Arhiva Categorie: Showtime Box


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NEW YORK - septembrie 1, 2020 - Campion mondial WBC Super Welterweight Jermell Charlo și campion mondial WBA și IBF de 154 de kilograme Jeison Rosario au avut o previzualizare a confruntării lor de unificare blockbuster în timpul unei conferințe de presă virtuale de marți, în timp ce se apropiau de bătălia principală a evenimentului din partea a doua a primei capete duble SHOWTIME PPV sâmbătă, Septembrie 26 într-un eveniment prezentat de Premier Boxing Champions.

Cinci dintre cei șase luptători care vor concura în partea a doua a evenimentului fără precedent au participat la apelul de presă de astăzi. Fost campion neînvins Luis Nery va lupta neînvins Aaron Alameda pentru Campionatul Mondial WBC Super Bantamweight în co-caracteristică, în timp ce fost campion unificat Daniel Roman se confruntă cu fostul campion Juan Carlos Payano într-un meci de eliminare a titlului WBC Super Bantamweight pentru a deschide a doua tranșă a pay-per-view. Nery nu a putut participa la apel din cauza unor probleme tehnice.

Iată ce au avut de spus marți participanții la conferința de presă virtuală:


„Sunt mai puternic și mai rapid decât am fost vreodată. Tabăra a fost uimitoare. Nu-mi vine să cred că m-am format atât de repede, dar chiar nu am ieșit niciodată din formă. Fac investiții în mine și îmi fac temele.

„Felicitări Rosario pentru că a avut șansa de a trece la acest nivel. Dar știu ce posed în ring atunci când aleg să-mi dau drumul. Sunt mai pregătit pentru această luptă decât orice luptă pe care am avut-o vreodată.

„Moștenirea mea este pe linie. Îmi hrănesc familia așa. Nu este vorba despre ceea ce vom spune. Nu este un secret despre cum lupt. Sunt periculos și mă simt și mai periculos acum. Sunt încântat să plec 12 runde. Capacitatea și abilitățile mele depășesc pe toți acești tipi din divizie. Acum sunt mult mai înfometat. Focul a fost aprins în mine.

„O mulțime de oameni au fost surprinși că Jeison a câștigat împotriva lui Julian Williams, dar de fapt nu am fost. Williams avea de-a face cu multe. Dar eu sunt un alt tip de luptător. Dedicarea mea este diferită de toată lumea.

„Eu și fratele meu am fost întotdeauna îndoieli. Pe măsură ce mă maturizez, Nu-mi pasă de ce spune cineva din exterior. Nu-mi pasă cine face clasamentul. Treaba mea este să boxez. A fost odată hobby-ul meu. Am făcut asta pentru totdeauna și am crescut în asta. Sunt un alt animal. La fel cum Rosario trebuia să urce la niveluri, Am făcut și asta. Mă mențin acolo unde sunt, datorită muncii mele grele și a modului în care lupt. Tot ce trebuie să faci este să mă pui acolo și voi merge să-l iau pentru tine.

„Cred că ultimele mele două lupte și stilurile diferite pe care le-a avut Tony Harrison m-au ajutat. Tony este un mare luptător. Te uiți la palmaresul lui și știi că poate să dea cu pumnul, dar eu sunt diferit. Asta m-a determinat să ieșesc pe primul loc și am încheiat prima luptă. Experiența pe care am avut-o în acele lupte îmi va oferi și mai mult avantaj în această luptă.

„Sunt atât de multe lucruri pe care le fac să mă cred că sunt cel mai bun din divizie. Pot continua și continua, dar sunt un leu în cușcă, dă-mi drumul să văd ce se întâmplă.

„Sunt puternic de la primul tur până la final. Dacă merge la 12, apoi merge atât de departe. Sunt deștept și știu să pregătesc capcane. Nu voi dezvălui planul de joc, dar nu mă joc în ring. ”


„Acesta va fi un mare război. Sunt dedicat și motivat pentru această luptă și știu ce înseamnă să te confrunți cu un luptător de calitate Jermell, deci antrenamentul a mers excelent. Sunt atât de gata.

„Sunt și mai înfometat acum decât eram înainte să câștig titlurile. Sunt mai motivat. Dorința din mine și focul din mine arde pentru a câștiga această luptă împotriva unui mare luptător din Jermell Charlo. Cum spun poporul dominican, „Trebuie să continuăm să mergem înainte” și asta intenționez să fac în această luptă.

„Jermell Charlo și Julian Williams sunt cu siguranță două tipuri diferite de luptători. Cred că Williams are ceva mai multă rapiditate, dar Jermell este cu siguranță mai puternic și are mai multă putere. De aceea a trebuit să mă pregătesc puțin diferit pentru această luptă. În ceea ce privește cine simt că este cel mai bun luptător - nu vreau să iau nimic de la niciun tip. Williams a fost un mare luptător și a fost considerat Nu. 1 când m-am luptat cu el, care este acum aceeași poziție în care se află Jermell Charlo. Amândoi au meritele lor, dar nu aș spune care este cel mai bun luptător. Jermell este considerat cel mai bun luptător de la 154 chiar acum.

„Un lucru care sa schimbat de la pierderea mea față de Nathaniel Gallimore în 2017 este maturitatea mea. Pe măsură ce luptele devin mai mari și mai importante, Cu siguranță am intensificat ocazia și provocarea. Mă antrenez mai greu și se concentrează mai mult asupra acestei lupte.

„Această luptă înseamnă foarte mult pentru mine. Este cu siguranță cea mai importantă luptă din cariera mea și sunt foarte recunoscător. Îi mulțumesc antrenorului meu și pentru această oportunitate care mi-a fost dată de a lupta cu cel mai bun luptător din divizie. Acesta este un moment minunat și unii oameni cred că nu voi câștiga. Știu că va fi electric.

„Consider că acesta este timpul meu. Imperiile cad. Președinții cad. Regatele cad. Totul este foarte interesant, deoarece sub marca Charlo, ai leul și ai vânătorul și toate astea. Dar în timpul luptei, veți afla cine este cu adevărat vânătorul. Sunt un războinic și vom vedea în acea noapte cine este cu adevărat vânătorul și cine este cel care va fi vânat ".


„Ne-am antrenat foarte greu și știm că avem un adversar dur în Luis Nery, dar suntem pregătiți pentru el.

„Cu toată sinceritatea, poate că numele pe care le vedeți pe hârtie cu care m-am confruntat nu sunt în clasa lui Nery, dar când mă vezi în septembrie 26, vei ști din ce sunt făcută.

„Este adevărat că Nery a mai avut probleme cu greutatea, dar asta este problema lui. Dacă face greutate sau dacă nu, Nu mă deranjează asta. Sunt concentrat pe ceea ce trebuie să fac în septembrie 26, așa că nu m-am concentrat cu adevărat asupra faptului dacă va face greutate. Eu sunt cel care va fi gata.

