Категория Архив: Showtime Boxing


Двукратният шампион супер перо Gervonta Дейвис Битки Бившият шампион Yuriorkis Гамбоа за свободни WBA Лек Заглавие тази събота, Декември 28 Живей на SHOWTIME от

State Farm Arena в Атланта

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Аманда Уесткот / SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Шон Майкъл Хам /

Мейуедър Промоции

ATLANTA (Декември 26, 2019) – най-горещата атракция на бокса, Gervonta "Резервоар" Дейвис, и бивш шампион единен Yuriorkis Гамбоа, отидох лице в лице четвъртък в заключителната пресконференция два дни преди те да се бият за свободната WBA леката категория тази събота, Декември 28 живеят на SHOWTIME от всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в събитие Premier боксови шампиони.

На пресконференцията черта WBA Light шампион в тежка категория Жан Паскал и шампион две разделение Badou Jack, които ще изправят в сътрудничество основното събитие, и бивш шампион Jose Uzcategui и Lionell Thompson, който битка на старта на телевизията началото на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, ГДД Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба и достъпни чрез Ticketmaster.com. Добри билети все още са достъпни. Всички билети започват от $54 и $104.

Ето какво участниците в пресконференцията трябваше да се каже, четвъртък от Шератон Атланта хотел:


"Тренировъчен лагер бе страхотен. Тренирам с моите братя и сестра на undercard. Събота вечер ние ще история грим отново. Не е имало бой титла в над 20 години и аз съм развълнуван да бъде в тази позиция, за да отвори врати за другите и себе си.

"Това е първият ми път бой в Атланта. Аз съм да дойда тук в продължение на четири или пет години и аз съм бил искат да се бият тук. Атланта винаги показва ме обичат и винаги съм си мислил, че ме биете тук би било голям. Знаех, че трябва голям фен база тук.

"В събота вечер ние ще имаме една голяма битка. Благодаря ви за Гамбоа за вземане на шанса. В събота вечер, че ще бъде един екшън битка и ще видим кой какво е необходимо.

"Аз съм сигурен, че Гамбоа гледах последния ми бой. Той просто казва, че не е, за да бъде самонадеян. Знам, че най-малко гледах с глава в тази борба. Ще видим в събота вечер. Той е бил малко самонадеян, така че трябва да го направи заплащане.

"Не мога да кажа дали ще се получи нокаут, но аз съм обучен много трудно и аз съм бил фокусиран върху основната цел, която е да се получи победата. Знам, че Гамбоа е труден противник и той ще го давам всичко по линията. Ако той отива 12 кръга, това няма значение за мен. Търся да направи тази голяма борба за мен, а също и за феновете.

"Вярвам, че не съм ходила минало девет кръга и аз съм непобедим, така че мисля, че е нещо добро за мен. Съм правил това в продължение на толкова много години, че аз вярвам, Гамбоа не може да донесе нищо на пръстен, който не съм виждал.

"Аз знам, че трябва да дойде там фокусирани, силен и бърз. Нека да видим какво е всичко идва, за да. Готов съм и да се надяваме, че той е готов да даде на феновете това, което те искат да видят.

"В събота вечер всеки трябва да се търси голяма борба, не само от Гамбоа и мен, но цялата undercard. В събота вечер почитателите на бойните спечелят. И двамата с което ни всичко и ще видим какво събота вечер носи за всеки от нас. "


"Моята работа не е да се обърне внимание на всяка беседа боклук. Единствената ми цел е да отида там в 150% и да го давам всичко. Не ми пука за някой от бърборене външната страна на пръстена.

"Увереността, че имам идва от моя фокус и упорита работа, че съм пусната в този лагер. Знам какво трябва да направя декември 28. Всичко от лагер Разразилата се как ми се искаше да води в борбата нощ.

"Аз съм много благодарен, че имам възможността да се бори за световната титла в събота вечер. Аз трябва да направя най-доброто от това положение, че аз съм в. Аз все още съм на ниво, където знам, че мога да се конкурират и да победи най-добрите бойци в спорта.

"Моят фокус и дисциплина ми позволи да се стигне до положение, че аз съм в днешната. Винаги съм се разчита, че до голяма степен и не ме е провалила още.

"Gervonta чукат опонентите си навън и не става покрай деветия кръг е чудесно за него, но аз не мисля, че има нещо общо с моята автобиография. Аз бях изправен пред по-силни, отколкото бойци Gervonta и аз съм бил в състояние да ги победим. Той няма да донесе нищо не съм виждал.

"Ние сме развълнувани, че борбата се приземи в Атланта и можем да ви кажем, че феновете ще бъдат много доволни от борбата, което виждат събота. Дойдох тук, за да спечели и определено съм готов да отида всички 12 кръга, ако се наложи.

"Аз съм имал голям тренировъчен лагер и знам, че това, което аз съм в състояние да даде в събота. Давам ми всичко и след това някои. Atlanta, Бъди готов. Ще ви дам една война ".

Жан Паскал

"Това е първият ми път в град Атланта и може би трябва да се движат тук след победата ми в събота вечер.

"Развълнуван съм, за да може да покаже таланта си на SHOWTIME в събота вечер. Аз съм на върха на играта си и целия си отбор ми помогна да стигна до тук.

"Баду Джак е солидна боец ​​с голяма защита и добро нападение. Аз съм имал голям лагер в Пуерто Рико. Бил съм далеч от семейството си в продължение на три месеца и аз съм готов война. Уверете се, че сте в унисон.

"Баду и аз спаринг, но това беше преди много време назад 2014. Спаринг е спаринг. Аз се готвех за Сергей Ковальов. Това беше добър сесия, но по това време той е бил в 168 паунда. Аз не се позове на това спаринг, защото тя беше толкова отдавна.

"Знам, че Баду има дълга съкращения и той е свеж и ще бъде още по-гладни. Винаги съм гладен и че ще го голяма борба в събота вечер направи.

"Аз съм се бори на най-високо ниво за последните 11 години. Това означава нещо. Аз съм специален боец. Имам неща, които никой не може да преподават, което е брадичката и сърце. "

JACK Badou

"Имах много тренировъчен лагер, което всеки казва,, но аз наистина се чувствам страхотно. Аз съм 36 и аз се чувствам сякаш съм 26 отново. Не мога да чакам за събота вечер, за да чуят "и новото".

"Предполагам, че трябва да изчакаме до събота вечер за мен да се докаже, че аз все още го има. Бях плосък срещу Маркус Браун, независимо от разреза, но аз се чувствам много по-добре, отколкото този път нямах позиция в тази битка.

"Всички близки решенията, аз съм имал в миналото, всеки, който гледах тези боеве знае, че тези, които са били победи. Събота вечер аз отивам да спечели и няма да има никакво съмнение,.

"Gervonta беше на моя undercard и сега съм на неговото и аз съм много горд с него. Той вече е суперзвезда.

"Аз се грижа за себе. Аз не правя нищо извън ринга, за да застраши кариерата си. Аз имам голям диетолог, който ми дава всички органични храни. Можеш да говориш с моята сила и треньор инсталация, доколкото е как аз търся, но аз се чувствам невероятно.

"Отивам да взема всичко една битка в даден момент. Мисля, Pascal може да донесе най-доброто от мен в събота вечер. Стилове правят боеве и мисля, че нашите стилове ще окото.

"Паскал и аз идвам да се бори. Маркус Браун е левичар, а той е по-уклончив. Така че е трудно да се сравняват. Паскал е трудно човек и аз очаквам нищо по-малко от тежка битка. "


"Аз съм благодарен да се върне в тази позиция и аз обещавам на феновете няма да останете разочаровани. Отивам да се наоколо за дълго време и аз отивам да си взема обратно световна титла.

"Аз не говоря много, но тъй като той казва, че има само власт, ще видим в събота. Не говори днес и след това пуснете около пръстена.

