Категория Архив: Showtime Boxing

Five members of GH3 Promotions stable to be on display this Friday on ShoBox: The New Generation at Foxwoods

Adam Lopez – Ramon Reynoso; Джери Одъм – Julius Jackson; O'Shaquie Foster – Rolando Chinewa
Plus Olympic alternates LeRoy Davila and Brent Venegas in action in non-televised bouts
Tickets on Sale At Foxwoods Resort Casino
За незабавно освобождаване

NEW YORK (Юли 18 2016) – Този петък при Foxwoods Resort Casino, GH3 Promotions will feature five of it’s brightest prospects on a ShoBox: Новото поколение card that will be broadcast live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT).
В основното събитие на 10-кръг, undefeated top 10-ranked Адам “масло” Lopez (15-0, 7 Нокаута), Сан Антонио, лица Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 Нокаута), of Argentina, в супер петел мач. Super middleweights Джери Одъм (13-2-1, 11 Нокаута) Балтимор, и Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 Нокаута) Св. Thomas, Вирджински острови, will collide in the eight-round co-feature.
Две осем бухалка ще завършвам с четири борбата телевизията. O'Shaquie Foster (10-1, 7 Нокаута), на Orange, Texas, отговаря Роландо Chinea (12-1-1, 6 Нокаута), от Lancaster, Penn., в лек скрап.
Before the cameras roll, two United States Olympic Alternates will also see action as super flyweight Чувствам се уверен след победата в Китай (1-0, 1 KO), на Ню Брансуик, Ню Джърси, battled Edgar Кортес (2-2) на Vineland, N.J.
Също, Brent Venegas III, of Elk Grove, Калифорния., will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a bantamweight bout.
We are very excited about Friday,” said GH3 Promotios CEO Vito Mielnicki. “Adam Lopez is a couple of fights away from winning a world title. Jerry Odom has a real chance to put himself as a contender in the super middleweight division. O’Shaquie Foster is in a good fight to build on his last performance. We are really looking forward to seeing LeRoy Davila and Brent Venegas. They are the next two fighters that we are developing and they have huge upsides. We hope to fight them regularly and hope to have them on ShoBox in the next year or so.
Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $45, $75 и $150 и могат да бъдат закупени по телефона от казино Foxwoods Resort на адрес 800.200.2882 или онлайн на адрес: www.foxwoods.com.

Непобеденият световен шампион в тежка категория Деонтей Уайлдър спира претендента Крис Ареола в края на осмата рамка на премиерските шампиони по бокс на FOX & FOX Deportes Primetime Main Event от Legacy Arena в Бирмингам, Alabama

Олимпийският златен медалист Феликс Диас побеждава Сами Васкес-младши. с единодушно решение
Непобедената изгряваща звезда Ериксон Любин печели единодушно решение за Иван Монтеро
Кликнете ТУК За снимки
Кредит: Райън Хейфи / Йордания Харди / Висши шампиони по бокс
BIRMINGHAM, AL (Юли 16, 2016) – Непобеден световен шампион в тежка категория Дионтей “Атентатора Bronze” Обърквам (37-0, 36 Нокаута) завърши трикратен претендент за световна титла Chris “Кошмарът” Arreola (36-5-1, 31 Нокаута) след осмия кръг на основното събитие на Премиер боксови Champions (PBC) на FOX и FOX Deportesот Legacy Arena в BJCC в Бирмингам, Alabama.
Пред родна тълпа от 11,974, Уайлдър контролира битката от камбана до камбана, отпадане на Arreola в четвъртия рунд, и доминиращ в тествания в битката претендент. Въпреки счупена дясна ръка и скъсан бицепсов мускул, Уайлдър успя да издържи и да осигури спирането.
Екшън по телевизията, открит с олимпийския златен медалист Феликс Диас мл. (18-1, 8 Нокаута) побеждавайки Сами “Сержантът” Васкес-младши. (21-1, 15 Нокаута) с единодушно решение (96-93, 95-94, 95-94) в вълнуващо 10-рундово сблъсък в полусредна категория.
Вторият телевизионен двубой включваше непобедена изгряваща звезда Erickson “Чук” Lubin(16-0, 11 Нокаута) отбеляза единодушно решение (80-72, 80-72, 80-72) над Иван Монтеро(20-2, 8 Нокаута) в двубой за осем кръга за юноши в средна категория.
Ето какво трябваше да кажат бойците след битките си:
“Уайлдър ще бъде откаран в местна болница тази вечер, и ще отиде при специалист тази седмица, за да оцени увреждането на дясната му ръка и десния бицепс.”
Дионтей WILDER
Какъв кръг си нарани ръката:
“Беше рано – третият или четвъртият кръг. Беше от (неудобно) пунш. Първо нараних ръката, и след това бицепса.
Беше ли по-строг, отколкото си мислехте:
“Той беше точно толкова жилав, колкото си мислех, че ще бъде. Знам, че със сигурност се е уплашил от дясната ръка. Мисля, че щях да го измъкна оттам (в четвъртия кръг) ако не държеше въжетата. На последния той ми каза в ухото, Трябваше да държа въжетата. Трябваше да държа въжетата.
“Взех един от най-добрите удари в света, защото имам супер треньори. Взех Марк Бреланд, който ми показа всякакви начини да хвърля удара си. Взех Ръс Амбърс, който ми показва техники. Имам Джей, моят дългогодишен треньор по всичко, и разбира се имам Cuz Hill, който ми дава страхотна работа върху ръкавиците.
“Погледни ръката ми, това нещо боли.
Какво казва за вашата твърдост, че успяхте да се биете четири рунда със счупена дясна ръка и разкъсан десен бицепс:
“Мъж, нека знам, че съм сила, с която трябва да се съобразяваме. Ако имам една ръка или две ръце, не можеш да отречеш, че съм най-добрият в света. Все пак ще ви го дам, независимо дали имам една ръка или две ръце. Аз няма да спра. Като шампион ми е задължение да продължавам, независимо през какво преминавам. Болката не е нищо за мен. Получих висока толерантност към болката. Когато се занимавате с битки, не е приключило, докато не приключи. Който се бие с мен, трябва да е готов. Те просто не могат да влязат и да мислят, че ще ме тормозят или мислят, че ще ме надраскат или мислят, че ще ме ударят, защото няма тормоз, няма издръжливост, няма избиване, защото съм световният шампион в тежка категория. Това означава много за мен.
Колко удовлетворяващо беше да се направи такова изтъркано представление пред феновете на родния щат:
“Беше много удовлетворяващо да накажа човек като Крис Ареола. Направо го наказах. Не получих нокаута си, както искам, но това беше нокаут. Ще го взема за своя запис. Все още напреднах в 37-0 с 36 KOs.”
CHRIS Arreola
“Когато започна да се дразни в осмия рунд, знаех, че всичко е само част от бокса. Не е голяма работа.
“Нокдаун от четвъртия рунд беше ситуация, при която той просто ме удари с перфектния удар. Нищо не можех да направя по въпроса.
“(Deontay’s) движението беше наистина трудно. Движеше се перфектно зад удара си. Не че дори е разочароващо; просто трябваше да го догоня при такива писти, но беше забавна битка.
“Просто ме държеше отвън, Не можах да го разбера — ясен и прост. Трябва да му отдам цялото уважение на света, защото той беше просто много по-добър боец.
Как го направи от Round 4?
“Нека бъдем честни, един. Изисква се истински боец, за да бъдеш на ринга с някой като него. Той е голям човек. Ние сме в тежка категория, един, това е нараненият бизнес. Трябва да знаете как да се справите с бедствието. Получавам удар, Ще се върна.
“Трябва да му призная, че използва дистанцията си, използвайки своя удар и просто ме държи на разстояние.”
SAMMY Васкес
“Знаех в сърцето си, че съм загубил тази битка. Опитах най-много, но имаше неща, които трябваше да направя, но не. Не можем да погледнем в миналото. Той е адски боец. Той е олимпийски златен медалист по причина. Той имаше тежка загуба на решение от Ламонт Питърсън. За мен той беше непобеден олимпийски златен медалист.
“Не отнемам нищо от мъжа. Той е адски боец. Адски съм боец. В края на деня организирахме страхотно шоу.
“Ще се сгушим и ще започнем от чертожната дъска. Трябва да започна да разбивам тези имена отново.
Винаги сте били в ситуация, когато резултатите са били добавяни погрешно:
“Никога не съм бил в ситуация, в която трябваше да чакам те да съберат отново резултатите, защото очевидно бях непобедена. Това е първата ми загуба. Загуби, от които се учиш. Загубите просто означават, че имате място за растеж. Ще вземем това и ще се върнем силни следващия път.
Наранил си го в 10тата кръг:
“Знам, че го нараних веднага щом го ударих два пъти в главата. Видях го как се клати и ме хвана. Беше много хлъзгав. Веднага щом се опитах да го отблъсна, ръцете ми щяха да се изплъзнат. Хей, беше адски борба. Не отнемам нищо от мъжа.”
“Когато за първи път чух, това беше разделено равенство, Чувствах се победител и бях ограбен като в битката ми с Ламонт Питърсън.
“Определено чувствам, че резултатите трябва да са по-широки на картите, но аз разбирам. Първите няколко рунда го усещах, но след тези две двойки се чувствам така, сякаш спечелих всеки рунд.
“Тъй като Васкес е по-висок от мен и има по-дълъг обхват, моят план за атака беше да остана вътре и да се бия с него на близко разстояние.
“Взех тази битка само 15 дни предизвестие, и преди това се подготвях за боец ​​с дясна ръка, така че беше малко корекция. Имах само две седмици, за да направя необходимите промени. Благодарен съм на екипа си, че ме подготви за тази битка.
“Борбата с първоначалната карта на FOX и FOX Deportes и изглеждането толкова добре, колкото и аз, ме прави много щастлива. Готов съм за всеки в 140 или 147 паунда.”
Ериксон Lubin
“Определено не съм разстроен от представянето си. Съдията го оставяше да се измъкне с много щраквания и удари в главата. Като цяло съм доволен от представянето си. Все още съм непобеден. Ще продължа да се засилвам в тези битки и да надграждам конкуренцията си.
Всичко, което сте искали да направите, което не сте имали шанс да направите:
“По дяволите, Исках да го нокаутирам. Но реферът всъщност не го призоваваше да го държи или дори го предупреждаваше, че държи, за да не държи толкова много и да блъска дупето толкова. Той беше жилав. Давам му го. Той дойде да се бие.
Някои момчета влизат там, за да оцелеят. Това определено беше тип боец, който беше. Той беше там, за да оцелее. Той не искаше да се прибере у дома с загуба от нокаут.
Това беше голяма стъпка за вас?:
“Всяка битка беше засилена битка за мен. Приемам сериозно всяка битка. Винаги има неща, които мога да науча и да подобря. Това определено беше една от тези битки.”
“Бях щастлив да измина дистанцията тази вечер, и съм съгласен с решението. Той определено спечели, но си помислих, че съм се бил добре. Той не ми причини толкова много щети.
“За мен беше чест да получа тази битка и възможността да се бия по националната телевизия. Надявам се феновете да се насладят на моя стил на бой. Очаквам с нетърпение да се върна на ринга скоро.
“Точно сега, Просто ще отделя малко време и ще преценя възможностите си, но бих искал реванша с него известно време в бъдеще.”
# # #
Картичката е популяризирана от DiBella Entertainment съвместно с TGB Promotions и Bruno Event Team
За повече информация посетете www.premierboxingchampions.com,www.alabamatitlefight.comWWW.dbe1.com,www.TGBPromotions.com,HTTP://www.foxsports.com/presspass / начална страница и foxdeportes.com последват в TwitterPremierBoxing, BronzeBomber, @NightmareBoxing @FOXSports, FOXDeportes, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions ИSwanson_Comm и станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing,www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. www.facebook.com/foxsports иwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Следвайте разговора с помощта #PBConFOX. PBC на FOX е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.


