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Jaron Ennis vs.. Chris van Heerden ei julistanut päätöstä vahingossa tapahtuvan painon jälkeen; Gary Antonio Russell tekee teknisen päätöksen voiton Juan Carlos Payanosta

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Amanda Westcott / Showtime
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UNCASVILLE, Conn. - Joulukuu 20, 2020 - Voittamaton bantamweight Reymart Gaballo teki kiistanalaisen jaetun päätöksen voiton entisestä maailmanmestarista Emmanuel Rodriguez lauantai-iltojen päätapahtumassa NÄYTTELYAIKA: ERIKOISPAINOS Mohegan Sun Arenalta Uncasvillessä, Conn., Premier Boxing Championsin esittelemässä tapahtumassa. Kun voitto, Gaballo otti avoimen väliaikaisen WBC Bantamweight -tunnuksen.

Lauantain pääesiintyjä viimeisessä SHOWTIME BOXING -tapahtumassa 2020 oli kilpailukykyinen avainkellosta. Vain kolmessa kahdestatoista kierroksesta Rodriguez ja Gaballo erotettiin toisistaan ​​yli kolmella lyönnillä. Yleinen, Kappaleita (24-0, 20 KOs) heitti 148 enemmän lyöntejä kuin Rodriguez (19-2, 12 KOs), mutta silti onnistui muodostamaan yhteyden 16 vähemmän teholävistyksiä. 28-vuotiaan Rodriguezin lyönnit näyttivät olevan puhtaampia, kun hän heilutti filippiiniläistä Gaballoa useammin kuin kerran. Kuitenkin, kaksi tuomareista suosi Gaballon aggressiota Rodriguezin renkaan kenraalista.

SHOWTIMEn epävirallinen maalintekijä Steve Farhood teki maalin 118-110 Rodriguezin ja SHOWTIME-analyytikon ja entisen maailmancupin Raul Marquezin hyväksi tuomitsijoiden päätös järkyttyi.

"Gaballo ei olisi mitenkään voinut voittaa tätä taistelua,”Sanoi Marquez. ”Pahimmassa tapauksessa, olisit voinut antaa hänelle kolme kierrosta. En antanut hänelle kierroksia. "

”Olen erittäin onnellinen ja siunattu voittaessani tämän vyön,”Sanoi 24-vuotias Gaballo. ”Liikkuin aina eteenpäin ja hallitsin vauhtia, joten ajattelin, että se oli läheinen taistelu, jonka kumpikin meistä olisi voinut voittaa.

"Odotan, että joukkueeni kertoo minulle, mitä he ovat suunnitelleet minulle seuraavaksi. Jatkan harjoittelua kovasti, joten olen aina valmis mahdollisuuteen, kun se tulee. "

”Se oli hyvä taistelu, mutta hän voitti vain noin kaksi tai kolme kierrosta,”Sanoi Rodriguez. ”Minulta tuli kaksi lyöntiä jokaisesta lyönnistä, jotka hän laskeutui. Hän tietää kadonneensa. Kaikki tietävät, että voitimme. Tiimini käski minun mennä ulos ja nyrkkeilemään häntä myöhäisillä kierroksilla. Tiesimme, että hän tarvitsi pudotuksen kahdennentoista kierroksen aikana. Se oli hänen ainoa mahdollisuus voittaa. ”

Vuonna yhteistyössä päätapahtuma, Philadelphian voittamaton keskipainoinen tunne Jaron Ennis (26-0, 24 KOs) näki hänen vaikuttavan 16-ottelun pudotusputkensa tulleen pettymyspäätteeksi sen jälkeen, kun ensimmäisen kierroksen vahingossa tehty painallus aiheutti julman viillon vastustajan otsaan, Chris van Heerden (28-2-1, 12 KOs). Katso päiden törmäys TÄSTÄ:

Vain kaksi minuuttia ja kolmekymmentäyhdeksän sekuntia kehän sisällä esitellä taitojaan, Ennis pystyi silti välähtelemään mestaruuspotentiaaliaan laskeutuessaan 22 of 57 lyöntejä, 19 heistä voimalaukaus, kun hän näytti pysäyttävän eteläafrikkalaisen van Heerdenin ja pitävän KO-juovansa hengissä ennen päätätaistelua.

”Ennen päänsärkyä olin jo leikkaanut hänet ja tunsin olevani vahva,”Sanoi pettynyt Ennis. ”Tiesin, että hän oli valmis lähtemään. Minusta tuntuu siltä, ​​että olen parantumassa. Nyt palaan vain kuntosalille. Kuten voit nähdä ensimmäiseltä kierrokselta, Käsittelin häntä helposti. Minusta tuntuu, että kaikki nukkuvat edelleen minun päälläni, mutta olen valmis kenelle tahansa. Tuo suuret nimet. ”

Televisiolähetysavassa, bantamweight-kilpailija Gary Antonio Russell (18-0, 12 KOs) piti virheettömän ennätyksensä ennallaan teknisen päätöksen voitolla entisestä maailmanmestarista Juan Carlos Payano (21-5, 9 KOs). Sen jälkeen, kun vahingossa tehty pääpainike aiheutti huonon leikkauksen Payanon vasempaan otsaan, erotuomari David Fields lopetti taistelun kuudennen kierroksen jälkeen kehäradan lääkärin neuvosta. Taistelu meni tuloskortteihin, missä Russell johti kaikilla kolmella kortilla (58-56, 59-55, 59-55).

Ennen vahingon, Russell ja Payano osallistuivat räikeään tappeluun, joka näki useita voimanvaihtoja. Kuudennen viimeisissä sekunneissa, ja lopulta viimeinen kierros, Russell tarttui Payanoon vastalaskulla, joka vahingoitti Payanoa. Russell laskeutui 86 of 243 lyöntejä, kun Payano laskeutui juuri 58 of 268 lyöntejä. Russell välähti erinomaista vartalotyötä koko taistelun ajan, ulos lasku Payano 40 kohteeseen 17 kehon laukauksissa.

SHOWTIME BOXING -ohjelmassa ennakoi toimintaa, joka suoratoistettiin suorana SHOWTIME Sports YouTube -kanava ja SHOWTIME Nyrkkeily Facebook sivu, arvostettu 21-vuotias potentiaali Brandun Lee (21-0, 19 KOs) jatkoi pudotuspitkänsä 13 kolmannen kierroksen Dakota Lingerin pysäytyksellä (12-5-2, 8 KOs) ja Benjamin Whitaker (15-4, 3 KOs) teki enemmistöpäätöksen voiton (76-76, 77-75, 79-73) aiemmin lyömätön mahdollisuus Zsolt Daranyi (15-1, 14 KOs).

Lauantain NÄYTTÖAIKA BOXING: ERIKOISPAINOS televisio-ohjelma toistetaan maanantaina klo 10 p.m. ET / PT SHOWTIME EXTREME -tapahtumassa.

