Category Archives: Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions

PREMIER BOXING toa ON ESPN korukī MEDIA tūmomo I mua o Devon Alexander VU. Aron Martinez AT Gila RIVER Arena I Glendale, AZ ON OCTOBER 14

Kapinga I ESPN haamata te I 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. MT / PT
Glendale, THE. (October 12, 2015) – Whawhai teata i runga i te Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN kāri whawhai tango te wahi tenei Wenerei i roto i te Glendale, Ka mau AZ wa i roto i to ratou tarena teimaha ki te manaaki i te īngoa pāpāho i Central Street mekemeke.
Devon Alexander “Ko te nui” (26-3, 14 Koó) Ka tangohia i runga i whakamatauria whawhai-Mexican Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Koó) i roto i te a'ee headlining i Gila awa Arena. Inumia kapinga teata ki te timata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. MT / PT ki te U.S. tuatahi o te toa mā ao Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i toa mua toru-wehenga aoFernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Koó).
Tenei ko te aha te whawhai i ki te mea i roto i te anaanatae o to ratou pāngia:
Devon Alexander
“Kua tēnei puni kua katoa e pā ana ki te whiwhi nga mea tika. I ahau ki te kia tino tika toku mentality. E kore te mea he kōwhiringa Ngaro a muri ake. I roto i toku mate ki Amir (Khan), ehara i te mea e tika ai ia ki te hanga ngaro ahau. Nga parekura katoa e kua ahau i whakaaro ahau i taea e kua pera me ngāwari riro ahau te hunga whawhai. Ko te kēmu hinengaro tenei, a kihai i ahau i reira hinengaro mo te hunga whawhai.
“I ahau ki te maka o te mau faaoaoaraa a tawhio noa te puni i pupuri i ahau i kakato arotahi i runga i te mahi i te ringa me te faufaa mekemeke he ki ahau. I ahau ki te arotahi me te ka anō-arotahi ki runga i te nui tikanga o tenei ki ahau. Me katoa ki te reprogram ratou kotahi i roto i te ia ki te āwhina mahara koe he aha te nui.
“E mohio ana ahau kei te haere Aron Martinez kia haere mai ki te whawhai. E mohio ana ia ki toku record me e kua mea patu ahau etahi o te pai. Na e mohio ana ia te haere i te reira ki te kia uaua hoki ia, a au e mōhio e kawe e ia tana pai ki te mowhiti ki a ia, engari haere kore te reira ngā kia nui ki te. A, no te au e rite tenei tangata arotahi ahau e taea e whiua i ahau.”
Aron Martinez
“Taku kāhua ko ki te whawhai, me te tūmanako e tu ana ia, me ngā whakawhitinga ki ahau, engari ki te kore e to tatou e ia i te mahere kēmu pai ki te pouaka a ia. E matau ana matou te ia he kaimekemeke kia Au ahau tino mohio, e te mea ta ka kite tatou i.
“Kua ahau ki te tango i te tiaki o Alexander. E hiahia ana ahau ki te hoatu i te whawhai pai, me te ka haere i runga i ki nui whawhai. Au ahau konei kia whawhai te tangata i hoatu e ratou i roto i mua o ahau. Ahau rite ki te whawhai tangata.
“Kotahi e kore i tutaki ahau tangata kotahi nei kihai i whakaaro riro ahau i te whawhai Robert Guerrero, engari e te te mua. Whakapono ana ahau whiua e ahau ki a ia, engari te reira mekemeke me ahau rite ki te whawhai i te momo rerekē ara o te toa.
“Ua ite te reira pai ki te patoto iho Guerrero no underestimates katoa toku kaha. Whawhaitia e ahau te rota o te eé kaha, me te kua ongo'i ratou toku nifó. Whakangungu tatou ki nga whiu pouaka hokohoko ranei.”
LEE Selby
“Ahau tino harikoa. Ko tuatahi toku pa taitara ao tenei a te reira ki te wero uaua e kore e tangohia e te nuinga o eé. Ehara i te he wikitōria ngāwari, rawa ki ia ahau ki te haere mai i tāwāhi.
“Kua whiriwhiria e ahau he hoariri o Taare, me te ki te whiua e ahau te taata rite ia me te titiro pai, kia whakaarahia taku pō kōtaha.
“E kore e ako tino ahau te whawhai, Tika ana ahau ki te mohio ki te iti moka e pā ana ki to ratou kāhua. Ka taea e Montiel e rave e rua, he doesn’t have a typical style. I like to keep it simple because you don’t want to prepare for one thing and then have your opponent come out doing something different.
“Montiel Ko te puncher nui, engari kua ahau ki te rota o punchers pai. Kua mea patu ahau e rave rahi eé hinga kore, me te whai ahau kawenga o te wheako mo toku matahiti taitamariki.
“Oku ou whakamahia ahau ki te haere mai i roto i konei mo puni whakangungu, me te rite noa e kore ia i te painga mano te kāinga, Kua riro ahau taitara i roto i te kino mano i mua i na e kore e waiho hei raruraru.
“Pea au ki reira ahau ki te pai i roto i te wehenga. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whawhai ki nga eé runga, me te whakaaro e ahau, ki te whiwhi ahau i te wikitōria nui, me te titiro pai konei, Ka waiho e ahau i roto i te ranunga.
“Ki enei whawhai te i runga i T.V. free, atu iwi whiwhi ki te kite i ahau, me toku kōtaha ka huri tere rite te roa rite te mahi ahau ahau pakari o te mea.”
Fernando Montiel
“Ahau tika whakapono e (Selby) whiriwhiria e te taata he ki te whawhai. Kua ahau i faaineineraa nui hoki tenei whawhai. Te mahi katoa kua hoatu kua i roto i. Ia tika whiriwhiria he te taata ki te hanga i tona tuatahi US ki.
“Tino hari Ko ahau, no te rongo ahau i haere matou ki te whawhai i roto i Arizona. He rota o Mekisikoú konei, na e mohio ana ahau ka whai ahau i muri i ahau he rota o te iwi i runga i te Wenerei. Te haere ki te kia nui ki te whawhai konei.
“Ahau e kore e tino e ite rite tonu nei tetahi ki te mahi ki tenei whawhai. Titiro i ahau. Au rite ki te haere ahau.”
# # #
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e Whakatairanga Ring maona,, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25 no te whakauru whānui, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at a A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.