Odom Replaces The Injured Ronald Ellis In Co-Featured Bout Live On SHOWTIME® При 10 p.m. И/PT From Foxwoods Resort Casino In Mashantucket, Кон.


NEW YORK (Юли 15, 2016) – Prospect Jerry Odom steps up to face Julius Jackson in a matchup of super middleweights next Friday, Юли 22 на ShoBox: Новото поколение живеят на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT) от Foxwoods Resort Casino в Машантукет, Кон.


The hard-hitting Odom (13-2-1, 12 Нокаута) replaces Ronald Ellis, who pulled out of the bout в четвъртък with a right hand injury.


Odom was deep in training and looking to bounce back from a controversial draw with Ellis in February on ShoBox when he received the opportunity to face Jackson (19-1, 15 Нокаута). Jackson is the older brother of John and son of former two-division world champion Julian “The Hawk” Jackson.


I have been training for a few fights that fell through. I’m in shape and ready to go,", Заяви Одъм. “When my team got the call we decided it was the right decision to take this opportunity.


My power will be a big factor. Jackson has faced punchers before, but he hasn’t faced one like me. Това е една чудесна възможност, and I will put on a show следващия петък.”


Непобеденият топ 10 класиран в супертежка категория Адам „Mantequilla“ Лопес (15-0, 7 Нокаута) е изправен пред Роман Рубен Рейносо (18-1-1, 7 Нокаута) в главното събитие на 10-кръг. In an eight round lightweight bout, O'Shaquie Foster (10-1, 7 Нокаута) среща търкалящата се чина (12-1-1, 6 Нокаута).


The Юли 22 ShoBox telecast marks the 15-year anniversary of the celebrated prospect developmental series.

Лео Santa Cruz, Mikey Garcia & Ivan Redkach Los Angeles Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Stacked Night of Fights Takes Place Събота, Юли 30
At Barclays Center in Brooklyn, N.Y..
Живеят на SHOWTIME® При 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT &

Кликнете ТУК на снимки
Кредит: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME
Лос Анджелис (Юли 13, 2016) – Two of the most popular Los Angeles-based fighters, featherweight world champion Лео Santa Cruz и бивш шампион в две дивизии Mikey Garcia, took part in a media workout във вторник at City of Angels Boxing Club in Los Angeles, Халиф. as they prepare to make a cross-country trip to Brooklyn for their respective Събота, Юли 30 showdowns at Barclays Center and live on SHOWTIME®.
Santa Cruz will defend his title against Irish superstar Carl Фрамптън в главното събитие на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® започващ най- 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
The undefeated Garciawill return to the ring after a two-and-a-half-year layoff to fight former world champion Елио Рохас in a 10-round bout while 154-pound contenders Тони Harrison и Сергей Rabchenko meet in a 12 round IBF Jr. Middleweight eliminator in the televised opener. The telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).
Also in attendance at the workout was promising lightweight contender Иван Redkach, който поема Tevin Farmer in the opening bout ofSHOWTIME EXTREME (7 p.m. И/PT). Additional action on Юли 30 will feature an all-Brooklyn welterweight battle between two-time world champion Поли Malignaggi и Gabriel Bracero in the main event of a SHOWTIME EXTREME doubleheader.