„Acesta este cu siguranță un progres pentru mine, nu negăm asta. Dar strategic, am lucrat la anumite lucruri despre care știm că vor ajuta să vină noaptea de luptă. Am văzut o mulțime de videoclipuri despre Luis Nery și am aflat cum trebuie să abordăm această luptă. Am văzut câteva lucruri pe care le putem face și asta vom face în septembrie 26.

„Au fost câțiva adversari pe care i-am luptat, care au fost dificili, dar unul în special a fost [Enrique] Gâște în Guadalajara. Lupta în orașul său natal și își avea oamenii în spate, dar noi am câștigat încă acea luptă. Persoana care m-a lovit cel mai tare? Numele lui a fost [Juan] Jimenez, și încă am depășit puterea pe care a arătat-o ​​în acea noapte pentru a câștiga.

„Am luptat cu câțiva southpaws în cariera mea și de fapt mă simt mai bine împotriva southpaws decât mă lupt împotriva luptătorilor ortodocși.

„Nu există nicio îndoială că Nery este un pumn puternic, dar trebuie să vedem cum va ieși - dacă va ieși la box sau dacă va căuta imediat knockout-ul. Avem o strategie pentru orice fel de ieșire. Vom fi gata pentru asta. ”


„Totul merge excelent la antrenament. Am făcut unele ajustări din cauza pandemiei, dar voi fi la maximum în septembrie 26. Suntem doi foști campioni, deci aceasta va fi o luptă de calitate. Vom încerca să ne transformăm în noaptea noastră.

„Scopul este de a reveni la titlul mondial, dar nu trec cu vederea Payano. Este un luptător de calitate. Trebuie să trecem de el și apoi sperăm că vom putea revanșa cu Murodjon Akhmadaliev.

„Payano a pierdut în fața unor nume mari și luptători de calitate. Orice se poate întâmpla într-o luptă, așa că mă pregătesc pentru orice. Sunt pregătit să lupt cu cel mai bun Payano posibil. Nu-l iau ușor. Este ca și cum aș apăra centura împotriva unui alt campion mondial.

„Sunt mai concentrat ca niciodată acum. Nu credeam că mi-am pierdut ultima luptă, Am crezut că am luat-o. Acum mintea mea este pusă pe Payano, așa că continuăm să lucrăm la fel de mult ca atunci când eram campion. Este un pas la rând. Mai întâi este Payano, apoi vom vedea după aceea.

„Pierderea titlurilor mele m-a motivat și mai mult. Știu care este următorul meu obiectiv. Nu trec cu vederea Payano, dar urmăresc să obțin revanșa respectivă ”.


„Cu siguranță îl respectăm pe Danny Roman. E un mare luptător, dar aceasta este oportunitatea unei vieți. Ne-am antrenat din greu și veți vedea cel mai bun din Payano pentru această luptă.

„Am comis erori în cele două lupte pe care le-am pierdut în fața lui Inoue și Nery, unde m-au dus, dar am venit pregătiți știind că luptăm cu un alt luptător bun în Danny Roman și ne-am pregătit cu adevărat pentru a nu se întâmpla. din nou. Învățați din erorile dvs. în aceste lupte, așa că de aceea când ies, veți vedea un alt Juan Carlos Payano în septembrie 26.

„Întotdeauna am luptat din greu în toate luptele mele, dar mai ales aceasta pentru că ne uităm la sfârșitul carierei mele. Știu că am nevoie de o prezentare grozavă pentru fani, deci există cu siguranță o urgență suplimentară pentru a arăta ce e mai bun din mine.

„Un boxer nu dezvăluie niciodată ce va aduce în ring, dar cu siguranță voi fi mai precis. Ceea ce nu am avut în cele două pierderi ale mele. Nu pot fi prea disperat. Am constatat că eram disperat în acele două lupte când aș fi putut fi mai precis și să fac o treabă mai bună în acele aspecte ale luptei.

„Am boxat de când aveam șase ani și mi-am dat viața boxului. A fost o cursă grozavă. Îl respect enorm pe Danny Roman și oamenii se pot aștepta ca doi războinici să intre în ring în septembrie 26 și dă totul. Fanii știu că asta le dau întotdeauna și că noaptea aceea nu va diferi. ”

DERRICK JAMES, Trainer Charlo lui:

„Tabăra de antrenament a fost bună. Jermell a devenit din ce în ce mai bun. Am fost mulțumit de ceea ce văd și încă este devreme în cantonament. Vom continua să construim până la luptă. Știm că avem un tip foarte dur cu care ne confruntăm, dar cred că toată lumea cu care ne-am confruntat este dură. Mergem acolo pentru a fi la maxim.

„Cred că victoria ar fi frumoasă, dar nu mă gândesc ce ar face pentru mine. Cele mai bune lucruri este ceea ce ar însemna pentru Jermell să aibă trei curele. Este vorba despre moștenire. Este vorba despre o luptă de moștenire pentru Jermell și pentru mine.

„Rosario este un luptător bun. A avut o progresie treptată de când l-am privit luptându-se cu Justin DeLoach și apoi trecând la lupta cu Williams. Se îmbunătățește. Știm la ce ne uităm. Știm ca campion, s-ar putea să vină ca un luptător diferit. Deci trebuie să fim și mai buni. Este o provocare grozavă, dar așteptăm cu nerăbdare.

„Am văzut luptele lui Rosario înainte de Williams, așa că știam că va fi dur. Am fost surprins cum a scăzut deoarece Williams este un luptător puternic. Dar Rosario a arătat cu adevărat și a avut loviturile potrivite pentru al scoate de acolo. Ne așteptăm la un mare luptător pe 26 septembrie. ”

LUIS "CHIRO" PEREZ, Trainerul lui Rosario:

„Tabăra de antrenament a fost grozavă. Totul a mers exact așa cum am vrut și apoi ceva. Chiar și prin aceste vremuri, am reușit să facem toată tabăra de antrenament așa cum am dorit-o. Nu au existat obstacole.

„Jeison este mai puternic și mai inteligent ca niciodată. Așteptăm cu nerăbdare să arătăm că aparținem acestei competiții. Știm că este un ordin mare împotriva celui mai bun luptător de 154 de kilograme din lume, dar vrem poziția lui. El este omul din această categorie de greutate și vrem să dovedim lumii că aparținem la acel nivel.

