श्रेणी अभिलेखालयबाट: रूस

After Homecoming win, Heavyweight Contender Andrey Fedosov eyeing big fights

फिलाडेल्फिया, पेन / CHICAGO, ILL. (अक्टोबर 17, 2018)-After a 10-round unanimous decision over tough Joey Dawejko this past Saturday in Ekaterinburg, रूस, 2015 Boxcino Heavyweight champion Andrey Fedosov is back on track in his effort to fight for the heavyweight championship of the world.




Fedosov, who made his first start in his home country in over 10 वर्ष, defeated the former world amateur champion by shutout scores of 100-90 on two scorecards, र 98-92 on a the third card.




Fedosov registered his 2nd win in less than four months.




जीत संग, को 32 year-old Fedosov improved to 31-3 संग 25 knockouts, and now will will look for marquee bouts against the best in the division.




I am very excited about the future,” फेडोसोभले भने. “I have a brand new team with Journeyman Management with Andrew Zak and Alex Vaysfeld. We are looking to go to the top. I am already back in the gym training for the next fight, and I am willing to fight anyone.




We are very proud of Andrey for his win on Saturday. We are looking towards the future with big fights,” said Manager, एन्ड्र्यू जाक.




Andrey is definitely one of the best heavyweights in the world, and to beat a tough competitor like Dawejko shows that he is now ready to take on the elite of the heavyweight division. I will sit down with my partner Bobby Hitz and Andrey’s manager, एन्ड्र्यू जाक, and seek out the best and biggest fights for him,” भन्यो आर्थर Pelullo , ब्यानर प्रचार राष्ट्रपति.




It was a great win against a very capable and durable heavyweight. If you are not on top of your game, Dawejko can beat anyone out there. We look forward to bigger opportunities for Andrey,” said Bobby Hitz of Hitz Boxing.





हाम्रो लडाकुहरु मा नियमित अपडेट को लागी, घटनाहरू, र पदोन्नतीहरु, कृपया जाँच गर्नुहोस् ब्यानर प्रचार फेसबुक पृष्ठ , र हामीलाई पछ्याउनुहोस् Instagramट्विटर @BannerBoxing

In The Rage…… Urs Pablo Ortmann

सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (अक्टोबर 16, 2018) – Undefeated Swiss welterweight prospect Urs Pablo Ortmann (8-0-0, एम-1: 2-0-0) steps up in class November 2 to challenge Russian veteran Sergey Romanov (14-3-0, एम-1: 5-2-0) मा एम-1 चुनौती 98 चेल्याबिन्स्क मा, रूस.




Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov (11-0-0, एम-1: 9-0-0) takes on Brazilian challenger ब्रुनो ब्लाईन्डो सिल्भा (18-6-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) मा एम-1 चुनौती 98 मुख्य घटना.


एम-1 चुनौती 98 उच्च परिभाषामा रूसबाट प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछwww.M1Global.TV. दर्शक मा दर्ता मा प्रवेश गरेर प्रारम्भिक झगडे र मुख्य कार्ड हेर्न सक्षम हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. फ्यानहरूले उनीहरूको कम्प्युटरमा सबै कार्यहरू हेर्न सक्दछन्, साथै एन्ड्रोइड र एप्पल स्मार्ट फोन र ट्याब्लेटमा रूपमा. एम-1 चुनौती 97 will also be is available onwww.FITE.TV (प्रारम्भिक कार्ड नि: शुल्क छ, $7.99 मुख्य कार्ड को लागी).




Ortmann, a Muay Thai specialist, recently stepped into The Rage to discuss his ascending mixed-martial-arts career, including his fight versus Romanov:


Urs Pablo, you’ve got a double name, how do your friends call you?




UPO: “My friends call me just Urs and Pablo is my fight name. Earlier there was a difference between the real me and my fighting alter ego; stepping into the cage I used to go wild. Today it’s different, now I do my best to stay calm when I fight. My goal now is to stay effective and demonstrate techniques in the clearest way possible.


How did you start your MMA career and what do you like the most about fighting?




UPO: “वास्तवमा, I started my martial arts career only when I turned 21. Before that I played basketball. मा 21, Gabriel Sabo helped me join the fighting world. सुरुमा, I was not going to compete, but my trainer, Zyber Ruday, had seen my potential and helped me grow. I love both striking and grappling. In my career I have more submission victories, only because of the fact that I felt I was better on the ground than my opponents.


What can you tell us about MMA in Switzerland? Who is the most noticeable fighter?




UPO: “Yasubey Enomoto is a role model in MMA for me and a good friend of mine. MMA has been developing in Switzerland rapidly lately, but still it’s popularity can’t be compared to what we see in Russia. Anyway, there are MMA gyms in almost every city and they have many fighters with potential.


How did you get to M-1 Global and how do you like fighting in Russia?




