Категория Архив: Showtime Boxing


Петък, Юни 9 при 10:30 p.m. ET/PT от Turning Stone Resort Casino във Верона, N.Y..


Кликнете ТУК За тегленето снимки; Кредит Том Казино/SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК За снимки от откриването на Залата на славата; Кредит Том Казино/SHOWTIME


VERONA, N.Y.. (Юни 8, 2017) – Реджис „Ругару“ Програйс и Джоел Диас младши. направи тегло в четвъртък само часове след „Камбаната на откриването“, за да започне празненствата за 2017 Уикенд на Международната боксова зала на славата.


Непобеденият Prograis (19-0, 16 Нокаута) и другар непобедим Диас (23-0, 19 Нокаута) ще се изправят в 10-рундовото основно събитие в супер леката категория на изданието на ShoBox в Залата на славата: Новото поколение Петък, Юни 9, живеят на SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. И/PT) от Обръщайки Stone Resort Casino в Верона, N.Y..


Трипълхедърът на ShoBox ще празнува дългогодишните анализатори Бари Томпкинс и Стив Фархуд само два дни преди въвеждането им в Международната зала на боксовата слава. Фархуд и Томпкинс се присъединиха към Камбаната на откриването в четвъртък от шепа техни събратя 2017 inductees: боксовата легенда Марко Антонио Барера, Австралийски треньор Джони Луис, и съпругата на покойния Джони Тапия, Тереза ​​Тапия.


В ко-функцията ShoBox, непобеден супер средна категория Стив Ролс (15-0, 9 Нокаута) ще се изправи срещу тежкия Демънд Никълсън (17-1-1, 16 Нокаута) в осем кръг мач. При откриването схватката на телевизията, Серхио "Маравила" Мартинес е защитен, Джон Фернандес, (12-0, 10 Нокаута) се изправя срещу Хуан Рейес (14-3-3, 2 Нокаута) в осем кръг лек двубой.


Билети за събитието, промотирано съвместно от DiBella Entertainment (DBE) и AASHA рекордьори, са с цени $65 for ringside, $50, $40 и $30 (може да подлежи на допълнителни такси) и се предлагат в касата Turning Stone, като се обадите на 877-833-SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster.com. Врати ще отворят най- 7:00 p.m., с първия пристъп предвидена за 7:30 p.m.




10-Кръгло основно събитие за супер лека категория:

Regis Prograis - 139 ½ паунда

Джоел Диас младши. - 137 ¼ паунда

Рефер: Марк Нелсън; съдии: Дон Акерман, Том Schreck, Джон McKaie


Съвместна функция в супер средна категория с осем рунда:

Стив Ролс - 161 паунда

Демънд Никълсън - 162 ½ паунда

Рефер: Бенджи Естевес; съдии: Glenn Feldman, Дон Trella, Уин Кинц


Осем-кръгли лек телекаст отварачка:

Джон Фернандес - 132 ½ паунда

Хуан Рамон Рейес - 131 ½ паунда

Рефер: Чарли Фич; съдии: Дон Акерман, Glenn Feldman, Джон McKaie

Окончателна оферта:


Regis Prograis

„Човекът, който спечели тази битка, се издига, да се надяваме, на битка за титлата. Аз съм 19-0, той е 23-0. Имам чувството, че това е наистина голяма битка.


„Приемам сериозно всичките си противници, но приемам този дори по-сериозно от другите в миналото. Той е 23-0, и има причина да е непобеден. той е добър, и той има най-добрия рекорд, с който съм се сблъсквал.


„Аз съм на етап от кариерата си, когато всяка битка може да доведе до следващото голямо нещо и мисля, че тази битка може да е за мен. аз съм търпелив, но съм готов за повече. Искам шанс за титла.


„Той е кавгаджия, но имам по-добра сила на удар, и скоростта.


„Ако се чувствам като него [Diaz] не може да ме нарани от първия рунд, Вероятно просто ще го водя цяла нощ и ще го накажа.


„Виждайки какво [Ерол] Спенс наистина ме мотивира, особено по начина, по който го направи в родния град на опонента си. Накара ме да се замисля: това мога да бъда аз един ден. Отидохме при аматьорите, така че знам колко е добър, но и аз съм добър. Просто го видях как отива там и отнема титлата, Знам, че моето време идва.


„Израснах, гледайки Мачо Камачо, Roberto Duran, Майк Тайсън, но гледах повече Duran от всичко. Много ми хареса стила му. Научих много, гледайки боксовите величия на запис.


„Терънс Крауфорд, Ейдриън Broner, Виктор Постол. Това са момчетата, с които искам да се бия.


„Започнах да се боксирам в Ню Орлиънс, и ако не беше Катрина, Вероятно няма да съм там, където съм в момента. Когато се преместих в Хюстън, Влязох в боксовата сцена и започнах да я приемам сериозно. Беше ужасна ситуация [в Ню Орлиънс], но това промени живота ми.


„Семейството ми се върна [до Ню Орлиънс], но не мен. Останах в Хюстън, за да се боксирам. Усещам, че все още не е време да се връщам у дома. Ще се върна, когато стана суперзвезда, както трябва да бъда."


Джоел Диас младши.

„Това е моят шанс, това е моята възможност. казаха ми, "имаш само един шанс", и това е за мен. Знам, че Реджис е добър, но ние ще го сложим на него. Ще бъда върху него като мухи върху лайна. Това е една от възможностите, които не мога да пропусна.


„Ще го разбием психически, намерим пътя си, и хвърли бомбата.


„Той хвърля комбинации, и това е, което трябва да му отнема. Трябва да бъда срещу него и да бъда първият, който ще атакува. Моята сила ще се погрижи за неговата скорост.


"Това значи много за мен, да покаже на света коя е „тайната“.. Хората наистина не са видели това, което имам, но след това няма да има повече тайни утре.


„Ще покажа на света кой е истинският Джоел Диас. Сега съм с правилното тегло за мен и съм 110 на сто. Не пропилях четири седмици тренировъчен лагер, опитвайки се да отслабна. Чувствам се силен.


„Световно първенство след тази битка, това е, което искам. Това е моята възможност да покажа кой съм и не мога да го пусна. Ако пусна това, Може и да се върна на училище. Това ще ми отвори всички врати.


„От известно време бяхме готови за тази стъпка. Бих искал да се бия с победителя от [Ейдриън] Broner- [Mikey] Garcia, но ще видим. Знам, че Бронер не иска да се бие с мен. Опитах се да се преборя с него и той отказа. Той знае, че ще му направя проблеми.


„Смених обувките. Бях с Абел Рамос, сега съм с Крис Бърд. С треньора Крис, това е повече защита, отколкото нападение. Работата с Крис е невероятна. Той беше боец, така че той знае какво е необходимо, за да влезе в този ринг. Той е бил там, така че той ме разбира от гледна точка на боец ​​и това е много важно за мен. Връзката, която имаме вътре и извън ринга, е специална.


„Ще видите по-активен Джоел Диас и по-защитен Джоел Диас. Ще покажа на света кой е Джоел Диас 140 и ми повярвай, те ще поискат още, след като го видят."


Стив Rolls

„Последната ми битка продължава ShoBox [срещу Steed Woodall през декември 2015] беше учебен опит. Бях съборен в третия, но отскочих. Никога не знаеш как ще реагираш пред трудностите, докато не бъдеш поставен в това положение. Радвам се, че това се случи в началото на кариерата ми. Това ме научи на много.


„Знам, че съм 33, но се чувствам по-добре, отколкото когато бях по-млад. Грижа се за себе си. Имам чист начин на живот. Възрастта не е нещо за мен.


„Никълсън има добър удар. Виждал съм го да се бие преди. Не съм сигурен дали е направил корекции или идва с различен план за игра. Аз съм готов за каквото и да носи.


„От това, което видях, той може да се бори. Той знае какво прави там и изглежда, че има известен опит."


Demond Nicholson

"Този човек [Rolls] не е толкова опитен като мен. Аз съм голяма стъпка напред за него.


„Последната ми битка [срещу Имануел Алеем] беше голяма стъпка нагоре, и се борих до равенство с мнозинство. Беше бавно начало, но аз съм боец, и преминах през войниците. Тази битка наистина ми отвори очите за подобряване на кариерата си, моето бъдеще.


„Вижте какво направи Алеем, откакто се бихме. Той нокаутира непобеден човек [Ievgen Khytrov] с които никой не искаше да се изправи.


„Опитът ми ще ни превъзмогне срещу този човек. Има опасна дясна ръка, но ще му отнема това.


„Аз съм естествен боксьор, но хората ме наричаха кавгаджия след представянето ми с Aleem и аз не съм такъв. Но разбирам - изобщо не съм боксирал в този двубой. Ето защо трябваше да се върна към чертожната дъска.


„Научих много тренировки в Head Bangers във Вашингтон, D.C. с Бари Хънтър, Ламонт Питърсън и всички тези момчета. Научих се от Ламонт, от Ейдриън Бронер, от Остин Траут. Те спарингират с най-добрите бойци и затова се представят на най-високо ниво - защото са спарингували с най-добрите. Така че правя същото."


„Имам една загуба, и това ме научи на много. Трябваше да загубя 15 паунда за три дни за тази битка и това ми се отрази. Няма проблеми с увеличаването на теглото за тази битка."


Джон Фернандес

„Това е вторият ми двубой с новия ми треньор Тинин Родригес. Винаги се опитвам да ставам по-добър и смяната на треньорите изглеждаше най-добрият път за мен. Той ми помага да изясня основите на бокса.


„Знам, че съм висок за моята категория, но се чувствам добре. Мисля 130 е идеалното ми тегло, но може и да кача тегло в бъдеще. Ще видим. Все още съм млад и имам дълга кариера пред мен.


