Kategorija Archives: ShoBox

Badou Džekas & Lucian Bute Media Workout Quotes & Photos Ahead Of World Title Showdown On Saturday, Balandis 30 Live on SHOWTIME® From the DC Armory in Washington, D.C.

Plus Undercard Fighters Sharif Bogere & Latondria Jones
Quotes From Las Vegas Workout
Spauskite ČIA Dėl nuotraukas iš Esaiah Gomez / Mayweather Akcijos
Spauskite ČIA For Lucian Bute Photos From InterBox
LAS VEGAS (Balandis 18, 2016) – WBC vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas Badou Džekas ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Lucian Bute hosted media workouts at their respective training camps last week to discuss their Šeštadienis, Balandis 30 world title showdown live on Showtime nuo DC Armory Vašingtone, D.C.
The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® doubleheader begins at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT with IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Jamesas DeGale defending his title against top contender Rogelio Medina.
Domkratas, who welcomed his first child, a daughter named Malaniyah, earlier in the day, held his workout at the Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas while Bute hosted media at the gym owned by the Grant brothers in the western part of Montreal. Joining Jack at the Las Vegas workout were lightweight contender Sharif Bogere and Washington, D.C. born Latondria Jones, who compete in undercard action on Balandis 30.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and Interbox in association with Matchroom Boxing, yra kaina $200, $100, $50 ir $25, ir yra parduoti dabar. Norėdami įsigyti bilietus apsilankymas www.ticketmaster.com, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Štai ką dalyviai turėjo pasakyti:
I’m looking forward to another victory. Tai bus nelengva kova, bet aš esu pasirengęs. I’ve been training really hard and I’m ready to get into the ring.
I’m more focused and determined now than ever to secure what is mine. The fans will have an exciting show to look forward to on Balandis 30. I can guarantee that!
My daughter being born this morning is extra motivation for me and to continue working hard to provide for my family. I only slept for 2 valandos, but I feel brand new.
I still feel fresh! Mokymo stovykla yra gera. Everything is right on schedule. I’m feeling really focused.
The most important thing for me is to have fun when I train. My confidence level is back at 100 procentų. There’s a great atmosphere here at the gym and I have great chemistry with my trainers. I’ve done quality sparring and starting next week we’ll be reducing the training volume so as to focus more on the level of intensity.
The pressure won’t be on me because I’ll be on his turf, Vašingtone. He is the favorite because he’s the champion, but I’m confident and I’m able! We looked at some video of him with Howard (Grant). Jis geras boksininkas, but he’s not exceptional and he makes mistakes. I have experience. This will be my 13th world championship fight. My experience and my speed will make the difference.
My confidence level wasn’t at 100 percent before I fought James DeGale, but now it’s all back after performing the way I did against him. All the better for me if Badou Jack is already looking ahead to his next fight, is taking me for granted and is underestimating me. I know for my part that I can beat him. He did well in his last bout against George Groves, where he was able to come up with a good right blow that sent him to the canvas. But I’m going there to deliver.
I’ve now been training for a year with Howard Grant, who already knows me well and pushes me to go beyond my limits. We’ve developed a trusting relationship and I feel very comfortable working alongside him. It’s hard to put into words! It’s true, Aš 36 metai, but I still have some good years ahead of me in professional boxing. For Éric Lucas, who had this belt for several years, I will bring back the title to the province of Quebec.
Training camp has been going tremendously well. I’m excited to get back in action on Balandis 30. it’s going to be a good show. Two world titles on the line, that’s something big.
I want people to know who Liūtas yra. People will know that Liūtas is here to stay. I will put on a great show as I always do.
I want to put on a good show so the fans will never forget about my presence in this division. Being born in Uganda, it’s important for me to make my homeland proud.
“Mokymo stovykla vyksta jau gerai, I am looking forward to going into the fight real strong, dominating and come out with a win. It’s important that I continue to stay mentally focused and physically ready.
I don’t really look too much into to my opponents, until I’m getting ready for that belt. As far as I know, this is her pro debut. I’m going to show her what this is all about, and give her that pro life.
I was born in D.C. taip, I look forward to going back and fighting at the Armory to give my hometown fans what they want to see. They came to see a show, and I plan on delivering. I look forward to getting better and coming out on top. I’m working hard and taking it day-by-day. I thank God for being in this position that I’m in.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.mayweatherpromotions.com ir www.SHO.com/Sports and follow on Twitter at: BadouJack, @ButeLucian, @ JamesDeGale1, @PorkyMedina @MayweatherPromo, SHOSports IrSwanson_Comm arba tapti "Facebook" gerbėjas ne www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions ir www.facebook.com/SHOsports.


