Category Archives: Showtime


Nyob hauv 10 p.m. THIAB/PT los ntawm siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov

"Kuv yuav mus tom qab nws nyob rau hauv thawj round thiab tau nws tawm ntawm muaj." - Claressa Shields



"Kuv yuav mus poob siab lub ntiaj teb no." - Tori Nelson



Nyem NTAWM NO Download Weigh-Nyob rau hauv cov duab; Credit Stephanie Trapp / Showtime




Verona, N.Y.. (Jan. 11, 2018) - Unified poj niam Super Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Claressa Shields thiab undefeated IBF yuav tsum tau challenger Tori Nelson ua hnyav rau hnub Thursday rau lawv 10-round WBC thiab IBF Super Middleweight ntiaj teb Championship showdowntag kis/Friday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 12 nyob rau hauv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim ntawm ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam nyob rau SHOWTIME (10 p.m. THIAB/PT) los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, N.Y..




Lub 22-xyoo-laus ob-lub sij hawm Olympic kub medalist Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) yuav fim nws ob sib law liag undefeated tus nrog sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no yeej Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos).




Undefeated Uzbekistan hwj chim-Puncher Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) yuav ua tau raws li cov khub unbeaten thiab sab saum toj-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos), ntawm Toledo, Ohio, nyob rau hauv lub telecast opener. Lub 26-xyoo-laus Ergashev, ib tug qub rau lub xyoo mej zeej ntawm lub Uzbek teb chaws pab neeg, thiab tam sim no WBA Tsis. 9 Ranked Fredrickson yuav contest ib yim-round super sib bout.




Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature ntawm lub ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tripleheader, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos), uas yog los tawm sib law liag yeej tshaj undefeated tw, yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv yav tas los National Golden Hnab Looj Tes Kub medalist Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round super bantamweight bout ntawm ob tag nrho-txiav txim fighters.




Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Salita Promotions, yog tam sim no rau cov muag khoom rau $75 rau thawj ob kab ntawm ringside, $65 rau seem ringside rooj thiab tag nrho lwm cov luv nqi tom $49 thiab $37, ntxiv rau tej uas siv tau cov nqi. Daim pib yuav raug muas nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu rau tus siav Pob zeb Resort Box Office ntawm 800.771.7711 lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster.



RAWS NTAUB NTAWV tes taw hnyav li:



Claressa Shields vs. Tori Nelson - 10-round WBC thiab IBF Super Middleweight ntiaj teb Title Bout



Shields: 167 phaus


Nelson: 164 ¾ phaus



Jesse Hernandez vs. Ernesto Garza - 10-round Super Bantamweight Bout


Hernandez: 122 ½ phaus


Garza: 122 ½ phaus




Shakh vs Ergashev. Sonny Fredrickson - Yim-round Super Hnav Bout


Ergashev: 140 phaus


Fredrickson: 141 phaus





CLARESSA shields:



"Tori coj ib tug ntau heev aggression, a lot more fight than a lot of my previous opponents. Rau ntawm daim ntawv, nws muaj qhov zoo tshaj plaws lub hnab los khaws tej yam uas tus nrog sib ntaus kuv twb ntsib thiab yuav muab tso rau ib tug zoo dua sib ntaus.




"Txhua leej txhua tus underestimates kuv vim hais tias ntawm kuv loj. Kuv lub cev zoo li kuv yog ib tug 140 tab sis tiag tiag kuv yog ib tug 168. Txhua leej txhua tus mus rau hauv kev sib ntaus xav lawv yuav yeej, but once that right hand lands everything changes. I’m going to go after her in the first round and get her out of there like Nikki Adler.




"Kuv xav kom kuv tus nrog sib ntaus mus thov siab, thiab siv ib co qias neeg tactics. Nws muaj ntau kev, tab sis tsis yog hais tias ntau npaum li cas thaum koj hais lus ntawm nws pib xyaum ua kev.




“She’s confident and she believes in herself. She thinks I haven’t earned my place yet. She doesn’t think I throw hard punches. Speed is power. She doesn’t get that.




"Qhov no nws kuj yog ib qho nyuaj camp, Kuv yeej raug thawb kuv tus kheej. Kuv feem ntau yog ua rau lub lis piam, lub sij hawm no kuv puas tau yim lub lis piam. Kuv twb tsis tiv thaiv txij li thaum lub yim hli ntuj ces kuv xav kom muab kuv tus kheej ib tug ntxiv ob lub lis piam li ntawd kuv thiaj paub tias kuv yog nyob rau hauv zoo meej zoo.




"Muaj tsis muaj tsis ntseeg tias kuv pib lub xyoo uas ib tug yeej, tiam sis kuv pom qhov no raws li ib tug sib tw sib ntaus. Kuv yuav tau mus khwv tau lub yeej tab sis kuv ntseeg tias kuv tau KO nws los ntawm lub thib rau, xya puag ncig. "




Tori Nelson:



"Kuv paub tias kuv yog tus underdog, tab sis kuv twb poob cuaj neeg. Nws tsis tau qhab nia ib knockdown tsis tau raws li ib tug pro. Thaum Claressa muab pro, Kuv paub tias kuv yuav tau mus fim nws nws thiaj li.




"Ib tug yeej yog li cas kuv tuaj rau. I expect nothing different. I hope it would expose female boxing and not only open doors for me, tab sis lwm tus poj niam boxers los txog tom qab kuv.




"Kuv xav tias nws yog ntau entertaining mus saib ib tug poj niam sib ntaus. Thaum cov poj niam tau poob, lawv tau txoj cai rov qab thiab mus tom qab nws dua. Thaum tus txiv neej tau khob qhov rooj cia, lawv pib nkaum vim hais tias lawv tsis xav kom tau ntaus dua. Yog li ntawd kuv xav hais tias peb yuav tsum tau them nyiaj li ntau li ntau cov txiv neej.




"Kuv foom koob hmoov rau yuav nyob ntawm no, but I’m not a winner until I complete what I came here to do. And that’s win. The odds are definitely against me, tab sis kuv yuav mus poob siab lub ntiaj teb no.




“I want to take her into the deep waters. We don’t think she can beat us in a 10-round fight.




"Lawv nyob nraum tsis yuav muab kuv dab tsi. I have to be a dog and go in there and win this fight. I’ve always been aggressive. Why change anything for her?"




Jesse Hernandez



"Kuv yuav cia li sim tau los ze zog mus rau ib tug lub npe sib ntaus. Tsiv mus lub rankings yog lub ntsiab lub hom phiaj txoj cai tam sim no, thiab kuv nyob rau txoj kev. Ib tug yeej no nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round sib ntaus yuav loj loj rau kuv ua hauj lwm.




"Yog ib tug tag nrho cov-nyob ib ncig ntawm fighter yog ib yam dab tsi kuv tab tom ua hauj lwm rau. Tab sis koj muaj peev xwm tsis ua ib tug zoo sib npaug fighter kom txog rau thaum koj tau txais cov kev kawm txawj thiab cov fights thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tab tom ua hauj lwm rau ua txoj cai tam sim no. Kuv xav tau ntau rounds nyob rau hauv thiab cov kev kawm.




"Sib ntaus sib tua ib tug southpaw yog tsis muaj teeb meem rau kuv. Kuv yuav hloov kuv stance, tab sis nws tsis yog ib yam dab tsi kuv xav hais tias txog los yog txoj kev npaj. Nws nyuam qhuav tshwm sim lawm nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus.




"Kuv twb yeej ib txwm ntseeg nyob rau hauv kuv tus kheej, txawm tias thaum kuv coj lub sij hawm tawm. Kuv ntseeg hais tias kuv yuav tau rov qab mus rau hauv nws thiab tau mus rau ib tug sab saum toj theem. The wins over two undefeated fighters did a lot for my confidence. I knew I could do it, tab sis nws tsom lwm tus kuv yuav thiab hais tias kuv muaj peev xwm sib tw nyob rau sab saum toj theem. "




Ernesto GARZA



"Kuv nyiam coj lub siab, and he’s a pressure fighter too. We’ll see who backs up once we start throwing punches.




“I like to face fighters who come forward like him so I think everything will work for me. I plan on applying the pressure, tau txais nws nkees nyob rau hauv lub caij nyoog kawg no rounds, thiab noj nws tawm.




"Nws nyhav hloov, but I think that’s when he gets off-balance. He won’t bring anything I haven’t seen before.




