Цатегори Арцхивес: СхоБок


Mason “Rock Hard Mighty” Menard is focused and determined like no other time during his career.




The lightweight contender moved six hours from his home and two children in Louisiana to train with a new team in Dallas alongside the likes of WBC World Super Welterweight Champion Jermell Charlo and IBF Welterweight Champion Errol Spence Jr.




Менард (33-2, 24 КОс) will face undefeated Devin “The Dream” Haney (18-0, 12 КОс) of Las Vegas for the USBA Lightweight Championship on Friday, Мај 11, in the 10-round main event of the popular prospect series СхоБок: Нова генерација куадруплехеадер (10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ) on SHOWTIME from 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.




У 10-кола ко-функцијом, super bantamweight prospects Josh “Don’t Blink” Greer (16-1-1, 8 КОс) and Glenn Dezurn (9-1-1, 6 КОс) ће се састати. In an eight-round featured attraction, light heavyweight Alvin Varmall Jr. (15-0-1, 12 КОс) takes on Charles Foster (15-0, 8 КОс); and in the opening televised fight, super bantamweight Arnold Khegai (11-0-1, 8 КОс) will face Adam Lopez (16-2-2, 8 КОс) у осам рунди меча.


Карте за догађај, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, Hard Hitting Promotions & Devin Haney Promotions, се по цени од $125 за ВИП, $70 за ринга и $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




“Everything has changed,” said Menard. “The way I eat in my off-time, мој тим, my management, Моји тренери, the way I train. Everything.”




The 29-year-old Menard says his home state of Louisiana simply couldn’t offer the level of training he is now getting, working with new trainers Nathan Pipitone, Maurice James and Aaron Navarro, while sparring with world champions.




“I’m in Dallas to better my career,” Menard continued. “Louisiana just doesn’t have what I need to take it to the next level and compete. I’m working hard here and it’s what I need. I’m pushing the tempo and sharpening my skills.”




Fighting live on СхоБок у 2016, Menard scored a brutal Knockout of the Year candidate over previously undefeated Eudy Bernardo and got another СхоБок win later that year with an impressive KO over Bahodir Mamadjonov. He then suffered his only loss since 2008, in a short-notice showdown with WBO Lightweight Champion Raymundo Beltran.




He returned from the setback in March 2017 with a decision win, but suffered a serious injury.




“I had a detached front rotator cuff tendon and partial torn biceps tendon. It gave out on me in my last fight in the first round. I’ve had surgery on it, and rehabbed it, and now I’m ready to return to the world stage. I’m in with a good, slick boxer, but my trainers have a game plan and we have been working on a few things that he does, just to be prepared for what’s to come against him. Бићу спреман. "




Menard says the hardest part of preparing to face one of boxing’s most talked-about prospects on national television is the loneliness of missing his two beloved daughters, Demi (8 година стар) and newborn Amelia.




“I get homesick. I miss my babies back home, but it’ll all be worth it,", Рекао је он. “It’s my job and I’m going to do it.”

Mason Menard training hard for Haney showdown

Beverly Hills, Калиф. (Април 25,2018) – лаган кандидат Мејсон Менард (33-2, 24 КОс) is training very hard for his upcoming battle with undefeated Devin Haney (18-0, 12 КОс) that will headline a СхоБок: Нова генерација картица, ливе он СХОВТИМЕ (10 Пм ЕТ / ПТ) у петак, May 11th at The 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.





Menard has set up training camp in Dallas, Texas for this important battle, which is now for the USBA Lightweight title.




Training Camp is Dallas is going great. I’m feeling comfortable with my new team around me, and being around elite guys in the gym like Errol Spence, Јермелл Цхарло, Rob Brant and Cem Kilic has made me a better fighter,” said Menard. “My only real loss was to world champion Ray Beltran. May 11th can’t come soon enough because I am ready to show the boxing world that Devin Haney is taking too big of a step up, and I am back.




This will be the first bout with new Manager, Shane Shapiro of No Limit Mindset Management.





I am excited for Mason’s return to the ring. With a new management team around him, a repaired shoulder, an elite trainer and quality sparring partners, fight fans will see an improved Mason Menard on May 11th,” said Shapiro, CEO of No Limit Mindset. “I truly believe that being in the gym with guys like Errol Spence and Jermell Charlo for entire camp will bring out the best in Mason. Devin Haney is a great fighter, and has a lot of hype around him, but come fight night, he will realize that he took too big of a step up in opposition.





