Category Archives: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions

Teata a'ee ki Fred KASSI ascenceur KI 26 o Hepetema

Taupae, California (Mahuru 16, 2015) – I roto i te huringa o ngā te marama i mua ki tona a'ee matua-kaupapa whakaritea i runga i October 13, runga

U.S. amanaki taumahamaha Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (15-0, 14 KO o) Ka hoki inaianei ki te mowhiti i runga i te raupapa Mekemeke Champions Pirimia i runga i Mahuru 26 on prime time television. BREAZEALE, nana nei i whakatitiro ake te Pirimia mekemeke Champions Rangatū (PBC) tenei Pipiri mua, ka waiho te hui tahi-matua i runga i te kāri Wilder-Duhaupas i Birmingham, Alabama.
Te 2012 U.S. Tonu ka Häkinakina fehangahangai Cameroon taketake Fred Kassi (18-3-1, 10 KO o) in a scheduled 10-round bout. BREAZEALE, nei kua whakangungu pakeke i roto i te puni ko oaoa e pā ana te whai wāhi me te pono titiro atu ki tenei a'ee ka ū mai.

Photo c / o Pita Politanoff
Photo c / o Pita Politanoff

“A, no te ahau farii te piiraa i toku kaitohutohu Al Haymon tenei wiki mua tono ahau ki te ko ahau tuwhera ki oreore ana ake toku a'ee ki te 26, I was all for it. To be able to fight on prime time television on NBC is a blessing. I remember speaking with my grandmother before my last bout who doesn’t have cable and she was able to see me last time on regular television. It means a lot to me that she is able to watch me again.

I am also looking forward to this bout as it is headlined by Deontay Wilder. It’s no secret that I am gunning for him and I want that championship belt. I want to be the heavyweight champion of the world and this televised bout is a great opportunity to showcase my skills while gaining fans and will put me in that position for a shot at the title. I want to send a message that I’m coming for those belts”, Said Breazeale.
“Here Mai te pouri

Sammy Vasquez horiri oire hui PAE-rauna Tuhinga o Jose Lopez ON PREMIER BOXING toa TOE-KI-TOE Tūrei ON FS1 & Fox Deportes i te huihuinga CENTER AT California State University o Pennsylvania

Omar Douglas makaka Braulio Santos RUA ON tona ara ki te wikitoria whakatau loto
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos i Lucas Noonan / Pirimia Boxing Champions
California, PA. (Mahuru 16, 2015) – Sergeant Sammy “Ko te wai taea Mexican” Vasquez (20-0, 14 Koó)maka ki runga ki te whakaatu Rātū po mo ona pā oire i runga i tona ara ki te Tuhinga rima-a tawhio o Jose “Pātuki” Lopez (25-4-1, 15 Koó) i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 ko FOX Deportes i te Center huihuinga i California State University o Pennsylvania i California, PA.
Ka puta mai i roto i kaha i te tīmatanga Vasquez, te patu i te Lopez pakeke-tohutohutia ki te tokua ngā wā katoa i roto i te tīmatanga o te rauna. I roto i te wha o tawhio, Kōemiemi Vasquez Lopez e rave rahi taime i te kautaha pakeke.
I roto i te rima o tawhio ka mau a Vasquez i runga i te whawhai, maturuturu wawe ia i roto i te taka noa ki tetahi atu Pōnānā. Ko taea e papaki ana whiua te tatau Lopez, engari anake roa i te taime torutoru roa ka maturuturu iho ia Vasquez ki tetahi atu huinga, ue'i kaitautoko Gary Rosato ki te hoatu i te kopa ki te whawhai 1:08 ki te a tawhio noa.
Ko Vasquez fakatu'utāmaki whai hua ki ona nifó kaha, tauranga 108 i roto i 189 maka, hoatu ki a ia he 57.1 ōrau ki te hunga nifó. Riro te tino whenua i nga a tawhio noa i runga i te kaiwhakawa’ scorecards i te wa o te mutu.
I roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga teata, Omar “Super e” Douglas (15-0, 11 Koó) tonu tūturu e te patu Braulio Santos (22-2-1, 15 Koó) i te whakatau loto i roto i te whawhai taratara, me te Taka. I tangohia nga tangata e rua he wāhi i runga i te-rauna 10, ki Douglas ngaro he wāhi i roto i te taka noa e wha mo täia muri te matenga, me te Santos i tangohia mo te iti whiu i roto i te taka noa e whitu.
Douglas tīmata te whawhai nohopuku, patua te tinana, me te kowhetetia he knockdown a tawhio tuatahi ki te werohanga kaki e mau Santos atu-kaitiaki. Douglas i aru e ake i roto i te taka noa e rua, te hono i runga i te matau i mahue i tonoa Santos ki te koaka.
Douglas i te painga faaoti i roto i nifó mana u ki te 165-117 rerekētanga, ia CompuBox. Ko te tapeke whakamutunga kaiwhakawa i 99-87, 97-89 a 96-90.
Sammy Vasquez
“Ko ia mohoao tūturu me te mea whakamutunga hiahia ahau ko ki te kia mau ki te pere waimarie. Ko tona tinana whānui whakatuwhera nga wa ka haere mai ia ki te ringa matau. A, no te haere mai e ia i roto i ki te rua i te ringa matau whakarerea e ia tona rara tuwhera whānui.
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te i roto i-matua i runga i te tinana, engari ko tika i reira tona matenga. Piko iho ana ia, ka ko rite ki te tango nifó.
“Ko ahau rite hoki ia ia, a hoatu e ahau i te paheko tere ki runga ki a ia, a ko reira ki runga. Mohio ahau i haere ahau ki te tiki ia ia i roto i te reira.
“Hurihia ahau ki te nifó ki a ia. I mahue ia ia tuwhera whānui. Ka eke ia ngenge i muri i tamata ia ki te tiki i ahau i runga i te taura. Kia ahau pihai ia ki te uppercuts tokorua me te matau, I mohio ahau i mamae ai ahau ki a ia.
“Haere mai e ia i mua, ko ia rawa uaua. Engari ia tika hiahia ki te whiua ahau orooro ahau i roto i runga i toku whai wāhitanga a puta ana ki waho o te reira.
“I mohio ahau i taea e te tiki i ahau ki a ia i roto i reira no te mea o e ko ia te momo o te toa, me te mohio-huinga e whai ahau, me e te mea ta tatou.
“Ko katoa i roto i mua o ahau i runga i toku ngakau. Taea e ahau anake te tiki ki te tihi mā te te patu i te iwi i roto i mua o ahau. Au e kore karanga ahau i roto i tetahi ingoa, no te mea e hiahia ana ahau i nga tangata runga i roto i mua o ahau. E hiahia ana ahau katoa.”
Jose Lopez
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te patu i te tinana, a hoatu etahi pēhanga ki runga ki a ia i te a tawhio noa tuatahi.
“Oho tino pai taha-ki-taha ia. Ko ia he kaimekemeke tino pai.
“Ko ahau rawa whakama. Ahau i haere mai ki konei ki te riro.”
Omar Douglas
“Ko te werohanga tonu te patu nui hoki ahau. I homai e ia ki ahau atu kaupapa matenga i muri i ū ahau te werohanga. Tamata e ahau ki te whakamahi i te werohanga ki te tinana, me te kino ia ia i te wa torutoru. Ko ia na poto i ahau i te pawera i whiua e pupuhi tinana.
“I te rua o nga knockdown feinted ahau te werohanga a ka ia ki te matau i mahue. Kia i mea ai ahau e te katoa te po. Na, i reira te rota o te whai wāhitanga hoki ki ahau.
“Ko te he whawhai uaua. Ko te ahua o te whawhai i hiahiatia e ahau. Kihai i ahau i te whawhai uaua rite taua i roto i te wa roa.
“Whakatakotoria ana e ia i roto i te waenganui, i te wahi o te taata taratara. Ko ia e aki matenga, toia me nga mea katoa. A, no te ka tatou i roto ta'uehia matou upoko te rota. Ko te tohutoro I mea i patu ahau i runga i te tihi o te matenga, engari i haere mai ia i roto i na iti.
“Kua mahi ahau pai nui te mahi i mua i, ia tino hoatu e ahau he whawhai uaua, engari tūmanakohia e ahau i te reira.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai eé ki toa pūkete. Titau ahau uaua whawhai. Ahau 15-0 i teie nei a titau ahau mau tamataraa.”
Braulio Santos
“Ko te he whawhai pakeke. E kore au e mōhio i riro ahau, engari i mahara ahau ko reira ofi.
“Kihai ahau i whai i te roa ki te whakangungu, me te kore ko te taimaha te tikanga whawhai e ahau i tenei. Te hinaaro nei au ki te whawhai ki a ia ano, me te whai wā atu ki te faaineine.”
* * *
PBC i runga i FS1 i whakatairangatia ana e Team Vasquez whakatairanga.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a / kāingaa Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ SammyV2112, TopDoggJr, @ FoxSports1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i

