. My thoughts on the heavyweights right now is that it is not all that strong of a division. [Ентоні] Joshua may be the best, and there are a couple other big names. But I think the division is mostly wide open for guys who have heart and balls and are ready to take it the distance. Trey’s that kind of kid.’’


It was Roach who wanted this fight. “His manager asked me if he was ready and I said he was 100 відсотків готовий. Latimore is his toughest fight, but it’s time to step up.’’



В П'ятниці ShoBox головна подія, колись побили Радівой Kalajdzic (21-1, 14 КО), Св. Петербург, Флорида. will try and resume his winning ways when he meets undefeated Тревіс Петеркін (16-0-1, 7 КО), Брукліна, N.Y.. in a 10-round light heavyweight scrap. У со-функція, super lightweight livewire Іван "Звір" Baranchyk (11-0, 10 КО), Брукліна, N.Y., takes on Roc Nation’s Ван Чжімінь (7-0, 3 КО, 7-1 WSB), of Nutley, N.J. by way of Ningbo, Китай, в 10-раундовому. In a scheduled eight-round bout, Ukrainian welterweight Іван "The Volk" Голуб (12-0, 10 КО, 5-0 WSB), Брукліна, N.Y.. особи James “Keep’em Sleepin” Stevenson (23-2, 16 КО), Балтимор, Меріленд.

The combined record of the eight boxers on the televised card is 114-3-1 з 78 нокаути.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Roc Nation Sports are priced at $35, $55 і $75 і доступні на buffalorun.com і в stubwire.com.


Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhoodі колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол з Багатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.

Baranchyk Excited to Impress New Hometown Fans Friday in Miami, ДОБРЕ

Майамі, ДОБРЕ (Вересень 19, 2016) – When junior welterweight buzzsaw Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk first fought at the Buffalo Run Casino in March, he was not known by locals. Many of the fans packed the venue primarily to support “Four State Franchise” members Kenzie Morrison, Jesse Cook and Dillon Cook. Things however quickly changed.
On that evening, Baranchyk destroyed fellow unbeaten Nicholas Givhan in 21 seconds with a crushing left hook. Точно three months later, Baranchyk returned to the Buffalo Run Casino and had the fans watching him closely. The explosive 23-year-old delivered again, stopping another unbeaten fighter Eliseo Cruz Sesma in less than three rounds. A fighter previously unknown to locals quickly became in demand.
“The fans here fell in love with Ivan,” said Promoter Tony Holden, who has promoted fights for more than 25 роки. “He’s got a great style that can win over a crowd that may not have known much about him and that’s exactly what he did in his last two fights.”
У серпні, Holden signed Baranchyk to a co-promotional agreement, working in association with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc.
Now a member of the “Four State Franchise,” Baranchyk looks to run his record to 12-0 з 11 knockouts when he meets 7-0 Zhimin Wang of China in a ten round contest for the USBA junior welterweight title П'ятниця evening at the Buffalo Run Casino. The Branchyk-Wang bout takes places on a ShoBox quadrupleheader featuring three other exciting matchups between fighters with a combined record of 96-3-1. The card airs live on Showtime at 10 PM ET and tickets to the fight are sold out.
З перемогою, Baranchyk will likely be ranked in the top 15 and move onto bigger fights. Однак, the Brooklyn, NY based Russian is solely focused on entertaining his newfound supporters.
Baranchyk said of his upcoming bout, “I’m excited beyond belief to once again fight on Shobox and in my new hometown of Miami, ДОБРЕ. На цей раз (my opponent) is much more serious but I am prepared to fight anyone. I am going to show a high level of boxing and god willing the fight will end early in a knockout.”



Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic Faces Undefeated Travis Peterkin in Main Event,
Unbeatens Ivan Baranchyk, Wang Zhimin Clash for USBA Junior Welter Title,
Welterweight Ivan Golub Risks Perfect Record Against James Stevenson,

Trey Lippe Morrison Meets Ed Latimore in Collision of Unbeaten Heavyweights

Квитки у вільному продажу

НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Сім. 6, 2016) – Light heavyweight Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic will face unbeaten southpaw Travis “The Notorious” Peterkin in the 10-round main event of a stacked ShoBox: Нове покоління quadrupleheader на П'ятниця, Сім. 23, жити на ЧАС ДЛЯ ШОУ (10 p.m. І/PT, затримка на західному узбережжі) від Buffalo Run Казино в Майамі, Оклахома.

The combined record of the eight boxers on the televised card is 114-3-1 з 78 нокаути.

Kalajdzic, 25, Св. Петербург, Штат Флорида., і Петеркін, 26, of the Brownsville section of Brooklyn, N.Y., буде робити їх ShoBox debuts and initial 10-round starts.

This is Kalajdzic’s first fight since losing a highly controversial and questionable eight-round split decision to unbeaten 2012 Олімпієць Маркус Браун останній Квітня 16 в Брукліні. Kalajdzic is clamoring for a rematch with the world-ranked Browne, but he can’t overlook the strong, athletic Peterkin, who is coming off a shutout decision over Larry Pryor останній Березня 30 and is looking for a breakout performance.

В ShoBox Со-функція, super lightweight powerhouse Іван "Звір" Baranchyk (11-0, 10 КО), Брукліна, N.Y., faces Roc Nation prospect’s Ван Чжімінь (7-0, 3 КО, 7-1 WSB), of Nutley, N.J. by way of Ningbo, Китай, in a 10-rounder for the vacant USBA 140-pound title. In a scheduled eight-round bout, Ukrainian welterweight Іван "The Volk" Голуб (12-0, 10 КО, 5-0 WSB), Брукліна, бере на себе James “Keep’em Sleepin” Stevenson (23-2, 16 КО), Балтимор, Меріленд.

Local favorite and son of the late former world heavyweight champion, Tommy “The Duke” Morrison, важковаговик Trey Lippe Morrison (11-0, 11 КО) makes his highly anticipated television debut against fellow unbeaten and Roc Nation prospect Ed Latimore (13-0, 7 КО), Піттсбурга, Па., in the six-round telecast opener.

Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Tony Holden Productions in association with Roc Nation Sports are priced at $35, $55 і $75 і доступні наbuffalorun.com і в stubwire.com. (The $35 tickets are sold out).

Kalajdzic (21-1, 14 КО), a 6-foot-2 native of Bosnia and Herzegovina, turned pro in June 2011. Він виграв свій перший 21 fights before losing to Browne in a bout in which many felt he won easily. Браун (18-0) landed an occasional hard shot, but Kalajdzic seemed to control the fight with his power and awkward style. Both boxers hit the deck, Kalajdzic (from what appeared to be a slip) in the first, Браун (clearly) in the sixth from a right hand to the head. Receiving credit for a knockdown in which no punch appeared to connect was the difference, and the fans booed when the scores of 76-75, 76-74 і 74-76 were announced.

“I am really excited about this fight and that I am on television again fighting another undefeated southpaw,"Сказав Kalajdzic. “I am continuing where I left off with training camp from my previous fight since it’s another southpaw, so I will be more than prepared. З надією, Peterkin comes to fight and not hug like my last opponent did so we can give the fans a good fight.”

Петеркін (16-0-1, 7 КО) would still have an unblemished record if not for losing two points in an eight-round majority draw with 2008 Домініканська олімпієць Ленін Кастільо (12-0) серпня. 1, 2015 в Barclays Center. Peterkin had a point deducted in the fourth for hitting after the break and in the fifth for a low blow. Оцінки були 76-74 і 75-75 двічі.

Despite the draw in his outing before last, Peterkin considered this the most gratifying moment of his life. Від 2012-14, he stocked and served food in the suites at Barclays. In his most recent effort, Peterkin easily outpointed Pryor by the scores of 80-72 three times in New York. This will be Peterkin’s first fight outside of his home state.