„Гледах касета на Маравиля, когато пораснах. Той ме вдъхнови да се занимавам сериозно с бокса. Той беше толкова добър. За мен е голяма чест да работя с него. Уважавам го много.”

Джон Кингс

„Не съм се биел с никого толкова висок, но имам добър план за игра. Знам, че той е ударник по обем, но това просто ще ме развълнува. Ще ми вдигне адреналина.


„Вълнувам се, че се бия по телевизията и в такъв специален уикенд, това е Залата на славата на бокса. Това е сбъдната мечта. Ако победя този човек, това може да промени живота ми."


Серхио Мартинес - съпромоутър на Джон Фернандес

„Джон е мислител. Той знае кога да атакува и кога да се защитава. Той наистина е надарен.


„Някои може да го сравняват с Пол Уилямс, но се бих с Уилямс два пъти и позволете ми да ви кажа, че не си приличат. Пол беше от типа боец, който ще се качи на ринга и ще излезе от първи, на второ, на трета предавка без да се замисля. Джонфер ще ви прочете, ще премине на каквато предавка трябва да бъде, за да победи опонента си. Той има много висок боксов IQ.”

Крис Бърд – треньор на Диас

„Джоел е агресивна машина, така че основният ми фокус беше върху развитието на неговата защита. Той е талантлив боксьор, но неговата агресивност понякога отваря дупки в защитата му. В този тренировъчен лагер, работихме върху това. Имаме добра стратегия.


„Той вече знаеше как да се бие, но просто трябва да го натиснеш малко в защита. Все още е агресивен, както винаги, но трябваше да помисли какво се връща към него.


„Основното ми нещо е животът след бокса. Имам двама братя, които са объркани от бокса. Ето защо се фокусирам толкова много върху защитата. Има агресивен стил, но има и талант, добра координация на краката и очите. Той ще продължи да прави страхотни неща.


„Ще видите нещо специално. Реджис е добър, Давам му реквизит, но ще видите нещо специално от Джоел. И страхотна битка."


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Barry Томпкинс ще наричаме ShoBox действия от страна на ринга със Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Raul Маркес, служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителен продуцент е Гордън Хол с продуцент на Рич Гоган и режисьор на Рик Филипс.


За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, @loudibella и @DiBellaEnt или станете фен във Facebook на адрес www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, и www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.


Утре/Петък, Юни 9 при 10:30 p.m. И/PT from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..

Кликнете ТУК За тегленето снимки; Кредит Том Казино/SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК За снимки от откриването на Залата на славата; Кредит Том Казино/SHOWTIME

VERONA, N.Y.. (Юни 8, 2017) – Реджис „Ругару“ Програйс и Джоел Диас младши. направи тегло в четвъртък само часове след „Камбаната на откриването“, за да започне празненствата за 2017 Уикенд на Международната боксова зала на славата.

Непобеденият Prograis (19-0, 16 Нокаута) и другар непобедим Диас (23-0, 19 Нокаута) ще се изправят в 10-рундовото основно събитие в супер леката категория на изданието на ShoBox в Залата на славата: Новото поколение утре/Петък, Юни 9, живеят на SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. И/PT) от Обръщайки Stone Resort Casino в Верона, N.Y..

Трипълхедърът на ShoBox ще празнува дългогодишните анализатори Бари Томпкинс и Стив Фархуд само два дни преди въвеждането им в Международната зала на боксовата слава. Фархуд и Томпкинс се присъединиха към Камбаната на откриването в четвъртък от шепа техни събратя 2017 inductees: боксовата легенда Марко Антонио Барера, Австралийски треньор Джони Луис, и съпругата на покойния Джони Тапия, Тереза ​​Тапия.

В ко-функцията ShoBox, непобеден супер средна категория Стив Ролс (15-0, 9 Нокаута) ще се изправи срещу тежкия Демънд Никълсън (17-1-1, 16 Нокаута) в осем кръг мач. При откриването схватката на телевизията, Серхио "Маравила" Мартинес е защитен, Джон Фернандес, (12-0, 10 Нокаута) се изправя срещу Хуан Рейес (14-3-3, 2 Нокаута) в осем кръг лек двубой.

Билети за събитието, промотирано съвместно от DiBella Entertainment (DBE) и AASHA рекордьори, са с цени $65 for ringside, $50, $40 и $30 (може да подлежи на допълнителни такси) и се предлагат в касата Turning Stone, като се обадите на 877-833-SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster.com. Врати ще отворят най- 7:00 p.m., с първия пристъп предвидена за 7:30 p.m.


10-Кръгло основно събитие за супер лека категория:

Regis Prograis - 139 ½ паунда

Джоел Диас младши. - 137 ¼ паунда

Рефер: Марк Нелсън; съдии: Дон Акерман, Том Schreck, Джон McKaie

Съвместна функция в супер средна категория с осем рунда:

Стив Ролс - 161 паунда

Демънд Никълсън - 162 ½ паунда

Рефер: Бенджи Естевес; съдии: Glenn Feldman, Дон Trella, Уин Кинц

Осем-кръгли лек телекаст отварачка:

Джон Фернандес - 132 ½ паунда

Хуан Рамон Рейес - 131 ½ паунда

Рефер: Чарли Фич; съдии: Дон Акерман, Glenn Feldman, Джон McKaie

Окончателна оферта:

Regis Prograis

„Човекът, който спечели тази битка, се издига, да се надяваме, на битка за титлата. Аз съм 19-0, той е 23-0. Имам чувството, че това е наистина голяма битка.

„Приемам сериозно всичките си противници, но приемам този дори по-сериозно от другите в миналото. Той е 23-0, и има причина да е непобеден. той е добър, и той има най-добрия рекорд, с който съм се сблъсквал.

„Аз съм на етап от кариерата си, когато всяка битка може да доведе до следващото голямо нещо и мисля, че тази битка може да е за мен. аз съм търпелив, но съм готов за повече. Искам шанс за титла.

„Той е кавгаджия, но имам по-добра сила на удар, и скоростта.

„Ако се чувствам като него [Diaz] не може да ме нарани от първия рунд, Вероятно просто ще го водя цяла нощ и ще го накажа.

„Виждайки какво [Ерол] Спенс наистина ме мотивира, особено по начина, по който го направи в родния град на опонента си. Накара ме да се замисля: това мога да бъда аз един ден. Отидохме при аматьорите, така че знам колко е добър, но и аз съм добър. Просто го видях как отива там и отнема титлата, Знам, че моето време идва.

„Израснах, гледайки Мачо Камачо, Roberto Duran, Майк Тайсън, но гледах повече Duran от всичко. Много ми хареса стила му. Научих много, гледайки боксовите величия на запис.

„Терънс Крауфорд, Ейдриън Broner, Виктор Постол. Това са момчетата, с които искам да се бия.

„Започнах да се боксирам в Ню Орлиънс, и ако не беше Катрина, Вероятно няма да съм там, където съм в момента. Когато се преместих в Хюстън, Влязох в боксовата сцена и започнах да я приемам сериозно. Беше ужасна ситуация [в Ню Орлиънс], но това промени живота ми.

„Семейството ми се върна [до Ню Орлиънс], но не мен. Останах в Хюстън, за да се боксирам. Усещам, че все още не е време да се връщам у дома. Ще се върна, когато стана суперзвезда, както трябва да бъда."

Джоел Диас младши.

„Това е моят шанс, това е моята възможност. казаха ми, "имаш само един шанс", и това е за мен. Знам, че Реджис е добър, но ние ще го сложим на него. Ще бъда върху него като мухи върху лайна. Това е една от възможностите, които не мога да пропусна.

„Ще го разбием психически, намерим пътя си, и хвърли бомбата.

„Той хвърля комбинации, и това е, което трябва да му отнема. Трябва да бъда срещу него и да бъда първият, който ще атакува. Моята сила ще се погрижи за неговата скорост.

"Това значи много за мен, да покаже на света коя е „тайната“.. Хората наистина не са видели това, което имам, но след това няма да има повече тайни утре.

„Ще покажа на света кой е истинският Джоел Диас. Сега съм с правилното тегло за мен и съм 110 на сто. Не пропилях четири седмици тренировъчен лагер, опитвайки се да отслабна. Чувствам се силен.

„Световно първенство след тази битка, това е, което искам. Това е моята възможност да покажа кой съм и не мога да го пусна. Ако пусна това, Може и да се върна на училище. Това ще ми отвори всички врати.

„От известно време бяхме готови за тази стъпка. Бих искал да се бия с победителя от [Ейдриън] Broner- [Mikey] Garcia, но ще видим. Знам, че Бронер не иска да се бие с мен. Опитах се да се преборя с него и той отказа. Той знае, че ще му направя проблеми.

„Смених обувките. Бях с Абел Рамос, сега съм с Крис Бърд. С треньора Крис, това е повече защита, отколкото нападение. Работата с Крис е невероятна. Той беше боец, така че той знае какво е необходимо, за да влезе в този ринг. Той е бил там, така че той ме разбира от гледна точка на боец ​​и това е много важно за мен. Връзката, която имаме вътре и извън ринга, е специална.

„Ще видите по-активен Джоел Диас и по-защитен Джоел Диас. Ще покажа на света кой е Джоел Диас 140 и ми повярвай, те ще поискат още, след като го видят."

Стив Rolls

„Последната ми битка продължава ShoBox [срещу Steed Woodall през декември 2015] беше учебен опит. Бях съборен в третия, но отскочих. Никога не знаеш как ще реагираш пред трудностите, докато не бъдеш поставен в това положение. Радвам се, че това се случи в началото на кариерата ми. Това ме научи на много.