“I’m fighting at my natural weight class this time. My last fight on ShoBox (tiv thaiv undefeated Jon Fernandez) Kuv twb sib ntaus sib tua ib tug ntau dua hnyav.




“I don’t think his height and reach will give me any issues. I’ve been working with a lot of guys in the gym who have similar size and style. We’re ready for anything.




“A win would be a great step for me and my career. All the doors would open up for us.”




Ua raws li cov Shakh:



"Kuv nyiam kev kawm no vim hais tias ntawm qhov tseeb hais tias nws yog ib tug txawv cua no nyob rau hauv lub xeev. Nws yog ib tug tiag tiag kev teeb, Kuv xav hais tias kuv txawj thiab kuv cov txheej txheem tau pom ib tug zoo heev kev kawm no nrog Qab Zib Hill.




"Kuv paub hais tias nws yog ib txog tej fighter. Nws yog undefeated thiab nws yog los mus sib ntaus sib tua. Nws yog ib tug loj lub sij hawm rau ob peb.




"Kuv heev honored mus yuav tau nyob rau hauv Showtime thiab zoo siab rau tau txais qhov no zoo ntawm lub teb chaws raug. Ib tug yeej yuav Maas kuv raws li ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws junior welterweight zeem muag nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no.




"Kuv twb pom ib tug zoo heev kawm cov Kronk Boxing Gym nyob rau hauv Detroit. Xeem kev kawm camp yog ib qho taw qhia mus rau lub American style ntawm boxing thiab qhov no yeej tiag tiag zoo kuv cov txheej txheem thiab tactics nrog rau cov qhov khaus sparring.




"Kuv 11-0 nrog 11 knockouts. Kuv yog ib tug Puncher thiab kuv xav mus khob nws tawm, tab sis kuv twb kawm rau qhov kev ncua deb. Kuv twb kawm mus khob leej twg tawm nyob rau hauv thawj round thiab lub yim round.




"Qhov no yog ib kauj ruam loj loj-up nyob rau hauv lus tsis sib xws, tab sis kuv twb tau tshaj 200 amateur fights tiv thaiv ib txhia ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws pib xyaum ua boxers nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Kuv twb raug ntaus Olympic medalists thiab heev accomplished amateur fighters. "







"Kuv twb tau tos rau no raug rau ib tug ntev lub sij hawm. Kuv twb tau tau sim kom tau rau TV rau lub xeem ob los yog peb lub xyoos, yog li no yog ib tug lossis loj deal rau kuv. Hopefully ib tug yeej ua pob kuv mus rau hauv lub saum toj 5 thiab muab kuv lub npe txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ntawm tus kawg ntawm lub xyoo los yog thaum pib ntawm lub xyoo tom ntej.




"Peb spar heev nrog Robert (Easter). It’s back-and-forth action. We grew up together and learn a lot from each other. Kuv muab nws ib co pointers no thiab muaj thiab nws tsis zoo li qub rau kuv.




"Kuv tsis paub ntau npaum li cas txog kuv tus nrog sib ntaus. Kuv paub tias nws yog ib tug lefty thiab nws muaj ib tug muaj zog punch. Nws yog ib tug zoo phim rau kuv. Nws xav kom los rau pem hauv ntej thiab av loj txhaj tshuaj li ntawd kuv thiaj mam li yuav tau outbox nws zoo nkauj yooj yim.




"Kuv tsis xav hais tias qab haus huv yuav tsum yog qhov zoo tshaj yuav. Kuv twb tiv thaiv nyob rau hauv Andre Ward lub card, Kuv twb tau nyob rau hauv loj fights ua ntej.




"Kuv yuav mus khob nws tawm tom qab lub thib peb puag ncig. Kuv yuav mus hais, hav, tau nws tawm ntawm no.




"Tom qab no sib ntaus, kiv cua yuav pib kawm kuv lub npe. Kuv xav hais tias lawv mam li xav kom pom kuv muaj ib tug txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv ntawm lub 140 phaus title. "




# # #




Barry Tompkins yuav hu rau ShoBox txiav txim los ntawm ringside nrog Steve Farhood thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb no yeej Raul Marquez pab raws li cov kws muaj txuj analyst. Cov thawj tsim yog Gordon Hall nrog Richard Gaughan ua thiab Rick Phillips coj.




Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas raws li nyob rau hauv Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, los yog los ua ib tug kiv cua nyob rau Facebook ntawm

