Category Archives: Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар

Жинақ туралы Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар Hits Atlantic City ретінде АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы Brothers қайтару

Олимпиада ойындарының қола жүлдегері Андре АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы шайқастар Аустралияның Блейк Caparello &
Former World Champion Anthony Dirrell Ардагер Халеп Truax қабылдайды
Taj Mahal Casino және қонақ
Енді сату туралы Билеттер!
ATLANTIC CITY, NJ (Наурыз 22, 2016) – Олимпиада ойындарының қола жүлдегері Андре АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы (24-2, 16 КО) takes on Australia’s Блейк Caparello (22-1-1, 6 КО) ретінде 10-дөңгелек суперсреднем тартуға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) қайтару үшін Spike жұмада, Сәуір 29 Атлант қаласында Taj Mahal казино және қонақ бастап, Нью-Джерси.
Сондай-ақ, сол картасындағы, АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы інісі, бұрынғы әлем чемпионы Anthony “Dog” АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы (28-1-1, 22 КО) бұрынғы әлем чемпионы атағын Challenger сай болады Халеп “Алтын” Truax (26-2-2, 16 КО) Spike іс-қимыл туралы КПБ қызықты түнде бөлігі ретінде 10-тур суперсреднем бастап 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/8 p.m. CT.
бұрынғы 168-фунт titleholder Энтони және екі дүркін чемпионы атағын Challenger Андре екеуі чемпионаты алтын басқа іске қосу үшін премьер болып, бірақ жақында өз атауы мүмкіндіктерін болған қарсыластарының қатаң бәсекелестікті ие болады.
“Сәуір 29 бокс көңілді түнгі болады,” Андре деді. “Caparello дәл мен сияқты аш болып табылады және ол өз мансабын үшін күрес жатыр, сондықтан, мен ол өте қауіпті адам, білу. лагерінде Барлығы әзірге тамаша болды. Мен Энтони және мен біздің екі дағдыларын көрсету және сол Spike шоу одан да біздің отбасы атын таратуға алуға болады деп қуаныштымын.”
“менің ағасы бірдей картасындағы күрес болуы үшін үлкен құрмет оның,” Энтони деді. “Ол бокс үлкен түн болуы жатыр. Truax жақсы болып табылады, Маған жақсы әкеледі берік жауынгер. Мен біреу макс мені итеріп қажет. Менің болжау әрқашан нокаут болып табылады.”
Caparello оның алғашқы дөңгелек нокдаун жинады 2014 әлем чемпионы атағын ұрыс Сергей Ковалев жеңіліп бұрын, Халеп Truax ынтымақтастықты мүмкіндігі Жинақ туралы КПБ жылы орта чемпионы Даниэль Якобса шайқасты, ал 2015, соңғы лымдық Jacobs алмауда.
“Бұл маған бокс барлық үздік 168-pounders бірі екенімді әлемге көрсету үшін үлкен мүмкіндік болып табылады,” Caparello деді. “Бұл менің тиесілі салмақ сынып. АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы бұрынғы олимпиадашы болып табылады және, өзім сияқты, әлем чемпионы атағын Челленджер. Мен өте қатаң күресті күтуге Қазан 17, бірақ мен жеңіске болады деп білемін.”
“Бұл менің артықшылығын және ұтып күрес,” Truax деді. “Бұл мен үшін тағы бір үлкен мүмкіндік береді және мен оқыту барлығын қою жатырмын. АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы жақсы болып табылады, дағдыларды спорт жауынгер. Ол қатаң міндеті ғой, бірақ мен оған дейін қуаныштымын. ол жақсы жасауға бірдей, сондықтан менің А-ойын тарту жатырмын.”
“Сәуір 29 көрнекті түнгі болады,” Патшаның Акциялар Маршалл Кауфман деді. “сол картасындағы АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы бауырларын бар, бокс үлкен және бірегей түнгі болады. Екі айрықша талант болып табылады және олар Блейк Caparello мен Халеп Truax жеңіске серпіліс іздеген екі жігіт бар.”
On-шараларға билет, Патша Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $100, $75 мен $50, барлық Ticketmaster нүктелерінде қол жетімді және Енді сату болып табылады.
U.S екі жеңіп әуесқой Көрнекті. Оның Олимпиада қола медаль қосымша Әлем чемпионаты, ауру Caparello қарсы өз бұрын жоспарланған айқасты кешіктірілді кейін 32 жастағы Андре АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы сақина оралу дайын. Флинт тыс жойғыш, Мичиган Артур Ыбырайым мен К.Стивенс астам жеңістер өткізеді және тек оның түйіндеме екі тар шығынға бар.
Виктория жүзеге Коварная жауынгер, Австралия, Caparello өзінің алғашқы жеңіп 20 кәсіпқойлардың жекпе-жегі, ең алдымен, өз елінде жүзеге күрес. Ол Майкл Bolling астам жеңіске иелік, Хорхе Olivera, Алла Грин және бұрын жеңіліссіз Роберт Berridge. 29 жастағы ең соңғы маусым айында Affif Belghecham үстінен бірауыздан шешім жинады және АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы оның жоспарланған айқаста кешіктірілді кейін, ол шешімімен Лұқа Sharp жеңген.
Бокстан оның уақыты шындап екі есе қауіп-қатер туғызады болды ретінде Энтони АБРАХАМОМ арасындағы өз мансабын бүкіл ең артық ауыртпалыққа көрген, желтоқсан айында бірінші 2006 ол емес лимфома диагнозы қойылды және керексіз болған кезде 20 мамыр қайтадан ай 2012 ол мотоцикл апатынан оның төменгі сол жақ аяғын және сол білегін сындырып кезде. Flint, Ол кәсіби атақтар төбелес жеңіске және оның жолын жұмыс сақталады ретінде Мичиган-ана оған ұстап тұрыңыз ешқашан. Жылы 2014 ол чемпионы Sakio Бика қорғап жеңді кезде ол өзінің алғашқы жеңіп чемпионаты. ол бірауыздан шешім жеңіске жолында Марко Антонио Рубио қарсы іс-қимыл басым кезде кері 168-фунт атағын өзінің жол қыркүйек айында басталды.
Osseo жылы туған, Миннесота, Truax is an experienced veteran who has fought professionally since 2007. Өз үй мемлекет негізінен күрес, 31-жасар өзінің бірінші орынды жеңіп алды 14 төбелес. Ол төмендеді 2012 Джермейн Тейлор Шоудаунға бірақ Jacobs қарсы күресті табу үшін оның келесі сегіз жекпе непобедимый барды. Таяуда, Truax ақпан айында төртінші турда ардагері Мелвин Бетанкур тоқтатты.
TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @AndreDirrell, @BlakeCaparello, AnthonyDirrell, GoldenCalebT, SpikeTV, SpikeSports, @KingsBoxing_and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at
Highlights available to embed at Жинақ туралы PBC Corona Extra демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Ashley Theophane & J’Leon Love Media Workout Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