Ето какво участниците трябваше да се каже, Вторник:
LEO Санта Круз
My dream is to be the next big thing in boxing. We’re going to work hard every day in the gym, learn from our mistakes and improve so I can be the best fighter out there. With the help of the fans and the media I think I can accomplish that.
He has great skills, great punches and he moves very well. It’s going to be a tough fight for me but I’m going to work hard to defend my belt.
I see Frampton as someone trying to come and take away everything I worked hard for. I can’t let that happen. I’m going to do what I have to do to get the win.
“Той е много опитен боец. He has great power and I think it’s going to be an exciting fight. These are the kind of guys I want to fight. It gives me even more motivation to get in the gym and train hard.
I’ve known Mikey Garcia from the amateur days and our families have sparred with each other. I’ve even trained with Robert Garcia before. To see another great Mexican fighter go over to New York is very exciting. I’m very happy for him. He’s a great guy and a great fighter.
I think Frampton will keep his power up the weight classes. He couldn’t make 122-pounds anymore and he’s said that he will be even stronger this time. Това е добре. That’s what I want. I want him to feel good so it’ll be a tough and entertaining fight.
I can’t let him come over to the U.S. and get this win. We’re going to go out there and see if he can bring the best out of me. I’m going to be one-hundred percent ready.
I’m comfortable at 126-pounds. I want to get this win against Carl Frampton and then unify against Gary Russell Jr., Lee Selby or any of the champions. When my body is ready we’ll move up in weight to seek another world title.
When I first started boxing all I ever thought about was being a world champion one time. Then after I got there I started pushing my goals. If I continue to keep learning and improve as a fighter, I could go all the way up to 140-pounds.
I’m thrilled to be fighting in New York. It’s going to be my first time out there. I’m excited to meet new fans. The people who have wished I would fight in New York will get to see me. There are people that don’t know me and this my opportunity to be impressive and put on a show for them.
I’m a well-rounded fighter. I can adjust to just about any style. I get a lot of diverse sparring so that I can adjust to anything Rojas might bring. Training camp has been going very well and I think it’s going to be a good night for me.
I’ve seen Rojas before. I saw him when he was champion. He’s a good fighter with a lot of experience. He can definitely box and has a good right hand. He lost his title to a great champion. He’s very skilled and experience.
Both of us are boxers and we tend to try to work from a distance. This time I may have to look for the fight a bit more and apply some pressure. If he tries to box around, I’ll find him. I think my power will eventually be the difference and I’ll break him down.
I don’t believe there will be ring rust because I was never really outside of the ring. I’ve been in the gym the whole time, sparring and training. I would spar 10 или 12 кръга, just to do it. Not because I had a fight, but just to keep me active. I know it seems like a long time, but I don’t really see it. I feel like I was gone six months.
I want to fight at 135 and fight for a title there. I’m going to see how my body feels after this fight, but that’s the plan as of now. We’re not looking past Elio. I definitely want to get back in the ring soon if everything goes right.
I have no regrets. I’ve got to enjoy myself more than I had in the last 10 години. When you’re in boxing, it’s a year round sport. You don’t have time to yourself, for your family or friends. You miss out on a lot. I learned a lot in my time away about boxing and more.
This will end up being about a seven-week training camp, but even prior to that I’ve been staying in the gym. I don’t feel any different. I feel one-hundred percent. My body is well-rested which makes me hungrier and more motivated.
I’ve fought in New York before and it’s always been a great and very supportive crowd. I was at Barclays Center for the first time on June 25 for Thurman-Porter and it was a great arena. It had great energy and I can’t wait to fight there. I can’t wait to fight at Barclays.
It’s great to be in the gym with all these different types of fighters that my brother trains. I have a lot of very intense sparring. I’ve gotten a chance to really learn from the different styles and it definitely helps me.
This is an excellent fight for me. I’m closing in to a title shot and I’m going to be ready on Юли 30.
I have a plan for this fight. You’ll see it in the ring. I’m going to make this an exciting fight.
A title fight is my motivation but my focus in fully on Юли 30. Everything I’ve done is to lead up to a world title fight.
I know that my opponent is slick and very fast. He’s a good boxer but we’ll see what he brings to the ring.
This is my first camp with Leo Santa Cruz and his team and it’s been going very well. I feel very prepared to fight.
ANTONIO SANTA CRUZ, Leo’s Brother & Треньор
This camp feels very close to the same as usual. Баща ми (Jose) is usually the one who tells us what to do. I’m in the ring with Leo but he’s still there. He is sick but he is still going to the gym. He wants to be there for Leo.
Frampton is a good fighter. He’s going to give my brother a good fight. Short guys are tougher for Leo so we’re making sure we have sparring with fighters of all heights. Frampton won’t be hard to get inside but his height could pose a problem.
It’s a little bit more pressure on me. I’m trying to show my father that I can learn and help Leo be at his best. I think he’s going to have a great night.
JOSE Санта Круз, Бащата на Лео & Треньор
“Чувствам се добре. Right now I’m going to the gym every day. Leo looks good in the ring and is training very well.
Little by little Antonio is learning and even I’m still learning. We’re both getting better as trainers and that is our goal, да бъде страхотен. I feel the love from my sons and I love them a lot too. I’m proud of them and I’m proud that they are my sons.
Leo is very calm. I don’t think Leo is going to be affected by traveling to New York. Even if he doesn’t have the majority of the fans, I don’t think it will affect him.
You never know how it’s going to go on fight night. You can prepare in the gym, but sometimes, once you’re up in the ring, a fight can get complicated.
Even if I can’t make it to New York, I’m going to watch the fight. Even if it’s with one eye open, I’m going to watch.
ROBERT GARCIA, Mikey’s Brother & Треньор
Mikey definitely wants to win a title at 135-pounds. There are some good champions out there but not necessarily a huge name. Eventually Mikey would want to go up to 140-pounds where I believe there are a lot of exciting fights that could be made.
Elio is a fighter that has been off for a while and he’s a former world champion. He’s also trying to come back and make a statement. We have to be prepared for the opponent to be at the top of his game.
Now that he’s got a date and with the training and sparring, Mikey has been looking really good. It’s been a while. We might see a little bit of rust, a little bit of adjustment to timing. But the way he’s been in the gym, against top quality fighters, he’s been looking so good that I wouldn’t be surprised if he put on one of his best performances.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions and presented by Premier Boxing Champions, започне в $38 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
# # #
Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, @mikeygarcia, @PaulMalignaggi @BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

Featherweight World Champion Amanda Serrano Defends Her Title Against Colombia’s Calixta Silgado as Part of Stacked Night of Fights Saturday, Юли 30 в Barclays Center в Бруклин

Tripleheader of Televised Events Headlined by Featherweight Title Clash Between
Лео Santa Cruz & Carl Фрамптън
Живей SHOWTIME в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT
BROOKLYN (Юли 12, 2016) – Brooklyn-native and WBO Featherweight World Champion Аманда Serrano (28-1-1, 21 Нокаута) will defend her title on a stacked night of action at Barclays Center as she takes on Colombia’s Calixta Silgado (14-6-3, 9 Нокаута)Събота, Юли 30 в Бруклин.
Serrano makes her Barclays Center debut in the first female world championship fight ever held at the venue. The event is headlined by featherweight world champion Лео Santa Cruz defending his belt against Irish star Carl Фрамптън in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event. Телевизионно покритие започва в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia изправена пред бившия световен шампион Елио Рохас and 154-pound contenders Тони Harrison и Сергей Rabchenko meeting in a world title eliminator.
I couldn’t be happier about this opportunity,” Саид Serrano. “To be the first female fighter to defend her world title at Barclays Center is truly something special. This is one of the biggest cards of the year, and I am honored to be a part of it. I can’t wait to put on a spectacular show on July 30th, and I guarantee that this fight will not go the distance.
All the talk has been about Amanda being the first female fighter to defend a championship at Barclays, but I am coming to Brooklyn to win and to make history by becoming the first female to win a world title there,” said Silgado. “Amanda is one of the most feared punchers in boxing, but I do not fear her. This is my opportunity to shine and I plan on leaving that ring on July 30th with her championship belt around my waist.
Puerto Rican Brooklynite Amanda Serrano is absolutely one of the best female fighters on the planet,” каза Лу DiBella, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. “She has tremendous skills, devastating power, and is always in exciting fights. Already a three-division world champion, WBO featherweight titlist Serrano will make history at the Barclays Center, on July 30’s extraordinary card, when she becomes the first female boxer to defend her world title at the renowned venue.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions and presented by Premier Boxing Champions, започне в $38 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
Additional action on Юли 30 will feature an all-Brooklyn welterweight battle between two-time world champion Поли Malignaggiи Gabriel Bracero in the main event of a SHOWTIME EXTREME doubleheader. Телевизионно покритие започва в 7 p.m. И/PT with a lightweight slugfest between Иван Redkach и Tevin Farmer.
Raised in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn, Serrano gravitated toward boxing from watching her older sister Cindy, also a professional fighter. She picked the sport up quickly, удивителния 9-1 record during a brief amateur career that saw her win the New York Golden Gloves title in 2008. The 27-year-old would go on to fight all over the world, seizing her first world title in 2011 when she defeated Kimberly Connor to grab a super featherweight belt. В 2014, she went to Argentina and defeated Maria Elena Maderna to become a world champion at lightweight. Her latest world title campaign began in February when she stopped Olivia Gerula in the first round to capture her featherweight championship. She will be taking on the 28-year-old Silgado, out of Tolu, Колумбия, who has tried four times to win a world title and who will be fighting in the U.S. for the second time on Юли 30.
# # #
Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP. За повече информация, посещение www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

