Arkivji tal-Kategorija: Ring 8

Limited Tickets still available for this Sunday’s 30th annual Ring 8 Holiday Event & Premjijiet Ċerimonja

Barry McGuigan, Carl Frampton, Danny Jacobs, Joe Smith, Jr. &
Shakur Stevenson among 2016 rebbieħa tal-premjijiet
NEW YORK (Diċembru 6, 2016) – Limited tickets are still available for this Sunday afternoon’s (Diċembru. 11) 30th Ring annwali 8 Holiday Avveniment u Premjijiet Ċerimonja (12:30-5:30 p.m. U) fi Russo fuq il-Bajja fl Howard Beach, New York.

Ring 8’s 2016 award winners are listed below:
2016 RING 8 Rebbieħa Award
International Fighter Achievement: Barry McGuigan
International Fighter of the Year: Carl Frampton
International Promoter of the Year: Cyclone Promotions
NYS Fighter of the Year: Danny Jacobs
NYS Female Fighter of the Year: Sonya Lamonakis
Eliminatorja tas-Sena: Joe Smith, Jr.
Champion uncrowned: Larry Stanton
Manager of the Year: Phil Capobianco
Trainer tas-Sena: Jerry Capobianco
Rising Promoter of the Year: Ronson Frank
Uffiċjali tas-Sena: Frank Lombardi
Dilettanti Uffiċjali tas-Sena: Frankie Martinez
Dilettanti Boxer tas-Sena: Christina Cruz
Long & Meritorious Service: Dr. Barry Jordan
Konkorrent tas-Sena: Cletus Seldin
Prospect tas-Sena: Julian Sosa
Sunnyside Garden: John Clohessy
USA Olympic Boxer of the Year: Shakur Stevenson
Sam Kellerman Media: Bobby Cassidy, Jr.
David Diamante will once again serve as the event’s Master of Ceremonies.
Biljetti, pprezzati għal $125.00 kull persuna, huma disponibbli għax-xiri billi tikkuntattja Bob Duffy bit-telefon (516.313.2304) jew email Donazzjonijiet ta 'kull denominazzjoni huma mistiedna għal dawk li ma jistgħux jattendu l-festi.
Biljetti jinkludu brunch kompluta bil siegħa cocktail mad-dħul, segwit minn bilqiegħda fil-ċerimonja tal-premjazzjoni, pranzu u deżerta, u top-ixkaffa bar miftuħ matul il-wara nofsinhar. Se jkun hemm ukoll irkant siekta ta memorabilia boxing. This event is expected to sell-out and everybody is urged to purchase tickets as soon as possible to secure favorable seating.
Mur online biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar Ring 8 jew Avvenimenti Holiday annwali u Premjijiet Ċerimonja tagħha.
Russo fuq il-Bajja tinsab fil 162-45 Crossbay Blvd. fil Howard Beach (718.843.5055).
ABOUT RING 8: Iffurmata fl 1954 permezz ta 'ex-Prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.

RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.
Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

Brian Adams & Bob Mladinich Ring 8 Guest Speakers Tuesday night in NY

NEW YORK (Novembru 10, 2016) – Daily News Golden Gloves Tournament director Brian Adams and highly respected boxing writer Bob Mladinich and will be Ring 8’s guest speakers this coming Tuesday lejl (Novembru. 15) monthly meeting, jibda 7 p.m. U, at O’Neill’s Restaurant, jinsabu fil 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, New York.

Brian and Bob have experience in a variety of areas in boxing,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy qal. “Both guys boxed earlier in their lives. Brian rates among the top site coordinator in our sport and Bob is a veteran boxing writer. Our members know both these men very well and they’re anxious to hear them speak about their experiences and expertise.
A 4-time New York Golden Gloves champion, Adams is the director of the largest amateur boxing tournament in the world, as well as being an acclaimed broadcaster for promoter DiBella Entertainment’s Broadway Boxing series. Brian fought professionally from 1997 biex 2003, retiring with a 17-4-1 (8 Kos) rekord, highlighted by his decision over previously undefeated lightweight Calvin Davis (19-0) at the famed Madison Square Garden, and knockout of 28-2-1 Luis Villalta.

