Category Archives: Showtime


Tekmovalec v super velterski kategoriji Gausha se sooči z neporaženim vzhajajočim zvezdnikom Timom Tszyujem v SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®

Glavni dogodek sobota, Marec 26 iz Armory v Minneapolisu

LOS ANGELES – marec 17, 2022 - U.S.. Olimpijec in tekmovalec v super velterski kategorijiTerrell Gaushaje prepričan, da bo pokvaril državniški prvenec nepremagane vzhajajoče zvezdeTim Tszyuko se bodo pomerili v soboto, Marec 26 živijo na Showtime® je vodil dogodek Premier Boxing Champions iz The Armory v Minneapolisu.

"Za ta boj smo delali na nekaj različnih stvareh,Je rekel Gausha. "Tima Tszyuja bomo dali drugačen videz, kot ga je videl prej. V primerjavi z večino bojev, ki so jih videli vsi, 26. marca bodo videli nekaj novega od mene."

Tszyu, sin borca ​​v dvorani slavnih Kostye Tszyuja, bo težko pričakovano debitiral v ZDA. proti Gauši, potem ko je prevladal nad svojim prvim 20 bori v rodni Avstraliji. Za domačina Gausha iz Clevelanda, njegova motivacija prihaja od znotraj in ne iz hype okoli Tszyuja, ki vstopa v to tekmo.

»Sem samo motivirano obdobje,Je rekel Gausha. »To nima nobene zveze s kakršnim koli hype okoli Tszyuja. Vse je povezano s tem, kje sem v mojem življenju in karieri. Zame se stvari dogajajo ob pravem času. sem na dobrem mestu. To je zame popoln boj na tej točki moje kariere.

»Cenim ga, ker je sprejel ta izziv. Večina drugih borcev bi poskušala zaščititi svoj rekord. To kaže, da verjame vase. Želi si težkih dvobojev. To je rekel, Mislim, da je sprejel napačen boj."

Gausha je v svoji zadnji borbi dosegel impresiven knockout nad mladim tekmecem Jamontayem Clarkom, marca ustavil svojega nasprotnika v drugem krogu 2021, in bo poskušal graditi na tem zmagoslavju proti večjemu imenu v Tszyu.

"To je bil zame dober boj proti Clarku,Je rekel Gausha. "Želel sem se takoj vrniti v ring, včasih pa se je težko skregati z določenimi fanti. Proti Tszyuju imam odlično priložnost in želim izkoristiti in nadgraditi svoj zadnji nastop. V tem boju bom naredil še večji udarec."

Usposabljanje v Los Angelesu z Mannyjem Roblesom in Prenice Brewer, Gausha je prejel odlične sparinge pred nočjo borbe, ko si je prstan delil s 154-kilogramskim prvakom Brianom Castañom, tekmec v velterski kategoriji Vergil Ortiz in 2020 U.S.. Olimpijec Delante Johnson. Medtem ko Gausha pričakuje, da bo Tszyu pokazal svoj tipičen stil nastopa, namerava biti pripravljen na vse, kar mu ponudi nasprotnik.

»Pričakujem, da bo Tim poskušal pritisniti in nastopiti,Je rekel Gausha. »On je poni z enim trikom. Kar vidiš to dobiš. Ne počne preveč stvari spektakularno, ampak kar dela dobro, zelo dobro dela, in to povzroča pritisk. Za to imamo nekaj pripravljenega in naredili bomo svoje, ne glede na to, kaj bo poskušal narediti."

Gausha se je pred tem borila za naslov svetovnega prvaka do 154 funtov, ko je izgubila a 2017 odločitev proti Erislandy Lari in ima tudi odločilni poraz proti Ericksonu Lubinu in remi proti nekdanjemu prvaku Austinu Troutu. Zdaj, Gausha se bo z zmago marca poskušal katapultirati nazaj na naslovno sliko 26.

»Po tem, ko bodo vsi videli to predstavo marca 26, vedeli bodo, kje spadam v to razdelitev,Je rekel Gausha. »Imam delo. Sedaj, Resnično šele začenjam ljudem kazati svoje sposobnosti in kaj zmorem. To bo to utrdilo. Trenutno trkam na vrata boja za naslov. Zmaga nad Tszyujem bi bila odlična za mojo kariero in me pripeljala do naslova svetovnega prvaka."

Vstopnice za dogodek, ki ga spodbuja TGB Promocije, Boks brez omejitev in boks bojevnikov, so zdaj v prodaji in jih je mogoče kupiti v Armory na in prek Ticketmasterja.

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Tszyu vs. Gausha bo videl vrhunskega tekmeca v super velterski kategoriji in vzhajajoče zvezdeTim Tszyunaredi njegov dolgo pričakovani U.S. debitira, ko se bo pomeril z U.S. OlympianTerrell Gaushav 12-krožnem obračunu, ki v živo spremlja dogajanje na SHOWTIME soboto, Marec 26 iz The Armory v Minneapolisu na dogodku Premier Boxing Champions.

SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO boks televizijska oddaja začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in bo predstavil naraščajočega neporaženega lahkega tekmecaMichel Riveradvoboj kolega neporaženJoseph “Blagoslovljene roke” Adornov 10-krožnem soglavnem dogodku, plus močan super lahek tekmecElvis Rodríguez s katerimi se soočaJuan Josto je Velascov 10-krožnem odpiranju televizijskih oddaj.

Za več informacij obišč, spremljaj #TszyuGausha, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotionss ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku


Tekmovalec lahke kategorije Isaac Cruz se bori proti nekdanjemu svetovnemu prvaku Yuriorkisu Gamboi na soglavnem dogodku Premier Boxing Champions iz AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Texas

Naraščajoči neporaženi Jose Valenzuela se bo v dvoboju lahke kategorije pomeril z nekdanjim svetovnim prvakom Franciscom Vargasom

Nepremagljeni Cody Crowley se sooči z veteranskim tekmecem Josesitom Lopezom
v Battle of All-Action welterweights ki se začne
Plačilo na ogled na 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Vstopnice so že na voljo!

ARLINGTON, T.X. – Marec 17, 2022 - Trije senzacionalni dvoboji so bili dodani SHOWTIME PPV postavi, ki jo vodita svetovni prvak po WBC in IBF Errol "The Truth" Spence Jr. in svetovni prvak po različici WBA Yordenis ugas v soboto v obračunu za združitev naslova v velterski kategoriji, April 16 v živo iz AT&T stadion v Arlingtonu, Teksas na dogodku Premier Boxing Champions.

Plačljiva televizijska oddaja se začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in ima razburljivega lahkega tekmeca Isaac "Pitbull" Cruz prevzel veteranski nekdanji svetovni prvak Yuriorkis Gamboa v 10-krožnem soglavnem dogodku.

V zasedbi so tudi neporaženi Jose Valenzuela bori nekdanji svetovni prvak Francisco "El Bandido" Vargas v boju lahke kategorije v 10 rundah, plus nepremagan Cody Crowley se sooči z veteranskim tekmecem Josesito Lopez v dvoboju v 10 rundah vseh velterskih kategorij, ki se začne s televizijskim prenosom.

Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga promovirata TGB Promotions in Man Down Promotions, so zdaj v prodaji in jih je mogoče kupiti na, uradni ponudnik vstopnic AT&T stadion.

»Eden največjih dogodkov v letu bo vključeval zaslužno postavo podkartov s plačilom na ogled, polno posledičnih dvobojev, ki so pripravljeni na dramo in akcijo,« je rekel Tom Brown, Predsednik TGB Promocije. “Isaac Cruz je proti Gervonti Davisu pokazal, da je zvezda v nastajanju, in poskušal bo te talente še enkrat pokazati proti izkušenemu nasprotniku v Yuriorkis Gamboa. Več, še ena vzhajajoča zvezda v Joseju Valenzueli bo stopila v konkurenco proti nekdanjemu prvaku Franciscu Vargasu, medtem ko bosta Cody Crowley in Josesito Lopez prinesla svoja visokooktanska stila v ring v obliki "ne moreš zgrešiti" obračuna, ki bo odprl naložen SHOWTIME PPV."