„Знам, че съм 33, но се чувствам по-добре, отколкото когато бях по-млад. Грижа се за себе си. Имам чист начин на живот. Възрастта не е нещо за мен.

„Никълсън има добър удар. Виждал съм го да се бие преди. Не съм сигурен дали е направил корекции или идва с различен план за игра. Аз съм готов за каквото и да носи.

„От това, което видях, той може да се бори. Той знае какво прави там и изглежда, че има известен опит."

Demond Nicholson

"Този човек [Rolls] не е толкова опитен като мен. Аз съм голяма стъпка напред за него.

„Последната ми битка [срещу Имануел Алеем] беше голяма стъпка нагоре, и се борих до равенство с мнозинство. Беше бавно начало, но аз съм боец, и преминах през войниците. Тази битка наистина ми отвори очите за подобряване на кариерата си, моето бъдеще.

„Вижте какво направи Алеем, откакто се бихме. Той нокаутира непобеден човек [Ievgen Khytrov] с които никой не искаше да се изправи.

„Опитът ми ще ни превъзмогне срещу този човек. Има опасна дясна ръка, но ще му отнема това.

„Аз съм естествен боксьор, но хората ме наричаха кавгаджия след представянето ми с Aleem и аз не съм такъв. Но разбирам - изобщо не съм боксирал в този двубой. Ето защо трябваше да се върна към чертожната дъска.

„Научих много тренировки в Head Bangers във Вашингтон, D.C. с Бари Хънтър, Ламонт Питърсън и всички тези момчета. Научих се от Ламонт, от Ейдриън Бронер, от Остин Траут. Те спарингират с най-добрите бойци и затова се представят на най-високо ниво - защото са спарингували с най-добрите. Така че правя същото."

„Имам една загуба, и това ме научи на много. Трябваше да загубя 15 паунда за три дни за тази битка и това ми се отрази. Няма проблеми с увеличаването на теглото за тази битка."

Джон Фернандес

„Това е вторият ми двубой с новия ми треньор Тинин Родригес. Винаги се опитвам да ставам по-добър и смяната на треньорите изглеждаше най-добрият път за мен. Той ми помага да изясня основите на бокса.

„Знам, че съм висок за моята категория, но се чувствам добре. Мисля 130 е идеалното ми тегло, но може и да кача тегло в бъдеще. Ще видим. Все още съм млад и имам дълга кариера пред мен.

„Гледах касета на Маравиля, когато пораснах. Той ме вдъхнови да се занимавам сериозно с бокса. Той беше толкова добър. За мен е голяма чест да работя с него. Уважавам го много.”

Джон Кингс

„Не съм се биел с никого толкова висок, но имам добър план за игра. Знам, че той е ударник по обем, но това просто ще ме развълнува. Ще ми вдигне адреналина.

„Вълнувам се, че се бия по телевизията и в такъв специален уикенд, това е Залата на славата на бокса. Това е сбъдната мечта. Ако победя този човек, това може да промени живота ми."

Серхио Мартинес - съпромоутър на Джон Фернандес

„Джон е мислител. Той знае кога да атакува и кога да се защитава. Той наистина е надарен.

„Някои може да го сравняват с Пол Уилямс, но се бих с Уилямс два пъти и позволете ми да ви кажа, че не си приличат. Пол беше от типа боец, който ще се качи на ринга и ще излезе от първи, на второ, на трета предавка без да се замисля. Джонфер ще ви прочете, ще премине на каквато предавка трябва да бъде, за да победи опонента си. Той има много висок боксов IQ.”

Крис Бърд – треньор на Диас

„Джоел е агресивна машина, така че основният ми фокус беше върху развитието на неговата защита. Той е талантлив боксьор, но неговата агресивност понякога отваря дупки в защитата му. В този тренировъчен лагер, работихме върху това. Имаме добра стратегия.

„Той вече знаеше как да се бие, но просто трябва да го натиснеш малко в защита. Все още е агресивен, както винаги, но трябваше да помисли какво се връща към него.

„Основното ми нещо е животът след бокса. Имам двама братя, които са объркани от бокса. Ето защо се фокусирам толкова много върху защитата. Има агресивен стил, но има и талант, добра координация на краката и очите. Той ще продължи да прави страхотни неща.

„Ще видите нещо специално. Реджис е добър, Давам му реквизит, но ще видите нещо специално от Джоел. И страхотна битка."

# # #

Barry Томпкинс ще наричаме ShoBox действия от страна на ринга със Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Raul Маркес, служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителен продуцент е Гордън Хол с продуцент на Рич Гоган и режисьор на Рик Филипс.

За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, @loudibella и @DiBellaEnt или станете фен във Facebook на адрес www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, иwww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

За ShoBox: Новото поколение

От създаването си през юли 2001, критиката SHOWTIME бокса серията, ShoBox: Новото поколение е черта на младите таланти съвпадащи труден. The ShoBox философия е да излъчи вълнуващо, харесван от тълпата и конкурентни мачове, като същевременно осигуряват основа за създаване желаещи перспективи решени да се борят за световната титла. Някои от нарастващия списък на 69 бойци, които са се появили ShoBox и напреднали, за да събере световни титли включва: Ерол Спенс Jr., Андре Уорд, Дионтей Уайлдър, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Гари Ръсел Jr., Ламонт Питърсън, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Тимъти Брадли, Jessie Vargas, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Чад Доусън, Поли Malignaggi, Рики Хатън, Кели Павлик, Пол Уилямс, Ерол Спенс Jr. и по-.


Undefeated Keenan Smith and Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk

Meet In Main Event

Живей SHOWTIME в 10 p.m. И/PT

From Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, Оклахома.


NEW YORK (Юни 8, 2017)Undefeated super lightweights Keenan Smith and rising adopted local favorite, Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk meet in an eight-round bout in the main event of a ShoBox: Новото поколение quadrupleheader на Петък, Юли 14 живеят на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT, забавено на Западния бряг) от Buffalo Run Casino в Маями, Оклахома.


The ShoBox telecast features eight returning fighters with a combined record of 94 wins against just four losses.

Dangerous southpaw “Killa” Smith, (11-0, 5 Нокаута), Филаделфия, Татко. will make his second appearance on the series as he takes on Baranchyk, (14-0, 10 Нокаута), a native of Minsk, Byelorussia fighting out of Miami, Okla., who is making his fifth appearance on the ShoBox серия.

В съвместно функцията, former national amateur champion Kenneth Sims Jr. (12-0, 4 Нокаута) will look to keep his record unblemished as he meets Rolando Chinea (14-1-1, 6 Нокаута) in an eight-round super lightweight scrap. Още, undefeated Glenn Dezurn (9-0, 6 Нокаута) will take on Adam Lopez (16-1-1, Нокаута) in an eight-round bantamweight clash. В телевизията отварачка, Joshua Greer (13-1-1, 5 Нокаута) will battle Leroy Davila (5-1, 3 Нокаута) в осем кръгли супер мач в категория петел.


“I am excited to put on another terrific ShoBox карта,” said Vito Mielnicki, founder of GH3 Promotions. “This is the type of card is what ShoBox е за всички. Four evenly matched pairings that have the potential to be action packed fights. I think the fans who watch this show will come away thoroughly entertained.”


“I’m happy to have the Four State Franchise back on ShoBox,” said Tony Holden. “I am happy to have my fighter Ivan Baranchyk in a real step-up bout against an undefeated fighter southpaw like Keenan Smith. I think this will be a great fight.”


Tickets for the event promoted by GH3 Promotions and Tony Holden Productions are priced at $35, $55, $65 и $75 и са на разположение за покупка сега в buffalorun.com.


KEENAN SMITH vs. IVAN BARANCHYK – Eight-Round Super Lightweight Bout


Ковач, на 2008 National Golden Gloves Champion and 2007 Junior Olympic National Champion, debuted on ShoBox през ноември 2016, scoring a hard-fought unanimous decision over Benjamin Whitaker. 5-крак-7, 26-годишният, will make his third start of the year after taking 2016 off to recover from and ACL injury and the loss of both of his parents within six months of each other. Smith has knocked out both of his opponents this year, Marquis Hawthorne and Edgar Gabejan.


“This is a very big fight for me,” said the Smith, who turned pro in 2010. “Perhaps the biggest fight of my career. I’m stepping up in opposition and I’m ready for what’s to come. I am training three times a day and I’m in the best shape of my life.


“I know Baranchyk comes to fight, but I also know his weaknesses. I’m ready for his wild swings. I’m ready to be the main event in a nationally televised fight. излишно да се каже, a win will bring bigger and even better opportunities. Не мога да чакам. "


Като аматьор, Смит отиде 72-4 with victories over Amir Iman and Abel Ramos, who fought Baranchyk in a back-and-forth brawl in his last outing.


Baranchyk is an offensive-minded amateur standout that packs power in both hands. He won nine consecutives fights by knockout before scoring a 10-round unanimous decisions over Wilberth Lopez and Zhimin Wang on ShoBox. In his last outing on Февруари. 10, Baranchyk edged Abel Ramos in an entertaining slugfest that was closer than the judges’ scorecards indicated.


“I am very excited and thankful for the opportunity to come back to fight on ShoBox отново,” said the 5-foot-10 Baranchyk. “Smith is a tough fighter and a ShoBox alum himself, so I will enjoy knocking him out.


“I’m not going to downplay him – he is a good opponent. I’ll be alert and I’ll pay attention to what he brings on, but I’m battle-tested. He hasn’t faced anybody like me. I’ll gladly hand him his first loss and move a step closer in my pursuit of a world title.”