Mladinich is a retired New York City Gold Shield detective who regularly writes for

Edwin Viruet Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night

Edwin Viruet
Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night
NEW YORK (Mejju 16, 2016) – New York State Boxing Hall-of-Famer Edwin Viruet will be Ring 8’s guest speaker at Tuesday night’s (Mejju 17) monthly meeting, starting at 7 p.m. U, at O’Neill’s Restaurant, jinsabu fil 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, New York.
Edwin was inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame as a member of the Class of 2016,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy qal. “He was unable to attend the induction ceremony, so we will present him with his Hall of Fame belt at our meeting. Edwin embodies what the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) is all about in terms of his overall achievements and accomplishments as a New York State fighter. We’re very happy that Edwin will have this opportunity to be honored and we’re all interested in hearing him speak about his boxing career.
Viruet (32-6-2) was a standout amateur boxer, albeit brief, registering a perfect 18-0 rekord, highlighted by his winning two New York Golden Gloves Championship in 1968 as a 118-pound sub-novice and the following year in the 126-pound division, Edwin and his brother,Adolpho Viruet, were declared co-champions.
Fl 1969, Viruet turned pro and two years later, he fought a draw with future world championSaul Mamby and he won a decision over another future world champion, Alfredo Escalara. Three years later, Viruet scored a decision victory against fellow 2016 NYSBHOF inductee Vilomar Fernandez fil Madison Square Garden.
Viruet went the distance twice with world lightweight champion Roberto Duran, losing a decision both times, the first in a non-title fight in 1975 and the second as a world title challenger in Philadelphia two years later.
Fl 1983, Viruet retired as a boxer after having fought in all of the top New York venues – MSG, The Felt Forum, Sunnyside Garden, Nassau Coliseum, Singer Bowl and Audobon Ballroom.
Viruet also enjoyed a successful career as a trainer with heavyweight Alex Steward, a Golden Gloves champion who, bħala professjonali, fought Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfieldu George Foreman. Viruet also trained actor Wesley Snipes.
Several Vinny Maddalone tissielet, courtesy of Charley Norkus, Jr., will be shown on six television screens during Tuesday night’s buffet.
Ring 8 Summer Picnic
Ring 8’s annual summer picnic will be held Sunday afternoon, Awissu 28, fil Brady Park fil Massapequa Reserve, Nassau fuq Long Island, New York. Complete details coming soon.
KUNTATT: Bob Trieger, ISTAMPA Full Qorti, 978.590.0470, fightpublicist
ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.
RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.
Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, b'liċenzja boxing kurrenti jew il-ktieb huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

5th annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame Class of 2016 inducted in festive ceremony

