Category Archives: Showtime boks


KDE ishlatadigan tilni Dushanba At 10 p.m. VA/Kvplt_fan FAVQULOTDA to'g'risida PT®
Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar Yuklab uchun; Ester Lin / kvplt_fan
Bosing BU YERGA Rasmlar Yuklab uchun; Idris arbayn / Mayweather Aktsiyalar
Interview With Promoter Floyd Mayweather:
Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 30, 2016) – Badou Jack retained his WBC Super Middleweight title in a controversial draw against Lucian Bute Shanba showtime bo'yicha, setting up a fall unification with IBF champion James DeGale, who defended his IBF crown against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast from the DC Armory.
Let’s unify the decision and see who the best is,” DeGale said to Jack in a post-fight interview moderated by SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray.
I’m ready in September, ready in August,” responded Jack.” “I’m ready whenever. Let’s do it where it makes the most sense financially.
Jack was the sharper fighter from the opening bell, committing to pounding the body of the former long-time titlist. Facing his second southpaw, Jack prevented Bute from fighting his game, smothering the Romania-born Canadian whenever he attempted to fight on the inside.
While Jack varied his punches with a diverse attack to the body and head, he slowed in the latter rounds and allowed Bute to climb his way back into the fight. Bute had perhaps his best round in the 10th and closed the show well, ichida 11th va 12th. But it was too little too late for Bute, who escaped D.C. with what most felt was an undeserved draw.
Bullshit, but is what it is. Ask Bute as well, he knows what time it is,” Jack dedi, who landed nearly 100 more punches than Bute, shu jumladan 61 Uning kuchi musht foizi, va 40 percent total of his total shots. “His punches weren’t hurting me. I feel I won the fight. Maybe I lost the last round. He’s a great guy and a great champion, but I know I won the fight.
It’s not Bute’s fault, it’s the judges. People saw I won the fight.
The 36-year-old Bute certainly looked like a fighter with plenty left in the tank, rejuvenated under trainer Howard Grant with his sights set on the new crop of stars in the super middleweight division.
“Bu yaqin kurash edi,” Said Bute, who connected at just a 21 percent rate with his total punches. “Menga ishon, it was very close fight. My last fight with DeGale was very close, shu kecha was a very close fight. I showed everyone I’m still at the top.
James DeGale defended his IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a close, hard-fought unanimous decision against Rogelio Medina in the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.
DeGale was supremely accurate, qo'nish 51 faqat nisbatan o'z kuch musht foizi 23 for Medina, including a staggering 66 Uning kuchi musht foizi. The switch-hitting southpaw attacked from unorthodox angles, and was most effective when he snuck in a right uppercut to back up Medina. But the British titlista record 12th from Great Britainfailed to utilize his jab and was not able to deliver on his prediction of a knockout inside of six rounds.
The boxing skills are too good,” DeGale said. “If I’m being honest, he’s a very strong fighter, but skills pay the bills. I watched this guy years ago and he didn’t have the engine like that. He’s gotten better and stronger in the last year and a half.
I’m a bit disappointedI should be taking out people like Porky Medina, no disrespect to him.
I’m always learning in the gym. My inside work, my defense, my concentration. I’m going to go back to the gym, I’m going to work and I’ll be ready in September.
I want Badou Jack. I want a fresh name on my record.
Medina, Boshqa tomondan,, nearly doubled DeGale, uloqtirish 1,140 jami zımbalar, compared to 612 in the best performance of his career, but not enough to dethrone the champion. The Mexican challenger pounded the body and was at his best with DeGale against the ropes, striking the British champion with a killer left hook to the body.
He said he was going to stop me. He was running all around and he didn’t stop me like he said he would,” said Medina, who’s seven losses have come against fighters with a combined record of 131-2-2. “He’s the only one who thinks he won. The fans think I won. I definitely want the rematch.
Shanba ning event was promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing.
Brian Custer kvplt_fan teleko'rsatuv bo'lib o'tdi, bilan Mauro Ranallo harakat qiziqish, Fame tahlilchisi Hall Al Bernstein va sobiq ikki karra jahon chempioni Paulie Malignaggi commentating va Jim Gray hisobot. Ispaniya Simulcast yilda, Alejandro Luna zarba-tasodifiy zarba va sobiq jahon chempioni, deb atalgan Raul Marquez rang sharhlovchisi sifatida xizmat. Kvplt_fan CHAMPIONSHIP boks ijro etuvchi ishlab chiqaruvchi bo'ldi David Dinkins Jr. bilan Bob Dunphy yuborish.
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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va va da Twitter-da kuzatib boring: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib va

Badou Jack, Lucian Bute, James DeGale & Rogelio Medina Final Press Conference Quotes & Rasmlar


Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKSâ Er-xotin lokomotifli

Bu Shanba, Aprel 30 From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

Bosing BU YERGA Ester Lin / showtime Rasmlar uchun

Bosing BU YERGA Idris arbayn Rasmlar / Mayweather aktsiyalar uchun

Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 28, 2016) – Four of the top super middleweights in the world shared a stage Payshanba afternoon as Badou Jack, Lucian Bute, James DeGale va Rogelio Medina participated in the final press conference for their fights this Shanba, Aprel 30 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING from the DC Armory in Wash28ington, D.C.


Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT showtime yashashâ and features the WBC champion Jack battling the former champion Bute, while the IBF titleholder DeGale takes on the top rated contender Medina. The winners of these fights have agreed to meet in a world title unification later this year.


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in

association with Matchroom Boxing, fiyatlandırılır $200, $100, $50 va $25, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta tashrif sotib olish uchun, Ticketmaster joylari, yoki qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.


Bu yerda jangchilar aytish kerak edi nima Payshanba:




“Both of us can punch, both of us can box. Anything can happen inside of that ring. I’m always ready to go 12 tur. Everyone knows that I’m always in shape.


“Anything can happen, but I want to fight James DeGale. First I have to take care of business with Lucian Bute. Both of us are in our primes. We’re young and confident and it would be a great fight.


“I have to take care of this former champion. He’s a really good fighter. Some people say it’s a 50-50 fight so I have to take this very seriously.


“I’m still training and preparing for this fight like I’m the challenger. That’s how I prepare for every fight and this is no different.


“A lot of people wrote me off and I came back stronger. I love when people doubt me. I come back stronger and show people I’m a world class fighter.


“I’ve always believed in myself. I’m mentally strong and I work hard. I had a setback but it just made me hungrier and it made me a better fighter.”


Lucian Bute


“I’m thankful for this big opportunity to fight for the WBC title. My training camp was very good. I kuchli his. It’s two days until the big stage.


“I worked very hard for this opportunity. To be a two-time champion is a dream. Shanba Kuninight you will see a new champion.


"Men katta his. The pressure is not on my shoulders now. I’m not the champion, I’m the outsider. Badou is the champion and I think the pressure is on him. I came to Washington D.C. to perform, give the fans a good show Shanba night and the chance to become a champion for the second time


“I put on a good show against DeGale and that’s what led to this shot. I’m very blessed to be in this fight for a world title.