The 24-year-old Baranchyk has scored two first-round knockouts on ShoBox in bouts that lasted a combines 2:49. Всички 10 of Baranchyk’s knockouts have come inside three full rounds, including six in the first. This is his sixth start at Buffalo Run Casino.


KENETH SIMS JR. срещу. ROLANDO CHINEA – Eight-Round Super Lightweight Bout

Sims, а 2013 U.S. National Amateur Champion and a 2012 Olympic Trials semifinalist, continues to step up in level of opposition as he meets one of the most dangerous opponents of his career in his second ShoBox вид.


The Chicago native has stayed active as a pro – he fought four times in 2016 and this will be his third start of 2017. В последния си излет, he stopped Israel Villela with a third-round TKO.


“I have seen [Роландо] Chinea fight twice. He is a pressure fighter,” said Sims. “He is nothing that I haven’t seen before. I’m ready for him. Another wins keeps me moving forward to my ultimate goal of being a world champion one day.


“I wasn’t satisfied with my last performance. Имам победата, but I was not at my best. A win over someone like Chinea will help me prove I’m better than what you last saw of me.”


The 23-year-old Sims was a sparring partner for Floyd Mayweather (when he was getting prepared for Andre Berto) и Мани Пакиао (as he was getting ready for Mayweather). He is known for his boxing skills and ability to work the body.


Chinea, a 5-foot-8, 26-year-old from Lancaster, Pa., is returning to ShoBox after winning an eight-round split decision victory over O’Shaquie Foster in July of 2016. Отишъл 10-0-1 before the only loss of his career, an eight-round decision to Ismail Muwendo in April 2015. He’s won four straight since, including two unanimous decisions over previously undefeated Ladarius Miller and Mel Crossty.


“I am honored to be back on ShoBox, where I made my first TV appearance,” said Chinea. “Sims was an accomplished amateur with a deep pedigree. He is tall with a good reach. Той е много добър боксьор, but I’m better.


“It’s going to be a rough fight. I am prepared and in great shape. A win will get me one step closer to some type of title fight down the line. I am just looking at right now and getting this win. By the end of the year, I see myself moving into contention if all goes well.


GLENN DEZURN vs. ADAM LOPEZ – Eight-Round Bantamweight Bout

The undefeated Dezurn was a three-sport star athlete in high school and an amateur standout who compiled an 87-7 record in the unpaid ranks under the tutelage of Barry Hunter. The Baltimore native is married to female boxer and U.S. Olympic alternate Franchon Crews, who fought Claressa Shields in the amateurs and in her pro debut. Dezurn returns to ShoBoxafter a toe-to-toe matchup against Leroy Davila on Юли 14 that could have gone either way. His former foe, Давила, is featured in the opening bout of the telecast.


The 5-foot-4, 29-year-old will face his toughest test to date against ShoBox alum Adam Lopez.


“I’m excited to come back to the ring and I’m extremely focused,” said the 29-year-old Dezurn. “My opponent is experienced and had a good amateur career but he doesn’t intimidate me.


“Any win takes my career to where I want to go—upwards. It doesn’t matter that Lopez is more experienced and a regular onShoBox. My motto is to keep working hard. I stay focused and I will get where I need to be. Every win is the same, it’s a step in the right direction.


Lopez, Сан Антонио, Texas, by way Phoenix, Аризона., is a prototypical ShoBox prospect-turned-contender. Той е 3-1-1 on the series, having defeated three previous unbeaten boxers: Mario Muniz (11-0), Елиезер Акино (17-0-1) and knocking out Pablo Cruz (11-0) във втория кръг. Lopez boxed a 12-round draw with Roman Reynoso (18-1-1) юли 22, 2016, and in his most recent outing he was stopped by Daniel Roman in the ninth in a WBA Bantamweight Title Eliminator bout.


The 26-year-old now comes back to the series in a must-win situation. He has left his longtime trainer Ronnie Shields and is now training with Shakur Stevenson’s trainer WillieWaliMoses.


“I am having a good camp, and I’m now training with Wali Moses,” Lopez said. “He is helping me sharpen my boxing skills and getting me to use my footwork. I’m happy to have another chance to be on ShoBox and I know I need to put on a good performance. They are giving me another chance to prove myself and I can’t let it slip away.


“I saw Dezurn’s win over Davila. He is a rough guy who has a lot of dog in him. He brings the fight to you and he is a tough. It’ll be a good fight. A win will propel me close to where I was. I was knocking on the door of a title shot; now I just want to get this win, redeem myself and move on.”


JOSHUA GREER vs. LEROY DAVILA – Eight-Round Super Bantamweight Bout

Greer is a 22-year-old former Chicago Golden Gloves Champion that has won 10 in a row since his lone loss, a majority decision against Stephen Fulton Jr. в 2015. He has stopped Cristian Renteria in the fifth round and previously unbeaten Juan Gabriel Medina via unanimous decision. Nicknamed “Don’t Blink” after his speed and punching power, Greer returns toShoBox after delivering an impressive performance with KO candidate of the year victory over James Smith.


”I was not shocked about my last KO on ShoBox,” said Greer. “I brought a pillow with me to the ring because I knew I was going to put him to sleep.


“Davila is an average fighter, but I give him respect. I treat every opponent as a world title fight. A win would keep moving my career in the direction I want to go. It keeps me moving up in the rankings. It keeps me moving as a potential superstar on my way to a world title. Don’t Blink.


The two-time national amateur champion and 2006 Olympic alternate Davila is looking to rebound from his loss to Dezurn onShoBox in April—a close fight that could have gone either way.


“I am focused on this fight. I got good feedback from my first ShoBox вид, even though I didn’t get the win” said Davila. “Every fight is the same to me, just a different opponent. I put my work in and do my best.


“Greer is a tough fighter. He looks to throw his right hand, which is something to watch for. Освен това, I don’t know much about him. A win will make me feel better as a fighter. I just fight the fights and I let my team take care of the rest.

# # #


Barry Томпкинс ще наричаме ShoBox действия от страна на ринга със Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Raul Маркес, служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителен продуцент е Гордън Хол с продуцент на Рич Гоган и режисьор на Рик Филипс.


За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


За ShoBox: Новото поколение

От създаването си през юли 2001, критиката SHOWTIME бокса серията, ShoBox: Новото поколение е черта на младите таланти съвпадащи труден. The ShoBox философия е да излъчи вълнуващо, харесван от тълпата и конкурентни мачове, като същевременно осигуряват основа за създаване желаещи перспективи решени да се борят за световната титла. Някои от нарастващия списък на 69 бойци, които са се появили ShoBox и напреднали, за да събере световни титли включва: Ерол Спенс Jr., Андре Уорд, Дионтей Уайлдър, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Гари Ръсел Jr., Ламонт Питърсън, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Тимъти Брадли, Jessie Vargas, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Чад Доусън, Поли Malignaggi, Рики Хатън, Кели Павлик, Пол Уилямс, Ерол Спенс Jr. и по-.



ShoBox: The New Generation To celebrate 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend with a Special Tripleheader this Петък, Юни 9 живеят на SHOWTIME® (10:30 p.m. И/PT) from Turning Stone Resort Casino

Снимка с любезното съдействие: Maravillabox Promotions

VERONA, N.Y.. (Юни 7, 2017) – Former unified world champion and current boxing promoter and mentor Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, along with his protégé Jon “JonFer” Fernandez, an undefeated prospect at 130 паунда, discuss future plans ahead of Fernandez’s second appearance on ShoBox: Новото поколение това Петък, Юни 9, живеят на SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. И/PT, delayed on West Coast) от Обръщайки Stone Resort Casino в Верона, N.Y..


Martinez, known for his extensive career and impact inside the ring and now at the helm of Maravillabox Promotions, has worked with Fernandez since his pro debut at only 19 възраст. Fernandez (12-0, 10 Нокаута), who is co-promoted by DiBella Entertainment and MaravillaBox Promotions, has remained undefeated and undeterred, climbing up the prospect ranks with five fights in 2015, another five in 2016 and now getting ready for his third fight this year.


In addition to Юни 9Лидер ShoBox being Fernandez’s third fight this year, it will also be his third time fighting on American soil as he opens the SHOWTIME telecast facing tough opposition in Juan Reyes (14-3-3, 2 Нокаута) for what could be an important fight in his development as he tries to turn from prospect to contender.


Картата, which takes place during the 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend where longtime ShoBox analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, features undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 Нокаута) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 Нокаута) в главното събитие на 10-кръг. The co-feature will pit Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 Нокаута) against Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 Нокаута) in an eight-round super middleweight bout.


Билети за събитието, промотирано съвместно от DiBella Entertainment (DBE) и AASHA рекордьори, са с цени $65 for ringside, $50, $40 и $30 (може да подлежи на допълнителни такси) и се предлагат в касата Turning Stone, като се обадите на 877-833-SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster.com. Врати ще отворят най- 7:00 p.m., с първия пристъп предвидена за 7:30 p.m.


This week Martinez and his protégé, “JonFer,” spoke to SHOWTIME Sports about what the future might hold for the 130-pound prospect.



How would you describe Jon Fernandez’s style?

“I believe that JonFer is a very well-rounded, complete fighter. He can take advantage of his great wingspan and reach but has no problem fighting in close distance. Освен това, he’s hitting really hard. I believe we’ll see him fighting with big names in the division soon.


“JonFer has a classic boxing style—a classic, orthodox style. He’s effective when he’s attacking as well as defending. He poses a vision and a combat insight that is truly amazing. Not only does he have speed and precision, but he also has potential in his fists. Но, the best characteristic that JonFer possesses is his great professionalism in the sport and in his personal life.”


What would you say is different in Jon compared to other boxers in the division?

