Archivo de la categoría: Showtime Boxeo


Jarrett Hurd noquea a Oscar Molina en el combate inaugural del SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® por la cadena CBS, Presentado por Premier campeones de boxeo, Desde Barclays Center en Brooklyn

Haga clic en AQUÍ para fotos de Esther Lin / Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

Haga clic en AQUÍ para fotos de Ryan Greene / Premier Boxing Champions

Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos de Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment


BROOKLYN (Junio 26, 2016) - Prizefighting regresó a CBS en sábado con un candidato a la Pelea del Año como campeón mundial invicto de peso welter Keith Thurman ex campeón mundial Shawn Porter en una cerrada pero unánime decisión anotó 115-113 por los tres jueces del ring.


La 12,718 los fanáticos que asistieron al Barclays Center en Brooklyn y los espectadores en todo Estados Unidos. viendo el primer evento de boxeo en horario estelar en CBS desde que Muhammed Ali-Leon Spinks en 1978 fueron invitados a una pelea entre dos de las estrellas más brillantes en la división de glamour del boxeo.


Thurman (27-0, 22 KOs) y Porter (26-2-1, 16 KOs) combinado para tirar 1200 golpes en el SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en el evento CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions. El enfrentamiento de la marquesina fue una historia de precisión vs.. actividad, cuando Thurman aterrizó 50 por ciento de sus tiros de la energía, comparado con 38 por ciento para Porter, y 44 por ciento de sus golpes totales en comparación con solo 36 por ciento para el retador. Mientras que Thurman aterrizó en un porcentaje más alto, Porter era el luchador más ocupado, arrojando 100 más golpes a través 12 rondas.


"Una vez" y "Showtime" entregados como se anuncia, con el poderoso francotirador abrochando a Porter varias veces, mientras el enjambre y sofocante Porter se precipitó hacia adelante para intimidar a Thurman contra las cuerdas. Y mientras no hubo derribos, El éxito de taquilla de ida y vuelta nunca careció de acción y culminó con una ovación de pie en el segundo evento de boxeo con mayor asistencia en la historia del Barclays Center..


“Quiero agradecer a Shawn Porter por una tremenda pelea.. Es un gran guerrero,"Dijo Thurman. “La defensa es la clave de la victoria. Ahoga mucho sus golpes y dificulta que los jueces anoten.. Pude mecerlo con claridad, golpes efectivos y creo que esa fue la diferencia hoy.


“Le daría una revancha. Fue una gran pelea. Era un gran oponente. Todos decían ¿sería mi oponente más duro hasta la fecha?. No pude soltarlo, pero lo abroché varias veces ".

El ex campeón mundial Porter, un perenne desvalido pero consumado caballero, no se quejó de estar en el lado perdedor de su segunda decisión cerrada en una pelea por el título.


"Trabajamos duro, Keith es un gran campeón,Porter dijo. "Mi papá dice que mantengas la cabeza en alto. Creo que gané la pelea, pero estoy satisfecho porque el competidor salió esta noche.


“Necesitamos esa revancha. Sé que los fanáticos quieren esa revancha. Si me da otra oportunidad, Voy a trabajar duro en el ring y me voy con su título.”


La pelea de apertura de la transmisión de CBS contó con un enfrentamiento de superwélter invictos como Jarrett Hurd se graduó de prospecto a contendiente legítimo en la clase apilada de 154 libras con un dominio 10º round TKO terminado Oscar Molina.


Hurd (18-0, 12 KOs) llegué a trabajar temprano, derribando a Molina por primera vez en su carrera en la primera ronda con un potente uppercut de derecha. El Hurd más grande y alto fue el luchador más activo desde el principio., desmantelar al previamente invicto olímpico mexicano con un juego interior sumamente efectivo. Hurd lanzó casi 750 golpea 10 rondas, en comparación con sólo 376 para Molina, de conexión en 220 tiros de poder a casi 40 clip de porcentaje.


Hurd puso sello a su actuación en la ronda final, cerrando el espectáculo aterrizando Molina 33-7 en la ronda final. Con Molina recibiendo una paliza brutal y aparentemente indefenso en el último minuto de la ronda final, Ricky González intervino para detener el concurso en 2:02.


“Esta es definitivamente una gran victoria para mi carrera.,Hurd dijo. "Estaba tomando muchos tiros, pero supo sobrevivir. Fue un gran uppercut que lo derribó en la primera ronda.. La gente sabe por mi última pelea que tengo un gran uppercut de derecha. Fue herido un par de veces. No creo que haya sido un mal paro. Molina es un tipo muy duro que seguía llegando.


“Esta pelea aquí me coloca con los mejores contendientes en la división.. Sentí que podría haber ido tres o cuatro rondas más. Me estaba volviendo más fuerte a medida que avanzaba la pelea. Regresaremos al gimnasio para poder volver a entrar.”


Molina (13-1-1, 10 KOs) protestado, pero salvo un sorprendente nocaut, estuvo a solo unos segundos de sufrir la primera derrota de su carrera por decisión unánime..


“Sentí que Hurd estaba lanzando muchos golpes en el décimo asalto, pero realmente no me estaban lastimando.,"Dijo Molina. "Estaba ocupado pero nunca me lastimó realmente.


“Bajé y tenía la cabeza gacha y me atrapó con ese uppercut en el primer asalto. Me atrapó con un disparo que no esperaba, pero definitivamente fue una caída rápida.. No estaba herido.


“Se suponía que debía usar mucho más mi juego de pies, pero terminé sofocando mis tiros.. Tuvo una defensa incómoda con mucho agacharse y no pude ponerme en ritmo.


“Esta fue una gran oportunidad para mí y sentí que peleé una buena pelea.. Voy a volver mas fuerte. Vamos a trabajar en muchas cosas y volver allí.”


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions, fue promovido por DiBella Entertainment.


Más temprano en la noche en SHOWTIME, La sensación de peso pesado invicto Anthony Joshua defendió con éxito su Campeonato Mundial de Peso Pesado de la FIB por primera vez con un nocaut en el séptimo asalto del previamente invicto estadounidense Dominic Breazeale en el O2 de Londres.. VIDEO:


A continuación se muestran citas de Joshua después Sábado de ganar en SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL:


Muchos pensaron que Dominic Breazeale no podría hacer frente a su poder y velocidad, pero ¿estabas agradecido por la oportunidad de trabajar un poco más en tus habilidades de boxeo??

"Bien, es difícil porque puedes ver que se lastiman con cada disparo – bueno, no todas las tomas – pero cuando empiezas a cogerlos al rubor, pueden sentir los disparos con estos guantes de diez onzas en. Así, Es solo cuestión de tiempo, pero en el proceso no quería recibir ningún generador de heno en el camino de regreso.


"Ha sido difícil que tuve dos semanas libres después de mi última pelea, y regresé directamente al gimnasio, así que fue difícil. Tengo un pequeño descanso por una vez y luego puedo volver con las baterías recargadas.”


Sabemos que Deontay Wilder estaba viendo la pelea. ¿Tienes un mensaje para él?, el campeón del CMB?

“Increíble persona inspiradora. El fue paciente, 30-peleas extrañas [y] puso sus manos en el WBC [cinturón]. Estoy siguiendo su ejemplo. Me dirijo a los EE. UU.. con SHOWTIME apoyándome también. Así, el vio eso.


“Puede recoger lo que quiera de ese, pero es tan diferente cuando están en el ring con los demás. Así que un día podremos experimentar de qué se trata el otro.”


