Kategoriaj Arkivoj: Showtime Bokso


SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? Sur Nov. 14, Live At 10:45 P.M. ET/PT sur SHOWTIME?El Hard Rokenrolo Hotelo & Kazino en Las Vegas
Klako HERE Elŝuti Fotoj De Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
VAŜINGTONO, D.C. –(Oct. 28, 2015) -Beltway-spaco denaska Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 KOs) tenis amaskomunikiloj trejnas ĉe La Enigmo Boksado Klubo en Capital Heights, MD marde kiel li prepariĝas por sia konkurso bout sur Novembro 14 Sur SHOWTIME.
Russell Jr. faros la unuan defendon de sia WBC Featherweight Mondĉampioneco kontraŭ Kolombio Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 KOs) En la #?efa evento de SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Sur Sabato, Nov. 14, vivi sur SHOWTIME (10:45 P.M. ET/PT) de Hard Rokenrolo Hotelo & Kazino en Las Vegas.
Jen kion Russell Jr., Gary Russell Sr. (Gary patro kaj trejnisto) Kaj Gary Antonio Russell(Gary juna frato kaj nevenkitan boksado perspektivo) devis diri marde:

“Trejnejon tuj granda, ni pravas sur kurso. Ekzistis negrava singulto en la tendaron ĉar mi supozis batali sur Oct. 24. Mi komencis sparring, but once the fight got pushed back to Novembro 14 I cut the sparring off. Mi ne volis bekon tro frue.
“#Hodia? (Mardo) estis mia unua tago reen sparring denove. Mi laboras en mia kalendaro, ring generalship and lateral movement. We’re right on course.
“Oscar Escandon estas forta kaj durable. Li venas rekte antaŭen. Se lia angulo estis inteligenta ili provus forpreni mian manon rapido kiu estos granda faktoro en la lukto. Li devos fermi la distancon, sufoki miajn stampiloj tiom rapido ne estas faktoro.
“Ni laboras en igante same komforta batalado sur la ekstera kiel mi batalis interne.
“Multaj batalantoj estas unu-dimensia. Ni klopodas fari ke diamanto brilas ĉiuflanke.
“Mi scias ke mi estos venkinta sen dubo. Iun, kiun vi akiros en la ringo kun tiuj malgrandaj, 8-ounce gloves always has a possibility of creating an upset whether he’s a big puncher or not. Ĝi nur prenas unu pafon. It’s the fightersjob to take away that opportunity.
“Mi estas ekscitita por batali, period. I don’t even think about this fight being a title defense. Ĝi prenas certa tipo de mensa fortecon kaj psikologia forto akiri en la ringo kaj elfari. Ĉiu kiu akiras en la ringo kontraŭ Mi estas ĉampiono en miaj okuloj.
It’s been about seven months since I fought. I’m always anxious to get back in the ring.
“Se mi trapasas Escandon mi amus batali Leo Sankta Kruco, we fought in the amateurs. But we never underestimate any opponent and we are focused on getting this fight out of the way first. Lee Selby is another guy that we’re looking at. Of course Abner Mares, eĉ se li perdis, would be a great fight. These are the type of guys that we’d like to fight.
“Havante mian familion kun mi dum trejnejo signifas ĉion por mi. Ĝi estas kie mi ricevas mian energion de. Multaj uloj sentas kiel ili devas foriri por trejnejon, sed mi ne devas lasi hejme. Mia familio estas la pela forto malantaŭ mia trejnejon kaj kie mi trovos mian povon kaj motivado. Fine de la tago, Mi skatolo por mia familio.
“Se mia frato finas kverelante sur mia subkarto estus tre malvarmeta por mi. Estos amuza ĉar se li ne konkurenci, vi sendube vidos min labori sia angulo antaŭ mia titola batalo.”
“Mi scias ke estas konkurso lukton, sed ni iros en ĉiun batalon kiel ĝi estas titola batalo. Ni ne scias ton pri lia kontraŭulo, ni nur trejni kiel ĉampionoj.
“Mi havas ses filojn, ili cxiuj batalantoj. Ili ĉiuj havas malsamajn atributojn kiel personoj kiuj tradukas malsame en kiuj ili estas kiel personoj kaj en la ringo.
“Antonio Russell estas 4-0, li laboris vere forte tuta de lia vivo. Ekstere de la gimnazio, li povas korekti ion. Antoine, kiu ĵus kvalifikiĝis por la olimpikaj provoj, Estas brila. Mi estas tre fiera de li ĉar li ĵus studentiĝis valedictorian de lia klaso kun la plej alta GPA de iu en Prince George County. Tiam vi havas Gary, kiu tiel forte laboranta, li estas la estonteco patriarko de la familio. Li havas malnovan spirito.
“Mi fieras de ĉiuj el miaj infanoj kaj mi estas fiera ke ni estas forta familia unuo. Ni lernis tre de Gary perdon al Vasyl Lomachenko. Ni havas moton en la gimnazio, kiu pendas de rubando, ĝi diras 'Sukceso estas la Finfina Venĝo’ kaj ni vivis per tio ekde la perdo. Ni lernis gravan lecionon de tiu lukto kaj moviĝis sur.
“Boksado estas vanta afero, vi ne faras ĝin por ĉiam. Ni faras nian propran aferon. Mi ne estas maltrankvilita pri kio aliaj personoj faris.
“Kiel patro, via patra instinkto piedbatas en ĉar en tiu sporto, io povas okazi. Vi ne volas vidi vian filon finos lastimado. Do ni trejnas por ajna cirkonstanco. Pro tiu instinkto, Mi estis strikta kaj malmola sur miaj filoj por provi ilin savas.”
GARY ANTONIO RUSSELL (Batalanta sur la Vendredo, Oct. 30 ne-televidigita Premier Boksado Ĉampionoj sur Resalto TV subkarto kaj potenciale la Novembro 14 subkarto.):
“Kun la vojon ni trejnas kaj lukto, nia defendo starigas nian ofendo kaj nia ofendo starigas nian defendo.
“Mia laboro estas iri tie interne kaj gajni batalojn. Mi konas miajn kontraŭulo estas alta ulo, sed mi ankaŭ scias ke li ne tuj gajnos. Li ne havas la povon pugnanta aŭ ringo generaleco ke mi havas.
“Iam mi gajnas, Mi estas sur la sekva. Mi trejnita batali konsekvence. Mi esperas min akiras ĉi ulo el fruaj, se ĝi venas kaj prezentas sin. Tiam mi amus batali sur mia pli aĝa frato karto du semajnojn poste.”
# # #
Por pli da informa vizito Www.sho.com/sports sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉewww.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


BROOKLYN (Oct. 26, 2015) – WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesuo Cuellar (27-1, 21 KOs) will take on exciting Puerto Rican contender Jonathan “Polvo” Oquendo (26-4, 16 KOs) Sabato, Decembro 5 at Barclays Center in Brooklyn live on SHOWTIME (9 P.M. ET/6 P.M. PT).


The Cuellar vs. Oquendo world title bout will precede the eagerly anticipated SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING? main event which features an all-Brooklyn battle between middleweight world champion Daniel “The Miracle Man” Jacobs (30-1, 27 KOs) kaj iama mondĉampiono Peter “Kid Chocolate” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 KOs) with the middleweight crown and Brooklyn bragging rights on the line.


“I am glad to be defending my world title once again this year against a solid fighter like Jonathan Oquendo, who is fresh off a great win over Jhonny Gonzalez,” said Cuellar. “Oquendo comes forward all the time, so it will be a war. It will be a great card in the borough of Brooklyn and on SHOWTIME, so I have to deliver a great show. I have to get a big win so that I can get Leo Santa Cruz in the ring with me.”


