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Stakes Raised in Rematch Between Peter Queally & Patricky Pitbull as Newly Vacated Lightweight World Title Now up for Grabs in Main Event of BELLATOR MMA 270 noyabrın. 5


Təsvir avtomatik olaraq yaradıldı
DUBLIN – It was announced today that former two-division champion Patricio "Pitbull" has made the decision to relinquish his BELLATOR Lightweight World Championship. Nəticə olaraq, BELLATOR MMA President Scott Coker confirmed that the hotly anticipated rematch between Waterford, İrlandiya Peter “The Showstopper” Queally (13-5-1) və Patricky “Pitbull” (23-10) will be elevated to the main event of Bellator 270 with the newly vacated 155-pound world title on the line.

BELLATOR MMA 270: Queally vs. Pitbull 2 takes place at the 3Arena in Dublin, İrlandiya, on Friday November 5ci.

Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, the main card action will air live on SHOWTIME at 5 dək. ET/2 p.m. PT. BELLATOR fans in Ireland can watch the eagerly anticipated event on both Virgin Media Two and Virgin Media Sport, whilst UK fight fans can watch the event live on BBC iPlayer.

The preliminary card will stream live beginning at 2 dək. ET/11 a.m. BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalındakı PT, SHOWTIME İdman YouTube kanalı və Pluto TV.

BELLATOR’s return to the Irish capital will be co-headlined by an explosive bantamweight fight between two grappling wizards in No. 6 inteqrasiya James “The Strabanimal” Gallagher (11-1) and the No. 2 inteqrasiya Patchy Mix (14-1).

Biletləri Bellator 270: Queally vs. Pitbull 2 are on sale now and can be purchased online from Ticketmaster.ieBellator.com.

Also announced today – heavyweight hostilities featuring Gokhan Saricam (5-1) və Rob Beech (5-2) has been added to the preliminary card. Please find an updated bout listing below:

BELLATOR MMA 270: Queally vs. Pitbull 2 MainCard:
SHOWTIME (ABŞ) / BBC iPlayer (Böyük Britaniya) / Virgin Media Two & Virgin Media Sport (IRELAND)
Cümə, Oktyabr 1 - 9 dək. GMT/5 p.m. ET/2 p.m. PT

Yüngül Dünya Baş Tədbiri: #4-Peter Queally (13-5-1) vs. #1-Patricky “Pitbull” (23-10)
Bantamweight Co-Main Event: #6-James Gallagher (11-1) vs. #2-Patrick Mix (14-1)
Middleweight Bout: #6-Charlie Ward (9-4) vs. #9-Nobert Novenyi Jr. (5-0)
Featherweight Bout: #6-Daniel Weichel (41-6) vs. #7-Pedro Carvalho (11-5)

İlkin Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalı | SHOWTIME İdman YouTube kanalı | Pluton TV (ABŞ)
BBC iPlayer (Böyük Britaniya) | Virgin Media Two & Virgin Media Sport (IRELAND)
6 dək. GMT/2 p.m. ET/11 a.m. PT

Featherweight Bout: Ciaran Clarke (3-0) vs. Jordan Barton (6-1-1)
Featherweight Bout:Ilias Bulaid (2-0) vs. Georges Sasu (5-2)
Welter Bout: Ashley Reece (8-2) vs. Luca Poclit (6-1)
Yüngül Bout: Daniele Scatizzmən (10-5) vs. Brian Hooi (16-8, 1 NC)
Light ağır Bout: Lee Chadwick (26-15-1) vs. Arunas Andriuskevicus (15-4)
Ağır Bout: Gokhan Saricam(5-1) vs. Rob Beech (5-2)
Welter Bout:Nicolò Solli (3-1) vs. Bobby Pallett (5-0)
Strawweight Bout: Danni Neilan (4-0) vs. Audrey Kerouche (7-5, 2 NC)
Featherweight Bout: Junior Morgan (3-0) vs. Darragh Kelly (Pro Debut)
Welter Bout:Stephen Costello (Pro Debut) vs. Joe Nazokatov (Pro Debut)


*dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Müraciət edin Bellator.com Əlavə məlumat üçün.

BELLATOR tədbirlərinin cədvəli yeniləndi
Sat. Oct. 16 // Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal // Ayaq izi Mərkəzi // Phoenix, THE
Sat. Oct. 23 // Bellator 269: Fedor vs. Johnson // VTB Arena // Moskva, Rusiya
Pulsuz. Nov. 5 // Bellator 270: Gallagher vs. Qarışdırın // 3Arena // Dublin, İrlandiya
Pulsuz. Nov. 12 // Bellator 271: Cyborg vs. Kavanagh // Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino // Hollywood, FL


BELLATOR haqqında
BELLATOR MMA dünyanın bir çox ən yaxşı döyüşçülərini özündə cəmləşdirən qabaqcıl bir qarışıq döyüş növü təşkilatıdır. Veteran mübarizə Promoter Scott Coker rəhbərliyi altında, BELLATOR hadisələri dünyanın böyük şəhərlərində baş verir və onları televiziyada görmək olar 160 bir milyarddan çox insanın mövcud auditoriyasına ölkələr. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, BELLATOR SHOWTIME-də görünə bilər. BELLATOR, televiziya istehsalında yüksək səviyyəli mütəxəssisləri əhatə edən bir icraçı komandadan ibarətdir, canlı hadisə orkestrovka, qırıcı inkişaf / münasibətlər, yeri satınalma, sponsorluq yaradılması / inkişaf, beynəlxalq lisenziya, marketinq, reklam, aşkarlıq və komissiya əlaqələr. BELLATOR Hollivudda yerləşir, Calif. və əyləncə nəhəngi ViacomCBS-ə məxsusdur, televiziya arasında çekici content vasitəsilə auditoriya ilə əlaqə dünyanın ilk əyləncə markaları ev, kinofilm, online və mobil platformalar.

CANELO VLVAREZ VS. CALEB PLANT LOS ANGELES BASIN KONFERANSI İQTİBADI & ŞƏKİLLƏR – Mübahisəsiz Super Orta çəki Çempionatında Showdown Başlıqları SHOWTIME PPV® Şənbə günü Canlı yayımlanır, Noyabr 6 Las Vegasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada


(Şəkil kredit: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)

Pound-for-Pound King Canelo Alvarez və məğlubedilməz çempion Kaleb Plant, Şənbə günü mübahisəsiz Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionatına baxarkən zərbə vurdular., Noyabr 6 SHOWTIME PPV-də® Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları Tədbirində

Basın HERE Amanda Westcott / Showtime şəkillər üçün®

Basın HERE Nabeel Əhməd şəkillər üçün /
Premier Boks Çempionlar

Basın HERE Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions-dan fotolar üçün

LOS ANGELES (Sentyabr 21, 2021) - Boksun konsensusu №. 1 funt üçün funt qırıcı, Meksikalı super ulduz və vahid WBA/WBC/WBO Super Orta Çəki Dünya Çempionu Kanelo Alvares və məğlubedilməz IBF Super Orta Çəkisi Dünya Çempionu Caleb "Sweethands" Zavodu Çərşənbə axşamı günü onların tarixi və çoxdan gözlənilən mübahisəsiz super orta çəki çempionluğu yarışına baxan mətbuat konfransında mübahisəyə çevrilən sıx baxışlar üçün görüşdülər..

Tədbirə başlayan uzunmüddətli üz-üzə gəlmə zamanı, Müvafiq komandalar döyüşçüləri ayırmaq üçün səhnəyə qaçmazdan əvvəl döyüşçülər bir-birini əvəzlədi və baxışlı zərbələr endirdi., altı həftədən çox vaxt ərzində döyüş gecəsində zirvəyə çatacaq rəqabəti gücləndirir.

Kanelo və Plant şənbə günü döyüşəcək, Noyabr 6, Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada Premyer Boks Çempionları tədbirində SHOWTIME PPV-də canlı yayımlayın, qalib dörd kəmər dövrünün ilk mübahisəsiz 168 kiloluq dünya çempionu kimi tarix kitablarına adını yazdırdı..

Canlı tədbirin biletləri hazırda satışdadır və onları buradan əldə etmək olar AXS.com. Tədbir Canelo Promotions və TGB Promotions tərəfindən təşviq edilir və Hennessy və Value tərəfindən sponsorluq edilir..

Eddi Reynoso, Canelonun məşqçisi və meneceri, və Justin Gamber, Zavodun məşqçisi, Beverli Hillsdə keçirilən tədbirdə döyüşçülərinə səhnəyə çıxdılar. Çərşənbə axşamı mətbuat konfransı iştirakçılarının dedikləri budur:

Kanelo Alvares

“Siz mənim səviyyəmdə deyilsiniz və noyabrda görəcəksiniz 6. İndi döyüşmək istəmirsən, Mən sizə söz verirəm.

“Biz yoxdan gəlmişik və burada olmaq üçün çox çalışdıq. Kiminsə bizim haqqımızda yalan danışması üçün, Eddini incitdi. Baxmayaraq ki, budur. Sadəcə olaraq noyabrda hamıya kim olduğumuzu göstərməliyik 6.