23-letni Cruz (22-2-1, 15 Kos) se bo vrnil v ring po padcu tekmovalne odločitve proti triligaškemu prvaku Gervonti Davisu na SHOWTIME PPV decembra. Po rodu iz Mexico Cityja, Cruz se je dvignil na lestvici lahke kategorije 2020, oktobra napovedal svojo prisotnost z naelektrenim nokavtom v prvem krogu nad veteranom Diegom Magdalenom. Cruz je temu sledil 2021 tako, da je marca soglasno zmagal nad prej neporaženim Matíasom Romerom in junija premagal nekdanjega prvaka Francisca Vargasa.. Potem ko je svoje U.S. decembra debitiral 2019, Cruz je v naslednjih štirih dvobojih ostal neporažen, pojavlja se na SHOWTIME® trikrat poleg tega, da je premagal Magdaleno na dvoboju Davis vs. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV undercard.

»Komaj čakam, da se vrnem v ring in se borim na AT&T stadion,"Je dejal Cruz. »Obožujem oboževalce v Teksasu, vedno mi nudijo ogromno podporo. Moj promotor, Manny Pacquiao, se je boril pri AT&T Stadium prej in zmagal obakrat. Vesel sem, da bom šel po njegovih stopinjah proti zelo uspešnemu nekdanjemu prvaku v Gamboi. Prihajam, da pokažem navijačem, zakaj sem eden najboljših lahkih igralcev na svetu, in da Gamboa odpeljem v pokoj 16. aprila."

Gamboa (30-4, 18 Kos) je nekdanji enotni prvak v peresni kategoriji, med 126 funtov naslova IBF in WBA 2009 in 2011. Rojen v Guantanamu, Cuba, zdaj živi in ​​trenira v Miamiju, Fla. Odpustil je obračun proti Terenceu Crawfordu v a 2014 Boj leta, preden je odskočil in zmagal v sedmih od osmih bojev. Ta tek je vključeval zmage nad nekdanjima svetovnima prvakoma Jasonom Soso in Romanom Martinezom, vrnitev Gamboe v boj za naslov svetovnega prvaka. V zadnjih dveh dvobojih, Gamboa je opustil tekmovanja proti trenutnim svetovnim prvakom v lahki kategoriji, izguba preko 12th-round TKO do Gervonte Davisa 2019 in z odločbo proti Devinu Haneyju novembra 2020.

»Vedno pridem v ring, da pokažem svoje talente in April 16 bo nič drugače,« je rekel Gamboa. »Zelo motivirajoče je soočiti se z mladimi, močan nasprotnik, kot je Isaac Cruz. Preizkusila ga bom in videla, ali se lahko upre moji moči. Prihajam zmagat in dam veliko izjavo, da še vedno imam vse, kar je potrebno, da ponovno postanem prvak."

22-letna Valenzuela (11-0, 7 Kos) zdaj trenira kot hlevski kolega nepremaganega dvakratnega svetovnega prvaka Davida Benavideza, ko se želi premakniti od potencialnega kandidata do tekmeca v 2022. Rojen v Los Mochisu, Sinaloa, Mexico, Valenzuela se je prelevila v profesionalca 2018 in opravil pet dvobojev z izločilnimi tekmi, preden si je septembra prislužil svojo prvo odločitev v 10 rundah v zmagi nad Deinerjem Berriom 2021. Valenzuela je dosegel svoj izboj 2021 v decembru, prevladuje nad Austinom Dulayem na poti do tehničnega noka v četrtem krogu.

»Uresničitev sanj je biti na visokih vložkih, zložena kartica, kot je ta,« je rekla Valenzuela. »Spensa sem občudoval in študiral že dolgo, predvsem zato, ker sva oba levičarja. Komaj čakam, da pridem v ring. Francisca Vargasa nikakor ne spregledam ali podcenjujem. pričakujem ognjemet. Vedno prideš do velikega pretepa, ko se pomerita dva mehiška bojevnika, tako da vem, da bodo oboževalci navdušeni nad tem, kar bodo videli 16. aprila."

Boj iz Mexico Cityja, Vargas (27-3-2, 19 Kos) osvojil naslov 130 funtov 2015 tako, da je v eni najboljših bojev leta premagal Takashija Miuro. 37-letnik bi se še naprej boril proti Orlandu Salidu do akcijskega žreba, preden bi v drugi nepozabni aferi izgubil naslov proti Miguelu Bercheltu.. Vargas je kasneje premagal Stephena Smitha in Roda Salko, preden je izgubil v repasažu z Bercheltom 2019. Najbolj nedavno, Vargas je začel kampanjo v lahki kategoriji, dosegel zaporedne zmage nad Ezequielom Avilesom 2019 in Otto Gamez v 2020, preden je odstopil od odločitve proti Isaacu Cruzu v svojem zadnjem boju junija 2021.

"V čast mi je biti na tako veliki karti s toliko odličnimi borci,« je rekel Vargas. "Prišel bom pripravljen na ta boj in pripravljen zapustiti ring z zmago. Vem, da bo Valenzuela poskušala dati izjavo, vendar prihajam, da storim isto. Kot vedno, Navijači lahko pričakujejo izjemen boj od začetka do konca."

Zastopa svoj rodni Ontario, Canada, Crowley (20-0, 9 Kos) se vrača v ring po senzacionalnem debiju v SHOWTIME decembra 2021 da je premagal prej neporaženega Kudratillo Abdukakhorov s soglasno odločitvijo. Crowley je pred tem septembra premagal Josha Torresa 2020 po a 2019 tek, v katerem je februarja z odločitvijo v 12 krogih proti Stuartu McLellanu osvojil kanadski naslov v supervelterski kategoriji, nato pa je oktobra uspešno ubranil naslov s prevladujočo odločitvijo nad Mianom Hussainom.. 28-letnik se je vrnil v boj v ZDA. za njegova zadnja dva dvoboja po sedmih od njegovih prvih osmih profesionalnih bojev v ZDA.

»Po moji decembrski zmagi na SHOWTIME, Pripravljen sem sprejeti naslednji izziv na svoji poti, da postanem svetovni prvak v velterski kategoriji,« je rekel Crowley. »Josesito Lopez je vedno močan in na mizo prinaša razburljiv slog. Žal za njega, bo odkril kaj 20 borci pred njim so se naučili, kar je, da me ne bodo ustavili pri doseganju svoje usode. Rad bi se zahvalil svoji ekipi za to priložnost, da pokažem svoje sposobnosti, srčnost in neizprosnost na tej odlični karti v domu Dallas Cowboys.«

Lopez (38-8, 21 Kos) si je prislužil vzdevek "The Riverside Rocky" zaradi svojega stila neuspeha v ringu. Stopil je nasproti nekaterih najboljših boksarjev v športu, vključno s prvakom Canelom Alvarezom, Marcos Maidana, Andre Berto in Victor Ortiz. 37-letnik iz Riversidea, Kalifornija je vedno težka v ringu, kot je razvidno iz njegovega poraza z odločitvijo s tesno večino proti takratnemu prvaku Keithu Thurmanu v 2019. Od te izgube, Lopez je združil zaporedne zmage, premagal Johna Molina, Jr. in Francisco Santana.

"Nestrpen in zelo motiviran sem, da se vrnem v ring in se izkažem kot eden najboljših borcev na svetu,"Je dejal Lopez. "Pričakujem trd izziv od Crowleyja in navijači lahko pričakujejo, da me bodo videli v najboljših močeh. Sem v odlični formi in pripravljena dati vse na kocko. Vsekakor se boste želeli prepričati, da ne boste zamudili mojega boja 16. aprila."