E whitu tūturu Heavyweight Dominic BREAZEALE ON Fred KASSI I PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBC OPENING a'ee MAA, SEPTEMBER 26 MEI TAONGATUKU Arena i roto i Birmingham, Alabama 8:30 P.M. ME / 5:30 P.M. PT

Tūturu Heavyweight CHARLES MARTIN e ON
Mexico TE Vicente SANDEZ, PLUS Tuhinga tūturu Terrell GAUSHA,
Bryant PERELLA & MARIO Barrios
11 P.M. AND/8 P.M. PT
Omar Figueroa Whakaū Hei Pepeke Mai a'ee Hōtaka
Nā Ki tētahi Whatīanga Hiwhiri
Birmingham, AL (Mahuru 14, 2015) – 2012 U.S. Amanaki taumahamaha Häkinakina me te tūturu Dominic “Te pouri” BREAZEALE (15-0, 14 Koó)ka tomo i te whakakai ki te hunga tinihanga “Big” Fred Cat (18-3-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te pupūtanga taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC Rāhoroi, Mahuru 26 i Arena Legacy i Birmingham, Alabama, ki te kapinga teata timata i 8:30 p.m. AND/5:30 p.m. PT.
Headlined PBC i te NBC e te toa taumahamaha o te ao Deontay “Ko te rererangi Bronze” Wilder (34-0, 33 Koó) rite tohe ia ki a France o Johann “Ngārara” Duhaupas (32-2, 20 Koó).
Omar Figueroa, i whakaritea te tuatahi i runga i te kāri,i takoha ki te maturuturu i roto i tona a'ee whakaritea ki Antonio DeMarco e tika ana ki te whara whatīanga.
I roto i te tahi atu matchup whakaongaonga, toi knockout taumahamaha Charles “Missouri” Martin (21-0-1, 19 Koó) tapawhā atu ki Vicente “Buffalo” Sandez (15-4, 10 Koó) i roto i te take taumahamaha 10-a tawhio noa.
Āhuatanga mahi undercard ētahi nga tūturu Häkinakina Terrell Gausha (15-0, 8 Koó) taking on Puerto Rico’s Erietere Gonzalez (15-1, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Welterweight super, atu Bryant Perella (10-0, 9 Koó) i roto i te faahinaaroraa te Welterweight, me te Mario Barrios (11-0, 6 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio whawhai mā super.
Ka whakawhiti te haapurororaa ki NBCSN i runga i 11 p.m. AND/8 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i roto i te feohi ki Bruno Team Takahanga, tīmata i anake $25 a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. No te tīkiti haere ki
Mai e tohu ana i te U.S. i te 2012 Olympics, Breazealehas kua tata tino i roto i te knockouts tuhi rite te pro, ka haere anake i te tawhiti i roto i te kotahi whawhai. Ko te quaterback-tau 30-tawhito takaro i te University o Northern Colorado i mua i te kato ake mekemeke me titiro ki te pupuri i ana record tūturu tonu i runga i Mahuru 26 ka anga ia ki te wero uaua o tona mahi. I roto i te 2015 te Glendale, Tuhia California Māori kua tūnga mo Victor Brisbal me Yasmany Consuegra.
Fanauhia i roto i te Cameroon, engari whawhai i roto i New Orleans, ka titiro te Kassi-tau 36-tawhito ki te hanga atu o tona mahi whakamutunga, ka roaa ia he Unuunu ki Chris Arreola i roto i te tokomaha i whakapono i te whawhai ko tata rawa ki te karanga. I mua i tukua Kassi knockouts i rima o ana whawhai mua waru a ka meinga e tona tīmatanga tuarua o 2015 i runga i Mahuru 26.
Fanauhia i roto i te St. Louis, Missouri, engari whawhai i roto i Carson, California, Mutu Martin kua tona whakamutunga 10 hoariri i roto i te tawhiti. Nona te 29-tau-tawhito knockout whakaora mo Damon McCreary, Raphael Zumbano Love me Tom Dallas i roto i 2015. Ka ātete ia i Baja California, A Mexico Sandez, te tangata e haere mai atu o te knockout runga mua hinga kore Thanasis Michaloudis.
I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i te Cleveland, Gaushawas he runaruna whakapaipai nei i riro mētara koura i te US. Toa National i roto i 2009 a 2012 me te kanohi i te US hei wāhanga o te 2012 Team Olympic. Ko te-tau 28-tawhito tūturu te mai tahuri pro i roto i 2012. I roto i te 2015 kua piro ia te wikitoria knockout mo Norberto Gonzalez, a patua Luis Grajeda. E ia i runga i te Gonzalez-tau 28-tawhito i roto i Cupey Alto, Puerto Rico.
He i roto i-tau 26-tawhito tūturu o Fort Myers, Florida, Mai Perrella atu o te knockout tuatahi tawhio noa ki runga Eduardo Flores i August. Kua tangohia e ia ake e toru knockouts i roto i te rarangi i roto i 2015 a ka titiro ki te hanga i te reira e waru i roto i te rarangi i runga i whānuiMahuru 26.
Whawhai i roto i San Antonio, Barrioslooks mo te rima o tona wikitoria o 2015 i runga i Mahuru 26. Te tūmanako o te 20-tau-tawhito ki te hanga i runga i tona torohaki i muri i te imiraa te paahitia te wha-a tawhio noa o Jose Cen Torres i runga i Mahuru 6.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo, toronga,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @BronzeBomber and @NBCSports and become a fan on Facebook at, a