“Kalib Billy Joe Saunders və Callum Smith ilə eyni səviyyədə ola bilər, amma o mənim səviyyəmdə deyil. Mən onun geri çəkilmək üçün burada olmadığına hörmət edirəm. Bu gündən görürsən ki, bu, mütləq yaxşı döyüş olacaq.

“Mən nə etməli olduğumu bilirəm və onun haqqında çox şey bilirəm. O, yaxşı döyüşçüdür, amma bacarıqlarımı bilirəm. Təcrübəm döyüşdə mənə üstünlük verəcək. Floyd Mayweather-ə qarşı Caleb-in oxşar üslubları ilə qarşılaşdım, Erislandy Lara, Austin Trout və Saunders.

"O, özünə güvənməyən bir insandır və buna görə də bir çox şeylər haqqında çoxlu bəhanələrlə gəldi.. Baxmayaraq ki, buna əhəmiyyət vermirəm. Noyabrda əlimdən gələni edəcəyəm 6 və mübarizəni qazan.

“Şübhəsiz olmaq Meksika və komandamdakı hər kəs üçün tarixdir. Şübhəsiz çempion olmaq karyeram üçün sadəcə böyük bir şeydir.

Səhnədəki davada: “Mənə nə istəsən deyə bilərsən, amma anama yox. Anam haqqında nəsə deyən hər kəslə döyüşəcəm. Və əvvəlcə yelləndi. Mən sadəcə onu itələdim. Əvvəlcə yelləndi, və mən etdiyimi edirəm. O, xətti keçdi.

“Səkkiz və ya daha az raunddan sonra bitəcək. Bu adamı nokaut edəcəm. Asan.”


“Mən yalnız bir şeyi insanların haqlı olduğunu sübut etməkdən daha yaxşı bilirəm, və bu insanların yanlış olduğunu sübut edir. Mən bütün həyatım boyu bunu etmişəm. Mən səhnəyə çıxan kimi, insanlar nəyi bacara bilmədiyimi və nəyi edə bilməyəcəyim barədə danışmağa başladılar. Mən gələn harada, boks cəmiyyəti yoxdur. Baxıb deyə biləcəyim başqa bir mütəxəssis yox idi ki, əgər o bunu bacarırsa, onda mən bacararam. Məndə yalnız ağlım və ürəyim var idi.

“Mən bunu məşhur olmaq və ya diqqət çəkmək üçün etmirəm. İlk başladığım zaman, sadəcə mən və atam idi. Heç kim bu gün burada dayanacağımı düşünmürdü. Onu xatırlayıram və babam kiçik bir boks idman zalı açmaq üçün bir az pul yığmışdı.. Küncdə sadəcə bir ağır çanta asılmışdı. Ancaq həqiqətən bir şey istəyəndə, bütün bəzəkli şeylərə ehtiyacınız yoxdur. Sizə sadəcə ağlınız və ürəyiniz lazımdır.

“Mən bilirəm ki, noyabrda qalib gəldiyimi deyəndə insanlar mənə inanmırlar 6. Mənə bir şey edə bilməyəcəyimi söyləyən bütün insanlar, inandırıcı həyat yaşayırsan və inandırıcı işlər görürsən. Özümə söz verdim ki, bu yolu zirvəyə çatdıracağam, yol boyu şaqqıltı və yanma problemi olmadan. İnanılmaz bir həyat sürmək və inanılmaz şeylərə nail olmaq üçün yola çıxdım. Məndən şübhələnən insanlar mənim burada olmağıma səbəbdir.

“Migel Kottonun qardaşı sənə toyuq rəqsini etdirə bilər, amma mən bacarmıram? Əvət. Sözlərimi qeyd edin, Noyabrda 6 sözləri eşidəcəksiniz, "Və super orta çəkidə yeni mübahisəsiz çempion,' amma sözləri də eşidəcəksiniz, 'və hələ də məğlubiyyətsiz.'

“Mübahisəsiz olmaq çox şey deməkdir. Mən bu idmana çox qurban vermişəm və uzun müddətdir ki, bununla məşğulam. Bütün bu işlər bir anda aşağı düşəcək. Mən adımın o tarix kitablarında olmasını istəyirəm və burada olmağımın yeganə səbəbi budur.

Səhnədəki davada: “Sadəcə orda bir qədər normal şakalarımız oldu və sonra nə oldu, baş verdi. Baxmayaraq ki, bu məni narahat etmir. Diqqətimi cəmləmişəm və noyabrın 6-da bağlanmışam”.

EDDY REYNOSO, Canelonun məşqçisi və meneceri

“Düşünürəm ki, bu, əla döyüş olacaq, 168 kiloluq bölməni birləşdirdiyimiz yerlərdən biri. Hər döyüşdə etdiyimiz kimi, idman zalında çox çalışacağıq. İdman zalında həmişə çox çalışmışıq.

“Bu gün işlərin necə getdiyinə görə bir az üzüldüm, amma sonda noyabrda rinqdə hər şeyi həll edəcəyik 6.

“Bizi ən çox incidən təhqiramiz dildir. Biz hörmətli insanlarıq, və biz başımızı dik tutaraq bundan irəli gedirik. İndi yaxşı məşq edəcəyik, mübarizəni qazan və bundan sonra nə olacağını gör.

“Sosial mediada bir çox şeylər danışan, lakin sonra görünməyən çox insan var. Bəziləri bütöv bir ölkəni və onun ölkəsini təmsil edən böyük idmançını sıradan çıxarmaq istəyir. Çox zibil danışırlar. Buna baxmayaraq çox çalışmaq lazımdır. Bizim qədər çox çalışmaq üçün cəsarətli olmaq lazımdır”.

JUSTIN GAMBER, Bitki Təlimçisi

“Bizə inandığına və istədiyimiz döyüşü və tarix yazmaq fürsətini əldə etdiyinə görə bütün komandamıza təşəkkür etmək istəyirəm.. Bu qan təri və göz yaşı idi, eynən, bura çatmaq üçün. Uzun bir səyahət oldu. Bu mübarizə pulla bağlı deyil, miras haqqındadır.

"In 1996, 15 yaşım olanda, Ən sevdiyim döyüşçü IBF Super Orta Çəkisi üzrə Dünya Çempionu Roy Jones Jr idi. O vaxt hər bir azarkeş 168 funt sterlinqdə mübahisəsiz çempion olmaq istəyirdi və indi mən IBF çempionunu məşq edirəm və biz bütün mərmərlər üçün mübarizə aparacağıq..

“Noyabrda uyğunlaşın 6 və siz dünyanın ilk mübahisəsiz super orta çəki çempionunu görəcəksiniz və o, Tennessidəndir. Bu gün bu mətbuat konfransında baş verən hər şey bizi hərəkətə keçirəcək və bizə daha çox aclıq verəcək.

TOM BROWN, TGB Promotions Prezidenti

“Bir neçə cəhd lazım oldu, amma bu gün noyabrda super orta çəkidə mübahisəsiz çempionatla qarşılaşırıq 6. Bu tədbir üçün SHOWTIME-da şəbəkə tərəfdaşlarımızla işləmək həqiqətən xoşdur. SHOWTIME idmanın ən böyük və ən mühüm hadisələrində iştirak etmək üçün uzun bir tarixə malikdir və bu mübarizə ilə davam edir..

“Pound-for-funt kralı Canelo Alvarez ilə işləmək şərəfdir, Eddy Reynoso və Canelo Promosyonları olan hər kəs. Mən də Plant komandasında hər kəslə işləməyə qayıtdığım üçün çox şadam. Mən Caleb-in pro debütünü təbliğ etdim 2014 və onu bu gün burada bu vəzifədə görmək çox gözəldir.

“Kanelo üç titulun sahibidir, Kaleb isə 168 funt-sterlinq divizionunda dördüncü titulun sahibidir. Onlar dörd kəmər dövründə ilk mübahisəsiz çempion olmaq üçün mübarizə aparacaqlar. Noyabrda tarix yazılacaq 6 Las Veqasdakı MGM Grand Garden Arenada.

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezident, SHOWTIME İdman

“2021 SHOWTIME Boxing üçün fenomenal il oldu. Bu, son yaddaşımızda ən məhsuldar illərdən biridir. SHOWTIME təqdim etdi 17 bu il canlı boks hadisələri, daha bir neçə ilə. Səkkiz dünya çempionatında döyüş, çoxlu dünya titullarının birləşmələri və indi mübahisəsiz titul uğrunda iki döyüş SHOWTIME üçün çox yaxşı il kimi SHOWTIME üçün əla bir il olur. SHOWTIME böyük döyüşlərin evidir. Bu, boksda ən etibarlı və ən uzunmüddətli şəbəkədir. Boks idmanına daha mənalı və ya daha əhəmiyyətli öhdəlik götürən başqa heç bir şəbəkə yoxdur. Biz boksun ən böyük və ən yaxşı döyüşlərinin vətəniyik.

