Категория Архив: Showtime Boxing

Sugar Ray Leonard & Thomas Hearns, Две Зала на славата шампиони в тежка категория, Претегляне на Кийт Търман-Шон Портър 147-фунтово първенство на битката в Barclays Center в събота, Юни 25 На живо на CBS

“Победителят в Thurman-Porter веднага ще се премести в
пентхаус в средна категория” Leonard
“Знам, че и Портър, и Търман имат възможността да се измъкнат един от друг. Ще бъде въпрос кой ще стигне до кой пръв.”Hearns
NEW YORK (Юни 20, 2016) – Sugar Ray Leonard и Thomas “Наемен убиец” Hearns може да бъде уникално квалифициран да говори за това какъв шампион в средна категория на WBA Keith “One Time” Търман и “Showtime” Shawn Porter се замислят и чувстват, че се насочват към битката си, която изправя двама мъже един срещу друг, които са в примите си в силно заредена битка за върховенство в натоварената с талант дивизия в полутежка категория.
Очакваните заглавия на изчакване SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® на CBS представен от Премиер боксови Champions (PBC) с телевизионно покритие, започващо от 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Леонард имаше запис от 30-1 с 21 KO и притежава титлата в полутежка категория на WBC, когато взе Hearns, който е бил 32-0 с 30 KO и притежава титлата на WBA, в мач от 15-ти кръг за обединяване на титлата в Лас Вегас на септември 16, 1981. Мачът беше таксуван като “Показването” и имаше световна телевизионна аудитория от 300 милион.
Битката беше битка назад и напред, но изглежда, че Hearns контролира, като спечели кръгове от девет до края 12 и на трите съдии’ скоркарти. Беше между кръгове 12 и 13 този треньор на Леонард, покойният Анджело Дънди, знаменито изкрещя на Леонард: “Сега го духаш, син! Надуваш!”
Leonard, с лявото око силно подути, обърна прилива в 14тата кръг, като залита Hearns с надвиснал десен и след това приковава Hearns по въжетата и отприщва бараж от удари, което подтикна съдията Дейви Пърл да спре двубоя, давайки победата на Леонард и го направи безспорен шампион в полутежка категория и цар на дивизията. По време на спирането Hearns беше водещ на трите показатели – 124-122, 125-122 и 125-121.
“Това беше най-трудната битка в живота ми. Трябваше всяка унция воля и сили, за да победи Томи Хърнс. Не бих могъл да взема толкова много от тези в моята кариера,” - каза Леонард. “Битката с Томи Хърнс беше тази, която ме заведе в мезонета.”
Леонард почувства, че победата над Хърнс го изстреля в суперзвезда. Той вярва, че същото нещо очаква победителя от „Търман-Портър“.
Чува за двубоя: “Исках да покажа на света си бокс способности. Знаеха, че мога да нокаутирам хората, но те не знаеха, че мога да боксирам много добре”
И Леонард и Хърнс казаха, че с нетърпение очакват мача между Търман и Портър, защото вярват, че това ще държи точно толкова драма, колкото и мачът им 35 Преди години.
“Да, можете да направите сравнението,” - каза Леонард. “И двете момчета са на върха на дивизията в полутежка категория. Единственото, което е различно е, че аз и Томи бяхме толкова добре познати от феновете на спорта. Бяхме по телевизията много, и точно това изгради имената ни и даде шанс на хората да ни видят толкова много. И това е, което правят сега с PBC и предаванията в мрежовата телевизия. Това може да е битка като нашата. Кой знае? Но знам, че феновете чакат този двубой.”
Hearns: “Винаги е трудно да се подготвиш за подобен човек, защото мислиш какъв ще бъде резултатът и какви са шансовете ти да спечелиш двубоя. Никога не съм мислил за загуба, но се замислих какви са шансовете ми.
Знаех, че ако изляза и се боксирам така, както знаех, че мога да боксирам, Бих бил Рей. Само мисълта да се бия с Рей ми донесе много въпроси. Някои имах отговори, а други не. Повечето други момчета, които знаех, че мога да изляза и да ги нокаутирам.”
LEONARD: “Просто сърцето на Кийт и Шон. И двете момчета имат сърце и и двете имат такава воля. Това спокойствие. Не можеш да научиш самообладание. Това е нещо, което имаш или нямаш. Не можете да научите това. Толкова дълбоко, дълбока самообладание, когато лявото ви око е затворено и черният ви дроб е спукан и трябва да станете на платното.”
Hearns: “Знам, че Търман и Портър имат способността да се измъкнат един от друг. Ще бъде въпрос кой ще стигне до кой пръв. Определено гледам. Надявам се да съм там лично.”
Hearns: “Знам какво е да се караш срещу някой, когото хората не смятат, че можеш да победиш. Трябва да се подготвите за това. Това е ментален етап, през който преминавате, как подготвяш ума си. Ако можете да контролирате ума си и да кажете на тялото си какво ще правите, тогава можете да го направите. Не можете да се притеснявате колко добре може да удря другият човек. Просто стойте настрана. Продължавайте да слагате тази пръчка върху него и той няма да може да ви удари.”
Hearns: “Не дойдох да си отида 12 или 15 кръга. Дойдох да ти ударя дупето и се прибрах. Нямах желание да отида 15 кръга. Тренирах за това, но аз никога не отивах 15 кръга.”
LEONARD: “Чувствах, че мога да победя всеки. Брат ми Роджър не мислеше, че мога да победя Томи. Той не ми каза, докато свърши. В тренировъчен лагер използвах бокс Роджър и той щеше да кацне на много правилни ръце. Реши, че ако дясната ръка на Томи се приземи към мен, ще свърши. Брат ми нямаше много доверие в мен.”
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $49 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.