Menard is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.






For more information on No Limit Mindset, ДОО, контакт:





Shane Shapiro




Телефон: (310) 770 – 9077






Devin Haney vs. Mason Menard to Fight for USBA/IBF Lightweight Title on ShoBox: Нова генерација

ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Април 16, 2018)When undefeated lightweight sensation, DevinThe DreamHaney (18-0, 12 КОс), чини његов СхоБок: Нова генерација debut on Friday, Мај 11, 2018, против Мејсон Менард (33-2, 24 КОс), the vacant USBA/IBF lightweight title will be on the line. The 10-round main event bout will air live on СХОВТИМЕ (10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ) од 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.

Haney, who fights out of Las Vegas, НВ, is looking to become the youngest boxer to possess a world championship belt, and acquiring the vacant USBA/IBF title would get him one step closer to eventually fighting for the IBF World Championship.

Capturing the USBA lightweight title against a tough opponent like Mason Menard, who has 35 fights under his belt, will certainly inch me closer to fighting for the IBF championship crown,” said Devin Haney, who captured the WBC Youth title in his 14тх pro fight. “This fight against Menard is very important to me and my brand. I want to show the world that I’m the next big star in boxing. A dominating win against Menard on SHOWTIME will give the fans a taste of what I’m all about.

Карте за догађај, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, Devin Haney Promotions & Hard Hitting Promotions, се по цени од $125 за ВИП, $75 за ринга и $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.




Ливе Ат 10 п.м. И/PT On SHOWTIME From 2300 Arena In Philadelphia





ЊУЈОРК (Април 5, 2018) – Highly regarded undefeated lightweight Devin Haney will face the toughest test of his career in veteran Mason Menard in the 10-round main event of СхоБок: Нова генерација Петак, Мај 11 ливе он СХОВТИМЕ (10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ) од 2300 Арена у Филаделфији.





The 19-year-old Haney, who was a seven-time national junior amateur champion, has been considered a blue-chip prospect since turning professional at the age of 16 у Мексику. Haney (18-0, 12 КОс) will face by far the toughest opponent of his career in his СхоБок debut against Menard (33-2, 24 КОс), a two-time СхоБок veteran whose only loss in nearly a decade came to current WBO Lightweight Champion Ray Beltran.





The boxing world will see something they’ve never seen a 19-year-old professional boxer do,” Haney said. “I’m intimidating and I know it. I’m thankful to SHOWTIME and Mason Menard for giving me this opportunity, unfortunately for him, he will get a chance to see first-hand what all the hype is about. I’ve been sparring with former world champions like Jesse Vargas in preparation for this fight. The fact that I’m fighting in the main event is bringing out the best in me. It’s my time to show the world what I’m made of and I’m coming to make a statement in this fight. Mason Menard is in trouble!”





The young and flashy Haney fights out of Las Vegas, where he has earned a reputation as a prodigy having sparred with Floyd Mayweather, Шон Портер, Jessie Vargas and Rances Barthelemy. Он је саставио аматерску запис 130-8 and received a special exception from the Nevada State Athletic Commission when he was just 17 years old to make his U.S. debut on the undercard of Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley III.





Haney, who is trained and managed by his father, William Haney, has been active since turning pro with nine fights in 2016 and seven in 2017. In his last fight on Nov. 4, he scored a fifth-round TKO against Hamza Sempewo in Atlanta.





Menard had an emphatic win in his СхоБок деби у 2016 with a brutal Knockout of the Year nominee of previously unbeaten Eudy Bernardo. He returned later that year with a knockout victory of Bahodir Mamadjonov before facing Beltran on short notice. Prior to the 2016 loss to Beltran, Menard’s only blemish was a 2008 defeat in just his third professional fight.





It’s a privilege for me to be able return in a fight on national television again,” Menard said. “My all-around game will be different. I have a new team, a repaired shoulder and a different outlook on things. Haney may be undefeated, but he’s never faced anyone like me. If everyone expects me to fold against an untested prospect they are in for a big surprise.





After facing Beltran, Menard changed trainers and is now based in Los Angeles with trainers John Pullman and Buddy McGirt.