“I’m very happy about this opportunity because it is my first world title fight and I’m going to fight in New York for the first time in my career with the support of all the Puerto Ricans there,” said Oquendo. “After my victory over Jhonny Gonzalez, I rested several days and then started training for this important fight. I know that Cuellar beat ‘JuanMa’ Lopez and I want to avenge my friend and fellow Puerto Rican’s loss. I’m training hard to become the next world champion for Puerto Rico.”


Biletoj por la viva evento, Kiu estas #anta?enigi de DiBella Distro, Komenco ĉe $50, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj povas esti aĉetita enretan de vizitantaWww.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com aŭ nomante 1-800-745-3000. Biletoj ankaŭ estas haveblaj ĉe la Usona Ekspreso Box Office ĉe Barclays Centro.


A fast-rising star out of Buenos Aires, Argentino, Cuellar looks to make it 11 victories in a row when he defends his 126-pound title against Oquendo on Decembro 5. His power in both hands has helped him deliver seven knockouts in his last nine victories including his most recent performance, an eighth-round knockout of former world champion Vic Darchinyan in June. The 28-year-old won his world title with a unanimous decision over Claudio Marrero in his U.S. debut in August 2013. He went on to defend the title against Rico Ramos, Juan Manuel Lopez and Ruben Tamayo.


A top contender from Vera Baja, Puerto Rico Oquendo Gajnis 12 De lia lasta 14 Bataloj. His most recent victory was his most impressive as he dropped and defeated former three-division world champion Jhonny Gonzalez in September in the pay-per-view opener for “HIGH STAKES: Mayweather #kontra?. Berto.” The 32-year-old also owns victories over Joe Luis Araiza, Eden Sonsona, Alejandro Montiel and top prospect Guillermo Avila. He will fight in New York for the first time as a pro when on Decembro 5.


Barclays Centro BROOKLYN Boksado ™ programado platformo estas prezentita de AARP. Por pli da informa vizito Www.sho.com/sports sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @DanielJacobsTKO, @KidChocolate, @LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉe www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment Kaj www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter.



Unbeaten Heavyweight Jarrell Miller Blasts Ahror Muralimov in Third Round, Samuel Clarkson Demolishes Lavern Harvell in Two Rounds From the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix, Arizono

Catch Replay Mardo, Oct. 27, #?E 10 P.M. ET/PT sur SHO ULTRA?

Klako HERE #El?uti Fotojn

Fota Kredito: Esther Lin/SHOWTIME

PHOENIX (Oct. 23, 2015) – On a night when five of the six fighters were making their debuts on ShoBox: La Nova Generacio, newcomersRob “Bravo” Brant Kaj Jarrell ‘Big Baby” Miller remained undefeated and the one ShoBox returnee, Samuel “The Main Event” Clarkson, won his seventh in a row Friday live on SHOWTIME at the Celebrity Theatre in Phoenix.

Brant (18-0, 11 KOs), De St. Paul, Minn., withstood a late, sustained rally from Louis “The Unknown” Rose (13-3, 5 KOs), De Los Angeles, to win a close, hard-fought 10-round majority decision in the ShoBox Ĉefa evento.

In a pair of explosive matches in the scheduled eight-round co-features,undefeated heavyweight Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (15-0-1, 13 KOs), De Brooklyn, N.Y., Elfrapis Ahror “Aha” Muralimov (14-2, 11 KOs), De Houston, Texas via Uzbekistan in the third round and southpaw Samuel “The Main Event” Clarkson (17-3, 11 KOs), of Cedar Hills, Teksaso, dropped Lavarn “Baby Bowe” Harvell (15-2 8 KOs), of Atlantic City three times en route to an impressive second-round TKO.

Brant, who won the majority of the early rounds, Triumfita de la poentaroj de 96-94 Dufoje kaj 95-95. There were no knockdowns in the close, competitive match that could have gone either way. In the toughest fight to date for both boxers, Brant was more accurate while Rose was much busier and more active.

“Credit to Brant for taking a fight that virtually everyone thought would be close and competitive, and it turned out to be exactly that,'' ShoBoxanalyst Steve Farhood said afterward. “And credit Rose for coming on in the second half of the fight and being a threat to yet another undefeated prospect. Both fighters fought well, and in the case of Brant he needs to learn from this experience, throw a few more left hooks and grow as a prospect. And only time will tell if he grows from this experience.”

Brant, making his fifth start of the year, iris 10 rounds for the first time in a pro career that began in November 2010.

“I knew it was going to be a tough fight,’’ said Brant, La 2010 National Golden Gloves champion at 178 pounds and a member of the U.S. national boxing team who’d won his previous five fights by knockout. “Every time I thought I had him hurt he would come back. I had to keep my composure in there and stick to the game plan. I think my jab was key tonight. It really helped me keep the pace and set up my punches.

“In the second half I slowed the pace and picked my shots to win the fight. It was a great learning experience. I need to get right back in the gym and continue to progress.”

The defeat was a bitter one for Rose, who rose from being homeless six years ago into a legitimate prospect at 160 Funtoj.

“This is very disappointing, I really don’t feel like talking,’’ said Rose, who had beaten six undefeated fighters in a career that began in November 2011. “I thought I did enough to win. I had him backing up and hurt from the sixth round on. Obviously, I want a rematch.”

Miller, making his fifth start in 2015, stopped Muralimov with a single, devastating right hand to the chin at 1:03 in the third round of a fast-paced slugfest that featured give-and-take action during the first six minutes. Muralimov seemed to be getting the better of the exchanges in the first and Miller was getting off better during the second.

“I’m a warrior,’’ said Miller, a former professional kickboxer. “I want knockouts. I don’t want decisions. This was a tough guy tonight. Anybody that can take a smash in the mouth like he did and keep coming back shows that he came to win.

“I am willing and ready to fight any of the top heavyweights.’’

Muralimov, who got in his fair share of heavy shots, had success boxing and moving side to side. He worked the body well. Tiam, he got caught and that was that.

“He just beat me, what can I say. Certe, this is disappointing,’’ said Muralimov, who lost for a second straight time. “I was in great shape and thought I was ready. I know I should have continued to work the body more. ‘’

En la komenca vico de la telecast, Clarkson dropped Harvell twice in the last minute of the first with right hooks before decking and finishing him with a left-right combo at 0:48 of the second.

?”I knew the knockout was coming, I just didn’t know when,’’ Clarkson said. “I think my straight left was the differenceit set up the big rights for me. We’ve been working on throwing straight shots instead of looping punches and it came together tonight.

I take it one fight at a time, but I’m ready to get back in the ring and fight whoever they put in front of me.

Harvell, who was fighting his first scheduled eight-rounder, had a two-fight winning streak end. “I feel fine. I’m good,'' Li diris. “But this is very disappointing. Just to lose makes it hard.’’

The event was presented by Greg Cohen Promotions and Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions in association with Iron Boy Promotions, GH3 #Anta?enigo, Fight Card Promotions, Salita Promotions and Winner Take All Productions.

La ShoBox tripleheader will re-air this week as follows:



Mardo, Oct. 27, 10 P.M. ET/PT SHOWTIME Extreme


Vendredo’s three-fight telecast will be available at SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning Saturday, Oct. 24.


Barry Tompkins nomata ShoBox Ago de ringside kun Farhood kaj eksa monda #?ampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estis Gordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughanproduktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.


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Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 63 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.