¿Con quién quieres pelear después??

“Bueno, creo que tendrá que ser algo como [Joseph] Parker. Realmente estaba mirando a Fury ... espero que se mejore pronto. Se lastimó el tobillo lamentablemente, que lo ha pospuesto porque esperaba conseguirlo en algún momento del invierno si todo iba bien 9 de julio como lo hizoesta noche, pero tendremos que reprogramarlo y mientras tanto, podemos mirar a otros oponentes como Parker, si el esta vacante, o cualquier otra persona que la gente quiera.”


¿En qué crees que aún necesitas trabajar??

"Descanso. necesito descansar. Estoy cansado, Estoy trabajando duro y como dije, ahora puedo conseguir


Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter y @Swanson_Comm o conviértete en un fan en Facebook en,, y

Keith Thurman, Shawn Porter, Jarrett Hurd & Oscar Molina Final Press Conference Quotes & Fotos

(Crédito de la imagen: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)
There are real stakes on the line Sábado noche.
Our careers are on the line.” — KeithThurman
I’ve never been more excited to fight in my life.” – Shawn Porter
Haga clic en AQUÍ for Photos from Ryan Greene/Premier Boxing Champions,
Ed Diller / DiBella Entertainment
Haga clic en AQUÍ Para Photos From Esther Lin / SHOWTIME®
BROOKLYN, N.Y. (Junio 23, 2016) – Keith Thurman y Shawn Porter fue cara a cara Jueves at the final press conference before their eagerly anticipated welterweight world title showdown this Saturday, Junio 25 in primetime as SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® por la cadena CBS, presentado por Liga de Campeones de Boxeo, comes to Barclays Center in Brooklyn.
Live televised coverage begins at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT and features undefeated super welterweights Jarrett Hurd y Oscar Molina in a 10-round rumble of rising contenders.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $49 y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
The press conference took place at the Dream Hotel PHD Rooftop in downtown Manhattan. Esto es lo que los participantes tenían que decir Jueves:
KEITH Thurman
It’s an honor to be on this platform. I’m excited to be back at Barclays Center. My last fight at Barclays Center was the first time I felt the fans give me love and I felt like I made it.
I’m excited to feel the energy in the arena. We’re recovered and we’re ready. We did what we needed to so that we’re ready forSábado noche.
As I think about this fight, these are dreams coming true for me. Sometimes I feel like I’m living a dream. I think about how I was raised by Ben Getty to this moment. Ben used to say that my moment was ‘right around the corner,’ and now it’s here. He was a wise man and he knew what he was talking about.
This is a great fight. This is what the boxing fans want to see. I truly believe you are looking at two of the best welterweights in the world.
I’m here as an entertainer. I’m here for the love of the sport. The fans want to see these kinds of fights. It’s obvious in the welterweight division that we are the two most exciting and devastating fighters in the division.
Everybody kept talking about the sparring video, so I just decided to put it out. Sparring is sparring and fighting is fighting. This fight will be judged and this time I’ll have eight-ounce gloves on.
It’s always been my dream to be the undisputed champion of the world.
I’m looking forward to a great performance. I’m excited to a great challenge from Shawn Porter. There is a burning desire within myself to have a knockout victory. It’s hard to make world-class fighters quit. The fans ultimately want to see that knockout victory.
There are real stakes are on the line este sábado noche. Our careers are on the line. My title is on the line. My undefeated record is on the line. It’s a great fight and a great matchup.
I do believe that with each and every fight, you step up, you step up and you step up. Así, thus the stakes are always higher and there are those times where you get a decent fight. Pero como he dicho, this is a great fight at a great moment of both athletes’ carreras. We are both in our prime. I’m 27-years-old, Shawn is 28-years-old, we’ve both accomplished many great things and a victory en sábado night is just going to be another thing to add to the resume.
This really is the best fight of the best. We’re trying to satisfy the fans and we’re trying to challenge ourselves, push ourselves, and see where we fit in and how great we really are. I’m going to show you Sábado night how great Keith “Una Vez” Thurman really is.
Just like Ali said, Sábado noche, I’m going to show you how great I am.
“Esta aquí. It’s been long anticipated and it’s here. I have never been more excited to fight in my life. Es una bendición. Along this journey I’ve been able to learn the basics and excel in the basics and I found myself in a position where I’ve been able to be very successful.
My hometown Cleveland Cavaliers winning the NBA title is definitely a motivation. It motivates me to be a winner. I want to bring this belt back to Ohio.
I’m looking forward to this kind of moment to shine. That’s how you gain notoriety and become bigger. No hay presión, just excitement.
I’m just looking forward to getting in there and getting that energetic feeling. I want to feel the excitement of getting into the ring and all the adrenaline that rushes through.
This is the fight I wanted. I wanted to have fun training for a fight like this. Keith has made it possible. He’s so good it pushes me to be better.
This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last time that two friends fight. I’m done talking about us being friends because it’s time for us to start punching each other. My plan is to have great defense, avoid getting hit and win the fight.
I didn’t take much time off after the postponement. We tried to train and stay ready through the cancellation. You never know when the phone is going to ring. We just wanted to stay in shape, get better and be ready for anything.
I feel like if Floyd Mayweather comes back, he should fight the winner of this matchup. I believe that will be me.
I’m not going to go in there looking for a knockout and throw my hands wildly. I’m going to keep up the pace that I normally keep up. I’m a great boxer. People consider me a boxer, but I may surprise you.
I’m thankful for this opportunity. This is a great shot for me right now. In my last fight I had an opportunity similar to this. I was a fill-in for television and I did what I was supposed to do.
Success is accomplished when preparation meets opportunity. I know things like this can happen. It doesn’t change anything. We’re going to go out and do what we trained for.
You always get butterflies before getting in the ring but that’s normal. Molina is very experienced and has good hand speed but I know what I can do. We’re ready for this.
I’m happy to be on this stage. This could be the biggest fight of the year and I’m extremely blessed to open it up.
I’m going to go out there and put on another terrific performance. Molina, he’s an Olympian and he has a lot of experience. He’s a crafty fighter and we’re going to do what we have to do to get the victory.
We’re ready to do what we’re going to do. Va a ser una gran pelea en sábado noche.”
“Estoy listo para esto. I’m more than ready for this. These type of fights are what gets me up to train.
This guy I’m fighting is young, undefeated and a prospect like myself. I know he’s going to be ready and it’s going to be a tough fight but I’m ready for him.
This is a huge deal for me. I was already excited to be on this huge undercard. When they told me that I was moving up to CBS I knew how big of an opportunity it is for me and my career.
Hurd is a tall and lanky fighter. I saw his last fight and I see that he does well with guys who are flat footed. My boxing skills and my footwork are something he’s never seen before. Frank Galarza was tailor-made for Hurd and I think I’m going to be able to give him different looks.
I’m a boxer-puncher and I can adapt to different styles. I also have power for big knockouts but my boxing skills are most important.
Fighting in the Olympics taught me to adapt to different styles. I have a fan-friendly style and I’m excited to put on a show.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
“Estamos listos para esta pelea. Keith trains hard every day and we know Shawn and Kenny well. I’ve brought them to my gym and these two guys have gone a lot of rounds together.
I think Keith Thurman is the most gifted guy in boxing. He does everything right. Sábado night we’re looking for a great fight and I know in my heart that we will be victorious.
KEN PORTER, Padre de Porter & Entrenador
“Es genial estar aquí. It’s great to be on this stage with Shawn. This isn’t something we just started getting ready for, this is something he’s been getting ready for since birth. I always had a mindset to put Shawn in a position to excel in life. He has not disappointed.
I know these guys are going to give it everything they have. It will be 100 percent for as long as it lasts. We’re prepared to take the championship. These are great guys here to the right, pero en sábado we’re bringing everything to the table.
We’re coming to deliver a great show. Enjoy yourselves en sábado noche.”
Lou DiBella, El presidente de DiBella Entertainment
This is what it’s all about. Este sábado noche, the best is fighting the best. It’s right here in Brooklyn on CBS. It’s the first fight on CBS in primetime since Muhammad Ali fought over 30 hace años que.
“Esta es una excelente carta de arriba a abajo. There is a tremendous undercard, a great co-feature and a main event that boxing fans have been waiting for a long time.
This is an undercard chock full of talent. You will want to get there early as there are evenly matched bouts all night.
SHOWTIME has highlighted the 154-pound division in recent shows, so it makes sense that there will be another significant matchup in that division on CBS Sábado night with Jarrett Hurd and Oscar Molina.
We’re not going to talk about friendship and respect anymore with these two guys, that’s in the past and the future. These guys know their future is dependent on beating up the other guy and a fight of this magnitude makes the stakes even higher.
The best want to fight the best and it starts Sábado noche. The winner of this fight wants to be the best in the world. Both men want to be an undisputed welterweight champion.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo & Gerente General, SHOWTIME Sports
Junio 25 is a very special day and night for us at CBS. It begins with the heavyweight world title being contested between Anthony Joshua and Dominic Breazeale and then the return of boxing to primetime CBS for the first time in almost 40 año.
This was an easy fight to make. Shawn and Keith, neither one hesitated for a second in taking this fight. All credit goes to them for taking this fight. It’s a difficult fight for both on a big stage.
Boxing takes criticism for not making the right fights at the right time. One of the bad habits we have is that we spend time thinking about fights that might get made. But now we have the right fight, at the right time and at the right venue. It’s a disservice to not recognize that what is going en sábado is very special and very exciting.
BRETT Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Entretenimiento
It’s an exciting week at Barclays Center. Esta noche we host the NBA Draft, the weigh-in mañana and our big event Sábadonoche. The momentum is building for this fight and we are on pace for the biggest crowd for a boxing event since we opened.
We are excited about bringing a great night of fights to Brooklyn. We welcome Keith Thurman and Shawn Porter back to Brooklyn as they have both fought there once before.
It’s become tradition to have both of you fight in our ring and we know how popular you are with our fans and we love to have you back.
This will be the first primetime fight on CBS since the first Muhammad Ali-Leon Spinks fight in 1978 and it’s a big moment for the boxing community for sure. We look forward to hosting everyone en sábado noche.”
Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter y @Swanson_Comm o conviértete en un fan en Facebook en,, y