Карте за догађај, which is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions, Devin Haney Promotions & Hard Hitting Promotions, се по цени од $125 за ВИП, $75 за ринга и $50 for general admission and are available at the 2300 Arena Box office or online at www.HardHittingPromotions.com.


Непобедиви изгледи Монтана Лове и Тхомас Маттице побеђују у заједничким борбама

Погледајте Репризу у понедељак, Јан. 5 У 10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ На Сховтиме Ектреме®

Кликните ОВДЕ То Довнлоад Фотографије; Кредит Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме

СЛОАН, ИОВА (Јан. 3, 2018) - Непоражени перспективе у супер средњој категорији Роналд Еллис и Јуниор Иоунан борили су се до подељеног ремија у главном догађају СхоБок: Нова генерација Петак у СХОВТИМЕ из ВиннаВегас Цасино Ресорт-а у Слоану, Ајова.

Док је Еллис била СхоБок ветеран са јачим животописом, Иоунан је у борбу ушао као врло цењена перспектива која никада није била тестирана. Суочио се са првим тестом у петак у првом заказаном двобоју од 10 рунди за оба борца.

Борба се водила у налетима, с Иоунаном који погађа споља и Еллисом агресором. Осим осме рунде у којој је Бруклинов Иоунан приказао своје најбоље дело, Чинило се да је Еллис подстакао акцију и победио у другој половини борбе. Еллис је имао малу предност у проценту снажних удараца и укупних удараца, али Иоунан је био мало тачнији. Борци су били чак са 96 укупно повезује улазак у 10. коло, али Еллис (14-0-2, 10 КОс) освојио 10тх на све три судијске записнике истицањем Иоунана 21-9.

Постигнута је борба од 10 рунди 96-94 Елис, 96-94 Иоунан, и 95-95.

„Мислио сам да сам га извукао. На крају сам затворио емисију,”Рекао је Еллис, од Линн, Маса. „Притискао сам га и навијачи знају да сам победио. У осмом, нанео је неколико хитаца, али је потрошио енергију. Као што сте видели, остатак те рунде није урадио ништа, а после те рунде није му остало ништа.

„Трчао је од почетка, па сам знао да у свако доба могу да га упуцам. Жао ми је само што бих волео да сам га извукао одатле. Све су то нокаути одавде. Дефинитивно бих га поново борити, али урадићу све што ми постави промотер. “

Након туче, емотивни Иоунан (13-0-1, 9 КОс) пледирао је за реванш.

“Мислио сам да сам добио битку, мислила сам [Елис] победио можда три кола,”Рекао је Иоунан. „Моја најбоља рунда била је осма рунда - имао сам га у углу и заиста сам мислио да ће тада завршити борбу. Био сам изненађен да нису зауставили борбу.

“Могу мало да се поправим, Осећам да могу да завршим јаче. Имао сам само једну борбу од осам кругова пре овога, тако да је ово био велики корак за мене. Растем и учим сваку борбу.

“Тренутно ми је срце сломљено. Желео сам да победим у тој борби. Желим га у реваншу. Знам да бих победио. Знам шта треба, а шта не.”

Лаки непоражени Тхомас Маттице окупио се с леђа и постигао седми кола ТКО од СхоБок ветеран Роландо Цхинеа у заједничкој емисији телевизије.

Кина је потиснула акцију како се очекивало од уводног звона, бацање 90 ударци у првој рунди да би поставили мехураст темпо за заказану борбу од осам рунди. Цхинеа, који је ушао победивши три претходно непоражена борца у последња четири меча, одсећи прстен и притиснути напред, држећи Маттице-а углавном уз уже. Маттице је најбоље радио у центру ринга, али непоражени родом из Цлевеланда није успео да спречи борбу да се оспори око ужади.

Доле 59-55 улазећи у седми, Маттице (11-0, 9 КОс) ухватио Кинеју са огромним правом до браде и, осетивши да је Кинеја повређена, растерећен низом комбинација до главе. Са Цхинеа-ом наизглед на ногама и бочно падајући на платно, судија Адам Поллацк је ускочио да заустави борбу 1:31 седмог.

„Била је то груба борба,”Рекао је Маттице. „Осећао сам се као да сам заостао и мој угао ми је рекао да ми треба нокаут. Зујао је неколико пута. Ухватио сам га у седмом и он се климао. У почетку сам покушавао један ударац, онда сам се сетио да почнем да користим један-два. Тада сам спустио метак, затим кука, и добили смо оно због чега смо овде дошли, што је био нокаут “.