Victory tautuhi Up katoa-Brooklyn Battle Ki Daniel Jacobs I muri tenei Tau
Jermall Charlo riro ia Junior whitu World Taitara Ki Tuatoru-Rauna Tuhinga o Koroniria Bundrage
Rising Star Marcus Browne Ka kati i mua Champion Gabriel Campillo I roto i 55 Hēkona Mea Rauna ki
Pāwhiri ki HERE hoki Whakaahua Mai Suzanne Teresa / Pirimia mekemeke Champions
Pāwhiri ki HERE hoki Whakaahua Mai Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
MASHANTUCKET, CT (Mahuru 12, 2015) – Peter “Chocolate Kid” Quillin (32-0-1, 22 Koó) patototanga a roto i Michael Zerafa (17-2, 9 Koó) i roto i te rima o tetahi taha i runga mahana maa avatea i Foxwoods Resort Casino i Mashantucket, Connecticut i runga i Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBC.
Whakawhiti Quillin ko Zerafa nifó mana puta noa i te take, ki te underdog Zerafa ū e rave rahi matā nui e mutu Quillin i ona ara. I roto i te rima o tawhio, he kaha te ringa matau i Quillin hono ki Zerafa ka tonoa pangapanga ia ki te whenua, ano he kaitautoko Arthur Mercante Jr. poipoia-atu te whawhai. U Quillin 47 ōrau o ana nifó kaha, me te i roto i-u Zerafa 54-38, ia CompuBox.
I puta Zerafa te mowhiti i runga i te moenga, a tangohia ki Backus Hospital i Norwich, Connecticut rite ki te mehua whakatūpato. I roto i te amuiraa press pou-whawhai a Quillin, I whakanohoia e ia i runga i te waea ki Zerafa, ko wai mea ko ia pai. Kua Zerafa kua pangia whakamātautau, Ko noa tona scan CAT, me tohu katoa i he ia pea ki te kia tukua i te po i te hōhipera.
Ko te wikitoria hoki Quillin whakatakoto ake he katoa-Brooklyn taitara whitu ao whawhai ki Daniel “Ko te Miracle te tangata” Jacobs whakaturia petipeti ki te tango i te wahi i tenei Hakihea. Hei wāhanga o te rōpū PBC i te NBC haapurororaa Jacobs ko ringside a ka uiuitia i muri i te whawhai ki te faaite i ona whakaaro e pā ana ki te tutukinga heke mai.
I roto i te whetu tūturu hui tahi-matua Jermall “Hitman” Charlo (22-0, 17 Koó) patototanga iho Koroniria “K9” Rage Raro (35-6, 19 Koó)e wha nga wa en huarahi ki te mutu a tawhio toru ki te taitara teina whitu ao riro i te 25-tau-tau.
Ka puta mai Charlo i pupuhi, patoto iho Bundrage i roto i te taka noa tuatahi ki te overhand koi. Aru ia e ake i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa ki te maui tika e tonoa ano e Bundrage ki te koaka. Timata Charlo te toru a tawhio noa ki te mau pato'iraa a te nifó e mutu i Bundrage pangapanga ki te whāriki. Te mutunga i roto i te taka noa hoatu tetahi rû i whakamutunga Bundrage i runga i te whāriki mō te wha o nga wa, ue'i kaitautoko Johnny Callas ki te aukati i te whawhai.
Ngakau Jermell te māhanga, me te hoa kaimekemeke tūturu o Charlo ia haere i roto i tona kokonga me te rua awhi tonu i runga i te wikitoria a Jermall. Charlo-u i roto i Bundrage 33-20 i runga i te rauna e toru, ia CompuBox.
I roto i te a'ee taumahamaha marama, 2012 U.S. Häkinakina me te tūturu whetu maranga “Sir” Marcus Browne (16-0, 12 Koó) mutu toa mua ao Gabriel Campillo (25-8-1, 12 Koó) 55 hēkona ki te rauna tuatahi, i muri i hono tukuange mai i te raupapa o ngā matā ki te tinana i te patototanga Campillo iho rua.
“He mea pakeke ki te whakanui i te mahi rite e, tautautefito ki he taimi te mahue te tangata i runga i te moenga. Meapango ko e konga o te kēmu. Ahau inoi tika e riro ia pai ka whiwhi te kāinga ki Ahitereiria haumaru me te tangi.
I made a bad mistake in my past when I fought Miranda. I learned that you have to give every guy credit.
“He aha te mea nui ko e Ahau rite hoki Danny Jacobs. Now it’s time for Brooklyn to see me and Danny Jacobs. We’ve waited for a long time for it.
“Ahau rite Danny no te mea ahau te mea powhiriwhiri nui o tona. Ko pakihi he mahi kāore.
“[Ki Jacobs] E nehenehe e rave tatou i te reira tika i konei, ki te hiahia koe ki te tango atu i taua take me te hoatu i runga i aua karapu. Ka pakari rave i te reira tika i teie nei.
I’m back in camp on Monday. I’m getting ready for Danny Jacobs.
“Matau inaianei te ia te Sharing, Ahau te kaiwero. Ahau rite ki te kia i roto i taua ti'araa. E tura'i te reira ahau. Whawhai ahau mo nga tamariki katoa i korerotia e kore e hanga i taua ratou.”
TANIELU JACOBS, Tūmanakohia whitu World Champion te ki te tango i runga i Quillin i runga i Hakihea 5.
“Ahau i Brownsville i Brooklyn. E kore ahau ka rere, me te kore ahau e.
Hakihea 5 i Center Barclays. Ahau te toa me te ia i te kaiwero.
“E kore ahau e mohio pehea te haere i te reira ki te haere ki raro,, engari kei te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te whawhai nui.
“I roto i te hākinakina o te mekemeke, e kore koutou e taea e hanga he tokomaha rawa hoa.
“Ka waiho te reira tetahi o te nui whawhai i e kua Brooklyn i roto i te wa roa.
“Ahau i te koroke, Ahau i te puncher mana, me te whai ahau he IQ mekemeke tiketike. Kei a ia te raruraru ki te eé e neke a taea e ahau te whakaaro i runga i te rango.
“Tenei [whawhai] Ko te hihiri katoa e hiahiatia ana e ahau…aha atu hihiri e hiahia ana koe ki te tiki i to koutou take i roto i te omaoma, me te kia rite?
“E karanga ana ratou ki ahau te 'Miracle te tangata'. Ko te mea ngaro e whai ahau hihiri ki te hei i te pai e taea e ahau. Pērā i Hakihea 5, Brooklyn te haere ki te whai i te whetu hou.”
“Ahau te toa o te ao. Ngā katoa Atua-i homai te reira. Kihai i taea e ahau te ui mo tetahi mea pai. Ite e ahau pai.
“Koe e kore hoatu he kuri i roto i te pene ki te raiona. Ka mea ahau i haere ahau ki te mahi i te mea e haere ana ahau ki te mahi i.
“Ko te heke mai tenei. Ko ahau te heke mai o te mekemeke.
“Ako ahau a noho ahau rite. K-9 got cut and I stayed ready. When I turned pro seven years ago, Kahore ahau i matau e taea tenei.
“Ko ahau rite hoki 12 rauna, a mohio ahau ko rite hoki ia ia 12 rauna.
“Kua pae hopea i hanga e ahau i te reira ki te mana taitara. Ki te kia kōmakatia hei te toa ao, te reira hītori.
“Haere te whawhai rite pehea tatou whakaaro pai reira. I whiwhi te reira taratara, a ko rite ahau mo reira. Ko te he mea tika o te wā. Ko te te mana'o pai i roto i te ao.
“E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoko noa pai. E hiahia ana ahau ki te paruru i toku taitara me whakaatu katoa te pai ahau.”
Koroniria BUNDRAGE
“Riro koe etahi, ngaro koe etahi. Ko te raruraru ko, Kua ahau hohekore. Ko ahau i roto i reira ki te toa pai kua nei kua kaha, me te hiakai.
“Ahau pakeke ka whai ki te noho hohe ki te noho ki enei takatu taitamariki. E kore e haere au e ahau ki hea. Kua ahau ki te noho hohe kia kite nifó haere mai ana.”
Marcus Browne
“Toku mahi ko tino he tauākī ki te katoa i roto i te wehenga taumahamaha marama – mataara i roto i. Kei konei tatou!
“I tu ia tika ake, ka mea toku kaiwhakangungu ki te patua ia ki te werohanga tika pai. Maka ana e ahau i te 1-2 a ka whai i ahau ake.
“Mau ahau ki toku wa, me te tika kia haere mai te reira.
“Toku kaiwhakangungu Gary Stark korerotia ki ahau ki te haere mai huri noa i te ringa me e te mea i mea ai ahau. Ka taea e koe te kite i te reira.”
# # #
PBC i te NBC i whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, www.dbe1.coma, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, KidChocolate @ K9Boxing, FutureOfBoxing, LouDiBella, FoxwoodsCT ASwanson_Comm,

