Category Archives: Showtime

GERVONTA DAVIS LAS VEGAS MEDIA LÀM VIỆC VỀ BÁO GIÁ VÀ HÌNH ẢNH – Nhà vô địch thế giới bốn lần Davis chuẩn bị cho sự kiện chính SHOWTIME PPV® Đối đầu với nhà vô địch hạng siêu nhẹ WBA Mario Barrios vào thứ Bảy, Tháng sáu 26 từ Arena State Farm ở Atlanta


Nhà vô địch thế giới bốn lần Davis chuẩn bị cho SHOWTIME PPV® Sự kiện chính đối đầu với nhà vô địch hạng siêu nhẹ WBA Mario Barrios vào thứ bảy, Tháng sáu 26 từ Arena State Farm ở Atlanta

Nhấn vào đây HERE cho hình ảnh từ Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Nhấn vào đây HERE cho Ảnh từ Khuyến mãi Mayweather

Nhấn vào đây HERE for Photos from Ryan Hafey / Premier Boxing Champions

LAS VEGAS (Tháng sáu 10, 2021) - Nhà vô địch thế giới bốn lần Gervonta “Tank” Davis tổ chức một buổi tập luyện trên phương tiện truyền thông ở Las Vegas vào thứ Tư khi anh ấy tiếp cận trận đấu với Nhà vô địch hạng siêu nhẹ WBA Mario “El Azteca” Barrios tiêu đề một SHOWTIME PPV Thứ Bảy, Tháng sáu 26 từ Nhà thi đấu State Farm từng đoạt giải thưởng ở Atlanta trong sự kiện Nhà vô địch Quyền anh Ngoại hạng.

Vé cho sự kiện trực tiếp tại State Farm Arena, được khuyến khích bởi chương trình khuyến mãi Mayweather, Khuyến mãi GTD và khuyến mãi TGB, hiện đang được giảm giá và có thể mua tại

Một trong những ngôi sao lớn nhất của quyền anh khi mới 26 tuổi, Lần đầu tiên trong sự nghiệp, Davis tăng lên đến 140 pound khi anh ấy đặt mục tiêu thêm nhà vô địch hạng siêu nhẹ vào bản lý lịch xuất sắc của mình. Với một chiến thắng, Davis sẽ tổ chức đồng thời chức vô địch thế giới ở ba hạng mục khác nhau, một kỳ tích chỉ có một vài chiến binh trong lịch sử đạt được, bao gồm Henry Armstrong và Canelo Alvarez.

Đây là những gì Davis, cùng với huấn luyện viên Calvin Ford, và Mayweather Khuyến mãi CEO Leonard Ellerbe, đã phải nói thứ Tư từ Câu lạc bộ Quyền anh Mayweather:


“Chúng tôi không thể nói ai là tay đấm lớn hơn cho đến khi chúng tôi vào võ đài đó và kiểm tra sức mạnh của anh ta. Ai mạnh hơn không quan trọng, Tôi muốn giỏi hơn anh ấy về mọi mặt và trong mọi khía cạnh của trò chơi.

“Những người ở đây trong phòng tập thể dục với tôi thấy rất nhiều thứ mà tôi không cần phải mang ra, ngay cả trong trận chiến của tôi. Floyd luôn nói với tôi rằng hãy đóng hộp và sử dụng các kỹ năng của mình, và không phải lúc nào cũng tìm kiếm loại trực tiếp. Trại này chúng tôi thực sự đã và đang làm việc để trở lại điều đó và để loại trực tiếp đến.

"Cho tôi, sự vĩ đại chỉ là không đi ngược lại. Tôi chỉ muốn tiếp tục đi về phía trước cho dù có thế nào đi nữa. Bất kể ai đang ở trước mặt tôi, Tôi chỉ phải đi qua chúng. Tôi đến từ đâu, rất nhiều người không làm được điều đó, vì vậy tôi đang làm điều gì đó đúng. Nó thậm chí không cần phải là một đối thủ, nó có thể là một cái gì đó bên ngoài vòng. Tôi luôn theo đuổi sự vĩ đại.

“Việc của tôi chỉ là đánh bại bất cứ ai được đặt trước mặt tôi. Khi đến lúc, chúng ta sẽ xem anh chàng hàng đầu là ai. Cho đến lúc đó, Tôi không cần phải nói về bất kỳ võ sĩ nào khác ngoài võ sĩ trước mặt tôi.

“Barrios và tôi đã cùng nhau trải qua giai đoạn nghiệp dư. Anh ấy biết tôi đang làm gì. Đôi khi cuộc sống diễn ra thật điên rồ.

“Tôi là một cầu thủ của đội, vì vậy bất cứ điều gì nhóm của tôi nói với tôi đều phải làm để bản thân tốt hơn, Tôi là tất cả cho nó. Đó là những gì đã làm cho tôi rất tốt. Tôi không chỉ nổi bật một mình. Tôi có đội tốt nhất trong môn quyền anh.

“Trận đấu cuối cùng của tôi, mọi người phàn nàn rằng Leo Santa Cruz quá nhỏ, vì vậy về cơ bản tôi sẽ ra ngoài đó và cho thấy rằng sự khác biệt về kích thước không thành vấn đề. Tôi sẽ đánh bại bất cứ ai họ đặt trước mặt tôi. Tôi đang cố gắng theo đuổi sự vĩ đại.

“Tôi chắc chắn đang tìm cách hạ gục anh chàng to lớn hơn. Anh ấy có thể cảm thấy như thể anh ấy có thể hạ gục tôi. Tôi chắc chắn đã xem Floyd chiến đấu với một gã to lớn hơn nhiều trong Logan Paul và rút ra một vài gợi ý từ nó.

“Tôi không biết Barrios sẽ mang lại gì, nhưng từ phía tôi, Tôi đang mang tất cả những gì tôi có. Bạn biết bất cứ khi nào tôi chiến đấu, Tôi đang mang đến thứ gì đó để người hâm mộ thưởng thức. "

CALVIN FORD, Davis ’Trainer

Các con số trả cho mỗi lần xem của "Xe tăng" đã mở ra cánh cửa cho những người còn lại. Đó là nhờ phương tiện truyền thông xã hội của ‘Tank’s’. Khi mọi người hỏi tôi tại sao mọi người lại thu hút anh ấy – anh ấy giống như bất kỳ đứa trẻ nào đến từ nội thành. Nhìn các cầu thủ bóng rổ - nội thành. Nhìn các cầu thủ bóng đá - nội thành. Anh ấy đang cho họ thấy rằng nếu bạn đặt đúng người xung quanh mình và bạn đặt tâm trí vào điều gì đó, gì là không thể.

