Category Archives: Showtime Boxing


Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS: Saturday, July 18 at 4 p.m. KANYE/1p.m. PT

Showtime Championship Boxing®: Saturday, July 18 at 10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT

Chofoza LAPHA Ukuze ifotho From Esther Lin / Showtime

ISINYATHELO, TEXAS (July 15, 2015) – Fight week kicked off with media workouts at the Redstar and Castro Chiropractor Center in El Paso Wednesday ngoba usuku omkhulu isibhakela ngoMgqibelo, July 18 njengoba Premier Boxing Champions on CBS futhi Showtime Championship Boxing ukuletha usuku lonke nobusuku isinyathelo kuze Don Haskins Center.


Lo mcimbi kusihlwa ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® izici superstar Mexican Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) kokuphindela ring ukuze abhekane Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos). In umcimbi co-main kusihlwa sika, Puerto Rica Olympian McJoe Arroyo (16-0, 8 Kos) libaArthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Kos) of the Philippines for the IBF Junior Bantamweight World Championship. Ukusabalala isiqephu uqala at 10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT nge Ezingakanqotshwa 140-iphawundi Olwa Amir “Master Young” I abe (17-0, 14 Kos) ethatha nomakadebona owabe title emhlabeni inselele Fernando “The Fair” Angulo (29-9, 16 Kos) in a eliminator isihloko emhlabeni.


PBC ntambama ngo-CBS umcimbi headlined by Ezingakanqotshwa superstar Irish Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos) ukuthatha on Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos). Ukusabalala isiqephu uqala at 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m. PT nge Yimpi sosondonzima phakathi Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) futhi “Big” Fred Cat, (18-3-0, 10 Kos).


Amathikithi umcimbi kusihlwa, lapho kugqugquzelwa Chavez Promotions, sikanye TGB Promotions and Warriors Boxing, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50 futhi $25 ezisendalini manje. Amathikithi umcimbi ntambama, lapho kugqugquzelwa TGB Promotions sikanye Warriors Boxing and Cyclone Promotions, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $50 noma $25 ngoba jikelele yokuvuma futhi ezisendalini manje. Ukushaja ngocingo nge credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma University Ticket Center at (915) 747-5234. Amathikithi ayatholakala at


Abalandeli okuthenga amathikithi sangaleso kusihlwa uyophinde zihlinzekwe ithikithi esigabeni okufanayo ikhadi ntambama.


Nakhu wayenamandla fighters abaqeqeshi babo ukusho ngoLwesithathu:


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

“Ngizama ukuthola emuva ezingeni I once eyayisebenza. Ngachitha isikhathi esiningi out of the indandatho nezindaba non-boxing, kodwa manje ngizizwa enqophileko ngokugcwele ring.
I feel more comfortable in the ring and I feel like I have the right tools to win this fight on Saturday.
“Ngamunye ukulwa nawe kumelwe okuthile, udinga ukuwina abukisa omuhle. I think the fans will see a great fight on Saturday between two Mexican fighters. Lapho ngineminyaka ukulwa ngizama ukwenza okusemandleni ami esiyingini.
“Ngiyacabanga 168 kuhle ikilasi isisindo for me. Kokuya impi yami last Ngafikelwa enkathini eyisikhathi eside off mina angazanga ukuthi umzimba wami ngabe aphendule.
“I bayoba nokulwisana amabili kulo nyaka, but I can’t look past this Saturday. I ukuhlonipha esitheni sami, ngoba bonke labamelene nami nifuna yangishaya.
“Uqeqesho Robert Garcia bekulokhu enkulu. Nginesifo uxhumano elikhulu naye ngoba uyazi ukuthi fighters uzizwa in the ring.
“Ngisebenza okwengeziwe jab yami, Sengishintshile kancane style yami ngaphansi Robert Garcia.”



“Camp Ukuqeqeshwa bekulokhu the best kube owake mina am in shape enkulu ukunqoba impi.


“Ngijabule kangangokuthi ngalelithuba ukuba alwe Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Ngiye ekubaleni phansi izinsuku.


“Angiqiniseki ukuthi iyoqeda, kodwa ngiyazi ukuthi Ngifuna Knockout. Kodwa, Enginakho ukulungiselela 10 rounds so I just know I am going to win.


“Enginakho trainer best ekhoneni yami [Nacho Beristain]. He’s trained the best for many years. This is no mistake that we are training together and there is no room for mistakes on Saturday.


“Muhle a fighter enkulu. He doesn’t need to imitate Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., but he’s always trying to do it. He has skills, but as a boxer he keeps making the same mistakes imitating his dad. And that’s why he hasn’t done what he’s capable of in boxing.


I don’t know what’s going to happen Saturday. They only thing I can tell you is that I’m ready to win and I will win on Saturday.



Carl frampton

“Ngijabulile kakhulu. Ukulwa okokuqala e-United States ngo-CBS, leli yithuba Amazing kimi ukuba uthole ukuchayeka enkulu.
“Ubaba wakhe kwaba iqhawe elikhulu, a fighter enkulu. Ngiyazihlonipha kokubili Gonzalez Jr. futhi uyise.
“Kumane amazinga ngempela, mina am ezingeni kangcono ukwedlula Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. Muhle a fighter omuhle, Ngithathe emnikeza credit. Uzakuza ukulwa sisenze sithakazelise, kodwa nginalo lonke amathuluzi emshaya.
“Uyozama ayigcine eside, iningi labamelene nami do. Angikwazi ngezibhakela kanzima kakhulu futhi uma mina hit abantu bavame ukuya emuva.


“Kusukela ekuqaleni uyozama uyigcine ulwa eside, kodwa kuze kimi ukusebenzisa amaqhinga azosebenza. Sine plan A bese uhlela B, kodwa sicabanga plan A uzosebenza.”


Alejandro Gonzalez JR.

“Career yami wayehamba enhle kwaze ngenza iphutha futhi salwa ukuthi Akufanele ngibe. Team yami wayetshela kimi futhi ngathatha ukulwa vele okwaholela ekulahlekelweni yami yokuqala futhi kuphela. Bathi 'Okungakubulili kukwenza ube namandla,’ futhi ngiyakukholelwa ngempela lokho.


“Babiza Carl Frampton enkulu in the UK. Unalo ubuqhawe emhlabeni. Ngingumfana Olwa.


“When I ngibe iqhawe, I bayoba okulandelayo, ikakhulukazi uma I beat Carl Frampton.


“Wonke umuntu isitayela ezahlukene. Ngenza fighter ohlakaniphile. Ngingumfana Mexican ukuthi nje kuthatha punches. Angikwazi ukuzinakekela. Ngikhathazekile-engu-23 ubudala futhi ukulungele ukulwa ukulwa okuhle ngokumelene Umphikisi omuhle.


“Kumele ngokunenzuzo leli thuba. It is a ithuba elikhulu kimi futhi angikwazi ukulinda ukulwa ngoMgqibelo ntambama.


“Kukhona ubuthakathaka game Carl Frampton sika, kodwa angikwazi akutshele uma ekuzwa iplani yami.


“Kulula Its ukubona a fighter futhi ubatshela kwakufanele benze lokhu noma lokhuya. Kuyinto ezahlukene uma uku ring. Ngihlale ukulungiselela 100 Amaphesenti angu. I silungiselele 12 emahlandla.


“Ngiye kuphela balwa ngaphandle kwe-Mexico esisodwa futhi kwaba lapha El Paso. Ngangqongqoza esitheni sami phandle Ngibheke phambili sisho ukuthi ukusebenza.


“Kukhona a ton of fighters in my ekilasini isisindo futhi nginesiqiniseko lowo got leli thuba.”


“Boxing kuphoqa ukuba ube strong. Kuthatha okuningi ukuze uthole ukuthi ring.


“Le mpi lunikezelwa Jake LaMotta. It is his birthday and a lot of people would get belts and not take them seriously, kodwa akazange akuveze amabhande ngokuzigqaja. Angikaze ngimbone naye, kodwa mina ukuzinika kule mpi kuye.


“Umgomo ukulwela futhi ayinqobe isihloko emhlabeni.


“Ngingumfana boxer-puncher. Njalo ukulwa ufunda okuthile.


“Angulo is a wawulwa. Muhle a fighter omuhle. Uthi waba in title ukulwa futhi balwa ezinye amagama. Ngingumfana ukulungele empini enkulu.”



“Into eyinhloko ukunikeza abalandeli a show enkulu. Ngizomenzela ukuya for ukuthi isihloko. Ngiyasebenza futhi igaya.


“Camp Training sekuqhubeke kahle kakhulu. Bengilokhu ekamu amasonto ayisithupha. Into esemqoka ngalokhu Ziyalwa boxing wami ukusebenza. Isisindo sami siwukuthi kuyini, yimi lo.


“I ingase ingabi-pack eziyisithupha, kodwa mina ngeke babe Punch ungqongqoze umuntu aphume.


“I am izibophezele Boxing. Ngiyakuthanda boxing, futhi lokhu ekamu lokuqeqeshela ubelokhu emuhle kimi.


I would be a fool to say that it doesn’t cross my mind to fight again for the title. Ekupheleni kosuku, Saturday is much more important than a title shot.


“Ngifuna esitheni sami aphume ukuthi ring ngokushesha ngangokunokwenzeka.”


ROBERT Garcia, Trainer Chavez Jr. sika

“Angikwazi ukusho Ngiye ngaphawula lutho ezahlukene ngoba bengilokhu emakamu akhe dlule. Engingakusho wukuthi uye wangibonisa into ngangingalindele ukusithola.

“Zonke ngizwa kusuka abalandeli kanye nabezindaba kwaba indlela wayeqhuba ukuqeqeshwa okuhlushwa yakhe, kodwa ngamangala. Ngathola lutho kodwa imiphumela emihle. Wabonisa kuze ejimini nsuku zonke futhi wenza konke okwakufanele ukwenza.
“Uye sparred isiseduze 100 emahlandla, lokho ngaphezu akwenzile nganoma iyiphi enye ekamu ukuqeqeshwa. Ikamu kuqeqeshwa kwaba lula kakhulu kunalokho engangikucabanga.
“Ngithathe ukuqeqesha Julio hhayi nje ukushaya Marcos Reyes, kodwa mina ukuqeqesha Julio ukumenza ngcono for ezintathu noma ezine nokulwisana kusukela manje ukubheka into yangempela big.
“Lona ithuba semithombo Reyes’ career, ngakho kumelwe nilungele ngaye. Ubuye nomqeqeshi okukhulu Nacho Beristain, ngubani okungenzeka kube trainer best njalo, ngakho kumelwe nilungele, ngokuba lokho too.
“Right ngemva kokushonelwa Julio sika [Andrzej] Fonfara, wayethole ilungelo emuva ejimini ukuze alungiselele kule mpi. He wants to fight on Saturday and then have two more fights before the end of the year. Ngicabanga yilokhu Julio udinga, ukuhlala asebenzayo. The fighters ukuthi ukulwa kanye noma kabili nje ngonyaka alahlekelwe isigqi sabo.”


SR uJulio Cesar Chavez.


“July Jr. kuba isesimweni esihle kakhulu. Uthi waba ekamu lokuqeqeshela omuhle kakhulu Robert Garcia futhi Ngijabulile kakhulu njengoba nomqeqeshi naye.

“Le mpi lena impi kumele-win indodana yami. Akakwazi alahlekelwe. Kuyoba ubuhlungu umsebenzi wakhe kakhulu ukulahlekelwa futhi.”



“Carl akubhekile block. Nangu ekubheka lo mfana kangcono ngaso sonke isikhathi ukuthi uziqeqesha. Uthi ukukhula. Ungatholi guys ngubani abavuthiwe lapho unqobile isihloko. Avamise abavuthiwe empini beshumayela belibangise up, kodwa awunakho okuhlangenwe nakho.

“Uthi wayenamadoda 20 ukulwa, but he had an extensive amateur career. He’s a very talented guy. Ngokohlelo lwezikhathi, yena 28, kodwa physiologically yena more like eko esanda kweva.

“Muhle sezithandwa kakhulu ngalokhu U.S yakhe. DEBUT wanamuhla abeze kuye kuphela amped lokho. Siyazi uku yamelana a kid nzima.

“Sicabanga uzoba nzima ngaphezu ezivikela wakhe wokugcina amandla ngokumelene Chris Avalos. Sicabanga uzoba bakhange kuka Avalos futhi silwe more ezivikela. Carl uya baye uthole kuye. Iphuzu eliyinhloko nangu kumele benzela.

