Kategorija Archives: Showtime


Moterų superkovos pridėtos prie Blockbuster Shields vs. Habazin Showdown per SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® Tiesiogiai 9 P.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT iš Ocean Casino Resort Atlantic City, N.J.

NEW YORK - gruodžio 13, 2019 – Antroji moterų superkova buvo pridėta prie sėkmingo filmo „Claressa Shields vs. Ivanos Habazos renginys penktadienį, Sausis 10, „Ocean Casino Resort“ Atlantik Sityje, N.J., WBA super vidutinio svorio čempionė Alicia „The Imperatorė“ Napoleonas-Espinosa susikaus su nenugalėta IBF čempione Elin Cederroos 10 raundų susivienijimo metu tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME.

Napoleonas (12-1, 7 Kos), iš Lindenhursto, N.Y.. ir Cederroos (7-0, 4 Kos), arba Vasteras, Švedija, susitiks SHOWTIME BOXING atidarymo rungtynėse: SPECIALUS LEIDIMAS (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) remiant ilgai lauktą susirėmimą tarp neginčijamos vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionės Claressa Shields ir buvusios čempionės Ivanos Habazin dėl laisvų WBC ir WBO 154 svarų pasaulio čempionų titulų..

Jei Shieldsas ir Napoleonas laimės atitinkamas kovas sausio mėn 10, Tikimasi, kad jie susigrums dėl neginčijamo vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionato 2020 su visais keturiais Shields 160 svarų titulais.

Renginį reklamuoja Salita Promotions kartu su T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. Napoleono-Espinosos ir Cederrooso kovą reklamuoja Salita Promotions kartu su DiBella Entertainment.

Napoleonas tapo IBF super vidutinio svorio čempionu 10 raundų vienbalsiu sprendimu prieš buvusią pasaulio čempionę Femke Hermans kovo mėn. 2018. 33 metų moteris sėkmingai apgynė diržą dar vienu 10 raundų sprendimu, šį kartą virš škotės Hannah Rankin rugpjūtį 2018. Paskutinį kartą Napoleonas antrą kartą sėkmingai apgynė savo titulą, sustabdęs Filadelfijos žaidėją Schemelle Baldwin per keturis įspūdingus raundus rugpjūčio mėn. 2019.

„Labai džiaugiuosi galėdamas susivienyti su IBF pasaulio čempione Elin Cederroos per SHOWTIME,“, - sakė Napoleonas. „Esu be galo dėkingas savo rėmėjui Lou DiBellai, vadovas Brianas Cohenas, treneriai Leonas Tayloras ir Delenas Parsley bei mano vyras Roberto Espinosa už tai, kad jie yra pagrindiniai šios svajonės išsipildymo ingredientai. Turiu nuostabią vyrų komandą, kuri tvirtai stovi šalia manęs ir tiki manimi, ruošia mane ir sunkiai dirba, kad atvertų duris, kad galėčiau klestėti. Esu palaimintas ir pasiruošęs laimėti ir surengti įsimintiną pasirodymą, kurį tą vakarą pamatys visas pasaulis. Esu puikios nuotaikos, susijaudinęs ir pasiruošęs ateinančiai nakčiai. Ačiū visiems, Mano komanda, šeima ir gerbėjai, už tai, kad ši galimybė išsipildė svajone“.

34-erių Cederroos IBF čempiono titulą iškovojo vos šeštoje kovoje, kovą su daugumos sprendimu prieš Hermansą. 2019. Kovoja kaip priešininkė savo priešininko kieme, Cederroosas vis tiek sugebėjo pakankamai sužavėti teisėjus, kad padarytų įspūdingą žygdarbį. Paskutinėje jos kovoje, Cederroosas lapkritį kovoje be titulo įveikė Kenijos atstovę Florence Muthoni 2019 dominuojančiu trečiojo turo KO.

„Alicia Napoleon yra puiki čempionė ir ji bus mano sunkiausias išbandymas, bet aš pasiruošęs,“, - sakė Cederroosas. „Man didelė garbė padaryti savo JAV. debiutavo tokioje prestižinėje kortoje ir tai padaryti kovoje dėl pasaulio čempiono titulo. Mes su Alicia surengsime puikų šou.”

„sausis 10 ką tik tapo dar įdomiau, kai buvo pridėta dviejų super vidutinio svorio kategorijos čempionų kova,Sakė Dmitrijus Salita. „Tie, kurie dalyvauja kovoje „Ocean Casino Resort“, ir visi, kurie ją stebės tiesiogiai per SHOWTIME, matys geriausius, kurie kovos su geriausiais šioje labai konkurencingoje „pick-em“ kovoje.. Puiki bokso pradžia 2020 metais.

“Alicia Napoleon-Espinosa yra pasaulio čempionė, turinti visą paketą. Ji atletiška, nuožmus, fiziškai stiprus ir charizmatiškas,” sakė Lu DiBella, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos. “sausio 10, ji gauna didžiausią galimybę sužibėti prieš Elin Cederroos, dar vienas pasaulio čempionas. Tai didžiausias etapas iki šiol Aliciai ir Elin, ir aš tikiuosi, kad jie atsineš viską, ką turi. Viena iš jų ringą paliks kaip vieninga pasaulio čempionė ir elitinė Claressa Shields varžovė. Alicia įsitikinusi, kad jos ranka bus pakelta.”

Pramonėje pirmaujanti gamybos komanda ir paskelbta komanda pristatys visus taikiklius, garsai ir drama iš Atlantik Sičio. Televizijos laidą ves veteranas transliuotojas Brianas Custeris, o įvairiapusis kovinio sporto balsas Mauro Ranallo renginį surengs kartu su Šlovės muziejaus analitiku Alu Bernsteinu ir buvusia dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempione Paulie Malignaggi.. Trys šlovės muziejaus nariai užbaigia SHOWTIME paskelbimo komandą – „Emmy®“ apdovanojimą laimėjęs reporteris Jimas Gray, neoficialus ringo žaidėjas Steve'as Farhoodas ir visame pasaulyje žinomas ringo pranešėjas Jimmy Lennonas jaunesnysis. Vykdomasis SHOWTIME BOXING prodiuseris: SPECIALUS EDITION yra David Dinkins, Jaunesnysis. su Bobu Dunphy režisu. Transliacija bus pasiekiama ispanų kalba per antrinį garso programavimą (SAP) Alejandro Luna ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquezas vadina veiksmą.


Lionell Thompson Makes Super Middleweight Debut Against Former Champion Jose Uzcategui Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Gruodis 28 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/

Mayweather Akcijos

LAS VEGAS (Gruodis 13, 2019) – Veteran contender Lionell “Lonnie B” Thompson previewed his upcoming showdown from his training camp as he prepares to take on former champion Jose Uzcategui live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Gruodis 28 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta.

The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by boxing’s hottest attraction Gervonta “Tank” Davis as he moves up in weight to take on former unified champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the vacant WBA Lightweight Title.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features "Jean Pascal defending his WBA Light Heavyweight Title against two-division champion Badou Džekas į bendrą funkcija.