PBC on Spike Begins At 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/8 p.m. CT
Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА For Photos From Dave Nadkarni/PBC &
Esaiah Gomez/Mayweather Promotions
LAS VEGAS (Наурыз 18, 2016) – 140-pound contender Эшли “Treasure” Theophane and super middleweight contender J'Leon Love hosted a Las Vegas media workout Бейсенбі as they prepared for their respective showdowns on Жұма, Сәуір 1 Вашингтонда DC-жарақ палатасының бастап, D.C.
Theophane takes on super lightweight world champion Адриен “Мәселе” Broner негізгі іс-шараға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша Spike бастап 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/8 p.m. CT. Love will compete in a non-televised undercard attraction.
On-шараларға билет, HeadBangers Promotions бірлесіп туралы миллиардтаған Promotions және Мэйуэзер Акциялар септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $200, $100, $50 мен $25, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер сапары сатып алу үшін, Ticketmaster locations or call (800) 745-3000.
Theophane and Love held court at the Mayweather Boxing Club as they went discussed their upcoming showdowns with media.
Мұнда сарбаздың айтқанына болып табылады Бейсенбі:
The focus is to go in there and outwork him on fight night. At the end of the day I have to set the pace. I can’t go out there and outbox him because he’s got tremendous skill and speed. So I have to be able to go out there and outwork him and make it a war.
When he sees that I’m still there in round 5, he’s going to start to get worried. My whole thing on fight night is to work and bring a war.
As a boxer, you want to fight the best, and you want these big nights. Мен үшін, it’s been a hard road to get to this point, and I’m actually looking forward to fight night because I know it’s going to be a very hard fight, and I know in order for me to win I have to be at my best, and that’s what I have prepared for.
I’ve been sparring a lot of strong young men in camp; a lot of guys who many believe will be future stars of boxing, and I’ve been doing very well, so I’m more than ready. It’s just a matter of counting down the days now.
My career shows that if you believe in yourself and never give up, you will get your opportunity. Сол кезде, it’s just up to you to take it.
I feel I will be able to match him come fight night. I know I’m the big underdog, I know I’m not being given the chance to win, but I really believe we are going to prove the doubters wrong and be world champ come Сәуір 1.
It just became real to be in the same place with him [Broner] at the press conference. It was more motivation to come back in the gym. Once we got back, the guys here at the gym saw me sparring the next day and said they can tell he had motivated me. Ол айтуға болады, but on fight night, біз күресуге бар. He said he’s going to stop me in 4 туры, so I’ll be looking forward to seeing that because I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be there for the whole 12 туры.
Mayweather Promotions believed in me from the very start and they flew with me in the deep end. I have improved from being around Floyd, and watching him. You have to improve with being around him-the best fighter of all time-you have to improve.
“Оқу ұлы болды; I’m healthy, I’m focused, my weight is not bad, I can’t complain. I actually took a week off in September of last year, and have been right back in the gym. We’ve been training ever since for 5 немесе 6 months now, so we were already ahead.
“Бұл жігіт [Gbenga], despite his record, has been in the ring more times than me, so he is a lot more experienced. He can survive, or do little things that can upset my game plan, бірақ сол уақытта, I’ve been there done that, and just ready to showcase my talent.
Every fight is important, whether it’s the first couple of fights, or now. Маған, this is a stay busy fight-stay busy, showcase my talent, look impressive, and show that we’re ready for a world title. Not just fight for a world title, but win a world title. Be a world champion. Continue to reach different levels in the game.
“Менің қарыным ашты, I feel like this is already written for me. I didn’t make it this far for nothing, or to be a contender. For a world championship fight, I’m going to definitely seize the moment so I’m going to go out there and do what I do best, and that is to fight.
I’m a pretty slick fighter, very smart fighter, so I’ve dissected him already and he makes a lot of mistakes. I think he’ll fall into the trap, and I feel like I will get him out of there. I’m very confident in my training and my ability.
# # #
TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, AdrienBroner, @AshleyTheophane, SpikeTV, SpikeSports,@MayweatherPromo, and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at мен Highlights available to embed at Жинақ туралы PBC Corona Extra демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Chris Algieri Supporting Alma Mater Stony Brook University Ahead Of First NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament Game in School History

It’s an inspiration to see their hard work and determination. They can be the latest ‘Cinderella
story to come out of the tournament.” – Algieri