UPO: “Before joining M-1 Global I’d already been to Russia once at Battle in the Mountains in Ingushetia, I loved it and it became my goal to fight in front of this amazing crowd against some top opponents.




I worked very hard and I won all my MMA, K-1 and Muay Thai fights, so First MMA Management got interested in me, and very soon after signing with them I got my first fight in M-1 Global. I find it excellent that MMA has so much respect in Russia and that it is supported at such a high level that you can even see the President at some events. I have a great experience with Russian fans, who are very respectful. After my fights I’ve seen that they understand this sport really well, so I love fighting in Russia.


Who would you like to fight the most in M-1 Global?




UPO: “I would love to fight Alexey Kunchenko. I’ve seen many fights of his and it would be a tough challenge for me. I’m happy that he signed with the UFC and I hope one day I can follow him.


What do you think about your upcoming fight against Sergey Kunchenko?




UPO: “Sergey Romanov is one of the most dangerous welterweights on the M-1 Global roster. In his last fight he made some mistakes and I would say just defeated himself. M-1 Global fans will love our fight and I’m sure that the winner should become the next title contender. I suppose the winner will face Maxim Grabovich in the fight for the vacant title.





“म यस एक कठिन संघर्ष हुन गइरहेको छ थाहा. A knockout victory would be awesome, but I’m open to any opportunity to finish this fight. जस्तो, I’ll start pushing my opponent from the opening bell.










ट्विटर & Instagram:



@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global








आगामी M-1 चुनौती घटनाहरू:



नोभेम्बर. 2 – एम-1 चुनौती 98: Frolov बनाम. चेल्याबिन्स्कमा सिल्भा, रूस

एन्ड्रे फेडोसोभले यो शनिबार जोए दावेजेकोलाई एकटेरीनबर्गमा लडे, रूस


फिलाडेल्फिया, पेन / CHICAGO, ILL. (अक्टोबर 11, 2018)-यो शनिबार, 2015 Boxcino हेवीवेट चैम्पियन, एन्ड्री Fedosov (30-3, 25 KOS) एकेटरिनबर्गमा १०-राउन्ड बाउटमा कडा जोई दावेजकोसँग खेल्नेछ, रूस.




विगत चार महिनामा फिनोक्सको जून th० तारिखमा उसले पहिलो चरणमा फ्रान्सिस्को मिरेल्सलाई पराजित गरे पछि यो फेडोसोभको दोस्रो बाउट हुनेछ।, एरिजोना.




“मैले सुनेको छु कि जोई सोशल मीडियामा धेरै कुरा गर्दैछन् कि उनले मलाई बाहिर निकाल्दैछन्, तर शनिबार, उसले भेट्टाउछ कि ऊ गलत रूखमा पग्लिरहेछ,” फेडोसोभले भने.




यो 32 वर्ष पुरानो फेडोसोभ पहिलो पटक भित्र आफ्नो देश रूसमा फर्किनेछ 10 वर्षहरु जब उनले Ekaterinburg एक्सपो मा रिंग मा कदम.




“म एक पटक फेरि रूसमा लड्न पाउँदा धेरै उत्साहित छु. यो एक समय भएको छ. मसँग धेरै परिवार र साथीहरू छन् जो त्यहाँ हुनेछन् र मलाई लामो समयदेखि व्यक्तिगत रूपमा लडिरहेको देखेका छैनन्, त्यसैले मलाई थाहा छ कि म तिनीहरूलाई असफल गर्न सक्दिन।”




कठिन Dawejko मा एक जीत संग, जो आफैं एक पूर्व विश्व शौकिया च्याम्पियन थिए, फेडोसोभ एकपटक फेरि आफूलाई विश्वको शीर्ष हेवीवेटहरू मध्ये एकको रूपमा स्थापित गर्नेछ, र डिभिजनमा ठूला नामहरूको खोजी गर्नेछ.




“म विश्वास गर्दछु कि म अहिले विश्वको शीर्ष हेवीवेटहरु मध्ये एक हुँ. मँ त्यहाँ छु भनेर प्रमाणित गर्न मलाई शीर्ष मान्छे मध्ये एक लाई लड्न त्यो अवसर मात्र चाहिन्छ. यो लडाइँ पछि, मलाई लाग्छ कि त्यो अवसर पाउनेछु।”




“यो आन्द्रेको लागि उसको पुनरागमनमा राम्रो चरण हो, म्याच टिभीमा रूसमा लड्नु यो उसको लागि ठूलो कुरा हो. यो लडाइँ पछि, एन्ड्रेको लागि ठूलो अवसरहरू हुनेछन्,” मैथ्यू रोवलैंडले भने, ब्यानर प्रचार उपाध्यक्ष-राष्ट्रपति, जसले हिट्ज बक्सि withसँगै, Fedosov को सह पदोन्नति गर्दछ.