Ню Йорк, NY (6/17/16) - Regrettably, due to a medical issue that renders former three-division world champion Abner Mares presently unable to fight in New York State, the Cuellar vs. Mares fight has been cancelled and will be replaced on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, Представено от Premier боксови шампиони, telecast next Събота, Юни 25. Abner’s condition is in no way life-threatening, nor was it revealed in a blood or urine test; there was no use of any drugs, including PEDs or other banned substances.


In honoring Abner’s right to medical confidentiality, no further information will be released on this situation unless he chooses.


An announcement will be forthcoming with respect to the replacement bout that will open the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, Представено от Premier боксови шампиони, излъчване.


"ALL ACCESS: Търман срещу. Износване,” Part 1 of a Four-Part Short Feature Series is Available Now On SHOWTIME ®цифровите платформи; All Consumers Can Experience The Buildup To The Live CBS Primetime Boxing Special On Събота, Юни 25


Click On The Link To Watch, Дял & Embed Part 1: http://s.sho.com/1Ua64Vq


Шоу Спорт launched an online exclusive installment of digital short features inspired by the three-time Emmy® Award-winning series “ALL ACCESS” в понеделник. The first of the four-part series titled "ALL ACCESS: Търман срещу. Porter” is now available on the ШО Спорт YouTube канал, SHO.com/sports, and on the CBSSports.com boxing page. Subsequent installments will also debut online on утре, Юни 15, Петък, Юни 17 and Monday, Юни 20, in anticipation of the first primetime boxing event on CBS since Muhammad Ali vs. Leon Spinks I in 1978.


На Събота, Юни 25, SHOWTIME Sports will produce the welterweight world championship boxing event featuring undefeated champion Keith Търман and once-beaten former champ Shawn Porter, live on CBS (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) от Barclays Center в Бруклин, N.Y..


"ALL ACCESS: Търман срещу. Porter” immerses viewers in camp with two elite prizefighters in the prime of their careers as they prepare to square off for the top spot in boxing’s glamour division.


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Tickets for the live event at Barclays Center, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $49 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.


За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com, follow on Twitter @SHOSports and @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainmentи www.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter

Undefeated Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Defends Against Undefeated Irish Star Carl Frampton on Saturday, Юли 30 Live on SHOWTIME® in an Event Presented by Premier Boxing Champions From Barclays Center in Brooklyn

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Телевизията започва в

9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT

Билети в продажба Утре, Юни 15 при 10 сутринта!

BROOKLYN (Юни 14, 2016) – Undefeated featherweight world champion Leo “El Terremoto” Santa Cruz (32-0-1, 18 Нокаута) and fellow unbeaten Irish star Carl "Чакала" Фрамптън (22-0, 14 Нокаута) will meet with a world title and two perfect records at stake on Събота, Юли 30 в главното събитие на Премиер боксови Champions event from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® telecast begins live on SHOWTIME® при 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.


Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions, започне в $38 и влезе в продажба утре, Юни 15 при 10 А.М. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.


Santa Cruz and Frampton collide in a battle of world champions who mix dizzying speed with incredible output that produces exciting fight after exciting fight. This fight will be the fifth featherweight world title fight presented by SHOWTIME in 2016. Фрамптън, a unified world champion at 122 паунда, a weight class Santa Cruz previously held a title at, will move up a notch in weight and challenge at 126 паунда.