„Jeison nu făcuse niciodată o adevărată tabără de antrenament în viața sa până de curând. S-a antrenat în orice fel ar putea să-și dea seama și ar lua multe lupte de ultim moment. Asta s-a schimbat pentru lupta lui Williams și asta s-a schimbat pentru această luptă. Tot ce a depășit, a terminat cu dorință. Acum face tabăra de antrenament adecvată și mănâncă în modul potrivit. Cred că trebuie să-l elimini pe Rosario pentru a-l bate. Septembrie 26, vom vedea dacă am dreptate. ”

STEPHEN Espinoza, Președintele, Programare sport și evenimente, Showtime Networks Inc.:

"De sus pana jos, acesta este cardul de cea mai înaltă calitate cu care am fost asociat vreodată. In ultimii ani, au existat o mulțime de companii noi și o mulțime de activitate în box și chiar cu toți banii, ofertele, companiile, și tot ce se presupune că aduc la masă, nimeni nu a făcut acest gen de evenimente. Nimeni altcineva nu face cărți la acest nivel — atât de mare și cu atât de multă calitate. Acesta este un eveniment pentru adevăratul fan al luptei. Campion mondial după campion mondial, o colecție a unora dintre cei mai buni luptători din lume, pe o singură carte. şase lupte, cinci dintre ele luptă pentru titlul mondial, totul pe un singur pay-per-view.

„Aceasta este o carte plină de banger. Cea care nu este o luptă pentru titlul mondial, the one between Danny Roman and Juan Carlos Payano, is a matchup between a former unified champion and a former world championso there’s no shortage of accomplishments there. You have unbeaten former champion Luis Nery, who is coming off a streak of 11 consecutive knockouts, moving up into a new weight class to take on undefeated Aaron Alameda. Our second main event of the evening, Jermell Charlo and Jeison Rosario, like the first one, is a matchup between the top two boxers currently fighting in the division. We don’t need exaggeration or hyperbole. Pur și simplu pune, this is the best fight that can be made in the super welterweight division.”

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Premier Boxing Champions Presents Two Special Fight Cards
For One Price on Saturday, Septembrie 26 – Live at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT

Six-Fight Pay-Per-View Doubleheader Features Five World Championship Bouts and a World Title Eliminator

NEW YORK – Septembrie 1, 2020 – In a first-of-its-kind boxing event, and a doubleheader unlike any other in sports, SHOWTIME PPV and Premier Boxing Champions have assembled two stacked fight cards with each card headlined by one of the world champion Charlo twins in their most significant fights to date. Sâmbăta, Septembrie 26, the unprecedented twin bill features WBC Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo cu care se confruntă top pretendent Sergiy Derevyanchenko in the main event of the first card. The second card is topped by WBC Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo luând în WBA and IBF 154-pound champion Jeison Rosario in a world championship unification fight.

The unprecedented pay-per-view twin bill features six compelling fights in all, five of which are world title fights, on the same night for one price. The SHOWTIME PPV telecast begins with the Charlo vs. Derevyanchenko three-fight card live at a special time of 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT followed by a 30-minute intermission and then the Charlo vs. Rosario three-fight card.

“The Charlo twins are two of boxing’s most charismatic and exciting stars, and they are facing the most significant challenges of their respective careers,” said Tom Brown, Președintele TGB Promoții. “It’s only right that Jermell and Jermall would headline this extraordinary doubleheader. Jeison Rosario proved just how dangerous he is when he stopped Julian Williams in January to become the unified champion and he has shown his considerable ambition by going right into this showdown against Jermell. Sergiy Derevyanchenko has given some of the best middleweights in the world everything they could handle, and many believe he should be a 160-pound champion right now. He’s going to face another one of the very best middleweights on September 26 and there is no doubt he’ll be at his best when he steps to Jermall.

“With the addition of two sensational undercard bouts on each card, three of which are world title fights, this special event is a boxing fan’s dream and will deliver hours of dramatic action.”

“This event is a cornerstone, two cornerstones, de fapt, de 2020 SHOWTIME Sports boxing schedule,", A declarat Stephen Espinoza, Președintele, Programare sport și evenimente, ARATĂ TIMPUL. “The parallel paths of the Charlo twins converge when they take on their most significant opponents to date. In doing so, each man has a chance to assert himself individually on the biggest stage in the sport. Likewise, the four undercard matchups across the two shows feature some of the best talent in the 118 and 122-pound divisions, virtually all in 50-50 matchups. This is truly a special event, delivered at a special time and in an unprecedented way. As a fight fan, I cannot wait for September 26.”

This unique pay-per-view doubleheader is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by Lions Only Promotions and TGB Promotions. The Jermell Charlo vs. Jeison Rosario match is co-promoted with Sampson Boxing.

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Pentru mai multe informații vizitați,, urmați pe Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions or become a fan on Facebook at

Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World Champion David Benavídez Defends Title Against Former Title Challenger Alexis Angulo Headlining Premier Boxing Champions Event Saturday, August 15 Live pe SHOWTIME

Rising Contender Rolando Romero Takes on Fellow Unbeaten Jackson Maríñez for WBA Interim Lightweight Title


Heavyweights Go Toe-to-Toe as Otto Wallin Battles Travis Kauffman

On Telecast Beginning at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT

NEW YORK– August 5, 2020 – Undefeated WBC Super Middleweight World ChampionDaveud “El Bandera Roja” Benavídezva apăra titlul împotriva fostului Challenger titlul mondialAlexis Anguloin a Premier Boxing Champions event Saturday, August 15 live on SHOWTIME from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

CAMPIONATUL SHOWTIME DE BOX® emisiune de televiziune începe la 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT and also features rising lightweightRolando “Rolly” Romeroa lua pe colegii neînvinsJackson Maríñezin a 12-round battle for the interim WBA Lightweight Title, while heavyweight contendersOtto WallinșiTravis Kauffmansquare off in a 10-round showdown.

“David Benavídez will look to keep his perfect record intact, continue to display his superstar potential and further cement his positioning in the stacked 168-pound division,” said Tom Brown, Președintele TGB Promoții. “As an undefeated world champ, Benavídez can expect a strong challenge from Alexis Angulo, which should create an action-packed main event on SHOWTIME. Combined with a battle of hungry unbeaten lightweights in ‘Rolly’ Romero and Jackson Maríñez, plus a heavyweight slugfest between Otto Wallin and Travis Kauffman, this shapes up to be another can’t miss night of high-stakes action.”

“It’s going to be great to be in the corner of David ‘El Bandera Roja’ Benavídez on fight night,” said Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing, who is recovering from a recent surgery. “I feel so good and so strong and I truly can’t wait to be there to support the youngest super middleweight champion in history.”

The event is promoted by TGB Promotions and Sampson Boxing. The Romero vs. Maríñez bout is co-promoted by Mayweather Promotions.

The 23-year-old Benavídez (22-0, 19 KO) defends his belt after defeating two-time super middleweight champion Anthony Dirrell in September, stopping him in nine rounds. Benavidez is trained by his father José Sr., alongside his brother and former title challenger, José Jr. În 2017, he became the youngest super middleweight champion in boxing history by defeating Ronald Gavril on SHOWTIME at just 20 ani. Representing his native Phoenix, Arizona. Benavídez went from a 15-year-old prodigy sparring with Gennady Golovkin and Peter Quillin, to world title contender with a 10-fight knockout streak from 2015 prin 2017, including a highlight-reel knockout of Rogelio Medina with a seven-punch combination that earned him his first championship fight.