I roha ai Superman ON PREMIER BOXING toa runga i te Koi

Tamutu “Superman” STEVENSON PUMMELS Tommy KARPENCY ki te pupuri LIGHT taumahamaha KARAUNA
Toronto (Mahuru 11, 2015) – Kua ki 30 tau mai i te whawhai taitara taitara ao i whawhai i roto i Toronto – me te mano ngangahau i Ricoh Coliseum pōwhiritia mekemeke hoki ki te mahi pakeke-patu i runga i te kāri matua teata o te Pirimia Mekemeke Champions runga i te Koi.

“Superman” A Tamutu Stevenson (26-1), te toa taumahamaha o te marama ao hoatu tona whitiki hiahiatia i runga i te raina i te ritenga o tona hoa teina Kānata ki te kaiwero onepü o American Tommy Karpency (25-4-1). E ngana ana ki te hei kryptonite ki “Superman,” Karpency I classed-waho i te kaha me te tere Stevenson. I roto i te rauna tuatahi, Timata Stevenson tona faainoraa ki te maui nui e whitikiria waewae o Karpency. Tika te ringa maui i te mutunga o te a tawhio noa 2 patototanga Karpency ki ona turi. Ki te mano te kōaro e kaha ana i muri i a ia, Oti Karpency Stevenson atu ki te TKO kino i 21 hēkona o tawhio 3.

