Category Archives: Premier dambe gasar zakarun


Click NAN Ga Hotuna Daga Bill McCay/Premier Boxing Champions
Philadelphia (Janairu 14, 2016) – Kafin su yi tafiya a fadin kasar don nasuAsabar, Janairu 23 showdowns, Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia da kuma Amir “Hardcore” Mansour gudanar da aikin watsa labarai na Philadelphia Laraba don tattauna su Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) a kan Fox da kuma Fox Sports bouts da ke faruwa a Cibiyar STAPLES a Los Angeles.
Garcia yana fuskantar tsohon zakaran duniya na rukuni-rukuni Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior a gasar cin kofin duniya a nauyi mai nauyi yayin da Mansour ke karawa 2012 U.S. Tseren Dominic “Masifa” BREAZEALE a matakin matsakaicin nauyi mataki. Talabijin ɗaukar hoto fara a 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. PT kuma yana fasalta yaƙin welterweight tsakanin Sammy “Da Saje” Vasquez da kuma Lokacin Harunar Martinez.
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda TGB Promotions ke haɓakawa tare da haɗin gwiwar Swift Promotions, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $100, $50 da kuma $25, ba ciki har da m kudade da sabis zargin, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. Tikiti za a iya saya a ko ta hanyar wayar a 888-929-7849 ko a staples Cibiyar.
An gudanar da wasan motsa jiki a Gym na Garcia's DSG Boxing Gym kuma tauraron da ba a ci nasara ba ya kasance tare da mahaifinsa da mai horar da shi., Angel Garcia. A nan shi ne abin da mahalarta ya ceLaraba:
“Ina mai da hankali ne kawai akan Robert Guerrero saboda a ƙarshen rana, wannan shine aikin da ke gabana. Babu wani abu da zai iya faruwa a nan gaba idan ba a yi aikin ba.
“Ina jin kamar na fuskanci wasu mayaka na gaske. Muna so mu ci gaba da yin nasara a fada da kuma samun manyan fadace-fadace.
“Yana da kusan ba zai yuwu a iya hasashen makomar gaba a wasan dambe ba. Shi ya sa ba na gaba da kaina. Idan dama tana gabana, Zan yi amfani da shi.
“Na yi aiki tuƙuru don isa inda nake a yau. Yana da game da ɗaukar shi guda ɗaya lokaci guda don isa inda muke so.
“Wannan shine fada na na farko kasancewar mahaifina kuma na sadaukar da shi ga 'yata. Ina sa mata ruwan hoda da baki. Na sanya mata suna Philly saboda muhimmancin birnin a gare ni. Ni ne zakaran damben Latino na farko daga Philly kuma ina so in saka mata suna wani abu mai mahimmanci a gare ni.
“Ina wakiltar kowa. Ina daga Philadelphia, duk daya muke a nan. Babu ƙabila ɗaya kawai. Inda na fito, duk muna lafiya.
“Na san dama za ta zo kuma a ƙarshe zan yi yaƙi don samun take. Babu wani abu kamar yaƙin zakara, yanayi ne na daban.
“Muna cin abinci daidai, rage cin abinci daidai. Mun riga muna horarwa kamar wannan yaƙin take kuma yanzu ya sami nasara. Na yi yaƙi da Morales don bel kuma yanzu ina yaƙi da wani mayaƙin Mexico a Guerrero.”
“Ina tsammanin Breazeale zai zo fada. Kallon yakin da ya yi a baya, baya ja da baya. Abin da nake so ke nan. Ba na tsammanin zai gudu. Zai shiga kuma zai zama fada mai ban sha'awa.
“Breazeale mutum ne mai tsayi amma ba shi da bambanci. Dole ne kawai ku horar da hankali kuma ku mai da hankali kan aikin da ke hannunku.
“Na shirya fada. Ba na shirya gudu daga wani saurayi. Ina shirye-shiryen yin dabara da dabara don kai hari ga raunin abokin gaba na. Ba na tsammanin ya fi ni sauri, Ba na jin ya fi ni karfi, kawai ya fi ni tsayi.
“Ba na tsammanin wannan fada yana tafiya nesa. Kullum zan yi hasashen cewa zan zama mai nasara. Ina so in fitar da wannan mutumin daga wurin kuma kada in bar shi a hannun alkalai.
“Wannan ba shine karo na farko ba akan babban mataki. Nasara nasara ce. Dukanmu naushi ɗaya ne daga nasara kuma naushi ɗaya daga gazawa. Duk wata nasara albarka ce.
Mala'ika GARCIA
“Muna zuwa can kamar yadda ko don bel ko a'a. Yunwa kuma muna dawowa da wannan taska.
“Bayan ya lashe wannan bel, Zan sake kiran dana gwarzon duniya wanda ba a ci nasara ba tukuna.
“Ɗana yanzu ya san wannan jin na zama iyali kuma ba ka taɓa sanin hakan ba har sai ka zama uba. Ya kasance mai tawali'u a koyaushe amma yanzu yana yi wa 'yarsa sosai. Yanzu zai iya yin sauran rayuwarsa don tabbatar da cewa ita da 'ya'yanta da jikokinta za su kasance lafiya.
“Danny har yanzu yana horo iri ɗaya. Lokacin da muke cikin zango, kambi ne. Yana da duk game da Danny Garcia. Ni da shi muna yin haka kamar yadda muka saba yi.
“Danny yayi hankalinsa a kai 147 na ɗan lokaci. Da mun tafi daidai 147 bayan Matthysse amma ina so ya dauki lokacinsa. Muna inda muke so mu kasance a yanzu.”
Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, www.staplescenter.comda kuma, / homepage, Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions DaSwanson_Comm da zama fan on Facebook at, da, Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PBConFOX.


Mayakan Gida Sun Shirya Makon Yakin PBC A L.A. Showdowns

Click NAN Don Photos Daga Suzanne Teresa / Premier dambe gasar zakarun
Los Angeles (Janairu 13, 2016) – Tare da abin da ake tsammani sosai “Makon Yaki Akan FOX A L.A.” kawai a kusa da kusurwa, Jarumin Mexican Lokacin Harunar Martinez, babban girman nauyi mai nauyi Xavier Molina da undefeated hur mai yiwuwa Alejandro Luna da aka gudanar a kafofin watsa labarai motsa jiki Talata wanda ya cika filin wasan dambe na Wild Card West a Santa Monica tare da kafofin watsa labarai na gida gaba da yakinsu.
A kan Talata, Janairu 19, Molina za ta fafata da wanda ba a ci nasara ba Jamal James a babban taron da Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC)Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a kan FS1 da Dambe gasar zakarun akan FOX Deportes daga Club Nokia a LA. Live tare da watsa shirye-shiryen talabijin farawa daga 11 p.m. DA/8 p.m. Santa.
“Makon Yaki Akan FOX A L.A.” ya ci gaba Asabar, Janairu 23, kamar yadda Martinez zai yi yaƙi da welterweight wanda ba a ci nasara ba Sammy “Da Saje” Vasquez a farkon PBC akan FOX & FOX ta kori daga Cibiyar STAPLES da ke Los Angeles a wani taron da aka yi kan nunin girman nauyi tsakanin Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia da kuma Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior. Hakanan za'a nuna Luna da Alan Herrera akan katin shaidar dan wasanJanairu 23 taron tare da watsa shirye-shiryen talabijin farawa daga 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. Santa.
Duk abubuwan da suka faru suna haɓaka ta TGB Promotions tare da samun tikiti don siye a Janairu 23 Hakanan ana iya siyan tikiti ta waya a 888-929-7849 ko a staples Cibiyar.
Ga abin da mayakan suka ce a ranar Talata:
Lokacin Harunar Martinez
“Vasquez ya ce zai dakatar da ni ya tabbatar da kansa, amma kowa yana fadin abubuwa kafin fadan. Zai fara dambe da zarar ya ji karfina. Ko da yake ba ni da ƙwanƙwasa a rikodin nawa ina da iko kuma zai ji shi.
“Kullum ina horo kafin wannan nasarar ta fara ko da lokacin da na yi watanni goma sha hudu kafin yakin Robert Guerrero.
“Ina tsammanin Guerrero ya raina ni, Ina tsammanin na ci yakin amma alkalai sun bambanta.
“Da Devon Alexander, Ni ne babba. An yi yãƙi a 147 Duk rayuwata tana komawa lokacin da nake mai son zama. Ba zai iya cutar da ni ba kuma ya kasa magance matsina. Na koyi daga Guerrero don rufe wasan kwaikwayon kamar yadda na yi da Alexander.
“Wannan shine kudu na uku a jere amma na horar da dan uwana tsawon shekaru da yawa wanda dan kudu ne. Mun bar shekaru tare kuma koyaushe game da koyon yadda ake yaƙar kudu. Yana iya zama abin ban mamaki don yaƙar mayaƙin Orthodox a yanzu.”
“Na taba ganin Jamal James yana fada sau biyu, yana da girma da tsayi amma yakan gaji a makare a cikin fadan sa. Yana yin kurakurai da yawa kuma yana da nakasu da yawa.
“Burina shi ne in shiga ciki in sare shi.
“Na gwammace in yi fada a L.A. An daɗe amma ina farin cikin yin faɗa akan Wasannin FOX 1 da kuma Fox Deportes, don haka wannan babbar dama ce a gare ni in haskaka.”
Alejandro Luna
“Na ga Alan Herrera yana yaƙi. Mutum ne mai tauri kuma na ga yakinsa da Monty Meza Clay, amma muna da babban sparring kuma mun shirya sosai. Ina matukar girmama shi. Nasan yadda yake taurinsa.
“Babu ƙarin matsi a kaina, Na yi yaƙi a Cibiyar STAPLES a baya kuma na shirya tafiya. Yana da kyau a yi yaƙi a gida kuma na tabbata zan sami magoya baya da yawa.”