"След като се извади от строя Lionell Томпсън, ще видим какво ще Халев растенията трябва да се каже, че след. Надявам се, че той ще остане и да се бори. Единствената причина растенията е шампион е така, защото съм объркан.

"Когато съм в силите си, Аз съм най-добрият супер средна категория на планетата. Всички ще видят в събота. "


"Искам да благодаря на Uzcategui и неговия екип за вземане на борбата. Това е първият ми път в отдела за супер средна категория и смятам да са победители.

"За всеки, който ми помогна и ме подкрепяше, Обещавам, че няма да позволи на вас, момчета надолу. Аз съм планирал да даде най-добрия ми представяне в събота вечер.

"Аз съм бил там с по-големи Punchers в тежката категория и единственият път, когато е бил спрян беше в началото на кариерата ми. Аз бях пребит добрите и непобедими перспективи, които могат да удрят.

"Вярвам, че преместването в теглото, и да го правим добре с диетолог, ще бъде по-добре за мен. Всеки може да те нарани. Всеки казва, че той може да удари, но всеки, който те удря право може да те нарани.

"Аз съм фокусиран върху съвършенството. Аз не планирате да направите каквито и да било грешки. Знам какво мога да направя. Всеки, който е споделен пръстена с мен, ще кажа, че съм един от най-ловките бойци там. Флойд Мейуедър дори го каза.

"Знам, че Uzcategui е труден, но аз не съм притеснен, защото аз съм с което най-добрият ми. Аз вярвам, че ще бъде победител. Уважавам го и той определено е сила, за да се съобразяваме, но аз просто вярвам в себе си. "

LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции

"Събота вечер, то ще бъде осветена. Аз съм много развълнуван за тази карта. Мога да си спомня кога за първи път се говори за привеждане тази борба в Атланта, има само едно име, което е синоним на подслушване в един пазар, който не е имал голяма борба в 20 години. Когато става дума за възбуда, Името Gervonta Дейвис върви ръка за ръка.

"Знаехме, че цялата тази общност ще се впише. Ние знаем, че това ще бъде най-обсъжданите събития и привличане на внимание, че ние не сме виждали от много години насам.

"Имаме изключителен undercard, включително голямо сътрудничество основното събитие с Жан Паскал и Баду Джак, който гаранция ще бъде много забавно мач. Тези две ще го всички с юмрук по масата.

"От горе до долу това е много забавно карта. С поглед към основното събитие, когато се вгледате в Гамбоа, Знаете ли, че това, което той носи на масата. Ние не купувате нищо за него е по-стар боец. Той има феноменален родословие и е видял всичко в този пръстен. Това е много опасно за борба Gervonta и това е, което искаме. Ние искаме нищо друго, освен най-доброто за Gervonta.

"Мисля, че Гамбоа ще изведат най-добрите в" резервоар "в събота вечер. Ще ви дам един забавен карта от горе до долу, с основен предмет на събитие, което ще завърши с нокаут. "

СТИВЪН Еспиноза, президент Sports & Събитие Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc.

"Това е голям уикенд за SHOWTIME тъй като ние имаме осем големи боксови шоу програми през следващите 10 седмици, с участието на някои от най-големите имена в този спорт, а някои от най-добрите млади перспективите на бокса. Ние не може да го стартира с по-добра борба карта тази събота вечер.

"Време е да се откажат обажда Gervonta млада звезда или изгряваща звезда, защото това, което той е показал тази година е, че той е bonafide звезда. Това е без съмнение, когато отидете в три града и ще донесе на всички хора, че той има.

"В края на деня, Нито едно от тези дела в събота вечер. Това е, което обичам в този спорт. Имате етикети, критици и големи имена, но никой от това има значение, когато Камбаната. Всеки един от тези шест бойци тук се бори като победен, защото всички сме аутсайдери преди.

"Gervonta и Гамбоа бой като те са гладни и като са ядосани. Те се борят като има една плоча в средата на ринга. В съвместно основното събитие, с Баду Джак и Жан Паскал, Ще сложа автобиографиите си срещу всеки боец ​​в областта на спорта. Те са се борили труден борбата след труден двубой и те все още се борят за този етап. Uzcategui е един от най-трудните Punchers в областта на спорта, и Lionell Томпсън търси ударът му. С всичко това заедно, ние сме в продължение на една забавна вечер. "

# # #


Дейвис срещу. Гамбоа ще видите два пъти супер перо шампион Gervonta "Tank '' Дейвис, топ изгряваща звезда на Мейуедър Промоции "и най-горещата атракция бокса му, тъй като той поема бившата единна световна шампионка Yuriorkis Гамбоа за WBA леката категория на живо в събота SHOWTIME, Декември 28 в всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в събитие Premier боксови шампиони.

Специалният празник SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® телевизията започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и разполага WBA Light шампион в тежка категория Жан Паскал борят две дивизия шампион Баду Джак в сътрудничество основното събитие.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports,

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Владимир Шишкин, Shohjahon Ergashev And Ja’Rico O’Quinn in Tripleheader Live on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) От WinnaVegas Casino в Слоун, Iowa

НЮ ЙОРК - Декември 19, 2019 – Three talented, undefeated prospects will put their unblemished records on the line in the 250татаИздание на ShoBox: Новото поколение, the prospect-oriented series that has featured 81 бъдещи световни шампиони, Петък, Януари 17 живеят на SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ET / PT) from WinnaVegas Casino Resort in Sloan, Iowa.

В основното събитие на 10-кръг, Владимир Шишкин (9-0, 6 Нокаута), the fast-rising super middleweight prospect currently ranked as the WBC No. 12 претендент, will return for his second consecutive test on ShoBox against the unbeaten Ulises Sierra (15-0-2, 9 Нокаута).

Shakh Ergashev (17-0, 15 Нокаута), Не е класиран. 6 by both the WBA and IBF at 140 паунда, will face Adrian Estrella (29-4, 24 Нокаута) in the 10-round super lightweight co-featured bout of the first ShoBox телевизията на 2020. In the opener, Detroit native Ja’Rico O’Quinn (13-0-1, 8 Нокаута) faces Nevada’s Oscar Vasquez (15-2-1, 3 Нокаута) in an eight-round super flyweight contest.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена Salita Промоции, започне в $20 и са в продажба сега в www.WinnaVegas.com.

“Vladimir Shishkin was a stellar amateur with over 300 краища. We believe he is destined to become a world champion,- каза Гордън Хол, who has been the Executive Producer and steward of ShoBox: Новото поколение for all 19 години и 250 editions of the cornerstone boxing series. “Shohjahon Ergashev was on prospects to watch lists in 2018 and has lived up to lofty expectations. His aggressive style and punching power make him a fighter who boxing fans want to see. 2020 will be a big year for both fighters. This series was built on giving young, talented fighters national television exposure and we are excited to get a first look at Ja’Rico O’Quinn, a U.S. amateur standout who is an all-action fighter with high expectations.”

„На януари 17, boxing fans are going to see some of the best prospects in boxing from big to small,” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “The card features young, hungry fighters in the super flyweight, junior middleweight and super middleweight divisions. Владимир Шишкин, Shohjahon Ergashev and Ja’Rico O’Quinn are all undefeated, world-rated fighters on their way to national recognition and world titles. Първи, they have to pass the biggest tests of their careers.”

The 28-year-old Shishkin shined in his United States and ShoBox: Новото поколение дебют през август, registering an eighth-round technical knockout against then once-beaten DeAndre Ware. Standing at 6-foot-1, Shishkin was a standout amateur in Russia where he compiled 301 печели в 330 fights before turning professional in 2016. He has won his last four contests – all scheduled 10 или 12 round fights – via knockout, включително 10тата round TKO of former world title challenger Nadjib Mohammedi prior to his American debut in October 2018. Currently training in Detroit under Javan “Sugar” Hill, Steward at the new Kronk Gym, Shishkin is looking to continue his ascent up the rankings in the super middleweight division with a second consecutive statement win on ShoBox.

