Категория Архивы: Showtime Бокс

Полные результаты взвешивания & Фотографии для Tomorrow’s BELLATOR 261: Джонсон против. Молдавский Ивент – Жить на SHOWTIME


Ункасвилль, Коннектикут. - Bellator 261: Джонсон против. Молдавский будет транслироваться завтра, Пятница, Июнь 25 в SHOWTIME в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT, а предварительные бои будут транслироваться на YouTube-канале BELLATOR MMA, начиная с 6:30 p.m. И / 3:30 p.m. PT.

BELLATOR MMA 261: Джонсон против. Молдавский Главная Карта:
Пятница, Июнь 25 - Живи дальше ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ
9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Промежуточный титул чемпиона мира в супертяжелом весе Главное событие: #1-Тимоти Джонсон (260) против. #3-Валентин Молдавский (234)
Fly-Co-Main Event: #2-Лис Кармауч (125.5) против. #3-Kana Watanabe (125.25)
Легкий Бут: #6-Даниэль Weichel (145.5) против. Keoni Диггс (146)
Легкий бой: #4-Майлс Юрий (156) против. #6-Сидни Outlaw (156)
Бой в полутяжелом весе: Кристиан Эдвардс (206) против. Саймон Бийонг (204.5)

Предварительное Card:
Канал BELLATOR MMA на YouTube | Канал SHOWTIME Sports на YouTube | Плутон ТВ
6:30 p.m. И / 3:30 p.m. PT

Легкий бой: Сорен Бак (156) против. Бобби Ли (155.25)
Легкий бой: Исайя Хокит (155.75) против. Кори Сэмюэлс (156)
Петуха Бут: Джейлон Бейтс (136) против. Коди Мэтьюз (135)
Средний Бут: Тейлор Джонсон (185.25) против. Лэнс Райт (184.75)
Легкий Бут: Джон Macapa (144.75) против. Иоанн де Иисус (145.5)

Пожалуйста, посетите Bellator.com Для получения дополнительной информации.


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Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), дочерняя компания ViacomCBS Inc., владеет и управляет премиальным сервисом SHOWTIME®, в котором представлены признанные критиками оригинальные сериалы, провокационные документальные фильмы, кассовые сборы фильмов, комедийные и музыкальные программы, а также острые виды спорта. SHOWTIME доступен как автономный потоковый сервис для всех основных потоковых устройств и Showtime.com., а также по кабелю, DBS, провайдеры телекоммуникационных услуг и потокового видео. SNI также предоставляет услуги премиум-класса. КИНОКАНАЛ и FLIX®, а также версии по запросу всех трех брендов. SNI продает и распространяет спортивных и развлекательных мероприятий для выставки подписчикам на оплатой за просмотр через Showtime PPV®. Для получения более подробной информации, перейти к www.SHO.com.



Описание создается автоматически
Больше, Erickson Lubin and Undercard Fighters Featured On Blockbuster SHOWTIME PPV® Event This Saturday, Июнь 26, от совхозе Arena в Атланте

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Шоном Michael Хама /
Мэйвезер Акции

АТЛАНТА (Июнь 23, 2021) - Четырехкратный чемпион мира Gervonta «Танк» Дэвис и непобедимый чемпион WBA в суперлегком весе. Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриос took part in a media workout to kick off fight week at the College Football Hall of Fame on Wednesday ahead of this Saturday’s blockbuster Showtime PPV® событие.

Tickets for the live event presented by Premier Boxing Champions are on sale now and available for purchase through Ticketmaster.com.

Вот что Дэвис, Barrios and the rest of the fighters in attendance had to say on Wednesday:


“I’m excited to be in this position to be able to give the fans what they want to see, which is an exciting fight. Atlanta showed me love the last time I came, so why not come back?

“This is one of my toughest fights on paper. I’ll be ready and hopefully he’ll be ready, and we’ll give the fans what they want to see.

“Las Vegas is definitely a boxing town. My team is there at Mayweather Promotions and I brought my personal team out there as well. We’re all a family. We train together, get along, and help each other.

“There is no pressure on me, I am just going out there to do my job. It’s just another day at the job for me. Hopefully he’s ready because I’m definitely ready and we can give the fans what they want to see, which is a knockout.

"[Окрестности] is a young champion. I’m going up two weight classes to face him. If they don’t give me the respect after this, I don’t know what I have to do. Это довольно круто. This is actually the first time I’m fighting at this weight class. Whatever opportunities they give me at 135, или 140, I’ll take them.”


“This is all brand new, but I’m taking it all in and excited to be in Atlanta. I’m just excited to go out there on Saturday and give everybody a great fight.

“No doubt about it, Tank is by far the toughest test for another title defense and I’m going to do whatever it takes to be successful on Saturday. There’s going to be fireworks on Saturday.

“This is a huge opportunity and I’m very excited for this chance. This is a very winnable fight for me, regardless of what everyone has been saying. I’m just excited to be back in the ring and in Atlanta.

“I think it’s not going to be until we both get in the ring that people realize how much size I really have for 140 фунты. Как-то, he’s still the favorite although he’s the challenger in this fight. I just take that as more motivation for me.

“Height-wise, достичь. Those are the major advantages. I’m just as dangerous as he is. And just as explosive and just as fast. And I will show that on fight night.

“When they came to me, I said let’s do it but I was like, ‘I’m not going down to 135,’ and they said, ‘Nah, he’s going to come up.’ And I said, ‘Even better.’

“I’ve seen him fight plenty of times. He’s a great fighter and he’s been very successful at the lower weight divisions against the smaller opponents. But this is a different fight for him.

“I didn’t take too much from the Leo Santa Cruz fight. Я чувствовал, [Gervonta] fought him the way he did because he didn’t respect Santa Cruz’s power. But with our fight he’s going to have no choice and he’s not going to fight me the way he fought Santa Cruz. Whatever he does fight night, I’m going to have to adapt.

“I’ve been boxing just as long as he has and I have an excellent boxing IQ, just as he has. It only takes one punch to change a fight, and he definitely has that one punch. But I’ll find out if that power carries over to 140 фунтов ".


“We always work hard. Every camp is hard. It’s just that this time we added a little longer. We’ve been working since my last fight and I’m just so excited to go out there and display my talents.

“Me and Jeison Rosario, we’re both hungry. I just think I want it more and my preparation is going to speak for itself and the fans can only expect fireworks and the best of me.

“It’s not just one thing we’re working on; we’re working on everything to be our best. Everything is clicking on all cylinders right now. I feel I’m ready to fight. I’ve been ready to fight weeks ago. Everything is going to show on Saturday night.

“I’ve seen him fight against Charlo and others – I’ve seen enough. I know what I have to do to get him out of there. I’m a competitor and want to give the fans the best show.

“My loss affected me and motivated me big time. I know my abilities and I know what I’m capable of, so I just went back to the drawing board and took it all in. I understood how serious this sport is, and how unforgiving this sport is. So I knew I had to go out there and do things different to take my career to another level. That’s what I did.”


“I felt great when I got the call to be on this card. I was very happy to get this opportunity.

“There are four corners in the ring, I am going to catch him eventually. Outside of the ring he may be able to run from me, but inside the ring he won’t be able to.

“It’s about a sense of responsibility. I’m always ready to fight regardless of how long I have to prepare. My responsibility is to always be ready whenever I am called upon to put on a good show for the fans.

“It’s a great opportunity and I’m very thankful to PBC and SHOWTIME for having me in consideration. I want to show what I am worth on Saturday.