“Badou is a good fighter. He has a good background in amateur boxing, he’s a world champion, but he has nothing special. He does everything good but not exceptionally. I have more experience, more speed and I’m a southpaw. I think the advantage is on my side.


“I never considered retiring but there were three years where I had some physical and psychological obstacles. Now I’m back to being in big fights and I’m looking forward to taking Badou Jack’s belt.


“This is going to be a spectacular fight. I want to look good in there and leave no doubt. I’m more aggressive than I ever have been and that will make it a great fight. I’m here to stop Badou Jack.”




“Fight time is here. I’m feeling good and feeling fresh.


“Porky Medina is a good fighter. But there are levels to pro boxing and I am levels above him.


"Shanba night I’m going to show you a real performance. My last two fights have gone the distance, but this time it won’t.


“I’m the best 168-pounder out there. I’m here to prove that. There is no one out there that can test me. There are big fights out there and good guys, but I believe I’m the best.


“I like this tournament style. It’s the best boxing the best. It should always be like this.


“I’m starting to build a massive fan base back home and I haven’t even boxed at home as a world champion. Me and Badou Jack would be a massive fight in the UK with two titles on the line.


“I’ve got everything covered with my game plan, trust me. I’ve gone extremely hard in the gym. We’ve watched tapes of him and I’m feeling good.


“This fight I need to make a statement. On my last two fights, I’ve gone the distance and they’ve been against top quality elite fighters. This time – no disrespect to Porky Medina – a good fighter in his own right but he shouldn’t last the distance with me so I look forward to a good performance.


“Good luck to both men, but I’m coming for the winner of Jack vs. Bute. I want to unify the division.”




“I’m the youngest fighter on this stage. I’m also the hungriest fighter. This is the biggest opportunity of my career.


“I’m here to give it my all and take the most of this opportunity shanba kuni tun. My dream is to be a world champion and it is right in front of me.


“I feel very excited. I’m ready to go because of the long layoff. It has been a while but I have been in the gym. I’ve been training for many months and even though I haven’t had a fight, I have been training.


“I think that DeGale has a lot of good qualities as a fighter and I think that the fight is going to be very intense because I’ve been training hard for it. I’ve been training to put pressure on him and to make it an intense fight and try and knock him out.


“I’ve noticed that he’s a quick fighter, he’s fast. He’s got good technique but I also see that he sometimes likes to stand and trade and I hope that he decides to stand and trade with me so we can give the fans a good fight.


“A win would be the biggest moment of my career. It would have a lot of significance. Historically in Mexico I would become only the second super middleweight champion, which would be very important to boxing and myself.”



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Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va va da Twitter-da kuzatib boring: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo' va

Keyt Turman & Shoun Porter Nyu-Yorkka boring

O'rta vazndagi yulduzlar bahslashadilar Shanba, Iyun 25 Showdown Live CBS-da
Nyu-Yorkdagi ikki kunlik bo'ron paytida Barclays markazidan

Bosing BU YERGA Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME-dan matbuot rasmlari uchun
NYU YORK (Aprel 28, 2016) – Sportning eng yaxshi jihatlari, dunyodagi eng iste'dodli ikki jangchi, Bruklindagi xalqaro darajadagi Barclays Center-da bir-biriga qarshi kurashishni boshlagan taniqli sportchilar, Keyt Turman va Shawn Porter,Bu hafta Nyu-Yorkni egallab olishdi, chunki ular ikkinchi yarim o'rta vazndagi blokbasterni rasman e'lon qilish uchun tur o'tkazdilar Shanba, Iyun 25 CBS-da SHOWTIME CHEMPIONAT BOXING-da, Premier Boxing Champions tomonidan taqdim etilgan (PBC).
Turman va Porter, ringda ishonchli va mehnatsevar bokschilar, tashqarida esa janob janoblar, iyun oyida dunyoning eng katta sahnasida o'zlarini e'tiboriga olishadi 25. Ikki 147 funtli sovrin egalari uchun bu g'ayrioddiy lahzalar bo'ladi, Barclays Center va CBS-da raqobatlashmoqda, Amerikaning eng ko'p ko'riladigan tarmog'i.
“Bu boksning eng yaxshi narsasi,” Lou DiBella dedi, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti, da Seshanba ning shahar markazidagi Edison bal zalida matbuot anjumani.
Matbuot anjumanidan, Turman va Porter shahar bo'ylab qamchilashdi, ushbudan boshlab: Sport Illustrated moliyaviy okrugdagi ofislar, ning ofislariga Kompleks jurnal, CBS Sport radiosi va SiriusXM Midtownda va Barclays Center va ko'prik bo'ylab PIX 11 studiyalar.
“Barclays Center buni katta kurashga aylantiradi,” Said Turman. “Biz Nyu-York shahrida bu erda reklama qilishimiz kerak. Bu jang shahar.”
Seshanba Kuni, Porter bilan tashrif buyurdi “Nonushta klubi” bo'yicha Quvvat 105 Turman tashrif buyurgan paytda CBS bu tong ularning orziqib kutilgan namoyishini targ'ib qilish va ularning da'vosini yarim o'rta vazn toifasining bugungi va kelajagi sifatida ta'minlash.
“Bu kecha unutilmas bo'ladi,” Said Porter. “Bu Barclays Center-da rekord darajadagi tunda bo'ladi va biz shou namoyish etamiz.”
Bosing BU YERGA Turman va Porterning media-turidan olingan fotosuratlar uchun. Agar siz Turman yoki Porterga o'zlarining lagerlarida bo'lishni yoki ular bilan telefon orqali gaplashishni xohlasangiz, iltimos, quyida keltirilgan PR-kontaktlarga murojaat qilishdan tortinmang.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, da boshlanadi $42, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
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Barclays Markaz Bruklin BOKS ™ dasturiy platforma aarp tomonidan taqdim etiladi. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebook fan bo'lib,,

Kit Turman va boshqalar. Shawn Porter Press Conference Quotes & Rasmlar

My friend is about to become my enemy….
Iyun 25 I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.” – Keyt Turman
He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s notI’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.” – Shawn Porter
This is the best that boxing has to offer.” – Lou DiBella