Carl Frampton Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Undefeated Irish Star Welcomed to America & New York by Brooklyn Star & Former World Champion Paulie Malignaggi At Gleason’s Gym Ahead of Юли 30 Showdown Against
Leo Santa Cruz at Barclays Center
(Photo Credit: Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME)
Кликнете ТУК & ТУК за Снимки от Ед Дилър / DiBella Entertainment
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME
TV Outlets: Кликнете ТУК To Download Raw Workout Footage (Available after 5p ET)
BROOKLYN (Юли 7, 2016) – Undefeated Irish star Carl Фрамптън was officially welcomed to the United States and New York City Четвъртък by former world champion and Brooklyn-native Поли Malignaggi before Frampton held a media workout at Gleason’s Gym as he prepares for his matchup with featherweight world champion Лео Santa Cruz ще се проведе Събота, Юли 30 живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center.
Frampton was joined by his manager, Hall of Fame former featherweight world champion Barry McGuigan, и синът му Shane, Треньорът на Фрамптън. Frampton returns for just his second fight stateside aiming to win back the same WBA Featherweight World Championship that Barry McGuigan lost 30 Преди години. McGuigan’s loss to Steve Cruz on June 23, 1986 was his second and final fight in the U.S.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader begins at at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features former two division-world champion Mikey Garcia returning to take on former world champion Елио Рохас and rising super welterweight contender Тони Harrison battling once-beaten Сергей Rabchenko in a 154-pound title eliminator.
Malignaggi headlines a SHOWTIME EXTREME doubleheader against fellow Brooklyn-native Gabriel Bracero while a lightweight slugfest between Иван Redkach и Tevin Farmer opens televised coverage at 7 p.m. И/PT.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions and presented by Premier Boxing Champions, започне в $38 и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
Frampton and Malignaggi posed for pictures outside of Barclays Center and under the Brooklyn Bridge before heading to Gleason’s Gym, where Malignaggi got his start in the sport, for Frampton’s first workout for New York media.
Ето какво участниците трябваше да се каже, Четвъртък:
CARL Фрамптън
I want to be in exciting fights. From here on in my career, Искам да бъда велик. Who better to face than Leo Santa Cruz? This is a chance to put my name down in history and become a two-weight world champion from Ireland.
I’ve been listening to Barry McGuigan since I turned professional. I just wanted to soak all of it up like a sponge. He’s got so much knowledge and he’s been around for so many years. I just need to be around him and learn. Shane does an amazing job training me, and between the two of them, I feel like I’m benefitting every day.
It’s very nice to be here in Brooklyn, it’s a lovely borough and it’s so great to be here in New York. There are a lot of boxing fans in New York and I really think this is the number one city for boxing.
We’re bringing a lot of lads from back home, and I also hope the Irish-Americans get to know my name, and everyone in Brooklyn as well. I expect about 1,500 traveling fans from Belfast. I think I’ll have more support than Santa Cruz.
This fight is huge for me because I really want to create a legacy. I know how people talk, and I think people will be talking about this for a very long time. I want people to remember me as a great fighter, that’s all.
I train very hard for every fight. No less or no more for Santa Cruz. We’re expecting a very tough fight with a lot of action.
The last time I was an underdog was the Irish championships, when I was an amateur. You could have got me at 11:2, I was a massive underdog. I dropped him pretty early on, so the last time I was an underdog, a lot of people who knew me made a lot of money. It’s going to be the same result this time.
“Преместването до 126 pounds was definitely the right decision for me. I’m a big puncher but I lost power coming down to 122 паунда. I’m going to be punching harder and be at my very best.
I’m right on the door step of everything. I’m so excited for fight night, it’s going to be a truly special experience.
It’s important to be recognized in the States. This is where all of the great fighters from around the world end up fighting, and I really want to be recognized as a great fighter.
I think my fight with Bracero is an interesting clash of styles. We have similar styles in that we like to box and counter punch but we’re also both very familiar with each other. I’m sure he’ll have something up his sleeve for me.
Making this kind of all-Brooklyn fight is great for the fans. We both have our own followings so it should make for an electric atmosphere at Barclays Center.
The main event is going to be a great fight. When you look at the styles and the pedigrees of both men, it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen. Both guys have exciting styles so I’m betting on the fans getting their money’s worth.
BARRY McGuigan, Мениджър Фрамптън е, Бившият световен шампион & Зала на славата
After Carl defeated Scott Quigg and became a unified champion at 122 паунда, we believe that all of the exciting fights in that division have passed. We want to be involved in exciting fights.
The Quigg fight wasn’t as exciting as we would have liked, but we knew it was going to be like that. We knew he’d come on late in the fight and we had our tactics planned well. This is going to be a much better fight because Santa Cruz is brave and takes chances. He also has underrated boxing skills.
Shane is making Carl a better fighter every day. Every day that you don’t get better is a day you wasted. Carl is in the best physical shape of his career and we will have a plan A, B and C for this fight.
Santa Cruz is a great fighter. He’s low-key, humble and he hasn’t talked trash. This will be Carl’s hardest fight. It feels great to be involved helping Carl reach his maximum potential, it’s the second best thing to being in the ring yourself.
We believe 100 percent in Frampton’s ability to win this fight and that he will be successful on fight night.
There are some great fights out there for Carl. Ние сме 100 percent committed to Юли 30 but there are lots of great fights in the featherweight division. We will have lots of support on fight night and I have no doubt there will be a large Irish crowd there to support Carl.
Шейн McGuigan, Trainer Фрамптън е
Leo Santa Cruz is unbeaten and there aren’t really any weaknesses from my perspective. He’s a phenomenal fighter, but I don’t believe he’s fought a fighter of Carl Frampton’s caliber, as an all-around fighter.
When he meets someone who is as good, or in my opinion, better than him, we’ll see what he’s made of. I think it’s going to make for one of the most exciting fights of the year.
I wouldn’t be taking on this fight it I wasn’t extremely confident in Carl, even though he’s coming in as the underdog. I don’t think Santa Cruz has ever felt the power that Carl brings before. I think Carl can beat him comfortably if he continues to prepare well, and then steps into the ring and does what he’s capable of doing.
We’re finishing up camp now and making sure we’re 100 percent read. We have to be 100 percent to fight Leo Santa Cruz.
Carl is extremely heavy-handed. He’s extremely skillful, a true all-rounder. He really lives the life, and that makes it easy for me. The way he trains, how he eats, how he sleeps: he takes it seriously and takes care of himself.
The transition coming over to New York to finish training camp has been great. We could have waited until closer to fight night but we want every single percent to our advantage.
We’re still acclimatizing to the heat, the jet lag is no problem and we’re going to be ready on fight night.
This fight is history in the making. It’s a fight that can really put Carl on the map. It’s always a huge opportunity when you’re fighting for a title, against someone of Santa Cruz’s caliber.
# # #
Платформа програмиране Barclays Center в BROOKLYN Бокс ™ е представена от AARP. За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, @LeoSantaCruz2, RealCFrampton, BarclaysCenter, и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.