Alan johtava tuotantotiimi ja ilmoitti miehistön toimitti kaikki nähtävyydet, ääniä ja draamaa Mohegan Sun Arenalta. Veteraanilähetystoiminnan harjoittaja Brian Custer isännöi televisio-ohjelmaa. Monipuolinen taistelulajiääni Mauro Ranallo kutsui toimintaradan kuuluisan Hallin analyytikon Al Bernsteinin ja entisen keskipainon maailmancupin Raúl “El Diamante” Marquezin rinnalle tarjoamaan asiantuntija-analyysiä. Kaksi Hall of Famers -ohjelmaa täydensi SHOWTIME-televisio-tiimin - epävirallinen rengasmaalintekijä Steve Farhood ja maailmankuulu rengasilmoittaja Jimmy Lennon Jr. Televisio oli saatavilla espanjaksi toissijaisen ääniohjelmoinnin kautta (SAP) entisen maailmanmestarin Raul Marquezin ja urheiluhenkilön Alejandro Lunan kanssa. Päätuottaja oli David Dinkins, Jr., Tuottaja oli Ray Smaltz ja ohjaaja Chuck McKean.

Tapahtumaa edisti TGB Promotions. Rodriguez vs.. Gaballoa ylennettiin yhdessä Warriors Boxing and Fresh Productionsin kanssa. Ennis vs.. Van Heerden ylennettiin yhdessä D: n kanssa&D Nyrkkeily.

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Unbeaten Interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Colbert Battles Hard-Hitting Arboleda in Main Event Live on SHOWTIME® lauantaina, Joulukuu 12

NEW YORK – Joulukuu 8, 2020 – Unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert will look to make a statement in his first nationally televised main event as he faces hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Joulukuu 12 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“I always knew I was going to get here,” said Colbert. “It’s all God’s plan. This is just going to be another day for me and I’ll show everyone why I’m one of the best 130-pounders in the world.”

The 24-year-old Colbert has shot up the rankings of the 130-pound weight class and believes that a victory on Saturday night will lead to bigger opportunities in the jam-packed division.

“This is one of the most stacked divisions in boxing and I love competing in it,” said Colbert. “It’s great to be getting noticed in a division that has this much talent, and hopefully it’ll lead to me getting the big fights that I need. I don’t feel like there’s any certain fighter I’m targeting, but Gervonta Davis, Leo Santa Cruz and Jamel Herring would all be great fights for me. Beating them would help me become ‘the guy’ in the division.”

Colbert’s rise continued in his last fight, as he scored a 10th-round knockdown against former champion Jezreel Corrales on his way to a decision win while showing an impressive array of skills against a fighter determined to slow the action through holding and other veteran tricks.

“Against Corrales I learned not to rush,” said Colbert. “It’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon. I can’t just go rush in there and expect everyone to get knocked out. I had to take my time, do what I do best and stick to my game plan.”

In the 26-year-old Arboleda, Colbert will be presented with another rising 130-pound contender with his own sights set on emerging amongst the elite in the division. Arboleda has won five of his last six fights by stoppage and most recently dropped Jayson Velez on his way to a decision victory in February on SHOWTIME.

“Come December 12, Olen valmis, mitä hän tuo,” said Colbert. “I expect him to bring pressure and ‘try’ to make me tired because that’s the only chance he has. He can’t outbox me. That’s not happening. But I love to bang inside and I’m ready for whatever he does. I hope he doesn’t run or clinch me because I’d love to get the knockout and get him out of there early.”

The Brooklyn-native Colbert has continued to work with his longtime coach Aureliano Sosa in his hometown through the difficulties of the pandemic. Those difficulties have led to Colbert sparring with larger welterweight and super welterweights in camp, which Colbert believes could help him with the power Arboleda will bring into the fight.

“Training camp has been going great for the most part,” said Colbert. “It’s just been a little hard finding sparring partners. But because it’s been difficult to find fighters at my weight I’ve actually been sparring with 147 and 154-pound fighters. I honestly love that because it prepares me better, and who’s to say that Arboleda won’t have power like them? I’m on weight now, vaikka, and ready to put on a show on December 12.”

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Colbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert kasvot kovaa lyö Jaime Arboleda vuonna päätapahtuma NÄYTTÖAIKA BOXING: ERIKOISPAINOS Lauantai, Joulukuu 12 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT livenä SHOWTIME Mohegan Sun Arenalta Uncasvillessä, Conn., Premier Boxing Championsin esittelemässä tapahtumassa.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins ottaa vastaan ​​nuoren uransa vaikeimman testin, kun hän kohtaa entisen maailmanmestarin Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis ja Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. Tapahtumaa markkinoivat TGB Promotions ja Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs.. Mendeziä tukee Mayweather Promotions.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta,, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @MayweatherPromo, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss ja @MayweatherPromotions, tai tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa ja


“I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game”

Unbeaten Rising Super Lightweight Prospect Hitchins Battles Former Champion Argenis Méndez In Co-Main Event Live on SHOWTIME® lauantaina, Joulukuu 12

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Mayweather Promotions

NEW YORK – Joulukuu 7, 2020 – Unbeaten rising prospect Richardson Hitchins shared details of his training camp, including pointers and motivation he received from Floyd Mayweather and Gervonta Davis, ahead of his super lightweight showdown against former world champion Argenis Méndez live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Joulukuu 12 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

“Floyd helped me tremendously while I was back in Las Vegas,”Sanoi Hitchins. “I already have the fundamentals as a fighter, but he showed me little things here and there and workouts that I have taken back home with me while I train for this fight. I’m not shy about my ability as a fighter, because I truly believe I am the best up and coming fighter in the game, so these are the kind of fights I need in order to show the world who Richardson Hitchins is.

“Gervonta has been instrumental in past fight camps as well, and he’s the type of person you need. He pushes you to go harder. We go head-to-head in trying to outdo each other, and that’s the type of competition that’s needed in order to really be the best.”

Despite training throughout the pandemic, Hitchins has been able to remain on task and on track throughout his camp that began in Las Vegas before ending in his native Brooklyn under the guidance of his head coach Lenny Wilson.

“The thing about me is, I’m focused no matter what,”Sanoi Hitchins. “I don’t take ‘off’ after my fights. I stay in shape all year round; I don’t need to get ready in terms of conditioning or getting my body back in shape because this is my job. I take my job very seriously. The discipline Floyd has had throughout his career is the same discipline I have. I have watched my idols and taken things from them so that I can put myself in a position to win.

“I don’t think the pandemic or the holidays necessarily altered my training. I still have access to my gym. There’s nothing that’s going to stand in my way of becoming great. The pandemic doesn’t slow me down, it’s just another roadblock to test my dedication to the sport.”

The 23-year-old Hitchins represented Haiti at the 2016 Olympic Games and will return to the ring after debuting in 2020 with a 10-round decision victory over Nicholas DeLomba in February. It was Hitchins’ second 10-round decision win after his previous fight saw him best Kevin Johnson following 10 rounds in November 2019.

“I often think back to my fight against Kevin Johnson, he’s a tough fighter and he’s the one who I can confidently say brought the best out of me,”Sanoi Hitchins. “Those are the fights that make me look back and watch closely the things I need to work on. That fight also showed me that no one should be overlooked, so going into this fight against Mendez, I’m not overlooking him.”

Méndez presents the most accomplished opponent of Hitchins’ young career. The 34-year-old former champion most recently fought Juan Heraldez and Anthony Peterson to draws in 2019, and scored victories over Eddie Ramirez and Ivan Redkach prior to that. For Hitchins, the strong resume of his opponent is something he relishes as a measuring stick for his progress.

“He’s a veteran, he’s been in there with a lot of tough guys and he’s a former world champion, so he clearly has a skill set that I think I need to face at this point in my career,”Sanoi Hitchins. “I need those big fights. He’s older now, but I feel like him in his prime still couldn’t touch my skillset. It’s my job to prove that.