Цхинеа (15-2-1, 6 КОс) био активан, бацајући импресиван 678 ударци током седам и по рунди, у поређењу са 414 за Маттице-а. Али док је изнутра био агресиван и ефикасан, његово занемаривање одбране је оно што га је на крају повредило.

“Мислим да сам добро поднео притисак на њега и држао се свог авиона за игру,”Рекао је Цхинеа. „Управо сам се занео и ухватио сам правим ударцем и, нажалост, завршило се онако како се завршило.

“Мало сам разочаран што се завршило тако како се и завршило, али то је бокс и много тога се може догодити у спорту и то је једноставно тако.”

У уводном окршају телевизијског преноса од три борбе, супер лака перспектива Монтана Лове већином одлука над Самом Теахом задржао је свој неокаљани рекорд нетакнутим, постигао 78-74, 78-74, 76-76.

Јужњачка Љубав (9-0, 4 КОс) притискао акцију од почетка, користећи супериорну брзину и углађени рад стопала да диктирају темпо. Цлевеланд’с Лове, који се борио за само четири дана унапред, је наизглед причао смеће током рунди, говорећи Теах-у шта следи. Али чак и уз претходно упозорење, Теах није успео да уђе унутра или да слети било шта што би имало последице. Да (12-2-1, 5 КОс) чинило се да је оживео у шестом, али то је било премало, прекасно за филаделфијског борца.

“Само сам наставила боксати и гурати га назад,”Рекла је љубав. „Повриједио сам три зглоба у лијевој руци у приближно трећој рунди. Нисам сигуран да ли су преломљени или не, али да их нисам повредио, завршио бих ту борбу рано.

“Осећао сам се снажно. Управо сам дошао из сјајног кампа са Робертом Ускрсом, што мислим да је вечерас помогло у овој борби. Спаринг са Робертом и Адриеном [Бронер], Много сам научио од тих момака.

“Дајем свој укупни учинак Б или Ц +. Мислим да сам могао много више.”

Теах се није оправдао због суочавања са противником у последњем тренутку.

„Био је лукава јужњака. Знао сам да је углађен, али био је бржи него што сам очекивао,”Рекао је Теах. „Лоптом бих покушао да уђем унутра, а он је био оштар десном куком. Борба са момцима у кратком року је начин на који то очекујем. То је спорт. Припремао сам се за јужну шапу и добио сам јужну шапу. Без изговора."

Догађај је промовисао ГХ3 Промоције у сарадњи са Роц Натион Спорт, Вицтори Промоције и Рингсиде Тицкет.

# # #

Бари Томпкинс назива СхоБок Акција од ринга са Стеве Фархоод и бивши светски шампион Раул Маркуез служи као стручни аналитичара. Извршни продуцент је био Гордон Хол са Ричард Гаугхан производњу и Рик Филипс режирање.

За више информација посетите ввв.схо.цом/спортс пратити на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @СХОСпортс, #СхоБок, или бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс.

Тхомас Маттице Цамп Напомене

Непоражена Маттице Битке Лаган Роланд Цхинеа Овог петка na СхоБок: Нова генерација

Петак, Јан. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 п.м. И/ПТ
Од ВиннаВегас Цасино у Слоан, Ајова

ЊУЈОРК (Јан. 30, 2018) – Ундефеатед лаган перспектива Томас Маттице is preparing in Cleveland for his matchup against Роланд Цхинеа that is part of a СхоБок: Нова генерација триплехеадер ово петак, Јан. 2, ливе он СХОВТИМЕ у 10 п.м. ЕТ / ПТ од ВиннаВегас Цасино Слоан, Ајова.
Маттице (10-0, 8 КОс), од Кливленда, Охајо, и Ланкастер, Пеннсилваниа је Цхинеа (15-1-1, 6 КОс) will clash in the eight-round co-feature of the three-fight telecast.
Маттице је напорно за свој национални телевизијски деби.
Camp has been going great. We finished everything up over the weekend, а сада смо само опуштање и спрема се заПетак.”
Упркос прву борбу како је ово Маттице је испред камере, 27-годишњи третира овај као и сваки други борба.
I am going in like this is any other fight. The only difference is that this is a progression, a step up. Like all the other fights, Ја само фокусирана на добијање победу.”
Маттице пушта свој тим до све скаутинг, while he focuses on his own business of training and getting ready for the opportunity ahead of him у петак.
I am just letting my team handle the scouting of Chinea. We drew up a gameplan based on that, and now I am just going to go in there and execute it.
I just expect a great performance. For the fans that haven’t seen me, they can expect a fighter who can box and can bang. I just want everyone to tune in, and see a great fight. I have a lot of confidence that I will get the job done у петак.”
Манифестација промовише гх3 промоције у сарадњи са Роц Натион Спорт, Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Улазнице су само $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 о Јан. 2. For more information call: 1.800.ХОТ.ВИНН лок. 7117.