Vendredo, Nov. 6 El Downtown Las Vegas Evento Centro

Viva sur SHOWTIME? #?E 10 P.M. ET/PT


NOV-JORKO (Oct. 22, 2015) – Unbeaten leviĝa stelo Antoine "Ago" Douglas Batalos sur ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Por kvina tempo kiam li prenas sur Les “Seruro N Ŝarĝo” Sherrington En batalo de monda-rangita middleweights en la ĉefa evento de aquadrupleheader vivas sur SHOWTIME (10 P.M. ET/PT, Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo) SurVendredo, Nov. 6, #?E Urbocentro Las Vegas Eventa Centro (DLVEC), Vidalvide al La D Las Vegas En ikoneca Urbocentro Las Vegas.


La populara perspektivo-oriented boksa serio premierita en julio 2001 Kaj produktis 63 Mondaj ĉampionoj datiĝi. la kvinono de Antoine ShoBox Apero ligos lin kun ok aliaj batalantoj por dua loko sur la ĉiuj-tempa listo (La ShoBox Apera rekordo estas tenita de Chris Avalos Kun ses aperoj). Ĉiuj de la batalantoj kun kvin aŭ pli ShoBox Aperoj daŭrigis defii por monda titolo, Kvin triumfita –Andre Kvartalo, Ishe Smith, Robert Guerrero, Kendall Holt Kaj Badou Jack—Kaj tri falis mallongan –Avalos, Mike Arnaoutis Kaj Sechew Powell. Sesa kvin-tempo Shobox Partoprenanto, Lateef Kayode, Estas enhorarigita defii WBA Cruiserweight Monda Ĉampiono Denis Lebedec Sur Nov. 4.


Douglas, de Burke, Va., Estas la WBA-a naŭa-rangita konkuranton. Li eniros la 10-ronda vico por la WBA kaj WBOa Internacio 160-funtaj titoloj kun rekordo de 18-0-1, 12 KOs. Sherrington de Aŭstralio, La WBA-a Ne. 12Th-aprezita konkuranton, Estas 35-7, 30 KOs.


“Douglas estis konsekvence amuzanta dum liaj bataloj sur ShoBox Kaj estas batalanta alian pli malnovan, Pli-sperta oponanto ankoraŭ foje,??? Dirita ShoBox sperta analizisto Steve Farhood. “Parto de la kontento rigardi batalantojn evoluigas sur ShoBoxEstas vidanta ilin diplomita al konkuranta statuso. Douglas estas preskaŭ ĉe tiu punkto; Li estas prenanta liajn finajn klasojn.''


La 10-rondo ShoBox Co-ĉefaĵo egalos eksan internacia amatora elstarulo kaj 2012 Olimpika Bronza Medalulo, Ukraina maldekstramana Taras "Reala Deal" Shelestyuk (12-0, 8 KOs), De Los Angeles, Calif. Kontraŭ sperta Aslanbek Kozak (26-1-1, 7 KOs), de Vladikavkaz, Rusio, En welterweight vico.


Du ok-rounders rondigos ekstere la kvar-batalo telecast: Southpaw "Killa" Keenan Smith(8-0, 3 KOs) De Philadelphia bataloj Benjamin "Da Blaxican" Whitaker (10-1, 2 KOs) De San Antonio en ekstra malpeza bataleto kaj O'Shaquie "Glacio Akvo" Foster (8-0, 5 KOs) de Orange, Teksaso, Alfrontas "Cunamo Sam" Seah (6-1, 2 KOs) De Philadelphia en malpeza matĉo.


Ĉiuj sed Douglas estos faranta ilia ShoBox Debutoj en evento antaŭenigita de GH3 Antaŭenigoj kaj Rubandaj Antaŭenigoj. Ĉiuj ok boksistoj batalas en Las Vegas por la unua fojo. Biletoj estas alprezigita #?e $100.50, $75.50, $40.50, $25.50 Kaj $20.50 kaj estas haveblaj por aĉeto ĉe Www.ticketmaster.com.


Douglas, 23, Estis impona en kvar sinsekvaj venkoj pro tio ke li boksis tiron kun eksa monda titolo kontestanto Michel Soro En ok-pli ronda ke estis parto de la 200Th ShoBox Telecast sur julio 25, 2014. Douglas gajnis lian lastan du komencoj de knokaŭto: Sur Julio 17, tria-ronda TKO super Istvan Szili kaj sur Marto 13, sesa-ronda TKO superThomas LaManna.

“Tio ĉi estas tre bona matchup por mi,'' Diris Douglas. “Mi sentas min estas en la ĝusta loko sur mia kariero. Mi deziras movi supre la rangojn kaj gajni titolon pafis.


“Mi vidis Sherrington kaj lin estas alta kaj longe. Li ŝatas batali sur la internaĵo. Li perdis al Sam Soliman. Mi estis en tendaro kun Soliman kaj li ne estas granda puncher.


“Tio ĉi estas mia unua batalo en Las Vegas, Mi estas tre malkvieta. Las Vegas estas la bokso mecca de la mondo. Tio ĉi estas grandega paŝo supre por mi.”


Douglas, pinta amateur kiu faris ĝin al la 2011 Usono. Olimpikaj Elprovoj, Estis ekstreme aktiva pro tio ke turnanta profesiulon en oktobro 2012. Li batalis dufoje je 2012, Naŭ fojoj en '13, Ses fojoj en '14 kaj tio ĉi estus lia tria komenco ĉi tiu jaro.


Sherrington de Burleigh, Ora Marbordo, #A?stralio, Estos batalanta eksteron de lia indiĝena lando por la unua tempo en tio ĉi, Lia Usono. Kaj 2015 debutojn. Li estas gajnita du en disputo kaj estas 8-1 En lia lasta naŭ bataloj, La perdo venanta al eksa IBF Monda Middleweight Senegala Soliman en decembro 2013.


Pro tio ke la amara malvenko al Soliman kiu frapis lin ekstere de la mondaj rangotabeloj, Sherrington estis rigardanta elaĉeti lin mem en grava matchup en grava stadio. Tio ĉi estas lia ŝanco.


“Ĉi tiu batalo estas io mi estis atendanta mian tutan karieron por kaj mi planas sur donanta ĝin mia plej bona pafo,'' Li diris. “Mi ne povas atendi akiri super al Ameriko kaj ekzpoziciejo miaj kapabloj. Batalanta pintan-tier batalantoj estas ĉiuj mi iam ajn demandis.''


La puto-preparita 6-piedo, 33-Jaro-malnova Sherrington turnis lian karieron ĉirkaŭ post kiam perdanta lian profesian debuton en aprilo 2002 Kaj iro 4-3 En lia unua sep komencoj. Pro tio ke marto 2006, Li estas 25-3 Dum gajnanta plurajn negravajn titolojn. En lia lasta komenco sur Dec. 2014 he captured the WBA Oceania Middleweight Title with a shutout 10-round decision over Samir Santos Barbosa.


Taras Shelestyuk made his debut at the late age of 27. Perspektivo ĉe 147 Funtoj, he was an amateur standout (195-15) in Ukraine with extensive international experience. He was the Gold Medalist at the 2011 World Championships and a Bronze Medalist at the 2012 Olympics, both at 152 Funtoj.


The 5-foot-10 29-year-old, who was born in Makeevka, Ukrainio, is trained by International Boxing Hall of Famer, Freddie, Roach. Shelestyuk is a lefthander with solid skills, movement and punching power who has exclusively campaigned in the United States since turning pro in March 2013. Li iris 6-0 Je 2013, 3-0 Je 2014, and is 3-0 #?I tiu jaro. He’s coming off a unanimous eight-round decision over Johano Rodríguez Lasta Aprilo 3 in Ontario, Calif. He’s gone eight rounds twice.