Ahmed Elbiali ya sami hukuncin da ba a gama ba akan Andrew Hernandez
Bryant Perrella ya dakatar da Ramon Ayala
Click NAN Domin Photos
Bashi: Francisco Perez/Premier Boxing Champions
San Antonio (Janairu 13, 2016) – Miguel Flores (19-0, 9 Kos) ci Mario briones (27-5-2, 20 Kos) da sunyi baki daya yanke shawara (98-92, 100-90, 100-90) a gasar zagaye na 10 akan Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a kan FS1 da kuma Dambe gasar zakarun a kan Fox Sports yaki katin Talata dare daga Dancehall a San Antonio.
Flores ya buɗe wasan da ke kafa hagu zuwa jikin Briones. Yãƙi daga Houston, TX, Flores sun sarrafa yawancin aikin a farkon, amma Briones yayi amfani da kwarewarsa kuma yana da kyakkyawar musayar tare da Flores don rufe zagaye.
Briones sun caje baya sosai a cikin na biyu ko da yake, saukowa a hagu a cikin farkon minti na zagayen da ya girgiza Flores. Flores ya jefa naushi cikin fushi yana ƙoƙarin tura Briones baya kuma watakila ma ya ƙare da wuri.
Flores sun yi amfani da da yawa na uku da na huɗu don su zauna a ciki da kuma saukar da hagu masu nauyi zuwa jiki, a fili ya kafa kansa a matsayin mai karfi mai karfi. A lokacin aikin, Briones sun sami yanke wanda ya buɗe akan idon hagu.
Briones, yin sa U.S. halarta a karon, ya kasance wanda aka yi masa rauni a farkon farkon na biyar kuma ya ɗauki ɗan lokaci don dawo da kansa. Yayin da mayakan suka ci gaba, Briones’ yanke ya kara budewa.
Flowers, wanda kuma ke nuna alamun an yanke masa ido na hagu, ya bude zagaye yana sarrafa aikin a cikin shida. Duk da haka, Briones bai nuna dainawa ba kuma ya yi yaƙi don dawo da kwarin gwiwa da ci gaba zuwa wani tsarin.
Zagaye na bakwai ya ga mayakan biyu’ idanuwan hagu suna zubar da jini yayin da ma'auratan suka yi harbi cikin fushi, da fatan kawo karshen gasar. An buga furanni a ƙasa da bel, amma duka mayakan biyu sun nuna matukar son rai yayin da suka tsira don tsawaita fadan. Na takwas ya ci gaba yayin da Flores da Briones ke musayar bugun ƙafa da ƙafa a tsakiyar zoben..
Briones, wanda ya bayyana yana sarrafa taki da nisa don yawancin na tara, ya sami nasara da yawa saukowa a ciki. Amma yayin da zagayen ya zo kusa da Flores ya yi yaki ya ki amincewa.
Flores ya buɗe saukowa na goma ƙayyadaddun ninki biyu hagu zuwa jiki. Da mayakan’ kawunansu sun yi karo da juna jim kadan bayan an fara zagayen, yana sa duka biyu su dakata. Briones ya yi kama da mafi munin raunin da biyun suka yi bayan bugun kai da ya faru, amma an zabe su duka su ci gaba, shan fada daga nesa.
Fadan da aka nuna a gidan talabijin na bude ya nuna alamar nauyi mara nauyi da ba a ci nasara ba Ahmed Elbiali (14-0, 11 Kos) lashe yanke shawara na zagaye takwas (78-74, 77-75, 77-75) a kan Andrew Hernandez (10-4-1, 2 Kos).
Bayan sun gano tazarar su, dukansu sun yi kasa mai tsanani a farkon. Elbiali ya yi nasarar haɗawa a kan babban ƙugiya na hagu yayin da firam ɗin buɗewa ya zo kusa.
Hernandez, yana fitowa hutun sati biyu kacal, ya duba kaifi a zagaye na biyu, saukowa hakkinsa akai-akai. Amma Elbiali ya dawo daidai da wani ƙugiya na hagu.
A na uku, Hernandez ya sarrafa yawancin zagaye daga waje, goyan bayan Elbiali tare da jab don saita haɗin gwiwa. Hernandez ya yi harbin da ga alama ya ba Elbiali mamaki sannan ya bi shi da gudu don rufe zagayen..
Hernandez ya ci gaba da zawarcinsa zuwa na hudu kuma ya yi amfani da kwarewarsa wajen wahalar da Elbiali. Elbiali ya bi Harnandez, da fatan cewa babban harbi zai haɗu, amma kasa kasa kasa akan babba. Yayin da zagaye ya zo karshe, Elbiali ya ci wani babban hannun dama.
Elbiali, dan kasar Alkahira, Masar, ya fito da karfi a na biyar sannan ya birge Hernandez a farkon na shida. Elbiali ya sauka da bugun fanareti kafin Hernandez ya samu damar tattara kansa ya ci gaba. Elbiali, sanin yana da Hernandez kusa, kokarin kawo karshen fadan, amma Hernandez ya tsira daga hukuncin.
Dukkanin mayakan sun nuna alamun gajiyawa yayin da ake zagaye na bakwai, kuma Hernandez ya yi kama da ya bar fadan da ke cikin hannun sa ya fice. Haka kuma ya ci gaba a zagaye na karshe na fafatawar yayin da Elbiali ya nuna kwarewarsa da kwarin gwiwa. Hernandez ya tunatar da Elbiali cewa har yanzu suna cikin fada, saukowa daya-biyu da :30 bar, amma Elbiali ya nuna da yawa ga Hernandez.
Faretin na biyu da aka watsa a gidan talabijin ya nuna rashin nasara a nauyi Bryant Perrella (13-0, 12 Kos) samun nasara a bugun fasaha Ramon Ayala (23-6-1, 11 Kos) kawai :10 zuwa zagaye na uku.
Perrella ya sami damar stun Ayala da wuri kuma ya ci gaba da amfani da hagunsa don mayar da Ayala baya. Perrella ya kiyaye nisa a farkon, zaman lafiya da daidaito. A fusace Ayala ta rama hargitsi biyu bayan kararrawa.
Zagaye na biyu ya ga Perrella yana sarrafa aikin, karya Ayala da samun mafi kyawun mu'amala yayin saukar da haɗuwa a ko'ina.
Daga karshe dai bugun da aka yi tun da wuri ya yi yawa ga Ayala wanda ya yi ritaya tsakanin zagaye kafin a fara wasan na uku..
A ƙasa ga abin da mayakan da aka watsa ta talabijin suka ce game da wasan kwaikwayon da suka yi a daren yau:
“Shirin wasan ya yi dambe. A tsakiyar zagaye na yi barci na ɗan yi fama da yawa a ciki, amma mun samu nasara a daren yau.
“Gudun da nake yi da kuruciyata sun taimaka mini samun nasara a daren yau. Hakanan aikin ƙafa na yana da matukar mahimmanci wajen samun nasara.
“Abin da ya ba ni takaici shi ne na kasa fitar da shi. Ina tsammanin zan fitar da shi daga wurin, amma ya kasance babban ƙwarewar koyo a gare ni.
“Ton mutane sun ga ko ni wanene da yadda nake fada. Ina so in gode wa PBC da FS1 & FOX Deportes don ba ni damar wannan damar don yin suna don kaina da taimakawa haɓaka wasanmu.
“Ba na so in kira kowa, amma zan dawo bakin aiki da wuri. Rabon nauyin gashin fuka-fukan zai tafi nawa, kuma a lokacin da na samu harbi na a take zan kasance cikin shiri don mafi kyau.”
“Abubuwa ba su taɓa tafiya kamar yadda muke tsammani ba. Shirina shine in kara jin shi, amma na cutar da hannuna a zagayen farko. Ba na son yin wani uzuri, amma ina fatan zan iya yi masa dambe kadan.
“Babban fa'idata a daren yau shine girmana, matasa da mulki. Ya na da kwarewa ko da yake, kuma ya duba mai kyau a tabo.
“Ya kasance tsohon soja mai hankali. Ya danne da yawa kuma ya yi wasu abubuwan da mayaƙan soja suka san yadda ake yi.
“Yin gwagwarmaya akan katin PBC yana haɓaka bayanin martaba na kuma yana da kyau ga aikina. Ina fatan katin yaƙi na PBC na gaba.
“Ina so kawai kuma ina buƙatar ingantawa tare da kowane faɗa. Wannan shine abin da zan iya damuwa akai. Dole ne in sami wannan hannun mafi kyau, amma sai kuyi aiki akan yin gyare-gyare don zama mafi kyau lokaci na gaba.”
“Na yi shirin dakatar da shi. Mutum ne mafi girma. Ni matsakaicin nauyi ne na halitta, amma babbar dama ce don yaƙar mayaƙi mai inganci.
“Na ji kamar zan iya kara taka gas din, yayi aiki fiye da ciki. Mun kuma san cewa shi mutum ne mai haɗari ko da yake, don haka sai ku yi hattara.