NYSBHOF Klassi tal- 2015
Dinja champion welterweight (’90-91) Aaron “Superman” Davis, Bronx
Dinja junior ċampjin welterweight (’93-94) Charles “il naturali” Murray Buffalo
Żewġ time dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
Dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Edwin Viruet. New York City
4-ħin, 3-champion tad-dinja diviżjoni Hector “macho” Camacho Spanish Harlem
Dinja champion middleweight (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
dinja ħfief (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Buffalo
2-ħin bantamweight dinja titleholder Joe Lynch Brooklyn
“champion welterweight uncrowned” joe Miceli Buffalo
Internazzjonali Boxing Hall ta 'fama direttur eżekuttiv ed Brophy CANASTOTA
Promotur Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Il-Kummissarju / midja personalità Randy Gordon Melville
Promotur / maniġer Dennis Rappaport Queens
maniġer Howie Albert Bronx
Trainer / cutman Freddie Brown Manhattan
New York City kummentatur televiżjoni Howard Cosell New York City
Boxer / perit Ruby Goldstein Manhattan
maniġer Jimmy Jacobs
NYSBHOF Klassi tal- 2016 (L-R): Seated – Vilomar Fernandez, Dennis Rappaport, Randy Gordon and Ed Brophy; Standing: Aaron Davis and Joe DeGuardia
-Ritratti kollha minn Peter Frutkoff-
NEW YORK (April 5, 2016) – Aktar minn 300 people packed Russo’s On The Bay in Howard Beach, NY this past Il-Ħadd for the fifth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) pranzu induzzjoni.
Kull inductee se jirċievu ċinturin ddisinjati apposta li tfisser induzzjoni tiegħu fil-NYSBHOF. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
Il 2016 inductees ġew magħżula mill-membri tal-kumitat li jinnomina NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair, Angelo Prospero u Neil Terens.
boxers kollha meħtieġa biex tkun inattivi għal mill-inqas tliet snin sabiex ikunu eliġibbli għal induzzjoni NYSBHOF, u inductees kollha jridu jkunu residenti fl-Istat ta 'New York għal parti sinifikanti tal-karrieri boxing tagħhom jew waqt il-prim tal-karriera rispettiva tagħhom.
(L-R) – NYSBHOF/Ring 8 president Bob Duffy, Don Majeski, Ed Brophy and Jill Diamond (WBC)
ed Brophy:I’d like to thank the committee of the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame and Ring 8, a wonderful group that sponsors the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. I’m so proud to have been born in New York, in the small town of Canastota, where boxing is in our blood. I’m thrilled to be honored today. My name is attached to the International Boxing Hall of Fame as director, but so many different people help out. I only accept this honor on their behalf. Boxing is the greatest sport. Congratulations to all of the inductees. This is the greatest day of my life.
(L-R) – Ron McNair, Aaron Davis and Bob Duffy
Aaron Davis: Grazzi, Ring 8. Boxing is a hard sport. It was much harder in the gym. I saw Gerry Cooney, Iran Barkley u Roberto Duran and wanted to do what those guys did and it made me a fighter I was. I’d like to thank my father and Billy Giles, who was my trainer. I’d also like to thank Joe DeGuardia, who managed me later in my career, and thanks to everybody who supported me.
(L-R) — Bob Duffy, Dennis Rappaport and family
Dennis Rappaport:It seems like yesterday when a six or seven year old living in Brooklyn watched a fight between Jake LaMotta u Jim Hairston. This young man was mesmerized. The next month he watchedZokkor Ray Robinson eliminatorja Rocky Graziano and that was the start of a love affair that’s lasted 63 snin. Boxing, at its best, is poetry in motion. It’s Shapespeare, Picasso, Rembrandt. But it can also be crude. I started in boxing managing three fighters: Ronnie Harris, Gerry Cooney u Howard Davis. Jr. Because of the creative marketing of our fighters, one reporter called me and my partner, Mike Jones, ‘The Gold Dust Twinsbut then the media starting calling us, ‘The Wacko Twins.I preferred ‘The Gold Dust Twins.

(L-R – Jack Hirsch, Joe DeGuardia and Bob Duffy
Joe DeGuardia: It’s a real pleasure, honor and privilege to be inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. Like many of you here, I live and bleed boxing, which has been a big part of my life. Four months ago, I received the (Ring 8 at its Holiday awards dinner) Promoter of the Year award. I said then that we are truly a family of boxing; it’s a real brotherhood. I also talked about how boxing tied into lire. In that roomnot with us nowwas my father who passed away three weeks ago. Because of him, I developed this love of boxing that I’ve carried in life: work hard to do the best you can in life. I’m truly honored to be inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. In honor of my father and everybody else who loves this sport. I accept on behalf of my father who, Naf, is watching us now.
(L-R) – Charles Murray and Bob Duffy
Charles Murray:They called me, ‘The Natural.I appreciate this, being honored for my contributions to boxing. Thank you very much.
(L-R) – Steve Farhood, Vilomar Fernandez and Bob Duffy
Vilomar Fernandez: “It wasn’t easy fighting guys like Roberto Duran and Alexis Arguello. They were the best in the world. I’m thankful for the opportunities to fight them, I’m honored today.
(L-R) – Henry Hascup, Randy Gordon, Melvina Lathan, Bob Duffy and Gerry Cooney
Randy Gordon: “Grazzi, kulħadd. This amazing event we have every year, I never expected this would happen. My career was born out of the aches of one of boxing’s biggest scandals, the US Championships on ABC, promossa mill Don King, and Ring Magazine produced the ratings for the tournament. It turned out the ratings and some of the records were padded and it just about knocked Ring Magazine out of business. Bert Randolph Zokkor hired me to be its Editor In Chief. Naħdmu flimkien, we brought Ring Magazine back from the dead. I burst into tears when Jack Hirsch called to tell me I was being inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. This is an absolute dream. Anybody who has ever or will ever be inducted into any hall of fame, nobody can possibly enjoy this more than me. I love boxing with every ounce of my body. My wife and family drive me back into boxing. This is the greatest honor. I can’t get enough of boxing. I’m truly the luckiest man ever placed on this planet.
(L-R) – ed Brophy, Don Majeski, Jack Hirsch and Joe DeGuardia
NYSAC Executive Director Dave Berlin and Harold Lederman
(L-R) – Joe DeGuardia and NYSBHOF/Ring 8 president Bob Duffy
KLASSI ta 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Zokkor” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray ARCEL, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo u Arthur Mercante, Sr.
KLASSI ta 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard u Don Dunphy.
KLASSI TA 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lou ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Ħarset D'Amato, William Muldoon u Tom O'Rourke.
KLASSI TA 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giambra, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon u Al Weill.