“It’s been almost a year since the last time I fought, so I’m very eager to get back in the ring and give the fans a great fight,” said Benavídez. “Training camp has been amazing. Din fericire, my dad opened his own gym just before the pandemic, so we’ve had private training and been able to safely bring in sparring partners to help me work. I’m facing a very tricky and rugged fighter, so I’m taking him very seriously. I feel like I can take advantage of some openings in his defense and look for the knockout like I do every fight.”

Born in El Bordo, Colombia and now fighting out of Miami, Fla., Angulo (26-1, 22 KO) enters his second world title opportunity on a three-fight winning streak, including two triumphs over previously unbeaten fighters. Angulo stopped Reinaldo Gonzalez in 2018 in his first fight since losing a decision to then-super middleweight champion Gilberto Ramirez earlier that year. He scored a decision victory this January over Anthony Sims Jr. to put himself in position to again challenge the best in the division.

“I’m ready for anything that happens in the ring on August 15,” said Angulo. “This is going to be a great fight for the fans because of the style I bring to the ring. Benavidez is a strong champion, but my style will be too much for him and I will have my hand raised on fight night.”

Combaterea din Las Vegas, Nev., Romero(11-0, 10 KO) added three knockout victories to his tally in 2019 before his 2020 debut saw him stop previously unbeaten Arturs Ahmetovs in February. A fast-rising prospect in the Mayweather Promotions stable, the 24-year-old is ranked No. 10 by the WBA and will look to extend his six-fight knockout streak on August 15.

It feels great to return to the ring and to be fighting for such a great opportunity,” said Romero. “This has been the best camp of my career, and I’ll just say this, if a pandemic is holding you back from training, then you don’t want it bad enough. I already believe I should be here with the top guys, but the world will actually get to see that I am who I say I am. I’m confident in my abilities as a fighter and I have the best in the business, Floyd Mayweather, behind me. I think this fight will end fairly quickly, but you will get to see the growth in me as a fighter. This is another fight that will further prove I’m here to stay. Sign up for KO’s!”

“This is a big step up for Rolando, and he’s been waiting for the opportunity to showcase his talent,” said Leonard Ellerbe, CEO al Mayweather Promoții. “He has a big test ahead to prove himself. This is going to be another one that you don’t want to miss, so tune-in to SHOWTIME on Saturday, August 15.”

The 29-year-old Maríñez (19-0, 7 KO) holds the WBA’s No. 6 clasament, which he earned with victories over Rolando Giono and Kenin Betancourt while picking up eight wins between 2018 și 2019. Representing his native Santo Domingo, Republica Dominicană, Maríñez was successful in his U.S. debut in December of last year, stopping Yardley Armenta Cruz in two rounds.

“I’ve had a great training camp for this fight,” said Maríñez. “I’ve been sparring with Vergil Ortiz and Jose Ramirez, plus other fighters in Robert Garcia’s gym, and it’s gotten me ready to step into the ring. I know that Romero is a tough and durable fighter, so it won’t be easy, but I’m going to do anything I can to bring the title back home.”

Wallin (20-1, 13 KO) will return to the ring for the first time since he nearly defeated Tyson Fury in September 2019, when he opened up a gruesome cut over Fury’s right eye with a legal punch that nearly halted the fight. While the 29-year-old lost a decision, he proved his mettle as a potential future heavyweight champion. Representing his native Sundsvall, Suedia, Wallin trains in New York with former champion Joey Gamache.

“I’m very happy to finally be back in the ring,” said Wallin. “It’s been a long and crazy year in many ways and it feels great to be getting ready to step back into the ring. I’ve been training steady since the Fury fight and I feel like I’ve developed my game in a lot of ways. Kauffman is a tough veteran that can both come forward or box if he wants to. He’s a fan friendly fighter and I have to be ready at all times. We have a great game plan as always and I’m in excellent shape. I know I have all the tools to beat Kauffman.”

A veteran of the heavyweight landscape, Kauffman (32-3, 23 KO) owns a ledger that includes challenges of top heavyweights including Luis Ortiz, Chris Arreola and Amir Mansour, printre altele. The Reading, Pennsylvania native lost his most recent bout to Ortiz, following a 2018 triumph over Scott Alexander.

“This is my first training camp in seven years without Brother Naazim Richardson, but I know that he wouldn’t want me to leave camp and he’d want me to stay focused,” said Kauffman. “Having him pass away while I was in camp was one of the hardest things I’ve had to deal with, but there’s adversity in every camp I’ve had. I wouldn’t feel right if there wasn’t adversity to overcome. Tatăl meu, Marshall, stepped back in as my head trainer. We know we’re facing a young, hungry fighter, but I have more experience than him and I don’t think he can last 10 rounds with me when I’m at 100% like I’ll be on August 15.”

Additional non-televised action will include super middleweight contenderAlantez Fox(26-2-1, 12 KO) battling Ghana’sHabib Ahmed(27-1-1, 18 KO) in an eight-round attraction.

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Ra’eese Aleem Wins WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator & Joe George Scores KO of the Year Candidate in Rematch with Marcos Escudero

Faceți clic pe AICI pentru Fotografii din Amanda Westcott / SHOWTIME
(Photos will be uploaded shortly)

Uncasville, Conn. - August, 2, 2020 – Angelo Leo is the new WBO Jr. Featherweight World Champion. The 26-year-old Mayweather Promotions fighter dominated Tramaine Williams en route to a unanimous decision live on SHOWTIME Saturday night from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn. in the network’s first live boxing event since March 13. Leo won by scores of 117-111 și 118-110 de două ori.

Leu (20-0, 9 KO), who was originally scheduled to face Stephen Fulton, Jr. in the main event of Saturday’s card presented by Premier Boxing Champions before Fulton tested positive for COVID-19, used a dominant body attack and consistent pressure to overwhelm Williams (19-1, 6 KO), who stepped up from the co-main event to face Leo. Albuquerque’s Leo had a 248-196 edge in punches landed while landing 39 la sută din pumni sale de putere. 102 sale 248 connects were body punches.

Leu, who was ranked WBO’s No. 2 junior featherweight going into the fight, is now expected to defend his title against Fulton, clasat pe locul nr. 1 de WBO, within the next 180 zi.

“It still hasn’t sunk in yet, it just feels surreal,” said Leo. “The first few rounds I was just feeling him out, getting his timing, getting the feel of him. I felt him kind of loosening up and breaking down, and that’s when I started putting the pressure on him a little more.