“I know that my opponent is an aggressive fighter who throws a lot of punches with his right hand. I will be ready for anything. I have the capacity to adapt to whatever he wants to do, so I don’t care what he comes with because I am going to be ready.

“Being with PBC makes me feel closer to the belts. Now all I have to do is go in the ring and show what I am capable of to earn those belts as soon as possible.”


“I had a lot of emotions when I learned I would be fighting on this card. Больше чем что либо, it was a dream come true because I have worked my entire life for this. I thank God for this opportunity and I’m going to take advantage of it.

“I can’t stay in front of my opponent for too long, I need to box against him. It’s what I know how to do and it’s what I’ve been preparing to do.

“I feel great and I feel really ready for this fight. This is my first time fighting in Atlanta, it’s a really nice city.

“It’s a great motivation for me to be moved up to the pay-per-view card. I feel more motivated to do what I know how to do. I train and work hard every day, so nothing’s new.

“I want to prove how ready I am and to reach new heights. I want to show people wherever you are from, it’s possible to reach your dreams. I train every day, and work hard every day and there is no better motivation for me than to work this hard and to fight on this stage.

“I’ve been getting great sparring and I’ve been training at Wild Card in Hollywood, and those guys are warriors. All my sparring partners are hungry and this past week they all showed it.


“It is my first time being in Atlanta and it’s an honor for me to fight here on such a great card in front of such great people.

“Thank you so much for all of your support. I fought Mario in a World Title fight and went through a war, and now we work on the mistakes. I am ready to put on another performance, and I’ll do my best for the fans to enjoy an exciting fight.

“Under my coaches, Joel and Antonio Diaz, I have the best team in the world. It is a learning process every time whether it’s a win, потерять, или рисовать. You have to make adjustments to your performances and that is what we did.

“I will do my best to bring the action and make the fans remember this fight. I already like the city of Atlanta. You can see right away that people like boxing here. It’s going to be a good card with good fights.

“I am very happy with the experience I have gotten in my previous fights and I expect it to help me in the future.”

Argenis Мендес

"Я прекрасно себя чувствую, I’m very happy and very excited. I’m very happy to be here today and excited to leave with a victory.

“The most important thing is coming away with the victory. I am very focused on the fight this Saturday.

“The main event is really none of my business because in the end, I am focused on my fight. После субботнего вечера, I will care about whichever one of the two in the main event wins their fight because then they will be my next opponent.

“I think this will be an interesting fight because boxing has changed. Akhmedov is an Olympian, and despite the fact that he has fewer fights, he lost a controversial decision to Mario Barrios. I think this fight will present a lot of different challenges and it will be an interesting fight for everyone to see on Saturday night.

“My training was a bit peculiar in Manchester, Англия, which was a different setting for me. Я любил каждую секунду этого. My coach couldn’t be here because of COVID-19 circumstances, but I am still supported by my team right here which is great. I’m really excited to show what I have been working on this Saturday night.”

# # #

Дэвис против. Барриос увидит четырехкратного чемпиона мира Гервонту «Танк» Дэвис, который нацелился на завоевание титула в третьей весовой категории, когда он встретится с непобежденным чемпионом WBA в суперлегком весе Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриосом в главном событии SHOWTIME PPV в субботу., Июнь 26 на удостоенной наград State Farm Arena в Атланте на мероприятии, организованном Premier Boxing Champions.

Телетрансляция с оплатой за просмотр начинается в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и представит бой двух лучших претендентов на 154 фунта, когда Эриксон «Хаммер» Любин встретится с бывшим унифицированным чемпионом Джейсон Росарио в отборочном турнире WBC в суперсреднем весе в со-главном турнире.. Super welterweight contender Carlos Adames will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

Мероприятие проводится при поддержке Mayweather Promotions., GTD Акции и TGB Акции. Ахмедов vs. Бой Мендеса продвигается совместно с World of Boxing.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up Mario “Azteca” Barrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

Photo Credit /Clarissa Castaneda Click Вот Дополнительные фотографии

National Powerhouse Attorney Thomas J. Henry Steps into the Ring to Back Up Mario “Azteca” Barrios Ahead of SHOWTIME PPV Fight this Saturday

АТЛАНТА, Джорджия (Июнь 23, 2021) – Texas personal injury attorney Thomas J. Генри, whose record-breaking verdicts and recoveries have been featured in Fortune, Forbes, and Newsweek magazines, is now using his powerhouse image to sponsor undefeated World Champion boxer, Марио “Azteca” Окрестности (26-0, 17 КО). At the press conference in San Antonio, Техас, for the upcoming championship fight against four-time world champion Gervonta «Танк» Дэвис, the famed attorney flew in the undefeated Barrios, and gave him the entrance and introduction he deserves, with the red carpet off a private jet accompanied by a professional Aztec Dance Troupe.

Thomas J. Henry’s partnership with Mario “Azteca” Barrios begins June 26, 2021, with Barrio’s championship fight against Gervonta Davis (24-0, 23 КО). В Showtime PPV main event, Davis will attempt to become a Three-Division World Champion as he faces the reigning, defending, and unbeaten champion from San Antonio, Марио Барриос. Телетрансляция с оплатой за просмотр начинается в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

The new multi-fight deal will also transcend the sport of boxing and allow Mario Barrios to work alongside Thomas J. Henry on multiple philanthropic endeavors hosted and promoted by Thomas J. Henry and his law firm.

My initial interest in Mario was derived from his commitment to excellence both in and out of the ring,” said Thomas J. Генри. “He is dedicated to personal growth at all levels, training tirelessly to hone his craft as a boxer while also committing himself to philanthropy and giving back to the San Antonio community. Mario is exactly the kind of athlete and individual we should support and celebrate.

“This experience has been a wild and fun ride and yesterday, as my team and I got picked up in the Bay Area from a private jet that my title sponsor, Thomas J. Генри, provided,” Саид Барриос. “Thomas is a well-respected gentleman in the state of Texas, and especially in my hometown of San Antonio, where his law firm headquarters is located. An incredible press conference was waiting me at the airport when I was picking up my family in San Antonio, all because of TJH. All the local media showed up in support of my fight with Gervonta Davis airing this Saturday on SHOWTIME PPV. The press conference was like a movie scene (smiling), with Aztec dancers, DJs, and all, it was great. I’m looking forward to doing some incredible community work with Thomas J. Henry.”

"Сейчас, my dreams and aspirations are becoming reality as these special moments are happening in real time,” Барриос-прежнему. “We arrived in Atlanta last night and El Azteca is in warrior spirit, and best believe I’m coming for this man who is trying to take my belt. I want to thank all my San Antonio fans and everyone in Texas for their continued support. I want to let them know that we are going into battle together, as one. Tank has his army of fans, and I have mine. It’s going to be a great fight and may the best man win.”

Thomas J. Henry is nationally recognized for his charitable events and actions, and regularly seeks out like-minded individuals and organizations to amplify their vision for giving back to the community.

В марте, Thomas J. Henry partnered with Christy’s Hope, The Purple Door, and SAFE Alliance, to launch a campaign against domestic violence. В прошлом году, Thomas J. Henry created and hosted ‘Austin Elevates,’ using his professional connections and celebrity status to recruit top entertainers such as Kygo, Daddy Yankee, DaBaby, and 88Glam, to perform a one-of-a-kind charity concert at the Austin 360 amphitheater. The event raised more than $160,000 for its beneficiaries which Thomas J. Henry personally matched, bringing the total amount to $327,720.


Больше, Rising Unbeaten Michel Rivera Faces Lightweight Contender

Jon Fernнаndez in WBA Title Eliminator on Saturday, Июль 3

At Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Халиф.