Bilietus į renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, GTD akcijos ir TGB akcijos, yra parduodami ir pasiekiami per Ticketmaster.com.

For Thompson, it will be his debut fight at 168 svarų, after fighting in the light heavyweight division throughout his career. Here is what Thompson had to say about his new division, his December 28 opponent and more, from training camp at Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas:


“I’m not worried about his power. I’ve been in there with big punchers my whole career. I’m just ready to perform. I’m not worried about what he can do. I’m just concentrating on what I can do. Everyone can punch in the pros. One punch from anyone can hurt you. I’m fully focused on being excellent on December 28.

“We’re working hard. It’s a new weight class for me and that’s motivating me even more to be my best. This win is going to do wonders for my life and career. I believe I’ll be victorious in Atlanta. Ar nemirksi.

“All of my fights are important to me. Uzcategui is just another fighter. I don’t focus on what the perception of Uzcategui is. People say he’s a big puncher, but how do you know if he’s never hit you before? It’s someone’s job to pump their fighter up, but I’m only focused on what I can control.

“This is a huge opportunity for me and I’m definitely thankful to the Mayweather Promotions team for putting me in this position. When I saw that Uzcategui was looking for an opponent, I told (Mayweather Akcijos Vadovas) Leonard Ellerbe that I wanted to fight him and he made it happen.

“I know it’s rare for someone at my age to go down in weight. I feel fresh for my age though. I’m making weight the right way and the healthy way. I think with my training camp and the challenge that Uzcategui presents, it will bring out the best of me on December 28.”

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Davis vs. Gamboa will see two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “Tank’’ Davis, Mayweather Promotions’ top rising star and boxing’s hottest attraction, jis šeštadienio RODYMO LAIKO etape tiesiogiai priima buvusį vieningą pasaulio čempioną Jurijų Gamboa už WBA lengvo svorio kategoriją., Gruodis 28 apdovanojimų pelniusioje „State Farm“ arenoje Atlantoje „Premier Box Box Champions“ renginyje.

Ypatinga šventinė SHOWTIME ČEMPIONATO BOKSAS® Televizijos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ir WBA lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionas Jeanas Pascalas, kuris kovoja su dviejų divizionų čempionu Badou Jacku pagrindiniame turnyre.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports,

sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Two-Division World Champion Jack Faces WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Pascal in Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Gruodis 28 from State Farm Arena in Atlanta

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/

Mayweather Akcijos

LAS VEGAS (Gruodis 10, 2019) – Dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas Badou Džekas showed off his skills and previewed his upcoming title fight at a Las Vegas media workout Tuesday as he prepares to take on WBA Light Heavyweight Champion "Jean Pascal Šeštadienis, Gruodis 28 live on SHOWTIME from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas® prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and is headlined by boxing’s hottest attraction Gervonta “Tank” Davis as he takes on former unified world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight Title.

Bilietus į renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, GTD akcijos ir TGB akcijos, yra parduodami ir pasiekiami per Ticketmaster.com.

Jack hit the ring and talked to media at Mayweather Boxing Club as he prepares to face Pascal in a bid to become a three-time champion and capture his second title at light heavyweight. Here is what the workout participants had to say Tuesday:


“Mentally I’m better than I’ve ever been. I’m hungrier and I feel like I did the first time I fought for the title. I’m always hungry, but I’m really excited for this fight.

“Sometimes losses make you better. My first loss was an accident, and I became better because of it. The loss to Marcus Browne, it wasn’t the fairest loss, but it’s made me even hungrier. I’m going to go out there and win the fight no matter what.

“People have written Pascal off a couple of times and he always came back. He’s a throwback fighter who definitely knows how to fight. He brings it every time. He’s got more mileage than me, but I can’t overlook a guy like him.

“I’m ready to do whatever it takes to win the fight. aš jaučiu 100% fiziškai. The cut was cleared in March, and we’re way past that. I’ve been ready physically and this camp has proved that to me and my whole team.

“Pascal and I sparred before but it was a long time ago and sparring is way different than a real fight. I’ve fought bigger punchers, but you have to respect the power of anyone in the ring. Kas gali atsitikti. You can get caught by someone who’s not a puncher.

“I know that I have a lot left to give this sport. I feel like I’m young for my age. The break between fights and bouncing back from a loss have made me more motivated than ever. I’m ready to go in and give the best performance of my career.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos

“Badou has a glow about him, just like the old Badou. He looks super-fast in the ring and everything is what we would want to see.

“Badou Jack has shown time and time again that he wants to fight the best and he’s not going to back down no matter what the challenge is. We’ve never had to think twice about it and one setback wasn’t going to stop him from having that mentality.

“Badou is a fighter who always uses his platform to make the world better for those less fortunate. He’s done wonderful things and is really so much more than a champion boxer. It’s an honor to work with him and always a pleasure to watch him perform.”

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Davis vs. Gamboa will see two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “Tank’’ Davis, Mayweather Promotions’ top rising star and boxing’s hottest attraction, jis šeštadienio RODYMO LAIKO etape tiesiogiai priima buvusį vieningą pasaulio čempioną Jurijų Gamboa už WBA lengvo svorio kategoriją., Gruodis 28 apdovanojimų pelniusioje „State Farm“ arenoje Atlantoje „Premier Box Box Champions“ renginyje.

Ypatinga šventinė SHOWTIME ČEMPIONATO BOKSAS® Televizijos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT ir WBA lengvo svorio kategorijos čempionas Jeanas Pascalas, kuris kovoja su dviejų divizionų čempionu Badou Jacku pagrindiniame turnyre.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports,

sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Chrisas Eubank jaunesnysis. Earns Interim WBA Middleweight Title After Matt Korobov Suffers 2II Round Injury

Ryosuke Iwasa Wins Vacant Interim IBF Junior Featherweight Title with TKO Over Marlon Tapales

Watch The Encore Presentation Monday At 10:05 P.m. ET/PT On
Showtime EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA for Photos from Leo Wilson Jr./Premier Boxing Champions

BROOKLYN (Gruodis 8, 2019) – Nepralaimi WBC vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionasJermall Charlo (30-0, 22 Kos) successfully defended his title for the second time, stopping highly-ranked Irish contender Dennisas Hogan (28-3-1, 7 Kos) with a showstopping one-punch knockout in the seventh round Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, į pateiktą Premier bokso čempionai atveju.


Houston’s Charlo, one of the most exciting young champions in the sport, delivered on his promise that he would close the show in spectacular fashion after going the distance in his previous two bouts. Į :28 of round number seven, Charlo set Hogan up by feinting on the jab before connecting on a ferocious left hook to Hogan’s nose that sent him falling against the ropes. The 34-year-old Hogan, who was moving up after most recently challenging for the title at 154 svarų, rose to his feet before the ten count, but referee Charlie Fitch waived off the bout.