“That was the key factor in this fight, the body work and the pressure. I’m pretty sure Albuquerque is celebrating tonight. I think they have four world champions, because you can’t exclude Holly Holm. You have Johnny [Tapia], Danny [Romero], Holly and now me. There’s four champions in that city and I think I’ve made history there.”

Fulton, who watched the fight on television while quarantining following his positive test, was interviewed following the fight by SHOWTIME host Brian Custer.

“Congratulations to Leo, he did it,” said the Philadelphia native. “But listen, I’m ready for him. I’ve been ready. Just be ready to face me when it’s time. That’s all I’ve got to say.”

În meciul de co-featured, a WBA Super Bantamweight Title Eliminator, 122-pound contender Ra’eese Aleem (17-0, 11 KO) kept his undefeated record intact via TKO over late replacement Marcus Bates (11-2-1, 8 KO). Aleem was originally scheduled to face Williams before Fulton’s positive test. This was a rematch of a 2018 bout in which Aleem won by unanimous decision.

The 26-year-old Bates suffered an injured right wrist and battled through the pain for several rounds. Prior to the start of the 10lea rotund, Bates’ corner and referee Gary Rosato warned the fighter that the bout was in danger of being stopped. La 2:18 de rotund 10, Bates grimaced in pain and turned his back on the action, causing the fight to be stopped. Aleem dominated from the opening bell, out-landing Bates 193-86 in total punches, inclusiv 71 landed body shots.

Cu victorie, Aleem sets himself up for an opportunity for a 122-pound title fight.

“I would love to fight either the winner of the main event or any current world champion – Akhmadaliev has two of the belts,” said the Las Vegas-based Aleem who was born and raised in Muskegon, mă. “Brandon Figueroa, Regele Vargas, or the winner of this one. It doesn’t really matter who but I want the strap.

“I didn’t know his hand was hurt, I thought he was just shaking it just to try to get me to look at it and distract me. I didn’t worry about it.”

În meciul de deschidere al transmisiunii, undefeated light heavyweight Joe George (11-0, 7 KO) scored a stunning ninth-round stoppage of Marco Escudero (10-2, 9 KO) in a rematch of their November ShoBox showdown that saw George win a heavily-debated split decision. Watch KO HERE:

De data asta, George left no room for a controversial decision. La 3:00 of round number nine, George caught Escudero with a vicious left uppercut that sent Escudero flat on his back in a candidate for KO of the Year. La momentul opririi, George was behind on two of the judges’ scorecards, 79-73 și 77-75, and ahead on one judge’s card, 79-73. Prior to the one-punch KO, George was getting out-landed 127-89 by Escudero, and Escudero held a 2-1 edge in punches thrown.

“I was setting him up with the jab to the body, I had him leaning over a little,” said Houston’s George, care a împlinit 31 vineri. “I was shooting the right uppercut, some landed and some didn’t. I wanted him to get comfortable and relaxed, and that’s exactly what he did. He was relaxed and I slipped over and just shot it. He gave it to me and I had to take it. It put him down.

“The result is self-explanatory. I don’t have to say nothing. I’m willing to fight whoever next. One fight at a time and I’ll be prepared for whatever’s on the way.”

Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast, the first of a nine-event television lineup taking place over the next five months, will replay on Monday at 10 p.m. ET/PT pe SHOWTIME EXTREME.

Saturday’s fights were presented by Premier Boxing Champions and promoted by TGB and Mayweather Promotions in association with Kings Promotions. The main event was promoted in association with New World Sports and Warriors Boxing.

An industry leading production team and announce crew delivered all the sights, sounds and drama from Mohegan Sun Arena. Veteran broadcaster Brian Custer hosted the telecast, versatile combat sports voice Mauro Ranallo called the action ringside alongside Hall of Fame analyst Al Bernstein and three-division world champion and Olympian Abner Mares providing expert analysis for the first time on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. Two Hall of Famers rounded out the SHOWTIME telecast team – unofficial ringside scorer Steve Farhood and world-renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr. The Executive Producer was David Dinkins, Jr. and the Director was Bob Dunphy.

The telecast was available in Spanish via Secondary Audio Programing (SAP) with Alejandro Luna and former world champion Raul Marquez calling the action.


RINGSIDE Chronicles The Lives And Struggles Of Two Boxing Prodigies Coming Of Age On Chicago’s South Side

Premieres On Friday, Iunie 12 La 8:30 p.m. ET / PT pe SHOWTIME

NEW YORK – May 4, 2020 - SHOWTIME announced today it has acquired rights to the award-winning documentary RINGSIDE, which chronicles the dramatic upbringing of two boxing prodigies and follows the divergent paths they take as they navigate life’s uncertainties on the South Side of Chicago. Filmed over the course of nine years by award-winning director Andre Hörmann, RINGSIDE will premiere on SHOWTIME on Friday, Iunie 12 la 8:30 p.m. ET / PT.

Winner of the Silver Hugo Award at the Chicago International Film FestivalRINGSIDE documents the lives of Kenneth Sims Jr., Destyne Butler Jr., and their dedicated fathers who train them, and their aspirations of surviving one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the nation to achieve boxing glory. Hörmann teamed up with award-winning cinematographer Tom Bergmann and editor Vincent Assmann in 2009 to begin following the gifted young athletes. Starting with their U.S. Olympic® Boxing Team Trials, the filmmakers captured pivotal moments over nine years as the young men’s choices and circumstances changed, leading them down separate paths – one towards a promising boxing career and the other through the prison system.

“Filmed over the course of nine yearsRINGSIDE is a complex, emotional account of two youths fighting to survive both professionally and personally,", A declarat Stephen Espinoza, Președintele, Programare sport și evenimente, Showtime Networks Inc. “This remarkable film follows two gifted young boxers and the fathers who guide them, as they strive to overcome a seemingly never-ending series of personal and societal obstacles. The result is a moving story about hope, ambition, self-discipline, resilience and redemption. It is this type of provocative story, at the intersection of sports and society, that has become the hallmark of SHOWTIME Sports Documentary Films.”

Both young men achieved remarkable success in their amateur careers. Sims amassed over 250 lupte amatori, winning numerous national titles, and after his professional debut in 2014, became a sought-after sparring partner for Manny Pacquiao and Jorge Linares among others. He has made four appearances on the SHOWTIME prospect developmental seriesShoBox: Noua generatie to date. Conversely, Butler fell in with a burglary ring and served time in prison. He returned to boxing following his release in 2018, winning the Chicago Golden Gloves. He now stands undefeated following nine professional bouts.

A Sutor Kolonko and Motto Pictures production in association with Blue Ice Docs and Mitten MediaRINGSIDEis produced by two-time Academy Award® nominee and Emmy® Award winner Julie Goldman, Emmy Award winner Ingmar Trost and Emmy and Peabody Award winner Christopher Clements. The executive producers are Ken Pelletier, Mark Mitten and Carolyn Hepburn.