“हामी शनिबार एन्ड्रेको झगडालाई हेर्ने प्रतीक्षामा छौं,” बोबी हितिजले भने, हितिज बक्सिंगका अध्यक्ष. “उनी त्यहाँ दभेजकोमा एक राम्रो विरोधीको साथ छन्, जो लडाई परीक्षण गरिएको छ, त्यसैले जब Andrey शनिबार मा जीत, यसले हेवीवेट डिभिजनको बाँकीलाई सूचना दिनेछ कि ऊ ठूला झगडाको लागि प्रतिस्पर्धी हो।”




“यो एन्ड्रेको लागि ठूलो लडाई हो. दवेजको विश्वास छ कि उनी यो लडाईमा विजयी हुनेछन्. Andrey औंठीको बिचमा उसलाई भेट्न प्रतीक्षा गर्न सक्दैन. यो एक वास्तविक उत्साहजनक लडाई हुनेछ,” फेडोसोभको व्यवस्थापकले भने, एन्ड्र्यू जाक.




यो लडाई म्याच टिभीमा रूसमा प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ.




हाम्रो लडाकुहरु मा नियमित अपडेट को लागी, घटनाहरू, र पदोन्नतीहरु, कृपया जाँच गर्नुहोस् ब्यानर प्रचार फेसबुक पृष्ठ , र हामीलाई पछ्याउनुहोस् Instagramट्विटर @BannerBoxing

बढ्दो रूस बनाम. ब्राजिल MMA प्रतिस्पर्धा जारी छ

Artem Frolov – ब्रुनो ब्लाईन्डो सिल्भा
M-1 चुनौती मध्यम वजन चैम्पियनशिप
नोभेम्बर. 2 एम-1 चुनौती मा 98 चेल्याबिन्स्क मा, रूस











सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (अक्टोबर 9, 2018) – रूसी र ब्राजिलका लडाकुहरु बीच बढ्दो मिक्सड मार्शल आर्ट प्रतिस्पर्धा नोभेम्बरमा जारी रहन्छ 2, जब अपराजित एम -१ चुनौती मिडलवेट च्याम्पियन हो Artem Frolov प्रमुख चुनौतीको साथ थ्रो-डाउन ब्रुनो ब्लाईन्डो सिल्भा, मा एम-1 चुनौती 98 मुख्य घटना चेल्याबिन्स्कमा, रूस.


एम-1 चुनौती 98 उच्च परिभाषामा रूसबाट प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. दर्शक मा दर्ता मा प्रवेश गरेर प्रारम्भिक झगडे र मुख्य कार्ड हेर्न सक्षम हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. फ्यानहरूले उनीहरूको कम्प्युटरमा सबै कार्यहरू हेर्न सक्दछन्, साथै एन्ड्रोइड र एप्पल स्मार्ट फोन र ट्याब्लेटमा रूपमा. एम-1 चुनौती 97 मा पनि उपलब्ध हुनेछ www.FITE.TV (प्रारम्भिक कार्ड नि: शुल्क छ, $7.99 मुख्य कार्ड को लागी).




२-वर्ष पुरानो Frolov (11-0-0, एम-1: 9-0-0), रूस बाहिर लडिरहेका, एक UFC सम्झौतामा हस्ताक्षर गरे र उनी गत महिना युएफसी मस्कोमा लड्न निर्धारित गरिएको थियो. चोटपटकका कारण उनी पछि हटे र अब सिल्वाको बिरूद्ध दोस्रो एम १ १ चुनौती मिडलवेट शीर्षक बनाए.




Silva (18-6-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) रूसी एमएमए तारा बाहिर पछाडि शीर्ष दावेदार बने सिकन्दर Shlemenko (56-11-1, एम-1: 6-1-0) को शुरुवातमा एम-1 चुनौती 93 यो पछिल्लो जुन. भारी हात भएको ब्राजिल लडाकू बन्द भएको छ 15 को आफ्नो 18 मितिमा विपक्षीहरूलाई हरायो.




“ब्रुनो सिल्वा एक योग्य शीर्षक चुनौती छ, जसले यस बर्षको शुरूमा ठूलो बयान गरे,” Frolov भने. “दुर्भाग्यवश, म युएफसीमा डेबुट गर्न सक्दिन किनभने एउटा बढि पुरानो चोटपटकको कारण, तर अब सबै कुरा ठीकठाक छ, र चोट निको भयो. म नियमित तयारी गर्दैछु, लडाई को सबै पक्षहरु मा ध्यान दिँदै र मेरो कार्डियो मा ध्यान केन्द्रित पाँच राउन्ड बाउट भन्दा पहिले.