2016 Class Inductees honored to be going Into New York State Boxing Hall of Fame This Sunday, April 3, fi Russo fuq il-Bajja

Hector Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Aaron Davis u Howard Cosell ras 2016 klassi
NEW YORK (Marzu 29, 2016) – The fifth annual New York State Boxing Hall of Fame (NYSBHOF) pranzu induzzjoni, sponsorjati minn Ring 8, will be held this Il-Ħadd wara nofsinhar (April 312:30-5:30 p.m.) fi Russo fuq il-Bajja fl Howard Beach, New York.
NYSBHOF Klassi tal- 2015
Dinja champion welterweight (’90-91) Aaron “Superman” Davis Bronx
Dinja junior ċampjin welterweight (’93-94) Charles “il naturali” Murray Buffalo
Żewġ time dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
Dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Edwin Viruet. New York City
4-ħin, 3-champion tad-dinja diviżjoni Hector “macho” Camacho Spanish Harlem
Dinja champion middleweight (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
dinja ħfief (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Buffalo
2-ħin bantamweight dinja titleholder Joe Lynch Brooklyn
“champion welterweight uncrowned” joe Miceli Buffalo
Internazzjonali Boxing Hall ta 'fama direttur eżekuttiv ed Brophy CANASTOTA
Promotur Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Il-Kummissarju / midja personalità Randy Gordon Melville
Promotur / maniġer Dennis Rappaport Queens
maniġer Howie Albert Bronx
Trainer / cutman Freddie Brown Manhattan
New York City kummentatur televiżjoni Howard Cosell New York City
Boxer / perit Ruby Goldstein Manhattan
maniġer Jimmy Jacobs New York City
Randy Gordon:What a journey this has been from boxing fan to boxing writerto boxing announcerto boxing commissionerto boxing promoterto boxing talk show host….to the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame. If I’m dreaming, I don’t want to wake up!”
Dennis Rappaport:It is with the utmost pleasure and profound appreciation to be inducted into the NYSBHOF with such a class of distinguished honorees. At the age of six, I watched my first fight between Jake LaMotta and Gene Harston. I was so captivated and mesmerized by the sport that it began my 63 year love affair with boxing. From the bottom of my heat, I would like to thank each and every member of the boxing fraternity for a lifetime filled with magical moments and unforgettable memories.
ed Brophy:This is a wonderful honor that truly caught me by surprise. I am humbled by this acknowledgement and thank the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.
Joe DeGuardia: “I am honored to be recognized and included among the past and present boxing luminaries inducted into the prestigious New York State Boxing Hall of Fame.
Kull inductee se jirċievu ċinturin ddisinjati apposta li tfisser induzzjoni tiegħu fil-NYSBHOF. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
Il 2016 inductees ġew magħżula mill-membri tal-kumitat li jinnomina NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair, Angelo Prospero u Neil Terens.
boxers kollha meħtieġa biex tkun inattivi għal mill-inqas tliet snin sabiex ikunu eliġibbli għal induzzjoni NYSBHOF, u inductees kollha jridu jkunu residenti fl-Istat ta 'New York għal parti sinifikanti tal-karrieri boxing tagħhom jew waqt il-prim tal-karriera rispettiva tagħhom.
KLASSI ta 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Zokkor” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray ARCEL, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo u Arthur Mercante, Sr.
KLASSI ta 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard u Don Dunphy.
KLASSI TA 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lou ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Ħarset D'Amato, William Muldoon u Tom O'Rourke.
KLASSI TA 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giambra, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon u Al Weill.
Limited tickets are still available, pprezzati għal $150.00 kull adult u $60.00 għat-tfal (taħt 16), which includes a complete brunch and cocktail hour upon entry, jibda 12:30 p.m. U, kif ukoll pranzu (kustilja prime, ħut jew tjur) and open bar throughout the event. Biljetti huma disponibbli għax-xiri billi ċċempel NYSBHOF / Ring 8 president Bob Duffy fi 516.313.2304. Mur fuq il-linja lejn għal informazzjoni addizzjonali dwar l-Istat ta 'New York Boxing Hall of Fame.