“Biz Canelo Alvaresi SHOWTIME-da salamlamaqdan qürur duyuruq. Biz həmçinin Caleb Plant-ı SHOWTIME debütü üçün salamlayırıq. Demək olar ki, doqquz il əvvəl - sentyabr idi 15, 2012 – Kanelo SHOWTIME-da Josesito Lopezə qarşı həyəcanlı döyüşdə debüt etdi.. Doqquz il uzun müddətdir. Bu, çox gənc bir Kanelo Alvares və çox gənc Eddy Reynoso idi. Bu, Canelonun hazır olduğunu nümayiş etdirdiyi təsirli döyüşlər seriyasına başladı, mövcud olan ən çətin döyüşləri aparmaq arzusu və tələbi. Birlikdə geri 2013, biz o vaxt bütün zamanların ən böyük baxış başına ödəniş rekordu qoyduq, çünki biz Canelonu boksun ən yeni baxış başına ödənişli ulduzu kimi təqdim etməyə kömək etdik.. İndi doqquz il sonra, Biz onu bu meqa döyüş üçün yenidən salamlamaqdan qürur duyuruq”.

# # #

Daha çox məlumat üçün www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter @Canelo-da izləyin, @SweetHandsPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, Instagram @Canelo-da @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions, @CalebPlant, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Complete Fight Night Results & Photos For BELLATOR MMA 266: Davis vs. Romero

Şəxsi şəkil, sport

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Complete Event Photos Here – Please Credit: Lucas Noonan / BELLATOR MMA

#3-Phil Davis (23-6) məğlub Yoel romero (13-6) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 28-29, 30-26)

Phil Davis had this to say following his win over Yoel Romero: “Six years ago, I was making my Bellator debut right here in San Jose, and I absolutely forgotit’s one of my biggest mistakes everI forgot to encourage one of my best friends, təlim tərəfdaşlar, roommates at Penn State. He was in the hospital with cancer and I forgot to encourage him. He ended up losing his battle with cancer. Indi, I want to rectify that moment by just saying that my mom and dad, who are tremendous and are everything that I wish a mom and dad could be, are just wonderful. Keçən sentyabr, two weeks before my fight with Lyoto Machida, my mom calls me and tells me she has malignant breast cancer, so she had to go and get that taken care of. Exactly three days later my father told me he had aggressive prostate cancer. Then two weeks later I had to go and fight The Dragon. I really had to dig deep in a number of ways and I just want to say to my Mom and Dadby God’s grace they’re still here, my mother’s in the crowd, my father’s at home staring at the tv cryingI love you guys and I cannot do this without you. You guys are amazing.”

#4-Neiman Gracie (11-2) məğlub Mark Lemminger (12-4) TKO vasitəsilə (punches) at 1:27 Dəyirmi bir

Neiman Gracie made it clear who he wants next: “I don’t need to take people down to win fights anymore. I can do it all, but if I take you down, oh boy. I saw he was putting his head down so I come up with the uppercut. If you keep the fight standing, it’s the hospital. If you go to the ground, it’s the cemetery. There’s a couple guys I want to fight. I want to fight MVP. I’ve been calling this guy out forever and the fight never happens. They always have another excuse. I want my rematch with Jason Jackson… and I want Mr. Yaroslav Amosov,, I have the worst game for him and I believe I’ll be the one to give him his first loss.”

DeAnna Bennett (11-7-1) məğlub #5-Alejandra Lara (9-5) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

DeAnna Bennett after her unanimous decision win: “I can’t describe to you how I’m feeling right now. This place means everything to me. I’m born and raised in the bay area… I’m so glad to be her fighting in this cage for Bellator with all of these fans here. Atam, he’s with me here…He always knew I was gonna fight here and get my hand raised in this building. I wanted that first round finish so bad, but Alejandra, she’s so tough, so tough. You can’t have a good fight with just one person. Both fighters have to be great fighters to put on a good show so half this victory belongs to her for coming into the cage and being a good opponent and being willing to put everything out there just like I did. I felt better in the standup than I did on the ground… honestly a lot of that has been working with my coach here Brian Wright (sp?) Here at Killer Bee. I owe this resurgence in my career to him because he’s really helped me become the fighter, become well-rounded. I’ve had a lot of coaches in the past who’ve been like, “if you don’t get a takedown, you’re not gonna win a fight” well, boom, looks like I just won a fight.“

Saul Rogers (15-4) məğlub Georgi Karakhanyan (31-12-1, 1 NC) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Following the win, Saul Rogers had this to say: “It felt amazing. I’ve been killing myself too long trying to cut down to 145 and now that I’ve moved up, Mən güclü hiss, I feel more dominant. I’m always good at guillotines but tonight, none of those guillotines were even closeI wasn’t in danger. But the knee, he hit me with one clean and then the second got through not as clean and I just tried staying protected. But you as you seen in the fight, I had a big smile on my face. I love that sh*t, you know what I mean? I feel miles better. digər döyüşlərdə, after maybe around two and a half minutes, my hands gassing and I had nothing to carry on then. I controlled him for three rounds and I still feel good to go. Any of these fighters that are on the cusp and are still killing themselves, take it from me, move up, be healthier, be happier, have a longer career. It’s much better.”

Ben Parrish (5-1) defeated#8-Kristian Edvards (5-1) KO vasitəsilə (punches) at 0:38 Dəyirmi bir

Ben Parrish after his shocking knockout of Christian Edwards: “It feels good to shut a lot of people up, man that’s all I will say. I told my boss, Casey, back home, I’ll knock him out with a left hook. What’d I say? Don’t get it twisted, everybody’ll find an excuse to throw salt on me – Ə, that’s not luck, that’s preparation, körpə. If I can’t do it with six months of training, beat him, nobody was gonna beat him.”

İlkin Card:
Alex Polizzi (9-1) məğlub #7-Qrant Neal (6-1) split qərarı ilə (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Anthony Adams (9-2) məğlub Khalid Murtazaliev (15-3) yekdil qərarı ilə (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Bobby Seronio III (1-0) məğlub Socrates Hernandez (0-1) yekdil qərarı ilə (29-27, 29-26, 29-26)
Abraham Esav (6-3, 1 NC) məğlub Albert Gonzales (2-3) KO vasitəsilə (punches) at 2:17 Dəyirmi bir
Shane Keefe (2-0) məğlub Rhalan Gracie (0-3) yekdil qərarı ilə (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Edwin De Los Santos (1-0) məğlub Jon Adams (0-2-1) TKO vasitəsilə (tətillər) at 3:29 Dəyirmi bir
Jesse Delgado (1-0) məğlub Joshua Dillon (1-2) yekdil qərarı ilə (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

Müraciət edin Bellator.com Əlavə məlumat üçün.


BELLATOR haqqında
BELLATOR MMA dünyanın bir çox ən yaxşı döyüşçülərini özündə cəmləşdirən qabaqcıl bir qarışıq döyüş növü təşkilatıdır. Veteran mübarizə Promoter Scott Coker rəhbərliyi altında, BELLATOR hadisələri dünyanın böyük şəhərlərində baş verir və onları televiziyada görmək olar 160 bir milyarddan çox insanın mövcud auditoriyasına ölkələr. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, BELLATOR SHOWTIME-də görünə bilər. BELLATOR, televiziya istehsalında yüksək səviyyəli mütəxəssisləri əhatə edən bir icraçı komandadan ibarətdir, canlı hadisə orkestrovka, qırıcı inkişaf / münasibətlər, yeri satınalma, sponsorluq yaradılması / inkişaf, beynəlxalq lisenziya, marketinq, reklam, təbliğat, və komissiya əlaqələri. BELLATOR Hollivudda yerləşir, Calif. və əyləncə nəhəngi ViacomCBS-ə məxsusdur, televiziya arasında çekici content vasitəsilə auditoriya ilə əlaqə dünyanın ilk əyləncə markaları ev, kinofilm, online və mobil platformalar.

SHOWTIME haqqında
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc şirkətinin tamamilə iştirak etdiyi, premium xidmət SHOWTIME-ə sahibdir və işləyir®, tənqidçilər tərəfindən bəyənilən orijinal seriallara malikdir, təxribatçı sənədli filmlər, kassa hit filmləri, komediya və musiqi xüsusi və ağır idman. SHOWTIME, bütün əsas axın cihazları və Showtime.com arasında müstəqil bir yayım xidməti olaraq mövcuddur, habelə kabel vasitəsilə, DBS, telekommunikasiya və video təminatçıları. SNI eyni zamanda premium xidmətlər THE FİLM KANALINI idarə edir və FLIX®, hər üç markanın tələb olunan versiyaları. SNI bazarlarda və Showtime PPV vasitəsilə pay-başı-view əsasında abunəçilərinə sərgi üçün idman və əyləncə hadisələr paylayır®. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, getmək www.SHO.com.

Julius Anglickas Gets Chance of a Lifetime as the Grand Prix Alternate Replaces ‘RumbleJohnson in BELLATOR 268 Main Event Against World Champion Vadim Nemkov on Oct. 16

A group of men

Description automatically generated with medium confidence
See tonight’s video of the announcement here

LOS ANGELES – A previously announced BELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Championship bout between Vadim Nemkov (14-2) və Anthony "Rumble" Johnson has been cancelled following the news that “Rumble” has been forced to withdraw from the bout due to an undisclosed illness.

Nəticə olaraq, official BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix alternate Julius Anglickas (10-1) has been called upon to fill-in for Johnson in the semifinal bout and will now challenge defending champion Nemkov on Saturday, Oct. 16 əsas hadisə Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal at the Footprint Center in Phoenix.

