آرشیو دسته بندی: پی اس بوکس

روبن ویلا این جمعه در ShoBox از رکورد بی نظیر دفاع می کند: نسل جدید

زندگی در SHOWTIME® در 10 p.m. ET / PT از StageWorks لوئیزیانا در Shreveport

فیلادلفیا, پن. / ORANGE Calif.(ژان. 8, 2019) – بی پیروز چشم انداز وزن پرهایروبن ویلا (14-0, 5 کوس) طول می کشد قدم بعدی در آنچه که تبدیل به یک حرفه جوان امیدوار در هنگام ساختن او شده است اولین بار تلویزیون ملی این استجمعهدر یک مبارزه مشترک از a ShoBox: نسل جدیدtripleheader

دوره هشت دوره از آنجا برگزار می شودStageWorks  لوئیزیانا در جنوب ایالات متحده آمریکا. شهر شروپورت. پخش های هوایی تحت پوشش قرار می گیرندSHOWTIMEشروع10 p.m. ET / PT

ویلا, پنبه جنوبی که چرخید 21 اواخر سال گذشته, با کلمبیا روبرو می شودروبن سروورا (10-0, 9 قیمت), که برای مبارزه با برنده دو بار قبلی دستکش طلایی از سالیناس ، از وزن فوق العاده وزن بالاتر خواهد رفت, کالیفرنیا.

“این فرصتی هیجان انگیز برای مبارزه در زیر چراغ های روشن,” گفت ویلا, که توسط او تبلیغ می شود تبلیغات بنر و بوکس تامپسون. “این چیزی است که همه بوکسورها برای – در یک بستر ملی به نمایش گذاشته شود. تمرکز همان خواهد ماند. من قصد دارم پرخاشگر باشم و مهر خود را به مبارزه ببندم. من مشتاقانه منتظر ارائه یک عملکرد به یاد ماندنی هستم.”

ویلا است مبارزه با یک استعداد ناشناخته در Cervera. او به یک رکورد چشمگیر افتخار می کند, اما در برابر مخالفت های حاشیه ای ساخته شده است. ویلا, که بوکس را در پنج سالگی, از یک شجره برجسته آماتور می آید و پیشرفته دیده است سبک ها در جلسات اسپارینگ از زمان حرفه ای شدن در 2016.

“وجود دارد ویدیو زیاد در مورد او نیست, اما می دانیم که او دوست دارد برای مشت های بزرگ بارگیری کند ، بنابراین ما از آن آگاه باشید,” ویلا گفت. “من خواهم بود چند دور اول آن را هوشمندانه بازی کنید و ببینید که از چه چیزی ساخته شده است.”

مسابقه آمار و ارقام ارائه شده برای ارائه یک تست برای ویلا به این معنی که یک پیشاهنگ سبک جنگنده حریف خطرناکی را ایجاد می کند.

“من هستم فقط رفتن به مبارزه من است,” ویلا ادامه داد. “من از کار خودم برای دفع او استفاده خواهم کرد تعادل بگیرید و او را خسته کنید. من می توانم با سرعت و زمین دست خود را تحت فشار قرار دهم از زوایایی که او نمی بیند ، مشت می زند.”

این رویداد توسط ارتقا یافته استدیوین تبلیغات هانی وBishop Promotions LLC, در ارتباط باتبلیغات بنر وتامپسون بوکس. بلیط, شروع $30, در حال فروش هستند اکنون و در دسترس استwww.akafights.com

وزن سبک وزن جیار اینسون & Flyweight Genisis Libranza مرحله بزرگ را در Undercard of Manny Pacquiao vs.. Adrien Broner Event در روز شنبه, ژانویه 19 در MGM بزرگ باغ آرنا در لاس وگاس

سه گانه چشم اندازهای شکست ناپذیر همچنین در نقش جورج کامبوسوس در عمل است, جونیور, دزموند جارمون & Destyne Butler All Enter the Ring

LAS VEGAS (ژانویه 7, 2019) – سبک وزن جیار اینسون و وزن پرواز Genisis Libranza ایالات متحده خود را بسازند. اولین حضور در صحنه بزرگ به عنوان بخشی از کارت غیر تلویزیونی با عنوان مانی پاکیائو ، هموطن فیلیپینی خود در روز شنبه, ژانویه 19 در MGM بزرگ باغ آرنا در لاس وگاس.

انسان (18-1, 12 کوس) در خواهد جنگید مسابقه سنگین وزن هشت دور, در حالی که Libranza (17-1, 10 کوس) به خود می گیرد نیکاراگوئهکارلوس بویتراگو (30-4-1, 17 کوس) در یک هشت دور مسابقه وزن سبک به عنوان دو جنگنده از شهر داوائو, فیلیپین به دنبال ادامه روند پیروزی خود را.

در رویداد اصلی, Pacquiao, فقط بوکس است قهرمان هشت دسته جهان, به وقفه دو ساله خود از ایالات متحده پایان می دهد. بوکس هنگام بازگشت به لاس وگاس برای دفاع از انجمن جهانی بوکس خود زنگ بزنید عنوان جهانی سبک وزن در برابر قهرمان سابق چهار دسته جهان و جاذبه Adrien را باید ببینید “مشکل” در SHOWTIME PPV تماس بگیرید®.