Karakia te hari Stevenson “Aue Canada!!” i mua i karanga atu Sharing Sergei Kovalev. “Me piri Kovalev – te reira te wā ki te whawhai mo te taitara kotahi.”

I roto i te tahi-āhuatanga, Errol Spence Jr. (17-0) hoatu tona record kohakore i runga i te raina i roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te kāri matua ki te Welterweight kino Awherika ki te Tonga Chris Van Heerden (23-1-1) e eke ana i te pūkenga toa 9-whawhai.

Spence, te 2012 Häkinakina, whakakitea atu tona ao- class pedigree by pounding his opponent with brutal body shots and a flurry of jabs that nearly closed Van Heerden’s left eye. I muri e rua knockdowns i roto i te taka noa 7, I aruaruhia te tūtahi mahi o Spence i te tini o te nifó e arahina kaitautoko Alan Huggins ki te aukati i te whawhai i 50 hēkona o tawhio 8.

Ka whakaturia e Spence inaianei tana mātanga runga i te neke ake i te arawhata i roto i te wehenga Welterweight pūmanawa e nohoia ana e ingoa nui pērā i Keith Thurman me Shawn Porter.

A, no te ui i roto i te mowhiti te mea i muri hoki ia pahono ia “E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai tetahi i roto i te tihi 10- Whakaaro ahau tika ahau i te reira.”

Ano i runga i te kāri teata, former light welterweight champ “Nanakia” Vivien Harris (32-10-2) i Brooklyn, Pakanga NY amanaki tūturu Prichard Colon (15-0) o Puerto Rico. Whakakitea Colon atu tona kaha rite te nuinga ia tona hoariri hōia – ending the bout at 1:03 in the 4th round with a punishing knockout. Ko te whetu maranga, te honore i te pārurenga o 9-11 i runga i tona kakahu, Ko bullish i runga i tona heke mai. “Ko te nui ki te hoatu i te wini mo te toa ao o mua i runga i toku anō.”

E mua AO TOA Devon Alexander ON Aron Martinez AS PREMIER BOXING toa ON ESPN TAE MAI KI Gila RIVER Arena I Glendale, Arizona WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 9 P.M. ET / 6 P.M. PT

MORE! Mā AO TOA LEE Selby hanga i tona US. Tuatahi me mua TORU-Tuhinga WORLD TOA Fernando MONTIEL
Tīkiti ARE ON Tuhinga TODAY AT 12 P.M. PT!
Glendale, THE. (Mahuru 11, 2015) – Toa o mua rua-wehenga te ao Devon Alexander “Ko te nui” (26-3, 14 Koó) hoki ki te tango i runga i whakamatauria whawhai-Mexican Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te taupatupatunga Welterweight 10-a tawhio rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN upoko ki Gila awa Arena i Glendale, Arizona on Wednesday, October 14.
Haamata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ki te U.S. tuatahi o te toa mā ao Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i toa mua toru-wehenga ao Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Koó) i roto i te hui tahi-matua.
“Ahau rawa fiefia ki te hoki ki te whakakai me ahau manukanuka ki te whakaatu iwi e ahau tonu te toa whiriwhiri,” Said Alexander. “Ko ha faingamālie nui ki te hei i runga i primetime tenei a haere ahau ki te kia tino he nga mea katoa i roto i te tikanga i te puni kia ahau i reira 100 ōrau tinana i runga i te po, whawhai hinengaro me.”
“Ahau rawa mauruuru hoki ki tenei faingamālie whawhai i runga i te taua atamira nui ki te toa nui i roto i Devon Alexander,” Said Martinez. “Arizona he hapori mekemeke Mexican nui, me te titiro atu ahau ki te tautoko i to ratou pā faahiahia.”
“Te rapu atu ahau ki toku tuatahi USA i Arizona i runga i ESPN,” said Selby. “It’s been my dream since I was a young boy to win the world title and then to box in a major fight in the U.S. I have the upmost respect for Fernando Montiel, he’s a three-time world champion and we all know over here in the UK how tough the Mexican fighters are. I know the U.S. pā whawhai mauruuru i te whawhai runga, me te mohio ana ahau e taea e ahau riro ia ratou i runga i runga i 14th October with my skill, kāhua me te tūāhua.”
“Ko ahau rawa hari ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te riro i tetahi atu taitara ao,” Said Montiel. “E haere ana ahau ki te hanga i te nuinga o tenei ka waiho nga mea katoa i ahau i roto i te whakakai. Ka waiho e ahau i taua mowhiti ki whitiki Lee Selby o me ki te pā huro toku ingoa.”
This is a big fight for Arizona and the first world title fight in Arizona since 2004,” Said Scott Maling, Rangatira o Whakatairanga Ring maona,. “Ko ahau waimarie nui ki te whakatairanga i taua whawhai taitara ao whakamutunga, me te kore e taea e ahau tatari ki te kawe mai i te pā mekemeke o Arizona he po faahiahia o te mahi mai i te tīmatanga ki te whakaoti, ngā etahi o te taranata runga i roto i te hākinakina.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e Whakatairanga Ring maona,, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25 no te whakauru whānui, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i tenei ra i 12 p.m. PT. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets
Whakatuwhera nga tatau i Gila awa Arena i 3 p.m. PT ki muri tata te a'ee tuatahi e whai ake nei.
A world champion at 140 a 147-pauna, te Alexander-tau 28-tawhito hanga i tona 2015 waiata titiro hoki te mahi e ka kikorangi ia hoki ki te totohe taitara. Nona Alexander whakaora mo Marcos Maidana, Lucas Matthysse, Randall Bailey ko Lee Purdy. Ko te St. Ko Louis-Māori 4-2 i roto i te ao taitara whawhai ki tona wikitoria tino tata e haere mai mā te whakatau tino mo Ihu Soto Karass.
-Tau 33-tawhito te Martinez kei te haere mai atu o te mate whakatau i tautohetia ki Robert Guerrero, i roto i te whawhai i maturuturu iho te wahi Martinez Guerrero mo te wa tuarua i roto i tona mahi, a puta i roto i ngā hēkona o te whakawhiwhia te wikitoria paahitia. Fanauhia i roto i te Mexico, engari whawhai i roto i Los Angeles, Kua ngaio whawhai Martinez mai 2004 a reirahia ake 10 whakaora tonu i waenganui i 2009 a 2012.
Fanauhia i roto i te Barry, Wales, Selby tangohia ake ana tona taitara ao ki te whakatau tino hangarau i runga i mua tūturu Evgeny Gradovich i roto i Kia. Te 28-nona tau-tawhito te patua o whakaora i runga i whawhai mua kohakore, tae atu Joel Brunker, Ryan Walsh, Viorel Haimona, Corey McConnell a Stephen Smith. Ka waiho te patipati-kaimekemeke hanga tona tīmatanga tuatahi i runga i US. te oneone i runga i October 14.
Ko te hōia Mexican Montiel kua riro taitara ao puta noa akomanga taimaha e toru puta noa i tona mahi roa e timata ano he-tawhito-tau 17 i roto i 1996. Riro ia tona taitara tuatahi te ao i roto i 2000 mo Isidro Garcia, a haere ana i runga i ki te whai taitara toa ngā mahi i runga i Pedro Alzacar, Ivan Hernandez, Pūmatua Z, Ciso Morales and Hozumi Hasegawa. Fanauhia i roto i Sinaloa, Mexico, Kei te eke Montiel te upoo parau pūkenga win waru-whawhai ki tenei kēmu, me hoki ki te whawhai i roto i te US. mo te wa tuatahi mai 2011.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at a A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.