A good boxer with excellent technique, Peterkin was introduced to boxing by his father, Bernard, a 1987 heavyweight Golden Gloves semifinalist, в 2001. Він пішов 95-7 в любителях; after winning the 2010 New York Golden Gloves, he went pro in January 2011.

“I was ringside at Hot Rod’s last fight. Я поважаю його, but I saw what his flaws are and will exploit them,” said Peterkin. “I am anticipating a war. Brooklyn is coming to Oklahoma and I will not disappoint. На Сім. 23, greatness beckons.”

Baranchyk, an offensive-minded fighting machine, packs outstanding power in both hands. He’s making his third appearance on ShoBox and third in a row at Buffalo Run. His otherShoBox починається, both first-round knockouts versus undefeated opponents, totaled a combined2:49.

The highly regarded, all-action Baranchyk registered a brutal, two-punch, 21-second stoppage over Nicholas Givhan (16-0-1) останній Березня 25 на ShoBox at Buffalo Run. He scored a 2:28, у першому раунді нокаутом над Шаді Шехадех (9-0-2) в його ShoBox debut last Грудня. 11 в Х'юстоні, Техас.

Baranchyk was born in Minsk, Byelorussia and lives in Brooklyn. He’s won eight straight by knockout, including a third-round TKO over previously undefeated Joaquim "Eliseo” Хрест (9-0-1) останній Червень 25 at Buffalo Run. Dominant with his speed and power from the outset, Baranchyk dropped Cruz in the second. Cruz’s corner threw in the towel at 1:07 Третього.

Всі 10 of the 5-foot-7, 23-year-old Baranchyk’s knockouts have come inside three full rounds, including six in the first. He’s fought 22 rounds in an 11-fight career. The only time he went the distance was in his third fight, a four-rounder in December 2014. Baranchyk, a former European amateur standout, turned pro in June ‘14 and relocated to the United States a few months later.

“I couldn’t be more excited about returning to ShoBox,” said Baranchyk. “Zhimin is a very skilled fighter and he will be my toughest opponent yet. Однак, I intend on ending this bout in devastating fashion. I guarantee you will see Zhimin on his back when the fight is over. I am looking to send a message to the rest of the junior welterweight division that I am someone to be feared.”

Zhimin, 30, turned pro in November 2010 and fought eight times in the WSB through 2011. After a three-year layoff, he relocated to the U.S. and has gone 7-0. He’s coming off an eight-round decision over Matthew Doherty останній Червень 11. Zhimin had great success in the WSB, winning the gold in 2011 in his native China, defeating Yerzhan Mussafirov of Kazakhstan in the tightly contested lightweight final. До цього, he reached the final in the Chinese National Boxing Championship in 2010, where he received a silver medal. В 2012, він виграв ще один срібну медаль, на цей раз в Erdos Міжнародний конкурс боксу.

“It’s an honor for me to be a part of this great event,” said Zhimin. “I want to thank the promoters, my team and everyone who gave me this opportunity. My goal is to get that belt. I know it’s a process full of challenges, but I am not afraid of what lies ahead. I know that I will make it. I have faith in myself. I will do whatever I can to prepare myself for this title showdown and give the fans my best performance and bring home the belt.”

Голуб, a 27-year-old who, at 6-feet, is tall for a welterweight, turned pro as a middleweight in November 2012. At the outset of his career, він пішов 5-0 in the WSB. He’s gone 12-0 так як, виграш 10 нокаутом, including his last six in a row, the last three as a welterweight.

У його ShoBox дебют, he touched the canvas for the first time in his career, but bounced back to blast out Marlon Aguas with a series of combinations in the closing seconds of the sixth. He won by TKO.

Голуб, a southpaw who’s coming off a second-round TKO over Ernesto Ortiz останній Липня 21, was an outstanding amateur. Він пішов 270-32 як любитель, was a five-time national champion in Ukraine and won bronze at the 2009 World Amateur Championships.