“Uyala ukuba okuthakazelisayo futhi wenze negalelo bese sizobe ngibuye futhi St. Day Patrick bese uzama ukuthola owawina Santa Cruz kanye Mares.”

Nacho Beristain, Reyes’ Trainer


“Lokhu kuyoba ukulwa ngiyoqeqeshelwa wesithathu Marcos Reyes. Elinye izikhathi ezimbili ngaqeqeshwa kuye, Marcos won by Knockout.


“Nakuba enza kahle ngalezo kulwelwa ezimbili, Ngiyabona umehluko omkhulu in Marcos. He is ngokuphelele igxile isibhakela ovuthiwe okuningi. His mind is completely on his opponent and that’s what will make the difference on Saturday.


“Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. uzama kanzima kakhulu ube njengale uyise athole esilinganayo odumo ukuthi uyise wathola. Into kuphela ngingakutshela wukuthi Julio Cesar Chavez iyona fighter omkhulu kunayo yonke emlandweni Mexican; yena kuyamangalisa futhi wenza igama lakhe ozikhandlayo.”


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Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela,, ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, @ Jccchavez1, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions FuthiSwanson_Comm bese ulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezReyes futhi #FramptonGonzalez abe umlandeli ku-Facebook at futhi noma uvakashele Blog SHOWTIME Boxing

Ukuthi Fight ngesonto for July 17 ShoBox Fight at Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem

4 Izihloko ON THE LINE

6 ABALWELI Ezingakanqotshwa

IREKHODI ahlangene Sesishiyagalombili ABALWELI isiqephu: 125-4-4, 75 KO sika

Antoine Douglas – Istavan Szili in 10-round middleweight umcimbi main for IBO Intercontinental Isihloko

Derrick Webster ulwa Arif Magomedov for Nabo middleweight isihloko

Adam Lopez – Eliecer Aquino for WBA FEDELATIN futhi WBC Interim Latino Super Bantamweight isihloko

Jerry Odom empini kuSamuweli Clarkson e ukuvulwa iziqubu zokuba isiqephu quadruple-unhlokweni


Bethlehem, PA (July 14, 2015)–Ngesonto Fight ulapha ShoBox Friday Night ebalulekile: Ikhadi New Generation at the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem.

Wasekela by GH3 Promotions sikanye Promotions King, Greg Cohen Promotions and Events Main, mcimbi izoba amathathu isihloko neziqubu anabamemezeli izihloko ezine emgqeni.

In the umcimbi main, Antoine “Action” Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO sika) of Burke, VA. István Szili liba (18-0-2, 8 KO sika) of Basel, Switzerland for the singenamuntu IBO Intercontinental middleweight isihloko.

Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 KO sika) of Glassboro, NJ ulwa Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 KO sika) of Chekhov, Russia for the singenamuntu Nabo middleweight isihloko ihlelelwe 10 emahlandla.

Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 KO sika) of San Antonio, TX liba Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1, 11 KO sika) of Higuey, DR for the WBA FEDELATIN futhi WBC Latino Super Bantaweight izihloko ayolwa ihlelelwe 10-emahlandla.

Ukuvula up the telecast kuyoba yinto 8 -round Super middleweight Ukungqubuzana phakathi Jerry “The Kings Son” Odom (13-1, 12 KO sika) futhi uSamuweli Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO sika) of Cedar Hill, TX.

Ikhadi off-television uzobe embondelene nge kwabazabalazayo esizayo.

Ngo 6-round iziqubu:

Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO sika) Atlantic City, NJ izohlangana Umphikisi obizwa ngegama iziqubu Light Heavyweight.

Rob Brant (15-0, 9 KO sika) of Minnesota ayokulwa Ernesto Berrospe ((10-7, 5 KO sika) in a iziqubu middleweight.

In 4-round neziqubu:

Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA ezolwa Botirsher Obidov (1-0-1) of Florida empini Super middleweight.

Ricky Nuno (1-0) waseBhetlehema, PA ezolwa pro debuting Thim Kunkel of PA in a Jr. Middleweight iziqubu.

Manny Ubuwula (4-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA ayokulwa Jose Garcia (0-2) of Puerto Rico ayolwa Super Bantamweight.

Samuel ezilungisiwe (5-1, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA izohlangana Raymond Velez (3-7) of Albany, NY in a iziqubu Esilula.

Oscar Bonilla (3-1-2, 2 KO sika) of New Haven, CT ngeke ebhokisini Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO sika) of Paterson, NJ in a iziqubu Esilula.

Ngezansi isheduli impi ngesonto for the 17th July isiqephu unhlokweni Quadruple yakha Sands Casino Resort eBhetlehema futhi uzobe isiqephu bukhoma ShoBox Showtime sika: The New Generation.

Thursday, July 16th

5:00 PM—Sisicabangele — at the Umbono Bar at the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem (On isikali at 6 PM)

Friday, July 17th

6:00 Doors Open
7:00 1st Bout
10:00 Showtime Sokusakaza uqala

Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi angathengwa at Ticketmaster and

GH3 Promotions izici Ezingakanqotshwa middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super middleweight sika Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Adamu Lopez kanye Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Ezingakanqotshwa Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, engasindi Oscar Bonilla, Wesibhakela Natu Visinia, Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell and Jr. UHlelo O'Shanique Foster esitebeleni GH3 Promotions.



Lisa Milner

Thank you operator. Thank you everybody for joining us. We’re going to get to the fighters for this huge, huge day of boxing next Saturday, July 18. I did want to first turn the call over to Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and General Manager of SHOWTIME Sports who can get into the details of the fights and the first fighter we will have speaking immediately after Stephen is Chris Arreola. But Stephen please kick it off.


Stephen Espinoza

Thanks very much Lisa. As Lisa said, it is a huge weekend of boxing coming up on CBS and SHOWTIME. First on Friday night we’ve got a stellar SHOBox card featuring six undefeated boxers in action.


Then on Sunday we have a unique day/night double header, which as far as we have found is unprecedented. It’s CBS and SHOWTIME teaming up to televise a total of five fights, including two world title fights and a title eliminator, all coming from the Don Haskins Center in my hometown, Step, Texas.


So the SHOWTIME family is very happy about these events, as are all the rabid boxing fans that are in the El Paso area. At 1:00 p.m. PT/4:00 ET on CBS we have the always exciting heavyweight star Chris Arreola as well as the U.S. debut of super bantamweight world champion Carl Frampton.


Shortly you’ll hear from both Chris and Carl as well as Carl’s promoter Barry McGuigan. Interesting note about Barry McGuigan, obviously a Hall of Famer in his own right. Barry McGuigan appeared in one of the first televised bouts ever on SHOWTIME back in 1986 against Steve Cruz. Unfortunately he didn’t win that night, but he was one of the very first televised events on SHOWTIME. It’s a pleasure to have him back.


Then in the evening portion of the telecast on SHOWTIME, 7:00 p.m. PT/10:00 p.m. ET we have what is now a three fight card. Happy to announce that we’ve added a third fight to the card, the very exciting Amir Imam will be taking on Fernando Angulo in a super lightweight title eliminator.


Then we are also excited to have a super flyweight world championship McJoe Arroyo, the exciting Puerto Rican star, against Arthur Villanueva. Of course the headliner is a battle of two very exciting Mexican fighters Julio Cesar Chavez, Jr. futhi Marcos Reyes.


Ngakho konke, kungaba usuku mlando kakhulu. Kuba Ngokuqinisekile engakaze ibonwe kwaze kwayofika sikwazi kulo mdlalo. Manje Ngiya ukufulathela phezu ku Lisa.


L. Milner

Okay enkulu. Ngiyabonga kakhulu kangaka futhi thina nje ukuya ngqo phambili futhi bazohlanganisa Chris “The Nightmare” Arreola. Chris ngicela wenze isitatimende kuvulwa nje mayelana ekamu lokuqeqeshela bese sizovula it up for imibuzo?


Chris Arreoloa

Well Ngingumfana lapha e Riverside ukuqeqeshwa. Ingihlabe lapha kule minyaka amasonto ayisikhombisa ukusebenza kanzima, igaya nsuku zonke, ukuzilungisa for kule mpi enkulu El Paso. Uyazi El Paso kuyinto enkulu impi edolobheni futhi Ngibheke phambili bembonisa yami amakhono isibhakela okubonisa wonke umuntu ukuthi ngithole namanje ngiyitholile futhi Ngisakhuluphele ibutho esinamandla futhi Ngiya for the run isihloko aphinde.



Mane ukhulume kancane ngalokhu impi olandelayo futhi owayephikisana yakho. Yini oyaziyo ngaye? Futhi ziyini izihluthulelo ngawe?


C. Arreola

I know that he’s a very slick fighter, a very slick boxer, a boxer that switches a lot, switches from left to righty, depending on the kind of options that you offer them. And the thing that I’m going to need to do is use a lot of my angles and give him a different view because he’s a very skilled fighter and I want to take him out as soon as I can because they don’t pay me overtime. And the El Paso fans deserve a good outing from me.



I know you’ve had a couple of title shots in your career, Chris, and I know there’s been some talk of you getting another title shot in September. What’s your focus right now? What’s your mentality like?


C. Arreola

My focus right now, it’s the 18th. That’s my one and only focus because without that win, there is no title shot. You’re only as good as your last win, and that’s the way I feel. So all the talk is just talk. It doesn’t mean anything until I win this fight. Then we can really talk about it. So first things first is the 18th. I want to make sure that I put on a good fight because Fred is a good fighter and when I beat him I want to beat him in a fashion that people want to see me fight Wilder, not just have it given to me.


I want to deserve that title fight. I want people to want to see that fight. So that’s my main goal of this fight, to showcase my skills and show everybody that I deserve another title shot.



Chris is there an ideal weight for you to fight at and what do you plan to come in, tip the scales at on fight night?


C. Arreola

My main goalfirst and foremost my main thing is being in boxing shape. My weight doesn’t reflect my training. The main thing is I want to be a good boxing weight and great boxing weight in order for me to go the full ten rounds, in order for me to throw 80 to 100 punches around. That is my main goal is to showcase my boxing skills.


As far as boxing weight, if I had an optimal weight, it would be in the mid-240s, like 44, 45, at the lowest maybe 42, but for this fight I’m thinking I’m going to come in in the high 40s, — 47, 48. Kodwa into eyinhloko El Paso abalandeli uya ukubona isibhakela isisindo omuhle wesibhakela impi enkulu ngokwami.



Kanjani usebenzisa usayizi wesithombe sakho inzuzo? Kanjani usebenzisa usayizi wesithombe sakho inzuzo yokulwa Umphikisi, ikakhulukazi kule impi ekhuphuka? Indlela ozokusebenzisa ukuthi inzuzo une?


C. Arreola

Phela kuze kufike isisindo sami inzuzo, kungcono more ufanele ukuphoqelela intando yakho. Ufanele ukuphoqelela intando yakho kuze kufike ukusunduza naye emuva. Pushing him back is smart with the jab and making sure I keep him in his heels because I don’t want him being on his toes because he’s very good on his toes.


So the main thing I have to do is impose my will, moving my head, working behind the jab, and pushing it back to the ropes. Once I push his back to the ropes, it’s trying to work his body from the body to the head. We love working the body.


That’s what I’m going to plan to do, is make sure that he knows that he’s in a fight, make sure that he understands that every time I touch him I don’t touch him to touch him, I touch him to hurt him.



What does it mean to fight on network television, which everybody gets?


C. Arreola

Honestly it’s a privilege and an honor to be fighting on national network TV where everyone gets it. It’s different to hear of regular persona person that doesn’t even know boxingknow some boxers. Like I’ve been hit up by a guy like, “Hey do you know Keith Thurman?”


They never watched a boxing fight in their life. But the fact that now it’s on NBC, CBS, and all the three networks, people are able to watch boxers and showcase their skills. That’s one thing that I’m so happy and honored to do is that it’s not just a casual boxing fans but it’s anyone. Anyone could watch me fight, and that’s pretty dope. That’s really an honor and just drives me to want to display my skills a lot more, azi ukuthi kukhona kuzoba izethameli ebanzi engibukisisa.



Chris. Bengizibuza nje ukuthi ucabangeni ukusebenza Wilder emelene Molina futhi ingabe wamangala ukuthi Molina wakwazi amnike inkathazo ukuthi Ukucabangela lokho okwenze kuye ekuzimiseleni kwakho?