سه چشم انداز شکست ناپذیر نیز انجام خواهد شد نبرد در اقدام غیر تلویزیونی همانند استرالیا جورج کامبوسوس, جونیور. (15-0, 9 کوس) طول می کشد دررولاندو Chinea(15-2-1, 6 کوس) در یک مسابقه سبک هشت دور, سینسیناتیدزموند جارمون (7-0, 4 کوس) درگیری با St.. لویی بومیکانتون میلر (3-1-1, 1 کوس) در یک مسابقه شش دور فوق سنگین وزن و شیکاگوDestyne خدمتکار(4-0, 3 کوس) در یک مسابقه چهار دور وزن سبک وزن می جنگد.

بلیط برای رویداد, که تبلیغ می شود توسط تبلیغات MP, تبلیغات Mayweather و تبلیغات TGB در ارتباط با درباره تبلیغات میلیاردی, اکنون در حال فروش هستند و از ابتدا شروع می شوند $100, نه از جمله هزینه های خدمات قابل اجرا, و می توان بصورت آنلاین از طریق آن خریداری کرد AXS.com, شارژ از طریق تلفن در 866-740-7711 یا شخصاً در هر استراحتگاه MGM گیشه بین المللی.

کارت زیر pay-per-view را مشاهده خواهید کرد بادو جک ، قهرمان دو دسته جهان با یک رقیب برتر بدون شکست مبارزه می کند مارکوس براون برای عنوان سبک وزن میان وزن سبک WBA و جهان سابق قهرمان راوشی وارن که نوردین اووبالی فرانسه را برای WBC خالی در اختیار دارد مسابقات قهرمانی جهان در مسابقات قهرمانی جهان در یک بازی برگشت از مسابقات 2012 مسابقه المپیک که توسط اووبالی لبه شد. در دوره آغازین پخش تلویزیونی PPV چهار مبارزه, جک تپورا بدون شکست قهرمان سابق جهان هوگو رویز را در یک درگیری 12 دور در وزن پر.

قیمت ها و عکس های DVIN HANEY MEDIA روز

یک مدعی برتر سبک وزن بدون شکست با گلزنی نادونگنی در رویداد اصلی شوبوکس روبرو می شود: جمعه نسل جدید, ژان. 11 زنده در SHOWTIME®

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکسها از تبلیغات ماریو سرانو / دوین هانی

LAS VEGAS (دسامبر 28, 2018) – مدافع سبک وزن کم وزن هرالد دالین هنی روز پنجشنبه در باشگاه بوکس مایو واتر در لاس وگاس برای رسانه ها کار کرد. ShoBox: نسل جدید روز اصلی رویداد جمعه, ژان. 11 در 10 p.m. ET / PT در SHOWTIME® بصورت زنده پخش می شود.

بی بی بیست ساله بومی و ساکن فعلی لاس وگاس هانی (20-0, 13 کوس), یک قهرمان هفت بار قهرمانی آماتور نوجوانان کشور, عناوین سریال محبوب آینده و آینده ShoBox برای سومین بار از دوران جوانی خود هنگامی که همسر غیرقابل شکست Xolisani Ndongeni را بر عهده می گیرد (25-0, 13 کوس) در یک رویداد اصلی 10 دور در حال وقوع در StageWorks لوئیزیانا در Shreveport.

در ShoBox همکاری ویژگی, چشم انداز وزنه برداری روبن ویلا (14-0, 5 کوس) روبن سرورا را به عهده خواهد گرفت (10-0, 9 کوس) در matchup هشت دور. این telecast با وزنه برداران جوان Frank Frank Sanchez Faure باز خواهد شد (10-0, 8 کوس) و ویلی جیک جونیور. (8-1-1, 2 کوس) در یک دوره هشت دور دیگر مربع را انتخاب کنید. این همان چیزی است که هانی و پدر و مربی او بیل هنی برای گفتن داشتند:

DEVIN HANEY در اردوگاه آموزشی اخیر خود:

“اردوگاه آموزشی فوق العاده بوده است. من همیشه دو هفته اول در لاس وگاس شروع می کنم. من سپس به مدت چهار هفته به آموزش در منطقه بی بی رفتم تا در مرکز SNAC با ویکتور کونته تمرین کنم. من با ورزش ماریو باریوس دورهای مختلفی را انجام دادم که در ورزشگاه ویرجیل هانتر نیز حضور داشتم. همین الان, من با مربی قدرت و تهویه رجی من در لاس وگاس بازگشتم. ما سخت کار می کنیم, و من در بهترین راه من خواهم بود وقتی در یازدهم ژانویه وارد رینگ می شوم.”

در مواجهه با ناخوشایند Xolisani Ndongeni در آفریقای جنوبی:“من می دانم که مبارزان آفریقا همیشه به جنگ می آیند. Xolisani Ndongeni هیچ تفاوتی ندارد. او بسیار باتجربه و شکست ناپذیر است. Ndongeni رفته است 12 در حرفه خود بارها و بارها دور می زند. اینها نوع دعواهایی است که من برای پیروزی چشمگیر باید به آن توجه کنم. من همیشه به دنبال پیشرفت هستم. ضرب و شتم آفریقای جنوبی سخت ، من را یک قدم به یک تیراندازی با عنوان جهانی نزدیک می کند.”