“Na yi tunanin cewa na yi nasara, amma a fili alkalai ba su yarda da ni ba. Ina tsammanin magoya bayan da suka kalli suna tunanin cewa na yi nasara, amma zan dawo.”

“Ina so in shiga can kawai in kwarara yau da dare, ba gaggawar knockout. Ina fatan in kafa jab na in yi nasara zagaye da zagaye.
“Aiki da horon da na sanya ya sa ni a nan kuma ya taimake ni samun nasara a daren yau. ina ci, barci da numfashi dambe. Karfina, karfi da gudu sun taimaka min sosai a daren yau.
“Ya shiga ya buge ni da kai, hakan yasa na dan yi shakkar shiga can ciki.
“Samun damar yin yaƙi akan katin BPC albarka ce. Samun ikon yin abin da nake so in yi, wannan shine kawai mafarkin gaskiya fada akan FS1 & Fox Sports.
“Ina so in fuskanci wasu daga cikin samarin da na yi gwagwarmaya da su a cikin masu son, Errol Spence Jr. kasancewar daya daga cikinsu. Muna da wasu ayyukan da ba a gama ba waɗanda za mu kula da su nan gaba.”
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Leija Battah Promotions ce ta tallata katin.
Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, / homepage da kuma Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at, da kuma


Kara! Puerto Rican Olympian Alex De Jesus Battles
Florida-Native Joseph Elegele
Tikiti A Sale Yanzu!
IMMOKALEE, FL. (Janairu 12, 2016) – Undefeated tanã fita star Erickson “Da Hammer” Lubin (13-0, 10 Kos) out of Orlando returns to take on Mexican brawler Jose De Jesus Macias (18-4-2, 9 Kos) in a 10-round super welterweight battle as Premier dambe gasar zakarun – Da Next Zagaye a kan Billa TV kõma a kan Lahadi, Janairu 31 from Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee in Immokalee, Florida.
Televised coverage a kan Bounce TV fara a 9:00 p.m. DA and features Puerto Rican Olympian AlexEl PolloDe Jesus (21-1, 13 Kos) in an eight-round showdown against Florida’s Joseph Elegele (14-2, 10 Kos).
I am excited and ready to shine in my first main event,” said Lubin. “It means a lot to headline in my home state of Florida. The whole crowd will be on my side and they will expect a lot. I am going to have a big 2016. I am training hard, staying focused and I want to make sure the whole world knows who Erickson Lubin is.
I’m very happy to be part of this show and to be featured in the main event,” said De Jesus Macias. “Training camp has been excellent and I will have to give 100 percent in the ring against Erickson Lubin. I will have to move a lot and get inside and have a tight defense so I don’t get hit by one of Lubin’s bombs.
Erickson Lubin has deservedly so been touted as one of the best prospects in the sport and I look forward to seeing him in action on Janairu 31,” ya ce Marshall Kauffman sarki ta Kiran kasuwa. “He has built up a great base in Florida and we look forward to seeing all of his fans at this great card on Janairu 31.”
Tikiti ga live taron, which is promoted by King’s Promotions in association with Panther Promotions, An saka farashi a $25 da kuma $50, ba ciki har da m kudade, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. To purchase tickets click NAN.
A highly-regarded prospect with an exciting style, the 20-year-old Lubin has burst onto the scene looking to engage and finish opponents early. He blew out Ayi Bruce and previously unbeaten Kenneth Council with first round knockouts and outclassed experienced veterans Michael Finney and Norberto Gonzalez, all since November 2014. To close out his year, Lubin dominated veteran Orlando Lora before stopping him in the sixth-round in September and in November he delivered a sensational one-punch knockout over Alexis Camacho.
A pro tun 2011, the 23-year-old De Jesus Macias picked up victories in 2015 over Gabriel Agramon and Jose Zuniga. Trained by Rigoberto Alvarez, brother of Canelo, the Guadalajara, Mexico-native will make his U.S. DEBUT a kan Janairu 31. In addition to having a wealth of experience at such a young age, De Jesus Macias rode a 14 fight unbeaten streak from October 2010 saboda 2013.
An accomplished amateur who won several regional titles in his native Puerto Rico, De Jesus represented his home in the 2004 Olympics and was the first Puerto Rican to win an Olympic boxing match since 1996. The 32-year-old won a Latino title and went on to defend it four times including victories over Bulmaro Solis, Steve Quinonez and Jose Antonio Izquierdo. Most recently he defeated Javier Garcia in February 2015.
After piling up an amateur record of 69-8, Elegele turned pro in 2009 and reeled off 12 victories to start his career. Fighting out of Winter Haven, Florida, he owns victories over Manuel Aguilar, Angel Hernandez and Lanard Lane. Mafi kwanan nan, the 31-year-old earned a victory over Jonathan Garcia.
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Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, bi on Twitter @ PremierBoxing, BounceTV, @EricksonHammerL and @Swanson_Comm and follow the conversation using #PBConBounce, zama fan on Facebook da kuma
Bounce TV is the fastest-growing African-American (AA) network on television and airs on the broadcast signals of local television stations and corresponding cable carriage. The network features a programming mix of original and off-network series, Theatrical motsi hotuna, Specials, live wasanni kuma mafi. Bounce TV has grown to be available in more than 93.5 million homes across the United States and 93% of all African American television homes, ciki har da dukan saman AA talabijin kasuwanni. Among the founders of Bounce TV are iconic American figures Martin Luther King, III and Ambassador Andrew Young.
Don na gida tashar location, ziyarci