Lamont Peterson & Anthony Peterson Washington, D.C. Media Workout Quotes & Duab

Former World Champion Battles Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. Nyob rau SHOWTIME Saturday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 20 From Barclays Center in Brooklyn &
Los ntawm Premier Boxing Champions
Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Patrice Harris
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Lub ib hlis ntuj 11, 2018) – Ob-division ntiaj teb no yeej Lamont Peterson hosted ib tug xov xwm workout nyob rau hauv nws hometown ntawm Washington, D.C. Thursday, raws li nws npaj mus rau noj nyob rau hauv unbeaten welterweight ntiaj teb no yeej Errol Spence Jr.Saturday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 20 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, lub tsev ntawm Brooklyn BOXING® thiab los ntawm cov Premier Boxing Champions.
Lub Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT thiab nta khaub-ncaws nyias lub ntiaj teb no yeej Robert Easter battling qub zus Javier Fortuna.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze thiab TGB Promotions, luv nqi pib ntawm $50, thiab yog muag tam sim no. Tickets can be purchased at,, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Pab pawg neeg nyiaj cheb yog muaj los ntawm kev hu rau 844-BKLYN-GP.
Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv nyob rau workout yog Peterson tus tij laug, once-beaten contender Anthony Peterson, uas competes nyob rau hauv undercard txiav txim rau lub Lub ib hlis ntuj 20 kev tshwm sim.
Ntawm no yog li cas rau workout koom yuav tsum tau hais Thursday:
LAMONT Peterson
“Kuv xav tias zoo. Kuv twb nyob ze rau tus neeg poob. Kuv zoo siab thiab noj kom txog li tsib lub sij hawm ib hnub twg. Kuv xav tias muaj zog thiab kuv npaj rau qhov no sib ntaus.
“Kuv yuav tsum tau saib rau qhov no raws li tiag tiag xwb lwm loj sib ntaus. Thaum koj nyob nraum rau saum, koj tsis txhob ua heev npaum li cas ntawm txhua lub sib ntaus. Peb paub tias dab tsi yog ntawm ceg txheem ntseeg. Kuv paub hais tias thaum kuv kom nws yooj yim, hais tias thaum kuv ua zoo tshaj plaws.
“Txoj cai tam sim no kuv lub cev pom tau tias zoo dua puas tau. Kuv nyiam nrog txhua yam uas yog ncaim nyob rau hauv camp thiab kuv xav tias koj yuav pom nws nyob rau hauv kuv lub cev.
“Kuv twb yeej ib txwm cob qhia nyuaj txij thaum thawj thawj hnub kuv tuaj ntawm no raws li ib tug me nyuam. Uas yog tau instilled nyob rau hauv kuv vim ib tug hluas uas muaj hnub nyoog thiab nws nqa kuv thoob plaws kuv cov hauj lwm.
“Txhua yam kuv ua yog rau D.C. Kuv sim mus tau ntau npaum li paub txog cov cheeb tsam no qhov zoo tshaj plaws txoj kev uas kuv tau. Hais tias yog dab tsi peb tag nrho siv zog rau nyob rau hauv no gym. Qhov no yog qhov biggest ib tug uas yog tau nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm rau ib pliag thiab kuv yuav npaj mus coj nws tsev.
“Nws tau yooj yim dua thiab yooj yim dua qhov ntau championship fights kuv nyob rau hauv. Kuv yog nyob rau hauv zoo rau tag nrho cov ntawm lawv, tab sis kuv twv yuav raug hu muab ntau siab rau kuv tus kheej thaum kuv tseem hluas. Kuv twb zoo txhua lub sij hawm thiab tam sim no kuv xav tias zoo li kuv yeej nyob rau qhov chaw zoo meej nyob rau hauv kuv cov hauj lwm.”
Anthony Peterson
“Kuv yuav tsum ua ib daim ntawv qhia. Kuv yeej tsis xav tias nyiam nrog ib tug kev txiav txim siab. Kuv xav hais tias yog ib tug zoo tshaj plaws vim hais tias kuv yuav tsum tau tshwj xeeb nyob rau hauv lub teeb kaj lug.
“Sawv daws yeej paub kuv nyiam mus rau hauv lub cev. Koj paub tias kuv yuav mus ua rau nws ua hauj lwm yog li ntawd koj yuav saib tawm rau kuv mus ua txhaum kuv tus nrog sib ntaus rau hauv lub Lub ib hlis ntuj 20.
“Kuv twb tau sparring nrog ib tug ntau yam ntawm tej neeg tua hluav taws hla lub xyoo tas los thiab lawv twb pab kuv tawm txawm thaum kuv tsis tau muaj ib tug kev sib ntaus. Nplhaib xeb yog tag nrho cov kev puas hlwb. Nws mus txog rau koj mus muab cov kev ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv.
“Kuv tsis tau pom lub fights tias kuv xav, tab sis kuv mam nco ntsoov lo rau kuv ua si thiab lo rau kuv khoom siv tes ua. Kuv paub tias kuv thev, tej yam uas yuav ua hauj lwm tawm rau kuv.
“Kuv paub hais tias kuv hlub no kev ua si nawv. Kuv paub hais tias nws thiaj li kuv yuav tsum tau ib lub ntiaj teb tau zus ib. Kuv ntseeg hais tias nyob rau hauv kuv yav tom ntej thiab kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau loj sib ntaus.
“Nws yog inspiring mus saib Lamont ua nws tshaj plaws thiab kawm tau ntawv zoo. Nws yuav yeej Errol Spence, txawm hais tias cov neeg tsis ntseeg hais tias nws. Kuv xav tias nws yuav saib xyuas ntawm lub lag luam.”
Barry yos hav zoov, Peterson lub tus kws qhia
“Nws tau ib tug ntev zom nyob rau hauv camp rau cov hais mav. Thaum kuv xav rov qab ntev npaum li cas peb twb tau nyob rau hauv cov lus no, Kuv zoo siab heev ntawm lawv. lawv 9 thiab 10 thaum lawv xub tuaj mus rau hauv lub gym.
“Peb tsis muaj lub luj dab kam nrog sib ntaus sib tua ntawm welterweight. Lamont yog nyob rau hauv ib qhov chaw zoo hlwb thiab lub cev. Kuv tab tom nrhiav rau pem hauv ntej rau ib tug heev sib ntaus.
“Thaum koj saib cov Spence-Brook sib ntaus, thaum ntxov nyob rau hauv Brook muaj ib tug ntau ntawm kev vam meej. Down lub stretch Errol yuam nws lub siab nyiam thiab tsoo Brook cia. Kuv paub Errol zoo thiab kuv twb coached nws. Nws muaj ib tug muaj zog yuav. Nws tsis yog zoo nyob rau hauv ib cheeb tsam, tab sis nws yog zoo nyob rau hauv ib tug ntau ntawm cov chaw. Qhov no yog ib yam txawv ntawm txiv leej tub nws yog txojkev. Lub plawv yog ib yam dab tsi Lamont yog nowhere near luv luv rau. Kuv xav tias qhov no tej zaum yuav pib tawm tswv yim, thiab ces tig mus rau ib tug tsov rog.
“Kuv txoj hauj lwm yog mus nyob rau hauv muaj nrog ib feem ntawm ib txoj kev npaj, tab sis nws yog ib txwm hais txog kev kho me ntsis rau peb. Txawm Errol coj mus rau lub rooj, peb mam li paub tseeb thiab muab tso rau txhua yam nyob rau hauv tsab ntawv tsa suab.
“Qhov no lub lim tiam yog ib tug ntau ntawm kev ua si txoj kev npaj thiab kev puas hlwb kev npaj ua hauj lwm. Ib tug ntau ntawm fighters tsis qhia lub siab. Koj yuav tsum qhia lub siab tshaj li tshaj lub cev. Peb yuav tsum tau npaj txhij rau txhua scenario.
“Kuv xav tias yog Anthony mus nyob rau hauv muaj thiab yog nws ua hauj lwm muaj ib tug ob peb tsis muaj lub npe ntawm 140-phaus thiab hais tias yog ib tug khiav rau peb. Peb xav tau ib pluaj nyob ib ncig ntawm nws lub duav thiab peb mam li fim leej twg tau txais nws.
“Lamont, nrog rau Anthony, Gary Russell Jr., Jarrett Hurd thiab Gervonta Davis, tau tuav cia boxing nyob rau hauv cov cheeb tsam no rau ib ntev lub sij hawm. Nws yuav loj loj coj no title lub tsev. Muaj ib tug ntau ntawm cov tub ntxhais Lamont Petersons nyob rau hauv cov cheeb tsam no uas xav kom ncav cuag rau theem no. Nws yuav ib lub teeb ntawm lub teeb ci ntsa iab thiab qhia cov neeg no txoj kev.”
# # #
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas ,,
ua raws li peb ntawm Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,
thiab PBC yog txhawb nqa los ntawm Corona Extra, finest Beer.


Unified ntiaj teb tau zus ib Mus Cug Titles tiv thaiv Undefeated Challenger Tori Nelson Friday, Jan. 12, nyob rau hauv Main kev tshwm sim Nyob rau Showtime



Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Stephanie Trapp / Showtime



Flint, kuv. (Lub ib hlis ntuj 11, 2018) – Unified poj niam Super Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Claressa Shields hais rau xov xwm ntawm ib tug workout kev sib kho nyob rau hauv nws hometown ntawm Flint, Mich., ua ntej nws tau ncaim mus rau Verona, N.Y.. los mus tiv thaiv nws 168-phaus lub npe tiv thaiv undefeated IBF yuav tsum tau challenger Tori Nelson tag kis hmo ntuj, Friday, Jan. 12 nyob rau SHOWTIME.




Shields yuav hnyav nyob rau hauv no yav tav su ua ntej tag kis hmo ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam telecast los ntawm siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov. Lub telecast pib thaum 10 p.m. THIAB/PT thiab nta lub sib ntaus sib tua ntawm ob undefeated 140-phaus prospects Shakh Ergashev thiab Sonny Fredrickson thiab Jesse Hernandez ua nws ShoBox rov qab tiv thaiv Ernesto Garza.




Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Salita Promotions, yog tam sim no rau cov muag khoom rau $75 rau thawj ob kab ntawm ringside, $65 rau seem ringside rooj thiab tag nrho lwm cov luv nqi tom $49 thiab $37, ntxiv rau tej uas siv tau cov nqi. Daim pib yuav raug muas nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu rau tus siav Pob zeb Resort Box Office ntawm 800.771.7711 lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster.




Ntawm no yog li cas rau 22-xyoo Shields yuav tsum tau hais ntawm nws hometown gym, Lub Berston Field tsev:




CLARESSA shields



"Kuv xav tias zoo. Kuv yeej raug thawb kuv tus kheej no yeej. Nws yog ib tug ntev camp tshaj li niaj zaus ces kuv twb muaj xam lub sij hawm yuav tau npaj. Tori Nelson tau ua ib tug ntau ntawm cov thoob khib nyiab uas hais tau lus tab sis kuv yuav los qhia rau nws hais tias nws tej zaum yuav 17-0, tab sis nws yeej tsis tiv thaiv ib tug hluas nkauj zoo ib yam li kuv ua ntej.



"Kuv tej zaum yuav tsuas muaj 4 kev sib ntaus rau kuv lub npe, tab sis kuv muaj ntau ntawm pib xyaum ua kev. Kuv twb tiv thaiv cov ntxhais uas yog 16-0, Kuv tsis pom nyob qhov twg nyob rau hauv nws cov ntaub ntawv nyob qhov twg nws yog tiv thaiv ib tug undefeated fighter ntawm uas caliber.



"Kuv twb npaj rau qhov no tua cov tib txoj kev uas kuv yeej ib txwm ua. Kuv tsis tau ua dab tsi tshwj xeeb. Kuv siab rau kuv tus kheej, tsis yog kuv tw.




"Nyob rau hauv lub 6 los yog 7 round, Nelson mus down.