Карсон, Калифорния.(Июнь 22, 2021) – Undefeated Interim WBA Super Featherweight ChampionКрис «Primetime» Колбертwill face hard-hitting contenderTugstsogt «King Буксир«Nyambayarв субботу, Июль 3, headlining the live SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, Калифорния., в турнире Premier Boxing Champions.

Nyambayar replaces Yuriorkis Gamboa, who was originally scheduled to face Colbert before suffering an injury during training camp.

The SHOWTIME telecast begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and will feature unbeaten rising starМишель Ривераbattling lightweight contenderJon Fernнаndezin a 135-pound WBA title eliminator in the co-main event.

The telecast will also feature highlights of undefeated super lightweight contenderРичардсон Хитчинсбоевую стойку противДарвин Ценаin a 10-round duel.

Мероприятие проводится при поддержке TGB Promotions.. Билеты уже в продаже, их можно приобрести вAXS.com. Хитчинс vs. Price is co-promoted with Mayweather Promotions.

“This lineup on July 3 features highly-touted rising stars in tough matchups against opponents looking to make statements of their own,»Сказал Том Браун, Президент TGB Акции. “Chris Colbert has been impressive fight after fight, and he will have a big test against the always-tough Tugstsogt Nyambayar. Also facing perhaps the toughest test of his career, Michel Rivera will enter the ring in an exciting matchup against contender Jon Fernández. This is a card that is lined up to deliver drama all night long.”

Представляя свой родной Бруклин, N.Y., Кольбер (15-0, 6 КО) быстро поднялся в рейтинге 130 фунтов, принимал участие в соревнованиях высокого уровня в своем первом 15 про бои. Уже зарекомендовал себя как боец ​​с блестящими боксерскими навыками., Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe in his last outing, as he stopped hard-hitting Jaime Arboleda in round 11 of their December 2020 столкновение. The 24-year-old turned pro in 2015 and beat three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. До боя с Арболедой, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. в сентябре 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezreel Corrales in January 2020.

“I’m very excited to be back in the ring on July 4 weekend,- сказал Кольбер. “I get to set off my fireworks on SHOWTIME the night before. We’re taking this one to Dignity Health Sports Park in California, but I know I’ll have my New York family behind me. This is just another day, another dollar. I have a job to do, and that’s to get the win by any means necessary, but I’m looking to dominate. I expect Nyambayar to bring his A-game though because he knows he’ll be in there with a monster. I may not be the biggest puncher in the world, but I know how to finish a guy and get him out of there, and on July 3 that’s exactly what I’ll be looking to do.”

The 28-year-old Nyambayar (12-1, 9 КО) won a silver medal representing his native Mongolia in the 2012 Olympics and now lives in Southern California, where he’s trained by John Pullman. Nyambayar ascended the featherweight rankings after his extensive amateur career with victories over then unbeaten Harmonito Dela Torre and former interim champion Oscar Escandon. He earned his first world title shot when he defeated former champion Claudio Marrero in January 2019, before dropping his championship bout against long-reigning WBC Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. в феврале 2020. Ahead of his super featherweight debut on July 3, the WBC’s second-ranked featherweight Nyambayar most recently handed Cobia Breedy his first loss by scoring two knockdowns and eventually earning the decision in September 2020.

“When I got the call about this fight, I jumped at the opportunity,” said Nyambayar. “I can’t wait to compete. I was born for fights like this. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans a great show on July 3.”

Родился в Санто-Доминго, Доминиканская Республика и сейчас сражается за пределами Майами, Ривера (20-0, 13 КО) ворвался на сцену в 2019 делая его США. debut with a victory over Juan Rene Tellez. 23-летний спортсмен продолжил восхождение в 2020, добавление досрочной победы над Фиделем Мальдонадо-младшим. и победа единогласным решением судей над соперником в легком весе Ладариусом Миллером.. Совсем недавно, Rivera stepped back into the ring to knock out Anthony Mercado in February of this year.

“I can’t wait to be showcasing my skills once again on July 3,” said Rivera. “Fernández will be bringing his A-game and that’s exactly what I want. My coach Herman Caicedo and I have been zeroing in on the best approach to this fight and I’m excited to execute it. Jon is a rough and tough fighter and probably the best fighter I’ve faced to this point and I’m looking forward to the challenge. I know that I will be fighting for a world title soon, so I’m just staying focused and disciplined until that time comes.”

The 25-year-old Fernández (21-1, 18 КО) enters this bout on a five-fight winning streak following his only career blemish, a decision loss to O’Shaquie Foster in 2018 наShoBox: Новое поколение. A native of Bilbao, Испания, Fernández will fight in the U.S. for the fourth time on July 3. Fernández has been mentored by boxing great Sergio Martinez and will look to put himself back in position for a world title against Rivera. В своем последнем бою, Fernández knocked out Aristides Perez in the first-round of their February 2020 столкновение.

“The fans are going to enjoy this fight with Rivera very much,” said Fernández. “Both of us are going to give our all in the ring for the opportunity to become a champion. This is the kind of fight that boxing is all about. Our division is full of great fighters, so you need to fight the best to be the best. My training is going very well and I believe that at this moment, I am in the prime of my career.”

Уроженец Бруклина, Хитчинс (12-0, 5 КО) стал профессионалом в 2017 после представления Гаити на 2016 Олимпийские игры. 23-летний игрок продемонстрировал впечатляющие навыки, установив непревзойденный рекорд в профессиональных рейтингах., который является продуктом обширной любительской карьеры. В своей последней прогулке, Hitchins scored a career-best victory, as he earned a decision over former world champion Argenis Mendez. Hitchins has increased his competition in winning 10-round decisions in his last three fights.

“After my last fight in December, I got right back in the ring and have been training and tweaking things to help me really get to that star level,»Сказал Хитчинс. “I’ve always had the tools, but people are just now recognizing my talents. Each opponent has brought something different out of me, and I plan to keep rising to the occasion and putting on a show for the fans.”

Цена (17-1, 10 КО) returned to the ring in April to knock out Saul Corral in the fifth round. His previous outing had come in December 2019 when he suffered a knee injury that forced him to take a TKO loss against Malik Hawkins in a fight Price led on the scorecards. Первоначально от St. Louis and now fighting out of Houston, Price was a standout track and field runner at Grambling State University before turning pro and winning his first 16 бои.

“Every dream has a process and a price tag,” said Price. “Those who embrace the process and pay the price, live the dream. Those who don’t, just dream. I can’t wait to get back in the ring on July 3 and put on a great performance.”

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Для получения дополнительной информации посетитеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing и @TGBPromotions в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing и @TGBPromotions или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресуwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Super Welterweight Contender Carlos Adames Faces Alexis Salazar in Gervonta Davis vs. Mario Barrios SHOWTIME PPV Undercard This Saturday, Июнь 26

Adames vs. Salazar Replaces Julian Williams vs. Brian Mendoza Fight After Williams Suffers Elbow Injury in Training

АТЛАНТА (Июнь 22, 2021) – Super welterweight contender Карлос Адамес will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown on the SHOWTIME PPV undercard this Saturday, Июнь 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Adames vs. Salazar replaces the previously scheduled Julian Williams vs. Brian Mendoza fight, after Williams was forced to withdraw because of an elbow injury.

The event is headlined by four-time world champion Gervonta “Tank” Davis as he seeks a title in a third weight class against unbeaten WBA Super Lightweight Champion Mario “El Azteca” Barrios in the main event of a SHOWTIME PPV telecast that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Билеты на живое мероприятие на State Farm Arena, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, GTD Акции и TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены в HTTPS://www.ticketmaster.com.