در سومین بار ظاهر شدShoBox:
“در حال مبارزه با SHOWTIMEShoBox سریال برای حرفه من شگفت انگیز بوده است. این سومین حضور من در این سریال است. احساس یک خانه برای نشان دادن استعداد من بسیار عالی است. Ndongeni بهترین ها را در من به ارمغان خواهد آورد. من آماده فارغ التحصیل شدن در SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING هستم.”

وقتی فکر می کند برای یک عنوان جهانی آماده است:
“من با برد خوب مقابل میسون منارد و خوان کارلوس بورگوس در رده بندی قرار گرفته ام. من در رده بالا رتبه بندی شده ام 10 در WBA, WBC, و IBF. من روی Ndongeni تمرکز کرده ام و یازدهم ژانویه وقت من برای درخشش است.”

بیل هانیه, پدر و مربی دیوین
در مورد پیشرفت پسرش دیوین هانی:
“داوین همیشه با اخلاق کاری و تعهد خود به برنامه بازی مرا تحت تأثیر قرار می دهد. او هر روز در ورزشگاه روی چیزهای کوچک کار می کند که یک جنگنده را عالی می کند. دوین از اولین بازی حرفه ای خود گذشته است. هنگامی که او شروع به جنگ در SHOWTIME, او واقعاً بازی خود را بالا برد. او یک مبارز متولد طبیعی و یک جهنم سرگرمی خوب است.”

در انتخاب مخالفان خود:“ما همیشه به دنبال افزایش او در رقابت هستیم. این یک مبارزه بزرگ برای ما است و می دانیم با چه چیزی مخالف هستیم. اینها نوع دعواهایی هستند که او را به سطح بعدی می برند.”

در چشم انداز بخش سبک وزن:“بخش سبک وزن انباشته شده و یکی از بهترین ها در بوکس است. [واسیلی] لوماچنکو و [مایکی] گارسیا پوندی برای پوند بالا محسوب می شود 10. بچه های جوانی که می آیند بسیار با استعداد هستند و عنوان سبک وزن را در این زمان کسب می کنند که باید پسر بدی باشید. دیوین در صدر جدول رده بندی قرار دارد و امیدوارم تا پایان سال برگزار شود, ما شلیک خواهیم کرد, اما در ابتدا ما باید علیه Xolisani Ndongeni کار کنیم.” # # # 


سه بخشی تمام دسترسی: PACQUIAO VS. BRONER جمعه های برتر, ژانویه 4 در SHOWTIME®

NEW YORK - دسامبر 28, 2018 - SHOWTIME Sports شرح وقایع قهرمانی سنگین وزن جهان بین سناتور مانی پاکیائو و جذابیت Adrien Broner با قسمت جدید سری برنده جایزه Emmy است.ALLدسترسی جمعه ها سریال های چند بخشی به نمایش در می آیند, ژانویه 4 در 10:30 p.m. ET / PT در SHOWTIME و جمعه های متوالی منتهی به ژانویه پخش می شود 19 SHOWTIME PPV® از MGM Grand Garden Arena در لاس وگاس.

دسترسی به همه: PACQUIAO VS. Bronerپرده را از بین می برد زیرا پاکویائو از آخرین روزهای سنا در زادگاه خود فیلیپین به اردوی آماده سازی در لس آنجلس برای اولین مبارزه در آمریکا پس از بیش از دو سال می رود. سریال غوطه وری مستند Broner است, یکی از خوش رنگ ترین شخصیت های بوکس, در حالی که قهرمان چهار دسته خود را برای فرصتی آماده می کند تا به یک عنوان تیتر دو بار در بخش پر زرق و برق بوکس تبدیل شود.

قسمت دو ازدسترسی به همه: PACQUIAO VS. Bronerجمعه اکران می شود, ژانویه 11 در 9:30 p.m. ET / PTهمه مقدمات دسترسی, که تجمع فوری برای مبارزه با شب و پیامدهای جدی مسابقات قهرمانی جهان را برجسته می کند, اولین بار در روز شنبه برگزار می شود, 26 ژانویه

سری اصلی تحسین شده SHOWTIME Sports با ویژگی های دیجیتالی منتشر شده در طول هفته مبارزه در کانال های شبکه های اجتماعی شبکه ها همراه خواهد بود.همه دسترسی روزانه همان دسترسی صمیمی و داستان سرایی امضا را همانطور که شدت در شب جنگ افزایش می یابد ، ارائه می دهد. اقساط جدید سری دیجیتال هر روز از روز چهارشنبه در دسترس خواهد بود, ژانویه 16 درSHOWTIME کانال YouTube ورزشی وصفحه SHOWTIME بوکس فیس بوک.

فیلمبرداری این سریال در حال انجام است زیرا Pacquiao اخیراً مرحله دو اردوگاه خود را در لس آنجلس زیر نظر فردی روچ افسانه ای آغاز کرده است. Cincinnati’s Broner, دومین جوانترین قهرمان چهار دسته تاریخ, در میان اردوی تمرینی در وست پالم بیچ است, فلوریدا., تحت تعلیم کوین کانینگام.

Gervonta Davis vs. Abner Mares Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & عکس

Two-Time Super Featherweight Champion Davis Defends Title Against Three-Division Champion Mares in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® رویداد اصلی شنبه, فوریه 9 from StubHub Center(Soon to be Dignity Health Sports Park) در کارسون, کالیفرنیا.