Настройте се Тази вечер При 10 p.m. И/PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME® Да изживееш Чавес срещу. Хектор "Мачо" Камачо; Гледайте кръг 12 СЕГА:HTTP://s.sho.com/2996PsP

Още, Чавес срещу. Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, срещу.Франки Рандал II и срещу. Мелдрик Тейлър II за „Отстъпки в четвъртък“ този месец


NEW YORK (Юли 7, 2016) - Широко признат като виден боец, роден в Мексико в историята и един от най-великите наградени бойци за всички времена, Жулио Сезар Чавес ще бъде почитан като Шоу Спорт® излъчва класически битки Чавес в продължение на целогодишния си празник на 30 години на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс.


Месецът ще бъде подчертан от четири от несравнимите най-запомнящи се битки на Чавес - срещу Хектор "Мачо" Камачо, Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, втората от трите битки с Франки Рандал и реваншът с Meldrick Taylor. И четирите битки ще се излъчват в четвъртък в 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME (пълен график по-долу).


В продължение на години, почитаната легенда за пръстена беше смятана за най-добрия боец ​​от паунд за паунд в света. В невероятна 25-годишна кариера (1980-2005), Чавес се бори 115 пъти (107-6-2 с 88 нокаута). На най-високо ниво, той се състезаваше в четири категории с тежести - 130 лири до 147 лири - и беше шесткратен световен шампион в три дивизии.


Той държи рекорди за най-успешната защита на световната титла (27), най-много победи в титлата (31), повечето битки за титлата (37) и втората най-голяма защита на титлата, спечелена от нокаут (21, след Joe Louis с 23). Чавес беше 31-4-2 с 21 KO в битки за световна титла. Множество Fighter на годината победител, Чавес беше въведен в Международната зала по слава на бокса през 2011.


Битките ще се излъчват в „Хвърляне Четвъртък”През месец юли в 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME® и са достъпни в SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME ВСЯКО ВРЕМЕ® и чрез онлайн услугата за стрийминг на мрежата.


По-долу е графикът на премиерите SHOWTIME EXTREME за месец юли:

  • TONIGHT/Четвъртък, Юли 7: Чавес срещу. Камачо
  • Четвъртък, Юли 14: Чавес срещу. Уитакър
  • Четвъртък, Юли 21: Чавес Рандал II
  • Четвъртък, Юли 28: Чавес срещу. Тейлър II


„Хвърляне назад Четвъртък„Малки парчета

  • Шампионът на WBC в супер перо Чавес (81-0) и неговия колега от WBO, Камачо, воюва на септ. 12, 1992, в Лас Вегас. JCC върна решителна оферта от „Macho”, за да вземе единодушно 12-кръгово решение.


  • Чавес имаше серия от победи в 87 битки, когато той и шампионът на WBC в полусредна категория Уитакър се бориха за изключително противоречиво равенство с мнозинство от 12 кръга през септември. 10, 1993, в Alamodome в Сан Антонио. Един съдия го вкара за „Сладък грах“ от 115-113; другите го имаха 115-115.


  • Чавес получи първоначалното си поражение при 12-рундово разделно решение на Немезис Рандал на януари. 29, 1994. В реванша следното Май 7, Чавес спечели бръснач, разделиха техническо решение от осем кръга, след като битката беше спряна поради голямо рязане над веждата на Chavez. Чавес и Рандал щяха да се бият за трети път, с Чавес, който извади гумената клечка на чист, единодушно 10-кръгово решение от май 22, 2004.


  • Чавес отиде 2-0 срещу Тейлър, победа с нокаут от осмия рунд в реванш на септември. 17, 1994. В първоначалната им битка четири години и половина по-рано, Чавес се събра за победа 12тата-кръгло спиране.

# # #


Tripleheader from Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.Y.. Airs Live at 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME®


Кликнете ТУК For Archive Images; Credit SHOWTIME


NEW YORK (Юни 30, 2016) – Undefeated heavyweight Jarrell Miller claims he’s America’s top heavyweight prospect. “Big Baby” will get a chance to back up his boast when he faces his toughest test to date in veteran Fred Cat в главното събитие на ShoBox: Новото поколение на Петък, Август. 19.


The confident and hard-hitting Miller (17-0-1, 15 Нокаута) and the durable and vastly experienced Kassi (18-5-1, 10 Нокаута) will headline a tripleheader live on SHOWTIME при 10 p.m. И/PT from the outdoor soccer venue Rhinos Stadium in Rochester, N.Y..


Two undefeated young bantamweight prospects will square off in theShoBox co-feature as world-ranked Николай Потапов (14-0-1, 6 Нокаута) и Antonio Ниевес (16-0-1, 8 Нокаута) meet in a 10-round bantamweight bout.


При откриването схватката на телевизията, undefeated welterweight knockout artist Бахтияр Eyubov (10-0, 10 Нокаута) will face battle-tested veteran Карим Мейфийлд (19-3-1, 11 Нокаута) в 10-кръг мач.


Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions go on sale този петък при Noon ET и са на разположение на http://www.rhinossoccer.com/и HTTP://www.etix.com


“This is an amazing opportunity. I’m in the main event going against a tough opponent, and he’s definitely game to fight,” Miller said. “I’m ready to put his lights out like I do everybody else. I know he’s durable and a little older than me. He’s a tough guy and he can take a beating. До сега, he’s only been stopped once. I’ll be the second.


“I’m going back to basics in this camp. I’m an advanced fighter, but there are a couple of things I’ve wanted to work on. It’s easy for heavyweights to rely on power and forget about technique. You see what happened to Dominic Breazeale against Anthony Joshua? His power didn’t mean jack because there was no technique behind it. I want to be the kind of fighter who puts his technique first and power last.”


“I approach Jarrell like all young fighters,” Kassi said. “I’m a seasoned pro that has fought top-tier opponents. Jarrell will have to bring his ‘A game’ against me. He’s got size and power, but it’s nothing I haven’t seen. I’m tired of getting robbed by judges like in El Paso (against Chris Arreola), and in Alabama (against Dominic Breazeale). That should have been me fighting Anthony Joshua in The O2. Against (Hughie) Ярост, the cut saved him. Another round or two and he would have been done. Then we heard what we always hear, ‘oh, Fury had a bad night, so did Breazeale, so did Arreola.’ They all seem to have ‘bad’ nights when I’m in the other corner. I’m hoping to actually get some credit when Miller has a ‘bad’ night too. I’m a heavyweight boxer, that’s boxer underlined. I move my feet, I use angles, I hit and don’t get hit. That’s boxing and it’s my art. Boxing fans are going to have a great time watching me dismantle a giant.”


“I am very happy to be back on SHOWTIME fighting the best opponent of my career,” Eyubov said. “I know this will be my hardest fight to date and that’s what motivates me. I am grateful that I am getting an opportunity to prove myself and I want to show that I am ready for the best fighters in the world. I am ready for the boxing world to know my name. Август 19, Карим Мейфийлд, here I come.”


“This will be a special event at Rochester Rhinos soccer stadium. We have America’s brightest heavyweight contender in Jarrell ‘Big Baby’ Miller and a knockout sensation out of Brooklyn by way of Kazakhstan in Bakhtiyar ‘Bakha’ Eyubov,” promoter Дмитрий Salita каза. “This show has all the ingredients to be one of the most talked about boxing events of the summer, and we think Miller has all the skills and charisma to break through in the heavyweight division. I am grateful to SHOWTIME and Rhinos Stadium that boxing fans will witness talented fighters in their toughest fights to date. I look forward to an explosive night of boxing.”