"'Xe tăng', Devin Haney, Teofimo Lopez và Ryan Garcia sẽ là Tứ hoàng nếu trận chiến xảy ra. Hãy giữ cho nó thật. Ngay bây giờ, họ đang làm điều tương tự mà Tứ hoàng đã làm ở giai đoạn đầu. Tất cả những gì chúng ta phải làm là ngồi lại và để tâm trí, làm việc của họ. Nó sẽ xảy ra. Tất cả những trận chiến mà mọi người muốn xem sẽ xảy ra.

“Bạn có nhận thấy rằng‘ Xe tăng ’không gọi bất kỳ ai ra ngoài? Anh ấy chưa bao giờ làm. Nhưng nếu bạn đặt anh ta trước mặt ai đó, anh ấy sẽ cho bạn thấy. Nếu bạn biết ‘Tank’ từ những người nghiệp dư, anh ấy sẽ xuất hiện trên sàn đấu. Anh ấy giống như một cậu bé Mike Tyson.

“Trọng lượng không phải là điều tôi tập trung vào, nó thực sự là đối thủ. Khi tôi bắt đầu nghiên cứu đối thủ, huấn luyện viên của anh ấy và tôi đi về hướng nghiệp dư. Khi chúng tôi gặp nhau, chúng ta biết nhau à. Đó là về tâm trí. Anh ấy biết vận động viên của mình và tôi biết vận động viên của mình. Đêm đó, đó là về tâm trí. Đó là về việc ai sẽ nắm bắt nhanh những gì họ phải làm. Đó là cuộc chiến dành cho tôi.

“Tôi sẽ không nói đây là bài kiểm tra khó khăn nhất trong sự nghiệp của‘ Tank’s ’vì chưa ai có thể cho tôi thấy những gì tốt nhất của‘ Tank ’. Tôi biết điều tốt nhất của ‘Tank’. Ya sẽ không thấy ‘Xe tăng’. ”

LEONARD ELLERBE, Giám đốc điều hành của Mayweather Promotions

“Từ trên xuống dưới, đây là một trong những sự kiện trả tiền cho mỗi lần xem mà bạn không muốn bỏ lỡ. Bất cứ lúc nào bạn có võ sĩ thú vị nhất trong môn thể thao này, bạn biết nó sẽ lớn. Đừng mong đợi bất cứ điều gì ít hơn vào tháng 6 26.

“Huấn luyện viên Calvin Ford là một huấn luyện viên tuyệt vời, người đã ở bên Gervonta từ những ngày đầu tiên và họ đã có sẵn một kế hoạch thi đấu tuyệt vời. Tôi hoàn toàn mong đợi anh ấy có thể thực thi. Nhưng Barrios đang đến vì anh ấy. Bản thân anh ấy cũng có một huấn luyện viên tuyệt vời trong Virgil Hunter và đã có những bước phát triển vượt bậc với Virgil.

“Chúng tôi biết đây sẽ là một cuộc chiến khó khăn, nhưng Gervonta chỉ phải tìm ra nó từ tiếng chuông khai mạc. Và tôi tin rằng anh ấy sẽ làm được điều đó, nhưng nó sẽ mất một thời gian. Barrios đang tìm cách làm đảo lộn xe táo.

“Gervonta đang tiến vào vùng an toàn của mình. Anh ấy trở nên thoải mái hơn với giới truyền thông vì anh ấy thực sự hiểu những gì mình có trước mặt. Anh ấy biết rằng trần nhà của anh ấy là trở thành ngôi sao lớn nhất trong môn thể thao. Ở bên trong chiếc nhẫn mặc dù, không có gì thay đổi.

“Đồng tính năng là một trận đấu tuyệt vời với Erickson Lubin đảm nhận Jeison Rosario. Đó sẽ là một cuộc chiến rất thú vị. Một chiến thắng cho Lubin đưa anh ta tiến gần hơn một bước tới mục tiêu cuối cùng của mình. Lubin cảm thấy mình là người giỏi nhất trong hạng cân và cuối cùng đã sửa sai về thất bại của mình trước Jermell Charlo. Nhưng anh ta có một võ sĩ cứng rắn chắc chắn ở phía trước và đó sẽ là một trận đấu thú vị.

“Cựu vô địch thống nhất Julian Williams đang tìm cách đánh trả lại Brian Mendoza về tỷ lệ trả cho mỗi lần xem. Julian rõ ràng là một trong những võ sĩ hàng đầu trong giải, và anh ấy đang tìm cách lấy lại những gì đã mất.

“Trong trận đấu mở màn, Batyr Akhmedov rất khó khăn đã chống lại Argenis Mendez, người luôn ở chế độ bắt đầu. Vì vậy, nó thực sự cho bạn thấy thẻ này có tính giải trí cao như thế nào trong suốt quá trình. Tôi thực sự vui mừng được trở lại State Farm Arena. ”



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LOS ANGELES – Liz Carmouche (15-7), who is No. 5 in the BELLATOR women’s pound-for-pound rankings, will face the promotion’s No. 3 ranked flyweight Kana Watanabe (10-0-1) during the co-main event of BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky vào thứ Sáu, Tháng sáu 25.

Các Bellator 261 main card airs live on SHOWTIME tại 9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT and takes place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. A limited number of tickets starting at $60 are on sale now and can be purchased at Ticketmaster and

Newly announced preliminary matchups feature a bantamweight tilt pitting Jaylon Bates (2-0) chống lại Cody Matthews (1-1) and middleweight matchup between Taylor Johnson (6-2) và Lance Wright (5-1).

The preliminary portion of Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky bắt đầu vào 5:30 giờ chiều. ET/2:30 giờ chiều. PT and will stream live on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

Bellator 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky is anchored by an interim heavyweight title bout between No. 1 xếp hạng Timothy Johnson (15-6) và Không. 3 xếp hạng Valentin Moldavsky (10-1). A featherweight fight featuring former title challenger No. 5 xếp hạng Daniel Weichel (40-12) against Hawaii’s undefeated Keoni Diggs (9-0) and a light heavyweight re-booking between No. 10 xếp hạng Christian Edwards (4-0) và Ben Parrish (4-1) have also been confirmed for the main card.

Additional prelims include a lightweight bout featuring No. 6 xếp hạng Myles Jury (19-5) versus No. 7 xếp hạng Sidney Outlaw (15-4), a women’s strawweight fight pitting Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 NC) chống lại Kyra Batara (8-4), a light heavyweight contest seeing Lee Chadwick (26-15-1) chống Simon Biyong (7-1), and a lightweight affair between Søren Bak (14-1) và Bobby Lee (12-5).

Carmouche is a highly skilled veteran of the sport who joined BELLATOR’s women’s flyweight division in 2019 following a six-year run in the UFC. Fighting out of San Diego, the 37-year-old Team Hurricane Awesome-product also formerly competed for Strikeforce, notching a pair of victories with the promotion. Since signing with BELLATOR, “Girl-Rilla” has rallied off two straight wins, defeating Vanessa Porto and DeAnna Bennett. Prior to Carmouche’s days as a professional athlete, the Lafayette, Louisiana-native spent five years serving as an aviation electrician in the United Stated Marine Corps, where she completed three tours of duty in the Middle East.

