Kategoria: Archiwum: Showtime Boxing


(Zdjęcie kredytowe: Amanda Westcott/SHOWTIME)

Z udziałem Badou Jack, Dervin Hill, Jarrett Hurd i Luis Arias

Więcej! Były gwiazdor NFL, Chad Johnson, przed debiutem bokserskim przeciwko Brianowi Maxwellowi

Zawodnicy rywalizujący w Mayweather vs. Paweł SHOWTIME PPV® Undercard Podgląd odpowiednich rozgrywek odbywających się w najbliższą niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens

KliknijTUTAJ na zdjęciach z Amandą Westcott / SHOWTIME

KliknijTUTAJ na zdjęciach z Sean Michael Ham /

Mayweather Promotions

MIAMI(Czerwiec 4, 2021) – Zawodnicy rywalizujący w Mayweather vs. Karta Paul SHOWTIME PPV przedstawiła podgląd swoich rozgrywek podczas ostatniej konferencji prasowej w piątek, zanim wejdą na ring w tę niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens.

Na piątkowej konferencji prasowej wystąpił dwudystrybucyjny mistrzBadou Jacki niepokonanaDervin Hill, którzy spotkają się w 10-rundowym turnieju wagi półciężkiej,, i były mistrz zunifikowany„Szybki” Jarrett Hurdi weteran pretendentLuis Arias, którzy zmierzą się w 10-rundowej atrakcji.

W konferencji prasowej uczestniczyła również była gwiazda NFLChad Johnsoni wszechstronny wojownikBrian Maxwell, gdy Johnson debiutuje w boksie na specjalnej wystawie przeciwko Maxwellowi, aby rozpocząć transmisję telewizyjną pay-per-view w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Bilety na wydarzenie na żywo są już w sprzedaży i można je kupić na Ticketmaster.com.

Oto, co zawodnicy mieli do powiedzenia w piątek z JW Marriott Miami Turnberry:


„Jestem po prostu wdzięczny, że wciąż walczę w niedzielę wieczorem. Teraz mamy nowego przeciwnika i będzie to ten sam wynik. Jestem w świetnej formie i nie mogę się doczekać.

„Colina to tylko kolejny facet. Szanuję go za to, że przyjechał i wystąpił jako spóźniony zastępca. Ale miałem zamiar wygrać tę walkę w niedzielę, czy to Pascal, czy ktokolwiek.

„Jestem bardzo sfrustrowany Jeanem Pascalem. Ale jestem profesjonalistą i mogę się dostosować bez względu na to, kto jest przede mną. Jestem rozczarowany, bo wygrałem pierwszą walkę z Pascalem i czekałem 18 miesięcy na zemstę.

„Mam trochę złości, która może zostać wyładowana na Colina, ale to nic osobistego, tylko sprawa, którą tu załatwię w niedzielny wieczór.

„Naprawdę nie dbam o tytuł za bardzo, Naprawdę zależało mi tylko na zemście na Pascalu. Czekałem na to tak długo i mogłem stoczyć różne walki podczas czekania.

„Jest niepokonanym facetem, więc wejdzie tutaj z dużą pewnością siebie, chcąc pokazać swoją moc. Będziemy jednak gotowi bez względu na to, jak przystąpi do walki. Jak zawsze miałem świetny sparing, więc jestem przygotowany na to, co przyniesie.


„Chciałbym podziękować Team Badou Jack za możliwość the. To jest to, co robię. Urodziłem się do tego. W niedzielę zobaczycie, co zrobię.

„Miałam walczyć w czerwcu 11 na innej karcie. Walka przyszła nieco wcześniej, w czerwcu 6. Ale jestem gotowy do walki i nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla tej walki. Przychodzę wygrać za wszelką cenę. A zobaczysz, co robię w niedzielę.

„Szanuję Badou i to, co zrobił w tym sporcie, ale wiem, że mam wszystko, czego potrzebuję, aby zaszokować świat w niedzielę wieczorem.

„Nie mam nic do stracenia i to czyni mnie niebezpiecznym. Zostawię wszystko na ringu i ogłoszę całemu światu, że jestem fighterem, od którego będziesz się słyszeć.


„Wszyscy wiedzą, że mam niedokończone sprawy za 154 funty. Nie patrzę jednak poza Arias A. Ta walka to tylko przystanek w wadze średniej, bo wracam na dół, żeby zająć się tym biznesem.

„Mieliśmy niesamowity obóz treningowy z moją nową trenerką Kay Koromą w Colorado Springs. Mam chip na ramieniu. Myślę, że wiele osób zapomniało, kim jestem. Miałem najlepszy życiorys w kategorii wagowej. Przyjdź w niedzielę, Przypomnę wszystkim kim jestem.

„Zawsze jest stricte biznesowo i tak samo będzie w niedzielę. Arias ma obsesję na punkcie mojej wagi i myśli, że mam problemy. Ale musi się skupić na tym, co musi zrobić w niedzielę wieczorem.

„Nie wiem, gdzie jestem teraz oceniany, ale jestem najlepszym wojownikiem w 154 funtów. Pokazanie, że światu jest celem w niedzielę.

„Właśnie przywróciliśmy to do podstaw na obozie treningowym z moim trenerem Kay Koroma. W sporcie zawsze możesz dowiedzieć się więcej.

„Boksowałem od 15 i trener Koroma pomógł mi rozwinąć to, co już wiedziałem already. Sprawia, że ​​nie tylko podchodzę do przodu i używam mojej siły, ale poruszanie się i trochę boksowanie.”


„Myślę, że narracja jest taka, że ​​potrzebowali przeciwnika dla Jarretta Hurda, a ostatnio nie wyglądałem tak wspaniale. Ale ludzie zapominają, że byłem 18-0 zanim dostałem pierwszą skazę. Kiedy byłem z Floydem Mayweatherem, Byłem 9-0 i wtedy było mi najwygodniej. To jest mentalność, którą biorę do tej walki.

„Jestem w pobliżu Floyda od grudnia. Trenowałem w Vegas na wysokości, tak jak Hurd. Jestem w doskonałej formie do tej walki, a on wciąż musi wymyślić, jak będzie walczyć.

„Teraz świat boksu będzie oglądał tę walkę. Będę na moich PS i Q, a on nie będzie musiał mnie szukać. Gdy zostanie trafiony w niedzielę, będzie musiał wybrać, w jakim stylu chce walczyć.

„To dla mnie pozycja obowiązkowa. To świetna nazwa dla mojego CV. Nikogo nie uniknąłem. I’ve taken every name that’s been brought to me. When his name came up I said absolutely. I’m ready and I’m an old-school fighter. I’d fight you in this backyard, that backyard, any backyard. On Sunday it will show.

“He’s the one who has got the issue with the weight. The fight doesn’t really make much sense at 160 because he’s not ranked and wants to go back down to 154. But it’s too big of an opportunity and too big of a card to complain about the weight. We’re going to put the gloves on and whatever he weighs, he weighs. This is going to be the best fight on the card.”


“I feel really good. I’ve been using boxing to prepare for football throughout the years, ale nigdy nie zrobiłem tego na taką skalę. Aby przygotować się do rzeczywistej walki, czy jest coś nowego. Mam do czynienia z facetem, który zarabia na tym życie, więc wcale tego nie lekceważę.

„Zawsze byłem zdenerwowany przed każdym kickoffem. Więc byłbym głupcem, gdybym powiedział, że nie denerwuję się, wchodząc w coś, w czym jestem poza moim żywiołem.

„Jedna rzecz, w której jestem wyjątkowo dobra, jest wtedy, gdy są światła, kamery i tłum, wchodzi tam i bawi się.

„Pracowałem trochę z Jorge Masvidalem, ale ostatnie tygodnie były w Houston z Jermallem i Jermellem Charlo. To tam była większość mojej pracy. Robiłem wszystko, co możliwe, aby mieć pewność, że wyglądam jak w niedzielę wieczorem.

„Jestem poza moim żywiołem, so of course I’m approaching this fight humbly. He’s coming to knock my head off. Football is something I did all my life, that’s why I walked the way I did. I can’t be arrogant and take this fight lightly.”


“I don’t know how my name came up for this fight. But like everyone has said, ‘Who is Brian Maxwell?’ That’s been a trending topic on every social media. Ale wiecie co? Dzisiaj, you all know who Brian Maxwell is. And I’m excited about this. It’s a perfect matchup for me. It’s a perfect matchup for Chad. The best of both worlds. Coming from a fan. My hashtag on social media has become ‘Idols Become Rivals.’ And this is the perfect time and the perfect moment for me and him. Tak jak powiedziałem mu przez telefon, Jestem wielkim fanem. Ale fanboy wyszedł przez okno. Teraz musimy zabawiać i to właśnie zamierzamy zrobić.