Bosing BU YERGA Amanda Westcott / showtime From Rasmlar
Bosing BU YERGA Ed tillarda fotojamlanma uchun / DiBella Entertainment
NYU YORK (Aprel 26, 2016) – Welterweight world champion Keyt Turman va sobiq chempioni Shawn Porter went face-to-faceTuesday afternoon in Manhattan as they hosted a press conference to discuss their highly anticipated Shanba, Iyun 25 showdown on Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS CBS haqida, tomonidan taqdim Premer boks Chempionlar Bruklindagi Barclays markazida yashaymiz.
Televidenieda qamrov da boshlanadi 9 p.m. VA/6 p.m. PT with featherweight world champion Iso Cuellar defending his title against former three-division world champion Abnur Mares.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, DiBella Entertainment tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, da boshlanadi $42, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, va hozir indirimdedir. Chiptalar tashrif bilan onlayn xarid qilish mumkin, yoki qo'ng'iroq orqali 1-800-745-3000. Chipta Barclays markazida American Express Box Office ham mavjud. Guruh chegirmalarni 844-BKLYN-GP chaqirib mavjud.
Thurman and Porter went eye-to-eye and talked about their eagerly awaited 147-pound world title clash that takes place in primetime on Iyun 25.
Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nima Seshanba:
Keyt Turman
I made you wait. But it’s worth it. This is a tremendous fight. Arguably the best matchup of the year. We’re going to work our butts off to make it the Fight of the Year.
Our two teams go way back. This is the most beautiful moment of my professional career and I’m about to compete with somebody I grew up with. I’m happy for my success and I’m happy for Shawn’s success. We come from the same boat. When you’re a young kid in the gym training and then you’re here today, that takes a special kind of person. Shawn and I are both that kind of person.
We took six weeks off after my accident, with three days a week of physical therapy. I was relaxing at home. I didn’t like it. Kurashchisi sifatida, I wanted this fight as bad as the fans wanted this fight.
This isn’t just the biggest fight of my career. But it’s the most anticipated fight of my career. Sometimes it pays to add some drama to the game. It wasn’t our intention, but I think it worked out.
“Barclays Center buni katta kurashga aylantiradi. Biz Nyu-York shahrida bu erda reklama qilishimiz kerak. New York is a fight town. My favorite fighter of all time, Mike Tyson, is from Brooklyn. This just happened to work out for the best.
I anticipate most of the welterweight division being in attendance on Iyun 25. The situation that division is in right now is that we’re all in a frenzy. Everyone wants the spotlight and everyone wants to be the top dog. We all have that opportunity.
I want to have two titles by the end of this year. People talk about replacing Floyd Mayweather, but you can’t become the man without beating all the people in front of you. One fight at a time. I want to stay at the top by grabbing another belt. I’m going to show that I’m the big dog at 147 funt.
Iyun 25, my friend is about to become my enemy. I’m going to treat him like any other enemy.
Get your tickets. Get your seats. Get your popcorn. Whatever you need to do. This is going to be a fight you don’t want to miss. This is going to be a knockout you don’t want to miss. I love you Shawn, but I’m doing my best to put you to sleep.
“Men bu kurash haqida juda hayajondaman. I’m blessed to have this opportunity. Not only to go for this title but to be a part of a record-breaking show at Barclays Center. This night is going to be memorable.
Keith Thurman is bringing out the competitiveness in me to a level I’ve always wanted. It’s a level I expect. I have a guy next to me who is challenging me more than ever. Me and Keith Thurman are going to put on a show. Everything you talked about, you’re going to get it.
It is amazing to be a part of something great like this. I’ve always considered myself to be a very good fighter and a very good athlete, but I’ve always wanted something like this and to have it is very humbling.
I wasn’t surprised that Keith said he would knock me out. He has to pump himself up and be confident. When he looked at me I think he was trying to convince me that he was being real and I was looking at him to find out if he was convinced. He thinks he’s going to knock me out, I say he’s not. I’m going to do everything it takes to beat him and make it look easy.
This is forming to be a big fight, one of those fights that we’ve looked forward to since we were kids.
This is my second time fighting at Barclays Center. Men 1-0 with a championship so now I’m looking for another one. I’ve been to some of the other fights at Barclays too and it is really an electric atmosphere. People are coming out to see something great and that’s what I’m going to give them.
I’m not changing anything in camp because of how familiar Keith and I are with each other. I have to do it at the right time in the ring. We’re going to do everything we do to prepare for a world championship fight.
Thurman is a little unorthodox at times so we’re prepared for that. It’s about going 12 rounds or less and looking good doing it. We’ve done a little sparring as pros but nothing as competitive as I’m expecting on Iyun 25.
I have a feeling Keith is going to say he’s knocking me out a lot. I want to know if he believes that. He’s a cutthroat kind of fighter. Men buni bilaman. The hands will be up, the defense will be taken care of, and we’re taking care of business.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
We’re looking forward to this fight. Meni, Keith and the Porters go way back, but sometimes you have to fight your friends.
These two guys are both at the top of their games and the best man is going to win.
Ken tok, Porter Otasi & Murabbiy
Dan Birmingham is actually one of my mentors and I’ve been watching Keith since he was 14-years-old. We’re all friends but to have the opportunity on this stage, I don’t think we can have better competitors as fighter and trainer. I don’t think it can reach a higher level.
I fully expect the immovable object versus the irresistible force meeting in the ring for an explosion on Iyun 25.”
LOU DIBELLA, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti
This is the best that boxing has to offer.
“Kit Turman va boshqalar. Shawn Porter could very well be the Fight of the Year. It’s a fan fight that everybody has anticipated for many years. These are the two most established welterweights in the world battling to see who the successor to Floyd Mayweather’s domination of the division is.
This is so far the fastest-selling boxing event at Barclays Center and the biggest presale we’ve ever had for a fight at Barclays Center. This is one to start buying your tickets early.
Aside from being two of the very best at their weight class, these are two of the more interesting guys in boxing. These are two of the smartest and most cerebral fighters.
This is why I’m in boxing. This is why we’re all in boxing. This is on national, free, over-the-air television and I think it’s great. WE want as many people as possible to watch this fight. We want to expose people to the best our sport has to offer.
Stiven ESPINOZA, Ijrochi vitse-prezidenti & Bosh Menejer, Kvplt_fan sport
We’re in the midst of perhaps the strongest run of boxing this network has ever had. While other networks cut back on programming, we are reinvesting in the sport and giving it as big of a platform as there ever has been.
We have the strongest lineup of any network this year. These are two of the strongest fighters in the most popular division in the sport.
The last primetime boxing match on CBS was 1987, Ali-Spinks 1. Those are big shoes to fill. When I pitched a fight for CBS I knew I had to bring something that was incredibly strong. That is what we have on Iyun 25. This card has come together as perfectly as anyone could have imagined.
Two of the top five welterweights of their career battling for the top of the division. This is an event that speaks for itself. I’m proud to be involved with this event.
Brett YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entertainment
It’s been a special time at Barclays Center the last couple of weeks. I think Barclays Center is defined by dramatic moments. When I think of this particular event, it’s going to be a dramatic moment in Brooklyn and I’m thrilled about it.
I’m a huge boxing fan and this is one of those nights that you circle on the calendar. You need to be there. We’re off to the best pre-sale and on sale since we opened Barclays Center. We have a bit of a history already and this will be the biggest one yet.
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Barclays Markaz Bruklin BOKS ™ dasturiy platforma aarp tomonidan taqdim etiladi. PBC homiysi Korona, eng yaxshi pivo.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebook fan bo'lib,,