New York Istat Boxing Sala ta 'biljetti pranzu fama Induzzjoni bejgħ mgħaġġel Ħadd, April 3 fi Russo fuq il-Bajja

Hector Camacho, Rocky Graziano, Aaron Davis u Howard Cosell ras 2016 klassi
NEW YORK (Marzu 23, 2016) – Biljetti huma jbiegħu malajr għall-ħames sena Istat ta 'New York Boxing Sala tal-Eroj (NYSBHOF) pranzu induzzjoni, sponsorjati minn Ring 8, Il-Ħadd wara nofsinhar (12:30-5:30 p.m. U), April 3, fi Russo fuq il-Bajja fl Howard Beach, New York.
NYSBHOF Klassi tal- 2016
Dinja champion welterweight (’90-91) Aaron “Superman” Davis Bronx
Dinja junior ċampjin welterweight (’93-94) Charles “il naturali” Murray Buffalo
Żewġ time dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Vilomar Fernandez Bronx
Dinja titolu ħfief isfidant Edwin Viruet. New York City
4-ħin, 3-champion tad-dinja diviżjoni Hector “macho” Camacho Spanish Harlem
Dinja champion middleweight (1952) Rocky Graziano Brooklyn
dinja ħfief (’25-26) titlist Rocky Kansas Buffalo
2-ħin bantamweight dinja titleholder Joe Lynch Brooklyn
“champion welterweight uncrowned” joe Miceli Buffalo
Internazzjonali Boxing Hall ta 'fama direttur eżekuttiv ed Brophy CANASTOTA
Promotur Joe DeGuardia Bronx
Il-Kummissarju / midja personalità Randy Gordon Melville
Promotur / maniġer Dennis Rappaport Queens
maniġer Howie Albert Bronx
Trainer / cutman Freddie Brown Manhattan
New York City kummentatur televiżjoni Howard Cosell New York City
Boxer / perit Ruby Goldstein Manhattan
maniġer Jimmy Jacobs New York City
Kull inductee se jirċievu ċinturin ddisinjati apposta li tfisser induzzjoni tiegħu fil-NYSBHOF. Plaques are on display at the New York State Athletic Commission.
Il 2016 inductees ntgħażlu mill-membri tal-kumitat nominattiv NYSBHOF: Jack Hirsch, Steve Farhood, Bobby Cassidy, Jr., Don Majeski, Henry Hascup, Ron McNair, Angelo Prospero u Neil Terens.
boxers kollha meħtieġa biex tkun inattivi għal mill-inqas tliet snin sabiex ikunu eliġibbli għal induzzjoni NYSBHOF, u inductees kollha jridu jkunu residenti fl-Istat ta 'New York għal parti sinifikanti tal-karrieri boxing tagħhom jew waqt il-prim tal-karriera rispettiva tagħhom.
KLASSI ta 2012: Carmen Basilio, Mike McCallum, Mike Tyson, Jake LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Carlos Ortiz, Vito Antuofermo, Emile Griffith, “Zokkor” Ray Robinson, Gene Tunney, Benny Leonard, Tony Canzoneri, Harold Lederman, Steve Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray ARCEL, Nat Fleischer, Bill Gallo u Arthur Mercante, Sr.
KLASSI ta 2013: Jack Dempsey, Johnny Dundee, Sandy Saddler, Maxie Rosenbloom, Joey Archer, Iran Barkley, Mark Breland, Bobby Cassidy, Doug Jones, Junior Jones, James “Buddy” McGirt, Eddie Mustafa Muhammad, Bob Arum, Shelly Finkel, Tony Graziano, Larry Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Rickard u Don Dunphy.
KLASSI TA 2014: Floyd Patterson, Tracy Harris Patterson, Billy Backus, Kevin Kelley, Juan Laporte, Gerry Cooney, Mustafa Hamsho, Howard Davis, Jr, Lou ambers, Jack Britton, Terry McGovern, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Steve Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Prospero, Whitey Bimstein, Ħarset D'Amato, William Muldoon u Tom O'Rourke.
KLASSI TA 2015: Saul Mamby, Joey Giambra, Johnny Persol, Harold Weston, Lonnie Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Billy Graham, Frankie Genaro, Bob Miller, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Slattery, Bob Duffy, Mike Katz, Tommy Gallagher, Bruce Silverglade, Charley Goldman, Jimmy Johnston, Cedric Kushner, Harry Markson, Damon Runyon u Al Weill.
Biljetti huma pprezzati għal $150.00 kull adult u $60.00 għat-tfal (taħt 16), u jinkludu brunch kompleta u siegħa cocktail mad-dħul, jibda12:30 PM/U, kif ukoll pranzu (kustilja prime, ħut jew tjur) and open bar throughout the evening. Biljetti huma disponibbli għax-xiri billi ċċempel NYSBHOF / Ring 8 president Bob Duffy fi 516.313.2304. Reklami għall-programm NYSBHOF huma disponibbli, li jvarjaw minn $50.00 biex $250.00, billi tikkuntattja Duffy. Mur fuq il-linja lejn għal informazzjoni addizzjonali dwar l-Istat ta 'New York Boxing Hall of Fame.
Bob Trieger, ISTAMPA Full Qorti, 978.590.0470,
ABOUT RING 8: Iffurmata fl 1954 permezz ta 'ex-Prizefighter, Jack Grebelsky, Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.
RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.
Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