C. Arreola

Ukuze sibe qotho nawe, lapho ngangibuka ukuthi impi bengingacabangi ukuthi kwathiwa uyohlala ezimbili, emahlandla lamatsatfu. Ngokwami ​​ngicabanga ukuthi Wilder amyisa. Kokuthoma ngicabanga Wilder wayefuna ukuthola ngokwakhe uphetha. I don’t think that Wilder was really trying to take him out until he actually pushed on the gas.


Sometimes trying to showcase you get caught and he got caught a couple times with some stupid shots that he should never have been caught with. That’s why I never want to go rounds. I don’t care who it is. I want to get him out of there as soon as I can because all it takes is one punch to get knocked out.


I honestly believe that Wilder was just showcasing. I believe that Wilder was just carrying him to fight. I take nothing out of that fight. I take no honor in me taking Molina out quicker than him.



Does it encourage you if you were able to get the opportunity to fight him?


C. Arreola

It didn’t encourage me. It didn’t make me feel any better, any different. What I got to see more off of him is when he fought Stiverne. Now that fight was a good fight. That fight is a fight that I see a lot out of Wilder and a lot of mistakes, a lot of good and a lot of bad in Wilder.


As far as him fighting Molina, did it encourage me? Man, ngokwethembeka, I don’t fear anybody. I love fighting. I want to fight him just because I want to fight him, especially now since he has a title. And do I believe I could fight him? Yes and I believe that he hasn’t been in the ring with someone like me, someone that really doesn’t give a crap.


Uyazi, I really don’t care about myself. I really care about winning the fight. I’m willing to put my life on the life because I want to win a fight. Now the time that I cried when my trainer stopped me, I didn’t cry because he said I quit or anything. I didn’t quit. I cried because of my pride. I’m a prideful man. I have too much fight for myself. And to quit, that’s horrible.


L. Milner

Ngibonga kakhulu. If you give just one quick closing comment and then we’ll move on to Carl Frampton.


C. Arreola

Okay, well I’m really looking forward to July 18 to showcase my skills in front of the whole United States to watch showcase boxing. I’m happy that we’re up here and I can’t wait to showcase my skills in El Paso, Texas which I know has been hungry for big fights. See you on the 18th.


L. Milner

Perfect, ngiyabonga. Okay now I am delighted to introduce Carl Frampton and his Hall of Famer manager Barry McGuigan. We also have Alejandro on the line. But before we have him make an opening statement I did want Carl and Barry to say a few words.


Carl Frampton

I’m just looking forward to the fight. I think it’s going to be a good fight. Kind of reiterating what Chris just said there now, it’s giving me a chance to showcase my talents on CBS, terrestrial TV in the U.S., also terrestrial television in the U.K. on ITV. So I’m really looking forward to a good fight.


Barry McGuigan

Just to reiterate that point, as a manager and a former world champion myself, my name was sort of written in stone 30 years ago because I appeared on terrestrial TV. It’s been that way for a long time, and I think what PBC is doing – kuhle ukuba elihlobene go-to nsizwa okwamanje wesibhakela.


Ukuze uthole ithelevishini abalandeli yasemhlabeni anentshisekelo wesibhakela, abayitoho boxing fans, hhayi nje aficionados kodwa abantu ngobuqotho of isithakazelo abayitoho isibhakela kodwa ones sizolinda kulwelwa big. Ngicabanga ukuthi hhayi nje Carl Frampton enkulu kodwa enkulu bonke fighters umthethosivivinywa uhambe bese esikhulu wesibhakela in general.


Ngakho thina uku ayajabula kube lapha. Sesikhathele kakade El Paso. Carl is expecting a tough fight from Alejandro, and we’re very much looking forward to it.


L. Milner

Okay, wonderful. We actually also have Alejandro Gonzalez, Jr. on the line. Alejandro could you make an opening comment just about how training camp’s going and preparing for Carl?


Alejandro Gonzalez

Well, we’re preparing 100% because we’re going to fight a great champion so we need to be 100% ready with the preparations.


Your name is not relatively known to the casual American boxing fan and in this fight you’re going to get massive exposure to American boxing time basically. What does that mean to you?


C. Frampton

That means a lot, that’s something me and my time have discussed, I’m pretty well known in the UK and Ireland but in the United States, unless you’re a diehard boxing fan you won’t know who Carl Frampton is.


So this is giving me the chance for a lot of exposure on terrestrial television. Kuyinto enkulu. Ngicabanga boxing uye uhlobo iye elonakele. Kungcono sport for isigaba sabasebenzi nabantu ukusebenza isigaba sabantu abayi ukukubona ngoba kube bafihliwe iziteshi satellite isikhathi eside kangaka.


Ngakho lokhu olukhulu kimi, kahle hhayi nje mina for isibhakela futhi ngenxa yethu enhle entsha team asetshenzisiwe Cyclone ukukhushulwa ukuze babe munye fighters zabo tikhombise nhlangothi zombili Atlantic.



What was the main reason that you decided to jump on board with Al Haymon and make a trip over to the United States?


Carl Frampton

Well we discussed it with our team and it was a pretty easy decision to be honest. I think the exposure that we can get with Al Haymon is absolutely massive and huge.


Even more so than that he’s got a lot of the top fighters around the super bantamweight division all these names that I want to fight, uyazi, Leo Santa Cruz, Abner Mares, Gary Russell those sort of fighters that he’s got that Al Haymon controls.


So without linking up with him it would have been pretty hard to make them fights. So it was a pretty easy decision. We are very grateful for the opportunity here.


As I said before to the answer previously it’s giving me a chance for massive exposure here and that’s really the big thing, exposure both sides of the Atlantic.


B. McGuigan

If I could add to that, there isn’t any bigger than Al Haymon at the moment. If you want to get into the American market and the reality is Carl is a superstar in Britain and in Europe and in Ireland and the reality is when your career is dead and buried all they remember is the stuff you’ve done in the United States.


So it’s a very important decision for us to come over here and try and be impressive and trying to make a name for ourselves.



How much of that went into your decision to come over here and expand the market and be able to touch on those big fights against Leo Santa Cruz, Gary Russell or even Abner Mares if he can upset Leo in August.


B. McGuigan

Here’s the thing, here’s the thing again there are at the last count 27 million people of Irish descent in America I think that’s on the East Coast actually. So we want to get into that market.


It’s a great market, we need to get as many people on our side as possible and we have great respect for Alejandro and his dad. He’s got a great Mexican boxing heritage and obviously that’s the fight that we’re looking at and concentrating on at the moment.


But it would be foolish certainly of me not to look ahead and plan ahead and think about what are the super fights out there for us and that is against Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares, Gary Russell and I believe Frampton can to go 130 as well and be successful there.


But one stage at a time and we’re not taking our eyes off the ball on the 18th. It’s a very tough fight for us, Alejandro is a great fighter.


C. Frampton

I just agree 100% on everything that Barry said. If you want to do anything in America at the minute the way boxing is going Al Haymon is the man to link up with and we’ve done that.


I’m very pleased with doing that. Me and the team are all very pleased and we think that things are just really going to kick off. But again it’s one fight at a time.


I’m not looking past Alejandro. I leave it to my manager Barry and the rest of the team to think ahead but for me I just think about the fighter in front of me and that’s Alejandro .


He’s the only guy I’ve been thinking about for the last 14 week training camp and that’s the way it will remain until the fight.



I’m just wondering what your thoughts are on adopting fighting on the East Coast, beginning to draw in some of those new American Irish boxing fans who may not be familiar with you yet?


C. Frampton

That’s where we want to be, we want to be on the East Coast. We want to be fighting around the East Coast, I-New York, Madison Square Garden, Barclays Center, those sort of places, Boston potentially as well.


I’m hoping that there is already talk about my next fight I’m not too sure where it will be but good chance my next fight could be in the UK and Ireland again somewhere.


Then we’d be looking to go to New York or the east coast. I think that’s where my American fan base will be, mainly on the East Coast.


I think they’ll appreciate the way I fight. It’s all well and good me winning fights but I think what the Americans and boxing fans want to see is exciting fighters and I think that I’ve got an exciting style to please them.


So East Coast is where we want to be. I think El Paso was the only matinee show that we could link up with British TV Time. So it’s setting pretty in the UK at the minute, it’s being shown at around 10:00 pm out of the UK.


That’s why we had to go to El Paso but, uyazi, I’m very happy for this chance to fight here but of course I want to fight on the East Coast.


B. McGuigan

Can I also add to that, what we see and Carl wants to do what GGG has done. We want to get the Mexicans fans on our site too and obviously the fight against Alejandro on the 18th of July is a fight that we, that Carl must win, he must win impressively. Sethemba ukuthi ngeke amavoti ukwesekwa ezinye kusuka abalandeli Mexican kakhulu futhi ukuthi bayokwazisa isitayela Carl sika.



Yini it like esebenza Barry futhi hlobo luni lwezinto Ufundeni kuye ngesikhathi sakho ndawonye?


C. Frampton

Well kuhle. Ingihlabe nge Barry kusukela eminyakeni eyisithupha edlule. Ekuqaleni ekuqaleni I wayenze okuningi lokuqeqeshwa Barry kanye yena the best for me futhi ehamba nami ngokusebenzisa ukuzozilolonga.


Ngangihlala endlini yakhe ngesikhathi ngaqeqeshwa eNgilandi, the South of England. I abe nobuhlobo obuhle kakhulu Barry kanye nawo wonke umkhaya wakhe. Indodana yakhe manje ukuqeqesha kimi ngomzuzu futhi uhlobo wathatha izintambo.


Barry ungaphakathi ejimini izinsuku kakhulu. Uyafika futhi sibuka nami Spar futhi kuye kwaba kanye ukwenzile, akwenzile kuwo wonke futhi kuba iseluleko nsuku zonke umuntu owenze lokho kungcono kusobala enkulu futhi inenzuzo kakhulu kimi.


Ngingumfana 28 engamashumi angiyena umfana omncane emhlabeni kodwa ngisazimisele like Ngifunda sonke isikhathi. Ngisazimisele like sengiba kangcono futhi ngizama nje futhi bathele ukwaziswa okuningi up engingakwenza.



Barry fantshi you fikisa kuye Ngicabanga mayelana iseluleko in the nithi yini ufune njengoba enaka phambili emsebenzini wakhe?


B. McGuigan

Ngicabanga Carl Frampton kungenye yezindlela ezingcono kakhulu Irish fighters ukuthi kukhona owake nokuthi isitatimende ngesibindi futhi yena 28 ubudala, yena ngokulandelana 28 kodwa physiologically yena kuphela insizwa ngenxa yendlela lwempi, indlela isitayela sakhe iyona.


Akenzi ukuthatha eziningi isijeziso futhi angakwazi ebhokisini uya emuva, uya phambili futhi ngicabanga ukuthi ngayithola isitayela olukhulu ukulwa. Ngicabanga baseMelika bazoya zokumthanda futhi ziyi-18 kuNtulikazi iyona impi lapho senza isinyathelo bethu bokuqala futhi ngikholwa ukuthi kuzoba nethonya elikhulu.


Silindele impi ezinqala kodwa Ngikholelwa ngempela ukuthi Carl has kokubili ubuntu, udlambedlu isitayela kanye engasenathonya ukuthi zisebenze phezu lapha, I believe we’re on the threshold of something very big.



Barry does it bring back a lot of memories for you seeing Carl.


B. McGuigan

The next best thing to actually fighting yourself is being involved with young men and developing talent and as you come along through your career and I’m sure the same is with Alejandro ‘s dad.


Being involved with kids and developing them, especially if they are your own child and often Carl feels like he is part of the family. He’s been involved so long and he’s a really talented kid. He’s very dedicated and it’s great to see him make progress.


For me vicariously I love and appreciate all of the things that he’s doing and making the progress he’s making and turning into the fighter that I always believed he could.



What do you see as being the potential for you fighting either or both Guillermo Rigondeaux and Scot Quigg?


C. Frampton

Bheka, I would like to fight them all. I think the situation with Quigg is he’s outpricing himself on a fight. He thinks he’s worth more than what he is. I was always told by my mother growing up never to sell myself short so I’m not going to sell myself short to Scott Quigg or Eddie Hearn.