I’ve never been to New York before and I’m looking forward to this big opportunity to put on a show for new fans in a new city,” said Santa Cruz. “I always fight for the fans and I’m excited to be able to do that somewhere I haven’t been before. Frampton is a good fighter. He has power and skills and he moves when he has to, but he has a weak chin. When he gets caught with a good punch, he goes down. He doesn’t like pressure and I have that. I’m looking forward to putting on an exciting show at Barclays Center and I hope I leave with lots of new fans.


“I am in terrific shape, I feel fantastic in the gym and I am ready for the biggest fight of my career,"Каза Фрамптън. "На Юли 30 I will become a two weight world champion. I respect Leo Santa Cruz, he is a great fighter and person, but I am preparing meticulously to overcome any challenge he brings on Юли 30. I cannot wait to hear the crowd at Barclays Center. It is my first time boxing in New York, where some of the greatest fights have taken place. I know there will be a large number of fans traveling from the UK and Ireland but there is also a huge Irish-American audience and I am eager to show them all what I can do. Махни си билети сега, това ще бъде голяма борба!"


“Santa Cruz vs. Frampton is not only the best fight that can be made in the featherweight division, it truly is one of the most anticipated fights in all of boxing,“, каза Лу Дибела, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. “Boxing fans can expect nonstop action in this can’t-miss matchup of aggressive styles. There’s no better way for Santa Cruz and Frampton to make their New York debuts than at Barclays Center, в Бруклин, against each other.”


“The competitive matchup of Santa Cruz vs. Frampton shines an international spotlight on BROOKLYN BOXING at Barclays Center,” said Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Забавление. “We’re especially excited to host two of the best featherweight boxers in the sport today as they fight in New York for the first time.”


The popular Mexican-American Santa Cruz fights out of Los Angeles and won the 126-pound title in a “Fight of the Year” candidate against former three-division champ Авенировите Mares last August at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles. It was just the third fight in the featherweight division for Santa Cruz, who has won belts at 118 и 122 pounds while earning a reputation as one of boxing’s most active and exciting fighters. The 27-year-old also holds victories over Cristian Mijares и Eric Morel. He has competed in world title bouts in 11 на неговата последна 13 fights since 2012. After stopping former world champion Кико Мартинес in the fifth round last Февруари. 27, Santa Cruz makes his second world title defense in his East Coast debut.


After defeating rival Scott QUIGG in their 122-pound unification bout last Февруари. 27, Frampton will attempt to capture a world title in a second weight class. Fighting out of Belfast, Северна Ирландия, the Irish national amateur champion in 2005 и 2009 expects to bring some of his rabid fans stateside come Юли 30. The 29-year-old became a world champion in 2014 когато победиКико Мартинес to earn a super bantamweight title. Той прави своя U.S. debut in July 2015 когато победи Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. in Texas before unifying the title against Quigg.


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Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP. За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най-www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.


Andrade Knocks Out Willie Nelson: VIDEO:http://s.sho.com/1ZHD8CJ

Zlaticanin KOs Franklin Mamani: VIDEO:http://s.sho.com/28tCoqP


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Tripleheader Replays Понеделник, Юни 13 при 10 p.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®


Кликнете ТУК For Images; Credit Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME


VERONA, N.Y.. (Юни 11, 2016) – John Molina outpunched Ruslan Provodnikov in an all-action fight by revealing a new weapon in his arsenal, a sharp and steady jab. Molina captured a surprising unanimous decision in a 12-round junior welterweight bout that featured fierce exchanges throughout Събота on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


В съвместно функцията на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс, Demetrius Andrade delivered a statement, knockout victory over Willie Nelson, staking his claim as one of the world’s best in the stacked 154-pound division. В схватката за откриване на процедурата, Dejan Zlaticanin knocked out Franklin Mamani to earn the vacant 135-pound world title and make history as the first native of Montenegro to win a world championship.


Molina and Provodnikov promised a war, and they delivered. But what surprised many was the volume of punches and effective jabbing from Molina (29-6, 23 Нокаута), a veteran more known for engaging in brawls than his boxing prowess. Molina threw nearly 1,110 общо удари, включително и 643 jabs compared to just 265 for Provodnikov, who failed to close the range on his naturally bigger opponent.