“म यो लडाईलाई अलेक्ज्याण्डर श्लेमेन्कोको बदला मान्दिन, म केवल रूसी झण्डा मुनि लड्न चाहन्छु र प्रमाणित गर्दछ कि रूस एमएमए संसारमा एक शीर्ष देश हो. यस लडाईमा विजय विजेताका लागि सुरूवात प्याड बन्न सक्छ, तर तपाईं शब्द संग झगडा जीत छैन. हामी लडाईमा जाँदैछौं र नोभेम्बर २ मा हामी द रेजमा M-1 चुनौतीमा सबै देख्दछौं 98 चेल्याबिन्स्क मा!”




“म धेरै खुसी छु कि मेरो रूसमा तेस्रो लडाई फेरि चेल्याबिन्स्कमा हुनेछ,” सिल्वा काउन्टर. “यो मेरो लागि विशेष शहर हो, दुई पटक म त्यहाँ नकआउट मार्फत जितें र दोस्रो नोभेम्बरमा म मेरो विपक्षीलाई फेरि बाहिर खेद्दै छु. रूसमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गर्न यो सजिलो छैन. लामो उडानहरू, जेट ल्याग र चिसो मौसमले सबै चीजलाई गाह्रो बनाउँदछ, तर यो खेलको भाग हो. म रूसलाई माया गर्दछु किनकि यो देशले मेरो जीवन परिवर्तन गरेको छ.




“आर्टेम फ्रोलोभ एक कडा सेनानी र महान च्याम्पियन हो. म मेरो विपक्षीहरू हेर्नको लागि प्रयोग गरिरहेको छैन’ अघिल्लो झगडा धेरै, तर मैले देखेका भिडियोहरूबाट, म भन्न सक्दछु कि उहाँसँग राम्रो कार्डियो र कुस्ती कौशल छ. म विश्व च्याम्पियन बन्न तयार छु, जुन सँधै मेरो सपना थियो र चाँडै यो सपना साकार हुन सक्छ. म Frolov लाई सम्मान गर्दछु, तर उहाँसँग मलाई चाहिएको केहि छ. म आशा गर्दछु कि ऊ एक युद्धको लागि तयार छ किनकि म तिनीबाट यो बेल्ट लिन लागिरहेको छु. म एक सेनानी हुँ जो सँधै नकआउट खोज्दछु. पन्ध्र पटक मैले मेरो विपक्षीहरूलाई माथित गरेँ र M-1 चुनौतीमा 98 म आर्टेमसँग झगडा गर्न तयार भएकी छु जित्नको लागि च्याम्पियन हुन जान्छ।”




थप झगडे चाँडै घोषणा गरिनेछ. सबै झगडे र लडाकू परिवर्तनको विषयमा हो.










ट्विटर & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global






आगामी M-1 चुनौती घटनाहरू:

नोभेम्बर. 2 – एम-1 चुनौती 98: Frolov बनाम. चेल्याबिन्स्कमा सिल्भा, रूस

M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov defends vs. ब्रुनो ब्लाईन्डो सिल्भा

नोभेम्बर. 2 एम-1 चुनौती मा 98 चेल्याबिन्स्क मा, रूस
सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (अक्टोबर 2, 2018) — Undefeated M-1 Challenge middleweight champion Artem Frolov will put his title belt on the line November 2, when he takes on challenger ब्रुनो ब्लाईन्डो सिल्भा, निर्वाचन एम-1 चुनौती 98 चेल्याबिन्स्क मा, रूस.
एम-1 चुनौती 98 उच्च परिभाषामा रूसबाट प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. दर्शक मा दर्ता मा प्रवेश गरेर प्रारम्भिक झगडे र मुख्य कार्ड हेर्न सक्षम हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. फ्यानहरूले उनीहरूको कम्प्युटरमा सबै कार्यहरू हेर्न सक्दछन्, साथै एन्ड्रोइड र एप्पल स्मार्ट फोन र ट्याब्लेटमा रूपमा. एम-1 चुनौती 97 will also be is available on www.FITE.TV(प्रारम्भिक कार्ड नि: शुल्क छ, $7.99 मुख्य कार्ड को लागी).
२-वर्ष पुरानो Frolov (11-0-0, एम-1: 9-0-0), रूस बाहिर लडिरहेका, is one of the strongest Russian middleweights, as well as arguably the most well-rounded fighter in that weight class. He has an outstanding takedowns and ground game, but his striking game shouldn’t be overlooked. Nine of his 11 opponents to date haven’t reached the finish, five stopped by knockout and four by submission. छोटकरीमा, Frolov is an extremely dangerous fighter, evident by his perfect professional record.
Frolov (शीर्ष मा) has a super ground attack
Silva (18-6-0, एम-1: 1-0-0) earned his title shot in sensational fashion, knocking out MMA star सिकन्दर Shlemenko (57-10-0) को शुरुवातमा एम-1 चुनौती 93 यो पछिल्लो जुन. The power-punching Brazilian embraced his underdog role, shockingly blasting Shlemenko (pictured below) at will. Silva’s lethal punching has resulted in 15 को आफ्नो 18 victims being stopped.
थप झगडे चाँडै घोषणा गरिनेछ. सबै झगडे र लडाकू परिवर्तनको विषयमा हो.


ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
आगामी M-1 चुनौती घटनाहरू:
नोभेम्बर. 2 – एम-1 चुनौती 98: Frolov बनाम. Silva in चेल्याबिन्स्क, रूस

Undefeated Roman Bogatov captures M-1 Challenge lightweight title

एम-1 चुनौती 97 / TATFIGHT 7
आधिकारिक परिणाम
New M-1 Challenge lightweight champion Roman Bogatov

KAZAN, रूस (सेप्टेम्बर 29, 2018) – Undefeated Russian wrestling sensation Roman Bogatov captured the vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title last night, taking a unanimous decision over RubeniltonRubinho” नाशपाती, मा M Challenge 97 / Tatfight 7 मुख्य घटना, held in Kazan, रूस.




The judges were very busy as all five main event fights, plus three of five undercard matches, went the full distance on a card of evenly matched fights.




Competing fighters represented nine different countries: रूस, ब्राजिल, स्पेन, फ्रान्स, क्यानाडा, चीन, Finland, Azerbaijan and Northern Ireland.




ओरेनबर्ग बाहिर झगडा, रूस, Bogatov improved his pro MMA record to 7-0, 6-0 एम-1 ग्लोबल प्रतियोगिता मा, displaying improved striking ability to complement his outstanding wrestling skills.




Pereira’s (20-6-0) superior BJJ techniques from bottom were nullified Bogatov when the fight went down to the mat. Pereira was adversely affected by Bogatov’s takedown attack, which opened-up strong punches to Pereira’s head, resulting in a flash knockdown in the third round. Pereira got back in the fight midway through round four, connecting with punches and knees to the body, but the Brazilian needed a strong fifth and final round to win a decision. Bogatov, तथापि, remained aggressive, firing strikes and making take-downs, on his way to a unanimous five-found decision and the coveted M-1 Challenge lightweight title belt.




यो सह-चित्रित घटना मा, veteran Spanish middleweight Enoc Torres सुल्झाउँछ (23-10-1) registered a unanimous decision victory against previously undefeated Ruslan Shamilov (4-1-0), रूस को. Torres decked Shamilov early in the opening round, controlled the match, never relenting for a hard-earned win.




Past M-1 Challenge title challenger Maxim Grabovich (9-4-0), रूस को, overcame a rocky moment in the second round against his Brazilian opponent, Tiago Varejao Lacerda (27-6-1), to control most of the action to take a split decision.




French lightweight MickaelRagnarLebouटी (18-9-2) and always tough Russian एलेक्सी “जिम्मेवारी” Makhno battled tooth and nail in a bloody war (see pictures below). Lebout hit Makhno in the face with everything but the proverbial kitchen sink, but the Russian refused to go down and even landed a few solid shots on Lebout, who also has goodwhiskers”. Lebout won an entertaining fight by way of a unanimous three-round decision.




In the main card opener, dangerous striker Pavel Gordeev (12-1-0) edged grappling specialist Alik Albogachiev (5-1-0) by way of a split decision in a showdown between Russian lightweights. The fighters were upright in the first two rounds, much to Gordeev’s advantage, and the previously Albogachiev was unable to close the gap in the final frame.




यस undercard मा, Canadian welterweight SpencerJudgeJebb (13-6-0) पहिलो-गोल knockdown overcame, pounding his way to a unanimous decision versus Russian भ्लादिमिर “The WoodcutterTyurin (4-4-0) and another Canadian, bantamweight क्रिस “ग्रीक हत्यारा” Kelades (13-4-0) outworked the much younger Sergey Klyuev (6-2-0), रूस को, to win a three-round unanimous decision.




रूसी featherweight Timur Dorinin (4-1-0) locked in a rear naked choke to defeat KangkangThe KnifeFu (3-3-0), of China, by submission in round two.




Finnish lightweight Jani Salmi (9-6-0) scored his second M-1 victory, using a rear naked choke for an opening round win by submission over Ruslan Khisamutdinov (10-5-0), रूस को. In a spirited match between Russian bantamweights, settled by a unanimous decision, Ivan Eremenko (8-2-0) was too much to handle for Nidzhat Imanov (4-4-1).




On the pre-undercard, Russian heavyweight Nikolay Rachek (8-6-0) punched out Midaugas Gerve (3-2-0), fighting out of Northern, आयरल्याण्ड, via an unanswered barrage in the opening round. रूसी middleweight Denis Titulialin (3-3-0) connected with a devastating knee, knocking out pro-debuting, fellow countryman Nikita Shamov राउन्ड एक. Azerbaijan welterweight Gadzhibaba Gadzhibabaev turned in an impressive pro debut, रूसी बाहिर दस्तक Zakhar Popel (1-1-0) via punches midway through the first round.