I think the Rigondeaux fight is a great possibility. There’s rumors that he may be linking up with Al Haymon and if he does link up with Al Haymon then of course the fight would be easier to make. I believe I could win.


You ukubheka Rigondeaux futhi ngiyayithanda ngokuphelele lokho akwenzayo futhi ukulwa kwakhe isitayela, kodwa Ngicabanga ukuthi indoda kuphela division Super Bantamweight ukuthi ungakwazi ukuwunqoba naye. Sengilungele ukuthatha ukuthi impi noma nini kuziwa.



Koze kube nini ubona wena nangokunamathela bezungeza 122?


C. Frampton

Well Angikwazi ukuhlala lapha isikhathi eside ngangokunokwenzeka. Ngicabanga nginga cishe, uma ngifuna ukuba, I kungaba career super bantamweight. Ngikuthola ukuthi ngenza the division isisindo lula kancane kancane nge ekamu ngalinye.


Kodwa Ngingumfana big super bantamweight. I think Alejandro is maybe a few inches taller than me. He’s about five foot seven area. I’m about five foot five.


Ngikhathazekile strong. Ngingumfana kakhulu, very solid. I’m quite a super bantamweight. But if I wanted I could just stay here for the rest of my career. But I think it’s some sort of legacy and it’s important to move up the weight divisions. I think I would be very dangerous as well.


B. McGuigan

Very simple situation with Scott Quigg. Scott Quigg has got the regular title. Scott Quigg has never headlined to show, although he’s a champion and I really respect the guy. He thinks I don’t, but I do. I just want to set the record straight in America too. He’s a decent fighter, no question about it.


He never has fought the level of opposition Carl has fought. The real champion is Guillermo Rigondeaux. Scott Quigg doesn’t merit 50% of the purse. Carl has won all his title fights. He’s taken risks. He’s buying out arenas. He’s been a headline act; all of the things that Quigg has not done. Quigg got WBA isihloko njalo. The real champion is Guillermo Rigondeaux.


Uma Hearn wakubeka emahlombe akhe ukuba ahambe bese ubuza, Wahamba ngemuva ezinkalweni zethu futhi sambuza ukulwa babengase ajeziswe kanzima njengoba impi ubunye. Watshelwa akekho ngoba iqhawe kwangempela Guillermo Rigondeaux.


Ngakho Sinalokhu engqondweni, asifuni isihloko njalo. Asifanele nesithakazelo isihloko njalo. We unentshisekelo ukulwa, kodwa hhayi ukuthi isihloko.


Thina Yebo nesithakazelo isihloko emhlabeni Guillermo Rigondeaux sika Super. Lokho-ke udaba olwehlukile. But the fact is, if we’re going to Manchester, we’re putting Carl’s credibility on the line and we’re going into his home first.


When you come into this fight with a voluntary defense, the guy gets as much as the champion wants to pay him. Or even in the mandatory position, it’s still a 75/25% situation. So we said we’d star at 70/30 but the least we would take would be 60/40, and they wouldn’t play ball. It’s as simple as that.


So the fight doesn’t matter and therefore we now have a situation where we can fight a number of these great guys, provided Carl gets back and gets past Alejandro on the 18th of July.



How much of an adjustment is it going to be for you not being in that arena full of the big supporting crowd for you?


C. Frampton

I think it will be absolutely fine. I’ve boxed all over the world as an amateur. I’ve boxed away from home a lot of the time. I’ve been in very, very hostile environments in Turkey. I remember Turkey being extremely hostile for some reason and I went out there and beat three Turks three years in a row.



Have you noticed any difference around since that fight on ITV?


C. Frampton

I get recognized a lot, but obviously back home in Belfast it’s very good, and especially around a fight. It’s hard to kind of go anywhere without someone coming and asking for a photograph or even just to shake your hand, which I don’t mind at all. I enjoy it and I enjoy people’s company and I enjoy chatting to him.


In London since the last fight it has got a little bit better. Well better or worse; whatever you want to call it. People are approaching me a little bit more. But I can still go fairly unrecognizable in London.


It’s all about the change. We’re fighting here on CBS here. I’m fighting on ITV at prime timea prime time slot. We don’t have any other big shows to go up against. The last time I fought it was pretty late on ITV much of the day and stuff was on at the same time.


So they took a lot of viewing figures we’re expecting to do about a million viewers here, and obviously when you do that, more people are going to recognize you in the street.



Did you get any feedback from ITV?


C. Frampton

I think they were over the moon with it and that’s why this came back and they’re showing another. You know if they weren’t happy with it they wouldn’t have put me back on again. That’s the bottom line.


So ITV were very happy. They were very happy with their viewing figures and they want to continue a relationship with us and that continues with the fight on the 18th against Alejandro.


L. Milner

Okay, omkhulu. We’re actually going to take one question for Alejandro and then we have to move on to Julio Cesar Chavez. So can we please have this question for Alejandro and then we will turn it over.



Alejandro you’ve fought before at the Sun Bowl on the Julio Cesar Chavez undercard. Ingabe ufuna ukucasula Carl Frampton ngale ndlela lapha ukwethusa emhlabeni?


A. Gonzalez

Yebo, lokhu kuzoba isikhathi sami sesibili ibambene ngezihluthu undercard Chavez sika, kodwa Ngijabule kakhulu ukulwa fighter enkulu. Kodwa ubaba wangitshela, uma ufuna ukuba umhlabeleli kufanele silwe the best. Ngakho yilokho Ngicabanga ukuthi Carl Frampton ingenye best of the Champs bantamweight.



Ingabe ubheke phambili ekulweni phambi elikhulu crow Mexican-American in El Paso?


A. Gonzalez

Yebo, kunjalo. In El Paso kukhona inqwaba yabantu Mexican. Like I nje wathi, Chavez abazobe kuleyo mpi nokuthi yena a Mexican. Ngakho has a lot of isixuku. I Ziningi isixuku futhi kuzoba empini enkulu futhi abantu abaningi futhi eziningi Mexican nabantu American in the lwa.


L. Milner

Asinaye Julio Cesar Chavez on the line ukuze sesikude sifinyelele phezu kuze SHOWTIME


Julio Cesar Chavez

Ngiyajabula kakhulu ukuthi sekuseduze ukuba ukulwa. I abe amasonto amahlanu (Robert) ngalungela 100% ngoba impi. Ngizizwa ngikulungele ukulwa.



July, ungumuntu njalo umuntu othembekile. You’ve always been very sincere about everything. And my question to you is, whether the biggest enemy of your career has been Julio Cesar Chavez, ngokwakhe?


J. Cesar Chavez

I haven’t been 100% all the time, but my career has had lots of accomplishments. I was the first Mexican to win the Middleweight World Champion. I’ve been a World Champion. I’ve defended my belt. In addition to that I’ve beaten really great fighters. And I have a record of 48 futhi 2. And so it’s not fair to say that I haven’t accomplished a lot and haven’t been prepared all the time. But this is a great challenge.



Do you feel you owe the public a great performance?


J. Cesar Chavez

Obviously I have to win this fight. I have to be great.


I took on a challenge that was tough. I fought somebody who was 175 amakhilogremu. I fought somebody after two years of being inactive.


There were a lot of things going on in my career including the legal problems that I was going through at the same that I was trying to get ready for a fight. It was a tough challenge.


Even though it was a defeat for me I feel like I was a better fighter than him. But he was more prepared. I think that those were the factors. I plan to win this next fight.


L. Milner

Okay we actually have Marcos Reyes on the line before okay our next question I just want to let him say a few words about training camp.


Marco Reyes

Well I’ve been Mexico City for six weeks right now in camp with Nacho Beristain, my trainer right now. A number of you have been excited for that fight July 18 which I’m going to face with Julio Chavez and I’m going to be in great shape for it.



Nacho Beristain says that Julio changing trainers is not the issue, that it’s a personal and a mental issue and that’s the problem. Do you have a response?


J. Cesar Chavez

Robert Garcia is a great trainer. He has respect for a lot of people. He’s a respected trainer. I don’t understand what Nacho Beristain’s problem is.


He has in the past criticized me and he’s also criticized other people. In his career he goes around criticizing people. Kodwa, the facts are different.


I’m is first Mexican middleweight champion. I’ve only had two defeats. One was number two pound fighter which is Martinez. And I knocked him down, almost knocked him out, almost finished the right.


My second was against a natural 175 pounder who was ranked number four in the world who’s a very top level fighter.


So on July 18 I plan to show Nacho Beristain and everybody else that I’m one of the greatest fighters.



Julio have you ever thought about losing again since you lost again what would happen in your career with another defeat?


J. Cesar Chavez

I’m not planning on losing. I’m planning on winning. When I fight at my weight I can beat anybody. There’s nobody in boxing who can beat me when I fight at my weight.


I feel right now that I’m at the best. I feel this is the best part of my career. And on July 18 I’m going to win.


If I lost this fight then it would make me think about retiring because this is not the type of rival that should beat me. The type of rivals that I fought are much better and tougher than this rival.


What big name are you thirsty for?


J. Cesar Chavez

Well firstly I respect my opponent a lot. All opponent are dangerous because Reyes, he’s a tough guy.


I have big plans for the division, I will fight anyone out there.


But now I focus on Reyes. After that it’s whatever opponent comes. I’m ready for whatever name


I fight for the people and if the people want a big name I will fight anyone


L. Milner

Okay. Julio could you just close out today as you wrap up training camp and head into fight week in El Paso?


J. Cesar Chavez

I feel ready to show the people a great fight. I’m ready to show the people my great fighting and I hope they enjoy the fights. Because two Mexican fighters in the ring every time makes a great fight.


I want to send a big hug to all of the people in El Paso. I hope that they come out and support both fighters. This is going to be a great fight between two Mexican fighters.


But obviously I intend on winning this fight. And most importantly I plan on giving the fans a great fight on July 18.



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ShoBox: The New Generation: Friday, July 17 at 10 p.m. ET / PT

Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS: Saturday, July 18 at 4 p.m. KANYE/1p.m. PT

Showtime Championship Boxing®: Saturday, July 18 at 10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT

I-NEW YORK (July 13, 2015) - Showtime Sports® futhi CBS Sports ngeke ukunikela ngempelasonto ezimatasa ukulwa lokuwela isibhakela series ezintathu ezahlukene kusukela ShoBox: The New Generation on Friday, July 17, futhi ephetha ntambama-busuku obukhethekile PBC on CBS doubleheader and Showtime Championship Boxing tripleheader kusukela le nkundla on Saturday, July 18.


The SHOWTIME Championship Boxing telecast kuyobe baveze bukhoma ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® at 10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT ukusuka Don Haskins Arena at the University of Texas El Paso kanye PBC kuyi-CBS ukusakazwa kuzoba zivela emahoreni ambalwa ngaphambili kusukela enkundleni efanayo, hlala e CBS Sports at 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m. PT.


ShoBox: The New Generation uzoqala-off the isinyathelo ngempelasonto ngolwesihlanu hlala e SHOWTIME at 10 p.m. ET / PT (kwabambezeleka the West Coast) kusukela Sands Casino Hotel e Bethlehem, Pa., njengoba uchungechunge ethuthukisayo ithemba ngamakhasimende igubha yayo 14th yokugubha usuku nge quadrupleheader featuring amathemba eziyisithupha Ezingakanqotshwa squaring off.


"SHOWTIME Sports and CBS Sports sijabulile ukunikela abalandeli i ngempelasonto engakaze ibonwe isibhakela featuring abayisishagalolunye kulwelwa, kuhlanganise Championships zezwe ezimbili kanye eliminator isihloko emhlabeni,"Kusho Stephen Espinoza, Executive Vice President and Manager Jikelele, Showtime Sports. “From boxing’s biggest stars on our SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING franchise and undefeated prospects on our critically acclaimed ShoBox series, Ungagcini nje ngokusebenza ozakwethu at PBC and CBS Sports, thina singabantu ukuphela impi abalandeli kule mpelasonto. "


In the SHOWTIME Championship Boxing umcimbi main, Superstar Mexican Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) will aim for redemption as he returns to the ring with a new trainer in a lower weight class. The former middleweight champion will take on fellow Mexican brawler Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos) empini yakhe yokuqala kanye trainer odumile Robert Garcia in a 10-round super middleweight iziqubu.