MORE! ROHE tino Monty Meza paru i roto i MAHI undercard
ROHE Welterweight STAR Tuhinga Sammy Vasquez
Headlines AGAINST Jose Lopez
9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
California, PA. (Mahuru 11, 2015) – Tūturu mā super Omar “Super e” Douglas (14-0, 11 Koó) e ki runga ki Puerto Rico o Braulio Santos (12-3, 10 Koó) i roto i te kaiwahi i afata teata o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 a FOX Sports Rātū, Mahuru 15 i te Center huihuinga i California State University o Pennsylvania i California, Pa.
Whakakapi tēnei a'ee te tukinga whakatuwhera te tuatahi whakaritea i waenganui i Thomas Williams (18-1, 12 Koó) a Umberto Savigne (12-2, 9 Koó), i muri i takoha Savigne i ki te haere atu i te whawhai e tika ana ki te wharanga paturuhia i roto i te whakangungu.
Tūturu Welterweight putanga whetu Sergeant rohe Sammy “Ko te wai taea Mexican” Vasquez (19-0, 13 Koó) kupu matua me tango i runga i Jose “Pātuki” Lopez (25-3, 15 Koó) i roto i te matchup Welterweight 10-a tawhio noa ki te kapinga teata timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
Tino tahi Paetata Monty Meza Clay (36-5, 22 Koó) Ka tomo ano te whakakai mo te waru a tawhio Kōmāmā.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Team Vasquez Whakatairanga, E utu i $200, $100, $60 a $30, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga e hāngai ana, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko inaianei. E wātea ana i ngā tī Ki te ki atu tenei i te karanga waea Team Vasquez i (724) 797-8694.
Tonu te hā rohe ki taumahamaha-tau 31-tawhito Pittsburgh Jason “Ironman” Bergman (24-11-2, 16 Koó) in a six-round bout plus undefeated 18-year-old Milton “Ko te Tapu” Santiago (11-0, 3 Koó) i roto i Philadelphia e anga Mexico o Alvaro Ortiz (7-3, 5 Koó)i roto i te ono rauna o super mahi ono tekau, me Philadelphia-tau 21-tawhito whanauStephen Fulton (6-0, 3 Koó) e anga Samuel Rodriguez (3-0, 3 Koó) i te Bronx i roto i te ono-a tawhio noa a'ee whā super.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te mahi he-tau 22-tawhito Stephan Shaw (4-0, 3 Koó) i roto i o St. Louis squaring atu ki-tau 34-tawhitoRandy Easton (3-7-1, 3 Koó) o Sanbury, PA, i roto i te rauna e wha o te mahi taumahamaha me-tau 24-tawhito Pittsburgh-Māori Whakarunga Eberhardt (2-0, 1 KO) i roto i te Welterweight a'ee wha-a tawhio noa.
Hinga Douglas-tau 24-tawhito o Wilmington, DE, Ko te rite ki te whakawhiti i te 'amanaki ki te nguha. I te kaimekemeke hangarau pūkenga, tonu e rapu ana i te kaha Douglas ki te mutu wawe pāngia, ki rima o tona 11 knockouts haere mai i roto i te taka noa tino tuatahi. His most recent victory came by first round stoppage over Daniel Attah in April. Ka ātete ia i Santos 25-tau-tawhito i roto i o Carolina, Puerto Rico.
He toa whakaongaonga māngai Pittsburgh, Kei te titiro Meza Clay ki te tiki i hoki ki te puka i kite ia ia tiu atu te whakauru ia waru-tika i waenga i 2010 a 2014. Kua tangohia te-tau 34-tawhito ake whakaora mo Alan Herrera, Eric Aiken ko Emanuera Lucero mo te mahi e pahure hoki ki 2002.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi a / kāingaa Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ SammyV2112, TopDoggJr, @ FoxSports1, FOXDeportes KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i