“We knew we had to outwork Provodnikov,” said the 33-year-old Covina, Калифорния., роден. “It was a fight that we needed. Ruslan Provodnikov is a very notable name. Той е жилав, юначага. He kept moving forward.


“People don’t realize I had my amateur career in the pros, and now it’s my time to step out and shine. I have a new trainer. Shadeed (Suluki) showed me how to throw punches and use my power.”


Molina vs. Provodnikov was scored 116-112, 117-111, 115-113.


“I think it (the scorecard) was self-explanatory. A fighter knows when they won a fight. I won that fight and it was going to be hard to take it away from me.”


The judges agreed on nine of the 12 кръга, a relatively high percentage according to SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood.


“Today the decision was the right one,” Provnikov said. “Molina won the fight – he was better тази вечер. Everything was scored the way it should have been.


“We expected that he was going to box, he was going to move. We expected him to do that. Това не беше моята нощ. Maybe I don’t have the same hungriness as before. I’m not going to make excuses, but it was hard for me to find my groove тази вечер.


“I don’t think it’s that (the layoff). There are no excuses. I lost the fightтази вечер. I couldn’t find the hungriness. I have to sit down and think of why that happened.


“I’m sorry if I disappointed.”


Undefeated former world champion Demetrius Andrade put on a masterful performance against top-10 ranked Willie Nelson, flooring the former world title challenger four times including once in the opening round and emphatically in the final round to close the show (СЗО 12,1:38).


С тази победа, Нелсон, who landed a staggering 57 percent of his power punches in just his second fight след две години, moved one step closer to earning another shot at a title fight. Andrade, who never lost his belt in the ring, is now the second mandatory challenger for the WBC Super Welterweight World Title, currently held by Jermell Charlo.


“I’m coming to get those belts,” said the 28-year-old Andrade. “People can’t run no more. The best have to fight the best. I’m coming for them.


“I came back, I’m stronger. Me and my team worked hard. We figured out what we need to do to take it to the next level. I’m ready for the Charlo brothers. I want them.”


Andrade was on his way to pitching a shutout, delivering a statement performance after months of frustration from “boxing politics.” The former WBO 154-pound champion targeted the head and the body of Nelson, relying on a steady diet of combos to floor the 6-foot-3 Nelson in the first, 11тата and twice in the 12тата.


“I’m young enough and my reaction time is still going,” Andrade said. “Willie Nelson is a true champion. He pushed me to the limit where I had to figure out what punches to throw. But I put the pieces of the puzzle together and got the knockout, бебе.


Нелсон, Кливланд, dropped to 25-3-1 с 15 Нокаута.


„Той беше твърд,” Nelson said. “I was forcing my shots too much. I felt like I was getting back into the fight, but he was crafty and mobile.


“I am ready for whatever is next and, despite what happened тази вечер, I am here to stay. My career won’t end like this.”


In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME telecast, Zlaticanin blasted late-replacement Mamani with a third round TKO (:54) to win the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship.


The 32-year-old Zlaticanin (18-0, 10 Нокаута) became the first native of the Southeastern European country of Montenegro to capture a world championship.


“I’m very proud. I made Montenegro proud,” Zlaticanin said. “I want to thank my fans that came to support me. I think I made my country proud. I think they will be delighted. I don’t think they know what this means, but in a few days they will know.”


The southpaw Zlaticanin pounced with a powerful straight left that had Mamani in trouble just seconds into the fight. The Bolivian, who was also aiming to become the first native of his homeland to win a title, survived the round but he was in trouble again in the third. Zlaticanin staggered with an overhand left and followed with a series of unanswered blows that forced referee Charlie Fitch to halt the contest with Mamani (21-3-1, 12 Нокаута) defenseless against the ropes.


“I knew that I would knock him out. He stood too close to me.


След борбата, Zlaticanin called out Jorge Linares, the WBC Lightweight “Champion in Recess”, who pulled out of a tentatively scheduled match with Zlaticanin due to an injury.


“I want Linares next. He can’t run from me anymore.


In undercard action on SHO EXTREME, Willie Monroe Jr. (20-2, 6 Нокаута) won a unanimous decision (96-92, 95-93, 99-89) over John Thompson (17-2, 6 Нокаута) in a 10-round middleweight matchup of former world title challengers. Monroe scored two knockdowns, one in the second and another with a straight right jab in the fifth.