A native of Comendador, Доминиканская Республика, Adames (19-1, 15 КО) fights out of New York City as he seeks to earn a second shot at a world championship. The 27-year-old defeated a slew of contenders on his way to a 2019 title shot that he lost by narrow decision to Patrick Teixeira. Adames defeated former champion Carlos Molina, and contenders Frank Galarza, Joshua Conley and Alejandro Barrera to earn that opportunity at a title.

The 25-year-old Salazar (23-3, 9 КО) rides a 15-fight winning streak into this matchup. Совсем недавно, Salazar earned a unanimous decision over Ruben Barajas in their December 2020 столкновение. Originally from Guadalajara, Халиско, Mexico and now fighting out of Norwalk, Калифорния., Salazar will fight in the U.S. for the sixth time Saturday night. His previous stateside outing saw him dominate Abraham Cordero to earn a unanimous decision in May 2019.

The non-televised undercard will feature Cuban contender Leduan Бартелеми (16-1-1, 8 КО) meeting unbeaten Viktor Slavinsky (12-0-1, 6 КО)в восемь круглых полулегком бой супер, бывший претендент на титул Andres Gutierrez (38-2-1, 25 КО) in an eight-round super lightweight attraction, беспроигрышная перспектива Dalton Brodie (1-0, 1 KO) competing in a four-round super middleweight duel against fellow-unbeaten Trever Bradshaw (1-0) and undefeated Washington, D.C. born prospect Stacey Selby (2-0, 2 КО) entering the ring in a four-round super lightweight bout.

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Дэвис против. Барриос увидит четырехкратного чемпиона мира Гервонту «Танк» Дэвис, который нацелился на завоевание титула в третьей весовой категории, когда он встретится с непобежденным чемпионом WBA в суперлегком весе Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриосом в главном событии SHOWTIME PPV в субботу., Июнь 26 на удостоенной наград State Farm Arena в Атланте на мероприятии, организованном Premier Boxing Champions.

Телетрансляция с оплатой за просмотр начинается в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и представит бой двух лучших претендентов на 154 фунта, когда Эриксон «Хаммер» Любин встретится с бывшим унифицированным чемпионом Джейсон Росарио в отборочном турнире WBC в суперсреднем весе в со-главном турнире.. Super welterweight contender Carlos Adames will take on Mexico’s Alexis Salazar in a 10-round showdown and hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov steps in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in a 12-round WBA Super Lightweight Title Eliminator to kick off the pay-per-view telecast.

Мероприятие проводится при поддержке Mayweather Promotions., GTD Акции и TGB Акции. Ахмедов vs. Бой Мендеса продвигается совместно с World of Boxing.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


АТЛАНТА (Июнь 17, 2021) – Top contender Эриксон "Молот" Любин и бывший единый чемпион Джейсон Росарио, plus former unified champion Джулиан "J-Rock" Уильямс и Брайан Мендоса previewed their respective showdowns during a virtual press conference Thursday before they enter the ring on the Gervonta Davis vs. Mario Barrios SHOWTIME PPV undercard Saturday, Июнь 26 from the award-winning State Farm Arena in Atlanta in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.

Lubin and Rosario will meet in a WBC Super Welterweight Title Eliminator in the co-main event, while Williams and Mendoza square off for a 10-round super welterweight showdown on the pay-per-view telecast. The telecast also features hard-hitting Olympian Batyr Akhmedov stepping in against former world champion Argenis Mendez in the opening bout at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Билеты на живое мероприятие на State Farm Arena, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, GTD Акции и TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены в ticketmaster.com.

Вот что сказали участники пресс-конференции в четверг:


“This has been the best camp of my life. I know it sounds cliché, but it really has been. Я был в тренажерном зале, так как мой последний бой. I made a few mistakes in that fight, but Kevin Cunningham and I have been at it since last year and we’re coming to make a statement.

“This is a stacked card and we’re excited to be a part of it. I’m ready to show everyone that I’m the best fighter in this division.

“This is going to be a fan-friendly fight. I can mix it up, box or bang. Rosario always comes forward. Поклонники будут любить его. I’m not the fighter who tries to find an easy way out. I’m looking to make a statement.

“I think that I’m a totally different fighter than when I trained with his coach, Herman Caicedo. Me and Kevin have worked on a lot of things that regular southpaws don’t have. I’m coming in with a game plan that’s like a jigsaw puzzle. I think this is the wrong fight for Rosario to take coming off a knockout loss.

“This fight comes down to who wants it more and who prepared better. I have power too. He’s got to have the skills and have his mind there. I know I’m ready mentally. Я не могу ждать, чтобы бороться.

“I gained a lot of experience fighting Nathaniel Gallimore and Terrell Gausha. Those are top contenders. I don’t want any tune-up fights, that’s why I took this fight against Rosario. I gained a lot of confidence and everything is clicking for me right now.

“When I become world champion, I want to be able to say that I’ve beat all the top guys in the division. That’s just how I am. Я конкурентом. Make sure you tune-in on June 26.

“It doesn’t matter if I knock Rosario out or if I don’t. My job is to look good and come out victorious. I’m going to go in there and show the world that I can make anyone in this division look bad.”


“I feel very healthy and very strong. It’s been a great camp so far and probably one of the best camps I’ve had in my career. I’m already at the weight and I am ready to go. The Jermell Charlo fight is the past. That’s over with. This is a new camp and I feel very strong. We’re moving forward.

“I changed trainers just because I was looking for a change. Not necessarily because I lost, but because it was just the right timing. К сожалению, it came with a loss, but that was not the reason for the change. We’ve known each other for some time. I know Herman Caicedo’s style. It’s no nonsense. никаких оправданий. It’s all or nothing and that’s what I wanted moving forward.

“First and foremost, I have the power to knockout Lubin and anybody in the 154-pound division. The camp that I’ve had, and the little tidbits of southpaw knowledge that I’ve picked up on, make me confident that I can knock Lubin out.

“What happened in the Charlo fight was the fluke. Me winning the titles was not the fluke. I’m going to show everybody that I will bounce back from that loss and win my next fight. I have no problem taking this fight. It’s not a mistake at all. Это то, что мы делаем. Мы сражаемся. I’m very excited for June 26 and I expect Lubin to bring his best.

“I actually watched the Charlo fight for the first time last night. Очевидно, I learned from my mistake and worked to correct it in this camp. I’m looking forward to showing what I’ve learned from that defeat on June 26.

“At 154 фунты, I can knock anybody out. I have seen some of Lubin’s fights just as a fan and he is a great fighter. It’s not easy to land shots on him or land a home run shot. So that’s not the game plan. Очевидно, there is a game plan and if I do land on him, I feel that I can knock him out. But I won’t just go in there trying to land a shot on the chin.

“I’m the type to take advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself. This is another opportunity to get right back in the picture and fight for a title, so you have to take this. Not everybody would. Erickson did and I’m cut from the same cloth. It’s the opportunity and the pride of fighting the best.”

Джулиан Уильямс

“Camp is going really well. I’ve been out in Las Vegas with SugarHill Steward grinding and putting in the work. The fans can expect an explosive performance and a victory for myself on June 26.

“I just have to be myself on June 26. I think I’m more skilled than anyone else in the division and I plan on proving that again against Brian Mendoza.

“I’ve known who Brian Mendoza is. I expect him to get beat. Он достойный боец, but victory is the only thing on my mind.