Koncerne al lia kromnomo, Shelestyuk said, “My nickname is ‘Real Deal,' Kaj ĝi signifas ke mi pruvas kion mi diras en la komerca ke mi fari.”


Kozaev, 29, 5-Piedo-7, Estas faranta lia 2015 debuto kaj kvina Usono. komenco. Li gajnis lian unuan du antaŭ ol perdanta lian ekskurson antaŭ lasta sur 12-ronda decido al perspektivo Ray Robinson En NABO welterweight titola batalo sur Feb. 21, 2014. Li estas mallonga por la welterweight klaso kaj estas ekvidanta Shelestyuk 3 ½ Coloj en alto.


Smith, La 2008 Naciaj Oraj Gantoj Featherweight Ĉampiono kaj 2007 Malsupera Olimpika Nacia Ĉampiono, Turnita profesiulon en aprilo 2010—ĉe 130 Funtoj.

La 5-piedo-7, 25-Jaro-malnova estos faranta lian kvaran komencon de la jaro post batalanta nur unu fojo en ambaŭ 2012 Kaj 2011. Li estas gajnita du el lia tri bataloj en 2015 Per knokaŭto, Inkluzivanta ajnan facilan dua-ronda knokaŭto super Lavell Hadley Lasta Aug. 15 En Atlantika Urbo. Tio ĉi estos lia dua batalo ekde subskribanta kun GH3 Antaŭenigoj kaj lia unua pro tio ke lia patrino mortita en lasta septembro.

“This has been a rough training camp as my mom passed away and we had the funeral on Sept. 29,’’ Smith said. “Going through that is extra motivating and I am dedicating this fight to her. I am excited to be in my first television bout. I can’t wait for Nov. 6.?

Smith went 72-4 in the amateurs. Two of the victories came against current world-ranked contender Amir Imam.


Whitaker, a 5-foot-9, 31-Jaro-malnova, has fought in Texas in all but one of his fights. He’s been impressive in his three fights this year, winning them all by clear and convincing eight-round decisions.


Whitaker produced a career-best victory two outings ago when he soundly out-tallied previously undefeated knockout artist and local favorite, Skender Halili. #Anka?, Whitaker captured the vacant WBC United States (USNBC) and U.S.A. Teksaso Ŝtata Ekstra Welterweight titoloS de outpointing Rodolfo Gomez Sur Jan. 16 En Laredo.


“Parolado estas rabate, Ĉi tiu batalo estas iranta esti milito,'' Diris Whitaker, tri-jaro profesia kiu estis venkinta en lia unua sep profesiaj bataloj kaj ankaŭ posedas gajnon super antaŭe undefeatedFilipo Rivas. “Li deziras teni lia undefeated rekordo sed mi estas provanta akiri al kie mi deziras esti.”


Foster, 22, Estos faranta lia ok-ronda debuto. Profesiulo ekde aŭgusto 2012, Li estas farita mallongan laboron de lia lasta du oponantoj, Trafanta komencan-rondaj knokaŭtoj super Darius Jackson (1:03) Kaj Malkaŝa Jordanio (1:26) Sur Sept. 26 Kaj Aug. 22, Respektive.


“Ĝi estas iranta esti granda batalo. Mi estas gaja por la ŝanco,'' Diris Adoptitan, Kiu estis alportita laŭ zorgeme post kiam 100-plus amatora kariero en kiu li antaŭeniris al la 2012 Usono. Olimpikaj Ludoj Elprovas kie li perdis al unbeaten profesia perspektivo, Joseph “Jo-Jo” Diaz.


“Mi estis trejnanta vere malfacile. Mi rigardis Teah kaj lin ĵetas multajn larĝajn kaj sovaĝajn stampilojn. Mi estas rigardanta antaŭan al batalado en Las Vegas.''


La 2011 Houston Oraj Gantoj kaj 2010 AMIKO Nacia Ĉampiono, Foster estis kvin-tempo Ringside Nacia Ĉampiono kaj du-tempo Nacia Malsuperaj Oraj Gantoj Ĉampiono.


Yeah, 28, malpeza, Ankaŭ estos faranta lia ok-ronda debuto. Ĉiuj sep el liaj antaŭaj komencoj estis enhorarigita por kvar rondoj. Pro tio ke suferanta lian solan regreson sur plimulta kvar-ronda decido al undefeated Laviasas Williams julio 25, 2014, Teah gajnis du en disputo, Ambaŭ sur shutout kvar-rondaj decidoj, Inkluzivanta 40-36 Kalkaĵo kontraŭRaymond Velez En lia sola komenco ĉi tiu jaro sur Julio 17.


Barry Tompkins Vokos la ShoBox Ago de ringside kun Farhood kaj eksa monda #?ampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estas Gordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughan produktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.


# # #


Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio,ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBoxFilozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 63 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.


Pri Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

Situante ĉe la angulo de Tria St. kaj Carson Ave. laŭlarĝe de la D Las Vegas, la Downtown Las Vegas Events Center povas akomodi ĝis 11,000 gastoj kaj ecoj stato-de-la-arto stadio, sono kaj lumigado. La malferma-aera dezajno invitas al ambaŭ turistoj kaj lokuloj kaj proponas la perfektan lokon por koncertoj, konvencioj kaj aliaj grandskalaj okazaĵoj. Brakumante la desinhibida spirito de Downtown Las Vegas, la nova ejo ludas gastiganto al grupigo de kuracas okazaĵoj inkluzive ĉefranga koncertoj, nutraĵo festivaloj kaj pli. La ejo estas ankaŭ la unua entretenimiento areno en Las Vegas akcepti Bitcoin kiel valuto. Por pli da informo, Vizito www.dlvec.com aŭ sekvi sur Facebook, Instagram kaj Twitter ĉeDLVEC.


BROOKLYN, N.Y. (Oct. 21, 2015)Undefeated heavyweight Jarrell “Granda Bebo” Miller unofficially began his boxing career by protecting himself on the streets of his Flatbush neighborhood as a teenager. More than a decade later, the Brooklyn bruiser has transformed a lifetime of beating the odds into a career where he deals beatings to his opponents, and he doesn’t plan to slow down anytime soon.

Jarrell ‘Big BabyMiller is an incredible talent and a fighter who I believe will resurrect the age of the dominant American heavyweight,” said boxing champion-turned-promoter Dmitriy Salita, who co-promotes Miller with Greg Cohen Promotions. “I have known Jarrell since he was 16 Jaroj malnova. He is the full package with all the tools to be a dominant heavyweight world champion for years to come.

The next task for the 6-4, 245-pound Miller (14-0-1, 12 KOs) – like everything about the heavyweightis big. The bruising, brooding Brooklyn Brawl alum with a perfect professional boxing record looks to earn win No. 15 #Tio ?i Vendredo, Oct. 23, when his bout with Akhror Muralimov of Uzbekistan (16-1, 13 KOs) – a daunting big man himself who has competed in his last two fights at 256 Lbs. – is co-featured live on ShowBox. The event airs live from the Celebrity Theater in Phoenix, Ariz., #?E

10:30 P.M. E.T. on Showtime.

Akhror Muralimov is no easy task on Oktobro 23 but I believe Jarrell has all the skills to make a dominant statement and put himself on the map with the best heavyweights in the world,” said Salita of his big-time protégé.

Miller, who has also had success in his pro fight career as a muay thai kickboxer, is a former New York Golden Gloves heavyweight finalist. Miller’s last pro boxing win came via an impressive first-round TKO over 278-pound heavyweight Excell Holmes onJunio 26 in Niagara Falls. Prior to that dominating victory, the big brawler scored a second-round TKO earlier that month over 249-pound foe Damon McCreary on Junio 4, at Salita’s Brooklyn Brawl event at the Paramount Theater in downtown Brooklyn.