Za več informacij obiščite,, sledite #SpenceUgas, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotionss ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na



Star-Studded Lineup Is Highlighted by Errol Spence Jr., Gervonta Davis, Jermell Charlo, David Benavidez and Jermall Charlo

NEW YORK – March 15, 2022 - SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions today announced nine boxing events across the first half of 2022 featuring some of the sport’s most accomplished and dynamic stars in highly competitive matchups. The lineup pits champions against champions and top contenders against top contenders to form the strongest and most ambitious schedule in the industry. The robust lineup includes:

  • Nine marquee events across five months featuring 21 undefeated fighters;
  • Two world championship unifications bouts, one for all four world title belts and the coveted title of Undisputed Champion, and one for three world title belts;
  • Seven world championship matches with at least 13 world title belts at stake and three world title eliminators;
  • All of the top-six ranked super welterweights fighting in a seven-week span;
  • Several pivotal crossroads fights from super bantamweight to super middleweight with an average of two events per month through July.

The massive schedule features the sport’s biggest starsErrol Spence, Jr., Gervonta “Tank” Davis, Jermell CharloDavid Benavidezin Jermall Charlo.  There are also 18 fighters aged 27 years and younger including unified world championStephen Fulton, Jr., and highly regarded, undefeated welterweight contenderJaron “Boots” Ennis. With this emphasis on youth and kingmaking, SHOWTIME Sports and Premier Boxing Champions are well positioned to carry the sport into the future. Led byStephen Espinoza, Predsednik, Šport & dogodek programiranje, Showtime Networks Inc., and four-time Emmy® Award-winning executive producerDavid Dinkins, Jr., who guides an all-star cast of commentators and production aces, SHOWTIME® remains the most tenured and trusted platform in boxing. Arguably the best active welterweight of this era, the undefeated Spence, already a unified champ, will seek to collect a third world title when he puts his WBC and IBF straps on the line against WBA World ChampionYordenis ugas naSobota,April 16 in the main event on SHOWTIME PPV® at AT&T stadion, home of the Dallas Cowboys. Spence-Ugas is only the 12th unification match in the history of the welterweight divisionjoining classic matchups such as“Sugar” Ray Leonard vs.Thomas Hearnsjaz inFloyd Mayweather vs.Manny Pacquiao. The match is rich with intrigue as Spence attempts to claim supremacy in one of boxing’s deepest divisions, while Ugas, who nearly quit the sport, aims to complete a stunning turnaround after beating eight-division world champion Pacquiao in August. Boxing superstar and five-time, tri-delitev svetovni prvakTankDavis will headline his fourth straight SHOWTIME PPV event against nemesisRolando Romero naSobota, Maj 28, pri Barclays Center v Brooklynu, NY, for Davis’ WBA Lightweight World TitleThe bout comes on the heels of Davis’ hard-fought 12-round unanimous decision win overIsaac "Pitbull" Cruz in which Davis overcame an injury in front of a star-studded, sellout crowd in Los Angeles last December. WBO 154-pound No. 1-uvrstila kandidatTim Tszyu, the son of Hall of FamerKostya Tszyu, who fought many of his most memorable bouts on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, bo njegovo U.S. debutSobota, March 26proti 2012 U.S.. Olimpijec in najboljši tekmovalecTerrell Gaushaat The Armory in Minneapolis. The streaking southpawsErickson Lubin inSebastian Fundora will engage in a Super Welterweight Title Eliminator, for the WBC interim title, in the second of back-to-back, intriguing crossroads matchups in the division onSobota, April 9 from Virgin Hotels in Las Vegas. Jermell Charlo in Brian Castaño once again will seek to become the first undisputed 154-pound champion in the four-belt era and just the third overall undisputed champion today when they meet in a rematch of their 2021 classic onSobota, Maj 14 v Los Angelesu. Več, rising welterweight starEnnispossibly the most talented boxer yet to win a world title, returns as the co-feature againstCustio Claytonin an IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator. Former two-time world championBenavidez vrne k dejanjem naSobota,May 21against knockout artistDavid Lemieux pri 168 pounds in Phoenix, Arizoni., in a bout between two of the sport’s biggest punchers. Fulton, in his first bout since his title unification win in the 122-pound division againstBrandon Figueroa, will defend his titles onSobota, Junij 4 in Minneapolis, against former unified world championDanny Roman in another can’t miss matchup. Jermall Charlo will defend his WBC Middleweight World Championship for the fifth time onSobota, Junij 18, when he faces former world title challenger, WBC št. 6-uvrstilaMaciej Sulecki on the Juneteenth holiday weekend in Houston. OnSobota, Julij 9, v San Antoniu, Texas, newly minted WBC Featherweight World ChampionMark Magsayo will make his first title defense since dethroningGary Russell Jr., on SHOWTIME against unbeaten mandatory challenger and former super bantamweight titleholderKing Vargas.
Additional high-stakes matches will be announced as individual fight cards fill out. “It’s a good time to be a boxing fan and SHOWTIME viewer with so many high-level, consequential matchups on our schedule,"Je dejalEspinoza, Predsednik, Šport & dogodek programiranje, Showtime Networks Inc. “We continue to grow the sport at every level, from our grassroots seriesSHOBOXto crowning unified and undisputed champions across boxing’s deepest divisions. When you consider the competitive nature of these fights, the star power of fighters like Errol Spence, Jr., ‘Tank’ Davis, David Benavidez, the Charlo brothers—and the youthful vitality of Stephen Fulton, Jr., Jaron Ennis and Brandun Lee—it’s never been clearer that SHOWTIME is the destination for the most compelling fights and will be for years to come. This SHOWTIME Boxing lineup is hands down the most potent of any network or platform in 2022.” The SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule features seven editions of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® and two significant SHOWTIME PPV events, all presented by Premier Boxing Champions·Marec 26 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINGThe Armory, Minneapolis, Od.
o Tim Tszyu vs. Terrell Gausha, Super Welterweight Bouto Michel Rivera vs. Joseph Adorno, Lightweight Bouto Elvis Rodriguez vs. Juan Jose Velasco, Super lahki (142 LBS) Bout ·April 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__The Theatre at Virgin Hotels, Las Vegas
o Erickson Lubin vs. Sebastian Fundora, WBC Super Welterweight Interim Titleo Tony Harrison vs. Sergio Garcia, Super Welterweight Bouto Kevin Salgado vs. Bryant Perrella, Super Welterweight Bout ·April 16 – SHOWTIME PPV__AT&T stadion, Arlington, Texas
o Errol Spence Jr. vs. Yordenis ugas, WBC, WBA & IBF Welterweight World __Championship Unification
SHOWTIME PRVENSTVO BOKS (preceding PPV):o Radzhab Butaev vs. Eimantas Stanionis, WBA Welterweight Title Bouto Brandun Lee vs. Zachary Ochoa, Super Lightweight Bout ·Maj 14 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Los Angeleso Jermell Charlo vs. Brian Castaño II, Undisputed IBF, WBA, WBC & WBO Super __Welterweight World Championship Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio Clayton, IBF Welterweight Eliminator ·Maj 21 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Phoenix
o David Benavidez vs. David Lemieux, Super Middleweight Bouto Yoelvis Gomez vs. Jorge Cota, Super Welterweight Bout ·Maj 28 – SHOWTIME PPV__Barclays Center, Brooklyn, NY
o Gervonta Davis vs. Rolando Romero, WBA Lightweight World Championship ·Junij 4 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Minneapolis
o Stephen Fulton, Jr. vs. Danny Roman, WBO & WBC Super Bantamweight World Championshipo David Morrell vs. Kalvin Henderson, WBA Super Middleweight World Title ·Junij 18 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__Houston
o Jermall Charlo vs. Maciej Sulecki, WBC Middleweight World Championship ·Julij 9 – SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING__San Antonio
o Mark Magsayo vs. King Vargas, WBC Featherweight World Championship\

For more information and future fight announcements, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions on Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing and @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), hčerinsko podjetje Paramount v 100-odstotni lasti, je lastnik in upravlja premium storitev SHOWTIME®, ki vsebuje kritično hvaljene izvirne serije, provokativni dokumentarni filmi, uspešnice na blagajni, komedije in glasbene specialke ter težki športi. SHOWTIME je na voljo kot samostojna storitev pretakanja na vseh večjih pretočnih napravah in, pa tudi preko kabla, DBS, ponudniki telekomunikacijskih storitev in pretočnega videa. SNI also operates the premium services THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ and FLIX®, kot tudi različice vseh treh znamk na zahtevo. SNI trži in prodaja športnih in zabavnih prireditev za razstavo naročnikom na pay-per-view osnovi skozi Showtime PPV®. Za več informacij, pojdi


Edwin De Los Santos Scores Devastating Second-Round Knockout Over Former Unbeaten Luis Acosta; Giovanni Marquez Shines in his Pro Debut in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

KlikniteTUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime

DEADWOOD, S.D. – March 11, 2022 - Ardreal “Bossman” Holmesfought through injury and survived a tough test in his return to the ring for the first time in 28 months scoring a unanimous 10-round decision overVernon “Sub Zero” Brown v glavni dogodekSHOBOX: New Generation as part of an action-packed tripleheader onSHOWTIME Friday night at the Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, S.D.