“I know this won’t be an easy fight, but I’ll be prepared for whatever he brings. My motivation is to be more than ordinary. I will fulfill my goals when this is all said and done, and honestly, I’m just waiting for this fight to come so I can show that. Whether it’s Méndez, or whoever, the conviction I have and how I feel about myself is stronger than anything standing in front of me in that ring.”

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Colbert vs. Arboleda will see two of the top fighters in the 130-pound division meet when unbeaten interim WBA Super Featherweight Champion Chris “Primetime” Colbert kasvot kovaa lyö Jaime Arboleda vuonna päätapahtuma NÄYTTÖAIKA BOXING: ERIKOISPAINOS Lauantai, Joulukuu 12 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT livenä SHOWTIME Mohegan Sun Arenalta Uncasvillessä, Conn., Premier Boxing Championsin esittelemässä tapahtumassa.

The tripleheader will see rising super lightweight phenom Richardson Hitchins ottaa vastaan ​​nuoren uransa vaikeimman testin, kun hän kohtaa entisen maailmanmestarin Argenis Mendez in the 10-round co-main event and middleweight contenders Ronald Ellis ja Matt Korobov battle in the 10-round telecast opener. Tapahtumaa markkinoivat TGB Promotions ja Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs.. Mendeziä tukee Mayweather Promotions.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta,, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @MayweatherPromo, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss ja @MayweatherPromotions, tai tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa ja



WBO #7 ja IBF #8 bantamweight Nikolai Potapov will return to the ring on Christmas Eve, Joulukuu 24, at Soviet Wings Sport Palace in Moscow, Venäjä, to take on Ukrainian contender Oleksandr Hryshchuk.

Potapov (21-2-1, 11 KOs), of Podolsk, Venäjä, now residing Brooklyn, will face Hryshchuk (16-2-1, 6 KOs) of Bilytske, Ukraina, as part of a mammoth 19-fight event presented by Shamo Boxing.

30-year-old Potapov was last seen obtaining a DQ victory over foul-plagued Tanzanian veteran Nasibu Ramadhani in five rounds last November. Sitä ennen, he suffered an extremely controversial decision loss to fellow highly rated contender Joshua Greer in July. Hryshchuk is no walkover opponent, as the tough Ukrainian once held and defended the WBA Intercontinental Flyweight Championship.

“I am happy to be back in the ring,” said Potapov. “I feel that I am the best bantamweight in the world. Joulukuussa 24, I will be showcasing my skills with my eye on the champions in 2021.”

Potapov’s promoter, Dmitriy Salita, says he has got high expectations for the Russian bantamweight.

“It’s been a challenging time for the boxing community, worldwide,” said Salita. “I am happy to end the year with a fight for Nikolai in his hometown. I’m looking for an impressive performance from Nikolai, who I believe is one of the best in the division.”


Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, HBO, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network, UFC Fight Pass, DAZN, ESPN+ and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Check the Salita Promotions YouTube Channel for regular updates of the modern world’s greatest fighters, contenders and prospects in action.


MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY Premieres Friday, Joulukuu 4 at 9 PM ET/PT on SHOWTIME ®

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Courtesy of SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – November 24, 2020 – Past opponents of legendary boxing icon Hector “Macho” Camacho, including “Sugar” Ray Leonard, Felix “Tito” Trinidad and Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach, share their first-hand experiences with the former world champion and recall his trademark flamboyant style in advance of the MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY documentary premiere Friday, Joulukuu 4 at 9 p.m. ET / PT Showtime.

MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY is an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, Maria Matias, sisters, wife Amy and son Hector Jr., the documentary also delves into the legendary fighter’s troubled mind and spirit, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately led to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012. The film isdirected by two-time Emmy® Award winner Eric Drath. Drath and Danielle Naassana, both of Live Star Entertainment, served as producers and sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

In addition to Leonard, Trinidad and Roach, past world champions Ray Mancini, Greg Haugen, Vinny Pazienza and more reminisce about climbing into the ring against the flashy and skilled Hector “Macho” Camacho:

SUGAR RAY LEONARD – March 1, 1997; In Ray Leonard’s final career fight, Camacho won by fifth-round TKOWe were both naturally past our prime, but I just felt that I was a bigger man. I was smarter, vahvempi, all those things, but the first time he threw a punch, se oli kuin, Pow! And I said, ‘Wow, that hurt.’ I tried the best I could to just go the distance. When he was at his best, he was a thing of beauty.”

FELIX “TITO” TRINIDAD - Tammikuu 29, 1994; IBF Welterweight Title: “I first met Macho Camacho when I was 12 years old at an indoor arena event in Puerto Rico. He was already a world champion. I was in awe. Camacho was talking to everyone and being himself. He ate 12 empanadas at once just to be funny.

“When I got to fight him, it was my third title defense. Olin 21 and he was 10 years older than me. He had so much experience and played so many mind games. At the final press conference, he sat at the very end of the table – sideways, kind of ignoring the press – and staring at me. When it was his time to talk, he just talked trash. He was such a showman. When we got in the ring in Las Vegas, like every fighter at a crossroads fight, I was a little nervous. He was such a great fighter. He was so experienced and technical. He was a little crazy but was such a good person. Nöyrä.

“After the fight, he came over with his chin down and congratulated me. He was like a different person – he was so friendly and calm. ‘It was a good fight,’ he told me. ‘You are going to be a great champion. Keep on climbing.’ It was a great experience for me. After that fight, I felt something had changed in me as a fighter. I had shared a ring with Macho Camacho. You are never the same after that. He helped me be a better fighter. He was the first Puerto Rican I ever faced. The only fighter that cut me. I got my win against him the same night [Frankie] Randall handed Julio Cesar Chavez his first defeat. It was a historic night.”

FREDDIE ROACH – December 18, 1985; Camacho won a super lightweight bout via unanimous decision to improve to 28-0: “Hector Camacho was the best boxer I ever fought. His speed was unbelievable. At one point during the fight, we were in a clinch and I bit his shoulder. He stepped back, smiled, and told me, ‘That’s not going to work.He was right. I had so much trouble handling his speed. You just couldn’t prepare for itand I had a really good training camp. I was really up for that fight. I think I won one round and that was only because I stepped on his foot and got a knock down. After the fight, we bumped into each other in our hotel lobby and he took me to dinner at the hotel restaurant. We talked and laughed throughout dinner. He was a great guy.”

RAY MANCINI – March 6, 1989; Camacho won a split decision for the vacant WBO Junior Welterweight titleHector had an uncanny ability to avoid punches. He had excellent hand speed, movement and reflexes. He got in the ring with everybody. And he was funny as hell. Ensin, I couldn’t stand him. But once we were retired, we buried the hatchet and every time we’d see each other, it was hugs and laughs. He made everyone laugh. He was a good soul. I was heartbroken when I heard the news about his murder. In my book, when you talk about all-time greats, he is in the top five for Puerto Rican fighters and top 20 for Latino fighters.”                 

GREGHAUGEN – February 23, ja toukokuussa 18, 1991; Camacho’s first career loss and the rematch for WBO Jr. Welterweight World Championship“Camacho was looking for a tune-up fight for the big battle of the undefeateds with Julio Cesar Chavez so that’s how I got the fight. But I had studied his fights and I knew Hector only liked to fight a minute, minute and a half of each round. My plan going into the fight was to make him fight three minutes of each round. I was hitting him with body shots and he was wincing. And plus, I was talking to him the whole fight, so he was getting frustrated. So we get to the 12th round and he ends up sucker punching me before the start of the round because I refused to touch gloves, and they end up taking a point from him which won me the fight. (In the rematch) he was so sure he lost the fight, he actually left the ring after the fight. The promoter Dan Duva had to pull him out of his dressing room and basically talk him into getting back in the ring to hear the decision. He had to win that fight because that would line him up with Chavez. I thought I beat him more so in the second fight than the first fight.”