After earning the distinction of alternate in BELLATOR MMA’s Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix following a victory over Gregory Milliard at Bellator 257, the 30-year-old Lithuanian will now have the golden opportunity to showcase his skills on MMA’s biggest stage, win BELLATOR gold and move to the grand prix finals. Anglickas’ original opponent No. 10 ranked light heavyweight Karl Albrektsson (12-3) will now meet Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (18-6-1) during the preliminary card. Da, a bantamweight tilt between undefeated Jaylon Bates (3-0) və Raphael Montini de Lima (6-4, 1 NC) is official, along with a welterweight bout pitting Mukhamed Berkhamov (14-0) qarşı Jaleel Willis (15-2).

BELLATOR MMA: Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Semifinals will be telecast live on SHOWTIME at 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT. Doketin ilkin hissəsi BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalında canlı yayımlanacaq, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at 7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT. The card features a second grand prix semifinal between current BELLATOR Heavyweight World Champion Ryan Bader (28-6) və No. 2 ranked 205-pounder Corey Anderson (15-5)

Undefeated since joining forces with the Scott Coker-led promotion in 2019, the Anglickas has emerged as the No. 5 ranked fighter in the promotion’s stacked 205-pound weight class. Holding a professional record of 10-1 and currently sporting a nine-fight winning streak that began in 2016, the 30-year-old powerhouse is now in the running for the million-dollar grand prix prize. Team Fedor’s Vadim Nemkov most recently went five hard rounds with former champion Phil Davis, earning a unanimous decision victory en route to punching his ticket to the semifinals. Nemkov has been perfect in BELLATOR to this point, winning all six of his contests including three knockouts and a submission.

Updated schedule of BELLATOR MMA events
Pulsuz. Oct. 1 // Bellator 267: Lima vs. MVP 2 //SSE Arena, Wembley // London, İngiltərə
Sat. Oct. 16 // Bellator 268: Nemkov vs. Anglickas // Ayaq izi Mərkəzi // Phoenix, THE
Sat. Oct. 23 // Bellator 269: Fedor vs. Johnson // VTB Arena // Moskva, Rusiya
Pulsuz. Nov. 5 // Bellator 270: Gallagher vs. Qarışdırın // 3Arena // Dublin, İrlandiya

Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal Əsas Card:
10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT

Light Heavyweight World Title Main Event: C-Vadim Nemkov (14-2) vs. #5-Julius Anglickas (10-1)
Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Semifinal Bout: #1-Ryan Bader (28-6, 1 NC) vs. #2-Corey Anderson (15-5)
Yüngül Bout: #3-Benson Henderson (28-10) vs. Brent Primus (10-2)
Featherweight Bout: Henry Corrales (18-6) vs. Vladyslav Parubchenko (16-2)

İlkin Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalı | SHOWTIME İdman YouTube kanalı | Pluton TV
7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT

Light ağır Bout: #10-Karl Albrektsson (12-3) vs. Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (18-6-1)
Bantamweight Bout: Erik Perez (20-8) vs. Brett Johns (17-3)
Light ağır Bout: Sullivan Cauley (1-0) vs. Deon Clash (1-0)
Yüngül Bout: Nick Browne (11-1) vs. Bobby Lee (12-6)
Middleweight Bout: Javier Torres (11-5, 1 NC) vs. Gregory Milliard (12-6)
Qadın Flyweight Bout: Sumiko Inaba (2-0) vs. Randi Field (2-0)
Yüngül Bout: Lance Gibson Jr. (4-0) vs. Raymond Pina (9-4)
Bantamweight Bout: Jaylon Bates (3-0) vs. Raphael Montini de Lima (6-4, 1 NC)
Welter Bout: Mukhamed Berkhamov (14-0) vs. Jaleel Willis (15-2)
Amateur Strawweight Bout: Maria Henderson (1-0) vs. Collette Santiago (0-1)

*dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Müraciət edin Bellator.com Əlavə məlumat üçün.


LAS VEGAS– Sentyabr 16, 2021 – Undefeated 122-pound world champions are set for a unification clash as WBC championBrandon “Heartbreaker” Figueroaand WBO championStephen “Cool Boy Steph” Fulton Jr.will battle in the SHOWTIME main event Saturday, Noyabr 27 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from Park Theater at Park MGM in Las Vegas.

Figueroa and Fulton were originally scheduled to face each other on Saturday, Sentyabr 18, before the fight was pushed back due to a positive COVID-19 test for Figueroa.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® da başlayacaq veriliş 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT and also features undefeated super bantamweight contenderRa’eese AleemMeksika ilə mübarizə aparırEduardo Baez10 raunddan ibarət əsas yarışda. Opening the telecast, unbeaten rising bantamweight contenderGary Antonio Russelltakes onMexico’sAlejandro Barrios in a 10-round showdown. Tədbir TGB Promotions tərəfindən təbliğ olunur.

Previously purchased tickets will be honored for the rescheduled date with no action needed. Should the guest not be able to attend, a refund for the tickets can be requested through October 17, 2021. Once the refund window is closed, all sales are final.

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Daha çox məlumat üçünwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampion.com, Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing -də, @PremierBoxing və @TGBPromotions və ya Facebook -da bir fan olmaqwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


(Broken Arrow, OK) As part of Showtime’s 20th anniversary season of ShoBox: New Generation, bu cümə, Sentyabr 24, 2021, Salita Promotions will return to one of the most unique fight venues in the United States, outdoors in the City of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma’s arts and entertainment district, for a live tripleheader broadcast featuring six prospects boasting combined records of 72-2-1.

Set in the middle of the scenic city’s town square, in the 10-round bantamweight main event bout, 26-year-old Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn (14-0-1, 8 Kos) will face California’s 24-year-old Saul Sanchez (16-1, 9 Kos). The co-main event will pit undefeated featherweight prospects Jayvon Garnett (10-0, 5 Kos) and Luis Reynaldo Nunez (11-0, 8 Kos) against each other in a ten-round bout and in the opener, Alejandro Guerrero (12-1, 9 Kos) faces the undefeated Otar Eranosyan (9-0, 6 Kos) in an eight-round super featherweight contest.

The event will be Salita Promotions’ second attempt to stage a fight at the outdoor boxing hotbed. Avqust ayında 2019, a Salita event featuring undefeated Uzbek Shohjahon Ergashev had to be moved to the nearby confines of the Central Park Community Center due to rain.

“I am thrilled that Showtime selected Broken Arrow for these boxing matches during ShoBox’s 20th anniversary,” said Broken Arrow Mayor Debra Wimpee. “I can’t think of a better place to showcase these amazing athletes than right here in the beautiful and award-winning Rose District. The atmosphere on Main St. is going to be like nothing we’ve seen before, and I’m excited that a global audience will get to see what we Broken Arrowans have known all along. The Rose District and our citizens are second to none when it comes to celebrating the arts and entertainment.”

Promoter Dmitriy Salita says he’s hopeful this time the weather will cooperate and set the stage for an unforgettable setting for the fights Friday night.

“I am honored to promote the September 24 ShoBox in such a unique outside setting,"dedi Salita. “The City of Broken Arrow have been wonderful hosts and we are happy to be returning for this out-of-the-ordinary ShoBox event. The weather reports are favorable this time and we have a fantastic show lined up with crossroads fights, top to bottom.”

In the unlikely event of inclement weather, the show will once again relocate to Central Park Community Center at 1500 S. Main St.

O’Quinn vs. Sanchez – 10-Round Bantamweight Main Event Bout

Previously rated in the top-ten in the world by the WBO at 115 manat, O’Quinn last fought at 118 pounds in a dominating unanimous decision over Oscar Vasquez in the 250th edition of ShoBox in January 2020. Ranked as the No. 1 amateur bantamweight in the country compiling a record of 130-18 peşəkar dönüş əvvəl 2015, O’Quinn boasts blazing-fast hands and an ability to throw effortless combinations. A fan favorite in his hometown of Detroit, he was busy in 2018 və 2019, winning three times in each year, with five of the six fights taking place in his home state of Michigan.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” said O’Quinn. “I can’t wait to show my talent to the world again. I don’t really know much about him, but he better learn all he can about me. Not that it will help him any. I’m going to win because there are levels to this and he is not on my level. That will be very apparent quickly. I’m a strong force in the bantamweight division. Training is going good but it’s hard. I train hard and fight easy.”

24 yaşlı Sanchez, No sırada olan. 8 by the WBA at 118 manat, is riding a four-fight winning streak. Onun son vaxt, Sanchez made quick work of Frank Gonzalez, knocking him down three times en route to a first-round stoppage. The Pacoima, Calif. native scored an eighth-round stoppage of Brandon Benitez in an entertaining and all-action fight in his ShoBox debut in May 2019. He dropped his next fight, a split decision to Edwin Rodriguez, but rebounded with a unanimous decision over Victor Trejo Garcia to jumpstart his winning streak. Trained by Manny Robles, Sanchez is the younger brother of 19-1 professional featherweight Emilio Sanchez.