(Фото несие: Ed Diller/Star Boxing)
Algieri takes on rising star Errol Spence Jr. in primetime as
Premier Boxing Champions on NBC returns to
Бруклинде Barclays орталығы
Сенбі, Сәуір 16 (8:30 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5:30 p.m. PT)
BROOKLYN (Наурыз 17, 2016) – Бұрынғы әлем чемпионы Крис Algieri is excited to cheer on his alma mater, the Stony Brook University Seawolves, as they hit the court for the first men’s basketball NCAA Tournament game in the school’s history.
“егде Мен алу, the less I believe in luck, but I want to wish good luck to my alma mater, the Stony Brook Seawolves, in the opening game of the NCAA tournament later бугін кешке,” Саид Algieri.
The Long Island-native graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Health Care Sciences and is currently on the advisory board of the Seawolves United Athletic Department. Жылы 2015, he established theChris Algieri Champion Lifestyle Scholarship Fund” жылы 2015.
The program has come such a long way over the past few years,” Algieri continued. “It is an inspiration to see what hard work and determination can do. This is their first ever trip to March Madness and I think they can be the latest ‘Cinderellastory to come out of the tournament.
The 13ші-seeded Seawolves will take on the fourth-seed Kentucky Wildcats in Des Moines, Айова бугін кешке in the first round of the East Regional, with tip-off scheduled for 9:40 p.m. ЖӘНЕ.
I know what it’s like to be the underdog,” Саид Algieri. “I’ve been the underdog numerous times in my life and career and it’s all about digging deep and having the heart of a champion. I know those guys on the Stony Brook team have that championship mettle.
Algieri takes on Эррол “Шындық” Спенс Jr. а басты оқиға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша NBCtripleheaderon Сенбі, Сәуір 16 from Barclays Center in Brooklyn with televised coverage beginning at 8:30 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5:30 p.m. PT.
On-шараларға билет, Бокс жұлдызы бірлесіп ДиБелла Entertainment ықпал, онда, де басталады $25, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер бару арқылы онлайн сатып алуға болады, немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 1-800-745-3000. Билеттер, сондай-ақ Barclays орталығында American Express кинокассада қол жетімді. Group жеңілдіктер 844-BKLYN-GP қоңырау шалу арқылы қол жетімді болады.
Barclays Орталықтың BROOKLYN БОКС ™ бағдарламалау платформа ААП ұсынылған. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін мен, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, NBCSports, Кезінде Facebook бойынша желдеткішBarclaysCenter жәнеSwanson_Comm немесе айналады,, мен Қол жетімді Highlights NBC туралы PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Long-Awaited Victor Ortiz & Andre Berto Rematch Set for Primetime Saturday, Сәуір 30 As Premier Boxing Champions On FOX & FOX Deportes Comes To StubHub Center In Carson, Калифорния.