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از اسکات هیرانو / SHOWTIME

کلیک کنید اینجا برای عکس از شان مایکل ژامبون گوشت خرگوش / تبلیغات میودر

لس آنجلس (دسامبر 27, 2018) – Two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “مخزن” دیویس و سه تقسیم قهرمان جهان ابنر مادیان went face-to-face for the first time Thursday at a press conference in Los Angeles as Davis defends his WBA title against Mares on Saturday, فوریه 9 زندگی در SHOWTIME® in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from StubHub Center in Carson, کالیفرنیا.

بلیط برای رویداد, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, are on sale now and can be purchased at AXS.com.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event promises fireworks and high-stakes action as both men bring their fan-friendly styles to the ring. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from the Conga Room at L.A. زنده:


I believe that Abner Mares is a future Hall of Famer because he’s fought so many top-level guys. This is big for me because this is my first time being a main event in the U.S. and I just feel blessed to be here.

“به 2019, I want to make a big statement not only in the ring but by letting the boxing world know that I’m the next star. I’m aiming to headline a pay-per-view by 2020 if everything goes right. I have great fights lined up for next year, without looking past Abner.

As soon as I got off the plane, I went straight to the gym and got some work in with some guys there. We’re not taking Abner lightly. I’m excited and blessed to be in this position. فوریه 9, I’m confident it will be sold out and I’m confident that I will be that next boxing star.  

I’ve always known that you can’t underestimate anyone in the ring. You have to look at your opponent like they’re equal to you. I understand exactly what I have in front of me.

I don’t know what Abner sees, but he was sure he wanted to take this fight so obviously he sees something. I have power, سرعت, movement and really a blend of everything. I believe that I’m a better fighter than him.

It’s all about being focused in that ring and doing my job. I’m coming to get Abner Mares out of there.

I wanted to fight Abner Mares out here in Southern California. Floyd Mayweather fought Arturo Gatti in his hometown and that’s basically what I’m doing here.

ابنر MARES

One day I just thought to myself that this fight against Gervonta Davis would be a great matchup and that I can win it. There are other big fights at featherweight that I could have gotten. I’m taking this fight because of the challenge that it brings. I’m all about that.

I’m coming off of a great close fight against Leo Santa Cruz. I’m a winner every time I fight. I come to prove people wrong and perform. Not too many people do that these days.

We’ll already have 50 percent of the fight won just by having a good corner, a good team and a great plan. دیگری 50 percent is up to the fighter to perform. One thing is having the game plan in your mind but it’s another thing to go out there and perform that game plan.

We’re not just going into this fight blind. I’m not stupid. I’m taking this fight because I see something in this guy. It’s a tough fight, بدون شک. All fights are tough. He’s in for a good fight. در پایان روز, you guys have to stop worrying about my weight and if I’m too small. You guys are going to get a great fight and that’s all that matters. Sit back, look pretty and enjoy the fight.

You can’t compare Jesus Cuellar to Gervonta Davis. I know some people wanted to compare how I did against Cuellar and how Davis did against Cuellar, but he fought him two years after I did. It makes no sense. Gervonta Davis has a different style than Cuellar and it’s going to be a good fight. He’s an exciting fighter and he’s a boxer. He’s a boxer that trades punches so it makes for an exciting fight.

People are going to recognize me as someone who took on everyone. People say this will be a new style for me, but I’ve seen them all. This is team ‘no fearand we’re going to make this happen.

کالوین فورد, دیویس’ ترینر

This is a great chance for us to go up against the great team that Abner Mares and Robert Garcia make. We’ve been watching them for a long time and we’re looking forward to it.

We’ve been doing this for many years. We know that when it’s time to lock in, we’ll be locked in. Sparring has been going well. We’re just taking our time and doing what we have to do to get ready. We have a great team and everybody is doing their part. It’s our time to show what we’re capable of.

“فوریه 9, that’s when Gervonta Davis is going to step up and show the world what he truly is. I can’t wait for everyone to see it.

ROBERT GARCIA, مادران’ ترینر

Abner is very motivated. We have very strong sparring partners and he’s doing a great job in the gym already. Come February 9, everyone is in for a surprise. I respect Gervonta Davis and his team, but I think Abner is hungrier and looking to make history.

“این است برای رفتن به یک مبارزه بزرگ. We’re excited to see a great crowd of fans out there to enjoy a fight that’s going to be full of action.

We know that this is a tough challenge. I think of this like the Adrien Broner vs. Marcos Maidana fight. Just like Davis, they said Broner is flashy, dangerous and this and that. But you all know what happened. Same thing is going to happen this time around.

لئونارد ELLERBE, CEO of Mayweather Promotions

This is a fight the fans wanted. These two guys have gone back and forth on social media and I’m excited that they’re going to finally get in the ring on February 9.

“دیویس در مقابل. Mares is a thrilling matchup between two very skilled warriors. You can’t expect anything but great fireworks from this fight.

You can’t say enough about Gervonta Davis. او جوان, exciting and when he comes into the ring, he doesn’t play games. That style is going to make this an electrifying matchup.

You don’t see fighters like Gervonta Davis very often. He has all the ingredients it takes to be a huge star. He knows that he has room to improve and he truly wants to get better. He has a tremendous skill set and you’ve only gotten a glimpse of what Gervonta Davis brings to the table so far.