Daugiau! 2012 Ne JAV. Olimpietis Michaelas Hunteris,
Neįveiktas Isiah Thomas susidūrė kreiserinio svorio veiksme!
Bilietai Parduodama Šiandien!
LAS VEGAS (Balandis 18, 2016) – Nepralenkiama „Mayweather Promotions“ žvaigždė Andrew “Žvėris” Tabiti (12-0, 11 Kos) ir nenugalimas jėgos perforatorius Keithas “Kulkosvaidis” Tapia (16-0, 11 Kos) eis nuo pirštų iki kojų ir pateiks savo puikius įrašus į eilutę 10 penktadienį vyks apvalios kreiserinio svorio kovos, Gegužė 13 apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos iš Sam's Town Live in Las Vegas.
Tiesioginė televizijos transliacija per SHOWTIME prasideda nuo 10 p.m. IR/PT ir turi dar vieną įdomią rungtį kreiserinio svorio kategorijoje kaip 2012 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Michaelas medžiotojas (11-0, 8 Kos) mūšio draugas nepralenkiamas Isiah Thomas (15-0, 6 Kos) 10 raundų kovoje. Medžiotojas, kuris vasarį iškovojo pergalę nokautu, tikisi išlaikyti savo nepriekaištingą įrašą taktiškai, kai užims Tomą, kuris geriausiai žinomas dėl to, kad JAV laimėjo pirmąjį jaunių pasaulio bokso čempionatą.
“Esu susikaupęs ir pasiruošęs,” Sakė Tabiti. “Buvau treniruočių stovykloje 10 savaičių. Mano žaidimo planas yra įeiti ir sunaikinti. Noriu padėkoti savo gerbėjams už tai, kad mane palaiko, ir aš eisiu ir parodysiu savo gerbėjams pasirodymą.”
“Jaučiuosi palaimintas dėl šios galimybės boksuotis ShoBox gegužės 13 d.,” pasakė Tapia. “Aš sunkiai treniruojuosi ir lauksiu puikios kovos. Parodysiu gerbėjams, kad esu vienas geriausių kreiserių pasaulyje.”
“Stovykla vyksta gerai ir aš pasiruošęs gegužės 13 d.” – pasakė Hanteris. “Nesvarbu, kas bus pastatytas prieš mane, Ketinu ir toliau rūpintis verslu, ir nėra apie ką daugiau kalbėti.”
“Šioje kovoje jaučiuosi gerai. Michaelas Hunteris yra kokybiškas kovotojas, turintis gerą mėgėjišką išsilavinimą. Jo dominavimas įrodysiu bokso pasauliui, kad esu pasiruošęs kovai dėl titulo,” – pasakė Izijas Tomas. “Nemanau, kad Hunteris gali atlaikyti tokį greitį ir judrumą, kokį turiu kreiserinio svorio kategorijoje, tai mano pranašumas šiame skyriuje ir planuoju jį parodyti Gegužė 13.”

Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurį reklamuoja „Mayweather Promotions“, yra kaina $25 ir $50, neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių, ir šiandien pasirodys prekyboje, Balandis 18. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu: www.samstownlv.com/entertain, paskambinus (702) 284-7777, arba bet kurioje Boyd Gaming kasoje.
We„Nekantrauju grįžti į Sam's Town Live antrą kartą po sėkmingo sellrodomas Vasaris. 16,” Sakė Leonardas Ellerbe, CEO Mayweather Akcijos. “„Mayweather Promotions“ siekia reklamuoti veiksmo kupinas korteles, kurios pakelia gerbėjus nuo kojų. Manau, kad šios kortos rungtynės tai padarys.”
Labai vertinamas 26 metų Čikagoje kilęs Tabitis, kovoti iš Las Vegas, yra padaryti jo 2016 debiutas. Jis laimėjo 11 nuo jo 12 kovoja per atstumą, įskaitant antrojo turo TKO prieš Tomą Lodi rugsėjį 29, 2015. Tabiti, solidus mėgėjas su rekordu 32-6, liepą tapo profesionalu 2013. Jo unikalus stilius greitai įsilieja, sprogstamas rankos greitis kartu su greitu kūno judesiu ir išskirtiniu kojų darbu.
Tapia, kilęs iš Bronkso, keturiose iš penkių paskutinių savo kovų laimėjo nokautu. Profesionaliai jis debiutavo lapkričio mėn. 18, 2011 sustabdęs Andrew Kuilaną pirmajame raunde. Kova su Karolina, Puerto Rikas, ryžtingas, Nuolat tobulėjanti 25 metų Tapia gruodžio mėn. priėmė 10 raundų vienbalsį sprendimą dėl Garretto Wilsono.. Kaip Tabiti, Tapia taip pat turėjo puikią mėgėjų karjerą.
Medžiotojas, buvusio sunkiasvorio varžovo Michaelo Hunterio vyresniojo sūnus., yra du kartus šalies mėgėjų čempionas, rungtyniavęs m 2012 Olimpinės žaidynės. Nuo tada, kai kovo mėnesį debiutavo profesionalams 2013 nugalėdamas Chadą Davisą, būsimasis 27-erių metų žaidėjas nepriartėjo prie pralaimėjimo. Paskutines keturias kovas jis laimėjo nokautu, visi keturiuose ratuose. Savo naujausioje gegužinė, Hunteris paskutiniame pirmajame raunde nokautavo Philą Williamsą Vasaris 27.
Aukščiausios klasės mėgėjas, Tomas pasuko profesionalu 2008 ir pirmuosius tris startus laimėjo pirmojo raundo nokautu. Natūrali pietinė letenė, vėliau atrado po jaunių olimpinių žaidynių, puikus Emanuelis Stewardas, perspektyvus Tomas užregistravo aiškų, vienbalsis 10 raundų sprendimas dėl anksčiau nepralaimėjusio Jordano Shimmello Liepa 25.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.sports.sho.com ir www.mayweatherpromotions.com, sekite Twitter: @FloydMayweather, @MayweatherPromo @SHOSports, @andrewtabiti89, @machine_gun_tapia_, sekite Instagram adresu: @floydmayweather, @Mayweatherpromotions, @shosports, tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius: www.facebook.com/FloydMayweather, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions, www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.


VAIZDO: Menard Knocks Out Previously Unbeaten Eudy Bernardo: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW

Sugavimo pakartojimo Antradienis, Balandis 19, į 10 p.m. IR/PT ant SHO EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Parsisiųsti Nuotraukos

Nuotrauka kreditų: Rosie stu / Showtime®


VERONA, N.Y.. (Balandis 15, 2016) – Undefeated bantamweight prospects Nikolajus Potapov ir Stephon Jaunas fought to a majority draw in theShoBox: Naujos kartos Pagrindinis įvykis Penktadienis on SHOWTIME from Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, N.Y..


The bout was scored 96-94 Potapov and 95-95 dvigubai.


Potapov and Young were facing their toughest opponents in each other. Potapov (14-0-1, 6 Kos) controlled the pace early with his jab and was the more active fighter, throwing nearly double the punches that Young threw. Young picked up steam and gained confidence in the middle rounds and was at his best when he pressed the action and let his hands go. But the Russian Potapov, who had gone at least 10 rounds in his last six fights, was clearly more comfortable as the fight progressed.