Og'ir vazn toifasidagi jahon chempioni DEONTAY Yovvoyi ommaviy axborot vositalari Shimoliy-Portdan kelgan takliflar, Alabama

“Biz o'sha uzukka qadam qo'yganimizda, nokautdan boshqa hech narsa qabul qilinmaydi. Va men uni nokautga uchratmoqchiman.” – Deontay Uaylder
Uaylder (36-0, 35 KOS) Majburiy chorlovchidan himoya qiladi
Aleksandr Povetkinga mag'lub bo'ldi (30-1, 22 KOS) Bugundan bir oy
bo'yicha May 21 Moskvada, Rossiya
NORTHPORT, Alo. (Aprel 21, 2016) -Mag'lubiyati WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Deontay Uaylder media mashg'ulotini o'tkazdi Seshanba Northport shahridagi Skyy Gym-da, Ala. u o'z unvonini himoya qilish uchun Rossiyaga tashrif buyurgan og'ir vazndagi amerikalik birinchi amaldagi chempion bo'lishga tayyorlanayotganda.
To'liq bir oy ichida, bo'yicha Shanba, May 21, Uaylder (36-0, 35 KOS), Tuscaloosa of, Ala., o'z jahon chempionligini majburiy da'vogar va mahalliy rus tiliga qarshi qo'yadi,Aleksandr Povetkinga mag'lub bo'ldi (30-1, 22 KOS), Moskvada.
Uaylderning Media Workout kunida aytgan so'zlari Seshanba kuni:
(Uning Rossiyaga borishini kutganliklari to'g'risida…)
“Mening kutganim shu, albatta, qozonish uchun. Amerika uchun o'sha g'alaba bilan qaytish. Bu katta kurash, nafaqat o'zim uchun, Amerika uchun. Bu Rossiya va boshqalar kabi. Amerika. Men muxlislarning ijobiy fikrlaridan boshqa hech narsa olmayapman. Agar ular Deontey Uaylderning muxlisi bo'lmasalar ham, ular hozir aynan shu kurash uchun. Umid qilamanki, ushbu jangdan keyin Deontey Uaylderga muxlis bo'lib qolish uchun ularni yutib olaman. Menimcha bu ajoyib kurash. Men o'zimning nomimni birovning hovlisida himoya qilish uchun Rossiyaga o'tayotganimiz juda yaxshi narsa deb o'ylayman.
“Kabi men oldin dedi, bu erda Amerikada jang qilish menga osonroq, lekin bu men uchun hamma narsa emas. Og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni degan unvonga ega bo'lganimda, Men o'z unvonimni himoya qilish uchun butun dunyo bo'ylab sayohat qilmoqchiman. Men o'z orzuim bilan yashayapman, Men ushbu jang bilan buni amalga oshirish imkoniyatini qo'lga kiritmoqdaman. Men Rossiyani kutmoqdaman va Rossiyaga aytmoqchiman,'Men keldim.’ “
(Rossiyada jang qilgan birinchi og'ir vazn chempioni bo'lish nimani anglatadi…)
“Bu juda ko'p narsani anglatadi. Bu meni imonimga yanada yaqinlashtiradi. Xudo hayotda xato qilmaydi. U mening hayotimda xato qilmaydi, sizning hayotingiz yoki boshqalarga. Voqealar biron bir sababga ko'ra sodir bo'ladi va ular sizning hayotingizda kerakli vaqtda sodir bo'ladi. Ishlar siz xohlagan vaqtda kelmasligi mumkin, ammo ular kelganda o'z vaqtida to'g'ri keladi. Faoliyatim davomida to'planib qolgan narsalar, bu ajoyib bo'ldi. Qanday qilib men tarix yaratishga muvaffaq bo'ldim, boshqa yozuvlarni mag'lub etdi, va tarixni yaratishda davom eting. Bu hayratlanarli. Men uning hayotim uchun yana nimalarni kutib olganini bilmoqchiman. Agar u doimiy ravishda tarix yaratilsa, keyingisi nima? Hayajondaman.
“Faoliyatim yakunida hayotim qanday ro'y berayotganini kutishim mumkin emas. Deontey Uaylder oxirida men ushbu sportda qilgan barcha ishlarimni qildim va endi qilishni istamayman deyish vaqti kelganida nima bo'ladi?. Mendan oldin kelganlar uchun qancha zaminni egallashim mumkinligini bilmoqchiman.”
(Jangni qanday davom etishini taxmin qilasiz…)
“Men jangni birinchi raunddagi jazo, keyin esa uni nokautga uchratish deb taxmin qilaman. Barcha og'ir vazn toifalari kimnidir nokautga uchratmoqchi, shuning uchun biz ularni nokautga uchratamiz deyishimiz kerak. Bu hosil bo'linishining qaymog'i. Og'ir vazn toifalari. Qattiq zarbalar. Og'ir xitlar, ular aytganidek,. Biz o'sha uzukka qadam qo'yganimizda, nokautdan boshqa hech narsa qabul qilinmaydi. Va men uni nokautga uchratmoqchiman.”
(Agar u o'zining eng yuqori darajasiga etgan bo'lsa…)
“Aslida emas va bu uning dahshatli qismi. Men hali eng yuqori cho'qqiga chiqmaganman va hali ham ko'tarilish yo'lida o'rganyapman. Men doimo o'rganishni xohlayman. Har bir jang menga tajriba olib keladi. Bu men o'sha jangdan olib tashlagan va keyingi jangga qo'shgan narsalarimni olib keladi. Ushbu jangda juda aniq va juda yaxshi bo'lishni va Deontey Uaylder nimalarga qodir ekanligini odamlarga biroz ko'proq ko'rsatishni kutmoqdaman.. Ayniqsa, hozirgacha hech narsa ko'rmaganlar, ushbu jangni kuzatib boring. Bu siz sog'inishni istamaydigan narsadir.”
(Kelajakda unvonlarni birlashtirish to'g'risida…)
“Eng albatta. Men og'ir vaznda so'zsiz jahon chempioni bo'laman deganimda o'zimni juda yaxshi his qilyapman, Men buni shunchaki aytish uchun aytmayman, lekin buni o'zimning ichimda ham his qilyapman, Mening ichimda chuqur, men og'ir vazn toifasida jahonning shubhasiz chempioni bo'laman va oldimga kelgan bir nechta shubhasiz chempionlarga o'z nomimni qo'shaman. Mening ismim shu bilan tarixga kiradi. Nega bunday bo'lmaydi? Hozirgacha qilgan barcha ishlarim, bu og'ir vazn toifasida dunyoning shubhasiz chempioni bo'lish mening tortimga muz bo'ladi. Men to'xtamayman, qancha soat sarflashim kerak. Men qancha jang o'tkazmasin. Nomimni himoya qilish uchun qancha davlatga tashrif buyurishim kerak. Men og'ir vaznda so'zsiz jahon chempioni bo'laman.”
(Rossiyaga ketish xavotirlari to'g'risida…)
“Menda hech qanday tashvish yo'q. Men miyam orqada o'tirib, uni nokaut qilmasligim yoki ular meni talon-taroj qiladimi deb o'ylashiga yo'l qo'ymayman, yoki shunga o'xshash narsalar. Men janjal paytida shunchaki aqlim shu bilan bo'lishishini istamayman. Men aniq fikrga ega bo'lishni xohlayman. Men u erga kirib, Deonteyning uddasidan chiqadigan narsani qilishni xohlayman. Kabi dedim, hamma narsa Xudoning qo'lida va agar u g'alaba qozonishim uchun uning irodasida bo'lsa, bu sodir bo'ladi. Agar shunday bo'lmasa, Men bu erda to'xtamayman. Mening merosim shu bilan to'xtab qolmaydi. Lekin nima qilishim kerakligi va nima qilishim kerakligiga juda ishonaman, va biz hammamiz bilamizki, agar biz uni nokaut qilsak, unda bu haqda tashvishlanmasligimiz kerak. Shunday qilib, albatta, bu mening ro'yxatdagi ustuvor vazifam bo'ladi – uni nokaut qilish.”