В схватката отваряне на SHOWTIME Бокс на SHO EXTREME, Russian heavyweight Andrey Fedosov (29-3, 24 Нокаута) scored four knockdowns en route to a sixth round TKO (1:33) of Mario Heredia (11-2, 9 Нокаута, 1-2 in WSB).


Събота event from Turning Stone Resort Casino was promoted by Banner Promotions and DiBella Entertainment.


Събота SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader replaysПонеделник, Юни 13 при 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME. The SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME telecast replays Tuesday, Юни 14 при 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHO EXTREME.


Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME telecast, with Mauro Ranallo calling the action, Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-time world champion Paulie Malignaggi commentating and Jim Gray reporting. Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood called. the SHOWTIME EXTREME action. В испанския симулкаст, Alejandro Luna called the blow-by-blow and former world champion Raul Marquez served as color commentator. The executive producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins Jr. с Bob Дънфи режисура.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Живей SHOWTIME®Утре От казино Turning Stone Resort във Верона, N.Y.. During International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend

Кликнете ТУК For Photos Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME




Junior Welterweight Main Event – 12 Уикенд

Ruslan Provodnikov – 140 Pounds

John Molina – 140 Pounds


WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator – 12 Уикенд

Demetrius Andrade – 154 Pounds

Willie Nelson – 154 Pounds


WBC Lightweight World Championship – 12 Уикенд

Dejan Zlaticanin – 134 Pounds

Franklin Mamani – 133 ½ Pounds




Middleweights - 10 Уикенд

Willie Monroe Jr. - 160 Pounds

John Thompson – 159 Pounds



Heavyweights – 10 Уикенд

Andrey Fedosov – 225 ½ Pounds

Mario Heredia – 286 Pounds


Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., са с цени $85, $60, $45 и $35 и са в продажба сега. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).



Шоу Спорт® presents “KINGS OF THE RING: Four Legends of Heavyweight Boxing” featuring legendary heavyweight champions Мохамед Али, Джак Джонсън, Джак Демпси и Joe Louis. The captivating film-length documentary written and directed by award-winning filmmaker Bud Greenspan, is airing on SHOWTIME Петък, Юни 10 при 8 p.m. ET / PT.


“KINGS OF THE RING” explores the lives of four of the greatest heavyweight champions of the 20тата век, who made an impact in history in and out of the ring, advocating for political issues and civil rights. The athletes not only pushed the boundaries by becoming champions, but they also achieved greatness while changing the world in the process.


An encore presentation of “KINGS OF THE RING: Four Legends of Heavyweight Boxing” will replay on SHOWTIME EXTREME on Saturday, Юни 11 при 10:30 А.М. ET / PT. It will also be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning Юни 15.

John Thompson chimes in on his bout with Willie Monroe Jr. that takes on on June 11 on SHOWTIME EXTREME®

За незабавно освобождаване
Verona, NY (Юни 10, 2016)–They were Boxcino champions, and in each of their last bouts,Willie Monroe Jr. и Джон Томпсън fought for world titles. Тази събота нощ, Юни 11 they will meet in a very important bout at the Turning Stone Resort Casino.
Monroe and Thompson will fight in a middleweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds and will be televised live on SHOWTIME Extreme® (7 p.m. И/PT).
Both have been training hard for this important bout, for which the winner will most likely land a big opportunity or another shot at a world title.
Клозет “Apollo Kidd” Thompson (17-2, 6 Нокаута)–Нюарк, NJ
Everything is going great in camp. I am ready to get this party rolling,” Саид Thompson, who is coming off a 7th round stoppage defeat to Liam Smith in Manchester, England for the WBO Junior Middleweight world title. “В тази борба, I learned some good and bad stuff. The only things that make you better is fighting better opposition. I know that after this win in June 11, I will be back in a big fight and I look forward to seeing everyone in Verona.
В събота, Юни 11, Руслан Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Нокаута), a former WBO Junior Welterweight World Champion, and former world title challenger John Molina Jr. (28-6, 23 Нокаута), of West Covina, Калифорния., will face each other in the 12-round main event. В съвместно функцията, undefeated former 154-pound world champion and 2008 U.S. Олимпиец Димитър Andrade (22-0, 15 Нокаута), of Providence, R.I., ще се изправят Willie Nelson (25-2-1, 15 Нокаута) Кливланд, Ohio, in a 12-round WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator.
Opening the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader is a battle for the vacant WBC Lightweight World Championship between No. 1 класирана Деян Zlaticanin (17-0, 10 Нокаута), на Югоизточна европейска страна на Черна гора, and WBC No.5-ranked Franklin Mamani (21-2-1, 12 Нокаута) of Bolivia. In the SHOWTIME BOXING on SHO EXTREME® opener, тежка категория Андрей Fedosov (28-3, 23 Нокаута) придобива Mario Heredia(11-1, 9 Нокаута, 1-2 in WSB) in a 10-round heavyweight bout.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., са с цени $85, $60, $45 и $35 и са в продажба сега. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).
Turning Stone Resort Casino is no stranger to hosting high caliber nationally televised boxing events. Миналата година, Turning Stone hosted the epic battle between Provodnikov and Matthysee, selected over arenas in Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Miami. When Provodnikov returns to Turning Stone on June 11th, it will mark Turning Stone’s 18th nationally-televised boxing event, cementing the resort as a mecca for knockout fights. Намира се в северната част на щата Ню Йорк, Turning Stone is an award-winning destination resort, offering world-class amenities including four hotels, 21 restaurants and dining options, two luxurious spas, five beautiful golf courses, and several bars, cocktail lounges and nightlife venues.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, последват в TwitterSHOSports, или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.
Visit Banner Promotions at www.banner-promotions.com, follow on Twitter at @BannerBoxing, follow on Instagram at @BannerBoxing, станете фен на Facebook в www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions, follow on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/company/banner-promotions-inc-?trk=biz-companies-cym, and watch on Youtube at www.youtube.com/user/bannervideo.
For Turning Stone Resort Casino: www.turningstone.com ; Кикотене: turningstone ; Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/TurningStoneResort/