“This is the biggest fight of my career on the biggest stage of my career, and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by,” said Sanchez. “I’m going to show everyone watching on SHOWTIME that I belong with the big boys. O’Quinn is a good fighter but I’m going to give him his first loss. I’m at a point in my career where I need to make that turning point to a world title shot, and that time is now.”

Garnett vs. Nunez – 10-Round Super Featherweight Bout

Jayvon Garnett hails from the boxing talent-laden city of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he first put on a pair of boxing gloves at the age of six. He had a stellar amateur career fighting over 110 vaxt, developing his style and sharpening his skills in Ohio’s very competitive amateur boxing scene. The 26-year-old is coming off his career-best professional win, a unanimous decision over the once-beaten Jose Argel in June. Combining exceptional quickness and accuracy with a propensity for power, the 5’3” Garnett stopped five of his first six professional opponents. He has won his last four contests on the scorecards, all unanimously.

“It feels great to be fighting on SHOWTIME,” said Garnett. “I always dreamed of fighting on big platforms, but never dreamed it would be ShoBox for my first TV fight. Mən rəqib haqqında çox bilmirəm, but I will win this fight because I’m smarter. Ring, I’m a boxer and a thinker, but I also have heavy punches. Bu qələbə ilə, I’m going to the next level up the ladder and getting closer to being in the world rankings.”

A decorated amateur in the Dominican Republic, Puerto Plata’s Luis Reynaldo Nunez started boxing at age eight and went on to win a number of national championships as a member of the Dominican national team, including gold in the 2016 Youth Championship. A fan-friendly pressure fighter with heavy hands, Nunez turned professional at 18, passing every test put in front of him in his native country. His unblemished resume includes a unanimous decision over then 20-3-1 Eliezer Aquino and a fourth-round KO over then once-beaten Giovanni Gutierrez.

“I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to be fighting on SHOWTIME,” said the 21-year-old Nunez, who will be fighting outside of the Dominican Republic for the first time. “My opponent is a good fighter but I am here to show him what happens against real competition. Thanks to my team for getting me this opportunity and I look forward to making a splash on national television.”

Guerrero vs. Eranosyan – Eight-Round Lightweight Bout

Houston həyata mübarizə, Texas, Guerrero is a big-punching prospect who will be making his third appearance on ShoBox, looking to improve his record to 2-1 on the prospect development series. He won a closely contested slugfest via majority decision over Jose Angulo in March 2020, but was upset by Abraham Montoya in February. A celebrated amateur who won two junior national titles, the 23-year-old “Pork Chop” has sparred with the likes of world champions Mikey Garcia and Brandon Rios at the famed Garcia Boxing Academy in California.

“Training is going great,” said Guerrero. “I’ve been in shape for two months so now it’s just touching up basic stuff here and there with my technique. I know Eranosyan will be tough, so we’re going in with a strong mind knowing he can fight. I’m training hard because I will have to be more than ready. The guy will not be a walk in the park. But I have a different mentality now. The last fight, I went in with the mentality of ‘I can beat everybody.This one, I have to go in with a smart mind and actually box the guy and use all my skills.”

Reytinq №. 9 by the WBA at 130 manat, Eranosyan was a highly decorated Georgian amateur who has transitioned seamlessly into the paid ranks. The 27-year-old didn’t turn professional until August 2020, but has already fought nine times. Now based in Miami Beach, Fla., “Pitbull” owns two notable fourth-round KOs over the 32-4 Juan Carlos Pena, including in his last time out on August 13. Eranosyan will make his ShoBox debut as he fights for the seventh time in 2021, which also marks his first pro fight outside of Florida.

“I haven’t studied Guerrero too much, but I watched a couple fights and he’s a good fighter with very good punching power and very good stamina,” said Eranosyan. “I’m adding a lot of stamina training and working on my legs for this fight to be ready for him. I don’t know exactly what will happen, but simply I am the best in the division, so I will win.”

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Daha çox məlumat üçün www.sho.com/sports Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing təqib, SHOSports, #ShoBox, və ya Facebook bir fan at olmaq www.Facebook.com/SHOSports

ShoBox haqqında: New Generation
Bu il, the critically acclaimed prospect developmental series, ShoBox: New Generation, celebrates its 20th anniversary on the air as it continues to match top young talent tough. İyul ayında başladığı ildən başlayaraq 2001, the ShoBox philosophy is to televise exciting, izdiham-xoş və rəqabətli oyunları istəyən perspektivləri üçün bir sübut torpaq təmin edərkən bir dünya adı uğrunda mübarizə üçün müəyyən. Artan siyahısına bəzi 84 ShoBox çıxdı və var döyüşçüləri dünya adları daxildir sağlayamayacağını inkişaf etmiş: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams və daha çox.


MƏLƏKLƏR - A pair of elite mixed martial artists meet in the main event of BELLATOR MMA 266 növbəti şənbə, Yeddi. 18 San Jose'deki SAP Mərkəzinin içərisində köhnə 205 kiloluq çempion və Xeyr. 3 inteqrasiya Phil Davis (22-6) MMA super ulduzunu salamlayır Yoel romero (13-5) to the BELLATOR promotion. Əsas kartı BELLATOR MMA 266: Davis vs. Romero SHOWTIME-də canlı yayımlanır 10 dək. VƏ / 7 dək. PT.

Əlavə, the evening features a welterweight co-main event pitting No. 4 inteqrasiya Neiman Gracie (10-2) qarşı Mark Lemminger (12-3) and a women’s flyweight contest between former title challenger #5-Alejandra Lara (9-4) və DeAnna Bennett (10-7-1).

Two additional main card fights have been added with a lightweight fight featuring Georgi Karakhanyan (31-11-1, 1 NC) qarşı Saul Rogers (14-4) and a light heavyweight tilt between No. 10 inteqrasiya Kristian Edvards (4-0) qarşı Ben Parrish (4-1) kicking off the action.

Nine action-packed preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at 7 dək. VƏ / 4 dək. PT. Complete bout listing available below.

Tickets for the event are on sale now at Ticketmaster.comBellator.com.

BELLATOR tədbirlərinin cədvəli yeniləndi
Sat. Yeddi. 18 // Bellator 266: Davis vs. Romero //SAP Mərkəzi // San Jose, BELƏ AS
Pulsuz. Oct. 1 // Bellator 267: Lima vs. MVP 2 //SSE Arena, Wembley // London, İngiltərə
Sat. Oct. 16 // Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal // Ayaq izi Mərkəzi // Phoenix, THE
Sat. Oct. 23 // Bellator 269: Fedor vs. Johnson // VTB Arena // Moskva, Rusiya
Pulsuz. Nov. 5 // Bellator 270: Gallagher vs. Qarışdırın // 3Arena // Dublin, İrlandiya


BELLATOR MMA 266: Davis vs. Romero Əsas Card:
Şənbə, Sentyabr 18 - yaşamaq SHOWTIME
10 dək. VƏ / 7 dək. PT

Yüngül ağır əsas hadisə: #3-Phil Davis (22-6) vs. Yoel romero (13-5)
Welter Bout: #4-Neiman Gracie (10-2) vs. Mark Lemminger (12-3)
flyweight Bout: #5-Alejandra Lara (9-4) vs. DeAnna Bennett (10-7-1)
Yüngül Bout: Georgi Karakhanyan (31-11-1, 1 NC) vs. Saul Rogers (14-4)
Light ağır Bout: #10-Kristian Edvards (4-0) vs. Ben Parrish (4-1)

İlkin Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube Kanalı | SHOWTIME İdman YouTube Kanalı | Pluton TV
7 dək. VƏ / 4 dək. PT

Light ağır Bout: #7-Qrant Neal (6-0) vs. Alex Polizzi (8-1)
Middleweight Bout: Khalid Murtazaliev (15-2) vs. Anthony Adams (8-2)
175-Pound Müqavilə Çəki Bout: Abraham Esav (5-3, 1 NC) vs. Albert Gonzales (2-2)
Bantamweight Bout: Socrates Hernandez (Pro Debut) vs. Pedro Juarez (Pro Debut)
Bantamweight Bout: Bobby Seronio III (Pro Debut) vs. Erin Hunter (Pro Debut)
Welter Bout: Rhalan Gracie (0-2) vs. Shane Keefe (1-0)
160-Pound Müqavilə Çəki Bout: Eddie Abasolo (Pro Debut) vs. Art Hernandez (4-5, 1 NC)
flyweight Bout: Edwin De Los Santos (Pro Debut) vs. Jon Adams (0-1-1)
130-Pound Müqavilə Çəki Bout: Jesse Delgado (Pro Debut) vs. Joshua Dillon (1-1)

*dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Müraciət edin Bellator.com Əlavə məlumat üçün.


BELLATOR haqqında
BELLATOR MMA dünyanın bir çox ən yaxşı döyüşçülərini özündə cəmləşdirən qabaqcıl bir qarışıq döyüş növü təşkilatıdır. Veteran mübarizə Promoter Scott Coker rəhbərliyi altında, BELLATOR hadisələri dünyanın böyük şəhərlərində baş verir və onları televiziyada görmək olar 160 bir milyarddan çox insanın mövcud auditoriyasına ölkələr. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, BELLATOR SHOWTIME-də görünə bilər. BELLATOR, televiziya istehsalında yüksək səviyyəli mütəxəssisləri əhatə edən bir icraçı komandadan ibarətdir, canlı hadisə orkestrovka, qırıcı inkişaf / münasibətlər, yeri satınalma, sponsorluq yaradılması / inkişaf, beynəlxalq lisenziya, marketinq, reklam, aşkarlıq və komissiya əlaqələr. BELLATOR Hollivudda yerləşir, Calif. və əyləncə nəhəngi ViacomCBS-ə məxsusdur, televiziya arasında çekici content vasitəsilə auditoriya ilə əlaqə dünyanın ilk əyləncə markaları ev, kinofilm, online və mobil platformalar.