“Training with Sugar Hill at Kronk Gym is going really well, and I can guarantee that I will be ready and I will put my newly learned skills to use,” Shishkin said. “I hope for another emphatic victory that impresses the American boxing fans. I’m looking forward to putting on a great fight and letting the champions at 168 know that this is my year.”

The 30-year-old Sierra, from San Diego, Калифорния., is riding an eight-bout winning streak including a unanimous 10-round decision over Fidel Hernandez for the vacant WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship in April. The son of former San Diego Padres pitcher Ulises “Candy” Sierra, he has sparred with future Hall of Famers Andre Ward and Canelo Alvarez and former world champion Peter Quillin. Prior to Sierra’s career-best win in April, he won four straight contests in Mexico, включително три с нокаут.

“I’m happy for the opportunity to face a good opponent and I’ll use him as a steppingstone to get where I want to get,” said Sierra. “I still have a month of preparation to get into the best shape of my life. I know Shishkin is undefeated and has a Russian amateur pedigree. It’ll be the hardest fight of my career, but I will do anything and everything to come out victorious.”

Hard-hitting super lightweight Shohjahon Ergashev (17-0, 15 Нокаута), Узбекистан, is ranked in the top-15 in three of the four major sanctioning bodies. The 28-year-old is coming off an impressive fourth-round knockout of veteran Abdiel Ramirez this past August onShoBox. In his previous appearances on the prospect developmental series, the former member of the Uzbek national team scored a third-round knockout against then top-10 rated Sonny Fredrickson, and a 10-round unanimous decision over previously unbeaten Mykal Fox. The powerful southpaw currently trains alongside stablemate Shishkin in Detroit.

“I am adding new dimensions to my game and plan on making a big statement in the first ShoBox of the year,", Каза Ergashev. “2020 is going to be my year and I am going to set the tone in my fight with Estrella.”

Звезда, who hails from Monterrey, Мексико, Оказа професионалист в 2010 и спечели 22 consecutive fights before he suffered his first setback in 2015. With just seven of his 33 pro fights going the full distance, Estrella is an all-action fighter typical of his Mexican roots. He earned a career-best win, a closely-contested split decision over Oscar Duarte, в неговия U.S. debut in February. Estrella will face his fourth undefeated prospect in his last five fights as he looks to get his career back on track with a win over the highly-regarded Ergashev.

“This is an opportunity I’m going to take full advantage of,” said Estrella. “I’ve been in camp for the last two months, so I’ll be in perfect shape to go in there and do my thing. I know Ergashev is a southpaw and a hard puncher with a big KO record, but I’ve been in this situation before. I have too much experience for him. Knowing that if I win this fight I could get a world title shot is all the motivation I need.”

The 24-year-old O’Quinn is rated No. 10 в света от WBO. Ranked as the No.1 amateur bantamweight in the country compiling a record of 130-18 преди да се обърне професионалист в 2015, O’Quinn boasts blazing-fast hands and an ability to throw effortless combinations. A fan favorite in his hometown of Detroit, he was last seen winning a unanimous decision over James Smith of Flint, Mich., през октомври.

“The time has finally come,” said O’Quinn. “It’s my time to show the world who the king is on live TV. За тези, които не знаят, Януари 17, I’m going to show the world greatness in is purest form. They are going to see charisma, skills and explosiveness. I know I’m fighting a tough competitor. Той не идва, за да се установят. I’m coming prepared for war. It’s going to be a great night for boxing in the super flyweight division. I’m putting all the champions on notice.”

Vasquez, from Reno, Nev., is a former streaking prospect in the super flyweight division. After losing his third professional fight, the 5-foot Vasquez rattled off thirteen consecutive wins between 2012 и 2017 and was well on his way to making a name for himself in the division before a unanimous decision loss to once-beaten Ricardo Sandoval in May 2018 halted his momentum. After a year-and-a-half layoff, Vasquez returned by fighting Gilberto Mendoza to a majority draw in October. При 32 възраст, the hungry Vasquez finds himself in a do-or-die fight against O’Quinn.

“Training in Reno is going amazing,” said Vasquez. “It’s such a tremendous opportunity for my life. I’m trying to get to a high ranking and it’s a dream come true. I know O’Quinn is undefeated. He’s a boxer who likes to grab a lot. He doesn’t like pressure. I’m hoping I will tire him out. I think he’ll eventually give in as the fight goes on if I put on a lot of pressure. In the later rounds, he won’t even want to come out of his corner.”

Barry Томпкинс ще наричаме ShoBox действия от страна на ринга със Стив Farhood и бивш световен шампион Raul Маркес, служещ за експертни анализатори. Изпълнителният продуцент е Gordon Hall с Ричард Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.

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Ennis-Eyubov Announced As Co-Main Event To Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin On SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ® From Ocean Casino Resort In Atlantic City

НЮ ЙОРК - Декември 17, 2019 – Undefeated welterweight sensation Jaron Ennis will make his 2020 debut against hard-hitting Bakhtiyar Eyubov on Friday, Януари 10 live on SHOWTIME from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City.

The 22-year-old Ennis (24-0, 22 Нокаута) will take on Kazakhstan’s Eyubov (14-1-1, 12 Нокаута) just an hour away from his hometown of Philadelphia in the 10-round co-main event of a SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION tripleheader that begins at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

Two women’s blockbusters will bookend the welterweight bout. Claressa Шийлдс (9-0, 2 Нокаута) will take on Ivana Habazin (20-3, 7 Нокаута) for the WBC and WBO 154-pound World Championships in a long-anticipated main event. В телевизията отварачка, WBA Super Middleweight Champion Alicia Napoleon Espinosa (12-1, 7 Нокаута) meets IBF Champion Elin Cederroos (7-0, 4 Нокаута) in a 168-pound world title unification.

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. The Napoleon-Espinosa vs Cederroos fight is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

In Eyubov, Ennis will take on his toughest test to date as he looks to continue his rapid ascension in one boxing’s deepest divisions. The switch-hitter has scored 14 consecutive knockouts as has his level opposition has steadily increased since turning professional in 2016. He returned from a nine-month layoff in August of 2019 with a first round TKO of Franklin Mamani and followed that up with a third round TKO of Demian Fernandez on October 5. Against Fernandez, the come-forward and aggressive Ennis landed 43 percent of his power shots as he switched from orthodox to southpaw in a clinical performance in the main event of SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ.

Widely regarded as one of the top prospects in boxing, Ennis had two emphatic knockout victories on ShoBox: Новото поколение в 2018. The Philadelphia native, кой е собственик 10 first round knockouts and has yet to be pushed past the sixth round, was a standout amateur who won the 2015 National Golden Gloves was ranked as the No. 1 amateur at 141 pounds before turning pro.

“I’m coming to make another statement to the welterweight division and the world,” said Ennis. “I’m going to let them know that I’m here and that 2020 ще бъде моята година. I’m the future of this division and January 10 is the next step in proving that.”

The 33-year-old Eyubov, from Aktobe, Kazakhstan and currently based in Brooklyn, N.Y., is known for his relentlessly aggressive fighting style. Quickly making a name for himself in the welterweight division, Eyubov tore through his first ten professional opponents, knocking them all out within the first three rounds including a third-round stoppage of Jared Robinson on ShoBox в 2016. Eyubov also owns impressive wins over Nicholas Givan (21-2-1) and Karim Mayfield (21-5-1) but is winless in his last two outings, including a majority draw with Jose Luis Rodriguez and a unanimous decision loss to undefeated Brian Ceballo. With just 16 professional fights to his name since moving on from the amateur ranks in 2012, Eyubov is eager to turn heads with a career-defining win over the highly regarded Ennis.

„На януари 10, Jaron Ennis is going to be in the hardest fight of his life,” Eyubov said. “He has never faced anyone with my strength, skills and will to win. Bakha Bullet will shoot to do damage in Atlantic City and hand Ennis his first loss.”