Love Replaces Injured Wellington Romero In Telecast Opener At 10 п.м. И/Т. Од ВиннаВегас Цасино Ресорт У Слоан, Ајова
ЊУЈОРК (Јан. 30, 2018) – Непоражен Супер лаган монтана Љубав ће се суочити стреакинг Пхиладелпхиа изгледима Сем Сеах in the opening bout of СхоБок: The New Generation this Петак, Јан. 2, ливе он СХОВТИМЕ (10 п.м. И/ПТ) од WinnaVegas Casino Resort у слоан, Ајова.

Кливленд Нативе Лове, who was originally scheduled to fight on a non-televised undercard bout on Јан. 2, замењује Велингтон Ромеро, who was forced to withdraw у понедељак with a back injury.
Да (12-1-1, 5 КОс) вс. Љубав (8-0, 4 КОс), is an eight-round super lightweight matchup that will serve as the opening bout of what is now a three-fight ShoBox telecast.
У Петак Главни догађај, изгледи Ундефеатед 168 килограма Роналда Еллис (14-0-1, 10 КОс) и Јуниор Иоунан (13-0, 9 КОс) will clash in a 10-round super middleweight bout. У сарадњи функцију, Томас Маттице (10-0, 8 КОс) will face two-time ShoBox winner Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 КОс) у осам кола лагане дуелу.
НАПОМЕНА: A previously announced matchup between Devin Haney and Harmonito Dela Torre was pulled from the ShoBox telecast after the Filipino Dela Torre encountered visa issues.
Љубав је био успешан аматер који је саставио 174-13 запис и освојила бронзану медаљу на 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old southpaw recently sparred with Adrien Broner and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. као Лагана светски шампион ИБФ припремљен за одбрану наслова од Јавиер Фортуна он Јан. 20.
Да, Филаделфија путем Либерије, has won five in a row and owns a 2015 ShoBox victory over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster.
Манифестација промовише гх3 промоције у сарадњи са Роц Натион Спорт, Вицтори Промоције, и Рингсиде улазнице. Улазнице су само $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 о Јан. 2. For more information call: 1.800.ХОТ.ВИНН лок. 7117.
Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Извршни продуцент је Гордон сала са Ричард Гаугхан производњу и Рик Филипс усмеравање.
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Younan Faces Fellow Unbeaten Ronald Ellis In Main Event Of ShoBox: Нова генерација, Следећи Петак, Јан. 2 Live SHOWTIME®


“After you see me fight, you’re going to remember what you saw.” – Junior Younan


Фотографија Кредит: Роц Натион Спорт


Гледати, Поглед & Подели преко ИоуТубе-а: http://s.sho.com/2nirQJI


ШТА: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of undefeated super middleweight prospect Junior Younan as he prepares to face fellow unbeaten Ronald Ellis in the main event of СхоБок: Нова генерација следећи Петак, Јан. 2, ливе он СХОВТИМЕ у 10 п.м. И/ПТ from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ајова.


Елис (14-0-1, 8 КОс), од Линн, Маса., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 КОс) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.


The Brooklyn-born Younan is a former amateur standout who was dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old. And while he’ll face the toughest opponent of his career on Јан. 2, he’s confident he has the pedigree and talent to become a world champion.


“I love being in that spotlight, putting on a show and hearing the fans,", Рекао је он. “There’s nothing like it. I definitely think I can be the face of the super middleweight division.


“After you see me fight, you are going to remember what you saw. Ово је моје време. This might not be a world title yet, but this is my first step.”


He added: “I don’t think there’s anything I can’t handle. 2018 should definitely be an interesting year. This is my breakout year.”