VINNY PAZIENZA – February 3, 1990; Camacho won a unanimous decision for the WBO Junior Welterweight titleI thought I was going to wreck him. I thought I was going to go right through him. But he was much stronger and much faster than I believed. And I was thinking, ‘Oh God, I’m in for a long night.’ He got ready for me like no other fight. He was so amped and so ready. He got off all the drugs. He wasn’t drinking. He got up so high and after he beat me, he was never the same again. Hector was such a character. He surpasses me in that capacity. He was a wild guy and he was wild his whole life.”

PJ GOOSSEN – June 18, 1999; Camacho won a unanimous decision at the age of 37 to improve his record to 68-4-1: “That was a bad night for me. I had three broken ribs, and no one really knew it. Joten, I could barely breathe, let alone fight, but that’s what you have to do in boxing sometimes. As we were getting ready for the fight, his dressing room was right next to mine and they had this door separating us. I could hear him before the fight yelling, ‘Macho time!’ ‘Macho time!’ And he hits the wall. And he keeps doing that, yelling louder and louder. Hyvin, he hit the door so hard it busted through and he fell into my dressing room. Joten, he gets up and walks back in around through the other opening and says, ‘Sorry about that.’ It was actually pretty funny and me and my dad and brother were laughing. To come back in and apologize when he’s supposed to be getting hyped up to fight me. I would mark him down as one of the best lefthanders there ever was, especially when he was at featherweight and lightweight.”


Keskipainoiset kilpailijat Matt Korobov ja Ronald Ellis Clash

pääturnauksessa; Richardson Hitchins nousee erittäin kevyeksi tulevaisuudennäkymään entisen maailmancupin Argenis Mendezin televisio-aukkoon

NEW YORK – Marraskuu 20, 2020 - Kaksi 130-punnan divisioonan huipputaistelijoita kohtaavat, kun WBA: n superhöyhenpainon mestari on voittamaton.Chris “Primetime” Colbertkasvot kovaa lyöJaime Arboledavuonna päätapahtumaNÄYTTÖAIKA BOXING: ERIKOISPAINOS Lauantai, Joulukuu 12 at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT livenä SHOWTIME Mohegan Sun Arenalta Uncasvillessä, Conn., Premier Boxing Championsin esittelemässä tapahtumassa.

Tripleheader, alun perin suunniteltu marraskuuhun 28, näkee keskipainoiset kilpailijatMatt KorobovjaRonald Ellistaistelu 10 kierroksen päätuotannossa ja nouseva superkevyt ilmiöRichardson Hitchinsottaa vastaan ​​nuoren uransa vaikeimman testin, kun hän kohtaa entisen maailmanmestarinArgenis Mendez10 kierroksen televisiolähetysavaajana. Tapahtumaa markkinoivat TGB Promotions ja Sampson Boxing. Hitchins vs.. Mendeziä tukee Mayweather Promotions.

Nordine Oubaali vs.. Nonito Donaire oli alun perin tarkoitus pitää joulukuussa 12 mutta lykättiin sen jälkeen, kun Oubaali testasi positiivisen COVID-19: n.

”Tämä päätapahtuma joulukuussa 12 sijoittaa kaksi 130 kilon divisioonan jännittävimmistä nousevista kyvyistä toisiaan vastaan, kun ylivertaisesti taitava Chris Colbert kohtaa voimakkaan Jaime Arboledan epäonnistumattomassa showdownissa,”Sanoi Tom Brown, Presidentti TGB Kampanjat. "Päätapahtumassa kaksi keskipainokilpailijaa Matt Korobovissa ja Ronald Ellis haluavat osoittaa olevansa divisioonan eliitin joukossa, SHOWTIME-avaaja sisältää jännittävän potentiaalin Richardson Hitchinsin aina kovaa Argenis Mendeziä vastaan ​​suuressa askeltaistelussa. Nämä ovat kolme tasaisesti ottelua, joiden pitäisi tehdä jatkuvaa draamaa taistelun iltana. "

Edustaa kotimaista Brooklynia, N.Y., Colbert (14-0, 5 KOs) on nopeasti noussut 130 kilon rankingissa, ottamalla korkean tason kilpailun ensimmäisessä 14 pro taistelee. 24-vuotias voitti tappamattomat hävittäjät Austin Dulay, Titus Williams ja Antonio Dubose, kaikki hänen kahdeksan ensimmäisen taistelunsa ammattilaisena. Sisään 2019, Colbert lisäsi vielä neljä voittoa yhteenvetoonsa, mukaan lukien veteraani Miguel Beltran Jr: n räjähtävä ensimmäisen kierroksen pudotus. Viimeksi, Colbert won his interim title by dropping former super featherweight champion Jezreel Corrales on his way to a unanimous decision in their January 2020 clash.

“I’m super excited to be making my big stage debut in the main event,” said Colbert. “It’s been a long camp, but training is going great. I’m looking to put on a dominant performance, and I’m looking for the knockout if it’s there. If I can get it, that would be splendid. I know Jaime is going to come to fight. He wants the belt as bad as I want to keep the belt. It’s all going to come down to stamina, ring IQ and who has the greater will to win. I feel like I’m the guy for the job. Helvetissä ei ole mitään tapaa, josta luovun vyöni ensimmäisen puolustukseni aikana.

26-vuotias Arboleda (16-1, 13 KOs) on kerännyt vaikuttavan kuuden taistelun voittoputken kohti ottelua Colbertia vastaan, viisi näistä voitoista tuli etäisyyden sisälle. Syntynyt Curundussa, Panama, ja nyt taistelevat Miamia vastaan, Fla. Arboleda on taistellut ammattimaisesti siitä lähtien 2014 ja teki pudotuspelejä kahdesta sitten voittamattomasta vastustajasta 2019, Victor Betancourt ja Jose Saant. Hänen viimeinen taistelu, Arboleda, joka sijoittuu WBA: n neljänneksi 130 punnan divisioonassa, parhaan entisen maailmanmestaruuskilpailijan Jayson Velezin yksimielisellä päätöksellä voittaa ensimmäinen 12 kierroksen taistelunsa helmikuussa SHOWTIME.

“Jokaisen nyrkkeilijän unelma on taistella tittelistä ja olla voitokas ilman epäilyksiä,”Sanoi Arboleda. ”Se on suunnitelmani joulukuussa 12. Minulla on koko urani paras valmistelu. Tunnen suurta, vahva ja nopea kuin koskaan ennen. Olen varma, että se on erittäin jännittävä taistelu jo ensimmäisellä kierroksella. "

Korobov (28-3-1, 14 KOs) palaa toimintaan menetettyään joulukuun 2019 ottelu vastaan ​​Chris Eubank Jr.. kun hän kärsi olkavammasta, joka pakotti taistelun päättymään toisella kierroksella. Korobov, kuka lovi 300 voittaa koristeltu amatööri, tuli kyseiseen taisteluun, kun Immanuwel Aleemia vastaan ​​käytettiin enemmistön arvonta, ilmoitettuaan keskipainoluokalle, että hän olisi uhka, kun hän menettäisi kovan taistelun päätöksen voittamattomalle keskipainon mestarille Jermall Charlolle joulukuussa. Syntynyt Orotukanissa, Venäjä, ja asuu nyt St.. Petersburg, Fla, Korobov oli myöhässä korvaava ja antoi Charlolle kovempaa taistelua kuin monet asiantuntijat odottivat. Korobov had been riding a four-fight win streak before the Charlo fight, following his first professional defeat against Andy Lee in a 2014 middleweight title fight.