Ray Flores
Na farko, I want to send a Happy New Year to all the media and everyone that is joining us on the conference call. I’m really excited about Fight Week on FOX in Los Angeles. I could not think of a better way to kick off 2016 than the fight that we have on January 23 at STAPLES Center promoted by TGB Promotions.
It is Premier Boxing Champions Live on FOX and FOX Deportes on January 23 from STAPLES Center in downtown Los Angeles. It is Fight Week and you get two fights that weekOktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a Fox Sports 1 da kuma BOXEO DE CAMPONES is on FOX Deportes. It is on Tuesday, Janairu 18 at the Club Nokia at LA Live.
Looking at what we have on January 23, it is just going to be a tremendous matchup between two amazing welterweights and two of boxing’s biggest stars as you have Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia and Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior, along with their fathers who are training themAngel Garcia and Ruben Guerrero. They’re going to be joining us on the call in only moments.
I want to let you know tickets are still available. Get them now because we have been doing very well in regards to tickets. When you’re talking about the Garcia-Guerrero matchup, make sure to use the hashtag PBC on FOX.
Har ila yau, a kan katin, we have another sensational welterweight matchup between the Iraq War Veteran Sammy “Da Saje” Vasquez Jr. against Los Angeles fan-favoritea man that endeared himself last year, Lokacin Harunar Martinez. Premier Boxing Champions on FOX and FOX Deportesalso features an outstanding heavyweight bout between 2012 United States Olympian Dominic “Masifa” Breazeale and Amir “Hardcore” Mansour.
Fight Week kicks off on Tuesday, Janairu 18, Club Nokia in LA Live. The main event is 2008 United States Olympian and Southern California favorite Javier Molinasquaring off with undefeated prospect Jamal James.
A yanzu, we are going to welcome in one of our main event fighters. This hasn’t been easy for the fighters that have been training around the holidays, but they made the sacrifice anyway and have put themselves in tip-top condition.
Na farko, we want to bring in, with the record of 31-0 tare da 18 ya lashe zuwa ta hanyar knockout, the former kingpin at 140 pounds campaigning and fighting at welterweight for the second time in his career. Looking at his resume, he has victories over Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse, Zab Yahuza, Lamont Peterson and Erik Morales. He’s a star, he’s a rising super star, and he’s looking to have a big 2016, which is why he is kicking it off with this.
But before we get into this man, I want to bring in one of the promoters for what we’re going to be having on January 23 who is going to be promoting the event, from TGB Promotions, let’s bring in Brittany Goossen Brown.
Brittany Goossen Brown
Hello. I’m speaking on behalf of my father, Tom Brown, who’s actually in a meeting at the moment. But on behalf of all of TGB Promotions, we are really excited to be returning to STAPLES Center and partnering with FOX for another great event.
On this call today, we have two of boxing biggest stars, Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia and Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior. They’ll be answering your questions in a minute.
Along with them, on this card we have a welterweight showdown between undefeated Sammy Vasquez and LA’s Aron Martinez. Tickets do start at $25. They’re available at And the first televised bout will be at 4:00 pm on FOX.
This Fight Week on Fox in LA kicks off with Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata, which will be at Club Nokia at LA Live on the 19th. Those tickets also start at $25 and are also available at Doors open for that at 5:00 pm, the first televised bout at 7:00 pm.
It’s really going to be an action-packed week of boxing and we are very proud to be a part of it.
R. Flowers
Premier Boxing Champions couldn’t visualize a better partner than what we have with those at FOX. They have been tremendous and the shows on Fox Sports 1 have been terrific.
FOX is known for having big events; the NFL, Super Bowls and big NASCAR events. Now we have Premier Boxing Champions on January 23.
It gives me great honor and pleasure to introduce John Stouffer of FOX.
John Stouffer
On behalf of everyone at FOX, FOX Sports and FOX Deportes, we’re excited for the return of boxing to the FOX Broadcast Network after almost 20 shekaru. We’re thrilled to be working with the PBC to bring the highest level of boxing back to the masses on Saturday, Janairu 23, free on FOX and in Spanish on FOX Deportes.
This will be a tremendous conclusion to a thrilling week of boxing here in LA, kicking off with the great action on FS1 and Fox Deportes. We wish all the boxers the best of luck and can’t wait for Fight Week.
R. Flowers
I completely agree with the sentiments of John. We mentioned as well, Premier Boxing Champions is about putting boxing back on free TV. And these fights that we have on January 23 and January 19 are sure to capture the imagination of the public.
Shi ke nan, let’s get back to business in regards to one of our main event fighters. As I mentioned, wins over Amir Khan, Lucas Matthysse, Zab Yahuza, Lamont Peterson and Erik Morales. Yaki daga Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with an exciting style, and man-oh-man, he has vowed to put on a terrific 2016.
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the former world champion. He is joined alongside by his father, Angel Garcia. Here is Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia.
Danny Garcia
Thank you guys for having me on, ina godiya. I want to say good afternoon everybody and thank you for having me on this conference call.
I’m very excited to be showcasing my skills January 23 at STAPLES Center live on FOX. I think it’s a great opportunity for the fighters to showcase their skills in a new audience. I want to thank FOX and I want to thank all my fans all around the world for making this happen.
Team Danny Garcia is training hard and we’re focused, we’re mentally prepared and we’re ready for January 23 and we can’t wait.
Danny can you talk about training camp and balancing that with the holiday season?
D. Garcia
I’ve done this before. I’ve trained on the holidays before throughout my career. It’s nothing new.
Once I got the fight date in my head, it’s kind of like there are no holidays for me. So it wasn’t hard for me to stay focused. I trained just like any training camp. And me and my dad, we train hard every day. “The holiday is no holidayis kind of a saying to us.
What are the goals for you this year? And what do you think this fight can do for your future at 147?
D. Garcia
I think it’s a great fight, I think it’s a great fight for the fans. Two fighters who like to fight. So I think this is going to be an interesting fight and a great matchup.
This is just another fight to prepare myself for a fight for a world title. So I’m ready right now. Every fight in my career that’s going on now is going to be a big fight for me.
12 months from now, where do you see yourself?
D. Garcia
I want to remain undefeated and hopefully be a champion if the opportunity comes up. We’re just taking it one fight at a time for right now and that’s how I did my whole career and that’s how I’m going to keep doing it
When you’re in a fight, does that ever come across your mind when taking a risk or being a little more aggressive? Does that like weigh on you like don’t be too aggressive to risk something like that?
D. Garcia
Kar Ka, not at all. I’m a fighter who takes risks all the time. I want to entertain the crowd. I have the ability to play it safe if I want too, but it depends on how I feel that day. But everybody knows that Danny Garcia likes to take risks.
When I’m in a fight, I’m just playing round by round; I’m not really worrying about a record or things like that.
How does your body feel with moving up in the weight? You saw the power in your last fight. Do you feel like there’s anything different going from 140 zuwa 147?
D. Garcia
A gaskiya tare da ku, I feel a lot better. I’m happier now. When I fought at 140, I was always mean while trying to cut weight. I was never in a good mood. I think that’s why a lot of times I would go in there and just fight.
But now I’m able to think more; I’m able to be a lot smarter. My punches are crispier and my stamina is better. I’m able to run more, run more miles, train harder; more endurance. So I may have had the energy at 140 and do that, so at 147 so I just feel a lot stronger and I have more stamina.
Do you see yourself being more active?
D. Garcia
A, I would love to stay active; I would love to stay active. Amma, ka sani, that my team’s job., I’m a fighter so whatever my team wants, I’ll do. So if they want me to fight two times or three times or four times, then that’s what I’m going to do.
But as for now we’re focused on January 23.
With PBC giving you a lot of exposure, are you focused on just winning the fight or putting on a show with this national space so people can know outside of boxing who Danny Garcia is?
D. Garcia
It’s a Danny Garcia show. I’m always looking to put on a great show, and to go out there and give the fans an exciting fight because at the end of the day, I’ve got to give the fans their money’s worth.
So I’m going there and giving the fans their money’s worth in a great fashion and a smart explosive fashion.
What kind of challenge does Robert present?
D. Garcia
I’m looking forward toI know he’s going to come ready, but we’re ready. I’m looking forward to a challenge. I’ve prepared myself for a challenge every day, day-in and day-out. So I expect nothing but a great fight and a great performance by me.
What are your goals at 147?
D. Garcia
We’re taking it one step at a time. The goal is to become a world champion againmy second division of being a world champion. So we definitely want to be a world champion again. And when the opportunity arrives, we’ll take advantage of it.
Can you talk of what the difference is in approaching a fight as the underdog with nothing to lose compared to the undefeated favorite with a lot to lose?
D. Garcia
I always approach my mind with the same mindset and it’s just a winner’s mindset. I’m not really too concerned about being the underdog or the promoted fighter or favorite.
I always approach my fight mentally that I’m going to win. I never feed into the politics of the sport or who people think is going to win or going to lose. I prepare myself to be the best Danny Garcia at every fight, and that’s what I prepared myself to do for this fight.
I know you’ve gone on record saying that you didn’t it to be a Puerto Rico-Mexico kind of fight. But here in LA, it becomes that. We just went through that with Cotto and Canelo.
D. Garcia
Shi ne abin da shi ne. Whatever the fans want to take it as or whatever the promoters want to do with it, shi ne abin da shi ne. I have a lot of fans and I have a lot of friends out there in Los Angeles, California.
I feel like I represent everyone; Americans and things like that and a lot of Mexican-Americans. I’m an American-Puerto Rican.
So I feel like if you’re born in American and you’re Latino, I think it’s all the same. So that’s how I’m feeling and that’s why I just feel like I represent all the Latinos.
Is there a different feel when you fight in LA, when you go down to STAPLES Center?
D. Garcia
It’s a great feeling; it’s a great atmosphere. I fought there once before with Kendall Holt. I was the undercard.
LA is where stars are born. So I’m looking forward to going out there and having a star performance.
What do you feel your advantages are over Guerrero going into this fight?
D. Garcia
I just feel like I’m the better fighter. I’m one of the best fighters in the world., I got to go in there and be the best Danny Garcia and have a great performance.
Have you seen where and learned anything from watching any of Guerrero’s past fights?
D. Garcia
I definitely watch the fights because at the end of the day, ka sani, I’m a boxing fan too and I just like to watch boxing.
I watch those fights and I see the things he likes to do and the things he doesn’t like. I’m just preparing myself for anything.
Do you feel you have to make a statement?
D. Garcia
I’ve just got to go in there and get the job done like I always do. I’m not really worried about what’s next on the agenda or anything like that. Our main focus is to get the job done and that’s what we’re preparing ourselves for. Then we can talk about future opponents after the fight.
Do you want to make any predictions for this fight?
D. Garcia
I’d like to say Danny Garcia wins by TKO. Round five.
Did you think that Robert came back a little bit too soon for that Martinez fight and that perhaps is why he looked bad?
D. Garcia
I’m not really too sure. He might have underestimated the guy and not realized it was going to be that tough of a fight., I’m expecting a great Robert Guerrero and I’m focused on Robert Guerrero. I’m focused, Ina horar wuya. So I’m prepared for whatever I’ve got to do to get this victory.
Kenny Porter has said he had called you out and you ducked the fight with Shawn Porter. Would you care to address that at all?
D. Garcia
I’ve never ducked anybody in the sport. This is actually my second fight at 147. So it wouldn’t even make sense to duck anybody.
I addressed the situation before when he called me out and I had my comments and he had his comments, and it was what it was. Danny Garcia doesn’t duck anybody.
If the opportunity does present itself and even though the report states that it did, but if the opportunity does present itself, it’s something that you would be interested in, a fight with Shawn Porter?
D. Garcia
A, ba shakka. I want to be a champion. If he’s a champion or there’s a belt up for grabs, then we’ve got to make it happen.
But as of now, I’m focused on Robert Guerrero and he is the task ahead. Can’t let nothing sidetrack me; I’ve got tunnel vision. Ina a shirye domin wannan yaki.
R. Flowers
Angel, could you just give us some thoughts on training camp before we switch over?
Angel Garcia
Well yes. The time has been great, there’s no injuries. Danny is looking good. He’s got great sparring partners, as a matter of fact we spar in a few minutes a day. He’s looking great. Janairu 23 the world will see again, as Danny said, the Danny Garcia Show. It’s not the circus coming to town, Danny Garcia Show is coming to town.
So California LA, get ready because we coming like a tornado. Right now they’ve got a storm out there, all this rain and all that. You know who’s causing that? We are.
So January 23, fans get ready baby. STAPLES Center on January 23. Love you guys.
R. Flowers
Danny back to you for closing comments and then Robert Guerrero.
D. Garcia
I’m very excited for this upcoming fight January 23rd. Like my dad said, we’ve put a lot of work in the gym. It’s been a long, hard camp preparing ourselves for any situation. I can’t wait to go out there, show my DSG west fans a great fight.
R. Flowers
Danny, Na gode sosai. We really appreciate it. We look forward to fight week with Danny Garcia and his father, Angel Garcia. As mentioned, fight week kicks off in Los Angeles on Tuesday, January 19th, Club Nokia, PBC on FS1, Javier Molina and Jamal James.
We are excited and couldn’t pick a better place than STAPLES Center in Los Angeles. Thank you to all the fans in Southern California for supporting PBC and the entire staff at STAPLES Center as well.
Let’s bring up a man who is representing the Bay Area, fighting out of Gilroy, California. He has won a world championship in multiple different weight divisions. Any time he steps inside the ring, it’s always electric, it’s always a show. He puts forth everything that he has and that much more. With victories over Andre Berto, Selcuk Aydin and Aaron Martinez, anybody that’s been put in front of him he’s fought and he has given everything. Not only is he a former world champion, but his wife is a world champion in her own right, having defeated cancer and she’s been cancer free for quite some time now.
Ladies and gentlemen, he’s joined alongside by his father and his trainer Ruben Guerrero, it gives me a great honor and pleasure to introduce the former world champion who is without question excited and thrilled to have the opportunity to fight Danny Garcia on FOX on January 23, ladies and gentlemen here is Robert Guerrero.
Robert Guerrero
Hello everybody, how are you guys doing? I’m excited to be here and ready for your questions, so shoot away.
R. Flowers
Robert, before we have open it up for questions I want to touch base with you. We heard some of the media during the conference call asking and pretty much saying that you’re the underdog. How do you react to the fact that Danny is the favorite in this fight?
R. Warrior
That don’t bother me at all. My whole life I’ve been an underdog, since I was a kid. My family was always an underdog, having to work out of a field and come up strong and get to what where we got. It’s just a way of life for us. A lot of us Latinos out there, that’s the way it is. We come from poverty and work our way to the top. We’ve always been with our back against the wall and always been an underdog. We never look at that being a favorite, we just come and get the job done.
Could you talk about a little bit how being a boxer has shaped your faith?
R. Warrior
It’s just that fight and that struggle, getting through everything day in, day out. That hard work. When you go back and you look in the Bible, God says to put out as much as he put into you. That’s what I do every day I’m in the gym. This is a sport where anything can happen. One punch could change your whole life. It brings you closer to God. Everything else I’ve been through, you put God first all the time and that’s how we live.
Just being in the ring and knowing what’s God done for me and my career and my family and how far he’s taken us by having that faith in him, yana da m. It’s incredible. STAPLES Center Los Angeles main event on FOX against an undefeated fighter like Danny Garcia, it truly is a blessing from God to be able to be in the position that I’m in and the circumstances that I’ve had to face to be in this position also. The only way you can overcome everything is by having faith in God.
Could you talk a little bit about the positive and negatives sides of being kind of a public religious figure?
R. Warrior
There’s always a positive to everything, no matter what the negative is. You get the people out there who test your faith and who judge you and try to tear you down. Amma, when you’re a believer in Christ, you put him first. Nothing else matters to you. You work hard and you do what you got to do and you let your actions speak for you and what God’s blessed you with.
That’s one of the things that we’ve always done. And I try to not overstep our boundaries and try not to be out there forcing the Lord’s word down people’s throat. You let it come and you let people see how much you’ve prospered and how good God is in your life.
Do you think that you did come back to soon after the Keith Thurman fight to fight Aron?
R. Warrior
Ni da wani uzuri. Da kuma, ka san abin da? I came back; it was three months after the fight. I think somewhere around there; it was back in camp. Aron Martinez is a tough guy. Everybody saw his last fight and what he did. He came out rough and tough and did his job.
I think I have no excuses. I went out there and got the job done, he gave me a tough fight, and I’m not going to take anything away from Aron Martinez because he trained his butt off and came and did what he did and got the job done. So I have no excuses for that fight. You just got to get back on top of it and work hard.
How did your body feel heading into that fight and coming out of the fight?
R. Warrior
I felt a little drained and worn out. Not so much of the fighting, but I had other situations going on in my life at home and emotional stuff. It all adds up. But like I said, there’s no excuse. Aron Martinez came to fight and that’s what he did. I sucked it up and bent down and showed that true grit and got through the fight and pulled a victory off.
What are your thoughts on Danny?
R. Warrior
He’s been in some close fights. That’s the decision of the judges; that’s their job to do that. Amma, you’re just as good as your last fight. That’s what you look at. He came in and got the job done and stopped him. He cracked the wall through a division. Now it’s time to step in with me and that’s what we’re focusing on. We put a great game plan together and we’re excited to get out there and execute it.
When you see that as a fighter that you’re fighting a guy who’s younger, he’s undefeated, does that give you a little more edge and if you do beat him does it make it that much sweeter for you?
R. Warrior
Oh, most definitely it makes it sweet to give somebody their first loss. It’s shows what a true champion is to see what they do after they lose and their adversity and their back against the wall. I’m excited to be getting in there with an undefeated Danny Garcia because I get that shot like everybody else gets that shot, to crack that zero and put a one there. It’s exciting.
How important is your record finishing out?
R. Warrior
It’s about trying to make yourself a better fighter. To come back strong and finish out your career with a strong output. It’s about becoming a world champion again and also attracting that Hall of Fame.
I want to ask you about the wholeDanny didn’t want to make it a big deal about its Puerto Rico versus Mexicobut you know the fans always get so involved in it. You’re on the West Coast here, you know what it’s like, dama?
R. Warrior
Oh, most definitely. Whether you like it or not it’s a rivalry and it’s been a rivalry in boxing and soccer and you name it for years. That’s what it comes down to, that’s what makes our two cultures so competitive at boxing. It’s because of that rivalry. Mexicans want to be better than Puerto Ricans in the game. In my honest opinion I think Mexicans are better in the game. It’s time to come out and show what I still got left and what I can do.
Nowhere better to do than STAPLES Center right here in LA, dama?
R. Warrior
Oh, most definitely. Where most of my Mexican fans are, all those Latinos out there, all thoseI like to call them Chicanos out therebecause that’s what we are.
What advantages do you see you have over him?
R. Warrior
There’s always that southpaw stance, being a volume puncher, a guy that throws a lot of punches. Plus being at 147 a little bit longer than him it’s all an advantage. The key is using those advantages and capitalizing on them and taking advantage of them. We got to go out there and execute the game plan and make it happen.
You fought some of the top guys in the world at welterweight; Mayweather, Keith Thurman, Andre Berto and all of that. What have you learned from those fights that you could use against Danny Garcia?
R. Warrior
You got to get better sparring. For the last couple of fights I’ve just been fighting with guys that are not even pushing me in the gym and getting me 100% shirye. Guys that I can do what I want to do with in the ring. It just doesn’t cut it. It just doesn’t cut it.
That’s one of the biggest things that I’ve noticed in my training camp, is not having that solid sparring that’s going to take you to that limit and make you better, sharper, sauri. Keep your eyes sharp, and be ready to make those exchanges where you do something wrong they’re going to make you pay no where you’re going to do something wrong and the guy’s going to shell up and just try to survive in the ring. You need those guys that are going to push you and make you better.
Does the time in between fights give you time to heal up and get sharper better?
R. Warrior
Not so much heal up. I always take good care of my body and I come out of these fights not really damaged too much. Ina nufin, I do a lot of damage in the ring to guys and don’t take a lot of it. It’s a matter of me sitting back and analyzing everything that’s gone on in my training camps and my career and what I need to do, what adjustments I need to make in the gym to get back to where I need to be. I think we made those adjustments and I’m excited to get back out there and make it happen.
Do you want to make a prediction for this fight?
R. Warrior
Hasashen; I’ll come in to fight. Ina zuwa yãƙi. Only God knows what’s going to happen and all I can say is I’m coming to win and put out my best performance I can put out and make it happen and become a champion in the welterweight division again.
When we had Danny on the line, Danny made a prediction. I don’t know what your thoughts on his. He said he’s going to TKO you in the fifth round.
R. Warrior
All I got to say is if that’s his prediction, come to do it. Because I’m coming to fight. I’m always up for that challenge and I love it because I know he’s coming to fight, ma. If he’s coming to KO me in the fifth round, that means he’s coming to fight.
Where do you see this putting you back in the rankings and how important is this fight to beat the undefeated with a lot of hype behind him in Danny Garcia?
R. Warrior
This throws me right back in. There’s lot of hype behind Danny Garcia coming at 147 fam. There’s a lot of big talk that he’s the next star in boxing that’s going to take over. Like he says himself, stars come to Hollywood. He’s a big star in the sport and I’m not going to say he’s not because he’s been doing what he’s had to do. Da ya ke undefeated; he’s taken out a lot of top guys. His resume is great.
I think this is a tremendous fight for me to get back on top and to get back in the ranks. To show the doubters and the media and everybody out there that Guerrero got a lot left in him. Na jima ina 100% prepared for this fight fight. We got that out of the way and it’s time to take care of business on the 23 and I’m excited about it.
Do you think Danny is adding in the factor that he’s not going to be the bigger guy this time?
R. Warrior
I think he’s going to be a lot bigger than people expect. Da yake a 140 for the amount of time he was and coming up to 147 fam, he’s feeling great. He’s feeling strong, he’s feeling bigger. He just walked through Paulie Malignaggi and I know he’s expecting to walk through me. So he predicted the fifth round, a knockout. So he’s feeling great about himself. That just excites me, because I know he’s coming at his best and he’s feeling his strongest and he’s coming to fight. It’s exciting to know how he’s coming to fight.
R. Flowers
Robert as we get ready to conclude the conference call, we really appreciate the time and looking forward to seeing you on fight week in Los Angeles. Did you have any closing comments for the media?
R. Warrior
I’m just excited to be back in the ring. It’s great to be in such a big event, especially here at home in California, a staples Cibiyar, in the heart of Los Angeles. I’m excited about that. Also with this great undercard with Aron Martinez who’s a local Los Angeles fighter also who’s coming up strong. It’s going to be an exciting card and I’m excited.
Everybody says that they had the best training camp ever that they’ve had in I don’t know how long. I’m just going to tell you I had a great training camp. I’m excited about this fight; Ina cikin babbar siffar, feeling good. Ba zan iya jira ba; I had great sparring. I can’t wait to get into that fight and show the world Guerrero’s still here. I got a little bit derailed and now I’m back on those tracks and it’s time to go full steam ahead.
Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, da, / homepage, Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions DaSwanson_Comm da zama fan on Facebook at, da, Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PBConFOX.