“Stevenson has a lot of experience and I am preparing for a very tough fight,” said Golub. “He is a guy that likes to sit on his punches and trade, which is exactly what I want. Once he feels my power, he is going to be in trouble. This will be an exciting fight for as long as it lasts.”

Stevenson is making his ShoBox дебют. Про з 2008, he won his first 21 scraps until losing by ninth-round TKO to then-undefeated Семмі Васкес серпня. 8, 2014. The fight was competitive for five rounds before Vasquez took over. Stevenson went down in the ninth.

The 5-foot-11, 33-year-old Stevenson has won two-of-three since, в тому числі п'ятому раунді технічним нокаутом над Kevin Womack останній Травня 14 in his first fight в 13 місяці. A hard-hitting boxer-puncher, Stevenson has feasted on modest opposition and is still seeking a signature victory.

Stevenson has produced a respectable record in spite of his career getting sidetracked by a series of setbacks and tragedies. В 2011, during a routine jog, a dog viciously attacked him, requiring Stevenson to get more than 20 stitches. Незабаром після цього, his father James Stevenson Sr. passed away, as did his mother-in-law.

“I appreciate the opportunity,” said Stevenson. “But they made a big mistake giving me the time to get ready for this fight. I’m training real hard and I’m coming to make a statement. I’m not scared of Golub and I promise it won’t go the distance. I’m putting him to sleep.”

Morrison has registered eight first-round knockouts, two second-round knockouts and one fourth-round KO in a career that began in February 2014. Моррісон, who bears a striking resemblance to his late father facially, physique-wise and with his fighting style, turns 27 наСім. 27. He’s fought all but one of his fights in Oklahoma; this is his 10ї start at Buffalo Run.

A popular member of Holden’s Four State Franchise stable, the 6-foot-2 Morrison is fighting for the first time since he underwent surgery on his right tendon from an injury suffered in his most recent bout, a fourth-round TKO over Thomas Hawkins останній Січень. 23.

“I have worked so hard to get to this point and now this is my chance to show the world who I am. I want to thank SHOWTIME for the opportunity,” said Morrison. “Latimore is a huge step up in class for me, but I am ready for it. Once I hear those Oklahoma fans and feel the energy inside the arena, I flip a switch and it’s go-time. This is going to be my coming-out party.”

Latimore, who majored in physics in college, is a boxer-puncher expected to give Morrison his toughest test. Latimore is making his ShoBox debut and fourth start this year. He’s coming off an eight-round split decision over Juan Goode останній Липня 15.

6-футовий-1, 31-year-old Latimore turned pro in January 2013. Як любитель, he won the Pennsylvania Golden Gloves, National PAL and Ringside Championships, and was victorious over 2012 Олімпієць Домінік Breazeale and former IBF Heavyweight Champion Чарльз Мартін.

“Morrison will be a real test for me,” said Latimore. “It’s never easy to fight someone in their backyard. I just fought in my hometown of Pittsburgh so I know the feeling coming into it and the momentum on fight night. I am looking forward to putting on a good show for all the fans in Oklahoma and those watching on ShoBox."

Баррі Томпкинс називатимемо ShoBox дії з рингу з Стів Farhood і колишній чемпіон світу Рауль Маркес виступає в якості експерта аналітиків. Виконавчий продюсер Гордон Хол зБагатий Гога виробництво та Рик Філліпс керівництво.



Британського вторгнення

Relive Chris Eubank vs. Nigel Benn II Сьогодні ввечері На 10 p.m. І/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

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НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Сім. 1, 2016) – The most popular and prolific prizefighters in British Boxing history will be highlighted when SHOWTIME ЧЕМПІОНАТ БОКС’s 30th anniversary year-long celebration continues in September with “Britain’s Best’’ on SHOWTIME EXTREME®.


The featured fighters –Naseem Hamed, Ріккі Хаттон, Джо Кальзаге, Карл Фроч, Chris Eubank і Nigel Benn– were longtime world champions. Each had a distinctive personality inside and outside the ring, and all helped usher in an era of boxers from Great Britain that currently features a record 14 чемпіони світу, у тому числі Карл Frampton, Джеймс DeGale, Лі Селбі і Anthony Joshua.