Ronald Ellis Camp Notes

Ellis Faces Fellow Undefeated Super Middleweight Prospect Junior Younan Следећа петак У главни догађај СхоБок: Нова генерација

Петак, Јан. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 п.м. И/ПТ
Од ВиннаВегас Цасино у Слоан, Ајова

ЊУЈОРК (Јан. 26, 2018) – Undefeated super middleweight Ronald Ellis is preparing in Los Angeles for his main event matchup against fellow undefeated Junior Younan that headlines a СхоБок: The New Generation quadrupleheader о Петак, Јан. 2, ливе он СХОВТИМЕ у 10 п.м. И/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Ајова.

Елис (14-0-1, 10 КОс), од Линн, Маса., and Brooklyn’s Younan (13-0, 9 КОс) will clash in the 10-round main event of a four-fight telecast that features eight fighters with a combined record of 113-3-3.

Елис, who now calls Los Angeles home, has been working hard at the Iron Gym under the watchful eye of Jerry Rosenberg and his father Ronald Ellis Sr.

My camp has been solid. I have been getting good sparring. We have been training for Younan like he is any other opponent,” Ellis said.

In Younan, Ellis has an idea on what his foe will bring to the ring on Јан. 2.

I know he is a young and undefeated fighter,” рекао је. “I have been reading some things where he says he is going to bring the fight to me. He seems like he likes to talk a lot, but that doesn’t do anything come fight night.

This will be the third ShoBox appearance for Ellis, as he is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker last January. Ellis feels that his big fight resume will be the key against Younan.

My experience will definitely be an advantage,” Ellis said. “I have been here on ShoBox two times before. I will be relaxed and comfortable as we approach the fight. This is his first time. I expect him to be real hyper.

This is a natural progression for me. I went from fighting on the undercard of ShoBox, and now I am the main event. A win will get me world ranked and hopefully catapult me into theСубота night fights on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. I know I can’t look ahead. I need to win first.

The event is promoted by GH3 Promotions and Roc Nation Sports in association with Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Улазнице су само $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 о Јан. 2. For more information call: 1.800.ХОТ.ВИНН лок. 7117.

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За више информација посетите www.sho.com/sportsfollow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @СХОСпортс, #СхоБок, или бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс.

О СхоБок: The New GenerationSince its inception in July 2001, похвале критике СХОВТИМЕ бокс серије, СхоБок: Нова генерација је представљен млади таленат упарен тешко. СхоБок филозофија је да емитовати преко телевизије узбудљиво, Публика-угодан и такмичарских мечева док пружају само полигон за вољних изгледима одлучни да се боре за светску титулу. Неки од растућој листи 74 борци који су се појавили на СхоБок и пласирали су се прикупи светске титуле укључује: Ерол Спенс Јр, Андре Вард, Деонтаи Вилдер, Ерисланди Лара, Шон Портер, Гари Расел Јр, Ламонт Петерсон, Гуиллермо Ригондеаук, Нонито Донаире, Девон Александар, Царл Фроцх, Роберт Гуерреро, Тимоти Бредли, Џеси Варгас, Хуан Мануел Лопез, Чад Досон, Поли Малигнагги, Рицки Хаттон, Кели Павлик, Пол Вилијамс и више.


Shohjahon Ergashev Shines While Jesse Hernandez Edges Ernesto Garza In Co-Featured Bouts


Цатцх Тхе Реплаи Понедељак У 10 п.м. И/ПТ На Сховтиме Ектреме


Кликните ОВДЕ То Довнлоад Фотографије; Кредит Степхание Трапп / СХОВТИМЕ


ВЕРОНА, НИ. (Јан. 13, 2018) – Unified Women’s Super Middleweight World Champion Claressa Shields dominated previously undefeated Tori Nelson en route to a 10-round unanimous decision in the main event of СхоБок: Нова генерација Петак on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino.




Shields controlled from opening to closing bell, sweeping 100-90 on all three judges’ scorecards in the first 10-round distance fight of her career. The 2012 и 2016 Olympic Gold Medalist out-landed Nelson 225-81 with her total punches, 186-70 in powers shots, and connected at a 44 percent clip with her power shots compared to just 20 percent for Nelson.




“I landed every shot that I thought possible to land,”Рекао је Штит. “She was tough, she wasn’t a pushover. She put on a good fight.”