Pāwhiritia HERE FOR Whakaahua
Credit Photo: Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
Lowell, Mass. (October, 10 2015) – Brooklyn Welterweight Gabriel “Tito” Bracero(24-2, 5 Koó) haere ki te rohe kaikiri a te patototanga i oire tino Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-3, 10 Koó) anake 41 hēkona ki te rauna tuatahi, headlining o utaina te po Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN kāri i Lowell hītori Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, Massachusetts.
Bracero, nana nei i tuku O'Connor tona mate pro tuatahi e wha tau ki muri, whakamahia he tika overhand e O'Connor, whawhai i roto i te Framingham tata (MA) did not see coming. O’Connor was out cold before he hit the mat.
“Mahi ahau i runga i taua tokua mō ono wiki,” Bracero said after the fight. “I roto i toku whawhai whakamutunga, I fought a southpaw and made some mistakes. I specifically worked on that punch because Danny’s a southpaw. I slipped to the side and threw the right. This was the first time I went away to camp, atu i toku hapu.
“Ahau na whakaiti me te mauruuru noa. Ahau i mohio e haere mai ana i roto i konei ko te pēhanga katoa i runga i a ia (O'Connor); e tamata i te mano ki te tango i te kararehe i roto i ahau, ka maka ai ahau e ki runga ki te korero.
Mea katoa kei te haere ki te mahi i roto i (e pā ana ki tona whawhai i muri mai). I’ll let Tommy Gallagher aLou DiBella take care of my next fight. I’m ready to go right back in the gym.
I tangohia O'Connor i te waka tūroro ki te Hospital Lowell General tata mō te mātakitaki.
Hero whenua “Irish” Micky Ward me te kaitātari National Hockey League Hall-o-Famer NBCSN “Sugar” Ray Leonard hoki ki te whare ano i roto i i riro ia he taitara National Golden karapu Tournament i roto i 1973.
Tūturu Dominican whā super KO kaitoi Honatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (20-0, 20 Koó), whawhai i roto i o Lawrence tata (MA), hanga ana e ia he tino tika 20 whawhai, 20 Toa KO mā te mutu te iwa-a tawhio noa o te kēmu Danny Aquino (17-3, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga.
Maturuturu iho Guzman Aquino, he whawhai taketake Mexican i roto o Connecticut, i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa. The badly hurt Aquino, Heoi, lasted until the ninth round when Guzman ended the show with a brutal left hook. Aquino, tetahi New England Golden karapu toa nei riro tona taitara i roto i tenei whare tino, i kahore kua mutu ano he ngaio.
Quincy (MA) tekau mā Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (24-1, 7 Koó), nei riro New England Golden karapu taitara rua i Lowell Memorial Auditorium, riro te 10-a tawhio noa, whakatau whawhai pakeke i runga i Brooklyn o Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-2, 13 Koó).
Kielczweski i pouaka Vazquez i roto i te rauna tuatahi e wha, engari ka haere Vasquez tohutohutia hoki a whakatuwheratia he tapahia i runga i te kanohi matau o Kielczweski i roto i te waru, ka ru te toa rohe i roto i te whakamutunga 30 seconds of the fight The judges had Kielczweski winning the entertaining fight by scores of 97-93 rua me te 96-94.
Korukī toa
Gabriel BRACERO:
“Manaaki te Atua Danny O'Connor. Te ia te toa. Just no te mea ngaro ia i konei i tenei ra, Matamata ano e ahau toku pōtae atu ki a ia. E te reira i te toa mau ki te haere mai i roto i konei, ka mahi i te mea e ia e. E hiahia ana ahau ki a ia i te pai.
“Ko te he mana'o mīharo. Ko te pono ko te, Ko ahau he toa i mua i haere ahau i roto i te whakakai. Kei te tae mai pono tenei te moe. I moe ai ahau e pā ana ki tenei ra mo te wa roa. Hanga e ahau te tahi mau hape i roto i toku whawhai mua, engari hoki i haere ahau ki te poari tuhi, haere ki te puni, whakaritea toku hape, a haere i roto i konei super arotahi i teie mahana.
I te mea ka mea ia ki a O'Connor i muri i te whawhai…
“Toku karere ki Danny ko, i muri i toku whawhai whakamutunga, i muri i toku mate whakamutunga, Ko iho ahau. Haere ahau i roto i te whārua. Ka korerotia e ahau ki a ia kia kaua e tukua e pa ki a ia. Ki te tiki ia ia hoki ake, ki te kia whakakake o ia. Hei haere te kāinga ki tana wahine me ngā tamariki ataahua, me te oaoa i te oraraa. Kihai ahau i hiahia te mea taua ki te pa ki a ia, i pa ki ahau.”
A Honatana Guzmán:
“Whakamatauria ahau e taea e ahau te whawhai, a taea e ahau te Kilisimasi. Ko tenei whawhai he tauira o te aha ahau e nehenehe e rave.
“Mai i te rua o a tawhio noa ahau i whawhai ki e rua ringa mamae. Kihai i mea faufaa te reira ki oku ringa, I haere ahau ki te mutu ia.”
“I mua i tenei whawhai, I mohio ahau i taea e ia Kilisimasi. Whakaaro ahau karohia e ahau i te reira mo te whawhai katoa, engari i roto i te taka noa 10, ka eke ia ki ahau. Ua ite te reira pai tino ki te kia Ru mo te wa tuatahi, tika ki te mohio ki te mea mana'o te reira rite.”
“Ahau ahua o tīmata atu puhoi, engari i roto i te rauna waenganui, Tīmata ahau e maka tahi oku nifó, i whiua e wha, e rima, e ono nifó i te wa, a mahi i te reira. Otira ka haere mai hoki ia wa katoa, ka tīmata te hokohoko ki te ahau.
(I haere 10 rauna…)
“Ko te katoa te taua. Kei koe rite tonu ngenge i muri i te whawhai, e wha-a tawhio rite kei muri ono koe, eight or 10. You leave it all till the end of the fight. Te reira i katoa mana'o te taua.
(I te pae kino ia i roto i te 10….)
“Kihai ahau i matau ki te wahi i oku waewae. Ko te he ongo ke, I ahau e mohio ki ta e ua rite. Mau e ia ki ahau, a i kite ahau i tika, engari ite au i haere ahau ki maui, me te tika.
He’s a tough guy. I really needed that fight.
We knew he wasn’t much of a volume pincher. It didn’t surprise us when he came on in the middle rounds.
“Kihai Ko te toto i roto i toku kanohi. Kahore ahau i mohio i hatepea atu e ahau a tae noa mai te kaitautoko mo.
I like to entertain in the ring. I don’t need to do this. I do it because I like to fight and entertain.
This was my favorite venue to fight in as an amateur. I fought here 10-15 wa hei runaruna.”
Rafael Vazquez:
“Ko ia he toa slick, neke ia ka i ia te kaha nui. Ko ia i roto i te āhua nui. Ko ia te kuao, Ka ahau 38 i tēnei tau. Kāore he kupu, Neke ahau ki runga ki te 126 pauna ki te kanohi ki a ia, Ahau 122 pauna.
“Whakaaro ahau riro ahau i te toru rauna whakamutunga. Rawa te iwa me te tekau a tawhio noa. Ko nui te tekau tawhio. Ia pea hono tekau nifó i roto i katoa te a tawhio noa. Ru ahau ia. I mamae ai ahau ki a ia. Ko, e whawhai tatou i roto i tona whenua, a ka mauruuru nei au ki a ia mo te hoatu i te faingamālie ahau.”
Taumahamaha Polish Arama Kownacki (12-0, 10 Koó), whawhai i roto i Brooklyn, i pupuri i tona record tūturu tonu, tahuri i roto i te kaha workmanlike ki te riro i te whakatau loto waru-a tawhio noa (78-73 X 3) mo Rodney Hernandez (8-3-1, 1 KO).
Irish teina Kōmāmā Patrick “Ko te Punisher” Hyland (31-1, 14 Koó), te 2012 Ao Interim kaiwero taitara mā, lived up to is nickname. The Dubliner dropped toughRawiri “El finito” Martinez (18-7-1, 3 Koó) kotahi i runga i tona ara ki te whawhai tokotahá-kotahi e mutu i 18 hēkona o te waru o tawhio ka mau Hyland Martinez ki te matau maui nanakia.
Toa whitu Irish Gary “Koi” O'Sullivan (22-1, 15 Koó) Raniera hōia taumahamaha o te marama Rawiri Toribio (21-16, 14 Koó) a mutu te whawhai ki te knockout tuarua-a tawhio noa. Toa Pākehā mua Stephen “Ko te Kamaka” Ormond (19-2, 10 Koó) maturuturu mua kaiwero taitara ao Michael “Toto mātao” Clark rua en huarahi ki a tawhio noa te wikitoria whatitoka i te knockout.
New York amanaki Kōmāmā Taituha Williams (3-0, 2 Koó) noho hinga, ka tuArthur Parker (1-14-2, 1 KO) i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa, i rua-wā kaiwero taitara aoFernando “Ko te Basque” Saucedo (57-6-3, 10 Koó) rēhitatia te knockout hangarau tuarua-a tawhio noa i runga i Kōmāmā Carlos Fulgencio (19-7-1, 12 Koó) i roto i te a'ee whakatuwheratanga o te ahiahi.
O'Connor vs. I whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment Bracero i roto i te feohi ki a Murphy Mekemeke.