I am excited to be back in a PBC event on SHOWTIME December 12,said Korobov. “I have a difficult opponent, but I expect to win and prove that I am back and even better prepared. I must win against Ellis in order to get Jermall Charlo back in the ring. Tietenkin, I believe I beat Charlo, but that is the past. Ellis is in my future, and I am coming to show I am still one of the best middleweights in the world.

The 31-year-old Ellis (17-1-2, 11 KOs) will look to build off of his last outing, which saw him edge fellow contender Immanuwel Aleem by majority decision in December 2019. For Ellis, tämä taistelu sai hänet takaisin voittosarakkeeseen ensimmäisen uransa tappion jälkeen, enemmistöpäätös DeAndre Ware -yrityksestä maaliskuussa 2019. Lynn, Massan syntyperäinen on keskipainoisen Rashidi Ellisin vanhempi veli, ja hänellä oli vaikuttava amatööriura mukaan lukien a 2010 Kansallinen kultahansikkaiden mestaruuskilpailu päättyi voittoon Terrell Gaushasta.

“Minun on aika ilmestyä 12. joulukuuta,” sanoi Ellis. “Korobovilla oli mahdollisuus keskikeskiöitä vastaan, ja nyt on minun aika käyttää tätä tilaisuutta hyväkseen ja käyttää voittoa hänestä saavuttaaksesi kyseisen tason. Teemme kovaa työtä San Diegossa sparraamassa Canelo Alvarezin kanssa, jotta kaikki olisi täydellistä ja olen parhaimmani taisteluiltana.”

Kotoisin Brooklynista, Hitchins (11-0, 5 KOs) kääntyi ammattilainen 2017 edustettuaan Haitia 2016 Olympialaiset. 23-vuotias on vilkaissut vaikuttavia taitoja, kun hän on kerännyt lyömättömän ennätyksen ammattiryhmissä, joka on laajan amatööriuran tulos. Hitchins teki neljä voittoa vuonna 2019, ennen debytointia 2020 päätöksellä voitolla Nicholas DeLomba. Kahdessa ensimmäisessä 10 kierroksen ottelussa ammattilaisena, southpaw on tehnyt ratkaisevat yksimieliset päätökset.

"En unohda yhtään vastustajaa, mutta uskon, että minulla on parempi ja terävämpi taito kuin Mendez,”Sanoi Hitchins. ”Minulla on kaikki aineettomat aineet tulla maailmanmestariksi. Se pidetään usein vääränä, mutta oikeastaan ​​vain minä uskon itseeni enemmän kuin kukaan muu. Otan tämän taistelun vakavasti kuten minkä tahansa muun taistelun ja jatkan sen tekemistä saadakseni yhden askeleen lähemmäksi tuota nimikettä. Leirissä Floyd Mayweatherin ja Gervonta Davisin kanssa, Olen oppinut paljon. Minusta tuntuu, että minun on kerrottava kilpailu. He todella pakottivat minut olemaan parempi taistelija. "

Entinen superhöyhenpainon mestari, Mendez (25-5-3, 12 KOs) on tunnettu siitä, että se tarjoaa kovia haasteita urheilun parhaimmille ja on osoittautunut kestäväksi haastajaksi 140 kilolla. Sisään 2019, Mendez taisteli taaksepäin tasapeleihin erittäin kevyitä kilpailijoita vastaan, Ensin Anthony Petersonia vastaan ​​maaliskuussa ja sitten lyömätöntä Juan Heraldezia vastaan ​​toukokuussa. Syntynyt San Juan de La Maguanassa, Dominikaaninen tasavalta, Mendez taistelee nyt Yonkersista, N.Y.. ja omistaa voittoja Eddie Ramirezistä, Ivan Redkach ja entinen tittelilista Miguel Vazquez. Hän on myös käynyt varpaiden varassa entisten mestareiden Rances Barthelemyn ja Robert Easter Jr: n kanssa.

"Minulla on edessään nuori potentiaali, joka on nälkäinen menestykseen, mutta olen tänään nälkäisempi kuin koskaan olen ollut urallani, ja minulla on kokemusta siitä,”Sanoi Mendez. "Olen myös erittäin motivoitunut tähän taisteluun, mikä ei ole hyvä uutinen Hitchinsille. Kun taisteluaika tulee joulukuussa 12, näet älykkään, mutta aggressiivisemman Argenis Mendezin. "

Lisätietoja, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions ja @MayweatherPromo, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotionss ja @MayweatherPromotions, tai tulla faniksi Facebookissa ja



Mario Barrios Retains WBA Super Lightweight Title with KO Over Ryan Karl; Regis Prograis and Isaac Cruz Both Score Stoppage Victories

Delayed Telecast of Tonight’s Main and Co-Main Event Will Air Exclusively on SHOWTIME® lauantaina, Marraskuu 7 at 9 p.m. ET / PT

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Esther Lin / Showtime
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

SAN ANTONIO – Marraskuu 1, 2020 – Gervonta “Säiliö” Davis delivered a Knockout of the Year candidate over four-division world champion Leo Santa Cruz in the most significant fight of his career, retaining his WBA Lightweight title and picking up the WBA Super Featherweight title Saturday night on SHOWTIME PPV® at the Alamodome in San Antonio in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. It was the first major boxing event with fans in attendance since COVID-19 forced a halt to U.S. sports in March with an announced crowd of 9,024.

It was both fighterspay-per-view main event debut, and Davis (24-0, 23 KOs) ja Santa Cruz (37-2-1, 19 KOs) delivered an all-action war that had the fans on their feet from start to finish. Taistelu, which was contested at 130 kiloa, saw both fighters stand in the pocket and press the action. It was in the sixth round when the defining moment of the night occurred, as Davis found an opening to land his trademark left uppercut, a knockout shot which Santa Cruz never saw coming. Davis proved that he is one of the most powerful punchers in the sport, stunning the crowd. Watch the KO TÄSTÄ.

The uppercut wasn’t the key coming into the fight, but I adapted to what he was bringing,” said Baltimore’s Davis. “I knew he was taller and crouching down and moving forward. Once he moved forward, I tried to jab and make him run into the shot. He was right there for it. He punches, but he doesn’t try to get out of the way. There was nowhere for him to go on that knockout because I got him into the corner.

The power and body attack of the 25-year-old Davis was the difference as he landed 55 prosenttia hänen voimastaan ​​lyö 29 percent for Santa Cruz, who was having his best round of the fight in the sixth round prior to the defining punch. The stronger Davis lured the 32-year-old Santa Cruz into a firefight as 34 of Davis’ 84 landed punches were body shots.

Leo is a tough warrior and a strong Mexican fighter,” Said Davis, who is promoted by all-time great Floyd Mayweather. “He came ready for me. I was just the better fighter tonight. I want to maintain both belts. Whatever decision me and my team comes up with, we’ll go with it. I’m not ducking or dodging anybody. I’m a pay-per-view star. Everybody knows I’m number one and I showed it tonight.