Көбірек! Highly Anticipated Light Heavyweight Showdown Between
Эдвин Родригес & Томас Уильямс Jr.
& Former Multiple Division Champion Fernando Montiel Takes On Unbeaten Jorge Lara In Featherweight Action
Теледидар Қамту басталады 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT
Енді сату туралы Билеттер!
Карсон, CALIF. (Наурыз 17, 2016) – Бұрынғы полусреднем Әлем чемпиондары “Ызалы” Виктор Ortiz (31-5-2, 24 КО) мен Басқа “Beast” Berto (30-4, 23 КО) will meet again in a 12-round welterweight rematch in primetime on Saturday, Сәуір 30 ретінде Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша FOX мен FOX Спорт comes to StubHub Center in Carson, Калифорния.
Теледидар қамту басталады 8 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/5 p.m. PT and features two exciting undercard attractions. Light heavyweight sluggers Эдвин “La Bomba” Rodriguez (28-1, 19 КО)мен Томас “Жоғары Dog” Уильямс Jr. (19-1, 13 КО)meet in a 10-round brawl plus former three-division world champion Фернандо “Cochulito” Montiel (54-5-2, 39 КО) faces unbeaten Mexican brawler Jorge Lara (27-0-2, 19 КО) in a 10-round featherweight battle.
Ortiz and Berto first faced off in their 2011 welterweight world title barnburner that garnered significant Fight of the Year buzz. The bout saw both men hit the canvas twice, including a thrilling round six in which each fighter was knocked down. Соңында, Ortiz walked away with a unanimous decision. A victory in the rematch will propel the winner to the forefront of the world title picture in this stacked with talent division.
I know I’m in for another war,” Ortiz деді. “I’ve always been open to a rematch because Berto has a big mouth and something to prove. After our fight, he went on a losing streak, because I gave his opponents a blueprint on how to beat him. My losses have been unfortunate, but I wouldn’t want to come up against me at this stage in the game. My name is Victor and that’s no coincidence.
This is the fight the people have been waiting for and it’s time to give it to them,” Berto деді. “I am in a good place mentally, physically and spiritually. I’ve never wanted my story to be perfect, that’s boring. Life is filled with ups and downs and I’ve embraced them all in my career. Everything I’ve been through has turned me into a savage. It’s time to close this chapter once and for all. I want his head!”
The undercard bouts are sure to feature exciting two-way action as the experienced veterans Rodriguez and Montiel look to hold-off rising contenders in Williams Jr. and Lara.
This is a very big fight for the light heavyweight division,” деді Родригес. “Thomas brings it, бірақ, сондықтан, мен істеу. You can expect fireworks from the opening bell as we are both looking to put on a sensational performance. Бұл, делінген, the light heavyweight championship is right around the corner, and there is nothing that is going to stop me from getting there.
I’m thrilled to be fighting on this card,” Уильямс деді. “When they called me about this fight, Мен деді, ‘I love it, let’s make it happen.I think that it’s going to be a really exciting and fan-friendly matchup. Edwin is a strong fighter who I know is going to be prepared to bring it on fight night, and I’ll make sure I’m ready to do the same.
It’s a pleasure to be on this fight card and I promise an exciting night for the fans,” Саид Montiel. “I came up short in my last fight, but I am determined to become a world champion in a new weight class. I always come to fight and I will be throwing punches non-stop until I’m victorious on April 30.
I’m blessed to be back in the ring as part of this great night of fights,” Lara деді. “My dream is to be a world champion, and to do that I have to beat fighters like Montiel. Менің қарсыластың құрметтеуге, but right now he is on my way and nothing is going to stop me.
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, Бас бағаланады $209, $105, $53, мен $27, плюс қолданылатын салықтар, алымдар мен қызмет көрсету үшін төлем, Енді сату болып табылады және онлайн сатып алу үшін қол жетімді.
PBC on FOX in primetime debuted on Қаңтар 23 and featured a thrilling three-fight card that was topped by undefeated star Danny Garcia conquering former world champion Robert Guerrero to claim a welterweight world title in a back-and-forth brawl. Another exciting contest in the welterweight division is sure to thrill those watching at home and the Southern California boxing fans in attendance.
We are proud to be bringing this long awaited rematch to the StubHub Center and the Los Angeles boxing fans,” TGB Акциялар Том Браун деді. “Victor Ortiz and Andre Berto battled back in 2011, and their meeting on April 30 will take care of unfinished business.
After the overwhelming success of the return to boxing on FOX in January, after an almost 20 year absence, FOX Sports and FOX Deportes are thrilled to present the second Premier Boxing Champions fight on Сәуір 30,” Дэвид Натансон деді, Бизнес операцияларды FOX Спорт басшысы.
StubHub Center is excited to host this welterweight bout on Сенбі, Сәуір 30,” said Katie Pandolfo, General Manager of StubHub Center. “We look forward to an exciting rematch and an electric atmosphere at the premier outdoor boxing venue in the United States.
Алыс әрекетінен shies ешқашан қызықты жауынгер, Ortiz returned to the ring in December 2015 one year after injuring his hand during a third round stoppage of Manuel Perez. The 29-year-old stopped Gilberto Sanchez Leon in his last bout for his second victory in a row. Ortiz was a 147-pound world champion when he defeated Berto in 2011 Флойд Мэйуэзер бар бөлшектеу орнату үшін. Канзас-ана сияқты фильмдер рөлін фильмді соңғы жылдары уақыт жұмсаған “Солақай” мен “Шығын 3” but is now fully focused on a return to the pinnacle of the welterweight division.
Berto is a former amateur standout and Olympian for his native Haiti. He challenged now-retired pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather in September. The offensive-minded Berto always makes for sensational scraps as his 2012 slugfest with Robert Guerrero was another Fight of the Year candidate. The 32-year-old thrilled in his PBC debut last March when he stopped Josesito Lopez in the sixth round of their welterweight showdown.
Бір жеңіп жасаған әуесқой 2006 Ұлттық Алтын қолғап алтын медаль және 2005 U.S. Ұлттық чемпионаты алтын медаль, the 30-year-old Rodriguez enters this fight a winner of his last four fights. Доминикан Республикасы туған, бірақ Вустер жүзеге күрес, Массачусетс, Rodriguez’s only loss came to the undefeated Andre Ward in 2013. He owns impressive victories over previously unbeaten fighters Will Rosinsky, Jason Escalera, Ezequiel Osvaldo Maderna, Craig Baker and Michael Seals. Against Seals, , оның ең соңғы айқаста Қараша 13, Edwin rose from the canvas to score a devastating third-round TKO in what was a ‘Fight of the Year’ кандидат.
Уильямс Jr., a 28-year-old from Fort Washington, Мэриленд, was introduced to boxing by his father, a former pro fighter. A dynamite puncher, Уильямс Jr. has registered seven of his 13 knockouts in the first round. Дегенмен, the southpaw has also proven his endurance with unanimous decision victories over warriors like Michael Gbenga, Yusaf Mack and Otis Griffin. Most recently he earned two victories, including a second-round TKO over world-ranked contender Umberto Savigne last November.
The veteran Montiel won his first world title in 2000 Isidro Гарсия астам және Педро Alzacar астам атауы жеңіске қойылымдар бар барды, Иван Эрнандес, Z қақпақтары, CISO Morales және Hozumi Hasegawa. Sinaloa жылы туған, Мексика, Montiel rode an eight-fight win streak heading into his October world title shot against Lee Selby. Montiel’s aggressive style frustrated Selby but it was not enough for him to grab a title in his fourth weight class.
Гвадалахара жүзеге Непобедимый, Халиско, Мексика, Лара оның U.S құрады. debut on March 7, 2015 Лас-Вегастағы Марио Macias бірінші турда тоқтату бар. The 25-year-old has ended seven of his last nine opponents early including experienced contenders Jovanny Soto, Jairo Эрнандес және Оскар Ibarra. He looks to rebound from a technical draw in his last outing after the fight was stopped in six rounds due to numerous cuts Lara had received from accidental headbutts.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін, HTTP:// / Старттық мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @ViciousOrtiz, AndreBerto,LaBombaBoxing, TopDoggJr, FOXSports, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен #PBConFOX Пайдаланып сөйлесуді орындаңыз. FOX бойынша PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.

Lightweight Contender Ivan Redkach Battles Puerto Rican Brawler Luis Cruz On Tuesday, Сәуір 19 As Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Returns To Sands Bethlehem Events Center In Bethlehem, Pa.