In upcoming local action, Salita will once again provide NYC with a night of pugilistic prowess as the former IBF, WBA and NABA International Junior Welterweight Champion brings his Brooklyn Brawl series back to South Brooklyn on #?A?do, Oct. 29. The Aviator Sports and Events Center will serve as the next proving ground for many New York City-based rising stars; the exciting undercards building toward featured events, where AliciaSlickAshley and Christina McMahon (7-0, 3 KOs) will square off for the WBC Super Bantamweight title and top-10 world-ranked bantamweight contender, Nikolay Potapov, makes his U.S.A. Debuto. Porda turniro #?e 6 P.M. Kun la unua vico enhorarigita por 6:30 P.M., kiel la Broklino Brawl aspektas refoje allogi Novjorko kun fistic furiozo. Biletoj komencu $20 and are available by calling 1-844-890-2120 or by visiting SalitaPromotions.com.

Por biletoj, more about the participants and additional updates on the #?A?do, Oct. 29, Brooklyn Brawl please log on to SalitaPromotions.com and AviatorSports.com. Follow all the action via social media leading up to the eventand on fight nightat@BrooklynBrawlNY on Twitter and Instagram, or by accessing the hashtag #BrooklynBrawl.


Biletoj sur vendo nun
Viva sur SHOWTIME? #?E 10:45 P.M. ET/PT
LASa VEGAS (Oct. 21, 2015) – Gary Russell Jr. (26-1, 15 KOs) will make the first defense of his WBC Featherweight World Title when he takes on Oscar Escandon (24-2, 16 KOs) En la SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO? main event on Sabato, Nov. 14 de Hard Rokenrolo Hotelo & Kazino en Las Vegas, vivi sur SHOWTIME (10:45 P.M. ET/PT, Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo).
Biletoj por la viva evento, kiu estas promociita de TGB Promotions, Estas alprezigita #?e $155, $105, $80, $55 Kaj $30, ne inkludante aplikebla kotizoj, Kaj estas sur vendo nun. Biletoj povas esti aĉetitaj ĉe la Hard Rokenrolo Hotelo & Kazina skatolo oficejo, nomante 888-9-AXS-TIX, #A? enreta #?e Www.axs.com.
It’s going to take all of my skills and my whole arsenal to defend my belt on Novembro 14,” Diris Russell Jr. “Escandón is a strong, durable fighter with a lot of power. I will have to be on my A-game and I believe I will be able to showcase my skills when I get in the ring.
I’m very thankful for the opportunity to fight Gary Russell Jr. for his world title,” said Oscar Escandón. “I feel strong going into this fight. Moving up to featherweight has given me the added weight to be at my full strength. I’ve been training hard with Ruben Guerrero, who’s been doing a great job preparing me for Russell’s southpaw attack. I guarantee that I’m going to make it a rough fight.
“Gary Russell Jr. is one of the sports brightest young stars,” Dirita Tom Bruna of TGB Promotions. “Winning the featherweight world title against Jhonny Gonzalez was an outstanding feat and he’s chosen a very tough initial defense against the heavy handed Oscar Escandón. We’re very excited to work with the great teams at SHOWTIME and Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas on this terrific event.
The evening’s co-main event will be announced shortly, as will the full undercard of action.
Russell Jr., De Kapitolaj Altoj, Md., makes his first start since dethroning defending champion Jhonny Gonzalez via fourth round TKO in March in Las Vegas. The talented and quick-fisted southpaw dropped the veteran Gonzalez three times en route to capturing his first world title. The only blemish on the record of the 2008 Usono. Olympian is a close majority decision loss to Vasyl Lomachenko in a bout for a vacant world championship in June of 2014 Sur SHOWTIME.
Escandón, of Ibague, Kolombio, is a former interim WBA World Super Bantamweight titlisthe lost the belt in April in a close, split decision to Moises Flores at StubHub Center but complained after the loss that a broken finger in his right hand prevented him from throwing any meaningful punches. A former amateur standout who represented his native Colombia in the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Escandón won his U.S. debut and the interim WBA belt with a 12-round split decision over Tyson Cave lasta decembro. He has knocked out 10 De lia lasta 14 opponents and is trained by Ruben Guerrero, father of long-time welterweight contenderRobert Guerrero.
Escandón, who holds a career-best seventh-round TKO over then-undefeated Jesuo Cuellar Je 2011, will be making his third consecutive start in the U.S. as he moves up in weight to 126 pounds to challenge Russell Jr.
Por pli da informa vizito Www.sho.com/sports sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, MrGaryRussellJr, @Escandonbox; TGBPromotions, HardRockHotelLV KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉe www.Facebook.com/SHOSports.


Former Professional Kickboxer Faces Ahror Muralimov In

ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Quadrupleheader, #Tio ?iVendredo, Oct. 23,

Vivi an SHOWTIME (10:30 P.M. ET/PT) From The Celebrity Theatre In Phoenix


NOV-JORKO (Oct. 20, 2015) – A former high-level professional kickboxer will try to continue his impressive transition to prizefighting when undefeated heavyweight Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (14-0-1, 12 KOs) faces once-beaten Uzbekistan-born Ahror “Aha” Muralimov (14-1, 11 KOs) Sur ShoBox: La Nova Generacio #Tio ?i Vendredo, Oct. 23, Vivi sur SHOWTIME (10:30 P.M. ET/PT, Prokrastita sur la Okcidenta Marbordo).


The up-and-coming Miller, Kiu estas faranta lia ShoBox Debuto, is looking to take the next step in establishing himself as a legitimate fighter-to-watch in the heavyweight division. A pro since July 2009, he will be fighting for the fifth time in 2015. The 27-year-old Miller won his last three fights by knockout, all within the first two rounds, including a first-round knockout of Excell Holmes in his most recent bout on Junio 26.


While the Brooklyn born and raised Miller is now fully focused on a fistic career, he hails from an MMA and kickboxing background. For a few years, he competed in K-1, historically the world’s premier kickboxing organization, and twice fought the legendary Mirko “Cro Cop” Filipović.


Miller had very little amateur boxing experience, but he has sparred extensively with heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko.


Here’s what Miller had to say during a recent Q&A with SHOWTIME Sports prior to his eight-round scrap with Muralimov:


How would you say your career is going?

“The beginning of my career started off slow because I was associated with the wrong guys, but now I’m in a good spot and my career has really taken off. We are moving in the right direction and I am ready to knockout everyone that comes in my path.”

You had very limited amateur experience. Your opponent was an accomplished amateur with international experience. How will you deal with that, or is that even a factor?

“I don’t take the amateur experience for granted, but his amateur experience isn’t really a factor for me. I have had some experience sparring current and former champions. I sparred with Wladimir Klitschko. I’m ready and I am going to knock him out.


“The Eastern Europeans think they are the best thing since sliced bread, but I’m going to show him what it means to be a true American heavyweight.”


What do you think of Ahror Muralimov and what are his strengths and weaknesses?

“Muralimov has a decent chin and a good left hook. His weakness is that he has never fought anyone like me.”


You have a five-inch height advantage in this one. How will that work in your favor?

“My height advantage will work for me. A tall fighter is going to fight tall. I’m not going to bring myself down to his level. I’m going to pick him apart and knock him out.


“This is pure business and he’s the next cookie that will crumble, so I need to throw him away in the trash.”


You initially turned pro as a kickboxer and had a successful career. Why did you make the transition to boxing?