Tikiti A Sale Yanzu!
Baitalami, PA (Janairu 11, 2016) – Undefeated 2012 U.S. Tseren Jamel Herring (14-0, 8 Kos) will battle Colombia’s Luis Eduardo Flores (21-2, 17 Kos) a cikin wani 10-zagaye hur fadan a kan Premier dambe gasar zakarun Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata da kuma Dambe gasar zakarun on FOX Deportes on Talata, Fabrairu 9 from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania with televised coverage beginning at 11 p.m. DA/8 p.m. Santa.
I know the spotlight will be on me, but I will keep my cool and focus on getting the win,” Said Herring. “Training has been going really well because I stay in shape year round. I know my opponent is tall and rangy and has a good punch. I am preparing myself to make adjustments and be ready for anything. I’m looking to get the win by any means necessary.
I will take advantage of this opportunity and I want to thank my team for getting this fight,” said Flores. “Ni 100 percent positive I will win this fight. The only thing I know about Herring is that he likes to run a lot. I am coming to get a knockout and take away Herring’s ‘0’.
This will be another exciting event at Sands Bethlehem,” ya ce Marshall Kauffman sarki ta Kiran kasuwa. “We look forward to a great night of boxing featuring U.S. Olympian Jamel Herring against Luis Eduardo Flores. Herring has the makings of a future star and he will be able to show that on Fabrairu 9 on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da Sarki ta Kiran kasuwa, An saka farashi a $100, $75 da kuma $45, ba ciki har da zartar da sabis na zargin da haraji da masu sayarwa yanzu. Tikiti suna samuwa a Don cajin waya ta kira Ticketmaster a (800) 745-3000.
The 30-year-old Herring represented the United States at the 2012 Olympic games after winning the U.S. Kasa Amateur take wannan shekarar. Yaki daga Cincinnati, Herring picked up four victories in 2015 including a dominant triumph over Yakubu Amidu in October. A former member of the U.S. Marine Corps, Herring hopes to launch himself into world title contention in 2016.
A pro tun 2011, the 28-year-old Flores won his first 13 pro yana farawa, duk da 12 cikin nisa. Born in Magangue, Colombia, Flores will make his U.S. DEBUT a kan Fabrairu 9. Most recently Flores picked up wins in 2015 over Gustavo Sandoval and Francisco Herrera.
Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, @JamelHerring, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at, da kuma Karin bayanai samuwa a