OSTIN TROUT: "Men ushbu belbog'ni olishga boraman"



Sobiq jahon chempioni Las-Vegasga yo'l oldi
May oyida 154 funtli sarlavha ko'rsatish uchun 21
SHOWTIME-da Jermall Charlo Live-ga qarshi

Las-Vegasning Cosmopolitan ichidagi "Chelsi" da

‘Men bu zerikarli kurashni ko'rmayapman; u olib kelmoqchi, Men uni olib kelaman '- Ostin Trout

Bosing BU YERGA Deyv Nadkarni / PBC-dan olingan fotosuratlar uchun

Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 20, 2016) - Austin Trout (30-2, 17 KOS), superog'ir vaznda sobiq jahon chempioni, o'zining ikkinchi jahon unvonini olishga tayyor Shanba, May 21 u o'rta vazn toifasida IBF o'smirlari o'rtasidagi jahon chempioni bilan uchrashganda Jermall charlo 12-tur uchrashuvida jonli efirda NAMOYISH VAQTI (10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT) ushbudan boshlab: Chelsi, ichkarisida bitta turdagi 40.000 kvadrat metr maydon Las-Vegas Cosmopolitan.


"Bu mening vaqtim,- dedi Trout. “Mening diqqat markazim 10 barobar kuchaygan. Ishonchim komil, muxlislar biladigan baxtli Ostindan, lekin menga ishoning, jang vaqti kelganda, men keladigan har qanday itlar janjaliga tayyorman. Ostinning undagi "Arslon" ni olib chiqishini va mag'lub bo'lishini ko'rasiz, chunki kun oxirida men bu kamarni qo'lga kiritaman. "


Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Mayweather aktsiyalar va TGB aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, Endi indirimdedir. Chipta narxi da boshlanadi $39, va onlayn mavjud yoki Ticketmaster orqali (800) 745-3000va


El-Pasoda tug'ilgan, Texas va Las-Crucesda o'sgan, Nyu-Meksiko, Troutni Barri Xanter va Vashington shahridagi Headbangers Gym-dan Louie Burke o'qitadilar. Boksni yoshida boshlagan 10, uning tabiiy iste'dodi va sportga qo'shilish qobiliyati Ostinni Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari va Lotin Amerikasi bo'ylab havaskorlar bo'linmalarida, keyin esa ijobiy tomonga olib bordi.. Sportning ashaddiy raqiblaridan biri sifatida tanilgan, u Migel Kottoga o'xshaganlarni mag'lub etdi, Rigoberto Alvares va Delvin Rodriges, o'z unvonini Saul «Kanelo» Alvaresga yo'qotishdan oldin. Alabalık kirib keladi May 21 divizionda unvon talab qilmoqchi bo'lib, u karerasi davomida haqiqiy tahdid bo'lgan.


Sizni ushbu jangga olib borganingizni aytdingiz, nima uchun bu muhim??

«Ketma-ket to'rtta g'alabadan chiqib ketish, Men nafaqat qaytish seriyasida emasman, balki oldinga to'liq qadam tashlayman. Charlo - chempion, bu kurash endi yarim qadam tashlamaydi. Bu eng yaxshisini qabul qilish haqida. Gap shu haqida emasmi, eng yaxshi bo'lish?"


Lager qanday ketmoqda??

«Men jismonan o'zimni juda yaxshi his qilyapman. Men Barri bilan haqiqatan ham qulayman, bu Headbangers jamoasi bilan to'rtinchi lagerim; Luis ham bor. Luis menga lagerga tayyorgarlik ko'rishda yordam beradi, keyin men o'taman.


«Men allaqachon D.C.da edim. ushbu jang haqidagi mish-mishlar ro'yobga chiqqach, lagerni boshlash. Men D.C ni urishdan oldin bir yarim oy davomida lagerga qadar uyda sport zalida edim. Men haftasiga besh marta mashq qilardim, har kuni faqat dasturni davom ettirish. Men aytganimdek, yarim qadam bosish kerak emas. Men allaqachon sparring qilyapman, ishni bajarish, to'g'ri kelmoqda. Men u orqali yurmayapman, lekin yugurib yurib, uni kesib o'tmoqdaman. Men 30, Men jismoniy cho'qqiga chiqdim, mening iste'dodim bundan ham yaxshiroq bo'lishi mumkin emas edi. ”


Jang va nima kutish haqida suhbatlashing?

“Hech birimiz jangsiz chiqmayapmiz, shuning uchun men bu zerikarli kurashni ko'rmayapman. Odamlar meni eslash vaqti keldi. Men Jermall Charlo singari mag'lubiyatsiz buqaga qarshi ushbu chempionlik zarbasini qo'lga kiritdim, ammo men uning kamarini olaman. "


Birinchi professional mag'lubiyatingiz San-Antoniodagi "Kanelo" Alvaresga qarshi bo'lib o'tgan 2013. Ushbu jang haqida sizning fikringiz qanday??

“Menda yaxshilik bor edi, Saul bilan raqobatbardosh jang - bu birlashma jangiga o'xshardi - men WBA chempioni edim va u WBC chempioni edi. Ochiq ochkolar hakamlarning o'yin rejasiga ko'proq zarar keltirdi! Jang paytida menga hech kimning kartochkalarida yutmayotganimni aytishganida, o'yin rejamni o'zgartirishim kerak edi. Bu itlar urushi edi. "Kanelo" hech qachon jang paytida bunchalik ko'p harakat qilmasligi va harakatlanishi shart emas edi.

"Lekin, yashash va o'rganish. Bunday janjalga kirishish o'rniga men atrofdagilarning gaplarini tingladim. Boshqa kutilmagan hodisalar yo'q. Bu Charlo jangi men istagan jang, mening jamoam istagan kurash va biz tayyormiz. Men ancha etukman, qaytib kelayotgan yo'naltirilgan chempion. Men xavfli - tajribam bor, iste'dod va Xudo men tomonda ».


Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun, TwitterSHOSports bo'yicha amal, @LaraBoxing, @VanesBoxing, FutureOfBoxing, NoDoubtTrout, TwinCharlo, @MayweatherPromo va @Swanson_Comm, da Facebookda muxlisi


Mayweather Promotions Stars Kris Pirson & Sharif Bogere sarlavhasi Undercard aksiyasi shanba, Aprel 30 Vashingtondagi DC qurol-yarog'idan, D.C.

Ko'proq! Impressive Lineup Of Top Talent & Local Prospects
Vashington, D.C. (Aprel 20, 2016) Mayweather Promotions stars Chris “Young King” Pearson (16-1, 11 KOS) va Sharif “Arslon” Bogere (27-1, 19 KOS) compete in separate bouts that highlight undercard action on Saturday, Aprel 30 from the DC Armory in Washington D.C.
The event is headlined by a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader that begins live on SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. PT featuring a pair of super middleweight world title fights, as WBC champion Badou “Ripper” Jack sobiq chempioni oladi Lucian Bute, and IBF champion James “ChunkyDeGale battles top contender RogelioPorkyMedina.
Pearson will take on Joshua Okine (22-5, 15 KOS) in a 10-round middleweight contest while Bogere faces former African champion Samuel Amoako (21-9, 15 KOS) 10-tur super engil tanlovida.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, fiyatlandırılır $200, $100, $50 va $25, on sale now. Chipta tashrif sotib olish, Ticketmaster joylari, yoki qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.
Additional action inside the arena will feature unbeaten Washington, D.C.-born Latondria Jones (2-0, 1 KO) in a four-round super welterweight bout against Virginia’s Kamika Slade, undefeated Ecuadorian Karlos Gongora (6-0, 3 KOS)engil vazn toifasidagi uchrashuvda va D.C.ning birinchi debyutida. mahsulot Kegan Grove to'rt dumaloq yengil qoldiqda.
Televizion bo'lmagan underkarta janglarini yakunlash Richmond, Virginia"S Moshea Aleem(4-0, 2 KOS) kim mag'lubiyatsiz Gruziya tug'ilganiga qarshi chiqadi Martez Jekson (2-0-1, 1 KO) to'rt-dumaloq super ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Butning, oxir-oqibat Bruklindagi to'rtta yarim o'rta vazndagi diqqatga sazovor joy Chordale Buker (1-0, 1 KO).
25 yoshli Pirson dekabrdagi eng yaxshi Erik Uolkerga kareradagi mag'lubiyatidan so'ng, aprel oyida g'alaba qozonib qaytishga intiladi. 30. Deyton, Ogayo shtatida tug'ilgan mahsulot ilgari Lanardo Tyner ustidan g'alaba qozongan, Janks Trotter, Stiv Martines va Said El Xarrak so'nggi ikki yil ichida u milliy chempionatni qo'lga kiritgan havaskor karerasidan so'ng 2011. U tajribali Okineni qabul qiladi, u asli Ganadan bo'lgan, ammo hozir yaqin kumush buloqdan jang qilmoqda, Maryland.
Mayweather Promotions-ga yaqinda kiritilgan qo'shimcha, Bogere Las-Vegasdan kurash olib boradi va o'z vatani Ugandani faxr bilan namoyish etadi. 27 yoshli futbolchi birinchi g'alabasini qo'lga kiritdi 23 pro Raymundo Beltran ustidan g'alaba qozonish paytida kurashadi, Frantsisko Kontreras, va Manuel Levya. U bu jangga to'rt jangdan iborat g'alaba seriyasida kirishadi va unga engil vaznda sobiq Afrika chempioni Amoako raqiblik qiladi., kumush bahorda jang paytida Gana vakili, Maryland.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va va da Twitter-da kuzatib boring: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo' va

Badou Jack & Lucian Bute ommaviy axborot vositalarining mashqlari & Shanba kuni dunyo nomlari namoyishi oldidan fotosuratlar, Aprel 30 Vashingtondagi DC Armory-dan SHOWTIME®-da jonli efirda, D.C.

Plus Undercard Fighters Sharif Bogere & Latondria Jones
Las-Vegas mashg'ulotlaridan iqtiboslar
Bosing BU YERGA Esaiah Gomes Rasmlar / Mayweather aktsiyalar uchun
Bosing BU YERGA InterBox-dan Lucian Bute fotosuratlari uchun
Las Vegas, (Aprel 18, 2016) – WBC Super o'rta jahon chempioni Badou Jack va sobiq jahon chempioni Lucian Bute O'tgan hafta o'zlarining o'quv-mashg'ulot yig'inlarida ommaviy axborot vositalarida mashg'ulotlar o'tkazdilar Shanba, Aprel 30 jonli efirda jahon chempionligi namoyishi NAMOYISH VAQTI ushbudan boshlab: DC qurol-yarog ' Vashingtonda, D.C.
KO'RISh VA CHEMPIONAT BOKSI® ikki boshli boshlanish 10 p.m. VA/7 p.m. IBF Super o'rta vazn toifasida Jahon chempioni bilan PT James DeGale eng yaxshi da'vogarga qarshi o'z unvonini himoya qiladi Rogelio Medina.
Jack, birinchi bolasini kutib olgan, Malaniya ismli qizi, kunning boshida, Las-Vegasdagi Meyvezer boks klubida o'zining mashg'ulotlarini o'tkazdi, But esa Monrealning g'arbiy qismida joylashgan Grant aka-ukalarga tegishli sport zalida ommaviy axborot vositalarini joylashtirdi.. Las-Vegas mashg'ulotlarida Jekka qo'shilish engil vaznga davogar edi Sharif Bogere va Vashington, D.C. tug'ilgan Latondria Jones, undercard aktsiyalarida raqobatlashadiganlar Aprel 30.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, fiyatlandırılır $200, $100, $50 va $25, va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta tashrif sotib olish uchun, Ticketmaster joylashgan joylar yoki qo'ng'iroq (800) 745-3000.
Bu yerda ishtirokchilar aytish kerak edi nima:
“Men yana bir g'alabani kutmoqdaman. Bu qiyin kurash bo'ladi, lekin men tayyorman. Men chindan ham qattiq mashq qildim va ringga chiqishga tayyorman.
I’m more focused and determined now than ever to secure what is mine. The fans will have an exciting show to look forward to on Aprel 30. I can guarantee that!
My daughter being born this morning is extra motivation for me and to continue working hard to provide for my family. I only slept for 2 soat, but I feel brand new.
I still feel fresh! Yig'inini yaxshi bo'ladi. Everything is right on schedule. I’m feeling really focused.
Lucian Bute
The most important thing for me is to have fun when I train. My confidence level is back at 100 foiz. There’s a great atmosphere here at the gym and I have great chemistry with my trainers. I’ve done quality sparring and starting next week we’ll be reducing the training volume so as to focus more on the level of intensity.
“Bosim menga bo'lmaydi, chunki men uning maydonida bo'laman, Vashingtonda. U favorit, chunki u chempion, lekin men ishonaman va bunga qodirman! Biz uning Xovard bilan bo'lgan ba'zi videolarini ko'rib chiqdik (Grant). U yaxshi bokschi bo'ldi, ammo u istisno emas va u xatolarga yo'l qo'yadi. Menda tajriba bor. Bu mening jahon chempionatidagi 13-jangim bo'ladi. Mening tajribam va tezligim farq qiladi.
“Mening ishonch darajam yo'q edi 100 Jeyms DeGeyl bilan jang qilishimdan oldin foiz, ammo endi barchasi unga qarshi qilgan usulimni bajarganimdan keyin qaytdi. Badu Jek o'zining navbatdagi jangini kutayotgan bo'lsa, men uchun hammasi yaxshi, meni oddiy qabul qilmoqda va meni kamsitmoqda. Men o'zim bilaman, uni mag'lub etishim mumkin. U Jorj Grovzga qarshi so'nggi jangida yaxshi natija ko'rsatdi, where he was able to come up with a good right blow that sent him to the canvas. But I’m going there to deliver.
I’ve now been training for a year with Howard Grant, who already knows me well and pushes me to go beyond my limits. We’ve developed a trusting relationship and I feel very comfortable working alongside him. It’s hard to put into words! It’s true, Men 36 eski yil, but I still have some good years ahead of me in professional boxing. For Éric Lucas, who had this belt for several years, I will bring back the title to the province of Quebec.
Training camp has been going tremendously well. I’m excited to get back in action on Aprel 30. it’s going to be a good show. Two world titles on the line, that’s something big.
I want people to know who Arslon hisoblanadi. People will know that Arslon is here to stay. I will put on a great show as I always do.
I want to put on a good show so the fans will never forget about my presence in this division. Being born in Uganda, it’s important for me to make my homeland proud.
“Yig'inini yaxshi ketadi qilindi, I am looking forward to going into the fight real strong, dominating and come out with a win. It’s important that I continue to stay mentally focused and physically ready.
I don’t really look too much into to my opponents, until I’m getting ready for that belt. As far as I know, this is her pro debut. I’m going to show her what this is all about, and give her that pro life.
I was born in D.C. shunday, Orqaga qaytib, qurol-yarog 'do'konida jang qilib, tug'ilgan shahrim muxlislariga ko'rishni istagan narsalarini berish uchun orziqib kutaman. Ular tomoshani tomosha qilish uchun kelishdi, va men etkazib berishni rejalashtirmoqdaman. Yaxshilashni va birinchi o'ringa chiqishni orziqib kutaman. Men qattiq ishlayapman va uni kundan-kunga qabul qilaman. Xudoga men shunaqa pozitsiyada bo'lganim uchun minnatdorman.”
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va va da Twitter-da kuzatib boring: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports VaSwanson_Comm yoki Facebookda bir fan da bo'lib va