“His head, he is very mature for his age. In that sense, he reminds me of myself. He is very serious when he’s working and always looking to improve.


“He has a stupendous perception of the errors his rivals make. He knows how to read the battle and knows when and how to define a fight. I believe that the more fights and time go by, JonFer will establish himself at the top level alongside the top boxers in the world.”


As Jon develops, what plans do you have for him?

“To continue with the hard work like we have to this date. I respect every step in his career. I’d like for JonFer to continue training and preparing himself for what can be a bright and stupendous future.”


Who do you want him to fight – Jesus Cuellar, Orlando Salido, Gervonta Davis, Хосе Педраса, Carl Фрамптън?

“All of the names mentioned are already great champions. They are all owed their due respect and it would be an honor, not only for Jonfer but for Maravilabox to have the possibility of making fight with any of them.


“Jose Pedraza would be a great test. We’d really like to make that fight happen. JonFer has sparred with Frampton before his rematch with Santa Cruz and we know he was up to the challenge. И, разбира се,, we would love to go for the world title against Gervonta Davis and think it would be a great fight. A clash of styles.”

What belts do you want him to go for first?

“First, we’d like him to set a good base. The best for us is to continue building his career step by step and for him to continue learning and adapting himself bit by bit to the top level. As we continue making fights happen, there will be more opportunities for international and world titles. The goal is to get JonFer to become a WBC champion, the most important entity.


“We would be really excited to be able to win the European championship, but we’re ready to fight anyone. All of the belts are important and provide experience.”


What would you see as the ideal next step for JonFer in the next few years?

“Ideally we want to keep him at a weight in which he feels the most comfortable. As fights and time go by, if he needs to go up in weight, he’d do so without a problem. It’s possible for him to end up fighting in superior divisions, but for now we are focused on 130 and I think he can still battle at this weight for several years.”


Can you name who you think are the top five active boxers today?

“I really like Errol Spence Jr., he has a great style that I feel is like mine was. Canelo [Alvarez] и [Генадий] Golovkin are two of my favorites as well, they’ll put on a great fight. Андре Уорд, Jorge Linares… There is a lot of talent in the sport at the moment.

What memories of Steve Farhood and Barry Tompkins stand out to you?

"Да, разбира се, I have some great moments of my years in the United States and I remember Steve always in front of the SHOWTIME cameras. He is a great professional.


“He is one of the highest-regarded boxing writers in the world. He is a man with a young mentality who knows how to appreciate good boxing.


“Barry Tompkins is a prestigious commentator and what I remember the most about him is seeing him commentate on fights in the era of Tyson and J.C. Чавес. To be a commentator of that stature then, he had to be an excellent professional.”


What would you say is the best (and worst) part about being a promoter?

“To be a promoter is thrilling. I believe that taking the career of the boxers in your hands must be treated like it’s your own life. It’s a true adventure. I can’t find a negative thing to say about being a promoter.”


Do you miss being a boxer?

“To this day I can say that I do not have any desire to return to the ring. My last fights were torturous and I still have problems with my knee to the date as I try to go about my daily life. I continue to train an hour each day and continue to love boxing, but now I prefer watching the youngsters like Jon and help them with my experience.”



Can you tell us what it is like for you to work with someone like Sergio Martinez?

“It’s great, Sergio is always very attentive and a mirror to watch yourself in. Like an athlete, he was one of the greats, but as a person he is even better. Maravillabox Promotions is composed of thorough professionals and the way they treat me is excellent.”


How is your training going? Is your camp any different for this fight?

“I haven’t had too much time since my last fight, just about five weeks. It has been tough, but we were coming off of a much more difficult preparation in fighting for Spain’s world title. I think this will make for a great fight and the fans will have a lot of fun.”


What are your plans for the future? In your career, life, бокс, in the next five years…

“I just got married in April and it was a great experience, the happiest day of my life. I would love to have kids soon. As far as boxing goes, of course I’d like to be a world champion. But first I’d like to go for the European title. I’d like to fight against the best prospects in the division and continuing to make great fights. I will be a world champion one day, I know I can get there.”

Who would you say is your all-time favorite boxer?

“I can’t just say one, I have several. Sergio Martinez, очевидно. I also really like Terrance Crawford and Juan Manuel Marquez. Out of the boxing legends, I’ll stick to Alexis Arguello.”


# # #


Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. The executive producer is Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Live From Bell Centre In Montreal At 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


МОНРЕАЛ (Юни 2, 2017) – WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara had a tense faceoff during Friday’s weigh-in for their 175-pound rematch тази събота live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre.


Fonfara (29-4, 17 Нокаута) претегля в най- 174 ¼ pounds while Stevenson (28-1, 23 Нокаута) measured a ready 173 ½ pounds for their rematch of an all-action 2014 showdown in which both fighters scored knockdowns.


“I’m as strong as ever,” said the southpaw Stevenson. “I know he’s dangerous, I know he’s tough. He has a new trainer and he’s going to do everything he can to take my title. But I’m going to go for the knockout. I’m going to show him I don’t only have the left, I have the right, също. "


Fonfara promised he’s improved since their first meeting both physically and mentally under new trainer Virgil Hunter.


I’m the smarter guy now, and I have more experience,” Fonfara said. “I’m ready mentally and physically to take his belt. I’m here to put Stevenson down and become the new light heavyweight champion.


WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez and former 175-pound champ Jean Pascal both measured 174 ½ pounds for their co-featured bout that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.


Both Alvarez (22-0, 11 Нокаута), the mandatory challenger for Stevenson’s WBC belt, and Pascal (31-4-1, 18 Нокаута) are aiming for a shot at the winner of Събота Main Event.


Final Weights & Commission Officials:

WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship – 12 Уикенд

Адонис Стивънсън: 173 ½ паунда

Andrzej Fonfara: 174 ¼ паунда

Рефер: Майкъл Грифин; съдии: Nicolas Esnault (Канада), Omar Mintun (Мексико), Humberto Olivares (Мексико)


Light Heavyweight Бут - 12 Rounds for WBC Silver Light Heavyweight Championship

Eleider Alvarez: 174 ½ паунда

Жан Паскал: 174 ½ паунда

Рефер: Alain Villeneuve; съдии: Ричард ДеКаруфел (Канада), Rodolfo Ramirez (Мексико), Jack Woodburn (Канада)



Събота, Юли 29 Живеят на SHOWTIME®


NEW YORK – Two of the world’s best 140-pound boxers in the sport – Adrien Broner and Mikey Garcia – participated in a media conference call в четвъртък to discuss the news that they would square off against one another on Събота, Юли 29, на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®.


A three-division world champion at the age of 23, and one of the youngest four-division world champions in boxing history, Broner remains one of the most accomplished and popular athletes – and perhaps the most polarizing – in the sport today. Broner (33-2, 24 Нокаута) is unbeaten at or below 140 pounds with his only two losses coming against welterweight world champions Marcos Maidana and Shawn Porter.


The 29-year-old Mikey Garcia is undefeated (36-0, 30 Нокаута) and coming off a WBC lightweight world title he won in January. Garcia is moving up in weight for the second time in just three fights to challenge Broner.


Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions. A venue has yet to be determined for the highly anticipated matchup.


Also joining the call was Stephen Espinoza, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент & General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports.


Here is what the principals had to say on the call в четвъртък:


Ейдриън BRONER

“I mean, I’ve done a lot. I’ve done a lot in the sport already at a young age. I’ve watched Mikey Garcia come up before and at the same time I came up. I always want to fight the best. The best fight the best and that’s what’s going on today. This fight is going to be a tremendous fight and I’m bringing my A-game. I know a lot of people are probably counting me out.”


Q: Can you give me your perspective of how this fight was brought to your attention? How easy was the fight to make?

A: “I just see two fighters that got chips on their shoulders and I’m ready to put on another great show of boxing. I’m tired of sitting around and watching everybody else fight each other. I want to fight the best too, so let’s do it.”


Q: Can you just give me your impressions on what it will take to make 140 pounds and to do it so you’re competitive and strong at that weight against Mikey, who’s going to put on a couple of pounds?

A: “Making the weight is not going to be a problem. My last fight is coming from 180-plus. I’ve kept my weight down and I’ve actually been trying to fight somebody earlier than July. But since it’s July, I’ve kept my body in okay shape and I won’t have a problem making the weight.”


Q: Do you see you being more experienced against bigger guys as an advantage for you going into a fight that most people would consider a pretty tough fight?

A: “I don’t look at this fight like that. Mikey is a great opponent and a great fighter. As long as I’m at my A-game, I’ll be okay. That’s just how I feel. I’m taking my career more seriously and I’m just ready to put on a great show.”


Q: Were there discussions about the fight being contested at a higher weight?

A: “I have no problem with making the weight. I have a reason. This fight gives me a reason to make 140 паунда. I will make the weight, няма проблем. Just like when I fought for the title, I made the weight easy.”


Q: What have you seen from Mikey Garcia as far as his development goes since coming back?

A: “A kid who’s still growing in boxing just like me. We all make our mistakes and we try to get better every fight. You have two men that are in their prime and at the highest level of their career and they want to fight each other. Така, let’s do it”


Q: Do you feel that having fought at a higher weight in the past is an advantage for you? Does it help you in any way?

A: “I’m not coming into this fight looking at having an advantage because I’ve fought at a higher weight. В края на деня, I’ve got to be 100 hundred percent and that’s all I’m worried about.”


Q: Does a challenge like this motivate you more?

A: “I love it. I’ve faced adversity so many times in this game. Sometimes I fell short, but I got right back up and kept fighting.”


Q: How much credit do you sense you’re getting for embracing this fight?