Futhi on SHOWTIME, a pair of bantamweights phezulu uyokufaka amarekhodi abo Ezingakanqotshwa on the line njengoba Puerto Rica Olympian McJoe Arroyo (16-0, 8 Kos) liba Arthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Kos) ngoba singenamuntu IBF Bantamweight World Championship. In the opener of the tripleheader, Ezingakanqotshwa 140-iphawundi Olwa Amir I (17-0, 14 Kos) izohlangana nomakadebona Fernando Angulo (29-9, 16 Kos) in a 10-round eliminator ukuba abe No. 1 inselele amandla in the WBC.


PBC on CBS will take center stage earlier that afternoon with an action-packed doubleheader. In the 12-round main event, Iqhawe Irish Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos) ngiwuvikele Junior yakhe featherweight World Championship Olwa Mexican Alejandro Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos). In the PBC on CBS co-main event, Olwa wesibhakela Chris Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) izohlangana Frederic Kassi (18-3, 10 Kos) in a 8/10-round iziqubu.


ShoBox: The New Generation uzoqala-off the ngempelasonto ngoLwesihlanu nge quintessential ShoBoxikhadi afanayo amathemba kahle-ithathwa ezinye izivivinyo eziqine career abo.


In the umcimbi main, Antoine Douglas (17-0-1, 10 Kos) abayobhekana István Szili (18-0-2, 8 Kos) in a 10-round middleweight iziqubu, kuyilapho pair of amathemba Ezingakanqotshwa, Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 Kos) futhi Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 Kos), Square off in the 10-round super middleweight co-feature.


Futhi on the ShoBox telecast, Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 Kos) will meet fellow undefeated prospect Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1, 11 Kos) in a ithemba 10-round super bantamweight iziqubu and once-washaywa Jerry Odom (13-1, 12 Kos, 1 NC) abayobhekana Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 Kos) in an nesishiyagalombili round super middleweight matchup.


# # #


Mayelana Showtime Networks Inc.

Showtime Networks Inc. (Sni), engxenyeni yakwa-ephethwe of CBS Corporation, ungumnikazi futhi usebenza amanethiwekhi premium ithelevishini Showtime®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ and Flix®, futhi unikeza SHOWTIME on Demand®, THE MOVIE CHANNEL ™ on Demand futhi Flix on Demand®, futhi inethiwekhi sika ubuqiniso service Showtime Anytime®. Showtime Digital Inc., osizayo ngokupheleleyo-ephethwe sni, usebenza ungulotimele ukusakaza service SHOWTIME®. Sni futhi ilawula Smithsonian Networks ™, ohlanganyelwayo phakathi sni kanye Smithsonian Institution, alinikela Smithsonian Channel ™. Sni nezimakethe futhi isakaze ezemidlalo kanye nemicimbi ukuzijabulisa for embukisweni ababhalisile ngesisekelo pay-per-umbono nge Showtime PPV. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, iya ku

Ezingakanqotshwa Amir Imam ukuwuthatha Fernando ANGULO IN 140-Pound WBC ELIMINATOR


-Fight Three SHOWTIME Championship Boxing Telecast Headlined By

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. vs. Marcos Reyes From The Don Haskins Center In El Paso, Texas

ISINYATHELO, TEXAS (July 10, 2015) – Ezingakanqotshwa 140-iphawundi Olwa Amir “Master Young” I abe(17-0, 14 Kos) izohlangana nomakadebona owabe title emhlabeni inselele Fernando “”The Fair” Angulo (29-9, 16 Kos) in a 10-round WBC super engasindi isihloko eliminator in the iziqubu ukuvulwa Showtime Championship Boxing® on Saturday, July 18, hlala e ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT) ukusuka Don Haskins Center e El Paso, Texas.


Odle Imam vs. Angulo scrap kuyoba No the WBC sika. 1 inselele amandla ukuze owawina muva wayala Lucas Matthysse vs. UViktor Postol iziqubu for the singenamuntu WBC Super Esilula World Title.


Omunye-esheshayo ekuphumeni namathemba boxing sika, the Imam oneminyaka engu-24 ubudala uye akhishwe 14 of yakhe 17 professional opponents since turning pro in 2011. The Albany, N.Y., bomdabu siyeza off a lopsided 10-round anqobe Walter Castillo on April 18 e iziqubu isiqephu on SHOWTIME.


“Ngijabulile ngoba impi. Iphupho lami ekugcineni ziyagcwaliseka,” Imam wathi. “Lokhu ngokuyisisekelo isihloko yami shot khona lapha. This is the biggest fight of my career and I know I can’t mess it up. Not everyone gets to make it here, kodwa ngithola ukuthi waphinda ukukhombisa umhlaba amakhono ami.”


A professional kusukela 1999, Angulo okwamanje ugibele ezinhlanu impi win streak, ahlula yakhe yamuva iningi iza November 2014 via a 10-round decision over Pedro Verdu. The native of Caracas, Venezuela nge Ecuador wenza U.S yakhe. DEBUT in 2006 ayolwa isiqephu on SHOWTIME, ukulahlekelwa isinqumo 12-round for the WBA Title uHlelo ngokumelene Juan Diaz e Arizona.


“Ngijabulile ukuba abhekane Amir Imam on July 18,” Angulo said. “Leli ithuba elikhulu kimi ukuze uthole win omkhulu SHOWTIME kanye phambi omkhulu wesibhakela nabalandeli El Paso. Angiyi liphuphe lokhu ithuba.”


Imam vs. Angulo lizihlanganisa ezingavamile ntambama-kusihlwa doubleheader njengoba CBS Sports futhi SHOWTIME zihlangana televise akukho nokulwisana esingaphansi amahlanu kusukela Don Haskins Center e West Texas.


Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS uzoqala-off the isinyathelo nge doubleheader enesihloko US. DEBUT of iqhawe Irish Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos), ngubani ngiwuvikele Junior yakhe featherweight World Championship Olwa Mexican Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos) in the 12-round main event. In the PBC on CBS co-main event, Olwa wesibhakela Chris Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) bayobuyela ring ngokumelene wesibhakela eCameroon Fred Kassi (18-3, 10 Kos).


Kamuva ngalobo busuku, SHOWTIME Championship Boxing ithatha isikhungo esigabeni njengoba superstar MexicanJulio Cesar Chavez Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) aims for redemption against fellow Mexican brawler Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos) empini yakhe yokuqala kanye trainer odumile Robert Garcia in a 10-round super middleweight iziqubu. In the evening’s co-feature, a pair of bantamweights phezulu uyokufaka amarekhodi abo Ezingakanqotshwa on the line njengoba Puerto Rica Olympian McJoe Arroyo (16-0, 8 Kos) liba Arthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Kos) ngoba singenamuntu IBF Bantamweight World Championship.


# # #

Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, ukulandela on TwitterSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions AndSwanson_Comm, landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezReyes abe umlandeli ku-Facebook at noma uvakashele Blog SHOWTIME Boxing



Okuningi, Ezingakanqotshwa Ievgen Khytrov Ubuyela Against Nick Brinson e Co-Isici futhi Knockout Abaculi Regis Prograis Amose Cowart Clash In Telecast ngikwazi ukuqala

Live On SHOWTIME ® Friday, August 7 At 10 p.m. KANYE/PT

Ibhayisikobho Bally Atlantic City

I-NEW YORK (July 9, 2015) -Boxing Ubuyela Ballroom at Bally Atlantic City on Friday, Aug. 7 nge okuthakazelisayo ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader featuring ukubuya kuze uchungechunge Ukraine blue-chip middleweight ithemba Sergiy Derevyanchenko (5-0, 4 Kos, WSOB: 23-1, 7 Kos) ebhekana novivinyo eziqine kuze kube yimanje, umhlaba owabe isihloko inselele Elvin Ayala(28-6-1, 12 Kos) of Reading, Pa. Le mpi mgwaqo okumele emahlandla ayisishiyagalombili division middleweight futhi uzobe isiqephu bukhoma SHOWTIME (10 p.m. KANYE/PT, kwabambezeleka the West Coast).


In the co-feature, Stablemate Derevyanchenko sika, red-hot prospect Ievgen Khytrov (10-0, 9 Kos) of Krivoy Rih, Ukraine tikwele off against ecasukile-nomqondo Nick Brinson (17-3-2, 7 Kos) of Rochester, N.Y., in an nesishiyagalombili round middleweight matchup.


Ukuvula ShoBox telecast, Ezingakanqotshwa Knockout abaculi Regis Prograis (14-0, 12 Kos) of New Orleans, The., futhi Amos Cowart(11-0-1, 9 Kos) of Leesburg, Fla., kowe in an nesishiyagalombili round welterweight junior Yimpi.


Ikhadi kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment sikanye Fight Promotions Inc.


"Mina bebelungiselela kule mpi isikhathi esingaphezu kwenyanga manje futhi kusadingeka omunye kwamasonto amahlanu ekamu kwesokunxele; konke kuhamba kahle ngohlelo,"Kusho Derevyanchenko. "Angikwazi ukulinda sikhangise amakhono ami ukuba umhlaba phezu Aug. 7 njengoba kwenzeka main. Ngijabula siyambonga Al Haymon futhi abagqugquzeli yami DiBella Entertainment and Fight Promotions ngokunginika leli thuba.


"Ayala kuyinto Olwa abanolwazi kanye neshaya, ngaphandle kokungabaza, esitheni sami eziqine kuze kube yimanje. Lokho okushiwo, akukho kungabaza engqondweni yami ukuthi mina ngeke uphume abanqoba le mpi. "


"Angikaze ngiqonde ngempela kuze kube manje ukuthi lokhu engikwenzayo,"Kusho Ayala. "Impilo impi ukuphila Ngakhetha. Kuba kungani Ngazalelwa emzini ephukile. Kuba kungani Ingihlabe broke kusukela ngazalwa, ngoba indawo kuphela ungaya kusukela phansi kungaba izinyawo ayisithupha ezijulile noma ngaphezulu, Ngangivame ukukholelwa ukuthi ngenza lokhu umndeni wami nalabo abaseduze nami, kodwa manje ngikholelwa ngempela ngenzani lokhu nje mina. Uzobona ukuthi indlala futhi isifiso lapho mina angene ring on Aug. 7."


"Lokhu kuyoba isikhathi sami sesithathu ibambene ngezihluthu ShoBox series kulo nyaka, futhi ngibheke ukuthi agqoke ukusebenza yami ewumbukwane nokho,"Kusho Khytrov. "Njalo uma ngizibuka angene ring, Ngifuna ukuba sikhangise ukuthi Ngingomunye the best fighters up-no-iza lonke isibhakela. I Kuye kwaqeqeshwa like kunanini ngaphambili athembisa omunye ukunqoba block. "


“Ngifanele isipiliyoni kakhulu lokhu umfana futhi ngeke balawule impi futhi avumelana kuye phezulu,"Kusho Brinson. "Okuhlangenwe nakho Amateur kusho lutho uma uthatha lolu hlobo isinyathelo up. Uyobizwa ukulwa a weqiniso 160 pounder okokuqala futhi uyakuqonda ukuthi kunjani ukuba waphoqa. Sengiyehluleka ukulinda ukuze uthole esiyingini. "


"Boxing wumdlalo esiyingozi futhi ngonya futhi ngifuna ukufakazela ukuthi ngingomunye woFakazi ayingozi kakhulu, futhi fighters ngonya laphaya,"KushoIZINHLELO. "Kumelwe avivinye mina ngokumelene fighters esiyingozi nonya. Le mpi is a test enjalo; DiBella Entertainment ikhuthaza sobabili [futhi esitheni sami mina], Ngakho, nakanjani ukuthi Cowart ine talent. Le mpi yithuba kithi sobabili, kodwa umuntu kuyodingeka uqale waphinde. Ngilindele ube impi ukuncintisana, kodwa mina uyokwenza lokho kudinga ukunqoba. Ngibheke phambili. "


"Ukuze sibe kuthelevishini kazwelonke sikhangise amakhono ami futhi intando yami ukuwina kunethiwekhi ye enkulu like SHOWTIME iphupho lifezekile,"Kusho Cowart. "Lokhu kuyoba impi yami yesibili ngaphansi isambulela DBE mina ngithanda ukubonga umgqugquzeli yami Lou DiBella futhi umphathi wami Roy Cruz futhi lonke ithimba at OPB ngokunginika leli thuba. Ngibheke phambili ukulwa onzima Regis Prograis, kodwa okubaluleke, Ngibheke phambili ekunikezeni boxing abalandeli lokho boxing entulekayo, impi ngokuphelele. Ngeke kube khona egijima kule mpi, ncamashi uhlobo lokulwa I dream of sonke isikhathi I angene ring. "


SHOWTIME uhleka ukuba ngibuye Bally Atlantic City, laphoShoBox: The New Generation Uchungechunge wasungulwa phezu 14 eminyakeni edlule nge umcimbi impi main of lightweights Ezingakanqotshwa featuring Leo Durin vs. Martin O'Malley. Durin wawina Ukungqubuzana nge lesishiyagalolunye round TKO futhi waqhubeka ilowo lokuqala 62 fighters kuze kube yimanje ukuthi avele the uchungechunge futhi abaye baqhubeka ukunqoba Championships emhlabeni.