Lamont Peterson korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua


Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit Photo: Wallace Barron
Washington, D.C. (October 9) – Hero whenua Lamont Peterson (33-3-1, 17 Koó) mahi i roto i mo te pāpāho Rāpare i te Pakira Eagle Recreation Center roto i te Tonga Washington, D.C. rite faaineine ia mo te pupūtanga 12-a tawhio noa ki Olympic Gold fetia Pirika Diaz Jr.(17-0, 8 Koó). The PBC on NBC main event bout takes place next Rāhoroi, October 17 i EagleBank Arena i George Mason University i Fairfax, VA. Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i te NBC kapinga teata timata i 4 p.m. AND/1 p.m. PT.
Teina o Peterson teina Anthony (35-1, 23 Koó), ko wai e ngā ano i runga i te kāri whawhai wiki o muri, mahi ano hoki i roto i a ka korero ki te pāpāho e pā ana ki tona whawhai ake, me te tautoko i tona teina.
Kei raro nei ko te mea i Lamont ko Anthony Peterson ki te mea me te ratou kaiwhakangungu Barry Hunter:
Lamont Peterson
“Ahau tonu te 140 tukituki. Tetahi whawhai e haere mai i roto i i 140 pauna, Ka tangohia e ahau te reira. Ki te reira te kahore taitara wāhi tetahi ranei rite taua, E whawhai ahau tetahi i 147, 154, tetahi faingamālie e hanga tikanga, Ka tangohia e ahau te reira.
“E mohio ana ahau he iti bit e pā ana ki toku hoa tauwhainga. Mahara ahau ki a ia i nga ra runaruna. Whawhai i runga i te kapa Dominican i roto i te kēmu Pan Am me wahi rite e wahi e whakataetae ia.
“Te haamana'o matakitaki ahau ia whawhai. Ko ia te taata tino uaua. I ngaro ia nui me ia mau hoki ka haere mai, ka riro te whawhai kia mohio ahau ia he rota o te ngakau. I te mutunga o te ra, E kore e whakaaro ahau, mehemea e ranea wheako. Kia whakakite ai e ia i te tahi ohipa, otiia e kore e haere au e ahau ki te titiro i te reira
“Ko tōna haere ki te tiki i uaua i roto i reira. Fighting ahau he rite i maka ki te wai matao…puranga ki a koutou.
“Aroha ana ahau ki te mahi, me toku mahere kēmu ko ki te haere ki roto ki reira, ka hoatu pā he whawhai ngahau, me te whakaatu ia ratou etahi whakaari. Ko te he po nui o te mekemeke mo katoa.
“Haere tonu Mekemeke ki te hoatu ki ahau hihiri. Aroha ana ahau ki te reira. Ko ahau he tangata te'ote'o na haere ana ahau ki te whakangungu pakeke noa'tu nei te mea. Kei te haere ahau ki te whakangungu pakeke. Mohio Fans me matau te ao mekemeke Au konei tonu ahau, a au e ahau ako, me te tonu tonu whiwhi pai.
October 17 Ko ahau e manukanuka ki te whakaatu i te hiahia tonu ahau ki te tiki pai me whakaatu e reira e tonu te rota o te mea e kore i te iwi i kite mahi i ahau.
“E rite ahau ki te ngaki i ngā parekura e kua ahau i. Au pai atu i tetahi kua tonu ahau ngaro ki ahau…Te hinaaro nei au ki te whai i te whai wāhi ki te haere ki waho, ka whakamatau e Au pai atu i te iwi ngaro ahau ki ahau.
“E haere ana ahau ki te whakaatu e ahau māia, me te makatuunga ahau. Tenei whawhai e ahau whakangungu rite tonu pakeke rite i ahau mo tetahi atu whawhai.
“Au e mōhio kua sparred ahau i te iti rawa 500 rauna tenei puni. I reira te tahi mau wiki tenei puni e pai rākau hoki ahau ki runga ki te 20 Whakatata i nga ra katoa.”
Anthony Peterson
“Ko tōna haere ki te waiho i te kaupapa nui mo te katoa o tatou. Lamont me ahau whawhai i runga i te kāri hoki taua August i Center Barclays, engari te wa i mua i taua ko Hakihea 2011 i te Center Convention i DC, na kei te haere i te reira ki te waiho i te nui po mo e rua o tatou.
E tupu tatou i te tangata i teie nei. E ite tatou i hōia. E matau ana matou ki ta haere i runga i roto i tenei hākinakina me e haere tatou ki te haere ki roto ki reira, ka hapai i to tatou mahi.
“E haere ana ahau ki te waiho i te Kōmāmā mo te wa roa.
“E anake rua whawhai i roto i tenei ao e kore e whawhai ahau – toku teina, me toku newphew me e te reira.”
Barry HUNTER, Petersons’ Trainer
“Whakaaro ahau te tahi mau taime i maka e tatou rawa nui te aronga ki te whitiki. Ko te kēmu whawhai ko te kēmu whawhai, a kia waiho te pai ki te pai.
“He nui te puni whakangungu. Ko te kupu tenei e tatou ra katoa he rā. Attitude he katoa. Lamont kua mentality o te toa. Hoki te wahi tino, i waenganui i whawhai a te ki tona tamahine – enei ko nga mea e rua e hanga ia te oaoa tino.
“Aita te taata e ite e te aroaro o Lamont whawhai Amir Khan i DC, i reira ko te 20 matapihi tau i tatou i te taime whawhai nui i roto i te rohe DC. He rota o te mea e kite koe i roto i tenei rohe i te ara o te whawhai, kua ki te hoatu Lamont me tenei kapa te rota katoa o te nama mō te mau mai i mekemeke hoki ki DC koe.
“Ki te titiro koe i te #FreeBoxingForAll t-hāte e te rota o te whawhai, me pā kakahu, e kore e te reira mea mekemeke hoki ahau, ranei mo Lamont – te reira ta mekemeke mo katoa. Kua I roto i te mua rite te hākinakina raro, kua tukinotia te reira, a kihai i mohio tino iwi te mea i haere i runga i. Mai te tīmatanga o PBC, Kei te tīmata te reira ki te tiki atu te rongo.”
# # #
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana nei e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki HeadBangers Whakatairanga, E utu i $250, $150, $85, $65 a $40, me utu ratonga hāngai, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. E wātea Tickets i roto i putanga Ticketmaster katoa, tae atu i te tari pouaka EagleBank Arena, online i and via Phonecharge at 1-800-745-3000. Kei te wātea hoki tauhou hauā nohoanga Āhei te te karanga 703-993-3035. Haere ki hoki ētahi atu mōhiohio.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,,, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @DiBellaEnt, @ KingPete26, NBCSports, @EagleBankArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,