A: "Честно, in all due respect to every reporter out there, I feel like I really don’t get as much respect as I should because of my last fight…the guy that I fought [Adrian Гранадос], he was a guy a lot of people skipped past…and I’m like, ‘You know what, I’m going to fight him.’ Everybody felt like I wasn’t taking a tough fight. I knew he was tough and I fought him and beat him and now I’m taking another tough fight after that in Mikey Garcia.”


Q: How important was it for you to take a tough fight like this?

A: “I want to fight them all. In the beginning of my career I was very anxious to fight everybody and as I’ve gotten older I’ve learned to just take my time and roll down the hill slow and get them all… And this is where it starts.”


Q: Do you feel like fighting [Garcia’s] style is going to require a lot of patience on your part?

A: “If you ask me, I’m the guy that’s very defensive. I really don’t get hit that much. Only when I decide to stand in the middle, but I’m very hard to hit myself. I think this fight is going to be two boxers with high IQ’s who are going to put on a great show of boxing.”


Q: Is it going to be a fight determined by footwork and ring generalship, would you agree with that?

A: “I wouldn’t say all of that. Everybody doesn’t fight the same every night when they go in the ring. Once I get in there and make my adjustments and once he gets in there and tries to make his adjustments, we’re going to let the fight play out.”


Q: Do you feel like Mikey is a stiff puncher and is that something that you have to be careful of with his punching power?

A: “Anybody is a puncher whether… It all hurts. I’m one to tell the truth. I don’t want to get hit by nobody. I don’t care if it’s Paulie Malignaggi…I don’t want to feel none of their punches.”


Q: “What do you say about your power at this weight when you get the proper training in and you’re on weight and you’re on target?

A: “Just check my record. Аз съм непобедим. There’s only a couple literally, where people lasted. Everybody knows in the boxing game: Once Adrien Broner is focused and I’m on track and doing everything correctly, никой няма да ме победи. Only I beat myself and I’m tired of coming up short and selling myself short.”


Q: If you are focused for this fight and you get down to 140, can you just talk about how you’ll feel when that happens and what you feel your power is when you do that?

A: “Independence day in July. I’m bringing fireworks.”


Q: Realistically, how difficult will it be for you to make weight at 140 pounds and do you think Garcia has the upper hand or advantage?

A: "Не, I’ll make weight easy. Честно, there is no disadvantage or advantages in this fight. This fight will come down to the best prepared boxer.”


Q: What is it about the sport of boxing that has put a chip on your shoulder? What are some of the things about the sport and the business side of it that you don’t like and that you’d like to see change?

A: “It’s really not the business side because the business is going good. I love Stephen to death, that’s my uncle. But as far as the sport, I just feel like they don’t put enough respect on my name. With all of my accomplishments in this game, I’m the one the kids want to be now. Because coming up, everyone wanted to be like Floyd and now coming up all the kids want to be like Adrian Broner. It’s okay though, this fight is just to show people that I’m still here and that I still got what it takes to take over the game of boxing after Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao.”


Q: You’re boxing a lot more than you did in the last year, has anything changed for you?

A: “A lot changed, I’ve gotten older. I’m getting wiser, more mature. This next half of my career, I’m just focused on doing things the correct way. The first half I tried to do things my way and it worked but I could have done better, but I want to try and do everything correct.”


Q: Will you be training in Colorado as usual?

A: “Colorado Springs. My last four fights I haven’t been in Colorado. The last fight I’ve done in Colorado was the Maidana fight. I’ve been in DC. I’m going back to where I can focus on just strictly boxing because I want this to be one of the best performance of my career. I feel like my back is against the wall and it’s time to fight out.”


Closing comment: “Get some cameras my way, I’m ready to perform.”


Q: Tell us why you took this fight at 140 and what your plans are on Юли 29.

A: “It is the biggest fight available for me right now. Originally my plan was to unify at 135. If that was not available I would look at a big name to defend my title at lightweight but that wasn’t quite available. Adrien Broner is a much bigger name and a bigger star who has accomplished a lot in the sport. Така, it just made more sense to go and pursue the Adrien Broner fight than a regular title defense.”


Q: Is the move up to 140 a temporary stop? Do you want to come back to 135 to defend title or do you just figure there are bigger names at that [140] weight class?

A: “I would like to come back down to lightweight and unify the titles or defend my title before making a permanent move up. Но, because this fight was available right now and it’s a much bigger fight than anything else at the lightweight division—like I mentioned earlier, that’s why we’re moving up to 140. If unification matches are available at 135 по-късно тази година, then that’s what I’m going to go after.”


Q: Did you think to yourself ‘I’d like to fight Adrien Broner’? Was it brought to your attention or did you maybe mention it to one of your people? How was it brought to your attention?

A: “We had already talked about a possible matchup between us two, but later in the year. When we couldn’t find anything else available that made sense, nothing big enough at lightweight, then we looked at the 140-pound division or someone that could possibly make a big name. И, Adrien Broner’s name came up along with Stephen [Еспиноза] who had also brought it up to me, we were able to look into Adrien Broner and gladly everything worked out. His team accepted and I think this is the biggest fight that we can both get right now in our careers.”


Q: Did your team try to get the weight at even lower than 140 or they bring it to you at higher than 140 and you were able to settle on the division weight limit? How did the discussion of what weight would this would be at go?

A: “I made it clear that I’m still a lightweight and my best division right now is at 135. Така, I would not go any higher than 140 pounds for this fight with Adrien. I made that very clear from the beginning, that if there was any discussion or talks about a fight with Adrien Broner it would not be anything higher than 140 паунда. I’m glad Adrien Broner and his team agreed to that weight.”

Q: Was there any hesitation from Broner’s team about that weight?

A: “Not that I’m aware of because I had heard that he also stated that he was coming back to 140 паунда. "


Q: What weight do you think Broner has been best at?

A: “Everything changes as the body grows and matures. When he was at 130 и 135 he was very strong, very fast. След това, at welterweight he made that big jump to welterweight and also looked very, very good. But in recent fights he’s had some other issues outside the ring, distractions and stuff that might be cause for some of the lack-luster performances on some of his fights. Но, the skills are there and the talent is still there. Така, I can’t comment on a specific weight class and he’s also fighting bigger men in bigger fights at welterweight and 140 паунда, and that’s also maybe some of the reason why he’s unable to finish the guys or look tremendous like he used to. Но, you can’t deny the talent.”


Q: Where do you think your advantage comes in this fight? What area do you think you’re clearly better than he is?

A: “I just think I’m a skilled fighter with very good power as well and I think it’s a pretty even fight, pretty even match. Но, I feel that I have a slight edge when I comes to just natural boxing skills, техника, the ring generalship; the timing and the distance-range where I control the range of the distance of a fight.”

Q: What makes Broner the “big fight”?

A: “I haven’t fought anybody else that’s been champion in four divisions. Така, that’s going to be an accomplishment in itself there and that’s what I mean. There’s no one else available that has that resume.”


Q: Do you feel that you coming up in weight is an advantage or disadvantage in this fight?

A: “I don’t know that it’s an advantage or disadvantage. I think it’ll be a new to see Broner at 140 because that’s probably a better weight for him and that will actually allow me to perform better too. Но, I don’t see myself as having an advantage because the fight is at 140. I feel that I should still be at 135 and I still plan on coming down to 135 pounds but we’ll just have to see on the 29тата and see how I feel there.”


Q: How excited are you that a big fight like this is finally here?

A: “It’s exciting to be able to dictate and guide my career in a way that I want and I’m able to secure this fight without having much resistance on either party. Така, that makes it easy and I look forward to securing bigger fights after this also.”


Q: Any concern that Broner is not going to make weight for the fight?

A: “There is some concern and that’s why I made it clear that I wouldn’t go any higher than 140. Но, he agreed, his team agreed, and it seems like he’s confident that he’s able to make 140. I think last time he didn’t make it, maybe he wasn’t taking it as serious. Може би, he was coming from some personal issues and problems. Така, I think now, he’s probably more focused and ready to regain control of his career and make a big name again. He should be taking it very serious and if he feels confident in making 140, then that’s great. That only makes for a much better fight. If he’s going to be training better and preparing himself better to make the weight, it’ll just make for a bigger fight.”


Q: If he doesn’t make the weight, is the fight still something that you would consider?

A: “We would have to consider options and consider other factors to see if it’s still something that benefits me. Точно сега, we targeted 140 паунда, he agreed on 140, so that’s what I’m looking at. If later, преди двубоя, something does come up with issues than I’ll make a decision at that point.”


Q: Where were you, as far as making unification fights, before the Broner fight became a realistic possibility? Have fights with Linares or Flanagan been very difficult to make at that point? Or were you hoping that those fights could’ve been made this summer?

A: “I still hope we can get something like that before the end of the year but it just wasn’t happening this summer. Linares’ team said that they would like maybe a voluntary title defense of his titles just like the WBC had already agreed that it was okay for either one of us to take a voluntary title defense. With Flanagan, I heard it was a very good possibility to get done but I think he’s also got a fight with Verdejo, possibly as a mandatory and that’s something that we would have to wait for results for. Така, it was a little more complicated to be waiting and to try to get those unification matches. But the Adrien Broner fight came up and it was a lot easier to get that than anything else.”


Q: При 140, tell us how you think your power will translate?

A: “I think the power is still there. It just depends on how well my opponent can take a punch. I am fighting a bigger guy with Adrien Broner, who has fought at welterweight and faced some of the better welterweights there, so the power may not show because he might be able to take a better punch. Но, I moved up from featherweight all the way to lightweight and I still carried punch. My last victory as everybody knows, I knocked out Dejan Zlaticanin who had never been dropped and who was undefeated. I dropped him cold. The power is there it just depends on how well a guy can take a punch.”