Ētahi atu! Ka hari ia i hinga Honatana Guzman I te Mīharo Danny Aquino & Featherweights Ryan Kielczweski & Rafael Vasquez Tūtuki
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
Lowell, MA. (Mahuru 11, 2015) – Popular Massachusetts’ Welterweight Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó) e ki runga ki Brooklyn o Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó), i roto i te rematch 10-a tawhio o ratou 2011 a'ee riro e Bracero, rite te hui matua o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN Rāhoroi, October 10 i te Lowell Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, Massachusetts ki kapinga teata timata i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
The evening’s co-main event will feature undefeated super featherweight knockout artist A Honatana Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó) pakanga ngangau whakaongaonga Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó) i roto i te a'ee 10-a tawhio noa, me te aranga amanaki rohe Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó) e i runga i te whakaongaonga Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te a'ee mā.
“Oaoa vau e ahau ki te kia whawhai i te whare ki te hītori mekemeke nui pērā i te Lowell Memorial Auditorium,” ka mea a O'Connor. “Riro ahau i te karapu Golden reira, a e kore e taea e ahau te tatari ki te whawhai i reira ano. Oaoa vau ki te ngaki i toku mate tuatahi ki Gabriel Bracero ano ahau. Ahau na rite mo tenei!”
“Ko te whawhai nui hoki ahau me toku mahi tenei,” Said Bracero. “Ahau anake i kotahi te whakaaro i roto i toku ngakau me e te wikitoria. Danny Ko te hoariri uaua, me te ki runga ki te pūkenga toa tika i teie nei. Ko te pai 'Tito’ Bracero will be there October 10. Whiua e ahau a Danny te aroaro, me te whakamahere e ahau ki te rave i te reira ano, i roto i tona iāri, ara atu convincingly. My best days are still ahead of me and you will see that come October 10.”
I’m excited for the October 10 PBC on NBC Sports Net from the Lowell Memorial Auditorium,” Na ka mea a Lou DiBella, Peresideni o DiBella Entertainment. “Katoa TV whawhai e toru, e matchups super whakataetae ki te putanga i roto i te feaa. I roto i te hui matua, Ka rematch o Boston Danny O'Connor ki a Brooklyn Gabriel Bracero i roto i te ngana ki te ngaki i tata te mate whakatau. Ka tamata tūturu puncher mā teina Honatana Guzman ki te pupuri i tana record tino ki nguha kino Danny Aquino. Ngā te a'ee whakatuwheratanga tetahi matchup 50/50-momo rite o Quincy Ryan 'te Polish Prince’ Kielczweski anga pakeke-pahaki, ao-runga Rafael Vazquez i Brooklyn.”
Ko te pa o Lowell he kotahi taonga i roto i te hītori mekemeke me ko te oire o Massachusetts kōrero me toru-wa whawhai o te kaiuru Tau “Irish” Micky Ward. “Ko te honore ki te whai i tenei whawhai tupu i roto i toku oire,” ka mea a Ward. “Ko na rite hoki tenei faingamālie Danny O'Connor. Kei te arotahi ia rite kore kua kite ahau i a ia i te aroaro o.”
Wāhanga hītori mekemeke hohonu o Lowell o ko te heke mai Hall o Famers nei i whawhai i roto i te pa ano amateurs, whai wāhi Rocky Marciano, Sugar Ray Leonard , Mike Tyson &Fakaofo Marvin Hagler.
“Mau mai i te whawhai nui ki Lowell he maere,” ka mea a Ken Casey, Kaiwhakatū o Murphys Mekemeke, “Lowell Ko taua he whawhai pa nui, me te he te reira oire Micky Ward o. Hoki Danny O'Connor ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te ngaki i tona mate tuatahi i roto i tona iāri ake ki ona pā katoa oaoa ia i runga i te haere ki te waiho i te pae ki te kite.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, E utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti toronga
He National Golden karapu toa nei kua whawhai ano he pro mai 2008, O'Connorgets te whai wāhi ki te ngaki i tona mate ki Bracero ka tapawha ratou atu October 10. Ko te-tau 30-tawhito kei te haere mai atu o toru whakaora knockout tika i runga i Michael Clark, Andrew Farmer ko Chris Gilbert. Whawhai i roto i Framingham, Massachusetts, Kei te titiro O'Connor ki te faahoruhoru i roto i te whawhai i runga i tona pūreirei te kāinga.
Kua riro Bracero iwa o tona 11 whawhai mai hinga O'Connor i roto i 2011 me te tūmanako ki te kite i te tukurua o taua mahi i runga i October 10. Whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, nona te-tau 34-tau whakaora mo Dmitry Salita, Pavel Miranda ko Jermaine White. Ka haere ia ki te rohe e mauähara ana mo tona whawhai pro tuatahi i roto i Massachusetts.
Kaipupuri o te ōrau knockout haohaoa, Titiro Guzman ki te hanga atu o tona whakamutunga e toru whawhai, knockouts katoa e haere mai ana i roto i te rohe o New England. Fanauhia i roto i te Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, te whawhai-tau 26-tawhito i roto i o Lawrence, Massachusetts anga te wero uaua o tona mahi, a ka titiro ki te meinga e tona tohu ano he nguha 122-pauna.
Hanga 25-tau-tawhito te Aquino tona tohu ki te wikitoria pakeke whawhai i runga i te mua tūturu Kielczweski i Paenga-whāwhā, me te hoki mai ki Niu Ingarangi i roto i te tūmanako o te tango iho tetahi amanaki hinga kore. Fanauhia i roto i te Mexico, Whawhai Aquino i Meriden Connecticut, me te nona whakaora mo Jhon Alberto Molina ko Kamupene Evans, a ka tumanako ki te hanga i te reira e toru te whakauru i roto i te rarangi i runga i October 10.
He kaikawe-ake i roto i te 2008 National Golden komoringa whakataetae, riro te Kielczweski 25-tau-tawhito, kua he whawhai tino i roto i te kāwanatanga tana whare o Massachusetts. I whānau a whakaarahia i roto i Quincy, poipoia ia hoki i tona mate tuatahi ki te whakaora i te knockout a tawhio tuatahi i runga i Anthony Napunyi i Mei. E tiai tētahi atu wero uaua “Ko te Polish Prince” rite titiro ia ki te whakamatau i tona utu taitara ao.
Kua puritia a Brooklyn Vazquez te hōtaka femo'uekina i roto i 2015 a ka hoki mai mo te rima o tona whawhai, ina wero ia Kielczweski tenei tau. Ahakoa runga i te Vazquez-tau 37-tawhito te tino i roto i te tūranga ao i te tau e whitu me te rapu i te wa taitara ao, e kore e rongo, me te kororia ona kaupapa matua runga. Ki te tamahine autism me te wahine pāngia ki te mate pukupuku waha whare tangata, Vazquez whawhai mo tona utuafare. Whiwhi i te tīmatanga te mutunga o ki te mekemeke, Vazquez, nei i ngaro e rua o ona matua i ngā tau wawe, a whakamanawanui i tētahi mahi poto i roto i te whare herehere me te mea he to'u tupú ke, tahuri pro i roto i te Mahuru 2010. Kua mai foaki ia wahi o ona peke ki te rangahau tūāwhiotanga, i te pupuri fundraisers hoki ki te āwhina i whakaara mōhiotanga.
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @DiBellaEnt, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, /