Trainer Tommy Gallagher Ring 8 Guest Speaker Tuesday night

NEW YORK (Marzu 12, 2016) – Boxing trainer Veteran Tommy Gallagher will be Ring 8’s guest speaker at Tuesday night’s (Baħar. 15) monthly meeting, jibda 7 p.m. U, at O’Neill’s Restaurant, jinsabu fil 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, New York.

In celebration of St. Jum Patrizju, an Irish menu will feature Corn Beef & Cabbage, as well as Shepard’s Pie.
Everybody’s Irish for St. Jum Patrizju,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy qal. “It’s only appropriate that our guest speaker is and Irishman, Tommy Gallagher. He’s done it all in boxing during the past 40 snin. Tommy’s been a big part of Ring 8 for a longtime and he’s known as a good storyteller.
Best known, forsi, for his role in Il-kontendenti reality television series, last year Gallagher was inducted into the New York State Boxing Hall of Fame, which is sponsored by Ring 8. In addition to being a trainer, he has been a promoter and gym owner/operator.
Gallagher has been involved in the careers of boxers such as Doug DeWitt, Vito Antuofermo, Donny Lalonde, Lou Savarese u Sergei Kobozev, fost l-notables aktar.

Ring 8 Guest Speaker Promoter Lou DiBella Pictures

NEW YORK (Frar 18, 2016) – Boxing promoter Lou DiBella was Ring 8’s monthly guest speaker this past Tuesday night at O’Neill’s Restaurant, jinsabu fil 64-21 53rd Drive in Maspeth, New York.
Lou was fantastic,” Ring 8 president Bob Duffy qal. “He was very informative and spoke nearly 30-minutes. He kept everybody in tune to what’s happening in boxing today, discussed how difficult it is to promote a boxing show, and answered everybody’s questions. Our members really enjoyed listening to Lou.

(L-R) Ring 8 vice president Jack Hirsch, promoter Lou DiBella and Ring 8 president Bob Duffy
(pictures courtesy of John Roe)
ABOUT RING 8: Ring 8 saret it-tmien sussidjarja ta 'dak li kien imbagħad magħrufa bħala l-Veteran Nazzjonali Boxers Assoċjazzjoni – għalhekk, RING 8 – u llum motto tal-organizzazzjoni għadha: Boxers Ngħinu Boxers.
RING 8 hija impenjata bis-sħiħ biex tappoġġa lin-nies inqas ixxurtjati fil-komunità boxing li jistgħu jeħtieġu assistenza f'termini ta 'kera ħlas, spejjeż mediċi, jew kwalunkwe ħtieġa ġustifikabbli.
Mur fuq il-linja biex għal aktar informazzjoni dwar RING 8, l-akbar grupp tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Istati Uniti ma 'aktar minn 350 membri. Drittijiet tas-sħubija annwali hija biss $30.00 u kull membru hu intitolat għal pranzu buffet fil RING 8 laqgħat ta 'kull xahar, esklużi Lulju u Awissu. Boxers attivi kollha, dilettanti u professjonali, b'liċenzja boxing kurrenti jew il-ktieb huma intitolati għal RING kumplimentari 8 sħubija annwali. Mistednin ta Ring 8 membri huma milqugħa bi spiża ta 'biss $7.00 kull persuna.