Undefeated Danny Garcia Battles Former Champion Robert Guerrero In
PBC a Fox & FOX Deportes Primetime Main Event
Los Angeles (Janairu 7, 2016) – Undefeated lightweight Alejandro “El Charro” Luna (19-0, 14 Kos) zai gana Mexico ta Allan Herrera (34-7, 22 Kos) in a 10-round bout as part of a full night of undercard action on Asabar, Janairu 23 daga staples Cibiyar a Los Angeles.
The event is headlined by the Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) a kan Fox da kuma Fox Sports telecast that features three exciting contests in primetime. In the main event undefeated Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia kuma tsohon zakaran duniya Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior battle in a 12-round welterweight bout. Preliminary action on FOX begins at 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. PT and features undefeated rising star Sammy “Da Saje” Vasquez taking on Los Angeles-native Lokacin Harunar Martinez, plus a matchup between heavyweights Dominic “Masifa” BREAZEALE da kuma Amir “Hardcore” Mansour.
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda TGB Promotions ke haɓakawa tare da haɗin gwiwar Swift Promotions, An saka farashi a $300, $200, $100, $50 da kuma $25, ba ciki har da m kudade da sabis zargin, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. Tikiti za a iya saya a ko ta hanyar wayar a 888-929-7849 ko a staples Cibiyar.
Additional undercard action features South Korea’s Min Wook Kim (12-1, 10 Kos) in a junior welterweight attraction and 22-year-old Mexican-American Luis Bello (6-3, 2 Kos) in a six-round lightweight bout.
Rounding out the exciting night of fights is the pro debut of Los AngelesSergio Quiroz in a six-round super bantamweight affair, cousin of undefeated star Leo Santa Cruz, Antonio Santa Cruz (1-1, 1 KO) in a four-round bantamweight fight and Huntington Park, California ta Jose Gomez (4-0) in four-rounds of featherweight action.
At just 24-years old, Lunahas riga sa tare da wani ban sha'awa 19 sana'a wins tun juya pro a 2010. Yãƙi daga Bellflower, California, he defeated former world champion Cristobal Cruz over eight rounds in June and knocked out Sergio Lopez in August to close his 2015. Kafin 2015 he had put together victories over experienced fighters Daniel Attah and Sergio Rivera while knocking out six of his last nine opponents.
Opposite Luna will be the battle-tested Herrera out of Sinaloa, Mexico. Herrera was featured in a 2014 Fight of the Year candidate in Pittsburgh against hometown favorite Monta Meza Clay. The outstanding two way action inside of the ring thrilled the electric crown and nationally televised audience as both men showed incredible bravery before the fight was stopped in the 10ga watan da karshe zagaye. Herrera has won his last two fights and is coming off of a knockout of Isaias Cabrera.
A pro tun 2010, the 28-year-old Kim dropped his debut but has reeled off 13 wins since then. After fighting in his native South Korea and China for the first several years of his career, Kim knocked out Lizandro De Los Santos in Mexico in March before stopping Luis Alberto Pelayo in his U.S. debut in July.
Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, www.staplescenter.comda kuma, / homepage, Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, DannySwiftGhostBoxing, @ SammyV2112, FOXSports, FOXDeportesSTAPLESCenter, TGBPromotions DaSwanson_Comm da zama fan on Facebook at, da, Bi hira ta yin amfani da #PBConFOX.