(Full-fight highlights, klikTUKAJ)

Flint, Mich., middleweight prospect Holmes (12-0, 5 Kos) remained undefeated fighting past the eighth round for the first time in his career even while hurting his left hand sometime in the second round during a flurry of punches. So bili rezultati so bili 98-92, 97-93, 96-94 as Holmes seemed to get his second wind as the fight progressed over Chicago’s Brown (13-2, 9 Kos).

(Holmes scores unanimous decision, klikTUKAJ)

“I was reborn tonight,” Holmes said. “This performance showed that I still have it in me. I hurt my left hand in the second round. I couldn’t punch how I wanted to. I was in a bunch of pain but I pulled through. Thinking about my family pushed me through the pain.”

The 27-year-old southpaw Holmes had a 194-129 edge in total punches while landing more than 40 odstotkov svojih moči luknjači. A total of 280 of the combined 323 total punches landed were power punches.

"Bil je boljši nocoj moški,” Brown said. “I give it up to him. He studied me. He knew the punches I was going to throw. His corner kept yelling, ‘Watch the right hook.’ He did knock the wind out of me a couple times with body shots. I had to take a second to recover. In the last round, he was catching me with head shots.

“I need to work on my left hand. I need to be like Manny Pacquiao and work on my left hand because guys know I have power in my right hook. But I’m going down to 147. That’s my true weight.”

Holmes said no matter how much Brown hurt him, he was going to push through the pain. “I was rusty. I believe I need another fight to get the rust off. My timing wasn’t there. I’ve been off for like 800 dni, but this fight showed that I have a lot of heart. I want Paul Kroll next. He was talking a lot of junk against me. We have a history in the amateurs. He’s who I want.”

V so-glavni dogodek, heavy-hitting lightweightEdwin De Los Santos (14-1, 13 Kos) scored a devastating second-round knockout againstLuis Acosta (12-1, 11 Kos), who suffered the first loss of his career.Acosta became the 211th fighter to have his undefeated streak snapped in the 21-year history of the prospect series.

(To watch the KO, klikTUKAJ)

“One-hitter quitter for De Los SantosSHOBOX analitikBrian Campbellsaid of De Los Santos’ clean left cross that sent Acosta to the canvas as referee Mark Nelson signaled the end of the fight at 48 seconds in the second round.

“It was a left hand that was just a thing of beauty,” said International Boxing Hall of Famer andSHOBOXblow-by-blow announcerBarry Tompkins.

Dominican Republic’s De Los Santos landed 19 punches before scoring the fight-ending knockout in his secondSHOBOX appearance.

"Jaz sem nazaj,” said De Los Santos, who suffered a loss in his first SHOBOX appearance in January to William Foster III. “Everyone was counting me out after the last fight. They thought I was done after the loss to Foster. But I’m back. This is the kind of statement that I should have made last time. This is a new beginning for me. I thought I was going to catch him later in the fight but the opening came early with the straight left. My preparation was just better this time, I was just more focused and better prepared and this was the result. I’m ready for anyone.”

In the telecast opener, highly regarded prospectGiovanni Márquez (1-0) became the seventh fighter in the history ofSHOBOXto make his professional debut on the series, extending the streak to 7-0 in those bouts as Marquez scored a four-round unanimous decision over a gameNelson Morales. So bili rezultati so bili 40-36, in 39-37 twice in the welterweight bout.

(Marquez scores unanimous decision, klikTUKAJ)

“I felt great,” said Marquez. “I hurt my left hand in the second round on a jab. I think I would have been able to stop him if I hadn’t hurt my hand.”

With his father and trainer, Nekdanji svetovni prvakRaul Marquez, barking instructions from his corner, Houston’s Márquez – the 2021 national Golden Gloves 152-pound champion – dominated the welterweight affair, displaying his offensive skills and using his jab and uppercut effectively as the quicker and busier fighter. Marquez landed 30 odstotkov svojih skupnih luknjači (85 za 280) compared to Morales at 21 odstotkov (42 da 201).

“All the attention, it’s really not normal for a 21-year-old,” said the elder Marquez, as he joined Tompkins and Campbell in the booth before the main event. “He handled all the pressure. I’m really proud of my son. I’m very satisfied.”

Added Giovanni: “It was a great experience. He was a tough, durable guy, but I feel like I handled everything, the cameras, all the attention pretty well. I started a little slow but after the first round I settled down and fought my fight. I felt fine without the headgear. We kept bumping heads, but he never hurt me. There was a lot of pressure on me, and I was a little nervous in the leadup to the fight, but once I got into the fight I relaxed and I felt comfortable. Skupni, it was a great experience.”

Following a competitive first round, the 21-year-old Marquez dominated the second round, his confidence surging with every second that passed against the Dominican-born Morlaes.

“I think I did OK,” said the 30-year-old Dominican Republic-born Morales (2-1) now living in Scranton, Pa. “My strategy was to go in and box. He cut the ring off and applied good pressure. I can’t say too much because it wasn’t the best of me. He was OK. I’ll be back.”

The six other fighters’ victorious in theirSHOBOX pro debut include Dominic Breazeale, Marcus Browne, Terrell Gausha, Errol Spence Jr., Rau’Shee Warren and Gary Russell, Jr.

International Boxing Hall of Famer Tompkins called the action from ringside alongside former world champion Marquez and renowned combat sports authority Campbell serving as expert analysts. Dvorana FamerSteve Farhood was the unofficial scorer. Izvršni producent je bilGordon Hall sRichard Gaughan proizvodnjo inRick Phillips režija.

The event was promoted by Holden Productions. TheSHOBOX tripleheader will re-air on Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®.

# # #

Za več informacij obišč sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #SHOBOX, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku  

OSHOBOX: New Generation

Od svoje ustanovitve v juliju 2001, kritično odobravanja SHOWTIME boks series, SHOBOX: New Generation je izrazit mlad talent ujema težka. TheSHOBOX filozofija je Televizijski razburljivo, množice prijeten in konkurenčne tekme ob zagotavljanju, ki dokazuje razlog za voljnima možnostih odločena, da bo boj za naslov svetovnega prvaka. Nekateri rastni seznama 86 borci, ki so se pojavili naSHOBOX in napredno združile naslovov svetovnega prvaka vključuje: Errol Spence Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.

Rising Star Tim Tszyu Makes Much Anticipated U.S. Debut Facing U.S. Olimpijec Terrell Gausha sobota, Marec 26 Živi na Showtime

Rising Undefeated Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Duels Fellow Unbeaten Joseph Adorno in Co-Main Event

Super Lightweight Contender Elvis Rodríguez Takes on
Juan José Velasco in Telecast Opener at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Vstopnice so že na voljo!