We didn’t get the win, but I’m okay,” sanoi Santa Cruz, who was taken to a nearby hospital for observation.

Davis vs. Santa Cruz was a rare clash in boxing history in which world titles in two weight classes were at stake. Other notable instances in recent boxing history are the 1988 Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Donny Lalonde fight for the light heavyweight and super middleweight titles, ja 2014 Floyd Mayweather vs. Marcos Maidana rematch for the super welterweight and welterweight championships.

Vuonna yhteistyössä ominaisuus, San Antonio’s hometown favorite Mario Barrios (26-0, 17 KOs) kept his unbeaten record intact and retained his WBA Super Lightweight title with a sixth-round KO over a game and bloodied Ryan Karl (18-3, 12 KOs) on Halloween night. Watch the KO TÄSTÄ.

The fight broke open in the sixth round when Barrios landed a straight right hand that sent Karl down for just the third time in his career. Karl’s problems were further exasperated after an accidental clash of heads created a brutal cut on his forehead which proved to be too much to cope with. The 25-year-old Barrios smelled blood and closed the show in emphatic fashion, landing a left hook that sent Karl down and out at 2:23 of the sixth round. Tuolloin työnseisaus, Barrios was ahead on all three scorecards (48-47 ja 49-46 kahdesti).

In the all-important sixth round, Barrios landed 29 hänen 58 power punches against a very tough Karl, joka heitti 60 punches per round but landed just 18 percent of those punches.

This fight is for everybody who came out here in San Antonio tonight,” said Barrios following the win. “I told them we’d get this first title defense, and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I was just being patient and picking my shots. I started to really land them and got him out of there. I was ready to go a hard 12 kierrosta, but my patience helped me get him out of there. I listened to what Virgil [Metsästäjä] was telling me in the corner. It was great to get the job done here at home

I feel fine but it was a hard shot that I got hit with,” said Milano, Texas’ “Cowboy” Karl. “It was a tough, good, close fight. It was a good headbutt. I was bleeding pretty good but overall I feel fine. I’m not a sore loser. Tulen taistelemaan, that’s what I expected. So congratulations to Mario on the win. We’ll move on from here.

Former world champion Regis Prograis (25-1, 21 KOs) took the first step to getting back on top of the 140-pound division, scoring a third-round stoppage of Juan Heraldez (16-1-1, 10 KOs) in the second bout of the night. Watch the stoppage TÄSTÄ.

Kolmannella kierroksella, the fight changed in an instant as Prograis took advantage of Heraldez keeping his hands too low by landing his most dangerous weapon, a dynamite left hook that sent Heraldez sprawling to the canvas. When Heraldez got back to his feet, OHJELMAT, who was born and raised in New Orleans but now fights out of Katy, Texas, sensed his opponent was in danger and pounced on Heraldez, forcing referee Rafael Ramos to step in and stop the action at 1:23 of round number three.

Perjantaina, OHJELMAT, who lost a 140-pound title unification fight to Josh Taylor last October, weighed in over the 140-pound limit.

I’ve been out of the ring for a year so I think that had some effect on me not making weight,” said the 31-year-old Prograis. “Ei ole tekosyitä, but the bubble also had some effect. Mainly it was the layoff though. My body wasn’t adjusted to making the weight again.

Taistelun rakenteessa, Prograis repeatedly stated he felt he was still the best in the world at 140 pounds and vowed to get his belt back.

I still feel like I’m the best at 140,Prograis reiterated to SHOWTIME’s Mauro Ranallo following the fight. “I’m going to keep proving it every time I fight. Me and Josh Taylor had a close fight, and I think if it had happened in the U.S. I would have won. We know that one day we’ll have to rematch at 140 or 147.

The Las Vegas-based Heraldez, who is signed to Mayweather Promotions, was disappointed he didn’t get the chance to continue the fight despite landing just 12 total punches landed compared to Prograis’ 35.

I just thought it was an early stoppage,” hän sanoi. “I was just getting warm, loose. He stunned me, but I don’t think they should’ve stopped the fight.

In the pay-per-view telecast opener, Mexico City’s Isaac Cruz (20-1-1, 15 KOs) wasted no time in getting the fans on their feet, scoring a stunning first-round knockout of Diego Magdaleno (32-4, 13 KOs) vain 53 seconds into the night’s action. Watch the KO TÄSTÄ.

The diminutive but powerful Cruz came out swinging immediately after hearing the opening bell, using his vicious uppercut to knock down the 34-year-old Magdaleno for the 11th time in his career inside of 30 sekuntia. Vain 20 seconds after Magdaleno got to his feet, Cruz again unleashed a barrage of punches with Magdaleno against the ropes, finishing him off with back-to-back right uppercuts. In a short night of work, Cruz managed to land 21 of 31 lyöntejä, 20 of which were power shots.

With the win in the IBF Title Eliminator, Cruz puts himself in position to challenge lightweight world champion Teofimo Lopez down the line.

The new Mike Tyson from Mexico was born tonight,” said the 22-year-old Cruz. “I thought it would go longer, but my natural instinct is always to go for it in the first round. I have confidence that I could win the world title right now. I thought it was a statement win. From now on, hopefully everyone will know my name and I’ll get the big fights. I would love a Teofimo Lopez fight. I’m very motivated right now. If he’s tough enough to take it, bring it on.

The announce team for the SHOWTIME PPV telecast was led by the most experienced and decorated boxing team on television. Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer served as host for the evening. Versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and four-time world champion Abner Mares. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the telecast team: boxing historian Steve Farhood as unofficial scorer, and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. Lisäksi, former world champion Raúl Marquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

The executive producer of the SHOWTIME PPV telecast is four-time Emmy award winner David Dinkins, Jr. The director is Bob Dunphy, son of legendary Hall of Famer Don Dunphy. The pair has been guiding SHOWTIME Sportsflagship series SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® alusta lähtien 1986 and has produced the three highest-grossing pay-per-view events of all time (Mayweather-Pacquiao, Mayweather-McGregor, Mayweather-Canelo).

Davis vs. Santa Cruz was promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB Kampanjat, GTD Promotions and Santa Cruz Boxing Club.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta,, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at ja


“I have to prove that I’m the baddest man in the sport on Saturday night," – Davis

“Everyone has their opinion on this fight. It’s my job to go out there and prove the doubters wrong," – Santa Cruz

Three-Time World Champion Davis and Four-Division World Champion Santa Cruz To Meet in Halloween Thriller at Alamodome in San Antonio Headlining SHOWTIME PPV® Tänä lauantaina, Lokakuu 31 in Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions

Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Kuvia Esther Lin / Showtime®
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/Mayweather Promotions

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Lokakuu 29, 2020 – Three-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis and four-division champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz squared off at a final press conference Thursday to preview their highly anticipated SHOWTIME PPV (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) main event showdown taking place this Saturday, Lokakuu 31 from Alamodome in San Antonio in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Two of the sport’s most electrifying fighters, Davis and Santa Cruz will battle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships in a matchup that pits the prodigious power of Davis against the unrelenting pressure of Santa Cruz.