Abner Mares really wanted this fight. Any time a boxer goes out of his way to say ‘I want that guy’, the biggest and baddest guy in the division, that speaks volumes to the confidence that Abner Mares has. He’s exhibited this in all of his fights and he always performs at the highest level.

ریچارد شافر, رئيس & CEO of Ringstar Sports

This is a fascinating matchup taking place at the perfect venue. This is a great fight to get 2019 رفتن. It’s youth, strength and size against experience, will and desire. May the best man win.

I want to thank both fighters for coming together to make this fight happen. This is one that had been brewing for a while. Gervonta Davis is the best fighter in his division and he’s one of the guys who can talk the talk and walk the walk.

Abner Mares has always sought out the most difficult challenges in front of him. He is a legend in this sport and one of the best fighters to ever come out of Mexico. These are the kinds of challenges that make Abner what he is in this sport.

Gervonta Davis is one of the rising stars of the sport and Mares is one of its legendary champions. When you put those two together, the ones who are going to win are the fight fans.

People are excited about this fight. Fans know that you never want to count out a great champion like Abner Mares. This is of course a dangerous fight for Mares, that’s how good Gervonta Davis is, but he obviously sees how he can win this fight.

#          #          #

برای اطلاعات بیشترwww.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com دنبال کنید توییترShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, PremierBoxingMayweatherPromo, Ringstar, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک درwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.


Watch The Replay Monday At 10 p.m. ET / PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME®

کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس ها

Photographs are complimentary from Matchroom Boxing for editorial use only. Please credit Dave Thompson/Matchroom

Watch the Whyte KO of the Year Candidatehttps://s.sho.com/2BDKBOP

لندن (دسامبر 22, 2018) –Dillian Whyte delivered a Knockout of the Year candidate with a devastating left hook in the 11هفتم round in a dramatic rematch of one of 2016’s best fights between two top-rated heavyweight contenders Saturday in London in a SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast from The O2 Arena. با پیروزی, Whyte now has the inside track at a world title fight in 2019.VIDEO: https://s.sho.com/2BDKBOP

Whyte (25-1, 18 کوس), who entered the fight holding the No. 1 ranking in the WBC and WBO, used a lethal left hook in the eleventh round to end the rematch, which was just as thrilling and memorable as the 2016 درگیری, in dramatic style. The highly competitive, back-and-forth bout was evenly contested from the opening bell. Chisora (29-9, 21 کوس), who was perhaps the more aggressive fighter, was deducted two points, once for a low blow in the eighth round and once for an elbow in the 11هفتم گرد. Despite the two-point deduction, Chisora was ahead on two scorecards, 95-94, at the time of the KO. Anthony Joshua, who called the fight ringside for Sky Sports, went face-to-face with Whyte following the bout.

“That left hook is my money shot. That shot is going to put a lot of people away,” said Whyte, whose only professional loss came to Joshua in 2015. “They can train for it as much as they want. I’ve been in deep waters and I can swim. I was in great shape. I wasn’t tired once, I was just pacing myself and I knew the knockout was going to come. Whoever wants it can get it. I want Joshua next! بیا انجامش بدیم. Rematch!"

“Let’s forget about what’s happened in the past. We were at British level in our last fight and now we’re at world level,” replied Joshua, who holds the WBA, IBF and WBO heavyweight titles. “It was a good fight back then but let’s see where we’re at right now. If anybody deserves a world title shot, I think it’s Dillian. Deontay Wilder is the target, but if it’s not him, it’s Dillian Whyte.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast will replay on Monday, دسامبر 24 در 10 p.m. ET / PT در SHOWTIME EXTREME و در دسترس در هر زمان SHOWTIME خواهد بود® و SHOWTIME در تقاضا®

The one-fight telecast from London was hosted by Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. Live fight coverage was provided by Sky Sports Box Office with Adam Smith calling the action and former world champion Carl Froch and Joshua providing expert analysis.

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برای اطلاعات بیشترwww.SHO.com/Sports, در توییتر دنبال کنیدSHOSports, ShowtimeBoxing یا در Facebook به یک طرفدار تبدیل شویدwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports,


جک در مقابل. Browne Serving as Co-Feature of Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner Mega-Fight

لاس وگاس (دسامبر 20, 2018) – While two-division world championBadou جک “چاک دهنده” wears many hats as an entrepreneur, philanthropist and father, it is his boxing career that has allowed him to be on the path to greatness in and out of the ring. بنابراین, he will put his championship-caliber boxing skills on full display on Saturday, ژانویه 19 from MGM Grand Garden Arena live on SHOWTIME PPV® against hungry light heavyweight Marcus Browne as the co-main event of the Manny Pacquiao vs. Adrien Broner welterweight championship fight.

Jack is no stranger the pay-per-view spotlight as one of the brightest stars in the Mayweather Promotions stable and is preparing to make a statement on January 19.

“در این مرحله از زندگی حرفه ای من, I’m motivated to fight the best in the division and prove I am the top light heavyweight in the world,” گفت جک. “I want the biggest fights on the biggest stages against the best competition.

Despite being deep in training camp for this major step in his career, جک, who was recently named a finalist for the Boxing Writers Association of America’s Marvin Kohn Good Guy Award, has not forgotten his mission outside of the ringthe work he is doing through the Badou Jack Foundationwhich focuses on giving children around the world a fighting chance at life. He spent Thanksgiving serving food to those less fortunate at the Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada’s food distribution center and plans to continue to volunteer with them moving forward as well as continuing his work in the Middle East immediately following his fight.