MINNEAPOLIS – Marec 9, 2022 - Top super welterweight contender and rising star Tim Tszyu will make his long-awaited U.S. debitira, ko se bo pomeril z U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha v 12-krožnem obračunu, ki v živo spremlja dogajanje na SHOWTIME soboto, Marec 26 iz The Armory v Minneapolisu na dogodku Premier Boxing Champions.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® televizijska oddaja začne ob 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in bo predstavil naraščajočega neporaženega lahkega tekmeca Michel Rivera dvoboj kolega neporažen Joseph “Blagoslovljene roke” Adorno v 10-krožnem soglavnem dogodku, plus močan super lahek tekmec elvis rodriguez obrazi John Joseph Velasco v 10-krožnem odpiranju televizijskih oddaj.

“Tim Tszyu has risen up the rankings and established himself as a serious contender at the top of the loaded 154-pound division, and he’ll look to make a splash stateside when he faces the highly-skilled and experienced Terrell Gausha,« je rekel Tom Brown, Predsednik TGB Promocije. “The action will be coming throughout this lineup, as lightweight phenom Michel Rivera takes on the undefeated Joseph Adorno, while Elvis Rodríguez looks to continue his ascent in the super lightweight division against the always tough Juan José Velasco.”

Vstopnice za dogodek, ki ga spodbuja TGB Promocije, Boks brez omejitev in boks bojevnikov, so zdaj v prodaji in jih je mogoče kupiti v Armory na in prek Ticketmasterja.

The son of former unified champion Kostya, Tim Tszyu (20-0, 15 Kos) has quickly made a name for himself as one of the most promising contenders at 154-pounds. Tszyu headlines on SHOWTIME following in his father’s footsteps after Kostya competed 10 times on the network, including memorable knockouts of Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. and Zab Judah. Fighting out of his native Sydney, Avstralija, Tszyu will make his U.S. debut on March 26 after earning his first 20 pro wins in his home country. The 27-year-old went the 12-round distance for the first time in his last fight, dominating Takeshi Inoue on his way to a unanimous decision in November 2021. The decision victory came after Tszyu had put together stoppage wins in eight of his previous ten outings.

“I’m very excited to be fighting in the U.S., zlasti na Showtime, where my dad was featured for most of his career,” said Tszyu. “I’m proud and excited to continue on the Tszyu name with SHOWTIME. Once I take care of Gausha, I will be coming for the title.”

Član od 2012 U.S.. olimpijska ekipa, Gausha (22-2-1, 11 Kos) was born in Cleveland, Ohio but now fights out of Encino, Kaliforniji., where he is trained by Manny Robles and Prenice Brewer. The 34-year-old has faced tough competition throughout his career, having fought former champion Austin Trout to a draw in 2019 in addition to decision losses against former champion Erislandy Lara and top contender Erickson Lubin. Gausha showed improved power in his most recent bout, stopping rising contender Jamontay Clark in two rounds in March 2021.

I’ve been ready for this fight for a long time,Je rekel Gausha. “I came into this game to be a world champion and fight the best. I expect Tim to come in great shape and I’ll also come in my best shape to put on a great fight for the fans. My coaches are getting me prepared perfectly for the kind of fight I need to put on so that I can leave the ring victorious.

Rodil se je v Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and now fighting out of Miami, Fla. Rivera (22-0, 14 Kos) burst onto the scene in 2019, making his U.S. debut with a victory over Rene Tellez Giron on SHOBOX: NOVA GENERACIJA®. The 23-year-old continued his ascent in 2020, adding a stoppage win against Fidel Maldonado Jr. and a unanimous decision triumph against lightweight contender LaDarius Miller. Rivera carried his dominance into 2021 with three more victories, including a stoppage of Anthony Mercado in February before delivering a highlight-reel knockout of Jon Fernandez in July on SHOWTIME. He most recently scored a shutout unanimous decision over Matias Romero in October.

“This is a great opportunity for me to display my talents once again against a high-quality opponent in Joseph Adorno,"Je dejal Rivera. “I’m ready to take on anyone willing to challenge me until my time comes to fight for the world title. My goal is to be victorious on March 26 and then face Gervonta Davis for his title. With each fight I’m getting closer to reaching that goal. I can’t wait to show off all the hard work that I’ve put into this camp on fight night.”

Adorno (14-0-2, 12 Kos) has fought to a draw in each of his last two fights, dropping fellow unbeaten Jamaine Ortiz twice in April 2021 after dueling Héctor “Guadaña” García in January 2020. The 22-year-old was born in Union City, New Jersey and now resides in Allentown, Pa., having fought in nearby Philadelphia five times throughout his career. Adorno turned pro in 2016 pri starosti 17 after a standout amateur career where he amassed a 178-22 record and beat Shakur Stevenson’s twice. He has scored knockout victories in nine of his first 10 pro pretepi.

“This fight is a chance for me to show my true talents,” said Adorno. “Not taking anything away from Rivera, but I know I’m going to be the better fighter on March 26. I’m working with a new trainer, Raúl ‘Chino’ Rivas, who has trained many talented fighters, and I’m ready to showcase myself at my very best. I’m more focused than ever and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. Everybody better be ready for a show on March 26.”

Rodríguez (12-1-1, 11 Kos) bounced back from his first career defeat, a majority decision loss to Kenneth Sims Jr., to knockout the previously unbeaten Juan Pablo Romero on the Canelo vs. Plant SHOWTIME PPV® undercard in November. The 26-year-old burst onto the scene with knockout victories in 10 za njegov prvi 11 fights and put together an impressive five wins in 2020. Originally from Santo Domingo, Dominikanska republika, Rodríguez now lives in Los Angeles

“March 26 is another step toward my world championship goal,” said Rodríguez. “I am fighting a tough veteran fighter who has faced top-level competition. I’ve stayed in camp through Christmas so that I can be 100% ready for this fight. Winning on March 26 means a lot for my career and I hope that a win will put me in contention for a title shot this year. I want to show the world that I’m ready for the big names in the division.”

The 34-year-old Velasco (23-2, 14 Kos) enters this fight on a three-bout winning streak, having most recently earned a split decision victory over Zachary Ochoa in February 2021. A native of Jujuy, Argentina, Velasco has tangled with some of the toughest fighters in the 140-pound division, including former champions Mario Barrios and Regis Prograis. Velasco will fight in the U.S. for the fifth time on March 26.

“I’m very honored to be on a great card like this,” said Velasco. “This is actually the second time that I’ve been preparing to face Rodríguez, so I know what I’m up against. He’s going to come into the right at 100%, just like I will. May the best man win on March 26.”

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Za več informacij obiščite,, spremljaj #TszyuGausha, sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotions, na Instagramu @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing in @TGBPromotionss ali postanite oboževalec na Facebooku na



Opis ustvarjen samodejno
Sobota, April 23 - Bellator 279
Champion Sergio Pettis vs. Raufeon Stott
Patchy Mix vs. Kyoji Horiguchi

Champion Cris Cyborg vs. Arlene Blencowe 2
And Hawaii’s Ilima-Lei Macfarlane vs. Justine Kish


LOS ANGELES – BELLATOR MMA has announced its return to the Hawaiian island of Oahu, where Honolulu’s Neal S. Blaisdell Arena will play home to an extremely stacked duo of events on back-to-back nights Friday, April 22 in soboto, April 23.

Friday night’s Bellator 278 will be a special event free for current military, veterani, and first responders. Matchups and additional details for the event will be announced shortly.

Saturday night’s Bellator 279 will feature the launch of the highly anticipated one-million-dollar BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix. The headliner will see current bantamweight world champion Sergio Pettis (22-5) take on No. 3-uvrstila Raufeon Stott (17-1), while the co-main event features a rematch between the greatest female mixed martial artist of all time, Cris Cyborg (25-2, 1 NC) and Australia’s No. 1-uvrstila Arlene Blencowe (15-8), who will look to claim gold in her third attempt at a world title.