Davis vs. Santa Cruz is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB Kampanjat, GTD Promotions and Santa Cruz Boxing Club. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at The Alamodome has implemented a comprehensive health and safety plan to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. All fans attending the event will be screened upon entry and are required to wear a mask as well as follow social distancing guidelines. Tickets will be distributed in seat blocks known as “pods” to maintain distance between groups not from the same party. Lisätietoja, vierailu

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday:


“My team and I decided to move our camp to Las Vegas so we could have a perfect camp. We spent 15 weeks in training, so I’m well prepared. Hopefully Leo is well prepared and we give the fans what they want to see.

“We know Leo is going to come with a lot of punches and I’m going to be explosive. It’s all about giving fans a treat. I’m grateful to be in this position and I’m ready. Saturday night is going to be a memorable night.

“Not to take anything from him, Yuriorkis Gamboa was just trying to survive against me. It’s harder to get punches off when someone isn’t trying to bring the fight. I know Leo is going to come to fight. I think this performance is going to put me up to the next level.

“I don’t think I have to knock him out, I just have to go out there and be great. Forget everything else, I just have to go out there and show everyone that I’m the top guy in the boxing world. That’s my main goal.

“Michael Jordan used to read the paper and do what they said he couldn’t do. That’s what I’m doing. I have to prove that I’m the baddest man in the sport on Saturday night.

“Leo is going to come to fight and it’s just about me stepping up and doing what I do best. You can see the potential in a fighter from the outside, but you have to see it actually come out in a fight to believe it. That’s the position I’m in. Everyone knows I’m great, I just have to show it.

“Leo has shown that he’s a top tier fighter, and he’s going up against an explosive, powerful fighter like myself. I think the winner should be in the top 10 of the pound-for-pound list.

“Floyd Mayweather has just told me to stay focused despite everything that comes with pay-per-view week. I have to get the job done first, but also do everything that comes with being the next pay-per-view star.

“I’m one of those fighters that knows how to focus when I have something big in front of me. None of the great fighters before me have frozen up when it’s crunch time. I’ve always been able to focus when big things are on the line. That’s what I did for this training camp.

“I’m not really focused on anyone who isn’t Leo Santa Cruz. I can’t overlook Leo. As far as any other fighter out there, they just don’t matter to me right now. I’ll prove it along the way. This is one step closer to proving the point I want to prove.”


“This is what I’ve always dreamed of. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be on this stage. I’m living that dream and I’m very happy and excited. I never thought I’d accomplish it. I thought it was like winning the lottery. But thanks to the fans, I’m here where I’m at.

“I’m facing the best fighter in the division. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best. I have to go against the best fighter. I wanted to challenge myself. I know this is a dangerous fight for me, but I want to test myself.

“We’ve both suffered and been through a lot to get here. Neither of us wants to go back to where we started. So I know we’re both going to give a great fight to the fans.

“I have the heart of a Mexican warrior. My dad has told me to fight a smart fight, but even though he’s going to say that, there’s a good chance I end up brawling with him at times. Ei ole väliä mitä, we’re going to find a way to beat him.

“I don’t really worry about being the underdog. Everyone has their opinion. It’s my job to go out there and prove the doubters wrong. I trained hard to go out there and do that Saturday.

“Gervonta is the best opponent I’ve faced. He’s the strongest fighter I’ll have faced. The Abner Mares and Carl Frampton fights were great experience for this kind of fight. I learned a lot from those four fights and since then I’ve learned a lot more.

“It would mean the world to me to become a five-division champion. It would be another dream come true. I would put the Santa Cruz last name right up there with the best.

“Gervonta is a big guy and I know he’s going to come hit hard. But I’ve trained with bigger guys all camp and I’ve been able to take everything thrown at me.

“The fans want you to go and make it a back and forth war. I know against Gervonta I have to fight smart. I’m going to just try as hard as I can to listen to my father’s advice.

“I definitely took this fight to quiet the critics. People said I didn’t want to fight the big names. So I went after the biggest challenge in the division and that’s Gervonta Davis.

“I leave the opinions to the fans and media. My job is to get the win and give the fans a great fight. I’m going to give it my best and leave it all in the ring.”

CALVIN FORD, Davis’ Trainer

“Camp has been great. It was unbelievable. I really appreciate the work that he put in. I can’t wait to see Tank in the ring. I’m looking forward to great performances from both fighters.

“’Tank’ accomplished a lot of things that I’ve asked him to do, but this is the pinnacle of them all right here. Both of these families have walked the same line with different trails. They both have a chance to become greats with this win.

“Every time I look at ‘Tank’ now, I flash back to those younger years in the gym with him as a child. Now he’s the man I’ve always looked at him to be. He’s a family man, business man and a wonderful fighter. It’s amazing to see one of my boys all grown up.”

JOSÉ SANTA CRUZ, Santa Cruz’s Father and Trainer

“We had a really good training camp and understand the importance of this fight. Leo is fully prepared for this fight on Saturday and I expect him to have a great performance.

“I’m very thankful to be here. I’m so happy to be here with my son for such a big fight and be able to guide him and help him accomplish his dream.

“We know that Davis is a very strong and accomplished fighter. But Leo has just used it to motivate him in the gym every day and you’ll be able to see that on Saturday.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Presidentti, Urheilu- ja tapahtumaohjelmointi, Showtime Networks Inc.

“One of the biggest reasons I love boxing is because we get to witness young men, like ‘Tank’ Davis and Leo Santa Cruz, develop and mature right in front of our eyes. This is our ninth fight with ‘Tank’ and 13th with Leo. We have seen them mature as fighters and we have seen them mature as young men. We’ve seen them struggle, hiki, and triumph. We’ve seen them become fathers.”

“I remember the first time I met ‘Tank’, it was April 2016 kohteessa Washington, D.C. He was on the non-televised undercard of an Adrien Broner fight. He had already fought, he came over during the telecast and Floyd introduced him. I remember his very words, ‘This is my young fighter. Watch out for this kid.’ And we’ve been watching ever since.

“I remember the first time I met Leo was in June 2012. Shortly before his first world title fight. He was a very humble, quiet, soft spoken, almost shy young men. Very different from the guy that I saw in the ring about 48 hours after that. The point is, we’ve been along for the journey of these young men.

“They have been battling the odds, literally since birth. We were lucky enough to spend time with them during All Access. They opened their hearts, their minds, and themselves to share their stories. The thing I’ve heard most is that the difficulty about this fight is not whether people want to watch it or whether they’re going to buy it, it’s who they’re going to root for. Because if you know these young men’s stories, what they’ve gone through, and what they’ve experienced, it is incredible.

“The bottom line is in these two young men we have two of the most accomplished and popular young fighters in the sport today. Leo has been a champion almost consistently since 2012. ‘Tank’ had sellouts or near sellouts in Los Angeles, Baltimore and Atlanta, just last year. We have got these two accomplished young men fighting on Saturday night. You have to respect their journey, mistä he tulevat, and respect the teams that come around him.

“We do know what’s going to happen on Saturday night. Leo is going to come into the ring, throw a lot of punches and show an activity rate that’s unlike just about anybody else in the sport. ‘Tank’ is going to show the power, nopeus, and the athleticism that has made him one of the fastest rising young stars that we’ve seen in sport in some time. Beyond että, it will be up to them, just like it’s been up to them for their entire lives.”

Davis vs. Santa Cruz will see three-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis and four-division world champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz battle for the WBA Super Featherweight and WBA Lightweight Championships headlining a SHOWTIME PPV Saturday, Lokakuu 31 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas.