“I don’t want to talk about what happened before the Rosario fight because it’s in the past. Я не хочу оправдываться. It wasn’t that I didn’t focus or train hard. Сейчас, I’ve had a great camp and I’m prepared to win.

“With me, you’re always going to see a hungry and focused fighter in the ring. I don’t know if I’ll look much different. I think with a new coach it takes some time for the changes to start setting in.

“I went through a four-week training camp before my fight in December was cancelled because I got COVID-19. It was almost a full camp and it definitely kept me motivated going into this next training camp for this fight.

“I’m the best fighter in the division. I just lost, that’s all. LeBron James and Michael Jordan had bad nights, I can have a bad night too. I’m still the best in the division and I’m anxious to get back in the ring.”


«Тренировочный лагерь проходит отлично.. I’m out here in Las Vegas, слишком. I’ve just been grinding. This is a very big opportunity for me and I plan to take full advantage of it. Everybody can expect one hundred percent and everything I have in me.

“It’s not about looking back at the one blemish on my record and crying about what happened in the past. There’s always a million excuses behind the scenes, Но что есть, то есть. I learned from that loss and you guys have seen the change in my performances since that fight and how I was more comfortable at 154 pounds in my next fight. I feel like this next fight will pull out even more from me. You guys will see another big jump in my skill level on June 26.

“I do feel that I have everything to gain in this fight and nothing to lose. I keep telling people on fight night that you’re not going to see somebody that’s just happy to be here and happy to get to this point. I have big goals and this is the perfect fight. So you’re going to see me coming with everything I have and coming for the victory. I have everything to gain.

“I feel like I’m catching Julian Williams at the right time because of where I am in my career. It’s about me. This is the right time. I’m 27-years-old and I’ve been a pro for many years now. I just feel like the schooling that I’ve had is really starting to come out and I’m hitting that next level. I’m not worried about what’s going on with Williams. I know he’s still coming with everything he has to prove that he still has it and that he’s still in the mix.

“A lot of people get to this point and they get a big fight like this and they think they’ve made it. They get happy just to be here, but you won’t see that at all with me. I’ve always visualized being at the top of this sport and climbing to the very top. I’m taking full advantage of this opportunity and you’re going to see somebody very hungry on June 26.”

Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции

“This is a really terrific card from top to bottom. Julian Williams is one of my favorite fighters. He’s a former unified champion who’s going to take on the tough Brian Mendoza. Williams is looking to make a big statement that he’s still a force and that he’s ready to get back in the mix with the other top 154-pounders.

“The co-main event could be a main event on its own. With Lubin and Rosario, we’re really excited to see who will emerge from that fight ready to challenge for a world title once again. We can’t wait for June 26.”


Чемпион WBA в суперлегком весе Барриос встретился с четырехкратной чемпионкой мира Гервонтой Дэвис, хедлайнером SHOWTIME PPV®Суббота,
Июнь 26 от совхозе Arena в Атланте

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Мэйуэзер Promotions

HAYWARD, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Июнь 10, 2021) - Непобежденный чемпион WBA в суперлегком весе Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриос поделился новостями о тренировочном лагере и анонсировал свой грядущий поединок с четырехкратным чемпионом мира Gervonta «Танк» Дэвис перед тем, как они начнут участвовать в главном событии SHOWTIME PPV в субботу, Июнь 26 с удостоенной наград State Farm Arena в Атланте, где проходит турнир Premier Boxing Champions.

Билеты на живое мероприятие на State Farm Arena, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, GTD Акции и TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены вticketmaster.com.

26-летний Барриос будет стремиться к победе в июне. 26, и принесет 5 Преимущество в росте на ½ дюйма в матче против Дэвиса. С переезда до 140 фунтов, Барриос 9-0 с восемью нокауты, и забил несколько нокдаунов в единственном поединке, который прошел на такой дистанции., его победное выступление над Батыром Ахмедовым. Уроженец Сан-Антонио воодушевлен тем, что в его углу находится известный тренер-ветеран Вирджил Хантер..

Вот что Барриос и Хантер сказали о тренировочном лагере, Дэвис и другие:


«Это огромная возможность для меня. Гервонта Дэвис имеет огромное имя в спорте и за его пределами.. Это тот тип борьбы, который может ускорить появление обоих наших имен после июня. 26.

«Я думаю, что Гервонта и его команда могли откусить больше, чем они могли прожевать за этот бой.. Я не из тех, кто слишком много говорит, но мы увидим, как все закончится, когда мы выйдем на ринг в июне 26.

«Танк» будет там с полноценной 140-фунтовой пушкой.. Он не пойдет против кого-то, кто старше своего расцвета и не наберет вес.. Я парень, который выходит и останавливается. Он сталкивается с кем-то столь же опасным, как и он сам, но на две весовые категории выше, чем он привык.

«Мы знаем, что Гервонта - опасный боец.. Мы знаем угрозу, которая стоит перед нами.. Но я такой же опасный, если не более опасно. Я был опасен в 140 фунты уже довольно давно.

«У меня есть скорость, сила и взрывоопасность, прямо как Гервонта. Но у меня достаточно роста и физического роста, чтобы представить проблемы, с которыми он никогда раньше не сталкивался..

«Я знаю, что у меня есть сила, которая проходит от первого раунда до раунда. 12. Он не привык к этому весу, и мы посмотрим, как он справится с этим.

«Я уверен в себе, потому что за мной стоит отличная команда.. У меня был потрясающий тренировочный лагерь. Я вхожу в каждый бой с уверенностью в своей подготовке. Как и каждый бой, Я более чем готов к битве ночью.

«Это будет салют от первого звонка.. У нас есть все необходимое, чтобы этот бой стал «Лучшим боем года»..

«Это момент, о котором я мечтала с детства. Это просто показывает, что все, над чем я работал всю свою жизнь, теперь разворачивается передо мной.. Это только начало, и я готов воспользоваться этой возможностью ».

ВИРДЖИЛ ОХОТНИК, Тренер Барриоса

«Подготовка идет очень хорошо.. Мы чувствуем себя очень хорошо. Марио настолько готов, насколько это возможно, так что мы с нетерпением ждем захватывающей битвы. Он понимает важность этого боя. Это решающий бой на данном этапе его карьеры., так он понимает значение этого. Он понимает, что означает победа и что означает неудача.. Он понимает прямо, где он. Его карьера еще впереди, потому что он молодой боец.. Но на этом этапе, это очень важный бой, и победа будет много значить.

“You always have to acknowledge ‘Tank’s’ punching power. You have to acknowledge his quickness and his IQ. His attributes appear to be very much real from what I’ve seen. There’s not anything about him that you cannot take seriously. You have to take everything about him seriously. He’s got a good corner and good people behind him so that makes for a formidable opponent.

“Mario’s reach and height is an advantage if you know how to use it to your advantage. It could be an advantage or could be a disadvantage. The thing is that we’re going to find the avenues to take advantage of it and make it work for us. С другой стороны, it could be a disadvantage. Высота и досягаемость никогда не имели для меня большого значения в боксе, потому что есть способы преодолеть любой рост, которым обладает боец.. Это тот, кто навязывает свою стратегию и навязывает свою волю другому, который, я думаю, выйдет победителем..

«Трудовая этика есть. У Марио высокий потолок, которого он еще не достиг. Он идет к этому, но когда он пришел сюда, он пришел с высоким потолком. Приходит много бойцов и они достигли своего потолка, так что ты можешь с ними так много сделать. Но у Марио есть много возможностей для совершенствования и роста, и я бы сказал, что лучший Марио Барриос появится через пару лет.. Но это не значит, что он не победит в июне. 26. У него определенно есть все, что нужно для победы ».