Live on SHOWTIME® Тази събота Нощ
От казино Turning Stone Resort във Верона, N.Y..
During International Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend
Кликнете ТУК For Photos Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME
VERONA, N.Y.. (Юни 9, 2016) – The six fighters, including main eventers Руслан “Сибирското Роки” Provodnikov и Клозет “Гладиатор” Molina, who will compete on тази събота SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader живеят на SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT), participated in the final press conference Четвъртък at Turning Stone Resort Casino here.

Russia’s Provodnikov (25-4, 18 Нокаута) и Молина (28-6, 23 Нокаута) of Covina, Калифорния., clash in an eagerly awaited matchup in the main event. Provodnikov, a former WBO Junior Welterweight World Champion, was involved in the Fight of the Year in 2013 with Tim Bradley; former world title challenger Molina was in the 2014 Fight of The Year with Lucas Matthysse.

A can’t-miss co-feature at Turning Stone Casino will match unbeaten former 154-pound world champion and 2008 U.S. Олимпиец Димитър Andrade (22-0, 15 Нокаута), of Providence, R.I., срещу Willie Nelson (25-2-1, 15 Нокаута) Кливланд, Ohio, in a 12-round WBC Super Welterweight Title Elimination bout. The telecast will begin with a 12-rounder for the vacant WBC lightweight world championship between undefeated No. 1 класирана Деян Zlaticanin(17-0, 10 Нокаута), на Югоизточна европейска страна на Черна гора, и Franklin Mamani(21-2-1, 12 Нокаута) of Bolivia.

Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by Banner Promotions, Inc., са с цени $85, $60, $45 и $35 и са в продажба сега. Tickets can be purchased in person at the Turning Stone Box Office, by calling 877.833.SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster (www.ticketmaster.com).

Също тази събота, from Turning Stone, former world title challengers Willie Monroe Jr. (19-2, 6 Нокаута, Рочестър, N.Y.. и Джон Томпсън (17-2, 6 Нокаута), на Newark, Ню Джърси, clash in a 10-round middleweight bout in the main event on SHOWTIME EXTREME (7 p.m. И/PT). В отварачката SHO EXTREME, тежка категория Андрей Fedosov (28-3, 23 Нокаута), на Холивуд, Калифорния., отговаря на Мексико Mario Heredia (11-1, 9 Нокаута, 1-2 in WSB) in a 10-round heavyweight bout.

Below is what the fighters said Четвъртък:


(On training camp) …

This camp went very well. Всичко мина чудесно. Now I’m just waiting for Събота.”

(His thoughts on Molina) …
I have a lot of respect for Molina and his team. Той е страхотен боец. These are the types of opponents I like. Most of the fights I’ve had are fights like this, opponents like this. This actually motivates me. I don’t have a problem with getting into a fight like this. This is what I’m looking for. This is the type of fight I expect.