After slowing in the seventh and eighth, Jaunas (14-0-3, 6 Kos) found another gear in an impressive ninth, winning the penultimate round on all the judges’ scorecards. Bet, even after urgent instructions from his corner, Young couldn’t carry the momentum into the 10oji and lost the final round on all three scorecards.


“I am very unhappy with the decision. For every time he hit me, I hit him twice,” said Potapov, kas išmetė 315 jabs compared to just 113 for Young. “I was the much busier fighter. I don’t know what fight the judges were watching. At the very most I lost four rounds.


“I’ve never had a draw before. I feel cheated from a win. I was very happy to be fighting in America but I now feel cheated.”


Po kovos, St. Louis native Young was disappointed but knew that he needed to throw more punches.


“I feel like it was a good fight, but I should have got the decision,” Young said. “I hurt him every time I hit him. I let him be busier than me, but as far as the contact, I feel like I landed the more effective punches. That was my strategy.


“I should have come on a bit sooner. That was my plan, but I got a little relaxed in the fight. I came on in the ninth round when my coach told me to get him out of there.


“I most definitely want a rematch. I would like to do that again.”


Once-beaten Louisiana lightweight Masonas Menard iškrenta anksčiau nenugalėtas Eudy Bernardo with a vicious one-punch KO at2:11 trečiojo turo. VAIZDO: http://s.sho.com/1NtEYjW


Facing his toughest opponent to date, Menard floored (31-1, 23 Kos) Bernardo for the first time in his career with a series of rights near the end of the second round. The Dominican Bernardo beat the count and finished the round, but he had no answer for Menard’s power. Less than one minute into third, Menard connected with a huge right, knocking Bernardo (21-1, 15 Kos) out before he even hit the canvas.


“I made a statement šįvakar. Not many people knew who I was going into this, but they know me now,” said Menard, who landed nearly 50 procentų savo elektros šūviai. “My speed, power and footwork were the difference.


“I said a prayer for him in the middle of the ring that he goes back to his family healthy.”


Bernardo, who was removed from the ring on a stretcher as a precautionary measure, was taken to nearby Oneida Healthcare where he was awake and responsive.


Atidarymo bijau dėl laidoje, undefeated cruiserweightKonstantinas Bejenaru ranka Aleksejus Zubovas the first loss of his career in a convincing eight-round unanimous decision scored 77-74, 78-73 dvigubai.


Save for a flash seventh round knockdown, Bejenaru (11-0, 4 Kos) controlled the fight from the outset. The Moldova native overcame a four-inch height disadvantage, attacking from different angles and controlling the exchanges on the inside and outside. Zubov (10-1, 6 Kos) never got into rhythm and failed to capitalize on his reach advantage against the active and athletic southpaw.


“He was a good classical boxer, but he’s too straight up and he couldn’t adjust,” Bejenaru said. “It wasn’t as easy as it looked to beat him. I adjusted my style to do that because I knew it would make him hesitate. I knew if I just constantly attacked him he wouldn’t know what to do.”


Zubov and Bernardo are now the 146oji ir 147oji boxers to suffer their first pro loss on the prospect developmental series.


Penktadienio three-fight telecast will re-air Antradienis į 10 p.m. IR/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning April 16

Barry Tompkins vadinamas ShoBox veiksmai iš Ringo su Farhood ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquez tarnauja kaip ekspertų analitikų. Prodiuseris buvo Gordonas salė su Richardas Gaughangaminant ir Rick Phillips režisūra.


BROOKLYN, NY (Balandis 12, 2016) – As a kid growing up in Magnitogorsk, Rusija,cruiserweight Aleksejus Zubovas heard stories about the fabled Kronk Gym and the late legendary trainer Emanuel Steward, but never thought he’d have a chance to join the team. But then one day, the former amateur champion was asked to come to Detroit to spar with Kronk’s Johnathon Banksand the rest is history.
Tai Penktadienis, Balandis 15, the undefeated Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) will face Mandilesti, Moldova’s Konstantinas Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) in the eight-round opener of an internationally televised ShoBox: Naujos kartos live on SHOWTME (10 p.m. IR/PT, atidėtas dėl Vakarų Kranto) tuo Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino Veronoje, Niujorkas.
Presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers,the mainevent will featureIBF No. 10-užėmė mažo svorio kategorijos vietą Nikolajus Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), of Podolsk, Rusija, atsižvelgiant į Stephon Jaunas (14-0-2, 6 Kos), Šv. Luisas, Missouri in a 10-round bout. Be bendro pagrindinis renginio, Eudy Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) of the Dominican Republic faces Masonas “Roko sunku Galingasis” Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), of Rayne, Luizianos, in an eight-round battle.
Tickets are on sale now and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, paskambinus 877.833.ŠV, arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 už Ringside vietų, $35 ir $25.
I’ve been in Detroit for the last two months and I am so happy; I want to stay here, train here and live here,” said Zubov. “Every Russian fighter knows about Kronk Gym and Emanuel Steward.
Zubov is currently winding down camp with his trainer and Steward’s nephew Javan “Cukrus” Hill at the resurgent Kronk Gym. “I like Javan’s style,” said Zubov, “and I’ve learned so much about hand speed and footwork and about using intelligence in the ringhow you need to think when you’re in a fight.
Alexey is able to learn a lot and absorb boxing knowledge easily,” said Hill. “He barely speaks English and yet he soaks it in. It’s amazing. I brought him in to spar with Banks and when we were training, Alexey just sat on the side and watched. Vėliau, he was sparring with Johnathon and I told him to stop. I said ‘listen here. I’m training Jonathon Banks and you’re doing everything I told him to do. What’s wrong with you?’ Then I laughed and said ‘I like that. Keep watching. I’ll teach you everything you want to know.’ “
Hill says this camp with Zubov was a transition for the fighter. “We are moving into the championship level where you train for a specific fighter. A lot of it is strategy and planning. The only thing I worry about is him being too excited. He’s very high-strung and wants to prove things. I have to control him and keep him from getting over-excited. That’s what we’ve been working on. He gets antsy when he’s excited.
Training was prefect. Aš esu 100 procentų pasiruošę,” said Zubov. “I know Bejenaru is a southpaw and he is a short guy with a good record. It’s my first time on SHOWTIME and I am so happy to be showing the world what I can do.