Badou is receiving a well-deserved acknowledgement for his acts of kindness,” سعید لئونارد الرب، کارولینای شمالی, مدیر عامل شرکت از تبلیغات Mayweather. “Not only does Badou put in hard work and maintain discipline for his craft, he’s a family man who also looks to share the fruits of his success with others.  He remains humble and carries himself with poise as his career advances. I know that good things will continue to come his way and I’m pleased to have him on our team, he’s a promoter’s dream.

While Jack has been in the ring with some very tough customers including Nathan Cleverly, جیمز DeGale, George Groves and Anthony Dirrell, he knows that Browne is coming to fight and try to derail his successful campaign at light heavyweight. بنابراین, in addition to the work he is putting in at the gym, Jack has instituted a performance and weight management regimen overseen by renowned nutritionists Lockhart and Leith, whose clients include world-class MMA fighters from Conor McGregor to Cris Cyborg.

علاوه بر این, Jack is utilizing his nutrition supplement products Ripper Nutrition before and after each workout as Lockhart and Leith are now official partners in the product, they believe in it so much. Jack has also welcomed Lockhart and Leith chef James Lockwood into camp to prepare each meal as part of this regimen.

Thanks to the opportunities Floyd Mayweather, Mayweather Promotions and SHOWTIME have provided Badou, he has been able to establish Ripper Nutrition and the Badou Jack Foundation,” گفت عامر عبدالله, Jack’s manager. “He looks great in camp, we expect a spectacular night in the ring and then we will get back to building his empire outside it.

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سناتورمانی “نصب Pacman” Pacquiao, بوکس فقط قهرمان هشت دسته جهان, will face four-division world championآدرین “مشکل” Broner for Pacquiao’s World Boxing Association Welterweight World Title on SHOWTIME PPV® روز شنبه, ژانویه 19 از MGM Grand Garden Arena در لاس وگاس.

در زیر کارت در SHOWTIME PPV, two-division world championBadou جک will battle unbeaten top-rated contenderمارکوس براون for the WBA Interim Light Heavyweight Title and former world championRau'shee وارن will take on France’sنوردین اووبالی for the vacant WBC Bantamweight World Championship in a rematch of their 2012 Olympic matchup that was edged by Oubaali. In the opening bout of the four-fight PPV telecast, شکست نخوردهجاک تپورابر روی قهرمان سابق جهان راHugo Ruizin a 12-round featherweight clash for the WBA Interim Championship.

بلیط برای رویداد, که توسط MP Promotions تبلیغ می شود, Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions in association with About Billions Promotions, اکنون در حال فروش هستند و از ابتدا شروع می شوند $100, not including applicable service charges, و از طریق AXS.com بصورت آنلاین قابل خریداری است, charge by phone at 866-740-7711 یا به صورت حضوری در هر گیشه MGM Resorts International.

Two-Time Super Featherweight Champion Gervonta Davis Defends Title Against Three-Division Champion Abner Mares in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Main Event Saturday, فوریه 9

Presented by Premier Boxing Champions from StubHub Center (Soon to be Dignity Health Sports Park) در کارسون, Calif., Live on SHOWTIME®

Tickets on Sale Saturday, دسامبر 22!

کارسون, کالیفرنیا. (دسامبر 19, 2018) – Two-time super featherweight champion Gervonta “مخزن” دیویس will defend his WBA title against three-division world champion ابنر مادیان در روز شنبه, فوریه 9 live on SHOWTIME in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from StubHub Center in Carson, کالیفرنیا.

دیویس در مقابل. Mares promises fireworks and high-stakes action as both men bring their fan-friendly styles to the ring. دیویس, an unbeaten southpaw who earned his nickname “مخزن” by powering through opponents, has thunder in both fists with 19 از خود 20 fights ending in knockout. مادران, who has engaged in many memorable fights throughout his storied career, will be moving up in weight and looking to capture a world title in a fourth weight class.

بلیط برای رویداد, است که توسط تبلیغات می ودر ترویج, TGB Promotions and Ringstar Sports, فروش رفتن در شنبه, December 22 and can be purchased at AXS.com.

This matchup is sure to make for a crowd pleaser, as both guys are known for delivering action when they step into the ring,” سعید لئونارد الرب، کارولینای شمالی, CEO of Mayweather Promotions. “Mares has an impressive resume and is determined to hand Davis his first loss. Davis has made a lot of noise in the sport at a young age and isn’t slowing down. He executes impressively and continues to prove that he will be the next big star in boxing.

Abner Mares is looking to join a select group of boxers by winning a title in his fourth different weight class and carrying that kind of motivation into the ring is the thing that can propel a boxer to greatness,” گفت: تام براون, President of TGB Promotions. “We’ve already seen the kind of speed and explosive punching power that Gervonta Davis brings into the ring. I expect that Mares will push him to even higher levels and that is the kind of match that should excite all boxing fans.

The matchup between Gervonta Davis and Abner Mares features pound for pound two of the most exciting boxers,” said Richard Schaefer of Ringstar Sports. “For Gervonta it is the biggest test in his career and for Abner it is simplyDare to be Great”. These two are the definition of modern day gladiators who will put it all on the line on February 9. The winners of this exciting matchup are usthe fight fans and the general public who will be in for a treat!” 