SHOWTIME haqqında
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc şirkətinin tamamilə iştirak etdiyi, SHOWTIME® premium televiziya şəbəkələrinə sahibdir və idarə edir, FİLM KANALI ™ və FLIX®, və həmçinin TƏLƏB ÜZRƏ GÖSTƏRİŞ vaxtını təklif edir, TƏLƏB ÜZRƏ KİNAL KANALI ™ və TƏLƏB ÜZRƏ FLIX ®, və şəbəkənin identifikasiya xidməti SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. Showtime Digital Inc., SNI -nin tamamilə sahibi olan bir törəmə, SHOWTIME® müstəqil axın xidmətini idarə edir. SHOWTIME hazırda abunəçilər üçün kabel vasitəsilə əlçatandır, DBS, və telekommunikasiya təminatçıları, və Amazon vasitəsilə müstəqil bir yayım xidməti olaraq, Apple®, Google, LG Smart TV, Oculus Gedin, Roku®, Samsung Smart TV, Xbox One və PlayStation®4. İstehlakçılar SHOWTIME-a Amazon’un Prime Video Kanalları vasitəsilə də abunə ola bilərlər, Apple TV Kanalları, AT&T TV İndi, FuboTV, Hulu, Roku kanalı, Sling TV və YouTube TV. Tamaşaçılar həmçinin kompüterlərdə də izləyə bilərlər Showtime.com. SNI SHOWTIME PPV® vasitəsi ilə abunəçilərə izləmə başına ödəniş əsasında sərgi üçün idman və əyləncə tədbirləri təşkil edir və paylayır.. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, getmək www.SHO.com.

Former World Champions Benson Henderson & Brent Primus to Fight During Main Card of BELLATOR 268 Oct haqqında. 16

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LOS ANGELES – The highly anticipated Bellator 268: Light Heavyweight World Grand Semifinals event has become even more stacked, adding a 155-pound bout between two former world champions when No. 3 yüngül sıralanır Benson Henderson (28-10) squares up against Brent Primus (10-2). Əlavə, a featherweight battle pitting Henry Corrales (18-6) qarşı Vladyslav Parubchenko (16-2) is set to kick off the main card action on SHOWTIME live Saturday, Oktyabr 16 at 10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT.

Both semifinal matchups for the BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix will top the card at the Footprint Center, home of the Phoenix Suns and Phoenix Mercury. Light heavyweight World Champion Vadim Nemkov (14-2) defends his world championship against No. 4 inteqrasiya Anthony “Rumble” Johnson (23-6), while current BELLATOR Heavyweight World Champion Ryan Bader (28-6) faces No. 2-ranked light heavyweight Corey Anderson (15-5) ATƏT-əsas hadisə.

Several new preliminary fights have been confirmed as well and are listed below. The preliminary card will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at 7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT.

Former champions collide in the desert, as former UFC and WEC lightweight champion Benson Henderson squares off with former BELLATOR lightweight champion Brent Primus in a 155-pound bout that is sure to produce fireworks. Both men hold black belts in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and have the capability to finish a fight no matter where it goes. Fighting out of Glendale, THE., “Smooth” Benson Henderson fights on his home turf but has a tough test in a Primus who is eager to return to the top of the mountain at 155-pounds.

Hard-vuruş Henry Corrales reintroduces himself to the featherweight ranks, taking on submission guru Vladyslav Parubchenko in the opening bout of the main card. Ilə 13 və onun 18 son yolu ilə gələn professional qələbə, “OK” Corrales steps in the cage with another known finisher, as Parubchenko has finished 14 və onun 16 victories with stoppages. Both fighters are in the mix within a stacked BELLATOR featherweight division, and with a win, either fighter could find themselves making an immediate impact on the 145-pound rankings.

BELLATOR tədbirlərinin cədvəli yeniləndi
Sat. Yeddi. 18 // Bellator 266: Davis vs. Romero //SAP Mərkəzi // San Jose, BELƏ AS
Pulsuz. Oct. 1 // Bellator 267: Lima vs. MVP 2 //SSE Arena, Wembley // London, İngiltərə
Sat. Oct. 16 // Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal // Ayaq izi Mərkəzi // Phoenix, THE
Sat. Oct. 23 // Bellator 269: Fedor vs. Johnson // VTB Arena // Moskva, Rusiya
Pulsuz. Nov. 5 // Bellator 270: Gallagher vs. Qarışdırın // 3Arena // Dublin, İrlandiya

Bellator 268: Yüngül Ağır çəkidə Dünya Qran Prisi Yarımfinal Əsas Card:
10 dək. ET / 7 dək. PT

Light Heavyweight World Title Main Event: C-Vadim Nemkov (14-2) vs. #4-Anthony "Rumble" Johnson (23-6)
Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Semifinal Bout: #1-Ryan Bader (28-6, 1 NC) vs. #2-Corey Anderson (15-5)
Yüngül Bout: #3-Benson Henderson (28-10) vs. Brent Primus (10-2)
Featherweight Bout: Henry Corrales (18-6) vs. Vladyslav Parubchenko (16-2)

İlkin Card:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube kanalı | SHOWTIME İdman YouTube kanalı | Pluton TV
7 dək. ET / 4 dək. PT

Light ağır Bout: #5-Julias Anglickas (10-1) vs. #10-Karl Albrektsson (12-3)
Bantamweight Bout: Erik Perez (20-8) vs. Brett Johns (17-3)
Light ağır Bout: Sullivan Cauley (1-0) vs. Deon Clash (1-0)
Yüngül Bout: Nick Browne (11-1) vs. Bobby Lee (12-6)
Middleweight Bout: Javier Torres (11-5, 1 NC) vs. Gregory Milliard (12-6)
Qadın Flyweight Bout: Sumiko Inaba (2-0) vs. Randi Field (2-0)
Yüngül Bout: Lance Gibson Jr. (4-0) vs. Raymond Pina (9-4)
Amateur Strawweight Bout: Maria Henderson (1-0) vs. Collette Santiago (0-1)

*dəyişiklik Card mövzu.

Müraciət edin Bellator.com Əlavə məlumat üçün.


BELLATOR haqqında
BELLATOR MMA dünyanın bir çox ən yaxşı döyüşçülərini özündə cəmləşdirən qabaqcıl bir qarışıq döyüş növü təşkilatıdır. Veteran mübarizə Promoter Scott Coker rəhbərliyi altında, BELLATOR hadisələri dünyanın böyük şəhərlərində baş verir və onları televiziyada görmək olar 160 bir milyarddan çox insanın mövcud auditoriyasına ölkələr. Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları, BELLATOR SHOWTIME-də görünə bilər. BELLATOR, televiziya istehsalında yüksək səviyyəli mütəxəssisləri əhatə edən bir icraçı komandadan ibarətdir, canlı hadisə orkestrovka, qırıcı inkişaf / münasibətlər, yeri satınalma, sponsorluq yaradılması / inkişaf, beynəlxalq lisenziya, marketinq, reklam, aşkarlıq və komissiya əlaqələr. BELLATOR Hollivudda yerləşir, Calif. və əyləncə nəhəngi ViacomCBS-ə məxsusdur, televiziya arasında çekici content vasitəsilə auditoriya ilə əlaqə dünyanın ilk əyləncə markaları ev, kinofilm, online və mobil platformalar.

SHOWTIME haqqında
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc şirkətinin tamamilə iştirak etdiyi, premium xidmət SHOWTIME-ə sahibdir və işləyir®, tənqidçilər tərəfindən bəyənilən orijinal seriallara malikdir, təxribatçı sənədli filmlər, kassa hit filmləri, komediya və musiqi xüsusi və ağır idman. SHOWTIME, bütün əsas axın cihazları və Showtime.com arasında müstəqil bir yayım xidməti olaraq mövcuddur, habelə kabel vasitəsilə, DBS, telekommunikasiya və video təminatçıları. SNI eyni zamanda premium xidmətlər THE FİLM KANALINI idarə edir və FLIX®, hər üç markanın tələb olunan versiyaları. SNI bazarlarda və Showtime PPV vasitəsilə pay-başı-view əsasında abunəçilərinə sərgi üçün idman və əyləncə hadisələr paylayır®. Daha ətraflı məlumat üçün, getmək www.SHO.com.