RINGSIDE is the latest in culturally relevant unscripted programming from SHOWTIME SPORTS DOCUMENTARY FILMS that spotlights contemporary subject matter. New customers who sign up on and the SHOWTIME app can take advantage of a 30-day free trial for the SHOWTIME streaming service, available on and the SHOWTIME app on all supported devices.

Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), a wholly owned subsidiary of ViacomCBS Inc., deține și operează rețelele de televiziune premium Showtime®, FILM CHANNEL și Flix®, și oferă, de asemenea SHOWTIME LA CERERE®, FILM CHANNEL La cerere și Flix LA CERERE®, și autentificare serviciu SHOWTIME ORICAND rețelei®. Showtime Digital Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of SNI, opereaza serviciul de streaming stand-alone SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS, and telco providers, and as a stand-alone streaming service through Amazon, Apple®, Google, LG Smart TVs, Oculus Go, An®, Samsung Smart TVs and Xbox One. Consumers can also subscribe to SHOWTIME via Amazon’s Prime Video Channels, Apple TV Channels, AT&T TV NowFuboTV, Hulu, The Roku Channel, Sling TV and YouTube TV. Viewers can also watch on computers SNI comercializeaza si distribuie sportive și evenimente de divertisment de expoziție abonaților pe o bază pay-per-view, prin SHOWTIME PPV®. Pentru mai multe informații, Mergi


Mai Mult, Steve Farhood Breaks Down Some Of The Fiercest Rematches In Boxing History

Click Below To Listen To Latest Installment Of SHOWTIME BOXING PODCAST

NEW YORK – April 14, 2020 – This week’s installment of the digital podcast seriesSHOWTIME BOXING WITH ERIC RASKIN AND KIERAN MULVANEY features heavyweight contender Otto Wallin, who recently recovered from COVID-19, and promoter Dmitriy Salita in an interview about life in quarantine and the effect the virus has had on the sport of boxing. Mai Mult, Hall of Fame analyst and boxing historian Steve Farhood joins this week’sRevenge: The Rematchessegment to discuss Azumah Nelson vs. Jesse James Leija II, Gerald McClellan vs. Julian Jackson II, and Julio Cesar Chavez vs. Frankie Randall II. Click the following link to listen to the full episode

Excerpts from the episode:

On COVID-19 and its effect on the sport of boxing…

Cuvânt – “It’s a really unpredictable environment right now. Boxing is an international sport. Now more than ever, fighters come to the U.S. from all over to train and fight. It’s really important that the whole world heals so that things can go back to normal.”

Wallin“This virus is very serious. People are dying – people from the gym have died. I didn’t have many symptoms when I had it, but it spread to my mother’s boyfriend who is a diabetic and he was very ill. When you are home, don’t just stay on the couch. You have to come up with ideas to keep yourself busy and do something.”

On staying in shape during quarantine…

Wallin“I am trying to make the best of the situation, and I can do a lot with what I have now. It’s working alright. I do some boxing punching on the wall and lots of shadow boxing.”

On Salita Promotions’ Train Like a Boxer YouTube Series…

Cuvânt – “We were thinking of ways to keep connections between the fighters and the fans. Everyone is stuck at home, no one can go to work and it’s important to stay healthy and active. We thought we could let the fans know about what the fighters are doing at home and keep communication between everyone going.”

On what’s next for Wallin…

Cuvânt – “In the fight with [Tyson] Fury you can see how amazing his performance was. Numbers don’t lie, Otto landed more punches against Fury than any opponent including [Vladimir] Klitschko and [Deontay] Wilder –in the first fight. Otto is a world-class fighter, and hopefully we get back to business and he can show that he is one of the best heavyweights in the world.”

On Chavez vs. Randall II…

Farhood“I think it was a sign Chavez was getting to the end, he was only 31 but he had 90 fights and I think Randall got him at the right time. Watching Randall in both fights boxing so well reminded me a bit of Buster Douglas against [Mike] Tyson. This guy didn’t give you anything to think he could do something like this – just boxing beautifully. I thought Randall probably deserved the rematch decision by a point, but it was a very close fight.”

The weekly SHOWTIME BOXING podcast features Raskin and Mulvaney diving deep into the world of boxing and SHOWTIME boxing events. New episodes are released on all major podcast platforms every Monday, including



NEW YORK – April 6, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports will continue to serve boxing fans during the current hiatus from live sports, announcing today SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS with regularly scheduled replays of legendary bouts from the network’s deep archive of world championship boxing. SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will air on three consecutive Friday nights beginning April 10, la 10 p.m. ET / PT pe SHOWTIME. The telecasts will also be available via the SHOWTIME streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.

The April slate of SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS will be highlighted by three Fight of the Year winners, which include some of the most heart-pounding and unforgettable fights in boxing history.

Vineri, Aprilie 10:
Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo I - 2005 Consensus Fight of the Year (also featuring the Round of the Year and later named Fight of the Decade)
Diego Corrales vs. Jose Luis Castillo II
Vineri, Aprilie 17:
Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia Eu - 1999 Magazine inel Lupta anului (Ayala earned Fighter of the Year honors)
Paulie Ayala vs. Johnny Tapia II
Vineri, Aprilie 24:
Lucas Matthysse vs. John Molina - 2014 Consensus Fight of the Year
Mickey Bey vs. John Molina

During each SHOWTIME BOXING CLASSICS emisiune de televiziune, Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell, the network’s versatile combat sports analysts, will host a live companion episode of their digital talk show MORNING KOMBAT pe Morning Kombat YouTube Channel. Thomas and Campbell will watch the SHOWTIME replay and react to the fights in real time, feature special guest interviews with principal participants from the bouts (luptători, formatori, referees and promoters) and take questions from fans while the bouts replay on the network.

“The greatest fight I’ve ever covered,” said Al Bernstein, the International Boxing Hall of Fame analyst. In a career that spans more than 40 an, including calling Hagler-Hearns, Bowe-Holyfield I and the Vazquez-Marquez trilogy, Bernstein says the first Corrales-Castillo war was the best. “This was Hagler-Hearns times three because it lasted so much longer. It was fought at a such an extraordinary skill level and to me that is what made it so special.”

The fights scheduled to air in April include:

Corrales-Castillo I (Mai 7, 2005, Corrales TKO 10) – After nine intense, back-and-forth rounds in a WBC and WBO lightweight unification bout, Corrales accomplishes the unthinkable, miraculously regrouping from două knockdowns in the 10lea to stop Castillo and etch his name in boxing lore. After managing to beat the count (and losing a point for spitting the mouthpiece), Corrales got Castillo on the ropes and connected with a huge right hand. Corrales continued to unload on a defenseless Castillo, forcing referee Tony Weeks to halt the blazing action.