(On his determination and will to win) …
Words are not so much associated with explaining this because anybody can talk and anybody can say words. I think the fans or the people have to see how my fights have been and the way that I’ve fought those fights. For me to say right now that I’m going to ‘die in the ring’, they’re words right now. The fight will show, then the fans will have an understanding in their mind of was I just saying that or is that really the way it is. The actions show, not the words.

(On how he sees the fight playing out) …
It’s very hard to predict and I usually don’t make predictions. I never make predictions for my fights. Let’s just wait on Юни 11 and see.

(Final thoughts) …
I want to take this moment to thank everybody that has to do with this fight. All the people that made this happen.


(Thoughts and reflections on Muhammad Ali) …

The world lost a great human being, not only inside the ring but outside the ring. A champion is the best way to describe him. The greatest of all time. An innovator. Somebody that changes the world in and out. My heart goes out to his family.

(On whether he’s the underdog or this is a 50-50 борба?) …

In the grand scheme of things, the boxerexperts if you willI don’t know how many times they’ve been in the ring but for what they do in boxing, they seem to have him as the favorite but rightfully so. In a sense because of the personality and persona that he’s portrayed in past times. I don’t think too much about the hype. We’ve prepped for war в събота нощ. We would be doing ourselves a disservice if we didn’t prepare right for someone like Ruslan. Той е адски боец, a hell of a competitor and we were both in a Fight of the Year. What people don’t realize is we were both in Fight of the Year on the losing side and now we’re going to be in a Fight of the Year, but both of us going for the winning side. I think the fans are going to be pleasantly surprised. Аз съм готов. The stage is set to showcase my capabilities Събота нощ.”

(On how you prepare for a fighter like Provodnikov) …
Just like you prepare for a fighter like everybody I’ve faced. Whether it be someone like Matthysse. Whether it be other fighters, I don’t want to go into names because right now my undivided attention is on Ruslan Provodnikov but the preparation is like that of any other man. I hate comparing the guy’s style to other people because again, the whole disservice you’d be doing is to yourself. You can study their style and get used to their mannerisms and what they portray in the ring and you can prepare yourself. С това се каза, Юни 11 will be the first time I ever face Ruslan Provodnikov so what I do to prepare myself is work on my strong points and make sure those are up to par and make sure my energy is set and ready to fire on all cylinders Събота night and I can tell you that they are set right.

(On what fans should expect) …
“Фойерверк. Както казах, every word that we use in the thesaurus is an understatement. Boxing is a ‘what have you done for me latelysport and Събота night is no different. I believe in my heart of hearts the fans are going to get a treat with Ruslan Provodnikov coming forward, not wanting to take a backward step with myself coming forward not wanting to take a backward step. We’re both going to try and go in there and pose our will on each other and you’re not going to see a boring fight. It won’t be Dancing With The Stars, it’s going to be a fight.

Димитър Андраде

(On his opponent and his quality of opposition) …

Tony Harrison is definitely not Demetrius Andrade. Да, he’s probably a prospect and doing good things but everybody sounds good, everybody’s a prospect until you get in there with somebody that knows how to fight. They can try to bring the will out of you and that’s what Willie did is bring the will out of himself to beat somebody like Tony Harrison, but Tony Harrison’s definitely not me.

“Willie Nelson, yeah he’s tall, they say he’s strong but I’m all that too. My IQ is greater, smarter and this is my time. Това е. This is something that either makes or breaks me. It’s a good challenge so the people get to see that, due to the layoff and everything. I came back to fight a guy like this and I came back to win the 154 дивизия.

I came here, chewing bubble gum and kicking ass. I ran out of bubble gum so come Юни 11, I will be kicking some ass. I am happy that SHOWTIME gave me this opportunity and put me back on the network, put me back on prime TV.

There’s definitely going to be violence to open up the main event show with Provodnikov and John Molina, which is going to be a tremendous fight. Thanks for everybody coming outand I am the greatest alive.

(On the division and possible future opponents) …

I think that I’m going to make history by beating two twins that hold title belts and it’s going to be a legendary thing for me. Така, I’m tuned in, I’m ready and I’m focused. This is my division, it’s my war.

(On what he sees playing out on fight night) …

I’m just going in and do my thing, Знаете ли, че, I’m the type of person with character. I’ve been in the ring for many years through the amateur program and fought 300-400 пъти, against everybody in the whole world. Така, there’s not nothing I haven’t seen or fought. A tall guy like Willie Nelson with no legs or upper body, I’m going to push him to the limit. That’s pretty much the plan. I’m going in and its knockout season for me.