BROOKLYN, N.Y.. (Balandis 5, 2016) – Dominican lightweight EudyAK47Bernardo and his opponent, Louisiana’s Mason “Roko sunku Galingasis” Menard are nearing the peak of their training for their Penktadienis, Balandis 15, showdown on ShoDėžutės: Naujos kartos.
The eight-round Bernardo vs. Menard fight will serve as the co-main event on a quadrupleheader on SHOWTIME (10 p.m. IR/PT, atidėtas dėl Vakarų Kranto) iš Tekinimo akmens Resort Casino Veronoje, Niujorkas.
Be Balandis 15, 10-turo pagrindinis turnyras, IBF Nr. 10-ranked bantamweight Nikolay Potapov (14-0, 6 Kos), of Podolsk, Rusija, will take on Stephon Young (14-0-2, 6 Kos), Šv. Luisas, Mo. In the other televised bouts, Russian cruiserweight Alexey Zubov (10-0, 6 Kos) will face Constantin Bejenaru (10-0, 4 Kos, WSB: 0-1-1) of Mandilesti, Moldova, per aštuonerius raundų; and in the eight-round junior welterweight telecast opener, Kazakhstan’s BakhtiyarBakha Bullet” Yeyubov (10-0, 10 Kos), Brukline, takes on also undefeated Courtney Jackson (8-0, 6 Kos) Homestead, Fla.
Tickets for the event presented by Salita Promotions in association with AASHA Record Breakers are currently on sale and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Casino Box Office, paskambinus 877.833.ŠV, arba internete adresu Ticketmaster.com. They are priced at $60 už Ringside vietų, $35 ir $25.
The 29-year-old Bernardo (21-0, 15 Kos) Santo Domingas, is hard at work at Hank’s Gym in Houston, with his trainer, former IBF World Middleweight Champion Frank Tate.
“Aš labai formos. Jaučiuosi stiprus,” said Bernardo via translator. “I’ve learned so much from Frank Tate and I’m proud to be working with him. He’s a great trainer. I’m learning to throw better combinations and I’ve improved my defense, mano smaigstyti, and my foot movement since we teamed up.
Bernardo says he still doesn’t know much about opponent Menard, but isn’t worried about it. “I watched a few of his fights on YouTube, but I’m training for anything that comes my way. Everything is going to go great for me that night. It’s my ring that night and I will have my way. I will win.
This is opportunity is a long-time coming for the 29-year-old and he says he plans on making the most of it. “I’m very excited about fighting on ShoBox and I look forward to putting on a show. I’ve been waiting for long time for this opportunity and want to thank Dmitriy Salita for making it happen.
The 27-year-old Menard (30-1-0, 22 Kos), nuo Rayne, ., yra įvertintas Nr. 15 by the WBA at 135 svarų. He’s training at Red Lerille’s Health & Racquet Club in Lafayette with trainer and former fighter “Blogas” Čadas Broussard.
I’ve learned how to be a better person in and out of the ring from Chad,” said Menard. “I’ve been with him for nine years. I’ve learned how to put punches together better and sit on my shots more. I’ve learned how to cut angles. I’ve learned so much from Chad.
Menard says despite the usual aches and pain experienced in camp he is 100 percent and training is going well. The only adjustments he’s made is to bring in taller sparring partners.
This is huge for me,” he continued. “This is the ‘get up or lay downtype of fight. If I get up, then the sky is the limit. If I fall, then maybe it’s time to look for a job. I’m going to get in there and do what I have to do. Hopefully I get the KO, but if it goes to the scorecards, I just want the win. No matter which way it goes.
Barry Tompkins kreipsis ShoBox veiksmai iš Pirmąsias gretas aplink Arena su Steve'as Farhood ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquez tarnauja kaip ekspertų analitikų. Prodiuseris yraGordonas salė su Turtingas Gaughan gaminant ir Rick Phillips režisūra.
# # #
Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos
Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija,ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBoxfilosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 65 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omaras Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.
Apie Salita Akcijos
Salita Promotions was founded in 2010 Dmitriy Salita, a professional boxer and world-title challenger who saw the need for a promotional entity to feature boxing’s best young prospects and established contenders in North America and around the world. Viewers watching fighters on worldwide television networks including Showtime, ESPN, Spike TV, Universal Sports Network and MSG have enjoyed Salita Promotions fight action in recent years. We pride ourselves on offering our fighters opportunities inside and outside the ring. Salita Promotions looks forward to continuing to grow and serve the needs of fight fans around the globe.

Friday’s Knockout-Filled ShoBox: The New Generation To Re-Air TONIGHT At 10 p.m. ET/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME®

Nuotrauka kreditų: Estera Lin / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA Parsisiųsti Nuotraukos


Penktadienio knockout-filled ShoBox: Naujos kartos telecast will re-airšįvakar į 10 p.m. IR/PT (atidėtas dėl Vakarų Kranto) nuo Showtime EXTREME.


Tune-in to watch Paul Williams pupil Justin DeLoach stop previously undefeated Dillon Cook in a KO of the Year contender (VAIZDO:http://s.sho.com/22LV0i0), Ivan Golub shine in his ShoBox debiutas, can’t-miss prospect Ivan “The Beast” Baranchyk finish Nick Givhan in just 21 sekundžių (VAIZDO: http://s.sho.com/1TakSkM), and emerging star Regis “Rougarou” Prograis make quick work of veteran Aaron Herrera.


Penktadienio quadrupleheader is also available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® ir Showtime ANYTIME®.