Shields advanced to 5-0 with two knockouts in what was likely her final fight in the super middleweight division. The 22-year-old now has her sights set on the middleweight division where she will eventually target undefeated and Unified Women’s Middleweight World Champion Christina Hammer, who was ringside Петак у Верони.




“I have to drop down and see how I feel (први),”Рекао је Штит. “I think I could make 160 easy, I’m going to be bigger and stronger than any girl.




“Hammer just wants to scope. I think she’s pretty scared to be honest. She is more worried about me than I am about her. I’m going to kick Hammer’s ass. People think Hammer is more skilled than me so I can’t wait to show her that she’s not.”




Чекић, who is expected to fight in a co-featured bout on the next Shields card, was interviewed by SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood and expressed excitement to make her U.S. debut and eventually face the American champion.




“It’s a great combination me and her on the same card,” Hammer said. “I can’t wait to show the fans who Christina Hammer is. That will be the best fight ever. It will be the game-changer for female boxing. It’s our time to shine.




“I’m long-time world champion and I have more experience. I have longer reach, I’m tall, I have good footwork and better technique than her. I feel the energy, and I can’t wait to fight against her.”




The former world champion Nelson (17-1-3, 2 КОс) became the 173rd undefeated fighter to suffer their first professional loss on СхоБок: Нова генерација.




“I’m not happy because I didn’t win, but other than that I thought I executed pretty well,” said the 41-year-old Nelson. “I gave her a better fight than she was expecting.




“No disrespect to Claressa, she doesn’t have great power. She has great speed and she overwhelms you with a lot of punches. My movement threw her off like I knew it would but knowing she was the champion, I needed to just push a little bit more.”




У СхоБок ко-функција, Jesse Hernandez narrowly defeated Ernesto Garza via split-decision in an action-packed fight that was scored 95-94 Хернандез, 95-93 Garza, 97-93 Хернандез.




After a close first round, Garza floored Hernandez with a flush left hand to the nose in the closing moments of the second round. Hernandez recovered, and while the middle rounds featured tremendous back-and-forth action, Hernandez seemingly had no trouble walking down Garza, who’s punches seemed to lack any real power. Garza (9-3, 5 КОс) found a second wind and seemed to pick up the eighth and ninth rounds until Hernandez roared back in an excellent 10тх and final round that featured 178 Укупно ударце.




Хернандез (11-1, 7 КОс) слетео 50 percent of his power punches and connected on 40 percent of his punches compared to just 28 percent for Garza, however he threw just 719 total punches compared to more than 1,000 by Garza.


“I think it should have been a unanimous decision,” Hernandez said. “I’ve always been a slow starter and I feel like I lost the first two rounds, especially with the knockdown. But I won pretty much every round after that, I maybe lost three rounds.




“I’m not completely happy with my performance. I have to control my distance and my range a little bit better. I need to go back to the gym and work on those things. Before the summer comes I hope to have another fight and I hope it’s on SHOWTIME.




“I give Garza a lot of credit for getting in the ring and knocking me down. He hung in there for 10 rounds even after I caught him with some good shots. He was able to withstand those shots, but all that said, I still think it should have been a unanimous decision.”




Garza countered that sentiment.




“I thought it was a bogus decision,” Garza said. “I don’t understand that last judge’s card. I was happy with everything that I did. I executed well and did everything I needed to do to win the fight.




“I’m really disappointed with the outcome. I felt that I won. Мени, I won a majority of the rounds and I knocked him down. I know knocking your opponent down usually leads to you winning the fight.”




Undefeated Uzbekistan power-puncher Shohjahon Ergashev handed Sonny Fredrickson the first loss of his career with an impressive third round TKO in the opening bout of the СхоБок телевизијска емисија.




The win over the top-10 ranked Fredrickson extended Ergashev’s perfect record to 12-0 са 12 нокаута.




The 26-year-old pressed the action from the beginning, negating Fredrickson’s five-inch reach advantage with a steady diet of well-timed, crisp punches. Ergashev landed a wide left to the head that stumbled Fredrickson in the opening minute of the third and continued to tee-off as his opponent wobbled against the ropes With Fredrickson (18-1, 12 КОс) unable to defend himself and eating a series of brutal lefts, referee Benjy Esteves stepped in to stop the bout at 1:58 од трећине.




All of Ergashev’s 61 connects in the bout were power shots, and he connected on 77 percent of his power punches in the third and final round.