“I’ve always been interested in boxing, but it just wasn’t the right moment at the time to start boxing because I was finding success in kickboxing. I now feel like I can get more output from my input from boxing, so I am focused strictly on that. Even before I started kickboxing I always knew that I would eventually turn to boxing.’’

You’ve gone six full rounds twice. This fight is scheduled for eight. Are you concerned about stamina and going eight rounds, if necessary?

“I can box eight rounds in my sleep. I’m not worried about eight rounds. Mi estas militisto, I can go all night. I’ve been training for 12 Jaroj, so I train harder and harder for each fight that I have. This is my time and I’m coming for the spotlight, period.”


Deontay Wilder was also a sparring partner for Wladimir. When you think about today’s top heavyweights, what names quickly come to mind and do you feel you are ready for them, or do you think you may need a little more seasoning?

“I definitely want to fight one 10-round and one 12-round fight before fighting for the title. I want to get in the ring with good, durable opponents who have good records and knock them out in the last round so I can get some rounds in. But if Wladimir or Deontay wanted to fight tomorrow I would take it.”


Do you look at Wilder as an inspiration?

“I was happy that Deontay won the belt. For any American to make it out of the neighborhood he did and win the belt is an inspiration.”


You have sparred extensively with Wladimir Klitschko. How often/for how many fights did you work with him?

“The first time I sparred with Wladimir, I only had two professional fights under my belt. The last camp I sparred with him I was supposed to be there for four weeks, but I beat him up badly after two weeks so they sent me home.


“Wladmir is a champion in and outside of the ring. His attitude is something that I admire, but I would love to knock him out.”

How important is it for you to make a statement in your ShoBox debut? Is this the kind of opportunity you’ve been looking/waiting for?

“It’s very important for me to make a statement on ShoBox. An opportunity like this doesn’t come around too often. My goal is to go out there and look phenomenal. I want to look like brand new money and crush this guy.


“I’ve been looking for an opportunity like this for a long time. This is my time and I have no doubt in my mind that after this fight people will know my name.’’

Your prediction on the Battle of Brooklyn, Daniel Jacobs or Peter Quillin and why?

“Both of these guys are my dudes. Miaopinie, Quillin is the harder puncher, but Jacobs is the better boxer. If Daniel sticks to his gameplan, then he can win, but if he sits there and trades punches with Quillin he will get hurt. I think the fight is 50-50.”


In the main event of Vendredo’s ShoBox quadrupleheader at the Celebrity Theatre Je Fenikso, Ariz., Undefeated Rob “Bravo” Brant (17-0, 11 KOs), De St. Paul, Minn., #Viza?o Louis “The Unknown” Rose (13-2-1, 5 KOs), De Los Angeles, in a 10-round bout for the vacant WBC Continental Americas middleweight title.


In other eight-round televised bouts, unbeaten Filipino prospectHarmonito “El Huracan de Gensan” Dela Torre (16-0, 11 KOs) will make his U.S. debut against Angel “El Gato” Luna (12-1-1, 7 KOs), of the Dominican Republic and Lavarn “Baby Bowe” Harvell (15-1, 8 KOs) of Atlantic City will face southpaw Samuel “The Main Event” Clarkson (16-3, 10 KOs), of Cedar Hills, Teksaso, in a light heavyweight match-up. All but Clarkson will be making their ShoBox debutojn.

Barry Tompkins Vokos la ShoBox agado de ring kun Steve Farhood kaj iama mondĉampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estas Gordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughan produktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.



# # #


Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 63 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.




Middleweights Rob Brant and Louis Rose Meet in Main Event

Vivu ĉe 10:30 P.M. ET/PT

NOV-JORKO (Oct. 9, 2015) ? ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Revenas sur Vendredo, Oct. 23, Vivi sur SHOWTIME? (10:30 P.M. ET/PT) with a quadrupleheader that matches eight young prospects against each other in the toughest fights of their budding careers.


In the main event at the Celebrity Theatre Je Fenikso, Ariz., Undefeated Rob “Bravo” Brant (17-0, 11 KOs, 0-3 en Monda Serio de Boksado), De St. Paul, Minn., #Viza?o Louis “The Unknown” Rose (13-2-1, 5 KOs), De Los Angeles, in a 10-round bout for the vacant WBC Continental Americas middleweight title.


In the televised co-features, unbeaten Filipino prospect Harmonito “El Huracan de Gensan” Dela Torre (16-0, 11 KOs) will make his U.S. debut against Angel “El Gato” Luna (12-1-1, 7 KOs), of the Dominican Republic; in a heavyweight scrap, Undefeated Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller (14-0-1, 12 KOs), De Brooklyn, N.Y., Alfrontos Akhror “Aha” Muralimov (14-1, 11 KOs), De Houston, Texas via Uzbekistan; Kaj Lavarn “Baby Bowe” Harvell (15-1, 8 KOs) of Atlantic City will face southpaw Samuel “The Main Event” Clarkson (16-3, 10 KOs), of Cedar Hills, Teksaso, in a light heavyweight match-up. All but Clarkson will be making their ShoBox debutojn.


All three co-featured bouts are scheduled for eight rounds.


Biletoj por la evento, presented by Greg Cohen Promotions and Roy Jones Jr. Boxing Promotions in association with Iron Boy Promotions, GH3 #Anta?enigo, Fight Card Promotions, Salita Promotions and Winner Take All Productions, Estas alprezigita #?e $65 Ringside, $50 reserved and $30 general admission and are available online at www.celebritytheatre.ticketforce.com.



Brant vs. Rose:

The 5-foot-11½-inch Brant, who turned 25 Sur Oct. 2, estis la 2010 National Golden Gloves champion at 178 pounds and was a member of the U.S. national boxing team. He has won all 17 of his fights since turning pro in 2012, including the last five in a row by knockout. He scored a third-round TKO over Lekan Byfield in his last fight on Aug. 28. Brant currently trains in Dallas alongside top prospect Errol Spence Jr.


The 5-foot-11-inch Rose, Estas 26 years old and a pro since November 2011. He has beaten six undefeated fighters and is 8-1-1 in his last 10 Bataloj. The lone loss came against highly regarded, Unbeaten (Kaj 2011 world amateur champion and 2012 Ukrainian Olympian) Ievgen Khytrov Sur Nov. 21, 2014. Rose has won his last two outings including an upset sixth-round TKO over previously undefeated prospect Milorad Zizic (11-0 Eniranta) Sur Marto 13 and in his most recent outing, a highlight-reel, last-minute eighth-round TKO over Andrew HernandezSur Aug. 15.



Dela Torre vs. Luna:

Dela Torre, a 5-foot-7½-inch, 21-Jaro-malnova, is considered one of the most promising young talents in the Philippines. After an amateur career that featured 47 gajnas per 40 KOs and membership on the Philippine national amateur boxing team, Dela Torre turned professional at the age of 17 En januaro 2012. He recently relocated to Las Vegas, and will be fighting outside of Asia for the first time. Dela Torre has stayed active in the ring, fighting six times in 2012, five times in 2013, three times in 2014, and this will be his third fight this year. En lia lasta batalo sur Junio 7, he recorded his sixth consecutive knockout on a fourth-round stoppage over Eusebio Baluarte.


Luna returns to the ring for the fourth time in 2015, having beat Jose Lopez in his most recent bout on Junio 6 per unuanima decido. Luna fought his first eight professional matches in his native Dominican Republic, winning five by knockout. In his U.S. debut on May 21, 2014, Luna notched a second-round knockout over Joey Arroyo. The 5-foot-5 inch junior lightweight prospect suffered his lone defeat against prospectTevin Kultivisto in his second to last bout on Aprilo 17.