Full results and more pictures below:



मुख्य कार्ड


Roman Bogatov (7-0-0, एम-1: 6-0-0), रूस


Rubenilton Pereira (20-6-0, एम-1: 4-3-0), ब्राजिल

(Bogatov won vacant M-1 Challenge lightweight title)



Enoc Torres सुल्झाउँछ (23-10-1, एम-1: 7-7-1), स्पेन


Ruslan Shamilov (4-1-0, एम-1: 4-1-0), रूस



Maxim Grabovich (8-4-0, एम-1: 6-4-0), रूस


Tiago Varejao Lacerda (27-6-1, 1 कांग्रेस, एम-1: 1-1-0), ब्राजिल


Mickael Lebout (18-9-2, एम-1: 2-1-0), फ्रान्स


एलेक्सी Makhno (18-7-0, एम-1: 5-4-0), रूस


Pavel Gordeev (12-1-0, एम-1: 6-0-0), रूस


Alik Albogachiev (5-1-0, एम-1: 5-1-0), रूस









Spencer Jebb (13-6-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), क्यानाडा


Vladimir Tyurin (4-4-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रूस





Jani Salmi (9-6-0, एम-1: 2-1-0), Finland

WSUB1 (पछि नाङ्गो दमा – 3:52)

Ruslan Khisamutdinov (10-5-0, एम-1: 1-2-0), रूस





Timur Doronin (4-1-0, एम-1:1-0-0), रूस

WSUB2 (पछि नाङ्गो दमा – 3:06)

Kangkang Fu (3-3-0, एम-1: 0-2-0), चीन





Chris Kelades (13-4-0, एम-1: 2-1-0), क्यानाडा


Sergey Klyuev (6-2-0, एम-1: 4-2-0), रूस


Ivan Eremenko (8-2-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), रूस


Nidzhat Imanov (4-4-1, एम-1: 1-1-1), रूस







Nikolay Rachek (8-6-0, एम-1: 1-1-0), रूस

WKO1 (घूंसे – 4:28)

Midaugas Gerve (3-2-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), उत्तरी आयरल्याण्ड





Denis Tiuliulin (3-3-0, 1 कांग्रेस, एम-1: 1-1-0), रूस

WKO1 (गोडा – 2:56)

Nikita Shamov (0-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रूस





Gadzhibaba Gadzhibabaev (1-0-0, एम-1: 1-0-0), अजरबैजान

WTKO1 (घूंसे – 3:20)

Zakhar Popel (1-1-0, एम-1: 0-1-0), रूस





Roman Bogatov (एल) remained undefeated with a decision win vs. Rubenilton Pereira








Enoc Torres सुल्झाउँछ & Ruslan Shamilov (front) had a close fight




एलेक्सी Makhno (एल) and Michael Lebout had a bloody war (pictured above & तल)


Pavel Gordeev (एल) & Alik Albogachiev battled from start to finish









ट्विटर & Instagram:

@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global







यस शुक्रवार
एम-1 चुनौती 97 in Kazan, रूस

सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (सेप्टेम्बर 26, 2018) — Undefeated Russian rising star Roman Bogatov मा लिन्छ, Brazilian mixed-martial-arts veteran Rubenilton Pereira (20-5-0, एम-1: 4-2-0) this Friday in the M-1 Challenge 97 / Tatfight 7 मुख्य घटना, लागि the vacant M-1 Challenge 97 lightweight title, at Kazan, रूस.


एम-1 चुनौती 97 उच्च परिभाषामा रूसबाट प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. दर्शक मा दर्ता मा प्रवेश गरेर प्रारम्भिक झगडे र मुख्य कार्ड हेर्न सक्षम हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. फ्यानहरूले उनीहरूको कम्प्युटरमा सबै कार्यहरू हेर्न सक्दछन्, साथै एन्ड्रोइड र एप्पल स्मार्ट फोन र ट्याब्लेटमा रूपमा. एम-1 चुनौती 97 also will be available on www.FITE.TV (प्रारम्भिक कार्ड नि: शुल्क छ, $7.99 मुख्य कार्ड को लागी).




The M-1 Challenge lightweight crown is vacant because the last champion, Damir Ismagulov, recently relinquished his title to sign a UFC contract.




Bogatov (6-0-0, एम-1: 5-0-0) is a submission master, four of his six pro victories have been by way of choke-outs, because of his dangerous grappling skills and techniques. In his last fight this past June at एम-1 चुनौती 94, Bogatov earned his title shot by defeating always tough राउल Tutarauli (18-5-0), whose previous fight was a decision loss to Ismagulov in the latter’s final M-1 Challenge title defense.