“Wendy and I are so excited to be hosting both SHOWTIME and the fighting debut of Jarrell ‘Big Baby’ Miller at Rhinos Stadium,"Заяви Wendy и David Dworkin, owners of the Rochester Rhinos soccer stadium. "Август 19 will be a great opportunity to showcase our stadium and the City of Rochester to a nationwide audience.”


The menacing Miller, a 6-foot-4 Brooklyn, N.Y.. роден, is a consensus top 15 heavyweight – he’s ranked No. 8 в WBO, Do Not. 9 в WBA и No. 14 в IBF. The 27-year-old former professional kickboxer has knocked out six consecutive opponents as he’s risen through the rankings as one of America’s top heavyweight hopes. Prior to Miller’s knockout of Ник Guivas на Май 27, his previous two fights were onShoBox – a third round destruction of Akhror Muralimov last October and a knockout of Донован Dennis in January in which he was pushed to the seventh round for the first time.


Kassi has been in with some of the most recognizable names in the heavyweight division, включително и Amir Mansour, Dominic Breazeale и Хюи Фюри. The 36-year-old fought to a disputed majority draw with three-time world title challenger Chris Arreola last July on PBC on CBS in which most ringside observers, включително и ShoBox аналитик Стив Farhood, had Kassi winning by a wide margin. The New Orleans resident has been stopped just once – in 2014 by Mansour – and stands as an excellent barometer for Miller’s progression as a legitimate contender.


The fast-rising Potapov, of Potolsk, Русия, is ranked in the top 15 in three of the four sanctioning bodies (Do Not. 7 WBO, Do Not. 13 IBF, Do Not. 14 WBA) after just 15 професионални мача. A former amateur standout with over 200 битки, the 25-year-old Potapov has already gone at least 10 rounds seven times since turning professional in 2010. The only blemish on his record is a draw with undefeated prospect Стефон Young в последния си двубой от Април 15 на ShoBox.


Coincidently, the only blemish on Antonio Ниевес’ record is a 2015 draw with Stephon Young. The 29-year-old is coming off his first 10-round performance, a unanimous decision over then once-beaten Oscar Mojica юни 18. The Cleveland, Ohio native will face his toughest opponent to date in fellow unbeaten Potapov in the matchup of unbeaten bantamweights.


The Brooklyn-based Eyubov has passed every test he’s faced, and knocked out all of his opponents in the process. The 29-year-old native of Kazakhstan is coming off an impressive third-round stoppage of veteran Джаред Робинсън last January on ShoBox. Eyubov will step up his level of opposition when he faces Karim Mayfield, a 35-year-old veteran who owns wins over Mauricio Herrera и Стив Forbes and has never been stopped in 23 битки.


Barry Томпкинс ще призове ShoBox действия от страна на ринга с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес ще служат като експертни анализатори. Изпълнителни продуценти Гордън Hall с Rich Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.


World-Ranked Adam Lopez Risks Perfect Record Against
Roman Reynoso In Main Event Live
при 10 p.m. И/PT

Tickets on Sale At Foxwoods Resort Casino

NEW YORK (Юни 29, 2016) – The popular, prospect-orientated boxing series, ShoBox: Новото поколение celebrates its 15th anniversary with a quadrupleheader on Петък, Юли 22, на живо по SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT, забавено на Западния бряг) от Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Кон.


В основното събитие на 10-кръг, undefeated top 10-ranked Adam "Butter" Lopez (15-0, 7 Нокаута) of Phoenix faces Roman Ruben Reynoso (18-1-1, 7 Нокаута) of Argentina in a bantamweight bout. Super middleweights Роналд Елис (12-0-1, 10 Нокаута) of Lynn., Mass., и Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 Нокаута) Св. Thomas, Вирджински острови, will collide in the eight-round co-feature.


Две осем бухалка ще завършвам с четири борбата телевизията. O'Shaquie Foster (10-1, 7 Нокаута), на Orange, Texas, отговаря Роландо Chinea (12-1-1, 6 Нокаута), от Lancaster, Penn., in a featherweight scrap and undefeatedKhiary Gray-Pitts (13-0, 10 Нокаута), от Уорчестър, Mass., will be opposed by fellow unbeaten Ismael Garcia (10-0, 4 Нокаута), на Vineland, Ню Джърси, by way of Pahokee, Fla., в отварачката за супер полусредна категория.


Tickets for the GH3 Promotions event are priced at $45, $75 и $150 и могат да бъдат закупени по телефона от казино Foxwoods Resort на адрес800.200.2882 или онлайн на адрес: www.foxwoods.com.
Since its premiere on July 21, 2001, 67 boxers who’ve appeared onShoBox went on to become world champions; the most recent,Руши Уорън. Допълнителен 75 бойци, които се появиха на ShoBoxсе бориха за световна титла.


Testament to the ShoBox mission statement and to the competitiveness of the fights – prospects are matched against their toughest opposition to date – 150 бойците са претърпели първата си загуба в серията за развитие.


Lopez, Ellis and Foster fought on GH3’s Февруари. 19 ShoBox at Atlantic City. Lopez and Foster triumphed; Ellis boxed a draw.


Adam Lopez vs. Roman Ruben Reynoso: 10-round bantamweight bout

The steadily improving Lopez, now trained by Houston-based Ronnie Shields, will be making his fourth ShoBox start since March 2015. In his first three, he defeated previously unbeaten prospects (combined record: 44-0-2) on each occasion.


Последно Февруари. 19, 5-крак-7, 25-year-old Lopez captured a career-best, highly competitive 10-round decision over Mario Muñoz (16-0-1) на Мексико. Lopez survived a nasty cut over his right eye to win by the scores of 98-92 и два пъти 97-93. In his other fights on ShoBox, Lopez won a (then personal-best) 10-round majority decision over DominicanEliecer Акино (17-0-1) юли 17, 2015, and by second-round knockout over Пабло Круз (11-0) за март 13, 2015.


Regarding his upcoming fight against Reynoso, Лопес каза, “Everything is good. I’m starting to turn up my sparring. I have switched trainers to Ronnie Shields в Хюстън. I see a lot of improvement since my last fight.


“Reynoso is a good fighter from Argentina. He is in Canada now, so I am sure he is getting good sparring there. He is kind of wild, but guys like that are hard to fight because you don’t know where the punches are coming from, but we will be prepared for anything.”


Born in Phoenix and raised in Los Angeles, Lopez moved to San Antonio at 15. Отишъл 125-23 in the amateurs and won six national championships before turning pro at 21 през февруари 2012.

The 25-year-old Reynoso brings a 10-fight winning streak into his United States and ShoBox дебют. A five-year pro, the South American lightweight champion fought his initial 18 fights in Buenos Aires before winning his last fight and lone start this year on a decision over Cristian Arrazola последно Май 20 в Канада. Reynoso’s lone defeat came in his fourth fight.


“Everything is going well in training camp,’’ Reynoso said. “We know that Lopez is tall for 122 pounds and he has good hand speed. He has a good name and we will try to learn more in the next few weeks.


“This is a big opportunity for us and we will do our best. This is a big fight and we know we have to win. С победа, we would hope to get a world title opportunity.’’


Ronald Ellis vs. Julius Jackson: Eight-round middleweight bout

Ellis gets an immediate opportunity to regain his winning ways after taking a sizeable jump up in class and boxing an eight-round draw with hard-hitting Джери Одъм в неговата Февруари. 19 ShoBox дебют. A spirited, close contest throughout was scored 78-74 for Ellis and 76-76 парче. The draw snapped a four-fight-knockout streak for Ellis, who’s won all 10 of his knockouts inside two rounds (eight in the first) since turning pro in 2011.