„To jest wystawa, więc przychodzimy zabawiać fanów i robić show. Ale w tym samym czasie, jesteśmy dwoma mężczyznami, którzy zbliżają się do siebie i muszą walczyć. Bez względu na wynik, zamierzamy stoczyć świetną walkę.

„Śledziłem tego człowieka od dnia 1. Znam każdy jego ruch. Wzorowałam się na nim i to jest jak walka ze sobą. Będę skromny i zamierzamy zrobić show dla wszystkich.

„To było pytanie, w której rundzie go znokautuję. Jestem tutaj, aby bawić i bawić się. This is a great opportunity.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes

“We have a stacked undercard on Sunday night. I’ve promoted tons of events and this is one that I’m really looking forward to, because it gives us an array of great fights in addition to a little something different.

“I’m really looking forward to this card. South Florida has been buzzing since we announced this event. We can’t wait for the great crowd and the tons of fans tuning in from all around the world.

“When I think of Chad Johnson, he’s a showman. He does so many different things really well. He’ll be making his foray into the boxing industry in what should be a terrific bout against Brian Maxwell. Chad is looking to possibly steal the show, which is what he’s known for doing.

„Były mistrz zjednoczenia Jarrett Hurd jest świetnym mistrzem i znam go od wielu lat. Chce wrócić i odcisnąć piętno tam, gdzie skończył left. Daje do zrozumienia, że ​​po tej walce, ponownie przejmie kontrolę nad dywizją 154 funtów. Zmierzy się z Luisem Ariasem z Mayweather Promotions i miałem okazję osobiście zobaczyć przygotowania do Arii. Mogę ci teraz powiedzieć, że jest więcej niż gotowy, by zdenerwować Jarretta.

“W co-main, Nie mogę powiedzieć wystarczająco dużo o Badou Jack. Jest świetnym mistrzem na ringu i wspaniałym przykładem poza ringiem. Robi tak wiele, aby pomóc ludziom na całym świecie, a Floyd i ja jesteśmy z niego naprawdę dumni. Wiemy, że w niedzielę zagra świetny show.

„Jeśli chodzi o tę kartę, fani czekają na wielką ucztę. To będzie nic innego jak działanie od góry do dołu”.

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Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul to specjalna walka wystawiennicza prezentowana przez Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO i Mavathltcs, które odbędą się w niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens, Fla. Program telewizyjny, który jest produkowany przez SHOWTIME PPV, zostanie wyemitowany na żywo początek w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT i można je teraz kupić naSHOWTIME.com iFANMIO.pl. Poniższa karta będzie zawierać dwuligowego mistrza świata Badou Jacka w 10-rundowym pojedynku z niepokonanym Dervinem Coliną, plus były zunifikowany mistrz wagi super półśredniej „Swift” Jarrett Hurd przeciwko Luisowi Ariasowi w 10-rundowej walce i w czwartym pojedynku PPV, były gwiazdor NFL, Chad Johnson, zadebiutuje w boksie w czterorundowym meczu pokazowym przeciwko wszechstronnemu zawodnikowi Brianowi Maxwellowi.

Więcej informacji na stroniebit.ly/mayweatherpaul,  www.SHO.com/sportswww.FANMIO.pl. Śledź na Twitterze @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing i @FANMIO oraz na Instagramie @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, @MayweatherPromotions, @FanMIO i @FANMIO.


MIAMI - (Czerwiec 3, 2021) – Dwudywizyjny mistrz świata Badou Jack zmierzy się niepokonany Dervin Hill w 10-rundowej walce w wadze półciężkiej, która służy jako Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV współgłówne wydarzenie w tę niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 z Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens.

Colina zastępuje Jeana Pascala, który pierwotnie miał zmierzyć się z Jackiem, zanim oblał test narkotykowy przed walką.

Telewizja pay-per-view rozpocznie się na żywo o 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT i będzie zawierał byłego zjednoczonego mistrza o wadze 154 funtów „Szybki” Jarrett Hurd biorąc na Luis Arias w 10-rundowej rozgrywce, plus były szerokokątny odbiornik NFL Chad Johnson zadebiutuje w boksie w meczu pokazowym przeciwko wszechstronnemu wojownikowi Brian Maxwell.

Bilety na wydarzenie na żywo są już w sprzedaży na Ticketmaster.com.

Urodzony w Sztokholmie, Podnośnik (22-3-3, 13 KO), który reprezentował ojczyznę swojego ojca, Gambię w in 2008 Igrzyska Olimpijskie, teraz mieszka w Las Vegas. Jack zdobył 168-funtowy tytuł mistrza świata dzięki decyzji większości przeciwko Anthony'emu Dirrellowi w 2015 i trzykrotnie skutecznie obronił pas, zanim w jednej z najlepszych walk 2017 roku otrzymał zacięty większościowy remis przeciwko Jamesowi DeGale. W swojej pierwszej walce w 175 funtów, Jack zatrzymał Nathana Cleverly'ego, aby zdobyć tytuł WBA w wadze półciężkiej, zanim walczył z większościowym remisem przeciwko ówczesnemu mistrzowi WBC Adonisowi Stevensonowi w maju 2018. After dropping a narrow fight to Pascal in 2019, Jack’s most recent outing saw him earn a unanimous decision over Blake McKernan in November 2020.

The 33-year-old Colina (15-0, 13 KO) lives in Medellin, Kolumbia, and is a native of Venezuela. He steps in on short notice to make his United States debut against Jack. Colina has competed at both super middleweight and light heavyweight in recent years and is riding a six-fight knockout streak into June 6. Colina has been training with renowned coach Stacy McKinley for the last two months in Pompano Beach, Floryda.

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Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul to specjalna walka wystawiennicza prezentowana przez Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO i Mavathltcs, które odbędą się w niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens, Fla. Program telewizyjny, który jest produkowany przez SHOWTIME PPV, zostanie wyemitowany na żywo początek w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT i można je teraz kupić na SHOWTIME.com i FANMIO.pl. Poniższa karta będzie zawierać dwuligowego mistrza świata Badou Jacka w 10-rundowym pojedynku z niepokonanym Dervinem Coliną, plus były zunifikowany mistrz wagi super półśredniej „Swift” Jarrett Hurd przeciwko Luisowi Ariasowi w 10-rundowej walce i w czwartym pojedynku PPV, były gwiazdor NFL, Chad Johnson, zadebiutuje w boksie w czterorundowym meczu pokazowym przeciwko wszechstronnemu zawodnikowi Brianowi Maxwellowi.

Więcej informacji na stronie bit.ly/mayweatherpaul, www.SHO.com/sports, www.FANMIO.pl. Śledź na Twitterze @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing i @FANMIO oraz na Instagramie @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, @MayweatherPromotions, @FanMIO i @FANMIO.


Subriel Matias and Gary Antuanne Russell Notch

Big Knockout Wins

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KliknijTUTAJ na zdjęciach z Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

KliknijTUTAJ za zdjęcia od Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promotions

CARSON, CALIF.(Maj 29, 2021) -Nonito Donaire is champion once again. Fourteen years after he won his first world title, the “Filipino Flash” cemented his Hall of Fame credentials with a sensational fourth-round KO win overNordine Oubaalito capture the WBC World Bantamweight title Saturday night in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Kalifornia. w wydarzeniu Premier Boxing Champions.

“The king has returned,” Donaire beamed afterward. “I just love the crowds. All my friends, rodzina, all the boxing fans that came out thank you so much. You guys are wonderful.”

The 38-year-old Donaire (41-6, 27 KO) is now the oldest world champion ever at 118-pounds. He accomplished it with the left hand that has been the calling card of his career as he dropped Oubaali (17-1, 12 KO) three times in total.

“Being at this age is not the question, it’s about my performance,” said Donaire. “About my ability to grow. I believe it matters not what your age is, but how mentally strong you are. What I learned from the [Naoya] Inoue fight is that I’m back. I can still compete at this level. The whole time I was not fighting, I was learning. I’m ready for the next one.”