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Дэвис против. Барриос увидит четырехкратного чемпиона мира Гервонту «Танк» Дэвис, который нацелился на завоевание титула в третьей весовой категории, когда он встретится с непобежденным чемпионом WBA в суперлегком весе Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриосом в главном событии SHOWTIME PPV в субботу., Июнь 26 на удостоенной наград State Farm Arena в Атланте на мероприятии, организованном Premier Boxing Champions.

Телетрансляция с оплатой за просмотр начинается в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и представит бой двух лучших претендентов на 154 фунта, когда Эриксон «Хаммер» Любин встретится с бывшим унифицированным чемпионом Джейсон Росарио в отборочном турнире WBC в суперсреднем весе в со-главном турнире.. Бывший чемпион объединенного полусреднего веса Джулиан «Джей-Рок» Уильямс возвращается на ринг, чтобы сразиться с Брайаном Мендозой в 10-раундовом противостоянии, и сильнейший олимпиец Батыр Ахмедов вступает в бой против бывшего чемпиона мира Аргениса Мендеса в 12-раундовом супертяжелом весе WBA. Title Eliminator откроет телетрансляцию с оплатой за просмотр.

Мероприятие проводится при поддержке Mayweather Promotions., GTD Акции и TGB Акции. Ахмедов vs. Бой Мендеса продвигается совместно с World of Boxing.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следовать на Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, TGBPromotions, в Instagram @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing и https://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

ГЕРВОНТА ДЭВИС ЛАС ВЕГАС ЦИТАТЫ И ФОТО ТРЕНИРОВКИ ДЛЯ СМИ – Четырехкратный чемпион мира Дэвис готовится к поединку главного события SHOWTIME PPV® против чемпиона WBA в суперлегком весе Марио Барриоса в субботу, Июнь 26 от совхозе Arena в Атланте


Четырехкратный чемпион мира Дэвис готовится к SHOWTIME PPV® Столкновение в главном турнире против чемпиона WBA в суперлегком весе Марио Барриоса в субботу, Июнь 26 от совхозе Arena в Атланте

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Эстер Lin / Showtime

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Мэйуэзер Promotions

Нажмите ВОТ для фото с Райаном Hafey / Premier бокса чемпионов

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Июнь 10, 2021) - Четырехкратный чемпион мира Gervonta «Танк» Дэвис провел медиа-тренировку в Лас-Вегасе в среду, когда приближается к своему поединку против чемпиона WBA в суперлегком весе. Марио «Эль Ацтека» Барриос заголовок шоу SHOWTIME PPV в субботу, Июнь 26 с удостоенной наград State Farm Arena в Атланте на турнире Premier Boxing Champions.

Билеты на живое мероприятие на State Farm Arena, который способствует Мэйуэзер Акции, GTD Акции и TGB Акции, уже в продаже и могут быть приобретены в ticketmaster.com.

Одна из самых ярких звезд бокса в 26 лет., Дэвис впервые в своей карьере поднялся до 140 фунтов, стремясь добавить к своему звездному резюме чемпиона в суперлегком весе.. С победой, Дэвис проведет чемпионаты мира одновременно в трех разных дивизионах., подвиг, совершенный лишь несколькими бойцами в истории, включая Генри Армстронга и Канело Альвареса.

Вот что Дэвис, вместе с тренером Кэлвин Форд, и генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции Леонард Эллерб, должен был сказать среда из боксерского клуба Мэйвезера:


«Мы не можем сказать, кто больше панчер, пока не выйдем на ринг и не проверим его силу.. Неважно, кто сильнее, Я хочу быть лучше его во всем и во всех аспектах игры..

«Люди, которые вместе со мной в тренажерном зале, видят много вещей, которые мне не нужно раскрывать., даже в моих боях. Floyd is always telling me to box and use my skills, and don’t always look for the knockout. This camp we’ve actually been working on getting back to that and letting the knockout come.

"Для меня, greatness is just not going backwards. I just want to keep going forward no matter what. No matter who’s in front of me, I just have to go through them. Where I’m from, a lot of people don’t make it out, so I’m doing something right. It doesn’t even have to be an opponent, it can be something outside of the ring. I’m always chasing greatness.

“My thing is just beat whoever is put in front of me. When it’s time, we’ll see who the top guy is. до тех пор, I don’t need to speak on any other fighter than the one in front of me.

“Barrios and I have been through the amateurs together. He’s known what I’ve been doing. It’s crazy how life works out sometimes.

“I’m a team player, so whatever my team tells me has to be done to better myself, I’m all for it. That’s what’s made me so good. I don’t just stand out by myself. I have the best team in boxing.

«Мой последний бой: люди жаловались, что Лео Санта Крус слишком мал., поэтому я собираюсь показать, что разница в размерах не имеет значения. Я собираюсь избить того, кого они поставят передо мной. Я пытаюсь добиться величия.

"Я определенно хочу спуститься с большим парнем. Он может чувствовать, что может провести меня. Я определенно смотрел, как Флойд дрался с гораздо более крупным парнем в лице Логана Пола, и получил от него несколько советов..

"Я не знаю, что принесет Барриос, но с моей стороны, Я приношу все, что у меня есть. Вы знаете, когда я сражаюсь, Я приношу что-то, что понравится фанатам ".

CALVIN FORD, Тренер Дэвиса

Платные номера "Танка" открыли двери для остальных.. Это из-за социальных сетей «Танка».. Когда меня спрашивают, почему люди тянутся к нему – он такой же, как любой ребенок, который приезжает из городских районов. Посмотрите на баскетболистов - внутренние города. Посмотрите на футболистов - внутренние города. Он показывает им, что если вы окружите нужных людей и сосредоточите свои усилия на чем-то, все возможно.

"'Танк', Девин Хейни, Теофимо Лопес и Райан Гарсия станут четырьмя королями, если поединки состоятся. Давайте держать его реальной. Сейчас, они делают то же самое, что и Четыре Короля на начальном этапе. Все, что нам нужно сделать, это сесть и позволить разуму быть, делать свое дело. Это должно произойти. Все эти бои, которые люди хотят увидеть, произойдут.

“Have you noticed that ‘Tank’ don’t call anybody out? He never did. But if you put him in front of somebody, he’s going to show you. If you know ‘Tank’ from the amateurs, he’s going to show up in the ring. He’s like a baby Mike Tyson.

“The weight isn’t what I’m focused on, it’s actually the opponent. When I started studying the opponent, his coach and I go way back in the amateurs. When we see each other, we know each other. It’s about the minds. He knows his athlete and I know my athlete. В ту ночь, it’s about the minds. It’s about who is going to hold fast to what they’re supposed to be doing. That’s the fight for me.

“I wouldn’t say this is the toughest test of ‘Tank’s’ career because nobody can show me the best of ‘Tank’ yet. I know the best of ‘Tank’. Ya’ll ain’t seen ‘Tank’.”

Леонард Эллерб, Генеральный директор Мэйуэзер Акции

“From top to bottom this is one of those pay-per-view events that you don’t want to miss. Anytime you have the most exciting fighter in the sport, you know it’s going to be big. Don’t expect anything less on June 26.

“Coach Calvin Ford is a tremendous trainer who’s been with Gervonta since day one and they have a great game plan in place. I fully expect him to be able to execute. But Barrios is coming for him. He’s got a great trainer himself in Virgil Hunter and has made great progression with Virgil.