Ring 8 January Meeting Review & Pictures

The late Herschel Jacobs’ familja & ħbieb
(all pictures courtesy of Stanley Janousek)
NEW YORK (Jannar 21, 2016) – Ring 8’s first monthly meeting of 2016 was held this past Tuesday evening at O’Neil’s Restaurant in Maspeth, New York.
International boxing judge John McKaie (xellug) was the guest speaker. McKaie has judged nearly 800 tissielet professjonali, Inklużi 23 world championships.
Ring 8 historian Henry Hascup (dritt) eulogized and made a historical tribute to the late Herschel Jacobs, who passed away this past December at the age of 75 (pictured to right). Jacobs (27-20-2, 11 Kos) fought professionally between 1960 u 1978. His most notable win was a 10-round decision in 1971 against three-time world light heavyweight champion and Hall-of-Famer, Harold Johnson, at the famed Sunnyside Garden in Queens. Jacobs also gave Rubin “Uragan” Carter (4-0) his first pro loss in 1962 by way of a six-round decision.
Jim Kinney (speaking) made a special presentation to Herschel Jacobsson (far left). Ring 8 historian Henry Hascup (white shirt) and Ring 8 president Bob Duffy (safejn id-dritt) also took part in the presentation.

Timothy Bradley, Melvina Lathan & Sadam Ali Leading 2015 award winners honored at 29th annual Ring 8 Holiday Event & Premjijiet Ċerimonja

(L-R) — 2015 Ring 8 Rebbieħa Award: New York Fighter of the Year Sadam Ali, Woman of the Decade Melvina Lathan and Fighter of the Year Timothy Bradley
(photo by Peter Frutkoff)
NEW YORK, NY (Diċembru 21, 2015) – A capacity crowd enjoyed the recent 29th Ring annwali 8 Holiday Event and Awards Ceremony at Russo’s On The Bay in Howard Beach, New York.
Ta 'time, two-diviżjoni champion tad-dinja Timothy “Desert Storm” Bradley received the Ring 8 Fighter tas-Sena Award. Other 2015 Ring 8 rebbieħa tal-premjijiet (ara l-lista sħiħa ta 'hawn taħt) included former New York State Athletic Commission chairperson Melvina Lathan(Mara tad-Deċennju), undefeated Nru. 1 welterweight konkorrent dinja Port “Dinja Kid” Huma (NY Fighter tas-Sena), Heather Hardy (NY Female Fighter tas-Sena), “Tal-Irlanda” John Duddy (Champion uncrowned), Andre Rozier (Trainer tas-Sena) u Joe DeGuardia (Promotur tas-Sena). Randy Gordon served as the Master of Ceremonies.
“Kellna 340 people and everybody enjoyed themselves,” reported Ring 8 president Bob Duffy. “Things went very well. There were a few emotional acceptance speeches and some tears shed.
We donated a table to Wounded Warriors and also presented Keith Sullivan with a special trophy for all the legal work and support he gives Ring 8, Stat New York Boxing Hall of Fame, Atlas Foundation, Boxing Writers Association of America, and boxing in New York.
2015 Ring 8 Rebbieħa Award
(Photo by Peter Frutkoff)
2015 RING 8 Rebbieħa Award
Fighter tas-Sena: Timothy Bradley
Mara tad-Deċennju: Hon. Melvina Lathan
NY Fighter tas-Sena: Sadam Ali
NY Female Fighter tas-Sena: Heather Hardy
Champion uncrowned: John Duddy
Ko-Cutmen tas-Sena: George Mitchell & Mike Rella
Membru tal-Bord tas-Sena: Billy Strigaro
Trainer tas-Sena: Andre Rozier
Award Servizz Komunità: Kevin Collins & Gerard Wilson
Promotur tas-Sena: Joe DeGuardia
Sponsor tas-Sena: George O'Neill
Uffiċjali tas-Sena: Carlos Ortiz, Jr.
Dilettanti Uffiċjali tas-Sena: Christina Vila
Long & Meritevoli Award Servizz: Jack Hirsch
Profili tal Award Courage: Paddy Dolan
Prospetti tas-Sena: Wesley Ferrer & Danny Gonzales
Ring announcer tas-Sena: David Diamante
Award patrijottiżmu: Corporal Ron McNair, Jr.