"Thaum kuv tuav Nelson, Kuv tsis xav mus tua Christina Rauj, tab sis kuv noj nws ib tug sib ntaus ntawm ib lub sij hawm. Kuv xav mus tua tsawg kawg yog ib lub sij hawm ntawm 154 phaus ua ntej yuav noj rau Rauj. "



# # #




Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas raws li nyob rau hauv Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, los yog los ua ib tug kiv cua nyob rau Facebook ntawm




Hais txog ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam



Txij thaum nws inception nyob rau hauv Lub Xya hli ntuj 2001, lub critically acclaimed SHOWTIME boxing series, ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam tau featured hluas txuj ci sib phim nyuaj. Lub ShoBox philosophy yog televise exciting, neeg coob coob-pleasing thiab sib tw ntais thaum npaj ib qhov tseeb hauv av rau kam zeem muag txiav txim sib ntaus rau ib lub ntiaj teb title. Ib co ntawm cov loj hlob daim ntawv teev cov 73 neeg tua hluav taws uas tau tshwm sim rau ShoBox thiab advanced rau garner ntiaj teb no lub npe muaj xws li: Errol Spence Jr., Lwm Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams thiab ntau yam ntxiv.



Hais txog siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov



Party ntawm lub ib hlis ntuj 12 kev tshwm sim, Txoj siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov yog ib qho puav pheej-winning lo lus uas peb resort, uas tseem paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier venue rau kev sib ntaus-of-the-xyoo theem boxing. Lub ib hlis ntuj cov kev tshwm sim yuav kos tus cim siav pob zeb lub 24th thoob teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim, cementing lub resort li ib tug ua lo lus uas peb teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV kev sib ntaus los kev ua si. Txoj siav pob zeb nta world-class amenities xws li plaub cov chaw ntiav pw, ntau tshaj 20 kos npe khw nojmov thiab noj mov xaiv, ob dab dej sov, ib tug tag nrho-tshiab 125,000 square taw Las Vegas style gaming pem teb, ib tug cabaret-style Showroom, ib tug 5,000 lub rooj arena, tsib golf kawm, ob peb tuav, cocktail lounges thiab nightlife venues nrog koom kev lom zem txhua txhua weekend.

Russian Heavyweight Crusher Apti Davtaev Looking to Impress in his American Debut This Friday at Turning Stone Resort Casino

Undefeated heavyweight KO artist Apti Davtaev will make his long-awaited American debut no hnub Friday night on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, New York.

A recent signing of Salita Promotions, Davtaev (13-0-1, 13 Kos), from Kurchaloi, Russia, will take on Philadelphia-based veteran Garrett “Lub qhov kawg Warrior” Wilson (18-13-1, 9 Kos) in an eight-round showcase.
Standing an imposing 6 ‘5and already having won the WBC Slovenian title in just his tenth pro fight, Davtaev moved from his training base in Grozny to Detroit to work with well-respected Javan SugarHill Steward at the Kronk Gym.
I loved training in Detroit with SugarHill Steward,” said Davtaev. “I feel my skills are going to a new level and I look forward to showing them off on January 12. I know Wilson is experienced and has fought some very good fighters, but I am in great shape and ready to put on a show!”
Not looking to waste any time, the 28-year-old Davtaev says he’ll be looking fornamesin the big man’s division of boxing after this fight.
My goals are to stay active and fight the better names in the division this year,” nws hais tias. “I look forward to showing the boxing fans my skills and challenging the big names. The fans in New York can expect to see a new contender in the heavyweight division.
Steward, nephew of the great Emanuel Steward and quickly building a strong reputation of his own, says that Davtaev has what it takes.
Apti is a strong, coordinated, big heavyweight who will be ready to compete very soon with the other contenders in the division. I am very impressed with his ability to learn and to transfer what he’s learned into sparring. I am excited to see Apti in action January 12 for his American debut. I expect to see an exciting knockout!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. THIAB/PT).
Also featured on the January 12 telecast, Uzbekistan hwj chim-xuas nrig ntaus Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) yuav fim khub undefeated thiab sab saum toj-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) ntawm Toledo, Ohio. Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round super bantamweight bout.

Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Salita Promotions, yog tam sim no rau cov muag khoom rau $75 rau thawj ob kab ntawm ringside, $65 rau seem ringside rooj thiab tag nrho lwm cov luv nqi tom $49 thiab $37, ntxiv rau tej uas siv tau cov nqi. Daim pib yuav raug muas nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu rau tus siav Pob zeb Resort Box Office ntawm800.771.7711 lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster.

Rances Barthelemy & Kiryl Relikh Saib Forward rau Big 2018 pib hnub Saturday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 10 Thaum Lawv Raws li in140-Phaus ntiaj teb Championship rematch Nyob rau Showtime



Los ntawm cov Alamodome nyob rau hauv San Antonio & Los ntawm

Premier Boxing Champions


Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Thawj Lawv sib ntaus

Yees duab Credit: Tom twv txiaj yuam pov / SHOWTIME



San Antonio (Jan. 10, 2018) - Unbeaten ob-division ntiaj teb no yeej Rances Barthelemy thiab yav tas los npe challenger Kiryl Relikh yuav ob leeg zoo mus ncaws tawm lawv cov xyoo tshiab nrog ib tug ntiaj teb no title yeej thaum lawv tau raws li nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch rau ib tug tsis muaj 140-phaus title Saturday, Feb. 10 nyob rau Showtime los ntawm cov Alamodome nyob rau hauv San Antonio nyob rau hauv ib tug kev tshwm sim los ntawm Premier Boxing Champions.




Lub Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast pib thaum 10:15 p.m. THIAB/PT and will be headlined by three-division world champion Mikey Garcia (37-0, 30 Kos) kev noj nyob unbeaten 140-phaus lub ntiaj teb no yeej Sergey Lipinets (13-0, 10 Kos).




"Obviously lub xov tooj ib lub hom phiaj rau 2018 yog yuav coj tsev uas siv rau Lub ob hlis ntuj 10,"Hais tias Barthelemy (26-0, 13 Kos). "Ces kuv xav los koom ua nrog tag nrho cov lwm yam champions. Kuv Tshiab Xyoo daws teeb meem yog mus puag ncig kuv tus kheej nrog cov neeg zoo thiab yeej muaj ntau yam lub ntiaj teb no lub npe. "




"Ua ntej kuv muaj los yeej muaj qhov kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj,"Hais tias Relikh (21-2, 19 Kos). "Tab sis, ces kuv muaj kev cia siab ntawm ib tug zoo kawg xyoo tiv thaiv kuv siv tiv thaiv cov yuav tsum tau thiab nws thiaj li ib tug koom ua ke sib ntaus. Qhov no yuav ua tau lub xyoo kuv mus txog ib tug tshiab theem nyob rau hauv no kev ua si nawv. "




Barthelemy thiab Relikh yuav sib ntaus sib tua rau lub WBA tus tsis muaj Super Hnav ntiaj teb Title tom qab lawv lub npe eliminator bout nyob rau hauv Tej zaum twb nyob rau hauv ib tug debatable kev txiav txim siab rau Barthelemy. Lub sij hawm no lub tua hluav taws yuav saib mus rau tawm tsis muaj tsis ntseeg nrog rau tag nrho cov npe rau ntawm txoj kab.




"Qhov no yog kuv thib ob lub sij hawm sib ntaus sib tua rau ib lub ntiaj teb title thiab nws yuav yog ib lub thib ob zaj lus qhia rau kuv,"Hais tias Relikh. "Qhov no yog kuv lub sij hawm los ua tau zus ib. Kuv yuav tsum tau ua ntau npaum li cas thaum lub sij hawm no sib ntaus.




"Kuv yuav tsum tau txhoj puab heev los pib. Kuv paub tseeb tias kuv yuav tsum tau ib tug knockout tau lub yeej. Nws yuav sim khiav, tab sis nws yuav tsis tau mus nkaum los ntawm kuv. "




"Winning no title yuav ib tug npau suav los muaj tseeb rau kuv,"Hais tias Barthelemy. "Kuv yuav ua tau tus thawj Cuban fighter nyob rau hauv keeb kwm los yeej yog ib lub npe nyob rau hauv peb ntau kev sib cais. Qhov kawg sib ntaus yog zoo heev thiab deserving ntawm ib tug rematch.




"Kuv cia li xav mus lo rau kuv kev ua si txoj kev npaj thiab qhia txhua leej txhua tus hais tias kuv yog tus zoo tshaj plaws 140-phaus fighter nyob rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no. Qhov tseem ceeb yuav tsum tau nyob twj ywm disciplined thiab daim av ib qho nyuaj txhaj tshuaj tag nrho hmo ntuj. "




Ob fighters tau txi nyob rau hauv kev kawm yeej nyob rau hauv txoj kev mus rau dab tsi lawv cia siab tias yuav tsum muaj ib tug celebratory lub sij hawm ntawd nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj 10, kev kawm nyuaj los ntawm cov nyiaj so koobtsheej caij nyob twj ywm hauv lub hom phiaj rau kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj.