Following a feel-out first round, Donaire went to work in the second, walking Oubaali down and countering with thudding effect. Donaire scored the first knockdown early in the third, dropping Oubaali with his trademark counter left hook. The Frenchman rose on unsteady legs and Donaire pounced, landing more big shots until another left hook floored Oubaali just a split second before the round ended. Ponownie, Oubaali struggled to his feet, dazed yet willing to fight on.

The end came swiftly in the fourth. Donaire expertly maneuvered Oubaali around the ring, pinning him against the ropes where a left uppercut sent Oubaali crumpling to the canvas for a third and final time. Referee Jack Reiss immediately called it off. The official time of the stoppage was 1:52 czwartej rundy.

“Three decades of being world champion. Nine-time world champion. That’s amazing,” said Donaire. “I came in here and I felt really good. Today I knew exactly what was going to happen. I knew exactly what I was going to do. I think I was just very focused in the gym. I was very, very focused. I just felt really good coming in and I was grateful to get this opportunity.

“Tonight was something that I had to prove to the world that I’m back and I’m stronger than ever. He was a very tough guy. I think ultimately for me, there was a level of should I be more patient? Or should I go for it? Something I learned in the Inoue fight was to go for the kill. And that’s exactly what I did. I was patient, but I knew he was hurt enough that I could take him out.”

W ko-feature, Puerto RicoSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 KO) delivered another power-punching display, breaking down previously-unbeatenBatyr Jukembayev (18-1, 14 KO) until Jukembayev’s corner stopped the bout after eight riveting rounds.

“I think this is what everybody expected. Everybody knew it was going to be a great war,” said Matias. “This was going to end by knockout whether I was going to get knocked out or Jukembayev was going to get knocked out. I’m just glad it was me who knocked him out.”

Matias establishes himself as one of the best in a stacked division, but this latest win wasn’t easy. Kazakhstan’s Jukembayev came out strong, landing a right hook-right uppercut combination upstairs from his southpaw stance that got Matias’ attention in the first.

Jukembayev pushed the pace in the second. Matias began letting his hands go in the third, throwing in combination to the head and body. Both combatants were now fully warmed up, setting the stage for a fourth round that could be a candidate for “Round of the Year.”

It began when a hard left hook staggered Jukembayev and drove him to the canvas. Matias sought to close the show but Jukembayev held on, cleared his head and started landing his own shots. With a minute left in the stanza, Jukembayev stunned Matias with a left cross. Instead of clinching, Matias fought fire with fire, bringing the crowd out of their seats with toe-to-toe action until the bell sounded.

Matias never stopped coming forward. Following a one-sided sixth, Jukembayev returned to his corner with both eyes swelling shut. The back and forth ensued in the seventh as Jukembayev buzzed Matias with two right hooks toward the end of the round.

Matias returned to the driver’s seat in the eighth round, pounding away at Jukembayev with both fists. W sumie, he out-landed Jukembayev by 100 stemple (234/608 do 134 /409) and was more accurate (38.5% do 32.8%). The accumulation of blows was enough to convince Jukembayev’s corner to request the bout be stopped.

“He knew he had nothing to lose. He came in and was doing everything strong,” said Matias. “He knew that all he could do was knock me out to win. I would have done the same thing. That’s a warrior’s heart and he has all my respect.

“After that fourth round, I mean he is a very competitive fighter, so it turned into a war after that point. My hands go up to him as well. To była świetna walka. I definitely have had other opponents that were very good, but this is the one that has given me the hardest test.”

W otwieracza transmitowane, Gary Antuanne Russell (14-0, 14 KO) continued his ascent up the super lightweight ranks. The undefeated Russell became the first to stop the ruggedJovanie santiago (14-2-1, 10 KO), dominating Santiago until referee Sharon Sands halted the contest following the sixth round at the suggestion of Santiago’s corner.

“The objective is to get the man out as soon as possible and come out unscathed,” said Russell. “I just want to say that Santiago was a class-A opponent. A lot of people think he beat Adrien Broner. I want Adrien Broner now.”

With older brother and WBC World Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. pracuje w swoim kącie, Gary Antuanne controlled the action from the opening bell. The 2016 Olympian worked the jab and straight left behind the southpaw stance, snapping Santiago’s head back several times in the first.

Russell, 24, continued to land the left in the second and third. Early in the fourth, he followed up a straight left to the ribs with a short right hook upstairs that dropped Santiago to a knee. Puerto Rico’s Santiago gamely rose to his feet and survived the follow-up onslaught to make it out of the round.

“The importance to me is to execute round-by-round, and round-by-round, I was executing more and more. My father told me to go to the body, right hook upstairs. He was open to that,” said Russell.

Russell showed no signs of slowing despite being extended beyond four rounds for the first time in his pro career. The Capital Heights, Md. product battered Santiago in the sixth, landing punishing combinations throughout the frame. Chwilę później, the bout was stopped.

“It’s definitely important to me to perform so I’m not just known as Gary Russell’s younger brother,” said Russell, który wylądował 146 z 444 stemple (32.9%). “I come from an excellent background of fighters. We’re building a dynasty.

“How soon do I want to get back in the ring? If I could fight on the Deontay Wilder card, that would be great.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay Sunday, Maj 30 w 9 a.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME and Monday, Maj 31 w 10 p.m. ET / PT na SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Veteran sportscaster Brian Custer hosted the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion Abner Mares. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. Producentem wykonawczym był David Dinkins, Jr., the Producer was Ray Smaltz and the Director was Chuck McKean. Three-time super bantamweight world champion Israel Vazquez and sportscaster Alejandro Luna served as expert analysts in Spanish on Secondary Audio Programming (SAP).

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Mistrz świata wagi koguciej WBC, Oubaali, zmierzy się w najbliższą sobotę z Donaire'em, Maj 29 Żyją w telewizji Showtime® W wydarzeniu Premier Boxing Champions od
Godność Zdrowie Park sportowy w Carson, Kalifornia.

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Kliknij TUTAJ za zdjęcia od Sean Michael Ham / TGB Promotions

CARSON, CALIF. (Maj 27, 2021) - Mistrz świata wagi koguciej WBC Nordine Oubaali i przyszłe Hall of Fame Nonito Donaire stanęli twarzą w twarz w czwartek na ostatniej konferencji prasowej przed ich pojedynkiem o tytuł mistrza świata, który odbędzie się w tę sobotę, Maj 29 na żywo w SHOWTIME z Dignity Health Sports Park w Carson, Kalifornii., jako główna gwiazda wydarzenia Premier Boxing Champions.

Na konferencji prasowej wystąpił również mocny rywal Subriel Matias i niepokonana Batyr Jukembayev, którzy spotykają się w turnieju co-main na 12 rund IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, i niepokonana 2016 Patenty USA. Olimpijczyk Gary Antuanne Russell i Jovanie santiago, którzy zmierzą się w 10-rundowym superlekkim starciu, które otwiera transmisję telewizyjną SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING o 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT.

Wydarzenie jest promowane przez TGB Promotions. Bilety są już w sprzedaży i można je kupić na AXS.com. Dignity Health Sports Park będzie otwarty dla kibiców w ograniczonej liczbie, wszyscy goście zachowują dystans społeczny i podlegają lokalnym i stanowym wytycznym zdrowotnym przez cały czas trwania wydarzenia.

Oto co miał do powiedzenia bojowników czwartek:


"Tak, sparowaliśmy, ale trening to trening. Kiedy wchodzisz do walki, to nie to samo. Każda walka jest inna i wiem, że w sobotę zagram świetne show z Nonito Donaire, bo wiem, że jest dobrym bokserem, ale wiem, że jestem najlepszy. Trenowałem tak ciężko i teraz jestem gotowy do walki. Chcę wszystkim pokazać, że dwie najlepsze wagi koguciej w dzisiejszym boksie walczą w sobotę.

"Tak, miał niesamowitą karierę i ma władzę, ale wierzę, że mam więcej władzy niż on. Wiem, że mam moc. Jest dobrym bokserem, ale ja jestem mistrzem świata iw sobotę pokażę światu, kto jest najlepszy. Wiem, że jestem najlepszy. Szanuję Nonito. He’s had a good career but I’m the best in the division.

“The difference in the fight is going to be I want to win more. I want to continue to make history and stay as the world champion in this division. I know that it’s my time. I want this more than he does.

“If I’m victorious, why not have my next fight be for the unification? I want to make history every time and this is my motivation. I’m here because I love boxing and I want to face the best boxers every time. I’m facing Nonito Donaire and that’s great for my career. I just like to fight and this is my life.”