“Atlantic City, the Capital Entertainment of the Jersey Shore, futhiShoBox: The New Generation, kudlalwé elizosingatha imicimbi bukhoma, Sekuyisikhathi eside babenedumela lokuba ngokukhiqiza ezinye ukulwa esaziwa emhlabeni futhi sijabulile ukwamukela lo mdlalo on Aug. 7 at Bally sika,"Kusho Kevin Ortzman, President of OKhesari Bally Atlantic City. "Kusukela last yethu boxing umdlalo, Bally kuye kwavula yase-Chophouse Guy Fieri sika, Buca di Beppo, futhi iningi muva, thina wangenela a brand wokudlala entsha futhi bukhoma isikhala zokuzijabulisa the Wild Wild West, elizokuba isipiliyoni ephelele umphakathi isibhakela ngaphambili--ngemuva kokubili ukulwa. "


"Sergiy Derevyanchenko futhi Ievgen Khytrov ezimbili amathemba elite kukho konke isibhakela ikusasa the division middleweight,"Kusho Lou DiBella, President of DiBella Entertainment. "Elvin Ayala kuyinto Olwa abanolwazi ukuza off of an ecasukile umxhwele phezu ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Ronald Gavril. Nick Brinson akakaze ayolwa esibi futhi isosha ShoBox, zithole phezu Jorge Meléndez kokunqoba ecasukile on the series. The iziqubu wokuvula ozobe uphakathi Regis Prograis Amose Cowart Kuyimpi engiyilwa can't-miss phakathi ezimbili Ezingakanqotshwa, punchers young. "


Njengoba i amateur, Derevyanchenko ihlanganiswe i esethusayo 390-20 irekhodi futhi amelwe Ukraine lakubo ngesikhathi 2008 Olympics. Waphinde wawina indondo zethusi at the 2007 Amateur World Championships futhi ligcwaliswe in the World Series of Boxing, lapho posted a 23-1 irekhodi jikelele kanye kwaba 2012 WSB Team Champion and 2011 futhi 2012 WSB Individual Champion. Derevyanchenko sika rise up the rankings umhlaba in kulindeleke ukuba meteoric futhi yini esingaphansi ubuqhawe umhlaba ubuyoba ukudumala.


In Ayala, Derevyanchenko uzohlangana imbangi yakhe eziqine elitheni kuze kube yimanje. Ayala kuba 8-1 e wakhe wokugcina ayisishiyagalolunye neziqubu, nokulahlekelwa oyedwa eza ukuzomelana esikanye middleweight Olwa nezwe isihloko inselele Curtis Stevens. Ayala uyeza off emuva kuya emuva ukucasula ukunqoba 2015, zokuqala ngiza 27-1-1 Aaron Mitchell ngoJanuwari, bese abahola i-ayisishiyagalombili round isinqumo umxhwele ngazwilinye phezu ngaphambilini EzingakanqotshwaRonald Gavril (13 -1 ) e iziqubu yakhe yakamuva. Ayala uyazi abakwazi ukukhokhela omunye ukulahlekelwa umsebenzi wakhe uma uya uthole omunye ufa at isiqeshana ubuqhawe middleweight futhi ufuna kuyosho ukuthi kuphindiselwa Derevyanchenko sika ubuqhawe imigomo lapho behlangabezana onAug. 7.


Eyaziwa ngokuthi i- "Ukrainian Lion", Khytrov ubelokhu a izinyembezi kusukela turning pro ngoDisemba 2013. Zimemezele kusukela Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, kodwa ophilayo manje futhi ukuqeqesha eBrooklyn, N.Y., Khytrov, like ozinzile-mate wakhe Derevyanchenko, kwaba amateur lokukwazi, ukuqongelela imali 480-20 irekhodi. His amateur career culminated with a trip to the 2012 Olympics, lapho wayengomunye izintandokazi ukuwina igolide, kodwa kwehla isinqumo ongabazisayo kakhulu ekugcineni igolide medalist Anthony Ogogo.


Kuyamangalisa okhuthele pro, Khytrov onenkotho zokunqoba eziyisithupha 2014, kuhlanganise lokuqala round knockouts phezu amathemba kanye washaywa Willie Fortune futhi Louis Rose. Khytrov engazange akuvumele off the gas e 2015, Njengoba esekhulumile kakade wacosha onqobayo ezintathu umxhwele, konke TV kazwelonke, kanye ezimbili iza ngaphansi ShoBox banner.


In Brinson, Khytrov Uzithola ezibhekene nangenye isitha ezinzima oye alwa umncintiswano phezulu enkulu umsebenzi wakhe. Brinson kuba 8-2 e wakhe wokugcina 10 imikhawulo, ne ukulahlekelwa eza ukuzomelana top ithemba Ezingakanqotshwa Dominic Wade futhi umhlaba Olympian kanye yamuva isihloko inselele Andre Dirrell.


Bobabili Khytrov futhi Brinson ubamba banqobe Puerto Rica Olwa Jorge Meléndez.


The matchup Ukuvulwa ebusuku phakathi esikanye Knockout abaculi Regis Prograis futhi Amose Cowart uhlobo esiqondile matchup ukuthi ShoBox Uchungechunge lwakhiwe on. The iziqubu izici ezimbili ezisencane, hungry, okuthakazelisayo futhi kuqhume namathemba Ezingakanqotshwa looking wavele kuma yesehlakalo womabili debuts yabo kazwelonke TV. Zombili fighters babe namandla elilimaza kakhulu esandleni ngasinye ukulwa efanayo kakhulu afune-and-ababhubhise izitayela. Akekho phakathi fighter kulindeleke ukuba athathe isinyathelo emuva uma nje ukulwa Uthatha.


The Prograis oneminyaka engu-26 ubudala uye akhishwe labamelene ayisishiyagalombili ezilandelanayo futhi siqiniseka ngokugcwele ukuthi Cowart kuyoba inombolo isisulu nine. Cowart, Ngokwesinye isandla, unomuzwa wokuthi Regis 'isitayela eze-phambili ngeke nje kupela yinhlekelele nembangi yakhe. Cowart uyeza off ukunqoba kwakhe umxhwele kakhulu kuze kube lokhu April esidlule lapho amaphuzu amadlingozi ezizayo-kusukela-ngemuva Knockout phezu ngaphambilini Ezingakanqotshwa Anthony Burgin.


Amathikithi for the event, kugqugquzelwa DiBella Entertainment sikanye Fight Promotions Inc., Okwamanje on ukudayiswa futhi ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $120 futhi $60. Amathikithi angathengwa ngokubiza Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma

Doors evulekile at 6:30 p.m. KANYE, with the first bout scheduled to start at7:00 p.m. KANYE.


# # #

About ShoBox: The New Generation
Kusukela yaqala ukuba khona ngo July 2001, the akukhuthazwa bajule Showtime boxing series, ShoBox: The New Generation kunyatheliswa talent young abafanelana ezinzima. The ShoBox ifilosofi iwukuba televise okuthakazelisayo, isixuku ejabulisa nokufana yokuncintisana kuyilapho sihlinzeka kuyindlela yokunquma for amathemba uzimisele sizimisele ukulwa for isihloko emhlabeni. Ezinye uhlu elandayo 62 fighters abaye bavele on ShoBox sezihambile ukuletha izihloko emhlabeni kuhlanganisa: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams and more.

Antoine Douglas – István Szili for WBC Latino futhi IBO Intercontinental middleweight izihloko ukuba kusihloko on ShoBox, July 17 at Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem

Derrick Webster ukuthatha Arif Magomedov for Nabo middleweight isihloko

Adam Lopez – Eliecer Aquino for WBA FEDELATIN futhi WBC Interim Latino Super Bantamweight isihloko

Jerry Odom empini kuSamuweli Clarkson e ukuvulwa iziqubu zokuba isiqephu quadruple-unhlokweni


Bethlehem, PA (July, 9, 2015)–Ngolwesihlanu, July 17 at the Sands Casino Resort Bethlehem, Antoine Douglas (17-0-1, 11 KO sika) of Burke, VA. ngiwuvikele WBC yakhe Latino futhi vie for the singenamuntu IBO Intercontinental middleweight isihloko uma ethatha István Szili (18-0-2, 8 KO sika) of Frenkendorf, Switzerland in a iziqubu ukuthi kuthanda kusihloko a isiqephu quadruple-unhlokweni on ShoBox Showtime sika: The New Generation.

Le mpi okumele 10-emahlandla.

The show kugqugquzelwa GH3 Promotions sikanye Promotions King, Greg Cohen Promotions and Events Main.

In the isiqephu co-feature, Derrick Webster (19-0, 10 KO sika) of Glassboro, NJ izohlangana Arif Magomedov (15-0, 9 KO sika) of Russia in 10-round empini isihloko Nabo middleweight.

Kwesinye Ukungqubuzana isihloko, Adam Lopez (12-0, 6 KO sika) of San Antonio, Texas izohlangana Eliecer Aquino (17-0-1, 11 KO sika) of Higuey, Dominican Republic in a 10-round Super Bantamweight iziqubu for the WBA FEDELATIN futhi WBC Interim izihloko Latino.

The iziqubu Ukuvulwa ngeke uqhatha Super middleweight sika Jerry Odom (13-1, 12 KO sika) of Washington, DC and Samuel Clarkson (14-3, 8 KO sika) of Ceder Hill, TX in a iziqubu ihlelelwe 8-emahlandla.

Ezinye ithalenta umhlabeleli ezweni kuyoba obala on the undercard non-ngethelevishini njengoba kuhleliwe avele uzobe Ezingakanqotshwa Rob Brant (15-0, 9 KO sika) of Minnesota ethatha Umphikisi obizwa ngegama a 6-round middleweight iziqubu.

Abadala Visine (11-1, 9 KO sika) of Clinton, IL. ngeke rematch Jon Bolden (7-10-1, 5 KO sika) of New York, NY. in a 6-round Heavyweight iziqubu.

Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell (14-1, 7 KO sika) Atlantic City, NJ izohlangana Umphikisi obizwa ngegama iziqubu ihlelelwe 6-emahlandla.

Super middleweight Christopher Brooker (3-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA ezolwa Botirsher Obidov (1-0-1) of Florida in a 4-round iziqubu.

Super Bantamweight Manny Ubuwula (4-0, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA ngeke Square off Gabriel Braxton (2-10, 1 KO) of Redwood, GA. 4-round iziqubu.

UHlelo Samuel ezilungisiwe (5-1, 3 KO sika) of Philadelphia, PA. ngeke ebhokisini Raymond Velez (3-7) of Albany, NY in a 4-round iziqubu.

UHlelo Bienvenidio Diaz (2-0, 2 KO sika) of Paterson, NJ ezolwa Oscar Bonilla (3-1-2, 2 KO sika) of New Haven, Connecticut in a iziqubu ihlelelwe emahlandla lamane.

Futhi ekhadini uyoba Jr 4-round. Middleweight iziqubu phakathi Ricky Nuno (1-0) waseBhetlehema, PA ethatha Tim Kunkel.

Amathikithi kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $100, $75 futhi $50 futhi angathengwa at Ticketmaster and

1st Bout kuba 7 PM ne Showtime ukusakaza kuqalwe 10 PM ET.

GH3 Promotions izici Ezingakanqotshwa middleweight Antoine Douglas, Super middleweight sika Jerry Odom & Derrick Webster, Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Adamu Lopez kanye Boxcino 2015 Jr. Middleweight Champion John Thompson, Jr., Ezingakanqotshwa Welterweight Jerrell Harris,Ezingakanqotshwa Super Bantamweight Qa'id Muhammad, engasindi Oscar Bonilla, Wesibhakela Natu Visinia, Light Heavyweight Lavarn Harvell & Jr. UHlelo O'Shanique Foster esitebeleni GH3 Promotions.