Miller kontraŭ. Muralimov:

Miller, 27, stands six-foot-four inches and has an impressive physique with fast and powerful hands. The former New York Golden Gloves finalist was born and raised in Brooklyn and made his professional debut in July 2009, notching a first-round knockout. This is Miller’s fifth fight of 2015. He won his last three fights by knockout, all within the first two rounds, including a first- round knockout of Excell Holmes in his most recent bout on Junio 2. While Miller is now fully focused on his boxing career, he comes from an MMA and kickboxing background, having competed 10 times on an international level. Miller has sparred extensively with Heavyweight Champion Wladimir Klitschko.


The 27-year-old Muralimov, who was born in Uzbekistan but now lives and trains in Houston, had an impressive amateur career with over 150 fights and world championships at three different divisions. Muralimov suffered the only loss of his career on Feb. 14 via 10-round unanimous decision to tough veteran Derric Rossy. Miller will be just the second undefeated fighter that Muralimov has faced and looks to be his toughest opponent to date. Prior to his loss to Rossy, Muralimov recorded six knockouts in his last eight bouts.


Harvell vs. Clarkson:

Harvell is a 27 year old from the Ventnor Heights section of Atlantic City who has fought sporadically since turning professional in February 2008 (although this will be his third fight this year and he appears to be approaching top form). Harvell has won two in a row since suffering his lone defeat in his 14Th fight by a shocking, upset six-round decision to big underdog Edgar Perez Sur junio 14, 2014. En lia lasta vico sur Aug. 22, Harvell defeated Quincy Minor by first-round knockout.


The 6-foot-1-inch 25-year-old Clarkson continues to perform with a strong urgency after he’d been mostly dismissed as a legitimate prospect after three disappointing losses on his record. Having since focused on growing as a fighter inside the ring and as a person outside of it, Clarkson has developed a unique blend of speed, power and confidence. He stamped himself as a super middleweight prospect to watch in his ShoBox debut two outings ago when he produced a stunning third-round TKO over hard-hitting, highly regarded Jerry OdomSur Julio 17. In his most recent scrap, he scored a 1:30, first-round knockout over outclassed Rayford Johnson Sur Aug. 28. Clarkson is a two-time Texas Golden Gloves State Champion and Police Athletic League National Champion at 175 Funtoj.

Barry Tompkins Vokos la ShoBox agado de ring kun Steve Farhood kaj iama mondĉampiono Raúl Márquez servanta kiel sperta analizistoj. La plenuma produktanto estas Gordon Hall Kun Richard Gaughan produktanta kaj Rick Phillips direktanta.


Sur batala nokto, pordoj malfermiĝas ĉe 5 P.M. Kaj la agaj komencoj ĉe 6 P.M. The Celebrity Theatre is located at 440 N 32nd Street in Phoenix, AZ. Por pli da informo, Voko (602) 267-1600 aŭ viziti www.celebritytheatre.com. For more information on Greg Cohen Promotions, Vizitowww.gcpboxing.com. Pepi: @gcpboxing. Or check us out on Facebook at www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing.


# # #


Proksimume ShoBox: La Nova Generacio
Pro tio ke #?ia iniciato en julio 2001, La kritike aklamita SHOWTIME boksa serio, ShoBox: La Nova Generacio Prezentis junan talenton egalis malfacile. La ShoBox Filozofio estas televidigi ekscitan, Amaso-#pla?i kaj konkurencivaj #mat?o dum provizanta pruvantan teron por volantaj perspektivoj determinita batali por monda titolo. Kelkaj de la kreskanta listo de la 63 Batalantoj kiu aperis sur ShoBox Kaj #anta?eniri rikolti mondajn titolojn inkluzivas: Andre Kvartalo, Deontay Pli #Sova?a, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omar Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devon Alexander, Carl Froch, Robert Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paul Williams kaj pli.



It doesn’t matter what he comes to the table with, we will have a 10-week camp for this fight and we will be completely ready.
– Daniel Jacobs
I expect Danny to bring his great chin to this fight. I didn’t notice it before but his chin looks very huge.” – Peter Quillin
EL Barclays Centro en Broklino
Klako HERE Por Fotoj De Ed Diller/DiBella Distro
Klako HERE Por fotoj de Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Biletoj Sur Vendo Nun!!!
NOV-JORKO, N.Y. (Oct. 7, 2015) –WBA Middleweight World Champion Daniel “La Mirakla Viro” Jacobs (30-1, 27 KOs)kaj iama mondĉampiono Peter “Infana #?okolado” Quillin (32-0-1, 23 KOs)participated in a kickoff press conference on Wednesday at Planet Hollywood Times Squarein New York City to formally announce their highly anticipated Dec. 5 showdown in the main event ofSHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO Vivi sur SHOWTIMEDe Barclayoj Centro En Brooklyn.
The undercard for the Brooklyn showdown will be announced soon.
Below is what the fighters and executives had to say today:
“Tio ĉi estas granda ŝanco por mi. This is a big opportunity for Brooklyn. It could not have happened at a better time. I’ve been calling him out for two years, but it had to take that time to build and for our careers to blossom.
The fans will be the winners at the end of the day. This matchup is going to be all action-packed. It’s a very interesting matchup.
I’m thankful to Peter for accepting the challenge and for giving me the opportunity to have a career-changing fight.
I believe my time is now. I know there was hype around me as a prospect. People have their opinions about me, but I believe at this present time that I’ve matured as a man overall. I’m in my prime.
“Al mi, this fight means everything to Brooklyn. This is a thick-skinned city that was raised on fighting. You always had to defend yourself. We have that pride of having great fighters that come from here and I’m fortunate enough to be that champion to continue the legacy.
I feel like this fight has a lot of significance to it, not just in New York, but to the sport of boxing in general. A lot of people have been asking for this fight, and now that it’s here, you will see a tremendous amount of attention surrounding it.
I think youth is everything in the sport of boxing. Although Quillin is older than I am, he has that experience and power that he will bring into the ring. Anything can happen in this sport.
I am such a fan of this particular fight, this fight is going to be an amazing fight.
Just because Peter has flaws in one area, he can back that up with a one-punch knockout, so you always have to be prepared for that.
Peter’s flaws are that he loads up his shots too much, is slow on his feet and isn’t headstrong. If I can execute the game plan I think it will be a phenomenal outcome.
We adopted Peter as one of Brooklyn’s own, but come fight night you will all see a Brooklyn-born champion.
It doesn’t matter what he comes to the table with, we will have a 10-week camp for this fight and we will be completely ready.
I’ve been on a strict diet, I haven’t been eating chocolate. But after December 5Th, I’m going to be the Cookie Monster, don’t miss it.
This fight means everything to me. It’s two guys for the battle of Brooklyn. We are both going to have great support in the building and this fight will really inspire people.
In New York City you never get to see two guys at this level of boxing square off against one another. It means a lot and I’m very excited about this fight.
I expect Danny to bring his great chin to this fight. I didn’t notice it before but his chin looks very huge, so that’s what we’re looking at now.
I feel like I’m the son of Brooklyn. Although I’m from Michigan, this city has taken me in like I’m one of their own. You see what Las Vegas did for Floyd Mayweather, that’s what Brooklyn did for me.
This is a good guy vs. good guy fight and it’s good for the sport of boxing. I’m coming to throw bombs. It’s not about the bills. It’s about the character of the person I’m fighting. This is the type of fight that is going to bring the best out of Peter Quillin.
I lead a very healthy lifestyle and train even when I’m not preparing for a fight. I keep myself as young as possible.
You’re going to see Fourth of July in the month of December. We’re going to melt some snow.
BRETT YORMARK, CEO de Barclayoj Centro
When I think of Barclays Center now, we truly are in the big event business.
When I think about the remainder of 2015, there were two dates on my calendar and one of them is Battle for Brooklyn on Dec. 5. The two gentlemen up here are part of the Barclays Center. This is their home away from home. There is no place better for them to be getting it on.
I want to make sure we put on a great show for the fans in Brooklyn. We’re excited to see all the fans on Dec. 5.”
LOU DIBELLA, Prezidanto de DiBella Distro
Barclays Center has become the home of boxing and one of the great places to watch boxing right now.
“Mi promesas al vi, this will be the undercard of the year. It’s going to be the most interesting undercard of the year. Get your tickets now.
SHOWTIME has developed both of these young men. These two champions both made their names as SHOWTIME fighters. This fight will properly end the year on SHOWTIME.
I’ve known both of these young men since they were kids. They are terrific men and a true credit to the sport. These guys have always gotten along, they respect each other as fighters, but there is a true belief on both their parts that they are the best.
Take all the friendship and throw it out the window. This is going to be nasty. This is going to be brutal. There will be boxing but these guys will throw bombs. They can’t help themselves, that’s what makes them so great.
The winner of this could be a superstar.
This fight is to show who the man in town is. The winner will own Brooklyn. If you’re the man in Brooklyn, you’re the man. This will be a fight of the year candidate, sendube.
I expect both men to go down. The fans will be on their feet the whole time. This is a can’t miss fight between two evenly matched champions and guys who want and need this victory.
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, Administra Vicprezidanto & #?Enerala #Mana?ero, SHOWTIME Sportoj
We’re thrilled to be working with DBE and Barclays Center on this event. You’re going to hear a lot of genuine excitement because this is the right fight, at the right venue and at the right time.
“Brett [Yormark] has turned Barclays Center into the home of boxing on the East Coast.
We take a great amount of pride in these two young men, because they are everything that is right with the sport.
They’re very different young men with fascinating stories. They’ve both overcome incredible odds. Their roads led them to each other. It will be hard for us to choose who to root for because these are two great young men and great boxers.
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Barclays Centro BROOKLYN Boksado ™ programado platformo estas prezentita de AARP. Por pli da informa vizito Www.sho.com/sports sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @DanielJacobsTKO, @KidChocolate, @LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter KajSwanson_Comm aŭ fariĝi fervorulo sur Facebook ĉe www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, Www.facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment KajWww.facebook.com/barclayscenter.