“It would be great to win the title at 38 years old and become the oldest champion at 118 funtów, but let’s keep it going. Let’s make it 40. Let’s make it 42. There ain’t no stopping me. Umysłowo, I’m very grateful but at the same time I’m just very ready.

“I’m always healthy and the reason why I can compete with anybody is because I keep myself healthy and I work hard. There’s nothing less than 100 percent every time I’m in that gym.

“I’m very hard-headed so I don’t always do what people tell me to do. People can say that it’s their time. But I also have my time and I’m always going to be the one who concedes their time or makes that decision. It’s still my time.

“It’s going to be a great fight. Oubaali is the champion for a reason. He’s been through it in terms of the amateurs and making it here. So we’re not underestimating any of that. But I’ve fought in this venue many times and I always make magical fights in the first place. It’s always going to be magical with me. I’m a unicorn.

“The difference in this fight is going to be my hunger. He’s younger than me but I have the hunger. We both have an objective and that’s what’s going to make this a great fight.

“I want to fight the best out there. I want the rematch with Naoya Inoue and I want to get all the belts. The only thing I haven’t accomplished in boxing is becoming undisputed champion. I’ve done everything else. Fighter Roku. Nokaut Roku. Multiple championships. Four-division champion. You name it. To jest mój główny cel. Get the belt and put them all together.

“Bantamweight is my real weight. Zawsze walczyłem w cięższej dywizji z powodu podniecenia, wyzwanie i lukratywna oferta lub nazwy w tamtym czasie. Teraz, Jestem tutaj, gdzie należę i tutaj jestem naprawdę silna.

„Zwolnienia w ogóle nie będą miały znaczenia. Czas wolny mi pomógł. Samo wyjście z ringu pomogło mojemu ciału odzyskać siły. A chęć i głód są bardziej niż kiedykolwiek. To było dla mnie błogosławieństwo ”.


„Będę jego najtrudniejszym sprawdzianem bez pytania i przyjdę w sobotę wieczorem, wszyscy dowiedzą się, dlaczego to mówię.

„Wierzę mu, kiedy mówi, że ma narzędzia, aby zatrzymać się w sobotę. Ale to nie tylko kwestia powiedzenia, w sobotę wieczorem musi to udowodnić. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“We’re both knockout artists and with what we’re looking at, this fight should not finish by a decision.

“I don’t have much to say about that fight against Petros Ananyan. Those that saw me lose, I lost. There’s nothing I can say about it. But those that know boxing know that I’ve been progressing and improving and you all will see that on Saturday.”


„Ja miałem wielki obóz treningowy. I am ready for Saturday night. I know that he’s a good fighter but I promise that I will be ready.

“We will see Saturday night whether it’s going to end in a knockout. I’ll show you what I’m made of and you will all see.”


“I’m in the hurt business. He’s a slugger. If he wants to come in there and slug with me, he will feel my power. He will see how intelligent I am. Not just mentally, but physically with my hands. Tak jak powiedziałem, I’m in the hurt business. I come to hurt.

“Pardon my lack of Spanish, but what you are going to see is, ‘la violencia.’ He’s going to bring his pressure. He’s going to bring punches in bunches and I believe that’s all he can bring. If he’s been training and trying to perfect himself for my style of fighting, that’s fine. You’re not supposed to come in here one-dimensional. A diamond shines from all sides.

“The only thing I can say is this venue is going to promote blood, pot i łzy oraz chęć ludzi do bycia wspaniałymi. Zdecydowanie jestem jednym z nich. Byłem na siłowni oddając swoją krew, mój pot i moje łzy, a ja przynoszę to wszystko do tego miejsca w sobotę wieczorem.

„Zdecydowanie chcę być bardziej aktywny. Taki zawsze był mój plan. Pandemia spowolniła sytuację. Fani zawsze mi mówią, że chcą zobaczyć, jak tam wrócę… Po prostu im mówię, Ja też. To nie wojownicy pociągają za wszystkie sznurki. Powinienem być bardziej aktywny? Oczywiście. Chcę być bardziej aktywny.

„Chcę pokazać, że jestem śmietanką. Jestem supergwiazdą. Światło nie świeciło na mnie, ponieważ dzieje się wiele innych rzeczy. Do tego czasu, będziesz musiał poczekać i zobaczyć. Przyjdź w sobotę, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. I have an opponent that’s not willing to lay down. If he’s not willing to, I must make him lay down.”


“I know that he’s a good fighter. An Olympian. He’s young and he’s going to come fight. I’m going to come to fight too, so if the fight finishes early, then it finishes early.

“I just have to work round-by-round, throw punches and win one round at a time. After I beat Russell, everybody is going to be on my side.

“This is my weight. This is where I’m most comfortable. I’ve always been a 140-pounder and Saturday that’s what I’m going to demonstrate.

“This time, I’m fighting at my actual weight. Czuję się silny. Przychodzę do pracy w kółko, aw sobotę wszyscy zobaczą, o co mi chodzi ”.

# # #

Oubaali vs. Donaire zmierzy się z niepokonanym mistrzem świata wagi koguciej WBC Nordine Oubaali przeciwko przyszłej Hall of Fame Nonito Donaire w długo oczekiwanym 12-rundowym pojedynku o mistrzostwo na żywo w sobotę SHOWTIME, Maj 29 z Dignity Health Sports Park w Carson, Kalifornia. w wydarzeniu Premier Boxing Champions.

W co-MISTRZOSTWA BOXING funkcji SHOWTIME, mocny rywal Subriel Matías nabiera niepokonanego Batyr Jukembayev w 12 rundach IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, natomiast niepokonana 2016 Patenty USA. Olimpijczyk Gary Antuanne Russell twarze Jovanie santiago w 10-rundowym, superlekkim starciu, aby otworzyć transmisję.

Wydarzenie jest promowane przez TGB Promotions.

Bilety są już w sprzedaży i można je kupić na AXS.com. Dignity Health Sports Park będzie otwarty dla kibiców w ograniczonej liczbie, wszyscy goście zachowują dystans społeczny i podlegają lokalnym i stanowym wytycznym zdrowotnym przez cały czas trwania wydarzenia.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing i @TGBPromotions na Instagramie @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing i @TGBPromotions lub zostań fanem na Facebooku pod adresem www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


“I’m transitioning that flair you saw from me on the football field

all into this sport.”

Former NFL Star Wide Receiver Chad Johnson Makes Boxing Debut In an Exhibition Against Versatile Fighter Brian Maxwell on Mayweather vs. Paweł SHOWTIME PPV® Undercard Sunday, Czerwiec 6 z Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens

KliknijTUTAJ na zdjęciach z Mayweather Promotions

HOUSTON- (Maj 26, 2021) – Former NFL star wide receiverChad Johnsonmade a name for himself throughout his storied career by combining elite on-field production with highlight-reel celebrations and an outspokenness that made him a household name. Teraz, he will look to take that same formula into his boxing debut when he steps into the ring for an exhibition against versatile fighterBrian Maxwellw niedzielę, June 6 as part of the Mayweather vs. Paul SHOWTIME PPV na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens.

Oprócz wprowadzenia swojej marki rozrywki na imprezę, Johnson porównał swój własny styl bokserski do jednego z najbardziej wyjątkowych zawodników tego sportu.

„Przekształcam ten talent, który widziałeś u mnie na boisku piłkarskim, w ten sport,”Powiedział Johnson. "Dla mnie, mój styl jest jak Emanuel Augustus. Kiedyś opanowałem te podstawowe zasady do końca, Mógłbym dodać tę sztuczkę do mojej gry ”.

Wieloletni fan i student słodkiej nauki, Johnson nigdy nie wierzył, że będzie miał okazję boksować na tej scenie. Jednak, Kiedyś otrzymał wiadomość od Mayweathera i wiedział, jak długo będzie musiał się przygotować, skorzystał z nadarzającej się okazji.

„Nigdy nie myślałem o wejściu na ring,”Powiedział Johnson. “I never thought there would be an opportunity to do so. But I love boxing. I’m friends with every boxer out there because I love and study all of it. I didn’t expect anything like this to happen. When Floyd called, the first thing I wanted to know, was how much time I had to prepare. Once I knew that I had enough time that I could look like myself in there, I knew I could pull it off.”

Always pushing the boundaries of what the public expects from athletes, Johnson will add another feather into what has been a remarkable career as an athlete and entertainer with this fight on June 6.

“This is a one-time thing,”Powiedział Johnson. “I’ve done some crazy things in life, and this is one to add and scratch off the bucket list. I’m coming in there to have fun and entertain.”