“None of his accomplishments matter on Sunday night. I’m sending him into retirement and turning him into a meme,” – Paul

“Jake does all the things to build the fight, but we’re really here now. He’s getting hurt on Sunday,” – Woodley

Renowned Content Creator and Unbeaten Pro Boxer Paul and
Former UFC Champion Woodley Square Off and Preview
SHOWTIME PPV Headliner Taking Place This Sunday, Avqust 29
from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland

Basın HERE Amanda Westcott / Showtime şəkillər üçün

CLEVELAND (Avqust 26, 2021) – Renowned content creator and unbeaten pro boxer Jake “The Problem Child” Paul and former UFC champion Tyron "Chosen One" Woodley went face-to-face and continued their war of words during a heated final press conference as the two fight camps nearly came to blows Thursday before they settle their rivalry in the ring this Sunday, Avqust 29 headlining a SHOWTIME PPV from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland.

Thursday’s press conference also featured the fighters who will be competing on the jam-packed lineup of undercard attractions. Puerto Rican star Amanda "Real Deal" Serrano will defend her featherweight titles against super bantamweight champion Yamileth Mercado in the co-feature of the PPV telecast, olan başlayır 8 dək. ET / 5 dək. PT.

Keçmiş dünya çempionu Ivan Baranchyk returns to take on unbeaten Cleveland-native Montana Love in a 10-round super lightweight fight, while U.K. ulduz Daniel “Dynamite” Dubois Tommy “TNT” Fury make their U.S. debuts in separate bouts, as Dubois faces Juiseppe Angelo Cusumano in a 10-round heavyweight fight, while Fury duels Anthony Taylor altı dəyirmi showdown.

In action taking place prior to the pay-per-view, undefeated Cleveland-native and 2016 U.S. Olimpiyaçı Charles Conwell squares off against unbeaten Juan Carlos Rubio in a 10-round super welterweight tilt.

Başlayan Biletlər $25 are still available via RocketMortgageFieldHouse.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


“When I started boxing, I didn’t think I’d be here this fast. My original goal was to fight Conor McGregor or Floyd Mayweather, because I knew I would have a big enough pay-per-view draw to do those things. Now I want to become world champion. I want to fight and beat Canelo Alvarez. This has been a fast, quick roller coaster ride, but I didn’t expect to be here. I just knew I loved fighting and I knew I was good at it.

“This is an exciting time. I’m bringing it home for Cleveland. We knew that when we teamed up with SHOWTIME, that this would be a huge event. This is turning into a historic moment.

“Tyron Woodley is ‘The Chosen One’, we chose him to get his ass beat. None of his accomplishments matter on Sunday night. I’m sending him into retirement and turning him into a meme. People are going to see all of my skills. People are going to be surprised. I haven’t shown anything yet. I might come out southpaw. Bu, mənim gələn tərəf.

“It’s going to be another show on Sunday. I’m putting on another masterful performance and a boxing clinic. This guy is going to sleep and getting turned into another meme. Just like his friend Ben Askren. After Sunday, nobody is ever going to talk about Woodley ever again. He’s a speed bump on the road of my career.

“There’s no other fighter that’s 3-0 and taking fights against champions. I want challenges and I want to push myself. I was much more motivated in training camp because I know this is a dangerous opponent. I expect him to come out sharp and I expect this to be a fun one.

“I’m polarizing, I get it. I don’t care what people think. Most people aren’t like that. They’re scared to rub people the wrong way. Some people want to see me lose, but I’m here to stay.

“A fight against Tommy Fury makes sense. That’s a huge fight. It seems to be right in the palm of both of our hands. We do have to go out and perform on Sunday. I want to see how the U.S. crowd receives him. I want to see if he has that star power this whole entire week. He doesn’t have the big pay-per-view numbers that Tyron Woodley has, or even a Ben Askren. Those guys sold tons of pay-per-views. No one has seen a Tommy Fury fight.

“There’s no real respect between us. I’m going to show that winning a UFC championship doesn’t mean anything in the world of boxing.”


“I’m almost falling asleep over here listening to this guy. It’s disgusting how much of a clown people have to be to be recognized. He’s got the appearance of being about that action down, but I’m really like that.

“This is the fight game. You can say what you want to say and you can do what you think fighters do. Jake does all the things to build the fight, but we’re really here now. He’s getting hurt on Sunday.

“All the people around him have lied to him. They don’t want to lose their bag. They’re not pushing him. You can come out with that dumb robot, etməz. You’re getting knocked out.

“I’m just really ready to fight. I don’t have any shenanigans or B.S. I should bring him some wipes to clean himself up when I knock him out on Sunday.

“He hasn’t shown me anything yet. Real recognize real. I don’t worry about what anyone on the outside is saying. I’m worried about bringing that action.

“I’m going crazy on Sunday. Günün sonunda, it’s been a long time coming. I’m thankful for my team that’s supported me but I’m also thankful for everyone who counted me out. When everyone comes against you, it shows how powerful what you’re about to do is.

“I think in general with combat sports, one person does something and people want to replicate it. This is a real fight though. If you look at the way we’re built, this is a real fight. Some people took this lightly and that’s why they came up short against him. We’ve been training since before this fight was even signed.

“All camps have highs and lows. You have to fight through adversity. With me mentally, it was a lot easier when we were having fun. It was passionate and you had people watching your every move and monitoring your every step. I’m just very grateful to all my coaches. Mənə, this is just a lot of fun. I haven’t had fun in a long time, to be real. I loved this training camp. It was one of my most fun ever.”


“I want to thank Jake for putting his faith in me and pushing to get me on this card. This is going to be two champions going at each other and leaving it all in the ring.

“These belts are my babies. It’s going to be very hard for her to beat me and take these back to Mexico. She’s going home empty-handed. I thank Mercado for taking the fight, but she’s not winning.

“I train and fight to be the best in the world. I hope that people can acknowledge that the women are champions as well and that we work as hard as the men. I’m showing everyone that women’s boxing is great too.”


“I’m coming up in weight, but I’m one of the biggest fighters at 122. I’m not worried at all about going up a division for this fight.

“I’m very well prepared and I feel strong. I’m confident that I’m going to win on Sunday and prove that I’m up to the challenge. We’re going to surprise a lot of people.”


“This is my U.S. debüt, so I want to look good and win in devastating fashion. I’m a seek and destroy fighter and that’s what I’m bringing again.

“This guy is right for me and I’m ready for the fight. It’s going to be a spectacular debut and I’m going to announce my presence with a lot of power and skill.”


“We are both big power punchers and we’re exciting fighters. We like to fight and bang on the inside. There’s going to be a lot of punches thrown for as long as this lasts . That’s what we’re going to come out and do.

“It’s the heavyweight division. It only takes one punch. That’s what people love about this division. I can’t wait to get in the ring on Sunday night.”


“I’m excited to be here and fighting on this show. I learned a lot from my last fight. I put in a great training camp so that I can show my new weapons. I just need to take everything from my training camp and bring it into the ring.

“I think Jake Paul is very, very good for boxing. It’s good to have these famous guys join professional boxing because it helps the fighters. It’s good for promoting the sport. I don’t know what will happen in the fight on Sunday night. Jake Paul is young and he’s hungry. But Tyron Woodley is a tough guy. He’s a professional fighter and we will see.”


“A win is going to put the whole division on notice. They know I’m coming. I’ve worked with plenty of champions and been in plenty of camps. Indi, everybody watching is going to see what I’m going to do.

“This fight means everything for my career. I’m introducing myself to the 140-pound division with my fight on Sunday. Beating an ex-champion will definitely put me in a whole new category.

“My city is behind me 100%. They know how I’m coming. We’re training hard and we’re excited for this. All of Jake’s fans are going to be my fans after Sunday.”

“Gervonta Davis came up to my weight. He got a title. Congratulations on that. Indi, if he’s ready to keep it or not, that’s on him. But if he does keep it, we want the fight.”


“I’m very happy to be in Cleveland and performing for everyone. Everyone is very familiar with Tyson, and they’re about to learn all about what I bring. I’m coming with my own package and my own game and you’re going to see that on Sunday night.

“If Taylor thinks I’ve overlooked him, he’s dead wrong. I’ve been grueling for eight weeks like I’m fighting for the world titles. Sunday night, I’ll get the job done, and then I can think about what could be next for me.

“Anthony Taylor can’t get off his phone and stop doing autographs. I haven’t been on my phone in five weeks. I’ve been living and training like a demon. I don’t care about fame, and I don’t care about money. All I want is to be a world champion.”


“I know he’s overlooking me. Tommy is here just to face off with Jake Paul. But I’m here to fight. Don’t look down on me. Just because he beat up six bums, doesn’t mean he’s going to beat me up.

“He’s not going to stop me. He’s fought nobody. I’m not that guy you’re just going to run through. We’re not cut from the same cloth, and he’s not the same as his brother. He’s not ready for me.”


“It’s amazing to fight back at home in my city. I’ve had a lot of local support back here throughout the years and there are a lot of people here who haven’t been able to see me fight.

“To have all the support I’ve gotten leading up to fight, I’m just more ready than ever to put on a show and let everyone know what I’m about.”


“It’s true that I haven’t fought anyone on Charles’ level, but I feel strong, I’m well prepared and I’m ready to give a show to the people of Cleveland.

“We’re going to see if he’s ready for the next level of competition. We won’t know until we step in the ring. But I’m definitely going to give it my all and give him a test.”

STEPHEN Espinoza, Prezident, Idman & Hadisə Programming, Showtime Networks Inc.