PREMIER BOXING Champions (PBC) Whawhai Elite KI Mauruuru Fans AT BOX Fan HUINGA

PBC kaimekemeke E arahina Fan maioha ki Effort me te Toha Apiti Hingá PBC Series Mīharo i runga i Mahuru 12

Las Vegas (Mahuru 11, 2015) – Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Kua kauwhautia e ka meinga e rave rahi whawhai runga ahua whaiaro i tona tihokahoka Pouaka Fan Expo (Booth 21) i runga i Rāhoroi, Mahuru 12th i te Convention Center Las Vegas. Ko te whai wāhitanga hui-a-Oha atu ki a ko e konga o te PBC haere tonu te ngākau nui ki faateitei i te wheako tahi mekemeke – whakarato te uru pā katoa ki te pai whawhai me whawhai i roto i te hākinakina mā ngā pātuitanga me hoa whatunga CBS, ESPN, FS1, NBC, NBCSN, Koi, BounceTV, FOX Deportes a ESPN Deportes.
Toa putanga i te PBC Booth e ngā tūturu toa mā nāianei Leo Santa Cruz hou atu tona 12-a tawhio noa te wikitoria slugfest faahiahia i runga i a Apanere Merehe, Nō e maha rite ki te kaitono mō te “Whawhai o te Tau.” He’ll be joined by undefeated welterweight champion Keith Thurman, whakaaro e maha i te taea “mahuetanga iho kitea” ki Floyd Mayweather, ko tona whetu hoa te Welterweight, me te toa o mua Shawn Porter. Ingoa runga Ētahi atu putanga i roto i te tihokahoka ngā Welterweight tūturu Danny Garcia, tūturu nguha taitara Kōmāmā Rances Barthelemy, former light middleweight champion Austin taraute me te toa mua Welterweight teina ao Josesito Lopez. Ka He ahua motuhake kia hanga e rua-wā te toa Welterweight ao i matauhia Paora Williams. Kia tapiritia ētahi atu whawhai ki te hōtaka mō te Expo o te Rāhoroi.
Ka tuwha whawhai PBC te hōtaka hinga whakaongaonga o PBC Series whawhai ki tae.
Ka waiho ngā kaimekemeke e wātea ana mō tëneti me whakaahua i te wa e whai ake nei:
11:00 a.m. Austin taraute
11:30 a.m. Rances Barthelemy
12:30 p.m. Leo Santa Cruz and Keith Thurman
1:30 p.m. Danny Garcia and Shawn Porter
2:30 p.m. Paul Williams and Josesito Lopez
Ka tuwhera te whare tihokahoka PBC i 10:00 a.m. a ka kati i 5:00 p.m. a, puta noa i te ra, Ka ngā ngā o whawhai PBC me pänui o taonga ki te whakawhetai PBC Series me pā mekemeke mo ratou tautoko.
Tīkiti ki te Expo Pouaka Fan, e ētahi atu ahua toa me te hoko o te hokohoko mekemeke me Etahi, Kei te wātea tuihono i
Mō ētahi atu mōhiohio i runga i Premiere Mekemeke Champions, tae atu ki ngā pūkete toa, me te hōtaka o te whawhai PBC ū mai i runga i te pouaka whakaata whatunga, toronga
*Apiti me whawhai kaupapa ki te huringa: ka tiria i te wahi tango PBC whakahōunga.

E tūturu MANA-puncher Julius Jackson ON Jose UZCATEGUI RĀTŪ, OCTOBER 6 MEI San Antonio, Texas ON PREMIER BOXING toa TOE-KI-TOE Tūrei ON FS1 & FOX SPORTS 9 P.M. ET / 6 P.M. PT

Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
San Antonio (Mahuru 10, 2015) – Tūturu mana-puncher Huriu “Ko te Kaitao” Jackson (19-0, 15 Koó) tapawhā atu ki te whakaongaonga Jose “Bolivita” Uzcategui(23-1, 19 Koó) i roto i te 12-a tawhio whitu super tukinga e matua Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) Rātū TOE-TO-TOE i runga i FS1 a FOX Sports Rātū, October 6 i te Dancehall i San Antonio, Texas ki te kapinga teata timata i9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT.
“Ki te toku papa (toa whitu o mua Julian Jackson) te nei ko ia, kua toku moe i nga wa katoa ki te tae tenei taumata, me te ka rawa tenei taumata,” Said Jackson. “Ahau e mahi tino pakeke hoki tenei faingamālie me ahau rite mo toku pere.”
“Ahau na fiefia mo ki ha faingamālie whawhai i roto i te US. ano ka whakamahere ahau i runga i te hanga i te nuinga o te reira,” Said Uzcategui. “Ka waiho e ahau nga mea katoa i roto i te whakakai me hoatu te pā he whakaatu nui i roto i San Antonio.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e Leija Battah Whakatairanga, e utu i $ 282 tepu o wha tūru, $109, $71, $38, a $22 tae atu ki ngā utu katoa (w utu / i roto i $260, $100, $65, $35, $20), a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te hoko tīkiti karanga Leija Battah Whakatairanga i(210) 979-3302.
Ko te tama a rongonui kaha-puncher Julian “Ko te Hawk” Jackson, -tau 28-tawhito, me tona teina, i te Hoani i rua 2008 Maona mo ratou Moutere Puhi taketake. As a pro, Whawhai Jackson matua i roto i nga Moutere Puhi, Dominican Republic ko Amerika ki te Tonga i mua i te hanga i tona tuatahi pro i Hakihea o 2014. Nona e ia whakaora mo Honatana Nelson, Nicolas Dario Lopez me Javier Andino Crispulo. Tomo ia tenei whawhai i runga i te knockout pūkenga e iwa-whawhai.
Fanauhia i roto i Venezuela, Inaianei whawhai Uzcategui i Baja California, Mexico. Hanga te pakeke-hai he ingoa mo ia whawhai i roto i Mexico, me te patoto i roto e whitu o tona hoariri e waru tuatahi. Ko te ka whawhai i roto i te U.S-tawhito-tau 24. mo te wa tuarua i runga i October 6 a tangohia ake ana tona wikitoria tata te nuinga i roto i te Hui-tanguru i te patuki i Daniel Eduardo Yocupicio i roto i te taka noa tuatahi.
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