Bogatov recently entered The Rage to answer a few questions of interest:


How was training camp?

RB: “For the fight against Pereira, I’ve trained in Ekaterinburg, रूस, at RMK Academy with famous fighters like Ivan Shtyrkov, Alexey Kunchenko, मिखाइल Ragozin, Artur Karavaev and Pavel Gordeev, who was preparing for his fight at the same event, एम-1 चुनौती 97 / Tatfight 7. In camp, I have focused on my cardio, because this is the foundation of my success and a key to victory. I also had many sparring and wrestling sessions and had CrossFit workouts in the morning.”


What advantages do you have over your opponent?




RB: “I have will power, wrestling and grappling skills and I’m ready to constantly push forward and dominate this fight. Pereira is a patient and tough opponent, so it’s not simple to finish him. He is used to long fights, has good cardio, decent striking and wrestling skills and as any Brazilian, he has a solid BJJ game.”


How is it preparing for this fight?




RB: “Before fights I am doing my best not to think too much about the upcoming battle. I prefer just to train and spend time with my family and friends. Right before the fight, you start to pump yourself up. When you need to cut weight, you become a bit more aggressive, because that’s not an easy thing to do. At the face-off when you are looking right into the eyes of your opponent, you get a boost of motivation and can’t wait to enter The Rage.”


What is your goal?




RB: “My goal is to win the belt, defend it, and be an active and dominant champion. Some of the M-1 Challenge champs have signed contracts with the UFC and I would love to follow their path in the future.”


What is your best experience?




RB: “The most pleasant thing in the game is not the victory itself, not even winning the belt. The best thing is the feeling when you come back home, see the smile on your mother’s face, and give hugs to your parents and family. This is the best feeling in the world.”







ट्विटर & Instagram:




@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global





In The Rage Rubenilton Pereira

एम-1 चुनौती 97, सेप्टेम्बर 28 in Kazan, रूस

सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (सेप्टेम्बर 21, 2018) — Brazilian mixed-martial-arts veteran Rubenilton Pereira faces undefeated Russian rising star Roman Bogatov(6-0-0), सेप्टेम्बर 29, लागि the vacant M-1 Challenge 97 lightweight title, निर्वाचन एम-1 चुनौती: Tatfight in Kazam, रूस.


एम-1 चुनौती 97 उच्च परिभाषामा रूसबाट प्रत्यक्ष प्रसारण हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. दर्शक मा दर्ता मा प्रवेश गरेर प्रारम्भिक झगडे र मुख्य कार्ड हेर्न सक्षम हुनेछ www.M1Global.TV. फ्यानहरूले उनीहरूको कम्प्युटरमा सबै कार्यहरू हेर्न सक्दछन्, साथै एन्ड्रोइड र एप्पल स्मार्ट फोन र ट्याब्लेटमा रूपमा. एम-1 चुनौती 97 will also be is available on www.FITE.TV (प्रारम्भिक कार्ड नि: शुल्क छ, $7.99 मुख्य कार्ड को लागी).




The M-1 Challenge lightweight crown is vacant because the last champion, Damir Ismagulov, recently relinquished his title to sign a UFC contract.




नाशपाती (20-5-0, एम-1: 4-2-0) आफ्नो अन्तिम चार झगडे जिते छ, including a technical knockout in his last action, also at एम-1 चुनौती 94 last June, जब Oktom Baktybek ws unable to continue to fight after the opening round. Pereira’s two M-1 Global losses have been to a pair of M-1 Challenge champions, Ismagulov and अलेक्जेन्डर Butenko, both by decision.




Pereira recently entered The Rage to answer a few questions of interest:


How do you feel about this title shot and not getting a rematch against?




RP: “I’m very thankful for the opportunity to fight for the title. I have been working hard to receive my title shot and, पाठ्यक्रम, I was hoping to have a rematch with the champ, Damir Ismagulov. I was surprised when they told me Ismagulov left the belt vacant to sign with the UFC. I’m happy for him. He is a great fighter and I know he can become the UFC champion, too”.


How do you feel about fighting in M-1 Global?




RP: “I enjoy fighting in M-1 Global and I’d like to stay here for a long time. They’ve treated me really good. अब, I’m on a four-fight winning streak, but I was not that successful when I first joined the promotion. After two losses in a row I thought they were going to send me home, but they gave me another chance and I seized it.


How do you effectively drop nearly 50 pounds from your walk-around weight to fight as a lightweight?




RP: “I have no special secret. म सिर्फ कडा तालिम, three times a day, Sunday to Sunday. Usually, I weigh around 92 किलो (203 lbs), but I never miss weight and always make 70 किलो (154 lbs) for the weigh-ins. Some think this is a huge advantage for me in the fight but, trust me, I suffer much more than anybody to make weight.”