Ivan Baranchyk Knocks Out Nick Givhan in 21 Seconds
– VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/1TakSkM

Ivan Golub Finishes Marlon Aguas in the Sixth,
Paul Williams-Trained Justin DeLoach Stops Dillon Cook in Fourth
– VIDEO: http://s.sho.com/22LV0i0

Catch The Replay Monday, Kovas 28, į 10 p.m. IR/PT ant SHO EXTREME®

Spauskite ČIA Parsisiųsti Nuotraukos

Nuotrauka kreditų: Estera Lin / Showtime®

MIAMI, Okla. (Kovas 26, 2016) – On a night of knockouts, unbeaten super lightweight Regis "Rougarou" Prograis (17-0, 14 Kos), Houston, scored his third consecutive dominant victory on ShoBox: Naujos kartos, knocking out Mexico’s Aaronas Herrera (21-5-1, 12 Kos) į 2:17 pirmojo turo Penktadienis į pagrindinį renginįShowtime iš Buffalo Run kazino Majamyje, Okla.


In scheduled eight-round bouts that all ended early, Ivanas "Žvėris" Baranchyk (10-0, 9 Kos), Brukline, N.Y., registered a 21-second, Pirmasis ištisus nokautas per Nick Givhan (16-1-1, 10 Kos), iš Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap, Ukrainian welterweight Ivanas "THE Volk" Golub (16-0, 10 Kos, 5-0 į World Series of Boxing), Brukline, N.Y., scored a sixth-round TKO over Marlonas Aguas (9-1, 6 Kos), Quito, Ekvadoras, ir Justinas Deloach " (14-1, 8 Kos), of Augusta, Ga., who is trained by former world champion Paulius Williams, registered a fourth-round knockout over undefeated super welterweight and local favorite Dillon “White Lightning” Cook (16-1, 6 Kos).


All but Prograis and Baranchyk were making their ShoBox debiutuoja. Virėjas, Aguas and Givhan became the 143rd, 144oji ir 145oji boxers to suffer their first pro loss on the prospect developmental series.


“I can’t remember į 15 metų of working ShoBox a show with such emphatic knockouts – and two of them being spectacular knockout of the year candidates,"Sakė ShoBox ekspertas analitikas Steve'as Farhood.


Prograis, 5-snukio 9, 27-year-old originally from New Orleans, was fighting in his second consecutive ShoBox main event and second scheduled 10-rounder. The aggressive-minded southpaw pounded Herrera’s body from the opening bell; five of his six power punches were targeted to the Mexican’s midsection. A left hook to the body downed Herrera, who crumpled to the canvas and wasn’t able to beat the count.

“I was prepared to go 10 pilni raundai, the last thing I was expecting was a first-round knockout,’’ said Prograis, who was making his 2016 debiutas. “I’m making hard fights look easy but they’re really not. It’s all the daily work in the gym all day every day that is paying off for me. Tonight was fun. I’m very satisfied.

“I want all the fighters in my division to know one thing: I’m coming after all of you.’’

“He just got me with a great shot, it was simple as that,’’ said Herrera, who making his second start in the United States. “There’s really not that much that I can say.’’


The highly regarded Baranchyk – making his second eight-round start and second in a row on ShoBox – knocked out Givhan with a huge left hand with the first power punch of the fight. He required only two punches to finish the 17-fight veteran. Surprisingly, it wasn’t the quickest professional KO for the Belarus native. Baranchyk owns a three-second KO over Angel Figueroa nuo 2015.


“I’m very happy,’’ Baranchyk said. “I was expecting a much longer fight. I was focused on a full fight. But knockouts are good. I know fans like knockouts.


“I’ll take a week off and then go back to the drawing board. I’m looking ahead to fighting again soon and on ShoBox again.’’


Givhan was shocked with the result.


I’m good but I am very, very disappointed,” Givhan said. “This is the lowlight of my life. For me to get knocked out by someone I know I can beat is just the worst feeling. And there’s nothing worse than for it to happen on national television.


No one expects 20-second fights. Aš tiesiog pateko, that’s all.

Golub, a former standout amateur from Ukraine, had to rally from the first knockdown of his career. “This was a little tougher than I expected,"Sakė jis. “But it’s all about learning. I had to go through some adversity to win. You don’t know adversity until it hits you in the face.”

Golub was the more active fighter against the awkward Aguas, who was at his best when matters turned ugly. In a bizarre second round, southpaw Golub scored a questionable knockdown as Aguas hit the canvas while clinching and off-balance. Aguas bounced back seconds later to knock down Golub with a short right, sending the Ukrainian to the canvas for the first time in his career.

“I was surprised that I got knocked down, but he caught me off-balance,’’ Golub said. “Overall, I am very happy with my performance.”

Golub resumed control after the second and a series of combinations in the sixth sent a gassed Aguas falling back through the ropes in the closing seconds of the round. Aguas somehow rose to his feet to beat the count, but his trainer quickly waved off the bout when the Ecuadorian returned to the corner.

Aguas said an injury, not fatigue, was the reason his corner stopped the fight at the end of the sixth. “I hurt my right bicep in the fifth round,"Sakė jis. “That’s the reason we stopped it. I wasn’t that tired.”

Atidarymo kovos su laidos, DeLoach made Williams a winner in his training debut. With Williams looking on from his wheelchair in the corner, Deloach, a winner of four in a row, dropped Cook with a devastating, counter-overhand right at 2:47 of the fourth that sent Cook awkwardly to the canvas in a knockout of the year candidate.


“I’m happy with my performance,’’ said DeLoach, who was the more active fighter, mesti beveik 100 more punches over the four rounds. “This was a great experience fighting a guy like this in his backyard. I enjoyed the crowd and their enthusiasm. It motivated me. I got a little lazy in parts of the second and third rounds, but I listened to my corner and picked it up on offense and got my punch count up and going again.


“Dillon was a good fighter who moved a lot. I know I have to do better cutting off the ring. He landed with a left a second before I landed that big right. This was a great win for all of us. I’m ready to do this again.’’