Q: How comfortable are you at this weight? Do you walk around heavier than this or is this a big cut for you?

A: “It’s not a big cut honestly. It’s actually a very simple weight cut. But I think what I’m going to be working on is not necessarily just focusing on power but I’m going to continue working on my footwork, having my speed, my reflexes, so that I can carry that. The power, I believe is going to be there regardless but I want to make sure that I carry my speed and I don’t want the weight to affect me in any way and slow me down.”


Q: Is he going to be the best boxer you’ve faced?

A: “On paper he has the biggest resume, he’s the most accomplished fighter that I’ve faced. But as far as the better boxer, I’m just going to have to wait and see on the 29тата and see how good of a fighter he really is because he’s definitely got the talent and the skills. Let me see what I can do on July 29тата.


Q: How do you expect the fight to play out?

A: “It’s going to be a good, конкурентна борба, a very close fight because like I said, you can’t deny his skills, you can’t deny his accomplishments. But at the end of the night I feel that I am a slightly better boxer. Just a little bit better than he is and I’ve just got to prove it on the 29тата. I did tell you that he loses, he’s lost and I don’t lose. That’s where I have that confidence. I don’t believe anybody around my division can beat me right now and I don’t think Adrien Broner is going to be one to give me those kinds of problems. We’re going to obviously train hard and prepare. We can’t take him lightly but I still believe very, very strongly that I’m the better fighter.”


СТИВЪН Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент & Мениджър Шоу Спорт

“It’s been a great year for boxing. More specifically, it’s really been a great year for SHOWTIME boxing. Boxing is enjoying a rejuvenation, a reinvigoration. The sport has a lot of momentum and SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING has been the primary engine for that. Through this weekend, when we’ll be featuring Adonis Stevenson vs. Andrzej Fonfara, SHOWTIME will have telecasted 18 live boxing events this year alone. That includes 14 за световната титла на битки. The fight we’re talking about today will be the 19тата live telecast on SHOWTIME this year.


“Broner vs. Garcia will be the sixth time that we’ve featured a consensus top-5 fighter versus another consensus top-5 fighter. It’s really undisputablethis year the best are fighting the best and they’re doing it on SHOWTIME. In a year filled with memorable fights on SHOWTIME, I think July 29тата could be among the most eagerly anticipated fights on the schedule. Two of the most talented, Най-известният, most popular fighters in the sport today facing each other in the primes of their respective careers.


“On a personal note, this was a very easy fight to make. The conversation started roughly a week ago about the same time all of these rumors became public. And here we are a week later, including a holiday weekend, announcing a fight. And I’m proud to say that both of these very talented fighters showed no hesitation whatsoever in doing this.


“In the short time since this fight has been rumored and announced, there’s something I’ve seen that I think that’s unique in my experience in this position. There are large groups of people on each side of this fight that think it’s an easy fight. A lot of people say, ‘easy fight for AB.’ There’s an equally large group of people on the Mikey Garcia side that say ‘easy fight’ and I’ve never seen that on a fight before. That’s what makes this such an intriguing matchup.”

Q: “Did all of the other successful fights contribute to you being able to get this particular fight done.”

A: “These fighters are top-tier athletes. And they don’t get to this level of accomplishment without being competitors. We saw it with Shawn Porter at Errol’s fight. When these guys see these big fights happening, their juices get flowing and they get salivating. Повече от всичко, it’s really the fighters. The fighters are the ones who are taking these tough fights and in many cases asking for the tough fights. Originally, we were looking for scheduling a fight for Mikey and a fight for Adrien at some point this summer. And then at a certain point, we realized that for either of them at 135 или 140, there wasn’t a bigger fight than fighting each other. Once everyone understood that, everything clicked. This is the biggest fight that each of them can make right now realistically and that’s really what got it done and made all the other issues: weight, money, all that other stuff melted away because these are two world class competitors who want to do the biggest fight possible.”


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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. За да станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.



Unbeaten Maravillabox Promotions’ Prospect Jon Fernandez To Face Juan Reyes; Живеят на SHOWTIME® From Turning Stone Resort Casino In Verona, N.Y..

2017 Hall of Fame Inductees Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood To Be Joined By Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr.

NEW YORK (Юни 2, 2017) – SHOWTIME Sports® has announced undefeated Maravillabox Promotions’ prospect Jon Fernandez will meet super featherweight Juan Reyes in an eight-round matchup in the opening bout of ShoBox: Новото поколение Петък, Юни 9, живеят на SHOWTIME (10:30 p.m. И/PT), от Обръщайки Stone Resort Casino в Верона, N.Y..


The addition of Sergio Martinez’s protégé, Jon “Jonfer” Fernandez, (12-0, 10 Нокаута), in a 130-pound scrap against Juan “Pochito” Reyes (14-3-3, 2 Нокаута) upgrades the previously announced ShoBox to a tripleheader.


Картата, which takes place during the 2017 Hall of Fame Weekend where longtime ShoBox analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood will be inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame, features undefeated super lightweights Regis “Rougarou” Prograis (19-0, 16 Нокаута) and Joel Diaz Jr. (23-0, 19 Нокаута) в главното събитие на 10-кръг. The winner will be thrust from talented prospect to legitimate contender. Both fighters have developed on the series—this will be Prograis’ fourth start and Diaz’s third.


В съвместно функцията, unbeaten Canadian super middleweight Steve Rolls (15-0, 9 Нокаута) makes his second start on ShoBoxwhen he faces the dangerous Demond Nicholson (17-1-1, 16 Нокаута) в осем кръг мач.


Билети за събитието, промотирано съвместно от DiBella Entertainment (DBE) и AASHA рекордьори, са с цени $65 for ringside, $50, $40 и $30 (може да подлежи на допълнителни такси) и се предлагат в касата Turning Stone, като се обадите на 877-833-SHOW, или онлайн на Ticketmaster.com. Врати ще отворят най- 6:30 p.m., с първия пристъп предвидена за 7:30 p.m.


“This is another big opportunity for me to show everybody that I am one of the best super featherweights in the world,” said Fernandez, who will fight for just the third time in the United States. “The fight against Garza was an amazing experience and I was happy to give the audience in the U.S. such an exciting performance.


“In my last fight, I won the Spanish title, something that I am very proud to have achieved, now I will travel back to the U.S. to face anybody that my promoter puts in front of me. I am very confident in my skills and my team is doing great work with my career.”


This is the opportunity I have been waiting for my entire career,” Саид Reyes. “I make real wars out of my fights because that is my style and it works for me. Jon Fernandez will have his hands full because I am coming to win.


I want to thank to Lou DiBella and SHOWTIME for another great opportunity for Jon Fernández,” said Sergio “Maravilla” Martinez, promoter and former unified middleweight world champion. “Jonfer is a talented and hard-working young man that will archive great things. He’s destined for greatness.”


“With his potential and work ethic, I have no doubt he’ll be a world champion one day. I will take it a step further and say that he will become next pound-for-pound champion. He is ready to win this fight by knockout and call out the top names in his weight class.


The 21-year old Fernandez is coming off of a second-round TKO victory versus previously unbeaten Ismael Garcia to seize the Spanish 130-pound title in his hometown of Bilbao, País Vasco, Испания, на Април 21. In his last stateside appearance on Feb.10 на тази година, Fernandez made his ShoBox debut with an impressive third-round knockout against formerly once-beaten Ernesto Garza in Miami, Оклахома.


Reyes is a 27-year-old from Guadalajara, Халиско, Мексико, now training out of Bell Gardens, Халиф. He will be making hisShoBox and New York debut—he has never fought outside of Southern California. Reyes’ last two fights resulted in unanimous decision wins as he beat Miguel Angel Mendoza on Март 3 of this year and Cesar Villarraga in October 2016.


Fellow Hall of Famers Al Bernstein and Jimmy Lennon Jr. will join Farhood and Tompkins on-air during the special Hall of Fame edition of the prospect oriented series. Lennon Jr. returns to Canasota for the posthumous induction of his father, world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Sr.

Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Изпълнителен продуцент е Гордън Хол с продуцент на Рич Гоган и режисьор на Рик Филипс.


Tompkins and Farhood will be inducted in the “Observer” category в неделя as part of a 2017 клас, оглавен от боксовите величия Евандър Холифийлд, Марко Антонио Барера и Джони Тапия.

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За повече информация посетете www.sho.com/sports следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, @loudibella и @DiBellaEnt или станете фен във Facebook на адрес www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, иwww.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.



Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia

Представено от: Премиер боксови Champions

Събота, Юли 29 * Живеят на SHOWTIME

Watch, Дял, Embed Video: http://s.sho.com/2qKad51

NEW YORK (Юни 1, 2017) - Днес, Шоу Спорт® announced a blockbuster matchup between two of boxing’s biggest stars as three-division world champion Mikey Garcia moves up in weight to 140 pounds to face four-division champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, Събота, Юли 29, живеят на SHOWTIME. Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is presented by Premier Boxing Champions.


In yet another significant main event matchup on SHOWTIME, these world-class fighters will meet at a critical time in their respective careers. A three-division world champion at the age of 23, and one of the youngest four-division world champions in boxing history, the flamboyant Broner remains one of the most accomplished and popular athletes – and perhaps the most polarizing – in the sport today. Among the top 140-pounders in the world, Broner is undefeated at or below 140 pounds with his only two losses coming against welterweight world champions Marcos Maidana and Shawn Porter. An experienced fighter at just 27 възраст, Broner (33-2, 24 Нокаута) still believes he is the future of the sport and promises to prove it against Garcia on July 29.