Major statement made by Undefeated Demetrius “Boo Boo” Andrade

PROVIDENCE (Junio 23, 2016) – A year after he was stripped of his world super welterweight title by the World Boxing Organization (OMB), invicto peso súper welter Demetrio “Boo Boo” Andrade has repositioned himself off of his sensational June 11 º stoppage of Willle “El Grande” Nelson en SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®.
The 28-year-old Andrade (23-0, 16 KOs) decked Nelson (25-3-1, 15 KOs) cuatro veces, finishing off his game opponent who’d never been knocked out, en el 12º round of their fight at Turning Stone Casino (Verona, N.Y).
Andrade successfully defended his WBO International title and also gained several valuable options in terms of world title and/or major fights. He is now the No. 1 mandatory contender in the World Boxing Council (CMB), waiting to challenge the winner of a mandated title fight between new champion Jermell Charlo and WBC Silver title holder Charles Hatley. La 2008 U.S. Olympian is No. 2 en el de la OMB, No. 3 in the World Boxing Association (AMB), y Miguel Cotto is No. 1 in both of those sanctioning organizations.
After his sensational, statement-making performance against Nelson, Andrade said he wanted to fight anybody whose name started with “C” and ended in ‘O” – the Charlo brothers (IBF champion isJermall Charlo), Cotto and “Canelo” (Saúl Alvarez).
I am the best fighter in the 154-pound division,” Andrade proclaimed. “I’m the No. 1 contender in the WBO. Liam Smith is holding my belt but I don’t believe he’ll fight me. I’m the WBC mandatory for the Charlo-Hatley winner. Once I get that belt I’ll beat Charlo’s twin for the IBF title and I’ve been calling out (WBA champ Erislandy) Lara por mucho tiempo. But ‘Canelois the big money fight out there for me and who I want the most. I can be ready for him in September for his next fight. Al final de la día, we’ll see what’s up, but I want to get right back in the ring as soon as one of these guys step up to fight me.
During his long layoff, Andrade made a conscious effort to be a more fan-friendly fighter, building up his strength to go along with his superior quickness. Many called his last fight, ‘Mayweather-like,’ in which Demetrius displayed tremendous power and explosiveness, which complemented his incredible boxing skills and defense.
When I first turned pro,” Andrade explicó, “I was getting in the ring with some good fighters, so I was cautious and settled in on just getting a victory. I learned that I needed to change in order to put butts in seats. I don’t get hit and I also showed that I could go 12 rondas, good for experience, and still takeout a tough fighter like Nelson who had never been stopped. I wasn’t going for the knockout but, after I caught him early with a right hook, I knew that it would come if I was patient and kept up the pressure. I think Willie can give any of the other top guys at 154 a good fight. He has a big heart and came to win. It wasn’t as easy as it may have looked on the scorecards. Willie pushed me to look good. During my layoff, I worked hard on my craft to be better, concentrating on strength and conditioning, and it really showed in my last fight. I worked on my fundamentals and had a lot of success going to the body. I believe fans saw improvement in my performance and appreciated it.
More comfortable knowing his promotional issues are now in the past (his A Team Promotions owns 50% of his rights to go along with 25% each for Banner Promotions (Artie Pelullo) y Star Boxing (Joe DeGuardia), Andrade is prepared to clean out the 154-division before eventually moving up in weight to take on Gennady Golovkin in what Andrade believes can be a mega-fight in due time.
I’ve always known since I first saw Demetrius in the ring at 14 years old that he was going to become a superstar,” A Team Promotions president Y Farris comentado. “There were so many doubters and obstacles along the way. It sure took a long time to get here but I’m so happy for him that his moment has finally arrived. You don’t know how good it feels to see him fulfill his destiny.
Andrade, de hecho, hasn’t lost inside the ring in nearly eight years, when he was ripped off against Korean boxer Kim Jung-Joo, 11-9, en los cuartos de final de la 2008 Juegos Olímpicos de Beijing, China. The boxer named “Boo Boo” – as a kid with cuts, bumps and bruisesdoesn’t plan on changing his unbeaten script.
I’m still untouchable,” Andrade concluyó. “I’ve shown my continued commitment to boxing. It’s ‘Boo Boo’ tiempo!”
Gorjeo: @BooBooBoxing
Instagram: @BooBooATeam




You’re in my jungle now– Anthony Joshua

“I came across the pond to get my belt and take it back home with me” – Dominic Breazeale


Haga clic en AQUÍ Para las fotos; Credit Lawrence Lustig/Matchroom Sport


LONDRES (Junio 23, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 KOs) and fellow unbeaten American challenger Dominic Breazeale (17-0, 15 KOs), participated in the final press conference el jueves at Sky Sports Studios in London, just two days before their showdown este sábado.