“We know this is going to be a tough fight, but Gervonta just has to figure it out from the opening bell. And I believe he’ll do that, but it will take some time. Barrios is looking to upset the apple cart.

“Gervonta is molding into his comfort zone. He’s becoming more comfortable with the media because he truly understands what he has in front of him. He knows that his ceiling is to be the biggest star in the sport. On the inside of the ring though, nothing has changed.

“The co-feature is a terrific bout with Erickson Lubin taking on Jeison Rosario. That’s going to be a very entertaining fight. A win for Lubin puts him one step closer to his ultimate goal. Lubin feels like he’s the best in the weight class and eventually right that wrong of his loss to Jermell Charlo. But he has a tough rugged fighter in front of him and that should be an exciting bout.

“Former unified champion Julian Williams is looking to bounce back against Brian Mendoza on the pay-per-view. Julian is obviously one of the top fighters in the division, and he’s looking to get back what he lost.

“In the opening bout the very tough Batyr Akhmedov is up against Argenis Mendez, who is always in go-mode. So it really shows you how highly entertaining this card is all the way through. I’m really excited to be back at State Farm Arena.”


Two-Division Champion Badou Jack and Veteran Contender

Luis Arias Collect Victories in Pay-Per-View Undercard Bouts

Former NFL Star Chad Johnson Makes Boxing Debut In Exhibition Fight Against Brian Maxwell

Картинка с изображением человека, спорт, на открытом воздухе, игрок

Описание создается автоматически

НажмитеВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME

НажмитеВОТ для фото с Шоном Michael Хама /

Мэйвезер Акции

МАЙАМИ(Июнь 7, 2021) – All-time boxing greatФлойд "Деньги" Мэйуэзерand social media sensationЛоган «The Maverick» Полfought to the distance in their eight-round special exhibition bout Sunday night that headlined a SHOWTIME PPV from Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens.

“Он был сильным, tough and better than I thought he was,"Сказал Мэйвезер. “I was surprised by him tonight. That was some good little work.”

It’s an honor to share the ring with Floyd,- сказал Пол. “He’s one of the GOATs. This is one of the coolest things ever.

After weeks of buildup, the star-studded event pitted superstars from two different worlds in a highly anticipated showdown for sports and entertainment fans around the globe.

Mayweather displayed his typical patient and clinical boxing style, feeling out Paul in the opening round, before allowing Paul to come forward with a flurry of power shots at the end of the round that were mostly blocked, but excited the crowd nonetheless. Поскольку борьба продолжалась, Mayweather began to find a spot to land numerous power shots on Paul’s head and body.

Despite sustaining punishment in the middle rounds, Paul was able to use his over 30-pound weight advantage to frequently tie Mayweather up and avoid being stopped or sent to the canvas.

Even without much experience, he knew to use his weight to tie me up tonight,"Сказал Мэйвезер.

После боя, the fighters expressed gratitude and inspiration to the fans who have helped them reach the tremendous heights that allowed this match to become reality.

I had fun tonight,"Сказал Мэйвезер. “I thank all the fans who came out, you’re all unbelievable.

I don’t want anyone to tell me anything is impossible ever again,- сказал Пол. “The fact that I got in here with one of the greatest boxers of all time, it proves the odds can be beat. Anyone can beat the odds and do great things in life. This is one of the greatest nights of my life, Я счастлив. "

In the co-main event former two-division world championБаду Джека(24-3-3, 14 КО) delivered a dominating fourth-round stoppage of previously unbeatenДервин Колина(15-1, 13 КО) in their light heavyweight duel.

“The game plan was just to outbox him,»Сказал Джек. “Everything else will come. Определенно, hit the body. He was a little soft in the body but I give him respect. He came out on short notice. He was supposed to fight next week but this is a different level.”

Known as a slow starter throughout his accomplished career, Jack came out faster in this fight and was sharp from the outset against the replacement opponent Colina, who stepped in for Jean Pascal after Pascal failed a pre-fight drug test.

“He was trying to hold a lot and survive,»Сказал Джек. “I fight better when I fight better opponents. I was a little sloppy. The world class fights are when I perform the best.”

Jack’s effectiveness forced Colina to try to hold to stop the incoming attack, but he was only able to use that strategy briefly, as referee Frank Santore Jr. took away points for holding in rounds two and three, warning Colina that one more infraction would end the fight in disqualification.

В четвертом раунде, Jack landed a straight right hand that put Colina on the mat in the opening minute of the frame. Colina fought valiantly to stay in the fight, but the body attack from Jack helped him finally earn the stoppage. A combination to the body put Colina down for the second time and a counter right hand dropped Colina for a third and final time as the referee halted the fight at 2:57 в раунде.

I’m a big guy and I walk around heavy, so I might move up to cruiserweight,” said Jack post fight about his future plans. “My goal is to become a three-division champion and I fight better when I don’t have to cut a lot of weight.”

The pay-per-view telecast also saw veteran contenderЛуис Ариас(19-2-1, 9 КО) score a split-decision victory over former unified 154-pound champion«Свифт» Джарретт Херд(24-2, 16 КО) in an action-packed 10-round affair.

“I’m not sure what went wrong tonight,” said Hurd. “I believe I won the fight. I had a knockdown. I could make a hundred excuses but it wasn’t a great performance.”

Arias controlled the early rounds of the duel, attacking Hurd with numerous combinations that landed flush. His clean power punching was an advantage throughout, as he out landed Hurd in power punches by a total of 153 для 120 while landing over 40% of those shots.

“The game plan was to jump on him, get the early lead and keep it,— сказал Ариас.. “I felt like in the middle rounds I was winning the fight but you never know because I wasn’t the A-side in this fight. I buzzed him a lot, especially on the inside.”

Hurd began to attempt to mount a comeback in rounds five and six, closing the distance effectively and finding a home for short right hooks and right uppercuts, with Arias even acknowledging that he was made unsteady after the action.

“I came in here and challenged the number one guy at 154 pounds and we fought somewhere halfway and I was able to edge a decision,— сказал Ариас.. “Props to Jarrett Hurd. You fought a great fight. Честно, you could have had me out of there. I was definitely buzzed. If you would have found a way, I definitely would have gone down.”

In a fight that had two brief delays to weather affecting the ring surface, Hurd scored a knockdown in round nine with a glancing right hand after Arias appeared to slip on the ring. Despite the advantage on the scorecard, the uneasy footing affected Hurd’s plan to box Arias from the outside.

The plan coming out in the first round was to box,” said Hurd. “I wasn’t as confident in my feet as the rain came down, so I had to go toe-to-toe more. That wasn’t really what we trained for, so I was a bit sloppy.”

Arias bounced back effectively from the knockdown in the final round, with his onslaught eventually forcing Hurd to look to hold on in the final minutes to reach the final bell. In his first outing with new trainer Ismael Salas, Arias ended the night victorious, с один судья забил бой 95-94 for Hurd, overruled by scores of 97-93 и 96-93 for Arias.

“I would like to thank Ismael Salas,— сказал Ариас.. “I came to him semi-late. About six or seven weeks and I needed to change something in my game plan to beat Jarrett. The things I was doing before would have gotten me a loss tonight. I needed somebody to just tweak a little bit and put my game up a little bit so I could beat this champion.”

I’ll take the rematch at whatever weight,” said Hurd. “I know I’m the better man.

In the opening bout of the pay-per-view, former NFL starЧад Джонсонmade his boxing debut in an exhibition that went the four-round distance against versatile pro fighterБрайан Максвелл.