When Hogan was dropped in the seventh round, it was the third time in his career that he had been down and the second time during the fight. Trečiojo turo, a vicious left uppercut from Charlo just 12 seconds into the frame sent Hogan rolling backwards onto the canvas, but the Irishman rose quickly and acrobatically to his feet.

Despite throwing far fewer punches, Charlo had the more effective and efficient attack. Charlo landed 86 iš 266 punches he threw (32%) while Hogan landed just 71 iš 418 punches he threw (17%). Despite Hogan landing on 61 Baterijos štampus, palyginti su 57 for Charlo, Hogan was unable to hurt Charlo, while Charlo’s trademark power resulted in another highlight reel stoppage.

I made it through 2019 and we’re going to 2020 su 20/20 vision,” said Charlo in the ring following the fight. “Shout out to Dennis Hogan for giving me real competition and for coming up to fight me.Of course my power prevailed tonight.

We’ve been working on that (the uppercut). I try to take him out with every punch and we work hard for it. He got up and he fought like a champion. Ronnie (Skydai) told me to cut him off. I just threw the shot and I made sure I threw it right on the money.

The middleweight division is wide open. I’m the WBC Champion. I’m going to enjoy this and spend time with my team. I’m here to fight whoever. You have to make the right decisions and do it at the right time. That’s what it’s all about.

I wanted to keep going but the decision was fair enough by the referee,” said Hogan. “I didn’t see the punch coming on the second knockdown. I was trying to keep boxing him but then all of a sudden I was on the ground and the fight was over.

I’m looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family, taking a month off, and then we’ll work on what’s next for me.

Per bendradarbiavimas funkcionalus bijau, Chrisas Eubank jaunesnysis."S (29-2, 22 Kos) long-awaited United States debut ended in frustrating fashion as his opponent, Matt Korobov (28-3-1, 14 Kos), suffered a bout-ending injury at just :34 antrojo turo. Because it was ruled a self-inflicted injury, the result was officially declared a TKO victory for Eubank, who picked up the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

I. dėžės, a top contender in the middleweight division, injured his left shoulder after throwing a punch that failed to land. After consulting with the ringside doctor, it was deemed that he would be unable to continue.

I felt like I was about to get my swagger on,” Eubank told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray following the stoppage. “He just turned around and stopped. I was going to go jump on him. I guess something happened with his shoulder. There’s nothing to take from the fight. I threw like three or four punches. I was just warming up.

In the buildup to the fight, Eubank, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., repeatedly said that there would be a new contender in the stacked middleweight division. Despite not getting a chance to introduce himself to the American audience in the way he envisioned, Eubank is looking ahead to a busy 2020.

I’m the winner, I’m going to move forward and challenger for these belts,” said Eubank. “This wasn’t my dream. My dream was to come here to America and make a statement. Now that I’ve landed and I settled with the new promotional team, I feel I can get the ball rolling for an active 2020. It’s a shame it had to start like this, but it is what it is.

I was trying to throw the left hand straight, and I just felt the muscle immediately, like I pulled it,” said Korobov. “It was a lot of pain right away. I couldn’t fight with just one arm, especially being a southpaw.

In a battle of former world champions to open the telecast, Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa (27-3, 17 Kos) knocked out the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales (33-3, 16 Kos) with a devastating straight left-hand at 1:09 iš 11oji turas. Su pergalės, Iwasa earned the vacant Interim IBF World Junior Featherweight Title.

Iwasa, who held a six-and-a-half-inch reach advantage, was more consistent throughout the entirety of the bout, stringing together multi-punch combinations. The decisive moment of the 12-round fight came in the penultimate round, when Tapales was caught with a counter left-hand that connected flush on his chin and put him sprawled on the canvas. Tapales beat the count, rising after eight seconds, but referee Shada Murdaugh waved the fight off.

Tuo metu, sustabdžius, Iwasa led on all three scorecards (97-92, 95-94, 97-92). While Tapales was more accurate throughout the night, Iwasa was busier and landed 163 total punches compared to 148 for Tapales and held a 125-99 advantage in power punches landed. Trečiojo turo, Tapales was dropped to a knee after an accidental clash of heads. The clash, which was incorrectly ruled a knockdown, caused severe swelling under Tapalesright eye and swung a would-be 10-9 round in his favor to a 10-8 round in Iwasa’s favor.

I knew that I had him hurt in the 11oji round and I was ready for the finish if the referee had let him keep fighting,” said the 29-year-old Iwasa. “It was a tough fight but I trained really hard for this performance. My height and reach was definitely an advantage. I was able to put my punches together well. He never hurt me but he was still difficult and I had to focus to figure him out.

We’re ready for anyone next. I’m going to keep working hard to become a world champion again next year.

On Saturday’s telecast it was announced that former two-division world champion Danny Garcia would return to the ring on Saturday, Sausis 25 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center". During an interview with SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer, Garcia discussed his anticipated return to the ring.

“Sausis 25, I’m back at Barclays Center, my home away from home,” Garcia said. “It’s a great atmosphere. Every time I’m here, I get the jitters, so I just can’t wait to be back. I’ve been in the gym for a month. I’m already ready. I don’t know who my opponent is, but whoever they put in front of me, I’m ready to get it on.

“Pirmiausia, ačiū Dievui (Errol) Spence is doing good. I hear that he’s recovering well. I was really looking forward to fighting him but maybe he could be next after January 25. Pac-Man (Manny Pacquiao) or Spence, that’s who we want. 2020 is going to be a big year for me.

Prior to the telecast on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN streamed live on the „SHOWTIME Sports“ „YouTube“ kanalas ir Showtime Boksas Facebook puslapis and saw Ronaldas Ellisas (17-1-2, 11 Kos) win a majority decision over Imanuelis Aleem (18-2-2, 11 Kos) in their 10-round super middleweight fight.

The back and forth affair saw both men grab the momentum of the fight at different points, but it was Ellisactivity and ability to box effectively from the outside that gave him the edge. While one judge had the fight 95-95, he was overruled by two scores of 98-92 ir 97-93 for Ellis.

The opening streaming bout saw Louisa Hawton (10-2, 5 Kos) retain her Interim WBC Atomweight Championship by unanimous decision in an all-action rematch againstLorraine Villalobos (4-3, 2 Kos).

Hawton came back after being dropped by a powerful left hook from Villalobos in the sixth round. Hawton was saved by the bell in the round and finished the fight strong, punctuating the action getting the best of several exchanges in the late rounds to win by the score of 95-94 visų trijų kortų.

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader will replay on Monday at 10:05 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Barclays Center. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy®award winning reporter Jim Gray, neoficialus ringo žaidėjas Steve'as Farhoodas ir visame pasaulyje žinomas ringo pranešėjas Jimmy Lennonas jaunesnysis. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jaunesnysis. and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

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Charlo vs. Hogan saw WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, į pateiktą Premier bokso čempionai atveju.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast began at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and featured middleweight star Chris Eubank, Jaunesnysis. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clashed when the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa met for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title. The event was promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions.