"Kuv lub pab neeg tau ua ib tug zoo heev txoj hauj lwm kom deb li deb nyob rau hauv camp,"Hais tias Barthelemy. "Ismael Salas thiab Joel Casamayor yuav muab kuv yawm lub tswv yim thiab kom kuv teem rau kuv lub hom phiaj. Ib tug tshiab uas kuv twb ntxiv qhov no yeej yog Bob Santos rau kev noj haus thiab lub dag lub zog thiab txias. Nws yog ua ib tug loj sib txawv tshaj cov hnub caiv qhov twg kuv feem ntau yog noj ntau dhau. Nws cia kuv nyob ib tug nruj kev noj haus thiab kev kawm yeej tsis tau zoo dua. "




"Cov xeem ob peb lub lis piam los ntawm cov hnub caiv tau tus yam kuv camp, thiaj li muaj tsis muaj chaw rau nrhoo,"Hais tias Relikh. "Kuv siv Tshiab Xyoo nrog kuv tsev neeg thiab ces kuv yog txoj cai rov qab mus rau hauv kev kawm yeej nyob rau hauv thaum sawv ntxov."




Nrog ob koj cov menyuam nyob rau hauv lub 140-phaus division rau ntawm kab nyob rau hauv tib hmo ntuj, tus khiav ntawm Barthelemy thiab Relikh yuav nyob rau hauv ib tug zoo txoj hauj lwm mus pib ib txog kev mus rau kev koom ua ke tom qab Lub ob hlis ntuj 10.




"Kuv yuav muaj kuv lub qhov muag rau ntawm lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim tseeb,"Hais tias Relikh. "Kuv teem rau Barthelemy tam sim no, tab sis kuv xav los koom ua thiab yog hais tias nws txhais tau tias sib ntaus sib tua Garcia los yog Lipinets, Kuv yuav tsum npaj kom txhij. "




"Garcia vs. Lipinets yog yuav mus yuav ib tug zoo sib ntaus thiab kuv mas nws yeej xav tus khiav,"Hais tias Barthelemy. "Txawm hais tias Lipinets yog lub underdog mus rau hauv no sib ntaus, Kuv xav tias nws yuav muab Garcia tag nrho nws muaj peev xwm lis. Tab sis kuv tseem xav hais tias Garcia yuav tawm tuaj rau saum, teeb li tsov rog ntawm peb nyob rau hauv ib tug kev koom ua ke bout. "


# # #




Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas ,,



ua raws li peb ntawm Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @Ringstar @TGBPromotions, and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook


ntawm thiab PBC yog txhawb nqa los ntawm Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Errol Spence Jr. Dallas Media Workout Quotes & Duab

Welterweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib Ua Thawj Kws muaj txuj ci tiv thaiv Lamont Peterson nyob rau Showtime Saturday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 20From Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Los ntawm
Premier Boxing Champions
Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Byron Craig / Showtime
Dallas (Lub ib hlis ntuj 10, 2018) – Unbeaten welterweight ntiaj teb no yeej Errol Spence Jr.hosted ib tug xov xwm workout nyob rau hauv nws hometown ntawm Dallas rau hnub Tuesday ua ntej ntawm nws matchup tiv thaiv qub ob-division ntiaj teb no yeej Lamont Peterson Saturday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 20live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, lub tsev ntawm Brooklyn BOXING®, thiab los ntawm cov Premier Boxing Champions.
Lub Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast pib thaum 9 p.m. THIAB/6 p.m. PT thiab nta khaub-ncaws nyias lub ntiaj teb no yeej Robert Easter battling qub zus Javier Fortuna nyob rau hauv lub co-ntsiab kev tshwm sim.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm DiBella Lom ze thiab TGB Promotions, luv nqi pib ntawm $50, thiab yog muag tam sim no. Tickets can be purchased at,, at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center or by calling 800-745-3000. Pab pawg neeg nyiaj cheb yog muaj los ntawm kev hu rau 844-BKLYN-GP.
Ntawm no yog dab tsi Spence thiab nws tus kws qhia, Derrick James, yuav tsum tau hais Tuesday los ntawm R&R Boxing Club nyob rau hauv Dallas:
ERROL Spence JR.
“Txhua leej txhua tus uas tau pom kuv tua ua ntej paub nws yuav tsis tau ib tug boring sib ntaus. Txawm yog hais tias nws yog ib tug-ib tog, nws yeej yuav tsum txoj kev ua packed. Lub ib hlis ntuj 20 yog yuav mus yuav ib tug zoo kawg li kev sib ntaus thiab kuv yuav muab rau ib tug zoo kev ua tau zoo. Kuv npaj mus rau tus thawj.
“Tiv thaiv kuv lub npe nyob rau hauv Brooklyn yuav tshwj xeeb. Kuv muaj tsev neeg nyob rau hauv New York dhau lawm ces nws txhais tau ntau heev hais tias kuv mam li yuav tau los mus tiv thaiv thaum Barclays Center. New York yog ib tug boxing nroog ces lawv yeej txaus siab champions thiab paub cov kev ua si nawv.
“Kuv pog mus yuav sib ntaus sib tua ib tug txiv leej tub li Lamont Peterson. Kuv tsis sib ntaus sib tua ib txwm tsis muaj-lub npe fighter. Nws yuav coj qhov zoo tshaj plaws ntawm kuv vim hais tias nws yog ib tug yeej muaj tseeb fighter. Nws ua rau tag nrho cov kev txawm zoo.
“Lub sab saum toj chaw nyob rau hauv kev ua si nawv yog tiag tiag li rau grabs tam sim no thiab kuv los rau nws. Kuv tsis tu uas kuv tau mus fim los yog qhov twg, Kuv yuav mus yuav tus txiv neej kawg sawv. Yog vim li cas peb txhua tus tau txais mus rau hauv no kev ua si nawv. Kuv tsis tshua muaj neeg ntseeg nyob rau hauv kuv tus kheej.
“Lamont thiab kuv ob leeg muaj loj lub siab lub ntsws thiab kuv xav hais tias txhua leej txhua tus yuav tsum tau pom tias nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Peb nyob nraum ob ntse fighters thiaj li muaj tej zaum yuav muaj ib co lawm tawm ua ntej peb tau mus. Tab sis kuv cia siab tias nws yuav tsum tau ib tug Dogfight.
“Qhov no lub zej lub zos nyob rau hauv Dallas yog qho tseem ceeb heev rau kuv. Thaum kuv yog
loj hlob ntawm no muaj tsis muaj kev boxers ntawm no hais tias kuv yuav saib mus rau raws li ib tug luag hauj lwm qauv. Thaum koj muaj cov kev pab kom muab rov qab, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb ua rau nws. Kuv hlub ua nyob rau hauv lub gym thiab pab tus tiag tiag cov tub ntxhais hais mav thiab muab lawv ib yam dab tsi rau rau siab mus.”
DERRICK YAKAUNPAU, Spence tus kws qhia
“Errol zoo tiag tiag zoo nyob rau hauv kev kawm. Nws muaj zoo ua kom pom tseeb. Nws yog heev nthuav dav taw qhia kom paub thiab keyed nyob rau hauv ua qhov zoo tshaj plaws version ntawm nws tus kheej. Qhov kev txiav txim nyob rau hauv nws lub ntsej muag cia rau kuv paub hais tias nws xav tawm mus tsis muaj pob zeb unturned thiab kom paub tseeb tias txhua yam mus nws txoj kev nyob rau kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj. Peb yeej qhov kev sib ntaus nyob rau hauv lub gym tsis nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.
“Errol muaj kom qhov no mentality yuav mus rau hauv no sib ntaus thiab tshaj, thiab nws yeej paub tias. Winning ib title yog tsis zoo li cas nws xav. Nws xav kom yuav tsum tau undisputed welterweight yeej. Nws yog heev lub hom phiaj taw qhia kom paub thiab kuv ntseeg tias nws mam li mus txog lub hom phiaj ntawd. Nws tsis siv sij hawm tsis muaj rau ib lo lus teb. Nws yuav thawb nws tus kheej rau cov kev txwv thiab lub nws lub hom phiaj.
“Lamont Peterson yog heev witty thiab ntse nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Nws yog ib tug tawv txiv leej tub ib yam nkaus thiab. Nws theem uas puas siab puas ntsws fortitude uas koj yuav tsum tau muaj kev vam meej. Peb yuav tsum tau los mus no sib ntaus 100 feem pua ​​thiab tau teem lub sij hawm tag nrho. Yog hais tias peb ua tsis tau, tej zaum peb yuav tuaj luv luv.
“Kuv yuav tsum tau qhov zoo tshaj plaws version ntawm kuv tus kheej heev. Kuv sim ua kom tau zoo dua thiab zoo dua txhua sib ntaus thiab txhua hnub nyob rau hauv lub gym. Kuv paub tias kuv yuav tsum tau nyob rau hauv sab saum toj ntawm txhua yam uas yuav tshwm sim. Barry Hunter yog ib tug tawv, ntse tus kws qhia uas coj tau ib tug ntau mus rau lub rooj. Lamont muaj ib tug yawm pab neeg. Nws yog ib tug Library thiab ib tug yawm mus fim lawv nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib.”
# # #
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas ,,
ua raws li peb ntawm Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, @BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,,
thiab PBC yog txhawb nqa los ntawm Corona Extra, finest Beer.