Көбірек! Two Exciting Middleweight Bouts As Hard-Hitting Immanuwel Aleem Takes On Jonathan Cepeda &
Unbeatens Kryone Davis & Junior Castillo Square-Off
Енді сату туралы Билеттер!
BETHLEHEM, PA. (Наурыз 16, 2016) – Жеңіл қарсыласы Иван Redkach (19-1, 15 КО) will face-off against Puerto Rico’s Luis Cruz (22-4, 16 КО)in a 10-round headlining event on Tuesday, Сәуір 19 бойынша Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) БН-TO-БН сейсенбі FS1 және Бокс Чемпиондар on FOX Deportes from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Pa.
Теледидар қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT and features a pair of exciting eight-round middleweight showdowns pitting top rising prospects and contenders. Brawling 160-pound prospect Иммануил Aleem (15-0, 9 КО) қабылдайды Jonathan Cepeda (17-1, 15 КО) while Delaware’s Kyrone Дэвис (10-0, 4 КО) will face Dominican Olympian Кіші Castillo (9-0, 9 КО).
I am really looking forward to headlining this event on April 19,said Redkach. “I know that I have a strong opponent, but I am determined to impress the fans and show that I am ready to challenge the elite in my division. I’ve trained very hard and I’m ready to fight.
I plan on rejuvenating my career with this fight,” said Cruz. “This is an interesting fight and I’ve been training really hard. Redkach is a tough fighter, but it is nothing that I haven’t seen before. I want to get this big win. It’s now or never for me.
This is a terrific card and we are once again happy to be working with FS1, FOX Deportes and the Sands Bethlehem on a great event,” Патшаның Акциялар Маршалл Кауфман деді. “There are three great televised fights with Redkach-Cruz, Aleem-Cepeda and two undefeated guys in Davis and Castillo in what should be an explosive fight. Those three guys have a combined record of 92-6 бірге 68 нокдауны, so expect three competitive and entertaining fights.
This is Ivan’s second fight since his tough loss to Dejan Zlaticanin,” Лу ДиБелла деді, ДиБелла сауық Президенті. “He’ll be facing a tough kid in Luis Cruz, but these are the kinds of opponents that will help Redkach get his career back on track. I am confident that he will emerge victorious and will seek the best fights for him as he rises up the rankings toward a world title opportunity.
On-шараларға билет, which is promoted by King’s Promotions in association with DiBella Entertainment, Бас бағаланады $108, $83 мен $58, қолданылатын қызмет алымдар мен салықтарды қоса алғанда, ал қазір қандай жеңілдіктер жоқ. Билеттер қол жетімді Телефон арқылы зарядтау үшін кем Ticketmaster қоңырау (800) 745-3000.
Украинада дүниеге келген, бірақ Лос-Анджелесте жүзеге күрес, Redkach алты жасында бокс басталды және про бұрылу бері бірге әсерлі мансабын қойды 2009. The 30-year-old owns victories over Tony Luis, Sergey Gulyakevich, Yakubu Amidu and most recently knocked out Erick Daniel Martinez in October.
Fighting out of Las Piedras, Пуэрто-Рико, Cruz is coming off of a decision victory over Roberto Acevedo in November. He owns victories over Martin Honorio, Hevinson Herrera and Yogli Herrera in a career that dates back to 2007.
Шығыс Meadow жылы туған, Нью-Джерси, бірақ Ричмонд жүзеге күрес, Вирджиния, Aleem оның ата-анасы жас кезінен бастап бокспен енгізілді. Про бұрап бастап 2012 жасында 18, the 22-year-old has wiped out all of the competition in front of him. Жылы 2015, he dominated Emmanuel Sanchez, David Toribio and Oscar Riojas before winning a hard fought decision over Carlos Galvan in December.
Originally from New Jersey, Cepeda relocated to West Palm Beach, Florida at 16-years-old and had a brief but successful 22-3 әуесқойлық жазба, with all three of his loses coming to middleweight champion Daniel Jacobs. He won two Florida Golden Gloves titles and reached a National Golden Gloves semifinal. Cepeda has won five fights in a row including two stoppage victories in 2015.
The first Delaware-native to win multiple national amateur championships, Davis was a National PAL winner along with his victory at the national Adidas tournament. A fighter since he was eight-years-old, Davis turned pro in 2014 and has dominated his competition including five victories in 2015.
The 29-year-old Castillo made his U.S. debut in December 2015 with a first round knockout of Rolando Nagy and followed it up later that month by stopping Eduardo Flores. Fighting out of Higuey, Доминикан Республикасы, he represented his home country in the 2012 Олимпиада.
TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @IRedkach, @ FS1, @TheSBEC, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at, мен Қол жетімді Highlights


NICE, CALIF. (Наурыз 15, 2016) – Unbeaten junior welterweight Сергей Lipinets (9-0, 7 КО) of Martuk, Kazakhstan thrilled the packed venue at the Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Калифорния сейсенбіде night with a dramatic fifth-round knockout of Леван “The Wolf” Ghvamichava (16-2-1, 12 КО) негізгі іс-шараға Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) БН-TO-БН сейсенбі FS1 және Бокс Чемпиондар FOX Deportes туралы.
Stalking Ghvamichava from the opening bell, Lipinets found success with a range-finding jab combined with methodical and effective power shots to offset his opponentsinconsistent attack.
Closing the gaps even narrower between himself and Ghvamichava, Lipinets continued to successfully walk down the Georgian (Ресей) native in the fourth round who was unable to avoid the punishing assault.
Lipinets struck gold in the fifth, dropping Ghvamichava with a brutal left hand to the body resulting in a knockout victory at the 1:40 mark of the round. Тоқтату кезінде балдар болды 39-37 мен 38-38 twice for the scheduled ten-rounder.
About the win, Lipinets said, “I’m really happy with the victory. We worked hard on that shot with my trainer. We knew we could wait and use that right hand at the right time and take it straight to the body.
He’s a very strong, physical opponent. It was a real challenge to get him to where I wanted him. I wanted to get inside and use my speed. It was hard in the beginning to pick him apart, but we were able to get into a rhythm.
I want to keep going up from here. I think I proved myself бугін кешке that I belong at this level.
Said a disappointed Ghvamichava, “Things were going according to my game plan. I ended up getting caught with a shot. I recovered and then he threw that big body shot and it sucked the life out of me.
The rounds were competitive, but I felt like I was winning. I knew I had to keep my jab on him to keep him at bay. I knew he had a strong right hand, but he started to back up and I had never seen him do that so it threw me off.
You don’t expect to be knocked out. We were letting the fight come to me and I thought I was going to be able to stun him, but he has explosive power. I should have been more cautious. I am going to learn from this experience.
Co-featured on the telecast Ukrainian Сергий Деревянченко, (8-0 6KO-ның), now fighting out of Brooklyn, Нью Йорк, impressed with with an eighth-round knockout of thetough-as-nails Mike Guy, (8-2-1 4KO-ның).
Fighting evenly over the first half of the scheduled eight rounder, Derevyanchenko found his range in the second half utilizing massive left hooks to the body to slow down the Sacramento, California native.
Sensing a finish in the final round, Derevyanchenko drilled Guy to the canvas at the midway point of the stanza and again shortly thereafter. Although Guy beat the count, the ensuing flurry from Derevyanchenko caused a halt to the bout by referee Michael Margado at the 2:24 белгі.
Тоқтату кезінде балдар болды 70-63 мен 69-64 екі рет.
Stated Derevyanchenko, “I wasn’t surprised he was so tough. I’ve never seen any of his fights, but I didn’t think it was going to be an easy fight.
His style was awkward. It was hard to tell where his punches were going to come from.
I didn’t pick a specific round that I wanted to knock him out. I just finally picked him apart in the sixth round and then again in the eighth.
In the opening bout of the Premier Boxing Champions onFOX and FOX Deportes”, непобедимый полусреднем, Kevin Watts of nearby Lancaster, Калифорния, жақсарды 11-0 with four knockouts with a dominant fifth round stoppage of Michael Chudeckмен, (11-3-1 3KO-ның), of Pozman, Польша.
Using his superior skills and hand speed, Watts built an early lead sweeping the first four rounds while displaying his full array of punches.
Dropping the valiant Pole early in the fifth stanza, Watts was awarded the stoppage victory as referee Edward Collantes called a halt at the 2:01 белгі. Scores at the time of the finish were 39-37 on all three judge’s scorecards.
Said the victorious Watts, “Мен сондай қуаныштымын, but I knew I was going to get that win. I train too hard to lose. All I think about is winning. I’ve got too many people rooting for me to fail.
I knew I was going to get the KO, but I was happy it was in the fifth round. I actually thought he was going to make it to the sixth because I didn’t think I hurt him as bad as I did in the fourth.
When he went down, I knew it wasn’t a slip. Usually when a drop is ruled a slip, you know it, but that was definitely a knock down. He could barely get back up and after that he just kept backing up and backing up and I took advantage of that.
Not sure what is exactly next, but I do know I’ll be ready.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін: бару, HTtp:// / Старттық,, мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @TGBPromotions @FS1, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, Finest Сыра.