The British sensation and 2012 Medallista de oro de los Juegos Olímpicos, Joshua will make the first defense of his title against Breazeale, un 2012 U.S. Olympian from Upland, Calif., este Sábado, Junio 25 en SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNACIONAL® from a sold-out The O2 en Londres, vivirTIEMPO DE LA FUNCION® on at 5:15 p.m. Y/2:15 p.m. PT.


Fellow heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder, the undefeated WBC titleholder, will join the SHOWTIME announce team as an in-studio guest analyst for coverage of Joshua-Breazeale from New York.


A few hours later Sábado, en horario estelar en CBS (9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions.


Below is what the fighters had to say at the final press conference, followed by some recent fight week quotes. (Courtesy Sky Sports and Matchroom Sport)




You’re in my jungle now. No hay presión sobre mí.


“Once that bell goes, you can’t hide the instinct, the instinct that you want to get someone out of there. I hope I can go in there, stay relaxed and do what I planned to do. But once that bell rings something just comes over you and you want to get him out of there ASAP.


There will always be pressure. But look, it’s always been the same concept: Train hard – it’s the same ring. It hasn’t changed.


I’ve got nothing to lose. I’ve always explained let’s get rid of the belts, the atmosphere, because when the bell goes it’s just me and him in the ring. Two gladiators, two respectful warriors coming together. We’re going to slug it out and put our 0s on the line.


“I’m prepared, Dominic is prepared well, and one of us has to take a loss.


Each fight is a stepping stone to the big tests. I want to look like the real deal.


I think we’re in the golden era of boxing again.”


DOMINIC Breazeale:

I respect you as a fighter, but I’m going to beat you. I’ve got to beat the best of the best.


“No puedo esperar, it’s been an opportunity I’ve been waiting eight years for this. It’s an opportunity of a lifetime and I’m ready for this.


“Cuente con fuegos artificiales. We’ll be going round for round, punch for punch and I expect to knock out Joshua.


“I got a big right hand, I have a big left hook. I stand 6-foot-7, 255 libra. I’m unorthodox – I’m a guy that can fight on the inside, I’m a guy that can take a punch, I’m a guy that can give a punch. So if any one of those given things show up en sábado night I’m getting a knockout, seguro.


“It’s a major advantage just for me to have Anthony Joshua the whole time. I don’t want him at any given point for him to feel like he’s in his comfort zone, his own backyard or his own little lion’s den.


“That’s what I came across the pond to do. I came across the pond to get my belt and take it back home with me.


“It’s my Super Bowl. Being a former football player, this is my Super Bowl.”


Everybody keeps comparing me to Charles Martin, the only thing that we have in common is that we’re both American. We have a completely different fight style, different goals in life.


I’m a big puncher, so is Anthony Joshua. He has the belt and I intend to have it en sábado noche.






"Estoy 16 peleas, 16 victorias, Dominic is 17 peleas, 17 victorias. We’ve been pro for the same amount of time, amateurs for the same time so we’re at a similar level on paper.


“People think this will end in two rounds? Brilliant. I am winning fights early because of my talent and hard work. Where I am in my career, it’s a perfect fight.


“I don’t overlook anyone. People talk and talk, that’s irrelevant. It’s all about whether he can fight. I think he believes in himself, but he knows what’s in store here, he needs to know I’m serious about this boxing. He thinks he’s going to KO me, he’s dismissed Charles Martinsometimes you just have to humble somebody and show levels, let them know it’s not that easy.


“The second I stepped in to the pros it was ‘Boom!' — Anthony Joshua – headlining. That’s not down to me, its media channels and people wanting to get to know the guy behind the gloves. So it’s been hard to build a career at the right pace without criticism because people want to see me in massive fights right now.


“You can’t jump from hero to zero, there are people guiding us over a long and a dangerous career. People have to understand that it’s a development of a career, and if I ever train a fighter, I’ll tell them the same thing.”


On fellow heavyweight world champions Deontay Wilder and Tyson Fury:

“This won’t be my only defense, I want there to be lots and lots, and at the right time I will fight David Haye, Tyson Fury, Deontay Wilder and the rest. We’re in an era now where we have to fight each other. There’s never been an era when the best don’t fight the best at heavyweightbut they have to happen at the right time, and they will.


“We are all world champions as we hold all the belts that are available. We’re all talented. Deontay has defended his title multiple times so you have to give him credit for that. Tyson and I haven’t defended yet, so I put Deontay at the top. But Tyson beat Wladimir Klitschko who reigned for such a long time.


“I am happy because I became a world champion in my 16th fight and they won theirs later in their careers. But Tyson beat the main man in the division, and Deontay has defended his belt lots of times, so I am in third right now, but I am building my way up.


“Put the belts to one side, they don’t give you magical powers. A lot of fighters lose their belt in their first defense. It’s about developing your raw talent and making sure you keep on an upward curve because there’s hungry young challengers snapping at your heels all the time, ready to expose you – and I refuse that to happen to me.”


On Charles Martin:

"Antes de la pelea, no one criticized (Charles) Martín. He was undefeated, knocking guys out, tall southpaw, dangerous. Bookies were taking a lot of bets on him knocking me out. Tyson Fury backed him to do just that and a lot of people thought it would be tricky. Up until I beat him, he was seen as a worthy fighter. I figured him out quickly and I made him look bad. He didn’t look like the champion people thought he was, but you have to respect him.”


On thinking about losing:

“I think about losing all the time, I’m scared of it. That keeps me humble and working hard. I don’t think people are going to beat me or anything, but I don’t want to lose, and I know that if I work hard and keep improving, I won’t lose.


“I get enough attention from this job. Hay 20,000 fans at the fights, millions watching on TV around the world. I don’t need to seek attention. I’m not a trash talker because the fists do the talking.’’


On being a role model:

“I know that there are a lot of kids watching me now and their parents say ‘my son loves youand that’s in my mind.


“I’ll be myself all the time, but that sense of being a role model and having kid’s look up to you, that checks the emotions that could come out if you get wound up. You have to conduct yourself.’’


On Tyson Fury:

“Tyson talks a lot. I hear so many different things, if he was consistent with what he says then maybe I’d think he was digging a bit, but it’s just water off a duck’s back. No lo conozco, but as long as people are saying ‘when are you going to fight him?’ then I like him because he is relevant.


“It would be such a huge fight and one that would be part of my legacy. I think because he’s beaten Wladimir once he can do it again. I didn’t think he’d win the first fight, but he pulled it off.


“I’d love to fight Tyson – it’s a match-up that needs to happen. There have been talks, whether they are a quick chat or serious negotiations, but you can’t click your fingers and come up with a mega fight. It takes time, but they are in the pipeline and we’re building towards them, and in the meantime I want to test myself and learn my craft. I need to perform well to prove that I can handle the massive fights.’’


On fellow British heavyweight David Haye:

“David is running the show and people know it, so when he goes in against soft opponents, he’s putting his neck on the line to get the stick. Fans expect more from him and he’s not meeting those levels, and that’s where the backlash comes from. The people he’s calling out versus the two guys he has fought, they just don’t add up, and that’s what people are frustrated about.


“I don’t think you can knock the Shannon Briggs fight. He’s made a lot of noise, he’s old school and it’s a good fight for David to take, win and move upwards. Shannon had made noise and he’s got his moment and who knows? Maybe he can shock the world. He’s old, but he trains hard and he’s in great condition, and that’s why people love the heavyweights because it’s that one shot.