What do you know about your next opponent, Roman Bogatov?




“Roman Bogatov is a tough opponent. Maybe he has better wrestling and takedowns, but I’m a much better grappler. I’m self-confident and know that I can tap him out. If he takes me down, that’s better for me. I had a great camp and I’m ready for five rounds, but one of us will fall before round three.”








ट्विटर & Instagram:


@ M1GlobalNews

@ M1Global






एम-1 चुनौती 49 still holds the Russian MMA live attendance record

एम-1 चुनौती 49 still holds the single MMA event live attendance record (23,255) रूस मा
सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (सेप्टेम्बर 19, 2018) – Contrary to some media reports, को 22,603 fans at last weekend’s UFC सङ्घर्ष रात 136 in Moscow did not set a Russian MMA live attendance record.
M-1 Global still holds the record for the highest live attendance of an MMA event in Russia, जब 23,255 fans attended एम-1 चुनौती 49: Battle in the Mountains जुन मा 7, 2014 Ingushetia मा, which is officially registered in the Russian Book of Records.
Last weekend’s UFC debut event in Russia UFC सङ्घर्ष रात 136 is the second-most fans to attend a Russian MMA event.
Living legend Fedor Emelianenko‘s return from retirement on November 20, 2011 मा एम-1 ग्लोबल: Fedor बनाम. Monson drew 22,000 प्रशंसक, dropped to third place on the all-time Russian MMA live attendance list.


ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
आगामी M-1 चुनौती घटनाहरू:
सात. 28 – M-1 Challenge 97/TATFIGHT 7: Bogatov vs. Pereira in Kazan, रूस

M-1 Global veterans & ex-champions Talk about M-1 & UFC Moscow

सेन्ट पीटर्सबर्ग, रूस (सेप्टेम्बर 14, 2018) – M-1 Global veterans and former champions recently expressed their thoughts and opinions about their M-1 experiences and tomorrow’s (सात. 15) UFC Moscow card at Olympic Stadium in Moscow.

Alexei Oleinik, M-1 Global veteran, बनाम. Mark Hunt in UFC Moscow main event:

M-1 Global is a great Russian promotion and I really enjoyed the time when I fought there. Each fight for me was another step in my career. We did not choose opponents, had rated fights, and took part in the Grand-Prix.

सिकन्दर Volkov, पूर्व एम-1 चुनौती दिग्गज च्याम्पियन:

One of the best moments that I had in M-1 Global was the victory for our team at M-1 Selection. At that time there were team competitions in M-1 Global and I miss that format. Another great moment was when I won the M-1 Challenge heavyweight title. Every important fight is very memorable.

My first M-1 Global fights were in M-1 Selection team competitions, which helped me as a young fighter to start my career, find my place in this sport and understand that I belong to MMA. At the time it was a great opportunity for young athletes to demonstrate their skills and show up on local TV stations, so M-1 Global was the first step in my professional career.

UFC has a huge impact on development of the Russian MMA market. The partnership between M-1 Global and UFC gives M-1 Global many advantages on the local market and makes it much more attractive for Russian fighters. All mixed martial artists have a dream to fight in the UFC and now the way is clear. As we’ve seen many times, top fighters and champions from M-1 Global compete on the highest level in the UFC.

रमजान Emeev, former M-1 Challenge middleweight champion, बनाम. Stefan Sekulic at UFC Moscow

I feel some responsibility for this fight because I’m fighting at home. Many friends and fans will come to root for me and I don’t want to let them down. I want to put on a great show, win the fight, and make everyone who’s supporting me happy.

Since I’m fighting at home, I don’t have to fly somewhere and acclimate. In my previous fights I had to fly across the ocean to compete. अब, it’s their turn, and everything will be by my rules.

Rustam Khabilov M-1 Global veteran, बनाम. Kajan Johnson at UFC Moscow

There’s a great responsibility fighting at home when the crowd is waiting for you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s M-1 Global or UFC. Crowds are the same. Many friends and fans will be worried, and they’ll come to root for me, so I owe this victory to them. I must win. That’s why I trained three times as hard for this fight. अब, I’m anticipating an opponent. Everything will be fine.

Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, one of best MMA coaches in the world and father of UFC and former M-1 Global fighter Kabib Nurmagomedov

M-1 Global is the history of Russian MMA and it’s not a coincidence that many fighters who started their careers in M-1 Global are very successful in the MMA world. M-1 Global was a foundation for mixed martial arts in Russia, faced some challenges, learned from their mistakes and kept moving forward. Most Russian fighters who are now signed with the UFC came exactly from M-1 Global.



ट्विटर & Instagram:
@ M1GlobalNews
@ M1Global
Upcoming M-1 Challenge Event:
सात. 28 – एम-1 चुनौती 97 in Kazan, रूस