#          #          #


Mayweather vs. Logan Paul to specjalna walka wystawiennicza prezentowana przez Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO i Mavathltcs, które odbędą się w niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens, Fla. Program telewizyjny, który jest produkowany przez SHOWTIME PPV, zostanie wyemitowany na żywo początek w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT i można je teraz kupić na SHOWTIME.com iFANMIO.pl. The undercard will feature WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round rematch, plus były zunifikowany mistrz wagi super półśredniej „Swift” Jarrett Hurd przeciwko Luisowi Ariasowi w 10-rundowej walce i w czwartym pojedynku PPV, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell. Bilety są już w sprzedaży na Ticketmaster.com.

Więcej informacji na stroniebit.ly/mayweatherpaul,  www.SHO.com/sportswww.FANMIO.pl. Śledź na Twitterze @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing i @FANMIO oraz na Instagramie @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, @MayweatherPromotions, @FanMIO i @FANMIO.


Fighters Preview Showdowns Taking Place Sunday, Czerwiec 6 on Mayweather vs. Logan Paul SHOWTIME PPV Undercard from
Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens

NOWY JORK - (Maj 25, 2021) – WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal i two-division champion Badou Jack, plus former unified world champion „Szybki” Jarrett Hurdi weteran pretendent Luis Arias, previewed their respective showdowns on a virtual press conference Tuesday before they step in the ring as part of the SHOWTIME PPV undercard of Mayweather vs. Logan Paul taking place Sunday, Czerwiec 6 z Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens.

Pascal and Jack will meet for a championship rematch in the co-main event of the pay-per-view, while Hurd and Arias square off for a 10-round bout also on pay-per-view. Program telewizyjny, który jest produkowany przez SHOWTIME PPV, zostanie wyemitowany na żywo początek w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and will also feature former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson making his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Bilety na wydarzenie na żywo są już w sprzedaży na Ticketmaster.com.

Oto co miał do powiedzenia bojowników wtorek:

Jean Pascal

“I’m very excited about the rematch. I’ve been training in Puerto Rico since December. I’ve been waiting this whole time for the rematch and I’m ready. I respect Badou, but he’s always whining after he loses. The judges said I won the fight and that’s it.

“The first fight, in the first six rounds I did everything well. I might have gotten a little overconfident. I took it a bit too easy after that. The fight got close because of that knockdown he got that wasn’t from a real punch. Without that, it wouldn’t have even been close. We’re going to settle this June 6 w Miami.

“I think I just have to pace myself a little better this fight. I got over excited because I’ve sparred with Badou before and know what I can do. I am a veteran, so I shouldn’t have gotten too excited like that. As far as knocking him down again in this fight, my mom taught me that anything you can do once, you can do twice.

“I do believe that Badou respects my power. If he doesn’t, then he better watch that fourth round again. But I also have skills with my power. I am naturally-gifted and I have the better skills. I was born for this sport and built to win.

“I really think the work in the gym will help so I don’t have ring rust. I’m a veteran. I’ve been here and done that. At this age, it’s better to have more rest than to be over trained. I had the right intensity in camp to make sure I’m not over trained.

“He’s coming for revenge and I’m coming with bad intentions. To będzie wielkie show, so make sure you tune-in for this one.”


“I’m feeling great with my new trainer Jonathon Banks. Physically I’m in amazing shape and I can’t wait. Another week and a half and it’s all going to happen.

“This has been in the works since our first fight. Last year Floyd called me and said, ‘it’s on.’ Then the pandemic hit and it got pushed back. There is a reason there is a rematch, because everyone knows who won that fight. It’s better late than never. I was back in the gym Monday after the first fight.

“There were three judges and Julie Lederman had it for me and the two other guys had never judged a big fight before. We have two judges for this fight: the right hand and the left hand. To jest. I’m very confident for this fight and I’m not worried about the judges. I know Jean Pascal is a warrior, and I’m a warrior. Jestem gotowy do walki.

“Looking at the past, tak, I need to start faster. Każda walka, that can apply. I will listen to my corner, and we’re going to figure out how to win the fight. By any means we need.

“He can say whatever he wants about when I knocked him down. I hit him five straight times and he swung and missed and I hit him. That’s why he went down.

“This is going to be a firefight. We already know that. Tune in to this fight. Boxing is not a game and I’m going to show everyone that and try to steal the show.

“I’ve watched the last fight once or twice, maybe three times. I just need to make some small adjustments. You can always do better. I’m more confident than last time. I know we are both warriors. We’ve fought everyone. We’re the same age (Jack is 37; Pascal 38), even though I look a little bit better. I’m looking younger. Nobody has seen my birth certificate. I’m not really 37. I’m 27.”


„Obóz treningowy był świetny. I haven’t fought in a year and a half, so I had a chance to really take my time with this camp. I’ve had a lot of time to put in the work. I’m training with fighters like Terence Crawford, Shakur Stevenson, Troy Isley and a lot more. We’re all out here working day after day.

“Arias is a great fighter. This is going to be the type of toe-to-toe fight I like. He’s going to be there in front of me and ready to fight. On nigdy nie został zatrzymany, so I’ll be prepared to go the distance.

“We’ve seen this story before from Arias. He talks a big game but look at his fights against top fighters. It doesn’t matter what weight I’m at, Arias knows what’s coming. I suffered a loss, but I got the win in my last fight and I’m on my way back.

“I just need a dominant win on June 6. Luis Arias can make it ugly, but I have to go win convincingly and let everyone know I’m back. I don’t want to win in a sloppy way, I want to look good doing it.

“He might think he’s catching me at the right time, but it’s not going to be a good time for him on June 6. Mogę box i mogę walić, nie ma znaczenia. We’ll decide on fight night which style I’m going to use. I know that I can beat him either way.

“I tried to work on my bad habits after my loss. I was a straight-forward guy who just came at you. I wanted to show in my last fight against Francisco Santana that I can use my height and range if I need to. I wanted to box all 10 rounds and I did that.

“I still have too much unfinished business at 154-pounds. I have a lot of fights, including my rematch against Julian Williams, that I still want to get. I want to regain my titles. Me and Jermell Charlo is probably the biggest fight at 154 już. I want to handle that before I move up in weight.”


“Camp has been excellent. Jestem podekscytowany do walki. I think this is a perfect fight and a perfect opportunity. It’s a great matchup. I’ve been working on the right things to make sure I’m one hundred percent prepared for this fight and I think I’m catching Jarrett Hurd at the right time. He’s switching styles. He really doesn’t know how he wants to fight.

“When this fight was brought to me, he was ranked No. 1 at the Ring Magazine at 154 and that’s part of why I wanted this fight. Leonard Ellerbe asked if I was willing to fight Hurd, and I said one hundred percent. It’s all about challenging yourself. This is another challenge and I never turn down a challenge. I’ve been in there with the best and there’s nothing that Jarrett Hurd can bring to the table that I haven’t already seen.

“A win puts me right back in the mix. I’ve always been just one step away from really getting into the mix with the big guys. My last couple fights have all been just one fight away from getting that world title fight. Once I beat Jarrett Hurd on June 6, I’ll be right there with the big dogs. He’s calling out Jermell Charlo and he wants to fight all these other big names, but he’s going to have to get through me. If he loses to me, I’ll be in position for the fights that he wants.

“It’s going to be a hard fight. If he wants to bang, we can bang. If he says he wants to box, he’s not the better boxer. But there’s only one way to find out and we’re going to find out in two weeks. I have to do everything that I can do to make sure that I show up and I impress.

“I’m still young and I’m still fighting my way through. I just needed to make the proper adjustments. I’m not going to be a desperate fighter. I’m going to go in there and fight the way I fight. I’ve always had championship-level fighting in me, but I just haven’t shown it. This is a perfect opportunity for me to show it.

“I’m coming after him. Muszę wygrać. He’s not going to have to find me. I’m going to be right there. If I have to box him in the middle of the ring or if I have to put my head in his chest and dog him out, then that’s what I got to do. From the opening bell to the final bell, if we make it to the final bell, I’m going to be on him. We’ll see what type of adjustments he makes, but I don’t feel he’s a better inside fighter than me and I don’t feel like he’s a better boxer than me.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes

“The world is buzzing about this whole event, including our terrific undercard with two great professional bouts. Hurd vs. Arias is going to be a scintillating bout. I’ve seen Luis up close and personal during this training camp and I know that he’s 100% prepared and ready to pull off the upset. Hurd on the other hand is looking to maintain his footprint in the 154-pound division and prove he’s the best at that weight.