“I’m looking forward to getting back in the cage. I plan to end this fight with a dominant finish that stamps my name as the top contender for the belt,” Carmouche said.

Undefeated through 11 chiến đấu chuyên nghiệp, Japan’s Watanabe steps into the BELLATOR MMA cage for the third time in as many years. Với frying-pan-bending sức mạnh, the 32-year-old judoka boasts an impressive 60% finishing rate and has bested fellow BELLATOR flyweights Alejandra Lara and Ilara Joanne since joining the promotion’s ranks. The No. 3 ranked flyweight is looking to make a statement of her own and stake her claim to a shot at BELLATOR’s coveted 125-pound championship.

“I am very grateful to be given another opportunity to fight during these hard times. Liz Carmouche has tons of experience and has constantly been fighting the best which makes her without a doubt one of the best in the world,” Watanabe said. “I fully respect her in every aspect and am truly honored to face such an athlete. Cùng với đó đang nói, I am excited to take on this challenge to prove to everybody and myself that I have what it takes to become the best in the world. I want to win this fight in a convincing way, to open up the doors for a title challenge shot.”


BELLATOR MMA 261: Johnson vs. Moldavsky Thẻ chính:
9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT

Interim Heavyweight Title Main Event: #1-Tim Johnson (15-6) vs. #3-Valentin Moldavsky (10-1)
Flyweight Co-Main Event: #2Liz carmouche (15-7) vs. #3-Kana Watanabe (10-0-1)
Featherweight Main Card Bout: #5- Daniel Weichel (40-12) vs. Keoni Diggs (9-0)
Light Heavyweight Main Card Bout: #10Christian Edwards (4-0) vs. Ben Parrish (4-1)

Thẻ sơ bộ:
BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel | SHOWTIME Kênh YouTube thể thao | Pluto TV
5:30 giờ chiều. ET/2:30 giờ chiều. PT

Strawweight bout: Lena Ovchynnikova (12-6, 1 NC) vs. Kyra Batara (8-4)
Cơn nhẹ: #6-Myles Jury (19-5) vs. #7-Sidney Outlaw (15-4)
Cơn nhẹ: Søren Bak (14-1) vs. Bobby Lee (12-5)
Bantamweight Bout: Jaylon Bates (2-0) vs. Cody Matthews (1-1)
Middleweight Bout: Taylor Johnson (6-2) vs. Lance Wright (5-1)
Ánh sáng Heavyweight Bout: Lee Chadwick (26-15-1) vs. Simon Biyong (7-1)

*Thẻ có thể thay đổi.

For more information on upcoming BELLATOR MMA events, lần


Nhấn vào đâyHERE cho hình ảnh từ Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

MIAMI(Tháng sáu 4, 2021) – Social media superstar and undefeated pro boxerJake “The Problem Child” Paul faced off with his next opponent, five-time UFC championTyron Woodley, at the historic 5th Street Gym in Miami on Thursday ahead of their highly anticipated summer showdown on SHOWTIME PPV.

Here is what Paul and Woodley had to say following their heated stare down in Miami:


“I told him I’ll pay you double your purse if you beat me. But if you lose, you have to pay your purse to my charity. He lacks confidence. Why wouldn’t you take that bet as a fighter if you knew you were going to win? To make double the money? This is the biggest pay day of your life and you can make double? Put your money where your mouth is.

“He’s a good striker. He’s known for knocking people out. But I think when I beat Tyron, people have to put respect on my name. But that’s not what I’m here for to be honest. I already know how good I am. I know that this is going to be another easy fight. That’s why SHOWTIME is in business with me. Bạn đang tìm kiếm tương lai của quyền anh.

“He’s not as good as me and he’s playing catch-up. We see holes in his whole entire game and he has try to learn how to box. He’s stiff. Muscles don’t fight and he’s going to be out of his element. This is boxing. This isn’t MMA. You can’t learn how to box in this amount of time. Now we’re going to show him the reins. The Disney kid is going to beat up the five-time UFC champion of the world. It’s going to be hilarious.

“I haven’t even shown my fighting abilities at all. I haven’t even made it past two rounds in my professional career. I haven’t been hit in the face. Nobody can even see if I have a chin or my inside fighting game. I haven’t even warmed up yet. And by the way, I’m the type of fighter that gets better the longer the fight goes on. I get better in sparring so I haven’t even been able to warm up and I’m excited to show my ability if he can make it out of the first round.

“I’ve predicted every single one of my fights. I said Ben Askren, vòng đầu tiên. I said Nate Robinson, vòng đầu tiên. He got to the second. I said in my first pro fight, vòng đầu tiên. I don’t think Tyron will make it out of two rounds. You might not even get to see my boxing abilities in this fight to be honest.”


“I’ve always wanted to box my whole life but never did it. This is my opportunity. This is a kid that’s a power-puncher. He’s got a lot of strength behind him. This is going to be a big platform to showcase what I can do in a boxing ring. And he’s a fighter. Ông có thể chiến đấu. Vào cuối ngày, you can watch him and the timing, the rhythm and the footwork is there.

“He hasn’t fought very long. But the little action that I have seen was clean. Good defense. Nate was rushing him, he protected himself and he came out of his shell and cracked him.

“He’s trying to downplay his ability. He’s a fighter. Don’t let him play you by saying, ‘I’m just a YouTuber.’ Last week, he was a fighter. When he was saying nobody wanted to fight him, he was a fighter. You’re not a YouTuber anymore. You’re not on Disney. It’s been a long time since he was on Disney. That’s like me saying I’m just a collegiate wrestler and I don’t punch people.

“I just want to have fun. I want to train hard. I want to get better. I want to go out there and do things on my terms and be the one to call the shots. I want to go out there and make history. I always make history. I may not always get the credit for it but I’m always the first. Fighters always hit me up asking what they should do, what they’re doing wrong. Now it’s time for me to go do it myself.”


(Tín dụng hình ảnh: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)

Featuring Badou Jack, Dervin Colina, Jarrett Hurd and Luis Arias

Hơn! Former NFL Star Chad Johnson Ahead of Boxing Debut Against Brian Maxwell

Fighters Competing on Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV® Undercard Preview Respective Showdowns Taking Place This Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

Nhấn vào đâyHERE cho hình ảnh từ Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME

Nhấn vào đâyHERE cho hình ảnh từ Sean Michael Ham /

Mayweather Promotions

MIAMI(Tháng sáu 4, 2021) – Fighters competing on the Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV undercard previewed their respective showdowns during a final press conference Friday before they enter the ring this Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

Friday’s press conference featured two-division championBadou Jackvà bất bạiDervin Colina, who meet in the 10-round light heavyweight co-main event, và cựu vô địch thống nhất“Swift” Jarrett Hurdand veteran contenderLuis Arias, who square off in a 10-round attraction.