“Look at me, look at my shirt. It feels like I was sweating worse than when I fought,’’ said Williams, who’s pro career came to a sudden and tragic end when he was paralyzed from the waist down after a motorcycle accident in May 2012. “I am very relieved to get this one out of the way. I’m very happy for Justin and Mr. Pete (Paul’s longtime manager and trainer and DeLoach’s assistant trainer, George Williams)


"Aš OK, all things considered,’’ said Cook. “He was a tough guy. I’ve never been knocked out before so I don’t exactly know how to act. I felt I was in the fight until I was caught. It’s disappointing, but this was a great learning experience for me. It can only help me in the long run.’’


A taped interview with Williams and ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood aired prior to the bout. In the discussion, Farhood asked the former two-time champ why he chose to return as a trainer for the first time since the 2012 motorcycle accident left him paralyzed. Full Interview:http://s.sho.com/1WPrJ28


Penktadienio four-fight telecast will re-air Pirmadienis į 10 p.m. IR/PT on SHOWTIME EXTREME and will be available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND beginning today, Šeštadienis, Kovas 26.


Barry Tompkins vadinamas ShoBox veiksmai iš Ringo su Farhood ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquez tarnauja kaip ekspertų analitikų. Prodiuseris buvo Gordonas salė su Richardas Gaughangaminant ir Rick Phillips režisūra.


# # #

Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos
Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 65 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omaras Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.



“I never thought 2012 would be my last time stepping in and out of the ring…And now I have an opportunity to help somebody else.” – Paul Williams


ShoBox Analyst Steve Farhood & The Former Champ
Discuss His Return To Train Prospect Justin DeLoach; VIDEO CLIP



Spauskite ČIA For Photos Of The Interview; Kredito Estera Lin / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA For Images Of Williams & Deloach; Kredito Amanda Westcott / Showtime


Paul Williams returns to the ring šįvakar in his first stint as a trainer since a motorcycle accident ended his fighting career in 2012. The former two-time world champion will train prospect Justin DeLoach in the opening bout of ShoBox: Naujos kartos, gyvena Showtime (10:30 p.m. IR/PT) iš Buffalo Run kazino Majamyje, Okla. Tune-inšįvakar to see the full interview between ShoBox analyst Steve Farhood and Williams. Spauskite ČIA for a preview of the interview.



Nenugalėtas super Lengvas Prospektas Regis Prograis mano Veteranų Aaron Herrera Main Event; Televizijos prasideda 10:30 p.m. ET / PT

Spauskite ČIA Dėl Svėrimo-nuotraukose; Kredito Estera Lin / Showtime

Spauskite ČIA Dėl vaizdų Deloach & Treneris Paulius Williams; Kredito Amanda Westcott / Showtime

MIAMI, Okla. (Kovas 24, 2016) - Visi aštuoni kovotojai, įskaitant šešių undefeated tie, padarė svorį ketvirtadienis už ShoBox: Naujos kartos quadrupleheader rytoj/Penktadienis Kovas 25, gyventi Showtime (10:30 p.m. ET / PT, atidėtas dėl Vakarų Kranto) nuo Bafalas Vykdyti Kazino.


Į pagrindinį renginį, nenugalėtas kylančios žvaigždės, Regis "Rougarou"Prograis (16-0, 13 Kos), Houston būdu Naujajame Orleane, susitiks Meksikos Aaronas "Jewel" Herrera (29-4-1, 18 Kos) per 10 turas Super lengvas bijau.


Keturi nenugalėtas boksininkai bus susiduria du iš trijų aštuonių apvalių kautynėse: Sunku pataikyti Ivanas "Žvėris" Baranchyk (9-0, 8 Kos), Brukline, N.Y., veidai nusiminusi bendraminčių Nikas "Karalius spindi" Givhan (16-0-1, 10 Kos), iš Kalamazoo, Mich., in a super lightweight scrap and Ukrainian Ivanas "THE Volk" Golub (10-0, 8 Kos, 5-0 į World Series of Boxing), Brukline, N.Y., įgauna Marlonas Aguas (9-0, 6 Kos), Quito, Ekvadoras, į Papildsvars rungtynių.


Be aštuonių apvalios televizijos laidos atidarytuvas, nenugalėtas Super Welterweight ir vietos mėgstamiausia Dillon Kuko (16-0, 6 Kos), iš Seneca, Mo, susitiks kartą sumuštas Justinas Deloach " (13-1, 7 Kos), iš Rgpmeistras, Ga. darbasCH treniruoja buvęs ShoBox kovotojas ir du kartus pasaulio čempionas, Paulius Williams, kas daro savo mokymo debiutas.


Bilietai renginio pateiktose DiBella Pramogos ir Tony Holden Productions yra kaina $45, $55 ir $75 ir galima įsigyti ne buffalorun.com ir tuo stubwire.com. Pirmasis gyvas kova yra 8 valanda.



Prograis: 141 svarų

Herrera: 142 svarų


Baranchyk: 139 ½ svarų

Givhan: 140 ¼ svarų


Golub: 146 ½ svarų

Aguas: 147 svarų


Virėjas: 154 svarų

Deloach: 153 ¼ svarų


Štai ką kovotojai ketvirtadienį sakė:




"Tai yra mano didžiausia kova. Mes jau salėje du mėnesius ruošiasi. Mes treniruotės su kiekvienu stiliumi, nieko jis mano, kad get me pasirengę.

"Aš turėjau visai daug malonumo mano paskutinio kovos, nes (Abelis) Ramos tiesiog nuolat ateina. Aš kovoju veteranas, a different kind of guy tomorrow. He’s tough with the Mexican style so I expect him to be smart and know all the tricks.


"Herrera dar su nieko neprarandate, bet man patinka kovoti su Meksikos stilius. Aš jau treniruojasi Hiustone, todėl jis neduos nieko aš nemačiau prieš.