Pedraza Wins Split Decision Over Edner Cherry
Easter and Herring Notch Victories on SHO ULTRA?
CLICK HERE FOR PHOTOS (Photos Forthcoming)
Kredito: Estefania Trapp / SHOWTIME
SHOWTIME? Announces ALL ACCESS Epilogue: Adrien Broner Will be Available on SHOWTIME Sports? Digital Platforms Next Week
CINCINNATI, Ohio — (Oct. 3, 2015) – Cincinnati’s Adrien Broner won a world title in his fourth weight division with an impressive 12-round TKO over Khabib Allakhverdiev fighting in front of 5,932 of his hometown fans at the Usono. Bank Arena and live on SHOWTIME #?AMPIONECO BOKSO®\\. Broner (Nun 30-2, 22 KOs) put his fast hands, thudding power and love of showmanship on display in an exciting performance.
Allakhverdiev (Nun 19-2, 9 KOs) took Broner’s best shots without going down, but with an in-shape Broner, but with upping the punishment in the last round, Referee Harvey Dock decided to mercifully wave the fight over at 2:23.
Broner looked sharp in his return to the super lightweight division. He landed 50 Procento de liaj potencaj stampiloj, with the right uppercut being his most effective tool.
“Honeste, a young guy like me, they just threw me a lot of cash at a young age. It was hard to adjust to the fame, to the lights. After my last fight I said I wasn’t putting my all into it,” said Broner. “It’s definitely all up to me. After that bell, no one can help me. I’m still AB, but this next half of my career I’m going to be about boxing and about business. Nothing has changed. I’m comfortable at whatever weight my opponent is comfortable at. But I’m getting wiser, I’m getting older.
No question Broner won the fight. He is the real thing and tonight he showed it,” said Allakhverdiev’s promoter Vlad Hrunov.
En la komenca vico de la telecast, IBF Junior Lightweight World Champion Jose Pedraza (21-0, 12 KOs) stayed undefeated and successfully defended his championship via 12-round split decision over Florida’s Edner Cherry (34-7-2, 19 KOs).
Pedraza prevailed in the closely contested and difficult-to-judge battle, per dudekopo de 117-111 Pedraza, 116-112 Cherry and the deciding 117-111 Pedraza.
Cherry landed the harder punches and pressed the attack, while the southpaw Pedraza was very elusive and countered well with quick combinations.
I won the fight. It was a very tight fight and very hard fight, but I definitely won the fight,” said Pedraza. “I was very calm when they were reading the scores because I knew I won. I’m very happy. We did a great job and started strong, but Edner had his moments. With my team, we used our intelligence to get the victory. I was able to change my style, switch to southpaw and Cherry couldn’t handle the left hand.
Cherry was gracious in defeat saying, “I just left it in the judgeshands. If I knocked him out it wouldn’t be up to the judges. It’s them. That’s the judges. That’s what happens when you leave it to the judges. Mi ne prenas ion for de li. It was a good fight.
Fighting in the main event of the SHOWTIME Boxing sur SHO ULTRA? portion of the night, Toledo, Ohio lightweight Robert Paska Jr.. moved his undefeated record to 16-0, 13 KOs with a three-round demolition of Argentinean veteran Juan Ramon Solis (Nun 25-10, 9 KOs).
Easter Jr. made it look easy as he dug thudding body shots at Solis and rocked him with hard, accurate shots to the head. Easter threw 177 total punches and landed 68 of them. Solis threw 44 and landed just nine.
By the third round, Soliscorner had seen enough and requested a stoppage at the :45 second mark.
You prepare for the worst in the gym, with these kinds of fights you never know, said Easter Jr. “With a performance like this, you know you’re onto the next level. I showed that tonight.
To open the telecast, 2012 Usono. Olympian and undefeated lightweight Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 KOs) iris 10 rounds for the first time in his career while scoring a dominant unanimous decision over durable Ghanaian YakubuBlack MambaAmidu (19-8-2, 19 KOs).
Herring showed his tremendous speed and superior strength while firing rapid-fire combinations to Amidu’s head and body. To his credit, Amidu hung tough for the duration and never stopped trying.
I knew he was good. I respected what his experience and what he was putting down,” said Herring. “I showed my skill and went the distance with a veteran that had never been down. It’s a blessing to showcase my talent on a world stage. I’ve worked hard to get here and good things come to those who wait.
La juĝistoj’ scores (99-91, 100-90, Kaj 100-90) reflected Herring’s dominance.
En ne-televidigita ago, Cincinnati’s own Jamontay Clark moved to 7-0, 4 KOs with a brutal two-round stoppage of Hartford’s Joe Wilson Jr. (Nun 3-3).
Using an accurate and powerful left hand as his primary weapon, Clark had Wilson down twice in the first and once more to begin the second before the merciful stoppage at :28.
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Broner vs. Allakhverdiev was promoted by Warriors Boxing and About Billion Promotions.
Por pli da informa vizito Www.sho.com/sports sekvi sur PepiSHOSports, @AdrienBroner, @WarriorsBoxProm and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOSports Kaj Www.facebook.com/AdrienTheProblemBroner