UJulio Cesar Chavez JR., Alejandro Gonzalez JR., CHRIS ARREOLA, UJulio Cesar Chavez SR., & Trainer ROBERT garcia MEDIA Amazing Egroundini & IZITHOMBE

Chavez Jr. Looks To Get Back On Track Against Marcos Reyes Next Saturday, July 18 At The Don Haskins Center, Live On SHOWTIME®

Chofoza LAPHA Thwebula Ama ifotho

Credit: Jayne Kamin-Oncea / SHOWTIME

Ngizizwa sengathi ngifunda endaweni enhle manje. Ngidinga abe ukusebenza ephezulu kukhombisa abalandeli bami lokho engiyikho olukwazi.”

– Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.

Amathikithi Still Available!


Riverside, Calif. (July 9, 2015) – Owabe wezwe iqhawe Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., Olwa super bantamweight Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez Jr. futhi Olwa wesibhakela Chris “The Nightmare” Arreolayenhlolokhono Amazing media ngolwesithathu at Robert Garcia Boxing Academy ku Riverside, Calif., ngaphambi ezimpini zabo oluzayo on Premier Boxing Champions on CBS futhi Showtime Championship Boxing®. The fights will take place as part of an afternoon-night doubleheader on Saturday, July 18, at theDon Haskins Center e El Paso, Texas, hlala e CBS Sports (4 p.m. KANYE/ 1 p.m. PT) futhi ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO(10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT).


PBC on CBS uzoqala-off the isinyathelo nge doubleheader enesihloko US. DEBUT of Ezingakanqotshwa iqhawe IrishCarl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos), ngubani ngiwuvikele IBF yakhe Junior featherweight World Championship Olwa Mexican Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos) in the 12-round main event. In the 10-round co-feature, star wesibhakela Arreola(36-4, 31 Kos), eLos Angeles liba sosondonzima eCameroon Frederic Cat(18-3, 10 Kos).


Esimweni main of the Showtime Championship Boxingdoubleheader kamuva ngabo lobo busuku, Superstar Mexican Chavez, Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) uhlangana esikanye brawler Mexican Marcos Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos) in a 10-round super middleweight iziqubu.


Lo mcimbi co-main 12-round izoba a pair of bantamweights top, njengoba Puerto Rica Olympian McJoe Arroyo(16-0, 8 Kos) futhi Arthur Villanueva (27-0, 14 Kos), of the Philippines abeke amarekhodi abo Ezingakanqotshwa on the line for the IBF Bantamweight World Championship.


Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. iyona fighter ngowokuqala ukuqeqesha at Robert Garcia sika new boxing esikoleni Riverside, labavulekela June 8. Garcia formerly trained all of his boxers at his well-known gym in Oxnard, Calif.


Julio Cesar Chavez, kunjalo, fighter kunabo yaseMexico sonke isikhathi, wenza sengathi ngesikhathi Amazing indodana yakhe ukuba siyawasekela futhi sipho sakhe amazwi esikhuthazo.


Nakhu Chavez Jr., Gonzalez Jr., Arreola, Julio Cesar Chavez and Robert Garcia (Trainer Chavez Jr. sika) ayezokusho Wednesday endaweni yokuzivocavoca Riverside:


UJulio Cesar Chavez JR., Owabe World Champion

“Ngicabanga Robert Garcia kwaba ukhetho best for me emva impi yami lokugcina. He speaks Spanish and knows the Mexican style. Uye oqeqeshwe eziningi Champions futhi ngiba uxhumano obuhle naye.


“Ngayikhumbula ayisisekelo ukuqeqeshwa isibhakela ngoba impi wokugcina. Since I had such a long layoff, Engangikudinga ukuze uthole emuva uyoqala ezintweni eziyisisekelo futhi angizange.


“Ngizizwa sengathi ngifunda endaweni enhle njengamanje. Ngiyaqiniseka wesibhakela ikhono lami ngoba ngiyazi ukuthi ngikuBaba, isimo ilungelo. I sparred 10 emahlandla izolo, lokhu akuzange kwenzeke ngo impi yami last.


“I kufanele ukunqoba le mpi bese wonke umuntu uzobona ukuthi nginguJehova olukwazi ekulweni amagama big like [Gennady] Golovkin and [Carl] Froch.


I must stay prepared and focus on my current opponent. Muhle kuphela 27 futhi unalo ikhono.


“Ngafunda okuningi in impi yami yokulwa [Andrzej] Fonfara. I really felt his punches, Ngaba ngikhathele kakhulu. He taught me that I needed to spend more time in the gym and on my strategy. But I don’t think it was the wrong decision to fight him.


“I am Okwamanje ukuqeqesha hhayi nje ngenxa impi yami nge [Marcos] Reyes, kodwa futhi kube rematch okungaba Fonfara.


“Ngizizwa sengathi kudingeka abe ukusebenza ephezulu kukhombisa abalandeli bami lokho engiyikho olukwazi. I must work my jab and use my defense.


“Ngokuba kule mpi ngiyakuba at 168, kodwa angiqiniseki ukuthi yini mina ngeke nesisindo for zokuxabana kwami ​​esikhathini esizayo. I’m ready for less than 168 ukuze babhekene nabaphikisi like Canelo [Alvarez].”



Alejandro Gonzalez JR., Super Bantamweight Olwa

“I abe nethuba elikhulu, a ithuba elikhulu. I am going to take advantage of it.


“Ngokuba kule mpi, sasebenza ngendlela ehlukile ekamu ukuqeqeshwa kunabo bonke kwamanye amakamu zami. I worked more on my defense, kuhlasela counter yami punches. Everything about this camp is different and focused solely on Frampton.


“Sekuyisikhathi Frampton okokuqala ukuza e-United States futhi efuna ukuba abe superstar. Kodwa, ukuze abe superstar kumelwe uqale ngami.


“Ngiyazi ukuthi a fighter enkulu okuningi isipiliyoni kanye Punch kanzima-ukushaya, kodwa lutho ukuthi angikwazi ukusingatha.


“Angiyi ukuba wesabe umuntu. Even though this will be the biggest fight of my career. I ngeke kwemizwa.


“Selokhu ukulahlekelwa yami eyodwa kuya [Juan Alberto] Rosas ngonyaka odlule, I yazuza eziningi isipiliyoni. I think I am ready for this test.


“Uthi ebuka mina njengoba fighter owalahlekelwa ukuba Rosas, kodwa Ngingumfana fighter ehlukene manje.”



CHRIS ARREOLA, Wesibhakela Olwa

“Ngilindele isinyathelo icici the 240s okusezingeni. That’s about where I need to be. Just staying in shape and making sure I don’t balloon up like I have. My last fight when I weighed 263 Ngangibona kalula ukusika nesisindo 255, kodwa lokho ngoba? I’m a big heavyweight. I messed up by overeating and it’s my fault. No one else to blame but me. I’m not going to cut any vanity weight. Why would I? I’m a heavyweight.


“Angisoze ukuyeka ayolwa. Broken nose, izimbambo ephukile, ephukile konke. You would have to kill me in the ring before I ever quit.


“Ngambuka impi last Kassi sika. He’s a good mover and switches a lot. The main thing I’m going to have to do is catch him when he’s flinching, ngoba flinching angaqondi.


“Ngifanele kwenta sitatimende futhi kumele anikeze ngingoweqa shot for a impi isihloko emhlabeni. Title shots don’t come around every day so when they do you got to take them.


UJulio Cesar Chavez

“Julio iphumule futhi beqiniseka kakhudlwana ekuqeqesheni kwakhe. It’s never too late to start over. I hope ngomgqibelo ukuthi siyobona a Julio entsha.


“The ukulahlekelwa Fonfara akazange amethule, it up yamvusa. Now he must take a new path and win in a dominant fashion.


“Ngangingafuni ukuba athathe impi nge Fonfara ngoba wayengekho ngesikhathi isisindo esifanayo futhi uyeza off ngonyaka sokungasebenzi.


“Ngicabanga ukuthi lena isisindo esifanele Julio. He is taking on a challenger who trains well and is young. Julio has the essential qualities to step ahead and forge a new path.



ROBERT Garcia, Chavez Jr.s’ Trainer

“Ngicabanga konke sesifikile ndawonye kangaka lula kunalokho engangikucabanga. Julio is training every day, uye sparring. He’s doing everything he has to do. It’s been easier than I ever expected.


“Siqala at 7:30 p.m. futhi siqeqeshe kuze 11 p.m. ngezinye izikhathi. He’s training so much. He loves to train. Sometimes he goes in my swimming pool and swims for 15 noma 20 amaminithi.


“Junior has style yakhe, futhi angiyi ukushintsha ukuthi. I’m just correcting little things; ekuqinisekiseni akanaso ikhanda lakhe phambi imbangi yakhe futhi ubazise bamshaya njengoba benza mbhangqwana wakhe wokugcina ukulwa. I want him to use the jab a little more and move side to side.


“Ngiyakuthanda it out lapha Riverside. I own the whole property so my fighters all stay here. Sine amahhashi futhi ethule. It’s just so different than Oxnard where 40 noma 50 fighters angahamba noma ingasiphi isikhathi.”




# # #


Amathikithi for the umcimbi bukhoma, lapho kugqugquzelwa Chavez Promotions, sikanye TGB and Warriors Boxing, kuthiwa ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50 futhi $25 dollar futhi ezisendalini manje. Ukushaja ngocingo nge credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma University Ticket Center at (915) 747-5234. Amathikithi ayatholakala at


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela, ukulandela on TwitterSHOSports, @ Jcchavezjr1, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions AndSwanson_Comm, landela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezReyes abe umlandeli ku-Facebook at futhi noma uvakashele Blog SHOWTIME Boxing

KULUNGELE Wina elilodwa guys LITTLE: KUNGENISA UMARCOS “Dorado” Reyes

Angazi ngempela unendaba ngobukhulu umehluko. Ngingumfana ukulwa kangcono ukwedlula yena.”

“Chavez iyindodana a giant, kodwa kukhona izwi eliphuma 'amadodana ka-imidondoshiya kukhona dwarfs.’ They never live up to expectations and become giants like their fathers.Marcos Reyes

Faces Reyes Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.,

In Main Event of SHOWTIME ubuqhawe wesibhakela®Doubleheader

Saturday, July 18, Ngayo Showtime (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT)

I-NEW YORK (July 6, 2015) – Elinye lamagama liyabonakala kakhulu ekushayeni isibhakela, Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. (48-2-1, 32 Kos) izozama uthole emuva track yokuwina lapho ehlangana eMexico Marcos “Dorado” Reyes (33-2, 24 Kos) on SHOWTIME ubuqhaweBoxing® hlala e ISIKHATHI SOMBUKISO® (10 p.m. KANYE/7 p.m. PT) on Saturday, July 18, ukusukaDon Haskins Center at UTEP in El Paso, Texas.


Chavez kuyinto Mexican superstar futhi middleweight owabe wezwe iqhawe. He’s also the son of legendary Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., ayisithupha-time emhlabeni iqhawe e ezintathu amakilasi isisindo kubhekwe, by acclamation, njengoba fighter kunabo yaseMexico sonke isikhathi futhi njengoba omunye okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela best of sonke isikhathi.


Ngakho ubani Marcos Reyes?


I’m the boxer who’s going to beat Julio Cesar Chavez Jr.,” uthe. “Ngikhathazekile lowo uya ukusizakala ithuba lami of a lifetime. I’m the one who’ll show everybody that I’m a better fighter than him.


“Ngiye kungase kutholakale ukuthi ukulwa okuhle career yami kodwa ngilambile ukuba kunokuthile okwengeziwe. I want to make a name for myself. I’m not intimidated. I want to beat Chavez so I can fight with the best.


Reyes, of Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico, kuba 27. An eight-year-pro, Ima 6-foot-1, ukuphakama ezifanayo Chavez. Chavez is the naturally bigger boxer, kunjalo, okuyiqiniso lokho nokuthela amanzi emhlane wedada hhayi ubani, kuhlanganise impela Reyes.


“Lapho bengitshela mayelana impi Chavez, Angikholwanga khona,” Reyes wathi. “I nje kusho, 'KULUNGILE, asikwenze.’ I just didn’t care about anything but making the fight. I wanted this fight to happen so badly.