PEE I TE FAKAMAMAHI Tuhinga o tona papa me te kaiwhakangungu nguha Irish Patrick HYLAND te maua e te ngakau AS titiro ia ki te KIMI fiemālié'iate te mowhiti i runga MAA NIGHT

Whakahokia runga i te undercard o PBC ON NBCSN AT Lowell MEMORIAL Auditorium I Lowell, Tuhinga.
Lowell, Mass. (10/9/15) – I te Rāhoroi po, Irish nguha te ao-tauanga Patrick Hyland (30-1, 14 Koó) faces David Martinez on the undercard of the PBC on NBCSN event from Lowell, Mass. The fight won’t be shown on television, Hyland vakai ko te whawhai tino nui o tona mahi tenei rite mahi ia tona ara hoki ki te totohe taitara ao.
Ko te a'ee i runga i Rāhoroi night will be the first in a career that dates back to his days as a 9-year-old amateur in Ireland where his trainer, father and best friend Patrick Sr. e kore e waiho i roto i tona kokonga. Patrick Sr., pai ake mohiotia rite Paddy, fakamamahi haere atu i roto i te puna o tenei tau. Mahue ohorere te hapori mekemeke Irish.
“Rongo ahau ki tona reo i roto i te hoki o toku upoko i nga ra katoa. I nga ra katoa. Rawa i roto i te omaoma ahakoa ko ina ahau te whakangungu,” said Hyland Jr.
Ko te mate o te papa o Hyland haere tika wiki i mua i hoatu te wahine a Hyland Lorna whanau ki to ratou tamaiti tuatahi, Callum, atu tāpiri ki te auraa o tenei whawhai.
I challenged Javier Fortuna for the world championship,” said Hyland. “Riro ahau i te taitara Irish ao. Kua whawhai ahau i MGM Grand, te O2 Arena me Madison Square Garden. Hoki ahau, ahakoa, this is the most important fight of my career. Ahau kore anake whawhai ahau mo taku tama hou, engari e kuru ana ahau ki te pupuri i ai'a o toku papa, e ora. I hanga e ia ki ahau i te tangata i ahau i tenei ra, me te tangata e hiahia ana ahau hei taku tama ki te ra kotahi. Winning a world title was our dream that we had together. He was always pushing me and my brothers to be the absolute best that we can be, a kore e mutu ahau tae noa ki te whiwhi ahau i tetahi atu kapiti i te taitara te ao.”
Ko te a'ee i runga i Rāhoroi night will be Hyland’s fourth since the lone loss of his career, he whakatau tino whakangahau 12-a tawhio mo te taitara mā wā ki inaianei-kingi toa mā super Javier Fortuna. Following the loss to Fortuna, Hyland was out of action for a year and a half, rite kōmaka ia i roto i ngā take whakatairanga. Hainatia Hyland ki DiBella whakangahau i roto i Pipiri o 2014 and has since put together three impressive victories. Hyland believes that he will be knocking on the door to challenge for another world title in 2016.
“I ahau i te rōpū nui i muri i ahau. Kei te mahi toku kaiwhakahaere Brian Peters me kaiwhakatairanga Lou DiBella pakeke,” Hyland tonu. “Ka rite ki te roa rite tonu ahau ki te riro me te mahi i te mea e hiahia ana ahau ki te mahi i, E mohio ana ahau e whiwhi ratou ki ahau te whai wāhi ki te whakamatau ahau me whakaatu e ahau tetahi o te pai 126-patu muka i roto i te ao. 2016 Kei te haere ki te waiho i tau nui hoki ahau, a ahau kakato titau ia riro kotahi ano wero mo te kongakonga o te karauna mā.”
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, kei runga i te hoko, me te utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti, toronga
# # #
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi,, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,, / MurphysBoxing a