Plus Undefeated Middleweight Caleb Plant & Stacked Undercard Of Undefeated Fighters In Action As Part Of Fight Week On FOX In L.A.
Los Angeles (Janairu 7, 2016) – Undefeated prospect David Benavidez (11-0, 10 Kos) zai dauki a kan Kevin Cobbs (10-1, 4 Kos) in eight rounds of super middleweight action asFight Week on FOX in L.A.kicks off with Premier dambe gasar zakarun(PBC) Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a kan FS1 da Dambe gasar zakarun on FOX Deportes on Talata, Janairu 19 from Club Nokia at L.A. Live.
Talabijin ɗaukar hoto fara a 11 p.m. DA/8 p.m. PT and is headlined by undefeated prospect Jamal James (18-0, 9 Kos) shan a kan 2008 U.S. Tseren Javier “El Intocable” Molina (17-1, 8 Kos) in a 10-round welterweight battle. PBC action continues on Asabar, Janairu 23 with PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes beginning at 8 p.m. DA/5 p.m. PT at STAPLES Center and headlined by Danny “Gaggãwar” Garcia shan a kan Robert “A Tsarki” Warrior.
Tikiti ga Janairu 19 taron, wanda aka ciyar da TGB Promotions, are priced $50 da kuma $35, ba ciki har da m kudade, kuma suna sayarwa a yanzu. To purchase tickets visit
Also entering the ring is undefeated rising middleweight prospect Kalibu Shuka (11-0, 8 Kos), who will look to kick off 2016 in a big way when he battles Adasat Rodriguez (11-4-2, 7 Kos) in an eight-round middleweight affair.
Further action features 25-year-old Malcolm McAllister (6-0, 6 Kos) in a six-round middleweight bout against Chicago’s Ana John Cerresso (18-4-1, 12 Kos) da kuma Philadelphia taThomas Velasquez (3-0, 2 Kos) a cikin wani hudu zagaye Super featherweight fadan.
Ƙididdigar fitar da dare na ta faɗa ne 26 mai shekaru Ronald Mixon (5-0, 4 Kos) in a six-round light heavyweight contest and the pro debut of Ireland’s Tare da Sheehan ashe looks to build off of his stellar amateur career in a four-round heavyweight bout.
The younger brother of undefeated Jose Benavidez, David racked up a perfect 11 wins in 11 starts at just 19-years-old. Fighting out of Phoenix, Benavidez picked up four victories via stoppage in 2015 and most recently scored a sensational knockout over Felipe Romero in November. He will be opposed by the Burlington, Vermont-native Cobbs who enters this fight on a four-bout win streak.
A 2011 Na kasa Golden safofin hannu Zakaran, Plant has begun to make his name in the professional ranks since turning pro in 2014. Shekaran da ya gabata, the 23-year-old picked up six victories including hard fought triumphs over Jamar Freeman in September and Tyrone Brunson in October. Yãƙi daga Nashville, he will battle the 28-year-old Rodriguez of Islas Canarias, Spain.
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Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, / homepage, da kuma Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, @JamesShango, @JavierMolina562 @TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, @VENUE and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook, da