Corrales-Castillo II (Octombrie 8, 2005, Castillo KO 4) – Castillo, who did not make the 135-pound weight limit, making the contest a non-title bout, avenges an earlier loss to the WBC and WBO Lightweight World Champion Corrales with a one-punch, fourth-round knockout. Castillo consistently outworks Corrales and lands the harder punches in a more one-sided bout than their first affair. Castillo staggers his opponent with a right hand in the third round that sends him stumbling backward across the ring. He then scores a finishing knockdown with a left hook in the fourth that puts Corrales flat on his back.

Ayala-Tapia I (Iunie 26, 1999, Ayala W 12) – In some of the fiercest two-way action in the history of Las Vegas boxing, southpaw Ayala hands Tapia his first professional loss in 49 fights and captures the WBA Bantamweight Title by the scores of 115-114 și 116-113 de două ori. As the boxers were being announced, Tapia walked across the ring and shoved Ayala, causing a momentary skirmish.

Ayala-Tapia II (Octombrie 7, 2000, Ayala W 12) – In a rematch of 1999’s Fight of the Year, the action between the heated rivals does not disappoint. Totuși, the outcome is the same as their first meeting, with Ayala winning via controversial unanimous decision. Mayhem ensues as the decision is announced and an incensed Tapia is ushered from the ring by security.

Matthysse-Molina (Aprilie 26, 2014, Matthysse KO 11) – Fighting in the night’s co-main event, Matthysse steals the show with a spectacular 11lea-round knockout over Molina in 2014’s Fight of the Year. The Argentine, then ranked No. 1 in the world at 140 de lire sterline, is hurt in the first and dropped in the second and fifth rounds. But Matthysse comes back with knockdowns in the eighth, 10lea și 11lea rounds to turn back a determined bid by Molina.

Bey-Molina (Iulie 19, 2013, Molina KO 10) – In one of ShoBox: The New Generation’s most unforgettable rounds, Molina comes back from the brink of certain defeat to dramatically knockout then-unbeaten Mickey Bey. Heading into the 10lea și rundă finală, Molina was trailing on the three judges’ scorecards by 90-81, 89-82 și 88-83.

New customers who sign up on and the SHOWTIME app before May 3 can take advantage of a recently announced 30-day free trial for the SHOWTIME streaming service, available on and the SHOWTIME app on all supported devices.


Fotografie de credit: Tom Casino / SHOWTIME

Watch the 2007 Runda a Anului AICI

NEW YORK - martie 26, 2020 - SHOWTIME Sports will delve into its rich archive of historic boxing events to re-air the epic Israel Vázquez vs. Rafael Márquez trilogy this Saturday, Martie 28 la 10 p.m. ET / PT pe SHOWTIME. The telecasts will also be available via the SHOWTIME streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.

The fierce Mexican rivals squared off in three consecutive award-winning fights which aired live on SHOWTIME in 2007 și 2008 before meeting for a fourth and final time in 2010. The first three bouts were all contested with the WBC Super Bantamweight World Championship on the line.

Described by the network’s Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood as, "O explozie de brutalitate artistic,” Vázquez-Márquez I was a unanimous selection for 2007 Fight of the Year and left the fans and fighters clamouring for a rematch. The two warriors delivered yet again in their second meeting just five months later in another bloody slugfest that produced a Round of the Year winner and a result that demanded a rubber match. Vázquez-Márquez III, atacată doar 363 de zile de la prima lor întâlnire, was the only match in the rivalry to go the distance and was named the 2008 Lupta anului.

During Saturday night’s re-airing of the trilogy, combat sports analysts Luke Thomas and Brian Campbell will host a live episode of the duo’s popular digital talk show, MORNING KOMBAT WITH LUKE THOMAS AND BRIAN CAMPBELL pe Morning Kombat YouTube Channel. Thomas and Campbell will watch and react to the fights in real time and conduct a Q&A session with fans.

The Vazquez-Marquez series was called by the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® announce team, all four members of the International Boxing Hall of Fame: host and play-by-play from Steve Albert, popular ringside analyst Al Bernstein, Emmy Award winning reporter Jim Gray and world renowned ring announcer Jimmy Lennon Jr.

“We all knew the first fight would be great, and it more than lived up to expectations,” said Bernstein, who called all four fights. “The second fight was exciting, and when fight three came, I didn’t think they could top Nos. 1 și 2, but they did just that. It’s one of the top five fights I’ve ever announced or seen. The ebb and flow was tremendous, and you almost felt it didn’t matter who ended up getting the decision because they both had been so great. I can’t admire two boxers more than these two men.”

Fans new to SHOWTIME® who sign up through the recently announced 30-day free trial before May 3 can watch these fights, the network’s original series, documentaries, specials and movies online via the SHOWTIME streaming service on or the SHOWTIME app, available on all supported devices.


Raskin and Mulvaney Examine The State of Boxing And What May Lie Ahead


CE: This week’s installment of SHOWTIME BOXING WITH ERIC RASKIN AND KIERAN MULVANEY podcast features an interview with Stephen Espinoza, Președintele, Programare sport și evenimente, Showtime Networks Inc. In the new episode, veteran boxing reporters Raskin and Mulvaney discuss a wide-range of topics with Espinoza, including the current state of boxing and what may lie ahead for the network’s boxing programming once the current hiatus comes to an end. For the full interview, click on the following link

Below are excerpts from the interview with Espinoza:

On SHOWTIME Sports’ interim content plan…

Espinoza – “It is therapeutic to look forward to and make plans for things that are more reflective of normal life for us, absolut. Our goal is to fill that gap with a lot of the stuff we have. We have a deep library of documentaries and we are definitely surfacing a lot more of the archive bothLA CERERE and we will look at it on linear more regularly.”

On what lies ahead when boxing resumes…

Espinoza – “It’s going to be a wild ride. There’s a lot to be made up. There are a lot of fighters that need fights to happen, and I think we could be in for a pretty interesting period of time where there’s a lot of activity in a relatively short windowI think we’re going to see an action-packed, jam-packed schedule whenever we return, whether it’s in three, six or nine months – and we may see people taking a different tact on taking fights.”

On what fight you wish you could go back in time to attend live …

Espinoza – “Chavez vs. Haugen on February 20,1993 for the WBC Light Welterweight Title at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City… It wasn’t a great fight or great opponent but it’s my pick because of the legendary status that fight has within Showtime’s hallways. Au existat 132,000 oameni prezenți, you had Chavez taking the presidential helicopter to events [și] you had Don King getting robbed on his way from the airport to the hotel as soon he got into town. There were so many things around the atmosphere. It was one of those legendary events I would’ve loved to be at for the atmosphere.”

The weekly SHOWTIME BOXING podcast features Raskin and Mulvaney diving deep into the boxing and SHOWTIME boxing events. New episodes are release in all major podcast platforms every Monday, including


Brian Norman, Jr. Wins Via Technical Unanimous Decision Over Flavio Rodriguez; Alejandro Guerrero and Aram Avagyan Earn Impressive Majority Decision Victories At Hinckley Grand Casino in Hinckley, De la.