Nguha taumahamaha Amir “Hardcore” E kōrero ana Mansour pupūtanga ki Gerald Washington

A'ee ki te kupu matua FS1 Toe ki te Toe Rātū o i runga i October 13 i roto i te Shelton, Washington

No te Tonu Tuku
Philadelphia, PA (October 9, 2015)– Nguha taumahamaha, Amir “Hardcore” Mansour (22-1, 16 KO o) Ko vēkeveke tatari tana October 13 bout with undefeated Gerald Washington (16-0, 11 KO o)
Ka tango i te wahi i runga i te a'ee Rātū, October 13 i te Little Creek Casino Resort i roto i te SHelton, Washington and will be broadcast live on FS1.
Mansour Ko te tino māia o kahore he anake wikitoria engari te mea e mahi i te wini ki te whakarei ake ia ia mo te whawhai ki te whiriwhiri o te wehenga taumahamaha.
Kei raro nei he uiuiraa hangatonu ki Mansour rite mutu ia ake i runga i ona ra torutoru whakamutunga o te puni whakangungu.
Kia whakamahi putanga pāpāho te ataata i runga i to ratou tukutuku me tüäpapa mamati i te tārua / whakapiri i te waehere tāmau.


PREMIER BOXING toa ON NBCSN Fighter korukī MEDIA workout & Whakaahua

Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Ed Diller / DiBella mahi whakangahau
Boston (October 8, 2015) – Ngā Toa o ka mau wahi i roto i te īngoa pāpāho i tenei ra i te whare whakapakari a Welch i Tonga Boston ki te whana atu whawhai wiki mō tenei Rāhoroi po o Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions i runga i NBCSN kāri i Lowell Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, MA, headlined eDanny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó) vs. Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) ki reatoru-pane kapinga tīmata i 8:00 p.m. AND/5:00 p.m. PT.
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, E utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti toronga
Tirohia te konei aha te mau piahi i ki te mea Wednesday:
Danny O'Connor
“Ko te katoa tenei e pā ana ki ahau whawhai i te tukanga. Gabriel Bracero beat me but I really beat myself. Just like training for this fight, we had a baby son. Two weeks before our first fight, my first son was born and I didn’t know how to separate sport from such life-changing events. Ko ahau 14-0 a whawhai i runga i Showtime. We just had a baby boy two weeks before this fight. I want to prove to myself that I can beat this process. Bracero is my redemption!
“Tenei whawhai ko ahau vs. ahau. The time was right for this fight. I was offered this fight five times during the past few years but the time wasn’t right.
I was a scared little kid with no experience in our first fight. I couldn’t handle the pressure, I didn’t even know it was there. Na, I’m a mature man who is a husband and father. I’m a totally different person.
This fight could be in my living room. I’m at peace in the ring doing what I love to do. It’s great being back in the ring in Lowell, te wahi i riro ahau i te New England Golden karapu taitara me Au whawhai ahau i runga i TV motu, engari te hui ko waenganui i te pito e wha, me e te aha tino e kiia.”
“Au oaoa ahau. I’ve trained for this fight like I’ve never fought Danny before. I beat him but that was four years ago. I can’t overlook him. He has obviously made improvements and I did also to get where we are today.
“Ahau atu mātanga. I moved to train in Orlando and get away from distractions. I hit a few bumps and got incarcerated. Tommy Gallagher (kaiwhakangungu) saved my lie. He was there when I went to prison and there when I got out. I added a new trainer to our corner, Alexander Lopes, ko Tommy me toku papa, Kiro, are still there. Tommy gives the orders and he likes what Lopez has done with me.
Tommy Gallagher is my guardian angel. He believed in me more than I believed in myself. He had this vision before I did.
Danny has become a better fighter. E kore e taea te tango i ahau i tetahi mea atu i ia, engari te rapu atu ahau ki maka ana i runga i te mahi mīharo Rāhoroi po.”
A Honatana Guzmán
“Kei te haere ahau ki te hanga i te reira 20-no-20, ae! I’m powerful because I make strong moves. My left hook is my best punch. Ka patua e ahau tētahi matau ahau e taea e ite i te mana i roto i toku tinana katoa.
“E kore ahau e manukanuka ki toku hoa tauwhainga ranei te mea kei te mahi ia i roto i te mua.
Lawrence is my home now. I will go back to the Dominican Republic in December for the holidays. I feel like a Bostonian. This is the sixth fight I’ve trained here for and I love the Boston Red Sox.
Danny Aquino
“Ngoi toku whawhai whakamutunga ahau (inoino e te whakatau i runga i Ryan Kielczweski). It made me more confident in myself. Ko toku whawhai whakamutunga i runga i ESPN me tenei tetahi he i runga i NBCSN.
I don’t know too much about my opponent other than he has power that I’ll be looking out for. A win over him should put me in the top 10 me e te ahau te aha kia hihiri mo tenei whawhai.
“Riro ahau i te karapu taitara New England Golden i Lowell Memorial Auditorium i roto i 2007.
“Whakangungu ahau pakeke me au tonu ahau i roto i te pai te āhua nui ki te whiua te tangata.”
I like fighting at home and this is one of my favorite venues. I won the New England Golden Gloves there twice.
“Kua whakangungua e ahau ki a mo tenei te whawhai uaua o toku mahi.
“(Vasquez) is tough with a lot of power. He’s going come forward, engari ka taea ki te-pouaka i roto i a ia e ahau.
“Te whakatau ia i roto i te tihi 10 kia hoatu o te ao, me te wini ahau hoki i roto i te runga 10 whawhai hoki he taitara ao i roto i te tau i muri mai.”
Rafael Vasquez
“Ko te whai wāhitanga nui hoki ahau tenei. I think this fight will put me on the map fighting on national TV and showing fans what I’ve got.
“Ahau i te matekai ahau, small fighter determined to win. I fight for my wife, Sandra, nei atamira-wha mate pukupuku, me taku tamahine-tau waru-tau, Kaline, who has autism. It’s not just me fighting in the ring, it’s the Vasquez family. With God’s grace, Ko taea tetahi.
“Ryan turai te rota. He uses the ring and boxes. He lost to Aquino and I know he’ll be coming back to prove himself. “
GARY “Koi” O'Sullivan
“Boston is my second home. I love it here. The people are so nice and there are good gyms.
“Ahau he whakaongaonga, toa whakangahau e haere mai ana i nga wa katoa ki te whawhai.
“I muri whakaotia e ahau Eubanks, Ka waiho e ahau i te No. 1 e kore e taea e nguha i roto i te WBA me Golovkin mau ahau atu i muri.
“I watched a few clips of my opponent. We have identical records. We both knock people out, so I have to be careful. I’d like to get in a few rounds, engari ka patua e ahau te iwi, hinga ratou.”
Stephen Ormond
“My first four fights were here in the US. Boston is like my second home. The people are so nice. Boston is a real fight city. I can’t wait for these people to see me in the ring.
“I saw my opponent fight last year in Boston. He’s an experienced guy with a lot of fights. He fought for a world title a long time ago.
“Ki te Ken Casey i muri i ahau, an impressive victory will get me a title shot. I’ll take any of them. Ko tetahi whawhai atu ahau, losing a qualifier. My grandmother passed away the day of my fight. I’m ready now!”
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Te Rāhoroi, Oketopa. 10 putanga o Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i NBCSN, e whakatairangatia ana e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, āhuatanga he O'Connor(26-2, 10 Koó) ko Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) rematch i roto i te 10-a tawhio Welterweight pupūtanga super whitu, Honatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó) Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa kēmu ake whā super, a Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó) tutaki Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó) i roto i te whitu a'ee 10-a tawhio noa ki te whakatuwhera i te PBC i te NBCSAN haapurororaa i 8:00 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi, a, te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, LouDiBella, DropkickMurphys, MurphysBoxing, DOC_Boxing, TeamBracero, @NBCSports and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at,,,