This is an intriguing matchup for both men at crucial points of their careers,” said Stephen Espinoza, رئيس جمهور, SHOWTIME ورزشی. “Abner Mares has never backed down from a challenge, quietly building one of the strongest resumes in all of boxing while consistently delivering fight-of-the-year performances.  In his first fight in the super featherweight division, Abner will be facing Gervonta Davis, one of the strongest, most talented and most exciting young champions in all of boxing. Abner seeks another signature upset in a remarkable career, while Gervonta looks to continue his streak of 11 straight stoppages against the most experienced and accomplished opponent he has faced to date.  With these two come-forward, all-action fighters, boxing fans can expect another thrilling Showtime Championship Boxing main event.” 

دیویس (20-0, 19 کوس) جوانترین قهرمان جهان در آمریکا شد 2017 when he delivered a star-making performance on SHOWTIME by knocking out Jose Pedraza for the IBF 130-pound title at just 22 ساله. He became the youngest two-time world champion in April when he knocked out Jesus Cuellar in the third round of their WBA Super Featherweight Championship bout. The 24-year-old from Baltimore, دکتر., has earned the reputation as a power-punching menace as he has stopped all but one of his professional opponents.

I’m very excited to be showcased in my first main event in the United States on February 9,” دیویس گفت:. “I want to make a statement in this fight by putting on a tremendous performance against an experienced world champion like Abner Mares. I plan on showing everyone why I belong in pound-for-pound discussions and why I’m the most exciting champion in boxing today. You don’t want to miss it!”

The 33-year-old Mares (31-3-1, 15 کوس) will be moving up to 130 pounds as he aims to become just the fourth fighter born in Mexico to win titles in four divisions, joining Juan Manuel Marquez, Erik Morales and Jorge Arce. مادران, who was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco and now lives in Montebello, کالیفرنیا., was a member of the Mexican Olympic boxing team in the 2004 Athens Olympics before going on to win world titles at bantamweight, خروس وزن فوق العاده و پروزن. His two battles for the featherweight world title against Leo Santa Cruz epitomized the kinds of high-volume clashes that have set Mares apart from many of his contemporaries in the same weight classes. He lost a unanimous decision to Santa Cruz in his last fight in June and aims to tackle another weight class on February 9.

I wanted this fight and I want this challenge against Gervonta Davis,” مادیان گفت. “I’m preparing well and I will add my fifth world title in my fourth weight class on February 9 on SHOWTIME.

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برای اطلاعات بیشتر بازدیدwww.SHO.com/Sports و www.premierboxingchampions.com دنبال کنید توییترShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, PremierBoxingMayweatherPromo, Ringstar, TGBPromotions وSwanson_Comm یا تبدیل به یک فن در فیس بوک در www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions و Facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. R


کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس ها

Photographs by: Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

لندن(دسامبر 20, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora took part in the final press conference before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, دسامبر 22 زندگی در SHOWTIME در 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 کوس) and Chisora (29-8, 21 کوس) will run back one of 2016’s best fights as the bitter rivals will continue what they started two years ago with Whyte narrowly edging Chisora in a close all-out war. The winner will have the inside track at a possible future mega-fight with IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua, who will be in attendance Saturday night.  

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL telecast is hosted by Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. Live fight coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office.

Here is what the principals had to say Thursday from the Canary Riverside Plaza Hotel in London:


“There are levels to this thing and my levels just keep rising. I keep improving. Derek will see how strong I am come Saturday night.

“This is boxing and I’m used to people saying, ‘I’m going to do this or that’ to get into my head. I’ve been around long enough and heard fighters say ‘I’m going to come out banging in the first round,’ and then they come and do something else. So I don’t think Derek himself knows what he’s doing or where he’s going.

“I respect everyone. It’s a tough job getting in the ring. I respect everyone from the journeyman to the world champion of the sport.

“You know me, I do whatever it takes to get the win. I don’t need to get up and shout, ‘I’m going to do this or that.’ I just conserve my energy. من راحتم. You guys know what I bring and that I can fight, and I can box, and I can hit. You guys know my power. So I don’t have to sit here and scream about what I’m going to do. There will be blood on Saturday night.”


"دیوید [Haye] put together the pieces for my training. He didn’t train me, but he sat me down and said, ‘This is what we’re going to do to get what we want to get.’ It’s gone well training-wise and lifestyle-wise. Now it’s time to go to war and have a great fight.

On his table-throwing episode during the last press conference two years ago:

 “I think the tables are screwed down so you won’t have to worry about that. I don’t think I’m going to do that anymore. I do something when I want to do something and now I’m just happy that training’s gone well and everyone’s fine in my camp.

“I’m going to bring the same game I do for every fight and we’re going to come to fight. His coach says that his fighter will be a boxer and all of that. But truly he’s not in the ring and Dillian’s the one that has to fight and he’s going to try to run, or he can meet me in the middle which would be great for me. Whatever game plan they have is fine. We will come in and seek and destroy.

“The first fight was a great fight. The boxing fans loved it. My brain cells didn’t love it but I enjoyed it. We are going to drown him from the get-go. We know he’s fit, but we want to see how fit he is. We’re going to go BOOM from the gates.

“I don’t want this to go to points. I’m going to knock the sucker out. Hundred percent. I’m going to hit him. I’m going to pound him.”