Also participating in the press conference was former NFL starChad Johnsonand versatile fighterBrian Maxwell, as Johnson makes his boxing debut in a special exhibition against Maxwell to kick off the pay-per-view telecast at 8 giờ chiều. ET / 5 giờ chiều. PT.

Tickets for the live event are on sale now and available for purchase through

Here is what the fighters had to say Friday from the JW Marriott Miami Turnberry:


“I’m just thankful that I’m still fighting on Sunday night. Now we have a new opponent and it’s going to be the same outcome. I’m in great shape and I can’t wait.

“Colina is just another guy. I respect him for coming in and stepping up as a late replacement. But I was going to win this fight on Sunday whether it was Pascal or anyone.

“I’m very frustrated about Jean Pascal. But I’m a pro and I can adjust no matter who is in front of me. I’m disappointed because I won the first fight against Pascal and I waited 18 months to get my revenge.

“I have a little anger that might get taken out on Colina, but it’s nothing personal, just business that I’m here to take care of on Sunday night.

“I don’t really care about the title too much, I really just cared about getting that revenge against Pascal. I waited so long for this and I could have taken different fights while I waited.

“He’s an undefeated guy so he’s going to come in here with a lot of confidence looking to show off his power. We’ll be ready though regardless how he comes into the fight. I had great sparring like always, so I’m prepared for what he’s going to bring.”


“I’d like to thank Team Badou Jack for the opportunity. Đây là những gì tôi làm. I was born for this. Come Sunday you guys will see what I do.

“I was scheduled to fight June 11 on a different card. The fight came a little bit earlier on June 6. But I’m ready to fight and there are no excuses for this fight. I’m coming to win at all costs. And you’ll see what I do on Sunday.

“I respect Badou and what he’s done in this sport, but I know that I have everything I need to shock the world come Sunday night.

“I have nothing to lose and that makes me dangerous. I’m going to leave everything in the ring and announce to the whole world that I’m a fighter you’re going to be hearing from.”


“Everyone knows I have unfinished business at 154-pounds. I’m not looking past Arias though. This fight is just a stop at middleweight because I’m going back down to take care of that business.

“We’ve had an amazing training camp with my new trainer Kay Koroma in Colorado Springs. I have a chip on my shoulder. I think a lot of people forgot who I was. I had the best resume in the weight class. Come Sunday, I’m going to remind everyone who I am.

“It’s always strictly business and it’ll be the same on Sunday. Arias is obsessed with my weight and thinks I’m struggling. But he needs to focus on what he needs to do on Sunday night.

“I don’t know where I’m rated right now, but I’m the best fighter at 154 pounds. Showing that to the world is the goal on Sunday.

“We just took it back to the basics in training camp with my coach Kay Koroma. You can always learn more in the sport.

“I’ve been boxing for 15 years now and coach Koroma just helped me evolve the things I already knew. He’s got me not just coming forward and using my strength, but moving around and boxing a little bit.”


“I think the narrative is they needed an opponent for Jarrett Hurd, and I wasn’t looking so great lately. But people tend to forget I was 18-0 before I got my first blemish. When I was with Floyd Mayweather, Tôi là 9-0 and that’s when I was most comfortable. That’s the mentality I’m taking into this fight.

“I’ve been around Floyd since December. I’ve been in Vegas training in the altitude, just like Hurd. I’m in tip-top shape for this fight and he still has to figure out how he’s going to fight.

“Now the boxing world is going to be watching this fight. I’m going to be on my Ps and Qs and he won’t have to look for me. He will have to pick and choose once he gets hit on Sunday what style he wants to fight.

“This is a must-win for me. This is a great name for my resume. I haven’t ducked anyone. I’ve taken every name that’s been brought to me. When his name came up I said absolutely. I’m ready and I’m an old-school fighter. I’d fight you in this backyard, that backyard, any backyard. On Sunday it will show.

“He’s the one who has got the issue with the weight. The fight doesn’t really make much sense at 160 because he’s not ranked and wants to go back down to 154. But it’s too big of an opportunity and too big of a card to complain about the weight. We’re going to put the gloves on and whatever he weighs, he weighs. This is going to be the best fight on the card.”


“I feel really good. I’ve been using boxing to prepare for football throughout the years, but I’ve never done it to this magnitude. To prepare for an actual fight, is something new. I’m facing a guy who does this for a living, so I’m not taking this lightly at all.

“I was always nervous before every kickoff. So I’d be a fool to say I’m not nervous going into something where I’m out of my element.

“One thing I’m extremely good at, is when there’s lights, cameras and a crowd, is going in there and entertaining.

“I’ve been working with Jorge Masvidal a little bit, but the last few weeks have been in Houston with Jermall and Jermell Charlo. That’s where most of my work has been. I’ve been doing everything possible to make sure I look the part Sunday night.

“I’m out of my element, so of course I’m approaching this fight humbly. He’s coming to knock my head off. Football is something I did all my life, that’s why I walked the way I did. I can’t be arrogant and take this fight lightly.”


“I don’t know how my name came up for this fight. But like everyone has said, ‘Who is Brian Maxwell?’ That’s been a trending topic on every social media. Nhưng đoán những gì? Ngày nay, you all know who Brian Maxwell is. And I’m excited about this. It’s a perfect matchup for me. It’s a perfect matchup for Chad. The best of both worlds. Coming from a fan. My hashtag on social media has become ‘Idols Become Rivals.’ And this is the perfect time and the perfect moment for me and him. Like I told him over the phone, I’m a huge fan. But the fanboy has gone out the window. Now we have to entertain and that’s what we’re going to do.

“This is an exhibition, so we are coming to entertain the fans and put on a show. But at the same time, we are two men who are coming in front of each other and have to fight. No matter the outcome, we’re going to put on a great fight.

“I’ve followed this man since Day 1. I know his every move. I’ve modeled myself after him and it’s like fighting myself. I’m going to be humble about this and we are going to put on a show for everyone.

“That has been the question, what round am I going to knock him out. I’m here to entertain and to have fun. This is a great opportunity.”

LEONARD ELLERBE, Giám đốc điều hành của Mayweather Promotions

“We have a stacked undercard on Sunday night. I’ve promoted tons of events and this is one that I’m really looking forward to, because it gives us an array of great fights in addition to a little something different.

“I’m really looking forward to this card. South Florida has been buzzing since we announced this event. We can’t wait for the great crowd and the tons of fans tuning in from all around the world.

“When I think of Chad Johnson, he’s a showman. He does so many different things really well. He’ll be making his foray into the boxing industry in what should be a terrific bout against Brian Maxwell. Chad is looking to possibly steal the show, which is what he’s known for doing.