Sobota Bellator 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 will air live on SHOWTIME at 4:30 p.m. HST lokalni čas, 10:30 p.m. IN / 7:30 p.m. PT. The preliminary fights will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV beginning at 2 p.m. HST lokalni čas, 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Tickets for Saturday night’s Bellator 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 go on sale this Friday, Marec 11 and can be purchased through, kot tudi or the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena Box Office. A special presale will take place on Thursday, Marec 10.

Also scheduled for a return to action, Honolulu’s own former Women’s Flyweight World Champion Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-1) will return home to compete against Justine Kish (7-5) as the No. 1 ranked women’s flyweight looks to start her journey back to a world title in the same arena two of the most memorable BELLATOR main events in recent memory took place. Opening the four-fight main card is another BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix quarterfinal matchup between No. 2-uvrščen v bantam Patchy Mix (15-1) and former BELLATOR and Rizin Bantamweight World Champion Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4).

Current BELLATOR Bantamweight World Champion Sergio “The Phenom” Pettis sits at No. 7 on the promotion’s pound-for-pound list. He successfully defended his belt for the first time against former BELLATOR 135-pound titleholder Kyoji Horiguchi with a “knockout of the year” style finish at Bellator 272 v decembru. The hard-hitting Midwesterner out of Milwaukee originally captured the crown by outpointing former champion Juan Archuleta. The younger brother of former UFC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis will be in for one of the toughest fights of his career when he takes on Raufeon Stots. Stots, who used to train alongside Pettis for several years, has been flawless since making his promotion debut in December 2019. He most recently scored a dominant unanimous decision victory over Magomed Magomedov at Bellator 264.

Featherweight world champion and top-ranked women’s pound-for-pound fighter Cris “Cyborg” has made three straight title defenses including a second-round submission of Arlene Blencowe in 2020, which surprisingly is the lone submission victory of her storied career. The Brazilian native who currently fights out of Las Vegas, Nev. is a “Grand Slam Champion” having won belts in four different organizations. She sports 20 wins by finish with victories over elite competition including Holly Holm, Leslie Smith (dvakrat), Gina Carano and aims to further her legacy as the greatest women’s mixed martial artist of all time in the rematch versus Blencowe. Australia’s Blencowe is BELLATOR’s No. 6 pound-for-pound female fighter and the No. 1 uvrstila peresno. She has won five of her last six fights and earned her shot at the world title rematch with a unanimous decision over Pam Sorenson at BELLATOR 271 v novembru.

Currently BELLATOR’s No. 2 uvrščen v bantam, Patchy Mix recently defeated James Gallagher via submission in his last outing at BELLATOR 270 v Dublinu. Mix has made a name for himself in the BELLATOR cage by displaying impressive submissions and his lone professional loss came to former champion Juan Archuleta. He now faces Horiguchi, another former world champion who hails from Takasaki, Japonska. The American Top Team prodigy Horiguchi became a simultaneous, two-promotion champion in 2019 after he upset then-BELLATOR champion Darrion Caldwell while also holding the RIZIN Championship. After he was forced to relinquish his BELLATOR title due to an injury, Horiguchi nearly got his hands back on BELLATOR’s title but was stopped by current champion Sergio Pettis in December. The No. 5 ranked bantamweight now aims to get back in the winning column and recapture his belt, along with the million-dollar prize that awaits the winner of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix.

BELLATOR MMA 279: Pettis vs. Stots / Cyborg vs. Blencowe 2 Glavni Card:
Sobota, April 23 – live on SHOWTIME
10:30 p.m. IN / 7:30 p.m. PT / 4:30 p.m. HST (local)

Bantamweight World Title Bout: C-Sergio Pettis (22-5) vs. #3-Raufeon Stott (17-1)
Featherweight World Title Bout: C-Cris “Cyborg” (25-2, 1 NC) vs. #1-Arlene Blencowe (15-8)
Optimizacija učinkovitosti Bout: #1-Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (11-1) vs. Justine Kish (7-5)
Bantamweight World Grand Prix Bout: #2-Patchy Mix (15-1) vs. #5-Kyoji Horiguchi (29-4)

*Kartica velja za spremembe.

Prosimo, obiščite za dodatne informacije.


Paul Kroll and Marquis Taylor Battle to a Spirited Split Draw in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

KlikniteTUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Amanda Westcott / Showtime

ORLANDO, Fla. – February 18, 2022 - Jamaine “The Technician”Ortiz used his superior hand and foot speed to dance and dish out punishment against gameNahir Albright to win the vacant NABF title in the main event ofShoBox: New Generation as part of an action-packed doubleheader onSHOWTIME Friday night at the Caribe Royale Resort.

Ortiz (15-0-1, 8 Kos) sailed to a unanimous decision win by scores of 98-92, 97-93 in 97-93 to remain undefeated and stamp his name as a player in a loaded lightweight division. KlikniteTUKAJ to watch video of the decision.

Whether he was walking Albright (14-2, 7 Kos) down or punching on the move, Ortiz produced a dominant and flashy performance over 10 krogi, wowing a crowd that included former light heavyweight championAntonio Tarver and San Francisco 49ers All-Pro offensive linemanTrent Williams. KlikniteTUKAJ to watch highlights of the ninth round.

After he was dropped twice in his last fight against Joseph Adorno in a majority draw in April, Ortiz looked more poised and patient in the early going, picking his punches carefully and hitting and moving while avoiding Albright’s big right hand.

As the difference in speed became apparent, Ortiz began to open up in the second after he scored with a big left that caught Albright clean. From that point on, Ortiz maintained control of the distance and pace, leaping at Albright with lefts and rights or peppering him with jabs.

“I think I showed maturity in this fight,” Ortiz said. “I was cautious in the beginning. I didn’t want to get caught like I did in my last fight. After I took the first couple rounds to feel him out, I saw that I could do whatever I wanted in there and I started to get into a groove and let my punches go.”

Ortiz, of Worcester, Mass., pristali 48% (103 od 216) njegovi moči udarcev, compared to 41% for Albright (88 od 216), but it was his body punching that produced the biggest numerical disparity. Ortiz out-landed Albright 42 da 4 to the body, showcasing that aspect of his game in the fifth round when he found a home for several thudding body shots. Afterward, Ortiz called out the power-puncher Rolly Romero (14-0, 12 Kos) as the opponent he wants to face next.

“He’s got a big name,” Ortiz said. “He’s a big puncher, but he can’t box. That would be an easy fight. My goal is to have a title eliminator and to win a title. Po tem, my goal is to be one of the top pound-for-pound fighters in the sport.”

Ortiz’s signature round was the sixth, when he showcased his footwork and speed, darting around the ring and landing rights and lefts. He connected with an overhand right on the run while New Jersey’s Albright was on the ropes and then landed several unanswered right uppercuts to punctuate the round.

Albright, an aspiring R&B singer, showed his toughness and resilience by trying to match Ortiz’s output each round. He had success in spurts, but it was fleeting. In the ninth, he landed a pair of overhand rights, only for Ortiz to use his footwork to avoid taking further punishment.

He was the better man in there tonight,” an emotional Albright said. “It was a great experience and I saw a different look. I know that I have all the talent and ability, and this will not deter me at all from being a world champion.

In the telecast openerPaul Kroll inMarquis Taylor fought to a spirited split draw in their eight-round super welterweight bout by scores of 77-75 for Kroll, 80-72 for Taylor and 76-76 in a verdict that frustrated both fighters. KlikniteTUKAJ to watch video of the decision.

Before the bout, Philly’s Kroll spoke of the little respect he had for Taylor’s power, since Taylor only had one knockout on his ledger, but it was Taylor who was the harder and busier puncher in the contest, relying on a check left hook that continually found its mark.

Houston’s Taylor connected on 34% of his power punches compared to 29% for Kroll, outscoring him 98 da 71 and out-landing him 109 da 84 in total punches.

Taylor (12-1-2, 1 KO) staggered Kroll (9-0-1, 6 Kos) in the sixth with the biggest punch of the fight, a left that caused Kroll to fall against the ropes as Taylor followed up with digging shots to the body.