“This is going to be another coming out party for me,’’ the 5-foot-11, 25-year-old Ellis said. “The last fight was a draw. I had some problems with my hand, but I’m back and this is a step for me. Hopefully he comes to fight. I hope he brings it 100 percent because I am bringing 200 на сто.


“I am glad to be on ShoBox отново. I showed the fans a little bit in my last fight. They can expect the same thing but a little bit more on Юли 22.''


Jackson is making his second ShoBox начало. In his debut – and initial go in the U.S. – the older brother of Клозет and son of former two-division world champion Джулиан „Ястребът“ Джексън registered two knockdowns en-route to a ninth-round TKO over Jonathan Nelson (19-2, 10 Нокаута) Декември. 20, 2014.


Much like Ellis, Jackson is also getting a quick-fix chance to redeem himself and get back on the winning track. Но, unlike Ellis, Jackson изгубенhis most recent fight. His perfect record and 19-fight winning streak ended when he lost by second-round TKO to now top-rated super middleweight contender Jose Uzcategui последно Октомври. 6.


“I’m looking to redeem myself and come out with a win,’’ said the 6-foot-2 Jackson, който ще навърши 29 на Август. 1. “This is my second ShoBox fight and I’m excited to get back to let the world see my talent. I’m getting better, my training has been good. I expect to be in with another really good fighter. It should be a great fight.’’


A 2008 Olympian for the Virgin Islands and a pro since January 2009, Jackson is fighting for the third time in a row in the U.S.


O’Shaquie Foster vs. Роландо Chinea: Eight-round featherweight bout

O’Shaquie (pronounced “oh-SHACK-ee”) Foster is making his third appearance on ShoBox. Последно Февруари. 19, he began to live up to expectations when he rebounded from a sub-standard performance in his ShoBox дебют (an eight-round decision loss to Samuel Seah през ноември 2015) to register a seventh-round TKO over previously undefeated Lavisas Williams (8-0-1).


Foster, 22, dropped southpaw Williams four times – in the second, third, fourth and seventh rounds. Three of the knockdowns appeared to result from a push, but Williams’ gloves touched the canvas each time so they went into the books as knockdowns. After the final knockdown in the seventh, the fight was stopped at 52 секунди след началото на кръг.


“Everything is going good,’’ Foster said. “I’ve been doing a lot of conditioning. I am in the best shape of my life. Chinea has a good jab and I know he will be in a good shape.

“Ever since I moved to Virginia to train, my conditioning, mentality and confidence has gone way up and that was the difference from my first fight to my last fight on ShoBox. На Юли 22, I will be even that much better.’’


A highly decorated amateur standout, the 5-foot-8½ inch Foster advanced to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials where he lost to unbeaten pro prospect, Joseph "Jo-Jo" Diaz. Преди това, Foster was a 2010 PAL Национален шампион, a five-time Ringside National Champion and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves Champion.

Chinea, a 5-foot-8, 25-годишният, прави си ShoBox дебют. After going pro in November 2011, той отиде 10-0-1 before losing an eight-round decision to Ismail Muwendo през април 2015. He’s won two straight since, including a six-round decision over previously undefeatedLadarius Miller (след това 9-0) в последния си двубой от Февруари. 16.

“I treat every opponent the same,’’ Chinea. “I give everything I got and I leave it all in the ring. I know Foster was a good amateur. I know he can box and I know he has some pop.


“This is the moment I’ve dreamed about since I started boxing at 14. My main goal is to tune out the crowd and win. I want to be a main event fighter on SHOWTIME and this is the first step.’’

Khiary Gray-Pitts vs. Ismael Garcia: Eight-round super welterweight bout

Gray-Pitts, 23, will be boxing on ShoBox за първи път. Ambidextrous with quick hands and feet, Gray-Pitts turned pro in June 2014. He fought three times that year, eight times in 2015 (8-0, 8 Нокаута, seven in the first, one in the second) and this will be his third fight in 2016.


“I’m very excited,’’ Gray-Pitts said. “Now I get to showcase my skillset to the whole world. It’s something I’ve been waiting for. There’s still more that people haven’t seen yet when it comes to me. Now I get to see what I have the ability to do. I’m able to block [the crowd] out.


“The more pressure there is, the more relaxed I am. I don’t know a lot about my opponent, but it doesn’t matter as long as I go in there and get done what I need to get done.”


The 5-foot-9 Gray-Pitts is coming off a second-round knockout overQuinton Willis последно Май 13. In his outing before last, the previous Февруари. 19, won a 10-round decision over Eduardo Flores.


Garcia, 29, has fought sporadically since turning pro in March 2010, although he’s been more active in the last 14 месеца. He fought in May and October in 2015 and won his one start this year on a six-round split decision over Carlos Garcia последно Март 18. Garcia’s initial seven fights took place in Atlantic City, the last three in Philadelphia.

“It is my television debut, and everything we have been working on in my first 10 fights we will put together for this fight,’’ Garcia said. “This is SHOWTIME. Being on ShoBox is a long time coming for me. It’s what I’ve dreamed about since I started boxing. It’s his TV debut as well so I know he will be on top of his game. We will be preparing 100 percent for that and then some.


“I have seen a little of Gray-Pitts on tape. This will be my toughest test, as I will be his toughest test. When you have 13-0 борба 10-0, it will be a good fight.’’


Barry Томпкинс ще призове ShoBox действия от страна на ринга с Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Раул Маркес ще служат като експертни анализатори. Изпълнителни продуценти Гордън Hall с Rich Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® - 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT

Leo Santa Cruz Defends WBA Featherweight Championship vs. Carl Фрамптън

Two-Division Champ Mikey Garcia Returns Against Former Champion Elio Rojas

Tony Harrison and Sergey Rabchenko Meet in IBF 154-Pound Eliminator



Brooklyn Welterweights Paulie Malignaggi and Gabriel Bracero Square Off

Ivan Redkach Faces Tevin Farmer in Lightweight Bout


Билети в продажба сега


BROOKLYN (Юни 28, 2016)—Undefeated former two-division world champion Mikey Garcia will return to the ring after a two-and-a-half-year layoff on Събота, Юли 30 on an exciting night of boxing on SHOWTIME и SHOWTIME EXTREME that is one of the strongest cards ever assembled at Barclays Center в Бруклин.


Garcia, who won world titles at featherweight and super featherweight, will fight former world champion Елио Рохас in a 10-round bout in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс co-feature of the Лео Santa Cruz срещу. Carl Фрамптън event presented by Premier Boxing Champions (PBC).


In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс telecast that begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT, once-beaten 154-pound contenders Тони Harrison и Сергей Rabchenko will meet in a 12-round IBF Junior Middleweight Eliminator. Harrison and Rabchenko will square off for the No. 2 mandatory challenger spot to IBF titlist Jermall Charlo, who successfully defended his crown on Май 21, and undefeated contender Julian Williams, who earned the No. 1 mandatory position on Март 5, both on SHOWTIME. Харисън срещу. Rabchenko is the sixth matchup in 2016 between top 154-pound fighters, a lineup showcasing three world title fights and three title elimination matches in one of boxing’s deepest divisions.


The combined record of the six fighters on the SHOWTIME telecast is an impressive 162-4-1 с 113 нокаута.


An all-Brooklyn showdown between welterweight technicians Paulie “Magic Man” Malignaggi и Gabriel “Tito” Bracero highlights the undercard action on SHOWTIME BOXING on SHOWTIME EXTREME. The 10-round bout is a matchup between a former two-division world champion, Malignaggi, and a fellow Brooklyn native, Bracero, coming off the biggest win of his career when he knocked out Дани О'Конър през октомври миналата година.


A 10-round clash between once-beaten lightweight Иван Redkach and streaking Tevin Farmer, Носител е на 14 straight, will open the SHOWTIME EXTREME telecast live at 7 p.m. И/PT.