“I had fun,»Сказал Джонсон. “I had two months to get ready for this and I want to thank God for keeping us safe out there. I want to thank Floyd, Leonard Ellerbe and my whole team for allowing me to check this off my bucket list.”

“Ask the world who Brian Maxwell is now,” said Maxwell. “Brian Maxwell is here. Спасибо, Чад. It was an honor fighting my idol and I appreciate it.”

Johnson showed off the “sweet feet” that made him a six-time Pro Bowler, landing some strong jabs and check hooks from distance, while avoiding serious damage from Maxwell over the first three rounds.

В четвертом раунде, Maxwell provided an exclamation to the bout, landing a counter overhand right that connected and put Johnson onto the canvas with 40 секунд до конца раунда. In his first foray into the sweet science, Johnson was able to recover from the shot, get to his feet and make it to the final bell.

Always willing to step into uncomfortable waters throughout his career, Johnson post-fight expressed hope that his venture into the ring will serve as a positive example for those watching.

“My life has always been about taking chances and doing crazy stuff and this is just another one off my bucket list,»Сказал Джонсон. “It’s a message for a lot of people who are scared to fail, scared to lose, scared to take chances to go out there and live. Don’t be scared to fail, it’s okay. I don’t box. I fight but it ain’t in the ring, so of course I was a little sloppy.”

Tonight’s blockbuster pay-per-view event выйдет в эфир на SHOWTIME в эту субботу, Июнь 12 на 10:05 p.m. ET/PT. The delayed telecast of Mayweather vs. Paul will be immediately followed by the premiere ofINSIDE MAYWEATHER VS. PAUL – EPILOGUEThe epilogue spotlights the festive fight week in Miami, goes inside the ropes during the fight and reveals the dramatic aftermath of an event that captured the sports world’s attention.

The SHOWTIME PPV telecast from Miami was hosted by veteran sportscaster Brian Custer while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo handled blow-by-blow action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein, three-division world champion Abner Mares and unofficial scorer Steve Farhood. The award-winning comedic duo Desus Nice and The Kid Mero, the hosts of the SHOWTIME hit late-night programDESUS & MERO, provided unique and entertaining commentary throughout the event while MMA fighter and comedian Brendan Schaub of SHOWTIME Sports’ digital seriesНИЖЕ ПОЯСА served as roving reporter. Всемирная–renowned Boxing Hall of Famer Jimmy Lennon Jr. provided in-ring announcing throughout the blockbuster event. Исполнительным продюсером выступил Дэвид Динкинс., Младший. и директор Боб Дунфи.

#        #        #


Флойд Мэйвезер. Logan Paul was a special exhibition bout presented by Mayweather Promotions, FANMIO and Mavathltcs that took place on Sunday, Июнь 6 at Hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens, Флорида. Телепередача, which was produced by SHOWTIME PPV, aired live beginning at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT and could be purchased at SHOWTIME.com иFANMIO.com. The undercard featured two-division world champion Badou Jack in a 10-round contest against the undefeated Dervin Colina, plus former unified super welterweight champion “Swift” Jarrett Hurd against Luis Arias in a 10-round bout and in a fourth PPV bout, former NFL star wide receiver Chad Johnson made his boxing debut in a four-round exhibition match against versatile fighter Brian Maxwell.

Для получения дополнительной информации посетитеbit.ly/mayweatherpaul,  www.SHO.com/sportswww.FANMIO.com. Следуйте в Twitter @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, MayweatherPromo, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO and on Instagram @FloydMayweather, @LoganPaul, @MayweatherPromotions, @ShowtimeBoxing and @FANMIO.


НажмитеВОТ для фото с Амандой Westcott / SHOWTIME

МАЙАМИ(Июнь 4, 2021) - Суперзвезда социальных сетей и непобежденный профессиональный боксерДжейк «Проблемный ребенок» Пол столкнулся со своим следующим противником, пятикратный чемпион UFCТайрон Вудли, на историческом 5й Street Gym в Майами в четверг в преддверии долгожданного летнего противостояния на SHOWTIME PPV.

Вот что сказали Пол и Вудли после их горячих взглядов в Майами.:


«Я сказал ему, что заплачу тебе вдвое, если ты побьешь меня.. Но если ты проиграешь, ты должен заплатить свой кошелек на мою благотворительность. Ему не хватает уверенности. Почему бы тебе не принять эту ставку как бойцу, если бы ты знал, что выиграешь?? Чтобы заработать вдвое больше денег? Это самый крупный день выплаты заработной платы в вашей жизни, и вы можете заработать вдвое больше.? Положи свои деньги туда, где твой рот.

"Он хороший нападающий. Он известен тем, что нокаутирует людей. Но я думаю, когда я победил Тайрона, люди должны уважать мое имя. Но я здесь не для этого, если честно. Я уже знаю насколько я хорош. Я знаю, что это будет еще один легкий бой. Вот почему SHOWTIME работает со мной.. Ты смотришь на будущее бокса.

"Он не так хорош, как я, и он играет в догонялки". Мы видим дыры во всей его игре, и он должен попытаться научиться боксировать.. Он жесткий. Мышцы не дерутся, и он выйдет из своей стихии. Это бокс. Это не ММА. Вы не можете научиться боксировать за такое время. Теперь мы покажем ему поводья. Малыш Диснея собирается обыграть пятикратного чемпиона мира UFC. Это будет весело.

«Я даже не показал свои боевые способности.. Я даже не прошел двух туров в своей профессиональной карьере. Меня не били по лицу. Никто даже не может увидеть, есть ли у меня подбородок или мой внутренний файтинг. Я еще даже не разогрелся. И кстати, Я из тех бойцов, которые становятся лучше, чем дольше продолжается бой. Я становлюсь лучше в спарринге, поэтому я даже не смог разогреться, и я очень рад показать свои способности, если он сможет выйти из первого раунда.

"Я предсказал каждый свой бой. Я сказал Бен Аскрен, первый раунд. Я сказал Нейт Робинсон, первый раунд. Он добрался до второго. Я сказал в своем первом профессиональном бою, первый раунд. Я не думаю, что Тайрон выживет из двух раундов. Честно говоря, ты можешь даже не увидеть мои боксерские способности в этом бою ».


"Я всегда хотел боксировать всю свою жизнь, но никогда этого не делал. Это моя возможность. Это ребенок, который силен. У него за спиной много сил. Это будет большая площадка для демонстрации того, что я могу делать на боксерском ринге.. И он боец. Он может драться. В конце концов,, вы можете наблюдать за ним и временем, ритм и работа ног там.

"Он не дрался очень долго. Но небольшое действие, которое я видел, было чистым. Хорошая защита. Нейт торопил его, он защищался, и он вылез из своей раковины и расколол его.

"Он пытается преуменьшить свою способность. Он боец. Не позволяйте ему играть с вами, говоря, "Я просто YouTube". На прошлой неделе, он был борцом. Когда он говорил, что никто не хочет драться с ним, он был борцом. Вы больше не YouTube. Вы не из Диснея. Давно он не снимался в Диснее. Это как если бы я сказал, что я всего лишь студенческий рестлер и не бью людей.

«Я просто хочу повеселиться. Я хочу упорно тренироваться. Я хочу поправиться. Я хочу пойти туда и делать что-то на своих условиях и быть тем, кто командует. Я хочу пойти туда и творить историю. Я всегда творим историю. Я не всегда могу получить за это признание, но я всегда первый. Бойцы всегда били меня, спрашивая, что им делать., что они делают не так. А теперь пора и мне самому.