"Aš galiu būti slidus Southpaw ar galiu bartis. Aš tiesiog myliu kovoti, kuris yra, kodėl aš pradėjau bokso. Mano mąstysena yra sprogimo ir kova, kai jis ateina į ją. Kartais, jei aš ne hit man nuobodu, todėl aš maišyti jį šiek tiek daugiau, kad aš pataikys ir tada aš galiu grįžti. Galiu prisitaikyti prie bet kokio stiliaus.


"Tai yra mano trečią kova dėl ShoBox ir antra pagrindinis renginys. Sveikinu spaudimą, tačiau tuo pačiu metu aš žinau, kad turiu jį ignoruoti ir tiesiog mėgautis ir smagiai ten.


"Psichiškai, Jaučiuosi pasiruošęs pagrindinis kovos su bet kuriuo iš geriausių pretendentų, bet aš žinau, tie kovų rūšių yra dar šiek tiek žemyn man linija. Aš vis dar turiu daug darbo daryti; Man reikia nuolat Łomotanie ją, kol aš gauti jį viskas gerai.


"Aš laukiu geros kovos rytoj."




"Tai įdomi kova, nes mes abu artėja į sporto. Aš mačiau keletą jo kovų ir žinoti, ką aš prieš. Atrodo Prograis mėgsta ateiti į priekį ir ateina kovoti, Aš padaryti tą patį, nors aš tikriausiai esu daugiau boksininkas nei agregavimo.


"Tai apie rūpintis verslo. Aš buvau 12 raundai prieš. I’ve fought some good fighters with good records. Tai tik mano antroji kova Amerikoje, bet aš daug išmokau iš pirmojo, ir kad tikrai man padėti. Turiu daugiau pasitikėjimo. Tai nebus nauja patirtis mane.


"Aš kovojo su kairiarankiams prieš, kad po raundų pora, Aš tikiu, kad aš jaustis patogiai. Aš tikrai ateina laimėti. Aš negaliu laukti, išgirsti atidarymo varpas žiedą. "



"Tai yra 100 proc geriausias vaikinas, mes susiduria. Nikas yra puikus kovotojas ir mes negalime nuvertinti jį. Mes žinome, kad kas gali atsitikti bokso. Aš įdėti darbą sporto salėje, o dabar man reikia daryti savo darbą ringe.


"Aš skylmušys, Man patinka, kad jis ir aš einu už nokautas.


"Aš tik 23 bet aš labai sunkiai dirbti ir jaučiu einu kartu. Aš salėje visą laiką. Vienas iš pagrindinių dalykų, mes dirbame labiausiai yra ramumas viduje žiedo. Aš jaučiuosi kaip aš įsikurti daugiau ir darbo stumtelėjimo, bet tai vis tiek kažkas mes dirbame.


"Tu tiesiog negali eiti ir trankyti visiems iš. Tai nereiškia, kad lengva. Jūs turite sukurti savo štampus kartais. Aš niekada pakeisti gražu natūrali skylmušys, mano komanda ne bando atimti ugnį manyje, jie tiesiog nori man įsikurti. "



"Tai didelis galimybė ir jaučiuosi palaimintas, kad vartų, bet tai ką aš dirbu prie metų. Jaučiu tai, kur aš turėjo būti šiuo mano karjeros etapą. Aš tiesiog reikia gauti ringe įsitikinkite, kad aš tvarkyti savo verslą ringe


"Jis neabejotinai vienas iš sudėtingiausių oponentų aš susiduria. Jis didelis, galingas ir sunkiai hitai visą kovą. Bet aš sunkiausias jis susiduria.

"Tai formuoja iki kaip boksininkas palyginti Puncher kovos, palankioje mane. Jis gali išeiti Szturchanie pradžių, bet kai jis palietė, jis gali būti nusivylęs. Štai ką aš pasinaudoti, jo per agresyvumas.


"Aš laukiu areštavimo metu rytoj vakare."


Neringa mėlynos


"Aš labai džiaugiamės, kad šia kortele ir laukiame kovoja mano pirmasis ShoBox korta. Tai didelis žingsnis ir tai bus puikus kova.


"Kai aš gavau galimybę kovoti dėl ShoBox, Aš net paklausti, kas man buvo kovos. Aš boksuotis su kai kuriais iš geriausių ten (Ievgen Khytrov,Sergejus Derevanchenko, ir tt). Bet aš daugiau boksininkas-skylmušys nei kai kurie iš mano komandos.

"Aš labai sunkiai dirbti. Aš mokausi bokso daug. Aš žinau, mano laikas ateina. Tol, kol aš parodyti gerų bokso įgūdžius, nokautas ateis. "


Marlonas AQUAS


"Jūs turite būti atsargūs su alkanas pavI htersU nieko nežinau apie, bet aš ruošiuosi duoti 100 procentų ten. Aš čia parodyti, kad turiu ką ji mano, kad tapti pasaulio čempionu.


"Esu labai motyvuotas. Tai mano pirmasis kova Amerikos Valstijose,. ir Showtime todėl aš nori padaryti pareiškimą. Aš žinau, kad po to kovoti Durų daug atvers. Žmonės negali žinoti man dabar, bet jie žinos mane po rytoj vakare.


"Turiu daug judėti, bet taip pat gali stovėti ten tne iki kojų ir brawl. They are making a mistake taking a step up and fighting me. They don’t know what they’re getting into.


"Aš buvo išjungtas dėl traumos į mano kairę ranką, bet ji yra visiškai pasveiko ir aš esu pasirengęs. Turėjau daug treniruotės.


"Aš daugiau stilistas, boksininkas. Man patinka judėti daug. Bet jei aš turiu eiti į jį ir bartis aš. Aš tikrai noriu parodyti gerbėjams, kad aš esu vertas vėl žiūri. "



“This will be my toughest fight but I’m feeling great. I’m excited but not all that nervous. Yra kai slėgis kovoja TV pirmą kartą, bet tai nebuvo nervinantis.