Yeej kev ua si & Entertainment’s Sonny “Zoo nkauj tub” Fredrickson Ready to Shine in ShoBox: The New GenerationDebut, This Friday at 10 p.m. ET/PT Live on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino


Rau Tam Sim Tso

New York, New York (Lub ib hlis ntuj 10, 2018) — Yeej kev ua si & Entertainment’s highly-touted Junior Welterweight fighter Sonny “Zoo nkauj tub” Fredrickson (18-0,12 Kos) is slated to make his SHOWTIME debut on Friday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 12 when he faces off against Shohjahon Ergashev in the telecast opener of ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam rau Friday, Jan. 12 nyob rau SHOWTIME (10 p.m. THIAB/PT) los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, N.Y..
Fredrickson will square off against the Uzbekistani Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) in a telecast headlined by two-time Olympian Gold Medalist Claressa Shields (4-0, 2 KO lub) as she defends her WBC and IBF Middleweight World Titles against Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 KO lub).
Fredrickson, lub WBA tus tsis. 8 ranked fighter at 140 phaus, will take on power-puncher Ergashev in the former’s first fight since claiming the WBA Fedebol Super Lightweight title on Nov. 1, 2017 in Medellin, Colombia. The highly anticipated fight is part of a tripleheader event promoted by Salita Promotions. And while Ergashev is with Salita Promotions, there is no doubt who theA-Sideof this fight is as the fast rising Fredrickson looks to solidify his position as one of the top contenders at Junior Welterweight and make himself a television regular.
I am excited to make my ShoBox debut, and look forward to putting on a good show for the fans at Turning Stone and everyone watching on TV, especially all my family and fans back in Toledo, Ohio” Fredrickson said. “I know Ergashev is tough and he will be coming to fight, but I’ve trained very hard. I had a great camp and I am looking to make a statement. I’m very appreciative of SHOWTIME for this platform.I had a number of television opportunities fall through because fighters pulled out so I’m happy my time has finally come. Hopefully, Ergashev doesn’t get hurt before Friday, but once the fight starts I can’t promise anything.
Rick Torres, Thawj Tswj Hwm ntawm yeej Cov kev ua si, feels that this fight will give Fredrickson exposure to a wider audience that may not be familiar with him.
We feel Sonny is one of the best kept secrets in all of boxing and we’re excited that the rest of the world will get to see what we already knowthat Sonny Fredrickson is the future of the 140-pound division,” Torres said. “Sonny has not gotten the TV exposure of other fighters, but we know that, given the chance, he will not disappoint. We are very grateful to SHOWTIME and Gordon Hall for making this happen and for the support of Sonny’s promoter Roc Nation Sports.
Mike Leanardi, COO of Victory Sports, sees an opportunity for Fredrickson to follow in the footsteps of another Victory Sports fighter that started on ShoBox.
ShoBox is the premier platform today for showcasing and developing young fighters,”Leanardi said. “We’ve seen the impact ShoBox can have firsthand with [former Super Middleweight and Former Light Heavyweight World Champion] Badou Jack. We’re confident that Sonny can achieve great success as well.

Thrill-a-Minute Kazakh Slugger Bakhtiyar Eyubov Returns to Action This Friday at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Kazakhstan-born junior welterweight contender Bakhtiyar Eyubov is back with a vengeance and ready to bring his flashy and fan-friendly style to New York boxing fans.

One of the world’s most exciting fighters at 140 thiab 147 phaus, the entertaining Eyubov will return to action this Friday, Lub ib hlis ntuj 12, on the untelevised undercard of two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-Rex” Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) defense of her WBC and IBF titles against undefeated mandatory challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) nyob rau ntawm lub Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, New York.
Yeyubov (13-0, 11 Kos) will face Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 Kos) in a six-round junior welterweight showdown.
Training for Lub ib hlis ntuj 12 has been excellent,” hais tias Eyubov. “I feel in great condition. My opponent has some solid wins against undefeated fighters and brings lots of experience into the ring, but I will be ready for everything.
The 31-year-old slugger says with all his injury woes behind him, he is looking forward to a big 2018.
My goal is to make a big jump in my career this year. I want to be set on my path to the title. My style is to please the fans and I want to show them exciting knockouts against the best contenders. I would like to stay active and fight four or five times. Give me the so calledkillersin the division. Kab lawv!”
Presented by Salita Promotions, Shields vs. Nelson will serve as the headliner of a televised tripleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. THIAB/PT).
Tsis tas li ntawd featured rau lub Lub ib hlis ntuj 12 telecast, Uzbekistan hwj chim-xuas nrig ntaus Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 Kos) yuav fim khub undefeated thiab sab saum toj-10 ranked Sonny Fredrickson (18-0, 12 Kos) ntawm Toledo, Ohio. Nyob rau hauv lub co-feature, Jesse Hernandez (10-1, 7 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm nyob rau hauv Ernesto Garza (9-2, 5 Kos; 1-3 WSB) nyob rau hauv ib tug 10-round super bantamweight bout.

Daim pib rau cov kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Salita Promotions, yog tam sim no rau cov muag khoom rau $75 rau thawj ob kab ntawm ringside, $65 rau seem ringside rooj thiab tag nrho lwm cov luv nqi tom $49 thiab $37, ntxiv rau tej uas siv tau cov nqi. Daim pib yuav raug muas nyob rau hauv tus neeg los yog los ntawm hu rau tus siav Pob zeb Resort Box Office ntawm 800.771.7711 lossis hauv online ntawm Ticketmaster.

Hais txog siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov
Host of the Lub ib hlis ntuj 12 kev tshwm sim, Txoj siav Pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov yog ib qho puav pheej-winning lo lus uas peb resort, uas tseem paub qhov txawv nws tus kheej raws li ib tug premier venue rau kev sib ntaus-of-the-xyoo theem boxing. Lub ib hlis ntuj cov kev tshwm sim yuav kos tus cim siav pob zeb lub 24th thoob teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV boxing kev tshwm sim, cementing lub resort li ib tug ua lo lus uas peb teb chaws uas tawm hauv TV kev sib ntaus los kev ua si. Txoj siav pob zeb nta world-class amenities xws li plaub cov chaw ntiav pw, ntau tshaj 20 kos npe khw nojmov thiab noj mov xaiv, ob dab dej sov, ib tug tag nrho-tshiab 125,000 square taw Las Vegas style gaming pem teb, ib tug cabaret-style Showroom, a 5,000-seat arena, tsib golf kawm, ob peb tuav, cocktail lounges thiab nightlife venues nrog koom kev lom zem txhua txhua weekend.