I thought I had it for sure,” Taylor said. “I thought I had the fight in the bag. I don’t know what the judges saw. I was being the aggressor and I landed the clearer shots. I thought I really had that fight with no questions. I don’t know what else I could’ve done.”

The busier and fresher fighter, Taylor didn’t sit in between rounds and at times had to be restrained by his trainer from running to the middle of the ring before his minute of rest was up.

Normally a patient and technically sound fighter, Kroll, a former amateur star who won the 2016 U.S.. Olympic Boxing Trials, went after Taylor in the first, throwing a wild right hand that continually missed its mark.

Kroll fought well in spurts and with urgency in the eighth and final round, but Taylor was ready for him.

“I thought I won the fight 5-3,” Kroll said. “I took the beginning and the end. He won a couple rounds in the middle. We can run it back on the next ShoBox. I am ready to fight him again. He was awkward, but I outworked him on the inside. I won that fight.”

International Boxing Hall of FamerBarry Tompkins called the action from ringside alongside former world championRaul Marquez and renowned combat sports authorityBrian Campbell služi kot strokovnih analitikov. Dvorana FamerSteve Farhood was the unofficial scorer. Izvršni producent je bilGordon Hall sRich Gaughan proizvodnjo inRick Phillips režija.

The event was promoted by King’s Promotions. TheShoBox doubleheader will re-air on Tuesday at 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®.

# # #

Za več informacij obišč sledite na Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, ali postanejo oboževalec na Facebooku  


“He’s going to learn firsthand how dangerous I am…I love when people think that power is going to save them against me.”

Unbeaten Rising Star Colbert Nears Showdown Against Undefeated Dominican Olympian Hector Garcia Headlining Live on SHOWTIME® Sobota, Februar 26 in Premier Boxing Champions Event from The Cosmopolitan
Las Vegas

Kliknite TUKAJ Za Fotografije iz Stephanie Trapp / Showtime

BROOKLYN – Februar 18, 2022 - Neporažen vzhajajoča zvezda Chris “Primetime” Colbert held a media workout in his hometown of Brooklyn Friday, as he prepares to take on undefeated Dominican Olympian Hector Garcia in the SHOWTIME main event Saturday, Februar 26 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

Colbert vs. Garcia tops a stacked SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader beginning at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT as the undefeated fighters match up in a WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator.

Vstopnice za dogodek v živo, ki ga spodbuja TGB Promocije, are on sale now and can be purchased through

The 25-year-old Colbert held the workout at the NYC Cops & Kids Boxing Club where he began his boxing journey, from his decorated days in the amateur ranks, to his burgeoning pro career. Here is what Colbert had to say about training camp, his February 26 opponent and more:


“He’s going to learn firsthand how dangerous I am. I’m not worried about anything he brings to the ring. I love when people think that power is going to save them against me.

“I don’t have to live up to the ‘Primetime’ name, that’s just me. That’s who I am. People know who I am. I just have a job to do and I’m going to do it on February 26.

“I don’t really know anything about Garcia. I know he’s got two arms and two legs, and beyond that I expect him to bring his A-game, because he has to against me. There’s no way that I’m letting him come in as a late replacement and beat me.

“I spent most of training camp with Coach Aureliano Sosa and Herman Caicedo at Caicedo Sports down in Miami, but with the change of opponent I made the decision to come back to my gym in Brooklyn because we have three lefties in the gym up here.

“The only real difference for this camp is that I have a nutritionist now, so they’ve got me on a strict diet and I’m just more focused than ever. The other thing about this camp is that I was originally supposed to fight in mid-December, but then it got pushed back to now. So we went through two camps basically. It’s been about a 14-week camp in total.

“We went down to Miami mainly because of the weather, and because of our connection with Coach Herman. I hate the cold up north. And then they’ve also got a lot of quality sparring partners for me down in Miami and they gave me some good work to get me ready for this fight.

“I’m all about making adjustments. I’ve had opponent replacements happen before, and I know this is part of the business of boxing. I just have to roll with the punches, make lemonade out of these lemons and do what I do on February 26.

“I don’t fight for the belts. I fight for the money and my legacy. I still have a job to do next Saturday. I’m still getting paid. After I win, I get to fight again soon for the belt and get paid again for that fight.”


“I don’t consider Chris Colbert particularly dangerous.”


LAS VEGAS (Februar 17, 2022) – Undefeated Dominican Olympian Héctor García will look to put himself one step closer to his championship dreams when he faces fellow unbeaten Chris “Primetime” Colbert in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight World Title Eliminator headlining live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Februar 26 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

“I’m very thankful to my whole team for giving me this opportunity,” said García, who owns a record of 14-0, s 10 Knockouts. “It’s time to show the world that there was a Dominican fighter hidden in the shadows and he’s ready to pounce on this chance

García stepped in to face Colbert after WBA Super Featherweight Champion Roger Gutiérrez withdrew due to a positive COVID-19 test. Despite the sudden change, the 30-year-old is prepared for what the supremely-skilled Colbert brings to the ring.

“I don’t consider Chris Colbert particularly dangerous,” said García. “I’ve watched him fight before and I know that I do have to be agile, since he is very fast. I have been sparring with many training partners that have styles similar to his here in Las Vegas and that should help me adjust once we’re in the fight.”

Trained by renowned coach Ismael Salas in Las Vegas, García has sparred with champions and top contenders including Devin Haney and Rolando “Rolly” Romero. He enters this fight coming off the most impressive victory of his career, a unanimous decision triumph over Isaac Avelar in December 2021.

“I make sure I stay in shape even if I’m not training for a specific date or opponent,” said García. “I heard about this opportunity when I got back to Las Vegas from the Dominican Republic, and I just knew I had to grab the bull by the horns. I am making sure that I make the most of this by having the best possible preparation.”

The San Juan de la Maguana, Dominican Republic product knows this is his chance to go from underdog to world championship contender, and plans to show off his versatility and power in the biggest fight of his career to date.

“People will witness my potential on February 26,” said García. “They are also going to find out that I can brawl or be tactical from any kind of distance. If I had to define myself as a boxer in one word, that would be ‘versatile’. My power is a weapon because I can hurt you with anything and everything that I throw.”

García is an avid Boston Red Sox fan who used to play baseball and dream of hitting home runs at Fenway Park while admiring Dominican baseball legends such as Pedro Martínez, David Ortíz and Manny Ramírez. His family wanted him to study, but it was his stepbrother who turned him to boxing when García was a teenager.

“Baseball was my first love, but my older stepbrother Derlin Valdez used to box and he would encourage me to do the same,” said García. “He kept telling me to go to the gym and, when I was 14, I decided to heed his advice and dedicate myself to boxing. I didn’t really want to at first, but I also didn’t have the resources I needed to be a true professional baseball prospect.”

García turned pro in December of 2016 after a runner-up finish at the 2015 Pan-Am Games in Toronto and qualifying for the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

“I waited for the (2016) Olympics before turning pro,” said García. “My dream was to win a medal, and I didn’t get to because of an unfair loss during the preliminary rounds.”

Six years later, boxing is still a family matter in the García household. That is what drives him to succeed.

“My goal is to be a world champion, and I’m dedicated to showing my family that I am indeed able to be successful as an athlete,” said García. “They wanted me to study, study, study and study some more, but I’m showing them that I achieved my goal.”

Colbert vs. García will see undefeated rising star Chris “Primetime” Colbert square off against unbeaten Dominican Olympian Hector García in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight World Title Eliminator headlining live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Februar 26 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® telecast kicks off at 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT and will feature another unbeaten young phenom in the co-main event. Gary Antuanne Russell, a 2016 U.S.. Olympian, faces former world champion Viktor Postol v 10 krogu super lahek dvoboj, while IBF Junior Bantamweight World Champion Jerwin Ancajas defends his title against unbeaten Argentine Fernando Martinez in the televised opener of the loaded tripleheader.