Уили Нелсън

(On fans not expecting him to win) …

It’s what happens all the time. Аз винаги съм аутсайдера. It’s OK and I try not to worry about it much.

I’m not one to predict the fights; about what can and can’t happen, but it’s going to be an interesting fight. We know each other’s background and we have sparred before at the U.S. Training Camp.

(On Muhammad Ali)…

It hasn’t really affected my mindset in terms of this fight. With the passing of Muhammad Ali it’s very sad for boxing, and for the world. Because he wasn’t only a great fighter but also a great icon, a great man and a great leader.


(On what fighting for a world title means to him) …

I’ve prepared for this hard fight for a long time because they changed opponents and it’s hard to be prepared for that. But I have waited for this opportunity for a long time. Това е най-важната битка на живота ми, and I am going to win this fight.

(His prediction) …

I don’t like to talk too much. I will talk in the ring and I promise I will knock out Franklin Mamani.


(On this opportunity)…
This is the chance of a lifetime, I feel like I have the winning lotto ticket and I just need to cash it in Събота нощ. I come for a boxing family of 9 brothers, I have been in boxing since I was 12 years old and I always dreamed of fighting for a world title in the United States. My country (Боливия) and my family will be watching and I will not disappoint them.

(На неговия опонент)…
Zlaticanin is an aggressive, strong and talented fighter. It will be an honor to trade leather with him inside the ring and be able to win the WBC lightweight championship of the world against the number one contender in my division.


Primetime World Title Showdown Against Keith Thurman
Събота, Юни 25 На живо на CBS® От Barclays Center в Бруклин
I want to win each and every round
We’re going to shock the world.” Shawn Porter
Кликнете ТУК For Photos From Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions
LAS VEGAS (Юни 9, 2016) – Бившият световен шампион Shawn Porter hosted a Las Vegas media workout Сряда in advance of his welterweight world title showdown against undefeated Keith Търман на Събота, Юни 25 от Barclays Center в Бруклин, live on CBS and presented by Premier Boxing Champions with televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $49 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
Porter and his father and trainer, Ken Porter, were on hand to speak to media and show
off the skills of the 28-year-old Akron, Ohio, native at the Porter Hy-Performance Center.
Here’s what the Porters said Сряда:
Being the first fight in primetime on CBS since Muhammad Ali is very significant. It makes me want to go out there and do something inspiring.
Keith’s injury gave me enough time to make extra sure that I had everything I needed to get ready for this fight. Not to say I wouldn’t have been ready Март 12 but it’s given me more time to reflect and visualize. На Юни 25, I know I will be 100 percent on every level.
We sparred for about two weeks together but it was a while ago. The biggest change has been mental. There are things you learn and grow out of. I’m a lot different. Still some of the same skills but definitely stronger mentally.
I think he can do some things. He can box very well. He throws good off balanced shots. I can box as well, but I have the pressure, quickness, foot speed and hand speed that it takes to not only outbox him, but to pressure him and hurt him. I think that’s what makes it a great fight.
At this point, we look at everything we’ve done and move forward each day because we know something special is going to happen. I’m blessed to have a mindset where I don’t focus on what I’ve done. I am always looking forward to the next big opportunity.
I think the fight is bigger since it’s been postponed. Taking it to Barclays Center is something that is special for the sport of boxing. I won my first championship there and I look forward to keeping up the recent history of great fights at Barclays Center.
I want to win each and every round. We want to make him have to adjust to what we’re doing. If we control the fight, we win the fight.
I’ve always been taught to control everything in a fight. I can’t allow him to slow the tempo down. But I’m definitely not going to rush. I have the skills to execute the game plan.
I think the difference is in my preparation. I have a great team to match my great skills. We’re going to shock the world.
KEN PORTER, Shawn’s Father & Треньор
We normally don’t work out hard in front of the media, but we’ve decided to switch the energy and go harder during this afternoon session. This isn’t just for the cameras.
I respect Keith Thurman as a fighter and a person. This is something that happens along the way. Fighters have to fight each other. Some of these young guys working in this gym, they might have to fight Shawn one day. But fight night is fight night.
I’m not worried about anything Keith Thurman can do. We’ve done all the hard work. The foundation has been laid. He’s done this since he was four-years-old. He’s been on every stage and this is his time.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports и www.premierboxingchampions.com, follow on Twitter @SHOSports and @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, @AbnerMares, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, WWW.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment иwww.facebook.com/BarclaysCenter.