“Pascal and Jack had a fantastic bout a year and a half ago on SHOWTIME. Od otwarcia dzwon, those guys proved they are great warriors and we expect nothing less in the rematch on June 6. The fans are truly in for a treat on that night.

“The energy between these four fighters today has been incredible. As the promoter of this event, Jestem podekscytowany, so I can only imagine what the fans are in for. Hurd and Arias are both looking to make a statement, and that’s going to roll right into Pascal against Jack, who are going to pick up right where they left off in their first fight.”

Mayweather vs. Logan Paul to specjalna walka wystawiennicza prezentowana przez Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO i Mavathltcs, które odbędą się w niedzielę, Czerwiec 6 na Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens, Fla. Program telewizyjny, który jest produkowany przez SHOWTIME PPV, zostanie wyemitowany na żywo początek w 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT i można je teraz kupić na SHOWTIME.com iFANMIO.pl. The undercard will feature WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal vs. two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 12-round rematch, plus były zunifikowany mistrz wagi super półśredniej „Swift” Jarrett Hurd przeciwko Luisowi Ariasowi w 10-rundowej walce i w czwartym pojedynku PPV, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson will make his boxing debut in an exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell. Bilety są już w sprzedaży na Ticketmaster.com.

Więcej informacji na stronie bit.ly/mayweatherpaul, www.SHO.com/sports, www.FANMIO.pl. Śledź na Twitterze @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, MayweatherPromo,@ShowtimeBoxing i @FANMIO oraz na Instagramie @FloydMayweather, @PawełPaweł, @MayweatherPromotions, @FanMIO i @FANMIO.



Four-Part Documentary Series Premieres

Niedziela, Czerwiec 6 w 8 PM ET/PT

Zdjęcie zawierające tekst, book

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NEW YORK - maj 21, 2021 - Showtime Sports Documentary Films has released the official trailer and poster art for the upcoming documentaryTHE KINGS, a four-part series chronicling the fierce rivalry between world champions and Boxing Hall of Famers known as the “Four Kings” –Roberto “Manos de Piedra” DuránMarvelous Marvin HaglerThomas “The Hitman” Hearns, iSugar Ray Leonard. Premiering Sunday, Czerwiec 6 w 8 p.m. ET / PT na SHOWTIME, the series chronicles the four fightersdramatic and divergent ascents to greatness and the legendary matches they produced.

To watch and share the trailer, przejdź do: https://s.sho.com/3whPJTt

THE KINGS spotlights boxing’s evolution from the end of Muhammad Ali’s era to the era of the Four Kings, set against the seismic political and socio-economic shifts taking place in the United States. The Four Kings rose to fame as the presidency of Jimmy Carter and economic recession gave way to the boon of 1980s capitalism and excess harnessed by the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Krzew. Through in-depth interviews and archival footage, the series also examines the very personal battles that each man waged on his unique journey to the center of the sports world.

THE KINGS is produced by Box To Box Film in association with Ingenious Media. The series is executive produced by James Gay-Rees (Amy, Senna, Drive To Survive) and Paul Martin (Diego Maradona, Drive To Survive), produced by Fiona Neilson (Oasis: Supersonic, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams) and directed by Mat Whitecross (Oasis: Supersonic, Road To Guantanamo, Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams).


(Zdjęcie kredytowe: Esther Lin / SHOWTIME)

“Barrios is coming with power, and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Najlepszy człowiek może wygrać," – Davis

“We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him," – Dzielnice

Four-Time World Champion Gervonta Davis Seeks Title In A Third Division Against Unbeaten Super Lightweight Champion Mario Barrios Headlining A SHOWTIME PPV® Sobota, Czerwiec 26
In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From State Farm Arena In Atlanta

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Esther Lin / SHOWTIME

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Mayweather Promotions

ATLANTA (Maj 20, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta „Tank” Davis and undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference to preview their SHOWTIME PPV main event taking place Saturday, Czerwiec 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

One of boxing’s biggest stars at just 26-years-old, Davis will take on a career-defining challenge in the undefeated Barrios, as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class. With a victory, Davis will hold world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few fighters in history. Standing in his way is the undefeated 26-year-old Barrios, who owns a 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign and holds a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

Davis returns to fight at State Farm Arena after selling out the venue in December 2019 during a star-studded event that saw him stop former champion Yuriorkis Gamboa in the 12thand final round to capture a lightweight title.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, który jest promowany przez Mayweather Promotions, GTD Gorące promocje i TGB, wyprzedaż jutro, Piątek, Maj 21 w 10 a.m. I, i można je nabyć w ticketmaster.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday at State Farm Arena:


“Camp has been great for me. We know that Barrios is a bigger guy and that he can punch. We’re working hard each day in the gym, because we’re going up against a big task on June 26.

“We all have challenges we go through in life, and that’s what makes us strong. This is another challenge that I have on my road to success. I’m ready to walk through it and keep pushing.

“We know this is a dangerous fight. Barrios is coming with power and you know for sure I’m coming with power. Najlepszy człowiek może wygrać.

“I took this fight because I want to be great. All the other big names at lightweight had scheduled fights so I felt like I wanted to go out and beat the best fighter out there for me.

“Even if he is bigger than me on fight night, nie ma znaczenia. This is all part of the sport. My goal is to break him down. If I can get him out of there, I’ll get him out of there. Jeśli idzie 12 Rundy, niech tak będzie. He’s big and strong, but he’s never faced anyone like me.

“We have to wait and see what happens on fight night. Different styles dictate what I need to show in the fight. We’ll see what he brings to the table, and then we’ll capitalize off of it.

“I’m not worried about losing any speed by adding weight. I’m going to be quick regardless. I think I’m going to be at my best at 140-pounds.

“Like all of the rest of my fights, this is going to be action packed. Don’t go get popcorn during the fight, because it could end at any moment. I bring what boxing needs, and that’s excitement. We all know when I fight, it’s never a boring fight. Z pierwszej rundy, until whenever it ends, I just keep coming, in all of my fights. That’s what you’re going to see June 26.”

MARIO Barrios

“This is a huge opportunity for me. ‘Tank’ called me out. I know he’s trying to do something great, but this is a dangerous fight for him. It’s going to be an action-packed fight. We’ve never faced fighters like each other before. We’re going to see on June 26 if it’s the right move for him.

“I fight to represent my city and my people. I’m going to go out there and do my best to make everybody proud.

“They might be looking at my fight against Batyr Akhmedov closely. But I think he has a totally different style and that this fight will be different than what they expect if they just watch that match. I don’t know what they see in me to want this fight, but none of it matters to me. All the questions are going to be answered on June 26.

“’Tank’ is jumping up two weight classes. He’s doing something a lot of great fighters have done. He even said it: this isn’t an easy fight for him. We’re ready to face the best version of ‘Tank’ that anyone has ever seen and it’s going to be war.

“I was surprised when his name was brought up to me. But whether you like ‘Tank’ or not, he has one of the biggest names in boxing. This is the type of fight that can skyrocket my name up there to the top level of the sport.

“’Tank’ is a good fighter and a very explosive fighter. There is the question of whether he’s bringing his power up to 140. I don’t have any concerns about it though. He’s the guy who has to show people he can handle my power at this weight.

“I’m excited to be fighting in Atlanta. This is my first time here actually but I know the fans here are very passionate. I’m expecting to see a great turnout here at State Farm Arena.”

LEONARD Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes

“’Tank’ is a generational fighter. He has certain abilities that others just don’t. He’s special, but this is a dangerous fight for him. This is a tremendous challenge and I’m really excited for this fight.

“Atlanta is a hot market. Obviously the first fight they had in a long time was ‘Tank’ vs. Yuriorkis Gamboa and it was a packed sold out crowd in this building. The fans really enjoyed it. The city needs big events like this. We told the fans we were coming back and here we are.

“’Tank’ is chasing history. When you look back at a lot of all-time greats, they’ve gone through things no one else ever has. Looking to be a three-division champion at 26 years old is another example of him chasing greatness like that.

“’Tank’ is the most exciting fighter in the entire sport and he gives the fans what they want to see. He puts butts in seats. People gravitate to the way he fights. This new generation of fans that we have, they love him.”