Undefeated Prospect Mario Barrios Battles Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez & Unbeaten Sergiy Derevyanchenko Takes On Mike Guy On Tuesday, Наурыз 15 On PBC TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS On FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES On FOX Deportes

Coverage Begins At 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT
From Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino In
Nice, Калифорния
NICE, CALIF. (Наурыз 11, 2016) – Exciting undefeated prospect Марио Barrios (14-0, 8 КО) will take on Mexico’s Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 5 КО) in an eight-round super featherweight bout on Tuesday, Наурыз 15 бойынша Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC)БН-TO-БН сейсенбі FS1 және Бокс Чемпиондар on FOX Deportes from Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino in Nice, Калифорния.
Barrios vs.. Martinez serves as the new co-main event after the previously announced matchup between Tugstsogt Nyambayar and Rafael Vazquez was cancelled. Телевизиялық қамту басталады 9 p.m. ЖӘНЕ/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten Ukrainian Сергий Деревянченко (7-0, 5 КО) squaring-off against Mike Guy (8-1-1, 4 КО) in an eight round super middleweight affair. The main event of the evening features a 10-round super lightweight showdown between Сергей Lipinets (8-0, 6 КО)мен Леван Ghvamichava (16-1-1, 12 КО).
On-шараларға билет, TGB Promotions септігін тигізеді, ол, де басталады $20 және қазір сатылады. To purchase tickets call the players club at (707) 262-4000.
Further action features 23-year-old Los Angeles-native Kevin Watts (10-0, 3 КО) against Poland’s Michal Chudecki (11-1-1, 3 КО) in super lightweight action and unbeaten Cuban and brother of world champion Rances Barthelemy, Leduan Бартелеми (8-0, 4 КО) Мексика ның қабылдау Pedro Melo (16-11-2, 7 КО) в полулегком ұрыс.
A tall featherweight at over six feet, the 20-year-old Barrios picked up seven victories in a jam-packed 2015 in which he stopped five opponents inside the distance, including a and uppercut left hook combo that ended the night of Manuel Vides in December. The San Antonio-native turned pro in 2013 and is on the fast track towards a world title shot as he makes his 2016 дебют. He will take on Martinez out of Tijuana, Мексика. The 24-year-old was unbeaten in his first 12 про бои.
A highly decorated amateur who represented his native Ukraine in the 2008 Олимпиада, Derevyanchenko now lives and trains in Brooklyn. The unbeaten 30-year-old defeated a slew of experienced contenders in 2015 with wins over Elvin Ayala, Alan Campa, Vladine Biosse and a thrilling third-round stoppage of Jessie Nicklow. He will take on the once-beaten Guy out of Sacramento who enters this bout on a three-fight win streak.
Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін: бару, HTtp:// / Старттық,, мен TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, @TGBPromotions @FS1, FOXDeportes ЖәнеSwanson_Comm және Facebook AT туралы жанкүйеріне айналу, мен PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, Finest Сыра.