“Former unified champ Jarrett Hurd is a great champion and I’ve known him for many years. He’s looking to get back and make his mark where he left off. He’s let it be known that after this fight, he’s going to take control of the 154-pound division again. He’ll be up against Mayweather Promotions own Luis Arias and I’ve had the opportunity to witness Arias preparation firsthand. I can tell you right now he’s more than prepared to upset Jarrett.

“In the co-main, I can’t say enough about Badou Jack. He’s a great champion in the ring and a terrific example outside of the ring. He does so much to help people around the world and Floyd and I are really proud of him. We know he’s going to put on a great show Sunday.

“When it comes to this undercard, the fans are in for a great treat. It’s going to be nothing but action from top to bottom.”

#        #        #


Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that will take place on Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, sẽ được phát sóng trực tiếp tại đầu 8 giờ chiều. ET / 5 giờ chiều. PT and can be purchased now và The undercard will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 10-round contest against the undefeated Dervin Colina, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in a four-round exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Để biết thêm thông tin truy cậ, Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.


MIAMI – (Tháng sáu 3, 2021) – Two-division world champion Badou Jack sẽ phải đối mặt với bất khả chiến bại Dervin Colina in a 10-round light heavyweight bout that serves as the Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV co-main event this Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

Colina replaces Jean Pascal, who was originally slated to face Jack before failing a pre-fight drug test.

The pay-per-view telecast will begin live at 8 giờ chiều. ET / 5 giờ chiều. PT and will feature former unified 154-pound champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd tham gia vào Luis Arias in a 10-round showdown, plus former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Tickets for the live event are on sale now at

Born in Stockholm, Jack (22-3-3, 13 Kos), who represented his father’s home country of Gambia in the 2008 Olympics, now lives in Las Vegas. Jack won the 168-pound world title with a majority decision against Anthony Dirrell in 2015 and successfully defended the belt three times before being handed a hard-fought majority draw against James DeGale in one of 2017’s best fights. In his first bout at 175 pounds, Jack stopped Nathan Cleverly to pick up the WBA light heavyweight title before fighting to a majority draw against then WBC champion Adonis Stevenson in May 2018. After dropping a narrow fight to Pascal in 2019, Jack’s most recent outing saw him earn a unanimous decision over Blake McKernan in November 2020.

The 33-year-old Colina (15-0, 13 Kos) lives in Medellin, Colombia, and is a native of Venezuela. He steps in on short notice to make his United States debut against Jack. Colina has competed at both super middleweight and light heavyweight in recent years and is riding a six-fight knockout streak into June 6. Colina has been training with renowned coach Stacy McKinley for the last two months in Pompano Beach, Florida.

# # #

Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that will take place on Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, sẽ được phát sóng trực tiếp tại đầu 8 giờ chiều. ET / 5 giờ chiều. PT and can be purchased now at The undercard will feature two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 10-round contest against the undefeated Dervin Colina, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in a four-round exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập,, Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.

BELLATOR MMA Confirms Full Fight Card for BELLATOR 260 on SHOWTIME Next Friday, Tháng sáu 11 tại 9 giờ chiều. VÀ


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LOS ANGELES– BELLATOR MMA has confirmed the full fight card forBELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovtrênThứ sáu, Tháng sáu 11 tại Mohegan Sun Arena. The event is the promotion’s first show in America with fans in attendance since the start of the pandemic and airs LIVE on SHOWTIME at9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT.

BELLATOR’s 170-pound kingpinDouglas Lima(32-8) returns to the welterweight division to put his title on the line against undefeated and No. 1 xếp hạngYaroslav Amosov (25-0) in a must-watch main event clash.

Ngoài các ngôi sao biểu diễn, the entirety of the Bellator 260 main card on SHOWTIME is stacked, including a 175-pound contract weight co-main event pitting legendary No. 6 ranked welterweight Paul Daley (43-17-2) against the streaking No. 3 ranked welterweight Jason Jackson (14-4). Ngoài ra, a featherweight feature fight between the hard-hitting No. 6 xếp hạng Aaron Pico (7-3) versus Birmingham’s Aiden Lee (9-4) and a welterweight showdown between Demarques Jackson (11-5) và Mark Lemminger (9-0, 1 NC). The newly announced fifth and final main card bout features a showdown between No. 10 xếp hạng Vanessa Porto (5-3) and Pitbull Brothers-product Ilara Joanne (9-5) in a 128-pound contract weight bout.

The preliminary card is locked in with six action-packed fights, highlighted by a featherweight battle between No. 9 xếp hạngTywan Claxton(6-2) và bất khả chiến bạiJustin Gonzales(11-0), who is making his BELLATOR debut. Trong khi đó, hometown hero and fan-favoriteNick Newell(16-3) is set to square off againstBobby King (9-3) in a lightweight bout and 20-year-old phenomLucas Brennan(4-0) prepares for a 150-pound contract weight clash withMatthew Skibicki (4-3). Ngoài ra, two-time NCAA All-American wrestling standoutKyle Crutchmer (6-1) will take on undefeated welterweightLevan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC) to cap off this stacked preliminary card.

Tất cảBELLATOR 260prelims will stream live at6 giờ chiều. ET/3 p.m. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV.

As part of the launch of BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME, the network is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up will be delivered two premier BELLATOR MMA events per month throughout 2021 và hơn thế nữa, with all events scheduled to air live at 9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT anywhere the SHOWTIME service is available.

Full bout listings are below:

 BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovThẻ chính:

Thứ sáu, Tháng sáu 11 – Live on SHOWTIME

9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT

Welterweight World Title Main Eventc-Douglas Lima(32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

175-pound Contract Weight Co-Main Event#6-Paul Daley (43-17-2) vs. #3-Jason Jackson(14-4)

Lông Bout: #6-Aaron Pico (7-3) vs.Aiden Lee (9-4)

128-pound Contract Weight Bout: #10-Vanessa Porto (22-9) vs.Ilara Joanne(9-5)

Người nặng Bout: Demarques Jackson(11-5) vs.Mark Lemminger(11-3)

Thẻ sơ bộ:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | Pluto TV

6 giờ chiều. ET/3 p.m. PT

Người nặng Bout: Kyle Crutchmer (6-1) vs.Levan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC)

Lông Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton (6-2) vs.Justin Gonzales(11-0)

Nhẹ Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby King (9-3)

150-pound Contract Weight Bout: Lucas Brennan (4-0) vs.Matthew Skibicki(4-3)

Lông Bout: #8-Amanda Bell(7-7) vs.Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2)

Ánh sáng Heavyweight Bout: Alex Polizzi(7-1) vs.Gustavo Trujillo(3-1)

*Thẻ có thể thay đổi.

Vui lòng truy cậ để biết thêm thông tin.