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Davis vs. Barrios will see four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis set his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Czerwiec 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson “Hammer” Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian “J-Rock” Williams returns to the ring to take on Brian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

Wydarzenie jest promowane przez Mayweather Promotions, GTD Gorące promocje i TGB. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, na Instagramie @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss lub zostań fanem na Facebooku pod adresem www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing i https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.



Top Contender Erickson Lubin and Former Unified Champion
Jeison Rosario Battle in WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in Co-Main Event

Former Unified Champion Julian Williams Takes On Rugged Contender Brian Mendoza and Hard-Hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov Duels Former World Champion Argenis Mendez In Pay-Per-View Action Beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Tickets on Sale Friday at 10 a.m. I!

ATLANTA (Maj 19, 2021) – Four-time world champion Gervonta „Tank” Davis will take on a career-defining challenge as he sets his sights on capturing a title in a third weight class when he faces undefeated WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in a SHOWTIME PPV main event Saturday, Czerwiec 26 at the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

The pay-per-view undercard will feature a battle of two top 154-pound contenders as Erickson "Hammer" Lubin faces former unified champion Jeison Rosario w WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator w turnieju co-main. Former unified super welterweight champion Julian "J-Rock" Williams returns to the ring for the first time in 18 months to take onBrian Mendoza in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Tickets for the live event at State Farm Arena, który jest promowany przez Mayweather Promotions, GTD Gorące promocje i TGB, go on sale Friday at 10 a.m. I, i można je nabyć w ticketmaster.com. The Akhmedov vs. Mendez fight is promoted in association with World of Boxing.

One of boxing’s biggest stars at just 26-years-old, Davis moves up to 140-pounds for the first time in his career as he aims to add super lightweight champion to his stellar resume. Davis has already captured titles at 130 and 135-pounds. With a victory, Davis will hold world championships in three different divisions simultaneously, a feat only accomplished by a few fighters in history, including Henry Armstrong and Canelo Alvarez. Standing in his way is the undefeated 25-year-old Barrios, who owns a 9-0 record with eight knockouts during his 140-pound reign while holding a six-inch height advantage over Davis.

“Gervonta Davis is looking to become a three-division world champion, and has a big undertaking in front of him in challenging Barrios for his WBA title at 140-pounds,”Powiedział Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather Promotions prezes. “Barrios is a warrior, and this is going to be Davis’ toughest fight to date. Atlanta, be ready for a show on June 26!"

Davis (24-0, 23 KO) delivered a highlight-reel knockout in his last fight, producing another sensational and memorable performance that has made him a popular draw throughout the country. Davis stopped four-division champion Leo Santa Cruz with one powerful uppercut in that October 2020 fight and put Santa Cruz down and out for the first time in his illustrious career. Mayweather Promotions promowane przez, Davis will make his second headline appearance on pay-per-view as he has asserted himself as a must-see headline attraction in his first pay-per-view

Davis first burst onto the scene with an explosive knockout victory over Jose Pedraza to win the IBF Junior Lightweight World Title in a star-making performance on SHOWTIME® w styczniu 2017. Wówczas, he became the youngest world champion in boxing at age 22. The Baltimore-native also owns knockout performances in world title fights over Jesus Cuellar in 2018 and Yuriorkis Gamboa in 2019. The 2019 triumph over Gamboa came at a sold out State Farm Arena, during a year that also saw him fill venues in his hometown of Baltimore and Southern California.

“I’m excited to make history on June 26 in Atlanta and become a three-division world champion,"Powiedział Davis. “Atlanta welcomed me with open arms for my fight against Gamboa and I couldn’t wait to come back and headline a spectacular SHOWTIME PPV card. Mario Barrios is an undefeated champion, but he hasn’t ever faced anyone like me before. Moving up to 140-pounds is a big challenge but I’ve been working hard in camp and I’ll be ready. Thank you to my whole team for making this historic boxing event possible. Make sure you get your tickets early because this fight is definitely selling out! Keep supporting me and I’ll fight for you!"

Dzielnice (26-0, 17 KO) captured his 140-pound championship in September 2019, scoring two knockdowns and fighting through a cut to win a unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Batyr Akhmedov. The San Antonio-native trains in Oakland, Kalifornii., under the guidance of renowned coach Virgil Hunter. W swojej ostatniej wycieczce, Barrios knocked out Ryan Karl in the sixth-round of their clash on the pay-per-view undercard of Davis vs. Santa Cruz.

Standing nearly six-feet tall, Barrios debuted as a pro at super bantamweight in 2013 and had success moving up the rankings in the super featherweight division. His first 140-pound bout came in 2017 and saw him increase his power from his previous performances. At super lightweight, Barrios has scored knockouts in every fight except the title-winning performance against Akhmedov, where his power was still on display with a pair of knockdowns.

“Fighting on SHOWTIME PPV is a dream come true and an opportunity that I’m going to take full advantage of,” said Barrios. “Gervonta Davis is a pound-for-pound champion and it’s going to be an honor sharing the ring with him. This fight is my shining moment and the pinnacle of the boxing world, on the biggest stage possible. Boxing fans around the globe will be watching this fight and I’m coming to shock the world. To all my Mexican fans, I’m going to bring this historic victory home for La Raza.”

The 25-year-old Lubin (23-1, 16 KO) has put together an impressive five-bout winning streak since a loss to unified 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo in 2017. W swojej ostatniej wycieczce, he defeated U.S. Olympian Terrell Gausha by unanimous decision in September of last year. Prior to the victory over Gausha, he became the first person to stop former champion Ishe Smith, in addition to a dominating victory over Nathaniel Gallimore in October 2019. Pochodzi z Orlando, Fla., Lubin is trained by acclaimed coach Kevin Cunningham as he continues his quest toward another title opportunity. Po wspaniałej karierze amatorskiej, Lubin przeszedł na zawodowstwo 18 lat w 2013, eventually being named “Prospect Of The Year” by ESPN and Ring Magazine in 2016.

“I’m so ready for this fight and we’ve been working hard in preparation for Rosario,- powiedział Lubin. “This fight is another step closer to getting that world title shot. Coach Cunningham and I have a great game plan in place. We know this is going to be a tough fight and the fans are going to see a much-improved version of myself. I’ve taken my training to the next level during this training camp. Rosario is a former world champion who I know is going to bring his best, which is going to make for a great night of boxing. This card is stacked, but I’m going to steal the show with an incredible performance. I will not be denied, I’m coming out on top. It’s Hammer Time!"

Różaniec (20-2-1, 14 KO) will look to climb back into world title contention after losing his 154-pound belts to Jermell Charlo in their September 2020 starcie. The 26-year-old captured the WBA and IBF belts by stopping Julian Williams in one of 2020’s biggest upsets. Urodzony na Dominikanie, a teraz walczy z Miami, Rosario rode an eight-fight unbeaten streak into the showdown with Williams, including victories over 154-pound contenders Jamontay Clark, Justin DeLoach, Jorge Cota and Marcos Hernandez. Coming into the Charlo matchup, Rosario had established his power by earning a stoppage victory or scoring a knockdown in seven of his previous nine contests.

“I make no excuses for losing the fight to Charlo, but that was then, and this is now,” said Rosario. “I have turned to a new page in my career with my new trainer Herman Caicedo. I will not lose again, especially in this fight against Lubin. He’s a great contender, and I respect his abilities, but I will knock him out on June 26.”

Williams z Filadelfii (27-2-1, 16 KO) became a unified world champion at 154-pounds in May 2019 when he upset Jarrett Hurd in one of the year’s best fights, winning a close-quarters brawl by unanimous decision. The 31-year-old dropped the titles in his first defense, losing to Jeison Rosario in January 2020. Williams had been riding a five-fight winning streak going into the Rosario matchup, in which he added victories over former champion Ishe Smith and hard-hitting contender Nathaniel Gallimore to his ledger.

“This has been the longest layoff of my career, so I’m excited to get back in the ring,"Powiedział Williams. “Mendoza is a decent fighter. I’ve even been in the gym with him and he’s a good guy. But on June 26, it’s going to be all business. I just need to come out on top. He doesn’t have anything that I haven’t seen before. I know he’ll be ready because this is like the Super Bowl for him. So I know he’ll be ready, but I’ll be ready too. If I’m able to get the win, then it’s on to bigger and better opportunities. But I’m definitely not looking past Brian because I know how seriously he’s taking this fight.”

Mendoza (19-1, 13 KO) earned a career best-victory in his last outing, beating veteran contender Thomas LaManna by unanimous decision in August 2020. The 27-year-old has fought professionally since 2014, with his only defeat coming by a narrow split-decision in November 2019 against Larry Gomez. Mendoza was born in Albuquerque, Nowy Meksyk, where he won two New Mexico Golden Gloves Championships as an amateur, and currently fights out of Las Vegas.