“The Ennis vs. Eyubov fight is a classic crossroads fight and a must-win for both fighters,” said Eyubov promoter Dmitriy Salita. “It’s a big test for Ennis, who is a slick, skilled boxer, and a potentially career-changing opportunity for the aggressive, powerful and formerly world-rated contender in Eyubov. We expect fireworks on January 10тата.

The previously announced WBA Super Lightweight World Title Eliminator between Shohjahon Ergashev and Keith Hunter has been postponed after Hunter injured his right hand during training. A new date and opponent for Ergashev will be announced in the coming days.

An industry leading production team and announce crew will deliver all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo will call the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi at ringside. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is David Dinkins, Jr. с Bob Дънфи режисура. The telecast will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) с Алехандро Луна и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес, извикали екшъна.

Two-Division World Champion Danny García Takes on Hard-Hitting Ivan Redkach in WBC Welterweight Title Eliminator Live on SHOWTIME® Saturday, Януари 25 in Premier Boxing Champions Event at Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Former Super Welterweight Unified Champion Jarrett Hurd Returns to the Ring in Co-Feature

Undefeated Sensation Stephen Fulton Battles Arnold Khegai in Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Action Beginning at

9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

Билети в продажба сега!

BROOKLYN (Декември 16, 2019) – Two-division world championDanny “Swift’’ Garcва returns to the ring to take on hard-hitting sluggerIvan “El Terrible’’ Redkach in a 12-round WBC welterweight title eliminator Saturday, Януари 25 живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

В съвместно функцията, former unified 154-pound champion„Суифт“ Джарет Хърдwill return to battle all-actionFrancisco “Chia” Santanaв 10-кръг супер полусредна категория конкурс, още sensational super bantamweight Stephen “Cool Boy Steph’’ Fultonще се изправи срещу непобеденArnold Khegaiin a 12-round WBO Super Bantamweight title eliminator to open SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING action at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

García’s blend of power and sublime boxing skills has made him one of the most popular boxers of the last decade and secured him as a box-office fixture at Barclays Center, where he holds the record for the largest crowd for a boxing event. He set the benchmark when 16,533 attended his welterweight title unification match against Keith Thurman on March 4, 2017 in a bout that aired in primetime on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS. The fight against Redkach will be Garcia’s eighth appearance at Barclays Center.

“Barclays Center fan-favorite Danny García is back in Brooklyn as he continues his quest for the top spot in the welterweight division,- каза Том Браун, Председател на TGB Промоции. “Danny has been in the biggest fights at Barclays Center and on January 25 there are sure to be fireworks when hard-hitting Ivan Redkach looks for a career-defining win. Redkach has upset the odds before and there’s no doubt he’ll leave it all in the ring with this opportunity to move closer to a world title fight. Combined with a former unified champion known for action fights in Jarrett Hurd, plus a rising star in Stephen Fulton, this card is loaded with intrigue from top to bottom.”

“Danny García and Jarrett Hurd are two of the biggest stars in the sport because they have consistently taken on the toughest challenges and they are always in all-action, вълнуващи битки,"Казва Стивън Еспиноза, президент Sports & Събитие Програмиране, Showtime Networks Inc. “On January 25, both men are fighting to maintain their place at the top of two of boxing’s deepest divisions in important, must-win fights. Add in two undefeated, promising contenders in the opener and we have the recipe for an explosive night of fights on SHOWTIME.”

“We’re thrilled to host our first boxing event of 2020 by welcoming Danny García back for his eighth fight at Barclays Center and have Jarrett Hurd return to the arena where he’s had some memorable victories,” said Keith Sheldon, EVP of Programming and Development for BSE Global. “Danny specifically has built an enthusiastic fan base in the borough, becoming one of the most popular fighters in our arena, and we can’t wait to see his supporters out in full force as he steps back into our ring against Ivan Redkach.”

Билети за събитието, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and DSG Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased atticketmaster.com иbarclayscenter.com. Билети и могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP. The Fulton vs. Khegai bout is promoted in association with Salita Promotions.

García (35-2, 21 Нокаута) is the latest in a long line of great boxers from Philadelphia who have made their mark on the sport. His run through the super lightweight division and two-year reign as a unified champion is one of the most impressive in modern history as he defeated a string of champions, including Nate Campbell, Кендъл Холт, Ерик Моралес, Amir Khan, Zab Юда и Lucas Matthysse.

After dominating the super lightweight division, the 31-year-old García moved up to welterweight where he won the vacant WBC title with a unanimous decision over Robert Guerrero in 2016. He lost a split decision to Thurman in a unification match in 2017 and dropped a narrow unanimous decision to Shawn Porter for the WBC title in 2018. García and many pundits thought he won both those matches. В последния си двубой, García scored a spectacular knockout victory over Adrian Granados on April 20 to get back into position to regain the welterweight crown.

“I’m very excited to be headlining another SHOWTIME card and to go back to Barclays Center, my home away from home,” said García. “I can’t wait to step in the ring in Brooklyn and give fans the Danny García show. I watched a few of Redkach’s recent fights and he had a great knockout win over two-time champion Devon Alexander. Така, I know he’s a tough fighter and competitor who I expect to bring the best out of me, and he’s someone who deserves this opportunity. But January 25 is tax season, so I’m going to have to tax him and pay him with a reality check.”

REDK (23-4-1, 18 Нокаута) has his sights set on winning a welterweight title and will face the toughest challenge of his career when he steps in against Garcia. The 33-year-old Redkach, who was born in Shostka, Ukraine and now lives in Los Angeles, is accustomed to stern tests. He started boxing as an amateur in Ukraine where he had over 300 битки. When he turned professional he traveled to Mexico to train and develop the “Mexican Style’’ – a style that emphasis standing in the pocket and throwing hard shots to the body.

Things started out slowly for Redkach, but soon he began to hold his own in Mexico and prevailed, earning the nickname “El Terrible’’ from his training partners. Redkach won 14 на първата си 18 professional fights by stoppage and has won three in a row, including most recently knocking out former world champion Devon Alexander in June.

“I’m very motivated to take a massive step in my career and get closer to becoming world champion against a strong and accomplished fighter like Danny García,” said Redkach. “I have been to a lot of Danny’s fights and now I get the chance to test myself against him. I am training very hard so that I am the best that I have ever been on January 25. I’m going to shock the boxing world just like I did against Devon Alexander. I’ve never been this hungry before and I’m confident I will win this fight.”

The former WBA and IBF champion at 154-pounds, Хърд (23-1, 16 Нокаута) returns to action for the first time since losing his belts via decision against Julian Williams in one of 2019’s best fights. The 29-year-old from Accokeek, Maryland captured his first title by stopping current WBC titlist Tony Harrison in 2017 and then added the WBA belt by defeating Erislandy Lara in 2018’s consensus Fight of the Year. Hurd earned his title opportunity by going on a run of knocking off unbeaten fighters including Frank Galarza and Oscar Molina, and also owns a successful title defense against Austin Trout at Barclays Center in 2017.

“Just because I fell back, doesn’t mean I fell off,” said Hurd. “I’m back and excited to fight at Barclays Center for the third time. I’m bringing the storm back on January and I’m going to make a statement everyone is going to see. You’re not going to want to miss this fight and the best Jarrett Hurd anyone’s seen.”

Santana (25-7-1, 12 Нокаута) has taken on the toughest challenges at 154 и 147 pounds and has made his name with an all-action action style throughout a long career as a contender. The 33-year-old will look to bounce back from a close decision loss to Abel Ramos in March, in a fight where Santana dropped Ramos in the second round. Prior to the setback against Ramos, the Santa Barbara, California native was coming off of a victory over Olympic gold medalist Felix Diaz in April 2018. Santana has faced former champions Jermell Charlo and Sadam Ali while also owning a six-round draw against Julian Williams in 2011.