Of the eight fighters, all but Eubank and Hatton reached dizzying heights by scoring significant victories against distinguished American fighters. Benn blasted out Іран Барклі в 2:57. In his premium network television debut, Hamed dominated Том “Boom Boom” Johnson і, 10 months later, зупинивсяKevin Kelly. Calzaghe destroyed Jeff “Left Hook” Lacy. Froch rallied from the brink of defeat to stop Jermain Тейлор, and Hatton crushed perennial 140-pound world champion Kostya Tszyu of Australia.


The rivalry between longtime WBO Middleweight and Super Middleweight champion, Eubank, and Benn, a longtime WBC Super Middleweight boss, may have been the most celebrated in U.K. історія. Eubank took their savage first fight on a ninth-round TKO; the rematch ended in a draw.


Hamed (2015) and Calzaghe (2014) are members of the International Boxing Hall of Fame.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of September:

  • Четвер, Сім. 1: Chris Eubank-Nigel Benn II
  • Четвер, Сім. 8: Naseem Hamed-Tom “Boom Boom” Johnson
  • Четвер, Сім. 15: Ricky Hatton-Kostya Tszyu
  • Четвер, Сім. 22: Joe Calzaghe-Jeff Lacy
  • Четвер, Сім. 29: Carl Froch-Jermain Taylor


All fights will air on “Throwback Thursdays” on SHOWTIME EXTREME (10 p.m. І/PT) throughout the month of September and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME У БУДЬ-ЯКИЙ ЧАС® and via the network’s online streaming service.


(Throwback Thursdays/ Fight Synopsis)


Eubank vs. Benn II – Oct. 9, 1993, Old Trafford Stadium, Манчестер, Ланкашир, Англія


Three years after Eubank rallied to stop defending champion Benn in an intense, fiercely contested battle for the WBO Middleweight Crown that marked the beginning of a great era for British middleweights and super middleweights, the rivals fought to a controversial 12-round draw in a 168-pound unification bout for Eubanks’ WBO and Benn’s WBC titles.


With more than 42,000 fans in attendance roaring their approval, the two legends went at it again from start to finish. There were lots of close rounds with frenzied flourishes at the end of each. The thrilling 12ї round is considered a classic as both boxers were told they needed it to win. At the finish, one judge scoring it for Eubank, 115-113, one judge gave it to Benn by the identical score while the third judge had it 114-114.

Hamed vs. Джонсон
– Feb. 8, 1997, New London Arena, Лондон, Англія

The undefeated WBO Champion Hamed unified the featherweight division with an eighth-round TKO over respected longtime IBF titlist, Том «Бум-Бум» Джонсон. Hamed dominated Johnson, who was making his 12ї defense, from the third round on, scoring the bout’s lone knockdown with a huge uppercut in the eighth. Hamed was ahead by 69-63, 69-64 і 69-65 when it was stopped at2:27 раунду.


Four starts later, Hamed won his United States debut with a wild fourth-round knockout over Kelly, a former WBC Champion, в Медісон-Сквер-Гарден.


Hatton vs. Цзю – червень 4, 2005, M.E.N. Арена, Манчестер, Англія
The largely unproven but hungry Hatton scored one of the most sizeable stunners in British history and announced his entry to the upper echelons of the world boxing scene by recording an 11ї-round TKO over Tszyu for the unified IBF, Ring and lineal light-welterweight titles.


This is regarded as the signature performance in Hatton’s career; the stamina, aggression and heart he displayed is now legendary. A massive underdog against a dominant, feared champion and one of the world’s top фунт-для-фунта боксери, Hatton won when Tszyu failed to answer the bell for the 12th round. Після 11, Hatton was ahead by 107-102, 106-103 і 105-104.