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Middleweight Star Chris Eubank Jr. & Top Contender Matt Korobov Discuss Upcoming Showdown for Interim WBA Middleweight Title On Saturday, Gruodis 7 Live Showtime® from Barclays Center in Premier Boxing Champions Event

BROOKLYN (Lapkritis 19, 2019) – Middleweight star Chrisas Eubank jaunesnysis. and top contender Matt Korobov shared their thoughts on their upcoming showdown for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title taking place Saturday, Gruodis 7 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center",Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

The middleweight division will take center stage on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®televizijos laida (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) that is headlined by undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo defending his title against highly-ranked contender Dennisas Hogan. Atidarymo bijau dėl laidoje, former world champions Marlon Tapales ir Ryosuke Iwasawill meet for an interim 122-pound title.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Lions Tik akcijos ir TGB Promotions, yra parduoti dabar ir galima įsigyti ticketmaster.com
ir barclayscenter.com. Bilietus taip pat galima įsigyti American Express kasoje "Barclays Center". Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.

Eubank will make his U.S. pro debut on December 7, after establishing himself as a contender at 160 ir 168 pounds while fighting in his native United Kingdom. He most recently registered a career-best win over former champion James DeGale in February on SHOWTIME in London but will now move back down to 160 pounds to seek a title at middleweight beginning with the fight against Korobov.

Korobov will return to fight at Barclays Center for the second time nearly one year after losing a close decision to Charlo as a late replacement opponent last December in Brooklyn. After fighting to a controversial draw against Immanuwel Aleem in May, Korobov will look to make a statement against Eubank to earn another shot at a world title.

Here is what Eubank and Korobov had to say about their matchup, a future fight with Jermall Charlo and more:


How does it feel to be making your U.S. pro debut on December 7? What are you looking to show the U.S. fans in this fight?

“It’s always been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S. Even with everything I’ve done in the sport over in the U.K, I’ve always felt there was something missing and I believe it was the urge to introduce myself and my fight style to the American audience of fight fans. Now I have my opportunity.”

Why did you make the decision to move down to middleweight for this fight? In what ways are you stronger at 160-pounds?

“I’ve never been a real super middleweight. Aš vaikščioti aplink ne 170 pounds out of competition and have to eat breakfast the day of my weigh-ins to make 168. I believe at 160 I am going to be a beast now that I have become accustomed to fighting much bigger fighters over the last three years.”

What do you know about Korobov as a fighter and how do you see this fight going stylistically?

“I think Korobov will be awkward until I pin him down and when I do, I will show the audience why I am a fan friendly fighter.”

If you’re able to get past Korobov, what would you think of a fight against Jermall Charlo? What advantages do you think you have in that fight?

“When I dispatch of Korobov, Charlo is definitely the name that’s on my radar. He is seen as one of the elite fighters in the middleweight division and I intend to prove that he is not on my level. It will be satisfying stamping my mark on the division against Charlo after I beat Korobov. I think it will be a great fight for the fans as together our styles would make for a very exciting bout.”


Is it exciting to be back at Barclays Center as the co-main event to Charlo, because with a win, you have an opportunity to show him why you deserve the rematch?

Taip, it is very exciting to be back at Barclays Center, only this time I will leave with the belt. I thought I deserved an immediate rematch against Charlo because many people believed I won. I think when I defeat Eubank Jr. and win this belt, it will force Charlo to give me a rematch. We shall see. I only focus on one fight at a time and right now I am only focused on Chris Eubank Jr.”

How do you stay mentally focused on the next fight when you believe you had two bad scorecards go against you?

“I do not focus on the past. I focus on the future because I can only control the future. I will be my best and my best will be good enough against Chris Eubank Jr. We’re doing everything possible in camp to make sure I’m ready.”

What do you make of Eubank as a fighter? How do you expect the fight to look stylistically?

“Eubank is a very good fighter, one of the best. I believe I am a more disciplined fighter. I think my technique is better, but he does some things very well. Let’s see on December 7. I don’t want to give away the weaknesses I see, but the style difference will make a very entertaining fight for the fans.

Do you think you have the advantage as far as boxing skills over Eubank? How do you counter his possible size advantage, given that he’s coming down from 168 svarų?

“I think my skills are better. I do not think weight will be an issue. He is professional and I am professional. Jei kas nors, perhaps it is a little more difficult for him to make 160 after years at 168. I will fight anyone between 160 ir 168 svarų, so I don’t see any problem with weight for me, perhaps more for him. We will find out December 7.”

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Charlo vs. Hogan will see WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai, į pateiktą Premier bokso čempionai atveju.

Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features features middleweight star Chrisas Eubank, Jaunesnysis. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clash when the Philippines’Marlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa meet for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title

Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports,
sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Joe George Wins Controversial Split-Decision Over Marcos Escudero; Amilcar Vidal, Jaunesnysis. Stops Zach Prieto In First Round

Catch The Replay Monday, Lapkritis 18 Į 10 p.m. ET / PT Dėl Showtime EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Credit Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa – November 15, 2019 - 2016 Argentinian Olympian and welterweight prospect Alberto Palmetta put a late exclamation point on an impressive display, scoring a final-round TKO of undefeated Mexican prospect Erik Vega in the main event of ShoBox: Naujos kartos Friday night from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ajova.

Palmetta (13-1, 9 Kos), who came out of the amateur ranks billed as one of the top prospects in Argentina’s boxing history, broke open a close fight by producing a massive rally that stunned Vega (16-1, 9 Kos) and ultimately led to referee Mark Nelson intervening at the 1:03 mark of the 10oji ir paskutinis turas. Entering that round, Palmetta was leading 87-84 on two of the judges’ scorecards and 86-85 on the other. (Palmetta KO: https://twitter.com/

Capping off his display in stylish fashion, the 29-year-old southpaw Palmetta led 30-3 in overall punches and 28-1 in power punches in the tenth, increasing his final leads to 170-157 in overall punches landed and 148-24 in power punches landed.

“I knew we were up on the scorecards,” said Palmetta. “We didn’t need the knockout, but we wanted it. I had him hurt a couple times in the fight but I didn’t follow up. Be 10oji, I had him out on his feet. It was a good stoppage. He was done.”

“We don’t make excuses,” said the 24-year-old Vega after his first career professional loss. “I believe the referee was right in stopping the fight. I think I need to practice more and I needed to throw more combinations. This was a great learning experience. We’ll go back to the drawing board and come back stronger.”

In an entertaining and crowd-pleasing co-featured bout, Houston’s Joe George (10-0, 6 Kos) won a controversial split decision over the much busier Marcos Escudero (10-1, 9 Kos). The judges scored the fight 97-94 (George), 97-93 (George) ir 96-94 (Escudero).