Subriel Matias and Gary Antuanne Russell Notch

Big Knockout Wins

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Nhấn vào đâyHERE cho hình ảnh từ Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Nhấn vào đâyHERE for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

CARSON, Calif.(Có thể 29, 2021) -Nonito Donaire is champion once again. Fourteen years after he won his first world title, the “Filipino Flash” cemented his Hall of Fame credentials with a sensational fourth-round KO win overNordine Oubaalito capture the WBC World Bantamweight title Saturday night in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. trong một sự kiện Premier Boxing Champions.

“The king has returned,” Donaire beamed afterward. “I just love the crowds. All my friends, gia đình, all the boxing fans that came out thank you so much. You guys are wonderful.”

The 38-year-old Donaire (41-6, 27 Kos) is now the oldest world champion ever at 118-pounds. He accomplished it with the left hand that has been the calling card of his career as he dropped Oubaali (17-1, 12 Kos) three times in total.

“Being at this age is not the question, it’s about my performance,” said Donaire. “About my ability to grow. I believe it matters not what your age is, but how mentally strong you are. What I learned from the [Naoya] Inoue fight is that I’m back. I can still compete at this level. The whole time I was not fighting, I was learning. I’m ready for the next one.”

Following a feel-out first round, Donaire went to work in the second, walking Oubaali down and countering with thudding effect. Donaire scored the first knockdown early in the third, dropping Oubaali with his trademark counter left hook. The Frenchman rose on unsteady legs and Donaire pounced, landing more big shots until another left hook floored Oubaali just a split second before the round ended. Một lần nữa, Oubaali struggled to his feet, dazed yet willing to fight on.

The end came swiftly in the fourth. Donaire expertly maneuvered Oubaali around the ring, pinning him against the ropes where a left uppercut sent Oubaali crumpling to the canvas for a third and final time. Referee Jack Reiss immediately called it off. The official time of the stoppage was 1:52 of the fourth round.

“Three decades of being world champion. Nine-time world champion. That’s amazing,” said Donaire. “I came in here and I felt really good. Today I knew exactly what was going to happen. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I think I was just very focused in the gym. I was very, very focused. I just felt really good coming in and I was grateful to get this opportunity.

“Tonight was something that I had to prove to the world that I’m back and I’m stronger than ever. He was a very tough guy. I think ultimately for me, there was a level of should I be more patient? Or should I go for it? Something I learned in the Inoue fight was to go for the kill. And that’s exactly what I did. I was patient, but I knew he was hurt enough that I could take him out.”

Trong hợp tính năng, Puerto RicoSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 Kos) delivered another power-punching display, breaking down previously-unbeatenBatyr Jukembayev (18-1, 14 Kos) until Jukembayev’s corner stopped the bout after eight riveting rounds.

“I think this is what everybody expected. Everybody knew it was going to be a great war,” said Matias. “This was going to end by knockout whether I was going to get knocked out or Jukembayev was going to get knocked out. I’m just glad it was me who knocked him out.”

Matias establishes himself as one of the best in a stacked division, but this latest win wasn’t easy. Kazakhstan’s Jukembayev came out strong, landing a right hook-right uppercut combination upstairs from his southpaw stance that got Matias’ attention in the first.

Jukembayev pushed the pace in the second. Matias began letting his hands go in the third, throwing in combination to the head and body. Both combatants were now fully warmed up, setting the stage for a fourth round that could be a candidate for “Round of the Year.”

It began when a hard left hook staggered Jukembayev and drove him to the canvas. Matias sought to close the show but Jukembayev held on, cleared his head and started landing his own shots. With a minute left in the stanza, Jukembayev stunned Matias with a left cross. Instead of clinching, Matias fought fire with fire, bringing the crowd out of their seats with toe-to-toe action until the bell sounded.

Matias never stopped coming forward. Following a one-sided sixth, Jukembayev returned to his corner with both eyes swelling shut. The back and forth ensued in the seventh as Jukembayev buzzed Matias with two right hooks toward the end of the round.

Matias returned to the driver’s seat in the eighth round, pounding away at Jukembayev with both fists. Trong tổng số, he out-landed Jukembayev by 100 đấm (234/608 đến 134 /409) and was more accurate (38.5% đến 32.8%). The accumulation of blows was enough to convince Jukembayev’s corner to request the bout be stopped.

“He knew he had nothing to lose. He came in and was doing everything strong,” said Matias. “He knew that all he could do was knock me out to win. I would have done the same thing. That’s a warrior’s heart and he has all my respect.

“After that fourth round, I mean he is a very competitive fighter, so it turned into a war after that point. My hands go up to him as well. Đó là một cuộc chiến lớn. I definitely have had other opponents that were very good, but this is the one that has given me the hardest test.”

Trong chương trình truyền hình mở, Gary Antuanne Russell (14-0, 14 Kos) continued his ascent up the super lightweight ranks. The undefeated Russell became the first to stop the ruggedJovanie Santiago (14-2-1, 10 Kos), dominating Santiago until referee Sharon Sands halted the contest following the sixth round at the suggestion of Santiago’s corner.

“The objective is to get the man out as soon as possible and come out unscathed,giây vào vòng đầu tiên của trận đấu 118 bảng của họ. “I just want to say that Santiago was a class-A opponent. A lot of people think he beat Adrien Broner. I want Adrien Broner now.”

With older brother and WBC World Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. góc làm việc của anh ấy, Gary Antuanne controlled the action from the opening bell. Các 2016 Olympian worked the jab and straight left behind the southpaw stance, snapping Santiago’s head back several times in the first.

Russell, 24, continued to land the left in the second and third. Early in the fourth, he followed up a straight left to the ribs with a short right hook upstairs that dropped Santiago to a knee. Puerto Rico’s Santiago gamely rose to his feet and survived the follow-up onslaught to make it out of the round.

“The importance to me is to execute round-by-round, and round-by-round, I was executing more and more. My father told me to go to the body, right hook upstairs. He was open to that,giây vào vòng đầu tiên của trận đấu 118 bảng của họ.

Russell showed no signs of slowing despite being extended beyond four rounds for the first time in his pro career. The Capital Heights, Md. product battered Santiago in the sixth, landing punishing combinations throughout the frame. Ít phút sau,, the bout was stopped.

“It’s definitely important to me to perform so I’m not just known as Gary Russell’s younger brother,giây vào vòng đầu tiên của trận đấu 118 bảng của họ, người hạ cánh 146 của 444 đấm (32.9%). “I come from an excellent background of fighters. We’re building a dynasty.

“How soon do I want to get back in the ring? If I could fight on the Deontay Wilder card, that would be great.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay Sunday, Có thể 30 tại 9 a.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday, Có thể 31 tại 10 giờ chiều. ET / PT trên SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer was David Dinkins, Jr., the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Chuck McKean. Three-time super bantamweight world champion Israel Vazquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

# # #


WBC Bantamweight World Champion Oubaali Takes On Future Hall Of Famer Donaire This Saturday, Có thể 29 Live On SHOWTIME® In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From
Dignity Health Sports Park In Carson, Calif.