“SHOWTIME has been in boxing a long time. We have a long history in the sport. But the thing about boxing is that it always has a way of surprising you. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, along comes someone like Jake Paul to upset the apple cart. I’m excited to see the sport innovate, change and evolve.

“I’m very proud of this card. We have some of the best fighters in the world on this card, from world champions to up-and-coming fighters and promising prospects. This card has a bit of everything.

“This card is filled with fighters who didn’t listen when they were told no. No one on this card has been handed anything. They’ve all beaten the odds. I’m proud to have every one of them on this card.

“The great thing about boxing, is that on some level, nothing matters until you get into the ring. To borrow a phrase, ‘boxing don’t lie’. Boxing is the ultimate truth-teller. When Sunday night rolls around, your resume and your following doesn’t matter. For all the hype and hoopla, make no mistake, these are fights. The purest form of competition. The great thing about boxing is, when two competitors enter that ring, each fighter gets a chance to rewrite their own history. It all comes down to that moment of truth on Sunday night.”

# # #


Renowned Content Creator and Unbeaten Pro Boxer Paul and
Former UFC Champion Woodley Show Off Skills Ahead of
SHOWTIME PPV Headliner This Sunday, Avqust 29 etibarən
Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland

Basın HERE Amanda Westcott / Showtime şəkillər üçün

CLEVELAND (Avqust 25, 2021) – Renowned content creator and unbeaten pro boxer Jake “The Problem Child” Paul and former UFC champion Tyron "Chosen One" Woodley kicked off fight week on Wednesday with an open to the public media workout before they headline on SHOWTIME PPV this Sunday, Avqust 29 from Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse in Cleveland.

The media workout also featured fighters who will be competing in undercard action, including Puerto Rican star and WBC/WBO Featherweight World Champion Amanda "Real Deal" Serrano, who will enter the ring in the PPV co-feature, Keçmiş dünya çempionu Ivan Baranchyk and unbeaten Cleveland-native Montana Love, who meet in a 10-round attraction, plus U.K. ulduz Daniel “Dynamite” Dubois Tommy “TNT” Fury, who compete in separate PPV undercard bouts.

Rounding out the participants on Wednesday was 2016 U.S. Olympian and Cleveland-native Charles Conwell, who will enter the ring for an undercard showdown prior to the PPV.

The Cleveland-native Paul will be looking to thrill his hometown crowd on Sunday night topping a stacked night of action as he takes on the toughest test of his burgeoning boxing career in the dangerous and accomplished Woodley.

Başlayan Biletlər $25 are still available via RocketMortgageFieldHouse.com.

Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Public Square in Cleveland:


“I couldn’t have thought about a moment like this. I couldn’t have dreamt it. That’s why I was just looking around. Mən kimi idi, ‘how am I here?’ This is the city that made me and to bring this one home is the perfect crescendo to my boxing career that’s just starting out. Looking around and seeing friends and family, seeing this beautiful city, I’m just having fun. I’m trying to soak it all in because you don’t get moments like this twice in life.

“Tyron said he’s training like he’s fighting Mike Tyson. Floyd Mayweather is training him and you can tell he’s in shape. He’s got the six pack back. He’s looking good. He’s not messing around. This is his biggest fight ever and the whole MMA community is counting on him to represent them and to get the ‘W’. Təəssüf ki,, that’s not going to happen. And when I beat him, there will be no excuses because he was being trained by Floyd Mayweather. Because Jorge Masvidal said he was going to knock me out. Because he took this camp and had a 14-week camp. He has no excuses.

"Mən boks sevgi. I fell in love with it. There’s something about knocking someone out and cracking someone in the face. My whole life has been a fight. I never got anything handed to me so I feel like I’m at home. I feel like I was put on this earth to fight. And I like challenges. I’m driven by challenges.

“Boxing is a 24-7 iş. The training camp – sleep, yemək, recovery, no partying, no distractions – all of that type of stuff makes it the hardest thing I’ve done in my life. Daha, the promotional side of it. I’ve probably done 75 interviews in the past three weeks. It’s non-stop.”


“All camps have highs and lows. You have to fight through adversity. With me mentally it was a lot easier when we were having fun. It was passionate and you had people watching your every move and monitoring your every step. I’m just very grateful to all my coaches. Mənə, this is just a lot of fun. I haven’t had fun in a long time, to be real. I loved this training camp. It was one of my most fun ever.

“I don’t have any issue with Jake Paul. Only issue is he signed the contract. He’s trying his very best to play the mind games. But I’m a man. I don’t play kids’ games.

“There’s a lot of things in MMA you can get away with. In MMA you can make excuses like, ‘Coach, I’ve got to watch out for a kick or get ready for the take takedown.’ So we make all these excuses. None of those excuses are allowed.

“The times I worked with Floyd [Mayweather], he was very vocal. You couldn’t do nothing wrong. And that’s what makes him so great. In MMA we over-do it a lot, but it doesn’t always transition into power. It doesn’t always transition into accuracy. He gave me the foundation of how he beat everyone he did.”


“Jake Paul is the main event, but he’s not the main attraction. I am going to make sure I steal the spotlight from him and entice people to enjoy female boxing and to understand that women can fight and put on shows, and showcase that we’re deserving of this opportunity.

“It’s a Puerto Rican champion versus a Mexican champion. That’s enough said. She’s young and hungry and wants my titles, but I’ve worked super hard for those titles and it’s not going to be an easy task to take them away from me.

“I bring excitement, knockout power, skills, and a great chin as well. I’ve been boxing since I was eighteen years old. Boxing is all I have known. I’ve dedicated and sacrificed my whole life to the sport of boxing.

“I fight for the sport of women’s boxing. It’s not for me, it’s for the future girls coming into the sport.”


“I’m excited. I’m hungry and I’m ready for the next challenge. He’s never fought anybody like me. He’s never been ten rounds. I’m ready for a long-distance fight.

“Of course he’s going to try to move around a lot and box me. But this is no problem for me. I’ve changed my style a little bit. I will try to show everybody the new Ivan Baranchyk.

“We will see what’s next for me. Hal-hazırda, I just need to fight Montana Love. We will see what happens after that.”


“There’s a lot of motivation from fighting in my hometown. Mən çox həyəcanlıyam. I’m happy to be in this position. It’s very rare that these kinds of events come to Cleveland. I hope there’s more to come. It’s a dream come true to fight in front of thousands of fans. My friends, mənim ailə. I get emotional at times being here and having this opportunity is great.

“I just have to be myself on Sunday night. I’ve been doing this since I was five years old. I just have to pull everything out of my arsenal. Hopefully Ivan pushes me. I think he will push me so that I can show the next level.

“I’m just focused on this fight that’s in front of me. My only goal right now is to be victorious on Sunday night. Bundan sonra, we’ll look to do a title eliminator after that and then I’ll fight for a world title.

“I’m expecting Ivan Baranchyk to be wild, aqressiv, güclü. With him, it’s not about his skill or anything like that. We expect aggression and wildness.”


“I want to show that I’m all action. I’m not a man of many words, but when I get in that ring, they’re going to see that I’m the real deal. It’s going to be a devastating performance.

"Mən 23, so with that loss I have just gotten stronger. I’ve had to learn to tighten up my game and that I have flaws, so I’ve just been working on that. This is going to be like my debut.

“I’m full of confidence and I’m ready to go right now. I can make this fight as easy as I want it to be in my opinion. I’m the next one coming through. I’m destined to be a world champion, that’s my goal.”


“This is my first fight in the U.S. But I’m used to it, it’s not my first rodeo because since I was a young kid I watched Tyson fight Klitschko and I’ve always been there on fight week and watched how he handled himself on fight week and thought when my time comes, which is now, I’m going to do the exact same thing. So I flew my team out here and we do what Tyson did, and it’s easy work.

“To be a Fury you grow up to be a fighter, and there’s nothing else. It’s fight, mübarizə, mübarizə. As a kid, you don’t do nothing else. It’s fight, mübarizə, mübarizə. And that’s all I’ve done my entire life. I’ve been around fighters. Everyone in my family does it and now it’s my time.

“I don’t feel one bit of pressure because there’s only pressure when you try to live up to somebody. I’ve said this time and time again there will never ever be another Tyson Fury. No one will ever come close. I’m only trying to do the best I can do. And as long as I’m being the best version of Tommy Fury, I don’t care about anything else. I’m only trying to do the best that I can do.”


“I’m doing this in front of my family and my friends and want to thank everyone for supporting me. It’s going to be a major event.

"[Juan Carlos Rubio] is an undefeated fighter, 18-0. That means 18 have tried and not succeeded. But on Sunday night it’s a whole different story as he’s fighting a whole different type of fighter he’s never experienced before. There are levels to this boxing game and this one is just going to take me to the top.

"Bəli, I think every fight is a level-up fight at this point in my career. I keep getting to fight on bigger and bigger stages.

“I just want to show the fans what good boxing is and to put on a performance that they can remember me for. Whatever that has to be and if it’s a knockout, I’m going to go out there and do it. I’m going out there and risking everything, just like he is

“The local support is amazing for me. I have a lot of people here supporting me. I’m looking to steal the show, every time. I know there are a lot of great fights on this card, but I’m looking to put on a show.”