Argentina’s Escudero began the fight with a bang as his 135 total punches thrown was tied for the seventh most ever recorded by CompuBox in a light heavyweight fight. He kept his blistering pace up throughout the entirety of the fight, blaškymas 106 punches in the final round and 911 Iš viso štampus, but the judges were more impressed by George’s heavier punching and superior accuracy. George stunned Escudero in the ninth round and was accurate on 34 procentų visų savo štampus, palyginti su tik 19 percent for Escudero. The total numbers landed were close, as Escudero landed 177 total punches while George landed 161.

SHOWTIME’s Hall of Famer analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood, along with former world champion Raul Marquez, all had Escudero winning the fight comfortably on their scorecards.

“I’m not surprised at all by the decision,” said George, who is co-managed by seven-time Pro Bowl offensive tackle Trent Williams. “I knew he was a front runner. I knew he was going to get tired. We wore him down. I made the fight a little harder for myself by staying on the ropes a little too long, but we got through it. That’s something that we can work on and improve in the gym.

“I’m really a 168 pounder so that’s where we want to go next. If he wants the rematch, we’ll give it to him but we already beat him.”

Escudero, who was riding a six-fight knockout streak entering the fight, was disappointed in both his performance and the judges’ interpretation of the fight.

“No excuses. I didn’t do my job,"Jis pasakė. “I won the fight 100 procentų, but no excuses from us. Štai Boksas. I never give up. It’s all part of the game. Noriu rematch, 100 procentų. "

In the televised opener between two power punchers who had combined for 10 first-round KOs, undefeated knockout artist Amilcar Vidal, Jaunesnysis. (10-0, 9 Kos) improved his knockout rate to 90 percent by dropping previously unbeaten Zach Prieto (9-1, 7 Kos) twice en route to another first-round stoppage. (Vidal KO: https://twitter.com/

The 23-year-old Vidal, from Montevideo, Urugvajus, floored El Paso’s Prieto with a flush left hand with 30 seconds left in the opening round. With Prieto hanging on, Vidal finished the job just before the bell sounded in the opening round, unleashing a flurry of punches capped by a hook to the side of the head that prompted the stoppage from referee Mark Nelson at 2:59. The blow closed out a fight in which Vidal led 22-14 in overall punches and 16-9 in power punches, including margins of 13-1 in overall punches and 10-1 in power punches in the final minute.

“I won the fight in the gym,” said Vidal, who was fighting in the United States for the first time. “The ring was easy tonight because of the work we did in the gym. I had a game plan and I executed it to perfection. I had a plan to use the left hook and I waited for the right moment to open up, and when I saw it I threw it perfectly.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Sampson Boxing in association with Paco Presents. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Lapkritis 18 į 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Vykdomoji gamintojas yra Gordon salė su Richard Gaughan gaminti ir Rickas Phillips vadovavimas.

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Shields Bidding To Become Fastest Three-Division Champion In Boxing History; Showtime Boksas: SPECIAL EDITION® Tiesiogiai 9 P.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT From Ocean Casino Resort In Atlantic City, N.J.

NEW YORK – Lapkritis 15, 2019 – The long-awaited showdown between undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields and former champion Ivana Habazin has been rescheduled for Friday, Sausis 10 live on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J. Shields and Habazin will face off for the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound world titles as Shields attempts to make history as the fastest fighter in boxing, vyras ar moteris, tapti trijų divizionų pasaulio čempionu.

Shields and Habazin were scheduled to fight on October 5 in Flint, man. The bout was called off less than 36 hours from the opening bell following an altercation at the official weigh-in that resulted in an injury to Habazin’s trainer, James Ali Bashir. This is the third date for Shields and Habazin. They were first scheduled to meet on August 17 before Shields withdrew due to a minor knee injury.

Sausio mėn 10 Showtime Boksas: SPECIALUS LEIDIMAS Televizijos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a WBA Super Lightweight World Title Eliminator between Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 Kos) and Keith Hunter (11-0, 7 Kos). The winner becomes the mandatory challenger for WBA Super Lightweight World Championship currently held by Mario Barrios.

Skydai vs. Habazin is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. Ergashev vs. Hunter is promoted in association with Greg Cohen Promotions. Ticket information for the live event will be announced next week.

24-erių Shieldsas (9-0, 2 Kos) became the undisputed middleweight champion with a near-shutout victory over previously undefeated world champion Christina Hammer in April on SHOWTIME. In doing so, the two-division titlist joined Terrence Crawford, Jermain Taylor, Bernardas Hopkinsas, Oleksandr Usyk and Cecilia Braekhus as the only fighters to have unified all four major world titles in any weight class (Katie Taylor nuo prisijungė prestižinį sąrašą). sausio 10, Shields will seek to make even more history in her sixth headlining appearance on SHOWTIME. Su paveržti Habazin, Skydai taptų trijų padalinys čempionė tik 10 galai, breaking the record of Vasiliy Lomachenko and Kosei Tanaka, kurie abu atliko žygdarbį 12 kovas.

My goal is to become three-division champ faster than any man or woman in history,” Shields said. “This is a very significant fight for both of us. We have both trained really hard twice and great opportunities await the winner, so hopefully three times is the charm.

Habazin (20-3, 7 Kos), Zagrebo, Kroatija, is ranked No. 1 by the WBO at 154 svarų. The 30-year-old, who will be making her U.S. debiutas, won the IBF Welterweight Title over Sabrina Giuliani in 2014. In her next fight, Habazin dropped a unanimous decision to Braekhus in a historic unification bout where Braekhus picked up all four major world title belts. Neseniai, Habazin avenged one of only three losses in her career to Eva Bajic in Zagreb.

Habazin will train in her native Croatia and has dedicated the fight to Bashir.

I’ve been thinking about this since October and I have more of an incentive now given what happened,” Habazin said. “I feel like I’m fighting for James Ali Bashir, as well as for my own pride and respect. I’m also fighting for my country. I want to make Croatia proud that I am their daughter, and I feel that I now have their full support. Claressa is just a brief stop on my journey. I have bigger dreams and bigger shoes to fill in my life. I’m on my way to fulfilling my personal legendbeing crowned the undisputed women’s junior middleweight champion. This is just another step on that journey. Given my faith, I feel that while what happened in October was incredibly unfortunate, this was God’s plan. And I have faith that my hand will be raised in victory in January.

Skydai buvo pirmasis amerikietis boksininkas istorijos – vyras ar moteris – laimėti iš eilės olimpinėse žaidynėse aukso medalius. Ji atsigręžė profesionalus, einančių po 2016 Olimpinės žaidynės ir apšvietimas pirmųjų moterų bokso pagrindinį renginį premium televizijos istorijoje tik savo antrąjį profesinės kovoje 2017. Skydai tapo vieninga moterų super vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas vos savo ketvirtąjį profesinio kovos, ir dviejų padalinys čempionas savo šeštąjį profesinės konkursas. Ji buvo karūnuotas neginčijamą 160-svaras čempionas savo devintą kovos, mažiau kaip trys metai po tekinimo profesionalus, einančių po 2016 Olimpinės žaidynės.