Professional media requesting credentials for must contact Kelly Abdo, Xa Pob Zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov Public Relations Manager ntawm

Danny Garcia vs. Brandon Rios & David Benavidez vs. Ronald Gavril Los Angeles xovxwm sablaj Quotes & Duab

Garcia vs. Rios & Benavidez vs. Gavril 2 Yuav siv sij hawm qhov chaw Saturday, Lub ob hlis ntuj 17 nyob rau Showtime los ntawm Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas & Presented by Premier Boxing Champions
Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Scott Hirano / Showtime
Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Chris Farina / Mayweather Promotions
Nyem NTAWM NO rau cov duab los ntawm Erick Ramirez /
Premier Boxing Champions
LOS ANGELES (Lub ib hlis ntuj 9, 2018) – Ob-division ntiaj teb no yeej Danny “Swift” Garcia thiab yav tas los lub ntiaj teb champion Brandon “Bam Bam” Rios went face-to-face for the first time Tuesday ntawm ib tug xovxwm rooj sab laj nyob rau hauv Los Angeles mus tshaj tawm lawv lub ntsiab kev tshwm sim showdown noj qhov chawSaturday, Feb. 17 nyob rau Showtime los ntawm Mandalay Bay Txheej xwm Center nyob rau hauv Las Vegas thiab los ntawm cov Premier Boxing Champions.
Tsis tas li ntawd nyob rau hauv kev mus kawm ntawv Tuesday twb WBC Super Middleweight ntiaj teb tau zus ib David Benavidez thiab sab saum toj contender Ronald Gavril, uas tau raws li nyob rau hauv ib tug rematch ntawm lawv exciting ntiaj teb no title sib ntaus ntawm lub Cuaj hlis nyob rau hauv lub co-feature ntawm lub telecast.
Daim pib rau lub nyob kev tshwm sim, uas yog txhawb los ntawm Mayweather Promotions thiab TGB Promotions, yog ntawm kev muag khoom tam sim no thiab yog muaj nyob rau ntawm
Ntawm no yog li cas rau neeg tua hluav taws yuav tsum tau hais Tuesday los ntawm lub Conga Room ntawm L.A. Nyob:
Danny Garcia
“Kuv xav tias yeej zoo lub hlwb thiab lub cev tam sim no. Kuv lub cev so thiab npaj txhij mus muaj ib tug yawm 2018 starting Lub ob hlis ntuj 17.
“Koj yuav tsum tau teem mus kawm tau ntawv zoo nyob rau hauv ib tug sib ntaus zoo li no thiab kuv xav hais tias Brandon Rios paub hais tias. Kuv kawm nyuaj ces kuv cia siab tias nws yog ib yam nkaus thiab. Kuv yeej tsis yuav mus coj ib tug sib ntaus tawm.
“Qhov no yog ib tug classic sib ntaus ntawm ib tug boxer Puncher tiv tiag ib tug brawler. Kuv yuav tsum npaj kom txhij rau txhua yam thiab pib 2018 tawm txoj cai. Kuv yuav tsum tau lub fighter kuv twb yeej ib txwm tau.
“Kuv noj qab nyob zoo thiab muaj zog thiab npaj txhij rau sib ntaus sib tua. Kuv yuav muab cov tsis mus Keith Thurman qab kuv thiab mus rau pem suab. Kuv muaj siab rau ua Danny Garcia rau Lub ob hlis ntuj 17. Kuv tsis tau nias thiab sim ua ntau heev, Kuv cia li yuav tsum tau txais lub yeej.
“Peb twb ob leeg champions nyob rau tib lub sij hawm nyob rau 140-phaus thiab peb tsis tau txais ib lub caij nyoog mus tua ces, tab sis nws yog tag nrho hais txog cov sij hawm poob nyob rau hauv boxing. Tej yam uas yuav ua hauj lwm tawm thiab tam sim no peb nyob nraum npaj yuav mus lub taub hau-rau-lub taub hau.
“Kuv yeej tsis rov qab thiab kuv paub tias Brandon Rios pom tias nyob rau hauv kuv. Kuv yeej ib txwm tuaj mus tua. Nws tseem yuav mus yuav ib tug poj matchup nrog peb yeej thiab peb kev txiav txim.
“Kuv nyiam saib kawg peb fights ntawm kuv tus nrog sib ntaus. Kuv xav tias nws muab kuv ib tug zoo hais txog ntawm dab tsi nws yuav mus zoo li nyob rau hauv kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj. Kuv twb tau saib daim kab xev ntawm kuv kawg sib ntaus dhau lawm ces peb yuav tau txais ib tug zoo kev ua si txoj kev npaj ua ke.
“Kuv muaj li kuv tiv thaiv ib tug zoo sib ntaus tawm tsam Thurman. Nws tsis tau tiag tiag koom. Kuv xav tias tom qab lub plaub puag ncig nws twb yeej tus duab ntxoo boxing. Kuv tsis blame nws vim hais tias koj yuav tsum tau ruam rau sawv nyob rau hauv pem hauv ntej ntawm kuv. Peb mam li ua ib co kev kho me ntsis thiab ntxiv mus rau dab tsi kuv twb ua tau zoo.
“Kuv tsis tau muaj lub Shawn Porter sib ntaus, tiam sis kuv xav tias yuav muaj ib tug yawm sib ntaus. Nws nyiam tuaj rau pem hauv ntej thiab kuv yog ib tug zoo kawg boxer thiab counter-Puncher. Kuv xav tias cov kiv cua yuav hlub nws, tab sis Shawn Porter yuav tsum ceev faj li cas nws xav rau.”
Brandon Rios
“Txhua leej txhua tus paub kuv style. Kuv tsis nyob ntawm no las voos, Kuv tuaj mus tua. Kuv yuav nyob rau hauv muaj nrog kuv lub siab tawm los qhia rau ntiaj teb tias kuv tseem yog ib qho ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws muaj.
“Kuv xav tias muaj zog thiab kuv xav tias rejuvenated. Kuv lub cev xav tau ib co so vim hais tias tag nrho kuv cov fights yog kev tsov kev rog. Nws coj ib tug xov tooj hu rau kuv lub cev thiab tam sim no kuv xav tias raws li zoo raws li puas tau. Kuv yuav npaj mus qhia lub ntiaj teb no ib tug txawv Brandon Rios.
“Koj yuav tsum sib ntaus sib tua qhov zoo tshaj plaws yog kev ua neeg zoo tshaj plaws. Danny Garcia tau mus nyob rau saum toj ntawm no kev ua si nawv rau ib ntev lub sij hawm. Kuv yeej ib txwm npaj txhij rau ib txoj kev kuaj.
“Kuv siv tsis yeej ib txwm coj txoj kev kawm thiab kuv yuag raws li tiag raws li kuv yuav tsum tau muaj. Kuv tseem hluas thiab ruam thiab kuv ua yuam kev. Cov yuam kev nyob hauv kuv yav tag los thiab kuv nyob rau hauv zoo kawg zoo txoj cai tam sim no.
“Kuv twb tau kawm tiag tiag kom tau ib tug tag nrho cov roj tank rau kev sib ntaus hmo ntuj. Kuv yuav muaj nyob so tab sis kuv tseem muaj nws nyob rau hauv kuv thiab tseem muaj ntau kuv yuav tau tawm ntawm no kev ua si nawv. Kuv hais tiag hlub boxing thiab kuv pog mus yuav tau rov qab rau hauv ib tug loj sib ntaus zoo li no.
“Kuv yeej ib txwm ntseeg thaum kuv tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib. Muaj Robert Garcia nyob rau hauv muaj yog muaj kuv cov kwv tij nrog kuv. Nws cia li lwm lub suab uas kuv siv rau thiab tias kuv ntseeg.
“Yog rov qab nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib yog ib tug me ntsis paj-wracking tab sis kuv twb zoo siab tau lub nplhaib xeb tawm. Kuv tau ua dab tsi kuv yuav tsum tau ua thiab yog kev zoo siab tau los ntawm kev uas cov kev. Kuv yeej ua tsaug rau nyob rau hauv no txoj hauj lwm mus tua Danny Garcia.
“Kuv twb tau npaj txhij mus tua ib yam ntawm cov saum toj kawg nkaus fighters. Kuv tos thiab coj kuv lub sij hawm vim hais tias kuv paub kuv yuav sib ntaus sib tua, leej twg yuav nce ntaiv. Kuv tau txais dab tsi kuv xav thiab tam sim no nws yog lub sij hawm mus coj kom zoo dua.”
“Kuv yuav tsum ua ib daim ntawv qhia nyob rau hauv Lub ob hlis ntuj 17. Kuv sawvkev Mandalay Bay nrog txoj siv tawv rau kuv lub xub pwg. Kuv yuav tsum tau txais lub knockout thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tab tom nrhiav ua.
“Nws tau kuv tus npau suav txij thaum kuv yog ib tug me kas los koom ua lub npe thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tab tom ua hauj lwm ntawm tam sim no. Kuv xav ua ib tug ntawm qhov zoo tshaj plaws nyob rau hauv lub keeb kwm ntawm lub ceeb thawj hoob kawm thiab kuv ua hauj lwm nyuaj heev yuav ua kom tiav uas.
“Kuv tus yau super middleweight ntiaj teb no yeej nyob rau hauv keeb kwm thiab kuv yuav mus qhia Gavril yog vim li cas. Kuv tsis tshua muaj neeg mob siab saib txawm zoo dua sij hawm tas los thiab tau txais cov knockout.
“Kuv loj hlob nyob rau hauv lub era qhov twg txhua leej txhua tiv thaiv txhua leej txhua. Muaj npaum li ntawd lub zog thiab excitement nrog txhua sib ntaus thiab hais tias yog dab tsi kuv tab tom nrhiav rau coj mus rau cov kiv cua. Qhov no yog yuav mus yuav ib tug zoo sib ntaus uas koj tsis xav kom nco.
“Kuv xav tias zoo li kuv yeej thawj kev sib ntaus kom meej meej. Gavril xav tias nws yuav tuaj thiab khob kuv tawm tam sim no, tab sis yog hais tias nws muaj heev npaum li cas cog qoob loo, nws yuav tsum tau ua li ntawd nyob rau hauv thawj sib ntaus. Kuv kawm nyuaj heev txoj cai tam sim no mus nyob rau hauv muaj thiab rhuav nws li.
“Lub tswv yim ntawm no kev sib ntaus yuav tsum yog ib tug sib txawv me ntsis. Peb muaj tej yam uas peb nyob nraum npaj. Tab sis nws tseem mus yuav ib tug tsov rog, vim hais tias kuv xav mus yuav ib tug kiv cua phooj ywg fighter. Kuv tabtom hoping mus nyiag tus yeeb yam.
“Kuv tus tau zus ib ces kuv xav tias zoo li kuv nyob rau hauv ib txoj hauj lwm ua ib co zoo kawg fights nyob rau hauv lub nyob ze yav tom ntej. Kuv xav kom cov khiav ntawm lub ntiaj teb Boxing Super Series 168-phaus cov kev sib tw. Kuv honored mus yuav tau nyob rau hauv tib kem li lwm champions thiab kuv yuav tsis tos kom tau nyob rau hauv lub nplhaib nrog lawv.
“Kuv tsis tso Gavril thawj lub sij hawm. Kuv paub tias nws yog ib tug contender thiab nws tuaj nyob rau hauv tawv thiab npaj txhij mus tua. Kuv paub nws style tam sim no ces kuv yuav mus ua hauj lwm tau zoo. Muaj ib tug ntau ntawm tej yam uas kuv yuav tsum tau ua nyob rau hauv thawj sib ntaus. Kuv yuav coj kom zoo dua qhov no lub sij hawm.”
Ronald Gavril
“Kuv tsis xav hais tias nws yog li zoo li cov neeg hais tias nws yuav mus rau hauv peb thawj kev sib ntaus. Nws twb tsis tiv thaiv tej real fighters, li ntawd, koj pom dab tsi tshwm sim thaum nws mus tawm tsam ib tug.
“Kuv yeej zoo siab rau ntawm no thiab tau nyob rau hauv no txoj hauj lwm rau ib tug rematch. Kuv xav ua tsaug rau David Benavidez rau pom zoo rau sib ntaus sib tua kuv. Kuv xav hais tias kuv yeej thawj kev sib ntaus li ntawd kuv thiaj paub hais tias kuv xav no tam sim ntawd. Kuv khwv tau no rematch.
“Kuv kawm tau ntau heev los ntawm tus thawj sib ntaus. Kuv paub tias dab tsi kuv yuav tsum ua zoo dua qhov no lub sij hawm. Lub tswv yim yuav hloov thiab kuv mam li ua hauj lwm txawm nyuaj rau hauv camp yuav tsum tau npaj txhij. Kuv ua hauj lwm rau ua qhov zoo tshaj plaws Kuv tau hlwb thiab lub cev.
“Nws yog ib tug hluas fighter uas tseem muaj ib tug ntau ntawm tej yam uas yuav kawm. Txoj cai tam sim no nws yog tus tau zus ib, tab sis nws yuav yuav tsum tau npaj txhij. Qhov no yuav tsis tau ib qho yooj yim sib ntaus rau nws. Kuv yuav nyob rau hauv muaj ua mob rau nws thiab yeej sib ntaus.
“Kuv yuav ua li cas ib tug ntau ntawm tej yam uas zoo tshaj nyob rau hauv thawj sib ntaus. Kuv muaj pov thawj hais tias kuv muaj cov kev txawj ntse nyob rau hauv thawj match, thiab tam sim no kuv yuav ua kom tau lub yeej. Kuv yuav nyob ntawm no rau ib tug yog vim li cas. Nws yuav tsis mus ua tau ib tug yooj yim kev sib ntaus rau nws.
“Kuv tsuas xav txog David Benavidez txoj cai tam sim no. Kuv yuav muab txhua yam rau hauv no rematch thiab tau txais txoj siv tawv. Thaum kuv yeej, tus so yuav saib xyuas ntawm nws tus kheej.”
# # #
Yog xav paub ntxiv mus xyuas thiab, raws li nyob rau hauv TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, @MandalayBay thiab @Swanson_Comm los yog los ua ib cov kiv cua hauv Facebook, thiab Premier Boxing Champions yog hais los ntawm Corona Extra, finest Beer.