Catch The Replay Monday, Martie 16 La 10 p.m. ET / PT pe post EXTREME®

Faceți clic pe AICI Pentru fotografii; Credit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME

HINCKLEY, MINN. – March 14, 2020 - Undefeated 20-year-old super lightweight prospect Brandun Lee continued the impressive start to his career by scoring a third-round TKO over 33-year-old challenger Camilo Prieto in the ShoBox: Noua generatie main event Friday night from Hinckley Grand Casino in Hinckley, De la.

The knockout artist Lee, who had stopped 16 de primul său 18 professional opponents, eased into Friday’s main event, seeking to take his time and add more rounds to his resume. But after just two rounds, Sub vânt (19-0, 17 KO) stunned the mobile but overly defensive Prieto (15-3, 10 KO) with a combination. Lee sensed he had injured his opponent and turned on the jets, scoring the TKO after unleashing a multi-punch barrage against the defenseless and against-the-ropes Prieto.

In a night where the four bouts were contested solely in front of the fighters’ friends and family, referee Mark Nelson intervened to stop the main event at the 2:34 mark of round number three. The numbers reflected the lopsidedness of the fight as Lee led 53-9 in overall punches landed, 17-8 in jabs connected and 36-1 on power shots. Lee landed more power shots in the fight (36) than Prieto attempted (34).

“I don’t think this was any kind of learning experience for Lee,” said SHOWTIME’s Hall of Fame analyst Steve Farhood. “He needs tougher, more accomplished opponents who can at least give him rounds, if not a competitive fight.”

“I shouldn’t have gone three rounds with that guy,”, A spus Lee, who was fighting on ShoBox for the second time. “I should have gotten him out of there in 40 seconds or a minute tops. But the guy had a game plan and his coach is a former world champion [Glen Johnson] who knew I hadn’t ever been past the fourth round. He was just trying to tire me out. No one wants to watch two guys looking at each other. My defense was a nine out of 10 la noapte. But overall I give myself a C-minus. I want to take it to the next level and I’m just super grateful to SHOWTIME and ShoBox for giving me these opportunities.”

În meciul de co-featured, an all-action affair between undefeated prospect Brian Norman, Jr. (17-0, 14 KO) and Flavio Rodriguez (9-2-1, 7 KO) was cut short after an accidental headbutt caused a deep vertical laceration on the forehead of Rodriguez. At the advice of the ringside physician, referee Gary Miezwa stopped the fight at 57 seconds of round number seven. The fight went to the judges’ scorecards with the technical unanimous decision going in Norman’s favor, 69-64 și 68-65 de două ori.

Norman broke open a competitive fight by out-landing Rodriguez 79-35 overall and 73-20 in power punches in rounds five through seven, a reflection of Norman’s superior activity (72.4 punches per round to Rodriguez’s 54.4), accuracy (33%-29% global, 44%-32% putere) and body punching (67-50 in connects).

The 19-year-old Norman, who turned pro at the age of 17 and is trained by his father and former pro fighter Brian Norman Sr., showed the skills that give him the reputation of a highly-regarded prospect, but still left the fight feeling unsatisfied.

“That headbutt was right before the knockout,” said Norman. “I’m pretty sure everybody saw it. That boy was dead but I give him respect. I believe that seventh round was the knockout round, either by TKO or knockout. I had him dead the round before and drained all the energy out of him.”

“I know I won more rounds than that,” said the 29-year-old Rodriguez, who also feels a knockout was imminent, but in his favor. “I definitely know I won more rounds. I was hitting him with power shots and if we didn’t have that accidental headbutt I felt I could have gotten him out of there.”

In the second fight of the four-fight telecast, undefeated lightweight prospect Alejandro “Pork Chop” Guerrero (12-0, 9 KO) won a closely-contested slugfest via majority decision over Jose Angulo (12-2, 5 KO). Arbitrii au marcat lupta 76-76, 79-73 și 78-74.

In the highly entertaining fight that pitted the aggressive Guerrero against the counter-punching Angulo, two of the judges were seemingly impressed more by Guerrero’s aggression and slightly better power punching (he led 109-104 in power punch connects) than by Angulo’s activity (89.3 punches per round to Guerrero’s 68.9), mobility and diverse combination punching.

With both men going past six rounds for the first time in their careers, it was Guerrero who was able to finish with more energy. He hurt Angulo with a strong right hand in the sixth round and nearly closed the show late in the eighth and final round, but the Ecuadorian who was making his U.S. debut was able to stay on his feet.

“That was probably the toughest fight I’ve had,” said the 22-year-old Guerrero. “I’ve fought at 140 before so his punch power wasn’t too much. Just his heart; you can tell when a fighter has heart and they just want to sit there and bang it out. I didn’t think it was an even fight. I was landing the better shots and I was the better man out there. I gave myself a seven. I can do way better. I just need more conditioning. Whoever’s next, I’ll take on the best in my weight division.”

In a battle of unbeaten featherweights making their ShoBox debuts in the telecast opener, Armenian Olympian Aram Avagyan (10-0-1, 4 KO) overcame knockdowns in both the first and second rounds to earn a hard-fought majority decision over Dominican Republic’s Dagoberto Aguero (15-1, 10 KO). Juriul a marcat meciul 75-75, 76-74 și 77-74.

For the second consecutive fight, Avagyan, who is trained by SugarHill Steward at the famed Kronk Gym in Detroit, started slow and was knocked down in the first round. The 29-year-old also hit the canvas in round two when Aguero connected on a chopping overhand right. Starting in the third round, through an impressive body attack (98-42 in connects), better power accuracy (39%-35%) and his ability to induce a rugged inside fight, Avagyan was able to gradually empty the gas tank of Aguero, who had never been past six rounds.

A heavy right cross appeared to score a knockdown of Aguero in the seventh, but referee Gary Ritter ruled it a slip. Aguero led 55-24 in overall connects and 55-20 in power punches landed after two rounds, but Avagyan came on strong in rounds six through eight (83-44 global, 80-48 putere) to score the comeback victory. Aguero became the 192nd fighter to lose their undefeated record on ShoBox.

“After the second knockdown I just knew I needed to settle down and it would be okay,”, A spus Avagyan. “I had to just come back strong and keep applying the pressure and I did that. The knockdowns were big on points so I knew it would be tough to come back. I thought the performance was just okay. I can show more, and I will in the future.”

Friday’s fights were promoted by Salita Promotions in association with D & D Box. The full telecast will replay on Monday, Martie 16 la 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and SHOWTIME on DEMAND®.

Hall of Famer Barry Tompkins called the action from ringside with fellow Hall of Famer Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Producatorul executiv este Gordon Hall cu Richard Gaughan producerea si Rick Phillips conducerea.

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