“This is a great opportunity for me against a fighter like Jarrett Hurd,” said Santana. “When you get an opportunity like this, it’s hard to turn it down. My job is to rise to the occasion and have the best moment of my career on fight night. Това е моят Super Bowl. When I last fought at 154-pounds, I was basically self-trained. Now I have my coach Joseph Janik training me and I really think he’s the missing piece of the puzzle for me. I’m going to go in there and leave it all in the ring January 25.”

The 25-year-old Fulton (17-0, 8 Нокаута) has made a rapid rise through the super bantamweight ranks with superb boxing skills, befitting a slick fighter from Philadelphia. Lately Fulton has shown flashes of power that have caught his opponents off guard. In his last fight he stopped Isaac Avelar with a body shot to end their fight in the fifth round on August 24.

Fighting out of Odessa, Ukraine and training for this fight in Los Angeles, Khegai (16-0-1, 10 Нокаута) will make his third start in the U.S. януари 25, after a successful U.S. debut in in May 2018 when he defeated Adam Lopez on the prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Новото поколение. The 27-year-old has already been victorious twice in 2019, stopping Haidari Mchanjo in March and most recently winning a unanimous decision over Vladimir Tikhonov in August onShoBox.

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За повече информация посететеwww.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най-www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Women’s Superfight Added to Blockbuster Shields vs. Habazin Showdown on SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION® Live At 9 P.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT from Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, N.J.

НЮ ЙОРК - Декември 13, 2019 – A second women’s superfight has been added to the blockbuster Claressa Shields vs. Ivana Habazin event on Friday, Януари 10, at Ocean Casino Resort in Atlantic City, Ню Джърси, as WBA Super Middleweight Champion Alicia “The Empress” Napoleon-Espinosa will face undefeated IBF Champion Elin Cederroos in a 10-round unification live on SHOWTIME.

Napoleon (12-1, 7 Нокаута), of Lindenhurst, N.Y.. and Cederroos (7-0, 4 Нокаута), of Vasteraas, Швеция, will meet in the opening bout of SHOWTIME BOXING: СПЕЦИАЛНО ИЗДАНИЕ (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) in support of the long-awaited showdown between undisputed middleweight world champion Claressa Shields and former champion Ivana Habazin for the vacant WBC and WBO 154-pound world titles.

If Shields and Napoleon win their respective bouts on January 10, they are expected to face off for the undisputed middleweight world championship in 2020 with all four of Shields’ 160-pound titles on the line.

The event is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with T-REX BOXING PROMOTIONS. The Napoleon-Espinosa vs Cederroos fight is promoted by Salita Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment.

Napoleon became IBF Super Middleweight Champion with a 10-round unanimous decision over former world champion Femke Hermans in March 2018. The 33-year-old successfully defended her belt with another 10-round decision, this time over Scotland’s Hannah Rankin in August 2018. Napoleon was last seen making the second successful defense of her title by stopping Philadelphia’s Schemelle Baldwin in four impressive rounds in August 2019.

“I’m really excited to be unifying with IBF World Champion Elin Cederroos on SHOWTIME,” said Napoleon. “I’m extremely grateful to my promoter Lou DiBella, manager Brian Cohen, coaches Leon Taylor and Delen Parsley and my husband Roberto Espinosa for being the key ingredients to making this dream come true. I have an amazing team of men that stand strong by my side believing in me, preparing me and working hard to open doors for me to thrive. I’m blessed and prepared to win and put on a memorable performance for all the world to see that night. I’m in tremendous spirits and excited and ready for the night to come. Thank you to everyone, моят екип, family and fans, for making this opportunity materialize into a dream come true.”

The 34-year-old Cederroos claimed her IBF championship in just her sixth fight with a majority decision over Hermans in March of 2019. Fighting as the underdog in her opponent’s backyard, Cederroos was still able to impress the judges enough to pull off the impressive feat. In her last bout, Cederroos defeated Kenya’s Florence Muthoni in a non-title fight in November 2019 by dominant third-round KO.

“Alicia Napoleon is a great champion and she will be my toughest test, но съм готов,” said Cederroos. “It is an honor for me to make my U.S. debut on such a prestigious card and to do so in a world title unification battle. Alicia and I will put on a great show.

“January 10 just got even more exciting with the addition of the matchup between two champions in the super middleweight division,“, каза Дмитрий Салита. “Those attending the fight at Ocean Casino Resort and everyone watching it live on SHOWTIME will see the best fighting the best in this very competitive ‘pick-em’ fight. A great start to boxing in 2020.”

Alicia Napoleon-Espinosa is a world champion who has the whole package. She’s athletic, fierce, physically strong and charismatic,” каза Лу DiBella, Президентът на DiBella Entertainment. “На January 10, she gets her biggest opportunity to shine against Elin Cederroos, another world champion. This is the biggest stage to date for both Alicia and Elin and I expect them to bring everything they have. One of them will leave the ring as a unified world champion and an elite rival for Claressa Shields. Alicia is confident that her hand will be raised.

An industry leading production team and announce crew will deliver all the sights, sounds and drama from Atlantic City. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer will host the telecast while versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo will call the action alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi at ringside. Three Hall of Famers round out the SHOWTIME announce team – Emmy® award winning reporter Jim Gray, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME BOXING: SPECIAL EDITION is David Dinkins, Jr. с Bob Дънфи режисура. The telecast will be available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) с Алехандро Луна и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес, извикали екшъна.

LIONELL Томпсън тренировъчен лагер ЦИТАТИ & СНИМКИ

Lionell Томпсън Прави Супер в средна дебют срещу бившия шампион Жозе Uzcategui живо на SHOWTIME събота, Декември 28 от State Farm Arena в Атланта

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Шон Майкъл Хам /

Мейуедър Промоции

LAS VEGAS (Декември 13, 2019) – ветеран претендент Lionell "Лони Б" Томпсън визуализиран предстоящия му сблъсък от обучението си лагер, както той се готви да поеме бившия шампион Jose Uzcategui живеят на SHOWTIME събота, Декември 28 от всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта.

Събитието Premier боксови шампиони се оглавява от най-горещите атракция бокса му Gervonta "Резервоар" Дейвис тъй като той се движи нагоре в тегло за поемане на бившата единна шампион Yuriorkis Гамбоа за свободната WBA леката категория.

телевизията на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и също така разполага Жан Паскал защитата му WBA Light Heavyweight Title срещу две дивизия шампион Badou Jack в сътрудничество характеристика.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, ГДД Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба и достъпни чрез Ticketmaster.com.

За Томпсън, тя ще се бори дебюта си в 168 паунда, след биете в полутежката дивизия през цялата си кариера. Ето какво Томпсън трябваше да се каже за новата си подразделение, му декември 28 противника и повече, от тренировъчния лагер на Мейуедър Boxing Club в Лас Вегас:


"Аз не съм притеснен за властта му. Бил съм там с големи Перфоратори целия си кариера. Просто съм готов да изпълнява. Аз не съм притеснен за това, което той може да направи. Аз съм просто се концентрира върху това, което мога да направя,. Всеки може да удари при професионалистите. Един удар от някой може да те нарани. Аз съм напълно фокусиран върху е отличен декември 28.

"Работим усилено. Това е нов клас тегло за мен и че ме мотивира още повече да бъде най-добрият ми. Тази победа ще направи чудеса за живота и кариерата ми. Аз вярвам, че ще бъде победител в Атланта. Не мига.

"Всички мои битки са важни за мен. Uzcategui е просто още един боец. Аз не се фокусира върху това, което е възприемането на Uzcategui. Хората казват, че той е голям перфоратор, но как да знам, ако той никога не е ви удари, преди да? Това е нечия работа за изпомпване на техния изтребител нагоре, но аз съм фокусиран само върху това, което мога да контролирам.

"Това е огромна възможност за мен и определено съм благодарен да Промоции екипа на Мейуедър за мен поставянето на тази позиция. Когато видях, че Uzcategui търси противник, аз казах (Мейуедър Промоции CEO) Леонард Ellerbe, че искам да се бия с него и той направи това да се случи.