Nhấn vào đây HERE cho hình ảnh từ Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Nhấn vào đây HERE for Photos from Sean Michael Ham/TGB Promotions

CARSON, California. (Có thể 27, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight World Champion Nordine Oubaali and future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their world title showdown taking place this Saturday, Có thể 29 live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif., headlining a Premier Boxing Champions event.

The press conference also featured hard-hitting contender Subriel Matias và bất bại Batyr Jukembayev, who meet in the co-main event for a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, và bất bại 2016 La Mỹ. Olympian Gary Antuanne Russell Jovanie Santiago, who square off in a 10-round super lightweight clash that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 10 giờ chiều. ET / 7 giờ chiều. PT.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions. Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Dignity Health Sports Park will be open to fans in a limited capacity, with all guests remaining socially distanced and subject to local and state health guidelines throughout the event.

Dưới đây là những gì các máy bay chiến đấu đã phải nói thứ Năm:


"Đúng, we’ve sparred but training is training. When you go into a fight, it’s not the same. Every fight is different and I know on Saturday I will put on a great show with Nonito Donaire because I know he’s a good boxer but I know I’m the best. I trained so hard for this and now I’m ready to fight. I want to show everybody that the best two bantamweights in boxing today are fighting on Saturday.

"Đúng, he’s had an outstanding career and he has power but I believe I have more power than him. I know I have the power. He’s a good boxer but I’m the world champion and on Saturday I’m going to show the world who is the best. I know I am the best. I respect Nonito. He’s had a good career but I’m the best in the division.

“The difference in the fight is going to be I want to win more. I want to continue to make history and stay as the world champion in this division. I know that it’s my time. I want this more than he does.

“If I’m victorious, why not have my next fight be for the unification? I want to make history every time and this is my motivation. I’m here because I love boxing and I want to face the best boxers every time. I’m facing Nonito Donaire and that’s great for my career. I just like to fight and this is my life.”


“It would be great to win the title at 38 years old and become the oldest champion at 118 pounds, but let’s keep it going. Let’s make it 40. Let’s make it 42. There ain’t no stopping me. Về mặt tinh thần, I’m very grateful but at the same time I’m just very ready.

“I’m always healthy and the reason why I can compete with anybody is because I keep myself healthy and I work hard. There’s nothing less than 100 percent every time I’m in that gym.

“I’m very hard-headed so I don’t always do what people tell me to do. People can say that it’s their time. But I also have my time and I’m always going to be the one who concedes their time or makes that decision. It’s still my time.

“It’s going to be a great fight. Oubaali is the champion for a reason. He’s been through it in terms of the amateurs and making it here. So we’re not underestimating any of that. But I’ve fought in this venue many times and I always make magical fights in the first place. It’s always going to be magical with me. I’m a unicorn.

“The difference in this fight is going to be my hunger. He’s younger than me but I have the hunger. We both have an objective and that’s what’s going to make this a great fight.

“I want to fight the best out there. I want the rematch with Naoya Inoue and I want to get all the belts. The only thing I haven’t accomplished in boxing is becoming undisputed champion. I’ve done everything else. Fighter của năm. Knockout of the Year. Multiple championships. Four-division champion. You name it. Đó là mục tiêu chính của tôi. Get the belt and put them all together.

“Bantamweight is my real weight. I’ve always fought in the heavier division because of the excitement, the challenge and the lucrative offer or the names at that time. Hiện nay, I’m here where I belong and this is where I’m really strong.

“The layoff will not be a factor at all. The time off helped me out. Just being out of the ring helped my body recover. And the eagerness and the hunger is there more than ever. It was a blessing for me.”


“I will be his toughest test without question and come Saturday night, everybody will find out why I’m saying that.

“I believe him when he says that he has the tools to get a stoppage on Saturday. But it’s not just a matter of saying, on Saturday night he has to prove it. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“We’re both knockout artists and with what we’re looking at, this fight should not finish by a decision.

“I don’t have much to say about that fight against Petros Ananyan. Those that saw me lose, I lost. There’s nothing I can say about it. But those that know boxing know that I’ve been progressing and improving and you all will see that on Saturday.”


“I had a great training camp. I am ready for Saturday night. I know that he’s a good fighter but I promise that I will be ready.

“We will see Saturday night whether it’s going to end in a knockout. I’ll show you what I’m made of and you will all see.”


“I’m in the hurt business. He’s a slugger. If he wants to come in there and slug with me, he will feel my power. He will see how intelligent I am. Not just mentally, but physically with my hands. Giống như tôi đã nói, I’m in the hurt business. I come to hurt.

“Pardon my lack of Spanish, but what you are going to see is, ‘la violencia.’ He’s going to bring his pressure. He’s going to bring punches in bunches and I believe that’s all he can bring. If he’s been training and trying to perfect himself for my style of fighting, that’s fine. You’re not supposed to come in here one-dimensional. A diamond shines from all sides.

“The only thing I can say is this venue is going to promote blood, sweat and tears and the desire of people to be great. I’m definitely one of them. I’ve been in the gym giving my blood, my sweat and my tears and I’m bringing all of that to this venue come Saturday night.

“I definitely want to stay more active. That’s always been my plan. The pandemic slowed things down. Fans always tell me they want to see me get back in there…I just tell them, me too. The fighters aren’t the ones pulling all of the strings. Should I be more active? Tất nhiên. I want to be more active.

“I want to show that I’m the cream of the crop. I’m a superstar. The light hasn’t been shining on me because there’s a lot of other things going on. Cho đến lúc đó, you’re going to have to wait and see. Come Saturday, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. I have an opponent that’s not willing to lay down. If he’s not willing to, I must make him lay down.”


“I know that he’s a good fighter. An Olympian. He’s young and he’s going to come fight. I’m going to come to fight too, so if the fight finishes early, then it finishes early.

“I just have to work round-by-round, throw punches and win one round at a time. After I beat Russell, everybody is going to be on my side.

“This is my weight. This is where I’m most comfortable. I’ve always been a 140-pounder and Saturday that’s what I’m going to demonstrate.

“This time, I’m fighting at my actual weight. Tôi cảm thấy mạnh mẽ. I’m coming to work round-by-round and on Saturday everybody will see what I’m all about.”

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Oubaali vs. Donaire will pit undefeated WBC Bantamweight World Champion Nordine Oubaali against future Hall of Famer Nonito Donaire in a long-awaited 12-round championship showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, Có thể 29 from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Calif. trong một sự kiện Premier Boxing Champions.

Trong SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING đồng tính, hard-hitting contender Subriel Matías takes on undefeated Batyr Jukembayev in a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, while unbeaten 2016 La Mỹ. Olympian Gary Antuanne Russell khuôn mặt Jovanie Santiago in a 10-round super lightweight clash to open the telecast.