Calzaghe vs. Lacy – March 4, 2006, M.E.N. Арена, Манчестер, Англія
In the most important and anticipated super middleweight match since Рой Джонс переможений Джеймс Тоні в 1994, Calzaghe produced a masterpiece and the performance of his career, thoroughly overwhelming the previously unbeaten IBF kingpin Lacy. It was a Brit Beatdown at its brutal best, a wipeout from the outset. Calzaghe cut Lacy over both eyes and caused blood to flow from Lacy’s nose midway through a fight that could have been stopped several times, and floored him in the 12th.

By impressively prevailing over Lacy, Calzaghe also earned the The КільцеЧемпіонат, becoming the first super middleweight to be recognized as world champion by The Ring.

Froch vs. Тейлор – April 25, 2009, Foxwoods Resort Casino in Foxwoods, Коннектикут.
Froch registered one of the most dramatic finishes to a world title fight sinceХуліо Сезар Чавес-, behind on points, зупинився Мелдрік Тейлор two seconds from the end of the 12th round in 1990.

Фроч, making his second U.S. start and initial defense of the WBC title, survived a third-round knockdown – the first of his career, amateur and pro – to finish Taylor with 14 seconds left.


Froch hurt and staggered Taylor with a cracking right hand just over a minute into the 12th. Desperate to get the knockout, he continued to belt Taylor all over the ring. With about 90 seconds left, Taylor went down from a barrage of head shots. He barely arose at nine with 0:29 remaining but had no defense for an ensuing barrage of damaging blows.


(The British Invasion/Boxer Capsules)


Chris Eubank (45-5-2, 23 КО), of Brighton, Англія, was one of the top British super middles of all-time; he was responsible for helping British boxing ride a peak of popularity in the 1990s. After winning the WBO 160-pound title by stopping Benn and making three subsequent defenses , Eubank moved up to 168, captured the WBO crown and retained it 14 раз (12-0-2) over a five-year-period. One of the draws came against WBC champion Benn in world title unification in their rematch in October 1993.


Nigel “Dark Destroyer” Benn (42-5-1, 35 КО), of West Ham, Англія, went pro in January 1997 і виграв свій перший 22 fights by knockout. He took the WBO 160-pound belt with an eighth-round TKO over Doug DeWitt квітня 29, 1990, в Атлантік-Сіті. In his first defense, he stunned the boxing world by scoring a devastating TKO 1 over former middleweight world champion Barkley on Aug. 18, 1990. In his next outing, Benn fought Eubank the first time. He captured the WBC 168-belt in October 1992 and made nine successful defenses.


Naseem Hamed (36-1, 31 КО), Шеффілда, Англія, was a global superstar. He was known, loved, despised and acclaimed as one of the greatest British pound for pound boxers of all time. He was known for his marvelous movement and entertaining, albeit unconventional antics. He held multiple world championships at напівлегка вага and made 16 consecutive featherweight world title defenses. He was considered the linear world champ at 126 pounds for five years (1995-2000) and was The Ring Magazine’s No. 1 Featherweight Fighter from 1997‑2000.


Ricky “The Hitman” Hatton (45-3, 32 КО) Манчестера, Англія, is viewed by many as the No. 1 British 140-pounder of all time. Він був 2005 КільцеMagazine Fighter of the Year, the first British boxer to receive the award since its inception in 1928. He was also the 2005 ESPN and Асоціація письменників боксу Америки Винищувач року. During his15-year career (1997-2012), he held various world titles at junior welterweight and one at напівсередній. He reached the pinnacle of his profession in June 2005 when he upset Tszyu to seize the unified IBF, Ring and lineal 140-pound titles.

Джо Кальзаге (46-0, 32 КО) is the longest-reigning super middleweight world champion in history, having held the WBO title for more than 10 years and making 21 successful defenses before relinquishing it to move up to light heavyweight. As his reins at 168 і 175 pounds overlapped, he retired with the longest continual time as world champion of any active fighter. Calzaghe annihilated IBF Super Middleweight Champion Jeff “Left Hook” Lacy to become world super middleweight champion on March 4, 2006. He held the WBA, WBC, IBF, WBO, Кільце magazine і lineal в суперсередній Назви, as well as The Кільце напівважку вагу назва.
Carl “The Cobra” Froch (33-2, 24 КО), of Nottingham, Англія, was a four-time в суперсередній world champion who possessed an aggressive, стиль, toughness and granite chin. Froch won the WBC crown twice and was the WBA titleholder from 2013-2015 і IBF champion from 2012-2015. В 2013, the BBC listed him as the best British pound-for-pound boxer.