“The ref saved him,” Ergashev said. “If he let him stay on his feet any longer I would have knocked him out. He couldn’t handle my power.




“At this stage of my career, I am in the best shape of my life and the best I have felt. This is my time right now, especially because I am training with Rick (Phillips) и (Javan) Шећер (Hill Steward). That’s what leads to all of my knockout power.




“I’m ready for whatever comes next. I’m ready for more fights in the U.S., and I want to keep getting more exposure to show off my skills. I’m ready to fight anybody in America.”




Фредрицксон, who became the 172 fighter to suffer his professional loss on the prospect developmental series, suffered a jaw injury in the bout and was unavailable for comment.




Петак tripleheader will replay on Понедељак, Јан. 15 у 10 п.м. И/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME on DEMAND® and SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.




Barry Tompkins called the СхоБок Акција од ринга са Стив Фархоод и бивши светски шампион Раул Маркес служи као стручни аналитичари. The executive producer was Gordon Hall with Rich Gaughan producing and Rick Phillips directing.


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За више информација посетите ввв.схо.цом/спортс пратити на Твиттер @СховтимеБокинг, @СХОСпортс, #СхоБок, или бецоме а фан на Фацебоок у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс.


Russian Heavyweight Apti Davtaev Remains Undefeated on Shields vs. Nelson Undercard at the Turning Stone Resort Casino

Several entertaining fights highlighted the untelevised undercard for two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa Shields defense of her WBC and IBF titles against mandatory challenger Tori Nelson at the Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York tonight.
In the main supporting bout, Detroit via Kurchaloi, Русија, heavyweight Apti Davtaev had a successful United States fighting debut by scoring a six-round unanimous decision over Philadelphia’s Garrett “Ултимате Варриор” Вилсон.
Wilson didn’t make it easy. Fighting out of a crouch, the heavily muscled, but much shorter Wilson came up with enough wild haymakers to make the entire fight very interesting. Davtaev appears to have a heavy right hand, which he dropped onto the hard head of Wilson often enough to earn the close, but deserved nod. Davtaev warrants credit for going to war whenever one of Wilson’s looping swings connected.
Davtaev (сада 14-0-1, 13 КОс) loses his perfect KO percentage, but walks away with a hard-fought victory over a foe who came to win. Wilson is now (18-14-1, 9 КОс).
Резултат су 58-56 from all three judges.
An accidental headbutt brought an abbreviated end to the six-round super lightweight return of Aktjubinsk, Kazakhstan’s Bakhtiyar Eyubov.
In against Lynchburg, Virginia’s Maurice Chalmers (14-13-1, 8 КОс), the exciting slugger Eyubov (13-0, 11 КОс) was advancing behind active head movement and a tight shell when his head collided with the retreating Chalmers’. The cut that resulted was ruled too severe and the fight was ruled a No Decision at 1:59 у првом колу.
In a wild women’s light heavyweight brawl featuring fists flying from every direction, wrestling holds and several MMA-style takedowns, FranchonThe Heavy Hitting DivaCrews-Dezurn won a unanimous six-round decision over TiffanyThe TerminatorWoodard.
Crews-Dezurn, сада 3-1, 1 КО, Балтиморе, Мериленд, had too many weapons for Wilson, North Carolina’s Woodard (сада 4-10-3, 3 КОс), so Woodard tried and succeeded to make things ugly. What followed was a wild punch-out featuring elbows and headlocks and takedowns that left both on the canvas more than once.
Woodard took a lot of hard leather and deserves credit for her toughness. Crews-Dezurn showed class in not taking the bait for most of the fight. She did lose a point in the sixth for a sneaky revenge takedown.
Резултат су 59-53, 59-54 и 59-54.
Detroit via Magnitogorsk, Russia’s Alexey Zubov outworked a determined Lamont “Гладак” Capers of Hawley, Пенсилванија, on his way to a six-round majority decision.
An entertaining fight between hard-nosed cruiserweights, Zubov was cut over the right eye and took some good punches, but simply outworked the more selective Capers. Zubov showed his often-superior conditioning and worked behind an educated jab, while Capers was content to lay on the ropes and land hard pot shots often enough to keep it interesting.
A score of 57-57 draw was over-ruled by scores 59-56 и 58-56 for the tough Russian. Са победом, Zubov moves his record to 17-1, 9 КОс. Capers falls to 8-11-3.