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions.

Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at Dignity Health Sports Park will be open to fans in a limited capacity, with all guests remaining socially distanced and subject to local and state health guidelines throughout the event.

Để biết thêm thông tin truy cập,, làm theo trên Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing và @TGBPromotions trên Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing và @TGBPromotions hoặc trở thành người hâm mộ trên Facebook tại


“I’m transitioning that flair you saw from me on the football field

all into this sport.”

Former NFL Star Wide Receiver Chad Johnson Makes Boxing Debut In an Exhibition Against Versatile Fighter Brian Maxwell on Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV® Undercard Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

Nhấn vào đâyHERE cho Ảnh từ Khuyến mãi Mayweather

HOUSTON- (Có thể 26, 2021) – Former NFL star wide receiverChad Johnsonmade a name for himself throughout his storied career by combining elite on-field production with highlight-reel celebrations and an outspokenness that made him a household name. Hiện nay, he will look to take that same formula into his boxing debut when he steps into the ring for an exhibition against versatile fighterBrian Maxwellvào Chủ Nhật, June 6 as part of the Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV event at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

In addition to bringing his brand of entertainment to the event, Johnson compared his own boxing style to one of the sport’s most unique fighters.

“I’m transitioning that flair you saw from me on the football field all into this sport,” said Johnson. “To me, my style is like Emanuel Augustus. Once I got those basic fundamentals down to a tee, I could add that trickery to my game.”

A long-time fan and student of the sweet science, Johnson never believed that he’d have this opportunity to box on this stage. Tuy nhiên, once he received word from Mayweather and knew how long he’d have to prepare, he jumped on the chance presented.

“I never thought about stepping in the ring,” said Johnson. “I never thought there would be an opportunity to do so. But I love boxing. I’m friends with every boxer out there because I love and study all of it. I didn’t expect anything like this to happen. When Floyd called, the first thing I wanted to know, was how much time I had to prepare. Once I knew that I had enough time that I could look like myself in there, I knew I could pull it off.”

Always pushing the boundaries of what the public expects from athletes, Johnson will add another feather into what has been a remarkable career as an athlete and entertainer with this fight on June 6.

“This is a one-time thing,” said Johnson. “I’ve done some crazy things in life, and this is one to add and scratch off the bucket list. I’m coming in there to have fun and entertain.”

#          #          #


Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that will take place on Sunday, Tháng sáu 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla. The telecast, which is being produced by SHOWTIME PPV, sẽ được phát sóng trực tiếp tại đầu 8 giờ chiều. ET / 5 giờ chiều. PT and can be purchased now at và The undercard will feature WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round rematch, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell. Vé đang được bán tại

Để biết thêm thông tin truy cậ, Follow on Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.

Featherweight Sensation Aaron Pico Meets Birmingham’s Aiden Lee During Main Card of BELLATOR 260 vào thứ Sáu, Tháng sáu 11 – Sống trên SHOWTIME


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LOS ANGELES — Today, BELLATOR MMA confirmed that No. 6 lông xếp hạngAaron Pico (7-3) has been added to theBELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. Amosovmain card on Friday, Tháng sáu 11, where he will oppose grappling aceAiden Lee(9-4), in a 145-pound bout. The fight will take place at Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. and will be televised live on SHOWTIME at 9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT.

Bellator 260 will be headlined by welterweight world championDouglas Lima(32-8), who will defend his 170-pound title against the undefeated and top-ranked Yaroslav Amosov(25-0).

The event marks BELLATOR’s first fan-attended event in the United States sinceBellator 239 took place on February 21, 2020. A limited number of tickets starting at $60 are available now and can be purchased through Ticketmaster or at

Since his professional MMA debut in 2017, Aaron Pico has widely been considered one of the brightest prospects in the sport. The Jackson Wink fighter has showcased a wrestling acumen that stacks up with the best in the world, coupled with vicious punching power that has earned him stunning KO victories with both his left and right hand. The 24-year-old has shown steady growth each time out in the BELLATOR cage and is currently riding a three-fight winning streak.

Fighting for the first time on American soil, the 26-year-old Lee looks to secure his third straight victory inside the BELLATOR cage. An underrated submission specialist, the Englishman earned his fourth career victory via rear-naked choke against Damian Frankiewicz and a stunning head-kick knockout against Jeremy Petley in the first round of their matchup last September.

Ngoài ra, a welterweight fight between BELLATOR veteranKyle Crutchmer (6-1) and promotional debutantLevan Chokheli(9-0, 1 NC) has been added as a preliminary bout. Crutchmer, who trains out of AKA in San Jose, wrestled at Oklahoma State University, where he became a two-time All-American and two-time Big 12 quán quân. Trong khi đó, Chokheli looks to keep his record flawless while making a sound first impression in his BELLATOR debut. The 24-year-old Georgian boasts an impressive 100% finishing rate, having never seen the final bell in all nine of his fights.

Also added to the preliminary card, “The Boogeyman," Lance Wright(5-1) will be making his BELLATOR debut after an impressive showing on the American regional scene. He will be tasked with fightingTaylor “Tombstone” Johnson (6-2), a two-fight veteran of the BELLATOR cage.

All prelims will stream live at5:30 giờ chiều. ET/2:30 giờ chiều. PT on the BELLATOR MMA YouTube channel, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube channel and Pluto TV. Full bout listings are below.

BELLATOR MMA 260: Lima vs. AmosovThẻ chính:

Thứ sáu, Tháng sáu 11 – Live on SHOWTIME

9 giờ chiều. ET / 6 giờ chiều. PT

Welterweight World Title Main Eventc-Douglas Lima(32-8) vs. #1-Yaroslav Amosov(25-0)

175-pound Contract Weight Co-Main Event#6Paul Daley (43-17-2) vs. #3-Jason Jackson(14-4)

Lông Bout: #6-Aaron Pico (7-3) vs.Aiden Lee (9-4)

Người nặng Bout: Demarques Jackson(11-5) vs.Mark Lemminger(11-3)

Thẻ sơ bộ:

BELLATOR MMA YouTube Channel | SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel | Pluto TV

5:30 giờ chiều. ET/2:30 giờ chiều. PT

Người nặng Bout: Kyle Crutchmer (6-1) vs.Levan Chokheli (9-0, 1 NC)

Lông Bout: #9-Tywan Claxton (6-2) vs.Justin Gonzales(11-0)

Nhẹ Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs.Bobby King (9-3)

Lông Bout: Lucas Brennan (4-0) vs.Matthew Skibicki(4-3)

Lông Bout: Amanda Bell(7-7) vs.Marina Mokhnatkina (4-2)

Ánh sáng Heavyweight Bout: Alex Polizzi(7-1) vs.Gustavo Trujillo(3-1)

Middleweight Bout: Taylor Johnson(6-2) vs.Lance Wright (5-1)

*Thẻ có thể thay đổi.

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