One outing after Froch captured the WBC belt with a triumph over Жан Паскальв травні 2008, he rattled the boxing world by producing one of the most remarkable comebacks in history. Rallying from an early knockdown and a four-point deficit on two of the scorecards entering the final round, Froch came on to batter former undisputed middleweight champion Джермейн Тейлор senseless and knock him out at 2:46 з 12ї квітня 25, 2009. Через кілька місяців, Froch entered the Super Six World Boxing Classic on SHOWTIME, where he got the only two defeats of his career, losing decisions to Mikkel Kessler, іАндре Уорд in the finals.


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Lippe-Morrison to make TV debut against Latimore September 23

Талса, ДОБРЕ (Серпня 27, 2016) – Heavyweight sensation Trey Lippe-Morrison makes his highly anticipated TV debut when he faces fellow unbeaten Ed Latimore as part of a quadruple header on ShoBox: Нове покоління П'ятниця, Вересень 23 на 10 PM ET live from the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, ДОБРЕ.
Living and fighting out of Tulsa, ДОБРЕ, Lippe-Morrison’s 11-0 з усіма його перемогами приходять нокаутом. A member of Holden Productions’ Four State Franchise, the 26-year-old power punching phenom has been out of the ring since January after suffering a hand injury. Under the watchful eye of 7-time BWAA Trainer of the Year Freddie Roach, Lippe-Morrison’s working hard daily towards his goal to become the heavyweight champion of the world like his late father Tommy.
Latimore, 13-0 (7 КО), is without question the toughest opponent of Lippe-Morrison’s career. Fighting out of the Steel City Pittsburgh, Пенсільванія, Latimore is fresh off a Липня 15 victory over Juan Goode. Known by his moniker “Black Magic,” Latimore is a former Pennsylvania Golden Gloves, National PAL and Ringside Champion. He also owns amateur victories over 2012 Olympian Dominic Breazeale and former IBF heavyweight kingpin Charles Martin.
"This is a definite step up for Trey but these are the kinds of opponents we need to be fighting on TV,” said Lippe-Morrison’s promoter Tony Holden. “Trey has improved his boxing ability tremendously under Freddie Roach and has dynamic power. У той же час, Latimore is here to spoil the party and was a very good amateur prior to his current run as an unbeaten professional. The fans at the Buffalo Run, where Trey is a favorite, and everybody watching on Showtime are in for exciting fight between two unbeaten heavyweights on the way up, which is a rarity these days.”
Lippe-Morrison and Latimore meet over six rounds.
Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk, 11-0 (10 КО), puts his perfect record on the line against an opponent to be named in a ten round junior welterweight bout. Baranchyk, who scored back to back first round knockouts on ShoBox at the Buffalo Run, is the newest member of the Four State Franchise.
In a ten round light heavyweight affair, “Notorious” Travis Peterkin, 16-0-1 (7 КО), travels from Brooklyn, NY to face once-beaten contender Radivoje “Hot Rod” Kalajdzic, 21-1 (14 КО), Св. Петербург, Флорида.
Rounding out the televised portion of the card is fellow Brooklyn-based Russian Ivan “The Volk” Golub, who risks his 12-0 ledger against an opponent TBA over ten rounds in the welterweight division.
The card is promoted by Holden Productions in association with DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions Inc. Квитки, починаючи з $35 are on sale now by logging onto HTTP://www.stubwire.com/event/shoboxthenewgeneration/buffaloruncasino/miami/13276 or calling the Buffalo Run Box Office at 918-542-7140.