The stacked undercard will feature unbeaten San Antonio native and WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios defending his title against hard-hitting Ryan “Cowboy” Karl in the co-main event and former super lightweight world champion Regis “Rougarou” Prograis will take on unbeaten contender Juan Heráldez in a 10-round showdown. Televisiolähetysavassa, lightweight contenders Isaac Cruz and Diego Magdaleno will battle in an IBF title eliminator bout.

Lisätietoja osoitteesta,, seurata Twitterissä @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, Instagramissa @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss or become a fan on Facebook at ja


Film Chronicles the Unlikely Rise and Untimely Death of One of Boxing’s Most Colorful Champions

Premieres Friday, Joulukuu 4 at 9 PM ET / PT

NEW YORK – October 27, 2020 – Showtime Sports Documentary Films today announced it will air MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY, an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Premiering Friday, Joulukuu 4 at 9 p.m. ET / PT Showtime, the documentary debuts just two weeks after the eighth anniversary of Camacho’s fatal shooting in Bayamon, Puerto Rico.

For the first time on film, MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY offers a thorough examination of an unlikely sports hero. The film celebrates Camacho’s sublime boxing skills and the unbridled charisma that brought Spanish Harlem and Puerto Rican culture to the center of the sports world. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, Maria Matias, sisters, wife Amy and son Hector Jr., the documentary also delves into the legendary fighter’s troubled mind and spirit, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately lead to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012.

“Macho Camacho’s charisma, boxing prowess and flamboyant style made him a Puerto Rican sports icon, ja, for a time, the biggest star in boxing. When he stepped into the ring, everyone knew it was ‘Macho Time,’” said Stephen Espinoza, Presidentti, Urheilu- ja tapahtumaohjelmointi, Showtime Networks Inc. “This film reveals the complex highs and lows of Hector’s life: the joy he brought so many, as well as the demons that he battled privately behind the scenes. Through it all, kuitenkin, Camacho brought boxing a level of showmanship and flamboyance that was far ahead of his time.”

Born in Bayamon and raised in the projects of Spanish Harlem in the 1970s, Camacho ascended to the pinnacle of boxing. His dynamic speed, footwork and power combined with his unparalleled showmanship helped usher in a new era of modern boxing and made him a member of an exclusive club of fighters who transcended the sport. The film tells the story of Camacho’s rise from a troubled youth to a multi-division world champion. MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY revisits Camacho’s unforgettable performances against legends such as Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard and Julio Cesar Chavez, and pivotal career turning points in bouts with Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and beloved New England fighter Vinny Pazienza. Through all the ups and downs and wins and losses, Camacho’s story of resilience is inspiring, vaikka, lopussa, there was one opponent he could never beat – himself.

MACHO: THE HECTOR CAMACHO STORY on directed by two-time Emmy® Award winner Eric Drath (Assault in the Ring and No Más, 30 varten 30), and produced by Drath and Danielle Naassana, both of Live Star Entertainment. Sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

Showtime Networks Inc. (Sni), ViacomCBS Inc:n kokonaan omistama tytäryhtiö., omistaa ja käyttää palkkio televisiokanavia Showtime®, Movie Channel ja FLIX®, ja tarjoaa myös Showtime DEMAND®, Movie Channel Kysynnän ja FLIX DEMAND®, ja verkon autentikointipalvelulle Showtime ANYTIME®. Showtime Digital Inc., SNI:n kokonaan omistama tytäryhtiö, toimii stand-alone suoratoistopalvelua Showtime®. SHOWTIME on tällä hetkellä tilaajien käytettävissä kaapelilla, DBS, ja puhelinpalveluntarjoajat, ja itsenäisenä suoratoistopalveluna Amazonin kautta, Omena®, Google, LG Smart TV: t, Oculus Go, Vuosi®, Samsungin älytelevisiot, Xbox One and PlayStation®4. Kuluttajat voivat myös tilata SHOWTIMEn Amazonin Prime-videokanavien kautta, Apple TV -kanavat, AT&T TV nyt, FuboTV, Hulu, Roku-kanava, Sling TV ja YouTube TV. Katsojat voivat katsoa myös tietokoneilla osoitteessa SNI- markkinoi ja jakelee urheilu ja viihde tapahtumia näyttelyn tilaajille pay-per-view perusteella läpi Showtime PPV®. Lisätietoja, Siirry
# # #


Former World Champion Lipinets Battles Unbeaten
Custio Clayton for Interim IBF Welterweight Title
Elää Showtime® Lauantai, Lokakuu 24 Headlining a
Premier Boxing Champions Event

NEW YORK (Lokakuu 20, 2020) – Even with a change in date and then opponent, entinen maailmanmestari Sergey Lipinets remains supremely confident in his training camp and overall preparations as he prepares to take on unbeaten Custio Clayton for the Interim IBF Welterweight Title live on SHOWTIME this Saturday, Lokakuu 24 (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

“We never missed a beat in preparation, even with the opponent change,” said Lipinets. “My fight with Kudratillo Abdukakhorov was on and off for so long that I already had an idea that he was going to be forced to back out, so I wasn’t shocked. I don’t really care, vaikka. Whoever I have to fight I’m ready to fight, so I didn’t consider backing out of fighting for even one second.”

Lipinets credits his trainer, the renowned Joe Goossen, for helping his fighter mentally through the changes, in addition to the physical training they have undertook heading into the fight.

“Having Joe Goossen is like having a psychiatrist as well as a trainer,” said Lipinets. “He’s been extremely helpful about how to approach all of this. Joe helped me stay calm and understand that something good can always come from a bad or difficult situation, and because of that, I never lost focus.”

Clayton is a Canadian Olympian with an unblemished pro resume heading into this showdown. While Lipinets notes that there are differences in the fighting styles between Abdukakhorov and Clayton, none of it changes his intent on October 24.

“I know that Clayton has a great amateur background,” said Lipinets. “I’ve checked out his style, and the main difference is that Abdukakhorov is more active and Clayton is more accurate. Abdukakhorov is also a little more aggressive and Clayton is more patient.

“I don’t think one is tougher or easier than the other. I think that anyone fighting at this level is a difficult opponent. Abdukakhorov moves around more and can be more awkward with the different styles he uses. Both are very tough guys, but I’m ready for Clayton and focused only on him at this point.”

Despite his sole focus on Clayton, Lipinets knows that this fight brings a big opportunity to make a loud proclamation to the rest of the stacked welterweight division with a big performance to capture the interim IBF title.

“I’m prepared to make one statement – I belong here,” said Lipinets. “I want to fight the best. I want to make my imprint on this sport and build my legacy. I’ve had to do it the hard way, but I’m not complaining. I fought for my first championship in just my 13th pro fight. I believe that I belong right there at the top of this sport. People need to start mentioning my name with the top guys and after this fight they’ll have to. You can’t look past me anymore.”

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Lipinets vs. Clayton will see former world champion Sergey Lipinets face unbeaten Custio Clayton for the Interim IBF Welterweight Title headlining action live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Lokakuu 24 Mohegan Sun Arenalta Uncasvillessä, Conn. Premier Boxing Championsin esittelemässä tapahtumassa.

The SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION telecast will begin at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will see undefeated contender Xavier Martínez battle hard-hitting Claudio “The Matrix” Marrero in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Rising super lightweight Malik “Iceman” Hawkins will duel knockout artist Subriel Matías in a 10-round showdown to kick off the televised action.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions, Lee Baxter Promotions and Mayweather Promotions.

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