"Знам, че това е рядко за някой на моята възраст, за да остане в теглото. Чувствам се свеж за моята възраст все пак. Правя тегло по правилния начин и здравословния начин. Мисля, че с моя тренировъчен лагер и предизвикателството, което Uzcategui подаръци, тя ще донесе най-доброто от мен на 28 декември "

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Дейвис срещу. Гамбоа ще видите два пъти супер перо шампион Gervonta "Tank '' Дейвис, топ изгряваща звезда на Мейуедър Промоции "и най-горещата атракция бокса му, тъй като той поема бившата единна световна шампионка Yuriorkis Гамбоа за WBA леката категория на живо в събота SHOWTIME, Декември 28 в всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в събитие Premier боксови шампиони.

Специалният празник SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® телевизията започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и разполага WBA Light шампион в тежка категория Жан Паскал борят две дивизия шампион Баду Джак в сътрудничество основното събитие.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports,

следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Две дивизия световен шампион Джак Faces WBA Light Heavyweight Champion Паскал в Co-Main Event на живо на SHOWTIME събота, Декември 28 от State Farm Arena в Атланта

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Шон Майкъл Хам /

Мейуедър Промоции

LAS VEGAS (Декември 10, 2019) – Две разделение световен шампион Badou Jack показа уменията си и се визуализира предстоящия двубой титла в Лас Вегас медии тренировка във вторник, когато той се готви да поеме WBA Light шампион в тежка категория Жан Паскал Събота, Декември 28 живеят на SHOWTIME от всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в събитие Premier боксови шампиони.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® започва 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и се оглавява от бокса е най-горещата атракция Gervonta "Резервоар" Дейвис като той поема бившата единна световна шампионка Yuriorkis Гамбоа за WBA леката категория.

Билети за събитието, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, ГДД Промоции и TGB Промоции, са в продажба и достъпни чрез Ticketmaster.com.

Джак се удари в ринга и разговаря с медиите в Мейуедър Boxing Club, както той се подготвя да се изправи Паскал в опит да стане шампион, трикратен и улови втората си титла в тежка категория. Ето какво участниците на тренировка трябваше да се каже, вторник:

JACK Badou

"Психически съм по-добре, отколкото някога съм бил. Аз съм гладен, и имам чувството, че е направил първия път, когато се бори за титлата. Винаги съм гладен, но аз съм много развълнуван за тази битка.

"Понякога загуби правят по-добре. Моята първа загуба е нещастен случай, и аз станах по-добре, защото от нея. Загубата на Маркус Браун, това не е най-справедливият загубата, но това ме прави още по-гладни. Отивам да отида там и да спечели борбата, без значение какво.

"Хората са писали Паскал разстояние на няколко пъти и той винаги се върна. Той е като завръщане боец, който определено знае как да се бори. Той го носи всеки път. Той има по-голям пробег от мен, но не може да пренебрегне един човек като него.

"Аз съм готов да направи каквото е необходимо, за да спечели борбата. чувствам 100% физически. Кройката е изчистена март, и ние сме така минало, че. Бил съм готов физически и този лагер се оказа, че при мен и целия ми екип.

"Паскал и аз спаринг преди, но това беше преди много време и спаринг е друг начин освен като истинска борба. Аз бях борил големи Перфоратори, но трябва да се уважават властта на някой на ринга. Всичко може да се случи. Можете да ни хванат от някой, който не е перфоратор.

"Знам, че имам много наляво, за да се даде на този спорт. Имам чувството, че съм млад за възрастта си. На почивката между битки и подскачащи обратно от загубата ме направихте по-мотивирани от всякога. Готов съм да ида и да дам най-доброто представяне в кариерата ми. "

LEONARD Ellerbe, Главен изпълнителен директор на Мейуедър Промоции

"Баду има сияние около него, точно като старата Баду. Той изглежда супер-бърз на ринга и всичко е това, което ние ще искаме да видим.

"Баду Джак показа отново и отново, че иска да се бори с най-добрите и той няма да отстъпи, без значение какво е предизвикателството. Ние никога не сме имали да се замислим за това и един неуспех няма да го спре да се налага, че манталитет.

"Баду е боец, който винаги използва платформата си, за да направим света по-добре за тези, които по-малко късмет. Той е направил прекрасни неща и наистина е много повече, отколкото шампион боксьор. За мен е чест да работя с него и винаги е удоволствие да го гледам как се изпълни. "

# # #


Дейвис срещу. Гамбоа ще видите два пъти супер перо шампион Gervonta "Tank '' Дейвис, топ изгряваща звезда на Мейуедър Промоции "и най-горещата атракция бокса му, тъй като той поема бившата единна световна шампионка Yuriorkis Гамбоа за WBA леката категория на живо в събота SHOWTIME, Декември 28 в всепризнатата State Farm Арена в Атланта в събитие Premier боксови шампиони.

Специалният празник SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® телевизията започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и разполага WBA Light шампион в тежка категория Жан Паскал борят две дивизия шампион Баду Джак в сътрудничество основното събитие.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports,

следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Chris Eubank Jr. Earns Interim WBA Middleweight Title After Matt Korobov Suffers 2ри Round Injury

Ryosuke Iwasa Wins Vacant Interim IBF Junior Featherweight Title with TKO Over Marlon Tapales

Гледайте Encore Представяне понеделник 10:05 P.m. ET / PT На

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME

Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Лео Уилсън-младши / Премиер боксови шампиони

BROOKLYN (Декември 8, 2019) – Undefeated WBC Middleweight World ChampionJermall Charlo (30-0, 22 Нокаута) successfully defended his title for the second time, stopping highly-ranked Irish contender Dennis Hogan (28-3-1, 7 Нокаута) with a showstopping one-punch knockout in the seventh round Saturday night live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.


Houston’s Charlo, one of the most exciting young champions in the sport, delivered on his promise that he would close the show in spectacular fashion after going the distance in his previous two bouts. При :28 of round number seven, Charlo set Hogan up by feinting on the jab before connecting on a ferocious left hook to Hogan’s nose that sent him falling against the ropes. The 34-year-old Hogan, who was moving up after most recently challenging for the title at 154 паунда, rose to his feet before the ten count, but referee Charlie Fitch waived off the bout.

When Hogan was dropped in the seventh round, it was the third time in his career that he had been down and the second time during the fight. В третия кръг, a vicious left uppercut from Charlo just 12 seconds into the frame sent Hogan rolling backwards onto the canvas, but the Irishman rose quickly and acrobatically to his feet.

Despite throwing far fewer punches, Charlo had the more effective and efficient attack. Charlo landed 86 на 266 punches he threw (32%) while Hogan landed just 71 на 418 punches he threw (17%). Despite Hogan landing on 61 електрически удари в сравнение с 57 for Charlo, Hogan was unable to hurt Charlo, while Charlo’s trademark power resulted in another highlight reel stoppage.

I made it through 2019 and we’re going to 2020 с 20/20 vision,” said Charlo in the ring following the fight. “Shout out to Dennis Hogan for giving me real competition and for coming up to fight me.Of course my power prevailed tonight.

We’ve been working on that (the uppercut). I try to take him out with every punch and we work hard for it. He got up and he fought like a champion. Ronnie (Шийлдс) told me to cut him off. I just threw the shot and I made sure I threw it right on the money.

The middleweight division is wide open. I’m the WBC Champion. I’m going to enjoy this and spend time with my team. I’m here to fight whoever. You have to make the right decisions and do it at the right time. That’s what it’s all about.

I wanted to keep going but the decision was fair enough by the referee,” said Hogan. “I didn’t see the punch coming on the second knockdown. I was trying to keep boxing him but then all of a sudden I was on the ground and the fight was over.

I’m looking forward to spending the Christmas holiday with my family, taking a month off, and then we’ll work on what’s next for me.