Mikey Garcia, 29 years old and undefeated (36-0, 30 Нокаута), is a recently crowned lightweight champion on a self-appointed journey to become a household name in the sport of boxing. Garcia will move up in weight for the second time in just three fights to challenge Broner. Garcia represents a boxing family developing legendary status in the modern era of the sport. He is renowned for his sportsmanship and his commanding presence in the ring, усъвършенства от брат му и аплодирана треньор Робърт Гарсия. Mikey has held world titles at 126, 130 и 135 паунда, but has never fought north of 138.


Събота, Юли 29 ще бъде 19тата live boxing event on SHOWTIME this year. The main event bout will be a WBC 12-round special attraction.


“SHOWTIME Sports continues to deliver the most anticipated matchups, the most important events and the most thrilling fights in boxing,"Казва Стивън Еспиноза, Изпълнителен вицепрезидент и генерален мениджър, Шоу Спорт. “We consistently feature top-rated champions and challengers. The best are fighting the best and the results have been spectacular. Adrien Broner vs. Mikey Garcia is a fight that fight fans have dreamed of—an undefeated, young star facing one of the best 140-pound fighters in the sport, both men in the prime of their respective careers. Юли 29 promises to be a memorable night in a year already full of memorable boxing events.”



Broner, Синсинати, Ohio, has achieved more in his young career than most fighters can hope for in a lifetime. After earning world titles at 130, 135 и 147 паунда, Broner won a belt in a fourth weight division – 140 pounds – in October 2015 when he defeated Khabib Allakhverdiev via 12тата round stoppage to become the second youngest four-division champion in boxing history at 26 (behind Oscar De La Hoya, 24). Като аматьор, Broner compiled a record of 300 победи, 19 losses under the guidance of his trainer Mike Stafford, who has remained in Broner’s corner throughout his entire career. Broner will turn 28 years old on Юли 28, the day before his bout with Garcia.


Once considered one of the top young pound-for-pound boxers in the world, Mikey Garcia, на Moreno Valley по пътя на Окснард, Калифорния., връща на ринга след две и половина години отсъствие през юли 2016 without missing a beat. He scored a dominant fifth-round stoppage over former world champion Elio Rojas in his first fight back. След това, Garcia became a three-division champion by beating previously undefeated lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin with a vicious third-round knockout last January. Garcia has stopped 19 на неговата последна 21 opponents including Roman “Rocky” Martinez, Хуан Мануел Лопес, Orlando Salido and Bernabe Concepcion.


За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, или станете фен на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


Watch Stevenson-Fonfara I: HTTP://s.sho.com/2pD0U7c

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Стивънсън срещу. Fonfara II

Live At 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT From Bell Centre In Montreal

Photo Credit: Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME

SHOWTIME Sports has released the 2014 matchup between Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara in its entirety in advance of their rematch тази събота live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre in Montreal. YouTube Link: HTTP://s.sho.com/2pD0U7c

In their first meeting Stevenson edged Fonfara in an all-action matchup in which both fighters scored knockdowns. It remains the only time the WBC Light Heavyweight Champion has touched the canvas in his eight world title fights.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Stevenson vs. Fonfara II airs live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT. При откриването схватката на телевизията, WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez, Stevenson’s mandatory challenger, will face former 175-pound champion Jean Pascal.

Забележка: Geo-Blocked For U.S. & Canada Viewers Only

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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports follow us on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. За да станете фен на Facebook вwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




“I expect a knockout.” – Adonis Stevenson

“I’m ready to take the title. My time has come.” – Andrzej Fonfara


WBC №. 1 Contender Eleider Alvarez Faces Former Champ Jean Pascal In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Co-Feature At 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT


Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Credit Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


МОНРЕАЛ (Май 30, 2017) – WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and Andrzej Fonfara sounded off at the final press conference във вторник at Montreal Casino for their 175-pound rematch тази събота live on SHOWTIME from Bell Centre.


WBC Light Heavyweight No. 1 contender Eleider Alvarez and former 175-pound champ Jean Pascal also faced off for their co-featured bout that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast live at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.


Both Stevenson (28-1, 23 Нокаута) и Fonfara (29-4, 17 Нокаута) scored knockdowns in their all-action meeting in 2014, the only time Stevenson has been down in his eight world title fights since winning the WBC belt in 2013. While the local Montreal favorite was pushed the distance in his first bout with Fonfara, he has scored knockouts in five of his seven title defenses and stated във вторник that he expects a knockout in the rematch.


Since the close loss to Stevenson in 2014, Fonfara has picked up wins against Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., Nathan Cleverly and Chad Dawson, and enters the rematch with a new trainer, the renowned Virgil Hunter.


Alvarez (22-0, 11 Нокаута) is undefeated and the mandatory challenger for Stevenson’s WBC belt, but he’ll face the toughest test of his career in Pascal (31-4-1, 18 Нокаута), a former WBC 175-pound champion who has faced some of the world’s best light heavyweights over the past decade.


Here’s what the fighters had to say във вторник:



“I’m ready because I know Fonfara is dangerous. We’re not underestimating him. I’ve prepared for everything, everything he brings in the ring I’ll be ready for it.


“I’m training for the knockout. Emanuel Steward always told me ‘knockouts sell.’ When I get in the ring I’m going for a knockout. It’s not an option for me to go 12 кръга.


“I train for 12 кръга, and if it goes 12 rounds he’s going to get punishment the whole time, but I definitely am going for the knockout.


“I see some things I can exploit in the ring.


“I won the first fight, and I know him very well. I know what he can do. I know he changed trainers. Virgil Hunter brings a lot of experience, I know he trains Andre Ward, and I know he’s very intelligent.


“I know Andrzej Fonfara from 12 rounds in the ring. He can’t change his style right now. He may show some improved defense, but after a couple of rounds it will be the old Fonfara.


“This fight will be different. I expect a knockout. I hurt my hand in our first fight, but now I’m fully healthy and I expect to knock him out.


“I know Fonfara is training hard to take my belt. I know he’s a tough fighter, and I know it’s not going to be easy for me.


“My goal is to unify the titles with the winner of (Sergey) Kovalev and (Друг) Опека. I want the unification, but if not I’ll make my mandatory. If Ward wins I want to fight him, if Kovalev wins I want to fight him. Аз съм готов. "


Andrzej Fonfara

“I’m a much smarter fighter now. Умствено, I’m much strong and smarter.


“I bettered myself. Върджил (Ловец) has taught me a lot of new stuff. Some things worked in my last fight with Chad Dawson, some things didn’t. But that was our first fight together. Now I’m ready to show everything in this fight.


“I’ve had a lot of success against southpaws. I like fighting them. Chad Dawson was a southpaw, so the last two fights, the last four months, we prepared only for southpaws.


“I’m ready for the best Stevenson.


“My camp went well. Sparring was great. It’s my second full camp with Virgil Hunter and we’ve improved a lot since the first fight.


“I can’t make the same mistakes I did in our first fight. I must fight much smarter.


“Stevenson only has a good left hand. He’s the champ and he’s a good fighter, but his boxing isn’t amazing. He’s not easy, but he only has basic boxing skills. We must cut his left hand and be ready to throw my right. We need to control him.


“I must start good in the first round and let him know that I’m here to win the fight. And I’ll be the new champion.


“I’m always a fighter that goes forward and pushes guys back, but I am now ready to fight backwards if I need to. I’ll show the best Andrzej Fonfara this time.


“I’m going to win the fight. A world title is the only thing I’ve never had. I’ve imagined raising my hand after the fight and becoming the new WBC champion.”


“I’m ready to take the title. My time has come.


“I’m ready to be the new world champion and I’ll do that Събота нощ. He wants the KO, and I want the KO, твърде.


“I respect him because he’s the champ. I came here to show that, този път, I’m the better fighter.”



“He has a lot of experience, but experience can be negative sometimes. Той е преживял, but he has negative experiences and losses, твърде. I don’t think it will be a factor Събота нощ.


“My style will be an advantage. I’m taller, I have a longer reach, and a better jab. My footwork is better, твърде. So I think my style is my advantage.


“I’m fully ready for my title shot. I’ve been ready for 18 месеца, but for some reason it didn’t happen. I’m ready to face everybody. I’m probably in the toughest division in boxing right now, but once Stevenson comes I’ll be ready.


“I didn’t wait 18 months to become a world champion for nothing. I won’t give a victory to Pascal. I’ve waited for 18 months for my chance and I won’t give it to Pascal.


“Sparring with him (Pascal) is an advantage, but it was a long time ago and now he’s changed teams. So I don’t know what he’s done in his training camp this time.


“Marc (Ramsay) taught me some tricks, but I already know Jean Pascal because I trained with him and sparred with him for a while. It’s an advantage to have Marc, but it can be different and you never know what he’ll bring to the ring this time around.”


Жан Паскал

“Winning is the only option for me.


“I’ve been in some battles, but my tank is still full.


“I’ve faced way better opposition than him. Бил съм там, done that on the big stage. This is a big, big fight, and I’ve been here before. That’s the thing with experience – you can’t buy experience. You have to live it, and I’ve lived it many times. I’m ready to be on the big stage once again.


“Training camp went really well. I was with Roy Jones Jr. and Stephane Larouche and we stayed in Montreal for the whole camp. We had no injuries and we’re ready to go в събота.


“Sparring with Alvarez isn’t really an advantage for me. The last time we sparred was like two or three years ago. Аз го познавам, but he knows me also. I actually have two strikes against me – he knows me well, but his coach knows me by heart because he’s my former coach. But none of that matters. I’ve done my homework and I know what to do in the ring.


“Right now my focus is on Alvarez. After the referee raises my hand and we’ll see what’s next.”


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