“Ngingumfana fighter 160-iphawundi, but I really didn’t care about the size difference. I just wanted the chance against him. I know I’m a better fighter than him. I can do much more than him inside the ring. I can take (Punch) at isisindo sami, Ngingaya toe-to-uzwane noma Angikwazi ebhokisini. I can use my legs, jab, simatasa lapho. He can’t.


“Yingakho Ngijabulile kakhulu futhi bejabule ngalokhu impi. It’s the major leagues. It’s everything. It’s my chance to show the people in the world how good I am. It can open the door to all the big fights. I’m going to leave everything I have in the ring, Ngithathe ngokubeka inhliziyo yami yonke on the line.”


Chavez baphumelele wakhe ngesikhathi middleweight kodwa iye scrapping at super middleweight nangale kusukela Zishiya division 160 esingamakhilogremu angu-ngemuva ukulahlekelwa Sergio Martinez in September 2012.


Last April 18 on Showtime, Chavez wathatha isinyathelo ayingozi ukuya phezulu isisindo abhekane ngokwemvelo ezinkudlwana Andrzej Fonfara. Chavez, ngubani kulinganiswa 171½ amakhilogremu at the nesisindo-in, Chavez wehla lesishiyagalolunye, wakwenza ukuze ekhoneni yakhe emva insimbi kodwa wakhetha ukungabe besaqhubeka nokukhokha ayolwa yena ngivaleka by the izikolo 89-80 futhi 88-81 kabili.


Chavez uye kusukela washintsha abaqeqeshi futhi sizosebenzisana nge Robert Garcia ngoba 168-iphawundi, 10-round rumble with Reyes. Reyes will be trained for this fight by International Boxing Hall of Famer Ignacio “Nacho” Beristain. Until recently, Reyes waqeqeshwa by Robert Garcia.


“Lena impi yami wesibili ilandelana nge Nacho and jikelele lwesine,” Reyes wathi, “kodwa mina iningi minyaka emibili ukuzilolonga Robert wachitha ngesikhathi yokuzivocavoca yakhe. So Robert and I are on excellent terms. I know he’s training Chavez now. But I’m also sure Robert already knows that I’m a better fighter than Chavez is.


“Ngabona impi yakhe yokugcina Fonfara; Chavez uya phansi manje, I am going up. The right time to beat Chavez is now.


Reyes akuyona umuntu ozikhukhumezayo, nje enqunywe, kid beqiniseka kokukhathazeka ukusondela a matchup yena wayefuna futhi aphuphe ngaye iminyaka.


“Yiqiniso kukhona ngicindezeleka, kodwa Chavez iyona fighter enegama,” Reyes wathi. “Chavez iyindodana a giant, kodwa kukhona izwi eliphuma 'amadodana ka-imidondoshiya kukhona dwarfs.’ They never live up to expectations and become giants like their fathers.


Reyes ingabe unokukhathazeka mayelana July 18, kodwa akudingeki lutho oluphathelene Chavez Jr.


“Ngikhathazeke okuncane mayelana abahluleli uma mpi ayibonakali ibanga,” uthe. “Mhlawumbe I isinqumo esibi hamba ngami. So I don’t want it to go to the judges. I want to finish him before the 10 emahlandla umnyuziki.


“Ibhayisikobho insimbi yokuqala, Ngizobe abajikijela punches mina ngeke ulokhu uphonsa punches. I will do what I have to do to knock Chavez out.


On ukuba indodana odumile ubaba / fighter, Reyes bangazwelana lokho Chavez Jr., kuye kwadingeka akhuthazelele. Nokho, Reyes uyashesha aveze izinzuzo sibangela ukuthi bahambisane nalo. He also puts some of the burden on Julio Jr., isikhala sokungabikho self yakhe ring.


“Ngicabanga kunzima ukusingatha ukuba indodana umuntu odumile,” Reyes wathi. “Uyise wayengumfundisi uphawu futhi ufuna ukulandela izinyathelo ezifanayo, kodwa akazange abe khona cishe nzima njengoba uyise. Being the son brings on its own issues. Chavez doesn’t possess the qualities his dad had yet he wants to fight like his father. But he shouldn’t. His dad was short, yena abade. Akufanele sizame ukulwa like kuye ngazo zonke.


“Chavez uyindodana yakhe futhi ine igama elifanayo, kodwa ring yena nje umfana ngegama Julio Cesar Chavez. He’s not the same as his father and will never be.


“I nje ungaziboni Chavez njengoba boxer kangcono kunami.”


Like iningi okwakwenza abashayi-sibhakela Mexican, Reyes ezikhulekelwa Chavez Sr.


“July Sr. wayengomunye walabo izithombe yami yokuqala. I remember watching him when I was five,” Reyes wathi. “Wayengomunye sezizathu ezinkulu ngaqala ukuba ungalwa. Then when I watched Oscar De La Hoya waba omunye izithombe zami. I saw a lot of their fights. Futhi Roy Jones Jr.'S kulwelwa, too; wayebuye abe ngomunye izithombe zami.”


Ngesinye isikhathi phakathi nonyaka odlule Reyes kwaba emhlabeni-zibalwa at middleweight in the WBC (Ungenzi. 9) kanye IBF (Ungenzi. 15). He’s campaigned almost exclusively in Mexico where he defeated a string of tough, kwabazabalazayo imagebhugebhu. This will be his fourth U.S. ukubukeka, kwesibili ukulwa ezintathu nelesibili in Texas.


“Lokhu okuthakazelisayo kakhulu kimi ukulwa SHOWTIME,” the eze-phambili boxer-puncher wathi. “Kuba Umcimbi wami wokuqala main on a network oluqavile lwethelevishini lokuqoqa futhi ngiyaziqhenya futhi ujabule kakhulu ngalo. This is my time and I’m going to take advantage and do what I need to do against Chavez.


Reyes waya 63-7 in the nayizimfundamakhwela, kwaba ayisithupha-time Mexican iqhawe lesizwe futhi ummeleli Mexican National Team kokubili 2006 futhi 2007 Pan American Imidlalo. He turned pro at age 19 in April 2007.


In impi yakhe yesithathu Reyes athumba Mexican super welterweight title ngengxenye yesithathu-round TKO. In his seventh start and United States debut, in July 2008 e Corpus Christi, Texas, yena babhalisa third-round TKO. Reyes, in wakhe 11th ukuvakasha, tshoda okukodwa kuzo zonke-isikhathi Mexico athandwa kakhulu champions emhlabeni owabe lapho outpointed Luis Ramon “Yory Boy” Campus phezu 12 emahlandla in March 2009.


Reyes wakwenza ukuze 13-0 ngaphambi kokuba balahlekelwa akhe initial on isinqumo 10-round Amilcar milian in 2010. After losing to Milian, Reyes wawina olandelayo yakhe 19 nokulwisana elandelanayo ngaphambi kokulahlekelwa iningi impikiswano 10-round isinqumo El Paso sika Abie Han last Oct. 18 e Carson, Calif. Reyes’ trainer ngalobo busuku? Robert Garcia.


Reyes okungenzeka wawina ezimbili noma ezintathu zokuqala emahlandla lasikhombisa ngokumelene Han, kodwa wenza izinto ezithakazelisayo lapho amaphuzu knockdown nge 30 asele lesishiyagalombili. Han also crumpled to the canvas from a seemingly meaningless left hook to the chest that may have landed a split second after the bell sounded in the eighth. The kwaba amaphuzu knockdown kuqala, eyesibili wayengekho.


The knockdown got Reyes emuva empini futhi wayebaleka eya ngokuwina nxazonke lesishiyagalolunye, too, ngaphandle ukuthi unompempe emalini iphuzu kuye hit ngasekupheleni (iDemo hook kwesokunxele kuya ebusweni) ebonakale ukuxhuma ngokucacile phambi insimbi.


“I wazithukuthelela ngabahluleli ukuthi impi,” Reyes wathi. “Ngangicabanga won. I don’t know what happened. Ngayeka kuye kabili lesishiyagalombili kodwa mina bebabi credit for one. I got credit for the first one late in the round but the second one in the closing seconds of the round I did not.


Reyes, oye esikhatsini lesinyenti ekhankasela at 154 futhi 160 amakhilogremu, okulinganiswa esikalini at a siqu-okusezingeni 165½ amakhilogremu for impi yakhe yakamuva, a ngazwilinye nesishiyagalombili round isinqumo lizuze David Alonso Lopez last UJan. 24. Reyes won by 77-74 kabili futhi 76-75 naphezu abehlela phansi in the yesibili.


# # #

In the SHOWTIME Championship Boxing co-feature, fighters unbeaten McJoe Arroyo(16-0, 8 Kos) of Puerto Rico kanye Arthur Villanueva (27-0, 12 Kos) of the Philippines kowe in a-Rounder 12 for the singenamuntu isihloko IBF Super Flyweight World.


The SHOWTIME Championship Boxing telecast siyophetha i ngempelasonto ezimatasa on SHOWTIME futhi CBS Sports ukuthi izoba ezintathu ezahlukene boxing series. It begins on Friday, July 17, nge ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader aphile on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. KANYE/PT) futhi iphela ngosuku-night Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) kuyi-CBS futhi SCB doubleheader on July 18.


Emahoreni ambalwa nje kokuqala Don Haskins Center, PBC on CBS (uhlala 4 p.m. KANYE/1 p.m. PT) utawuniketa doubleheader kakhulu. In the umcimbi main, superstar Ezingakanqotshwa British Carl Frampton (20-0, 14 Kos) uyokwenza U.S yakhe. DEBUT lapho uvikela igama lakhe IBF Super Bantamweight World ngokumelene Alejandro Cobrita Gonzalez Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos). Lo mcimbi co-main izoba sosondonzima okuthakazelisayo Chris The Nightmare Arreola (36-4, 31 Kos) yokulwa Umphikisi ukuba umemezele.


IThikithi olithenge For Saturday Ebusuku SHOWTIME ubuqhawe Boxing® IKhadi Faka Ukwamukelwa For Saturday Ntambama

Premier Boxing Champions kuyi-CBS Indawo


ISINYATHELO, TX (July 2, 2015) – Boxing abalandeli West Texas banethuba block on Saturday, July 18 ukuya izenzakalo ezimbili-class emhlabeni isibhakela ngosuku olufanayo endaweni efanayo!


A usuku lonke isinyathelo kusukela Don Haskins Center e El Paso, Texas, ukhahlela off nge esimisweni santambama of Premier Boxing Champions on CBS, ngezicabha okuvula at 12:00 p.m. MT, ngenkathi esimisweni kusihlwa Showtime Championship Boxing iqala nge iminyango okuvula at 5:30 p.m. MT.


Abalandeli okuthenga amathikithi sangaleso kusihlwa uyophinde zihlinzekwe ithikithi ikhadi ntambama kanye.


Amathikithi izenzakalo ezenzeka bukhoma ontengo yakhe yayinqunyiwe at $200, $100, $75, $50 futhi $25 dollar futhi ezisendalini manje. Ukushaja ngocingo nge credit card enkulu, shayela Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 noma University Ticket Center at (915) 747-5234. Amathikithi ayatholakala


Headlining esimisweni kusihlwa ukubuya ukuze El Paso kalowo owayenguNgqongqoshe wezwe iqhawe nendodana Mexican wesibhakela legend Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., (48-2-1, 32 Kos), olwela e El Paso okwesibili, in a 10-round super middleweight iziqubu ngokumelene OkungishayaMarcos “Dorado” Reyes, (33-2, 24 Kos).


Umcimbi main The ntambama izici United States DEBUT of Ezingakanqotshwa superstar IrishCarl Frampton, (20-0, 14 Kos) emzuliswaneni featherweight kokuhilizisana featherweight esheshayo-fisted eziyishumi Alejandro “Cobrita” Gonzalez, Jr. (25-1-2, 15 Kos).


Also featured on the PBC on CBS telecast will be the return of Mexican-American heavyweight star Chris Arreola, (36-4, 31 Kos).


Ukuze ulwazi olunabile, vakashela,,ukulandela on TwitterPremierBoxing, SHOSports, @ Jccchavez1, RealCFrampton, WarriorsBoxingProm, TGBPromotions FuthiSwanson_Comm bese ulandela ingxoxo usebenzisa #ChavezReyes futhi #FramptonGonzalez abe umlandeli ku-Facebook at futhi noma uvakashele Blog SHOWTIME Boxing