В съвместно черта схватката, Chris Eubank Jr.'с (29-2, 22 Нокаута) long-awaited United States debut ended in frustrating fashion as his opponent, Мат Коробов (28-3-1, 14 Нокаута), suffered a bout-ending injury at just :34 на втория кръг. Because it was ruled a self-inflicted injury, the result was officially declared a TKO victory for Eubank, who picked up the Interim WBA Middleweight Title.

Korobov, a top contender in the middleweight division, injured his left shoulder after throwing a punch that failed to land. After consulting with the ringside doctor, it was deemed that he would be unable to continue.

I felt like I was about to get my swagger on,” Eubank told SHOWTIME reporter Jim Gray following the stoppage. “He just turned around and stopped. I was going to go jump on him. I guess something happened with his shoulder. There’s nothing to take from the fight. I threw like three or four punches. I was just warming up.

In the buildup to the fight, Eubank, the son of British boxing legend and former two-division world champion Chris Eubank Sr., repeatedly said that there would be a new contender in the stacked middleweight division. Despite not getting a chance to introduce himself to the American audience in the way he envisioned, Eubank is looking ahead to a busy 2020.

I’m the winner, I’m going to move forward and challenger for these belts,” said Eubank. “This wasn’t my dream. My dream was to come here to America and make a statement. Now that I’ve landed and I settled with the new promotional team, I feel I can get the ball rolling for an active 2020. It’s a shame it had to start like this, but it is what it is.

I was trying to throw the left hand straight, and I just felt the muscle immediately, like I pulled it,” каза Коробов. “It was a lot of pain right away. I couldn’t fight with just one arm, especially being a southpaw.

In a battle of former world champions to open the telecast, Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa (27-3, 17 Нокаута) knocked out the PhilippinesМарлон Тапалес (33-3, 16 Нокаута) with a devastating straight left-hand at 1:09 на 11тата кръг. С тази победа, Iwasa earned the vacant Interim IBF World Junior Featherweight Title.

Аз бях, who held a six-and-a-half-inch reach advantage, was more consistent throughout the entirety of the bout, stringing together multi-punch combinations. The decisive moment of the 12-round fight came in the penultimate round, when Tapales was caught with a counter left-hand that connected flush on his chin and put him sprawled on the canvas. Tapales beat the count, rising after eight seconds, but referee Shada Murdaugh waved the fight off.

По време на спирането, Iwasa led on all three scorecards (97-92, 95-94, 97-92). While Tapales was more accurate throughout the night, Iwasa was busier and landed 163 общи удари в сравнение с 148 for Tapales and held a 125-99 advantage in power punches landed. В третия кръг, Tapales was dropped to a knee after an accidental clash of heads. The clash, which was incorrectly ruled a knockdown, caused severe swelling under Tapalesright eye and swung a would-be 10-9 round in his favor to a 10-8 round in Iwasa’s favor.

I knew that I had him hurt in the 11тата round and I was ready for the finish if the referee had let him keep fighting,” said the 29-year-old Iwasa. “It was a tough fight but I trained really hard for this performance. My height and reach was definitely an advantage. I was able to put my punches together well. He never hurt me but he was still difficult and I had to focus to figure him out.

We’re ready for anyone next. I’m going to keep working hard to become a world champion again next year.

On Saturday’s telecast it was announced that former two-division world champion Danny Garcia would return to the ring on Saturday, Януари 25 живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center. During an interview with SHOWTIME Sports host Brian Custer, Garcia discussed his anticipated return to the ring.

“Януари 25, I’m back at Barclays Center, my home away from home,” Garcia said. “It’s a great atmosphere. Every time I’m here, I get the jitters, so I just can’t wait to be back. I’ve been in the gym for a month. I’m already ready. I don’t know who my opponent is, but whoever they put in front of me, Готов съм да го кача.

“Най-напред, Благодаря на Бога, (Ерол) Spence is doing good. I hear that he’s recovering well. I was really looking forward to fighting him but maybe he could be next after January 25. Pac-Man (Мани Пакиао) or Spence, that’s who we want. 2020 is going to be a big year for me.

Prior to the telecast on SHOWTIME, SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING COUNTDOWN streamed live on the канал SHOWTIME Спорт YouTube и SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook страница and saw Роналд Елис (17-1-2, 11 Нокаута) win a majority decision over Имануел Aleem (18-2-2, 11 Нокаута) in their 10-round super middleweight fight.

The back and forth affair saw both men grab the momentum of the fight at different points, but it was Ellisactivity and ability to box effectively from the outside that gave him the edge. While one judge had the fight 95-95, he was overruled by two scores of 98-92 и 97-93 for Ellis.

The opening streaming bout saw Louisa Hawton (10-2, 5 Нокаута) retain her Interim WBC Atomweight Championship by unanimous decision in an all-action rematch againstLorraine Villalobos (4-3, 2 Нокаута).

Hawton came back after being dropped by a powerful left hook from Villalobos in the sixth round. Hawton was saved by the bell in the round and finished the fight strong, punctuating the action getting the best of several exchanges in the late rounds to win by the score of 95-94 и на трите карти.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс tripleheader събота стартира отново в понеделник на 10:05 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Водещият в бранша производствен екип и екип на анонса предоставиха всички забележителности, sounds and drama from Barclays Center. Ветеранът Брайън Къстър беше водещ на предаването, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and former two-division world champion Paulie Malignaggi. Three Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast teamEmmy®носител на няколко награди репортер Джим Грей, unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING was David Dinkins, Jr. а режисьор беше Боб Дънфи.

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Charlo срещу. Hogan saw WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast began at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and featured middleweight star Chris Eubank, Jr. and top contender Matt Korobov squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clashed when the PhilippinesMarlon Tapales and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa met for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title. The event was promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Middleweight Star Chris Eubank Jr. & Top Contender Matt Korobov Discuss Upcoming Showdown for Interim WBA Middleweight Title On Saturday, Декември 7 Живей SHOWTIME® from Barclays Center in Premier Boxing Champions Event

BROOKLYN (Ноември 19, 2019) – Middleweight star Chris Eubank Jr. и голям съперник Мат Коробов shared their thoughts on their upcoming showdown for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title taking place Saturday, Декември 7 живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center,в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.

The middleweight division will take center stage on the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®телевизионно предаване (9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT) that is headlined by undefeated WBC Middleweight World Champion Jermall Charlo defending his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan. При откриването схватката на телевизията, former world champions Марлон Тапалес и Ryosuke Iwasawill meet for an interim 122-pound title.

Билети за събитието на живо, който се популяризира от Lions Only Promotions и TGB Promotions, are on-sale now and can be purchased at ticketmaster.com
и barclayscenter.com. Билети и могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.

Eubank will make his U.S. pro debut on December 7, after establishing himself as a contender at 160 и 168 pounds while fighting in his native United Kingdom. He most recently registered a career-best win over former champion James DeGale in February on SHOWTIME in London but will now move back down to 160 pounds to seek a title at middleweight beginning with the fight against Korobov.

Korobov will return to fight at Barclays Center for the second time nearly one year after losing a close decision to Charlo as a late replacement opponent last December in Brooklyn. After fighting to a controversial draw against Immanuwel Aleem in May, Korobov will look to make a statement against Eubank to earn another shot at a world title.

Here is what Eubank and Korobov had to say about their matchup, a future fight with Jermall Charlo and more:


How does it feel to be making your U.S. pro debut on December 7? What are you looking to show the U.S. fans in this fight?

“It’s always been a dream of mine to fight in the U.S. Even with everything I’ve done in the sport over in the U.K, I’ve always felt there was something missing and I believe it was the urge to introduce myself and my fight style to the American audience of fight fans. Now I have my opportunity.”

Why did you make the decision to move down to middleweight for this fight? In what ways are you stronger at 160-pounds?

“I’ve never been a real super middleweight. I walk around at 170 pounds out of competition and have to eat breakfast the day of my weigh-ins to make 168. I believe at 160 I am going to be a beast now that I have become accustomed to fighting much bigger fighters over the last three years.”