“Sausis 10 is going to be an important date in boxing history as Claressa continues her unprecedented journey toward greatness,” said Dmitriy Salita, Salita Promotions prezidentas. “A win over Ivana Habazin would make Claressain just her tenth fightthe fastest boxer ever to acquire world title belts in three weight categories. But a very determined, skilled and experienced boxer stands in her way, and Ivana is pursuing her own world championship dream. History will be claimed in the ring on January 10 at the Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City and live on SHOWTIME.

With five world titles in just nine professional fights, Claressa Shields has been making women’s boxing history at a record pace,” said manager Mark Taffet. “Dabar, in her 10oji fight on January 10, she seeks to win a world title in a third weight division faster than any man or woman in history, and in remarkable fashion by going down in weight each time. Claressa continues to render the impossible possible. It’s truly Herstory.

Ocean is proud to host Shields vs. Habazin inside Ovation Hall this January,” said Michael Donovan, Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President, Ocean Casino Resort Atlantic City. “We are excited to bring world class boxing to Atlantic City and look forward to more shows in 2020.

Hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 Kos), Uzbekistano, is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. The 27-year-old Ergashev is coming off an impressive fourth round knockout of veteran Abdiel Ramirez this past August on ShoBox: Naujos kartos. In his previous appearances on the prospect developmental series, the former member of the Uzbek national team scored a third round knockout against then top-10 rated Sonny Fredrickson, and a 10-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Mykal Fox. The hard-hitting southpaw currently trains in Detroit with Javan “Cukrus” Hill at the new Kronk Gym with stablemate Vladimir Shishkin.

My goal is to be the junior welterweight champion of the world in 2020,Ergashev said. “After I win this fight I will be just one step away from realizing my dream of bringing the world title home to my country Uzbekistan.

The 27-year-old Hunter is ranked No. 12 į WBA. A native of Las Vegas, the 6-foot Hunter will make his national television debut against the first undefeated opponent of his career. Medžiotojas, who is the younger brother of former Olympian Michael Hunter, trains at Bones Adams Gym in Las Vegas and is co-managed by former heavyweight champion Hasim Rahman.

I’m looking forward to making my national television debut on Showtime,” said KeithThe Bounty” Medžiotojas. “Boxing is in my blood and January 10 will be my chance to take my career to the next level. Ergashev has a bounty on his head, I’m here to collect!”

Pramonėje pirmaujanti gamybos komanda ir paskelbta komanda pristatys visus taikiklius, garsai ir drama iš Atlantik Sičio. Televizijos laidą ves veteranas transliuotojas Brianas Custeris, o įvairiapusis kovinio sporto balsas Mauro Ranallo renginį surengs kartu su Šlovės muziejaus analitiku Alu Bernsteinu ir buvusia dviejų divizionų pasaulio čempione Paulie Malignaggi.. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce teamEmmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, neoficialus ringo žaidėjas Steve'as Farhoodas ir visame pasaulyje žinomas ringo pranešėjas Jimmy Lennonas jaunesnysis. The Executive Producer of Showtime Boksas: SPECIALUS LEIDIMAS is David Dinkins, Jaunesnysis. su Bobu Dunphy režisu. Transliacija bus pasiekiama ispanų kalba per antrinį garso programavimą (SAP) Alejandro Luna ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquezas vadina veiksmą.
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Undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo Headlines Against Highly-Ranked Contender Dennis Hogan in Premier Boxing Champions Event from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

BROOKLYN(Lapkritis 13, 2019) – Former world champions and top-rated contenders clash when the Philippines’Marlon Tapalesand Japan’sRyosuke Iwasago toe-to-toe for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title on Saturday, Gruodis 7 gyvena Showtime iš "Barclays Center", Brooklyn bokso ™ Namai.

The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by undefeated WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall Charlo defending his title against highly-ranked contenderDennisas Hogan. Showtime ČEMPIONATO Boksas televizijos laidos prasideda 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features middleweight starChrisas Eubank, Jrand top contenderMatt Korobovsquaring off in the co-main event for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

The non-televised undercard will feature a clash between once-beaten middleweight contenders asImanuelis Aleem(18-1-2, 11 Kos) įgaunaRonaldas Ellisas(16-1-2, 11 Kos) in a 10-round fight, unbeaten Ghanaian bantamweightDuke Micah(23-0, 19 Kos) in a 10-round duel against the Philippines’Joseph Ambo(9-2-1, 6 Kos) and Australia’sLouisa Hawton(9-2, 5 Kos) battling Los Angeles-nativeLorraine Villalobos(4-2, 2 Kos) for the Interim WBC Strawweight Championship.

Rounding out the lineup is Harlem’sArnold González (2-0, 2 Kos) in a four-round welterweight fight, the pro debut of heavyweightSteven Torresin a four-round showdown against Mexico’sDanielis Franko(2-2, 2 Kos), plus a pair of Dallas-natives in action as unbeaten super middleweightBurley Brooks(4-0, 4 Kos) steps in for a six-round attraction whileAmon Rashidi(7-1, 5 Kos) competes in a six-round bout.

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas Lions Tik akcijos ir TGB Promotions, yra parduoti dabar ir galima įsigytiticketmaster.com irbarclayscenter.com. Bilietus taip pat galima įsigyti American Express kasoje "Barclays Center". Grupė nuolaidos paskambinę 844-BKLYN-GP.

Fighting out of Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte, Filipinai, Tapales (33-2, 16 Kos) captured a bantamweight world title in 2016 with a comeback knockout victory over Panya Uthok while down on the scorecards. The 27-year-old has fought professionally since 2008, and rides a 12-fight winning streak into this bout. This will be his third consecutive appearance in the U.S. after scoring knockout victories over Fernando Vargas and Roberto Castañeda so far this year.

The 29-year-old Iwasa (26-3, 16 Kos) made his U.S debut in February with a technical decision victory over veteran contender César Juárez, rebounding from losing his 122-pound title to T.J. Doheny last year. Fighting out of Kashiwa, Japonija, Iwasa won the title in 2017 by stopping Yukinori Oguni and defended it successfully against Ernesto Saulong. Iwasa enters December 7 the winner of seven of his last eight fights.

Daugiau informacijos rasitewww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuowww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing

GERVONTA DAVIS AND BADOU JACK DISCUSS UPCOMING DECEMBER 28 MATCHUPSDavis To Face Yuriorkis Gamboa For WBA Lightweight World Championship While Jack Challenges WBA Light Heavyweight Titlist Jean Pascal Live On SHOWTIME® From State Farm Arena In Atlanta

KAS: Gervonta Davis ir Badou Džekas met with members of the media last Saturday in Las Vegas to discuss their upcoming matchups taking place Saturday, Gruodis 28 live on SHOWTIME at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in a special year-end Premier Boxing Champions event.

Two-time super featherweight champion Davis will take on former unified world champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA Lightweight World Championship as the 24-year-old Davis looks to conquer another division. In the co-main event of a special holiday SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televizijos laida, former two-division champion Jack will challenge WBA Light Heavyweight World Champion Jean Pascal.