“Kuv puas tau ib yam dab tsi uas tau ua rau keeb kwm thiab cov neeg zaum muaj kuj zoo ib yam li kuv twb tsis nyob ua ib ke "- Claressa Shields

Shields Npaaj Yuav Cug Nws lub ntiaj teb no Titles tiv thaiv Undefeated Tori Nelson no Friday, Jan. 12 Ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT Live Nyob Showtime®

Saib, Saib & Qhia Ntawm YouTube:


DAB TSI: Unified tau zus ib thiab ob-lub sij hawm Olympic kub medalist Claressa Shields qhia rau nws zoo kawg li pib xyaum ua hauj lwm thiab forecasts zoo nyob rau hauv 2018, pib thaum nws defends nws cov menyuam tiv thaiv undefeated yuav tsum tau challenger Tori Nelson no hnub Friday ntawm 10 p.m. THIAB/PT nyob rau Showtime.


"Kuv xav mus cia nyob rau hauv keeb kwm raws li qhov zoo tshaj plaws cov poj niam txoj kev fighter puas tau, thiab ua li cas koj ua li ntawd?” Shields ponders as she explains her decision to turn pro. “Kuv puas tau ib yam dab tsi uas tau ua rau keeb kwm thiab cov neeg zaum muaj kuj zoo ib yam li kuv twb tsis muaj nyob. "


Shields (4-0, 2 Kos) yuav siv sij hawm viewers los ntawm ib hnub twg ntawm kev kawm camp nyob rau hauv nws hometown ntawm Flint, Michigan, qhov chaw uas nws tham txog loj hlob nyob rau hauv lub nroog uas qhia nws thiab kwv yees ib tug dominating kev ua hauj lwm nyob rau hauv ntau yam hnyav chav kawm.


"Thaum kuv tuav [Nelson], Kuv hu tawm rau tag nrho cov sab saum toj cov ntxhais. Yog hais tias koj xav tias koj muaj peev xwm tuav kuv, cia peb ua nws tshwm sim. Kuv los ntawm 154 rau 168. Tom qab no sib ntaus, Kuv xa me nyuam rov down rau 160 thiab kuv roj hmab txhua leej txhua tus lub nroog Yeiuxalees ntawm 160, "Shields hais tias. “Thiab tom qab uas, Kuv yuav mus rau 154 thiab leej twg yog tus phaus-rau-phaus cai tam sim no? Cecilia Braekhus? Nws tau mus saib kuv ib yam nkaus thiab. "


Lub 22-xyoo-laus defends nws lub npe tiv thaiv yuav tsum tau challenger Tori Nelson (17-0-3, 2 Kos) no hnub Friday rau ShoBox: Tshiab Tiam los ntawm Txoj siav pob zeb Resort Twv txiaj yuam pov nyob rau hauv Verona, N.Y..