#1 Boxing Series on Television Showing Rapid Audience Growth and Engagement: Аяқталды 10 million Boxing Fans Reached Weekly
Наурыз 12 Porter vs. Tyner 12 Round Exhibition to be seen Exclusively via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook Page
LAS VEGAS – НАУРЫЗ 11, 2016 – Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC), The #1 boxing series on broadcast TV and cable created by Haymon Boxing, is finding a successful way to grow and engage a digital generation of boxing fans with Facebook and Facebook Live. Facebook released a case study, crediting PBC with providing and creating a new home for a video savvy audience.
“Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар’ innovative, data-driven content strategy has allowed them to connect more boxing fans with the content they love, by taking fans deep into the sport,” said Patrick Chapman, Facebook Sports Partnerships. “That comprehensive approach is driving exciting growth metrics across the boarda sure sign that fans like what they’re seeing.
Providing a fan-first, behind-the-scenes home featuring highlight and training videos, the PBC page has cultivated an active audience bookended by a millennial generation and Boomer audience. Бірге 70% of the PBC Facebook fans between 18-44, the series has found that it is providing and generating an audience that mirrors if not beats audience deliveries of traditional television and cable media.
We’ve found that not only have we grown a digital audience via Facebook, but also we’ve increased tune-in for our PBC broadcasts through our Facebook promotions,” said Alex Balfour, Chief Digital Officer, HAYMON Бокс. “Since starting our postings we have seen support escalate for the authentic fan experience. Views rise for the purity of the sport and performance in the ring, regardless of if the fighter is well known, a main event name or a fighter on the undercard. We know our PBC digital fans care about good fights and good fighters, and support watching and learning about results from the matches as well as training.
Жылы 2015, PBC on Facebook mirrored the strong PBC broadcast/cable audience deliveries, reaching a weekly audience of up to 10 million people. PBC began to post regular highlights on Facebook in the last quarter of 2015 астам 8 million complete views of its 30-second view highlight video clips, which are posted immediately following the broadcast. The most popular highlight video was the Қыркүйек 26 Уайлдер қарсы. Duphaus fight, уақыт Қазан 16 Fonfara vs Cleverly fight on Spike sparked highest level of engagement. For more insights visit the report.
PBC is currently using Facebook Live to add another level of engagement to its audience.
Туралы Сенбі, Наурыз 12, PBC will broadcast an exclusive 12 round exhibition match featuring Porter meeting Lanardo Tyner via Facebook Live on PBC’s Facebook page. Held live at 7 p.m. ТЫНЫҚ МҰХИТЫНДАҒЫ ОҢТҮСТІК АМЕРИКА СТАНДАРТТЫ УАҚЫТЫ from Porter’s Hy-Performance Center in Las Vegas, a Facebook Live Q&A with Porter and fans will follow the exhibition. Past PBC Facebook Live events have included behind-the-scenes training camp video, including one that reached almost 250k people with former three-division World Champion boxer Abner Mares. PBC had a reach of over 200k people participating in its innovative fighter-first live Q&A with Porter on Ақпан 1.
As a new brand offering programming across a variety of networks at many different times of day and days of the week, PBC’s challenge was to reach as many of the estimated 36M avid boxing fans in the U.S. as possible and to raise awareness among the estimated 100M casual boxing fans in the U.S.
Дереккөз: Nielsen L+SD 12/29/14-11/12/15 Boxing on all broadcast & cable including pay cable. Facebook
About Premier Boxing Champions:
“Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар” is a live boxing series created for television by Haymon Boxing. In its first season, PBC delivered over 85 million total viewers, Nielsen сәйкес.


Video Provided by Larry RamirezKSAT San Antonio
Сан-Антонио, TX (Наурыз 10, 2016)Undefeated super-featherweight Mario Barrios, 20, is hard at work getting ready for his first fight of the year. He’s scheduled to fight Erick Daniel Martinez (11-4-1, 2 КО) наурызда 15, жанында Robinson Rancheria Resort & Казино in Nice, СИЯҚТЫ. Premier Boxing Champions Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays PBC бойынша FS1 will air the fight live starting at 9PM ET Шығыс уақыты /6Премьер PT Pacific Time.
Арзан билеттер $20 (артқа), $30 (mid), $50 (Ringside) can be purchased at the Robinson Rancheria Resort & Casino box office or by calling 1-800-809-3636. Ашық есік 5:00 PM. Бірінші күрес басталады 5:15 PM.

Эррол Спенс Jr., Крис Algieri, Стив Каннингем & Marcus Browne PBC on NBC Press Conference Quotes & Қолданушы: Қолданушы:

Т ймешігін басы ыз МҰНДА Ed DILLER / ДиБелла сауық фотосуреттерді үшін
НЬЮ ЙОРК (Наурыз 9. 2016) – Непобедимый жұлдызы Эррол “Шындық” Спенс Jr. және бұрынғы әлем чемпионы Крис Algieri алғаш рет бетпе-бет шықты Сәрсенбі at a press conference at Gallagher’s Steakhouse in Manhattan as they discussed their Премьер Бокс Чемпиондар (PBC) бойынша NBC өтіп ашу Сенбі, Сәуір 16 Бруклинде Barclays орталығында.
Сондай-ақ, сабаққа Сәрсенбі was former world champion Стив “U.S.S.” Каннингем, who takes on cruiserweight world champion Кшиштоф Glowacki, және непобедимый 2012 U.S. Олимпиадашы “Мырза” Маркус Браун, who faces undefeated RadivojeHot RodKalajdzic.
On-шараларға билет, Бокс жұлдызы бірлесіп ДиБелла Entertainment ықпал, онда, де басталады $25, қолданыстағы алымдар, соның ішінде емес, және қазір сатылады. Билеттер бару арқылы онлайн сатып алуға болады,www.barclayscenter.coм немесе қоңырау шалу арқылы 1-800-745-3000. Билеттер, сондай-ақ Barclays орталығында American Express кинокассада қол жетімді. Group жеңілдіктер 844-BKLYN-GP қоңырау шалу арқылы қол жетімді болады.
Мұнда қатысушылар айтқанына болып табылады Сәрсенбі:
Эррол Спенс JR.
A lot of people have been asking me when I was going to fight top competition. When you look good in the ring, nobody wants to fight you. Established guys don’t want to fight you, so I want to thank Chris Algieri for taking this fight.
It would be a major statement if I could stop Chris Algieri. He’s been in there with hard-punchers so I’m looking to make a statement about my power. Especially for me being a young contender, it would just show everything I have in my arsenal and where I’m going in my career.
I’ve never envisioned it this way, but my team always told me to be patient and everything will come on time. Now I’m here in the NBC main event.
This is a very important fight. Chris Algieri is a tough fighter. All of his fights have been exciting and we’re looking to make it exciting and one-sided. I’m looking to dominate the whole fight.
From watching Algieri, I know he has good footwork and likes to box. Recently it seems like he’s become more aggressive and standing his ground a bit more. I’m ready for either style.
I don’t really care if I get tested. I want to perform and show my skill set. I’m going to answers a lot of questions people have in the ring.
I know I’ll be the next big star in boxing. I just have to stay grounded, do what I’ve been doing and listen to my team. The sky is the limit.
I want a world title this year. I want the winner of the Kell Brook vs. Kevin Bizier fight. I would definitely go to the UK. I’d fight any of the champions, but I can’t look past Chris Algieri. Мен 100 percent focused on him.
My career is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. Мен үшін, fighting on this platform and getting my story out is a good start. It’s about what I do in the ring, I have to look spectacular and get the knockouts.
Everybody should tune-in or get your tickets. This is going to be a fight for the history books.
It’s exciting to be back in the main event on the world stage. I take every fight very seriously and I prepare my best each time. It’s just another day at the office.
I’m looking forward to working extremely hard and being as prepared as possible. I’ve never picked who I step in the ring with. My job is to prepare, fight and win. Туралы Сәуір 16 that is exactly what I’m going to do.
I’m honored to be on a card of this magnitude. I’m looking forward to seeing everybody come out for a great night of fights.
Every fight going forward is about winning and moving towards a welterweight title. Every fight is one step closer to getting my opportunity. This win over Errol Spence Jr. will propel me into fights with the biggest names.
I have to beat everybody who is in front of me. That’s what this fight is. Spence is just another guy in the welterweight division. I’ve always said I’m willing to fight the top guys in my weight class and whether he’s the top guy now or will be one day, ол маңызды емес.
I’m looked at as the veteran here, but I’m a young veteran. I have a ton of experience and I think that will propel me for the rest of my career.
Spence hasn’t fought anyone. I don’t think he’s fought a guy who’s tried to win. To label me as a gatekeeper against someone who hasn’t made real fights isn’t really a fair distinction.
He’s done all his work against guys who were tailor made for him to beat up. He hasn’t fought a guy with footwork or a guy who can box. He hasn’t fought many guys who were in there to win. It will be a really eye-opening experience for him and a lot of people on Сәуір 16.
I’ve had some of my best performances at Barclays Center and it’s an honor to be back. I feel that arena brings the best out of me.
Стив Каннингем
I won both of my world titles overseas. Guys like Glowacki grew up watching me fight in their home countries. He’s frothing at the mouth to get at me. Sometimes the meal that you want isn’t a good one for you. I’m going to upset his stomach really good.
“Бұл жақсы күрес болуы жатыр. I come intelligent and I come to fight. I’m going to make other 40-year-olds jealous when everyone sees the work that I do. I’m going to be prepared mentally, spiritually and physically.
I’m prepared to fight in any environment. My first title defense was in Marco Huck’s hometown. I went into the lion’s den. It’s all experience. I have a great range of experience and knowledge that helps me in the ring.
It’s great to be on a card with guys like Errol Spence Jr. and Chris Algieri. I’ve seen these guys grind. I watched Errol in the Olympics and I’ve fought on the same undercards as Algieri. It’s awesome to be a part of this.
A fight is a fight. Age doesn’t matter to me. Only thing that really means something is the opponent. When you get in there with your plan, the opponent matters less as you break him down.
When I first started, my motivation was to make money for my family. My motivation is always changing though. I believe I was born to do this. I love working out and pushing my mind and body to the brink. Most of all, I just love challenges.
I’m is a cruiserweight. My camps are always like seven or eight weeks, but I’m always in the gym. My team is great at making sure I’m ready and peaking at fight week.
I’m training in Philadelphia and living in Pittsburgh. There’s great work in Philadelphia and that’s why we’re staying there this time. It’s the perfect place to train for this fight.
There’s never been a champion from Staten Island and that is the goal. I want to become the first from Staten Island.
I’m always happy to be back at Barclays Center. I’m on a great card and I’m ready to breakout and move beyond the prospect label. I’m ready to display my talents against an undefeated guy.
“Сияқты Сәуір 16 I’m going to do what I do best. I really want my hands to do the talking on fight night.
I’m motivated because I came from nothing. I’m hungry to be a world champion, but not just a world champion. I want to be a legend.
We’re mostly training in Staten Island but we’ll go to California to train at The Rock Gym in Carson, Калифорния. We’re going to get some really good work out there.
It’s very important to look good, but I’m not putting any extra pressure on myself. We will look good on Сәуір 16 дегенмен.
This is boxing. This is what it takes. You have to beat guys like this to get to the next level. This has been a long time coming.
I’m blessed to be in the position I’m in. I haven’t made it yet and I won’t tell myself that I did. I can’t let myself get comfortable.
I’m not worried about what my opponent is bringing. I’m just worried about what I bring into the ring.
LOU ДиБелла, ДиБелла сауық Президенті
This is a great show and I’m really proud to be promoting it. These are three real fights with their own terrific storylines.
Rising super star Errol Spence Jr. is as talented of a kid as I’ve seen come on the scene жылы 10 жыл or so. That’s how much talent I believe he has. Бұл, делінген, he hasn’t faced a guy like Chris Algieri. Who is a guy who can do anything in the ring and is a former world champion.
The fact that Errol is stepping up and that Chris is willing to face Errol says a lot about both guys. These are two confident champions. The winner of this fight will make big money very quickly.
Glowacki is coming off a Fight of the Year candidate bout and now he’s going to have to face a man who was a cruiserweight champion himself, in Steve Cunningham.
“Маркус Браун, an undefeated Olympian at light heavyweight, will face a strong undefeated fighter in ‘Hot RodKalajdzic. Marcus is confident in his road to superstardom and hot rod will try to derail that train.
These are three good competitive fights for the fans.
Бретт YORMARK, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Көңіл көтеру
On the heels of a spectacular night in January, we return for another great night at Barclays Center. This will make our 17ші boxing show. We are the home of professional boxing now.
It’s our second PBC on NBC event and I’m thrilled to have Errol and Chris in our ring. We expect a lot of Long Islanders to take the LIRR to Barclays Center.
Marcus Browne has the most fights at Barclays Center. Even though he’s from Staten Island, we consider him an honorary Brooklynite.
Barclays Орталықтың BROOKLYN БОКС ™ бағдарламалау платформа ААП ұсынылған. Қосымша ақпарат алу үшін мен, TwitterPremierBoxing орындаңыз, ErrolSpenceJr, ChrisAlgieri, USSCunningham, @Marcus_Browne, LouDiBella, StarBoxing, NBCSports, Кезінде Facebook бойынша желдеткішBarclaysCenter жәнеSwanson_Comm немесе айналады,, мен Қол жетімді Highlights NBC туралы PBC Corona демеушісі, Finest Сыра.