“A fight with Fury and I is the biggest fight in British boxing in my opinion. The Haye fight is big too; there’s enough media interest for it to be big. It’s already big and we’re not even fighting yet, so imagine how big it would be once we get in there. It’d be unbelievable and that’s why I am so interested in the fights.”


DOMINIC Breazeale:

“I plan on putting on some extreme pressure and taking Joshua to places he’s never been. We’ll find out if he can handle it.


“Do I want to see him go into uncharted territory? Por supuesto, sin duda.


“I’ve been there, I know what it feels like and I’ve done it several times now. Al mismo tiempo, I’m not going to let an opportunity pass me. If I see something I can take in the first or second round, I’m definitely going to get him out of there.


“I’ve sparred guys that are bigger than me, I’ve sparred some guys smaller than me. I’ve been the tallest thus far (de sus oponentes profesionales), but I don’t think the difference in a matter of inches is going to make that big of a difference. The guys I’ve sparred with are 10 times better than Anthony Joshua.


“I think that it’s going to be one of those situations that it is not going to be a difference of size or weight. It’s going to be the difference of skill and experience.


“When you think of a heavyweight champion you want to make sure he’s fought the best, and I think that’s why Joshua has chosen me as his opponent to defend against. That’s what he plans on getting out of the situation if he can make it through the 12 rondas.


“I think Joshua’s thinking of me as a stepping stone and he’s going to be sorry about that. He’s just wrong. He’s fighting a guy at 6-foot-7, 255 pounds that brings the pressure and a great pace from round-to-round.


“I’m one of those guys that I might take a shot, I might work some defense or I might work a strong jab. De cualquier manera, I’m going to make it a fight. All of my opponents have been down on the canvas and I don’t think Joshua is going to come shy of that as well.


“I’ve been picked as the smaller guy in the ring, by the IBF as a stepping stone and I feel like my back is against the wall. I’m going to come out fighting.


“To come here and win the IBF title in London is a major thing for me that I plan to achieve. Then I want to continuing to go after all the titles.


“My mind set has definitely changed. The situation that I’m in mentally is just different compared to some of my fights in the past. My confidence level is through the roof and physically I feel great.


“I think the heavyweight division is getting ready to change. With individuals like myself, Deontay and Tyson, we have guys who are characters who bring a lot of charisma to the division. That’s something that we need. Sí, we are athletes but in the end we are entertainers and we want to see a show. I’m the type of guy that brings a show every single time I fight. It’s action-packed from the opening bell to the end, and fight fans are looking for that. That’s what is going to resurrect the heavyweight division.’’


On his win over Amir Mansour:

“That was another confidence booster for me. It’s one thing to finish a guy in the first round with three punches or something like that. It’s another thing to finish a guy in the sixth, seventh round with a combination of shots.


“Amir put me down on the canvas in the second, I battled back and ended up breaking the man’s jaw.


“It gives me something to work on. I know I was able to come back and be very successful from it. Anytime you get a win of that matter where you get a guy, break him down, break him down where he quits on the stool, it’s a huge confidence booster. It makes you understand as an athlete or as a professional boxer that you’ve got punching power, you just broke another man’s jaw.’’


On returning to London after the 2012 Juegos Olímpicos:

“I think it’s going to beautiful. It’s going to be great to go back to where my amateur career ended and beat the guy who won the gold medal. That’s going to be great. Y luego, on top of that, take away more hardware with the IBF Heavyweight title. You couldn’t ask for anything better.


“Then again I do understand and believe I’m a completely different fighternot only am I a professional but I no longer fight an amateur style. I would consider myself a knockout artist with some pretty good punching power and that’s what I plan on showing the UK fans and my U.S. following. It’s a chapter that needs to be closed and I plan on doing that.’’


On the state of the heavyweight division:

“I believe that we’ve got a lot of heavyweights who are doing real well and are real successful in their situations, some being titleholders, some not. But I think it’s going to be a revolving circle. Me fighting Anthony Joshua, then going on to Deontay and Fury, Wladimir Klitschko might even hang around for a while. Will it ever be compared to the Ali days or Riddick Bowe and the Evander Holyfield days? No lo sé. Bowe and Holyfield had one great trilogy and I study it all the time. So it all depends on how much each fighter has left in him.’’


Para obtener más información, visite, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, o Hazte fan en Facebook en y


Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua @AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.



Este Sábado, Junio 25, Live in Primetime at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT en la CBS
Haga clic en AQUÍ For PBC Fighter Prediction Video
NUEVA YORK (Junio 22, 2016) – Their peers in the welterweight division – campeones del mundo, former champions, contenders and top prospectscan’t pick a definitive winner between defending WBA 147-pound king Keith “Una Vez” Thurman (26-0, 22 KOs) y el ex campeón del mundo “Tiempo De La Funcion” Shawn Porter (26-1-1, 16 KOs).
The majority of the fighters polledsome of whom are potential opponents down the line for the winnerlean toward Thurman, but most all concede that Sábado de eagerly awaited main event of a SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® on CBS event, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions (9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT) at Barclays Center is going to be an intense, emocionante, tight fight from start to finish that could go either way.
Here’s how the boxers see “Thurman vs. Desgaste”:
Danny García (Campeón de peso welter del CMB): “I think this is a great matchup. Thurman has the boxing ability and the movement while Shawn Porter is the aggressor and he’s going to bring the heat. To be honest with you it’s a 50-50 lucha, but I would give the edge to Keith Thurman by a very close decision.
Kell Brook (Campeón de peso welter de la FIB):”This is a great fight, one I can’t wait to watch. If Shawn can stick to his boxing I think he can become world champion again on points, but Keith is heavy-handed and he could walk Shawn onto oneit’s really a pick ’em fight for me.
Errol Spence Jr. (El invicto contendiente de peso welter): “I think this is a great fight between young fighters with good skill. Shawn throws a lot of punches while Thurman is a boxer who can punch too. I know Shawn will be aggressive and it should make for a great fight. If Keith can box and keep Shawn Porter on the outside I see Keith Thurman winning. If Shawn stays on the inside and stays in the chest of Keith, I see him winning.
Otros Berto (Former Welterweight Champion): “Shawn is going to come, but I think Keith will be on his toes and box but also drop hard shots as well when Shawn comes in. Keith can be very versatile in there and has a lot of great skills, while Shawn is more like a bull. Keith will hurt or knock Shawn down but will keep coming all night.
Sammy Vazquez (El invicto contendiente de peso welter): “Shawn is a pressure fighter and Thurman used to be a pressure fighter but now he boxes. It’s really hard for me to decide who is going to come out on top. Thurman has good power. It all depends on how Shawn is able to take Thurman’s punches. I think Thurman because of the power but Shawn will bring it for 12 rondas.”
Robert Guerrero (Former Welterweight Champion): This is a fight the fans are going to love watching. Both Thurman and Porter bring exciting styles to the ring. I think if Porter can keep the fight on the inside he’ll have a better chance to come out victorious. But Keith Thurman is a very smart and powerful fighter and will make the right adjustments. I just think Thurman is going to outbox Porter. I’m picking Thurman to win by decision in a very tough fight.
Luis Collazo (Former Welterweight Champion): “I’m not sure who the favorite is, but I’m going with Porter. I like his style and I think it’s going to be interesting to see how Thurman holds up with the pressure Porter is going to bring.
Devon Alexander (Former Welterweight Champion): “Es una pelea muy emocionante. Both fighters are come forward type fighters and they swing for the fences when they throw. I don’t know who will come out on top because they have similar styles. Shawn Porter has decent power, but out of the two Keith has the more power. Veremos. This is boxing.
# # #
The live CBS telecast with open with a 10-round matchup between undefeated super welterweight prospects Jarrett Hurd yOscar Molina
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $49 y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP. Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.
Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter y @Swanson_Comm o conviértete en un fan en Facebook en,, y

Unbeaten IBF World Heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua, El invicto, World-Ranked Challenger Dominic Breazeale International Media Conference Call Highlights

“That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down” – Anthony Joshua

“I can’t wait to get in the ring and shock the world” – Dominic Breazeale

Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Sábado, Junio 25,
From The O2 in London

NUEVA YORK (Junio 20, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Antonio Josué (16-0, 16 KOs) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Dominic Breazeale (17-0, 15 KOs) of Upland, Calif., esteSábado, Junio 25 en SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNACIONAL® desde The O2en Londres, vivir TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION® on at 5:15 p.m. Y/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions.