San Antonio (Janairu 7, 2016) – Undefeated light heavyweight prospect Ahmed Elbiali (13-0, 11 Kos) will enter the ring in an eight-round bout against Andrew Hernandez (10-3-1, 2 Kos) zama wani ɓangare na Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a kan FS1 da Dambe gasar zakarun on FOX Deportes on Talata, Janairu 12 from the Dancehall in San Antonio.
Live ɗaukar hoto fara a 11 p.m. DA/8 p.m. PT and is headlined by the featherweight showdown between undefeated prospect Miguel Flores (18-0, 9 Kos) da kuma Mexico ta Mario “Maca” Briones (27-4-2, 20 Kos).
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da Leija Battah Kiran kasuwa, An saka farashi a $100, $70, $38 da kuma $20 da kuma $650 for VIP tables, $260 for balcony tables and $200 for stage tables, before taxes and fees and are on sale now. Sayan tikiti kira Leija Battah Kiran kasuwa a (210) 979-3302, Ziyarar or buy online at http://lbtickets.ticketleap.da /.
Additional action features undefeated welterweight Bryant Perrella (12-0, 11 Kos) in an eight-round bout against Ramon Ayala (23-5-1, 11 Kos), brother of world champion Rances, Leduan Barthélemy (7-0, 3 Kos) daukan kan Darryl Hayes (5-5, 1 KO) in featherweight action and brother of undefeated Omar, Brandon Figueroa (4-0, 2 Kos) fadace-fadace Harold Reyes (2-2) in a six-round bantamweight affair.
Also entering the ring are a trio of San Antonio-natives as 23-year-old prospect Joseph Rodriguez (10-0, 2 Kos) fuskõkinsu Christian Santibanez (3-5, 2 Kos) in a four-round super featherweight fight and Girban Ruiz (1-0) shan a kan Rudy Lozano (2-1-1) a cikin wani hudu zagaye welterweight fadan.
Rounding out the action and continuing the slew of San Antonio talent on this card is Saul Amaya (0-1) da Gregorio Herrera (1-2) in a four-round featherweight contest, the pro debut of Dustin Southichack in a four-round lightweight bout against Daniel Sanchez (0-15) da kuma Daniel Baiz (3-0, 2 Kos) in a four round super welterweight battle with Andrew Sosa (0-8-1).
A 'yan qasar na Alkahira, Misira yanzu zaune a Miami, the 24-year-old Elbiali had success in twoOktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata appearanceslast year, as he defeated Fabiano Pena and Mariano Hilario to account for two of his five wins in 2015. He will be opposed by the 30-year-old Hernandez out of Phoenix who picked up victories over Jerry Odom, Jeff Page and Eduardo Tercero last year.
An undefeated 26 mai shekaru daga Fort Myers, Florida, Perrella comes in off a first-round stoppage over Chaquib Fadli in November. He picked up five knockouts in a row in 2015 and looks to make it ten in a row overall on Janairu 12 when he faces the 26-year-old Mexican Ayala.
Originally from Cuba, but fighting out of Las Vegas, Barthelemy is the youngest brother of world champion Rances and Olympic Gold medalist Yan. The 26-year-old won three times in 2015 as he earned decisions over Michael Gaxiola, German Meraz and Juan Sandoval. He takes on the 26-year-old Houston-born Hayes who is looking for his third straight victory.
The brother of former world champion Omar, the 19-year-old Figueroa turned pro in May by defeating Hector Gutierrez and has followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena and Ramiro Ruiz. A Weslaco, Texas-product most recently defeated Francisco Muro in December and will battle the 24-year-old Reyes of Puerto Rico.
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Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, / homepage da kuma Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at, da kuma


PBC Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata ON FS1 &
Dambe gasar zakarun ON FOX DEPORTES Talata, JANAIRU 12
DAGA Dancehall a San Antonio
Click NAN For Photos From Hosanna Rull/Team Flores
Houston, TX (Janairu 7, 2016) As he enters the final week of training camp, Houston’s undefeated featherweight star, Miguel Flores (18-0, 9 Kos), took time during camp to give his thoughts on his upcoming showdown with Mario briones (27-4-2, 20 Kos). The scheduled 10-round bout will serve as the main event on Premier dambe gasar zakarun (PBC) Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata a kan FS1 da Dambe gasar zakarun on FOX Deportes on Janairu 12 from the Dancehall in San Antonio (11 p.m. DA/8 p.m. Santa).
Tikiti ga live taron, wanda aka ciyar da Leija Battah Kiran kasuwa, An saka farashi a $100, $70, $38 da kuma $20 da kuma $650 for VIP tables, $260 for balcony tables and $200 for stage tables, before taxes and fees and are on sale now. Sayan tikiti kira Leija Battah Kiran kasuwa a (210) 979-3302, or buy online at http://lbtickets.ticketleap.da /.
Here is what Flores had to say about training, ya abokin gaba kuma mafi:
On his relationship with longtime coach Aaron Navarro:
Aaron is an unbelievable coach and mentor. I’ve been with him since I first laced up a pair of gloves at age 8. He knows how to push me while getting the best out of what God has blessed me with. Together we make a great team and I have a great deal of respect for him. He’s one of the best trainers in boxing.

On fighting in the main event on

Oktoba-TO-Oktoba Talata:
This is another wonderful opportunity for me to show everyone that I can fight at the top level. I’m very grateful to FOX Sports for showcasing me in the main event. Anyone who’s seen me fight knows I like to fight toe-to-toe. Against Briones, it will be no different. I’m coming to bring an exciting fight to everyone who’ll be watching.
On his current training camp:
Training camp is never fun. The grind is grueling but well worth it when I look back on all the hard work, especially when I’m victorious. I had a tremendous amount of good sparring with some very good fighters. Bugu da kari, Ina cikin babbar siffar, and I’m prepared to go the distance if the fight goes into the later rounds. I’m very hungry and my goal to win a world title is not far away.
On his matchup with Mexico’s Mario Briones:
Anytime you’re up against a fighter from Mexico you know you’re in for a tough fight. Briones is a veteran of over 30 fights so I know he’s got some tricks up his sleeve. I’m expecting a very rugged fight but one I feel I can win. The fans are going to see a classic Mexican war.
On fighting in his home state of Texas:
Being that I’m from Houston, I love fighting in Texas where all my family and friends can attend and watch me fight. San Antonio is not that far away from home so I’m expecting a nice hometown crowd to be there in the stands. I’m looking to make a statement and represent Texas to the fullest.
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Don ƙarin bayani ziyarar, / homepage da kuma Bi on TwitterPremierBoxing, LeijaBattahPR, @ FS1, FOXDeportes, CowboysDanceHal DaSwanson_Comm da zama a fan on Facebook at, kuma