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LOS ANGELES (Februar. 16, 2022) -Two outstanding world-championship showdowns. Four of BELLATOR MMA’s best pound-for-pound fighters. One highly anticipated rematch. The promotion’s all-time greatest athlete striving to avenge a highlight-reel loss to the company’s homegrown superstar. A tournament final awarding a seven-figure jackpot to the victor.

BELLATOR’s fourth phenomenal fight card of 2022 promises to be one for the ages.

Fresh off a 117-second destruction of his upcoming opponent and claiming the $1 million bounty at the BELLATOR MMA Featherweight World Grand Prix Finale, unbeaten BELLATOR Featherweight World TitleholderA.J. McKee (18-0) hopes to take the next step toward becoming the sport’s greatest fighter as he battles former top pound-for-pound and two-division championPatricio Pitbull (32-5) for the second time in less than nine months on Friday, April 15, pri10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT živijo na Showtime.

In the co-feature ofBellator 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2 na SAP Center v San Jose, Kaliforniji., current 205-pound BELLATOR MMA World ChampionVadim Nemkov (15-2) will defend his title for the third time and aims to take home the $1 million prize three days before U.S. Tax Day when he squares off against the surging No. 1-uvrstila kandidatCorey Anderson(16-5)in the BELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix final.

Vstopnice zaBELLATOR MMA 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2 go on sale this Friday, Februar. 18 at with a special presale starting the day prior.

Poleg tega, four preliminary bouts have been announced including a mouthwatering matchup between two highly ranked heavyweights as No. 5-uvrstilaTim Johnson (15-8) faces surging No. 6-uvrstilaTyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC) in a rematch fromBellator 239. Their first fight ended with Johnson securing a win that earned great consideration for the 2020 KO of the Year. The preliminary bouts will stream live three hours earlier at7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT na YouTube kanalu BELLATOR MMA, SHOWTIME Športni YouTube kanal in Pluto TV.

In their historic initial matchup at the Forum in Inglewood, Kaliforniji., McKee stunned Pitbull by landing a punishing left leg kick to the head at 1:40 of the opening stanza atBELLATOR MMA 263julija 31, 2021. The champion then continued the onslaught by unleashing a series of brutal unanswered head shots that floored the Brazilian legend.

Moments later as McKee prematurely raised his arms in celebration, Pitbull rose from the depths of defeat only to be greeted by a fighter hell bent on stealing his crown and claiming the $1 million prize. With the 25-time BELLATOR MMA veteran backed up against the fence, MMA’s brightest young brawler locked in a guillotine choke. With Pitbull seeming to lose consciousness, referee Mike Beltran halted matters at 1:57 okvirja sprožitvi.

“Hosting the world’s best mixed martial artists in the great city of San Jose is something that has been important to me during my career as a fight promoter and I’m happy to continue that with our card on April 15,” BELLATOR President Scott Coker said. “The rematch between A.J. McKee and Patricio Pitbull for the featherweight title, as well as our Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Final featuring Vadim Nemkov against Corey Anderson are two fights that could headline any event on their own, but we are bringing both to SAP Center at San Jose on the same night to show the fans here that we truly value their support throughout the years.

A native of Long Beach, Kaliforniji., BELLATOR’s top-rated pound-for-pound fighter has exceeded the lofty expectations placed on him since his professional debut three days following his 20th rojstni dan. Armed with six knockouts and seven submissions, the Team Bodyshop product, ki bo spremenila 27 eight days before his rematch against Pitbull, has shown a knack for securing lightning-fast finishes with 10 coming in the first round. “Mercenary” has earned dominant victories over every fighter who has opposed him, including former World Champions Pitbull, Pat Curran, and Darrion Caldwell, who McKee submitted with a rare-modified neck crank that was later dubbed the “McKee-otine.” The winner of the 2020 Submission of the Year Award for his 71-second annihilation of Caldwell has fought a total of 33 rounds across 18 karierne natečaji (1.8 rounds per bout), while logging less than 41 total minutes in the BELLATOR cage since turning pro in August 2012.

One half of the vaunted Pitbull Brothers duo, Patricio has long been considered the crown jewel of BELLATOR MMA, where he currently sits at No. 3 in the BELLATOR MMA men’s pound-for-pound rankings. Holding a remarkable 32-5 record with wins over elite competition, including the likes of former World Champions Pat Curran, Juan Archuleta, and Daniel Straus (dvakrat). V 2019, the 34-year-old Brazilian captured the BELLATOR Lightweight World Championship from Michael Chandler, becoming only the second BELLATOR athlete to hold two titles simultaneously. S 23 finishes in 37 strokovne boji, Pitbull has shown repeatedly that he possesses the well-rounded skillset required to reign over multiple weight classes.

Currently BELLATOR MMA’s second-ranked pound-for-pound fighter, Nemkov captured the BELLATOR MMA light heavyweight crown by defeating Ryan Bader via second-round TKO atBELLATOR MMA 244 in August 2020. Riding a nine-fight winning streak dating back to June 2016, the ferocious 29-year-old sports seven first-round knockouts, with two in the initial minute of action. After successfully defending his light heavyweight belt by earning a tough unanimous decision over Phil Davis, the pride of Belgorod, Russia and Fedor Emelianenko protégé scored a fourth-round submission of late replacement Julius Anglickas in the semifinals of the BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix during his last outing on Oct. 16, 2021.

Anderson, of Robbinsville, New Jersey, has ascended to the top of the BELLATOR 205-pound rankings by vanquishing seven of his past eight opponents, including a third-round stoppage of Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov atBELLATOR MMA 257 aprila 16, 2021. Exactly six months later atBELLATOR MMA 268, the Rockford, Ill., native walked into the cage to the spellbinding sounds of The Doors’ “Five to One,” and took the song title literally by knocking out Arizona State University wrestling legend Ryan Bader in 51 seconds in front of Bader’s hometown crowd at the Footprint Center in Phoenix, Ariz. In his first promotional appearance, “Overtime” registered a second-round TKO over Dutch kickboxing legend Melvin Manhoef atBELLATOR MMA 251 v novembru 2020. Prior to joining BELLATOR, Anderson tallied a 10-5 record with a rival promotion, winning “The Ultimate Fighter 19” tournament in 2014, and boasting impressive wins over Glover Teixeira, Jan Błachowicz and Johnny Walker, med drugim.


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Petek, April 15 – live onSHOWTIME

10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Featherweight World ChampionshipCA.J. McKee (18-0) vs. No. 1-Patricio Pitbull (15-5)

 Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix FinalC-Vadim Nemkov (15-2) vs. Ne. 1-Corey Anderson (16-5)


YouTube kanal BELLATOR MMA | SHOWTIME Športni YouTube kanal | Pluton TV

7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Težji Bout: Ne. 5-Tim Johnson(15-8) vs. No. 6-Tyrell Fortune(11-2, 1 NC)

Welterweight Bout: Ne. 10-Kyle Crutchmer(8-1) vs.Michael Lombardo(12-2, 1 NC)

Welterweight Bout: Shane Keefe(2-0) vs.Tyson Miller (2-0)

140-Pound Contract Weight BoutGaston Bolanos (5-3) vs.Cass Bell(5-2)

*Kartica velja za spremembe.

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Posodobljen urnik dogodkov BELLATOR

So, Februar. 19 // Bellator 274: Gracie vs. Storley // Mohegan Sun Arena // Uncasville, Conn.

Brezplačno. Februar. 25 // Bellator 275: Mousasi vs. Vanderford // 3Arena // Dublin, Slovenija

Brezplačno. Sea. 12 // Bellator 276: Borics vs. Burnell // The Family Arena // St. Louis, You.

Brezplačno. April. 15 // Bellator 277: McKee vs. Pitbull 2/Nemkov vs. Anderson // SAP Center // San Jose, Kalifornija.

Brezplačno. Maj 6 // BELLATOR PARIS: Bader vs. Kongo 2 // Accor Arena // Paris, IZ

Brezplačno. Maj 13 // BELLATOR LONDON: Amosov vs. MVP // OVO Arena Wembley // London