Both Joshua and Breazeale participated in an international media conference call los lunes. Also taking part were Stephen Espinoza, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Gerente General de SHOWTIME Sports; Eddie Hearn, Managing Director of Matchroom Sport and Brittany Goossen of TGB Promotions introducing Breazeale.

Below are highlights of what the principals had to say on the conference call. A full transcript will be available in the coming days.


Thoughts on his preparation for the fight:

“I feel great condition wise, and mentally I’m in a good place. I’ve never felt so relaxed because I just know I’m capable of doing it. I’ve trained weeks and years and it’s just about getting it right on the night of the fight. My tactics and my mind have not let me down so far, so that’s why I don’t want to change anything.

“I’m not putting too much pressure on myself. I’m going to attack the fight the same way I have my last 16 and put on an explosive show. That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down.

“Every fight can be my last fight. As much as I would like to tell you I’m confident and ‘I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that’ I do understand I have to approach this as if it could be my last fight.

“I know he can hang around, he doesn’t go down easy. He’s a big guy, he can eat shots. The Dominic Breazeale I’m used to watching on YouTube and I’m reading about is the enhanced Dominic Breazeale – the Dominic Breazeale that is 50 percent better because I think he knows he wants to come prove himself on a global stage. And this is his chance come Sábado, so I need to prepare for the best of Breazeale.”

On going from being the hunter as a challenger to being the hunted as a champion:

“I’m not the cream of the crop in the gym. I’m around guys that are achieving things on the same level so I’m still hunting. I still have that mentality as if I’m a main killer in the jungle. I haven’t lost that hunger.

On potential to fight in the US in the future:

“I just keep on hearing the United States is where it’s happening. And if I come to the U.S., I’m going to shut it down.”

Thoughts on Breazeale’s performance against Amir Mansour:

“He’s a tough guy. He managed to go out there and break Mansour’s jaw and capture a win, which has led him into where he is now. Whichever angels were floating in the ring with him that day have led him to this point, so I’ve got to put an end to his dream.”

On winning a piece of the heavyweight championship in just his 16º pelea profesional:

“It didn’t mean much. I still have another couple titles I need to get my hands on. I’m still hunting. There’s still work to be done. So it only ticked one of the boxes on my to-do list.”

DOMINIC Breazeale

“I’m out here very excited. I can’t wait to get in the ring Junio 25 and shock the world, eso es seguro. I’ve been lucky enough to prepare for the biggest fight of my life and I’m really super excited about it.”

On why he thinks he was selected for this matchup:

"Honestamente, the way I see it is that someone didn’t do their research. They didn’t look deep enough. They didn’t find out enough about me and maybe they’re looking at me as just another football player that transitioned into boxing. And I’m hoping they’re overlooking me. It definitely can be a situation where they’re just watching one fight, especially my last fight. But there’s been a lot of tough ones. If they’re looking at that one situation, I’m glad because that’s to my liking.”

On his feelings about fighting overseas:

“The way I’m thinking about it is, Junio 25, I gain 20,000 ventiladores. I’m in a situation where I’m very confident going into this fight and I know for sure I’m going to put on a great show, come out victorious and go back to the U.S. con 20,000 UK fans.

“I definitely believe [Josué] realizes; he understands that he’s got a big test in front of him. He’s got a big fighter in front of him. He’s got a guy that’s going to break him down, test his will and see if he is a true champion.

“I am coming into this fight very confident and I’ve got some things that I know are going to work for me, as well as some things that I plan on exploiting out of Joshua.

“I’m blessed to have been picked for this fight and am thankful for this opportunity. The way I look at it, and the way I look at every fight that I go into, is that as long as I do everything that I need to do in the gym as far as sparring, preparation and training, running my miles, sleeping right and eating right – I’ve crossed all of my T’s and dotted all of my I’s. I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve got nothing to second-guess. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to and I just can’t wait to shine.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports

“Anthony quickly went from a diamond in the rough to really one of the foremost stars in the UK and Europe, and we are happy to be his partner as he establishes his presence in North America.

“We are particularly excited about this bout because we have, pardon the phraseology, two behemoths. There are two skilled boxers, really the epitome of what heavyweight boxing should be – grande, strong athletes skilled in their sport, with amateur pedigree, meeting on the afternoon here in the US, evening in the UK to determine who is the best fighter.”

EDDIE HEARN, Presidente, Matchroom Sport

“Over here, the feeling is that it’s going to be quite a routine defense, but Anthony hasn’t trained like that. He is not expecting that. He knows the background and roots of Dominic Breazeale. He knows his skill, and he knows how dangerous he can be and he knows how hungry he is as well. I think you’re going to get a different kind of fight than the Charles Martin fight. I think you’re going to get a guy that’s not afraid to let his hands go. He’s not going to wait and the sold out O2 Arena is going to be an electric place to be.”

“SHOWTIME is a deal we are very excited about. To link up with an American broadcaster for us was an obvious move, but it was a move we had to choose carefully. And I think we chose very, very well in SHOWTIME.”


“Over here in the U.S. we have gotten to see Dominic grow before our eyes. We know he is definitely capable of challenging for the world title. En Sábadowe expect him to be victorious and bring that back to America.”

Para obtener más información, visite, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, o Hazte fan en Facebook en y

Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.

Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter Undercard Complete

Unbeaten Polish Heavyweight Adam Kownacki Faces MassachusettsJesse Barboza While Undefeated Rising Star Heather Hardy Battles Colorado’s Kirstie SimmonsSábado Barclays Center en Brooklyn
Más! Puerto Rican Prospect Nicklaus Flaz Added to Stacked Undercard
BROOKLYN (Junio 21, 2016) – The stacked undercard for the highly anticipated Keith Thurman vs. Shawn Porter welterweight showdown is complete and will feature a pair of popular Brooklyn fighters as heavyweight Adam Kownacki (13-0, 10 KOs) battles hard-hitting Jesse Barboza (11-1-1, 7 KOs) in an eight-round bout while crowd-pleasing featherweight Brezo “El Heat” Resistente (16-0, 4 KOs) takes on Colorado’s Kirstie Simmons (8-1, 2 KOs) in an eight-round contest on Sábado, Junio 25desde Barclays Center.
La Junio 25 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® on CBS event, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions, is headlined by the world title fight between defending world champion Keith Thurman y el ex campeón Shawn Porter. La cobertura televisada comienza en 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT. The live telecast will open with an exciting battle between undefeated super welterweight prospects Jarrett Hurd y Oscar Molina.
Additional undercard action features unbeaten prospect Jonathan Alonso taking on Los Angeles native Brian Jones in a junior welterweight match, Bronx native Josue Vargas opposing Oklahoma’s David Nelson in a four-round welterweight bout and a recent addition to the card, Puerto Rico de Nicklaus Flaz, in a four-round junior middleweight battle against Brooklyn’s Mack Babb.
Completed matchups that were previously announced include fast-rising prospect David Benavidez (14-0, 13 KOs) teniendo en Francy Ntetu (16-0, 3 KOs) in an eight-round light heavyweight bout and unbeaten junior welterweight Regis Prograis (17-0, 14 KOs) versus Luis Eduardo Flores (21-3, 17 KOs) en un combate a 10 asaltos.
Las entradas para el evento en vivo, que es promovido por DiBella Entertainment, empieza en $49 y están a la venta. Las entradas pueden adquirirse en línea visitando, o llamando al 1-800-745-3000. Los boletos también están disponibles en la taquilla del American Express en el Barclays Center. Descuentos para grupos están disponibles llamando al 844-BKLYN-GP.
A popular Brooklyn fighter who competed in Barclays Center’s first-ever professional female boxing match, Hardy se ha convertido en un elemento básico en la arena desde. En Junio 25, she will be making her seventh appearance at Barclays Center. A poco más de dos años después de su debut profesional, Hardy ganó un cinturón de campeón internacional en la división de peso súper gallo en octubre 2014. En 2015, she defeated Noemi Bosques and Renata Domsodi twice. In her lone 2016 lucha, she stopped Anna Donatella Hultin in the fourth round. She will be opposed by Aurora, Colorado’s Simmons who has won nine fights in a row after losing her pro debut.
Un niño de dos hora de Nueva York campeón de los Guantes de Oro, Kownacki tuvo una gran 2015, logrando cuatro victorias, incluidos nocauts de Maurenzo Smith y Randy Easton. Nacido en Lomza, Polonia, el joven de 26 años ahora llama a Brooklyn su hogar. Su 2016 campaign began in January at Barclays Center when he defeated Danny Kelly in front of a raucous Polish crowd. He will take on Barboza out of Hyannis, Massachusetts. The 29-year-old Barboza was a three-time New England Heavyweight Golden Gloves champion.
# # #
Plataforma de programación del Barclays Center BROOKLYN BOXEO ™ es presentado por AARP. PBC es patrocinado por Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.
Para obtener más información, visite y, seguirnos en TwitterSHOSports, @PremierBoxing @KeithFThurmanJr, ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter YSwanson_Comm o Hazte fan en Facebook en,, y

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder Sees Anthony Joshua-Dominic Breazeale Fight as 50-50


Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Sábado, Junio 25,
From The O2 in London

NUEVA YORK (Junio 22, 2016) – Unbeaten WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder can’t pick a clear winner for este sábado noche de Anthony Joshua-Dominic Breazeale world title clash.

The undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Joshua (16-0, 16 KOs) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Dominic Breazeale(17-0, 15 KOs) of Upland, Calif., en SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNACIONAL®desde The O2 en Londres, vivir TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION® en 5:15 p.m. Y/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions.

Wilder, who will be part of the in-studio SHOWTIME announce team covering the fight from New York City, is torn on who will triumph when Joshua makes the first defense of the world title he landed in April with a devastating second-round KO win over Charles Martin.

“I definitely see the fight as a 50-50,” said Wilder. “You’ve got two big heavyweights, and the challenger wants what the champion has, and the champion wants to keep what he has.

“It’s going to be interesting because we’ve seen Breazeale in a lot of wars. He’s almost been taken out by some of the smaller heavyweights. He’s been punched around, but he has always survived.

“We’ve seen Joshua (get) busted up as well, but he has kept his composure, and this fight is in his backyard amongst his people.

“I don’t put anything past Breazeale because he’s coming in hustlers’ territory. I think that it’ll be a good fight because of Breazeale – I think he really wants it.”

Wilder makes the fourth defense of his WBC strap on Julio 16 against Chris Arreola in his hometown of Alabama. The 30-year-old says that Joshua will feel like a different fighter as he goes into his first fight as world champion – but that there’s now an even bigger target on his back.

“Once you’ve got that belt, you feel like ‘I’m the man,’ ” said Wilder. “After the first fight, that’s when you really feel confident. You really feel you’re the man, you’re the champ. You’re the ruler once you’ve had your first defense.

“For Joshua, this is his first title defense, so he should feel some kind of security about himself and confidence about himself. But he’s going to find out that to continue his career and defend that title, these guys aren’t going to lay down after one punch or after two punches.

“They’re going to keep taking punches, they’re going to keep getting knocked down and they’re going to keep getting up. This is for a world title. This can bring you out of poverty, Sabes a lo que me refiero? Por esta razón, these challengers are hungry. That’s one of the things that I had to realize.

“I put myself in their position. When I was a challenger, I was hungry and I already had the mentality that ‘you’re going to really have to kill me or hurt me bad to get me out of this ring.’ So that’s the mentality that these challengers have.

“It’s going to be interesting when you have a guy with a big heart that really, really wants it and I think Breazeale really wants it. We’re going to see where his heart is. I can’t say what kind of heart he has, but we’re going to see.”

Breazeale is following compatriot Charles Martin into Joshua’s Greenwich home area. “It takes a lot of courage, will and heart to fight in someone’s backyard,” said Wilder. “It takes someone that has confidence in themselves. And not to mention going to someone else’s country, because then the environment has completely changed. It’s a big difference and not a lot of guys are willing to travel outside of their country where they would be uncomfortable.

“Only a very few that really want to build their legacy, such as myself, will travel and have no problem. I don’t like to worry about judges or nothing. You go do what you have to do. That’s just my philosophy and mentality as a champion now. When you say the Heavyweight Champion of the World, that’s why this is tough, we travel all over the world.”

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Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.

Unbeaten IBF World Heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua, El invicto, World-Ranked Challenger Dominic Breazeale International Media Conference Call Highlights

“That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down” – Anthony Joshua

“I can’t wait to get in the ring and shock the world” – Dominic Breazeale

Breazeale Challenges Joshua This Sábado, Junio 25,
From The O2 in London

NUEVA YORK (Junio 20, 2016) – Undefeated IBF Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua (16-0, 16 KOs) will make the first defense of his title against fellow unbeaten Dominic Breazeale (17-0, 15 KOs) of Upland, Calif., este Sábado, Junio 25 en SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNACIONAL® desde The O2en Londres, vivir TIEMPO DE LA FUNCION® on at 5:15 p.m. Y/2:15 p.m. PT.

Just a few hours later in Primetime on CBS (9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT), Keith “One Time” Thurman will defend his WBA Welterweight World Title against former champ Shawn “Showtime” Porter in a welterweight blockbuster that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING en CBS, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions.

Both Joshua and Breazeale participated in an international media conference calllos lunes. Also taking part were Stephen Espinoza, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Gerente General de SHOWTIME Sports; Eddie Hearn, Managing Director of Matchroom Sport and Brittany Goossen-Brown of TGB Promotions introducing Breazeale.

Below are highlights of what the principals had to say on the conference call. A full transcript will be available in the coming days.


Thoughts on his preparation for the fight:

“I feel great condition wise, and mentally I’m in a good place. I’ve never felt so relaxed because I just know I’m capable of doing it. I’ve trained weeks and years and it’s just about getting it right on the night of the fight. My tactics and my mind have not let me down so far, so that’s why I don’t want to change anything.