Yengil bo'lmagan CRUISERWEIGHTS ANDREW TABITI, SHOBOX-da o'zlarining mukammal yozuvlarini himoya qilish uchun TAPIA KEYT: YANGI NESL JUMA KO'RSATISH VAQTIDA JONLI EFIR, MAY 13 Las-Vegasdagi Sam shahrining jonli efiridan

Ko'proq! 2012 U.S. Olimpiada ishtirokchisi Maykl Xanter,
Kruiz vaznda mag'lubiyatsiz Isiya Tomas to'qnashdi!
Kvartiralar va bugun chiptalar!
Las Vegas, (Aprel 18, 2016) – Mayweather aktsiyalarining mag'lubiyatsiz yulduzi Andrew “Beast” Tabiti (12-0, 11 KOS) va mag'lubiyatsiz quvvat puncher Keyt “Mashina injektori” Devor (16-0, 11 KOS) to-to-to-goga borib, o'zlarining mukammal yozuvlarini an 10 juma kuni kruvazer vazn toifasida jang, May 13 bo'yicha ShoBox: Yangi avlod Las-Vegasdagi Sam's Town Live-dan.
SHOWTIME-da jonli efirda televizion ko'rsatuvlar boshlanadi 10 p.m. VA/PT va ssilka vazn toifasida yana bir qiziqarli matchup mavjud 2012 U.S. Marhamatli Michael Hunter (11-0, 8 KOS) mag'lubiyatsiz mag'lubiyatsiz janglar Isiah Thomas (15-0, 6 KOS) 10 raundlik jangda. Ovchi, kim fevral oyida nokaut bilan g'alaba qozonmoqda, Tomasni qabul qilganida o'zining benuqson yozuvlarini xushmuomalalik bilan saqlashga intiladi, AQSh uchun birinchi bo'lib o'smirlar o'rtasidagi boks bo'yicha jahon chempionatida g'olib chiqqanligi bilan tanilgan.
“Men diqqatimni jamladim va tayyorman,” Said Tabiti. “Men uchun o'quv-mashg'ulot yig'inida bo'lganman 10 hafta. Mening o'yin rejam - kirib, yo'q qilish. Meni qo'llab-quvvatlagani uchun muxlislarimga minnatdorchilik bildirmoqchiman va kirib muxlislarimga shou dasturini namoyish qilmoqchiman.”
“Boksga chiqish imkoniyatidan mamnunman ShoBox 13 may kuni” - dedi Tapia. “Men qattiq tayyorgarlik ko'ryapman va ajoyib kurash olib boraman. I will show the fans that I’m one of the best cruiserweights in the world.
Camp is going well and I’m ready for May 13,said Hunter. “No matter who gets put in front of me, I’m going to keep taking care of business, and there’s nothing else to talk about.
I’m feeling good about this fight. Michael Hunter is a quality fighter with a good amateur background. Dominating him will prove to the boxing world that I’m ready for a title fight,” said Isiah Thomas. “I don’t think Hunter can handle the speed and agility that I have for a cruiserweight, that’s my advantage in this division and I plan to put it on display May 13.”

Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, fiyatlandırılır $25 va $50, joriy xarajatlarga, shu jumladan emas, and go on sale today, Aprel 18. Chipta onlayn xarid qilish mumkin:, chaqirib (702) 284-7777, or at any Boyd Gaming box office.
We"Muvaffaqiyatli s-dan so'ng ikkinchi marta Sam's Town Live-ga qaytishni orziqib kutmoqdamizelltashqarida namoyish Feb. 16,” Said Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather aktsiyalar bosh direktori. “Mayweather Promotions kompaniyasi muxlislarni oyoqqa turg'azadigan aksiyalarga mo'ljallangan kartalarni ommalashtirishga qaratilgan. O'ylaymanki, ushbu kartadagi matchups buni amalga oshiradi.”
26 yoshli Chikagodan tug'ilgan Tabiti, Las-Vegas tashqariga qarshi kurash, uning qo'shmoqda 2016 debyuti. U qo'lga kiritdi yotipti 11 uning 12 masofa ichida jang qiladi, shu jumladan sentyabr oyida Tomas Lodi ustidan o'tgan ikkinchi texnik mulohaza 29, 2015. Tabiti, yozuviga ega bo'lgan qattiq havaskor 32-6, iyul oyida proga aylandi 2013. Uning o'ziga xos uslubi tezkorlikni o'z ichiga oladi, tanani tezkor harakatlanishi va oyoqning ajoyib harakatlari bilan tandemda portlovchi qo'l tezligi.
Devor, asli Bronksdan, so'nggi beshta jangining to'rttasida nokaut bilan g'alaba qozongan. U o'zining professional debyutini noyabr oyida o'tkazgan. 18, 2011 ochilish bosqichida Endryu Kuilanni to'xtatish orqali. Karolinadan tashqarida jang qilish, Puerto-Riko, aniqlangan, 25 yoshli Tapia barqaror ravishda yaxshilanib, dekabr oyida Garrett Uilson ustidan 10 bosqichli yakdil qaror qabul qildi. Tabiti singari, Tapia shuningdek, ajoyib havaskorlik kasbiga ega edi.
Ovchi, sobiq og'ir vaznda da'vogar Maykl Xanter Srning o'g'li., da qatnashgan havaskorlarning ikki karra mamlakat chempioni 2012 Olimpiada. Mart oyida o'zining pro-debyutidan beri 2013 Chad Devisni mag'lub etish orqali, kelayotgan 27 yoshli yigit yutqazishga yaqinlashmadi. U so'nggi to'rtta jangida nokaut bilan g'alaba qozondi, barchasi to'rt raund ichida. Uning eng so'nggi qol, Hunter birinchi raundda Fil Uilyamsni nokautga uchratdi Fevral 27.
Yuqori darajadagi havaskor, Tomas pro-ga aylandi 2008 va dastlabki uchta startni birinchi raundda nokaut bilan yutdi. Tabiiy janub, kech Olimpiya o'yinlaridan keyin kashf etilgan, buyuk Emanuil Styuard, umidli Tomas aniq ro'yxatdan o'tdi, unanimous 10-round decision over previously unbeaten Jordan Shimmell last Iyul 25.
Batafsil ma'lumot olish uchun va, follow on Twitter: @FloydMayweather, @MayweatherPromo @SHOSports, @andrewtabiti89, @machine_gun_tapia_, follow on Instagram at: @floydmayweather, @Mayweatherpromotions, @shosports, da Facebookda muxlisi:,,


‘He’s Ready for Anybodysays Promoter Greg Cohen
It’s been three days sincethe shot heard round the world,” the one-punch knockout Louisiana lightweight Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard scored over opponent Eudy Bernardo. VIDEO:
In what should have been a fight against his toughest opponent to date, Menard(31-1, 23 KOS) destroyed the Dominican Bernardo, dropping him in the second and finishing their nationally televised ShoBox: Yangi avlod co-main event with a single right hand at 2:11 uchinchi.
In what will certainly be a “Yilning nokaut” nomzod, Menard’s devastating right hand left the formerly undefeated Bernardo unconscious and announced the 27-year-old as an unexpected fighter to watch in the lightweight division.
I train hard, diet right. I get good sparring. I do everything to the tee. I go to church on Sundays and the blessing come true for me,” said a happy Menard, post-jang. “It felt great to be on the world stage and perform like that. With all my people back home watching and developing new fans out of the people watching everywhere, it’s just a great feeling. I want to continue this.
At the time of the KO, Bernardo appeared to be seriously hurt and was taken from the ring on a stretcher. He has since recovered. “I knew in my mind it’d last about three rounds, but I didn’t expect that shot to take him out,” continued Menard. “It’s a great feeling to get a victory, but I’d rather my opponent walk out of the ring. I saw he was seriously hurt and I got down on one knee and said a prayer for him.
For Menard’s promoter, Greg Cohen aktsiyalar Greg Cohen, the victory was not unexpected, despite Bernardo being favored going in, but is still a very pleasant development.
With one punch, Mason is now a serious contender in the lightweight division,” Cohen dedi. “He’s ready for any of the champions including Jorge Linares, Rances Barthelemy or Terry Flanagan.
With a humble nature and movie-star good looks, Cohen saw the potential in Menard immediately. “Now everyone knows what we already did. He’s a sensational fighter with true star potential. I’m very excited to be working with him.
I’m ready for anybody,” said Menard. “As long as business is right, I’m not scared of anybody, ularni olib!”
Greg Cohen aktsiyalar
Boks ning bosh reklama qiyofa biri, Greg Cohen Aktsiyalar (GCP) dunyo bo'ylab elita professional kurashchilarini dunyo-sinf professional boks bo'yicha tadbirlar sahnalashtirish va targ'ib qilish uchun bir yaxshi-hurmat nomi.
Asoschisi va bosh direktori Greg Cohen kech 1980 yildan buyon turli quvvatlarining professional boks bilan jalb qilindi, O'z ishining honlama va sezgir xalqaro boks bo'yicha tadbirkor sifatida o'zini yo'lga.
Spot va xom iste'dodini rivojlantirish uchun o'z qobiliyati bilan ajralib, Cohen birinchi uning ekspert hidoyat uchun reklama satrlari qildi, boshqa ko'plab orasida, Sobiq WBA Junior Middleweight chempioni Austin “Shubhasiz” Gulmohi, kim Cohen elita haqi-boshiga-ko'rinishida darajasi yulduz noma'lum Nyu-Meksiko istiqboli hidoyat yordam.
Alobalig'i qo'shimcha ravishda, Greg Cohen Aktsiyalar bunday sobiq yagona va ikki karra jahon chempioni Haşim'e sifatida tashkil nomlari bilan ishlagan “Rok” Rahman va eshitilmagan-buyuk bir necha vazn sinf jahon chempioni James “Out bitadi” Toney.
Cohen currently promotes WBA Interim World Lightweight Champion Ismael Barroso, Undefeated WBA NABA Heavyweight Champion and world-rated contender Jarrell Miller, undefeated WBA NABA Middleweight Champion and world-rated contender Robert Brant, former world champion Kendall Holt, as well as current world-rated contenders including long-time elite middleweight “O'rtacha” Joe Greene, Eng yaxshi super tuklar Arash Usmanee, Kanada engil va TV harakat qahramon Tony Luis; WBA va besh karra Irish Milliy havaskor Champion, Dennis Hogan; va Avstraliya engil kelajak Josh King.
Greg Cohen Aktsiyalar, Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari va butun dunyo bo'ylab eng yaxshi joylar jahon-sinf boks bo'yicha tadbirlar bo'lib o'tdi, shuningdek, g'urur CBS Sport Network, shu jumladan bir necha televizion tarmoqlari uchun iste'dodi va / yoki mazmunini taqdim etdi, HBO, Namoyish Vaqti, ESPN, NBC Sports Network, CBS Sport Network, MSG va Fox Sports Net.
Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, tashrif Da Facebook bizni Twitter: GCPBoxing.