The Юли 30 event at Barclays Center comes on the heels of last Saturday’s potential Fight of the Year thriller between Keith Търман и Shawn Porter, a back-and-forth slugfest that generated the top grossing live gate and second-highest attended boxing event in venue history.


“This is the strongest card from top to bottom that I have promoted at Barclays Center,” said DiBella Entertainment President Lou DiBella. “Every single fight is significant and competitive, and this is a great follow up from the tremendous success that boxing had with Thurman-Porter this past weekend.”


“This will be our 19тата Бокс събитие, but from top to bottom it’s arguably our best card yet,” said Brooklyn Sports & Главен изпълнителен директор на Entertainment Brett Yormark. “We are excited to welcome undefeated Santa Cruz and Frampton to Brooklyn for the first time, a fight that could rival Barclays Center’s epic Thurman-Porter bout for Fight of the Year. It’s also a pleasure to welcome Brooklyn’s own Paulie Malignaggi back to Barclays Center for the fifth time and to host the return of Mikey Garcia after a two and a half year hiatus. Юли 30 is going to be another big night for BROOKLYN BOXING.”


“We are excited to be part of Mikey Garcia’s return to the ring. Before the layoff, he was a two-division world champion and considered one of the top boxers in the world. We know he is determined to reclaim his place among the elite,"Заяви Стивън Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент & Генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт. “SHOWTIME has distinguished itself by delivering the most compelling matchups and the most important events in boxing all year long. There is no other network as committed to the sport, и Юли 30 събитие, from top-to-bottom, is a prime example.”



“I expect to pick up right where I left off,” Garcia told SHOWTIME Sports reporter Джим Грей last Saturday on CBS. “I was a world champion, I was undefeated, and I still am. I didn’t leave because I was injured. I think I’ll come back even better. I’m hungrier now than I was before.


“I just have to get one fight in. This first fight with Elio (Rojas) will be somewhere between 135 и 140 паунда, but I want to fight at 135 and win a title there. I want to win a title there and keep going after champion after champion. Now that all that (uncertainty) is behind me I look forward to the next stage of my career. This next stage of my career will be what people remember me for.”


“Mikey Garcia is a great fighter,” Rojas said. “I want to thank him for this opportunity. We are both former WBC World Champions and I expect a great fight. Обаче, all of the talk surrounding this fight has been about Mikey’s comeback and his future plans. I am no tune-up. This is also about me coming back and fighting again. He may be looking past me, but I am fully focused on him and securing the victory. I will do whatever I have to do to win, so I can move on and regain my world championship.”


Garcia (34-0, 28 Нокаута), от Ventura, Калифорния., is 28-years-old and in the prime of his career. Once considered one of the top young boxers pound-for-pound in the world, he will make his first ring appearance since he retained the WBO 130-pound title with a 12-round unanimous decision overХуан Карлос Бургос изображение на резервоар на Jan. 25, 2014. Garcia, the brother of renowned trainer Robert Garcia, has been victorious by knockout in 10 на неговата последна 12 fights and holds impressive victories overRoman “Rocky” Martinez, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Orlando Salido и Bernabe Concepcion.


Rojas (24-2, 14 Нокаута), of San Francisco de Macoris, Доминиканската република, won the WBC featherweight world championship in 2009 with a 12-round unanimous decision over defending titleholder Такахиро Ао в Япония. The 33-year-old successfully defended the title against Guty Espadas Jr. в 2010, before losing the belt via unanimous decision to Джони Гонзалес през април 2012. Since the loss to Gonzalez, Rojas moved up to lightweight, когато той побеждава Robert Osiobe през август 2014.



“I’m thrilled to return to the ring on this big stage for my first fight in Brooklyn, and I’m ready to put on a show,” said Harrison. “Fighting for a world title is my dream and I know that I have a challenge in front of me. I’m working hard in camp to get another knockout and to make my mark on the division.”


“This is the start of realizing my dream,” Rabchenko said. “America is the Mecca of boxing so it is a huge privilege for me to be asked to fight there. American fans like to see knockouts and I like to knock people out so I think they will like what they see. I think I can build a fan base there. I am hungrier than ever. I have not seen much of Harrison, but I am ready for anyone. People say he is a very good fighter with good power. I’m not worried. I have good power as well and I think I will have too much for him.”


Само на 25-годишна възраст, Harrison (23-1, 19 Нокаута) has showed tremendous promise. He manufactured a 10-fight knockout streak from 2013 към 2015 and proved he could recover from a loss when he dominated Сесил МакКала за 10 rounds in October 2015 и спря Fernando Войн in impressive fashion in March.


Fighting out of Belaraus, Rabchenko (27-1, 20 Нокаута) is looking to put himself squarely into world title contention when he makes his U.S. дебютира на Юли 30. The 30-year-old is coming off stoppage victories over Walter Calvo през май 2015 and Miguel Aguilar in February.





“I feel truly blessed to have yet another opportunity to fight in Brooklyn,” Malignaggi said. “I have known Tito a long time and I know he always comes to fight. We will give the Brooklyn fans a great appetizer before the terrific main event later that night in Barclays Center.”


“I’m looking to make a statement by winning this fight,” said Bracero. “Paulie and I have been friends since the amateurs and I’m thankful to have this opportunity, but he’s had his run. Now it’s time for me to have mine. This fight is going to change my life.”


Бившият световен шампион по 140 и 147 паунда, the 35-year-old Malignaggi (35-7, 7 Нокаута) will return to the ring to fight at Barclays Center for the fifth time. He has faced a slew of big names throughout his career and has been victorious over the likes of Zab Юда, Vyacheslav Senchenko и Pablo Cesar Cano. Роден и израснал в квартал Бруклин Bensonhurst, “The Magic Man” was victorious twice fighting in his birth country of Italy last year after unsuccessfully challenging unbeaten Дани Гарсия през август.


Another Brooklyn-native, Bracero (24-2, 5 Нокаута) comes off of a sensational one-punch knockout of rival Дани О'Конър in their rematch last October. The 35-year-old owns victories over Дмитрий Salita и Павел Miranda in addition to his first triumph over the previously unbeaten O’Connor in 2011.



“I am extremely happy to be back in the ring on a big show in New York,” Redkach said. “There are so many Ukrainian fans in New York and I am thrilled to have their support and will put on a great show for them. I want to thank Leo Santa Cruz and his team for having me in their camp as we both prepare ourselves to put on tremendous performances come Юли 30."


“I couldn’t be more excited about this fight,” Farmer said. “This is my Barclays Center debut and it is going to be a spectacular performance. I have called out anyone and everyone in the 130- pound division to no avail, so now I’m moving up to 135 to take on Redkach, one of the most feared punchers in the division. Redkach is an aggressive guy and I know he is coming to fight, but there is no way I leave that ring without my hand being raised. This is a fight where I can and I will make a major statement. I’m willing to fight whoever they put in front of me to inch closer to a world title opportunity and Юли 30 is another step in that direction. I tip my hat off to Redkach for giving me this fight, but this is my time to shine.”


Роден е в Украйна, но се биете из Лос Анджелис, REDK (19-1-1, 15 Нокаута) began boxing at the age of six and has put together an impressive career since turning pro in 2009. The 30-year-old owns victories over Тони Luis, Сергей Gulyakevich и Якубу Amidu. Съвсем наскоро, Redkach knocked out Erick Daniel Martinez през октомври 2015 and fought to a draw with Luis Cruz през април.


Representing the fighting city of Philadelphia, Земеделски производител (24-1-1, 5 Нокаута) спечели 14 bouts in a row since losing to unbeaten world champion Хосе Педраса в 2012. The 25-year-old has come on strong in recent years, upsetting previously unbeaten fighters such as Emmanuel Gonzalez, Ангел Luna и Camilo Perez. Farmer dominated veteran Гамалиил Diaz in March and will make his Barclays Center debut on Юли 30.


Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by DiBella Entertainment in association with Cyclone Promotions, започне в $38 и могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.


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