“I’m not putting too much pressure on myself. I’m going to attack the fight the same way I have my last 16 and put on an explosive show. That’s what the Americans love. They like knockouts and I won’t let them down.

“Every fight can be my last fight. As much as I would like to tell you I’m confident and ‘I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that’ I do understand I have to approach this as if it could be my last fight.

“I know he can hang around, he doesn’t go down easy. He’s a big guy, he can eat shots. The Dominic Breazeale I’m used to watching on YouTube and I’m reading about is the enhanced Dominic Breazeale – the Dominic Breazeale that is 50 percent better because I think he knows he wants to come prove himself on a global stage. And this is his chance come Sábado, so I need to prepare for the best of Breazeale.”

On going from being the hunter as a challenger to being the hunted as a champion:

“I’m not the cream of the crop in the gym. I’m around guys that are achieving things on the same level so I’m still hunting. I still have that mentality as if I’m a main killer in the jungle. I haven’t lost that hunger.

On potential to fight in the US in the future:

“I just keep on hearing the United States is where it’s happening. And if I come to the U.S., I’m going to shut it down.”

Thoughts on Breazeale’s performance against Amir Mansour:

“He’s a tough guy. He managed to go out there and break Mansour’s jaw and capture a win, which has led him into where he is now. Whichever angels were floating in the ring with him that day have led him to this point, so I’ve got to put an end to his dream.”

On winning a piece of the heavyweight championship in just his 16º pelea profesional:

“It didn’t mean much. I still have another couple titles I need to get my hands on. I’m still hunting. There’s still work to be done. So it only ticked one of the boxes on my to-do list.”

DOMINIC Breazeale

“I’m out here very excited. I can’t wait to get in the ring Junio 25 and shock the world, eso es seguro. I’ve been lucky enough to prepare for the biggest fight of my life and I’m really super excited about it.”

On why he thinks he was selected for this matchup:

"Honestamente, the way I see it is that someone didn’t do their research. They didn’t look deep enough. They didn’t find out enough about me and maybe they’re looking at me as just another football player that transitioned into boxing. And I’m hoping they’re overlooking me. It definitely can be a situation where they’re just watching one fight, especially my last fight. But there’s been a lot of tough ones. If they’re looking at that one situation, I’m glad because that’s to my liking.”

On his feelings about fighting overseas:

“The way I’m thinking about it is, Junio 25, I gain 20,000 ventiladores. I’m in a situation where I’m very confident going into this fight and I know for sure I’m going to put on a great show, come out victorious and go back to the U.S. con 20,000 UK fans.

“I definitely believe [Josué] realizes; he understands that he’s got a big test in front of him. He’s got a big fighter in front of him. He’s got a guy that’s going to break him down, test his will and see if he is a true champion.

“I am coming into this fight very confident and I’ve got some things that I know are going to work for me, as well as some things that I plan on exploiting out of Joshua.

“I’m blessed to have been picked for this fight and am thankful for this opportunity. The way I look at it, and the way I look at every fight that I go into, is that as long as I do everything that I need to do in the gym as far as sparring, preparation and training, running my miles, sleeping right and eating right – I’ve crossed all of my T’s and dotted all of my I’s. I’ve got nothing to worry about. I’ve got nothing to second-guess. I’ve done everything I’m supposed to and I just can’t wait to shine.”

STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Executive Vice President and General Manager, SHOWTIME Sports

“Anthony quickly went from a diamond in the rough to really one of the foremost stars in the UK and Europe, and we are happy to be his partner as he establishes his presence in North America.

“We are particularly excited about this bout because we have, pardon the phraseology, two behemoths. There are two skilled boxers, really the epitome of what heavyweight boxing should be – grande, strong athletes skilled in their sport, with amateur pedigree, meeting on the afternoon here in the US, evening in the UK to determine who is the best fighter.”

EDDIE HEARN, Presidente, Matchroom Sport

“Over here, the feeling is that it’s going to be quite a routine defense, but Anthony hasn’t trained like that. He is not expecting that. He knows the background and roots of Dominic Breazeale. He knows his skill, and he knows how dangerous he can be and he knows how hungry he is as well. I think you’re going to get a different kind of fight than the Charles Martin fight. I think you’re going to get a guy that’s not afraid to let his hands go. He’s not going to wait and the sold out O2 Arena is going to be an electric place to be.”

“SHOWTIME is a deal we are very excited about. To link up with an American broadcaster for us was an obvious move, but it was a move we had to choose carefully. And I think we chose very, very well in SHOWTIME.”


“Over here in the U.S. we have gotten to see Dominic grow before our eyes. We know he is definitely capable of challenging for the world title. En Sábado we expect him to be victorious and bring that back to America.”

Para obtener más información, visite, follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing and @SHOSports, o Hazte fan en Facebook en y

Also follow Dominic Breazeale on Twitter @TroubleBoxing, Anthony Joshua@AnthonyJoshua and use hashtag #JoshuaBreazeale to join the conversation.


Matchup Of 154-Pound Rising Stars Replaces Cuellar vs. Mares Fight As Opener Of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, Presented By
Liga de Campeones de Boxeo
Este Sábado, Junio 25, Live at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT en la CBS
BROOKLYN (Junio 20, 2016) – An intriguing matchup between undefeated super welterweights Jarrett Hurd and Oscar Molina will open de este sábado Primetime CBS broadcast from Barclays Center in Brooklyn. The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS broadcast, presentado por Premier Boxing Champions, airs live at 9 p.m. Y/6 p.m. PT and is headlined by a welterweight blockbuster between undefeated champion Keith Thurman and once-beaten former titlist Shawn Porter.
The 10-round showdown between the 25-year-old Hurd (17-0, 11 KOs) and 26-year-old Molina (13-0-10 KOs) is a rare matchup between young undefeated prospects in one of boxing’s hottest divisions. The winner graduates to contender status in the stacked 154-pound class, a division featuring Erislandy Lara, Jermall and Jermell Charlo, Demetrius Andrade and Julian Williams.
Hurd vs. Molina represents the toughest professional fight for either man.
The dictionary definition of ‘Swiftis to happen quickly or promptly,” Said Hurd. “So just like my ring name, that’s exactly what you’ll see en sábado noche. I’m so grateful that this fight was made and that the whole world will be able to see my boxing skills on this highly anticipated card.
I’m excited for this fight and I’m grateful that it’s even bigger now that it’s on CBS,” dijo Molina. “I’ve seen Hurd fight. I know what he does well and what his weaknesses are and I’ll be looking to capitalize on them. It’s important for me to defeat the top guys and this is someone I have to beat to become a world champion one day. I’m excited about fighting in Brooklyn on the big stage, but my focus will be on my trainer’s game plan and coming out victorious.
Hurd, de Accokeek, Md., just south of Washington, D.C., has an unblemished record since turning professional in 2012. He is coming off a career-best performance last November with a six-round destruction of previously undefeated Frank Galarza on ShoBox: La Nueva Generación. Hurd, who has never been down or cut as a professional, will be facing his third consecutive unbeaten opponent.
Molina, de Norwalk, Calif., just east of Los Angeles, era una 2012 Mexicano olímpico. He tore through his opposition after turning professional in 2013, registering knockouts in 10 de su 14 peleas. Molina, who has also never been down, is coming off a 10-round draw with fellow unbeaten highly regarded prospect Dominque Dolton last September. He returns to the ring este sábado against another undefeated opponent as he looks to make a statement in the 154-pound division.
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