Whakaahua Na Team Elbiali
Miami, FL (October 8, 2015) – Hinga kore te marama-taumahamaha, Ahmed Elbiali (12-0, 11 Koó), He hoariri mo tona ū mai whawhai tango te wahi October 13, 2015 i te Little Creek Casino Resort i roto i te Shelton, Washington. The heavy-handed puncher Elbiali, Ka tapawha atu ki Hungary o Francis Albert (20-7, 9 Koó). Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions “Toe-ki-Toe Rātū” i runga i Fox Sports will televise the 8-round beginning at 9PM ET / 6PM PT ora i runga i Fox Sports 1.
Ahmed Elbiali, nei huhua te 92% knockout ōwehenga, is a few days away from his nationally televised showdown with Ferenc Albert. Hailing from Miami, Florida, Korero Elbiali i runga i tona puni whakangungu, boxing career and more. Here’s what he had to say.
I anga tona hoariri Ferenc Albert…
“E kore ahau e mohio ki tino nui e pā ana ki Ferenc Albert, except for the fact that he’s on a ten-fight winning streak. I know he’s been extremely busy this year, fighting in twelve bouts so far this year. I know he’s coming into this fight with a lot of confidence so this is no easy fight for me. This will be a great fight for the fans because both of us are gunning for a victory.
I ka teata tona whawhai ora i runga i Pirimia mekemeke Champions “Toe-ki-Toe Rātū” i runga i Fox Sports…
Fighting on the PBC on Fox Sports cards has been great for my career. I’m constantly staying busy and I’m learning what it takes to fight on a regular basis. The exposure I’m receiving is really getting the fans familiar with my fighting style. Mai ahau he toa kaitaua, te “Toe-ki-Tūrei” taitara pai hāngai ahau. Haere tonu ahau au e kia tuku ki oku ringa haere, i whiua e poma nui, trying to get my opponent out of there. Fans in general want to see the knockout, me e te aha tamata ahau ki te whakaora wa katoa te manga e ahau ki te mowhiti.”
I tona hononga ki Trainer maoro Carlos Albuerne…
I’ve been with Carlos since my last fight as an amateur. We have a great relationship and I respect him as a coach. He’s got a lot of knowledge. Together we make a great team and he knows how to get the best out of me. He’s always told me that I have the punching power to become a world champion. I’m grateful to have him in my corner.
I tona haereraa i rite ki te toa ngaio…
With each fight I’m learning something new. I know as my career moves along there will be times when I will have to go into deep waters, so I’m continuously working on my boxing skills. Right now I’ve been fortunate to get some early knockouts, but I train to fight twelve rounds. I’m evolving as a fighter and pretty soon I’ll be better-rounded with my boxing abilities.”
I mahi i te wāhi whakangungu “Fast Twitch” i roto i te Miami…
“Fast Twitch” is a state of the art facility with great strength and conditioning coaches. I’ve gained a lot of endurance training there and my stamina is always peaking on fight night. With the training I’m getting at “Fast Twitch”, I’m always on weight. I love the fact that I’m getting top notch nutrition there as well. It’s a great place to train if you’re a professional athlete.”
Tickets utu $20, $40, $30, $60 a $100 e kore e tae atu ki ngā utu, are on sale in person at the Little Creek Casino Resort box office or online HERE. Doors tuwhera i 5PM PT, ki te whawhai tuatahi teata tīmata i 6PM PT.

MAHI undercard whakaongaonga āhuatanga Ivan REDKACH Fehangahangai Erick Martinez WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 AT Gila RIVER Arena I Glendale, Arizona

Pirimia mekemeke Champions I ESPN headlined e
Welterweights Devon Alexander vs. Aron Martinez
9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT
Glendale, THE. (October 7, 2015) – Nguha Whakaongaonga Ivan Redkach (18-1, 14 Koó) hoki ki te whawhai Erick Martinez (11-2-1, 5 Koó) i roto i te a'ee Kōmāmā 10-a tawhio noa i runga iWednesday, October 14 i Gila awa Arena i Glendale, Arizona.
Te October 14 Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i ESPN headlined hui e te toa mua ao Devon Alexander “Ko te nui” (26-3, 14 Koó) tango i runga i whakamatauria whawhai-Mexican Aron Martinez (19-4-1, 4 Koó). Haamata kapinga teata i 9 p.m. AND/6 p.m. PT ki te U.S. tuatahi o te toa mā ao Lee Selby (21-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i toa mua toru-wehenga ao Fernando “Cochulito” Montiel (54-4-2, 39 Koó).
Tikiti mo te takahanga, whakatairangatia ana e te e Whakatairanga Ring maona,, E utu i $200, $100, $50 a $25 no te whakauru whānui, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha, a kei runga i te hoko i teie nei. Ki te ki atu tenei na roto i te waea ki te kāri matua nama he, karanga Ticketmaster i (800) 745-3000. Wātea i he hoki Tickets
Mahi undercard ētahi poka mā tūturu-tau 18-tawhito Damien “Sugar” Vazquez (7-0, 3 Koó) i roto i te Thornton, Colorado ki Mexican Francisco Lapizco(7-1, 2 Koó) i roto i te a'ee ono-a tawhio, 2012 Olympic Silver mētara Tugstsogt Nyambayar(3-0, 3 Koó) o Mongolia i roto i te a'ee whā super ki Mexico o Ricardo Proana (11-2, 9 Koó) ko Phoenix o Alexis Santiago (19-3-1, 8 Koó) rite e ia i runga i Mexican Gustavo Molina (10-8, 4 Koó) i roto i te waru-a tawhio noa whā super a'ee.
Te whakaawhiwhi i te mahi he-tau 30-tawhito Lionell Thompson (15-3, 9 Koó) rite e ia i runga i Kentucky-Māori i roto i Buffalo Thomas Hanshaw (6-6, 4 Koó) i roto i te cruiserweight a'ee waru-a tawhio noa, me tūturu opuaraa whitu super Kevin Newman “Te Piti-raa mai” (3-0-1, 1 KO) whawhai i roto i Las Vegas, a Rawiri Benevidez (9-0, 8 Koó) o Phoenix i pāngia undercard motuhake.
Fanauhia i roto i te Ukraine engari whawhai i roto i Los Angeles, Timata mekemeke i te matahiti o te ono Redkach me kua hoatu tahi te mahi whakamīharo mai tahuri pro i roto i 2009. Nona te 29-tau-tawhito whakaora mo Tony Luis, Sergey Gulyakevich ko Yakubu Amidu. Ka ātete ia i te Zamudio-tau 24-tawhito i roto i o Sinaloa, Mexico.
Mō ētahi atu pārongo'a'ahi whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, TheRealDevonA, @ LeeSelby126ESPNBoxing, @GilaRivArena and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at a A pee i te aparauraa te whakamahi i #PBConESPN.