MARK TIBBS, Whyte’s Trainer

“Ninety-nine point nine percent of the time, a good boxer will beat a good brawler. [Dillian] is not only just a good boxer, he’s a boxer-fighter. We will box and fight our way to a very good victory. It ain’t going to be easy, but we will meet him and greet him and beat him to the punch.”

DAVID HAYE, Former Heavyweight Champion and Chisora’s Manager

“I think Derek has always had in him what he needs to be one of the best heavyweights on the planet. He’s had opportunities in the past but hasn’t capitalized on them the best he could and I think he realizes that now. His experiences have taught him that he needs to work hard and make the sacrifices, and that’s what he’s done. He no longer does the things he used to do and when he stands on the scales tomorrow, you’ll be able to see.

“I’m very confident and I know he has the capabilities. I’ve been in there with him, and I’ve felt his power and his presence in the ring. I’ve seen it. The intensity and ferocity I’ve seen in sparring shows that he’s coming for war. I think the first time he didn’t have 12 rounds of war in him. I think this time he does. I think the power Derek brings will make Dillian very uncomfortable, but the fans are going to love it.”

EDDIE HEARN, Head of Matchroom Boxing

“The winner of this fight Saturday night is so important to the global heavyweight scene and so much is at stake.

“I think the crowd is going to be with Chisora. You know the British fans love the underdog. What makes this fight intriguing to the average fan is that these guys are both characters and very entertaining fighters. At the first fight I sat next to Wladimir Klitschko and he said, ‘I don’t think this fight is going to be very good.’ And after three rounds we looked at each other just shaking our heads.

“The Whyte fight is a big fight for Anthony, but I will stress again the one fight we want is with [دئوتای] متحیر کردن. We’re talking now. People shouldn’t assume the rematch with Fury is happening because the deal won’t be that easy. It never is for a fight of that size. It all depends really on Wilder; if he wants to be undisputed and if that matters to him. He can fight Fury after if he believes he can beat A.J. We don’t get chances very often to have undisputed champions, and that’s what everyone wants.


SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL To Air Live This Saturday, December 22At 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT* On SHOWTIME And The Network’s Streaming Service


کلیک کنیداینجا برای عکس

Photographs are complimentary from Matchroom Boxing for editorial use only. Please credit Jamie McPhilimey/Matchroom

لندن(دسامبر 19, 2018) – Top-rated heavyweight contenders Dillian Whyte and Derek Chisora worked out in front of the media just days before their highly anticipated rematch Saturday, دسامبر 22 زندگی در SHOWTIME در 5:00 p.m. و / 2:00 p.m. PT from The O2 in London.

Whyte (24-1, 17 کوس) and Chisora (29-8, 21 کوس) will go toe-to-toe once again in a rematch of one of 2016’s best fights on SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL. The all-British affair between the bitter rivals has been brewing since Whyte narrowly edged Chisora in a back-and-forth slugfest that necessitated a rematch. The stakes are high as both fighters have been working toward world title opportunities against IBF, WBA and WBO Champion Anthony Joshua and WBC Champion Deontay Wilder.

The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL coverage will be provided by Sky Sports Box Office with host Brian Custer and Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood.

Here is what Whyte and Chisora had to say Wednesday from East Wintergarden in London:


“Everybody knows what I come with and what I bring into the ring. We worked on a few new things. We improved in every area. There’s been a lot of talk from him about how he’s given his life to god and he’s got David [Haye] here and all that. خواهیم دید.

“I’ve changed a lot and improved over the last two years since the last fight. One thing I’ve improved is my consistency. That’s the main thing. I’ve been consistent. I’ve had hard fights, I’ve had boring fights, I’ve had exciting fights but I’ve been consistent.

“The first time I fought him it was only the second time I’ve ever been scheduled for 12 rounds and the time before that I got stopped. I remember the first time I went past five rounds it was like ‘oh crap, this is round six, round seven.’ But now I’ve been there and I’ve done it. I’m experienced and I show different things in different rounds. حتی در آخرین مبارزه من, I got put down in the 12هفتم round and got up and did what I had to do to win the fight.”


“I’m ready for action. The fight is only a couple days away. ما آماده برای رفتن. من بسیار هیجان زده هستم. Training’s gone well and I’m just a happy guy right now. The big difference with this camp is I’ve given all of the control to David [Haye]. From where I slept, what time I woke up, what I ate, همه چیز.

“We’ve trained hard for this fight. There’s only one way we’re going to go into this fight. We are going to war. Right from the get-go. I’m going to run over to his side and start pounding him down. I hope he’s listening. I’m going to pound you and pound you and pound you. It doesn’t matter what he’s done. He can’t hurt me. He doesn’t have a powerful shot that can bother me. I’m going to find this guy, hunt him down and beat him up.

“I’m born again. I have a new manager and a new training regime. I’m just loving life, بطور اساسی. It’s working out great for me. As I’ve said before, we have to knock him out. We don’t want to leave it to Eddie [Hearn’s] judges to give him the decision. We have to knock him out. We’re not going to use judges in this fight. We are coming there with a knockout mentality. No points, we’re not coming to box. We’re coming to fight.

“I’m going to go straight at him and I know he’s going to come hard too. He’s not going to shy away from a fight. He knows what’s happening. I’d advise everybody not to sit down at the O2 Arena.”