"Tai yra tokia didelė kova; Aš pasiruošęs viskam jis duoda. Aš ne bando per manote nieko. Aš tik noriu daryti tai, ką darau.


"Tai yra namų žaidimas man. Gyvenu apie 25 minutės pėsčiomis. Taigi jis padeda, kad aš naudojamas, kad į atmosferą ir neturi keliauti.


"Aš mačiau šiek tiek apie jį. Jaučiu tai, ką jis visą laiką dirbs su juo. Jo ateiti į priekį stilius yra geras man. Turėjau daug laiko pasiruošti (penkias savaites) todėl nebus jokių siurprizų.


"Manau, turiu įgūdžius, pereiti lot tėvą, todėl noriu palikti gerą įspūdį.


“Speed and footwork are my biggest weapons. I’ve been dazed before, bet ne nugriauti. "


JUSTIN Deloach

"Viskas į šį punktą buvo palaima man. Tai tikrai didelis kova ir aš laukiu daryti tai, ką darau ir išleisti puikus šou. Aš nemačiau iš Dillon daug, bet jis yra nenugalimas ir ateina laimėti. Aš esu pasirengęs už ką jis duoda.


"Jaučiuosi turiu žalio daug talentų, kurie dar turi būti peržiūrėta. Mano pagrindinis dalykas yra imtis kontroliuoti kovos nuo pat pradžių.


"Tai taip įdomu. My biggest and most important fight yet. If I do what I’m supposed to I’ll be OK. Tai mano pirmasis aštuonių apvalesnės, bet aš ne nerimauja, kad ne visi.


"Mes dalis puikus ShoBox šou. Aš negaliu laukti. "


Barry Tompkins kreipsis ShoBox veiksmai iš Pirmąsias gretas aplink Arena su Steve'as Farhood ir buvęs pasaulio čempionas Raulis Marquezo tarnauja kaip ekspertų analitikų. Prodiuseris yra Gordonas salė su Richardas Gaughan gaminant ir Rick Phillips režisūra.


# # #


Apie ShoBox: Naujos kartos
Nuo savo veiklos pradžios liepos 2001, kritikos Showtime bokso serija, ShoBox: Naujos kartos yra matomas jaunas talentas atitiko kietas. The ShoBox filosofija yra televizijų įdomu, minios malonus ir konkurencingos atitikmenų tuo pačiu užtikrinant poligonas už norinčių perspektyvas pasiryžusi kovoti už pasaulio čempiono titulą. Kai kurie iš augančios sąrašą 65 kovotojai, kurie atsirado dėl ShoBox ir pažangios kaupti pasaulio čempiono titulus apima: Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Erislandy Lara, Shawn Porter, Gary Russellas Jr, Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Omaras Figueroa, Nonito Donaire, Devono Aleksandras, Carl Froch, Robertas Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Jessie Vargas, Juan Manuel Lopez, Čadas Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Paulius Williams ir daugiau.

Dillon Cook Counting Down Days for ShoBox Debut!


D Cook.jpg

Seneka, MO (Kovas 18, 2016) - Dėl Kovas 25, junior middleweight prospect Dillon “White Lightning” Cook will find himself in a familiar place but with a new challenge when he battles Justin DeLoach in an eight round bout on ShoBox: The New Generation at the Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, Gerai.


Tickets for the event promoted by DiBella Entertainment and Holden Productions are $45, $55 ir $75 and can be purchased by logging onto Buffalorun.com or Stubwire.com.


Unbeaten in 16 professional bouts with six wins by knockout, Cook’s fought five of his last seven matches at the Buffalo Run, winning handily each time. A member of Holden Productions“Four State Franchise”, the popular Cook is from nearby Seneca, MO and fought in front of sellout crowds on multiple occasions. While these are definite advantages for Cook, DeLoach comes into the ring with an impressive background.


Against DeLoach, 13-1 (7 KO s), Cook is taking a significant step up in competition and will do so before a national audience. Hailing from Augusta, GA and based in Houston, TX, DeLoach trained alongside top fighters including IBF junior middleweight champion Jermall Charlo, undefeated Jermell Charlo, Bryan Vera and Edwin Rodriguez amongst others. Neseniai, Team DeLoach announced that his new chief second is former two division champion Paul Williams and highly respected George Peterson will work as an assistant.


To prepare for DeLoach, Cook’s been training out of the Heartland Boxing Gym and travels to various gyms for sparring as he anxiously waits for the opening bell on Kovas 25.


“I’m excited for the fight but trying not to let the pressure of fighting on TV get to me,” said Cook, a former National Junior Golden Gloves titlist and six time Kansas City Golden Gloves winner. "(To specifically prepare for DeLoach) we’re working on (technique to counter) his style. DeLoach is a good fighter I’ve seen him fight a few times he’s fast and a busy fighter but I’m pretty fast myself. I expect to match his speed, if not beat it.”


Cook also acknowledges his advantages and never second guessed taking the step up in competition.


“I’m a smart fighter and can adapt well (plus the) hometown crowd is definitely a benefit. I knew we’d step (up the competition in the near future) and this is a great time for it. I’ve had 16 professional fights and am ready to show the world that I’m capable of going to the next level.”


Cook’s promoter, Tonis Holden, is confident in his fighter and believes the locals will come out droves to support him.


“I’m proud to see him get a shot on a national stage. He’s a key part of the “Four State Franchise” and is a big crowd draw. He’s worked very hard and I expect him to put forth a tremendous performance. I’d like to personally thank Showtime as well for this incredible opportunity.”


The Cook-DeLoach bout opens up a quadrupleheader live on Showtime (10:30 AM ET). The card also features highly regarded junior welterweight Regis Prograis (16-0) against Aaron Herrera (29-4-1), two showdowns where somebody’s 0 must go between unbeaten welterweights Ivan Golub (10-0) and Marlon Aguas (9-0) and junior welterweights Ivan Baranchyk (9-0) vs Nicholas Givhan (16-0-1).