“This fight against Julian Williams is just the fight I’ve been waiting for,” said Mendoza. “I’m planning to take full advantage of the opportunity. Julian Williams is a great fighter, but after June 26, the whole world is going to know that I belong at this level.”

Born in Uzbekistan and now fighting out of Los Angeles, Akhmedov (8-1, 7 KO) represented Turkey at the 2016 Igrzyska Olimpijskie. The 30-year-old turned pro in 2017 and won his first seven pro fights, with six coming by knockout. His lone blemish came in an action-packed title fight against Mario Barrios in September 2019, where he was able to survive two knockdowns to make it a close fight, before eventually losing by decision. Ostatnio, Akhmedov blasted out Ray Perez in the first round of their September 2020 starcie.

“I can’t wait to get back in the ring for a big fight on June 26,” said Akhmedov. “I’ve been training hard to get another shot at the title. I know that if I make a big statement and defeat a former world champion in Mendez, I expect my next fight will be for the title. I’m always in exciting fights that fans love, and this matchup is going to be no different.”

Były mistrz wagi super piórkowej, Mendez (25-6-3, 12 KO) ma reputację dostarczającego twardych wyzwań najlepszym sportowcom i okazał się wytrzymałym zawodnikiem waży 140 funtów, including his most recent outing that saw him drop a split-decision to Richardson Hitchins last December. W 2019, Mendez fought to back-to-back draws against super lightweight contenders Anthony Peterson and Juan Heraldez. Urodzony w San Juan de La Maguana, Dominikana, Mendez teraz walczy z Yonkers, N. Y.. i jest właścicielem zwycięstw nad Eddiem Ramirezem, Ivan Redkach i były tytalista Miguel Vazquez. Stał też twarzą w twarz z byłymi mistrzami Rances Barthelemy i Robertem Easter Jr.

“I am ready for anything Akhmedov brings and then a world title fight after,- powiedział Mendez. “I believe that I beat Hitchins in my last fight, even though I was coming off a long layoff. I’m in great shape right now. Akhmedov is a hard puncher, but the fans are going to see me shine against him. There is a lot left in my tank and that will be obvious to everyone on June 26.”

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Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, na Instagramie @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss lub zostań fanem na Facebooku pod adresem www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing i https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


Also Featuring Non-Televised Undercard Fighters Jean Carlos Torres, Dorian Khan Jr., Jalil Hackett and Micky Scala

Two-Division Champion Jack and Veteran Contender Arias Preview Respective SHOWTIME PPV Matchups Taking Place Sunday, Czerwiec 6 z Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens

Kliknij TUTAJ na zdjęciach z Mayweather Promotions

LAS VEGAS (Maj 18, 2021) – Dwudywizyjny mistrz świata Badou Jack i weteran pretendent Luis Arias previewed their respective showdowns during a Las Vegas media workout Tuesday, before they step in the ring for separate attractions of the Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul SHOWTIME PPV undercard on Sunday, Czerwiec 6 z Hard Rock Stadium w Miami Gardens.

Jack will return to the ring for a rematch against WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Jean Pascal, while Arias squares off against former unified champion „Szybki” Jarrett Hurd on the pay-per-view beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT.

Bilety na wydarzenie na żywo są już w sprzedaży i można je kupić na Ticketmaster.com.

The event also featured Mayweather Promotions’ fighters Jean Carlos Torres, Dorian Khan Junior., Dżalil Hackett i Micky Scala, who will compete in separate non-televised bouts on Sunday, Czerwiec 6. Here is what the fighters had to say Tuesday from the Mayweather Boxing Club:


“Floyd called me in January last year and told me the rematch was on for April. That was last year. It’s been done since we walked out of the ring the first time, but I’m happy it’s finally done. I’m happy it’s here and I’m ready to put on a show.

“I’m trying to perfect everything in preparation for this matchup. Better nutrition. Better conditioning. Better sparring. I’m trying to be better at everything.

“This is my second fight with my new trainer Johnathan Banks. The first was just a tune-up fight. It wasn’t a high-level fight. It was an eight-rounder, so it was just like a sparring session. But I’m in way better shape than I was in the last camp and I’m ready to go.

“My fight is going to be a hell of a fight. Everybody knows that. It was a Fight of the Year contender last time. Floyd vs. Logan is going to be entertainment. That’s a different kind of fight, but Floyd is going to put on a show. All of the eyeballs are going to be on that night so it’s going to be a great night.

“Pascal likes trying to get under my skin, but I’m too calm. I’m too confident for that. Na koniec dnia, he’s a veteran, I’m a veteran and it’s going to be a great fight night.

“I thought I won the first fight. 75 percent of everybody that watched the fight thought I won. There was only one judge that had experience, Julie Lederman, and she had me winning. The other two might have scored his so-called punches but it is what it is.

“Johnathan Banks is my new coach. He’s great. He’s only a year older than me so we have great chemistry together and everything has been working great. It was a little hard in the beginning to adjust to certain things, but now in camp I feel great in sparring and everything we’re doing right now.”


“It feels amazing to be involved in this event. For a fighter like me who’s been up and down, who was undefeated at one point and then lost it all, went from being one of the best to being overlooked, to be able to fight my way through and to be able to keep fighting and keep working to get back on this big stage is truly a blessing. Jestem szczęśliwy. Jestem błogosławiony. I can’t wait to get on that stage.

“Boxing is my life and I had to make the necessary changes to get back to this level. I’ve already been to the highest level and I fell short. I got the experience of being there, I know what I need to do to get there and I made those necessary changes. It’s one of the reasons I came back to Vegas, to start training over here to get that experience, to get to that level and to get better. That’s what I’ve been doing and that’s why I’ve been able to prove that I still belong. Floyd saw it. I sparred Floyd. He sees that I still got it and I’m making the changes. He sees how my body is changing and he sees that I can still compete.”


“I’m very happy to be on this card. I am going to give the best fight that I can for all my fans. I’m going to do the best that I can.”


“It feels good to be a part of this event. I’m just getting ready for my fight and focusing on that, but it’s a good opportunity so I’m ready.”


“It’s amazing to sign with Floyd Mayweather and be a part of this event. To spełnienie marzeń. I’ve worked so hard since I was eight years old and I’m finally here getting the fruits of my labor.”


“It feels great to be part of the biggest event probably in boxing history. I’m super excited. My family and friends are super excited. We have a lot of fans that are excited and I can’t wait to put on a show. I’m very thankful to Mayweather Promotions for getting me on this card and giving me this opportunity. I’m going to make the best of it.

“That fight before the pandemic at Sam’s Town was a big motivation for me during the down time to stay ready because I knew another fight was going to come soon. My family was a big part of that motivation. I want to make sure that they can live however they want to, so I’m working hard every single day. I’ve been ready to fight since the day the pandemic started until now. I can’t wait to put on a show in Miami.”


“We have two hot events coming up. We have the Floyd event with him taking on Logan Paul. Tremendous undercard from top to bottom. We have all my pro debut guys. I call them my starting five. And then we have Chad Ochocinco who is going to be fighting in an exhibition. Everybody is dying to see that. And then we have former unified champion Jarrett Hurd taking on Mayweather Promotions’ own Luis Arias. I think that will be a tremendous fight. Those guys will be looking to steal the show in a 10-round bout. W przypadku co-main, we have none other than Pascal vs. Podnośnik. That will be a war. Their first fight was a Fight of the Year and I expect nothing different. The fans are really in for a treat with that fight.

“We were just waiting for the right opportunity to make the Pascal vs. Jack rematch. This is a tremendous platform. It’s a huge event and it’s the type of platform that these two guys deserve, to be seen on a global situation around the world.

“My starting five is filled with top-tier talent. I know talent when I see it. Each and every one of these guys I’ve had a great look at up close and personal and I was beyond impressed. Floyd was also. All of them have big futures.

“Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul is entertainment. Floyd is an entertainer. Logan Paul is an entertainer. One thing about the Paul brothers is they’ve shown they can have an impact on anything that they do. I’ve been very impressed with both of those guys, especially Logan. I call him the king of the internet. One thing about both of them is that they’ve been extremely consistent at what they’ve been doing. I’m not going to stand here and pretend that these guys are ready for championship fights because they’re not, but they work extremely hard and they’re very good at what they do.”

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