Bilietus į renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, GTD akcijos ir TGB akcijos, are available through Ticketmaster.com.

Also participating in Saturday’s luncheon at Wolfgang Puck at MGM Grand were Leonard Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos, and Stephen Espinoza, Prezidentas, Sporto & Įvykio Programavimas, Showtime Networks Inc.

Here’s what the fighters and executives had to say:

Thoughts about Gamboa and moving up in weight:
We know Gamboa is a veteran and that he’s had a lot of wars, so we know we have a tough fight. He’s definitely dangerous. He can hit. Jis gali kovoti.

His last fight he made 134, so we know he can get bigger than me at that weight. I’m going into this knowing he’s a bigger fighter than me. I’m just going to bring my power and capitalize on that weight class and becoming world champion.

I believe I’m one of the top fighters in the world, but I don’t compare myself to other fighters. I just go out and get the job done.

Atlanta is my second home. I’m confident I’ll sell it out.

On his ability and uniqueness as a fighter:
I come from a different cloth than these other guys. I’ve been through everything in my life. A lot of people haven’t experienced what I have. If I ever get beat it would have to be by someone who’s been through what I have been through. It can’t be anyone who’s just been training all their life.

Every time I step in the ring I’m willing to leave it all in there. A lot of people haven’t seen my full skills because I haven’t fought an opponent that has brought them out.

On his potential in the sport:
The boxing world hasn’t seen my true potential as a fighter, they’ve just seen my power. I’m the type of boxer where if you don’t belong in there with me, you won’t be in there too long. Some fighters like to take their time. I’m the type, if I know you’re not on my level, I’m going to show it. The world will see. I’ll fight anybody.

On his upcoming matchup against Pascal:
“Aš susijaudinęs šioje kovoje. I actually called Pascal the day before his last fight and let him know I was rooting for him. But this is business at the end of the day. I’m coming to take back my title.

On how he feels at this age:
I feel like a young 36 metai. I live a clean life. I’m always in the gym training and I try not to take any punishment. I have a couple of years left and I’m more motivated now than ever. I needed that little break. I hadn’t had a break since I was an amateur twenty years ago. I took time to relax with the family and eat good food. Now I’m hungry.

On his last performance against Marcus Browne:
Everyone who saw me in my last fight could see I was flat. My fighting instinct kicked in at that point. He was fighting a dead man.

On the Davis vs. Gamboa matchup:
“Tai puiki kova. Gamboa is a little older, but he looked good in his last fight. I’m a big, big fan of Tankthe way he fights, his speed, jo atletikos, viskas. He has star power. He was on my undercard, now I’m on his. He’s going to bring great things to the sport and as long as he stays focused, he’s going to be a superstar. He’s already a superstar.

LEONARD Ellerbe:
On Davisposition and progression in the sport:
We’re going to show everyone how he’s going to become the biggest star in the sport. Į 2020 we’re going to blow this out of the water. We’ve been able to think outside the box. That’s how you grow the sport. We’ve made a concerted effort to cross him over to the mainstream; working with the Baltimore Ravens, his parade, now Atlanta.

Our plan is to make the biggest and best fights out there. We’re going to call the shots and it’s going to be on our terms, and we’ll let everyone know when that happens. Everyone wants to fight Tank. There’s one common thing when you talk about 126, 130, 135, ir dabar 140. There’s one name that’s common among the fighters and that’s Tank. This is going to be a great journey and you better get on it now.

If he can get past Gamboa on December 28, then in 2020 he’s going into that pay-per-view world. When you have that kind of star power and you’re thinking outside of the box, not just boxing fans, we’re going to make the biggest fights out there in the world.

On Badou Jack:
Badou’s a promoter’s dream. He’s a guy who gives you no problems. He’s out there doing wonderful things for himself and his family. He’s doing so much to help so many others. He’s using his platform in the right way. It’s an honor to work with a fighter like him.

I always knew he was a great talent and sometimes you can find the diamonds in the rough. Everyone’s always looking at the guys coming out of the Olympics. We saw him in the gym and he really messed a guy up. We had an eye on him and we worked out a deal with Lou [DiBella] and the rest is history.

We had one setback, but everything happens for a reason, and he’s just taken off since. He’s a great fighter and I like the fact that he’s always willing to fight the best. Never had to second guess that he’s willing to fight everybody.

STEPHEN Espinoza:
There are advantages and disadvantages to promoting a show on this date. There has been a lot of success promoting music shows on that weekend. It’s not apples to apples, but it’s one of the factors that went in and there’s a way to turn this into something special and unique because of Gervonta’s fan base.

It’s great to have skilled boxers but we need, for the health of the sport, guys like Gervonta who are putting butts in the seats. That’s the key in bringing him to Atlanta. Boxing is a part of a culture that crosses over into music and sports. Yra ne sportininkas, kuris neturi žiūrėti mokėti už nuomone bokso rungtynės. Skverbiasi į, kad su asmenybės kaip tankas yra tik ketina išplėsti sporto.

“Yra autentiškumo ir atvirumo apie Gervonta. Yra daug žmonių, kurie jau turėjo nesėkmių, kurie neturi apie tai kalbėti daug, kaip tankas. Tai užtrunka riziką kalbėti apie tai ir tai, kodėl daug žmonių gali būti susiję. Tai tankas. Ką matote, yra tai, ką jūs gaunate. Tai labai reali. Tai labai autentiškas ir aš manau, kad tai, kodėl žmonės jungiasi su juo asmenį, o ne jam kovotojas.”

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Daugiau informacijos rasite www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, sekti Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions ir @Swanson_Comm ar tapti gerbėju "Facebook" tuo www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Top Mayweather Promotions Prospects Martinez, Richardson Hitchins, Kevin Newman II and Rolando Romero All Victorious

Catch The Replay Monday, Lapkritis 4 Į 10 p.m. ET / PT Dėl Showtime EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Credit Ian Spanier/SHOWTIME

Spauskite ČIA Nuotraukų; Credit Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS – November 1, 2019 - Undefeated super featherweight prospect Xavier Martinez thrilled a sold-out crowd and boxing royalty at Sam Miestas gyvai with one of the quickest knockouts in ShoBox: Naujos kartos history in the main event Friday night in Las Vegas.

It took just 21 seconds for Sacramento’s Martinez (15-0, 11 Kos) to steal the show, connecting on a solid jab with his left hand before a glancing right hand finished the job and sent Filipino Jessie Cris Rosales (22-4-1, 10 Kos) down and out in a knockout of the year candidate. Rosales’ head hit hard on the canvas and his body was left sprawled on the floor. (Martinez KO video: https://twitter.com/

Martinez has now scored knockouts in seven consecutive fights, including a third-round stoppage of John Vicente Moralde in his ShoBox debut in April.

I wanted to steal the show,” said Martinez. "[rolando Romero] did his thing and I knew I had to capitalize on that. I did it in half the time (45 sekundžių). Everyone did great tonight. Hitchins and Kevin [Newman] both did their thing and I had to follow.