What do you know about Korobov as a fighter and how do you see this fight going stylistically?

“I think Korobov will be awkward until I pin him down and when I do, I will show the audience why I am a fan friendly fighter.”

If you’re able to get past Korobov, what would you think of a fight against Jermall Charlo? What advantages do you think you have in that fight?

“When I dispatch of Korobov, Charlo is definitely the name that’s on my radar. He is seen as one of the elite fighters in the middleweight division and I intend to prove that he is not on my level. It will be satisfying stamping my mark on the division against Charlo after I beat Korobov. I think it will be a great fight for the fans as together our styles would make for a very exciting bout.”


Is it exciting to be back at Barclays Center as the co-main event to Charlo, because with a win, you have an opportunity to show him why you deserve the rematch?

"Да, it is very exciting to be back at Barclays Center, only this time I will leave with the belt. I thought I deserved an immediate rematch against Charlo because many people believed I won. I think when I defeat Eubank Jr. and win this belt, it will force Charlo to give me a rematch. We shall see. I only focus on one fight at a time and right now I am only focused on Chris Eubank Jr.”

How do you stay mentally focused on the next fight when you believe you had two bad scorecards go against you?

“I do not focus on the past. I focus on the future because I can only control the future. I will be my best and my best will be good enough against Chris Eubank Jr. We’re doing everything possible in camp to make sure I’m ready.”

What do you make of Eubank as a fighter? How do you expect the fight to look stylistically?

“Eubank is a very good fighter, one of the best. I believe I am a more disciplined fighter. I think my technique is better, but he does some things very well. Let’s see on December 7. I don’t want to give away the weaknesses I see, but the style difference will make a very entertaining fight for the fans.

Do you think you have the advantage as far as boxing skills over Eubank? How do you counter his possible size advantage, given that he’s coming down from 168 паунда?

“I think my skills are better. I do not think weight will be an issue. He is professional and I am professional. Ако нещо, perhaps it is a little more difficult for him to make 160 after years at 168. I will fight anyone between 160 и 168 паунда, so I don’t see any problem with weight for me, perhaps more for him. We will find out December 7.”

# # #


Charlo срещу. Hogan will see WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo defend his title against highly-ranked contender Dennis Hogan live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, в събитие, представен от Premier боксови шампиони.

телевизията на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and features features middleweight star Крис Eubank, Jr. и голям съперник Мат Коробов squaring off for the Interim WBA Middleweight Title plus former world champions clash when the Philippines’Марлон Тапалес and Japan’s Ryosuke Iwasa meet for the Interim IBF Super Bantamweight Title

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/sports,
следват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @BrooklynBoxing, @TGBPromotions и @Swanson_Comm или станете почитател във Facebook най- www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


Joe George Wins Controversial Split-Decision Over Marcos Escudero; Amilcar Vidal, Jr. Stops Zach Prieto In First Round

Хвани повторението в понеделник, Ноември 18 При 10 p.m. ET / PT На SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Кликнете ТУК За снимки; Кредит Дейв Мандел / SHOWTIME

SLOAN, Iowa – November 15, 2019 - 2016 Argentinian Olympian and welterweight prospect Alberto Palmetta put a late exclamation point on an impressive display, scoring a final-round TKO of undefeated Mexican prospect Erik Vega in the main event of ShoBox: Новото поколение Friday night from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.

Palmetta (13-1, 9 Нокаута), who came out of the amateur ranks billed as one of the top prospects in Argentina’s boxing history, broke open a close fight by producing a massive rally that stunned Vega (16-1, 9 Нокаута) and ultimately led to referee Mark Nelson intervening at the 1:03 mark of the 10тата и последен кръг. Entering that round, Palmetta was leading 87-84 on two of the judges’ scorecards and 86-85 on the other. (Palmetta KO: HTTPS://twitter.com/

Capping off his display in stylish fashion, the 29-year-old southpaw Palmetta led 30-3 in overall punches and 28-1 in power punches in the tenth, increasing his final leads to 170-157 in overall punches landed and 148-24 in power punches landed.

“I knew we were up on the scorecards,” said Palmetta. “We didn’t need the knockout, but we wanted it. I had him hurt a couple times in the fight but I didn’t follow up. В 10тата, I had him out on his feet. It was a good stoppage. He was done.”

“We don’t make excuses,” said the 24-year-old Vega after his first career professional loss. “I believe the referee was right in stopping the fight. I think I need to practice more and I needed to throw more combinations. This was a great learning experience. We’ll go back to the drawing board and come back stronger.”

In an entertaining and crowd-pleasing co-featured bout, Houston’s Joe George (10-0, 6 Нокаута) won a controversial split decision over the much busier Marcos Escudero (10-1, 9 Нокаута). Съдиите вкараха битката 97-94 (Джордж), 97-93 (Джордж) и 96-94 (Escudero).

Argentina’s Escudero began the fight with a bang as his 135 total punches thrown was tied for the seventh most ever recorded by CompuBox in a light heavyweight fight. He kept his blistering pace up throughout the entirety of the fight, хвърляне 106 punches in the final round and 911 общо удари, but the judges were more impressed by George’s heavier punching and superior accuracy. George stunned Escudero in the ninth round and was accurate on 34 процента от общите му удари, в сравнение с едва 19 percent for Escudero. The total numbers landed were close, as Escudero landed 177 total punches while George landed 161.

SHOWTIME’s Hall of Famer analysts Barry Tompkins and Steve Farhood, along with former world champion Raul Marquez, all had Escudero winning the fight comfortably on their scorecards.

“I’m not surprised at all by the decision,” said George, who is co-managed by seven-time Pro Bowl offensive tackle Trent Williams. “I knew he was a front runner. I knew he was going to get tired. We wore him down. I made the fight a little harder for myself by staying on the ropes a little too long, but we got through it. That’s something that we can work on and improve in the gym.

“I’m really a 168 pounder so that’s where we want to go next. If he wants the rematch, we’ll give it to him but we already beat him.”

Escudero, who was riding a six-fight knockout streak entering the fight, was disappointed in both his performance and the judges’ interpretation of the fight.

“No excuses. I didn’t do my job,"Той каза. „Спечелих битката 100 на сто, but no excuses from us. Това е по бокс. I never give up. It’s all part of the game. Искам реванш, 100 процента. "

In the televised opener between two power punchers who had combined for 10 first-round KOs, undefeated knockout artist Amilcar Vidal, Jr. (10-0, 9 Нокаута) improved his knockout rate to 90 percent by dropping previously unbeaten Zach Prieto (9-1, 7 Нокаута) twice en route to another first-round stoppage. (Vidal KO: HTTPS://twitter.com/

The 23-year-old Vidal, from Montevideo, Уругвай, floored El Paso’s Prieto with a flush left hand with 30 seconds left in the opening round. With Prieto hanging on, Vidal finished the job just before the bell sounded in the opening round, unleashing a flurry of punches capped by a hook to the side of the head that prompted the stoppage from referee Mark Nelson at 2:59. The blow closed out a fight in which Vidal led 22-14 in overall punches and 16-9 в силови удари, including margins of 13-1 in overall punches and 10-1 in power punches in the final minute.

“I won the fight in the gym,” said Vidal, who was fighting in the United States for the first time. “The ring was easy tonight because of the work we did in the gym. I had a game plan and I executed it to perfection. I had a plan to use the left hook and I waited for the right moment to open up, and when I saw it I threw it perfectly.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Sampson Boxing in association with Paco Presents. Пълното предаване ще се възпроизведе в понеделник, Ноември 18 при 10 p.m. ET / PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME и ще бъде на разположение на SHOWTIME ANYTIME® и SHOWTIME по DEMAND®.

Hall of Famer Бари Томпкинс нарече екшъна от ринга заедно с колегата Hall of Famer Steve Farhood и бившия световен шампион Раул Маркес, служещи като експертни анализатори. Изпълнителният продуцент е Gordon Hall с Ричард Gaughan производство и Rick Phillips режисура.

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