Jose UZCATEGUI KNOCKS I Julius Jackson i te rauna tuarua o PREMIER BOXING toa ON FS1 ME Fox Deportes i Cowboys Dancehall i roto i San Antonio, TX

Argenis Mendez Ka riro whakatau loto Neke atu i te Miguel Vazquez
Pāwhiritia HERE No te Photos
Credit: Josh Horano / PBC
Jackson vs. Uzcategui Highlights wātea HERE
Vazquez vs. Mendez Highlights wātea HERE
San Antonio (October 6, 2015) – Ko te hui matua o Pirimia Mekemeke Champions i runga i FS1 me FOX Deportes i Cowboys Dancehall i San Antonio, Kite TX Jose Uzcategui (24-1, 20 Koó) mutu Julius Jackson (19-1, 15 Koó) 45 hēkona ki te tuarua a tawhio. Uzcategui ka atu ki te tīmatanga blistering, maturuturu Jackson e toru nga wa i roto i te taka noa tuatahi. Jackson kore i taea e ia farii faahou i Pakeha, ka mutu te whawhai i te aroaro o te wāhi i waenganui i roto i te rua o a tawhio noa.
Ngā te a'ee teata whakatuwhera Argenis Mendez (23-3-1, 12 Koó) te kaute i te whakatau loto (99-90, 97-92, 95-94) mo Miguel Vazquez (35-5, 13 Koó) i roto i te pakanga whawhai pakeke.
Ka tango i te putanga muri o te Toe-Ki-Toe Tūrei wahi i runga i October 13 rite Gerald Washington (16-0, 11 Koó) e i runga i Amir Mansour (22-1, 16 Koó) i Little Creek Casino Resort i Shelton, WA.
Tenei ko te aha i teie pô o te ka mea whawhai e pā ana ki o ratou mahi:
Julius Jackson
“Ko te he tīmatanga tino nohopuku me ko e pā ana ki te reira. Ahau Ua patua tika, me te kore ahau e mahara nui i muri i.
“Ua hinaaro matou ki te whakahaere i te whawhai ki toku werohanga, engari Ua pato◊io pai ia, ka tukino i ahau. E kore ahau ora ake i muri i.
“E kore ahau i whakaaro e pā ana ki te pupuri. Ko ahau femo'uekina mahi.
“I whai ahau ki te pakū te tahi mea i roto i waenganui i a Ua mau.”
“Tatou mahere ko ki te haere a tawhio i a tawhio, engari i ētahi wā e ara wāhitanga. Ka rite ki ahau i kite ano ahau i kino ia ia ka mau ahau painga. Tere ko te kī te po nei.
“Kihai i haafaufaa tatou ia i te katoa, engari kotahi kite tatou i to tatou painga i muri i te tīmatanga peke ki runga ki a ia e ahau.
“Mohio ahau e ko ia he kaipara nui, me te toa pai, pera ahau i haere mai ki konei, ka mahi i nga mea i ahau ki te mahi i. E mohio ana ahau ki te mea te reira rite ki te whai i te tutuki i roto i te akoranga o toku mahi ahakoa, na ka tumanako ahau e kore e kia pehia ana e ia e tenei. Ko te po nei ko toku.
“Ko nga mea katoa kua mahi matou ki hoki e toru nga marama tenei. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai ki toku pŭpŭ taatoa no ratou tonu tāne ki ahau e ka (Jackson) taia te werohanga kia kopere tonu ahau i te ringa matau ki runga ki te tihi. Mohio matou ko te wahi pai o tona kēmu tona werohanga, engari i matou arotahi puni whakangungu katoa ki te maka i te ringa matau, me te po nei i taea ki te rave i te reira tatou.”
Miguel Vazquez
“Ua hinaaro e ahau ki te faahepo ia ia he nui atu iti. Kāore e kore i nga mea tahuri atu te ara kua whakamaheretia tatou no te mea kihai i riro ia matou te wini.
“Ite e ahau pai, engari te po nei (Mendez) ko te iti ake hangarau atu ko ahau.
“Ko te he honore ki te whawhai i runga i tenei kāri. E hiahia ana ahau ki te whakawhetai Al Haymon. Ko e faingamālie nui hoki ahau me toku mahi tenei.”
Argenis Mendez
“Toku mahere ko ki te kia pukuriri, te whakamahi i toku werohanga, me te pakaru iho ia nga tawhio. Ko te mea i mea ai ahau.
“Ko ahau taea ki te whenua i te nui, matā kaihoroi puta noa i te whawhai.
“I pupuri ia te rota, me te ki ahau te whakamahi i tona matenga. I whai ahau ki te mahi i te mea e taea e ahau ki te mahi ki reira, engari i tuku ratou whawhai ia.
“Ahau e hiahia ana i te whawhai taitara ao muri. Mai i tēnei wā i runga i te iwi e haere ki te kia whakamahia ki te kitenga 100% i roto i te i ahau.”
# # #
Jackson vs. I whakatairangatia ana Uzcategui e Leija Battah Whakatairanga.
Te whai i runga i TwitterPremierBoxing, @ JuliusTheChef1, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal KoSwanson_Comm ka riro i te tahi i runga i Facebook i Highlights wātea i