“I’m going to get back in the gym and continue grinding. I want to be the best. I have the best team in boxing right now. As long as they keep lining them up, I’m going to keep knocking them down.”

22-year-old Brooklyn, N.Y.. native and 2016 Olympian Richardson Hitchins (10-0, 5 Kos) made his television and ShoBox debut in the co-featured bout, winning a unanimous decision over Kevin Johnson (7-2, 4 Kos). Teisėjai įmušė bijau 96-94 ir 97-93 dvigubai.

Hitchins, who represented his parents’ home country of Haiti in the 2016 Rio Games, used his skill, speed and defense to edge the 27-year-old Johnson. Hitchins was marginally better in every category round after round, allowing him to build small but decisive leads en route to the unanimous decision. Johnson was slightly more active (52.6 į 49.8 štampus per turas) but Hitchins was more accurate and the more robust body puncher. Hitchins landed on 30 procentų savo elektros štampus, while Johnson landed just 19 procentų jo, and Hitchins connected on 46 body shots compared to 30 for Johnson.

“Johnson was a solid fighter,” said Hitchins. “I haven’t been in the ring since April, but I think I did great. It was the fight that I needed. I wanted the win and I got the unanimous decision. I don’t like to rate my performance without going back and re-watching the fight. I could have closed the gaps a little better. I should have capitalized on certain moments a little better.

I’m going to run the tape back and work with my coach so we can tighten up and come out the best I can possibly be. I’m excited to see what’s next and what my team has planned for me. They’ve guided me in a great direction and I just got to do what I got to do and that’s getting these guys out one at a time until I get that title shot.”

Johnsonas, who performed admirably, was gracious in defeat despite disagreeing with the judges’ scorecards.

“Jis turėjo gerą žandikaulį,” Johnson said. “It was easy to download him. I put the pressure on him and kept listening to my corner, and moved to the right and kept landing. Jis yra griežtas kovotojas. Aš duosiu jam, kad, he definitely came to fight. We both had moments throughout the fight. He did a good job of holding as the ref called, he knew how to hold when he was getting hurt. I think I was the better fighter. Jis niekada skauda man. I give him props as a fighter.

“I really want the rematch, but I doubt that will happen. I know I won. I was the better fighter at the end of the day.

In a much-anticipated rematch between two fighters with history and bad blood, Kevin Newmanas II (11-1-1, 6 Kos) avenged the only loss of his career, dominating Marcos Hernandez (14-3-1, 3 Kos) with a near shutout unanimous decision. The judges scored the fight 80-72 ir 79-73 dvigubai.

Completing the full eight-round distance for the first time in his career, Newman, who is trained by former world champion Bones Adams, dominated the second half of the fight. Jis nusileido 82 Iš viso štampus į 46 against in rounds five through eight and was able to establish a lethal body attack that wore down Sacramento’s Hernandez, jungiantis su 79 body shots compared to just 10 for Hernandez. Newman also led 152-97 in overall punches landed and 114-57 in power shots, while nearly matching Hernandez in punches thrown (399 į 435).

“The revenge felt so great,” said Las Vegas’ Newman, who dropped a unanimous decision to Hernandez on the undercard of Mayweather vs. McGregor in August 2017. “Overall, I dominated. I went to the body every chance I saw an opportunity. A lot of people have never seen me box like that so it’s great to show that side of me. I was a lot more offensive and I kept the attacks to the body.

“I’d rate my performance a B-, I think I could have been busier. I’m going to continue to developing and staying busy in the ring. I don’t think he expected me to come in like I did. We gave the fans a great performance that was TV worthy and I look forward to doing it again.”

In the telecast opener, undefeated knockout artist Rolando Romero (10-0, 9 Kos) extended his KO streak to five in a row and improved his knockout rate to 90 percent by dismantling previously once-beaten challenger Juan Carlos Cordones (14-2, 9 Kos) with a first-round knockout. (Romero KO: https://twitter.com/

The 24-year-old Las Vegan floored Dominican Republic’s Cordones with a combination and finished the job shortly after with a flush right to the jaw. Cordones was unable to get up off the mat, and the fight was stopped just 2:14 after it started. Looking for the knockout from the opening bell, the aggressive Romero threw twice as many punches (35-17), led nine to three in overall punches landed and connected on eight of his 18 Baterijos štampus.

“There’s not much to say. I promised a knockout and I saw the opportunity so I went for it,” said the exuberant Romero, who has previously stated he is the hardest puncher in the world under 147 svarų. “I made him pay for coming in overweight yesterday. Žvelgiant į ateitį, I just plan on dominating whoever they put in front of me.

“I’m growing as a fighter and all I want to do is continue to put on a great performance for my fans and get to that next step in my career. I want anyone whoever wants next!"

The stars of the boxing world were out in Las Vegas, as promoter and future Hall of Famer Floyd Mayweather and former and current world champions Gervonta Davis, Badou Džekas, Adrien Broner, Claressa Skydai, Devin Haney and Shakur Stevenson were all in attendance at Sam’s Town Live.

Davis, Jack and Chris Eubank Jr. all spoke with SHOWTIME expert analyst Steve Farhood to preview their upcoming fights on the network.

“I decided to move up in weight because I have a chance to win a world title in two different weight classes,Sakė Davis, who faces former unified champion Yuriorkis Gamboa for the WBA lightweight title December 28 Atlantoje. “We know Gamboa is a tough opponent and we won’t sleep on him. I wanted to share the ring with somebody great. Of course Gamboa is my toughest opponent to date. I’m going to train hard for him, he’ll train hard for me and we’ll give the fans what they want to see.

“I’m just excited to be back,” said two-division champion Jack, who will face WBA light heavyweight champion Jean Pascal in the co-featured bout on December 28. “That last loss to Marcus Browne was an accident. I’m more motivated than last time. I’m hungry to get in there and get my titles back.”

Middleweight star Chris Eubank Jr. will make his United States debut on December 7 in Brooklyn when he takes on Matt Korobov.

“This has been a long time coming,"Jis pasakė. “I’m coming over here to the States to take over. This is the perfect opportunity. I’m in the prime of my life and I can’t wait to get out there and show you guys what I’m made of.” (Full interview video: https://twitter.com/SHOsports/status/1190467999439998976)

Promoter Floyd Mayweather also spoke to Farhood during the live telecast in which four of his top prospects impressed.

“When I see potential in a fighter, I want to take them to the next level,” the all-time great said. “I’m always on the lookout to find the next Floyd Mayweather. I like to give fighter pointers about the small things. Nothing comes overnight. It’s all about working hard and surrounding yourself with a positive team.”

In undercard action that was streamed live on Mayweather Promotions’ Facebook page, Dylan Price, Cris Reyes, and newly-signed Mayweather Promotions prospect Malik Warren all scored TKO stoppages while Ava Knight earned a unanimous decision over Luna del Mar Torroba.

Friday’s fights were promoted by Mayweather Promotions. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Lapkritis 4 į 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with boxing historian Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Richard Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.

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