Danny O'Connor VU. Gabriel BRACERO II, Ryan KIELCZWESKI VU. Rafael Vazquez tonu Boston VU. NYC Ring totohe

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 MEI TE Lowell MEMORIAL Auditorium I Lowell, Massachusetts
8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT
Tīkiti ON Tuhinga NOW!
Lowell, Mass. (October 6, 2015) – Ko te Boston nui vs. New York City totohe hākinakina tonu Rāhoroi, October 10 i roto i te mowhiti i runga i te pouaka whakaata motu ki te mana raki whakamanamana i runga i te raina rite Te Pirimia mekemeke Champions (PBC) i runga i NBCSN mai ki hītori Lowell Memorial Auditorium i Lowell, Massachusetts.
Tukua atu Welterweight te rōpū home Boston Danny “Bhoy” O'Connor (26-2, 10 Koó) me te mā whitu Ryan “Ko te Polish Prince” Kielczweski (23-1, 7 Koó), aua, ki Brooklyn whakaeke Gabriel “Tito” Bracero (23-2, 4 Koó) a Rafael “DYNAMITE” Vazquez (16-1, 13 Koó).
Tikiti mo te takahanga ora, whakatairangatia ana e te e DiBella Entertainment i feohi ki Murphys Mekemeke, kei runga i te hoko, me te utu i $125, $85, $50 a $35, e kore e tae atu utu ratonga hāngai, me te takoha. Ākonga Motuhake, hōia me utu tikite matua e wātea ana hoki. No te tīkiti, toronga
E rapu ana O'Connorwill utu mō 2011 mate ki te Braceroin te hui matua 10-a tawhio noa, i Kielczweski anga te whakamātautau uaua o tona mahi versus Vasquez i roto i to ratou a'ee 10-a tawhio noa ki te whakatuwhera i te haapurororaa NBCSN i 8 p.m. AND/5 p.m. PT.
I roto i te tahi atu whawhai teata whakaritea, tūturu Dominican whā super artist KOHonatana “Salomon Kingi” Guzman (19-0, 19 Koó), whawhai i roto i o Lawrence tata (MA), e ki runga ki o Connecticut pouri-whakaaro Danny Aquino (17-2, 10 Koó) i roto i te 10-a tawhio noa tahi-āhuatanga.
Boston vs. New York Ko te matchup matarohia kua pule'i e kupu matua hākinakina i roto i te raki mo tau rite nga Yankees New York me Boston Red Sox aroraa pakanga rave rahi i te Ingarangi Patriots New fehangahangai te New York Repaima i rua Super bowls ka tonu ratou totohe maoro ki te New Jets York. Kua maringi ano te iho taonga o tenei tāwhainga ki te mowhiti rite maha whawhai runga i ia rohe i fehangahangai-atu i runga nga tau.
Ko te tuatahi nui Boston vs. NYC whawhai haere hoki ki 1927 i te Yankee Stadium, ka Jack Dempsey mutu Jack “Ko te Boston Kopo” Sharkey i roto i te whitu o tawhio o ratou eliminator taitara taumahamaha ki te wero toa ao Gene Tunney. Controversy surrounded this fight as Sharkey, he hēramana i roto i te U.S. Navy, ka whawhai tona whakapakoko mekemeke, Dempsey, nei me Babe Ruth ruled Manhattan during America’s Golden Age of Sports in the 1920s. Sharkey out-boxed Dempsey for six rounds until, amuamu ki te kaitautoko e pā ana ki nifó iti o Dempsey, I te patototanga matao ia i roto i ki te matau maui pikitia-tino.
Ko tētahi atu toa rongonui taumahamaha i te rohe Boston, Rocky Marciano, e kore e kua mutu ki tona rongonui 49-0 record if one round or another were scored differently against Bronx favorite Roland LaStarza in 1950. Marciano took a questionable 10-round decision from LaStarza at Madison Square Garden. E toru tau i muri mai i te Polo Grounds, Marciano pai te awhina tona taitara ao, patoto atu LaStarza i roto i te 11thtawhio o ratou 1953 Whawhai o te Tau.
He rua o Hall o Rongonui heavyweights i Brooklyn, Floyd Patterson a “Iron” Mike Tyson, aua, patototanga i roto i Boston o Tom McNeeley me tana tama, Pita McNeeley. McNeeley dropped Patterson once but he hit the deck 11 wa i mua i te mutunga tō i roto i te wha o tawhio o ratou 1961 title fight in Toronto. His son, Peter, ngaro i te whakakāhore tuatahi-a tawhio noa ki Tyson i whawhai mo te tuatahi mai i tukua i te whare herehere.
He kaitou Boston te ringa pakarukaru, Paora Pender, rua patua Ninety te whakaaro rahi o katoa-wā, Harlem o “Sugar” Ray Robinson, e kore kotahi engari rua e wahia 15-a tawhio noa faaotiraa i roto i 1960 taitara whitu ao i te Boston Garden whawhai.
“Fakaofo” Marvin Hagler, he toa New Jersey whakatokia e noho ana i roto i te whenua o Marciano o Brockton, Mass., ua pipiripia atu, i homai e ia he Unuunu i tona tuatahi whawhai taitara ao ki te wawao i te taitara o Brooklyn Vito Antuofermo i roto i te Las Vegas. E rua tau i muri mai i roto i 1981, Riro Hagler te karauna hiahiatia i te Boston Garden rite mutu Antuofermo i muri i wha rauna.
Ara Lowell o “Irish” Micky Ward i te tāwhai New York City i roto i te Brooklyn o Zab Hura, who he dropped a hard-fought 12-round decision to in 1998. For many years Judah said Ward was the toughest opponent he ever fought.
More tata, Irish Häkinakina Kevin McBride, whawhai i roto i te wāhanga Dorchester o Boston, mutu mahi o Tyson i roto i 2005 ki te ono o-a tawhio noa te wikitoria TKO e mahue te ao mekemeke i roto i te ru, a Boston taumahamaha John Ruiz – te Latin toa taumahamaha anake o te ao – riro te 2008 whawhai i roto i te Mexico ki Harlem o Jameel McCline i te whakatau 12-a tawhio noa i roto i te eliminator taitara ao.
I October 10, O'Connor, Bracero, Ka whai Kielczweski me Vazquez ratou faingamālie ke fakafofonga'i ratou hometowns kore anake, engari ki te etch ratou ki te meatanga o te totohe.
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